"9 TIIE MOtlXIXU OREGOXIA. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 30, 1910. All Cocda Purchased on Credit Today Charged on December Account-Shop Early in the Day and We Can Give You Better Service t PortlandAgents Perrin's Cloves-When in Doubt Buy a Glove or Merchandise Bond-On Sale in Glove Department on First Floor j Discriminating Gift-SeekersTnrn to xc em v$w - II 1,1111 I ...IJMI t Store ) i ?mlivi$8kt$& Ew. iio iw A ccftpmeivfs And the Best Values llllf ' For Every Visitor. Free Ticket to Apple Show m II i.ffti I i 1 i. : 2 J3 TAKE LUNCH IN OUR New Restaurant Tou'll b w.U pl.aaM when yon take the elevator for the res taurant, for we've a, apwlal car for the restaurant from 11:30 to 1. Tou'll be promptly waited upon, and you'll like the food and the kind of aervlce you ret here. Itontaurant In charge of Mr. V. M. AlartUn. Catering a specialty. Annual Holiday Handkerchief Sale f Dars to L : II RED a M v PJL si" II Men's, Women's and Children's Handkerchiefs at the Lowest Prices TW,nd, (tt -ve Wed the Kerchief Section in th M . 'TtlTZ nandkerchiefs offered in this great Christmas Sale, mere axe vuu n - - "H T- - VtTTT.T hnx,, for all plete. The sale includes single Handkerchiefs for men, women and children, or Kercluefs i pretty JjL SEE THE DISPLAY IN THE FIFTH STREET WINDOWS. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED SHO P EARLY CROSS StaHipS HERE Seal your Christmas packages with a Red Cross Stamp. Help eradicate tuberculosis In Oregon. On sale in the. Big Store at booth on first floor. To day. Mrs. David Honeyman. Misses Dorothy Morrison and Jeanne McKenzle. $39.80 has been collected up to date. Appropriate Xmas Gift Suggestions For the Wife Velvet Auto Boots Tea Gown Evening Coat Fur Set Fur Coat Eeal Lac Handkerchief in holly box Oriental Rag Leather Card Case Pair Gloves in holly box Umbrella Leather Jewel Case Mesh Bag Sterlir Silver Toilet Set Opera Glasses A Brooch Fancy Perfume Silver Salad Set Cat Glass Cake Plate Cut Glass Bowl Brass Jardiniere Brass Hanging Basket Electric Iron Hanging Lamp WHEX IN DOUBT. PURCHASE A MERCHANDISE OR. GLOVE OR DER FOR ANY AMOUNT YOU WISH. ALWAYS ACCEPTABLE. At Sign of the Bargain Square Oar Annual Sale ;0,000 Regular 50c, 75c, In the Basement Annex I our Annual sale s Ties At 25c Each Values 25c 00 Our Annual Holiday Sale of Men's Neckwear The Best Values and the Largest Assortment We Have Ever Of fered 4-in-Hands, String Ties, Band Bows, Band Tucks and Windsors in Plain or Fancy Black and All Colors, FOR TODAY Morrison-St Window-50c 75c SI Vals. OR lUlJAI 1000 Boxes Choice Apples 97c-$1.57Bx. Today we are offering 1000 boxes of choice Oregon Ap ples, in the best varieties at these low prices : Northern Spies .$1.47 Spitzenbergs $1.57 Newtowns $1.57 Baldwins $1.37 ganos 97? See the apples on display in our windows and at the Ap ple Show, 5th & Washington BUTTER 69c THE SQUARE From 8 to 10 A. M. Butternut brand Butter will be sold at, the gQo two-pound square, each, only NO PHONE ORDERS FILLED Men's $25 Overcoats at $ 1 5 en's $25 Suits Special $15 . . a t . M Mph who want stvle and value will appreciate this overcoat .sale. Every coat of fered in this assortment was made by one of Rochester's leading wholesale tailors. They come with military collar, as shown in illustration, or with Presto or con- vertible collars. Made of the best materials, some of Priestley cravenetted gooas. cnmAnftrtidrPlpt materials. All the best colors and rats. Regu S $15.00 lar S25.00" values. Special for today at. the suit, for small sum MEN'S SUITS, in worsteds, cheviots, tweeds and best materials. Come in tans, browns, grays and darK mixtures. 200 of the season's best mod- CMC ff pU. All sizes. S20.00. S22.50inT$25.00 values. Special for today epie.VU Fifty-Eight Game Archerena Boards at Only $2.85 SlFivelSame Archerena Boards at Only $4.95 $2.85 $4.95 Todav in our big fifth floor Toy Section, No. 1 Carom-Archerena Game Boards, on which 5S games may be played, very special at. CAROM ARCHERENA BOARDS, beautifully finished; 65 games can be plaved on this board; special today at this low price, each Women's $12.50 Waists $7.45 Women's Long Kimonos $1.48 WOMEN'S WAISTS, of Tuscan crepe, trimmed with hand-embroidered and cro chet medallions. Sleeves made in coat style or deep cuffs. High necK, open side or bacK, finished with crocheted buttons, $12.50 vals. Spec'l pj WOMEN'S LONG KIMONOS, of melton vellon, German fleeced flannel or cotton crepe. Made in semi, loose or fitted or with Empire bacK. Shawl or rolling collar v pTputch necK. Plain or neatly trimmed. Solid colors or fancy fig- (J 4Q j affort RD'tilar S2.50 and S3.50 values. Special for pivJ sale of fine furs. Every one reduced. Sale of sillt petticoats. Every one reduced. . Barg'ainy in fine tailored suits. Bargains on an inree-png am, You Should See the Demonstration in Mysto Magic and Learn to Entertain With the New Parlor Tricks Mr W. It. Richardson, a clever performer of New York City, ia giving , daily demonstrations of this fascinating amusement m our windows and on the Mth demonsxrai u . , tncks for sale ltu direc- tions'. See tirfaous KeUer Trunk Trick in window at 10, 12, 2 and 4 o'clock. vVomen's Felt Slippers $1.50 Values 98c Pr. A lot of 1500 pair of women's fur trimmed felt slip Icrs. They come in red, brown, oxford, gray and black. Made with hand-turned soles and low QO heels. All sizes. $1.50 values, special now at LAMBS' WOOL SOLES, for knit slippers, sizes for men from 6 to 1 1 ; sizes for women from 3 to 7. 0 1 Your choice, men's or women's, the pair, only Sterling and Ebony ToiletWare 1-5 Off Today and Tomorrow For two days our entire line of sterling silver and ebony toiletware and arti cles. This includes matched sets or separate pieces. Brushes combs, mani cure articles, etc The sterling silver comes in nine different designs. Noth ing moreaccentablefor Christmas gifts. SEE THE FIFTH-STREET WINDOW DISPLAY. ENTIRE LINE FOR TODAY AND TOMORROW AT ONE-FIFTH LESS. A Special Showing of The Kayser Silk Hose We carry a complete line of the famous KAYSER silk hose for women, in Italian or knit silk. These are guaranteed to be perfect in material and making, and are the best in the world. Nothing is more ac ceptable for a Christmas gift. We are making a spe cial display of these fine goods this week. The prices lire $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and range up to $3.00 For Mother or Wife Buy a Willamette Sewing mm .acliine club plan Pay $2 at Purchase and $ 1 a Week-Machine Delivered When You Wish inwvw JA-J.vaw Msrhii.fi Cnsraitesd' 1 0 Years r i i i r n i I i if i fiWa 11 A Lrlt& tJGW BV y-' V va J a.m.m 1 i