13 thi: MKMNi oki;;onia. n:DM:si)AY, ovi-:mhkk :o. . . : i . . - . i i ' - t FRUIT HT AUCTION Los Angeles Will Soon Sell Oranges and Lemons. SALES BEGIN IN JANUARY lxal iKalrr IntrtrcMtl In (lie New Xotrmrul lx-mand for W hf t fall-. (( Kloriii .rar I'mit l!ffirl. T: r.a fru.? kartn-n s-Vs at l-oa An- !. la ht.-h the frull trade atl aioas me ('ut la showing a a Interval, will Inaugurated early la January. A in-line f tha directors will he Bald Ihll e-k In .act TlTa and dllltlT B the datra ef Mlm Mayers la tha fat. 'n at t ! maat dlataal polnta. im kot'r sllve to th luportsnre of the n-w undertaking and 'tr the ricM cocdiiinna will ! IC tulr d and ptronj(. Th irT houee In this trrltorr iro also making preparations ta secure thrlv suppllrs at tha salrs. Aa ttvaaT Ins: feature cat the mainfftl ia f fart, that the arowar of 4'aUforaia. hota tiehaact tad ln3pa!rnta, ara arioatoa aa native mad apparently mit mtr-et In tha avitra. Tha matter of the rircwi or tailor, limtm. of tha aav-tln will feet nirery with th tinyare. aa all tit fmlt In l-allfarnla lo available for aala (hrovrgh a live aartlee. provided prt-s prevailing at tka aalaa are la lut' with tno obtainable ar tha dllvrd method of eillng. la atiarusalng tha a or aanlaetana th California Citrus News Latter save: Th met lmprant wliif of this or ganisation a a.a h-M l-at TuaUT nhf. Tlun wee aof a ataxia prua attending hia wie'tina? and n-artv rr rpr,-a,nta-tia Ind'P-ud-nt fruit prkr of California wee preewnt or rpr-nlrd aha ppoa-d anr f.atere or ehos.d any hostility to tha prt(vnad aa-tian. Tha n was fiarmal.v rs-anla afid trv nrTMWM ln p.. i r. pr-av-nr.l. approae (fi4 nrtar"l -I. wltla a r.niultuikia of aiiwi.OiMk. and tht ara. ledsine from pree- at Inillra'iiHia and liit-rt twins shoe n In tf a'.-'"", al'l b or-aoa-TIId. Tttla liiatri tb tlr.D'ti. powr and In. ft i--n. r.1 tha man a bo ara b-blnd thia propoett te. Tn a--n Impor'aat (jiaflifl of th pro IKMd alifwnLa t'ltrua t'r'itt aurltnn la tha al-tlon of a mio,tlr and a boord of Hl--. igri who l!l fixht rlral. Mat aval all l ttm f.r thr h- inf-Tra of ir V aio-tlon aol f.r th lrailfnwra of 4aItfMna. A numb-r of rv tl-a-ranio n.m--a or- noar t,p iiaf.aro tb orn jaii.-n f..t t"i mana' r.ml. nd th" r-u't will b atrh-d fr Int-r.aTinrw io-tr pra. ahipDrra an frutr triarr Thia a it. t:on mirmaf la a propoattlon Ihif ia ry lmtirtnl to Iba ciirue fruit K.luatrr if t'alif.wn'a. It la now timat-d PT .rlo.ia IBlr-ara that lha pra-nt rr..p .f l"o-i'M win bo ri'M fn.m to .V.a rarlta. an tHa rarhanao la t.rr librMl la la fiaurra and rlml-a aa to tha number of 'a a. a lhmih It la tmpoa a,l.. .. rva.lr -t rr'ulrto niarri ""il In th njmb-r of . rloi.la by dla.rtrta. hrna It al lmpoIKI 1-f alvo an honat 1 1 -n jk I I li.prn-n'B b!arB now and tha Brat of Ih- f promlao to bo of an h Intrvat mm wltt atrrart 11 atln'ion of tho laadtna; fruit oprattra U th I'mtod tlatnt. inn niiUT r.i.uH mr. rrr IJtllo Baaanoaa la Kroortrd la Iba twauatrr. Tha drrnand for a hral haa falloa off CM atd'rabir aiaca tha foraian mara-la waak aaMt nd Tory Itttio buainraa waa rr port ad In tba loot trada or In tha country rawtar tlay. It wma aald In ama quartarp that of fra aa h'gh aa PI rants wrra mada for cloh, bat tha irvril qaotallona waa an cants. Wo-alm waa qulat. wit a ai03 Cants aaaaaaV. - Tba oats tnarkat was firm at lt:-M Wit a bad raads ha tha aallay tnara ara arae ttrally ao orTrnnaa tha. Tha Sound mar kats ara blabr oa oata than Portland. tar. lar waa ratbar qulat. but stpadr. Loral racoipta In rara. wro r-pnrtad by A tba Marchants Racbanco aa rnllaws: K nam Barlry Hoar. Oata. Hay I Xoaidap ... !' Va T4M.UT " a Taor act 14 I f.4l 1.1 J UTi I F-aaoa to data M".d laar asw 41 Ml IS la MARIVrT rUml oa V raary IWIda .rapofruH i Tho local market u now wall supplied with (raparnilt. Two cars from Florida wars plarad oa aala yaatarday. ons from tado County, oa tho Raat Coast, and tho otbar Inland fruit. Quotation ransod from Sa aa Bar boa. acrordlnc to ooallty. A ahnymaat of 3UO banda af Japaaaaa I oraeaoa was roralrad ta tba foraaooa. Tnay a.'rarad at IISILU par buad'a. Tbaro waa a strarty darrtaad for aaval t oraasas. partlcalarly wall.colorrd fruit. w.l.k roaamaadad a Branilum. rortTRT nr.MAi is mnioi io Yr4 IHKiltry -urlil l- Jowtv feat stad!ly fc d-rmaivd. ut thm Mtrplna fts bis mror.il rvff (rvdoallr. at-4 bx nest woi. normal prtcaa wtll pxbby aaia V quotM. Buj ra iriwWma mar pr(trac fjr Bering cb w-krca ttvaa for aaa yrday. OrtiM asra cent In u o ararra aa hartlljr ta aa QaoWl. K-wJ-tra ara moving fr-ty. Battr and rha nr la artlva dman4 at formar prlci. CaJtfaCBaa H09 MutH ttrmn. Taa Calif rn id. bop market nmlntnJaa tha firm toaa that dvlf-d la-t wwa. Ad-w-l a ra r-fv4 ymlmr&mj ef tha pur cnai by mchamsoa at !