Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 30, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 30, 1910. 1 ; ;
o , r j
Plan Devised to Improve Har
bor if S21 5.000 Guarantee
Fund Is Subscribed.
Work to Progrca t'tttler tiotcrn
mrnt Suprrrlsion When Cltlrn
Ml TUnrl Jrll-Bolldlne lo
Prm-rctl rrntllnc Approval.
in t; wav t. W Pert of S.oslaw
t-.Miimlln i proposal fr-rn tre
rh-ef ff t' ri. "f ritt"l Mat-
rmy . I :i-rr. tlro'isrh MK Mor
row. In ! .- of rM lurl-m In th
first .Ust -t-t ! wt.l.h lmtir""mM
n r,t i::- "' "HI - pes-cutrd un-l-r
i;,mrnm. ni sup.-rv lbn If the rM
mill f b"n. -,.tal.'.e t the J
rprtxm. 1I- dstng a contribution of
J;-..(iO. .
The rtl.f f eng.rrrr has proposed
I ;.n i: rrt f SI'islaw mnill"i
. wite a c.-ntract wl. the limfrn
rent. .i. krd by sufficient surety.
K'larante. I-k t!i fill im of $:1J.S'
1. lorallv. l.e tlic uluf of
ark ac:nai;y performed at date
r th roniK'-'. Tie guarantee fund
win be placed to the credit of the tec
ftarv of War to be npfii'W '
t On the acceptance of
1 guarantee ork will be placed un
der contract and the prnpiwrl Jetty on
t ,e ncrt.i s..l of th- river will be
starred. Th- I'ort t to. permitted
to proceed wttli ti.e south jtty. under
li. ext-tlng enntrart mtth Robert
V akefield. until the wmlir mI"
of l onrrni. Then legislation mr h
secured to permit the I'ort t complete
the work to the full extent of tlx- con-t--t
n.l to nl'UIn credit tlicrefor a
part of the rontrlbutlon.
Contract Heady Soon.
IE l pointed out that even though
t;.r rti't"l r glslatlon I not passed
next month. It may be adopted at the
rl w.lon and that th I'ort of fn
lan fomnillon will art -rdll In tli for Us fhar. It Is tlmtrd tlmt
t ltt thr w-k will rr.iitrd
tri wt.lrh t-- .-t ttir contra, t Icn'-d by
tf I'ort o.'fi.-UI and forwarded to lh"
rhl'f of nKlner. A tb clnn had
pont about l7.00) on tho aoutli J. tty
up to November I '"l verr upendln
frm !( t 1 . month, they
wl'l h- credited with a large outlay.
.Major Morrow la olnir no time In
fie preparatorv work. Yetrday be
waa enxaced In eupervlnlnK the com
pilation of peclfl.atlona for the north
J-tty. lie etlmate that all work will
be completed In from two to three
ear. Thee will then be a depth on
the bar of from 1 to 18 feet at low
water. That l all that la available, at flood tide.
Colonel Btrfdle. stationed at San
an.U.o. and Major C- W. KalJ. lo
rated at Seattle, will meet with Major
Morrow and rltiaena of Tillamook and
Portland In this city between lecem
Wr IS and riecember Ti to dl-ua the
proposed Improvement of Tillamook
Kt wtth Joint funda of the govern
ment and the Port of Tillamook. A
final report will- be made to the War
'epartment on the jaojeot. whlrh l
cmpected to be given every alstance.
Badzrt Cat Sllghtlj.
T!ie budcrt for project In tbe dl-t-lct
directed by Major Morrow and
Malor Mclndoe. as recommended by the
rM'( of enrlneera Monday, la ald to
hew Ua:ht reduction from ettlmatee
n.a.le by local officer, but -the funda
will be sufficient to carry all Import
ant work alone; until the next rtvere
and harbora bill. If the appropriations
BonKht are mad too larae It I ald
tlere Is etns;er that President Taft
will veto the measure. It Is not re
cardrd Improbable that Instead of a
rr(uUr rivers and naroors 0111 an
emeritencv ineasare will be compiled, to
contain only appropriations required
for the principal projects. That will
passed throuh an understandlns;
reached In advance. Any steps taken
' by Cona-res will not hav bearing- on
th avallabllHy of the fund for Sluslaw
work, as that I cared for under the
sundry clvl bill.
Mramrr Will Iad I.nmlwr at St.
Helens for Fan FrmncUoo.
