Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 03, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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New Tork Glob describes the
conference of the House of
on Frankfort and Loais
r.. a a "wnt expression of
! that la In the Nr National
vernent. New Nationalism."
it the Globe. when defined In
len.lly way. Is an effort to secure
he on band a stimulation of state
n with respect to things properly
lia state Jurisdiction and on the
cr hand the stimulation of Na
ial action with respect to thlnics
perly within the National Juris
lon. that there may be no tnl
it land' between the two Jurls-"lonj."
the suggestion offered by the
be that the definition be regarded
"fVt.nrtlv im excec-dlnsi V neltlnent:
r no reasonable criticism could be
ffered anywhere to any Nationalism,
ew or old. that baa for Its lnsplra
ion a better and clearer undersland
ig between' Nation and state, with
erfeet respect by the Nation for the
I ift rights, dutlea knd privileges oi
-i- states, and the same respect '
piivtlegea and authority. If the
r Nationalism contemplate so
ti a relationship and arrangement
around, speed the day "When It
II be transformed from a remote
lustre aspiration Into a substan-
every-day reality,
he New Nationalism a as first
nulgatcJ by Mr. Koosevelt Sep-
4Mr 1. 110. at Osawatomle. Kan.
lad eighteen plunks, of which rum
- fourteen declared for a "clear
sioa of authority between the Na
nal and the various state govern
nts. Ukrly enotiKh. it Is from
utterance, unexplalnable imont
i 'ni or sweeping proimuiuriuvmis
"ably suited to the temper of a
I Kansas audience, that the
Tork paper gets I '-a "friendly"
f the N"W Nationalism. Five
ater Colonel Ronsrvclt. at the
cl Conservation Congress, made
Iress In whU h he expounded his
:e of New Nationalism ns ap-,-
conservation. It was throuch
i unqualified declaration for
il conservation as against slate
atlon and an expression of
.that the states acre holly
tal to the task. Ttirre was no
e a suggestion of co-operation
een the Nation and the states or
sservatlon by the Nation through
. It wss In effect a demand for
-ire Federal control within the
. It was linchotisrn out-Pln-
d. It wss a definitive outline of
crest Plnehot programme of tak-
over for the benefit of the many
e who have squandered their
ny the resources of the few
he Western States who feel
Htage of natural resources
pc-tlve bonlers oucht
mainly to their benefit.
attonatism as defined at
and as Interpreted at
not a consistent or recon-
ogramme of Federal and
Ion. If the House of Gov--a.l
any thought about the
lonailsm. It must have been
-e should be harmonious nc
veen the states nnd the Na-
ivemment In all great ad-
Ive concerns. It had many
tncs of common Internet to
surn as unirorm ;tvorce
the like. Hut the Governors
fM4 the states which atr.l have
I rake be permitted to eat It. or
l ust sbare of It. and he not
ad to turn It Into the capacious
of a hungry bureaucracy at
ernor Norris. of Montana, made
ir at Louisville where the states
West stand. Thry are for a
atlon that permits the rearon-
ir.d development of tlie puh
and forests and water pow-
benefit of the living pres-
are for a conservation that
deserts, civilizes the for
nixes the streams. They
. homes and found com
ruch a conservation
ly more for posterity than
vrhkh locks up the coal d-
drtves settlers from the public
leaves the fore.:s to ihetr tir-
fldness and abandons tr-s fivers
verfalls forever to their pris
mas of scenic solitude.
, lent llcox delivered to the
L Oregon lVvclopment league
at Salem the following chetr-
s( from Mr. J.inies J. Hill:
tlrs it rm)lr4t w;tt Km httili tn
of Or ti ilnrlns tve r-t nvs
In ny "nt-' or l;e I - -
sns. I have rtrnr It -
o'd T t lte money li-jrth-r.
ill did not come to Oregon
ii rVvelopment League con
1. though he as Invited and
racnal presence was much de
He was tn the Fast delivering
reJy different kind of
listening public. He a as
3 , a g-'ntle note of alarm
the high cost of living, the
ga.nce and unthrift of the
n: people, and the un--ajy
iCtnry social, economical
salmlstlc Interviews of
a strange sound to people
West, who are disposed to
the sharp contrast between
igs he la a!was t-ajlr.g In the
.d ever doing In the I'acitlc
there la nothing either surprls
mconststent about It all. Mr.
more than an emrlre-bulldcr.
a prophet. He has the brain
bands of a great upbuilder
vision cf a modern Isaiah,
things all the time. He sees
hs Xuturss Ue oadcrstaods
the material conditions that contrib
ute to the development of a state, and
he sees also the tendenclea and notee
the direction of the great sociological
movements that profoundly Influence
and shape our modern life. He knows
the value to a railroad of a tree or
an orchard, or an acre of wheat, or
a manufactory. He sees the disad
vantage to a people of Its demoralli
Ing fads, fancies, follies and flippan
cies. H) saws wood In Oregon. But
when he gets up In his pulpit he
preaches the virtues of economy, de
cency and providence.
All of which explains Mr. Hill the
pessimist and Mr. Hill the optimist
- ,
There Is a certain pathos about
the current efforts of the Democrats
to reconcile their hostile factions.
