Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 23, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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Sanderson to lead
Jefferson High Elects Right
Guard Football Gaptain.
Thanksgiving Day Game Be
tween College and Mult
nomah Soon On.
IMajInjr Against C"haniplon-hlp Ma
terial In State TL'nMerslty IJojs,
Portland Club Tolls Arc Still
Hoping for Victory.
The s;ee5y years; athletes representing
the University cf Ore;TO on the grid
Iron this teas-m will arrive here tdy
f-r the bt mm with the Multnomah
Amateur Athtlc Cub t"morro a!trr
nxm. and the follows m of tb- state uni
versity fa.-n ran tl-ture r.othlr.s but a
decls've urtcn victory as t! e r .-ult of
tomorrow's fracas c:i the grldiron.
However, the a-lmir-rs cf the wtns'd
"M" continent are not !n -line 1 to !
lleve that the 'varsity team Is Kns to
have surh an easy time.
The enthusiasm bclnir dls;-!.iye-l by the
Club, players Is ren-.ark.-i': fr tt Is I't;
Since the members 'f the Multnomah
s?uad have lirr.ei out In ueh numbers
a have tnurk-d tr-.e r'rmi frarurn
cf the tam being s-ilded by J i "k I-a-tourette.
and nil augurs well for
the Titjbm r:.- who hnve- nf ben - suc
cessful" acllnst Or-cnn '.r.c 17-3. "
This year the club athlet-s hope to re
verse the re-.nt orilr of fhlr.ES. but
they alio realise that In so C.ilne they
mun upset the best football machine In
the Northwest.
Oreavn e.nlly demonstrated that
Its teim Is rntltle-l to championship
consideration. f-T the University' ot
Washington eleven, the only other unde
feattl team In the Northwest, haa re
fused to rn-et Ort jon. nr.d on that ar
cuint the E-'.jrr.e t-am Is entitled to the
champlonsMp by d-lault. " '
Of course, the wlr.nlr.g of a champion
ship by d' fuIt is cot a clear title and
Is :i the more Chits teful to Orrs n for
thifc reitvs. tr.t ts ion- as th Univer
sity of Wjj:-.!r:-io:i has seen fit to Ig
nore Ores-crt's claims In the matter, all
fair-minded sportsmen must concede
Ore-on the palm, as that team has al
sjrays been reedy to m-et Waehlna-ton to
declJe'the chani;'lrns.':li. - r
la the face jf Brecon's great rcwrj
this season th.j M-iitn-i.-r ,ih team 1 6"
ln'aM!nst a hard proposition tomorrow
but the ln;cj .M" J layers have fj.-til
t.ur.lcr pru;K.'SllIoBS In "the past. a:ij
tb.-y ere a n-.val co.-.Xldvnt crowd of foot
t.i'!i.!s under ti;e
Muillivuiali Most Coulidflit.
Not a single Multnomah player can be
found Cits' Cut U:lCX tiifh. tearfl
Sin mis a flno chance to win or at I' lil
tcolj Orri;on to a 0 to 0 score.
I-a.t the clui'inra h.Ul another
practice oi I.'io mi.'.usi.isiic Kiiia. anu u.i
Of the"p:yii a:siU'yt-4 fine JudVment
In ;rasirr.c -the-sin.i!.e nn.l rrcuting
the new ;'e.s to b- worked aic-ilnst l-.e
tinlrrjtti t?j;:i. The vU tu;:r-otn.iri o anj;'!- demonstrated in the
games Vf ' Jars .- s- mj likely
to revive on a lar5r sealo th.-rn ever
before, aaj IX tlie supporters of the club
turn out at the bas-'Vail rotin'ls to
morrow as they havo p;om;.'d. tV.e I'nl
Veraity of Oreu in tcuru will licir from
tl'.e cohorts In ri.t.t rojal fashion.
l -vv;,-r J------- - j
rn; rt.'' '' '. v " "
!r:--.:7 v: . - :.':i X
' ' ' f - ;
? '
....... s I ball
New School Has Successful Initial
Season and Chooses Robert J.
