TIIK MOKMXCr OKEGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1910. 19 TURKEY PRIGES CUT Wholesale Market Goes Pieces Entirely. to CLOSING PRICE 22Y CENTS oiljr I TfM lirc In View of the l'ir iMiii.iiut Krom llttt.ltr. .o Out -hle Inquiry Otlu r I Inf Arr Dull. Tt. i-.rkvjr market n at to p. ytr !... Thi rrult wn not en -tir-!y ubforvcn. tn market w.a In rather tyi t Monday. It a r ef the supply excMl.ns; th d-nuDd. Tha totaj receipts en th street wer probbiy Hot lircr tnn lat year, but t h buy lac waa Us. Th rvtai.TS iKurnJ a -o4 part of their stock la th country and the Mpp.nf ilcmanl fell T rntirrly. Choirt turkeys vrrt offere-i In lb fr ooo at 24i rent, a rot of 2 cent from Manila price, la the afternoon L.rds cf the sam quality were offered at 22 n:s without tak re. Oniy a few r( the Kxont-atr-t hours re elvecl many turkey. ut thry nrarlj U had more or lrea on hand whn the t!ay c!ok1. Ths dealers f-lt e.n:idnt. how vsr. that verjrtiiln.r l-ft would ba wurked CT toiler There was a fair dctnand for drwad s;ra at Miti and df-ea'd durks were quoted t ZO cro'.l. The live poultry marlft was almost nrc IetJ. Thf was soma Inquiry for live lurkr)t for turk'-r ahoota and the Ilk, but ritt krna re rwt wanted al any prlca. A f w it d-icka and w. ra sold at Steady quotation. W1IKIT W HKM, BIT riFT. Small Tradiac la the oaraa f 'rrrade t ar- e4 Crwo rooriilbiSM. Tha iWal ahrat murkrt aa rather qil-t trila. but the undcrton was er firm. taf"r quntU rires unrhanf from tha reftinr Oatf and barley m alow at the old rang of quotation. jy al rr.-fi; ts !n cars wrre reported by lha M-rch tnti w.hxr.f as follows: YA h-at itartt-y K.ur fnta liar Mnrt! in I . . 1M rWl:iv ;l Year - ... IT - S-i'in to iUte ".; H Tf4r a ... V-U : r'"r-in rrp .rLta are sunin.arlx.-d t i Tie l.hrrt r-rn Trad N as fiIloas: f'nltrd K'cl"?n-Th'i ha r--'n s-H in th- "d of the n-wr rrop a ti: ! ! t Mt'irr. r'rurr - .M u h of th iMInr of tha n r.ip :.i.. te d'ne t a rwu:t of th hv-a rji't hi.h -irw rva!Ird durlnc th jiat f w Tne erlT 'n wh-t a t.'nr -n.!anTd hy tta wet weallt ra i fi'l ar rr; flrrr. .e rr, u: - I cnl.ttn uf tne vtlnir la favorat Jiiiup:!" "i om1 quality nailv h. t ar- ant . t ut of Inf. riT qualU Ita'v anl Si-ain rrp conditions are fa' Hi- T'ie oMf!ok f"r the edtnc l fa ;h r. Arriba! at the jn.rtu are amailrr. T wather In lha Aioff U mild, aleawhara V In'-. Kt;rr.anta There la a devreasa In th' li-i-a(M und-r whal of from So to per r-n: jniirr t-t of Iat jfar. Tha cor.ultlttas of the e-ltnv ar favorable. Thre Is j fa'r am 'u-it f fia t-nna; belnir n- uifl. irt-nri.-a Tha i' strict In nlrhbrhoni n ftU.a It tanca Jouthero Purnoa Ayrest eet ratn. H,irn.ir Tha onttook fr tha new sown wheat continues to show improvement hup- Biie of wheat are rather email. NVrth Afnc Srma rata baa fallen, which le beaellciai. barrel; Qulr.raa. flfcl-SS per box; hurkla- oerrie. a j -m? ir.; persimmons. II. S5 par bo. VKrrrHLKS lltana. ltj Ue nr pound; i cahhara. $ ! it I p-r hundred; raullflower, California. I.'il pr rrate; celery. . I - j f'ri.!a, 4 1 ."-u per crnte; rurun.ni rs. , p-r h.n; t-vKphuit. II i p. r rruie; (nrh-. 1M u 1 .o p- r lt. ; crecn onion . pr tlot 1 pipra. lc i r Ih. ; puinpktos. Ii lr rr 1.. ratila!: a. 10 U -'r p--r d i n; ;rut. vjaah. l(lljC per lb., lomatvrs. 1 1 - pe-r ImjX. Tl.ol'K'AL FKl'ITS franir-'S, navel. w. per b"; ni'i.. V.Vhi Florida i err;.- rult. f ;.tj i, j; i-anuria. i.- i r Kund; p ineApi'les, ic j-e-r j ounU ; pomi;rauat , $ I - 7 .". ; or to. l' T ATt .Kj -fr- r. n. $l.ijfti :i0 p-r hun dred: swe-( t nt.Mi. 2'j per not.nd. NI'N (r-ifou, J'jt'iriK price, 11.40 X Co per hunurrU. MUTTON IS FIRM Sheep and Lambs Sell at Full Prices. LATTER TOUCH $6 AT YARDS Coffee? and Sncr. XKW YfltK. N-v. iVffea futures Clo..t ste.tiiv. lit three pvlntS lower to fit it points higher, hiie !.ics, November. W nit- ar.d January. 