13 Demonstration of Mechanical Toys and Radiopticans on the 4tH Floor Cheshire $3 Hats for Men Boys' Hercules Suits Agents Nemo Corsets, Royal Worcester- Bon Ton, Mme. Helene, Marquise, Marietta, Warner, Redfern, Rene'o Belt Corsets GREATER VilVUlvSo VV LMR H, Ji JiiKCAii il TTTE 3IOKXIXG OREGOXTAX. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1910. ? IMini Store Tpdlay's Satordlay Sluoppiin BualleHio Evening Concert 73Q-9i3Q Ruzzi and His Famous Band lOOO Pairs Men's Gloves $2.5Q Values at Only 95c Today will be a day of rare opportunities. One thousand pairs of Men's Kid Gloves in tan and gray, cable or pique stitched; all sizes in the lot. Get him a pair for Christmas. They are qj Just what he wants. Actual $1.50 to $2.50 values, special OC 600 Pr. Men's Shoes $8 Values for $5.95 4i !f r t. For today, main floor, 6QO pairs Banntiter's bench made Shoes The highest grade, most sKillftilly made. Patent leathers, calf, colt, vici Rid and gtinmetals In blucher, button and lace bal. styles, double soles Actual S8 shoes for particu lar fellows At J QtZ special price, pr. J 3 Women's $7 Shoes $2.39 $2 Xmas Slippers at $1.39 Broken lines and famples of women 'i Shoes. The broken line are from our regular stork. AH sizes in the lot and every wanted style to choose from. Our best regular $JjiO to $7.00 CO OQ values, on special sale, pair V"-"J-' Christmas Slippers. Those very popular far-trimmed Felts, so warm and such at' tractive gifts. She won't buy any until after Christmas, because she expects a pair. Actual $2.00 values, on djl OQ special sale at only, the pair SvOZ 9 Overcoats $25 Val. $13.75 For today, in the men's clothing s tore, main floor, a sale of 3QO Overcoats All this season's best styles, comprising those with the Presto" and military collars and the comfortable regulation collar Al 1 cu t 5Q to 52 inches long with full shirts, waterproof raincoats and street coats Grays, browns and fancy mixtures Sizes 34 to 44 Our best regular g2Q t? "I ry "7 Z and 525 values special piO ID 15.000 Yards Ribbon Regular fit Harvard YSj;. $LOO Quality Today, Yard 47c For today, Main Floor 15,000 yards of 4 to 6-inch Fancy Rib bons, especially desirable for the holidays. Every kind, every style, every color. Very unusual values at $1.00 a yard. Specially marked for today's selling at this low price 47c $1 Sheet Pictures Special at 68c 5Qc Pictures Special at 25c Each A hut-vest for economies rift-seekers. I'opular Shoot Pictures, the Skull Series, the Fireside Serifs, the Hoach Girls, the Summer Cirl, all colored in soft, rich tints. Actual $1.00 values. verv?0 special at low price of only, each "Oi Reproductions of famons paintings, snch as Children of the Shell, Jby Murillo; Ma donna, by Sichel; The Shepherd, by Mauve; Dance of Orpheus, by Corot. Ail are reasonably priced at 50c each. OC Very special for this sale at only 'C Women's $3 Scarfs $1.98 $1.25 Xmas Nechwear 69c 1000 Dainty Evening Scarfs, hemstitched effects, in a large seleo- m gr tionofhoice patterns ; all wanted shades; regular $3.00 values JQ 100 dozen Fancy Neckwear, pnt up to separate boxes for the noli- f days ; an immense showing of values to $1.25 ; specially priced at, each QjC lOOO Free Samples of Famous Hudnut's Cold Cream Get One By special arrangement with the Richard Hudnut Company, all visitors to our special diplay booth in the toilet poods section will be presented with a generous trial sample of Hudnut' Marvelous Cold Cream. Don't forget to prooure one of these samples. Jewelry Engraving Pelt Pins. Collar Tins, etc. Silver and gold