TITE MORXING OREGOXIAX. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1910. 15 FISH VALUES ARE SECOND N ALASKA Mineral Output From 1880 to 1909,5169,482,625 All Go!dbut'$7,000,000. 1910 OUTPUT DECREASES Shifting of Miner mnd rrosrspctora to Idllarnd District Hinders Op eration at Fairbanks su rer Bow IMMrtct Promlsr). OREGOXIAI? NEWS BUREAT. Wasta Inston. IW. J M!nln continues in !! all othr AUikin lan'ustrtes In the Talu. of It output, ftoh.rles hoMlnsT second pta-. Th progress alone these rwo lines durlnic the past fiscal year la tflcusa4 In the annual repnrt of Oo v ernor Walter E. Clark, made public today. He says: "The nntahle feature of recent min eral development hare been the exten sive proepertlna; for srnid quarts In the Fairbanks district, with .ncourairtna; result: the transition from other forms of placer mining to dredging- In the Seward Peninsula: the besrlnnln- of larye hydraulic operations In the Bn- ntfield country: the stampede of placer miners and prospectors to the Idltarod and the Kuskokwtra: the .nlarerment of cold lode mlntnsr operations near Juneau: the settlement of litigation which has prevented extensive opera tions In itold quarts In the Berners Bay neighborhood: increased Interest In cold quarts In the Susitna Basin and In the dtstrlrt near Vaides: and the preparations for shipping large quanti ties of high-grade copper ore from the Chltna region. "The total value of the mineral prod ucts of Alaska from 1S0 to 190 was $'.43..i. of which all but about f;.oftA.A0 was gold. The publications of the I'ntted States Geological Surrey, which are Intended for general distribution among In terested persons, and a list of which ! given In an appendix accompanying th! report, contains such valuable de tailed Information In regard to the mineral resources of Alaska that only a brief summary of conditions Is re quired herein. "Gold The production of gold In 190 amounted to $:i.sj.ooo. which was larger than In any prior year with the exception of 10. The excitement over mineral discoveries In the Mltarod caused manv operators and miners to leave the Fairbanks district, and for that reason the total production of gold for Alaska may be somewhat smaller this year than It was In 1 90s. Prospex-tlnjr Is Thorough. The discoveries of gold placer In the Idltamd region have been somewhat dis appointing, when It Is considered that several thousand miners and prospectors have rushed to that region within tie Isst year, but the hopeful feature of the situation Is that extensive and diligent prospecting U being carried on. not only on the Iditarod River, but In the whole surrounding region and . In the great basin of the Kuikokwlm. The Interest in gold-quartz propect li the Fairbanks district, wlil.-ij becan e pronounced last year, has Increased still more during the late -open season. None of these prospects has yet become de veloped to a point entitling It to be called a mine, but In several Instances the outlook Is highly encouraging. Nearly all the development work has been car rted on by poor men. having only, a sntall capital, and It Is significant thst In several raaea the quarts has paid the expenses of development f-ora the beginning, exceptionally hl.-h values In the ore making this poaslbli. "The great enlargement of gold-quarts operations In Sliver Bow Basin, a short distance from Juneau, promises much prosperity for that region. After being held bark by litigation for r-any yer. gild-quarts mining is about to be begun on a large scale on Berners Bar, l.l Southeastern Alaska. "Prospects for gold-lode rnintng In the Fusiuia Valley, tributary to Seward, and In the vicinity of Vaides. are excellent, and profitable developments In higb- Silwr-The production of sliver In Alaska ta Incidental to that of gold. The output In 19 was 13t.4 fine ounces. Railroad Aids Copper Mine. Copper Tii continued low market rrlre of copper prevented several nines from resuming operations, hui the build ing of the railroad from Cordova to the hltina region, and Its prospective early opening to traffic, wll. jause a large Increase In copper production. The ores of this region are of exception! v high grade. The rapid building of t.is rail road has caused much prosify, ting for copper, and there Is some prom's, of large developments In the Xoln i and White River regions. The total proauc tlon of copper la Alaska last ca.- was t.lSt.T'w pounds. Tin The output of tin In Itva was small, but prospecting was earned on. and some development work was jione on producing properties. The greatest ac tivity was In the Seward Peninsula field. Stream tin was reported thts dumroer In one of the creeks near Fairbanks. "Coal The principal coal fields of the territory rsmsln Inactive because of the Inability of claimants to secure title. A somewhat extended discussion of the coal-land situation Is presented in another part of this report. -Petroleum There has been no pro duction of petroleum In Alaska, but the ell seepages which occur In several lo calities, notably on Controller Bay. en tourage the belief that profitable de-vel-pment may take place eventually. Some prospecting has been done In the Controller Bay district. "Fisheries Next to mining, the filsh Inr Industry Is the most productive In dustry in the territory. In the calen dar year 190 there were employed In the several branches of the fisheries UiSS persons, of whom i&Zi were na tives. The Investment, exclusive of cash capital, amounted to Ss.sM.ftsl. and the finished product of the Indus try was :1.9Si.:i pounds, having an export value of 111. 