10 n,-; February. Marrh. April. Mar. June and July. lO.S.V; AtlKUst. ll.:;o; I,'irmtT. lo.l'l'-; U- totM-r. I) 7v. Lata positions w rra rc.ativcly aany. Hrot coffea. Arm; No 7 I: in. 1SH?: No. 4 Santos, Uc. Mttd coffee, firm; I'ordov a. , 11 W V l.'-c. lu stint-:", f.rm: M'lscov.ido. t lest. 3 4oc; entrifusrtl. !d t-t. ;!.; m-l:tilni ui r. Sl t-t. .1 ir.r ; r-ftnd eusar, quici. SHOT OFF SHIPMENTS Cattle Are Stondjr to Strong and llofjt Are Aeak (KM)d Sup I! Is Orfcrcd to tlie Trade. skatti.i: iiorrs TO HOLD THE Tl'KKKY .MAKKirT STKAIY. rARXirilAIL 1H bctixo nor. tt4 la H rkt IS (U for M. Th. cM.f bird la th. bop mark't T" trrdar was John Csrmktiul. arcordms to th. r.porT. fvr.lv4 from th. countrr. ambi hi. urcbr wm. th. stinlth A Van Iam. lot of 119 bilN .1 Pi. Paul, fur which h. u r.prll ts h p. LI 1J wdii. Th. sfr. prie wm .(T.r!! on othr Iota. Th. lor&l market did not ahnw mark ttnijr. Th. IWarry Mop Companr boucht 1 bal.a from rrd Iavl. of Sltvrton. at 2 c. nta. No other bnalneaa waa r. P4rte4t. Thrr. haa ben eonrMerabl. buylnc lo Callfnrola. arcordlfxv to mall advlro rm- retvetl xter1ax Philip Wolf t Co. ae cur.l 2.0 bal.a of Ijnomu al 14 cents and Tonovan bousht 700 bales of 8onomas at US and 13 S cents. Ten cents was tr'.f o(Teret for arraenento thre-year contrarta and 11 cents for Tolos ftr ttio sam. period. 1 CCITTABLJE AMU ITll IT TRADK RIO ii an IJaeo aaj Front Utrevt Aro KaUretr ( leoaed I m. Tradln In ths frutt and vecetabla mar ket was ar'ila on an .norraoua seal, yes terday. Ther. waa a strong demand In o..ry line and aomo varieties wero .nltr.17 cleaned up befor. th. closa of tha day. Former prices. In tha main, wera quoted. Am on a- the receipts for th. day vert thr. can of banani?. a mtxed car of head lettnee anil caalitlower and a car each of aranfe and lemons. flatter Has I'pward Trade aey. Th. butter market Is firm, with a food prospect of advancing In th. aear future. Chors. mows out actively st nnrhamti.(l rrtcee. Km. both Ores-oa and Eastern, are la stronc demand aad tha market is quoted Arm. Bank CieaJins. Pank clearings of th. Northwestern cities vest.rdsr war. SS follows. Cleartnc. Balancea. Ii 2 i f wi..i)a 1.1-7.; lv-.i T"roi autl.Ms porttsnd B-attle Tacoma Cpokan. l.H 15 il -11 1M.T4 rORTX.M MAKKtTH. (.rain. IWtr. t'eeU. Ktr. WHF.AT Tra.k prices: Ttlue.tem. .'; ciuU Mitrlc. red Huaalan. Thc; Valley, buc; 4-f.ill. "te. HOII.KV Ked. t J0.i"1r .'1 per ton. Mlia-sTtrf" Bran. J." rvr .n; mll d Iris. 1.3. ahorts. rulUd barley. Jt s.v rt.ot R Patn:a. fs IS per harr.1: str:rhta. $4.tslZ0: exports, fs M; Va.iey, j i, graham. 14.MI; a hoi. wheat, quar tet. i. HAY Trails prirea: Timothy. Wlllamett. Vi'l-t. t-t'tr-"- p.T ton. l-:Astera Orecon. s.:;u -.: R.u.u. i4.u. ixu. grata hay, fl..'it li.:.; rlc--r. 41.V N Whole, g.'.t; rrt-ked. $32 per ton. OAT White. j;uih per Ion. Mol Snlea of Cltolce Itlrdi Made at 2 S Cent Krtail Irlce To day SO to 33 Conto. SKATTIK. tVaah.. Nov. S. (le-Iiil. The turkey market waa a eak aTnlr to day. Most kxI.s err" ma.le nt cents an.l ofT-(crile Mr.te wnt from to r-nta. M..Jtt fi.-iitlle houses n..tlll-tl I'ort Innd shlpp.-rs ttii:iy not t.f nend Multry to this market and tliia a.-tl'.n la e.p.-rt...l to enable denlrra to c.-an up In i;h.'1 shap... l.(.til l.ric- a rtropp.-.! thie montinic to tenia at the oulal.le. l.et Imii. h. ra were contrm-ttnr on Ih. hnsls of S"J to r.-nta. iI.mh! etirkev. will t- qu:..l in the ptil.lic markets lomorrotc at :t" to J.I e.-nut. ittrfi and dueka wer. In t-xrellent demand at top priet a. Wheat wns s rent hlsli -r all around, nnie- stcm teln quoted ly exporter, at to J.'t nta. imirh wrt.-it. r-.W'V.r. eotnn he obtained at those prieee. uts and lar- 1. y were artlve tut uru-haiiired. Apples were a.- rally Miu.te.l lower. Tli d line amctunts to an averace of nLoiit ". renta p. r rv K'-e.-ipta tins week have bevn t!ie h avleat of the .e.kaon. A ehipnient of i ltir..il-a of Japnneee oranges arrived unexpectedly thia morning from Vancouver. H. '. heatlni: ih direet alnpmenta hy thr-e .liri. The fruit was riu.ded nt l.fM t. l T.' per lundl. Call forala crapes adar.