( rata of tba Ha t rrr9 f st baUa ef taomaa. lha ana14 ; of facramrntna la bow but 4i b:av V trad! af waa rvportod tn tha Orvgon ntar k t yatrlay. lWll-a h a n in ttma of drltmra ara ad la iki. 1 tMk'i provlaion Uaf. ran-y bacon ta ra. ! ducad a coat to SI cants and other kinds of baroa ara tp cant lower. Half-coat redoc turns aro mada la tha piiroo of hama and lard. Hawk rtaavrtaara. Tank c;earlr-s ef tn Nortbwcatera Clliaa yaatarday wars as fullowa: Vi lea In ra. BaJascaa. TaMlan4 1.4-.; : j a pn. . eatt.e 1.71.' lor ll oil -J acoma . ............. it 7 7 -, r. , jpaaaa . ............ m oa loa.Aut p romTUkxu at UKirrt. V Oraia. l-oar. I red. Ete. f Wn CAT Track prtcea: Rlueatem. ! ySc. club, jmic . red Kuaalao. 7vr. Vallay. BAHu.i-rft. ssi r .l.so par torn brow l3t. $il r-r toa. HILLKTIFIII Ttran tin nor low- wild. fi ;ra. Ia. anorts. I.T; rolKd barley. 4-4 I IV ' r i. ' i n raonta u p-r parrel: U: krabam. 14. ; abo.a wbcal, quar- lera- t K1V Trah nel.-oa' Tle.ihi XV 1 1 ' en I .iey. -3 pp ton: rlasiero Oracon. ltZ19Z4: alfalfa. J14-&"9 15.50, ralo bay. lltWSIVM; clover. 115. - ' ' .1-. rrrnq. ! par lOa. OAT Wblta. it a 2 V jo par toa. Dairy aaal Cowatry rradorw. rotl.TRI- liana llall. Fprtnsa. I1SI; darks, white, isulf. U'e: rke.a. alias. 1 u 17c. draaaed. suqaba. 14 r-r doaea. . H'eOS Oreroa ranch. rnd'ed. 4-?Lie: Vtaatera. A;rw J11-: par dosea; Kaat Va freah. 17 So par doaea. f-CVKElB 1MU cream, twtna. 17 O IT "as aar pounn: jour.- amenca. Ilsji'ic. irTTKiV avaicaal quotation : ui craam- ry aollil park. 57c par pound: buttar fat. 55 tjlTr pr p-uiid; K'tarn. ILrllc pr pound. r'-ttB. Kanry. 1SI1- per pound. VtAL Fain -. bi lo 1.1 poumli. I.la 13c par pound. Vra-rtablra aad Irulta. APPt.rS Kln. l'4iTV- p-r Wit: Wo.f rtmr. ;:.rtl. ttaun. b.c'.i--. ll-ldaln. : alUi .s.irtnrn .p. i ufl..i. sno'. $ i I i"; Spua-norr. l..".u-. nlt-r Ilanana. $1 Ti3.'' F Ai'K K';l:TAI!I.r--arrota. alii l.-S hundred: pa ran e. HUIU. turnip. 1; boota. tl.ti v I OKIEN KKriTH Paarm l.:r.i2 par prua. l 3". p-r l ..a: llalaaaa ? o 7 p-r barrri. rranrierrlea. tatl-0 Pr barrol; puin.ea, tlal.J' per box: huakia brrria. ti -t h- It.; iimuii.i. 4 prr 1X. VimSTAltl-Kst Urans. li'UUo pr p0"1"': raLr.te. i 1 per hundrej; raultfloaar, Caifornla. - Ji per rra:-i reler-. t ail f..rma. .Hi.:i .r rra:-. ru.-umfera. H per lii; eacpiant. IIUU'i Pr rati-: ny1""; lotf 1.- p- r IU : preen union. l'c p-r U".; pepper. l"c i-er II..: pumpkin. lmc per lb-: radlhea. liiJ-'lc per doaen: aprouta. Tta--; ,.uah. 1 a I S Pr : tomatoes. S 1 25 per boa. , TROPICA I. Fltl-ITS Orint't navala. a-nt I l-r (. Ja'iiee. 1 1.". !"- PT t-undio: l.nnn. KI.rtMa e,ai--rni.t. ti: tinna.il. ".c ir teound . p reC; , lea, vc ii-r r-'un-l: p-niiei: ra A 1.75 wr p'. PTATiI.S r...n. II M vr huu.lred: saeei j-.i.:.-. per r-.und t'NUi.S.-i nr.. in. ;..bt:n irlce. J1.IUJ per liutiureU. r.rocrrlra. 1 tried a rulla. tc. I-ttlKU Kill IT APP'ea. IV.- 'T poun.l : rurranta. 13';I5'-: arl.ta. lltlMr; rlat-. Tr p-.und. fi. hu'K. w'llta -r b.i-k. bv a.rk. Tu: 1 iu'l 7i: I--1-. 3-1-. 1-I. "': norna. 1 SALHoX folumhta l:iver. 1-pound ta:i. I' t p-r doaen; 2-iio-iud t.li. -: 1-l-,und f.ata lis'.: Ala.ka p nh 1 p-'"'" tal:s. HI: rl. 1-pound tai:. '.: "''!' 1-pouiKl ra.ia. t - fiiKffiK lloaatod. In diums. 1J35'jC par noui.d. vitt Walnul. lit lie per p un l: rra- sil nuua. 1UI. f.'berla. alm.uina. laulkc; pe.-ana. 1-; coeoaouu. !H'c v I Pr rtoaea: meamuta. I " per pound; liickiry auta. lai')o per pound. HALT liranula-ej. 113 per t.n; IlIf rrourd. H. vM per ton; ."a. 3 por ton. IlK.VNS fiinull wt.lt. 4-c. larca ahita. S. l.lrfl... pink. IVc; rJ lril-o. IV bajou. fc'a1 . KK'I: No 1 Jpn. rhtf' r'a.lel. $3. :. 4 sr: tuhem ..:. 3S7c II J Et-l'th'. P- r ca: atralned. T S " P-r pound. , l-i.K It iru:tl, fruit and aarrr. $: 0. heal. i-4". earra t .. vn: iM"n ' . 5 yallow l. 14 : robea (barret'. -: powdrrod. It "-". Ttrmi on ranilttancra alll In 1 d.tva. rted.i.-t S e p-r pun l. tf later than 13 ia). and within 3a diet, deduet i,c p-r pound. MP lutar. 1". J IV- per poiiDj I'rot lloaa. HAVS- l to 1 pound-. le; IS to J4 poun.la 17', r. 14 to I iunJ. l.c. 1 to in. 17 I7e. aklnnrd. p-n-ra. USf. coltaao roli. la HAi ON l'4i atamiard. --, Choi.--. lit.-. Ki al h. I - MIOKLU MKATH le-f tnnjtuea. ...r; dried b-f aeta. ooiatdea. n-wia: In- aMte. 5.U-. kriu.ble. Z2' . HiT MAI.T I l:Kt Itef' lar abort clea-a. dry ll. I'a. imul''l. 17. tJekV llcht. aa:t. 13ar: amuked. 17c: baeka. hnn. aait. I-V ; ainoke-1. l'-c; aap-irl l-illc. ii't. I44i: a-u"ked. I..-. l.jnif !'. keiite renJerr-l. 1 tttnfl. ar-l purr. I'.'.c: cliulca. 