151.35. Fishing Season Profitable. The sesson just closed wltl be high ly profitable to the rannerymen owing to the advance In value of all grades of canned salmon. The total pack of the canneries amounted to about I. JTjkOrtr cases of four-dosen one-pound cans each- The business of mild-curing king salmon In Southeastern Alaska Is Increasing rapidly, and the fishermen engaged In this business are receiving remunerative prices for their catch. The hatching of salmon fry con tinues under the direction of the Unit ed States Fish Commissioner and soma' of the canneries. The law provldea a rebate of a portion of the tax on canned salmon to the canneries maintaining private hatcheries, but does not provide for any check en statements as to the number of salmon fry released each yeaa, npon which the rebate depends. This defect la th law should be rem edied either by providing thst the Bu reau of Fisheries, through Its agents. determine the accuracy of the claims of the owners of the private hatcheries as to th number of salmon fry re leased, or by repealing this provision of the law. purchasing the private hatcheries, and turning them over to the bureau to operate. Several new hatcheries should be established by the Government In localities not covered by the present hatcheries. Halibut Owing to the unusually high prices received Isst Winter by the fishermen for their halibut, there will probably be a large Increase In the fish ing fleet next Winter. -Cod The fishing stations In South ern Alaska, as well as the Poget Sound and San Francisco fleets, which fish cod In the wsters of Southern Alaska and In Bering Sea. are meeting with fair Herring This fisK Is at present used In the manufacture of oil and fertilizer, and an old-established oil and fertiliser I factory at Killlsnoo maintains a local population of ;oo whites and natives. Large quantities of herring are also prepared as food and are used as halt In th king salmon and hablbut fish eries. Surrey of Fisheries; Begins. "Whales A plsnt for extracting oil and making fertiliser from whales has been In successful operation at Tyee, Admiralty Island, for the Isst two years. This Alaska fishing Industry, In branches- other thsn thst of canned salmon, which Is already highly devel oped, should be encouraged by every means. Kspeclally should the cod and halibut fisheries bo fostered, giving re munerstlve employment to a large number of men who have little or no capital, but who are fully capable of profitably carrying on these Industries. The United States; Fish Commission an nounced last Spring that the steamer Albatross would soon begin the work of making detailed surveys of halibut and cod fishing banks on the southern and southeastern coast. The fishermen recognise th value of such surveys and are keenly desirous thst the work be begun as early as practicable." NICKELS NET $3,099,771 1.995,424 PASSENGERS PAY ON' CARS IN YEAR. Surplus of Portland Railway, Light & Power Company $887,693 When Report Is Filed. During the year ending June SO, of this year, the Portland Railway, Light A? Power Co. carried (1. 995.4:4 pas senger for revenue. 18.C17.136 on transfer and 2.607,932 free passen ger over Its lines, and paid a total dividend to its stockholders of $650. 000. These figures ere Included In the first report submitted by t le company to this city under the requirements of a law to that effect, the report be ing filed yesterday afternoon with City Auditor Barbur. In a letter accom panying the annual report of the com pany it was stated that a quarterly report for the three months ending September 10 Is being prepared for the use of th city. Th value of all property owned by the company on June 30. Including franchises. Is placed at S41. 136.018.04. The depredation for the year was given st $:s2.1J1.7i. and the surplus on June JO wss IVW.s9j.99. Th operating rev enue for the year was 85,072.050.63, and the operating expenses were 82.440,- 4 . The total stock authorised, and all of which is outstanding. Is 1S0.OOO shares at 1"0 a share, par value, the total par value being 815.000.000. Of this 140.000 shares are common stock, on which a dividend of 4 per cent on the par value, making a total of 8400. 000. was paid. On the 50.000 shares of preferred stock, a dividend of 5 per cent on the par value was paid, amounting to a total of 8250.000. A feature of the revenue of the com pany la the amount received from the city for lighting streets and public buildings. This totaled for the year 8111.049.94. The report show thst during the year there were 88 acci dent to passengers and 79 accident In which passengers were not In volved. The funded debt of the com pany Is placed at 82s.936.000. DAIXY XXTEOKOUsGICAI, REPORT. PORTLAND, Dec - Maximum tempera ture. 51 desrees: minimum. 4? wirt River reading, s A. M.. 10.S feet; chant In last 74 hoars, OS feet rise. Total rainfall f5 r. M. to 5 P. M.). .4 Inches: total rainfall since September 1. 110. 13.412 inches; nor mal rainfall since September 1. 12.47 inches; exrers of rainfall since September 1. 110, 1.13 incbse; possible sunshine. S hours 54 minutes. Barometer 4 reduced to sea level) at S P. M . S9.M Inches. WEATHER CONDITIONS, late moderate disturbance off th Wash ington coast has remained nearly stationary durtns the last 24 hours and storm warn ings have been continued along the west portion of the Htralt of Furs, on Grays Harbor, and at the mouth of the Columbia River. Wtrnlnjl for high southwest winds have also been sent to Marshfleld. It is not expected the storm will be. unusually severe, but it Is necessary for precautionary measures to be taken by staunch vessels and other craft had better remain In port until the storm has subsided. A maximum wind velocity of &1 miles from the south east occurred at the North Hsad station early this morning and the wind was blow ing at the rate of 4g miles an hour at 3 p. M. today. Light to moderately heavy rain has fallen In Western Oregon and Western Washington and light amounts have occurred in a few localities east of th Cascade Mountains. The river at Port land bad reached a stage of 10.7 feet at T p. m. and the rains of today will cause a slight further rise, but not sufficient to be dsmaglng. The Indications are for rain In this dis trict Saturday, except In Houthern Idaho, where it will continue cloudy and threaten ing without much If any precipitation. THE WEATHER. tT if- Wlos I Si Tp" .tations. f rU I e- i O 5 ?p : ? v ; : : : ; Bmse llrtfKotl. ........ f3iry . . r. .. .. . Chiiswo n.nver I-8 Mold Puluth Eureka . Galveston He Una .- J ... ksonvine. ... Kan City. ... Montreal Ntw Orleans... N York North Head.... phoenix Po-TaiellO. ...... Portland ........ Ko-bart ...... lacramnlo. PL LoutS tt. Paul. ....... taJt .-...... an Pt8to Fad Kraocitvco.. frgXektin TaVl-OIUat T&tOtaftA iBlaVIVtl.. Walla Waha,... M aiMnctoiv...., Winnltx-sl . ...... Mnr.hflld fcioki-ou 0.00 4 XWiCloudy U.oo 14 n.oo. 4 O.ou'10 o.oo. o.oo ".Oil 0 . 02 20 tf.OO. 4 T. '10 O.OO. O.OO 12 T. '14 o.oo; 4 0. is 0.72 4S v Klfir N fCloudy w irioudy SR i'loudy tSE jt'loudy s iiSnow s Cloudy E Clear W iPt cloudy NW Clear sr. Icioudy NW'Cloudr w ,ciear XWiciear SE Icioudy S Pt cloudy O.OO. 4 o.oo! 0.4.V 0 o.oo';. m muay rutin Ilala Kaln 0.01, 4 O.OO 8 O.OO 10 0.0.1. X O.OO. 4 O.Oui 4 0.02. 4 0.1J 4 0 o 32 0.01. 4 O.Oo 0.44 1 0. 10 O.OO' 4 ,0!.r SB irioudy SW iCIoudv s w 'rt cloudy SB Cloudy N 'Cloudy SB jKata E Rain SW Rain w Pt cloudy C 'Snow SW j Kaln s Icioudy i 4 FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Rain; southerly winds. Oregoa and Washington Kaln west, rain or anow east portloa; southerly winds, high along th coast. Idaho Rata or snow aeeth. probably fair South portloa. KDWAilD A. BBlUt District Owwoaetar. KIRK IS LIBERATED Accused Slayer Goes Back to Bride of a Week. BAIL OF $10,000 ALLOWED Everett Saloonkeeper Shows Prob able Innocence, Crippling Evi dence of State Wife Makes Gallant Fight for Husband. EVERETT. 1Vash, Pec 2. (Special.) Charles Kirk, who was torn from the arms of his bride of a week. In October, to answer to a charge of murder In the first defrree. for th alleged killing of Charles Montrose at Monroe, will be freed tomorrow, as a result of his wife's ceaseless campaign. Today the defense succeeded in maklnn a showlnir before Juris: W. W. Black that there was reas onable (rround to believe that Kirk may not have been sullty, and he fixed the bond of the accused st 810,000. A bond for this amount will be filed tomorrow by friends of Kirk. In order to secure the bond the de fense was compelled to Isy bare Its rase, and It showed by four witnesses that the presumption of sjullt was not strong". Kmerson G. Miller, a livery man, heard th shot which killed Montross, and his sense of hearing lo cated It north of the saloon In which Kirk was enitaged In business. He looked out and saw Montross stagger toward the door of the saloon and then saw Kirk emerge from a side door and lend assistance to the wounded man. W. O. Dwyer, Thomas Wallace and J. A. Chester were in a room In the same side of the street ss the saloon and they also testified that they believed the shot to have been flrd at a point north of the saloon. The testimony of Miller flatly con tradicts that of a telephone operator, the state's Mar witness, who testified that she saw Montross emerge from the mloon occupied by Kirk Immediately after the Bring of the shot and sew the door slammed after him. Later, she said, be saw Kirk coming out. DISEASES ABOUND IN GUAM Hookworm, Leprosy and Ganzoga Offer Work for Experts. StlATTLr Dec. 1 Among the pas sengers on the steamship Minnesota, which arrived from the Orient today, was 7&ptain B. J. Dorn. TJ. 9. N., re tiring Governor of Guam, who reporta much hookworm In the Island. This disease, with leprosy and ganzoga, affords a large field of work for the American surgeons. Captain Dorn said today: 'Investigation reorntly disclosed that every pupil of a large school maintained by the tovernment ia afflicted with hook worm. With hookworm added to a num ber f other ailments that have afflicted the Uuamites, the medical field in the Island Is extensive. Thirty leper, are Isolated at a Government colony on tbe stand, and severe effects are resulting from a native trouble known as ganzoga. The malady resembles leprosy, and I widespread among the natives." 4japtaln Dorn, upon retiring, turned the station over to LJeutensnt F. B. Freyer. as Commandant and Governor. lieuten ant Freyer Is to be succeeded s per manent Governor by Lieutenant-Commander Galhrnlth, U. 8. N. PORTLeOCD CHAPTER, NO, S. R. A. If. Called convocation this (Saturday) avanlnc- Work In Paat and M. E. desraca. V 111 tin com panions ara invited. A. M. KNAP P. See. OREGON LODGE. NO. 101. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communi cation thla (Saturday, evening at R o'clock. Masonic Temple. Work In F. C. dearie. VUitlnr brethren cordially Invited. By order W. M.. A- J. M A-N UliA., Dec ST. ANDREW'S BOCIBTT OT OREGON Members are requested to attend the funeral of our late member J. C. Cunningham, at Vancouver, Wash., on Sunday morning at 10:10. Members will please leave with the car leaving td and Washington street at I IS A. 11. K. K. BAXTER. Pres. OREGON BURNS CLUB requeat their members to attend funeral services of their late member. James C. Cunningham, fc-rv-Icea to be held Sunday. December 4, 9:30 A. M., in Oddfellows' Hall. Vancouver. Wash. TaKe car za ana wun., 0:30 a. jh. DIED. 6EXTY Funeral services of the late George eaty will be held at Dunning A Mc KtitM'i narlora. 7th and Ankenv streets. today (Saturday) at 1.J0 P. M. Interment Multnomah Cemetery- CUNNINGHAM In Vancouver. Wash., at rtaidence of Clement Scott. December 1. James C. Cunningham, sgs 40, civil en gineer, formerly with S. P. S. R. R., late of E dtnburg h, Scotland. BOGGS December 2, at 173 Btsnton street. Katie Boggs. age 64 years months and 4 days, widow of the late John W. Boggs. Funeral announcement Later. FUNERAL NOTICES. KRIMBEL At residence, 44S Slst St.. North. Dec. X Jacob K rim be I, aged 02 years, father of Mrs. J. J. Harold. Mrs. D. Ray mond. Jacob. Henry, tier t rude, Oorge, Pauline. Clara, Caroline and Anna Krira bel, ail of this city. Deceased was a mem ber of Assembly No. 137 of the United Artlaana. Funeral will take place from the above residence tomorrow (Sunday) pec. 4, at 1:45 P. thenre to St, Pat rick's Church, luth and bavler streets, where services will be held at 2 P. M. Friends and acquaintances axe respect fully Invited to attend. Interment, St. Mary's Cemetery. GRtHAM In this city. December 1. at the residence of bia son. A. S. Graham. ttJtf East V am hill sir tat, Samuel M. Graham, aged 74 years, S months, 28 day a, father of R. P. Graham, of this city. The funeral services will be held at Flnley's chapel at 2 p. M. tomorrow (Sunday) December L Ftlende Invited, Interment Lone Fir Cem etery. THOMPSON At T East 11th street, Dec L Martin Thompson, aged 64 years, 7 months. 