-d to l..'.o. owlrir to the I.Kht aupply. The ilemund was lalrly actlv. in spit, of the rain. Vfs:erdays receipts of livestock wr not heavy, but a good supply was carried over from tha preceding day and offerings were. therefore, ample. Ths market was active. Th. stronffent featur. of th. market was aheep and lambs. Yearling wethers sold at Sa and the beat lambs brought $, an atTvuncs of a quarter over ths top previous quotation. The cattl. market was steady to strong throughout, with no material Chang. In vulura. Two extra quality steers wcf. sold at f.VTa. though the bulk of salea on good stock were at ta.ia J 5.50. Th. best price paid for hogs during ths day was 19.73. Th. day's receipts wers 13S cattle. IS ca.H-e. Ifji hogs. CO sheep, 339 goats and 15 horavs. fhlpptrs of the stork wer. Fraxler A He- I-aln. of Arlington. 1 car of horse.; A. It. Ford, of Mratinnville, 1 car of goats: J. 1. Reynolds, of Arlington. 1 car of hoga: Henry l.arkin. of Winona. Wash., 1 car of cattle: H. S. Ncal. of Condon. 1 car of cattle; L. A. Stiller, of Condon. 1 car of cattle and ralvea; Sir. Smith, hy boat, 4S hoga; Horace Al!-n, by hoat, lli cattle: G..R. Kheow, by boat, 10 hogs; E. I. liark.r drove In 6 hoKs; Wlltlnm Sheppard drove In 35 hom; 1). Tuylor, of liicisey. 1 car hoga and sheep; :. I. Ourdlck. of Salem, 1 car calves and goats. The day's sales wer. as follows: Weight. Price. Central Leather 100 83 33 .14 do preferred l'las Central of N J 2;-:i 'Ch. s Ohio .. 6,200 5 64H M Vs Chlcaco 4 Alton 40 Chi Gt Went SSVJ CliiraKo A N W l.lX") 147 14Hi 14i'.'.x C. M St P .. 4..V0 12 1 'a l-':l l.:t C. C. C Ac St Li Iihi r.7't 117 'i 67 Col Fuel tt Iron 2.1" 3.1'a 34V 4H Col Southern. r.u .111 Conaol Oiis fi l.'t.lH i:i4 1:1 Corn Products . I.i0 ltJT lili, Oel Hudson 1'.! L It Crand.' .'I-' do preferred 7:1 r etillcra' s.cur l.ion .":!', 3:t a:t". trie l. 3"1, -1H -1' '. do 1st pf 1"0 4V, , 4t do id pf '-"it 7 :t7"i .'i7 Gen Klectrlc .. mh) 1.V1', lad I.V.'i C,t Northern J)f 1.7" J4 l-V.'i lW. c.t North ore.. ;!" f.o ".'x .V.n. Illinois Central. I'll 13 1 1:14 l".:: Iuteruor M-t .. 1M" w I'o'i lo preferred.. 1. ."" on1. r..".- Inter Harvester. 4H) ll'JSi 11- 11- Inter Marine pf li lut Paper 'H i::s 13 'i 13. Int Pump O.ttiO 441. 44 ' 44'. Iowa Central 1: K C Southern .. 5.1X10 33 4 33 .".2 do preferred .r Laicleilo lias ... 3."i 1" 10.;; ln7H l.ouut c Nttall .. 2oo 14at 14.1'a 14..' Minn St I. 30 St. & 1 S S M '-'"O 13..S 134H 134H Mo. Kan aV Tex tkK) 34H 34 34 do preferred fis Mo Parlfle ..... Io0 Rl " M i4 f.l Nat ltlcult H' Nat l.ead l"o r.f f,i Mex N Hy 2 pf 1.!i .1.1". 343. .... N V Central .. 2.UOO 1I3T, 113, ll.'IH N Y. Ont 4k Wes -' Norfolk & Wea r.tXK k "JO let North American t."i Northern Pac .. l.Gou 116 lliS In; Pacille Mull 3o Penneylvanla .. 2.3O0 i0 129H l'jrn. People's Jaa !"' P. C C & St L 7 Pittsburg Coal 20 Pressed Car.. 40rt 3H. R4 ,13:14 Pull Pal Car .. lt'0 Ilia 104 'j. l:4'j Hy Pteel Spring S4 Heading 6...4IXI IMS l.V.'t, IM'i Hepublic Steel.. 100 84 'i 34'. 34 c, do prferred 07 S Rock Inland Co 14 ROO 33 r 32 S 33 a, do preferred.. l.ci'O 7 S B7 r.ii ' , Pt L A- -S F 2 Pf 3uU 41-V 41i 41 St L Southwent y 24'. do preferred 13 Flo.a-ShcITIeld .. BOO Bl S Rl So Ponthern Pao .. .7il lis", 117H 117H Southern Hy .. 1.ih 27 S 27 27 , do preferred.. lo il.'l 'j t'3 3 Tenn Copper .. l.Sutf S7' 37 37 Tex 1'ac 2'ii Tol. St 1. Wes 7'Ml 2r. 24 24 'i do preferred.. Sun ZTSi r.7 'i f.'t ' Union Pac .... 47.1'in ITS' 170 M. 177, do preferred.. 100 3 93 . !2. U S Healty 71 t; S Rubber - . S. U S Steel 78.300 SOU, 7fVi 7!"4, do preferred.. ,'ei ll lIN'i lis ITtah Copper .. 10 CUt 411, 4!t Va-Caro Chem. 1..VMJ ;.t . 2. r,2. Wabash 2n) 1714 17 7'i do preferred.. 3H0 7 S M 30 1 Western Md 40 '. Westing Klec .. 