roiJl'LAXI). OREGON. 310XDAY, XOVE3IBER 28, 1910. VOL. I.. NO. lo.CO-J. PRICE FIVE CEXTS. MUCH DEPENDS 01 TUFT'S MESSAGE Task Made Difficul by Disaffection. TARIFF SCHEDULES MAYWAi President's Course in That Re gard Not Determined. EXTRA SESSION UNLIKELY lfhcr rarty Anxlou t Asume Reponlbllity Ahead of Time. Forest Rocrte mil's Fosl tion It Favorable. WASHINGTON. Nov. 27. Con gress nMti, a wtfk from tomorrow. It will hare three months tn which to per form whatever mar be the demands of a Republican Administration. After that the fata of the Taft legislative programme will depend on the will of a Democratic House and s Republican - Senate. The success or failure of the com- Inf short session tf Congress will rest with the character of the executive mrauM to b sent to the legislative bodies. Many of te Republicans who were defeated In f5V recent elections are not expected to' rry with the best of grace the blows so harshly admlnls tred, and this gives the resident a difficult task. Tariff Likely to Walt. Reallrlng that he will be criticised If he fails to demand of Congress fur ther revision of the tariff especially of the wool and woolen schedule and fully cognisant that the prospects would ba ail against the success of such programme if submitted, the Presi dent. It Is said, has not made up bia mind definitely what his course will be. The chances are that he will not In sist upon action within the approach ing session, but that he will offer to the Democratic House and the Repub lican Senate a ear hence a programme for tariff revision which will be sup ported with facta and figures gathered by the tariff board. Appropriations Conic First. Within the short session 14 regular appropriation bills, carrying an aggre gate of a billion dollars or more, must be passed. Otherwise there would be necessitx for an extra session next Fpring. The result of such a session would ba to bring; the Democrats face to fare with the necessity of doing something nine months in advance of the time they would ordinarily be rolled upon to assume responsibility. For many reasons, neither Democrats nor Republicans want to precipitate this situation. Leaving the appropriation bills out ef consideration, the Democrats are disposed to Uke the broad position that legislation of a general character should be postponed until they come In. IX-inocrats Are Embarrassed. But the Democratic leaders are much embarrassed by the President's position In favor of beginning the revision of the tariff by schedules. They go even further than Mr. Taft In their denun ciation of the woolen schedule, and while preferring themselves to desig nate the way of Its amendment, they admit that they will find it difficult to resist an effort at reduction whenso ever and by whomsoever it might be undertaken. Such also la the case with reference to other schedules. They could scarcely do less than co-operate In reductlona at any time. Among the measures to be pressed are those, providing for the formication of tl.e Panama Canal aiui tLIs, It Is con ceded, will provoke controversy; the amendment of the postal laws so as Iq provide, for a parrels post along rural delivery routes and for Increased postage on the advertising portions of magazines; the granting of ship subsidies; the pen !onlng of superannuated employes of tho civil service; the creation of a public land court and the mUbllshmcnt of for est reserves In the White Mountains, in the North and the Appalachians In the South. Xew Baltlchips Probable. Opposition to the naval programme for the annual addition of two battleships to the Navy may be expected, but It frobably will not ba effective In the ap proaching session. The forest reserve b:ll occupies, a fa vorable position and probably will become a law. It has passed the House and a day for a vote on it by the Senate Jus been fixed. The ship subsidy bill Is the unfinished business In the Senate, but some of the Democrata say even now that any pres ent effort to pass It would result In an extra session. They are ready to talk It to death. This bill also Is expected to be pre sented to the House for a vote tn the ses sion and the ciianccs Ihero are doubtful. The measure has once passed the House and baa been once defeated by that body, the majority being small In both in stances1. There are enough Republicans to pass the bill. If they can be prevailed upon to accept It as a party measure. . Many of tH Kcr-uhlla-ana are. however, as stren tCoBdadt4 oa ! i-i . YEAR IS BIG FOR LIQUOR AND OLEO TOBACCO ALSO KCHXISIIES EEC- ORD KEVEXUK. Moonshines" Is Bpec',,T on In' crease In Prohibition States, Government Ueport Says. tt t eniNflTON. Nov. IT. The United States has Just passed through a ban ner year for drinks, smokes and oleo margarine. Here Is the Nations re cord for the II months ended on June SO. as It shows in the figures of the internal revenue bureau: Of distilled spirits. 