14'aCi ahortaclna-. liar. llopa. Moot, Hide.. He. ,, ,.4in.i rrp Uul3"-: crop. To-. oIu. honmu tl. t:alerii tt'in. into 17c pound; Vai.ev. lTttVJr p-r pound t ill AIR fhon a. 3--J-T per rn.iind. I'A-1'AHA HAI1K ISO P-r P-.uiiU IillKH Salted bid-a. be I r pound; aaiie.l ca;f. !.; salted kip. c: a;ted a-. tv yreen hldaa. 1 - i: dry hlOea. 1SVJ 17e- drr call 1JU1V-; do n.tra. little--- I'KLTsI lrr. lSf: anlt-d. biin-h-ra taba-uff. 4or7.V-: Srrtt'C lamt.a. 25 y 4. WHEAT QUOTED EASIER FXI'ORTERS THE ONLY 111YK.RS IX T1IK .MARKET. Seattle Poultry Healer I.nk lor Ixw Turkey Prices at Oirltinns. Oran.es Sell Welt. tiRATTLB. Nor. to. (Kpecial.) Seaula Wheat exporters eatilnate toal ona-baif of tha crop baa been moved. Whtla exports ara below these of 1:. the receipta this tear aince July 1 ar.itta IMIO cars com pared with livl for tha aama period Inst tear, wheat was easy to.lav. aim bZe the top on biuestrm and 0',c offered for club. Lxporlere were abut the only buyers. Approximately five carloads of turkeys ara bald In aumia here, all of which la stock, left over from Thanka'vln opera tlosa. sfoanwbllo tuo demand la licht and all signs point to an exlre-mely easy rhriat mas aiarkaL Tha prediction waa made by a prominent poultry Jobber today that tur keys will be cb-uper Christmas than at any time In five years. Ilena and Springs were ia fair demand. Kca. butter and cheeaa moved slowly. Meaner guoda worn scarce, although a fresh aupplr will be available tomorrow. Crapes wt-re practically off tha market to day. Tba few that will arrive on tha boat will not bo quoted at less than $L50 and possibly aa blgb as 91.7a Cewry wua very acarra In moat quartere. Kaacy stock sold at 75 cents. Japanese oranges take hold In good shape at $l."5 to $l.:l.V Indicatlooe point to lare recerpla of Japaaaaa oranges during; tha w inter. m.Hia were quoted as low as V Navel oranseo sold baiter than al aay lima ni season. rKOIHTT. AT MS nt-xXCISCO. Qnwtalasaa Cmrrrat la that Bay City Mar kets. BAX KRANCI.-aX. Nor. SO Tha fol low Ins produce prices were current today: Vegelabtea v'uc urn hers. 91ll-50: garlic. 4ic; green pea. : atrtag baane. Try lor; tomatoes. iovajl.: egg planu 35t Sam-; onions. POc o $ 1. 1 ia. Hotter Ksacy creamery, Sc. rlcsa blore. 4:c. fan y ranch.. 50c a'tieeaa our.g Amenta. Itiawltc. sllllstufrs liran. l;l Jv, middlings, f.2 Hay Wheat. (lf II: wheat and oats, $99 ll..v; alfalfa. fJtrll- Krult Apples. hol- e. o".c: common. 4Vl Mralraa Hmca. I4.au a 5: California lemona. cnoir-r . common. -. orangca. navel. 1 Vl: 5.1. pln-applea. UMlil I'olat.e Sa.lraa Hurhanka. 9T.50B1.TA; sweets, f a.li)at 2. iu; Oregon iiurbauka. (1.4d at I. Jo. Ketalp's r'loiir. &72S qoarter sarVs: wheat. 1.1 cnials. barley. auVSul Ceatala: aala. 4liW centa:a. potatoea. Ovl- ceutoia; bren. bl sa-ka. mlddltnsa. oi aacka; bay. leal tons. Csatdltloai af too Treoaur,. WASHINGTON. Nov. SO. At the legln nlrg of bualne-a today the condition of tba t'n'led (ii-atee Ireaaury was: Working balance to Treaaury office e'9 7vi. m batias and Philippine t-caaury. il.evl.41. Tlie total la.anca ia tha gen- . . -1 f t waa 1 'i 5o4-5L'x. lird-nary reeeipia yealer.Iay were S1.4!ll.- J 7 a 7 with disburaemeuta of 4 I .ul-L The deficit to dale thia fiscal year 11 Vi 7i' v;l. as against JT.l;o.un at lais time last year. Ihraa fiarures do not include Panama Ca nal and uaOI,c d'bt Iranaau-lioDS. ColTro an4 Mttarar. XKW YORK. Nov. S Co'f-e futures rloaed ateady al a pet devltne of Sao polnte. bal-e. 5S a bass; November and IJecember, l- .;:.: January l'A-7c; KePruarv. In.-J4c; March and Arrt!. 10.SI -; Way. laiSe; June, lola.-; Jul. lo.l7c: Ausuat, lX15c; xicptem ber. toil.-, and tx-tober. l01c. Spot effee quiet; No. 7 Rio. 13 4 U'a'l Pant.a No. 4. 15VC Mild quirt; Cordova. 1 J -t J 15c. Raw eugar qnlsl. Muscovado. .S test, S4.U-; cenlrlfusal. .1"1 tet. !.: molaaaea, test. J.l'-c. refined susar steady. Irrted rralu at New York. NEW YORK. Nov. r. ENsporaled apples Steady, with a fair Jo.-blnr demand on the sr t. Knncv. 11 Sc; choice. mac; prime. Istr; common to fair. lf;-c. Prunes firm, quotations ransuig from o loic for t-'altforntaa up to 50.4.1s and biati piac for Oregons from ooa to 3"s. pea.-hee steady on smaller offertnrs from the toaal; choice. 7 Si ho: extra choico. bg aijC fancy. ISO"- Near York fat too Market. Nrrw Ti'llK. Nov. totlon futures cloel steady. 4 to 14 point hlKher. No vember. 11.44c: tcember. II t,-; January, 14 41.; Keoruarv 144v: aiar.-b. la.l.'c; April. 15 lac: War. 1 . ;c; June. 1.34u; Jult. 15 itc; Ausuat. 14.lc. fottoa epot cioaed qutet. la points bother. MiJ-uplanJs. lo.luc; do. Oult li.JJc No salaa. EAST DULL But Some Demand for Apples at Interior Points. NEW YORK WELL STOCKED TweiUj-Four Cars of Western Boi Emit Koccltred Yfelerdaj Ar- kan.Has Macks nd Rome Beati lra r.riiig SiitTf nlwrs Price. The dally market bulletin of tha North weiera Krai'. Kxt-tiaiisa lollowa: ' Th. ra Is praclically no Inquiry for boxed app.'