Siultlj as Director of Ath
letics for 1911.
I McCredie Seeks Blonde Catch
er to Head Team.
ToptiJar Sun lYanclsco I'layor Has
JIot of Acuninlance Jlere
yiio Would Wrli-oine Hiin ns
North writer n Iyeatler.
cla!.) In St. Luke's Hall, the property
cf St. I.uku's Kplscopal Church. -a gym
nuslom was opened tills afternoon, l.leu
tennnt Itohcrt St-ars. of Vancouver Bar
rack, directlnir the Instruction bt"a Cias
trf-bov-sj-between 11 and 1 years of' ns'L.
"There will b.v ol.1Si.T-S for both "boy? "liiiU
Klrls from 11 to 7u years old." said Rev.
Otis K. Orny. who hus had charge of tile
work of opening the symrmsJuni.
HUGOS TU-i 31 j.iLvi:a TiyAy
fit for IJJtt'o .Jpaiu-t JlgltngMiah
!... I ,. Win
p M1'. .'IIHU V ..
UNIVl-lkITT VV OKKviON. Kugene.
Nov. ifffrcliil.) ..Vcrnmianld " by
lleud Coa h Warner, his three nesistants
and a trattrloJdrif-roceTS-.-Traln.'r 1 lay
ward er.4 Mjp.'T Watsvo will Wave
here for Portland tomorrow In charite
cf the I'nrversity of reinn fnntball
soUad. which is to meet th ilultno'mh
Club lim Thanksitlv Ins day. The team
w.2 be quartered at U Imperial Ilotc-L
Tlie mannsruirnt wlii t ike Z men on
this) tp arit w'.U defray the expenses of
th remaining memhers of the sijad
wIm are to follow with the Kusene excur
sion Thursday' morning. This action is
taken til reward the second team players
for their faiUiful service at practices
throughout thw-year.-- -
The tram as It will appear in Jhe first
lineup iii'.i!r. the cluh la: Kcllogf. cen
ter; 'Jrerrt. I ft iruard; Kenton.- rlKht
saard; Wledmnd.- left tackle: Italtey.
TitrhC ta.-kle: Ml. hael. left end: ' Jaml
sri. rlyhr endr vhandler. qtwrertaclc;
Walktr. left -half: Taylor' tCaptaia.
fcatf. "and Main, fullback. The rrscrre
flayers arel- Caufield.- center: Grout,
fvsrd: Halt and TrrieTiInr. t.ickles;
ar.ujn.' end; "C'bb." nr.rrtrr: Pndjr JW
rid -Jrtrlt;'hallbacks and Means, full
back. Fisher, an alternate end. Ms Oct
of the (iraJ on" accoant"oT Injuries.
tatouretf. tiia n'ular Quarterback
ard fl'ld cenrral who Is laid up with a
cr;p!el If.-",vt:i' t On "ttie sin.nh.-
rcaly to enter trie game at nny"t!rne.
' "A:f!:0'Jn TT.e f;iJ-r..t 'roptrrs a;e cp
lirSktlt. the tt'o-n rtself is r.ot at sCl con
r.drtt of Vlot6ry. ' The ctub line 1U
heavily outsreis the college men and It
U "CiT-rea tiat the bid atars'on the" Port
land team will be able to put up a stub
born defense even though they Are not
to the pick cf condition physically.
The coming game will dese the season
for Oregon ar.d the players will cele
brate the broken training rules by af
ter, jlsg the Thanksgiving ball to be given
Thursday evening by the University of
OrCicon Assoclat'on of Iortfanl.
Cneches -YVarncr-nna Hunt. Vho are
CorneU alumni, will re the honor guests
at the aznioaJ Cornea dinner which Is to
take place Wednesday evenics; sal the
Usdversltj Club.
Trainer Ilayward to Trj Intcrclas
Tournament at Kugene.