163.000.000 gal Ions. S0.0P9.000 gallons more than the year before. Of fermented liquors. 59.4S3.111 bar rel n Increase of 2.000.000. Of clears. 7.600.000.000. or 160,000.- 000 more than 1309. Of cigarettes. 6.S30.000.000, an i"- crease of Of plug, fine cut. cube cut. granu lated or sliced smoking or chewing to bacco or snuff. 402.000,000 pounds 4.000.000 more than the year before. Of oleomargarine. 141.862.282 pounds. 50.90n.000 pounds Increase. Illicit distilling and manufacturing of moonshine whisky is on the increase, nec lallv." the bureau says, "where are state-wide prohibition laws." The Internal revenue receipts on all these things and certain other things. such ss playing cards and mixed flour amounted to more than 128s.000.000. While the manufacture of oleomar garine has Increased, the tax receipts were disappointing. That Is said to be because a large proportion of the oleo margarine Is so made as to take lower tax than formerly. WOMAN ATTEMPTS SUICIDE South riond, Wash., Resident Pre vented From Jumping Into River. Standing on the railing of the Mor rison-street bridge. Miss Kansow, at. years old. a former school teacher of South Bond. Wash., was prevented from leaping into the Willamette River at 11:50 o'clock this morning by David F.klund. an employe of the Goodyear Shoe Company. In an apparently demented condition. the woman was removed to mo poucc tatlon in an ambulance and later to he woman's department of the County Jail, where medical altenaance was procured. Miss Rnnsow. It was learned ly tne po lice, has been staying at the home of Miss Kate Parker, at Ivanhoe, a suburb of Portland. A short time ago aha met with an accident which affected bar mind. Mr. Eklund's attention was first drawn to the woman when ne saw mr run ning toward the bridge at East Third and Morrison streets, lie followed and was Just In time to seixo ber and pre- ent her suicidal attempt. BUFFALO HUNT ABANDONED Montana, Attorney-Genera i udjccis and Canadians Chance Plans. OTTAWA. Nov. 27. (Special.) While It Is admitted that a Canadian xpedltlon to shoot the remainder of a herd of buffalo, purchased by tne Can adian government, in Montana, naa h.en nlsnned. the official version of the story differs from that -which was sent out from United States sources re cently. Dispatches from the United States tated that the Attorney-General or Montana had atepped In and that trou ble would be encountered If any shoot ing, as contemplated, were attempted. There will not be any ahootlng now, of course, at least not Dy an vrBuiea party of Canadian sportsmen. The Attorney-General or Montana gave an opinion that the wild buffalo are subject to the protection of the tate, and the plan, therefore, or shoot ing any of the animals by an organizea untlng expedition from Canada was bandoned. RAILWAY HEADED TO COAST Engineer iijle Surveying Line West From Jacksonville. MED FORD. Or.. Nov. 27. (Special. became known today that George A. Kyle, until recently with the 11111 rail roads. Is surveying a railroad line from Jacksonville, Or., over the mountains west Into the Applegate Valley. Although Kyle Is seemingly In the employ of VV.S. Bar- num. president of the Rogue River Val ley Railroad, the belief lias arisen that Hill Is feeling for an outlet to the coast for tho Oregon Trunk, his new line through Eastern Oregon. Mr. Kyle was formerly assistant en gineer of the Chicago, Milwaukee ft St. Paul Railroad, and was connected with the Oregon Trunk during the past year. Chief Engineer Gerlg. of Hill's Pacific Eastern Railroad, disclaims any knowl edge of Mr. Kyle's connection with tha Hill system. Mr. Barnum of the Rogue River Valley Railroad say that Kyle la simply In his own employ. INCOME IS THREE BILLION Corporation in l:nltcd States Are Wealthy Concerns. WASHINGTON. Nov. 27.