TITE MORXIXU OREGOXIAJf, SATURDAY, NOVE3IBER 26, 1910. 13 FOR EEXT. Apartment. fcEINZ APARTMENTS. lth and Columbia, blocks ouia -from Morrison st.; new brick build inc. completely flrsi-r'ase; fur nished la 1. 2 and 4 -room farouy a part - menu; private bath. rcM-tlen ball, nam beat, not 4ir, elevator, free prt-tae, Jaa- Uor srvte ; rent Tery rtkDAO.t. FEMNrit'LA Apartment. AiMot ave., near KiUtncswortn: rtv concrete bet.jc.. 2. 3 n 4 -room apartmsnta, a'ram heat, con cealed rxds. gAa ran if 4sl other modern r oDm!'D ', J15 to "L." or St. Joa&i fin; ;t minut-s to trnt of cuy. COR. CTH AND M' NTliOMERT. New. modrn. -Js;.tnt iy furnished 8- rom Apnr;mnt, wiuj l.aht nutiiJ" k'tcn- ens. private talephonea. Phone Mmhll KLW, mod'cn. thr-riomJ comrtleteiy fur nished apartment, forner b.iii., large lignt. airy rooms lib laundry ennwrn- lid d a Aliltuon; walking distance er one bifH k cart.r.t. ,54 E- Madison at. ANOLA APT?.. JT Tr.nitr rUce. bet. lth and ;th, off Wask.mcton.. one 2 - rvxmi front and on J-rtMm frnt: el.gantly fur nished. :rii-tly xnvdrrn, electric elevator; Im ate phone. LIVKKTIA COIHT. 4-roorn Kpirinint, unfurnished. erry modern connin-. Apply euirii.tndnt tn building. Lucretla at., bet. -d and : M. W-at A LB KWAKI.K A PA KTMK VTA. New brick, newly fumiha4 private I lata. steam het. not nine mc-r m cuy. en earilne: raiv wit, kin distance. 3 9-1 I W'll ams av.. take L c&r. XKKLiiiC Ai TS.. 1 4th and C.ay eta.. tint on of our finest J - room an I fa. with MUta:t, private bat n. two -;sets. alec- I trie levator, etc.; unfurnished, $43 Pr mf nth. ATiy at on-e. VR RKX7 A (ouf-fw rn stearn-heated fur- r tv.ed apartment : Mn !:"n Para apt 2 Park t. alt inanag-er. "YlataT -ROoM. aunr.y. urr-r Cat. leam-d eel''"- Eanr.d ditunc-ro-m. i.Iat rat k. thin closet, braaa faturs. e.otrte and g. larva front ni ta k p'r.'ii. remr.t b roent. furnar. 741 Kfurn-r. p-r -Td. l,t.'PLSIKAHLE J-room fist. rryth!n; furnished, ne-ix Steel bridge, adults. East 1413. li;l RA ULC ur.furntshid fnur-roorn fata. sf-icty modern, cosh; in. tAtmon. Main e30i L ATS for rent r-ani heat and water Xur r.:!-. 1 'il East NEWLY tinted 4-room fat with fireplace; rent rtr.tb. E 24th and ijruau IloUMrkeeplas; Kooau. HIE liCA VER. 12th and Marshall Fur- mahed f -r huuk-plnsT. cu ranee. e.e- trto Ujrhta hot water, bath, laundry, atl free; Ai; per month up: a rivaa plar het In th city Cor money: short ditn- from lnlto lpot. Take "rt" cur. or lltn st. car nortli. sot o3 at Marshall at. No S Ki.L-n KNI-HKI) housekeeping rooms. 2. I Lu month. a tt(t trvnt nt cottar. J large rooms, with porch, Appiy 54 North Wh. ymmt Mda river; W car fron depot, 6th or Morrison to 20th. block north, Yl R5T floor of a 2-tory cot tasa. weit- ILs-hted newlv tinted rooms, furnished au.t- ab.T for adults, bath, s. phone. ir-od yard, central lo-atin, ref erenow t uone A ll9f Address 2d N. 11th ., 2 blocks from Washington st. 6 L 60 Tu $2 WEEK; clean. furnish si hotsskeeLing room, f re launcry. buth. phone, r.ean linen, heat. 4"ei ancoutr ave-, and 203 Stanton;tak L car. FINE DOWNTOWN HOMt -MILNER HLfM-. . 30w M-KHlON BT. VuDEKN. CENTRAL. HCASoNAiLB. MOUSEKEEPINO room In new concrete bMg. Phon V ood i n2 X 7 or2&Ttf. HosekeUiff Rora In latitat family. 4-ROOM suite. Including pantry and extra large clothes pre. be ly ttnlsl.d, wall f'irntahed. free phone, heat, hot and culd water, pore r Lain bath. 1 blovk to a cur- lines. 443 Rodney ava, curnr TlUamook t. Pfcoo E. 32L THREE nwly furnish d housekeeping rMma. eon van lent to Wiltams and t'nloQ av. cars; cooking gaa Included; reaaon- M. li.'.O It yil- '4?T rA M -11 E ATE L, lerntly furnished bouae- keeping moms, watktng disianre; hot 1 water, ba'h. phon. laundry; iwtll local- i Ity. 6 iaan. TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping. 113 " per month. lltM Hawthorn av.. corner 3'Jth st. HOI PEK EKPINO ro..m. first floor, stean heat. bath, free phon: rent by week or : mnnt.i; d'wn town. Aidnr. FRON T alcov auite. ftimlahed for houa keeping. rang, phon. bath, laundry. lii . lotn t. TrlHba furnished hmikelnf room. ink. por h. gaa, bath, ei' S E. Morrl- sn. Phone Fast BiMl. 641 14TH ST. Two nice, light housekeep ing rooms; rent reasonable, LARGE, light, newly furnished housekeeping rooms, iAonabie. cloe in. . Market at. C7.EAN. Hgt, well furnlahed houae keeping room a qi n et. 6-4 FOR five housekeeping room; electiio I'Kht. phone and bath. 335 Madison, WANT Kl Young Lady room-mate to share housekeeping suite: eveninra S3 Fifth. 6-RovM rniusekaeping suite. $10 a moi 742 bavlar. NEWLT furnished housekeeping rooma 40T Hoiisday av. Hi HOUSES. rooms. 442 liith. 3 SO. f rooms, H uncock st.. $4X 6 room. 1.V.V Talor st.. $33. 6 rooms. Kast 7th, North, 30 6 roojn. W Ullanui ave.. 417. T roms, 5ith and East Stark ana., $16 6 rooms. Wiki) st.. $1j. X"RN1SHED HOUSES. T rooms, Ravensviaw dm. $76. 6 rooms. Crosby iL $iu roma. 634 Bell avenue, Annabai ata. 62S.(ad. 6 rooms, Thurman at.. 163. 6 room a, Larrabee St.. $46. 6 rooms. 233 N. -1st st. $76. M EKCHANT.4 SAYINGS TRUST COMPANY. g. W. Cor. 6tb and Washington Sta WHEN yon move you'll ned new furniture. iuy it juaiciousiy ana in saving wki s- ceea sour movinc espmvea Onr NO-RKNT PR let? mad u on of th largest furniture houses tn th city in ts4 ysara looker iNwn same courteey as buyera. MO KG A N-AT H Lai V Ft KNIR'KB I' e-73 Grand ave.. corner Kftst stark . Kaat Anknay and Kuill-hhtr carllnea. PA?iS OCR POOH. . FOR RENT. $-roon com fort able home; Una covered Terasda; large yard; good view; 1 biock from Kueaeil at. and within 3 block of wuilami ave. ; rtit si& per monta. II. P. PALM EK-JON FrS C. tl?-i: Commerclsl Club Hldg. Phones: Main PW, a t4. 6-RROM busaalew In Rosa mere, beautlfu.ly ' furnished, hot air furnace, electric iUcht and every modem convenience: Just finished, on fuli-ised lot. rent $46 per month. inqmre aiumet riotei. FOR RENT New, modern 6-room hous one block from Hawthorne ave.. in air loesuoa i 'w pertb w ait A Chrtatensen. 4rth and Hawthoma WE CAN FURNIHH TOUB UOMB At a great aaving. Get our prlo Iookers shown every cimrteay. M. OMHOW A CO- 64-o North d Bt- Reaeonable prtcea Lasy tax ma. kOLEKS. desirable T-rom house, aivt Han- cock and Grand ave.; fine wood fin ish, pol- tahed f.oors. $40. Kast 16. C 14'M. irtR RENT Modern 6-ro-in h u- In Broad- war and lr in too cartt'iea Inquire t'J Broadway Khop & u. 1 TOR RENT One brand new hous. 7 rixnna, fully modern. In Roa 'itT Park. Call at 414 Stark st. or p hor.eowner. A 411'3. GOOD 7 -room house In desirable locality. reasonable to good tenant. 1'hone Est $-. MODERN 4-room houaa. 171 E. North. Phone Wood. awn 1300. 