TIIE 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIAN. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 2G, 1910. 13 MODEL ORDINANCE HOT PRESENTED Home Ru.'e Association Only Recommends, in Deference to Council. SALIENT POINTS COVERED ?Ction Made to City' lplv lators Include All HrniUtlnn of I.lquor Traffic l"ncd by Organization. Instead of pre-nrntirc a mole! Miur license ordinance hioh was prepared by attorney s for the Greater Oregon 7 lame Hula Association as a rnrr..ur regulate tpe saloon and the 11-juor trf?! !n Prt!nna. a lift of recom men J-.U r.. rof r'n in a itinera! way the provision of the ori.:::ine. wa presented t the City CVunc :1 for con- i'iTatlon. The nun.e! li-jur II. orriinmre was P'erri aftr c".sMt.1. ei i:Tati"n a.ii emt-j-!it"i a ci,!;f,' at:on of the liquor lt.-er.- or'!!r.jnn i now in exi.stf:r. While tJ. f i-asure was hvir.a' prepared, tt be an.' kr;-'W n : t e advisory hoarl of the Gr-ir "r-.nn H'V:. Uuie A-v-l.iMn. that mTr.tr of the t'our.i'il r r. tr.i ti r a.Ur. of the u?M-lHtlon in p-"jirinc an or:inan'e t r,cultte n I'jor.s In J'orti.in 1; tha: liny were p:q.ir.1 an! ror.s.il T' d the ai t: n of ihn u.-s i fUrlon usurpation of the iowers of the Count!!. Kecuu-e rf this feeUrjr. the bart ronMpM It best to nubnti a series of recommr.rlatlons. eTi:boi tr.g the salient features of a m1I liquor license ordi nance a no! urpe tr-:r adoption before the reuu'ar lu-n? commute nmi th C;ty C ouncil. W hen the recommrtid.--tlons were subrr. Ltt J to th Council a pecloJ rornrr.;je was iinnoir.t'd to draft an nnllnnnre and the advisory N.ar1 -f t e a -K. .!.:. experts to t" heard by this con; n. It tee. lIcomnrnd3t ions Arc Made. Follow ins; are tl.v ret oir.mer.da. lens: rimt To prnhtM; aM :ulry the of Into tratinr Kvrrjcr lo minors, snd t prohi&it manors frvm f rjuetmc th licensed p. -) wrier J'-h beverafre are sold. To rsrr 'ui ih- Nnf j rovblnm w ettr et that In adt:rmo to lk I'rrtni orW ntii.M KOrr!i, tl I ij'. Jf t, t ir.'f be ill rr-!innr wln-,n 111 ptmtf h minors wh f-r,'.jn su ri l'-n.aM p' hr su:. rvrcs ar si .1. rr who tmiuce :he - hvtnd prohibit t, sal of tntoil sr. kifrf to hibltual lit upwards and to f th rdtnr.--'-3 -t prrfnt lit f It lt.is rtt. w wonM su.cet that the orii rauc f .ir: -r pc !: tail a ni ifl stlon i- any llcrft ii!onltrfrr by t!i wir that br h-in'l t :. hr.' ifial ('.run Ward in I l-r t.i al-Jonkir r: n c!i ry tt;tM 'rating Ii nmr to hin. ihI! iifTt lnt to- to tr-. ! iki'tr to d-sty rrm si-. ai. ant a vt 'miioa t-.y thr P-4:tiia'rr:-r sftr turh n tir salj h uhji t to rn nd an o.Tr ttfjir.tt h AnI f irthr trtat t law b a m-nof1 o I hat upn th afptlt-a'lnii fr a li'-rn in i!on k'pr ; ii cl a s;'" and -iTt irnt brd ith at i--.it two 'irr-s tio piI f r -YitMrs. t. (.' anv !aTiax iit nil.'bt a -crai 1" an t " ' tea 11 u-ran to w horn h ! ilur w hi Is in tn tat of Intoxi cation. Womem thewld Be Kirloded. TMrd To prhlh't wo mm from Ttltln er frquntin placs llrosv-d to sell luteal eating brs. tii-f pt hrt ! rxv -raira are sUI wth bona ni me-in In a l-tinB4i m'aorir.t. arltl r hot!. Ths prut prlmni i. if nfirrrl. seem t us to rovr fuilv ihts pr" ist--n. Fourth To prohibit ;af-r and varats trcrrt frc)unttns ui"h llrae1 plr. Tt)t prrnl ordinance pr-vl.i -that a sa.rxnkr'r th! roi a!bw laf-rs or t a -srart-.a to rrunt thrtr plarwa. 'e woold uaveat that the power b rlvn to th a knk'Pr or anjona In chars of the a -! n to Jct tucb loafers or vajr-ants. ts tnc nnlv nt.'riurv force without bclns; a-uHty of a miimrnor. Fifth To prsrlhe reasonable hours for tha oproinc and r.ica in earn secular day of all su'-h llcrrsd p aces. In rere-:t to this and in tlfw of the co mopolitaa chara tr of our city and the de aire of mw theatrr parties to attend sup prs af tar the rloe of a perfonuaoce. w e would lurirM for the present that a re:is onabie t:m for e'lna; surn llcnrl places upon sreuiar day of th? week w-uld be from 1 o'clock A. M. to i o rlock A. M. ftmnday Closing Indorsed. F'xth To prohibit all Ilrcnaed placrt from epntni or keeping open or sllin; Inioxi rating; ovrra on thm nrat day of the week, commonly callsd Sunday. la resard to this, tne stata law already provide for the kpln c;od of all saloons en Suntiar. but we would vu-t thai th riry a.o pars this nrttinunre t talni aa!mins from 13 o ri.-k hatuflar nlfbt until 4 o'Ciock A. y Mord-ty mornlns. h To prh (bit nianafaturrrp. w-hoiaeiers and Jib.a of latoiicaiirs front se.lir.a; intuxl'-attrr he verses minora. As th K-'r. do nut lujuor to be enaumed on the prrm a trtnaent orrti naoce should provt f tlit whet tha deale rs lo nnt el I tn wheel in hm shipped, but sU for dfltivtrv, u sitods shall nut tm d--liverad to a minor un-lrr any clrcurnatanca. Ettith T- prohloit aaznbltr.s; la such 11 Crd places. While the present ordinances prortde that no anxMir aiia-1 ba allowed at all tn li cansad places, it seems to us, to arokt any quaatlao, that the ordinance should sTO a step further and hate a prorialon that no T.ce or cards shoo d be usad In such places ejvea for playing- for drinks or cigars. IJmlt Is 8 unseated. - Vtnth The number of llnsae now In fore In the City of Portland shall not be Increased until such time as the population shall increase to bear the proportion of one Ju-nee to each 74 