-The net In come of the 262,490 corporations of the United States which are subject to tax unor the corporation tax law was S3.125. 470.000 fir the year which ended on June 30. According to returns made to the Internal Revenue Bureau, the capital of the corporations was H2.371.fCS.572 and thrlr bonded and other Indebtedness was fca.US.'J&.'.fc'. HAWTHORNE LIFT PUT IN 'POSITION Willamette Spanned by New-Bridge 10 DAYS' WORK YET REMAIN Mayor Simon and Drake C. O'Reilly First to Cross. CROWD VIEWS OPERATIONS In Less Tlian Two Hoars 810-Ton Lift Is Moved to Its Place by Steamers Traffic Over River Soon to Be Possible. While thousands of persons, grouped on the Morrison-street bridge, on boats and scows and along the banks of the WII lamette River, watched the progress of the work with eager Interest, the huge lift span of the Hawthorne bridge was yesterday afternoon drawn Into position and Its ends hooked to the Immense ca bles connecting with the counterweights which are to be used In elevating it to permit the passage of steamers. The whole operation occupied very little In excess of two hours. About 2 o'clock the river steamers Shaver and Sarah Dixon started pulling on the scows moored underneath the SKMon lift. Slow ly the great bulk. 252 feet In length. u:ig out Into the stream from tho place where It waa constructed on the north side of the east end of the bridge. Once clear of obstructions the lift was han dled by great hawsers, which were op- crated by engine and man power, while the Shaver and the Sar- ixon stood by to steady It, the ropes which bound them to the lift being tightened and loosened as demanded. Plans Carefully Laid. Everything had been carefully planned in advaneo by Thomas M. Darrow, su perintendent of construction for the United Knglneering & Construction Com pany, which had the contract for the superstructure of the bridge. The plans worked out without a hitch. All that now remalna to be done is to remove the scows from underneath the lift and the falsework from beneath the enormous concrete counterweights and the bridge will then be ready for traffic, with the exception that there yet remains some flooring, paving and incidental work to be done. Tuesday or Wednesday of next week should see the bridga open to the public, says brake C. O'Reilly, of the company which handled the superstruc ture work. Mayor Simon baa the honor of being the first city official to cross the new bridge from the west to the east band of the Willamette River. Mr. O'Reilly was the first private citizen to cross the span. Neither Mr. O'Reilly or Mr. Simon wait ed till the span was hooked up to the counterweights. They crossed almost si multaneously about 2:45, taking chances with their safety In order to claim the honor of having been first across. They grasped the first opportunity to scramble (Concluded on Pace 10.) Hiaiott c ENStjy Poll fffllA .GH.m g INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. TEPTERDAT'S Maximum temperature, 43 (lexrees; minimum, 3t decrees. TODAY'S Occasional rain; foutherljr ninda, Fore bra. Ftftnen Mexican rebels killed In fierca bat tle with government troops. Pace 1. Irish fartlona fight on street of Cork. race z. allonaL Results of short Centre session depend on Tart's message. Page 1. Governor Clark says - Pinch o tiara is curse ot Alaska. Page 2. Tear's consumption of drinks, smokes and oleomargarine Is large. Pago 1. Domestic Michael C ulah y. founder of big packing xirm, cie. pace 3. Count demands too much American money, so he loses both heiress ajid cash. Page 2. Proposed rata Increase favors Chicago over New York for Western trade. Pace 1. Governor-Elect Johnson, of California, op poses Inaugural ball. Page 1. Count de Beaufort sees fame Ahead on vaudeville stage. Page 4. Sport. Champion 'Woigast's demands ridiculous, says Oven Mo run's manager. Page 11. Question of state football championship may be decided between Willamette and Mult nomah Club. Page II McLJitichlin Club team wins amateur toot- ball honors from Wabash. Page 11. rsclfIo orthwest. Salem to welcome Oregon Hevelopment League delegates today. Page 5. Oregon hop crop estimated by dealers at VJ.OQQ bales, page . Portland and Vicinity. Hawthorn Bridge lift span placed In po sition. Page l. Portland wilt not demand recount, though injustice Is felt. Page Judiciary amendment rouses Ire of local at torneys, page b. Apple show to open hero Wednesday. Page 7. Child dead; other children and mother 111 poisoning indicated. Page 8. Count and Countess Vigo von Holsteln Hath lou lodged In City Jail on larceny charge. Page lu. Cast Side clubs want puMIc service com mission exclusively for Portland. Page 10. Storm grips Northwest and rivers rlso. Page 3. Port of Coos Bay will expend largo sum In harbor improvements. Page 4. Oregon Agricultural College will extend work with experiment stations. Page 6. 