All exhausting labor excites tearful
sympathy when It seems to be fore
doomed to failure. Still the Demo
crats may not fall. Their factions
are far. far apart, and they are cet
tlr.g farther every day. For they are
traveling roads which run In oppo
site directions. But we must remem
ber that the world Is round and if
they keep going they may meet on
the other side. The German philoso
pher Hegel taught that everythms;
lovely and of good report comes from
the union of opposite. Hence If the
Icrnucrats ever do get together In
spite of all obstacles, we may expect
a result of unparalleled beauty.
A supreme struggle to effect a syn
thesis of Bryanlsm with Woodrow
WlLsonlsm will be made In Baltimore
on January IT at the Jackson 'cele
bration. Kverybody Is to be there,
orthodox and heretics, saints and
sinners. Mr. Bryan will sit cheek by
Jowl, la loving fellowship with Judge
Parker. The horrid past will be for
gotten and everybody will gaxe upon
the radiant future where "the star of
hope Invitingly waves her verdant
pinions." to quote a great Democratic
poet. If the party could win such a
glorious victory when It was sundered
Into warring factions, what can it not
do when It marches against the foe
as one man! It ought to be able to
do a great deal, but we are troubled
with misgivings.' Not many great
things have ever been accomplished
without a purpose. The Democrats
may have a purpose, but they have
not disclosed any to the public In re
cent years beyond a consuming desire
to get into office. What to do when
they reach their goal Is a question
which seems never to have disturbed
them. It may come up at Baltimore.
The Government has opened bids
for a 17.000-ton battleship to cost ap
proximately t. 000. 000. Bids have
also been Invited for a second vessel
of the same size, to be constructed at
a Government Navy-yard. The low
est bid received for the vessel to be
built at a private yard was $5,750,000,
and. as everything undertaken by the
Government always costs more than
bv private contract, the second vessel
will probably cost well above $8,000.-
000. In this matter or first cost,
which does not Include armament, we
thus have an Item of $12,000,000 for
the two vessels. The average active
life of the modern battleship la not
much. If any. In excess of ten years.
so the annual depreciation to be fig
ured off this sum Is approximately
Money for any legitimate business
will command 5 per cent, and on that
basis the fixed Interest charge against
the two battleships would be $0.000
per year, or-about $5009 per day for
Interest and depreciation. Crew, am
munition and operating expenses
would easily add another $5000 per
day to the total, so that these two lat
est Implements of peace "will cost the
American people about $10,000 per
day a sum sufficient to support'SO,
00O people.
The Fnlted States Is building these
big fighting machines because otacr
powers are setting a pace which we
seem to thing vce must maintain.
Kach year witnesses big Increases In
the expenditures for peace purposes,
and every dollur spent for such pur
poses to that extent curtails the
mount available for Industry ana
trade. Millions Invested In building
railroads. In clearing lands. In Irriga
tion or In similar Industrial undertak
ings will yield revenues until the end
of tlm. Invested In a battleship, the
productive power of this capltnl Is
gone lorercr wnnin ten or imccu
years of tho time It is taken out or cir
culation and tied up In a mass of
costly steel and Iron. Still, we are
living In an age of military and naval
extravagance, and apparently; must
keep step with the procession.
One would naturally expert that the
ntiwt serious opposition to state-aid
rood laws would come from the large
renters of population taxed to build
highways from which they do not
derive proportionate benefit: but In
Washington the principal opposition
seemingly Is voiced In the rural
The element of dissatisfaction
found there In the operation of the
law Is based largely on the large en
gineering .expenditures. Each dollar
of taxabte property In Washington
pays an annual highway tax of 1
null and the funds derived therefrom
are divided among "state-aid" and
"state-highway" projects. The for
mer are roads for which the state
pas one-half the cost and the coun
ties In which they are located the
other one-half, the state supervising
location and construction work.
"State highways" are trunk lines built
In mountainous or sparsely-settled
districts and paid for wholly by the
stale. The last Washington Legis
lature appropriated $595,000 for
state-aid roads.
High engineering cost has been an
Issue for some time In the state-aid
road controversy In Washington and
was largely responsible for removal
of one highway commissioner and
the appointment of another. The
change brought about a reduction In
engineering cost. hut the proceedings
at the Walla Walla good roads con
vention Indicate that considerable
dlsa:ltfartion still exists.
J. J. Donovan, vice-president of the
Washington Good Roads Association,
and who advocates the retention of
the law, cite the expenditures under
the two administrations as follows:
t'nt!r theM I wo heads th stat hlghwae
depattmrnc under fclr. J. M- Snow, built
44.41 rolls St a Coat of $4A TCI of Yhlrh
the ensartna eoat was M per cant: 12.1
im'-s wera Wated at an averace cfttt of
f pe mile and the t"tal expandtturs of
evarr dserlptlon a a
Mr. H I.. Howlhy. prevent Stat Hlshwav
Cantmlsalotiar. aaa eonitructadsla 9 mla of
road at a total coat to October 10 of
oho. of ahtc-h tve eralnemns coat la 7S
r oent and located .'. tnla at a coet of
110 par aula Xna total of baa ixpeadlturcs
ttaa baan SA.-17.8&3. of which f347.sT la for
atata aid roada and tna Balance naa oesn
extended on saventaan atata roada. varying
widely In location, material and character
of construction.