24th at. LARGE houM for rent, I-ee. 411 rrbtt bid West Side, M. E. iiv"E room house, rear East Mo-rtson lit East rloe In; 13tn sLreeU s.oo. MODERN -rom dwelling, corner East 13th snd A. Oar ta rDont Main 0-3. twrnlhed llnaae-a. near S- Ash; email famiiv preferreL Davii 1 e t room 2. Lumoermena Mdg. 3a O I'EKN f arn.shed T-roora house. West Aide, on blH-k from car. me. Apply 441 fh sr.. between i ana o tr. xi. ft ROOM4, $ furnished, bargain; rent $2; 4 - room cottage. $ 19: botn b blocs car, 4fl Wasnington. room 9- VELL-Ft RNISHED house, ft room and ta:h. $''-'. Call 401 Board of Trad bldg. Phon Main 0473 FURNISHED $ room cottage, sa". or rent; 1 lot. law a. fruit, chlcaaa-yard, rent $u Owner. I'hon E. 4o0. FoH RENT Newiy modern, well fuxnNhed boose. lgtu rooms. Eaat Side. Pbon C I7irtt FC'R RENT -room furnished house, Irv- In gtoa. J hone East &loo morn: ngs be- f.re 10. FOR RENT Modem S-rom furnished eot- laare. 4iZ Preecott at. Appiy Wakaf l;d. Fne A Co. f5 Fourth t. FURNISHED a-room modern houa. el -an. for rfnt. FarnUhrd Hmim. NJ'ELY furnished house, 7 rooms. 4 bed rooms and bath, on Port t ami Height carline. ciosa in; piano, wood and gaa ranea; rent A months or Innier; bt I't-k on lilichta; reasonable rent riht party. I hono A 1- 12-KOOM beautiful fumlahed house on rvr bnk; atrlrtly modern; 20 mtnutel I to West Side: rent very reasonable for months. Inqulra C Bruduack ,111 4th St. NI"'ELY furnished 7-roora house, hard-sur- fi strt. cut block from streetcar; nice lnwn Ho w.ra mnA fi-iiit IrMM CUT HZ'. I i' without rara. or 143 with. Call OWN'FR will rant nlrs. modern hnma trt murried roup! without children and board with thorn. J B:i7. urea-onlnn. L A ROR T-room houssw rnmolttlT furnished. In Hosa Park. Inquire 4:ts Worcester l-'Hrk Phrno A SS'-M; Main 427. M' 'tKii. 6-room cott-;e. also 3 or 4-room , far. 514 K. 21st. W. It. car. Hon for R-nt. t-araitur for Pal. IIAVH . fi-ronm cottaca that 1 muat sell at nnc. Th. nric- is no consideration. it mm to furnish and the rent la r.Iv Sl a month. We have a steady roomer with us. Will let It s;o for 923. Th r.ric is rhfiD. but not th furniture. This rise la very t 1s in on the East Side. Phone Main 76d- ll-koOM hrtui VoH Hll! dlstrlrt. rent 40; rooms rented rr i: ni:e. lars. mounn Kaik mt-mm hist : mum sell at one frnunt of ilrkrcM' no reason bio offer ref-id. Owner. l.'-' N. d st. Main T7'a. AT PRIVATE SALE Beautiful household rum i,)ilrra Tiirmih rnea Brasses. oji.nt china, bric-a-brac, ate. Call S2 Nartii;a St.. m-tr Salmon. Phon Main t 7 " No dnlTS- "SEEING LS RELIEVING." If you want a nice b m wher yrm can mak your rent and a jrood Incom b- s-ri. call at 44 rark st FVRNITl'RE of houxe for snle; l.o-.i rent; rnt 'iT &0; lctric Uarat; blh. me term. Call etf lOthat. FT HMTI RK inhiinv and Otk. of V TOOTH fat. body iiruaseis ruas: JDW: nat ur rcr.t. 130. Phone Main 1T4. S-ROuM modern bouse, $17; furniture mod as new; f win sell cart; near Li Ion are. 8 .'7 Knott. 13 ROMd, esce;!lonal tarsaln. both In furniture and Income 47 HL Cail afternoona. ! FURNITURE fr :, S-room apt. for rent. Phone A 2-K. Ft RMTt'KB of I -room bouse for smi. TT Vest Park. H"' E for rent, fumltur for ami. XT liast 3'ith. near pin. FU RNITURE of 9 room In good condition; cloe in. A T.-.'n. frore i NEW t-tory trick. ftoaioO; plate glaas frnt: l'lth and 3iaranaiL sultaM tor ltcht lohblna. manufacturing or retail; wi.l lease oxe-haU; dlvld space to s-uit tenant or tenajila. A. U. Long. Front and Ankeny. PVK RENT f-r a term of five year a th old Arlington i tub building. WfU r"ark ana Ader tta Apply to K. T. Cox, room No. n 20 i, B st Li-lMM' tt. r in ! atn a fr corn u tlon cf dry good. phone Tabor 2:7. Ofllcee. FOR KENT Three fine office rooms on sec ond floor Lumber Kxr-hange blltdtng. 2d and Mark st. innuire r . IC stotproua 10.. IU LurabM txchaoga bldg. MOST centrally located office. aJI-nlaht ele vator aeri-. aua swtutou mug., oia ana Washington. Ol'FICE room for rent, with use of desk and phone, Rm Bid, Henry b'dg. FOR RENT A few office tn Couch bldg. i a;l Lewi bid g. O KICKS and sample room a Manchester bldg.. 3S 4th. between Starkand Oa k. OFFK'E fumltur for aaia cbtap. Call fk9 Lewla bldg. POCK elegant, connecting, outsld offices for rent. Rothchlld bldg. Call2I6 same. Ft VNISIIED office to sublet. Inqulr 436 vtorceaier ouig. msiq A4. W ar etkouaee. WARE1TOUSES FOR RENT. Cor. Kant Washington and East Second ts,. 13''i' 3 fast, on floor; en O. R, A N. sck ; lately occupied by Cudahy Park ing Co. I'nge Inxestment Co 120 Front - Fnon 31 a In MSO. H ad l a HALL FOR KENT. Large, heated and well lighted. Good elevator a -r vice. In heart of buslnes ee- tion on Weet Side. Apply 806 Abingtoa b.ng. TO LEA5E. FOR 6EASE Trackage; fin warahoue or mfg. location; aLso comer storeroom, 33d and Broadway, ready Nov L AlbLna Fuel t om pa n y. BUSINESS OPPORTUN1TDX3. $10,000 CASH will put you Into one of th Devi mercantile ouaineaae in ror nana: owner will guarantee you 20 per cent on your inestuieut. Dcaiti good salary for service; in laci it will oeat to at to f rasxie. ees me. JUJ. C GIBSON, 103 Peril nrr Bldg. WE have a fine businee opportunity for party wita irom aoou to immhi in gooo. uv Town in rtouinern t aiuomia. AMEa MEKCANTILE AGENCY. 416 Ablngton Bldg. Main 6W FOR SALE cheap, a nice reataurant In con nection with a 2 O-room rooming-house. doing a nice business; room all full; rent cheap, with a 2-year Iea; will sail on tsrma. AH 641. Oregonlan. A GOOD OPENING For a first-class dry good or department store In a live town; new brick store 43a so, racing two streets; location the beau Adflrese A. Mutr:. Wlnlock. Wi CAFETERIA For aale; clearing $3ot per month; good ltcatloo. cheap rmt; 8-year lease; V230U caan. r a lance rrorn receipt Jofii. C. GIBSON. &Q6 OerUnge" Bldg. FOR SALE On of th beat cafe In Southern Oregon, doing a Duaines of over fl&o per day. Addresa 11 Oeua Medford,Or. AUTOMOBILE buaineaa. paying $40 month ly, any in teres tea party with om cash. Inquire; experience unnecessary. b W ashington, room 418. ' G iD opportunity for a reetaurant party understanding the buaineaa and hs capi tal to o; rat witn. luquir at princes Motel office. FoR I'.ALE White automobile agency for ban Diego and imperial counties, together with beat garage in city. Addr C C. Funnotl as Co., nan Dtego. Cal. GIVEN away free, map of all th California ll nelds. a-ao trial aubeoription or pabiica- rtun ' caiiromia oil rit.aa Mgr-Loomk t:o.. Tul oregonlan bldg . Portland. Or. h AJOt N S. For sal Five of the finest saloon In th city: all independent license $14 Henry Mdg. . REAL ESTATE Owner wants partner abl to snow lano. ate; pay large prunta, J'ar- ticuiars24i Stark sc MOVING-PICTURE house, magnificent loca tion, wll' aeil or exchang: what hav a your 21 Washington bdg WANTED A good pay lug restaurant up to ao"J, routing out a gooa on conaiaereo. F. rt Hf, z.'i H Morrison street. PARTNER for on of the tt suburban re- at at office in Portland: investigate. A-PLATEN printing plant. established ft st to rustier. year or will sell V Intel so, uregonian. BUSINESS f O P E N I " 1 Real eetat office. centra n t kv7Hv-fj. mi m i urm. nai ana PUSl- ne 2'" Inquire 4"i l.'