2tK 72 72 714 Western -"Union 71 'x Wheel ALE 5Vi DEMAND NOT EAGER Eastern Apple Market Is Dull, but Steady. HARD SORTS ONLY WANTED 31 Iambi 17 ewes 4.1 hens lo .hogs 27 St rs H ste 2 cows S cows . 117 . 21S . :i".i .11711 .1 1IH1 . . (-" . Ml QIOTATIONS AT SAN t "RANCISra. prices Paid far -Prodac U th. Bay City Markets. FAN Kit A NCI SO . Nov. Th. follow ing price, were current in the produu. mar ket t. !: Huuer Fancy c-eamerr, 37c. 4 l..e Young Am-ri' .. lB'vtylHa. (:ea Store. Me.; fancy ranch. o". egetaba Cucumber.. 7jci$l; garlic. 4tsi; gieen pea., jyltc; string beans. S Sc. tomateea, 2a'.rc. eggplant, Zb l ivc liar Wheat. "14: wheat and oaca, t 6 1 l.re; alfalf i. 'i 1 1. potatoes oregou Harban'xa, St 40101 60; Salinas llurbsnk. Il.ei l.J.i. sweets, (jg x-i. i ,,,,ma Ilrll In Fruits Apples, choice, sc: common. 40c; Stex'C.ia luii-s. ai; lemons, choice, $4; letnon... cmm"n. $!; pineapples. Il.iitf 2 .... riae; ranges. I. VL MUljtuIIs tlran. K:uO; middlings. $11 K Keeelpta Flour. te7tl quarter sacks; wheat. 1740 Centals; barlej, ll.::j centals; cat. MIS centals, potatoes. 47.", sacks; tran. 4o sacks; 27a tona middlings. 70 sacks; hay. 310 Ilk 12.14 420 . 4. . . 170 41'H K.S :i in:,ii S2H 12 III 1 1 .'.0 12.10 171U . ...147i MSO 1" 15 1 1.17 ln.H. . . . .10737 ll'HI 11.14 tl.10 1020 1002 lo;.i) ..... Ill .... !7 !M1 .... PS 17 223 r.3.1 .1.7.1 h.3.1 4.2.1 4.IMJ 2.:al 3 SO 0.00 IL VOLCME OF THAI: BOSTON' KlLLaS Ol-V.' IN Territory Gradr Are F'nirlj- Well Taken Small Inqulrj for California nijm. rows 2 calves 17 rnlvvs .......... 41 froMts " atT 0 rnh'Li 1 caff . CHlvtrs !." cows 117 fronts 12 st vers. 1 I culvts 1 bull 1 bull Jl bulls 1 buil If st-rs 1 row 4 cows strs M st-'t-rs 7 cows 2 cows a cows f COWS .. 1 1 COWS aw 34 cows 0 covrs v. 1 bun Z'221 vthera 15: yarllns; wttrs yt-Hrlliv wethers . 'J 7 ews 1!U Intnba l.tl lamhs l"l (iimbs J"S Unibs S.-i ho ITS 17H hoKS r' rices current on tha various classes of stock at tha Portland C'nlun atoikyarils wera as follows: Hetf steers, fjood to rholra. !: fa steara, fair tn mtKllum. i'hoM-a artayed -half era 4 ftxxi to cholca bT4.-f com a. . . Milium to good beef cows... Common baef cowa Liu lis .., Htatvs. good to chutca Caives. liicht i'alvea. heavy Hors. top Hot:, fair to medium Php. best Valley wethera... Kaep, fe.tr to good Wethers. . tSheop, best yeurllns; wulliers. Sheep, best allay ewes iarnt'S, choice niotintain Lambs, cboica alley Total sales for the day. 334,900 shares. BONDS. , NEW YORK. Nov. 22. Closing quotations: U. 8. ref 2a res;.loo p?. Y. c. srn Ss Ss do coupon ...KmivINo. Pacific its... Tit t S. 3s res; KMt No. pacific 4s... W do coupon nion pacirio 4-ioiw IT. S. now 4s reeAl't 'Wis. rvntral s. yj do coupon . . .ll.i li Japanese 4s ... D. at H. Li. 4s. . . 04li .V) 4. 2.."Hr 4;) am) a. (Mi a. 4..V 3. r. i.". 4.1:0 4. 4(h 2..VO S.ltr 3. 4.20 3. 3. 4. 6 3 fl.oO r.oo 5 )nneyv Kx chance, Fto. NEW YORK, Nor. 22. Money on call. easy. Pr cent; ruling: rate, 2; closinif bid. 2 ; offered at 2. Time loins cosy; oO Uuys, 4st per cent: IHi days and six months, 4'i. 1'riniw mercantile paper, per cent. S:;rlinit cxchanire stt-ady with actual busi ness tn bankers" bills nt S4.S2104. 4.8215 for 60-day bills and 94.8t for demand. i'oiiimerrlal biM.i. I4.tii ' y. 4.M liar silvi-r, r.",e. fexloan dollars. 4rtc. Bouda Government and railroad steady. LONDON". Nov. L2.--Bar silver Steady. 25 !- Itid 4er ounce. Money 4 'a lr cent. The rate of discount In tha ooen market for short bills 1 4 per cent. Hie rate of discount in the orien market for three months' bills Is 4Hii7-l per cent. The rate of discount In the onen market for three months' bills is 4 4 7-1H per cent. BAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 21?. Pterllnr on Ijondon. tio davi, S4.S2 4 : sterline on Lon don, sight, M SC. Drafts sik'ht. ie: te.eprapn, 4o. WHEAT BUYING HEAVY . .$3 .2.10 SK C5 . . 4 :o a f.io . . 4.;:u .voo .. 4 .0i 4.75 . . S.&iS 4.00 . . 2.U '. S.aO . . s not 4 no .. 