NoV. II. Special.) The-- prevalent
tendency toward Intra-rollegiate ath
letics at the l"nlv"fslty of Orpon Vas
evidenced still further today by Train
er Hayward s announceaiejit that
series of interclass handball tourna
ments will be held -soon" after the
Thacksglvlnc holidays.'-
Each of the four classes Is to have
representatives both In the sin ales and
CTaMe. and It Is expected that suita
ble ' trophies will be awarded " to the
The Ir.ter-fraternlty and later-club
Baskttball la-asrue organized today
with 11 club entries. A aeries of 11
iTri Is to be played and the lJy
wari cup will be awarded to t.Te V'am
tavlne won the largest percentage of
(axes. The cup Is to become the yer
msseet possession of the first orant
salioa t win It two seasons.
The members cf the Trslty team
are to be eligible to take part p tM
tot-reament and may play In any posi
Jrresrective cf their statio
flfsfteam'lulatet. - -
oa oo
JjUc'.arJ Wilijarjis. he iter known to
tl v bajebaH fujitl as .'McJ." the tall
Hff.aiif catiiyr of the t'au Frani-Jsco
team. Is the mnn who will jnaiiatfe the
I'vrllatiJ iforthw-rstej-n It'.i;ruy club
p-jt season if V'al'v j ViCCryoc'Ji J)iaj:s
lar.jgcx M;CrcJic. since his return
irorn j. v (,." has etiirrea Jtno
rrsponilence with the Kan Krapcisco
team, to which cjub Wi.lia:r. bclonps,
uud tl t club Is willlnti to ullow Wii-
lims the chance io manage the TN'orth-
ncteru learn for the .VeCrcdles. but
Ts cf all of the' Paci;lc CoaH )eaguo
r.urs rave not wajveg. on t:.e Pi.ijef.
and until tn-y oo so. l.:s el:clluity ns
manager of I orUar-d's ' w team, will
be In doubt.
. McCrcdl iliVKxts Ao Trouble.
However. Manager McCredie does
not anticipate-any difficulty In secur
ing this man to handle the Class B
team, and I" cn-nfldent-that Wllltnmi
will be In chance of the new team
within a few weeks. -
3a selecliriir Wllllama. McCrflle ha
decided 'upon a man whd-'wr.l "be" a
rnptrhir manatrer' from the stitrt. for
the bis blonde- haa a host of friends In
Portland. Williams is a native of San
Kram-lsco and learned baseball while
atteodlhs; the publld scliools of that
cltyr loiter, when Ms father sent him
to the University of California, he dis
played such fine aldlUly as a bail
player thnt he had no trouble making'
the "varsity" team during his flrst
year at college' and was n- member of
the team daring his entire college
While at the University of Califor
nia Williams alternated' at plrchlcg arid
catching; with the cow famous Orvall
Overall, and the success of this great
California 'college battery attracted
the attention of baseball managers all
over the country.
rtoth Overall and Williams graduated
In I')3 and that tame year Williams
lolnei the Seattle club, then managed
by Parke Wilson, while In 1304
Plsher managed to induce Overall to
Join the Tacoma "Tigers. At the end of
the IsOj season Nick 'Williams Joined
the JJlnneapnlls team or the Amerlchi
Association and played with that club
during the eeaspn c 3DI. -and the fol
lowing year he joined the San Fran
cisco club, with which organization he
has been affiliated fyer since.
' VUaJaai4 is LUllty Mao.
Williams haa played In various po
sitions oa the San Francisco team, but
has been most successful as a" catcher. .
During the years he occupied the slab
he was always rated - as- a top-norch
t wirier, rru he- wa-s jucrr a goya hars i
man that his managers were constantly
Ui tng tp rcp i j:n in its garoe rcsi:-
larly. and In that way he ra'me to be
tried out as first baseman, third base
num. outfleWer end-Bnany- catcher.--
In the latter department he showed
his rii clu-s.'and has been used fafc I
of Ihe baf alternatlnpr"' with" Claude
Berry for the pasl two years.