These conditions are recited In
view of the good roads discussion that
have arisen In Oregon as the result
of the amendment of the constitution
so that counties now may undertake
permanent road-bulldlng on a proper
Oregon's population Is not centered
in so many large cities as are found
In Washington, and the objection to
Imposing tax burdens on the populous
communities for roadwork in rural
localities Is much more logical than
In some other states. For example,
the fact that state aid for county
highways has proved satisfactory In
New Jersey, which embraces territory
less In extent than some Oregon coun
ties. Is not sound argument for Its
adoption here.
If Oregon provides general, not detail
engineering supervision over county
road work, but no construction funds.
It will have gone to reasonable length
In giving state aid, as will be seen by
examination of the engineering cost
figures compiled In Washington.
A twenty days session of the Legis
lature Is a great desideratum. A ten
days' session would be a greater. Tet
there never has been, and probably
never will be In Oregon, a regular
legislative session limited to ten or
twenty days. Even the great hold-up
session In 1897 put In the constitU'
tlonal forty days doing nothing but
wrangle over the futile effort to organ,
Ize and to elect a United States Sena'
The Legislature of 1911 will have
much important work. It could do It
all In a few brief days. If Its time
should not be taken up with preliml
narles. formalities and unimportant
matters. It takes a week usually to
get started. It takes another week to
get, the machinery really under way.
In the third week some business is
done. In the fifth and sixth weeks
more Is accomplished than In the pre
vious four weeks.
A twenty days' legislative session
would be possible If an Immediate ef
fort should be made by the legislative
leaders to get down to business. They
might be able to outline a programme
by conference. True, the conference
would have the aspect of an assembly,
and we offer the suggestion with diffi
dence, not to say trepidation: but a
conference or assembly In Oregon has
not yet been declared unconstitutional
or criminal. If something of the kind
shall be done, a twenty days" legisla
tive session is possible; If It shall not
be done, look for the usual forty days
at Salem.
Revolutions come and revolutions
go, but Porflro Dlux as president of
Mexico still remains on the Job. The
gathering political storm In this coun
try In no manner Interfered with the
Inauguration of the venerable ruler
who began his eighth term Thursday.
Whatever criticism may be made of
some of the policies of Diaz, there Is
no denying the fact that as soldier and
statesman he stands head and shoul
ders above any of the numerous revo
lutionists who have so often sought to
overthrow his government. In no
small degree the success of Diaz In
perpetuating himself and his friends
in office and crushing out all opposi
tion Is due to his own experience as a
revolutionist and a fighter.
More than sixty years ago Dial, as a
soldier In the Mexican army, was
fighting against the United States, and
for nearly a quarter of a century be
fore he landed firmly In power he was
alternately fighting for the govern
ment and against It. He first became
president in 1876. and as the constitu
tion prevented his serving more than
one term, he placed his friend. Gen
eral Gonzales, in the office for four
years. Meanwhile he revised the con
stitution so that there was po limit on
the number of terms he could serve,
and since 1S4 he hus remained con
tinuously In office.
While much of his success Is due to
his military skill and personal knowl
edge of every weak point In the revo
lutionary game, thus enabling htm to
promptly suppress uprisings, he has
also secured a strong hold on the peo
ple by industrial policies which have
brought Mexico from poverty and
degradation to prosperity and a prom
inent place In the affairs of the world.
For all that, the venerable ruler, who
Is now more than 80 years of age,
may yet lose his grip and experience
the keen regret and sorrow that have
fallen to the lot of every revolutionary
leader who has assailed the Diaz dy
nasty in the past thirty years.
Here Is the American continent
girded between oceans by many
tracks of steel. Now lines of railroad
transit are created almost as by the
rubbing of an Aladdin lamp. The
Milwaukee has Just spanned the con
tinent In the North and the Goulds
have gained the coast In the Middle
South. In the Panama Canal is near
Ing completion a fr highway of
traffic and intercourse. Telegraph
and. telephone lines apeak across
mountains and deserts and Edens, as
If there were no more barriers on the
face of nature. "Wireless" is adding
lis triumphs to men's achievements
over time and space.
With all this In mind. It may afford
a moment of recreation to look back
over the century to the time when
the region west of the Missouri, and
much of the land between the Alle
ghanles and the Missouri, comprised
a wilderness. There were prophets
In those days who believed that the
American people would spread their
homes and government and power all
over the American continent between
the parallels of Maine and Georgia.
But they were "enthusiasts" whom
the brains of the Nation did not re
gard seriously. Hall J. Kellcy was
one of them, and before him, Led
yard and Jefferson. Jason Lee was
another. Linn and Benton, Senators
from Missouri, foresaw tho Inevitable
spread of their countrymen West
ward. Marcus Whitman saw Into the
future. Another "enthusiast" was
Francis Baylies. United Senator from
Massachusetts, who said In 1823:
Our natural boundary la tjie Pacific Ocean.
Tha awelllnc tide of our population muat
and will run on until that mighty ocan in
terposra Ita waters and limit! our territorial
empire. Then, with two oceana waahlng
our shores, tha commercial wealth c-t tba
world la ours and Imagination can hardly
ccnr-lve the srealnasa. tha grandeur and tha
power that awalta ue.