F.stlmatea made yesterday of th
time required In which to complete re
pairs to the steamer Shoshone, which
struck on the Orsys Harbor bar No
vember It. were that she probably
would be tloated todar from the Ore
gon drydock anJ have her deckork
.r.thei tomorrow so that she could
leave for ft-'llelens and hea-ln loadms;
lumber ther Friday for Pan Francisco.
Testerday the mlssln; part of the
keel aft was replaced with new ma
terial, the rudder post Installed, after
laborious work In remov'n; th rem
nant of th old on, and matter lined
up preparatory to shipping the new
wheel today. Th new garboard strak
Is Id place and painted and when th
vessel Is In th water the principal
finishing will be confined to the In
stallation of bc beams on th deck,
from th bow to th house. Supervis
ing F.ngtneer Hewitt, of th Charles
K. tcCormick Company, who has been
In th city from an Francisco sine
being apprised of th accident to th
Khoahon. said that b Is contldent th
steamer will be ready for loading Fri
day, wh'ch Is the time provided In th
contract as rearranged when additional
work was let covering th deckbeama.
Yarchon' Company Got Harbor
master One Better With Sjtem.
Heading Hrbormas;cr Pn!er llt
of "bully fellows' on th waterfront,
who display an 'ncllnation to abide by
harbor regulations and safeguard pas
sengers taking passage on coastwise
steamers. s the name of Huber II.
Bancroft, of th Portland Warehouse a:
I kx-ic Company, who not only said yes
terday that he prcJposed to at once
doubl the Illuminating capacity of
lights on the outer part of Martin's
dock, but that as soon as he could se
cure men th driveway extending from
tlie edge of the dock to the company's
office would he protected by a row of
lights projecting from the warehouse
With th presence of dark, rainy
nights th matter of securing adequate
lighting facilities Is a topic frequently
discussed by Harbormaster tipeler and
his forre. because th waterfront
usually uninviting at lis best and
strangers complain of difficulty In Io
cs ting slips and boarding vessel. lic
stdca there are members of crews to
be reckoned with who sometimes re
turn to ships lata at night and need all
th Illumination possible to guide their
footsteps to straight and narrow gang
ways. Mr. Bancroft had sufficient lights
according to the port rules, but In or
der that no future question could b
raised he decided to expand the system.
Piledrlsor at Work on Xorllirrn
r.'nd of Aln.-worlli Structure.
riV.lrlvers have been set at work on
t!;e construction of the northern exten
sion of the Alnswortli dock. It Is ex
pected that t'ds new dock will be com
pleted by January I. and thereafter It Is
planned to dock the Breakwater, a" well
a tun I-o Angeles steamers, at the
Alnsworth dock.
Wh.-n the new steel brl'lce was started
a portion of the Alaska dock was re
moved to make room for Its western ap
proach. Thus the H.irriinan steamship
lines have been croH'i-'d for room, and
trie extension of the Alnsworth dock a
made necessary-
As 'ori as the new steel bridge Is
completed, the removal of the present
steel brhltfr will r-cln. Almost eimulta
neous'y ulth the removal of the old
brl'ijfe. the construction of a new dock
south of the Alnwort(i do. k will be ge-
TKAJf Eft nTf tUOlXCs.
! t Arrive.
. In per
..It lort
. In fort
.. In l-o't
. Ic.
o I c. -
. i-. a
,.Ic. 4
,. Ic. 4
,. liid'Pt
Alliance. ...... Kure!te. . . .
an is.. Atussaoof..
Kursaa. .......r.wresa ....
I rdr. .
rtoafioke-. . . . . -a Pere.
pi. M. Clmore. Tt:lamh. .
Fslccm n Krn-ls
ioMrii Gat.. Ti'lamook..
irkartr. ...CM Has...
Cra W Elder, .fma TeHra..
IIMCIIr SU Trace..
Beaver.. ......Saa fedre. .
crieiliiled to IMPW
Nama Fr Ta
T- Sin rdro...NoT. .m
Aiisnre Kuteka Nov. 3
rsj noaskoac. ... Iec. 3
s-e li. Elmore. t.amos. ... t-c. 3
Brar ...San Pedro. . . Ie. a
Fs'eoa ........ nn Franclsrelc. ft
c;olJn Osta. . Tillamook .... Iee. r.
Prsekwatee. .. I'wi 11
Ck W. C.der..haa rdn.... lec. 1
RoeeC1t......ta P-1re.... fee.