of population. As the present ordinance nnw provides n Ucense for each S . and the ctty has already issued Its full quota, according to t ne csnsus of h Is plain that under te proportion of one to ech o of pop u;atj"Q no more licenses can be Issued la Fort land for many years to coma. Tenth Make t.e man who purchases or attempts to purrhase intoxicants In licensed places on Hundar or In the hours In which such licensed placet are requlrsd to be kpt closed, equally guilty with the person who se.i. Tnls proTuion speaks for Itself and tf em bod tad In so ord Inane, would b very ectie ta keeping saUnjns closed on fun ds vs. We would also respetrully recommend, al though at tha time of formulating our dec laration of prtnc.ple It wae not Included. t!ii( tub provision should be mad a rnee's the wisdom of your honorable body in rard to ream at in a powers of attorney g.-vrrnme; saloon licenses, of coursa In eu.-h a msnner as not to lntrfre with vetd Inter era f 100 lna to I rged. And we further suggest and recommend that ne penalty for tne vio-tion of anv effsnae aa:at the liquor license law shall cs-tv a line of Use tuan $U for the first off-nse; and. f'irthar. that upon the third orTene. tn addition to w natver fine may be provided bv your honorable body, the law shall express; v forft-lt the linse of the filNrkfepr without further procedure-, and that wUao a licana la so revoked, the lira nee may aerer btatn another. At the sa-r.e time that we made the fore fftlng dev-Uratton of principles concerning tne liquor traff. we pnmilffated a plan by wh.cb tha trttfno In intoKirsting liqurs srtuid be foraver dlvorred from polttl -e. snd t carry out that pan we then sug gest et that the power to a rant licenses be vested tn the Judges of the Circuit Courts of our state, or by a commission to be Icted by the people and therein further st frth tn what regard and by what method the Judges or tl.a commission could vot effectively bring about such a result. We are stitl of the opinio that such a method would be moet effective and are SMU heart' ly in favor thereof. Hconlaing rowrvtr, that the Council unlr the present charter would have no authority to delegate this power to the Circuit 'ourt or a ruru missicn. we do not ak this honorable body to enact a void law. If. however, your n1menta fncir with ours thst such a gne'bjod wtooid bring about Cs sired results. Ian Initiative mtasure by this bod v eou'd a'-conip;:h It. t therw ise. the Initiative would have to come f-om the people. Kr I th present, however, w a would retctf ull v r-fuet our honorable bwdy to take Into c.r.f .ileration the sukcatlon shove set frth and upon the lines n-rain set out. and en-a-t amendments to tha present ordinances in accoraence therewith. Regulations Mod Favor. It is neediesa in conclusion to add that wa heart!. v favor a'l the stringent rernls- iiona at present in force in regard to th JM a; ton 'f imI iori in proimn t public "wi. cnun-nri. etc.. and in rgar.i o tie saie of hfiMr In ronne-Hon with bawdy houses, dance housee and other disreputable p.area. ana wa nivt esrh and every mem ber of our association to emert himself the full extent of his power. Individually a a e!i aa In the organ izatlou rot.ectively. to see that tha latts whuh v.u enaJt shall be enforeed through the police power of ta city. Following; are the) recommendations recommended by the Second annual convention of the National Model Li cense; League in Louisville. Ky., In January. 105. and were reaffirmed by the National Model License convention In St. Louts. February 3. 1910: First That, as repreeemstlves of th brew Ins, winemsaing and diatiKmg tradea. and of w :.oic-a.e ilquo.-uf-aiers, mNmnkfrwi. inn keeprra and members of collateral trades, we protest aga?nt ail Intemperance In t ie use of a-rono.ic beverages and against all lawlessness f every surt whatsoever in the sal of such beve races. acoud That int-oipennre Is a rurs. and ve.-y man who becomes Intoxicated Should b arrested and prosecuted under ei-isr-r.g laas Tr. ird That treating, which Is responsible for so tar , a p-r cent of Involuntary in temperance. houid be opposed by pub he aaniitneul and by every member of our trade. Kourth That the I'ccntes of all retail ii'j-jor dealers who violate law should be car:red. Klf :n That prohibition Is un-Amerlean : that It la opposed to the Idea of Individual sovereignty aid to tha spirit of our Insti tutions, and. furthermore, it must continue to be merely a costly absurdity as long as tt prohibit only the manufacture and file of atrnholtc be vera sea Flvth That when prohibition, whether stat r county. Is submitted to the people, it should prohlb.t. n t only the sale, but th purchase, possession and use of wine, beer and whisky. Seventh That the cnar.tr should not be the unit In 1-cai oplloi. contests, aa It doe rot rrtrtMit the A met lean principle of lo tl self -government. K ghtii Tat where prohibition la adopted lv t I.erln'.itura or a ieople. the manufac turers snd dt-alera In wine, beer and whiskv should be rmp'nut-i for Investments made pm.f to is pasaaice in oredlcnc to demand and undr ti sanction of exiitiing laws. Ninth That the ballot ued in pntM bl'ion tnni'i, state or couMV. shouM ak . of the vo-or tne following luentlor.t. vis: "ShalJ we