This prophecy avaa made before the
Invention of telegraphs and tele
phones and before the uses of rail
roads were realized. Without these
means of communication and transit.
could the far-flung regions of the
continent be linked together as they
now are with a common Intelligence,
a united public sentiment and with a
Nationalized purpose 7 Did prophetic
minds of two and three generations
ago foresee the achievements of rail
road, telegraph, telephone and lnter
oceanlc canal? Nobody supposes that
they did, and yet they had a con
sciousness of the expanding and the
unifying forces that have made this
land between two oceans the home of
a great people.
The opening of the canal Is set
officially for January 1. 1915. That
will be one of the greatest events in
human history. The opportunities for
historical reflection will be Immense.
The long-sought passage through the
barrier of the. two American contl
nents was never discovered, unless at
Cape Horn and In the region where
Amundsen passed through Arctic Ice
In 1904-05. The passage that did not
exist was a dream during centuries.
Now the dream is soon to be realized
In the work of the American people
at Panama.
There will be much speechmaklng
and writing between now and then
Much of It will be tedious. But some
of It will move the thought of man
kind, enliven historical reveries and
stimulate imagination for the future.
Luke- F. Parsons, of Sallna, Kan.,
enjoys the distinction of being the sole
survivor of the battle of Osawatomle,
Kan., the most memorable battle of
the Missouri-Kansas border war In
the late '50s. An ardent disciple of
old John Brown, he would have fol
lowed the standard of the Intrepid
abolitionist to Harper's Ferry and
doubtless thence to the gallows, but
for the advice of his mother to "take
up a claim and settle down In Kan
sas." to which he reluctantly yielded.
As a result of wise maternal sugges
tion. Luke F. Parsons is today a
prominent and successful man of his
city and county. Otherwise the dull,
chill November day In 1859 that re
vealed through fog and gloom the
body of old John Brown of Osawat
omle, dangling at a rope's end In the
prison yard at Harper's Ferry would
have seen a youth of 2 swinging be
side him, unless perchance young
Parsons had fallen as did a number
of John Brown's followers in the
rash onslaught that preceded and led
to the gallows. It Is probable that
Mr. Parsons does not regret the fact
that he was brought up to respect
his mother's Judgment and acted
Underwriters who write risks in
shipping that frequents the North Pa
clflc waters will hardly have any
large dividends for January distribu
tion. The big steamship Daraara
piled up an Immense bill for the un
derwrlters a few weeks ago, when she
ran on the rocks Just outside San
Francisco with a $200,000 barley
cargo. Then the Selja went to the
bottom of the Pacific In collision with
the Beaver, entailing a loss of $500,-
000. The Portland, in Alaska, Is a
total loss, and now comes news of tho
steamship Northwestern, Impaled on
the rocks near San Juan. While ex
act figures are not obtainable. It Is
probable that $1,000,000 would not
cover the total loss in this quartet of
marine disasters.
The City of Chicago has decided to
limit the height of skyscrapers to 200
feet, a reduction of sixty feet from the
present limit, in order that builders
who have already planned for higher
buildings may not suffer by the
change, the new ordinance will not go
tnto effect until July. 1911. If Seattle
eyer passes an ordinance of this kind
it should have a proviso rendering It
inoperative until January 1, 2011, In
order that the much-talked-of forty-
two story Smith building may get past
the permit stage.
While no one Is disposed to blame
any contractor for something he
couldn't help, many thousand Port
landers are Justly indignant at the
builders of Hawthorne bridge for an
nouncing dates when' that structure
would be opened. Ignoring the de
linquency under the contract and con
sidering only recent promises, com
pletion of the bridge Is now six weeks
overdue. Shall we have It In opera
tion by Christmas?
The conviction of a 7S-year-old
woman at Wenatchee for manslaugh
ter is entirely a work of supereroga
tion on the part of the prosecutor.
Her daughter had already been con
victed of murder In the first degree
for killing a man In a row over a
fence, and that would seem to be
punishment enough for the family.
The legal blood lust sometimes runs
as red as the illegal kind.
Too many automobile accidents In
Portland, and not due to Joy riders.
Darkness sets in early these days.
There is no diminution of pedestrian
or street traffic. Rains interfere more
or less with vision. On down-town
streets everyone must move slowly
and carefully.
Balfour wants to remove tariff re
form from the immediate field of
British politics. There are several
American statesmen who wouldn't ob
ject to the same proceeding on this
At last Applegate Valjey, one of the
first-settled regions in Jackson Coun
ty. Is to have a railroad. Everything
comes to him who waits sometimes.
If Congress ever decides to do
anything In the way of honoring
Peary, it will not call Dr. Cook Into
consultation -on the subject.
Trimming and pruning seem to be
catching at the National capital. The
President cut 6.000 words from his
message yesterday.
Still the reduction in Pullman
rates, unless you sleep in an upper,
does not compensate for the tips to
the porter.
Beating unprotected women into
Insensibility, as certain brutes did in
Chicago, never advances a righteous
cause. "
Making illicit whisky In the hills
of Lane County is one result of local
option that nobody expected.
