Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 30, 1910, Image 1

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rni. I. NO. 15.601. . . . . '
Attacks on Railroads
Harm, He Says.
Louis W. Hill and R. S. Lovett
Send Greetings to Oregon.
Xorrmrnl Beclna for Ilc-elcctlon, of
President Wiloox ind fierretary
Chapman News Hood River
Apples Win Is Cheered.
"At. EM. Or, Not. S. Roelal-V
Howard KUlott. prtMrt of the North
ern rartflc. In an address before the
Orejron fevelopment l-eacue tonight.
dprecatet the attacks beinr mad
throughout the United States on rail
road by legislatures, commissions and
"Of late year In the United States."
dwiared Mr. Klllott. "ererybody. and
that l people at Urge through thflr
Legislature, commissions and bureau,
l ave been undertaking to regolats and
manage In detail tome of tba larg-r
f.r?ns of business, particularly railway.
vM,h ir much needed for proper de
i.lnptnrrl of Western Slates, and Ore
gon especially.
-The result U that people whose real
business It Is to manage railway, tha
owners and tha men they employ, are
becoming discouraged by being Inter
fered with by everybody, and there la
danger that this Interference will pro
duce a condition whera the railway"
business Is nobody's business.
Htrnlnf to State- Sounded.
Continuing. Mr. Elliott ld: The
rood ini of tha American people will
probably make them realise tha situa
tion befora It la too late, but a great
body of Intelligent men Ilka th Oregon
Ievetopment League should consider
whether It V wise to (ro on InSeflnttely
attacking th transportation business,
or whether It la better to let those who
own It and th trained men who hare
grown up tn the business manage It
Instead of tamlns; that management
ever to others.'
Mr. Elliott also directed a number
ef remarka at the eonserratlon move
ment, sarin;: "Soma "Western state,
particularly Ore icon, hav felt th o
ralled oooaervatlon movement haa gone
too far. and much valuable territory
la tied op by Governmental order mad
by some on far off who waa not In
position to understand th real necessi
ties and th condition of this growing;
West or our. Any unwise and unjust
action of this kind baa a repressing
effect In the development of th coun
try, and similar arbitrary and unwise
artloa by legislators, commissions and
vartoua bureaus that affect the right
of the owner properly to manage hi
own business will (have the same re
pressing effect.
How Railroads Advertise.
Mr. Elliott spoke to the largest and
most representative assembly ef th
convention week. II began his speeca
by stating that the Northern Padflo
had expended H.000.000 In th last 35
years In advertising tha Pacific North
west. calle-1 attention to permanent
exhibits of product and th traveling
show car nhlcn th company Is and
will continue to operate. Th railroads
will not advertla any particular com
mnnlty. but will assist th state aa a
whole, he explained.
TOnring th evening a .telegram was
received from R- 8. Lovett. president
of the Union Faclflc Railroad Company.
In which be expressed hi appreciation
of th resources of Oregon, and stated.
la hi opinion, that th growth of th
state baa Just commenced- He prom
ised the aid of the Southern Pacific.
Louis W. II11L president of th Great
Northern Railway, sent a telegram
tatlng that Oregon's exhibit at th
Chicago Land Show was attracting
more attention than that or any other
During the address by Mr. Elliott,
the telegrama from the railroad presl
deats and th announcement that Hood
River had raptured th sweepstake
appl prlie at Chicago brought th
convention to Ita fort In cheers.
Meeting I nig Success.
Beginning Monday morning, with
only a few delegate present, the con
vention of the Oregon Development
League baa turned Into a brilliant sue
chi. and Is designated as the most
luccessful meeting ever held in this
A movement haa been started among
:he delegate to re-elee Theodore B.
Wilcox president and C. C Chapman
secretary. Astoria appear to bav th
t'ltantag for th place of meeting In
Among tha speaker tonight were
Colonel E. Hofar. Faieut: Dr. VT. N
rerrtn. president of Padflo University:
-Vtniam BUU Well. M. J. CotUo. O.