Beaver. ....... Baa Pedre.... Ind.Tt
...... -TV)- .111 1 .- - IT. r-r Ini. n lntlr.
rsta better docking faclltles than ther
have Iim.1 at snv time in in' post aim
will do aaar lth the ne.-esslty for ao
many of their vessels passing above a
The work on trie new siei oriuKc i (
pmcreselnc rapidly, and It la expected j
mat It win oe cone raaii) sumii mw
time promlsel.
Mariners to Hear Concert.
The regular concert will be given
this evening at the Institute of th
Seamen s Friend Society at th corner
of Third and Flanders streets. Th
programme will be: Soprano solo.
Miss ISuth liunn; selections by the
l.und children; soprano solo. Miss
l-iura Ferguson; reading. Ha sol Brown;
soprano solo. Mrs. It F. Kssmussen:
barlton solo. Ji.mes A. McKlnnon;
baritone solo. A. !. Stewart; solo, II.
Sanders, second officer British ship "W.
T. Lewis. Sailors from several ships
will sing.
Mlml Coining for Wheat.
Itatfoiir. fluthri Co. yesterday char
tered the tlennan bark Mlml. which Is
at San Francisco, to load wheat here In
January for Kuroi. She Is expected
the latter part of December. The vessel
reached the Golden Uat November It
from Antwerp, with a cok cargo. She
Is of H' tone. The Vlncennes will finish
loading wheat today, and It Is probable
thst the Rrltlsh ship Wm. T. Lem-ls will
aliHj receive tha lost of her cargo.
Marln Notes.
H. P. F.liaarn. assistant engineer of the
steamer Oeklahama, was yesterday taken
111 and left th vessel to enter a hos
pital. To load lumber for an offshora port,
the schooner William Nottingham yes
trday reached the river from Callao.
She will receive cargo at Astoria.
Commander KUlcott. In charge of the
affairs of th Seventeenth Lighthouse
instrlct. left yesterday afternon for Se
attle, as the tender Columbine had ar
rived tuere from Alaska.
tlear was yesterday rigged on Die Brit
ish ship lnveravou. which arrived with
;. tons of coal from Newcastle, and
she will begin discharging today at the
bunkers of th Independent C.-al Com
pany. Kntrles at Hi Custom-House yesterday
comprised th British ship Inveravon.
from Newcastle. N. S. W-. and th
steamer Westerner and steamer Yellow
stone, from San Francisco. Th steamer
Taho cleared for Raymond and th
Westerner for Pan Francisco, carrying
fc.iw feet of lumber.
On small dent on her bow. which Is
not of sufficient Importance even to re
quire th plat being straightened. I
th only memento the steamer Bear dis
plays of ber mishap at San Francisco
Saturday, when sh cut through, a barge
whllo docking on her arrival at San
Francisco from Pan Pedro. She reached
here yesterday afternoon with 0 passen
gers, and the largest cargo carried on a
north-bound trip, 3W0 tons. Much of the
Beaver's cargo was Included, on which
a general average will be made because
of her collision ulth the Selja. and forms
were sent from the Pan Francisco office
to be niled out In releasing all Beaver
consignments. Th Bear se, tit sail De
cember 3.
Movement of Vcel. .
roRTUND, Jar- Nov. S9. Arrived
Steamer Bear, from 8an Pedro and Sen
Francisco: British ship Invvraron. from
Newcastle. N. 8. W.; steamer RalnUr. frcm
fan Francisco; st.eoier Yosemtte. from Satt
Krurlvo. Hailed Uramer Oold-n Oste.
for Tl'iamooa; bars Oerard C. Tobey. tor
San K rax. Cisco; steamer Breakwater, for
too Ha,; steamer Tahoe. for Raymond.
Astoria. Or, Nor. at . :1
and left up at . A. M.-etmr Bear,
from aan ledro and 8aa Francisco. Ar
rl..d at T:i aad left uo ' ,
St-sm.r Toeemite. from ban rr-uiclsco. Ar
nej at A. M. bisaraer A uresis. fxm
taa Francisco and barse Amv Turner in
"ow of lug reanlesa. Jrom San .raacleco.
hailed at A. ??aTaJ
han Francisco. Balled at :0 A. M.