"U"i:;iafr.e.'jntlddlflon fdbe1ns; a Brst
dajs riayer. has showTj blm-svlf to' be a
keen business manager for a bnsebafl .
cluh; for IJanny I.oag kos" commis
sioned him to look after the finances
Pfthe Seals "every-tl.-rnf 'that c'ttd -has
been on the read without 'Lotig aecom- I
panyina; It "Tie wlU'bi jtradly'Vel-
corr.ed in Portland, and the fahs are I
hoping- tiaf McCrt"11e will "be siic'cessTul
In securing- this player.
Vancouver Gym Opened.
VANCOUVJuR, Wash.. Jipv. SiSf. j
Multiiomali Clubmen Arc to Com-
lfte in Amateur Clinipioiihlis.
TJrce wrestlers of the Multnomah
Amateur Athletic' Club "will leive' Sat
urday- -nliilit fur San Francisco, where
thry will take part In the Pacific Coast
amateur wrest Una;' 'championships to
Vo'htld under the auspices of the
Olympic Club In the St. Francis Hotel
auditorium.. ThH mutches are to be
hold November -8 and IS.
UJar Frank, the present Pacific
Coast 1 23-pound champion, will enter
In ti e 12i und iZi pound classes; O. I
rtati-ke wilt ko as a -v:ltcrrrtrht and
J -htratJtlt wllj wrrrUe at -153 T-crunes.
llddle tVConnell will accompuny the
ftien and will return by- waycf Salt
ttke City, where he 'has a irmtch wtth
Mike Yokel, the Yount; Men's-etrrlsllan
AssoclatiiTn Instructor, en" December 2,
Yokel dt-feitted O'Connell last year at
catch wefKhts. This 'time tliey ' will
meet at Hi .pounds. O'Connell will
also visit Baker City and wrestle Joe
Jlclnrlch. of .'Spokane. Yob a llSO side
bet. O'Connell beat Helnrlch once, but
since them the Spokane boy has crown
heavier and more' experienced. He has
made- the boast 'that he can ' down
O'Connell three Umes jvljliln one hour
of wrwitling and wilj endeavor to icxt
jnouth. .
Arthur Anderson, right guard
fleeted captain of the Jefferson
School football team for 1911 yesterday
afternoon at a meeting of last year's
players. Ernest Vosper was appointed
acting basket-ball captain and coach
by Hjpkln Jenkins and Robert J.
Smith, principal and director of ath
letics respectively.
Anderson's first year In Portland,
having come here from Wisconsin,
where he had some football experi
ence, proved him to be one of the
stronpost guards In Portland", deserv
ing all-star mention. He was Jeffer
son s heaviest man. weighing about 175
pounds, and the bulwark of the line.
Robert J. Smith, who coached the
team, was commended by Principal
Jenkins for the Interest taken In the
team and his efforts to give Jefferson
a winning team. Frofessor Jenkins
lauded the team for Its showing dur
ing the first football season, pro
nouncing It the best made by any high
school team in the city during its ini
tial season.
Plans 'for the coming basket-ball
season were partially formulated. Act-
Injr Captain A osper called for appli
cants for the team to practice' on Mon
day afternoon. Vosper was a member
of the Lincoln High School team last
year and was the unanlmdus choice for
all-star forward. He has had much
experience as a coa'ch, having- looked
after Jntf eppndent and class teams at
It seems probable that Jefferson
High School will have a girls' basket
ball team organized this Winter.' mem
bers "of the athletic association and
faculty being ' In favor "of It. x Jeffer
son has the advantage of a gymna
lun in the sehobl building, which is
of regulation size for basket-ball
games. An indoor baseball diamond
pe marKea orr soon ana nasKet
appllances be installed. Thirty
men have signed up for the team. The
Interscholastlc League season will be
gin on January 4.
So That You May Exhibit the True
Spirit of Thanksgiving Tomorrow
Handsome Suits in all the sea
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$15, $20, $25, $30
Complete lines of correct furnLsliiners for MET, and complete outfits for BOYS
Take advantage of coupon offer as below. It will pay for the turkey.
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Clothing, Hats. Shoes or Furnishings for Men or
Boys until December 1, 1910.
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attend- "Prpf." Olson, with the famous
High School "Mother Hubbard." band,
wili Jake part in the footing. R.'