F. Johnson and President Horaan, of
Wll'amette University, who told of th
alue of educational Institutions as an
advertising melluiM-
jr. second day of th annual conven
tion ef th" Oregon Ifc-vlopmcnt league
spokaxk scttoagists mist
XcTrn!.rtr City Clerk Kspet-W
That Many Member or lair
SCI Will Sign Names.
firOKAVTC Wash, Ny. t.fp-
ctal.) Who will be the first woman
qualify a a voter In Spokanef
Thla Important surtrag
- .11 tactions In sight. How
ever, anxious women votera may h.
the question cannot be decided be
fore Monday morning at A. M- when
the registration book will be opened
to women voters by City Clem r .m-ng-
i win Km nooeaaarr for women "
give their ages In registering, for pur
poses of identification, ssja v ny v--Fleming
today. "I take It that any
woman anfflclently broadmlnded to
want to rote will not object to giving
ber age. I do not expect any trouble
on that score.
matter, nearly every nJ
during active rrgletratlou. we en.-o'int-er
men who are unwilling to 1-11 their
aKcs. One minister In Spokane when
toM It waa necessary to give Hie
dcllned to register altogether. -
Tli ronte-t for first place on ..."
i ... . w.n mnA comnetltlon may re
sult In a long line of prospective femln-
.... HWore 8
Ine voiers f " "
o'clock on Mondiy. As head of th
Waah.Kton Polltital Equality League,
rue of the .-hlef organlaatlon to se
cure -votes for women In this staie.
Mrs. May Huttoc be bte.i
conceded the honor of first reRif-tra-
i k n.nv of her chief supporlen".
but row Ihet the contest haa develop.-.!
Into a "free-for-all- race. ,wno mo
first womtt. w!ll be la decidedly prob
Convicted Cattle King to Hare Jap
Clief In Prison.
OMAHA. Nen.. N"r. IJ. 3peclaD
W. a. Corr.etoek. Hartley R. Charles
Richards. Chartca Jamison and Aqulla
Triplet, land bnron and mllllonalr cat
tle klrra of Nebraska, were convicted In
th Federal Court of fencing Government
land and sentenced to on year In the
County Jail. After spending a month
visiting the various county Jail In th
state they departed tonight for Hastings.
There they will become Inmatea of the
Adams County Jail.
The four men are not to be treated
like ordinary prisoners. With them they
took a Japanese chef, who will do their
cooking. Thla week they ordered expen
sive furniture and carpets aent to the
Hastings Jail aa furnishings for th-lr
rooms. In addition they purchased and
aent out a large and well-selected li
brary. They have subscribed for a num
ber of dally papers and many of th
leading magaatnea. Th window of their
rooms hav been bung with expensive
lace curtains. The floora are carpeted
and In a general way. It la said, th
cella bav th appearance of well ap
pointed cluh rooms.
Second Trial for Vote Haying: t He
Sin In Mtsl-lppi.
TAZOO CITT. Mis-. Nor. Sl Tbi
actual money which Theodora Bilbo, Stat
Senator. aas waa paid him during &I'a
siwlppl' Senatorial contest last January
wa Introduced aa evidence today In th
trial of I- C. Dulanry. accused aa th
bribe giver.
Th package contained T3 notes of CO,
SM and tu denomlnatlona.
It developed today that the present
trial la to har a wquL T. R. James,
of Lucdl a wltneva. refused to
answer, lest he Incriminate himself. . aa
to whether he paid a sum of money to
Senator Bilbo In exchange for hia support
of the bill creating the County or George.
Jamrs was not required to reply, but
waa held In bond or T.000 to appear be
fore th graiMl Jury or Hinds County neat
Threw Force lHggcr to Khoc Wall,
f 8000 Is Overlooked.
WIXNEMUCCA. Ner, Not. ti. Three
masked men who broke Into the tun
net or a rich gold mine near her lata
today overlooked IS00O worth of high
grade ore. The robber broke down
four heavy doors at the entrance to
the tunnel. Meeting six miners, they
mad then fac th wall. While on
of th Intruder stood guard, th other
two searched for treasure. In their
haste, they did not notice th rich or
that had already been pacaea in
acks and waa atandlng In th slop.
The Identity of th robbers Is said
to b known, and arrests are expected.
Th same mine was robbed about
four montba ago of or worth $3000.
31. Dwlsbt lortner Voluntarily Be
gin Term In Prison.