6 days. Frtrnds are Invited to view remains at holmtn'i chapel todav (Saturday-. Will be shipped to Shedds. Or.. Sunday evening at 1:30. fETMORE Prlenda and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral service of the late 11 nor Seym ore at Dunning A Mc En tee's parlors. 7th and ALksny streets, today (Saturday) at 2:30 P. M. Interment Rose City Cemetery. WILCOX The funeral services of the late George W. Wlicox will be held at 11 Wit Kast Salmon street at 1 P. M. today (Sat urday). Friends Invited, Interment Rose City Cemetery. OIEBISCH In this city. December 2, at th residence of his brother, Antone Gleblsch. 672 Haiaey street. Joseph Gleblsch, aged 44 years, a months, 2tf days. Funeral ao tice later. CON BETH FLORAL CO. MARWUAM BLDO. FLORAL UtMOAs. fhenea; Main 61Ut A 1102. Drrvnlog M McKatee. Fuaermi DtrecSets, Tib aae. Tnae. l'bone Mala 4X0. Lady ee aUtant. Office of Cecaty Coroaer. "KDWAAO HOLMAN CO., Fvneral Dtree ers. 20 d St. Lady assistant. Phone M. ftL J. F. 1TNLEV A SON. Id aad Msdkea LaAy attesidjwu Phone Maia , A KAST HDg Faaeral Dti-ectocs, eenrsassrt t K. ta. Dunmlng. Inc, K. 61. B 16 A aRitSOX COCDdertakara lady eat. 4D Alder.. M. 4183. A t5. K.KI I.KH-BVKNLA CO.. -Wseral Oil a4 WilUms ts; both pheoee; lady asst. LUU1L CaderteJier. ear. Fast Alder aae 5 THEATER 7th and Taylor St. Phones: Main 1: A lilt TWO PERFORMANCES TODAY. Ppeclal Price Marine. 2:15. IMt Time Tonight MAX nOMAX, In the tVMTiedy- "MARY j4F.'4 Mttintxa. $1 to 20c. Evenings. l-50 to 25c HEILIG THEATE 7th and Taylor rboaes Mala 1 and A 1122. 4 NTGHTS BEOIXNINO TOMORROW, Special Price Matinee Wednesday. Henry W. Savage Offers Th Widely Discussed Drama. "MADAM X" FVentngs. 12 to 26c- Matinee. 81. 80 te 250. BAKFR THEATER "LJ-rVAV - IV KffiHa Devest Ceo. I Baiter, Manage. Main 2 and A sattu. MAT. TODAT TONIGHT S:1S. Sic line. Baker Stock Company In Geo, M. lunana most popular or an , "4S MINI TES FBOM BEOADWAI." Introducing th. rmtrhv uDft "So Lone, . Mary." "Mar I. . iir.nit old Name." etc Evenings. JSc. ISOc. 75c, 8'. Nest week. Opening Tomorrow Mat., "The Barrier." mi Mr1 a i rr Tb-ih -Vli VII .nd Mecrtseo Geo. X- Baker, Manager. Phone Mala 117 and A 4XZ4. MAT. 2:15 TONIGHT LAST TIMB. Th Thrilling Scenic Success. "VIA WIRKLESS." Strong Plot, exciting Incidents. Th wireless in operation a wonderful salvation in time or need. Evening. 25c 50c. 75c. (l; Mats., 25c. 5c. Next Week. Starting Tomorrow, "The Time, the Viae and the tilrir P MATINEE EVERT DAT. THEATER 1S-2WM5I WEEK JiOV. S8. The Cameloen Comedian, Mr Hnnarh 1.1, tfVll.v In "rinders Mar- eelons (.rirrith. Hilda Thomas and Lou Hail in "The Substitute, ' Htanley and flotwn Paul Florae, Kio, pictures. Orchestra. GRAND Week Not. 28, 1910 The Holty Tolty . Mintrrl Htar," HAPPY JACK GARDNER t C O. (Late of Geo. Prim rose's Mliiscrela.) "In a Close call." Hay TfnnnarT Co., The Kills, Beatrice Torner, Rom1". Billy Chase, GBANDASCOPE. Matinee every dar. 2:SO: any seat, lie Evening performances at 7:80 and 9:15; balcony. 15c; lower floor. 25c; box seats. 50a V7eek Commencing Not. 88. SHEPP'8 DOG, POXY AND MONKEY C1BCUS. 6 Other Feature Acts 8 Matinee Pally. Curtain 2:30. T:80. . LYRIC PORTLAND'S FAMILY playhouse: Seventh and Alder Streets. ALL. THIS WEEK Keating & Flood presents The Lyric Musical Comedy Co. in "THK KlX.i OK RIXOfitONO." Two Performances Nightly, Matinees Daily. Next week "Arizona Jack The Greatest Bronco-busting Act in America. UiMCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OF- FIl'K FROM THE FOLLOWING ANSWER (.'HECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PKE KKNTINO YOtTR CHECKS AT THS ORE- CSONIAN OFFICE: A 509. 511. 823. S2T. .142. S43, 547, 650. 515. H 63l, R44. 5.11, BST, B.19. 627, 63S. 54. MJ. B03. S5S. D 033. 034. S35. 537, 538. 548, 549. 550, 5i3. 5SS. 53ft. 561. F .113, 63S. 5-19. 5JT. 559. F 5J'.. 5311. 533. 542. 544. B58. ; .'..-lO. 53S. 540. 6b0. 501. 5S9. H 528. Ss, 531, 535. 38, 550. 554, 554, 537. 5".9. J UK. 6S4. K inr., 53.'. 53l. 537. 549. 550. (54, 55T, 581. J. 02. f.33. S.'.'i 503. f58. M .Ml, 533. (3D, 543. 511, 513. N ."CI, 544. 545, 547. 549. (54. 555, 559, 504 O 502. 53T. S39. 544. 548. 66 S, 6.19. 501 P 623. 530. (40. 651. 6oX 550. 500. 502, 688. R T.34. C35. 542. 534. r 4X2. 53 53. 644. 60. tn. T 3o4. 5.11. 642. 543. 549. 650. 504. BOB. V 335. 63iS. 645. 640. 549. 502. 504. ' s;7. 533. 137. 538. 639, 640. 547. 548. 54'J. 537. 502. 514. X 510. 543. 347. XX29. Y 349. 333. 635, 630. 638. 541. 549. C54. (3U. 533. AH .'.IT. 57. 641, 545, 548. 548. 555 Al 4.1. 5"1. 5"9. 517, 518. 628. 532, 546, 54S. 531. S37. 54. AD 334. 03S. 545. 54T. 549. 631. 853. 65. 555. 350. .'.38. 500. 501. 603. 677. AE 322. 523. 530. 532, 537. 538, 6S9, 649. 351. 568. .159. 4125. AF 522. 547. 638. AJ 5:. 631. 641. 548. 654. 658. 538. 663. AH 541. 542. 3.14. 550. 53. AJ 547. 6"3. 554. 53W. 501. 502. 60S. 599. AK 468. 479. 511. 538. 550. 634. 655. 560. sue. AL 512. 513. 530, 588. 587, 648, 540. (47, .132. 55. St. AM 44. (32. 633. 589. 54T. 664. 650. 559. 603. 664. 849. AN 465. 493. 487. 488. 489. B32, 840, B64. 537. 658. 659. 580. 503. 560. If above answers ar not callM (or within six days same will be destroyed. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY orfr'lCE. CITY RAIX MAIM SOS. A IBS. BXklAM orriCKH. KASTT 4TT JS'EW TODAT. SSn,00O, TERMS NEW APARTMENTS Leased (or 6 years; Nob HUI district. ELEGANT BUT ru i miT o HERLOW W 3S3 Chamber of Commerce. 