issue saioon licenses? Trs No . shrill we je tavrtn licenses? "Shai I w hcenae merrhanta to sell alco hotir taverags in ortcnal packagea not to be drur.k on th premises?" Teirh That the Nai unil Mo lei License ! l.eaaue reiterats Itn cwnvirtton tnat t ie sale of alcoholic bveras can be properly rx- late I bv. frat providing that llceusos sha.l . renrw themselvea each yr until canceled J by a vote of the pople or by conviction or I the vlolatt. n of law. Second, that no more J hnaj si: all ba li:ed until th proper- !'n Is nr-t more thai on for earh , t f popula;ion Third, thst t:--ense feca shall tod h unr onbie or In the nature of a; penaltv. Foirth. the' conviction of the j v tolation of law second offense shall can- f eel th license and pronlbil the holder from engaging in th bupn-a a sain gloseIightTxpecteo AMI-MlmiX I.KAfiCK LOsKS I.EGISI.ATIT5E. IN ton f Hot Oter County I'nit Option tn Loner House Walilncton I t'rrtaln. I.mal in FPCKAXK, Wash.. Nov. 2.V (Spe cial.) A close fiKht on county unit local option la expected by Boyd P. Iov. stale superintendent of the Antt Saloon League for Waslilngton. In ranvassinpr the lower housft th next legislature his poll la At "right and 1 7 "wrontr" on the unit question with 11 ntenibers doubtful. Thla rati male Indicates that the league lot, ground In the House In the last elec lion, having- a stronger following- b several In the Legislature of 190S than they will have In the romlnp; session In his report to the district superln ten. lent of the Anti-Saloon League. Mr Doty says: "It must be borne in mind that there were S mrmhera In the House tw rears ago and there will be 9 In 11 There Is much food for thought these figures, slmaln; the fTflclency o the respective districts In our legist live fight." The additional man of the House comes from Doug Irs County and 1 "wrong." The number of "wrong" men whir make up the next House will be three more from the Spokane district than there were two years ago. OLD BOAT BRINGS $17,500 Vc-sm-I One Condemned by Xivt hold lo Vancouver 3len. SEATTLA-, Nov. The British steam er Zaflro, once a fine passenger boat on the Hongkong-Manila run. and later purchased by Admiral Dewey for uo as a roliler in his operations that resulted In the capture of Manila, has been sold lo George Olhbs and A. Goltibeig. of Van couver. B. C. for llT.aiO. and It Is re ported that the Zafiro will be restored for service as a passenger carrier. The I'nlted States Navy condemned the Zafiro and she was purchased by Junk company, which optioned her to Mexicans reputed to be connected with the revolutionists. The Mexicans failed to complete the purchase. GLACIAL FLOOD ABATED Searchers lom Kata.Ua Find Evidence? of Fatalities. ronnoVA. Alaska. Nov. 15. Fears of loss of life In the glacial flood which swept down the Bering River yester day, were allayed today when further reports were received from Katalla saying that searching parties had failed to find snythlng to indicate fa talities. The water subsided with great ra pidity, and today the Bering Klver as sumed Its normal condition. The greatest destruction by the flood was several miles from the populated districts. Marriage Ureases. PEATTT-FORTNEV Frank Beatty. city: Ei:a Former. 2. city. PRATT-RONK Oeorae L. Pratt. 53. attle: Myhr Van Ror.k. 17. city. ORAY-WOOD WARD D. O. Gray. clt: Feule woodrd. 2. city. 34. STlPPS-BfR'JOVNE Orvlile C- Stubba, 23. Salvia: Nells Bursoyne. SI. city. SPIlAaLK-THOMPSON" C. L. Fprasu. Z2 Lent: Jos-rhlne K. Thompson, t. cur. 'j&VH MllT-LISTHANGE Willy Schmidt. IS. rltv: Martha I. IsthaP.se. 1U. cltr. BAP.RETT-STOI'T John H. Barrett, cltv; Mrs. Lilly stout. city. BAI'ER-WIRTM Henry K. Bauer, city; Auij.it Wlrth. 42. city. I.EWIi-OOI.PPITT Joseph Lewis, city: Eveivn iiolcihlatt. i. city. JOHNSOV-MAKI Amsusi Johnson. 4t. 13. 31, 2. cliy: Amanda Miltl. io. city. HARTB-M KNL1.LT William D. Ilarte. SO. city: LHn M. McKnellv, 21. city. BATES-KOCH Herman G. Bates. SJ. Butler. Wah.: Emma C. Koch, 2S. cltv. BROWX-WRIOHT Dr. t harles B. Brown tS. cut: Be.se B. Wrlcht. iS.city. HlDlN'-J"RDAN O. F. Hudson. 3.1. cltv: Helen H. J-rJin. IK, city. KEIJiiVDl'MICEE M. R. Kelso, S3, city; Mav D. tumlLe. 21. city. I LRirii-HOLTZE W. A. Ulrica. Si city; Helen Holts. IT. cliy. Weddlnc aod lsltlns earda W. CjV Smith Ca. Waabiactoa bldt, tb and Waaa. Wedding and vliltlng cards, W bv aUtuap Ca ii Waahlaataa k THE PORTLAND FORTUNO, CfL rrf: MODEM m COM OXI MTI.IJOW DOIiUH. HOTEL SEATTLE 400,000 Iteratlr Spnt It. laterlor. All FurnUblxi aad Appoint! w, Madrra ma Splendid. Ileadqoartera (or Portland Peoplo. HOTEL OREGON orretgaonS Both Hotela Coadneted br MESSRS. WRIGHT & DICKINSON At The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel CO Rooms, 104 Suites, With Private Baths. HE"W ITREPE00F BUILD IN0 Jfoderate Rates. Ptll Metschaa & Sons. Ptod. THE pm. n. m .eb's.'r.r-. f a Wr C0ENE1IUS. Proprletob mm a OPEKEO SEPT, X909 HOTEL LENOX E. O. and V. H. JORGENSEN Fropa. aad nigra. COR. 3D AND MAIN STa Hot snd Cold Water. Lonff Distance Pfoosas in Every Room. RATES $1.00 and trp TRUNK ROADS OPPOSED WALLA WALLA FARMERS ARE UNIT AGAI.VST MEASURE. State Aid Roads Law Also SlnUrl for Knife by Men Who Say Auto lts Only Benefit. WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Nov. S3. (Special.) Karmers