Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 23, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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    s,nn morxixo oregonian. Wednesday, xovesiber 23, 1010.
7 V
.;. Washington Lawmakers Will
:: Go to Ofypmia With Many
:: Issues to Decide.
; Hrnlts of Gmrrtl Election M
Ideas f What Tropic Want to
Way of Liquor Laws Hard
1 to Determine.
. LTMPTA. W.ih, Nor. 2. (Spe
cial.) Local option, good road, the In
vestigating comm!tfei report. the
'lection ef a fritted States ."'Cilnr.
the Improvement by the state of do-k
and wbArTM In waterfront cities, the
Improvement of diking of rivers that j
y overflow durlnir the rainy ion, the I
, redietrlctlnc of the atate. a new In ur- I
anre code, aome rhanm In the nr
l criminal rode. amenrinif-nTs to the f!l
"rert primary law. con.llcratlon of th
', Initiative. referendum and recall
"amendments to the echool code, the
4-extenaloa of the powers of the state
'railroad commission, how to aran
each part of the state what It wants
In the way of sr-v!.l appropriation,
; vlve the state officials and stale ln
. stttutlnns what they desire In the way
' of Improvements and to k down the bijdeet so as to reduce the tax
levy, are Just a few of the qurotions
.''to which the 1MI Washington 1-eKis-
: i la t tire Is expertetl to find an answrr.
' ' The local option and rood roads
j questions are entitled to be heralded
,,as "top liners." for both are coins; to
i cans about as much trouble as the
J. other questions combined, although
' lively row la In prospect over the re
import of the Investliratlnr committee,
'.the redisricting of the state and the
i appropriation budgets.
, . People? Arc I'ndocMod.
i. To act an Idea from the results of
J'the general election as to just what
, the people want In the line of liquor
I 'legislation la alanot Impossible. Soma
'of the legislators are coming to Olym
pit la favor of submitting to the pea-
; pie two years hence a prohibition con-
iistltotlonal amendment: others want an
,','out and out prohibition law. so that
.llf It Is found public sentiment la
against the measure, the Legislature
iean repeal It. whereas It would be al-
i most Impossible to get a prohibition
Vcaue atrtcken from the constitution.
!ss It Is argued by those who want the
l;prohlbltlon law.
, Thera Is coins; to be a strong faction
to fight for the county unit, while a
J portion of this crowd will want the
i. first-class eltlea exempted, while oth
j;er wl!l favor allowing; second and
. , thlrd-claaa eltlea to ba units.
Oa top of this will coma the battle
;,.f th larger eltlea for mora -home
roie. nowara Taylor. of Xing
'j;rooty, who claims to have the wrlt
t.tea Pledges of St Kepubllran house
J members who will support him for
, .speaker. Is an open advocata of letting
'the present local option law stand and
be tried out Cor annth.. .
;' nSom. predict that out of It all will
J;oome a liquor bill weaker than the
.present local option law; others de
clara that tht result will be prohibi
tion, a ad aome look for the present
lsw to stand. In any event the liquor
JV4etlon la bound to stir up trouble.
Convention to Ictermin.
- Tha Wall Walla convention of the
..Washington Good Roads Association
.will la a measure determine whether
the state aid road law is ti atand or
fall this Winter, and at that place It
will be determined whether tha plan
of Samuel Hill for a UOO-mlla hlgh-
way around tho state win be accepted
r rejected by the good road enthual
eate. The good roads fight afflicts
the Legislature. like the poor do so.
jjclrty. according to the Bible.
; Thera may. but It la hardly likely.
fight ensue from the election of the
- United States Senator, allies Polndex.
tar. representative from the Third dls
- trlct. received such an overwhelming
; vote at the primaries that he will no
.doubt get practically all of the Kepub.
lican votea In the Legislature.
Hrprn.e Avenue Opened.
Wben King and Pierce Countlea
. combined In 10 aad put through a
bill carrying an appropriation pf S0.