1600 ACRES On main line of Southern Pacific, all improved. This is a very fine tract of land; 200 acres of bottom, balance very rich upland. Xothing better in the state. Easy terms. Price $35.00. George Northrup & Co. 411 Spalding Building, City. Phone Marshall 3066. $6500 100x100, on Willamette Hts., by own er. The most sightly and best corner on th. hill: both street, paved; eras, water and sewer connection. Call or address 610 Lnmbnarsi Bids;. Nob Hill $1000 below the market, well built, 8-room bouse offered. Lot valued at 83500, house $4500. This rs a good offer and requires $3500 cash to baudl. it. MERCHANTS AVIKOS 41 TRCST COMFAJTY. HEILIG 1iPNet MEW TODAT. AUCTION SALE QUARTER BLOCK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thst the un derslimed. ss President of ARLINGTON BUILDING ASSOCIATION. In pursuance of resolution of the directors or said corpora- linn will on WerineariAV. the 7th d&T of De cember. 1910. at 2 o'clock P. at., at the front door of the bulldlns upon the premises here in described, sell at auction to the highest and best bidder for cash the quarter block situated on the northwest corner of Alder and West Park Streets, more particularly described as Lots three and four, in Block two hundred and sixteen, in the CUy of Portland. Orefon. together wltB me ' mua tnss thereon. TERMS OF SALE. A certified check In the sura of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) drswn upon a Portland bank, payable to the order of the Arlington Bulldlns Association, must he deposited with the undersigned at the time of sale, the balance of the purchase price to be paid In cash upon the tender of a deed of bargain and sale. Abstract of title will be furnished to the purchaser, who will be allowed five 13) days wtmin wmcn xo examine ana aywuv "tie. , Should the purchaser fall to pay the bal ance of the purchase price after the expira tion of the period allowed to examine the abstract of title, the certified check deposit ed with the President will be Tetained by the Association as liquidated damages, but the purchaser will not be compelled to com plete bis purcoase. Dated at Portland. Oregon. November IT. 1910. R. T. COX. President Arlington Building Association- Laurelhurst "Buy From Owner . 8-ROOM HOUSE. About finished In l.aurlhurst, on fln ele vation, facing aouth, at Junction of Hawaii and Peerless etreeta. 1 block from ear. Hap fin hall with aeat an cloakroom, fireplace, built-in mantel with mirror, beamed ceiling In dining-room, also extra tine mmet, ven eered paneling, hardwood floora, full cement hftsemtpnt n-nrl concrete floor: larire attic. fine modern bath, with laundry and dust chutes; street improvemtaiita ana si now ik. complete; lot graHed. and lawn growing. Dutch Kitchen and Pantry A beautiful house, with all modern con veniences. Including & sleeping porch, front and rear stairs, etc For a few days, until faJriv finished, this fTOOO property Is offered at $5 COO, If half cash is paid. Also have a 9-room house with the same bigh-claas finish. In Rose City Park. East 47th, on good elevation, facing oast, near C A- HOY 114 EAST 28TH. Phone East 2533 or B 2846. Take S3 oar to East 28th. go north tw. blocks. Th. one BEST place In Portland to bny. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTEX o4 MOST DESIRABLE residence property of th. city. SEEING 18 BELIE VINO BETTE3 go and see the many CHOICE resl oencea under construction sod in. Im provements sTOlHaT on. The Crep Real Estate Company CRAXD AVE. AP MULTNOMAH : T. Two Choice Buys In West Side Income property. 17000 four riats bringing 7 per cent on siu.uuu; $14,850 property In a 'beautiful district, bringing good and steady revenue. Property cannot be duplicated for less than 118.000. M. E. LEE, 411 Corbett BIdg. 914,500. Choice business property on Williams avenue, close to Russell street; income $105 per month; terms. LACEY fc SCHXES5ER. Aio. 519 Willi sun a sve. REAL ESTATE DEAJLEB3. Beck. 'William G.. 812 Fall Inc bids;. Birr 11. A. H Co.. 202.-S McKay bid. Baal estate. Insurance, mortsrairea, loans, ettv Bra baiter A Benedict, 002 MoKsj bids- 043. C ha Din r Herlow, $32 Chamber Corn meres. Cook. B. B. Co 90S Corbett bids. Jenninss ft Co., Vain l&S. 206 OrssonlaUk PALMER-JONES CO B. P 2U Ooeaiaisr' olai Club bids. Bcr.alk. Goo. 228 Stark st. Mala 2302. Tlis Ore r on Real Estate Co., Grand aTa. aa4 Multnomah, st. fUolladav Addition.. If. . Tbompson Co.. cor. 4th and Oak eta REAL ESTATE. For Bale- Lots, BELMONT STREET. Lot tn this nne street near 20th; hard surface street and all other Improvements In ad paid; price $1650. terms. SA-NOY road. 50x100, on &andy road, west of 29th at.; double-track car on this street and a sure profit-maker; price $2i00. easy terms. EAST FINE STREET. 60x100, near 24th; all improvements In and paid; lot leveled off ready to build; 41500, 4350 cash, balance easy terms. E. R. MARK-HAM. 20B Gerllnger Bldg. Main 8430 THREE LOTS for 11050; worth $1700. Go and see them, I7tn ana Emerson, vernon, block 6. Don't forget to take this, as it la a snap. I am going to Alaska; must sell before I go. See me. Richard Con way, 204 Morrison, corner Front. Decem ber IS. 1. 20. Bl(i SACRIFICE Because I tried to carry too much, x am ODiigea to let go two nne view lots, each COxloO, near one of city's most attractive parks. In restricted addi tion, with ail Improvements In; willing to grve most of my equity of J 750. P f.63. Oregonlan. . HAWTHORNE LOT. J850. The biggest lot bargain in the locality; 40x100 lot. one block aouth of Hawthorne ave.. for $850. Terms, $50 down and $10 monthly; you will take a big profit before you pay much on It; bridge will soon be open. Mr. Wallace. Phone Marshall 2753. irvington'bnap. A fine lot, KkxlOO, east front, on East 8th. near Stanton.' handy to Union ave. car; price for quick sale, $1400, $360 casn and $20 per month. GRCS3I A ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. YOU can buy a lot near Kose City fax Cor $4o; grmuea streets, cement siae walks and curbs. Bull Run water, elec tricity, telephone, building restrictions. Provident In v. & True toe Co U4-o2 Board of Trade bldg. CANNON BEACH LOTS- " "We have several choice lots st a snap that parties have been delinquent on their contracts: will sell same for balance due and interest; terms cash. Call Immediately. 