STor do the three weeks preceding
Christmas tend to decrease the high
cost of living.
Leaving so small an estate, David
B. Hill died an honest man as well as
a Democrat. ,
Portland Could Re-eoforee Celebration
of Astoria's Founding.
EUGENE, Or., Nov. SO. (To the Ed!
tor.) It Is most creditable to the citizens
of Astoria that they are planning a cen
tennial celebration of the founding of
their city. Astor planned great things
for his emporium st the mouth of the
Columbia. His vision caught about all
the possibilities that the then wilder
ness of the Columbia and the Pacific
Northwest, occupied by a few wretchtjd
savages, disclosed.. His project of neces
sity could not have any of the higher
elements of humanity in It. It was for
trade. Just as the fur trade had ever
been the pioneer form of the arts of
peace that laid the foundations of civil-ication.
But now, a century after, with present
conditions and possibilities of that fav
ored seaport, a fitting commemoration
of Astor's project will necessarily have
In view conquests of a higher order.
As life Is more than meat more even
than the most toothsome royal chlnook
salmon the Astor celebration. If it is
to be worthy of him and his enterprise
and up to the opportunity In the occa
sion, should symbolize a vision of a fu
ture for Astoria, making It the Venice of
the Twentieth Century. The city s Ideal
systematically planned, should be as
much grander than the Venice of the
Fourteenth Century as the Twentieth
Century is greater than the Fourteenth.
ABtor's emporium at the mouth of the
Columbia could materialize only as the
lmDerial hinterland was utilized. The
building up of a center of trading opera
tions was a minor feature of his vast
scheme of systematic utilization of the
w-holj. Xorthwest- As Astnr s Dlan con
templated the first step upward out of
aavagerv for this Coast, a run ana lit
ting observance of Its centennial would
Include a feature representing this In
terest of the whole Northwest, with Its
unity, its visions, purposes and plans.
The time Is surely ripe In Oregon for
some consciousness of the spirit and
Ideas that must be realized on this Coast
if the white man's occupation of It Is
not. in view of the transcendent and
culminating opportunities he has here,
to be a wretched failure, it Is certainly
not too soon to begin to emphasize the
humanizing effort In our civilization
and to beirln concerted civic uplift. In
terest In the celebration at Astoria would
only be re-enforced If an observance
were Dlanned at Portland to give ex
pression to the Oregon sentiment that
this centennial snouia inspire ana ev-mt,
And as "Boston 1S15" has Just demon
strated that "no better means than a
oageant has ever been devised of arous
ing public Interest In every Inhabitant
of a community and of enlisting large
numbers to enthusiastic co-operation in
civic unlift" we have the cue as to the
form the celebration at Portland should
It Is vision and sentiment that Oregon
has most need of JuBt now foresight and
dreams of her responsibility and oppor
tunities in higher things. These once se
cured all other things will be added unto
her. These would come through an in
ternretation to her of the deeper mean
lng of her past. The golden thread of
the Oregon story should be shown In the
best light that the poet, musician and
the dramatist could put It, from the first
ages of the search for a northwest pas-
u to the Indles.the straits oi Anian,
and the Klver of the West, through the
heroic age of overland migration on the
nrea-nn trail. In the settlement oi Ore
gon the age-long westward movement
reached its culmination. Even now
Oregon symbolizes leadership from the
"old order" to what 1b yet to be a suc-
..f,ii ottainment of the new.
Not only a long and unique past would
Ko noniiinrlzed bv a pageant, but the
tion of Oregon on the west
ern sea would be brought home to the
thought of her people. Oregon cannot
disavow her Identity. The sooner she
acknowledges herself as "Time s noblest
offspring" the better for her and the
rest of mankind. No more Inspiring
theme could a pageant have than the un
folding of Oregon's destiny through the
medium of her nistory.
Seo'y Oregon Historical Society.
Red Cross Stamp Snlen Call Up uea
tlon of Serum Efficacy.
PORTLAND, Nov. 29. (To the Edi
tor.) Now that the Christmas sale of
.t,r. for the antl-tuberculosis worn
i. -in., at hand, some of your readers
would like to know now tne money cui-
it.H to he used: tney wouia lino iu
satisfy themselves that more mischief
than -rood Is not aone. int u"p
iir! -n effective bullet in the war-
airainat tuberculosis," and the
Question is. what has it brougnt aownr
If the money goes io praviuu ucua "
tnhxrriilosis hosDitals. what is done to
- . . I - T 1."- 4
the occupants oi tnose dbub .- - . .
pi.rA w-ho lately lecturea on iuuei-
cuiosls at the x . M. u. a., saia. a no
nrnwr serum. Judiciously used," Is one
of the Important agents In curing tu
berculosis." Now I have taken the trou
ble to follow up cases that have had
h rutn used upon them, and I have
never known one to recover. Some cases
were in the Incipient stage when It was
eirt -riven, and the incipient stage Is
niwrava curable under proper conamoua,
and yet these cases, aner -minis -..-
tened up and dlschargea, rapiaiy went.
dowrn -filn. The blooa appearea to i
o- badly deranged by the Injections
that enra was Impossible. I am aware
that a serum is employed in many oi
ih. tuberculosis hospitals, ana oeiore
the sale of stamps It might be well for
re Pirc or some otner pnysicians
who can do so to give the names of per-
rn who have been made wen Dy or
In spite of these forms of "blood as
sassination." as a famous English doc
tor named the practice.