.CTO for the Improvement of the Puyal-
4,up ana ntuca itivers. they opened an
Avenue ror spending money that may
. wi me siaie minions or dollars. Kv
. ery county west or the Cascades that
.-nae any aina of stream that ov.r.
flows In the wet season wanta the state
to build dikes for the protection of
me towianaa. ana on top of this. Ever-
ii nas siariea a crusade to have tha
iaie improve municipal waterfront
property by building docks and
t wnarves.
j. Taken as a whole, the 111 session
vi ma nasnington Legislature prora
- tsea to be fairly exciting and If urh
section gets the appropriations dairv
" mvmoers or ine Legislature.
who broke all records by appropriat
ing llv.OOO.OOO. wl;l be "mere pikers"
"' compared to the enthusiastic
1111 legislators.
ft - '
Jtesoiauons I rg C onxress to Pro-
yide for Aged CItII her rice .Men,
Tesolutioca requesting the pasHage by
Conereaa of a bill providing for an an
rertty or pecelon to civil service employes
oi the government when they rvach the
ere where their efficiency ao workrra
nees:atesi their retirement. as p.-sed
last night at a Diaaa meeting of cltizena
angl government empluea held In the T.
3 C A. The revolutions t-re Introduo
1! by A. II. Iorera
The only person taking , an opnonta
view to tha purposes of the resolution
aa rr. J. D. Wetherbee. Those favoring
tla plan sugcealed asre Kav. J. U. Cud-IW-r.
of the .;race M. K. church, and Kev.
H Nelson Allen ef the liaaihorne Itcp-b)-tertan
church. It claimed for the
prepared rreulutlons that a penei-in sys
tem would benefit the service by tha
Lei'.natlon of thoee Impaired by age. In
troduce younsvr pvrsons. attrai-t a better
c-i of empioyea on account of the pro
vhyon for old ate and create an Incen
tive for the employe to do his level beat.
T resolutions opposn the contributory
plan unices congresa provided an Increase
In pay sufficient to meet such contribu
tion 3 Pastor Com mils Suicide.
'itTA. Iowa. Nor. JI. Rev. J. O.
TCtndstrom. pastor of the Swedish Lu
theran Church tore, killed blmsaif.
cutting hie throat with a rasor this
corning:. Jt la believed he waa Insane.
z ... . x
Gale Now Centered Off Coast
of Washington and Brit
ish Columbia.
Fleet of Vesaels Still Hues Mouth
of ColumMa, 1'nable to Jct In
ftlde iovernnient Stations
Hj Warnins; Slgnalv
Although the. heavy gale which be
Ban last Friday showed signs ot dl
mlnlshlna; Monday, It whipped up the
North Taclflc Coast with renewed vigor
yesterday. Its seventy was felt most
off the coast of Washington and British
Columbia, although a 78-mlle wind
raged for a time off the Oregon coast.
Storm warnings were displayed along
the North Coast. 'Although the storm
Is concentrated on Washington and
British Columbia, tha danger to ship
ping ail along the coast Is not yet over.
Ships of the halibut fleet scurried to
shelter at Seattle and other craft
sousrht safe harbors. Although shifts
of the gale have been reported, there
were no indications last eight that tha
storm was abating.
KalnfaU Is Heavy.
Tha rejuvenated gale was accompa
nied by heavy rain, which did consid
erable damage on land, particularly In
Washington. At Grays Harbor the
floods ware most menacing and near
Brlllngham. on the coast line of the
Great Northern, a bridge was washed
out. Telegraph and telephone lines
uffered and trains ware delayed.
No disaster at sea on the North Coast
was reported yesterday. but It Is
known that many vcssuls were out In
It. having a severe tussle with the ele
ments. Several vessels are still hug
ging tha mouth of the Columbia, wait-
ng for a lull that win enable them to
scoot over tha bar to a plat a of safety.
In Tortland. the wind was not felt.
but .It Inches of rain fell. The Willam
ette Klver Is rising and the Installa
tion of the lift span of the Hawthorne
brldke has been postponed on that ac
Utvcre Rlalna; Rapidly.