5000 BABIES ARE STARVING Startling Conditions In Chicago Dae to Labor War. CHICAGO, Nov. 27.-The citizens' strike committee, which has Investigated con ditions in the families of striking- gar ment workers, reported today that 6000 babies are starving as a result of tho labor war. The report was made at a meeting at Hull House and a special babies milk fund was started at once by members of the committee. Estimates at the meeting showed It would take at least J 100 a day to provide milk for babies in actual want, and the suffering appeared so great that 11100 was contributed by members of the commit tee. The fund is to be kept distinct from other strikers' funds. The garment -strike is no nearer settle ment than It was a week ago. according to reports of the unions, and both sides have settled down for a long struggle. DEER RUNS FAR TO DIE Animal Cliased by Coyote Breaks Neck. In Backyard. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Nov. 27. (Special.) Driven from the mountains by a coyote, a 3-year-old buck deer. exhausted from Its long run and frightened by unaccustomed surround ings even after its pursuer had given up the chase, staggered blindly through the yard of the home of S. P. Wright here today, and, running Into a wire fence, fell dead with a broken neck. The Wright family today feasted on ven'son. NEXT! 15 REBELS SLAIN IN FIERCE BUTTLE 400Maderoists Routed by Mexican Troops. ENGAGEMENT LASTS 6 HOURS Federal Forces' Rear Guard Ambushed by lusurgents. NO REGULARS ARE KILLED Revolutionists Make Determined Stand Behind Stone Wall at Fresno, but Are Forced to Flee From Position. CHIHUAHUA, Mexico, Nov. 27. In an engagement near this city today which lasted from 9 o'clock in the morning until 3 o'clock In tho after noon, 600 Federal troops routed a force of 400 Maderolsts, driving them repeatedly from a strong position and compelling them to take to the moun tains. The revolutionists lost 15 killed and many wounded. There were no fatal ities on the Federal side but several. Including three officers, were wounded. General Navafro was in command of the Federal troops. He left Chihuahua at 6 o'clock this morning, at the bead of four companies of the second bat talion and two squads of cavalry from the 13th regiment. Rear Guard Ambushed. Near Fresno. 12 miles out, one of the squads of cavalry fell behind .to guard the road. They were ambushed by the rebels, who opened Are irom hills on both sides of the highway. Captain Florentino Gavlca with 60 troopers drove the enemy from their positions. He waited for a portion of the .Federals, who had gone forward. to reinforce him before pursuing, the insurrectionists. In the 'meantime, the latter took a position on another hill, a short distance away and prepared to resist an attack. Rebels Forced to Retreat. Within half an hour. General Na varro reached the scene with his ln- fantry and opened fire. Again tho rebels retreated, only to seek a new position, from, which they were again distorted. At last they fortified themselves be hind a stone wall, where they made determined stand. Tha firing was heavy and here most of the loss of Ufa occurred. Maderolsts Fly to Hills. After seve.-al hours of heavy fighting the rebels broke for the mountains. They were pursued by the infantry for .. i rl ..,,.1.. JIJ 4ntn ,n the pursuit bemuse ot the rough country. Behind the stone wall the bodies of 15 rebels and ten dead horses were found. The Federals abandoned the pursuit In order to make camp and then care (Concluded on Pas-g 8. 