3Uss Taft is la t-tva- awim.
Alnmnoa Snagests Terms of A dm Ian Ion
to and President for Monmouth.
ROSEBURQ, Or., Nov. 27. To the Edi
tor.) I want to make a sugges
tion In the matter of the presidency
of the revived Jlonmoum jNormaj. t
think that no better man can oe touna
for the place than Superintendent Acker
man, who has so acceptably and well
filled his present position for the last 13
years. He knows the state as no one
else knows it.- especially Its needs along
normal school lines. Professor Ressler.
whose name has been mentioned in con
nection with the place, is now connected
with the O. A. C, and should not be
taken from that school, whereas Mr.
Ackerman will soon be foot loose and
free to accept the place. That Mr. Ack
erman is eminently fitted for the place
goes without saying. The regents will
ake no mistaxe it tney oi.m miu u
the presidency.
Another move tainea aooui i
h.artllv Indorse, Is that of requiring stu
dents to finish their high school work
before being admitted to the normal
school. With four years of good normal
work, upon such a foundation, our nor
mal graduates will find their diplomas
accepted anywhere in the United States.
No student should be admitted into the
State University at Eugene (which I be
lieve is now the case) or to the Agrt
oiiltural College at Corvallis. or into
any normal school, without first complet
ing his high scnooi course, as me auum
sion of such pupils not only Invites
immature students, but it also has a
tendency to break down the high schools.
I am very mucn interesiea in me out
come at Monmouth, because I worked
hard for it and Besides tnat l am.
AN ALUMNUS Of Xria; r.t-E.iitia.
Time of Day. Govern.
Chicago Xews.
"Do you believe that a woman is as
old as she looks?" queried the fair
"Well," rejoined the old bachelor. "It
depends on how early in the morning
one sees .her."
Eugene Fraternities Do Not Use Public
Grounds No Hasina There.
PORTLAND, Nov. 30. (To the Ed
itor.) "Answer not a fool according to
his folly, lest ye be like .unto him."
So runs the old , proverb, which leads
me to hesitate In replying to an article
recently appearing in The Oregonian,
and purporting to criticise certain
"fads" of the university. But the
article signed by "L. R. N." was so un
fair that I am prompted, in Justice to
the State University, to set forth a few
facts for the enlightenment of those,,
who may have read and been misled
by the statements contained therein. -
,lt is true that some universities
notably Stanford have sold or leased
certain portions of their campue for the
erection of fraternity houses. But at
the University of Oregon no fraternity
or clubhouse Is "built on grounds which
belong to the general public." but are
rather rented of local parties or owned,
as In some cases, by the organization
itself, and instead of being "pension
ers" of the state, are taxpayers.
Furthermore, It Is Interesting to note,
without entering Into a discussion as
to the merits of fraternities, that a re
cent canvas of running expenses of the
ditferent houses reveals the fact that
the student can, on the average, live
ae cheap or cheaper within a fraternity
house than at some of the regular stu
dent boarding places.
In criticising the different professors
the correspondent seems to forget that
many of the Instructors of the uni
versity hold state offices of responsi
bility and trust, a compliment to in
telligence and enterprise. Instead of
giving their time to the encouragement
of "college spirit" in class rooms, tney
are more active In discouraging any
thing which detracts from the real ob
ject and work of the institution. It
must not be forgotten that it was the
faculty of the University of Oregon tnat
first suggested the abolition or inter
collegiate athletics, and W still wont
In toward that end.
The critic In. his general and far-
sweeplns criticism reveals lack of In
formation In his condemnation of haz
lng. Not one single Instance of hazing
can be credited to the State University
this year a record not enjoyed by any
other state institution of learning,
While hazing Is wrong and steps should
be taken to Insure Its abolition wner-
ever present, let this champion of the
taxpayers, In his zeal for fairness, place
credit where It Is due.
Such statements and criticisms, made
without foundation and based upon
euDDosition or hearsay, are so extrava
gant as to be ludicrous. A visit to the
university would be a revelation to
some of its detractors.
Portland Goes From 42d to 28th Place.
First Five Retain Rank.
The list of the first 30 cities of the
United States was completed with the
announcement of the population of
Portland and Seattle. The first five
cities as shown by the 1910 census are
in the same relative rank as a decade
ago. Baltimore, which was sixth, has
given place to Cleveland, which 'was
seventh In 1900. Buffalo, in eighth
place, and San. Francisco, In ninth place
In 1900, have been jumped by Pitts
burg and Detroit. Cincinnati, in tenth
place in 1900, now ranks 13th. Seattle
made the biggest Jump, from 48th to
21st place. Los Angeles was next in
leaving 36th to go to the 19th, and
Portland third In a climb from 42d to
28th Dlace.
The populations of the first 30 cities
are given as follows:
Allegheny, Pa., Worcester, Mass., and
Syracuse, N. Y., were Included among
the first thirty cities ten years ago.
Popu'tlon. Rank, Popu'tion.
ivuu. jwv.