4. WIS 4 r.o . . 7.oiw 7..V) . . 4.0iu 6.23 . . S.7r't l.(tO . . 8.2.- KM . . n v 3. r.o . . 4 -'.. ft.0 . . S.ftOO 4.00 . . ft 0'tf .tM 4.75 5.00 AUG EX T I X K XEWS CIIIEP FAC TOR IX CHICAGO PIT. HOSTON. Nov. 11. Tha I toe on wool mar kt showed a falttns; ott in the amount of trvde. although Talura continued lirm. Ter ritory wool is fairly well takn and mol-r- demand la shown for Ohio half-bloods and j uart er-blooal nepc-a. There is soma activity a. so In Texas stock, en pr tally In 12 months scoured, but California wool mos slowly and p illed wool is dull. Scoured beata: Tesax One 12 months, ffit -. fine. to S months. C 2 If ."5c : fine Fall. "aMforn ia Northern. .VW .".Te: mlddla count i. wiw,.2c. aouthtro. 4tfj4sc; Fall free, 43 U 1 1 r-at on Fstern N. 1 staple, fkifj tiCc: eaatero clotbinit. OOtilc; valley .No. 1. 64 t Tarrttnrv Ftre siapla, 6 5c: clolh- Ina. C'ft.'.Hc; half-blood combing. 4.c; three-e!chthe-Moo4l comMns;, 63 0 i&c i qusr ter-blo.Ml cnmbinr, 61tff.Tc. utied wool tiatra 6&4isc; fin. M U ot)c : upers, Z ) C hi cafe Uvewtock Market. CHICAGO. Nov. 22. Cattle Ftecelpts, es timated. J'aK); msrket. steady, liecves. $4.M H 7,.:; Texas sters. 4.15 Q 3.4n. Western Ft r. S4 .,j'jn.HJ: stockt rs and fi-euen , W.3o4i -7o; rows and hclfora. SX73u.d.: loss ric-cetpts. estimated. 24.0O0; market, (f-nerally 5c lower. Liicht. Idbotx 1.10: mixed. i..Mi'(j .2ti; uuavy. i.2U; routrh. St) o.sw: s:o4sd to choice hea. $i.io a 7. 2U: i pise. ii i ; duik ok auies. ,.ioti t.l.t. bheep ttocelpts. estunated. 2.VUAMI: mar ket, steady. Native, $2 2nsZ.Vo; Western. li.iHitij y-urnnKS. lamoa. native. 4 u o. estern. ftj a v. Wool at F. laonla. FT. T.Ofl. Not. 22. Wool Hull: terrl- tnrv and Wtern nied.ums. 22 tl .3c; Una mediums, ZOiiXlc; Roe, 1. vj lwc. WALIi STItEKT DKSIIIDS LKSS feTOCK &PECLXATIO.V. Dried IVult at New York. , ' NEW YORK. Nov. 22. Evaporated anp'es. quiet, steady !th continued small offar- Inns of new crop. on ths spot, fancy is quoted at llSoUVc; choico. WwfloVo; prima. 7 4j c. Prunes, quiet, urra on email onerinsr from the coast. quotations from It. t,c for allrula up to 3o-4s and SUilV'aC for Ore sons from to 3? reaches, steady with a Itttla better de- tr.and. hoice. 70 7 Vtc; extra choice. 8tf hci fancy. 84iilc C.raln 3larkela af the North weal. TACOMA. Nov. 22. Wh'it ETport: Blue- tem. S2 : club. Sic. red Human, tbv. MiM- ina: Utoestem, b2S3c. club, boc; red Kua- Sla ft. SC. Kecatpts. wheat eo cars, oats S ears, hav 9 cars, barley 4 cars, torn 1 car. SEATTLE. .Nov. 22. Mllltn Quotations: rt!uest"m. vie; lortyfoi!. blc; Club, hc; lie. aiv red K use tan. . c. K sport rticst : Itlueatem os:; foi t fold. 7c; club. 77e, Fife, e; red Ktisslan. tc lesterdaya cax re ipts, whfl J rara. corn 2 cars. oe.ta a ara. barit-y 6 cars, hay 14 cars. Dairy mnd Country rrad irw. POFLTRT Hens. lISUe: Sprlnc. 19 II'tjc; ilu k. white. 17 H t l!c: seeae. 12 t 11-: turkrjs. a:iv. 2x o 2V . greased, choice. Ser ;h-c. aeonds. zs g 2 4c; culls. 2vc; squahs. $ pr dose a. F's treon ranch. randld. 4?VJe; Faatern, Apri j. l)aU- lr down; Last trn frn. JTSr r-r dsen. PI TT KH t fti'-ial quotation: City cream ery ao;id pack 34c per pound, butter fat 31 at 3V pr pound; Caatern Sluc per pound. fHKKSK- Full crearu. .win. 17w17Sc aer p-i;nd. yunr America. Un IS Sc. PKk Ksary, lllc per pound. VivAL Fan. y. hi to 126 pounds. 321. I So pr pound. Tecetablea asaal wlta. APPt.CH Kinr. 40(75- per box: Wolf Kltfr. 7J-K1. Waxen. icnl2S: Baldwin, T&ettl?a: Northern py. T.'-t- tlZZ, Snow. Ii -Sl.:; spit sen oera-. tl.2,vl, Winter Hanana, f 1 71 -r 3 . SACK VTvitTA-BLFS Carrots. $1 f I 23 aoadrad; parnip. 11 tfl.w. turn t pa. $1; aaa. 1 1.23 V I CO. OR! ES FKI1TS pears. 1.2392 p4r bo; yeas. l.4tl-3 Per fco; rran brriea. Vaaoay. L40 Hosts, 9ysVtW par New York Cat too Market. XKW YOB K. Nov. 22. Coiton Spot cloeed quirt. 5 potnla his her. Mid-uplands, 4.'c; do jrulf. 