Hockenbcrrj-, the league pfiJcJal, will
referee the contest.
Washington Coach Dubious- as to O.
A. .C. Team's Ability.
Seattle,' Nov. 1 J2. Just Whether Coach
GiimoUr Poble of the Washington war
riors will be' able"fo produce for the
third Consec'utrve year a championship
team bf the' Not-tn west"; whether Cap
tain "Polly" Grimm ""will" be" able "to
down the big Oregon farmers Thursday
afternoon on Denny field, on the Uni
versity of Washington campus, "Will
come to light on Turkey day.' "
'Seattle -was never" so " enthusiastic
over a 'game as ' It is regarding the
forthcoming Tjattle here this" week, for
the- championship Is" t' stake. ' " ' '"
Washington's warrior
did condition, and wll!
On Your
are jc BPien
enter Thiirs-
V P- A. Siiurtans anil Cubs Sow
la Columbia Organization.
. . .. . c .
Friendly lnterclub rivalry between
the Young Men's Christian Associa
tion. Spartans and Cobs has resulted
In their being embraced-by the Colum
bia Basket-ball League. .Sow t,iiey
will meet each other to decide suprem
acy. - For several years the -uds uk
Spartans have kept the some players.
The Cube are -composed principally
of pastern Young Men's Christian As
sociation "players, while the Spartans
comVriso local talnT. Kach- tfumtet
Ims to win the Columbia Hardware
Company ellVer trophy. The manager
of the Cubs Js dickering ror a mld
season "lrrme- with 'the -Multnomah
Amateur Athletic Club team. A sec
ond learn of the Multnomah Club Is
entered' In the ' league. ' ' ""'
Fifteen teams nave sent their entries
to Secretary Harrison, and there Is
prospect" of "more 'participating-. "The
league schedule Is being arranged and
will be published In a few days.- The
first games will be played In Decem
ber. Kach team will probably play the
other once, because of the large num
ber of entries. "
Thanksgiving Swcpr Match With
Xationnls Imiiortunt.
For the past two years the Multno
mah Amateur Athletic Club soccer foot
ball team lias had to make'Jls hardest
stand upon Thanksgiving Day. This
yntirMt" must facd the strongest team
jLhat has ever bpen assembled in Ore
gon the Nationals and apparent de
feat stares' It In the face.' Multnomah
adherents are prepared Xor a defeat
Nofso "with the players, however; they
are determined to wiru and are muster
ing up strength from every source.
Last year upon - -Thanksgiving Day
Multnomah's colors were trailed in dc-
fe-at by -fhr Queen's Park, ' from which
ths year's Nationals hus been derived.
However, later In the "year Multnomah
"came back" and administered two de
feats to Its Thanksgiving Day con
nueror "nnd won""ttm-TrrrtlBnd Football
Association championship.
" lultniimuji Jias held nightly practices
fpr Jhe past several days and is show
ing hen trr" team -wm-k now-than during
any game this year.
' The annual concert and meeting of
the Portland. Football Association will
bo held at Arion Hall on December 8.
A" pYogrSmme ' of many' "musldai num
bers and several speeches Is being arranged.
day's battle ' the ' strongest since "ihe
Whitman game, at the first of the sea
son. Whflt Doble 'has framed up' fbr
this gEmrl - cpnrrnt he ascertained, for
he has been a sflcklcS- this year' to se
cret practices, "allowing no one on the
field but his men. ' ' ' '
" For the past'weck light practice and
signal work has characterized the ma
neuvers of Pobie.' " He sets the need
of great speed for the 'coming game,
and' wants 16' IiaVe' his 'men In the best
available "shape for the ' struggle'.
"" Captain "Grimm wants "to defeat the
southern rivals by a. score even a small
margin' oVer'f ho score 'reacired by tie
University of Oregon over .the Oregon
Agricultural College'.'