171 THIRD ST. CHOICE IRVINGTON LOT. Below market value cheap. Below market vaiue cheap. Below market value Owner. AE 565. Oregonlan. TWO lots, centrally located, first addition to Laureinursc; cusn, nupi unmcn is an in, cluster street lights, two carl in es; $1050 each if taken before Dec 15. Owner, D Oregonlan. 75x100 BEAUTIFULLY situated, all im provements in anu uj t uuuuea oy pala tial homes; best part of Irving-ton. If you want to buy, call 304 McKay bldg. FOR SALE By owner, high, sightly lot in Terrace far, tivv oeiow misvraei price; cash $100, balance terms. AG 661. Ore- gonlan. m PORTLAND HEIGHTS' CHOICEST The most magnificent view lot on tbe Heights without any exception. Main 8551; A 8S3Q. PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY. Homes, lota, quarter Mocks, tracts and acreage; all parts of heights, all views and nrlcea. some bargains. Main 3551, A 3S39. SOME fine building sites of several lots w In nn rvtA OS.. ')&K ..n feWU. tlWJS-w sta we. Bww wv., W- 'M M, on very eaay terms. M. E. Lee. 411 Cor- FOR SALE, corner lot, 8450, cor. 16th and s1ag- FOR SALE by owner, three choice lots Rosa City Jrara aiBinci, r a DBrjjairj. tu Si.v Board of Trade. Phone Marshall 88. BY owner, two choice lots, close In. four blocks irom nawiuuiiio bvd., cjzeap, must sell. A lfil5 after 3 P. M. S23B LARGE bntlding lots. 50x121, ciose to ooa cariina, wu, uanuigtj mmnu. . E- Lea, LL Corbett bid. Holladays Addition REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. SUBMITTED FOR AN OFFER, 100x100 Alameda, Belle Crest $ 1.S60 BOx 100 E. 20th. N., near Stanton 1.400 100x100 57th. North of Sandy Road l.00 $0x100 E. Franklyn... L700 40x128 Elliott avenue 2.500 17x100 E. Burnside street ?.00 89x75 Killlngsworth ave .0OO 100x100 Williams and Sumner 4.300 100x100 East Stark 7.000 100x100 Shaver and' Montana T.SOO $SSx220 Montelth and Van Houten 12,000 MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRUST COMPANY For Sale Houses. HOMES. . ALBINA. 4.80a 6-room house on lot $0x100 feet, 1 block from Russell st. and with in S blocks of Willlsms ave. CENTRAL EAST SIDE. $ s.000 S-room house, on corner lot, $0x 100 feet, on E. 16th St., close talking distance; 1 block from car. - - IRVINGTON. $ T.0O0 New and thoroughly modern T room house with handsome finish and fixtures; on paved street and carllne. m IRVINGTON. $ T, 500 New. modem and complete home in best portion of Irvington; not built to sell: owner leaving city and will sacrifice. IRVINGTON. $1.000 T rooms, new and strictly modern, With hardwood floors, faces east, 1 block from car and surrounded by One homes. SUNN YSIDHt $ $.000 1 0-room modern house on cor ner lot BOxlOO feet on E. 29th and Belmont sts. ; will bring a good income and Is future busi ness property. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. $ 8,500 An attractive 8-room modern house, with view of mountains, river and city; large verandas and sleeping porch; garage; on paved street; 1 block from carllne. NOB HILL. $ 1,500 8 rooms, modern, beautiful sur roundings, faces east on 24th st. , in the center of tbe most exclu sive West Side residence district; 4 bedrooms on 2d floor and ser vant's room finished In attic; this le a bargain at the price. HEIGHTS HOME. $18,000 Beautiful 8-room home on Melln da - ave., with unexcelled view which cannot be cut olT; inter ior of tho best finish and most attractive arrangement; large grounds; garage; on paved street. For sale at $18,000. IRVINGTON. $25,000 A very fine residence with beau tiful grounds consisting of six full lots; near carllne and in the heart of Irvington. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 112-218 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones: Main 8699, A 2653 FINE HOUSE. $300 CASH. Brand new 7-room modern house, gas and electric piped for furnace, full bas ment, cement floor, wash trays, 4 bed rooms, prjnel dining-room, china closet ; streets Improved, cement sidewalk, on E. 13th and Frederick sts., handy to two carllnes; price $8600. $300 cash and $-15 per month. 6 per cent. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. BUY NOW. ROSE CITY PARK. EASY TERMS. 7 rooms, 50x100 lot; improvements In and paid; Berlin buffet and bookcases, solid oak floor, baths, furnace, fireplaces, laundry trays, mirror door, etc.; terms $300 down, baL $25 per month. National Realty & Trust Co., 826 Wash, et., room 610- 6-ROOM house, partly completed, requires only $160 worth material make property worth $4000; will sell or exchange; price $2800 as it stands; lot 50x125; on Stan ton St., close to Union and Russel st. F. T. Berry, 4 North 6th, Phone A $183. I WILL build you a bungalow or house to suit; small cash pay ment, balance easy terms. Call Mr. Guthrie. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 85 Fourth St.. Board of Trade. CENTRAL EAST SIDE. 8-room one-story house on E. 18th st., comer lot, 50x100 feet, close walking dis tance, 1 block to car. At small expense this can be altered into flats. For sale at 85000. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones. Main S699. A 2653. PIEDMONT HOME, $10,000. New and modern; best of construction and handsomely finished ; on corner lot In best portion of Piedmont; paved street; on carllne ; over lot and one-half of ground ; price $10,000. grou h p pLMER-JONES CO. 312-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones: Main S699, A 2653. GREAT BARGAIN; THINK. $lfl50. Modern. 5-room bungalow. just fin ished on E. Flanders St., number 1552; lot is worth $900 alone and the bungalow cost $1350 to build; all improvements in and paid for; owner very hard pressed for money; $450 cash, balance time; 1 block from MontaviUa car. David Lewis, room 2 Lumbermens bldg., 6th and Stark sts. HAWTHORNE AVENUE. 