13.luc. So salea Futures cioaed barely steady, net B to a points hisrber 00 all months eept August, htch showed a net loss or v points. Novem ber. 14. iV'; lccmbr, 14-tfc: January. 14 Mc; February. 14.74c; Marrfe. 14 Silc; Ar.nl. 14tHic; 31 sr. 14c; Juua aad July, l4.L3c; August, 14.31c. f hlrsro prod nee Market. CHICAGO. Nov. 22. If utter Steady; ere" nieriea. ;4 34c; dlrle. 2.'tv27e. F.sca Steady, receipts. 4;7 raees; at mark, caaea Included, ii 22 Sc; Ursts, 2:h- prima firsts. ic Cheese Steady; daialcs. twins. 1414Sr: Vourc Americas, 1 t ltk;; Ions horns. 15olv. MUaeaHMlia Wheat Market. sIlN'MTAroUS. Nov. 1 i W h ea t Do-eemb-r. IKiS: May. fl.OA. C.-ien v heat. . 1 hard. VI fS ' No. I Northern. $ l.tH S ft S : No. U Northern, tl.vl S V 1.04 ; -No. 2 wheat, 90y 1.0VS Imluth Flax Market. DCLt'TH. Nov. -2. Flax on Irarlr, $2.03; to arrive. fJ."7: November, 2v bid; De cember, 2.; May. 92.&2t asked. Itailroads Aro in Need of Funds. Effect of Mexican Mtuatlon on Scntinicnc. NEW YORK. Nov. 22. The stock market sank into deeper n-iclect today and tha price tluctuaWona narrowed coi rewpontlingly. This quietness Is considered seasonable and desirable by the banking' element. In tha opinion of hankers and financiers of authority, tha primary requisite of tho New York money market Is to find means fort tak Ins; up bond Issues, which aro In contemplation by tne a rent railroad cor porations. An active stock market specu lation which should take up banklns; re sources aa faat aa they are relrnevd from the task of moving; the crop would Interfere with comuiff bond flotations. Tho London stock market was In soma such mood also. In tha presence of the po litical contest which confronts Great Brit ain. The Mexican situation was not without a diauuietins; effect on speculative sentiment. In the home held the unsettled outlook In the steel trade Is a potent factor In tha speculative sltuat Inn. Keports today of a cut in prices of structural steel by tho Car- hetrtA Company were current. An Inter view with Chairman Hall, of tha Great Northern Railway, was not calculated to stimulate speculative enthusiasm. Tha an nual report presented by the executive com mittee to the Rallwsy Business Association also waa circulated and tha Industrial pros pect which it pointed out waa not of a rheerlnc effect on sentiment, although allow ance w:is made for the effect intended In str-nftheninjt tha rallroa.te' contention for hlKher freight rates. Money conditions wer not materlully chantr-d. Bonds were steady. Total sales. par value, Sl.714.0OO. United States bonds were Unchanvd on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. California Dealers Said to lie Pur chftblng In the Fast I.ast J'rlces Cent Higher. CHICAGO, Nor. 2? Argentine news was the chief factor in the wheat pft from the tart. After a strong open in p. there was a temporary reaction due to corn veakneu, but a fresh srit of dispatches from South America brous.it out important buying. Al most at the same time, export sales o 40 boatloads were reported from the Allan lis seaboard. Considerable intercut waJ taken meanwhile In statements that Califor nia dealers wero buying here, and It was supposed that there hud been foreign pur chases of considerable size. The rervou-nes3 of shorts became more and more evident and prirea at tho end of the session wore within a shade oX the highest of the day. Tho range for the May option, taking; trade as a whole was from vb'Q vGhc to ;) witn last sales I0mc net higher at l7Sin7,.c. Corn dropped to a lower level today than for several years. May fluctuated from 40 kt 4Jc to 4C- li4'! c cloKing firm at a hade up at 4 H t? 40-e. Tha cash market was weak. No. 2 yellow finished at 01 U rM4e. There was a Rood trade In oats at prices governed by corn. May reached ne extreme low and hik'h figures 334c and 33 ".0. with the close at the loM-named quotation, a gain of c compared with 24 hours prev ious. Provisions except lard wero firm. Last sales were 5 to 10c higher for pork. 2'-4 to 12Ho off for lard and fic advance for rib?. Tha leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Owen. Hlit a. .93 i .".3 .IflW .ItlS CORN. .4i .46; .47 U .47 44S . OATS. ,3i .33 .83 4 -S3-. .30 -3U3s .30 U M&3 PORK. 17.15 17.25 16.17H 16-74 LARD. 8?4 9.6o .;,u 9.fiaV SHORT RIBS. D.074 .15 .05 Caali quotationa were aa follows: Flour iflrm. Rve No. a!. 75 40. Barley Feed or mixing, 85?? 