Dwlght Former, or Rt- Louis, under two
years aentence to th penitentiary tor
forging hi nam to a $i:.00O check, ap
peared m th Supreme Court with his
Uvryer today, dismissed his appeal and
went to th penitentiary to begin serving
hi acntrne.
Sine his conviction a year ago. Part
ner has been managing a hotel tn El
A.,Tn Ark. Ha waa arrested In Parla
after a chase through Central America. v
Mi. Former. who was Katnerine
Handlan. a member of a wealthy St.
rmllv. haa been helping her bus-
President Insists Upon
Rigid Economy.
Final Drafts Are Scrutinized at
Cabinet Meeting.
River and Harbor- Committed to
Meet Today lo Confider . Inti
mate and (General Policy
J'nvored by President.
"WASHINGTON". Nov. . Although the
rivers and hsrbors estimates submitted
today to, President Taft will follow the
President's general policy of rigid econ
omy In appropriations, and will be the
smallest. It Is believed, tn many years.- It
Is understood that the features tending
to dovelop the President Idea, of an an
nual bill upon a continuing plan will be
preserved. it will be the first of th
annual" river and harbora bill to be
submitted to Congress.
The President today looked over th
final draft of the estimates submitted
for the various departments by the mem
bers or his Cabinet for tha fiscal year be
ginning July I. 1K11. and Informed his
adviser that there must be a further and
deeper cut in them; that they would not
do In their present form.
Further Economy Demanded.
In response to the urgent demand or
the Presld.-nt, the heada or departments
already had held their estimates down to
what they considered rock-bottom fig
ures. The President today, however,
pointed out several place where he de
clared Uie pruning knife could be used
to advantage.
Representative Alexander, of New
Tork. chairman of the House committee
on rivers and harbors, and General Blx
by. Chief of the Engineers of the Army,
were among those in the conference-
I-ater Mr. Alexander said the rivers
and harbors bill to be reported to Con
grem would carry approximately XXMM0,
000 In appropriations and authorisations.
In accord with the report mad public by
th Chief of Engineers.
(Veneral Understanding Reached.
Chairman Alexander's conference with
the PreMdent resulted in a general un
derstanding as to the character of a
rivers and harbors bill that will meet the
approval of the President; and at Us
first meeting tomorrow the river and
harbors commltte will hav befora It the
estimate of th War Department and th
general plan to which the President Is
Members of the committee have not
bad an opportunity to examine the esti
mates careful y. Estimates of appro
priation needed for continuing contracts
amount to about JT.OOO.OOO, while the War
Department has recommended further
appropriations or about I .OOO.ono.
..... - ..........
The Weather.
TESTERDAT'9 Maximum temperature, 44
degrees; minimum, 40 degrees.
TODAY'S Rein; easterly winds.
Balfour offers to support referendum en
dinputes Jwtwern British Lords and Com
mons. Page fi.
Ma. lore's brother nva M'xlcsn revolt Is
KHlnlng: sad that Dial U badly scaxed.
rage 5.
Five experts for shippers declare freight
rate Increases unfair, rase z.
Rivers and harbors bill to carry ISO. 000,
ouO; Taft demands economy. Fags 1.
Fenstov Jones says he will work In hsr
mony with Poindexter. ! 7.
Wondrow Wilson opposes Federal resulatlon
of corporations, puge 1.
Oreaon cattle take prlxs at International
Livestock Show In Chicago. Paso 4
Turfmen at graft Inquiry In New Tork deny
use of boodle suck to light track bllL
Page 3.
Clever utility man secured by McCredie.
Pass 8.
Ex-champion Wright ready- for game with
Dunley tonight. 1'Mge 8.
San Frsnrlwo wrentlers pro bet, winning
three championships. Paso b.
PWrMe Nerthweet.
b'poknne women contest for flrst regHtratlon.
Pago 1.
Prooldenl may appoint Cieorire Turner, ot
. tn Smireme Court benrn.
'" l .
Ex-eonvlet killed snd prison guard wounded
In tragedy at Burns. Psko J.
Women delegate to good roads convention
Mlrs axsemldy In denouncing Waehlngton
methods. Page I-
Howard Elliott warns Oregon Development
League Hist attacks on railroads are
harmful. Page 1.
