THE MORXIXG OREGONIAN, FRIDAY XOVE3IBER 25, 1910. 15 TS HAVE DREAMSOFPOWER Thomas Hopes to Make Total Change in Political Com plexion of Oregon. WAR WITH SWEEK HINDERS f-tMtr and Chairman Karh County Orl to Eliminate Other Hope Bnllt on Cham of Yat Ap pointments to Be Made. Dreams. Indue"! principally by "s irald nil'i iurrM In the contest for Gwrnor, of turning Oregon Into a Democratic state -ail down the line" hv been a. tlrrly fernicntlns; In 'he ir.lnds cf Democratic leaders durHiK tlie past few weeks. Kvrrythlna; would b smooth s.illtna-. they believe. If dl rntn wlihln the ranks couM be e:imlnated. but about that dissension there are Tarvlns; opinions. Kach tde wants to eliminate the other. Kach believes that It ha a better oppor tunity of carrying the state for the party. n one side Is Oer;e If. Thomas, chairman of the Multnomah County Central inmriltte. ant! on the other are Alet S.k and J. B. Kyan. chair man and net rrtarr. respectively, of the tate'te. whhh carried the ban ner of owM Weet to victory. Kven .w Thomas, pleadlna- for straight lemorrary nf the J-fforson and Jack son type and the elimination of one man campaign.". Is plotting the ousting of Sweek. e-iir In him the pemonlfl ritln of th.-t non-partisan wins; of the Prtr whlrh ba sen: all Democrats serklns the "small fry" offices to the party political aravryard for the sake of elevating one or t o. notably George K. Cliambrr'am and Oswald West. Karh win of th partv Is talklnc or entering the newspaper field, although all seem to be mr or l-cs haiy as to ist how this Inraslon Is to be accom plished. The Sweek wine; sees ,th prospect "f U'est'e belns; plven the op portunity of uppolnt'na a Secretary of State. it Is nerlly believed that John R. Kyan would receive this ap pointment should Frank W. Benson be ohllnej to vacate the office on account of fauiax health or for any other rea son. VIay Slated for sludge. If Jtidve Jl'-ninn s'tonl I retire wlth!n a year, as son: IeinocratJ Iiope he wim. Thomas ivt:y Is the man most spoken of In !cmo.-ratle circles a Ms sue rejr. There t no expectation anions; Jt:lsre JHlhn'i frlenils. however, that this eonlinitency will arise. K. S. J. McAllister Is also mentioned for an ap pointment on the Circuit bench should a vacancy arise. This would ills the Democrats con trol of the state administration and three out of the fire )ttr!res nn the Cir cuit Court bench of Multnomah County. Judae iljters. recently elected over Joi n Dlt-I:ttirn. KepuMlcan. belns; the th.rd. There l small prospect of the Thomas faction hetna given a chance to show In the appointments, principally be cause Thomss raw fit during the re cent campaign tv center bis fire on Senator George E. Chaniberlnln. CSnr-ernor-elect West's patron saint. Kor this rea-ion. and for others, the Sweek faction Intimates that It does not take Thomas serlousty. He. they say. will not "cut much Ice" In Democratic poll tics hereafter. Thomas Want S week's Sea I p. Thomas h a different view of the situation. He declares that he Is will In to rise or fall with his belief that the Democratic party should be rescued from the status of non-partisan organi sation and compete with the Republic ans all alone; the line from I'nlted Ftates Senator. Governor and Congress man to Constable. Hla enemies declare be Is an unpractical dreamer and ac cuse hint of trying to work a "trame" which has for Its object his selection as the Democratic candidate for the Portland Mayoralty, a nomination which he has two or three times be fore tried unsuccessfully to land. Still they do not deny that Thomas has many converts, some of them with raeney which they are willing to spend In promoting the spread of his political doctrine. It 1 reported that Thomas is even now preparing to send a man through the state for the purpose of gauging public sentiment as to hie ideas and reporting the names of those who can be depended upon in the vari ous communities to back his Ideas. Just how he Intends to manipulate the Information which he would train In this way Is not clear, but the chop ping off of the head of Sweek. and the substitution of a man more Imbued with the Thomas Idea as chairman of the tate committee, la one of the ob jects sought. The Sweek - Ryan wing scoffs at the prediction that Thomas may b able to -turn the trick." Their Idea of the situation la that the mili tant county chairman Is dead and burled politically. Fight for County In Prospect. The Democratic county committee la practically of Thomas' choosing. Ha Is said to have interviewed practically every man on It tn advance, and to have been Instrumental in having them se lected at