.imbermen bldg. CASH GROCERY Clears flM) month; nd not pay on cent before you prov It; Uv- in f -room can otara: at. GKOc'tR Y You will buy this if ou se It and get tne price, vt esx wiae; caan bual- a Address P Oregonian. a-e I AHLIsH Kl auto-exprwa buslnes: will nil for value macninea ana etjuluxnent. Addtesw L 5-tr. oregonian. Kl i AL KANT and lunrhcouoter for sale. a nice clean place it aoin tnta week: $309 j ash only; rent sx s.j .North 17th u WANTED A side Itne for feed store, town of 2tH(0 inhaoitanuB. auvivsa ioc oox la. r orest ' rove, v t. IF YOU want a bargain In a small olg.tr and confectionery store, omni s.w to av nay. ca.l toaay at iej jiiuiaon at. WOULD like to buy an Interest in a small bank with poaitton or join riant party to arurt t-ana. a d.. .i rivnuu. MoT ION -PICTURE theater. nap if taken at once; near Portland, gontan. A fiiaV Or- PARTNER wanted for transfer business; experience not necessary; will pay $ldO mania, v an Mara ax. MIN1NO AKD INDLkTRUL m tockj Telephone and other bouds bought aaa to'd Fletcher Inv. Co . Ablngton, 29 bH A RES of Portland Circret P1I A Equipment co'i stock for aale at $12 per i ahare. Aaaresa aj o5. Oregonlan $00 BUSINES? card II OO: yon muat brinf I WANT moving-picture ahow In good loca tion, .a. n-iv tregonian- RXSTAURANT Doe fin bu sin a as; will sell cheap. Call X4 star& c BUSINESS OPPORTrNITIM. MR. HOTEL. MAN. HERE IS yrt'R fPPORTUNITT TO RENT an elegant new 5-atory hotel, contalnlna; 1!0 larira rooms. 70 baths, all with tlio floors, hot and cold water throughout 80 rooms, will be finished about January 1; balanca when desired. Located In th eentor of the business district of North Yakima. JOHN JACOB M1L.LER. 41 X. 3d st.. No. Yakima, owner. t . FOR f ALE. A 30-M capacity Kuasell portable aaw mlll. complete with cut-off saw. sawdust cenveyor, etc; also a No. 1 Northwest planer, with attachments. Rood as new; has been used onlv a short time. For particular caul at my office. 22-1: -( Front at-. Portland. Or. HERMAN METZOER. Owner. RESTAURANT WITH GRILL. LICENSE $1000. An exceptional opportunity. 403 COUCH iiLDG. TOt'N'O man with business connection In Kast will dispose of hi 1-J interest in an el-arantly furnished, well estaMlshed al excellent paylns; real estate offic in ti city; open to the most thomupth lnretl c;ation. and can show you the business opportunity offered. Inquire 417 Board of Trade, VALUABLE HUSINES3. INFORMATION. Thl agency 1 In a position to rurnisn rellahl Information regarding business openings; only lejcitimat proposltloii con sidered. AMES MERCANTILE AOEXCY. 41U AMnirton MI Established 1H95. HAULER Mrs. Ella L Hajsr, nt her late realdtnce, S6 N. 13th t., Nov. 2.-. wire or A. L. 1! sailer. sUter of Mrs. Oeorce n Andrews and mother of Mrs. W. O. Van Prhuvnr. a k art & voa rs FiinerHl 3 Pi M.. tomorrow (Saturday) Not. 21. Serr- icea at gray prlvate, TTANTEn TO RUY A small first-rlass restaurant or confec tionary sd rstnurant In ome cood lo cation tn or near Portland. Iet me know what yotf have and what you want for It In first letter: also where located. X M7. Oregonlan. WANTED. Party with 3.'ao to take an rntrt In a good -paving business. AMES M ERCANT1LE AGENCY. 416 Ablngton Bldg. . Main BUSH. YOUNG MAN. STRANGER! Mske careful Investigation at expense of elr before you Invest money In any proposition. Advisory lspartmant, x. ja. rt. a. YOUNG man with emperlenca as mannger of large publlo ervl-e corporation wlahe to Identify himself with responsible party in legitimate Duaines; contracting or man ufacturing preferred. W 630. Oregonlan. HALF Interest In an old-established busi ness, doing a good business, with a sal aried position of $10o per mnn-th. ror tun particular call Kinney as Stampher. Lum- FOR SALE or trade, on of the bast drug businesses in the Willamette aitey; very thing modern, brick building In cluded If desired. Addresa X 683, Ore gonlan, WANTED To buy first -clans motion-pic ture theater In good location in or near Portland. Olve full particular and price In first letter. Address K 633. Orego- n'in. AIU) Good location for a movlng-plo- tur show In small town, Oregon or Wash ington, on railroad. Address H. E. Bo wen, H, Washing ton t.. Portland. FIRS T-CLARS cigar store; good location. can be nan at a bargain tr tnken nt once; gfvd reason for Ulng. See owner, 4 J n. .id t. fR an Investment of 61000 to $:000 or 6""0d, It Invested right away, that will pay 50 per cent for year to come, e T Dubois. Washington bldg.. room 3. WANTED Lady or gentleman with S10 or more to make investment mat win snow 20 per cent or better returns. B 337, Oregonlan. I A BARGAIN If taken at once, 3-chalr bar- ber shop. Hawthorne ave. ROOMING-HOrSES. GOOD BUY 23 rooms, always rented: clear $2t0 a month; near busines ec tlon: nlc neighborhood; all modern con venience; 2 carllnea; no Incumbrance; rent $0 a month: leas 8 years or longer; the best buy In the city and real MONEY MAK KR; price $16oO, easy t-rnis. See H. . Chandler, ttiu Lumbermen bldg.. Ota . and fttark a ls. 12 ROOMS FOR $30. We have a 12-room house, excellent lo cation, that we must sell before Deo. 1. The rent 1 only S40 per month and the furnishing are f Irst-clasa and In good condition; price SH30 cash. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE C0-, 813 Henry Bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE, It rooms, rent cheap and lease, jrood close-in locauon west bide; rooms always rented; clears $90 month and ou nave best suite ror aeir; nic. raooern louse : all light rooms: price very rea sonable and very easy terms. See H. W. GARLAND fc CO.. 11 4th gt. 1H WORTH of high-grade mission furn iture; H-room fiat rented to nacueior Club: $37.50 over all expense; will sell for $750; term; complet In smallest de tail ; excellent reaaon xor sailing. u 636. Oregonlan. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS. ' 100 rooms, fine location, well furnished. doing good business; th beet buy .In Portland at thl price; for a few day only at $1600; $3300 cash; no agent 417 Board or Traoe. fnone aiai nZ37. FOR SALt: Rooming-house, 32 rooms, well nnishcd. in thriving town or auuu popula tion, bringing In good net Income; three year lease; must be sold at once; good reason; goes at a bargain. Addresa Kelso Journal, Kelso. Washington. ROOMING-HOUSE for sale by wnr; cheap for cash. D .I0, Oregonlan, LOT AND FOOD. TAKEN from N. P. train at St. Johns sta tion. Wednesday evening. Lieweilyen sec- r. answering to in name iee; iiKea black and white, left eye black; any In formation In regard to thl dog will b appreciated ; reward guaranteed. Address or phone G F. Loeb. Ridgetield, Wash,, phone c iwj. roruana. FOUND Lady gold watch and pearl- handled umbrella, lert in auto that cam down Belmont at, about a week ago; nam on handle: owner can have same by proving property and paying for this no tice, call Tartor a-t-t.. rt lifts. LOST Ol the W illume t to or Columbia River between St. Johns and West port, or.. IS boom sticks and 12 boom chains; boom chains branded . P. A P. Co. lie ward for Information, Addresa W. P. A P. Co.. Oregon City, or. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair tnattresae retail at wholesale prices; w also renovate iet ner fortiana Curled Hair Factory. H. Metsgar, 22 Front. Phone Main 474. A 1374. LOST on Saturday evening at Bungalo 1 heater, or between Huugalow Theater ind Swetland on Morrison, a gold brace let; finder pleas phone Main 6? or re turn to 1031 Corhett bldg. LOST Lady' a a mall Elgin watoh. matrix pin. near or on paaeoaai grou.ua a; waicn ha Initial P. fX L. ; finder plea return room 414 Mohawk bldg. and racelv xa- ward. LOST Between $d and Stark and 4th and Taylor at, watch fob. amber color atone enclosed by g"id nana atiacnea. nndwr pleas phon Esst 24" 1; reward. LOST About six weeks ago. a while female English bull terrier; parties having dog pltaso notify Herb at uaraaiow itro. iu Co- Reward. LOST Gold broo-h. engraved J. M. CP., between East pine and Th Oak Thura- day. Reward. Last 4w. LoST 1 Spits pup In the neighborhood of eiojacxeon st.; raw ara ir reiurnea. to peo plea Market and Grocery Co. LoST 'Wednesday morning, lady's gold watch, closed face, initials G- H. on case: finder please phon East 8G3S. LOaT Diamond stick pla. shap of a star. 6 diamonds; liberal reward. Return to 73S East 67th sL. North, proposals Invited. THE undersigned will receive sealed bids at hi office, 7 First atreet. Portland. Ore gon, up to 131 o'clock noon of Saturday. December 8. 1910, for th following de scribed personal property, to-wlt; A lot of woodworking and mill machinery, lo cated In the Reynold Furnltur Factory at Alblna and Goldsmith streets, of the total Inventory value of $243; also a lot of material and lumber used in the man- ufacture of furnltur of th Inventory valu of $U32.bd, all located In said fac tory. Bid will be received for all of aald property or separata bids for th machlu ry and materials. Cash or a certified check for 10 per cent of th amount of fered must aocompany each bid and the right is reserved to reject aay and ail bid An Inventory Is on file at th office of the undersigned and said property may be inspected upon application at aald office, Th machinery abov mentioned con sists of a complete set of woodworking machinery. This sal offer a good op portunity for anyon desiring to operat a furnltur manufacturing or woodwork ing plant, to obtain a complet outfit. Dated at Portland, Oregon, November 1ft. ivlO R. L babla. Trust SPECIAL yOTlCEg, Pro po aavi In v Ued. PKOPOSAI fur tubular d.eep well. Office of Constructin; Q. M,, Fort Georse urixht. Wash.. Novvmber 25. 1910. Sealed proposals In triplicate will be received at this office until 11 o'clock A- M., Decem ber 10, ll'lO, and then opened, for sinking one lu-incn tubular ceep wen at this post , ah. necessary macninery. worn and ma terial to be furnished by contractor, who should state in his proposal where hi plant may be seen and Inspected. Pro posal tnuit be accompanied by certified cnerk or a-uaranty in tne auin or ,t0. peclflatlons, instructions to bidders and full information In regard to the work required will be furnished upon applica tion at this office. The L. S. reserves the ritflit to reject or accept any or all pro posals, or any part thereof. Proposals must be Inclosed in sealed envelope marked "proposals Tor ainkinic wen to be opened Dec. 10. 1910." and addressed to Lieut. A. L. Snead, 23th Inf., Construct- In Quartermaster. ' 8 ALE OF BONDS. Notice l iirreoy fclven that School Dis trict No. 2 of Dallas. Polk County. Ore- icon, will receive sealed blu for the aa I of 110. 000. OO o per cent semi-annual Int. bearing bond of said district, said bonds to run for 2o years, but to be redeemable at the option of said district, on and after 10 years from the date thereof, at any semi-annual int. payment date, ids will , be opened Dec 1st, IU10. H. C. CAMPBELL. Clerk School Dtst. No. 3L M lscellan eoaa IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THB UNITED STATES FOIt THB DISTRICT OF OREGON In the matter of SAMUEL OLDSTEIN, bankrupt: The undersigned trustee win receive scaled Did at nis of fice, room 8, No. 7 First atreet. Portland, Oregon, ud to 12 o'clock noon tf Tuesday. 5 November 29, 110, for the following prop erty belonging to aald eatate, to-wtt: Stock of merchandise consisting princi pally of clothing, shoe and gents' furnish ing good of the Inventory value of IKI.3 i.'l. lot of store tlxturea of the In ventory value of $2.7.5d, all located In the Fannlns: bhlar.. at Sheridan, Oregon. Cash or certified check for 1J per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid and the right 1 reserved to re ject any and all bid and aald aale I aubject to confirmation by the court. An inventory or. the property is on nie at tne office of the undersigned and the prop erty may be inspected upon application to i. L. Hendereou, at Sheriuan, or. R, L. b A BIN, Trustee, Datd November IS. 1910. IN the District Court of tho United State for the District of Oregon; In the matter of C. K. KLAGG ET'I. bankrupt: Th undersigned will receive sealed bid at hta office, room S. 7 First street, ronianu, Oregon, ud to 12 o'clock noon of Wednes day. November 30. 1110. for the following described personal property belonging to aid estate, towit: A stock of electrical fixtures and supplies located at 301 Eat Morrison street, Portland, Oregon, of the inventory valu of $113e-.t, together with a lot of office fixtures and tools of the Inventory value of 4130.73. located at aame place. Cash or a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must ac company each bid and the right la re served, to reject any and all bid Said sale 1 made subject to confirmation by th court. An Inventory of property Is on file at the office of the undersigned and the property may be inspectea upon application at said of floe. Dated at Port- laud, Oregon, November 22, 1910- R. L. 6 A BIN. Trustee, NOT1CB Is herebr given that I will ell to th highest bidder the xouowing do no. Isue made by school district No. 2, Lin- coin County. Oregon: 10 $10tM) bonds. dated December 10, 1910, Interest 6 per cent, payable semi-annually. January land July 1. zraturlng In 20 years, redeemable after 10 earB at the option of the dis trict. Bids received up to and Including December 8. ltflO. Further Information on rt quest. G- B- McCluskey. county Treaa- urft, Toled o. Oregon. NOTICE Is hereby given that G. Ferettl, . . .i.t . ly a i nrtner t:i the copartnersnip firm of Ferettl Brothers, doing business at No. 20."V Union avenue, Portland, Ore gon, has severed his partnership relation with aald