Rivers and creeks throughout Oregon
and Washington are rising rapidly and
ranchers are hurriedly driving their
stock out of lowlands, fearing a damag
ing flood.
Brisk breeses from the southeast that
were registered at North Head at U
miles an hour at I o'clock yesterday
morning. Increasing to ;s miles at t
o'clock and 29 miles at o'clock,
gained rapidly In velocity up to 1
o'clock yesterday afternoon, when a
terrific gale was reported that whipped
mm f5Sl.i
along the coast at 7S miles an hour,
with no indications of abatement.
Unable to gain Jhe entrance to the
Coumbla Klver because of the tempest
uous weather, a fleet of five vessels, the
steamers Maverick, Thomas I. Wand,
Rosccrans. Qulnault and Coaxter, all
bound here from San Francisco, were
reported off there late In the after
noon, while there waa but one vessel,
the Johan Poulsen, to crovs out. Late
last night general Information received
by the Weather Bureau was to the ef
fect that the gale had shifted and was
blowing more from the south, varying
to the southwest, and there are pros
pects that with a cessation of the off
shore wind the steamers could gain
shelter inside.
Ob.-ervntlons Are Taken.
For 12 hours the blow was heavy and
the Indications were such at 9 o'clock
in the morning that special observa
tions were ordered taken In the dis
trict and those from Tutoosh, Seattle.
Spokane, North Head and Roscburg
showed that the storm waa heading for
the Washington Coast and warnings
were ordered dir;lnycd at Astoria.
North Heud and the Point Adams Life.
saving Station. At 1 1 o'clock the warn
ings were extended to Marshflcld.
while to the North they wcra displayed
over the entire Washington Coast and
the i'ugct bound territory.
At 5 o clock Marshflcld reported that
the gale waa blowing at to miles an
nour, out that was merely' an estimate
as that station Is not equipped to ac
curately ascertain the velocity. Wires
to Tatoosh were down when the hour
for late reports arrived and no addi
tional Informutton was obtained bear
ing on the course of the storm.
Locally little damage was sustained,
but at the mouth" ot the Columbia s
portion or the North Jetty suffered, a
few piles being carried away, while
the outer Jetty buoy shifted. Com
mander J. M. Elllcott had been ap
prised of no damage to aids to navi
gation on the coast north or south of
the river, but a day or two would be
required for such messages to reach
Houseboat's Moorings Part.
In the harbor, a houseboat waa
washed from Its moorings above the
bridges and lodged against the dock of
ha Union Bridge & Construction Com
pany, built for the KHSt side pier of
the new H;rrlman crossing. It was
owed to tha East Side last evening
after Inquiries failed to locate the
owner. Secretary Seizor, of the cor
poration, said that the bridge founda
tion work had suffered none from the
storm and that the only danger an
ticipated was that rapidly rising wat
ers would hamper the work.
Tha lighthouse tender Manzanlta waa
ordered to leave Puget Sound for As
toria and shift the outer Jetty buoy at
Grays Harbor, but late yesterday she
had made no move, as tne storm held
her within the harbor.
The Willamette and Its tributaries
re rising and small drift was run
ning In the river all of yesterday. The
stream has not reached a stage that
causes any apprehension and it is prob
able that with interrupted rainfall
there will be no heavy freshet. Tho
total precipitation yesterday was .45
of an inch, measured from S o'clock
In the morning to & o'clock last eve
ning, while tho rainfall for the previ
ous 11 hours waa .13 of an Inch, mak
ing .68 of an Inch for 24 hours.
Postmasters Are Appointed.
tngton. Nov. 22. The following post
masters have been appointed: Prom
ise. William Ran nor; Rome, Urover C.
Fretwell. Ernest E. Scott has been
appointed rural carrier on route 2 at
Central Point.
" TV
, i. : v- ".h V t
f OU Si.-JS' (
Tramp Liner Selja Goes Down
in Fog Off California
Craft, Bound for Portland. Puts
Back Into San Francisco Port
With Bow Plates Smashed
and Leaking Slightly.