1 t JOHNSON VETOES INAUGURAL BALL SACRAMENTO, HOWEVER, WANTS CONVENTIONAL AFFAIR. California Governor's Avoidance of Pomp May Veil Desire to Pacify Factions. SACRAMENTO. Cal.. Nov. 27. (Spe cial.) Notwithstanding the fact that Governor-elect Johnson has addressed letters to Mayor Beard and to the members of the inaugural ball commit tee expressing his wish that there be no Inaugural ball or other social func tion on the occasion of his induction to office', the ball in all probability will be held according to schedule. The Governor-elect's letters express appreciation of the good Intentions of the people of Sacramento, but declare that he would prefer to take his sea,t without ostentation. Some of the com mitteemen are Inclined to respect his wishes, but others are for carrying out the programme as arranged. Mayor Beard tonight declared that he was In favor of going ahead with the ball. He had not yet, however, received from the mall the letter from Johnson. Mayor Beard said that the Inaugural ball was not given for Hiram Johnson or any other individual. "It Is a state affair, given for every state official and member of the Legis lature," he said, "and I do not believe any one man should dictate whether it should be held or not." The letter is looked upon by some as an effort to pacify all sides in connec tion with the Inaugural .ball contro versy and to put an end to the feeling that has been occasioned by the elimi nation from the committee appointed by Mayor Beard of several prominent Re publican politicians and others who took an active interest in the election of Johnson. HOMES GIVE WAY TO WATER New Mexico Reservoir Project Ousts 2 000 Persons. EL PASO, Texas, Nov. 27. Prepara tions are being made by the Govern ment to remove nearly 2000 people from their homes In order to make room for the great Elephant Butte reservoir near Engle. N. M. Six Mexican villages, ranging in pop ulation from 50 to 700, will be inun dated when the water is turned on. Among the towns to be obliterated is Perajo, once an Important station and distributing point on theold Santa Fe trail, with a population then of 3000. Some of the towns are among the most ancient In America, their origin dating back several centuries. From Perajo the tra'l entered upon the famous Jor nada del Muerto (Journey of death) where scores died with thirst In the old freighting days. The Government Is now engaged in buying up the farms and villages, and by the ' time water Is available, the great basin of 40,000 acres will have been deserted. The ranchers will be allowed to till their land until driven out by the water. A Government agent, who returned here yesterday after spending three weeks in that region stated that he met but one American during the time and that the most primitive conditions prevailed every where. HEIRESSES TO WORK LAND Rich Illinois Girls Take Up Mon tana Homesteads. AURORA. HI., Nov. 27. (Special.) Miss Winnie Benschbach, whose father. William Benschbach, of Princeton, is one of the wealthiest men In central Illinois, and Miss Kathryn Smith, daughter of W. I. Smith, also a wealthy resident of Princeton, have taken up land claims. in Montana and next April will leave their homes and go to the wilderness, 16 miles from Roundup, Mont., to work their homesteads. Each girl will fall heiress to a for tune of closo to 1250,000. They have each filed on 160 acres and will live In log cabins for 14 months. Their claims adjoin and the two cabins will be but 30 feet apart. Both girls say they understand farming and will superin tend the work on their claims. HOSTILE NATIVES KILLED Slurdcrers of Seattle Planter On Mindanao Pay Penalty. MANILA. Nov. 27. Detachments of troops and constabulary are operating against the hostile Manobos In Davao, Mindanao Island. One column has I killed several of the tribesmen, these Including two who were implicated In the murder of Earl Gcrr, a planter from Seattle. Another column has killed three im- I plicated In the murder of Gerr and oth- er planters, and has recovered Gerr's body. A third detachment had two soldiers wounded, while a fourth lost one sol dier killed In ambush. The rounding i up of the tribesmen continues. , MIDDY'S LUNG PUNCTURED Despite Injuries Navy Man Played Great Game Against Army. 1 ANNAPOLIS, 5fd., Nov. 27. After the I return from Philadelphia of the victo rious Navy football squad tonight, it was learned that Ingram C. Sowell, the mid shipman quarterback, played almost the entire game with the West Point cadets yesterday while suffering from a broken rib and probably a punctured