M.amer Klamath, for n Mr A"l
at 12 noon bebooner WUiUm Nottingham,
from Callao. Sailed at 4 f. M. learner
Roma, f"T Vort tlartord.
stATTi-E. Nov. Arrived Steamer
President, from San Francisco: steamer Jim
Butler, from San Francis.-; steamer 1 tan,
frwm Tacoma. Sailed Steamer SU He'ej
for Bremerton: steamer ny of Puebla. tor
Han rrsneisco: steamer Titan, for Victoria;
.reamer CoL K- 1- Drake, for San Francisco.
S.T Francisco, Nov. .Amved at nooa
o7." r p.scrana. from Portland. Sa.led
yesterday Steamer W. S. Porter, for I'ort-
USan Pedro. Nov. Ml Arrived yesterday
Steamer ean Jacinto, from Portland.
San KraorUHro. Nov. 10. Arrive tara
ers 8l-rra. from Bonnlula: Casco from Aa
"rit Balled-Steamer Slber. for Hon,
,",. Japanese cruisers Asama and Kasagl.
'"JZXZ? Nov. -,
"Z'ZnH. Nov. IS Arrlved-Hallamshlre.
from Philadelphia, for Tacoma.
f"2ndoo. Nov. -W.-Arrtved-M.nh.ttan.
arorr,.No,vr25.-eal.!-S.U. for
V"sn,?neV.rN B. W.. Nov -a-Arrlv.d-prevtousiy.
Makura. from Var.cover.
Tldee at Astoria Wednesday.
tlich. lrfw.
OO ".- A M... fet tJ A. M feet
I il l T. ? fe' y M eet
Kdlef.ien. th fuel man. believes In
progress. Coal. If In lots of two tons,
is delivered In bulk and carried n cans
to the basement, avoiding duet and al
lowing full we I lit to customer.
Members Declare Property Is
Endangered by Any
Such Measure.
Xnmhrr Declare Ag-alnet Idea and
Say t.ranjro Is Aliitost I'nlt In Its
Ilfnvr of Sfheme Mcct
Inss tt "onslilcr Bill.
That a majority of the Tatrons of
Husbandry In Oregon Is opposed to
the single tag scheme as proposed by
W. S. l"Ren anil the People's power
I-ciiue is the opinion of n number of
leading members Interviewed yester
day. The matter Is receiving much
attention among the members of the
granges and It will be a subject for
consideration at future meetings. Spe
cial attention lias been called to the
measure passed nt the November elec
tion by F.uirene palmer.
J. J. Johnson, master of F.venlng
Star Orange and ex-stae lecturer, ex
pressed the opinion yesterday that the
grange at large In tho state will op
pose single tux. une member of the
state executive committee. A. R. Ma
son, of Hood River. Is u slncle tax
man. but the other two arc supposed to
be against it.
Single Tax Xear Chaos.
"I am opose.l to single lax." said
Mr. Johnson, "and I believe it is abso
lutely wrong ntid would produce rhaos
If It were adopted. Still we shall have
to face the question at the next elec
tion. I whs Informed on good author
ity that It will first be tried in Mult
nomah snd Coos Counties. 1 don't
think that the members in the state fa
vor single tsx. I believe In the classl
ficat'.on of property for taxation pur
poses, as our measure provided, but the
single tax Idea means the destruction
of property. I think thut tho grange
made a mistake In not coming out in
opposition to the measure that was
"I believe that there should be an
exemption of mk) or f.lOO for all, rich
and poor alike, but I am not prepared
to favor the disruption of the property
vnleus through the sinn'e tux."
Mrs. H. U Vail, of Kvening Star
Orange. Is opposed to single tax. and
I am confident that the memhars of
Fatrons of Husbandry in Oregon are
opposed to thut method. Of course
there are a few cranks who fnvor It
and theso hav compromised the order.
They get Into every organization. I
hav talked with many leadintf
grangers In this state uid have yet to
find one who favors single tax. and
they believe that It would mean con
fiscation of land. The land Is here, but
our labor makes It valuable for any
purpose, I favor each county taxing
Itself for Its own roads, but that Is all."
l.evj- "on Lands Too Heavy.
C. H. Welch, member of Evening
Star (".range and one of the leading
grangers of this co-Tnty, declared his
opposition to any single tax measure,
and favora fighting all efforts to
adopt It.
"I hav just returned from Klickitat
County." said Mr. Welch, "and have not
given the matter very much attention.
I am not yet prepared to give up my
property to the state, which In my
Judgment would be the result of single
tax and that Is the real object of the
movement. It would certainly take a
heavy levy on lands to ralao the rev
enue needed to meet the expenses of
municipal and state government. 1
don't think that the grange favors sin
gle tax. although there may be some
of the members who do."