(Continued From First Page.)
the nprk of discharging begins, It la not
known what shipments were billed for
Portland. There was waiting the Selja
the largest cargo of wheat, flour and
goods that she ever carried auross the
Pacific, for during the time of her char
ter she did not carry a deadweight cargo.
She has been loaded fully on a measure
ment basis, and It was estimated that
with her bunker supply aboard she could
handle 6700 tons deadweight.
The question of replacing the Selja will
be decided at the San Francisco head
quarters. R. F. Schwerin, lieud of the
Pacific .Mall and allied Uarrtman water
lines, is said to he en route home from
the Orient on the liner Manchuria, and
is expected early In Pecember. It is
probable that the matter of chartering
another carrier will be deterred until
his arrival. Tonnage available at San
Francisco controlled by the Pacific Mall
would not be fitted for the- demands of
the Portland-Oriental service, as "such
steamers as the Artec would be too small
to succeed a carrier of the Selja's ca
Kevero Mead Winds Cause Delay of
SO Hours to South.
Havinar weathered the southeast gale
that has been sweeping the Coast since
Saturday morning, the steamer Bear,
of the San Francisco & Portland
Steamshln Company, poked her nose
Into the Oolden Oate yesterday morn
ing aSout 8 o'clock, over 20 hours be
hind schedule. It Is the opinion of
marine men that Captain Nopander
arrived off the entrance during tha
night and lay to until daylight.
General Agent J. Walter Ransom re
ceived a telegram yesterday. Inform,
lng him of the safe aVrival of tha
steamer and stating that she has sus
tained no damage. Severe head-winds
alone were attributed as the reason of
her delay and It is promised that she
will be on schedule when sne again re
ports here, December S.
Higher Velocity Reported.
ASTORIA. Or.. Nov. 22. (Speclal.)-
The arala. which slackened materially
v .
yesterday, eame up again today and at
one time this afternoon the wind at
North Head attained a rate of 64 miles
an hour. This evening It had dropped
to a SO-mlle rate and the barometer
started to go up. The bar is rough and
the steamer Johan Poulsen was tho
only craft that crossed out.
Rain Starts Blaze In Montesano,
Carnegie Library Threatened.
MONTESANO. Wash., Nov. 22. Spe
cial.) Heavy rain today caused a barrel
of unslacked lime to explode, setting Are
to tho warehousa in which it waa stored.
During the fire the Carnegie library was
threatened with destruction, but - It was
Lightning also pleyed some freak tricks,
twisting trees in Itnots and affecting elec
trical appliances.
It was expected that the storm would
sbata today, but tha rein was heavier
than yesterday
After Four Days' Celebration Squad-
ron 'W ill Sail Down Coast a
Far as Panama.
BAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 2Z Welcomed
by ealutes from the big gun of the Presi
dio and the American cruisera anchored
in the the harbor, a Japanese training
squadron, arrived here to today. The
squadron consists of the cruisers Areuna
and Kasagi, and is In command of Kear
Admiral Rokuro Yashiro. M. Tanaka is
in command of the Awuma and K. Vamajl
is captain of the Koaagi.
Tho Paciflo fleet, in command of Rear
Admiral Barry, has been anchored in the
bay since yesterday awaiting the coming
of the Japanese fleet. Salutes and visits
were exchanged between the two fleets
as soon as the visitors came to anchor in
Man O'War 'row.
The Japanese quarter of the city is
gaily decorated in honor of the visiting
sailors and the officers and men of the
fleet will be entertained extensively while
they , are in this port.
The Japanese fleet will remain here four
days, and after taking on coal will steam
down the coast as far as Panama, stop
ping at various ports on the way.
Noonday Club Hears Address.
Rev. Harry Leads, Pastor of the Mlspah
Presbyterian Church, addressed the Noon
Day Club of the Southern Pacific Shops.
South Bast Side, yesterday at noon.
James Ruddiman will talk today at noon.