Report ot Labor rommleslnner shows Ore
gon's cro(.s bring vast wealth to atate.
Page '
Harney valley much Interested In litigation
over flood waiers. S.
Commercial and Marine.
Cltrun fruit auctions to he held In Los An
geles In January. Page
Wheat at ,-hlcago strengthened by bulge In
corn. Page 1. ,
Advance in stocks Is well held. Page 1!.
Port Of Slu.lavr to get $11.1.000 for bsrbor
Improvement If ciilx-ns contribute 1-15.-
ooo. Page Ts.
rortland and Vicinity.
Rain and snow storms swell rivers and
creeks; water still rising. Page 14.
Bernard Metsger Is shot by wife, said to
h. jealous of bis alleged attentions to
manicurist. Page 14.
School director says Board's acts are open
to scrutiny. Page 14.
Horticultural Society president does not fear
overproduction of apples. Page 12.
Oregon Apple Show to open today. Tag 12.
Members of Oregon Grange declare against
single tax. Page 14.
Frank Wayne, accused of robbing Greeham
bank, is on trial. Pace S.
Woman lodging-house keeper may be prose
cuted as "while slaver." Page .
Ju.lge Thomas O'Pay. author of Judiciary
amendment, defends terms of measure.
page 4.
Both Houses Democratic, but Aid
rich Is Kleoted.
LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 13. The official
vote of the November election In Ne
braska, final returns for which were
received tonight, shows that Aldrlch
(Rep.) for Governor, has a plurality of
15,630 over Dahlman. (Dem.).
Every state officer elected Is Repub
lican, but the Democrats have a ma
jority, in both houses of the Legisla
North Yakima Coroner Believes
Office SlKuld Be Abolished.
NORTH YAKIMA, trash., Nov.
(Special.) Although he was recently
elected County Coroner on the Repub
lican ticket. Fred Shaw, undertaker and
City Councilman, Is In favor of abolish
ing the Coroner's ofllce.
The work eould be Just as well done,
Shaw says, by Justices of the Peace, and
a great saving thereby effected for the
: ?Y
Federal Regulation De
clared Undesirable. y
Taft Hopes for Success of
Uniform Legislation.
New Jersey Governor-elect's Fear Is
That Corporations Under Na
tional Law Would Override
JLocal Communities.
FRANKFORT, Ky Nov. 29. The
third annual conference of Governora
began today a session that will last
five days here and in Louisville with
24 state executives present.
For several days Governor Wlllson
of Kentucky has made It plain that
he would do all In his power to elimi
nate nolltira from the conference, but
at the first session today there were
two outbursts of political enthusiasm.
One was when Governor Judson Har
mon, or Ohio, entered the hall. He
was greeted by slight handclapplng.
nhih accorded to no other Gov
ernor. The moment the meeting ad
journed, a man In the gallery caiiea
for cheers for Mr. Harmon.
With a frown, Governor Wlllson
raised his hand and stopped the pro
posed demonstration.
Cheers Are Suppressed.
He raid such a suggestion was en
tirely out ot place and would not be
tolerated. He had already laid stress
on this feature when In his opening
remarks lie said the Governors were
called together for a conference only,
and that It was not a "house of Gov
ernors," as previous meetings had been
Governor Wlllson then read a letter
from President Taft, regretting his ab
nn.n in irHt.h t-he. President nald:
"I have great sympathy with the ob
jects of your meeting, which I under
stand to be for the general welfare by
uniformity of state legislation upon sub
jects having general National Intereert.
which are not by the Constitution In
trusted to the Congress and the Central
Government. I wish you for your meet
ing the most successful Issue in substan
tial results."
Business Force Grows.
Governor Pothier. of Rhode Island, res-ponded
to the welcoming addreswji, af
..htnh the vlsltina- party and several
leading Kentucklans were entertained at
luncheon In a private home,
trnnrnw Wilson. Governor-elect of
New Jersey, delivered an address at the
afternoon session. He spoke or the great
growth of Interstate business and means
of communication.
No wonder." he said, "that we began
tO turn lo me aiiuum uv.v. -
regulate in the name or the sovereign Na
tion Itself, what has become a force aa
(Concluded on Page 6.)
tVA'f o? SET-
President Said to Have Expressed
Intention or Nominating Member
of The Hague Tribunal.
SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 29. (Spe
cial.) George Turner, of Spokane, ex
Unlted States Senator and recent mem
ber or The Hague Arbitration Com
mission as a representative of the
American Government, Is said to be In
line for the appointment to one of
the two vacancies now existing on the
United States Supreme Bench.
Chier among those who are urging
his candidacy to President Taft are
some of the Jurists who served with
him on The Hague Commission. Two
vacancies now exist on the Supreme
Court Bench, due to the deaths of Chiet
Justice Fuller and Justice Moody.
From an authoritative source comes
the statement that President Taft has
Informed some of his close advisers
that In all probability one ot the mem
bers of The Hague Commission would
be honored by his nomination.
The qualification of political "faith
may not be binding In the President's
selection for the bench, and, in view
of this fact. Senator Turner, although
a Democrat, is said to stand a good
a chance as a Republican. Senator
Turner has taken small part In poli
tics the last five years and has been
an ardent defender of the present Ad
Many or Senator Turner's friends
here and in other parts or the United
States are exerting every effort in his
Jaw Broken and Kace Cut When
Auto Strikes Team.
As a result of an automobile acci
dent at Fifth and Everett streets, at
5:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. C. C.
Colt, president of the Union Meat Com
pany, sustained injuries. Including a
hroken Jawbone and bad cuts on the
Mr. Colt, was driving his own ma
chine, having left for his home In
company with J. C. Good, secretary of
the company. They collided with a
team, and glass from the wind shield
flew In every direction. ' one piece
striking Mr. Colt's left eye, which was
Injured. Ha was removed to St. Vin
cent's Hospital.
According to Mr. Good, who fortu
nately escaped with but a scratch on
the face, no one was to blame for the
Mr. Colt's Injuries were dressed by Dr.
II. F. Fllckensteln and Dr. Hicks C.
"We were going up Fifth street at
a moderate speed." said Mr. Good last
night, "and the darkness at the corner
prevented us from seeing the team,
which was going east on Everett
street, until It was too late to stop.
The automobile hit one of the horse's
heads and the pole and veered off In
to the Mason, Ehrman Co.'s building.
When we struck the team the glass
was broken and struck us full in the
Conference on Market Situation Will
Be Held in New York.
NEW YORK, Nov. 29. Another meeting
will be held' in this city tomorrow of the
leading steel and Iron Interests to confer
on prices and the steel and iron situation
in general. It is understood a meeting
of the American Steel & Iron Institute Is
to be held here at the same time.
The United States Steel Corporation, it
was learned today, is to announce a pen
sion plan for employes between 60 and 70
years of age. which will become effective
January 1.
The Pennsylvania Railway Company's
steel rail requirements for next year will
be 150,000 tdns. Tho order has been ap
portioned to the Pennsylvania, Lacka
wanna, United Statea Cambria and Beth
lehem Steel Companies.
Training Squadron Sails From San
Francisco for Southern Coast.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 29. The Jap
anese training squadron, consisting of
the cruisers Asama and Kasagl, under
Rear-Admiral K. Yayhita. after a stay
of six days in this port, sailed today for
the southern coast, the Intention being to
proceed as far as Panama.
Stops will be made at Santa Barbara.
San Pedro, San Diego and at several
Mexican and Central American cities.
Before leaving the cruisers fired a saluto
of 13 guns in honor of Rear-Admiral Bar
ry, of the Pacific cruiser fleet, which will
eail tomorrow for San Diego, to resume
target practice.
Death of German Noble Gives Title
and Wealth to Cousin.
BERDIN, Nov. 29. Count Hermann von
Hathefeldt-Wildenburg, In consequence
of the death of his cousin, Prince Frans
von Hathefeldt-Wildenburg, Inherits the
title and immense properties of the lat
ter. The Count's mother was Hclene Isa
bella Susanno Moulton, an American,
born in Paris. He is now German Min
ister at Cairo and was formerly flrst
secretary of the German Embassy at
Fair Delegate Cheered
at Big Conclave..
Convention at Walla Walla
Shows Battle Spirit.