lung. He probably will recover without any I more serious complications. By E IN RATES Proposed Schedule Is Against New York RAILROADS OUTLINE MOVE Coast Pays $1 More From At lantic, 50c From Lakes. , PLAN IS TENTATIVE YET First Request Will Be for Mainte nance of Existing Schedules. Widespread Increase Is Pro posed as Alternative, CHICAGO. Nov. 27. (Special.) Ex isting through freight rate to the Pacific- Coast from Chicago is $3 a hun- dred pounds. From New York it is $3 hundred pounds. The proposed through freight rate to the Pacific Coast from Chicago will be '. $3.50 a hundred pounds. From New York It will be $4 a hun dred pounds. Chicago will be moved across the freight rate map of the United States 60 cents a hundred pounds nearer to the Pacific Coast, giving to the great central market the geographical ad vantage It believes it merits over New York and the Atlantic seaboard, always heretofore denied. In competition for Western trade. This will be realized If transcontinental railroads succeeed in a new plan raising their through rates to the Pacific Coast. Increase Is Alternative. The transcontinental lines are now in conference to advance their through rates from Chicago, New York and other Eastern points to the Pacific Slope. They hope to apply to this end the amended long and short-haul clause of the new Interstate commerce law ef fective on February 17. The railroads seek these Increases as an alternative. They do not want to be forced by the Government to re duce their rates to intermediate points in the West, which in some cases are higher than the existing through rate to the Coast. Their alarm in this direction is Justi fied by the action of the Interstate Commerce Commission in the Spokans rate case, where the original rate from Eastern points equaled the through rate to Seattle plus the local rate from Seattle back to Spokane. The Inter state Commerce Commission reduced the through rate to Spokane, first, to an equality with that jo Seattle and later to 10 cents less than that to attle. Existing Rate First Choice. The railroads will ask tho Interstate Commerce Commission, first, to main tain the existing rates. Failing In that, they will throw their whole en ergy into an effort for an increase of existing through rates to the Paclfio Coast 23 or even 33 1-3 per cent. The traffic officers of the transcon tinental railroads are already on the Job. The officers of the Coast ter minal lines seeking the new adust nient have been holding sessions almost dally for 10 days in the office of the Transcontinental Freight Bureau in the Railway Exchange building. They will continue the conference this week. A tentative schedule of rates now under consideration advances the first- class rate from Now York to San Fran cisco, Seattle and other Coast cities from $3 to J4 a hundred pounds, with corresponding increases on the lower five numbered and five lettered classes. The rates to Intermediate points are to be graded between these figures. On this basis the first-class rate from Chicago to the Coast would be approx imately $3.50 instead of 13 as at pres ent. Many Railroads Affected. The principal railroad systems in volved in the plan for a readjustment of ' the Western rates are the Harrlman . lines. Including the Union and South ern Pacific systems; the Hill lines, the Great Northern and Northern Pacific; the Gould lines. Including the Western Paclfio and the Denver & Rio Grande, the Santa Fe and the St. Paul, although nearly every railroad in the United States, more or less directly. will be affected. The "present system of transconti nental rates, under which the rates to Intermediate points are much higher than those to the Coast terminal poltns, where water competition is encount ered, will be illegal after February 17, acocrdlng to the fourth section of the amended law, unless approved by the Commission. The law specified that no rates need be changed by reason of its amendment of this section for six months from the date of the law, August 17. The'roads will ask to have the exist ing adjustment permitted by the Com mission under the discretion of the law, but if that body withholds Its authorization they would be required either to reduce their intermediate rates to the level of the competitive rates, or to advance the rates for the shorter hauls. CHICAGO CIS DV