-a on an r. o. u. oua:a irum - r;n ni.irk.-t. bv which wa mean the torrl lory hataeen t.'hlraca and tha Atlantic aoa i....r.i i-i.. n.kik:i arem to haa all tn.) ran uae. Tha principal outlet at tho preKent tltno aeema to lie in me Weatern ard Souil'.crn diairleta, from wbii-n tlie iiimuIi 1 not urs-nt but tuftlcient to ...k.. mi to oiatMiao of our tars at r- tent value. Wo a .ould rhara.'terlze th tn iiket ii qul. t. Tlie marnri on i-ime k-... e..i.tmi..a un.nt if ai-lorv. aa thia va rioty la too huh priced to meet with raady aala In tlie smaller inurao.a vi " rf..tn..ii Th nrmrluaj oulleU thai foro. I In tha lanta canton, and all of them Im received mora of thl variety than avar b-fora. and ao much of It boa boon of Irreamiur quality and In such r.po con dition aa to requlra Immediate sale, and keeping the coiiaumlns trade n:lod up. HviHcvcr. there hdi been a larse quah- I tr or -.pilXi-nt erKB piaceu ui ivi.i i-vi-. ... i-.it it., ouili-.k fur a rtod later mar ket o-i 11:1s tarl-.ty I not favorabla. Our ,ew Tork SKent aires us this rnorntns; as f.iilnaa: "Total arrivals. 14 cars. Spltaenberit. Ark.insii Ilia, ka srd Hums Tleanllea aell ina from -4:.ai dn: lllaok Twi(a, l.i3 doan: Newtowr.a, 1 rt n." The a'cniflcaf.t f.-atur of thia report la that tarU-l.ua of poor natural quality lika Arkanaaa iliarka ara it-K-nini aa mu nooiev aa u.t xen k . CshL-a from l.on- uon report that cir.-en Newtowna are miiklcc Trom to is llllllinr awtuun to quality and aire. W.- nnnrl the followlnc aalea: I'KK 411 Mir boxes of Kano Sp'tsenbevus from Tlie lia! tjr. :it. at fl.4 per hox f. o. b. ahippuir point, lo a buyer in Siis- PI- f: 14. 11 vnrietl'Ui. fancv and rhnlra grn.lc. inostlv choice, from t al.laeii. i-iaiio. l-.th a. fo'.loaa: I'luiev Pe.irnia ina. 41. -5; fancy l)"laar na.l. fl .15: ftnev Ulack Twlra. ! !): farv Arkarans hi.icks. ii.m; funcv Mionurl I'lpOina. tl.15: sll choice. s-ic f. o. b. shipping point, to a buyer In ik I'-nmt. PK1-: ai'H. from Rufur. Or.. lrh. H T o, r.n.-v mi fancy. It'.il choice llllilins. "4 tncy Il.-n is--ia. oil choice Ren lavis. tho car contslnlns- J4I 4-tli-r ard -'i a1. ti.r. bs'ance la'ser and ninl'er stirs. SI I 11 1.1 airsiicni iii.iuc. win. 11 i. r-,...,-.-... 1 lo al.lo f. o. h. snv other main !l::e pcini. We conlier the beat ne or inc 0.1) th folios ing: v v. K P4I2. from Durfur. Or.. Nov. 70. 40 extra fan v Itlsck Talc. ?I"0: S14 fsncya. $1 40: choice ll.n.i; fancy Canada Re.la. $1.40- 114 rnlce. Jl 13; 15.5 fancy Northern Spies. 1 "5; IVS choice r'pies. l.i": all f. o. Ii. Dufur. to a whole ai'.e srocerv houae In ivntrsl Texas This sale I equivalent to loo hliiher all around, from sny main line point, as Dufur takrs a hlKher fr. iirht rate. Theao pi ices are mora than ths fruit would be wr-rlh In sny open niarUel. but we are aomciitr.es slile to exsct a premium from tho grocery truila. n. T.. "1.1H4. from Moyera Kstla. With Inrfon. Nov. 1!. S5 extra fancy, t7 fancy III... Pearmnina. 11.50- 64 ll'veri. el.4U; one fancy Arkansas Black. II. -'."; 117 fane I'.tr.ce. 31 extra fancy Can... $125; extra fan. y and fancy IlaUlAlna. l.l.i; an f o- tv. alevcrs Fsll. to ths same grocery houae In Ontial Texas, this being another extremely good sale. p. F. Fl, 7i.".Kft. froen t'nlon. Or.. Nov. It. 351 'choice Oonos. 37! choice Ben Iavls St a strals-ht prlre of 80c. f. o. b. Union. t a buyer in ileorgta. WHEAT CLOSE IS HRH MARKET STRENGTHEN" El THE IU IX.E IN CORN'. BY Million and a Hair Bushel) of the Latter Grain Oliang Hands. Oat Also Higher. CHICAGO. Not. 20. Purchase of 1.500.000 bnabels of corn for ono firm hera not only put tip the price of, thst xrsln today, but ai.o gave an appearance of strength to wheat and oata. The outcome of trading waa a net advance of sc to Sc on corn. Vc to He gain fur oats and In wheat a rise of tat except for the liecerober delivery, which showed s loss of tic. Provisions at the close ranged from 11'aC higher to S'jc down. Corn finished st tha top price of ths day and with the tons decidedly firm- Persis tent buying for a leading short ovorcams a weak stsrt snd simultaneously tha fact developed that export sales were being- made hera on a fair acale. The transient weak ness at the stsrt ans attributed to reports from receivers tbat tha country was selling' a lit lie more freely, Iowa In particular, slay sold from 4dsC lo 47 Vc closing al ths latter price, a net gain of c advanca. iihort sellers made an early drive at tha wheal market, but oversold to commission houses that