5-room bungalow, just completed, mod hntpmcnt. cement floor, tinted walls, connected with sewer. large lot 56 XlUU, aw; ieci iwim iianuius ' price $3000. terms, only $200 down. Bru baker & Benedict. 502 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark sts. C-i-sUBCs 111 x XX Jiia-. a kj. . a-n f 1 va.rnnm bunaalow. bath, flre- ronshniinr Dutch kitchen. 50x100 rnsi from WR car. about 15 minutes out over Madison bridge. $150 down, baianoa easy muuiuiy v Price $3000. 418 Railway Exchange. M arahall 2753. WEST SIDE HOUSE. TiT-anl new 6-room house, lust finished, has all modern conveniences, on Improved street and close In, South Portland, tbe nrlce is low ana easy wruw. price . aRUggI & ZADOW. 31 T Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. Dandy lot. W'averleiga Heights, near 26th st- cement walks, graded streets, etc.. paid; price $700, $150 down, balance $10 ner month; a snap. E- R. MARKHAM. 205 Gerllnger Bldg. Main 8430. Before you buy or sell SEE DETSCH 8c WITWER, Specialists in Real Estate For tbe man of moderate means. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Real Estate. Rentals. Insurance. A SNAP. Northwest corner of 17th and East Mor rison sts., with 8-room modern house at less than actual value; also 100x100 southwest cor. of East 8th and Oak. Room 431-2 Lumber lSxch an go bldg., city. 8-ROOM SNAP. Fine new 8-room bungalow, electric lights, nice fireplace, 50x100 lot, nice lawn and roses. 1 blocks from Alberta car line owner on farm must sell; $$200; $1000 cash. Phone Wood lawn 1130. " $50 CASH BUYS B rooms, large lot, 75x110 feet, one block from carllne; more ground next to this i .mi. nrsfor at 3 nr lrt nriA. down $15" month. National Realty & Trust Co.. 826 H Washington St., room 516. TRVINGTO.N see mm wtjn vu'isiruciea, new home, hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, attractive surroundings; will consider lot part trade. Information gladly given, phone East 804. SWELL six-room new bungalow ; shades, fixtures, beamed ceiling, concrete base ment, walks, paved streets, near cars; navments easy; bargain, Taylor M 2362. W oqqibvu j.-.". 6-room cottage, Front and Hamilton; lot JilfcxllO. improvements in and paid, including hard-surface pavement. Fred W. German.' 329 Burnside. Main 3776, " LOTS CHEAP. 3 nice lots, cor, 86x100, In South Port land, near new ball ground; price only 11700: terms to suit. See ti AiOT.lKn A HO.. 101 etri Cf XI, " T NEW modern bungalow, 5 rooms, full . cement basement, laundry trays, cement walks all in; price $2850; 2 blocks from Union ave: terms. Phone C 2429. FOR SALE by owner. In Sellwood. 4-room house; basement, hall, pantry; $1400, $800 cash, rest easy terms. . Inquire 671 Spo kane ave., Sellwood. 50x100 WITH modern 6-room bungalow, on 42d and Hawthorne ave., southwest cor ner; price $4250. David Lewis, room 2 LumDermena mu... "-" nx i ay. MY 10-room home, furnished with 200x140 feet of ground, including corner; reason able terms. Inquire owner. Tabor 2442, B 1784. FOR SALE By owner, a new 6-room bun talow. 1 block south of Hawthorne ave.. At 47th st. For particulars call 167 llta mt. 8. Hems. BEAUTIFUL large lot at Elm hurst. 71x100; you can buy this cheap and double your money in Spring. A 8848. fi ROOM S. NEW. $ 1800. Bath, pantry, porches, eaay terms. Box 36L Arleta. Phone Tabor 2009. 8 LOTS. 2-ROOM SHACK. $750. lZUXlatd Li car iiiuwim uii um Raiu. ?red W. German. M 2778. 329 Burnside. 6-ROOM furnished house, lots, bargain $2500. Phone Tabor 351. . REAL ESTATE. For CHUe -Hon ROSE CITY PARK HOME. New and modern bungalow on Broad way st.. near E. 35th; 6 largo rooms, beamed ceiling, fireplace, built-in book cases, sewiug-room, large closets, full ce ment basement, furnace, laundry trayj; price MS 00. terms, $1000 cash and $40 per month. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Pldg. Phones. Main Srt9. A 2S3. Butanes properly. WOULD you Invest $9500 in West Side in come property that brought you 13 per cent on your money? Long secured lesse; Insurance paid years ahead; house In prime condition in every way; modern, ana good, steady money-maker. Owner, Woodlawn RS. No agents. THfiJ Second Baptist Church property, Esst 7th and Ankeny streets, is for sale; a good church building for years or good apartment site. Price 15.500. JOS. C. GIBSON. 305 Gerllnger Bldg. SNAP $25O0; flat site near Russell and Mississippi avenues. Owner, 310 Lumber Exchange. Acreage. UMPQUA VALLEY. For sale. 1280 acres of land. 8 miles from Roseburg. Or.; about 400 acres ready for plow, all river bottom: this land so near large city (county seat) with such large demand for small tracts, must go up and will double in value by next year; is good for fruit, alfalfa, garden or poul try; this Is the coming country, keep your eye on it. Have other bargains from 100 to 4000 acres. Hanslmalr, 3-6 Washing ton st.. room 518. FORTUNE IN FAIRYLAND FOR A SONG. Florida everglade lands. absolutely richest soil on earth and in most delight ful climate; in 10-acre tracts for $500. $10 per month ; Government canals building will reclaim in few months. Increasing value to $500 to $1000 per acre; location only 15 miles from magio city of Miami, Fla. For full particulars address J. M. Grayblll. 522 Corbett bldg.. Portland. Or. 22 ACRES. Six miles from City Hall, on West Side, all In cultivation, with house and barn, on 8 roads and only y mile from two car lines; half cash, balance 5 years, 6 per cent, A- J- OANTNER, 406 Henry Bldg.. Fourth and Oak Sts. MOS1ER 3 MILES. 40 acres, o1 miles from Mesler, unim proved chol'-e apple land, business of owner Is in Portland and he will exchange this choice tract for Portland property at ensh value or will sell for cash; price $2000. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. 