T. R- A. Sellwood. member of Milwau
kle Orango, said:
"Already the farina of this country
are taxed too much, beyond their pro
ductive value, and now to pile on the
land th entire burden would mean con
fiscation of th land, which la probably
the real object of the advocates of the
single tax measure. Kxemptlon of all
manufacturers and nil Improvements,
which give value to the lands, is the Idea
of th slngle-taxer. which, in my Judg
ment. Is wrong. Mllwaukle Grange will
take the matter up at the meeting Fri
day night and probably lake some ac
tion." (rangers Not Satisfied.
J. T. Kreugcr, master of Lents Grange,
IT. P. Wagnon gave, an address on
single tax before Lenta Grange a Utile
more than a year ago. and I then asked
him some questions as to the effects of
single tax. which he did not answer to
my satisfaction. I shall have to learn
a great deal more about the measure
before I should favor It. Wagnon gave
th fiwetland building In Portland as an
example. Ha would tajc th lot on which
this building stands according to the
rental product of the building. In the
country, tie said, he would tax tho un
improved fann alongside the Improved
farm the same as the Improved farm. His
explanations wen not satisfactory as to
the effects. Our Grange meets the sec
ond Saturday li December, when I sup
pose tho matter will come up for dis
cussion." J. W. Black, master of tho Woodlawn
Orange, said:
"I have not given the matter much
thought, but off-hand, speaking person
ally. I should say I am opposed to single
tax. I think that a majority of the mem
bers of th Grange are opposed to single
tax. although many favor it."
Eslacuda Soft-Drink Merchant Is
Convicted by Detectives.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Nov. 19. (Spe
cial.) For selling liquor Sundays. J. M.
Foster, who conducts a soft-drink place
at Estacada. was this afternoon con
victed on two counts and fined 25 for
each count. This was the first of sev
eral trials before Justice 6amson follow
ing a raid of aoft-drlnk shops Thanks
giving In Estacada by Sheriff Ueattle,
Marshal Pelton. Nlghtwatchman Wood
ard Sheriff Beattlc. Mayor Keed and
Detectives Whit and Llndsey were wit
nesses for the slate. Detectives testi
fied that they were at the Foster es
tablishment for 15 days preceding the
raid gathering evidence for the Estacada
City Council and that they bought liquor
of Foster. Tomorrow morning Foster
will h tried again, the second charge
alleging maintenance of a disorderly
Mrs. Ina Frlxxell Dies at Yrcka.
FOREST GROVE. Or.. Nov. 29. (Spe
cial.) News of the death at Treka. Cal..
of Mrs. Lena Parker Frlxxell has reached
here. Mrs. Frlxxell was 30 years of age
and was born In Tamhlll County, near
Gaston. Sh 1 the only daughter of Mr.
Say You
Live in
The Addition with tho racier
Everyone knows
you class high
Ami everyone knows you have
made a pood investment be
sides. Although more than 1600 of
the 2200 lots in Laurelhurst
have benn sold sinee January 1,
last, some of the most desirable
sites in the entire Addition are
still available. See them soon.
Confer with
Messrs. Mead & Murphy
Sales Agents,
.522-6 Corbett Bldg.
and Mrs. E. II. Parker, of St. Johns.
Or. p lie was educated nt Pacific Univer
sity and hs well known In Washington
and Yamhill counties. She won the state
DcmorcHt diamond medal at Gladstone
I'nrk some years aco. She leaves a hus
band, twin baby girls and four brothers,
among whom Is J. A. Parker, who re
sides here.
College Boys' Joke Is
Started by Girls
ricklag Pockets la Fun 'Almost
Leads to Cell la City frlson.
Joseph B. Hare ar.d Don V. Jiwlyn,
former udnt! of the University of Min
nesota, are fond of a practical Joke. Their
ambitions, however, were more than
satisfied one day last week.
The ebullient college boys, after a visit
to a matine performance at the Orpheum,
found little entertainment In the proealo
every-day life of the ntreets. So they
plo;ted that Joi-lyn should assume the
role of Innocent and Hare the part of a
pickpocket. While Joslyn gazed Into tho
show window of a department store,
Hsre. waiting until hi? was sure he was
being observed by a bystander, picked
Joelyn's pocket of a watclu
Th bywander, who happened to be a
girl, slezed Hsre by the ami and pro
claimed him a thief. A crowd gathered.