had resting orders In plsuly. Adding to ths troubles of tho bears were r-iorts of export ealce at Baltimore. Wore over, primary receipts were only 40 par cent of the total a year aio. Snow In Kan pas and Missouri furnished theb incentive for the early selling, the Idea being that the Winter crop would be materially bene fited by llieh downfall. May fluctuated be tween BlVc and HiStfSiSc with tba close firm at "he last-named figuroa, a net ad vance of ic. btrength In other grain caused an Im proved tone In oats. Msy varied from Die to 34 Vc and closed with 4e net gain at highest prices of tba seaeton. Hmall purchases on tha part of shorts mada provisions firm. Al tha end of lbs day, pork was & to 11 Vc up; lard, IVwS" up t I'jc off. and ribs at an advanca of 6c to t Vs. Tba leading futures ranged aa follows: WHEAT. Open High. Los. Close, lec .V I S t 4S May iV .V Ha .' July ". CORN". TVee 43 V ,44 .4tS .44'. Slsr.w... V .47V .44j .47V July 474, .474, .47V .474, OATS. Dec JOS .:i V .lV -Jl'a May :J -34V .3S- .34". J my 11 V .444, ."V .144, MKSd POIthl Jan 17'1 17.1 14 15 17. Mas 14.3 I4.:V 14. :i 1I.J5 LARD. Nov."..... .77V t.0 77V .77?i Jan. 70 .77, .47V .7:v. May .;:h .;, t.SJV l.iia HHOlIT RIB3. Jan. .0V 17 s.os a 1n Hay ;'.a 4:V 4.47V 4. 45 Total cl.-arances of wheat and flour wera equal to S.olv.uuu bushels. I'rlinary receipts were t'jS.Osltf bushels compared with 1,!5. 0011 bushvla the correapondlng day a year ago. The world's vlsllile supply, ss shown by Ilradatreet's, decreased 2.7 47.000 bunhel. fclat!mate4l receipts for tomorrow: Whest. 12 can; corn. 344 cara; oata. 14d cars; bogs, 54. OHO hesd. Receipta Shipments. riour. bsrrcls la.sml Wheat, h.mho's :l.0 4i.3"0 Corn. buh.ls I.s.7"0 73.SK0 Oats, luahels 33S. too ;D.i0 Ke. buhel. .oi'0 boa-ley. bushels I5u.uu0 7.00 Kurspran Grain Markets. IjONPON. Nov. :. "argoes, easier; buy ers reserved. Walls Walla for shipment al ;i. KnKlih country markets, quiet; Krcnch country tiiarkeis, steady. I.IVEKPlicll. Nov. ?!. Close Wliest. De cember, it KVd: March, Cs IlVd; May. 7s Vd. Weather, cold. .raia Markrta of tba Northwest. KKATTU1. Nov. 2. Milling quotations: ' BluealeuA, ,-c; Xvlyfuld. buc; dub, ilru; 1 TRADE N llfe, 7!c: red Ruaalaa, 77c Export wheat: Iilueatem. 7ic; forty-fold. 77c: club. 7to; nfc. 7ic; re-1 Kussian. He. Yeteruas car receipts: Whest. 31; oats, 6; corn, a; bar ley. 12; bay. . TACOMA. Nov. 29. Wheat Millie frt Blue stem, fc-'lc- club. Sic: red Rniaa. Tc Ex port: Hltiea'.em. SL"c; forty-fold. Soc: club, 7c- red Russian. 77c Receipts Wheat, 47 cars; barley, 1 car; oats. 2 cars; bay. 14 tliatigrs in Available Supplies. NEW Y ORK. Nov. 29. Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Hrmlstreet's show the following changes In available supplies as compared with pre vious account: Bushels. Wheat. United States, east of Rockies, decreased 11 ,2 Can. la decreased 33.000 Total. 1'nited Ststcs snd Canada, rtecreas.-d - Artoat for snd lu Kurope decreased. I.ltHI.OOO Total American and European sup- ply decreased 2.74. .000 Corn. Vniled States and Canada, de- creased 1.003,000 Oats. Inlted tstates and Canada. decreased 37S.0OO Oral a at San Franrisro. SAX KRANCLSUO. Nov. 29. Wheat and barley steady. .... pot quotations: Wheat Shipping, l.4i; ti 1.7.0 t'tr cental. Hurley Fed. 1.U2 V 'lA 1 .0:1 PT cenlal; br-winic. 1.0tlVti 1.1 IV P-r cental. data R.d. 1.17V u 1-7 V Per cental: white. tl.4.1 1.05 per cental; black, 1.3o 1.4( per c.nral. Call board sales: Barley December, $1.0:: P'f cental; May. I.09' per cental. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. U. Wheat close: December. Sl.oi'V ft l.'V : May. (l.U4tt 104 V. Cssh No. 1 hard, 41.04 V: No. 1 Northern. X1.U2V 41 1-0.1-V ; No. 2 Northern. lllJcfcll.Ol : No. .1 wheat. 17 V c U 1.00 RECEIPTS GLEAN UP LIGHT ARRIVALS OP CATTLE AT NORTH PORTLAND. Market Holds Stead) Small 1 .01 of Lightweight Hogs firing $8.60. Cattle receipts at the yards were light veat.-ruay aud opportunity was Kive.11 to clean up the surplus carried over from previous arrivals. There was bo maleal cliaiiKe In the market conditiona as revealed by the prlcea paid. A small lot of fancy liuht-weiclit hoes. averasitiK only Ills pound, w-ere sold at sm'.o. but the usual Mzes bruuKhl $1. the pil.-e that has prevailed Tor several rlava. A large bunch of choice Jnmbs sold at 4H. Receipts for the tisy were 3.', cattle, Ijlli s!i-en and ay hoas. blllpiiers of the stock were R. McCrow. of liohlcndale. Wash . I car of hoK; H. F. Troub. of Waukee. Wash., 3 cars of sheep, snd William Shepard. who drove In 33 cat- tlu and 1j3 sheep. The ilall sales were as follow: Weisht. Price. r steers i 14.10 3". tc. rs i-n i.7'0 7 steei Sim 4 3 steers f.0 4 --" ' I I stei rs 10S0 4.73 in steers 4.35 ?J steers 1 1' 4.70 ?j steers 111'3 4.SS :3 steers 1170 4 .i 10 steers 91' 4 .'1j 21 cows 91" 4.1 1 row- 1 ":'.o 4.