Enjoy all the pleasures such a trip affords by using
The Oriental Limited
the majrnific-ent electric lighted through train to Minneapolis,
St. Paul and Chicago. Compartment Observation Car, super
ior Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars; Day Coaches and Din
ing Par in through service on this train. The Vacuum Cleaner
System, Four- o'clock Tea, News Bulletin and Telephone SerT
yice are among its new features. Leaves Portland 7:00 P. M.
daily. Try it'on your next trip to Spokane, Minneapolis, Si.
Paul, Chicago and East.
122 3d St. and ,at Hoyt-St. Station, 11th and Hoyt.
City Pas'r Agt. A. G. F. & P. A.
'Shrimp' Itpyyolds, Midifct Qmm
terbuck, Only Man Who Will Xot
Be Seen in Seattle I.lueup.
Columbia 1'nlvorsJty and Lincoln
High Eleven Will Meet.
Final training touches have been nut
upon the Columbia University and Lin
coln Illuh School football machines by
Coaches" Schmidt and .Lynch - for the
crucial contest of the Interscholastic
Leairue at Recreutlon Park.
fourth and Vairglm' streets, th!
noon, beginning at 2:4... Not only is this
game the crucial game of the season; it
is tne nindup or the academic football
year. ' - ' - '
A victory for Columbia will award the
championship to that school. -whfie a de
feat will mean that Lincoln Hijjh School
must meet -Washlngfrm High 'School for
the supremacy. Should the game result
In a tie, Columbia will have to play for
the prize against Washington High
School. Washington has lost one came
anO-'ColunibTa ha.-! been tied once. - Two
tte games "will-count 'the same as one
game lost In the percentage column."'
Columbia has the heavier eleven and
Juiit as many experienced men as Lin
coln. On a wet tlcJd.' Columbia, with its
supprioY'welglit. 'should have an advan
tage.' Extra' sawdust will te spread upon
the field1 to absorb the orsf-puddle's -of
waterso that a faster game than-the
one last Friday will result. - During the
practtce workouts given- the men the
last few days - both - Coach Schmidt and
Coach Lynch have had -their men perfect
ing forward pass ptayrf. ' '
Realizing' that this - is the most im
portant game of the year, members of
the- school student bodies will largely
LEGE, Coi-valliS. Nov 2:2. (Special.)'
Accompanied to the atallpn hi' cjieer
Ing throng of uO0 undergraduates, the
O. A. C. football team left Corvallla
for Seattle today, where they will meet
the ' University of Washington " the
af ternobn 'of Thanksgiving day in the
ias confprpnee gmi'v of Jhe. stssou
" "Practically tlie jiama teim which
met the University of Oregon, on No
vember J2, will fine up against the
Waslilngtoniaiis, with thp exception f
"Shrimp''" Rcyuol(ij. the midget yuar
terback, who sustu.ncil Xh.ixs broks-'h
Twenty- ribs in Jhe Qre-go game,
is after- I ""lley'noltls' placj? v'i.H be filled by
Pud Jliistlngs. and Rasmussen w'1'1
take Hastings' place at right buff.
"A number of enth'usiasUp p. A. C
rooters made the .trip with Jhe squ.ajj,
which consisted of the oljpwlng men:
Captain HaTiey, Dunn, Kabers, HastUiR".
Huntley. Keek, KrfloifS. Loosely, "May. pj
sen. Kasmussen, Hii:huruson, Sitton, Eiemane,
Tycer and-Walters. '" "' ""'
' Coach' SchlldmUler. Trainer Fljsber
and Graduate Manager Cox also accom
panied the team."
; -. ..--"'-'. r-ItJi r . '-"il" CINCINNATI, Nov.
i ,V '. y ' . . I J r J ' - . ; : -1 brothers of John Evers and Arthur
'I- " I - -T-r K , man represented these players when
V'." Alii r ' .". ! M I Chicago National League Club
f ' : J ' ." . - 'J "I "'" "-. - ?J I at Ottumwa, la., pn September 9,
J iY 1 III '-V' 1 i National Baseball Commission
v V ' U V4 Tf ""- u -'T ti t fihe the Chicago club $100. -
f - . ' i t It-?" r'- :." -:" "It t -The' claim' of the Ottumwa
"T . - ' - 4
Arthur Aodrreon, Football
' Captain. " "
a-i t.M
t t-
1. i ----N
(. ' ; . ..- -a
Urneet Vonper, Basketball Coaeh
-kja Captam.--
. - . - ' -
Missoula and Idaho Falls Would
Enter Lucas Organization.