Tho club is composed of shop men who
deeire to Improve themselves by listen
ing to addresses and by the scientific,
publications the club receives. There
usually is an address by a rammer and
a talk on some practical topic Wednes
day. A Bible class is conducted Thurs
day and athletics are on the programme
event, in order that her health be preserved for future years. Moth
er's Friend is woman's safest reliance ; it is a medicine for external
use, composed of oils and other ingredients which assist nature in all
necessary physical changes of the system. Its regular use before the
coming of baby prepares the muscles and tendons for the unusual
strain, aids in expanding the skin and flesh fibres, and strengthens
the tissues. Mother's Friend leaves the mother in such healthful
condition that her recovery is
always rapid and natural.
Mother's Friend is sold at drug
stores. Write for our free book
for expectant mothers.
Atlanta, Ga.
Proves Quinina Is Never Effective
and Telia How to Get Be
lief in a Few
Tou will distinctly feel your cold
breaking and all the Grippe symptoms
leaving after taking the vary first dose.
It is a positive fact that Fape'i Cold
Compound, taken every two hours, un
til three consecutive doses are taken,
will end the Grippe and break up the
most severe eold, either In the head,
ehest. back .stomach or limbs.
It promptly relieves the most mis
erable neuralgia pains, headache, dull
ness, head and nose stuffed up, fever
lab neas, sneezing, sore throat, running ,
5 ' -
Arizona Constitution to
elude Radical Laws.
'Fellow-Servant" Doctrine Is Elim
inated Alone With Limit for
Damages In Case of Death,
Color Lino la Drawn
PHOENIX. Ariz.. Nor. 22. Matters
relating to the educational system of
Arizona and affecting labor occupied
the attention of the constitutional con
vention today and labor fared well.
Foremost amongthe labor provisions
adopted are the compulsory compensa
tion measure and that prohibiting and
nullifying any contract signed by any
employ releasing a corporation from
liability or responsibility for Injury or
Thera was also adopted the Cnnnlffa
proposition for an employer's liability
provision, abrogating- the common law
of the "fellow servant" doctrine, re
moving the limit for damages In case
of injury or death, and the Kinney
anti-alien labor measure In an amended
The original Kinney proposition,
which caused more-widespread com
ment in the territory, especially in tho
mining camps, than any other measure,
prohibited the employment of more
than 20 per cent alien labor or the
employment under ground or In other
hazardous occupations of persons not
speaking the English language. In
th amended form tho latter portions
remain, and it will rirtually prohibit
the employment of immigrants in
mines. The other part was considered
a violation of the 14th amendment of
the Federal constitution and was re
jected. During the forenoon, ranch time was
taken up In the discussion of the edu
rational bill, and because of the equal
division in the convention, no progress
could be met do on the disposition of the
provision for the segregation of white
and negro children. There were half
a dozen tie votes, but when the body
reconvened for the afternoon session
the segregation was Anally defeated by
a vote of 22 to 21. Chairman Moeur,
ef the education committee, warmly
espoused the cause of segregation.
The present law, which remains ef
fective, provides that school districts
may segregate tne white ana colored
children, if it is desired In that dis
trict. Thatcher School Damaged by Fire.
VENTl'RA, Cel., Nov. 12 The main
school, the recitation building and the
The greatest crisis in a woman'a
life is when first she becomes
a mother. All the physical
strength of her nature is de
manded at such times, and it is
necessary that her system be
thoroughly prepared for tho
of the nose, mucous catarrhal dis
charges, soreness, stiffness and rheuma.
tic twinges.
Pape's Cold Compound is tha result
of three years' researoh at a cost of
more than fifty thousand dollars and
contains no quinine, which we have
conclusively demonstrated is not ef
fective In the treatment of colds or
Take this harmless compound as di
rected, with the knowledge that there
is no other medicine, made anywhere
else In the world, which will cure your
cold or end grippe misery as promptly
and without any other assistance or bad
after effects as a 25-cant package of
Pape's Cold Compound, which any drug.
gist Id the .world cm supply.
Whether you require to
send money to any point
in Europe by draft or
cable transfer or want to
carry with you drafts,
Travelers' Checks or Let
ters of credit available in
all parts of the world, you
will find our service en
tirely adequate.