the September primary. He la thus In control of the committee, but tht has not deterred a few of the Bweek-Kyan faction adherents, who lipped la as precinct committeemen unawares, from plotting his downfall tn the committee. They are seeking to depose Thomas from the position of county chairman and to give the sen timent of the committee the "spiral twist' to such an extent that It will be come a part of the Sweek-Ryan com bination. It Is rumored that th at tempt to relegate Thomas will be mad at the next meeting of th county com mittee, but It rests with him when that meeting ehall be called. John B. Ryan admits that he believe th Thomas campaign against non-par-ttsanshlp eni Ms attacks upon Cham berlain were Instrumental In losing West 1S0O votes In Multnomah County alone Thomas, on the other hand. Is Just a certain that the "tall of the ticket." or. rather, those Democratlo candidate for the Legislature who so dubbed themselves, were "knifed" by a great many Democrat on election day at th suggestion of th Swek-Ryan faction. As proof of his contention he points to the fact that John H. Stevens son. H. W. Ston and D. M. Watson, three candidates who took practically I no part In the campaign against run- , partisanship, led the legislative ticket In number of votes received on rtovcraDer s. f Bourne's Ambition Feared. Alreadr many Democrats are appre hensive that Jonathan Bourne, who ha been repudiated by th Republican leaders, may so play th gam as to secure the DemoTatlo nomination for t'nlted States Senator two years hence, and are beginning so to bulid thel fences a to guard against Bourne' name being written in on the ballot to Cie necessary extent- Dr. Harry Ln and John M. Gearln are the two mos prominently mentioned for the nrnn Inatlon. In any event It Is probable that th Democrats will get togeth' snd get a fight started for the nomina tion eo as to obviate the possibility o Its being; captured by Bourne. RADIUM STUDENTS ACTIVE Enrollment at Vienna Institute "o Longer 0cn. VIEXX. Nov. 21. (fpclal Th new Institute here for the Investigation of radium Is already proceeding rapli lv on Its experiments. Professor t ran K.ner. the directing spirit of the enter prise, has announced that for a time no students will be received, nor win in experiments be run with a view to un locking the secrets of medical or prae Ileal Importance that cling around tn marvelous mineral. The laboratory veil content Itself first along with a trior ough research Into the physical and chemlesl properties of radium and the raloMaklng examination of rocks ana mineral waters believed to contain It. A lively controversy has elready arisen In these newly christened halls of science. Professor Exner has made a spirited rejoinder to the announce nient of Sir William Ramsay, the great Kngllsh chemist and authority on ra dium. that the best radium In the world was being conjured from Cornwall In Southwest Knirland. He throws cold water on Cornish radium altogether contending that the English pitch blende, from which all radium is ex tracted, is only a third as rich In t dlum as that of Joachlmsthal where the magic element for the Vienna lab oratory Is mined at the rate of three grams a year. Six grams a year Is the record of the Cornish mines, but so large a medical use of It Is made It England, he affirms, that Cornwall wll never swamp the radium tnnrket. Professor Exner Is now engaged In ascertaining the atomic weight of ra dium, and is carrying on his experl ments on such a painstaking seal of minute accuracy as will enable hlrn to establish this moot point to his own satisfaction If not to that of his fellow scientists. EXCLUSION LAW IS WANTED Continued From Klrst Pstre. tlnued the Commissioner. "The act of last June Is a tremendous step forward In the building up of good morals and the exclusion of the vicious element of foreign countries. That young man who la I'nlted States Attorney for Ore gon Is evidently fearless in presenting these rases to the courts. It Is the jlKht course and the Immigration De partment will give him every aid In Its power. Convictions Arouse Hope. "Sine Oregon haa established th fact that convictions can be had under the "white slave" act, there have been ft. tlAf I I" "ST"- - 'J ;vv j t i ?. i: I I ' r fy ; a ' ' !, v. h n slel J. Keefe. Immlgratloa Commlaaloaer, W he Declares for Klld Exclusion. many inquiries from other states a to the manner In which the good work was accomplished. "I shall sail on November !9 for Honolulu and will return January 31. My report will deal largely with plans to Americanlxs the Islands. Hawaii la using a considerable portion