of the aJla Walla Valley, who will dominate the conven tion of the Washing-ton State. Good Roads Association here next week, from aU ap- peuranoes win fight both the state aid roads law snd the trunk road system of the state. The state aid law Is to be downed. If possible, on the contention that while the taxpayers are paytruT half a mill on eTery dollar of property, there b.ve been no good roads as a result. They cite the fact that in 'Walla "Walla County not a aide of Rood roada has ben built from the $18.0"0 tax thus raised annueJly. The farmers say the trunk road sys tem will he of benefit only to automo btlKs and to a few Isolated farmers In the Casrad?. - Their plan Is to build roads radtaJlns; "from every communitj. WIFE SEES SHOT FIRED Man With Family Troubles Makes Futile Suicide Attempt. ilEDFOKP. Or., Nov. 25. (Special.) Frank Wilson, a cook In a Medford restaurant, attempted aulclrla last night by shooting hlmnelf with a revolver. The bullet entered two inches above the heart but struck a rib and Blanc ed lodging In the Arm pit. Wilson and his wife have been estranged for some time past and last nlrht lie met her on the etreet in front of her rooms and u. he rays, attempted reconollatlon. Mrs. Wilson went Into the house leaving 1)1 in standing on tie Ftreet corner. On look la- out through the curtains slie was horrlfled to sea 1:1m draw revolver ami shoot hlmeelf. Physicians were summoned and the wound clressod. Wilson will recover In a short time. Ml.lale Has $60,000 Vire. MIPAI.E, 8ns k.. Nov. 25. Fire today destroyed the stores of Weden Bros, and M. Moser and the lodge rooms of he Order of Odd Fellows and Wood men. The loss Is 160.000. w Train Schedule Expected. KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Nov. IS Special.) -That another change In the running schedule of the local Southern KIA)?AETCIU 'OR TOl KlSlk u4 fO.MMElKUL TIUVELLIU. 8pdsl rmt nuA. to fKmQIe. mud .iiw mim mMIB. Tb win M lira Slv. . rlr. A mod ra TorkUh BUl m. C. PIONEER SQUARE SEATTLE tat. NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington St. Opened June, 1908. A hotel in the very heart of Portland's business activity. Modern in every respect. Rates $1.00 and up. Moderate price restaurant in connection. L. Q. Swetland, Secretary and Manager. a 'if; CORNELIUS aViwukm mtmamr Varlr and AJdetk tend' newest aad moot modern horeL European clan. B gtnnlng Mar 11 our rata will be aa follows: All baek rooms without bath, ingle. 1.00 par day; double. .IO P dar. All front rooms wc.bont bath. 11-50 per day. single; ta.M per day doufclei AU OUTaluB SMma. Our omnthua ase au train. XX. XL FLETCKER, Manacer. HOTEL RAMAPO Corner Foartecnti sod Washington Nw HotaU. Elesantly Fiu-nislaeeJ Rates $1.00 and Up Special Rat for Permanorata rsjrsinasi rtaa. Baa Meeta An Tralam a, c rotxx. p&opBXBTaa. PsUVATAfiATHS tUVT W 1 1 ,T. I.rra THE WOODS American Plan lT"rPT7T European PI as x,tS Per Day X1W X is I J l U Par Dm "It's All Comfort. wr Tahl d'Hote Use Is Ob a Fataro. tn heart of business district, center of city, half bloeal front O. N. Ry. and N. P. Ry. Depot, close to aU staasao ship wharves snd C P. R. Depot. VANCOUVER, B.C. racifie trains between Weed and this city Is to be made In the near future is the gpneral understanding here, al though no official announcement has been made, i D. B. Kenyon, who has Just returned from San Francisco, where he Interviewed the railroad of ficials regarding: the change, believes that a change. Is to be made about December. Hack and Car in Collision. EUGENE! Or.. Nov. 28. (Special.) Maurice Marquis, a farmer llvlns on the river road, and his mother narrowly escaped serious injury last night when their hack was run Into by the College Hill streetcar on tho bridge over which both the carline and waj?on road runs. Both the hack and horses were thrown into the mud and water. Know Falls at t'nlon. UNIOV. Or.. Nov. 25. SpeclaI.)-Snow fell here yesterday Thanksgiving day the first snow of the season. DAILY METKOHOIXKilCAI. REPORT. PORTl,ANr. Nov. S5. Maximum temper ature. 44 degrees; minimum. 3d degrees. Tola! rainfsll CO P. M. to 8 P. M.) 0.03 incn: total ra.lnfa.ll since Keptember 1, 1P10. 11.45 Inches; normal rainfall since Eepteiiiber 1, 10.84 Inches; excess of rainfall since Keptem ber 1. 1010, 0.S1 Inch. Total sunshine No vember 24. 4.' minutes; possible sunshine, f hours. 6 minutes. Bsrometer (reduced to sea-level) at ft P. M.. 80.00 Inches. "8 : Si z rl o -c gTATIONSL Stats at n'eatnr Boise Boston Calgary CtitcaffO Den -er Dts Moines. , Dullllh Eureka Oalveston Helena Jacksonville Kansa-'tt Montreal New Orleans New York North Head Phoenix Pncatello Rosebttrs; Sacramento. ...... 8t. I.ouls 6t. Paul 3S 0.8J 4 N Cloudy 44 0.0610'NW Cloudy 240. mi 4 E Cloudy 4.0.O0 N Clear 74 O.iriil. XE Cleax ' 84O.00I E Clear 2 0.f'0:i4 NW Clear so o.om 4 NW'jPt. cloudy 7"'..(mi( f. letar JS0.88I 4:W ISnow 7i o.Ofil M NWlClear K2 0.OOI14 SE Clear 3S0.00 C,V Cloudy -s n.uOl R,SE 'Clear 4 .4fl'i: NWjClear 4'.' 0.1S'12 E (Cloudy 78 0.m tt .vwlciear T. 16. SW ?now 4 0.0fl 4, NE Clear ofr 0.04i 4 NW Cloudy SU n.0i 8 E IClear S2 O OO ID Fl Clear 4 O.OOil S ,;i loudr Bio.oo1 aw Ipt. ciuudy r.tl O.iolia NW'ciejr 34. 