firm and 1 no longer con nected therewith. All debt and obliga tions of said firm are assumed by the remain Ins- partners. A. Ferettl and M. -rt-iU. Datt?d at Portland. Oregon, No- vemter 2M, I'.'IO. G. Ferettl. THIS Is to certify that th firm known a the W. JS. L.O., nave aissoiveu partner ship. I will not be responsible for any bll.s after November 25. U10. WM. ESKINS. HAVING purchased the Jewelry store at 74 etn st. Norm,, an persons naving ciaims against 2d. Kosentnai or Tances m. Ro senthal present same before December 1 1H10. Philip Rowmny. FINANCIAL. LAWYER of 18 years' experience examining titles and making loans lor particular peo- de ha numerous choic applications on land, best of reference. Call at 607 Mc Kay bldg. Main 4710. MORTGAGES, contract, bonds, stocks, war rant and notes bought and sold. Loam negotiated. Henry Teal, 410 Ablngton bldg.. -nm'-fr ad at. Money to Ixnn Real Estate. MONEY TO LOAN On improved or unim proved real estate; small ouiiaing ana Installment loans a specialty; real estate contracts and bond purchased. W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock blk. Main 5119. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purpose; 8 to o year time; unerai repayment privilege; money advanced as building progresse The Equitable Sav ings & Loan Association, -- ntara t. CASH paid for mortgages or seller' Interest In contracts on real eatate anywnere in Oregon or Washington; mortgage loan negotiated on improved property. H. E. Noble, Lumbermen bldg.. Oth and Stark, FIRST and second mortgages and contracts i purchased on farm and city property. anywhere In Oregon or Washington. E. L. Devoreaux, Fenton bldg., 84 6th st. PLENTY of money to. loan at 6 and 7 per cent on real estate security. ED W. P. MALL, lu4 Second fat. $5o0,iH0 ON Improved city or farm property; build ins: or small loan at lowest price: large loan a specialty. J. H. McKensle Co., 614-15-16 Qerllnger bldg. WE HAVE plenty of money to loan on city property In sum from $1000 to $W.0o0 at lowest current ratea. Morgan, Fliedner A Boyce, 003-000 Ablngton tug. $2K).0M TOLoXn. large loan a specialty. building loan lowest rate. W. G. Beck, 812 Failing hiflg. IMMEDIATE loans from $5 and up on all securities. W. A, Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. Phone Main 802. $1S.OOO TO loan at 7 per cent for a term ; - of years on Incom bearing property. V , o46, Oregonlan. LOANS on Improved city property for pri vate Investor. M. E. Thompson Co., 4th and Oak, Henry bldg. MORTGAGE loan, on city property; lowest I r.tes. A. II. Blrrell Co- ZVU iHKajr bids. m end gtark. kO.N'klL to loan on Improved lnsld, property. BKOrv'i-S i CO.. Ground Floor. Lewi, Blur. WILL loan I.MHX) or lea, on real estate. Hitohcock. eio Hotncniid Pidg. LOANS OX INSIDE PROPERTY AT 8 TO T PKU CK.NT. M. l. WI3 btlLUlA. VKIVATE moneT loaned on real estate mart. gagaa, H. Mlley, room I04 Gerllnger bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallett, 808-9 Fenton. Stat, fund, loaned, 0 per cent. W. K. Thom- as. state ag.nt, Multnomah Co., 4iK C. O. MOR TG AGE LOANS AT REASONABLE! RATES. F. H. l.EWlf. a LEWIS BLDG. Will loan $10,000 or U-ss, real estate security. Farrlngton. ,iO commercial ciuo uiag. MORTGAGE LOANS, lAri! SALOMON. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. 233 STARK ST. MONEY to loan on real estate. Hardin,: fc Heynold, Co., 313 Chamber or Commerce. MONEY, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. Good nough A Sells, 310 Spalding bldg. $2500 AND $900 for Immediate loan. McCarthy. Ablngton bldg. J. J. BUILDING LOAN S A. C. Furlon g, eoa- tractor. 6B6 Ch. of Com. Main Money to Loan ('battels and SaJarleaT VTS loan money on watches, diamond, seal skin a. mink overcoats, trunks, dress suit caaea and musical instruments. I'.N'CLB MY KKS. 71 Sixth St.. Between Oak and Pine Bte. Main 010. MONEY loaned in amounts from HO up on all kinds of aecurulee, furniture, pianos or any personal property. Easy weekly or monthly payments. Low ratea Confiden tial. Oray A Cunningham, 2il Rothchlld Bldg.. northwest corner 4th At .Washington. MONET advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 00 principal cities; save yourself by getting my terms first. TOLMAN, SIT Lumber Exchange. LOWEST RATES Loans on all klnda of se- curltv. chattels or real esiate. union Loan Co., i5 Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Wash. sts. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry and other se curities. nu Hon. room 9 Washington biR., cor, 4th and Washington sts. MONEY to loan on diamonds and Jewelry; low rates of interest, a.s was h l n g t on. LIBERAL loans on furniture and diamonds. J. E- Nichols. 6'JO roard of Trade bldg. for rdY The Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg. LOW rates; ws-losn money on diamonds said J.w.iry. Uarx & JUloch. .4 Sd.st. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. "$ $ $ $ $ $ $ "$ ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY? If you knew how easy our terms ara you would not be short of money. Don't be Dotnerea with a lot or smaii uouw, let ua furnish money to settle them. WR I.OAV ON Furniture and pianos, storage receipts. livestock, rooming-houeea, life Insurance policies, all kinds of securities; terms to suit; also easy weekly or mommy in stallments. We buy and loan on first , and second mortgage and equity In con- , tract. n U R- PF1T. TFCTATP "BROKERAGE CO., 812 Hamilton Bldg., 131 3d, Main 20S4 $$$$$$$ BUTTON CREDIT COMPANY. 307 Spalding Bldg., ltd and WAiihinirton Sta. Money. Money. Money, Money. Money. We Inn n m nnAV that' S our business. We hav tnoQiy for those who need It. We all need money. Therefore, come to u "We loan on pianos, furniture, etc Whw )mt vour Mmn 1 1 hill worTV TOUT We can advance you any amount from 610 upward. . Why go to other companieaT See m Wise people DEAL with u When other fail, consult the old liable. HUTTON CREDIT COMPANY. SALARY LOAN BANK. Anyone Steadily employed can borrow $10v $20. 130. S30. $75, $100 On your personal note. 7fo mart enieei No In dorse r. Easiest payments Loweat rate Business stiictlv confidential. STATR SECURITY CO.. 805 Falling Bldg.. 3d and Washington. Loans Wanted. WE can Invest vour money at good rates of interest. Gilt-edge aecuriue jrirat gage. Long-term Investment. PROVIDENT 1NV. A TRUSTEE CO.. 624-520 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED $1000, first-class real estate e- cuntv. 7 ter cent: nrinciDaia oui. t M. Oregonlan. 