of her taxes to encourage whit Immigration to th islands, and at the recent meet ing of the American Federation of Labor Samuel Gompera declared that wages were lower on the sugar plan tations of Hawaii and the coat of liv ing higher, 'and complained that th product of th sugar factories was be ing admitted to the I'nlted States free of duty. The total population of the Islands la 191.000. of which 105,000 are Asiatics, 38.000 natives and only a small proportion Caucasians. "It is believed that the Islands can be Americanlxed and we hope to as certain the best way to do It." Commissioner Keefe will leave Port land tonight on the Shasta Limited. Portuguese East Africa. Province of Mo amblque. Is dsvslpptng Its rubbsr indus- trv. STRANGERS BESET GIRL ON DEATHBED Property of Portland Stenog rapher Sought by Boarding house Keeper. PRIEST SENDS WARNING Landlady Said to Have Taken Pos session of Jewel and Trunks. Father Black AVI II Help to Protect Relative. With a Catholic priest at her bedalde, endeavoring to thwart a scheme to de spoil her of her property. Miss Marie Murphy, a pretty Portland stenog rapher. Ilea dying in a boardlng-houae in Denver, under circumstances of a mysterious character. She left Port land six weeks ago. going direct to Denver, where she gave her nam as Mrs. Montell. She fell sick shortly after arriving there, and. according to the telegram of th Denver priest. Rev. Hugh 1 McMlnamin, "she la surround ed by persons striving to get possession of her property." "We have endeavored to protect relatives by a will," the priest tele graphed. The telegram was received by Father John H. Black, of St. Francis' Church, Portland. Tuesday, and he could re cull no one in his parish of the name of Marie Murphy, and made an In vestigation. It wa developed that Miss Murphy was horn In Portland, and that her grandfather Daniel Cunningham, i la an Inmate of the Old Folks' Home that her father Is foreman of the sec tion of the Corvallls & Eastern Rail road at Munkers, Or., and that her mother resided at Arlington. Or., the father and mother having been divorced som time ago. (iirl Makes Two Wills. It aW waa developed In the course of the Investigation that Mis Murphy when In Portland and Just before her depar tuna had resided with Mrs. Chester Msrtell. of TOT Johnson street. Mrs. Martell received a letter Wednesday night from the nurse who le attending Mis Murphy. The letter said that the young woman could not live much longer and that It waa evident that the land lady in whose house house Mis Murphy lived was striving to pernuade th girl to will what property she had to her that she had possession of the girl's Jewels and trunks and that If the girl had any relative they eihoiild he apprised i once of the condition of affairs. A telegram received last night from Denver sard that two 111 had been made by the dying girl. One was secured by the parish priest and th other. It la believed, la the one in favor of th board lng-house keeper. Mlns Murphy haa considerable money In th bank In Portland, and own ten acres of land near the railway atation at Garabaldl and several lota In the Mount Scott district. The aged grandfather ye terday employed J. Hnnessy Murphy to look after his granddaughter' interest. Father Black Will Aid. Father Black said last night: "I am trying to comply with the wishes of Father McMlnamin of Denver. So far as I can discover this poor girl waa seised with a ratal Illness while among strangers In a strange land and now mercenary people are trying to take advantage of her In her loneliness and weakened condition. If there Is anything hat can be done for th poor girl we propose to do It. I never, knew her and know nothing of the circumstances of her going to Denver. Her grandfather told me that ahe was a very lovely girl. possessed of extraordinary ability tn her chosen field." It waa said that her father Is not trong physically and In' the past year received financial assistance from his daughter. Before leaving for Denver. Is said, she visited him and left a sum sufficient to pay for his maintenance for several month. SOCCER LEAGUE IH SIGHT SCHOOLS WILL PROBABLY VOTE TO ORGANIZE TONIGHT. Four Team Already Forming and Other Are In Prospect -Game Is Training for Athletes. Whether or not an Interscholastlc Soccer Football League will be organ ized this year depends upon the meet ing to be held tonight at 6 o'clock at the Washington High School. P. Chapei Browne, who has been the chief factor In getting the soccer game Introduced In the high and public schools of Portland, has been Invited to appear before the directors of the In terscholastlc