70c; fair to oholcu malting. tv JC- Fiaxseed No. l Southwestern, Z.i9: io. 1 Nor th western, $2.2. Timothy -ed a.tiU. Clover $14.30. Fork Mess, pop barrel. $17.2517.60. Lard 1'er 100 pounds. (10 07 4. Snort ribs tildes blouse). 'q9H).2. Way.. July.. Lec. . . Mar. . July.. Dec . Mar. . July.. Use. Jan.. . May.. Jan.. . May.. Jan May. Low . I .. .90, .4SVi .4 .43 .9'4 .33 ' 17.15 let. .J7 .4i Close. -S7', .S3'. 1 k .ti' '.44 i .3S'4 .30 17.50 k.iu .lJfc Wincsaps Not Bringing the Prices of Earlier in the Season Latest Sales by the Fruit Kxcuange. The daliy market bulletin of the North western Fruit Exchange follows: The market continuea quiet and steady, but dull. The demand 18 not eag-er. and the trade Is centering in the hard varieties, fr'oft varieties, like Spitzenbergs, continue to be in heavy supply and are selling com paratively low in the Eastern markets. We Quote tuU'grain received from our New York aiicnt. which is expressive of the situation on the entire Atlantic seaboard, from Wash ington to Boston: . "Arrivals total 25 cars boxed fruit today. FpltrenberRs continue to predominate, the larger portion of which are but average quality, selling at $1.75 to 2.25 delivered; Newtowns. $1.75 to $2, unltss very fancy; Jtomo Beauties, $2 top; Stay man Wineaaps, $1.75 top." Such demand as thers Is ts centering In the hard storage varieties of the cheaper kinds. However, very little of such Xrult is now coming forward. Very many of the arrivals in the past few days hav. shown full ripe or even overripe condition, and wo have noticed this same condition in Cash mere Wlnesaps and those from other dis tricts as well. This reduces value tremen fcusly. as It makes tha fruit entirely unsafe for storage and throws It Into the market for prompt connuinptloh and of cours. this keps the market over-supplied for its Im mediate needs and keeps values down and buyers pessimistic Wlnesaps . are not bringing the price, they brought earlier in the season when th. speculative demand was at its height and the fruit at its best. We cannot help but call attention to the fact that we had a cash buyer, Whosa preference we commanded, right on th. cround at Wcnalchee this year wanting to uy 20 cars of Wlnesaps at $l.i0 spot cash t. o. b. The growers were holding out for $3 and refused to sell at $1.90. The sale was ihererore lost and there ts now no buyer in the country who would think of paying $1.!K f. o. b. for Winceaps. We take tills occasion to call attention to the fact that the fruitgrowers in unor ganized districts ara frequently misled en tirely In their Judgment by lack of com -pl.ite Information. A cash buyer will come along from soma imill market requiring a few hundred r a fev - housand boes of apples. He wnts only the" very best grades and only selected sizes, for which ha will pay a high price. He docs not want me dium or. Inferior fruit and his capacity is quite limited. His otTers, however, set tha market. Immediately the whole district concludes that the fruit Is worth so much and no less and never stops to consider that this cash demand is only capable of absorb ing an insignificant amount of fruit and that bis offers are not representative of true season value for the average of tha crop, good, bad and Indifferent, early and late. Tho marketing problem is a tremendous one. which requires shrewdness, foresight and, above all, up-to-date Information and fa cilities. To be effective tho growers must be locally organized