0.001 8 fiW IClear MO.liO 4 SE Clouoy 4to.ooi ONE t'lcudy 42 0.001 4Svlciear oo.i l4.w Pt. cloudy 24 o.on . .1. . . Icioudy 4o.02l 4 NWlciear S2 O.OOl 4:3 Cloudy Salt Lake San Diero tan Francisco 8pokane Taconia Tatoosh Island. . . WaJla Walla Wnshlnrtoii, V. C. Winnipeg larsl field 8isUtyou . T. Trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The pressure has Increased materially over the greater portion of the Pacific Hlopa. and the basis states' storm has drifted east ward, being now central over neighboring portions of ITtah. Wyoming and Colorado. A rluxe of high pressure extends from Mani toba lo tha Uulf of Mexico, whit relatively AMCSEMESW. HEILIG THEATER th aad Taylor Sta. Phone Main 1 and A 112. TWO PERFORMANCES TODAY. Spreial Price Matinca t:13. Last Time Tonlsht 8:15. Th- LX-Mirhtful Muatral Play "THK KISSIM, OIKL." Evening l.;ti, ti.vn. 7.".. 0). 35, 23. Mtlnf-. i.im, 75. fiu. 3r,, i-5. HEILIG THEATER 7th and Taylor Phone Main 1 and A 1 12 hour Main 1 :hts bcginnl! al Price Ma XKJHTS beginning TOMORROW, pcclal Price Matinee Saturday. Max Figman In the Delightful 1'omedv Drama "M.1KV J.-K'S PA." Evrnlnire. tl &u to 25c: Matinee. $1 to S BUNGALOW .TnTi tar. 12tn Marriaon. Geo. L. Baker. Manarer. Fbonea Main 117 and A l Mat. Today. Last Time Tonight. THE VOLUNTEER ORGANIST A New England Pastoral Comedy Drama In rour Acta, hj vm. Gray. Rich In comedy: beautiful alnglng voices, including Willie tolden. with the Angel Voice. Evening', 25c. Joe. ?5c. II. Matinees. 25c. .".oc. Next week. Opening tomorrow Mai. "Via Wire- leaa." RAKFR THEATER -. XV -4 XV Morrison and Eleventh Main S. A 5360. GEO. BAKER. Mas. Reorganized Baker Ptock Company. TODAY. 2:1S. TONIGHT. 8:13. in the beautiful play W'IEN WE WERE TWENTY-ONE aa played with great success by Nat Good win and Maxine Elliott. One of the tr.oat Buperb of stock offerings. Mat Sat.. 2.'ic. 5k. Evenlncrs. 2.c. :.or. Next week, opening tomorrow Mat., "13 Min nte From ItroanwBy." BORN. BELT, To tho wife of C. A. Bell. Nov. a a'n. MEETING XCT1CE3. PORTLAND CHAPTER NO. 3. R. A. M. Special convocation this (Sat urday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work in mark master degree. Vlsirine com panions are Invited . A. M. KNAPP. Sec OREGON LODGE NO. 101. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Saturday evenlns at o'clock. Masonic Temple. Work In E. A. de gree. Visiting bnthren cortlially invilcd. By order W. M. A. J. KANULAX, Sec. 1 WOULD like to meet the deputies of the I. O. O. F.. W. O. W., M. W. A., R. A., A. O. V. W.. V. -V. K.. L. AND S.. M. B. A.. F. I". OF A.. B. A. Y., P. A. A.. F. B. K. OF M.. T. OF B. H.. Homesteaders, Wood men i'lrcle. Women of Woodcraft. Royal Nelbors and deputies of any other or ders In Portland. Call at 7 P. M. Win. H. Cox. &33 Qlt?a.n st. THE ANNT'AL members' meeting of As sociated Charities for the election of direc tors and transaction of other Important bus iness will be held at 30J Jefferson street, near 5th. at 8 o'clock p. M. Monday, No vember 2S. 1810. M. B. A. Wbfst and danfii. union mnsi, refresliments: aTn lesion 3."c. Saturday uicht Nov. 26, W. Q. W Temple, I2 11th 8t. DIED. HODXEY At Newport. Or.. November 2?. Thra Hodney. ricI 2.t years, 11 months. 17 dnys, of Portland. beIovd sifter of C1; Hdny. Kematns brought to Portland for interment. ANDREWS In thiw city. November -, nt it. Vincent's Hospital. Theater J. Andrews. ORfd 10 years, i months, days. Rit'HARDSON At the family residence, .V.f Columbia street. Russell R. Richardson, aced years. Funeral notice, later. FUNERAL NOTICES. WHn'YlER In this city. November 24, at the home of her daughter, Mro. K. A. t'liambers. 7sl Macadam street. Mrs. Kllza beth Anne Whlttler. after 69 years. 10 months, 2) days. Friends invited to at tend funeral services, which will be heid at the above residence at 1! P. M. tomor row (Sunday). November 27. Interment Rlverview Oemetry. MARKS In this city. Novmber 2.". Mra. Annie .Marks, a'cd &7 years. 11 mouths, beloved wife of Morns Marks, mother of Mrs. S. Ooldsteln. Mrs. S. E. Wcittielmer. and Meyer Murks. Friends Invited tu at tend fuucral cervices, which will be held at tha family residence. SJH Northrun al at 11 A. M. tomorrow (Sunday). Novem ber 27. Interment Betht Israel Cemetery MKEKKR In this city. November 24, the family residence, 38ti East Ninth .si North, as-ed 1 year, 11 months, 1.1 day beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1 Meeker. Friends of the family Invite to attend funeral servires, which will held at the ahovn residence at 10:30 M.. today (Saturday!. November -ti. In Urment Lone Fir Cemetery. YVEi"ALOSvV"SKI The funeral services of th late Charles Wesaloswskl will leave Zel lar-Byrncs Co.'a parlors this (Saturday morning: at 8:M. thence to tit. Stanislau Church, Maryland avenue and Failiu Htreet, where services .will be held a o'clock. Friends invited. AvfclH 1LOKAL CO. .MAKyUA.H UlAtG. ilAH.l. Ut-SlONd. rhonr.: Main 6iQg A 1108. Dsnnlns; A Mciuntee, Funeral Directors, Ttta and x'Viie". 1'bune Main 43U. ld as .Utsol. oiiice oi lannu coroner. EDWARD HOOU.N CO., Fnneral Dlrret rs. ttO id st. Latly assistant, fbune M. So 7. J. F. FINLEs: HON". 8d and Madlsosv Lady attendant, ynone .Main g, A UM. EAST HIDE Funeral Directors, succ F. S. Dunning, Inc. K. 82, B X&26. KHICSON CO. sat. 400 Alder.. Cndcrtakers lady M- 6133. A tZSS. ZtLI.tK-ItKliS CO., Funeral Directors. 