. .4.78.8SS 1
. .i,lS5,.S 2
..'1.549,008 3
. . 6S7.029 4
.. 670,55 5
. . 66u,63 7
.. 5.-j8,4Su 6
533.SOS 1 1
4H5.7B6 13
1UV. City
1 New York ..
2 Chicago
3 Philadelphia
4 St. Louis . . .
5 Boston
Cleveland . .
7 Baltimore ..
"8 Wttsburg- ..
ft retroit
10 Buffalo -.-23.715
11 San Franclaco... 41C.812
12 Milwaukee ..
3 3 Cincinnati . . .
14 Newark. N. J.
15 New Orleans. .
16 Washington . .
17 Los AiiR-elea. .
18 Minneapolis . .
19 Jersey City. . .
20 Kansas City. .
21 Seattle
22 Indianapolis .
23 Providence . .
24 Louisville ...
25 Rochester . .. .
2rt St. Paul
27 Denver
2t Portland
20 Columbus . . . .
EU Toledo
373.857 14
3D4.4B3 10
S47.4 1
8X9,075 12
331,009 15
31,1!8 3
301.4OS IS
2H7.779 17
24S.381 22
237.194 48
233.850 21
224, 32 20
223,928 18
218.149 24
214.744 23
213.3S1 25
207.214 42
181.54S 28
168,497 26
& u.,h,nv . Worcester. Mass.. and
Syracuse, N. Y.. were included among tha
first thirty cities ten years ago.
Graves Dug With Teeth.
Chicago Inter-Ocean.
"Excess of Food Is Highly Injuri
ous" Is a motto that hangs In the dining-room
of a Chicago home, where a
professional dietetist dictates the me
nus. Exactly. -most men aig tneir
graves with their teeth is another
way of putting this ancient and honor
able truth.
451.5 IS
162. b08
Small Comfort in Lower Prices.
Boston Herald.
Dispatches from China state that.
owing to the fact that 200,000 Coreans
have severed connections with their
topknots there will be a big drop in
rats and puffs. Some people are look
ing anxiously forward to the time when
they will be dropped altogether.
Hobble Skirt Insurance.
Chicago Record-Herald.
"I see your wife Is wearing a hobble
"Yes, but donT overlook the fact
that I am carrying an accident policy
which covers ber also and will bring
(10,000 In case anything fatal happens
to her."
TJnrea-KHinble Pride.
"We won't print any such stuff as
that!" said the editor loftily as he
banded back the manuscript.
"Well, you needn't be so haughty
about It," retorted the irregular con
tributor. "You're not the only one who
won't print It."
In the Heart Campaign.
Boston Transcript.
I told her I'd ne'er loved before
nd other things like that galore:
But she a suffragette was wise
And simply murmured, "Campaign lies!'
, Edwin Ia Sabin, la Lippinoott's.
When I was sick aa 1 could be
With something I aon't Know
They all were awful good to ma.
Because they lovea mo so.
They gava me thlnps I said I craved
ice-cream ana lemou-jeu.
But Pa says now "such rights are waived,'
Because I ve gotten welt:
1 didn't have to work a bit; t
My pa he, did tne cnores.
And all I had to do was sit
And watch him out of doors.
They kissed m lots, and held my hand,
And everybody'd tell
Me stories. It was mighty grand
Before I'd gotten wen.
They promised me they"d try to get
Whatever tnings t o use;
A baby Jumbo for a pet.
A run and auto-blKe;
And mornings I could stay in bed:
I needn't mina tne Ben.
They didn't call me sleepy-head;
But now. you see, i at. eiL
Tes. now I have to eat up etean
The common etutr i naie;
I have to work it's pretty mean;
And things l want must -wait. -
And mornings I must turn Out quick
When I hear papa yen.
I guesa they love ma better sick
Thaa aavics ma -rminn ww,
Democrats Will Have Advantage la
Senate In Tried Tacticians.
A. Maurice Low In the Boston Globe,
When the new Congress comes Into
being on the 4th of; next March, the
low estate Into which the Repuhl'can
party has fallen will be more apparent
in the Senate than In the House.
- For years the Republican side of tha
Senate lias outclassed the Democrats.
There was no man to compare with
Aldrich in parliamentary knowledge,
control over his followers, and general
leadership. Second to him In that all
round ability that constitutes leader
ship was Hale, of Maine. In Spooner
the Republicans had a Senator who was
able to argue any legal' question that
came up, and who was to be feared io
general debate, for he was not only
quick, but he has a blistering tongue
when aroused. Piatt, of Connecticut,
was wise in council and effective in
argument. Beveridge was not to be
despised. Carter was no mean antag
onist. Dolllver was to be feared. He
spoke with force and sincerity, he could
be sarcastic when he pleased, he was
primed with his facts. Kean, of New
Jersey, was not particularly noted
either for brains or hrilliancy, but he
was able to annoy the Democrats at
times. Flint, of California, was a
powerful and effective speaker, with a
logical mind who Illuminated any sub
ject he-discussed. Burrows and Scott
were useful on occasions. Scott espe
cially, because ne Is a dogged, deter
mined man, not easily to be frightened
off, who would stick to high tariff like
a dog to a bone.
These were the men who made the
Republican side of the Senate famous.