64oo WANTED on $9000. West Side resi dence property; walking aisianco, two lines. e ao. oregonian. LET us place your money, good mortgages. rcferencea. F. it. Lewis, o Lewis oma. $2H O $300 on a lot in St. Johns, worth f 9Q0. V 641. Oregonlan. PE RSOXAL SPIRITUAL advisor. Dr. Jefferson cure troubles ouickiv: Jefferson guarantee place secret knowledge and power in your own hands, to remove the cause of any trouble, doubt or misfortune caused by anyone or anything and open up a quick and sure way for the contentment, hap p in ess and good influence for success that you desire. Call and consult him daily or Sunday, 10 A. M. to 8 P. at 492 Wash ington sr. taoove nin ilj th MrHAr.1. TRAVIS, suirltual adviser. health, happiness and success ior an wno are In need of helping influence. Dr. Travla positively guarantee to teach you how to overcome unfavorable condition that are caused by yourself or other no matter bow badly you are discouraged, no matter who has failed in your case. See the man who really helps, now permanent ly located room 14 and lb, Kaieign oiag., corner of Sixth and Washington at. Take elevator or stairs to secona noor. MEN CURED QUICKLY. Modem Electric Treatment for nervou debility, enlarged giauua. reciai. vuruuiu. blood and skin diseases. Consultation free. W. I. Howard. M. D., 304-6 Itothcbild Oiug. 4th and w a&r.lugton. STOP making a drugstore of your atoinaca and don t submit to an operatiou, uui. consult Dr. liorne at once. Call today and consult him free. Take elevator to At)-, floor untht-hllri bldir.. 2874 Wasuing- ton at., rooms 4u7 40 and 40tt, Phone Marshall I'bOO. DR AI.ICK A. GRIFF. rtiBAAtiM of woTnen and children, sur gery; chronic and nervous disease treated according to the latest mathods; private I hospital accommodation; confinement I cared for: consultation free. Room 12 r.rmd Theater bid. Main 3it2S, A o6U7, VK-.WVF.T & HAN EE U T. i.iinr Kir and toui.ee makers; finest stock of human hair goods In the city; up- to-date parlors ior nairurMiiB, curing, face and scalp treatment, 147 7th i st.. beL Morrison and Alder. Phono Main I 646. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE lieisingiora cm rliia ! rheumatism, nervoua n blwh- ach ailment, under physician's directions; hatha masseuse, no. i r.asi xj.hi bu, wv.- onrt door south from East Ankeny car- line. Phone East 200, B 1S03. tvws;nv x t i Lor Wallach. skilled ma- i-h n t. former y oi nuuuiuiu, . . Friends desire knowledge of your where .k.,. writn or rome to Dr. John Atch- .riv. room 064, Mills bldg., San Francisco, Callfornla. GILBERT, the tailor, suits pressed 60c while you wait; cieainiiy i" reamers ana duu cjuw, j and remodeled by Madame Gilbert, Room 25 o; Washington St., Olive Diag. Phones Main 4964; re. Main 4i43. HAIR, HAIR All shades in best quality at Mit- L loams out stuca; aciam-ii and scalp treatments; expert hairdresslng i and manicuring taught. Aza ja. xtiuoecae. Grand Leader, pin ana Aiuer. DR. n. L. LEWIS. Diseases of women and children, electrlo .r.tTn.nt nt nervous ailments, private hos pital. Rooms 605-5O0 Commonwealth bldg.; Bth and Ankeny. phones Main 4Q47. A 2411. MISS DESALIE DE VOE. Manicuring, vibration and magnetlo , treatments: respectaoie patrons souciteu. The Philadelphia House, 212 3d at., cor. Salmon; hours 10 A, M. to 10 P. M. MRS. MAY ME WALLACE. Electric and vibratory treatments; aih masseuse. 8X6 stark st,, t Port land. Or. Phones Marshall 242. A 2816. DRESS suits for rent, $1.50 month keeps Sewed On, Tips ouu cu. rivwv. a.no muvA deliveries, cnique lantinng v-o., avi atara. DR. WALKER, specialist ior men, quickly CUreS DIOOU HQU m nnncu. c m.u bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 1S1 let t., Portland. WANTED BY DEC. FIRST. Sanitary Beauty College, 400-412 Dekutn I b'dg., evening Class; maa arrangements; vfl teacn prwui PAINLESS, prompt, permanent and Inex pensive cure j uoiuiKi u cm. un methods. Dr. Philip T. Ball, Merchants Trust bldg. SPIRITUAL adviser. Dr. Jefferson help you out ol an irouuitB. o.uiufciuu at. above 14tn st. MME. Court wrignt, asm ana auaip treat ments, racial ueiuim. . w-fi.ktu, piM tie surgery. 433 Morrison uu Main 6042, CThj KOPH1H B. SKIP, mental and spirit. ual K1W1UI1, .4. W.U.. .UUH b24. . WAbljALb B.c m.Buuuc CiectriO treatmenvs: 1..- . -, wv 11th St. m MFW YORK untMBR. .ii ucnuij parlors. lust ouciiru. ' , fur rheumatism. Marsnaii 2843. tin Ak I m AKSKCSE Swedish graduate for appolnt ' menu Phon. Main 110. Ladle, and clill- rtren only. iTi- SPECTABLE gentleman. 28, would like to meet a lady; matrimony it suited. F 536. oregonian RONIcT CONSTIPATION positively cured v'f.rifth. 4HS Mallet ft., cor. 12th. M. 703a! WRINKLES removed, sagging orrected la 15 minute,; free demonstrations. 0 faall-i,..-Hlrsch bldg. Neo Plastluu. Agency. rT r.n Jurvas Natural sanatorium, 178 E. 6th. .eu la r lands, etc. m'- J ", wvo, u-oia iANIOl'KlS". chiropody, scalp massage. jmiu MoiTison su, room 10, formerly lis 6th t. RHAilPOOINQ and scalp treatment; dolla Come early. Phone East 4641. BiviTARY Reauty parlors; learn manicur ing. -jo-si A-a.. j r.D v the business at ban nary beauty Col- lgge. sou .t. awiTCH made, hoc Sanitary Beauty Col- lege. 4UQ-i A-.a.M - o- DR. KETCHUM traata woe lTt d St., cor. lamhliL men's maladies. 20 FOR complete course. Sanitary Beaut College, 40U-41Z ig-eaum uiug. tiuPTTMO cures rheumatism and blood pol I f-1 .1 Ttr Clrr. tlu AI..L- a. T ion; price """j BAMTARY Beauty college 4O0-4ia De kum uma- " UALM Ob rHia nuinouics lur diseases of women, ou ' ja. POSITIONS guaxaDteeu; sanitary Beautj college, 1W -v e- joHN RIGBY Call at International HoteL . . anrl CH Pre n Ir T o MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removsd. T. T I l I 1 . IPKAn.P Kill w Mrs. j1. '"-vaf. iu6. ja n.(a, I Pl'FFS and curia 76c, out of combings. San- ltary r'arior, tw MRS. LADD FINNICAN is at 24 East 14th Nortn. BCSINF.SS P-IRECTORY. Chiropody. WILLIAM. Eetell. and Klossl. Deveny, the only scl en tin c cniropoaists in tne city. Parlor, 802 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d ud Alder. Phon. Main 13VL BUSINESS D1KKCTORY. Chiropody. Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. "J,.: room 429 Flledner bids, mono jiam o. , Accountants. MACKENZIE. BAIRD A BERRIDGE 1'ubllc accountants and auditors. 224 Worcester Block. Main 73G9, A 149; Office Byatema. Periodic adults. Factory system Investlfiauons. .1 XI WTT TTV Xr '( Publlo accountants, all branche Suite 426 and 42S Henrv buildius- Phone Mar shall 1221 or 43 William St., New York City. "E. H. COLLIS A CO., ACCOUNT A NTV romniMrial Cnnnlv and MliniciDal Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. 824 Worcester block. Phone Main 6367. Attorneys. A, E. COOPER, attorney at law; practice in j an courts; abstract examined, iio -uau- rer or Commerce. M. 71. A a07i. B. M. BENSON, general practice of law. collections made. 902 Spalding bldg. Aseaycr and Analyst. Wells & Proebstel. miiftng enstneers. chem ist ana assayers. U4 li w asmngion. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 180 Morrison st. Circulating Library. LATE fiction. 