Your foreign business is
solicited and special care
will be taken to provide
you with that form whiclx
will best Bcrve your re
quirements. Let us advise with' you
pertaining to any phase of
our service.
ripper school dormitory of the Thatcher
School, near Nordhotf, OJal Valley. Cat,
were totally destroyed by fire today.
The loss waa about (10.000 and the in
surance about 13300. No one was ln-
Jured. Th fire came from, an overi
heated stovepipe.
Tou have to roast the turkey, but
you needn't bake the pies order of
either branch Royal Bakery two for a
quarter. Mince plea, deep, fragrant,
delicious, spicy, in flaky brown crust,
pure, wholesome and mo good.!
The addition of 8 per cent of sfttoen to
the steel ud in telephone reeslver dia
phragms is said sreatly to Increase the re
sistance. For Rheumatism
and Nervousness
Kino out of every ten cases of
Rheum atism. Nervousness and
kind red complaints, are caused
.by excess uric acid In tha sys
tem. It poisons the tissue,' weak
ens the organs and retards circu
Electropodea eliminate all ex
cess uric acid and other impuri
ties. They strengthen the nerves.
Increase circulation, and promote
the health and action of every,
A prominent Journalist of Al
buquerque. N. If., says: "Tour
Electropodea certainly have won
derful merit. I know of no other
remedy as complete in its cure of
Druggists Sign This Contract
. The pqrchm r of El eclre pedes Is rrsntj.
ed the pririlear ef returning them within
to dars, and the purchase price 1.00 ) is
to be refunded upon the folio wine condi
tional They are to be worn according to
directions for at least 25 consecutive days,
had then it not satisfactory, to be returned
in original box.
Druggist's Signature .,J
At druggists; or by mall, post--paid.
If your druggist cannot
furnish Eleetropodes, tend us
$1.00, and we will see that you
are supplied immediately. State
whether for man or woman.
Western Electropode Co.
Ml Ids Angeles St., os Angeles, CaJ.
Healthy Kidneys Are
Essential to
Health and Happiness
Many people have kidney trouble and
do not know it. If you have dull
aching pains in the back or have to get
up often during the night you should
lose no time in finding out If your
kidneys are diseased. Mr. . Edwin
Ienike, of 1111 iClm St., Peeksklll, N.
V., suffered for years from kidney
trouble and wants to let everyone know
how he was cured.
In a recent letter Mr. Denlke said: "I
was sick a lonaf time with kidney trou
ble. The doctor treated me, and final
ly gave me up as incurable. One day
my wife brought home a bottle of War
ner's Safo Cure, and I commenced using
it. I cannot speak too highly of your
medicine it has done so much for me.
I am sending this because I think it my
duty as o man to tell my Btory to others
so they can be helped also."
when the kidneys are diseased the
uric acid is not carried off and this
leads to Rheumatism, Backache. Gout
and Bright's Disease. Warner's Safe
Cure carries off the uric acid and soon
the kidneys are healed.
AVarners Safe Cure is made from the
freoh Juices of plants and medicinal
roots, gathered at the proper season
In various quarters of the globe. It is
prepared bv men skilled in pharmacy
and chemistry; Is pleasant to the taste
and agreeable to the most sensitive
stomach. It is put up In 60c. and 1.00
sizes and sold by druggiats everywhere.
Constipation and Biliousness
Warner's Safe Pills purely vegetable,
absolutely free from injurious nub
stances, are a perfect laxative. They
do not gripe or leave any bad after
effects. 25 cents a box.
Trial Bottle and Box of Pills. To con
vince everv eufferer from' diseases of
the kidneys, that WARNER'S SAi'iS
CUKli will cure them, a trial bottle and
a sample of Warner's Sufe Pill3 will be
sent FREE OF CHARGE, post-paid, to
any one who will write WARNER'S
6AFK CURE CO., Rochester. N. Y.,-and
mention having seen this liberal offer
in The Oregonian. The arenuineness of
this offer is fully guaranteed by tha