After March 4 next the Senate will
know them no more. Death has taken
Piatt and Dolliver. Spooner tired of
unprofitable service and went to New
York to make a competence at the bar.
Flint, too young, and with too much
brains to be poor, declined to be a can
didate for re-election and will resume
his law practice in Los Angeles. Aid
rich has seen one by one of his old
friends disappear. Death or defeat
claimed them. The veteran campaigner
is tired and has hung up his sword.
Hale, almost the last of the old guard,
announced his retirement at the end
of the session and now that the Maine
Legislature is Democratic he would in
that event be compelled to retire. The
others, Beveridge, Kean, Burrows,
Carter, Scott, are compelled to seek the
seclusion of private life because the
Legislatures of their states are Demo
cratic. In the House the Republicans have
not fared so badly and some of their
conspicuous leaders are still left. Mr.
Cannon was always strongest on the
floor, either as the leader of the ma
jority or the minority. He Is older
now than he was in the days of the
rough-and-tumble fighting, and he no
longer controls a united party. But he
may still be relied on to give a good
account of himself and to make trouble
for the Democrats. He can count upon
the veterans Payne and Dalzell and
other able lieutenants.
The leadership of the Senate on the
Republican side will probably devolve
upon Cummins, of Iowa, who Is a man
of ability and showed In the last ses
sion during the tariff fight" that he has
the qualities of leadership. Interest
will be given to Mr. Cummins' leader
ship because he Is an avowed candidate
for the Presidency two years hence
and he hopes that the progressive dele
gates in the next convention will be
sufficiently numerous to nominate a
progressive and not a conservative.
Mr. Cummins, however, is not to be
unopposed in his Presidential ambi
tions. Senator La Follette. of Wiscon
sin, the original Insurgent, Is also a
Presidential candidate and will be very
much of a figure in the next Congress.
He may try to dispute leadership with
Cummins, but he will hardly be suc
cessful. La Follette is able and sin
cere, but he is too unyielding and too
little careless of hurting the feelings
of anyone with whom he differs to
make It possible for him to be a leader
In a body so peculiar as the Senate.
Senator Crane will undoubtedly be
the chief political adviser of the con
servative wing on the Republican side.
If tne conservatives and the progres
sives pull together Senator Crane will
be the Rpublican tactician, but if there
is a split between the conservatives and
the progressives, as a great many peo
ple think will be sure to happen, each
wing will appoint its own strategist.
Senator Crane does not make speeches.
His forte Is conciliation and conces
sion In committee room and Intimate
conversation. He rarely fails to achieve
results when he takes a situation in
hand. He will, no doubt, have his hands
full when the new Congress gets to
work. He will have the assistance of
Senator Gallinger. who is wise, exper
ienced and persuasive. If Senator Lodge
comes back he will continue to make
speeches, but speeches do more to en
hance a man's reputation at home than
in the Senate.
The Democrats will be In excellent
fighting trim. Under the leadership
of Bailey of Texas they will be able
to keep the Republicans on the qui
vive from tfie opening day of the ses
slon to the close. Bailey Is conceded to (
be one of the best lawyers In Con
stress, and there .Is no one who can
compare with him on the Republican
side in debate.
Hutrhes of Colorado is another excel
lent lawyer and a strong debater. Ba
con of Georgia, a veteran, is ready to
meet the Republicans whenever they
Want to enter Jhe ring. Gore, the blind
Senator from Oklahoma, is a very ef
fective debater.
Should Mr. OIney succeed Mr. Lodge
the Democratic side would be greatly
strengthened, and Mr. Olney s legal
abilities and his wide experience would
be Invaluable.
The new senators to take up the
places of the defeated Republicans, It
is expected, will be conservative men
of ability, so that the Democratic side
will be still further reinforced.
Not since Mr. Cleveland s second
term have the Republicans been at
uch a disadvantage and the Demo
crats In such good shape In the Sen
ate as they will be after the fourth of
next March. .. ,
Black Cap Token of Sorrow.
New York Press.
A small, limp piece of black cloth i.
according to ancient custom, put on the
top of the judge s wig in England Be
fore he passes sentence of death, and is
properly called the "sentence cap" or
black cap. covering tne nead was a
sign of mourning among the Israelites.
Greeks, Romans and Anglo-Saxons and
Is referred to in II Samuel xv:30. Put
ting on the black cap is not a grim sign
of revenge of the law, but is rather a
token of sorrow, expressing the regret
that the Judge feels at having to con
demn the prisoner to death-
Pare Radium In England.
London Cor. New York American.
The finest radium is now being pro
duced from Cornish pitch blende from
the Trenway mine. Sir William Ramsay,
the eminent scientist, has the credit
for this feat.
In the London office or a radium
company there are now deposited three
tubes, each containing so milligrammes
of 100 per cent pure radium, one of
which has already been sold for a
fabulous price. The medical and scien
tific world has been astonished at the
rapidity of the extraction of the precious
metal from the pitch blende.
As Done In Canada.
Prosecuting Attorney Your Honor,
the Sheriff's bull pup has gone and
chawed up the Court Bible.
Judge Well, make the witness kiss
the bull pup, then. We can't adjourn
Lcourt just to bunt jib a new Biblsx