effects in many new and attractive de signs for holiday gifts. Engraved with name, initial or monogram, absolutely FREE $2.75 Hot Water Bottle for gl.19 Today, drne sundry store, main floor, 3-quart Seamless Uot Water Bottles, 1 Q heavy red rubber, "vulcanised edges, warranted 2 years; 175 values only P1..X7 Buy Red Cross Stamps for Your Christmas Packages at Booth Main Fl. Today the booth will be in charge of Mrs. Jos. N. Teal, Mrs. Gustave Simon, Mrs. "W. B. Fechheimer. Buy a few and help the good cause along. Sale 2000 Blackboards Reg'. $1.5Q Values Only 98c Today, in the Toy Store, fourth floor, Children's Easel Black boards, patent roller with patterns for drawing and lettering. also map of the United States; an interesting and instruc tive $1.50 toy; on sale today at this very low price, each 98c Reg'. 75c Toy Trains Now for 48c Reg. $1.25 Toy Trains Only 89c A lot of Automatic Trains engine, tender and passenger coach, complete with tracks. Key-winder. Our regular 75c val- A Qf ues, on special sale at this price "O Mechanical Train, with triple-expansion engine, tender and passenger coach. Com plete with track; key-winder. A OQ good, heavy $1.25 value, special at 5000 Men's Shirts $2.50 Values for $1.19 For today, 5QOO Men's SHirts. all popular styles taKen from our regular stocK The very popular Eagle and Savoy brands made of such good fabrics as Rus sian Cords, French Madras, Percales, Oxfords. Im- ported Ginghams, etc. They come in Plaited or plain bosoms Coat styles Regular values to $2.5Q each Special for this sale at, each $1.19 5000 Dolls to Be Givers. Away Free WITH PURCHASES OF f 1 OB OVER, IN" THE BASEMENT TJNDEBPBICE STORE Don't miss this opportunity to secure a handsome Christmas gift for the little one, Positively given only in the Basement "Underprice Store," where you will find thou sands of great bargains for today's special selling. Don't fail to take advantage, Reg. $1.35 Smoking Sets for 49c Reg. $2.5Q Manicure Sets $1.89 Smokers' Sets, genuine French stag, holds cigars, matches and ashes; neat metal- In the Christmas Bazaar today we of fer fancy Celluloid Manicure Sets in white, pink and light blue colors; aeven pieces trimmed tray; regular $1.35 values, AQn nail file, scissors, buttonhook, buffer, two special for today only at, the set ""v salve boxes and cuticle knife, all in a neat COAT HANGER SET, packed in a neat container, lined with white 1 QQ leather case; finest quality nickel-plated sateen. Regular $2.50 values pi.Oi7 hangers; fold up small; $2.50 vaL $1.73 25c Playing Cards 2 Packages 25c Reg. 5Qc Playing Cards Now 25c Good quality 25c Enameled Cards, red or blue backB, 2 packs for only 25 Fine Enameled 25o Hawk Playing Cards, specially priced at, the pack 15 50c Gold Edge Playing Cards, in telescope case, on Bale at this low price 25 50c Portland and Colombia River Scene Playing Cards, during this sale 36 25,000 Men's Ties Regular 5Qc, 75c and gl.OO Values for 23c Today in the Men's Store we will repeat this sensational sale of Men's Four-in-Hand Ties, wide end or French fold styles, also he narrow tie for the close-fitting collars. In this big lot you will find ties to meet your every want for present use or for Christmas presents. Floral, striped and plain colors. Actual 60c, 75c, $1 values at 23c 3QOO Silk Petticoats $12.50 Values for $6.95 Each $10.00 Values for $4.95 Each The ideal Christmas gift for any woman is a Silk Petticoat. And no woman ever had an oversupply. A line of high-grade, rich, lustrous Taffeta Silk Petticoats in black and all qj wanted colors; vals. to $12.50 are offered at this price pOvO ANOTHER LOT of fine quality Silk Petticoats, cut full, with deep flounces, trimmed in bands and tucks; values to qj $10.00, specially priced for this sale at this low figure P frQ OUR OWN FAMOUS VICTORIA CHOCOLATES AT 65c POUND 59c Santa Clans 2t3Q to 5 P. M. In Toy land Fourth Floor 5QO Boxes HandRerchiefs 9Qc Values, the Box 59c Men's Crossbar Linen Finish Cambric Handkerchiefs, put up in attractive Christmas boxes, half dozen to the box; excellent values, which sell without the box at 15c each. You can get him the whole box of 6 Xmas 'Kerchiefs for the low price 5Q Dozen Rid Gloves Reg'. $1.5Q Values 95c Today, in the Glove Store, on the main floor, Misses' High-Grade Kid Gloves, 2-clasp over seams, tan, brown, white and red colors; our regular $1.50 values. Also Women's Tan Cape Gloves, in all sizes; excellent $1.25 val ues for street wear; special to gift seekers at this very low price, pair 95c WOMEN'S Velvet Finish Mocha Gloves, black or gray colors; the best fitting and most durable glove for street wear; regular $1.50 values, pair $1.12 Reg. 34.5Q Handbag's Now $2.98 Reg'. S3.QO Collar Bag's for $1.98 For today, 350 women's Seal Handbags, single or double handles, leather-lined, gilt or gunmetal frames; very welldJO QQ made; excellent values to $4.50 P'0 500 extra large size Collar Bags, made of best grade India goat or suede leather, all wanted colors; a tine (Jurist- e" QQ mas gift) actual $3 values for P 1.50 Yourigj Men's Suits 18 Vals. $9.85 Christmas goods are revolution izing the store Looks liKe givers want useful things too These will be rather suitable and sure- ly acceptable gifts for young men The very newest of the new styles in young men's suits which run into men's sizes, 32 to 38 All the popular materials and best linings and trimmings are employed in their makeup Grays, browns, Scotch and Eng lish mixtures are prominent among them Actual $15.00 and $18.00 values Very special for today at $9.85 mmmm HAkVAKO ' Boys' $15 Coats $9.85 Boys' $7.5Q Suits at $4.65 For today Christmas offering of Boys' Overcoats; extra long, ..11 Am'U.-4-.'A.H A m -.' 1 4. n n . and fancy mixtures; sizes 10 to 17 years; $15 vals, sp'l 57.O0 SUITS Boys' Suits in broken lines, only one or two of a kind, but all sizes and patterns. It's the best ones that sell first, and hese are left from the best selling lines. Sizes 8 to 16 years; regular $7.50 values, now marked at only, ea. $4.65 Table Silverware H ousenold Needs Teaspoons, Bilver-plated on white metal; a regular 75c set, on sale for 50 Dessert Spoons, silver-plated on white metal ; regular $1.38 set, for only 88 Table Spoons, silver-plated on white metal; regular $1.50 Bet, for only $1.00 Table Forks, silver-plated on white metal; regular $1.50 set, for only $1.00 Table Knives, silver-plated on white metal; regular $1.50 set, for only $1.20 Copper Wash Boiler, large size, seamless; regular $3.75 value, for $2.75 Andirons, Flemish finish; regular $9.00 values, specially priced at $7.00 Andirons, black finish; regular $3.50 values, specially priced at only $2.90 Regular $6.00 Gas Heater for $4.85 Regular 35c Rice Fiber Broom at 18 Special, 7:3Q to 9:3Q P. M. Reg. 4Qc Roast Coffee 26c Pound Reg'. lOc Seeded Raisins Now 7c 7 to 9:30 P. M. today, grocery depart ment, 4th floor. Our Imperial Roast Cof fee, rejilar 40c quality. No phone OC orders taken. Very special, the lb. 5000 packages Seeded Raisins, extra qual ity, positively new goods, put up in one pound packages. No phone orders T taken. Regular 10c quality, special C