684 WMllams ave.; botn puoncs; may awl. IiBCH. Undertaker, cor. fast Altier and 6th East U 1K88. Ism asuiunl. low pressure obtains on the North Atlantic coast. rrwiiinftiinn iihs i-cuiifu u Oreaon-Washinirtun coast. In Southern Ore on. Koi-them CMlifornia. Nevada. Southeast ern Idaho. Montana. Alberta and In the western Lakes region. Snow was kIIIiik this evenlne at Pocatollo and over the tast ,rn .Inn. of the northern Rockies. l.'n sesanr.abllv cool weather obtains over the Pacific Rlone and In Montana, while east of the Rockv Mountains temperatures are generally one to 2J decrees above th Conditions are favorable for generally fair weather Saturday tnrounnoui tins aisinci with occasional rain along the North Wash ington coast, and snow or rain In Southeast ern Idaho. Temperatures will continue mod erately low, and winds win db mostly nuui- westerly. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair, southwesterly winds. . or.irnn Fair, warmer except near the Waahlnaton Fair, except occasional rain ilnnv the coast: southwesterly winas. Idaho Fair, except occasional snow or rain southeast portion. THEOPOHE F. DRAKE. Observer UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OF FICE FKOM TUB FOLLOWING AXbfthK CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY FRE fENTINC, YUI-R CHECKS AT THE OKK- A "soo.'atl 56 l's7 o22, S2.1. .124. 632. 638, 644. H 4B2, ."10. BIS. ''-'. I"0. f.43. f 5n4. r.io. sii. ...:i. fl..2. r:;. 3. I) sou. .'."tl. nil. .113. r.17. 53,1, Z-2i. S33. K 43. 1H5. 511. Oi l. 51!. B34. r.41. .'.4. J- 5c(g, 5U, SJ1, 52, 530, oSl. Ki2, 213. nrj. .-,39. O ..10 .-..,7. WO. r.4i M3. vi r.f.4 r.0. 5-4. S27. S29. !530. 534. r.3.-.. J 4S, 520, 521. 0'3, 524. 520, 631, 6J.'. Vifl 541 K 207. f.08. 520. 643. 635. 536. 43S. I. 514. 62. 541. M 515, 520, 524. 534. .'.35, 531. 530. 543. - 405. ML 5-i". f3l. 54. 613. &H- ( 5"2. 510. 513. 528. 537. 640. 514. p45i 587. 62i. 523. 526, 628, 530. 630. 5S7. 53. 539. 542. 544. R 505, 508, 524, 628. 528. 530. 514. B3. 6l. 528, 530. T iJA. 52fi. 5X 542. 643. 544. V lH 522, 533. 5o5. 63t5. 544. W 4us. 515. 51. 523. 527, 628. 629. 531. 635. 53. 641. 544. X 451, 479. 510. 621. 520. 523. 525. 543. V -48 252. 4S. SOI. 514. 528. 525. 535. 5?rt. .137. 638. 554. 548. AB 523. 524. 537. 53S. 530. 540. 543. AC 481. 5'K. 5011. &4. 51, 518. 620, 628, 630. 531. .VIS. .".37. 542. AI 510. 522. 525. 633. 535. 542. 543. AE 523. 531. 533. WO. 540. 542. M25. AF 473. .V5. 515. S17. 527. 53H. 5:!. 541. (I05. Ai US 620. 523. 524. 52.-., 627. 530. 541. 643. AH 354. 625. 630. 634. 641. A.I M. 524. K -.20 522. 523. 62S. 530. 5C2. 431) ' l, 508. 615. 523. .":. 533. 535. 6S7. 530. AN 44. 501. 525. 527. 620, 532, 535, 538. 3. 558. 698. AM 487 48. 4a!. 602, 508. 5O0. 511. 525. 530. 531. 532. 533. 534. ".. 540. 541. . If abovo answers are not called for within six days same v. lit be destroyed. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OxllClL. CITY HAI.L MAIN 98. A 75SS. Hl'MA.N K OKHri.lt. EAST 477. NEW TODAY. AUCTION SALE QUARTER BLOCK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the un derslened. as President ot ARLINGTON BUILDING ASSOCIATION, in pursuance of resolution of the directors of said corpora tion, will on Wednesday, the 7th day of De cember. I&10. at a o'clock V. M., at the frvnt door of the building upon the premises here in described. 3ell at auction to the highest and best bidder for cah the quarter block situated on the northwest corner of Alder and West Park Streets, mor? particular!: desrrlhed aa lota three and four, in 13 loci two hundred and sixteen, in the City of Portland, Oregon, together with the build lnga thereon. TERMS OF SALE. A certlfled check in the sum of ten thousand dollars S 10.000) drawn xipin Portland back, payable to ihe order of tho Arlington Buildinz Association, must be deposited with the undersigned at the t!m of sale, tha baJance of the purchase, price to be paid in cash upon tha tender or deed of bargain and sale. Abstract of title will be furnished to th Durcffaser. who will be allowed five 5) day within which to examine and approve the title. Should the purchaser fall to mv the bai ance of the purchase price after the explra tion of the period allowed to examine th ahfitrai-t of title, the certified check deposit ed with the President will be retained b? the Association as liquidated dam aces, but the purchaser will not be compelled to com plete his purchase. Dated at Portland, Oregon, November 1' 1910. R. T. COX. President Arlington Building Association. 16 Net Income EAST SIDE APARTMENT-HOUSE This i.s an excellent buy and in a first-class location. W ill bear the closest inspection in every respect. If you tvaut a snap, don't wait, as thi won't last lonp-. 