Some were for handling the young man
roughly. After the affair had been sustained-
until Joslyn could no longer re
exraln his laughter, the Joke waa ex
plained. The well-meaning young wo
man retired In much confusion. Th
young men were much elated by their
success and resolved to try again.
After several successful repetitions of
tin hoax Jolyn and Hare found them
sclve on Third street, in the vicinity of
T.allroad Row. Thry repeated their trick.
Thla time three girls, hurrying; by, saw
the pseudo tfieft committed, but they
did not act according to programme. In
stead, two of them kept Hare In view,
while the third Informed the proprietor
of a store, who telephoned for a police
man. The youug men. In th moan time,
Then came the policeman, whom the
girls guided to Hare. The policeman did
hiM duty there and then. v
"It wan only a Hare began.
"Whatever you say will be u?d against
you." said the officer, calmly. "Come
with me." Hare tried again to explain.
"You can tell that to the captain," tho
policeman replied, skeptically, and Hare
went along.
The subsequent arrival of Joslyn at
the police station and a good deal of ex
plaining saved Hare from a cell, but
not from a sharp warning by Captain
Bailey, who told both youths tlat it had
been a narrow escape.
"Never again," said Hare, as h
emerged from the presence of the police
official into the outer air. And "Never
again" echoed Joslyn. as they hastened
up the street, arm In arm.
Improvement of-v Streets Is.t.ue In
Municipal Election.
HILISBORO. Or., Nov. 29. (Special.)
Nearly MO citizens met In mass conven
tion at the Courthouse last night and
nominated the following ticket to Ji
voted upon at the city election next Mon
day: H. T. Bagley. Mayor; Joseph Downs,
W. D. Smith and Kmll Kuratll. Council
men: Fred J. SewclL treasurer; Benton
Bowman. R-oordcr.
A resolution was unanimously passed
Indorsing hardVsairface streets on th
principal thoroughfares of the city: an
adequate drainage system and septic
C. Gee Wo
Tbe Qiinsst Doc'.ir
This great Chines
d actor Is T.eli
known through
out th Northwest
becauae of his
wonder ful and
mar velous cures,
and Is todsy her
alded by all his
n.hAntf as th
k.icst ol uls kind. H treat any
Ind all diseases with powerful Chi.
roots, herb, and barks that ar.
tnilr.iy unknown to the medical
science of this country. With thej
harmless remedies h g
cure catarrh, asthma lung troubles,
rheumatism, nervousness, stomach,
liver and kidney troubles, also pri
vate ailments of men and women.
Patients outside of city writ for
blanks and circulars. Inciose ,a
ld:v& First St, Near Morrison.
Partisan. Or.
Yee A Son's Medicine Co. spent
lifetime study of herbs and re
search In thins; was granted
diploma by the Emperor; guar
antees cure all ailments of
men anl women wnen oincrs
fall. If vou suffer, call or
write to YfcE SON'S MXIU-
I INK CO.. ltJV, First. Cor.
1 X. YEE Aider. Portland. Ox.
- i i - I,-
The Only High-Class Specialist in the
Northwest Confining His Prac
tice Exclusively to
Consult Me First
Kven though vour case may be one that some
other doctor is able to cure, and though his cure
be absolutely thorough and permanent, there is
yet good cause for vuj coming to me for treat
ment. The service I render is entirely unlike
and better than the ordinary. I have devised
new and scientific methods of treating men s
ailments In all their phases. I cure cases that
others cannot cure, and cases that others can
cure I cure In less time and without "ja'n or
possibility of injurv. All my forms of treatment
have been perfected along the lines of nature, s
requirements and are in exact harmony w r.:i the
natural recuperative forces. Therefore, my cures
are painless, prompt and thorough.
Contracted Ailments
The serious results that may follow neglect
of contracted ailments could scarcely be exag
gerated, tafetv demands an absolutely thorough
cure in the least possible time. I have treated
more cases of contracted allmente than any
other physician upon the Pacific Coast. My
cures are thorough anil are accomplished in less
time than even doubtful results. I employ reme
dies of mv own devising, anil my treatment is
dually effective In both recent and chronic
I Treat Men Only
The vast multitude of men who have taken
my treatment have not been disappointed. They
know that I do not promise more than I per
form. To them I have actually illustrated In the
cure of their own cases the truth of what I
claim, namolv, that my treatment is as certain
to cure as it I that my patient engages my
services nnd follows my directions. My suc
cess Is due not alone to education, experience,
skill and scientific equipment, but to the fact
that I limit my study and practice strictly to
ailments of men. To male maladies alone I
have earnestly- and exclusively devoted 2S years
of my life, and on them all my faculties are
Examination Free
f do not charge for advice, examination or diagnosis. If yon call for a
private talk with mc. you wilt not be urged to begin treatment. If Im
possible to rail, write. Hours 0 A. M. to 8 P. M.; Sunday. 10 to 1.