10 ACRES. The very best soil, level, no stones; 10 miles from Courthouse, Portland, 4 miles from Lects; 4 acres in cultivation, of which 3 orchard, balance almost clear; $145 per acre. Apply to owner, A. Schmidt, bunnyside, Clackamas. 18 ACRES, close to Portland and station, first-class soil, fenced on 3 sides, suit able for garden, fruit and chicken ranch. IX you want it at the price of $150 aa acre, act at once as it will not last long.. KINNEY ft 6TAMPHER. 631-2 Lumber Exchange Bldg. LAKE COUNTY INVESTMENT. 160 acres of agricultural land tn Sum mer Lake Valley, crops never fail; price only $7.60 per acre; eaay terms, or would exchange for lot in Portland. FRED C. KING, 814 Spalding bldg.. 3d and Washington. 10 ACRES commercial apple orchard, ad joining tho town of Newberg; nothing better In the state; for sale or exchange for Portland property. See owner, 622 Chamber of Commerce, fld and Stark, sts.. Portland, Or. BY OWNER 4 acres, well Improved, set in fruit, new 8-room modern house. 5c car fare, 20 minutes from city by car; telephone and electric lights; a bargain for someone. AK 5ft6. Oregonlan. $165 DOWN and balance easy terms will handle 10 acres on electric line close to Portland ; one crop will pay for entire tract. 405 Couch bldg. 6 ACRES 1 mile from Hilleboro; fruit or vegetable land, in cultivation ; $1250 or my equity of $J00. F 553, Oregonlan. A SNAP 40 acres of truck farming land In Florida with improvements for $700 cash. T. Atkinson. 784 Roosevelt st.. city. Homeatea . ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of the 84 counties is best adapted for; gives amount of Government lsnd open to home stead in each county; map attached. 2lx 28. showing new R. R. and towns, includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon; counties In different colors; drawn to March 1 1910; latest map In U. S.; price 25c. Nimmo & Runey. 313 Hamilton bldg. HOMESTEADS, timber claims, relinquish ments. Pioneer Locating Co:, 611 Swet- lanq oiag., rorimua, kji. For Salts Fruit Lands. FRUIT LAND SNAP. 80 acres, mile from growing town of Husum, on White Salmon River, WusU-; must be sold at once, will sell In four tracts; the soil is volcanic ash and shot clay of great depth and fertility and free from stone or gravel; 15 acres ready for cultivation, 25 acres nearly cleared. o0 acres timber, lies ideal with plenty of spring waier; new bungalow nearly com pleted; price $-50 per acre, easy termi. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. BRITISH COLUMBIA FRUIT LAND Carlln orchards, upper Ofcanagan; ideal location, fertile soil, no irrigation required, beauti ful climate, railway through property, spe cial inducement to settlers, $110 to $145 per acre, three-year payments, exceptional opportunity. Write for Illustrated pamph let "B 4." Rogers. Black & Mc Alpine. Van couver. British Columbia. 10, 16, 20-ACRE tracts near Portland; finest fruit land and chicken ranches, close to railroad station; good roads; other farms near by; $17.60 to $50 per acre, part cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. M'FARLAND INVESTMENT CO., 310 Corbett Btdg.. Portland. "GLORIOUS KOOTENAY." BRITISH CO LUMBIA No irrigating; choicest fm!t land $80 per acre, flve-year terms, no interest- free booklet "V." Investors' Truitr & Mortgage Corporation, Ltd., 134 Hast ings st., W., Vancouver. B. C. FRUIT LAND. 820 acres, fine fruit land, near River side. Okanogan County, Washington; big 'OREGON HOMESEEKERS CO.. Ji; ugene. ureguu. $350 BUYS 10-acre orchard tract, beat red shot" soil, all tillable, only 35 miles from Portland ; investigate this before paying fancy prices elsewhere. A. C Palmer, 109 4th st. GOLDEN DALE SIMCOE FRUIT LANDS. 10 ACRES. $500; ONLY $100 cash, balance $10 month. Geo. S. Cased y Co., lobby Commercial Club bldg. " For Sal Faxxus SUCCESSFUL FRUITDALB IS THE PLACE FOR YOU. Land In this established Gulf Coast Colony Is the best Investment now being offered in the entire South ; good land, not white sand; no negroes; fine markets; hlg profit country; not a new thing, but established for 18 years and success proven; healt ful climate and beautiful Winters; water pure rainfall ample, no irrigation re quired; 5 per month buys a farm In this district, where 10 acres can be made to produce $5000 a year; price low now and makes splendid investment, as land la rapidly increasing in value; nothing ex actly like it anywhere; send for our big book of panorama vlewa Agents wanted. FRUITDALE DEVELOPMENT CO. , $74, 428 Chestnut St., St. Louis, Mo, RAILWAY LANDS. The Canadian Pacific Railway sell their wheat lands in Alberta on the very easy terms of one-tenth cash and the balance in nine equal annual payments with inter est at 6 per cent; they have proven a very profitable investment; illustrated llerature may be obtained regarding these lands free by applying to IDE-M' CARTHT LAND COMPANY, r Exclusive Sales Agents, 425 Lumbermens Bldg. FOR SALE Fine Eastern Oregon wheat farm of 1008 acres, about 850 acres in cultivation; good buildings and water; only 4 miles to railroad and H mile to school; price $25 per acre, on easy terms from the owner. T. H. Littlehales, For est Grove. Or. FOR aSALE Fine Eastern Oregon wheat farm of 829 acres; fine level land, all lu wheat; only 4 miles to railroad and mile to school; $25 per acre, on easy terms from the owner direct. T. H. Lit tlehales, Forest Grove, Or. WILL sell or trade cn easy terms my 160 acres choice farming land in Eastern Oregon; a snap; write today. Del Monte, 167 Stout St., room 3, Portland, Or. Mlscell&neoo. IF TOU ARE LOOKING FOR Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small well-improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see ma I handle my own properties. J. O. ELROD, 620 Corbett Bids. FARMS WANTED. FARM property wanted; only exclusive contract for quick sale considered ; we have the buyer. If you want to sell, see or write us. Hall e Atchison, 218 Ger llnger bldg., 2d and Alder. ' ABOUT 12 acres near carllne or railroad with no use ana earn, -jlu . - sjoniaji. 1