Athletlo Association to night to define soccer, and If necessary, to outline the scope of the league. As several athletic delegates from th high schools and preparatory school E H. B. LITT'S 3S1 Washington Street $100,000 stock sacrificed at half price. This largest, best and most exclusive stock of up-to-date Wearing Apparel on the Pacific Coast. This stock needs no recommendation. Litt's reputation for high-class, exclusive goods has always been in a class by itself and the merchandise is the best and most exclusive the world produces. V2 PRICE v PRICE Opera Coats, Gowns, Costumes of Litt's Price TODAY and TOMORROW ONLY At the Great Litt Store $400 Opera Coats and Gowns ?20O $300 Opera Coats and Gowns $150 $250 Opera Coats and Gowns S125 $200 Opera Coats and Gowns $100 $150 Opera Coats and Gowns ? 75 $100 Opera Coats and Gowns ? 50 Tailor-Made Suits y of Litt's Price TODAY and TOMORROW ONLY At the Great Litt Store $80.00 Tailored Suits.. .$40.00 $75.00 Tailored Suits $37.50 $65.00 Tailored Suits $32.50 $60.00 Tailored Suits. .$30.00 $50.00 Tailored Suits $25.00 $40.00 Tailored Suits $20.00 $35.00 Tailored Suits $17.50 TfcE BEST FOR LESS Worrell's Sample Cloaks and Suits Successors to H. B. LITT 35 1 Washington THE BFST FOR LESS are in favor or soccer, n that a league will be organized. Washington Hlgn scnooi. jrnerson High School. Columbia university ana Portland Academy each are forming a soccer team. Among the schools the game Is becoming popular because of its excellence' in conditioning ath letes for track work, basketball, base ball and Intercollegiate football. At Jefferson and Washington all the track men. especially tne aistance runners. have been Importuned: to practice, ana at each Institution large squads are at practice several nights a week. Columbia University ana rortiana Academy have gone Into the game with Just as much vim as the high schools. Columbia has several men that have played soccer before. One of the mem bers of the Portland Academy faculty J. K. Mackle was a atar local soccer man and has volunteered to coach the lads. Jefferson has one or two more of leas experienced men who will help coach the younger players. P. If You Have Symptoms Of Something Wrong You can well suspect that coffee is disturbing the nervous system, as it is almost certain to do. Serious trouble follows if the disturbance continues. If you quit coffee absolutely and use POST UM You can prove to yourself whether or not coffee was the cause of the. symptoms. It pays to be well. "There's a Reason." Foatum Cereal Cou, Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich L KJI4IS "ayj For one hundred thirty years, this whisky has stood the continual test among men of more than ordinary good taste. Bottled in Bond Born vHfh t he Kepublic "lhe Standard by Which All Other Whisky is Judtfed." Established 1780. . James E. Browne has undertaken to coach the Washington squad. As yet Lincoln High School haa not organized a team, but plans to have one In the league. It Is the plan of the association to have the soccer league season extend over a period of two months, or until the beginning of track practice. The protest made by Columbia Uni versity about the Lincoln High School victory last Wednesday will probably be decided tonight. Pendleton High Defeats All-Stars. PEXDLETON. Or., Nov. 24. Special.) Pendleton Hicrh School defeated an all- star team of former college players to day. 12 to 0. Almost the entire town turned out and enthusiasm displayed has seldom been surpassed here. The points were made on two field goals and a touchdown. The production of bituminous eoal during 1908 declined about 14) per cnt. EN N SYLVAN A IN E ECIPJIMINC raOVEIVlBER r ew ion IE arrive at and depart from 27, 1 910 F P per Whisky -- a! Lr.i. 'r.n.Mi .iJ BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. Distributers the Dng Trad FexUaad, Or. A Pennsylvania Station InNewlbrk City's Busiest Spot Seventh Avenue at Thirty?second Streets One Block from Broadway Downtown New York passengers may transfer to local trains at .Manhattan Transfer (near Newark) and go by ..way of Jersey' City. Station, either through the Hudson and Manhattan tubes to the Hudson Terminal; or to Pennsylvania Stations at Cortlandt "Street and at Desbrosses Street. Through, trains from and Jo the West connect, in Pennsylvania Station with Long Island RsJJroad trains which include frequent service to and frdm Flatbush Avenue Station Brooklyn. rnNsri.T AfiRvrs tor rARTictx.tits. ok TKi KPHov; on r a i.i. at Pennsylvania's Portland. City Passenger Office, 122a Third Street. fy 1C. KOlt-UCK' district Autfnty. Porllund. Oi.-gon.