tank sewage. The city charter will be
amended at the election, which will per
mit of this work being completed. The
old charter was faulty and improvement
was almost impossible under Its provis
ions. A resolution was also pised asking the
Incoming Council to cancel the . water
and light franchises unless more water
and better light service shall be granted
In the not distant future.
Tree Will Bo Watch Tower.
IIUSUM, Wash. Nov. 28. (Special.)
The large fir tree 150 feet high and 39
feet in circumference, on the 1000-acre
tract of the Mount Adams Orchard
Company, six miles north of here, will
preparation of the ordeal, carries her through the crisis with safety.
This great remedy assists nature in all necessary physical changes of
the system, affords bodily comfort during the period of waiting, and
preserves the symetry of form after baby comes. The penetrating
and soothing qualities of Mother's Friend allays nausea, prevents
caking of the breasts, and in every way contributes to strong, healthy
motherhood. Mother s nena
is sold at drug stores.' Write
for our free book containing
valuable information for ex
pectant mothers.
Atlanta, Ca.
My Terms Treatment
within the reach o'f ail. I will not accept your case if I cannot cure
you. I wall rive yon an absolute guarantee to cure you or not charge
you one cent for my services.
The reason hundreds of men today
are discouraged is because they have
given no care to whom they entrust
ed their case, their precious health.
They do not consider the ability,
professional standing and reputa
tion of the physician or specialist
of whom they took treatment, but
have considered far more the fact
that by not going to a specialist of
ability they could get cheaper treat
ment. Such is not the case, becauae
it requires abil;ty and skill to cure
any on of the ailments to which I
devote my full time and attention,
and the specialist who possesses the
ability to cure gets all the business
he can attend to. If you are today
discouraged because yon have not
been cured it is your own fault.
You have no one else to blame but
yourself. If you have sought treat
ment and are not cured, it Is simply
because of the fact that you have
-not thought enough of your health,
your life, to ray the price of a com
petent, reliable specialist, who pos
sesses the ability necessary to cure
The one thing for any man to
consider Is simply this: "I want to
get cured. I must get the ailment
conquered before It conquers me."
If you look at this matter from this
standpoint, valuing as you must do
vour future health and happiness.
you will consult at onco the BEST
and MOST RELIABLE specialist, one whom you know from his per
manently and long-established reputation to be the best, and if your case
is placed with him the cure will surely follow In short order.
LASTLT, REMEMBER, there is no man who really desires to be
cured who cannot place his case with me, BECAUSE I always arrange
my terms so that any man can receive expert attention and care at my
Blood Ailments. Nervooe Itecllne, Kidney and Bladder Ailments, Varicose
Veins and All Ailments Peculiar to Men.
Men make no mistake when they come to me. I give you the results of
long experience, honest, conscientious work, and the best service that
Tv-onev can buy. If you are ailing consult me. Medicines furnished in
our private laboratory from $1.50 to $6.60 a course.
If vou cannot call, write for self-examination blank. Hours 9 A. M.
to 8 P. M. daily. Sundays. 9 to 12 only.
St. Louis Medical Co.
Tbe Leading; Specialist
There is no necessity
for surgical operations
in the treatment o f
varicose veins. This
ailment yields com
pletely to my mild and
painless method, and
results are far better
than were ever at
tained by the harsh
and dangerous prac
tice of cutting. But
one week is required,
nnd seldom Is it even
necessary to detain
the patient from his
In the treatment of
obstructions I have
agnin triumphed over
surgery. I employ an
o r 1 g i nal method by
which the obstructing
tissue is completely
dissolved, and all In
flammation and irri
tation throughout the
s y a t em expelled. No
pain, no cutting, no
dilating, and a sure
cure in every instance.
ha made into a watch tower. Upper
and lower rooms will bo cut in the
trunk of the tree and a winding stair
way will reach another small room 100
feet from the ground, where a pano
ramic view Is afforded of the surround
ing country. This giant of the forest
la the largest fir tree in Klickitat
Four Postmasters Named.
ington. Nov. 29. Postmasters appointed
today were: John Cary, Brooks, Marion
County; B. N. Twaddle. Dothan. Douglas
County; V. Lp. McLean, Simansho. Wasco
County; W. H. Wilson, Winchester,
TloiiRlas County. '
The highest type of happiness
is reached by having children
in the home; but the coming
of the little ones is often at
tended with apprehension and
dread. Mother's Friend if used
hv the exDectant mother in
Not a Dollar Need Be
Paid Unless Cured
Corner 2d and Yamhill
This great hook tells how you
can cure yourself without drugs.