BUTTE, Mont.. Nov.22. (Special.)
W. H. Lucas announced tonigh.t that
the first meeting of the Union Baseball
Association will" be "field In Butte, De
cember J, when the organization will
be effected and the franchises awarded.
There will be representatives In attend
ance from Butte, Salt Lake, Ogden,
Boise, Twin" Falls, Idaho "Falls, Mis
soula and Great "Falls.
At this time It looks as though the
tit cl-ubs Will -be; Butte, Salt Lake, Og
'den,' Boise. Great Falls and -Twin Falls.
It ls-posslble that Missoula or Idaho
Falls may beat Twin Falls for a place.
.-. -. .. Z -i - - ' i j ' - - ---
Washington and Oregon Boys f orm
Athletic Association.
STEVENSON, Wash.. Nov. 22. (Spe
cial.) The ' Mid-Columbia Athletic Asso
ciation has been organized at Hood
River, and' comprises the following high
schools: Goldendale, White Salmon and
fitevenson. Wash..- and The Dalles and
Hood River, Or. .. . ..
Professor McGlaughlin, of Hood River,
was elected presiaent, ana air. epauia- ,
InK. of Goldendale, was elected- secre--
tary and treasurer. " The season will open
with basketball December 8. White Sal
mon playing Stevenson aim uoaueuuaoe
playing Hood River.
Chicago Club Fined f 200
22. Because
ment for' damages' was -disallowed be
cause thp home'team allowed the igajne
td 'go orr and -profited -by It. ' " -""
mm i
1 1 a a r w trr nca
mvjm ' cii
'.(I..S-IT: ,(VaMf,S.
jjl,.Ji.-.-, ; -.:jJ;l;(i f3,
Is a auality product. -It
proves to he a satisfac
tory coal to burn, upon
the first ' trji.' " Jit hf
ways the same. It Is
can and makes a
"aximutii amount of
t. Kindles easily
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k'ti-s, no soot no
dirt, yy'ry little as-li.
A 3SHT; Jlar.
liuil 113."., "or
and most sanitarv means for cook- t:!'''1:'
Tn nrnf hpnttnir VVhv Wot lirnufl If T .Y?
. - p . . - .? . j - - ; . . . v
Was formerly prepared on ttje old- mr,
fashioned wood, or fras range; but ... i
now, thanks to electricity, you no f -'-f
longer iiavtj to endure smoke and feyvV
- Electricity has been universally p-:
recoirnlzpd as the nmrkpst. phpanest wt:
- - ' ' - tVi
ror yourself. l-CZii
"It will pay you to look oyer our Frrra
b . 7.f..-li ii-: i. itf---
OW1.A O C.Ci-l. lyl U.WlLAHFa
or 'which ' we c-bsolutely guarantee
to give perfect satisfaction.
FirrTBirAi ciippiv rn
61 6th St., Portland
ri '.-'t.')W "t VM'tM
!,. ' it. vT.'r't. i..tJi A a. ft. .' 'I V
i - ;'- tf y " - j
"-ststsm wMi rtl uinnmnniiinmniiinniiihiB 1 fiit-f m nwr
University of Oregon vs. Multnomah
THANKSGIVING DAY. 2:30 P. M. Vaughn Steeet Park
Tickets on Sale at Meu?r & Fj'an Morrion. St. Enti-ance.
Admission $1.00, Reserved Seats $1.50
"Creenlntr. Cra-wllng "Creatures with
a powerful- piMi." - 1 . -
l vlJ'AftaV7 " -iMaaBBMb i rfr-'-.'f' 'rt-i t $M
I'ecricw, s'ope-aiaarci'ora, cudiaierj, nuasoa,
wraaun iJommerckU Veaicie