- i con-s ll'-'l 4. " 5 1 cow 1010 j.r.o 4 cows 1014 4 -"."i cows 1070 3.JS 14 cows iOUO 3.7S 1 row 1170 .'.SO S co-vs : 3 10 1.' cows 10i& 3.60 4 cows I'"1.". 2 0 ! cows lo t" 1! 0 1 heifer 1 870 4.50 13 calves 11 4. SO I calf SO 1.00 I calf 470 S.2S 1 stHg 1110- 4.00 1 bull 10 3. .15 2 bulls 1110 S -i ton lambs 73 4 00 ;4 hogs, choice lights v. . . . U' S.SO 4 boss "... t'! S."0 1 hog 490 8.00 Prices current on the various classes of stock at tho Portland Cnlon stockyards wero aa follows: Beef steers, good to choice. .... 35.27i'a $7i. no Beef steers, fiiir to medium 4..iU''i- 5.oo Choice spayed heifers 4.7."ii) 0.10 Ootid to choice beef cows 4..i0fi 5.00 Medlnm to good beef cows 3. noes 4.00 Common beef cows l;.(iil 'it H. 50 Bulls 4.0UW 4 11.1 PtftKH. good to choice........... 4.iMl'j) 4. oil Culvea, liKbt . 7.00 ID 7..'i' Culves, heavy 4.lMI't) o-'J-i Hogs, toj H.OOat M. 11 -i Hoes, fair to medium 7.rinrf 7.7.1 ShecP. beat Valley wethers Tl e-Vf 71. .10 She-p, fair to good wethers.... o.nnif :i.'J5 Sheep, beat vearltng wethers... d.'jr, '.a 4 7a Sheep, best Valley owes H.."iO'.i 4.00 Lotmhs. choice mountain Ft.i'tv 6.00 Iambs, choice Valley 4.7.V(J 6.00 Chicago Ltveatock Market. CHICAGO. Nov. 21). Cattle Estimated re rclpts, 9oii0. Market, weak. Beeves, $4.."Hi'a 7.6AI; Texas steers. 34.-00 a.40; Western steers. H JSti . Oil; stockers and feed.-rs, $3. ;tO VIS-oii: cows and heifers. SJ.e0x4o.o0; calves, 7.i;54ll.i.-.. Hogs Kstlmated receipts. 2.000. Market, glow, generallv 5c higher. Light. .S0 a 7.M; mixed. $4 83v7.30; heavy. l.S3a 7.35; rough, eo.:;o47.00; good to chol'-e heavy, $7.0o1s 7.35; pigs. I6.3907.OO; bulk of sales. 47.00 J 7.2 V Sheep Rsttmated receipts. S2.0OO. Market, steady. Native. 1:17 '11 Western, I-.'.7.14D 4 2..: yearling. $4.2ut 3.23: lambs, native, 4.23e.23: Western, 4Cut0. Metal Markela. NEW TORK. Nov. 20 Standard copper eav. Spot. November and December. '.12.40 fl2.BA-: January. 12.4.1 it 12.oc; February, 12..ov 12-6.3C; March. 1-33 li!. 75c. London firm. Spot, 37 s 3d; futures. 58 3s. Ar- rivaia reporieu ai ew a wi a ' y ' ,w..e-(-ustora. house returns show exports of 20.454 tons so fsr this month. Local dealers quote Inks copper at ISoMa.25c: electrolytic, li.MH trKlc: csstlna. 12.504 IS 75c. Tin easy. Spots November, December, Jan nary and February. 37 ts.i7.2-5c. London firm; aoot f 10 7a d; futurea. 1170. Ia-ad quiet, 4.45 tj 4 .15c New York. 4.30f 4.37 Vo blast St- Louis. London spot, 1J 3s d. , 4-pelter qolet. 5.S.4t3.05c New York. 6.77 M 3JVc Kast St. lajuls. London, spot 24. Iron Cleveland warranta. 4'Js d in Lon don. Locally iron waa ateady. No. I foun dry Northern, No. 1 foundry Southern and No 1 foundry Southern soft. tl.".75y 10.25; No. 2 foundry Northern. 113 50 j Id. MILLS ABE NOT BUYING KASTKRX WOOL MARRfTT SHOWS LKSS ACTIVITY. Rut Values Are Firm With Holders Asking Full Trlcei! Some yeiuantl for California.. HOdTON, Nor. 20. Tha Boston wool tnsr v.i eoniinl.e. firm, hut lea active. The momvrment to the mills has almost ceased, bnt Inquiry continues alung fairly broad lines. A good traffic Is reported, particular ly in Texas and California wools, while ter ritory ataplo and Ohio fleeces are in fair demand. Holders quota Sue for half-blood Ohio, but they say that buyers do not re spond, ljuotatinns. Scoured baals: Texas r 1 ne jz mo in 11 a, o , ..-. . 49 5i)c. .... ,-.nrenla Vorth.-m. S3S37C: middle county, r.o'02c; Southern, 4ti4Sc; Fall tree. 434,45c. ,.. Oregon Kastern o. 1 siapie, oauouv., Koatern clothing. UutjOlc; Valley No. 1. Territory Fine stsple. 843e: flna sta ple. SVtic: fine clothing. JSBWc; fine medium clothing. SittJOo; half-l.lood comb ing ltj12c; three-olghths-blood combing, SSlisoc; quarter-blood combing. 31 ft 33c. Pulled Extra. 05c: fine A, 3StJOc; A supers, 55 M 35c Wool ai St- Lois. ST. LOVIS.' Nov. 2. Wool Unchanged. Territory and Western mediums. -ii--c, fine mediums. 2r2le: tine. 12vl3c. Chicago Dairy I'roduce. CHICAtlO. Nov. 20. Butter Steady. Creamcrl.-s, 24tf3oc: dairies. 2o'27c. Eggs Firm. Keceipie, snu.i cases; At mark, rases Included, 19Vil22Vc; ftrsts. 30c; prime llrst. 