It Is written in plain language
and beautifully illustrated with
plcturee of well-built, robust men
and women. It explains many
secrets you should know and shows
how men become strong and vigor
ous after the application of Elec-tra-Vlta.
, ,
If vou strffer from weakness of
any kind varicose veins, lost
strength, nervous debility or any
trouble than unmans you, don't fall
to get this book. Remember, it is
absolutely free.
Don't wait. a minute. Cut out
this coupon right now and mail it
10 us.
The Electra-Yita Co.
20 Majestic Hide-,
Please send me. prepaid, your
free 90-page llluetrated book.
Address -
Pay When Cured
W iva every known remedy ap
pliance tor IHUATIAU you. Our x
perlenc is ao (rest and varied that a i
on of the sllmcsia ot ilea la uwvw to ua.
General Debility, Weak; IVcrv-s, In
oiunla Kesuli ol exposure, overwore
and otner Violation I Nature's law a.
Jjiseabea ot UluuUer and tvlaueya, art
vaa Veins, Qulcaly and permanently
cured at email exueuee and uo catu
uon from business.
tracted and cnronlo cases cured. Ail
burning. Itching and lnflammfetloa
slopped in 24 hours. Cures effected la
even days. Consultation free, if ua
able to call, writ for list of question.
Office Hour A. M. to it
Eundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
Corner First.
Men and Women Cured
$5 and $10 Is Our Fee
Call at once and
find eut what
rour trouble la
Before this grand
alter la wlta
lrawn. The Brit
ish Medicine Co.
ire curing the
Ick with their
I I Vii.n.
pean methods of fe -Txlai$V? ! V
electric snu wufc- .
ural treatment. I
..mKln.H with'
their blchemic
remedies. They
cured all chroma jSw pt!
nervous and spe- J ft : 3
clal diseases of ;
m n mtyii women. 1
Male and female
ailments. recta,
diseases ana
piles cured without the knife or detention
Irom Dusiness; constipation, siuumvu, n...
gall stones, kidneys, bladder, prostate, blood
poison, skin diseases, pimples, sores, ulcers
anywhere on body. ecsema. rheumatism,
varicose veins, sciatica, lame back. fits,
nervousness, locomotor ataxia and all chron
ic diseases. If away from the city write
for particulars. Call at once and be eurea.
Consultation free.
87 Vt Washington St..
4th floor ltothchlld Bldg.. room 407.
Taka Elevator.
v reaulred
until satisfied-
is your
absolute pro
tection. Con
sulation, ex
amlnati' and
free. Our spe
cialty Is A I I
Ailments o f
Men. What
you want is
a cure. Come
to us and get
it. Hours,
dally 9 to S.
Evenings, 7 to
8. Sundays, 10
to 1 only.
302 Washington St.
Chinese reme
dies of herbs
and roots
cure wonder-
g? , t?i Tu if ere Va IU5. 1 CaW
o r wus w lien uwio & u ... -
have faTred. Sure cure for chronic pri
vate ailments, nervousness, blood poi
sou rheumatism, asthma, pneumonia,
tiiodder kidney, throat and lung trou
b M consumption, stomach disorders
and Nther diseases of all kinds. Reme
dies harmless. No operation. Exam
ination free. Call or write to
The S. K. Chan Chinese Medl"tn Co..
226 44 Morrison St., between Klrst and
Second. Portland. Oregon.
Strowbridge bldg..
133 "6 First St.
room 11. and "254
Alder St. Chinese
Moot and Herb
Medicines. Cares
VRncer. Rheuma
tism. Consumption
Dropsy. Catarr'
Stomach. l.un
T.lvr-r snd Kidiie--
Troubles. All
Chronic ailments
of men and wo
men. Examination.
fre. DniKStora,
285 Flanders St.
T h a famous
Chinese. Dra. A .' fS
S. K. Chan, t ! Vj
with their ST
Sstv si