Action, Not Speeches, Demanded,
Says Commissioner Mrs. Mc
cormick Denounces "Dust"
Improvement of Highways.
WALLA WALLA. Wash., Nov. 29.
(Speclal.) Stirred by a woman to cheer,
and cheer and cheer, the convention of
the Washington State Good Roads Con
vention today was the liveliest session
In the life of the highway builders.
Twice war between the "big guns" and
the "common delegates" was evidenced,
and even at the Commercial Club ban
quet the smoke of battle had not yet
To Mrs. N. C. MeCormlck. or Walla
Walla, go the day's honors. She It was
who climaxed the main debate with
shrill denunciation or Washington's f)od
roads methods.
Woman Scores Methods.
"What assurance have we." she shout
ed, "that we will have good roads If an
automobile tax Is raised? We are rais
ing thousands upon thousands of dollars
every year and the roads of the county
are impassable. Under an ungodly tax
we get no results. The road builders
this year in our district covered ruts
ivlth dust that washes out with the first
rain, as they have done year after year.
We want good roads, but wliy should we
udd to ttie enormous tux already raised
if we cannot have simple repairs.?"
The convention went wild with enthu
siasm over Mrs. MeCormlck's speech, and
for fully Ave minutes cheering rang out.
The first tilt came, when M. J. Carrl
gan. County Commissioner of King
County. Introduced u resolution instruct
ing the legislative committee to report
tomorrow at 10 o'clock. .
He assailed the programme outlined,
which Included, he said, "hour-speeches
by the big guns and five-minute talks
by the common delegates." The .dele-,
gates had some for action, he declared,
not for talk, and they demanded action.
Vociferous cheers greeted Commissioner
Carrigan's speech.
Despite protests of Chairman Dura'nd.
of the .legislative committee, that it
could not report tomorrow morning, the
resolution was adopted and the commit
tee will report.
Aulo Tax Bill Offered.
At the afternoon session came the sec
ond battle. It followed the address of
John P. Hartman on "Public Roads and
Automobiles." V The speaker recommend
ed a tax of $1 a horsepower ror every
automobile In the state, to be paid into
the good roads fund to repair damage
done roads by, automobiles.
Frank Terrace, of King County, a mem
ber of the White River Grange, was on
hi., fo.t fnKtantlv when Mr. Hartman
was seated. He outlined a bill providing
automobile tax as recommended by Mr.
Hartman, and urged the convention to
recommend It to the Legislature. "Shis
recommendation was amended by a dele
gate, who asked that the bill be referred
to the legislative committee and brought
to the convention through the regular
channels. Mr. Hartman then moved
that the legislative committee be in
structed to report upon the bill favor
ably. Then came fireworks. Judge Ronald,
of Seattle, was on his feet In a moracnt
"The bill as read Is not worth the paper
it is written on." he said.
But the climax of the debate came with
recognition by the chair of Mrs. N. C.
MeCormlck. of Walla Walla, who asked
for a minute to talk. Leaning far over
the opera chair in front of her, site spoke
loud enough for every one In the theater
to hear.
Bill I-eft to Committee.
When the vote was finally taken. It
was decided to leave the subject to a
special committee to report upon it to
the convention tomorrow. This commit
tee was appointed by President Law
rence, who selected Messrs. Hartman.
McGregor and Farnsworth.
The regular programme was done away
with for tomorrow and tbe business of
the convention will be taken up first.
Among the speakers today were John
P. Hartman, on "Public Roads and Auto
mobiles;" F. J. Wilmer. "Building Roads
at Rosalia;" State Aid Roada and Why."
by J. J- Donovan, and an address by
Samuel Hill. Mr. Donovan and Mr. Hill
favored retention of the present laws
and administration.
Tonight the delegates are guests of
the Commercial Club, and have put busi
ness away for the evening.
Hill's Method Favored.
J. P. Hartman, J. J. Donovan and
R. H. Thomson, members of the special
committee, this evening submitted a
report memorializing the State Legis
lature to take cognizance and recog
nition of the offer made recently by
Samuel Hill, of Seattle, son-in-law of
James J. Hill, who offers to construct
(Concluded on Fags 5 ).
)basd run thEUorado HouJ.
&CaUMU4. aa a'sae JL
- E: U2 j-