32c. Cheese fritearty. iiaisics. iiitTi.ic; twins. lOVw'OVc; Young Americas, 16 V 4 liVc; long horns, JiVlfl5Vc ADVANCES ARE HELD Last Prices of Stocks Are at the Top. BUT DEALINGS ARE SMALL I'oo 1 ill Stel, I'nion Pacific and Reading Has Xot Abandoned Operations Sroney- Market in a Satisfactory Condition. NEW YORK. Nov. 29. The subsidence of the turmoil in today's stock 11 arket af forded a strange contrast to yedtnrday'a disorderly decline. The dealings did net fall back to last week's low levels by any means but the decreasing activity and the narrowing range of tho fluctuations sug gested a return of the aamo conditions of neglect and indifference. The advances were firmly held and last prices were at the top. The pool position continued tho central object of Interest in the situation as a whole. The rise In the proportion of the dealings in Cnited States Steel to one-third of the aggregate, with Reading and Vnion Pacific supplying nearly another third, these three stocks being the medium of the pool's operation, showed the heavy part still played In tba dealing by that organ ization. Yesterday's severe decline was supposed to mark the abandonment of hoiies by the pool managers of distributing their hold ings at the high prices then prevailing. The renewed resistance, as shown today, sug Tcstcd a renewed attempt to Invite outside demand at the lower lnvcl. Nearly a il.OOO.ooo in gold whs taken ftKaln , today for Canada and San Franci-aco, but without disturbing the market. The decline in the London discount rate, in spite of the nearness of the December monthly requirements, also testified to the extent of the easing tendency of money markets. Bonds were easy. Total sales, par value, f 1.723.1100. Inlted States bonds were un changed on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Allis dial Pf 1"" HI7 "l'i 31V Atnal Copper .. 15,hoo 07 V 0G 7V Am Afc-ricult 4:lV Am lle. t SuKar mm 3V "" 3"i Am Can !V V ! Am Car & Fdy. 8.2HO f.2V M -" Am Cotton Oil.. tioo 01V tilV ti- Am lid & Lt pf 20 Am Ice Securi. 400 18V 18 IS Am Linseed 12 Am Locomotive f.Oi ss 37V SS Aui Smel & Kef 25.400 TS-'a 7 -s do prcf.rred.. COO 104 V Ml!: 1M Am Steel Fdy 45 Am Susar II. f. 50 117 llil lUl Am Tel & Tel.. 2,HOO 1414, 14UV 141 H Am ToIjocco pf :m0 HI 4 V 01 V Am Woolen .... I'm 34 .14 3-"l Anaconda M Co 2"H 40'i 4"i 40'i Aichisoii 7.2i0 1"1" l"0Ti ll V do preferred.. 2O0 HHU 101 V 101 All Coast Line. li 117 117 117 Halt ot Ohio .. 7o0 lo'S 105 JOS H.-tlileliom Steel 4'H ;- SO'i 31V Ilr.Mik K Trail.. l.OOO 7V 75V 7V Canadian I'ac. l.:ioo l:i5V J 04 V l4- Centrul Leather 6" 33 V 33 V 33 V do preferred -. 1"V Central of N J '-, Ches at Ohio .. 13.200 fc3 81V b-'7s CUlcago Alton -- J1' Chi Ut West .. 900 22, 22' Jj'i do preferred 44 : CblcaKO N W tX) 14r, 144V 144 C, M & St I" .. 4.S00 1234 32 12.1V C, L', C i St L'. t.4'-. Col Fuel & Iron 1I0 324 3144 32V Col 01 Southern -:- Consol Has 1.70 133V 132v MJ1 Corn I'roducts.. 4oD Hi 10 10 Ilel Hudson.. Soil Hiit 1H5 104V D ft R Grande. 20O 30V 30'4 30 do preferred.. IOO 72 V 72 V '2 Distillers' Securi l.ooo .32V Jlji 32V Erie 4.300 2SV 2H V 2V do 1st pf 3oO 47 V 40V 40 V do 2d pf 10O 35 35 Gen Llectrlo .. 4.50 5.57V 154i 1..5V Ot Northern pf 2.300 12S 121V 12.1 Gt North Ore .. 3.) 5S ... V "S Illinois Central. loo 132 132 131V Interbor Mot .. 3.SOO 13 a 11V 1V do preferred., l.soo 5.1 V W 5.1V Inter Harvester. 3.200 111 10!V HOV Inter Marino pf J'i Int Paper 800 13V 13 13V Int Pump 2.400 4.1V 424 4.t'z Iowa Central 10 KC Southern .. 4O0 31V 31V -31V do preferred.. loO 05 5 .,14. Laclede Gas ... 4M 1'KiV 10i54 1"V Louis & Nash.. 5O0 142V 141 142 Minn & St L. . 3o0 2V 2ti 2..V M. S P S S M 4H0 131V 131 130 V Io. Kan Tex J.0O0 33 32i 32 V do preferred o.l Mo I'aclllc 3o0 4!V 48V Nat Biscuit ... 200 111 111 111 Nat Lead O00 50 '4 JSi J Mex N Ky 2 pf 3.KI 30 V 35V M NY Central... 5.2O0 112V 111'. 11-' N Y. Out & Wtl 1,200 41V 41V 41V Norfolk He Wes l.r.UO !lt l8V North Am 200 1 V l I's Northern Pac .. 3.1'" 115V 11414 1L Pnclhc Mail ... !." 33', ,,2V 3..V Pennsylvania .. 3.2'tO 120 V 120 , JJ1 Peoples Gas ... .".00 106 lOoV 10o P. C C St L. !" l'7 1'7 Po Pittsburg Coal. 211 1!J ia J Pressed S Car.. 100 82 V 32V 2V Pull Pal Car ' 1 Ry Steel Spring 10O 34 34 .!3V Heading 107,lo 350V 14KV l;'OV IteDUbllc Steel.. .oo ''TS do preferred.. 300 SO V I"! Rock Island .. 6.i'0 32 V "IV li 32 .:V anv 24 -a do preferred.. i"'i - a St L & S F 2 pf IOO 3ti St L Sout hwest 30 " Ba!''- aiwi -no" 'iiH 4 U..thern 1'iLC .. 18.100 lid 115 lloV Southern Ry .. l.ioo 20 25 V ".V do preferrea. . .1"" Tenn Copper ... 1.2'm 3(.jl Texas & Pacific 1.300 2o s 1- . i . i . w ... o-V 35 V 3V 25 25"s 24 d'o preferred.. 3oO Mi BB'i 64 Union I'aclllc .. 80.000 17V 3.4j l.bV do preferred.. foo 112V 2V 2V 70 U S Realty ,f c I..l,l.ee TOO .14 34 3o 5. U S Steel 181.'iO 774 do preferred.. 2.2'Hl 117 V 11 . V ll.V Utah Copper .. 2-.5O0 4S V 40 V 4ii V4-.a.m!.w 3V 62 V 1 W ibash 3O0 1" 16 ' do preferred.. 1.1- RQV i S5V Western -Vd ... 3- i Westing F.lcc .. 1.7'Hl ! ; 0V Western Union. 20 71V 71 71V Wheel tr L K ,t,!l2 Lehigh Valley... 22.HOO 13V Total sales for tho day, 604.800 shares. 