7500 cash will han dle this bargain. The balance ou good time. U. S. BROKERAGE CO., 418 Railway Exchange Building. Marshall 2753. SNAP TOUR CHOICE FOR $500 Five beautifully located lots on the W. W. car, near Reed Institute site, CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO. 520 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. Marshall 2248. " A 1274 fjolladay's Addition The one BEST place in Portlaad to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTEJ al MOST LiESlKABlK residence properly or the city. EEI.G IS BEMEVIXi BETTEH CO ana see tne many uiiuii,Ci rasi oeoces UDder cunstructluo .utl Ui Ua proveinunis solus oa. Toe Grep Real Estate Company GRAND AVE. A-VD MlLT.VOllAU -T. Platting Proposition SKAR I.EXTS. 60 a"res fine land about half mile Lents Junction, for $250 per acre. from half cah. A mirhty good thing, al ready platted into small tracts. PORTLAND-PACIFIC INVESTMENT CO., 41S Railway Kvchansre. WEST SIDE INVESTMENT S6S00 A fine site for itpartment-hotise, rlirht on tarline, lot is more than SOx 100. Present improvement bring; about $300 a year. It is on Northrup street. Price is low. about $3500 will handle it. Don't pass this up, there is money In it. PORTLAND-PACIFIC INVESTMENT CO.. 418 Railway Exchange. NOB HILL Sacrifice price on 8-room house on 24th street,- North. Lot valued at $3r.0O: house cost $1500; for immediate sale $1500 sacrifice. MURI H ANTS SAVINGS TKl'.KT COMPANY, S. VV. Cor. 6th nnd Maahlnuton streets. PLAT TING proposition. 38 acres 3 mocks from iiuDoro court house; between electric and a t e a m railways and county road sale. and street. Low price for quick Investigate this. HENRY C. PRUDHOMME CO., J06 ?!paldlntr BUlsr.. loam and foworancc 3S ACRES Two Mocks from Ilillshoro Court house. Lies between electric and steam railways and highly Improved county road and street. Fine PLATTING PKOPHSITIOS. Low price for quick pale. Act now. HEJ'HV C. I'RI DIKIMJIB CO., 0Ol SpnldlnK Hlris;., LoaoN and Insurance. 26th Street, North I,ot 75alOO Comfortable X-roont cottaec, 14 bearinsr fruit trees, flowers, shrubbery, garden space, large wooasnco. hee owner, 4U K. 2th st., North, Broadway car to Til liiniiok. MORTGAGE LOANS FIRE INSURANCE Henry C. Frudhontme Co., DOS Fpaldhis Building RKAI, ESTATE. I'or Sale Lolt. FOUR blocks from Hawthorne ave.. west of 20th St.. two spiPnair.iy wraiea lots; cheap: after 3 P. M. call A 18fl. OR SALE cheap, 4 lots in Monrtucllo and two near Rose City l'ara. A. K. Hanger, Toledo. Wash. LARGE tract. S lots, near Rose City Park car; snap at Sliou: terms, jas. Logan, Washington St., room 4U4. IRVINGTON IOT BARGAIN Price re duced and It must go. eji cnamDer or Commerce bldg. 4SOO BtTYS a r.0xl00 apartment site on the West slue; ir. mmuu-a whik i center. M. ye, 411 .'orhett hldg. BEAUTIFUL East View lot. near Reed Uni versity ; 100 down; snap. o 631, Ore- gronian. BY owner, lot .tOxIOO. on 43d and E. Grant; c.--ah $473. Phone C 1103. FOR SALE By owner. .? fine lots in Pied- xuobi; terms, l'hone "VVoodlawn 11S2. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William Q 812 Falling bldg. Birr-il, A. H. & Co., 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages. Jo&nr. eta. BruoaUer & Benedict, &J2 McKay bldg. M. 63. Chacic Herlow, 33J Chamber Commtre. Cook. B. S- : COh 503 Corbatt bldg. JenDicgs A Co., Main 138. 204 Oregoniaa. PALMER-JONES CO., cial Ciub bldg. H. P.. 213 Conuaar- 8cVaIk. Geo. A 2392. p.. 223 Stark st. Mala &X The Oregon Real EtaM Co., Grand aad Multnomah st. (Holiday Addition.) M. K. Thonpion Co.. cor. 4th and Oak mtm. REAL ESTATE. For Sale .. FIXE VIEW LOT. Elegrant view lot 60x140. on Cornell road, between two very swell homes, one if which cost $40,000; this lot is at the head of Northrup stroot and Is for sale at a sacrifice; $1000 below market value. If you want a fine lot with fine view, in vestigate this. Gill'SSI A- ZADOW. t 317 Hoard of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. LAtREIHlKST SNAP Lot 6.1x100 on most nicely elevated block. situated upon curved street; hafl excellent view; asphalt pavement, concrete sidewalk and curbs, cluster street lifihts and all underground works all In. If can sell within 10 days $1250 takes it, on easy terms. Lots in same block now selling for $Hk0. N 534, Oresonian. SNAP. SNAP. SNAP. Two of the finest Laurelhurst lots: must be sold this week at & sacrifice; way be low value. Also Westmoreland lot; a positive give away. F. J. ROSENBERG. 5?9 Lumbcrmens Bidg. S4000 Tract of nearly 4 lots at Mt. Tabor, at end of carline. In semicircle overlookina the whole city; high-clans homes sur rounding; a great home site. Very easy terms if desired; better investigate; phone M-irhall for appointment to view. The Hart Land Co., 14 Second st. ACRES,- half-acres, quarter-acres for lew t Iian lots ; close in. good tsoll ; cent fare. 15 minutes' ride; very reasonable payments; there is no reason w'.iv ou an t own one. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbet t bldg. TOU can buy a lot near Rose City Park for $4 25; graded streets, cement side walks and curbs. Bull Kun watr, elec tricity, telephone, building restrictions. Provident In v. & Trustee Co., 024-5Jd Board of Trade bldg GREEN wXv-PORT LAND HEIGHTS GREEN WAY. 13.700 sq. ft. frontage. 