3c a day. Woman's Exchange bldg., lsq oth st.. bet. Taylor ana lanintu. Chiropractic Physician. . "CHI-RO-PRC-TIO TICK-NER"; aay it fast and remember Columbia bldg., 12 to 6:30. Coal and Wood. OREGON LUMBER A FUEL CO.. Halsey and E. 39th sts. Tabor 231L CommUnlon Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG A 0.. ship broker, com- mlssion merchants. Sherlock bli. CoUecilons and Law. NETH & CO.. COLLECTIONS COLLECT EVERYWHERE; NO COLLECTION. NO CHARGE. 635 Worcester biug., Portland. Baths and Swimming. Portland Swimming Baths, 167 4th Elegant plunge, steam and shower baths, 23c Brass and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 106 N. oth. Mam ttuj. Consulting Engineers. GOLDBERG A T RUM BO, consulting en gineers, 312 Touch bldg. Patent laeas worked out, power plants, general eu gineerlng. Telephone. Dancina. HEATH'S DANCING SCHOOL. 109 Second St.. between Wash, and Stark sts.; stage dancing taught; waits and two-step guar anteed In four lessons; class and social dance Monday, a to 12, Lesao ua aal ly. 1 23c LESSON, four lessons $1; waits, two- step, uiree-sttp, stage aancing iusui dally. Prof. Wal Wlllson's, Portland' largest and leading dancing school, 3bua Wash, tu. bet, . Park and 10th u lHg and liurae HowpAtaL DR. BROWN, D. V. S. Office 324 Flanders wt., Alain 406U. Hospital b9 tn st. Drug less physicians. C HOLM STROM, Swedish graduate; digest ive, nerve ana cnruuio uisoraers. ou-o ur gonian bldg. Phone Marshall 2o26. Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors tor rent or aale. 21J 2d tu Lngines ba sad atcaia. : KOBER Machinery Co., Coast agt. Seabury team engines and boilers, fcasonna u glne, 2Si.-Sa E. Morrison au phone E 61o. Peed btore. ZIGLEli & Misuer, hay, grain, feed, ce Biiinlus. 2U4 oraud ave, E. 4a. ment. l-'Ul's. N. M. UNGAR' A CO.. INC., formerly of 406 Merchants Trust bldg., have removed to loy Seventh st. Fuis remodeled, repaired and stored. Marshall ToJ. Hat Factory. HATS made to order cost no mora. See P.oyal Hat Wurtvs. 223 1st IU M. Leather and 1 iu dings. CHAS. L, M ASTKJiiL CO., 74 Front, Leather of every uescription, taps, niirs. iinaings. J. A. STUOWBRIDUE LEATHER. CO. kia- tauiisnea 13. Xbtf r runt st Aiachinery. B. TRENK.il AN A CO., Hydraulic and spa- cial pipes, screens, bagging, mining nia- cainer. All kinds of repairs, io4 N. 4tu. Musical. TH1ELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevlck. yvo ilaruuani. A ibu. aiar. it. Neurologists, Ee Specialiat. QUICK, relief tor ea and nervous trouble Drs. Freeze as nice, wix waiiiugiun w OeteoputLio physicians. DR. LeRoy Smith, graduate Klrksvllle, Mo., claas of lb'JB. oost-graauate i'jui, unuer 'X. bill, the founaur. oli-aib-aiu b wetland bldg. Main lUbi. A lUb5. DR. R. B. NORTHUP, 41-4lti-41i Dekum bldg. phone, oifice M 34U; Res. Bast or B 1028. paints, Oils and Glass, HASMUSSEN & CO., jobbers, paints, oils. glas. sasa and uoois. cor. m auu i.ayioi Patent Attorney. PATENTS procured by J. E, Mock, attorney at law, late ol u. o. x-atcui. viuc. xuua- i let free. IV xiuaru ui j. i muo umc. U. S. AND foreign patents mat protect aie secured tnrougn x-auiuu v.uaai ruicia Agency, inc.. Dept. A. Stockton, Cal. R, C WRIGHT, domestic and JCoreigu pat ents, lulringement cases. ous jueaum. raving. thi,: vtarher AsDbalL Paving Coinuany. lua- tiUO t-lectrlc DIU. u.i;ar nuuor, x-uriiajiu. warrkN Construction -o. btre.t aviuc. siaewalas ana ljusbhiuj. .11 uci otug. Pawnbrokers. UKCLE MtKKi Collateral Bank. 4v ears iu portlana. n om .t- mv. riuuibuic. JOB plumbing, pipe lltting coUi In stov,, & K. J.oa,Tl Holmunu ' l'ipe. FOBTLANU WOOD PlPii CO. Faotory anil OtUCe near ..m " yrlntera. GLASS & HIUDHOMMIS CO., printers, blank book Waiver.., ic(,u wiun., .uuaa uv .1(:t. townsblp plats. Uo-tW 7tn iu, bet. Oak and Ankeny. Kubber Stamp. .T.uit uilIl stencils, choice sta cunniiiKbam s. ajl Siark. ilain HOT. Kug Weavers. JiOKTHW'liST HUG WOHKo Kufc-s from old. carptits, tvw".i ... o . . i."'ui ana iaying. 163 Union ave.. nr. iL. Morrison " bales. ' THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 10S 2a St. Safes at factory F" - Safety Blade, Beeluarpcned, GILLETTE and others resharpened. 30 cent. uoz. ; man ui""" v - ......... ... aiuci- lcanSafetylloniliBCo.,014 Mciiay bldg. rdiowcaaes. Bank and Store J:ixtnret. ul. i.i:tke MFG. CO., branch Grand Ruo. Ids bnowoa.. - ii.uia manager. Z w illRDSALU 20i HAMILTON ULXlci ,howces In stock; prompt delivery, bale. agent, m. i."'"1"" MARSHALL MFG. CO., 4tli and Couch, new SQd u-iiu. - -"'". 1 r. urn. Shingles. BET in the city; car 101s or less. LiUbert. 01 Washington st. btorage and Xraiibier. PUUTLANU V siuiiAbu. lu, corner VAN 13th and Everett blb. juii opened newes: and most inouern storage wareiiouse in city every convenience fur sate and proper handling of goous; loweat Insurance rata In Northwest; iree iracaage; vans ior mov. lng. Main orA 150. "MOVING STORAGE MOVING. Experta. reliable men, no booze-nghters; alii lUOVe )U 4ull-na cucaper U.IHX Det- ter tnau auyune eiso. rnona us lor an astimate; storage ran uii very wweau an Horn i ranster. uotn phones. I PICK Transfer & Storage Co., ofiice anu COIUUlW"uu '' J at .-rk rsuUUU9, t; oar ate iron rooms and flreproor vault ror ValUaDlC. A. . ,va. mM. uuu ,4J7 pianos and furniture moved and packed for Bhipp in g. Jimn vvv, w fo. ' oi. SON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General translering and storage; safes, niBDoi and furniture moved and packed xor ahipment. no Oak at , beL Front and 1st. Telephone juaiu oi or a ait. OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1870. : U'ransier ana 101 -storage. OXlice aiO Hoyt St., between Oth and oth. pnones juaiu w, j. nou. Stoves. STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110, 614 j-ront, Tpe writing. PORTLAND MAILING CO. Multlgraphing. typewnuxig. iiiiiuittl fuunu vt.,ograpner, personal typewritten circular letters. 3ot Railway Exchange bldg. Main 5166. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. 20 to ISO, fully guaranieeu, .mj ihijweuu, rentals, S3 per month. Paciflo Stationery 4s Printing CO., e. " HEW, rebuilt. second-hand, rentals at cut w, w otarjt, jt. 14 7. BUSINESS DIItECTOKY Tjpewrlt e rs. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concerua on this Coat; Investigate; iiiatB, mi prices. The Typewriter change. ZSl Waaliington st. Veterinarians. S. L. Brown and S. B. Foster. eterinarlna. 331 Ankeny st. A 3999. Main 2402. Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO., 172 1st St.. whole- aaie ana retail, samples mailed free. GRAND CENTRAL STATjON Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger ..... Roseburg Passenger 8: SO a. m. 4:13 p. m, 6:00 p. m. 7:43 p. nu 1:30 a. m, 7:60 a. m. 4:00 p. nu 8:50 a. m. 6:40 p. nu 7:30 a. rru 10:00 p. m. 5:30 p. nu I Shasta Limited I California Express i San Francisco Express .. West Side Corvalts passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grov Passenger Forrst Grove Passencer Arri Vina- Pori lanrt Oregon Kxpress Ashland Pansenger ..... Roseburg Passenger Portland ExDreaa 11:10 a. nu 2:30 p. nu 6:20 p. m. 10:20 a. m. S:00 a. m. 4:40 p. m. Shasta Limited est side i Corvall passenger .... Sheridan Passenger .... i Forest Grove Passpnr Forest Grovq passenger . Northern Pacific Lea vlna: Pnrriufi.i i North Coast Limited via Puzet North Coast Limited via' North DUUUU ... . .il0:10 a. m, Bank 7:00 p, nu 12:13 a. nu 9:00 a. m, 8:30 p. m, 7:00 p. nu 10:10 a, m. 7:00 p. nu Atlantic Express via Puget Sound jllo"w express via .North Hank Twin City Express via Pucei Twin City Exnreas via North xmiiK ...... Misbouri River Express via Puget WVUMU. ........ Missouri River Express, via North Bank Portland, Tacoma and Seattle Ex-, press, uraya Harbor, Olympia and South Ufin rl hrniM 6:45 a, nu 10:10 a, nu Portland-Puget fc'ound Special . . . Puget Sound Limited, Gray Har-j bor and South Bend branches.. Yacolt Passenger Arrivine- Portland I 3:30 p. m. 3:30 p. nu North Coast Limited via North Bank 1 8 :15p. tn. Nonh Coast Limited via Pugetl Sound 7:20 a. nu 8:00 a. nu 7:30 p. m, 8:15 p. nu 7:20 a. a. 8:00 a. m, 4:00 p. nu 4:00 p. m, T:10 p. m. Northern Pacific Express via Express isortn isanL- . . Northern Pacific Express. viai x-uget sound Pacific Coast Express via North -'"a pacific Coast Express vi 'la Puget: bound Missouri River Express via North) Bank Missouri River Express via Puget Sound Portland-Tacoma-Seattle Express, and from Olympia, South Bend, Grays Harbor and Yacolt orancnes Puget Sound Limited, and from Olympia and Grays Harbor Dranch Pujjot Sound-Portland Special and irom aoutq ienq praucn :iu:;w p. m. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co. Leavina- Portland I Pendleton Passenuer .1 8:00 a.m. Oregon-Washington Limited 10:00 a. nu The Dailes Local 4 :00 p. rru Spokane Flyer 6:00p.m. Soo-Spokane-PortlanL 11:00 p. nu Oregon Express .. 8:00 p.m. ArrlvinK Portland The Dalle Local 0:S5 a. m. Spokane Flyer 8:00a.m. i Oregon Express 10:30 a. m. boo-spokane-Portland 111:30 a. nu Pendleton Local Passenger 5:45 p. m. OreKon-Washlngton Limited . . . . 8:00 p. nu Astoria & Columbia River. Leaving Portland Astoria and Seasloe Express... Astoria and Seaside Kxurees... 8:00 a. nu 6:30 p. m. 1:15 p. m. , 6:46 p. ro, 12:20 p. m. 10:00 p. m. 9:40 a. m. 6:00 p.m. Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger Arriving Portland-. Seaside and Astoria Express... Seaside and Astoria Express. . Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Leaving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland 11:00 p. m. 1:15 am. via Seattle , Arriving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portlaud ...i ...ll:30 a. nu 10:30 p. m. via seatiie Oregon.. A "Washington; KallroadCo. Leaving Portland- Seattle 1'assenger Shasta Limited t 8:30 a. m. 3:uo p. nu ll:4i a. m. Owl Arriving Portland 1 Owl Shasta Limited Portland Passenger JEFFERSON-STREET STATION. Southern PacUlo Leavlns Portland I. Dallas i'aiaenger 7:40 a.m. Dallas Passenger I 4:o5p. m. Forest Grove Passancer. . 1:IM p. 2n. Arrlvlns; Portland l Dallas Passenger ...110:15 a.m. Dallas Passanser I : P- m- Forest Grove Passenger ji-:vv noon NOKTH BANK STATION. t teventh and Hoyt Bta. Spokane. Portland Si Seattle ICallwny Co. Leaving Portland Lyle Passenger ...7:BOa.m. ror ancouver, aii., pi.vcibuh, win.. Salmon, Lyle, Goldendale and Intermedlat. folnts. nland Empire Express 8:00 a. m. For Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis. Spokane, Washtucna, Kahlo. tus, l'asco. Koosevelt, Graudalles. Lyle. White Salmon and Vancouver, Wash. Columbia Klver Local 0:18 p.m. For Vancouver. Stevenson, White Salmon, Cliffs and Intermediate points. North Bank Limited 7 .00 p. m. For Chicago, bu raui, unimi, ja.uu... City St Louis, Blllinus, fcpokane, wasn tucn'a. Kahlotua, Pasco, Koos.veit, Van couver, Wash. Arriving roruana North Bunk Limited o:uu a. m. From Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City St. Louis, Yellowstone Park, Spokane, Washtucna, kahlo tus, Pasco, Kooarvalt, and Vancouver. Wash. Columbia River Local lo:80a.m. From Clins, uoiueiiaaic. nun. o.i- mon. Steveuson. Vancouver, wash., ana in- termeaiate poini.. Inland Kmplre Kxpress. v 8:15 p.m. For Chicago, isl. raui, oman jvuji... City St. Louis, Billings, bpokane, wash tucna. Kahlotus, Pasco. Roosevelt, Grand dalles, Goldundale, Lyle. White Salmon, Vancouver, Wash. Lyle passenger :up. m. From i-yie, uu. owumui c... Vancouver. Wash., and intermediate points. Great yorthern Railway Company. i..vinf Portland 11th and Hoyt Sts. - Oriental Limited, via Seattle 10:00 a. m. Oriental Llmltea, via iorin rjaiia 1 .w p. u. International Limited. Seattle, Ta coma and Vancouver, B. C 10:00 a.m. The owl. Tacoma, beattie and Vancouver, B. C 5:00p.m. Shore Hue Express, Tacoma. Se- attle and Vancouver. B. C . . . .11:30 p. m. Arriving Portland 11th and Hoyt sts Limited, via Seattle 6:45 a.m. Orie.ltal Limited, via North Bank 8:13p.m. The owi. i.uv-u..., ..... tie and Tacoma - 0.45 a. m. Bhor, Line Express. Vancouver. DUS u.tti and Tacoma. ... 2:13 p. m. International limited. Vancouver. i5. t:.. awn" mt- Time turd Orecon Electrlo KallHay Co. assenger btaliou, andJetlereoabts. Woodbum-eiaJem and Int. 1'omta Locals l7ave Portland 6:30, 7:50. 11:00 A. M., 2:00. H-50 11:30, :40 tr. ai. x-oci ior iuhllib and Salem, U:15 A. Jl. Local Ior W llaou- vliie ana int. bu.iw. . ,n;i.knr,i-Kirrt Grove and Intermedlat. VoiLte Leave Portland 7:06, 8:30, lo:ao ii -iu. 2:10. 3:30. 60. o:25 P. M. Si Sat- urday only. -: . a rrlv e iu 11..1, u... wvU. . ti, :40, ll:oo A. M.. l:is. 4:00. :ou, fl'OO 8:-0, 10:50 P. M. Local Irom Wilson ..tn.' .nri int. uolnts, 6:40 A. M. daily ex cept Sunday and 7:35 A. M. dally. Arrive rortlaud Irom 1-orest Grov. and Inf. stations o:vd. a:o0. 11:40 A. 1:JU. y-i0. o:-w, o:aw, aw.uw x-. ml. uuuua "i. 4:40 P. M. . Depot. J-ront ana jcucuu ,imn. Portland Hallway. Light Power Company. Ticket Office and Waiting-Room. First and Alder and East Water and East Morrison Streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. Oregon City 4:04 and 6:30 A. M. and every 3 minute, ana inciuumg last car, midnight. M .... Gresham ana inieraruitL. jioiuit a:ea, 7-4u S'45. 11:43. iu:4t, ii:o A. an.; i:o, 1:45, '2:43, 3:45, 4:45. 6:45. 6:45, 11:30 P. M. Pairview and Troutdale 6:55, 7:45, 8:45, 9:45, 10:4S A. M.; 12:45, 2:48. 8:46, 4:4o. 6:45. :45 P. M. Uazauero suu iuwiuicui iwtiL. ..do. 8:45. 10:45 A. M.; Xi-.ia. 2:4a, 4:1a. ,:4S P M' FOR VANCOUVER. Ticket Ofiice and Waltlng-Room Second and VN asnmgioii atreeis. A. M. :15. 6:50, 7:25. 8:00. :35. :10. :50, 10:30. 11:10, ii:.o. p. m. 13:3u i:iu. a:iv, s:v, i:iu, s:oo. 4:30. 5:10. 5:50. :30, 7:05. 7:40, 3:15. 1:25. 10:85. 11:45. On the third Monday In every month tli. last oar leaves at 7:0 F. M. "Dally 4actl Suwlss. Dally except jaonday, I . 7:15 a. m. . I 6:20 p. m. I 2:45 p. m. )