4 BONDS. . - NEW YORK, Nov. 2. Closing quotations: u's ref. 2s reg.loO'ilN'. Y. O. s-n IHs 8SB do coupon ...HK.v;No. Pacific 3s. 70V B V 8. 3s reg 101V.No. pacific 4s... 9UV do coupon . . .101 V I tilon Pacific 4S.101V U.S. new 4s reg.H5VWla Central 4s. 92V do coupon .. .115 VI Japanese 4s 81)11 D. R- G. 4S... 1'4B Money, Kxcbange, Et. t nvnoN. Nov. 2. Bar stiver, ateady at 71 77 V 2oVd por ounce. Money 3VSMV per cent. Tho rate of discount In the open market for abort bills la 4 V P'T cent; for three months' bllla, 4 V per cent. NEW YORK. Nov. 29. Money on call, easy 2ffl2V pet" cent; ruling rate. 2V per cent; closing bid. HV Pr cent; offered at 2 V )ar cent. Time loana, weak: 60 and 90 days, 4 per cent; alx months. 4V Pr nt- . prima mercantile paper closed at 5H T 3 per rent. " - i ' . - . I . . ,n(n,l v . STer;tng excnannc e,, v.. a- " " The great Motor Speed way at Indianapolis is paved with BITULITHIC THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Profits. $800,000.00 OFFICERS: C. AIXSWOIITH. Presides. - W. SCHMEEH, Caahl . LEA BARXB S, VIce-PTealdent. a. to. W1UCHT, Aaaiatant Caabler. W. A. HOLT, AaaUtaat Cashier. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE 'DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES lumbermens National Bank CORNER FIFTH and STARK STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Capital Portland Trust Company BANK At Interest oa trO-Day CU " Certificates. CAPITAL UtOO.OOO, SUItPLlS t0,000. H. I Pittock. President. N. U. Carpenter, Vice-President B. I-ee Paget, Secretary. CORNER Tlllltn AXD OAK STS. ACCOUNTS INVITED. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of tha Rocky Mountains Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Compan Corbctt Building, Fifth and Morrison Street! Capital and Surplus $900,003 Invites Accounts ot Merchants, Individuals and Saving Iness in bankers' bills at $4.S22Saf 4.823. for (W-day bills and at 4.Slfl for demand. Commercial bills. tt.SIVs 3 4.82. Bar ailver, S5'c Mexican dollars. 4c. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, easy. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 2 Sterling on London, 60 days, 4.82 ; sinht 4 So. Iirsifts Slcht. pur: tlfpmgli. Ic. TRAVELERS GCIDK. BA! FRANCISCO PORTLAND 8S. CO. New service to Los Aiiueles via Saa Fran cisco every nve days. From Alnsworth dock. Portland. 4 P. M. . S. Hear Ittc , Rose City 8, Beaver IS. From San Francisco, northbound. 12 M. : . . MS. Kote Clly lee. t. Beaver 7, Bear II. From San Pedro, northbound: SS. Rose City Nov. 30, Beaver Dec. 5, """h.". Smith. C. I. A., 14 Third St. J tV Ransom. Agent. Alnsworth Dock. Phones: Main 402. 286; A 1402. San Francisco, Los Angelas ani San Diego Direct North Pacific 8, 8. Co.'s S. S. Roanoka and 8 8. Elder salt every Wednaaday alternately at P. at. Ticket office IU faird t near Alder. umTiv J. BJOLJET, Passenger Ageat, W. U- SLLbStK, Frelgbt Agent, a'hoora at. til. A Uli. O. R. & N. Astoria Root. PTKAMEK HASSAL4D Leaves Portland dally except Saturday at s:00 P. at. Makes all way landings. Arrive Astoria at o:uu a. m. ieaves siiona dally except Sunday, at 7:00 A, M. Arrives i . , a na p. M. Makes direct eon. neetlon with steamer Nabcotta tor Megier, . i un Baach and all points on the llwaco Railroad. COOS BAY LINE ISTEAMER BREAKWATER sails from Alaska dock. Portland, 8 P. M., October 11. la. 25. ,o. 1. 8. 15, 22. 29 and every Tuesday night. Freight receives at Alaska Dock until 5 P. M. dally. Passenger fare, first-class, $10; second-claas. $7, Including mealsand berth. Tickets on sale at Ainav w tilth Deck. Phones Mats lUi A 12X4. OREGON $500,000 TRAVEfJCRS' Gl'inK. ' LONDON PARIS HAMBURG Ka! serin Aug. Vir Dec. 10, IS noon MPrea. .(.rant Ker- 17. 10 A. V PennsvlvanU ! 22. lt A. M tAmerika-- Jan. S, 11 A. l. t Unexcelled Rlts-Carlton a la Carte Restau rant. Cymnaslum. Kite. Baths. Elevator, Palm Garden. 'Second cabin only. IHam burg direct. GIBRALTAR, ALGIERS, NAPLES, GENOA By new 17.000-ton stesmers, equipped with all modern safety appliances. Electric Baths, Gymnasium. Elevator, etc. 8. 8. CINCINNATI Jan. 5. 12 noon 8. S. CLKVKI.AM) Jail. 2tj S. 8. CINCINNATI leb. II Hamburg American Pleasure Cruises To the Interesting Eastern Lands T H E O R I E N T An Oriental Cruise leaving New York January 23. lull, by the S. S. Cleveland, for Madeira, Spain. Italy. Greece, Turkey. Egypt, Holv Land, etc. Deration of 80 days. Rates from $323 up. Including landing and embarking, ex penses. Also cm i nee to the West In dies, South America. Around, the TVorld. Cp the Nile, etc Send for Illustrated books. Hamburg-American Line. 160 Powell St.. San Francisco, Cal., or local R. H. agents in Portland. f