2 drives; mag nificent view. Owner been asking lo.VM), but says get offer. It's up to you. Fred W. German, Burnside. M. 2776. KATHARINE ADDITION. Corner 100x100, close to car, $850; cash, balane to suit. A SNAP. A. J. GAXTNER, 406 Henry bldg., 4th and Oak sts. $450 Jil20 Jl'ST ONE LEFT $1290. Irvington lot. two blocks from Irvlngtnn carline. on loth st., near utauoii, $1290; S-lo cash; regular price $1550; no more snaps like thit. A. BACKUS, ;19 Board of Trade Bldg. $1450 IRVINGTON lot 50x100. near Stanton i.iid 20th ; very easy terms to prompt purchaser; first-class paved district ; Its cheap. Jas. C Logan, 36 Vi Washington st., room 404. $1250 A splendid corner lot with 100 feet frontage on Belmont st., and 3o ft on E. fiSth st.; outlook both east and west; .'et us show you. The Hart Land Co., 140 Second at. Phone Marshall 1 jN5. $ToT5ovvn. bXi.ance month lv. $4. s5 buys my lot. block lo Eat Side car. overlooks the whole city: only 23 min utes rirt. Owner leaving Portland. Phone M ain 7651. Fl' LL lot, E. 0th st., bet ween Mason and Skidmore; must sell at once; make us an offer. Henry C. Frudhomme Co., tiod jSpaldtng bldg. Ioan and Insurance. LAURELHCRST. Owner can't hold lot; company's price $1H0, his price if taken quick. ito, casn or easy payments. V b43.Oresonian. gQOo Full lot, near "Laurelhurst"; two blocks ot ranme ; easy terms; win ouiia on your plans if desired. The Hart Land Co., 1 46Secon d st. ( SNAP Beautiful view lots on Rose City carline, $lt.; small payment down, bal ance to suit. M. Gal!-. Smith & Rent, 411 PoTieli bldg. IN 'OME 454 monthly ; 3 modern cottages. on corner lot. l.-wutmite ride, paved dis trict; price $S500; J00 will handle. Jas. C. In trail. l,a Washington St., room 404. pt JUTLAND HEIGHTS PliOPERTY. Homes, lots, quarter blocks, tracts and acreage; all parts of heights, all views and prices, some bargains. Main ."551. A 3s:ijt. For bale Houses. 8-ROOM BUNG A LOW.. 100x100, corner lot. right on Woodstock car. with 8-room. nearly new bungalow, with all latest improvements; lots of ni fruit, etc.; for sale at $40; terms to suit. GHl'SSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th andjOak. HOUSE Will build on your plans. If de sired, on 96(ii run lot, ju-f beyona 'X.au relhurst"; payments to suit; this offer ii start small, new tract; only two blocks from cars; an opportunity. The Hart Land Co.. 146 Sncond st. KENT MONEY BUYS HOME. Brand new. strictly modern. 6-room house, on corner lot. 6 blocks from Reed Institute, $450; $J00 down, 15 and In terest monthly. JOS. C. GIBSON, 305 Gcrllngcr Bldg. EAST 13TH. near Prescott St.. with 3-room cottage; t ;iux"' i:iiir . icnis lor $8 per month; all Improvements in; $1250; $500 cash, balance 3 years. 6 per cent. A. J. GANTNER. 406 Henry bldg., 4th and Oak sts. EXCEPTIONALLY attractive 6-room house, 2 years Oia; uucoiainma una nxmres are the very best quality, in perfect condi tion; excellent location, best portion of this section of East Side, at sacrifice price, js'jrt East Madison st. , SNAP. $2000 6-room house, near and Alberta st.: terms. Union ave. M'onitK & HENX NG. ?ni Lnmbermcns Blda. A .issn, 6ti,V5 WilIiamsAvc. East 607, C 2bod. " $50 CASH BUYS 5 rooms, large lot 75xllo feet, one block from rarlino; more ground next to this plHce if you prefer at $:i per lot; price $50 down. $15 month. National Realty A Trust Co., 326 Washingt on at., room 516. FOR SALE 3-room house, run lot, f.nrea; 14 bearini? IIUIL ireui uuu n i"n5 rjuour,, city water,, 4 blocks to carline; tisfto. 2i0 cash and t-0 month. Owner, S2H Urn bcrmens bldg. $200 CASH for new 5-room house; lot 60s 100- Rosa City Park; balance VJ0 per month: price only J330O if sold this wek. Particulars by return mall if you send your address to O 3'10. Oregonlan. "jSUXNYSIDE BARGAIN'. J3450 7-room housx. lot 60x100, ruli trees: lot alone worth $2501. See Mr. "Watters. -01 Lumbermen, bids;. Phone A n.s3 evPillncs. Main 41'20. t NKW tvio-family Hat., en Hall st.. flnlshrd attic, cement basements, 2 furnaces and place rented at Per month; this is a line investment: $U500 will handle. Addrcsl A 544. Oregonlan. " " $260 nowx. BtriKalew block from Hawthorne ave. Five large rooms Just completed, at tractive, large attic, lot TjoxllT. VH Madison, near 44th. Call Sunday " PIEDMONT HOME. Am going south, will sell my new 7 room strictly modern complete home. 100s 1O0, corner, parage on ally, lawn made, Aln3vorth tive.. t'or. Halght. 6 ROOMS 8L'5 12.1 CASH. Practically new lot 4nxlo0, Tremont. This is indeed hard to beat. Fred W. German. 3JB Burnside. M. 2776. MONTAVII.I.A Hotise and 2 lots on Basa I.ine 2 blocks from postofflce, fruit trees, shrubbery and henhouse; owner; no agents, phone Woudlawn 61S. BUILD NOW AND SAVE MONEY. If you own lot and have little cash will build and finance. A. C, Furlong, BS6 Chamber of Commerce. FOH SALE 100x100. modern 8-room house. East Couch St., Montavilla; terms. Ap- ply I.aue-Davis Drug Co. IRVINGTON New 8-room modern home; elegant location; J7000; terms. Y 5Jtf. Oregonlan. 't.ri SAhB 10-room house, furnished, with 2coxl 40-foot lot. including corner. InQulra of the owner. Tabor 241U. S 17S4. FOli SALE by owner. .Vi acres land, !- room house at o".th and rtlvjslon: $13,- (.'"'J: easy trms. Main '1477. tgt Tjvistr. CASH 5-rootn house and lo $2700. $:.'H1 cash, balance easy terms. 118a li! lOth North. FOR SALE Modern 6-room houoe, lot Hix 111 one block from Archer Place. Phone Sell'wood 9'5. Call 4ft Mllwaukio st. BARGAIN -Two 7-room house. $2750, 'OOU. Mt.- Scott car. terms to suit buyer. See Allison. 42S Lumber b'xenange. By OWNER. New 6-room buntralow. corner East 31s! and Irving sts ; price $2!0o. easy terms. FINE large 8-room house for sale: lot rtOjc ioo. corner, f.v.00; terms. East 4tth and Hawthorne ava