under sound, wise ad ministration. " This doctrine has 1 been preached by the Northwestern Fruit Ex change ever since Its organization and will be Insisted upon until it is realized. After the movement of this season's- fruit Is all owr. the exchange will throw Itself Into the work of assisting local organizations heart and soul. We report tha following sales: . N WHO. from Cashmere, Wash., Oc tober 24. resold to a buyer at Texarcana, Tex., as follows: Extra, fancy and Delaware Reds. $1.20; Baldwins. $1.05; BelleSeurs, $1.05; choice grades 80c.' t. o. b. P. F. E. 22r, from Sherman's Spur,' Woh.. November 1. Stayman Winesaps. I1..15 f. o. b. This la' the top of the market for Staymana. It is considerably more than the fruit would bring in th. large markets like Chicago and New York. Note our New l ork wire report stating that $1.75 la top for Htaymuna. This would mean about $1.10 or less f. o. b. Tha above car was sold to a buyer in rjoorgia. C. B. Q. 37SI94, from Cashmere, Wash., 1.1th, 11 different varieties, mostly cheap kinds, like Ben Davts, BlacK Bens, at a BtriUght price of bOc f. o. b. P. V. E. (iSfXS. from Wenatehee. Wash., 8th. to a buyer at Atlanta. Ga. This car contained ten different varieties, sold at an an average price t .o .b. based on tha rela tive value of each variety. I'. F. K. 8400, from Dut'ur, Or., November 11, to a buyer in Oklahoma, fancy Ben Da vis at $1; choice Bnldinws. !H)c; choice Ben l'avls. C5c. As Dufur takes a freight rate of about 10c per box higher than other prints, this sale Is equivalent to $1.10 for fancy B-n Lavis, $1 for Baldwins. 75c for choice Bon Lavls. This Is the top of th. market. 1". K. E. 7144. from Dufur. Or., I.ith, mixed varietl-'S as fnllsjvs: Fancv Jona thans. $1.2; fancy Spitzenbergs. $1.23; fancy tiruenitiKS, choice Spitzenbergs and Kinirs, SI. Choice Oreenlngs. 75c. all t. o. b. This sala is equivalent to 10c higher all around because of the higher freight rate. Sold to a buyer in Colorado. Changes In Available (supplies. NEW YORK.' Nov. 22. Special telegrapBIa and cable communications received by Brad- street's show the following changes in avail able supplies, as compared with previous accounts: Bushels. Increase. Wheat. United State, east of Rockies l,4S8,HOO Conoda 74.000 Total United States and Canada. . .1.512.000 Afloat for and In Europe 600.000 Total American and European sup ply Z.J12.000 Corn, fnlted States and Canada. .. 301,000 Oats. United States and Canada. .. 333,000 Decrease. Hop, at New York. NEW YORK. Nov. Tl H-p. Steady. Th, latest reports indicate tnat tlier, will bs a great shortage In th, aiipi, crop OI rot a aootia ior wi i, yw Allis Chal pf . . Amal opper . . Am Agricult .. Am B'wt Sugar. American Cn . Am Car A Kdy. Am dttnn Oil. Am lid Lt pf Atn Ic. Securt.. Am Linseed Oil Am IxHotnotlve Am 8mel & Kef do preferred. . Am Steel Fdy Am Pugar Ref. Am Tol A Tel.. Am Tobacco pf Am Wpolen . . . Anaconda M Co Atchison do preferred. . Atl Coast Line. Fait st Ohio ... Bet hi. hem Steel Brook K Trsn. Canadian Pae . Salea ' Y.6o) 2if 7.2") 3H 100 T.IW0 200 100 2.4'K 2' Iihi ItMl S.9"0 loo )0 4"0 1.1'H t'JQ High. "76" " 37 i 10', 54 S 04 i. Low. "6'h 10' 114). 121, iH "1 Hl4 47 S 142 Si t'5 3.".i 41 S Jo.1 ll 1 ll I07 H 3'." lvs R0' in 4Ji 142 ii H.1 3.-.H 41S JVtt 1'H 11H 107 J, 32 Closing Bid. GIS 44', 37 'i 101, 54 1, 64 22S IMs 121, a: Ml lo 47 11T 142 V4 14 4l' 1".14, lol 118 loTi 32 Sides .-!ort. clear tboxudj, xy.7a-lo: Crnm atatlHtlca: Total clearances of wheat and flour war. squal to Zti&.oiil) bushels. Primary receipts were 734.00O bushels, compared with .'!. u'lO bushels tha corresponding day a year ago. Tha world's visible eujply. as shown by ItradPitrect's. Increased -.112.000 bushels. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 2 cars; coru, m cars; oats, 17u cars; hogs. 7.000 head. iteceiprs. ampments. Flour, barrels ..... Wheat, bushels .... Corn, bushels tista, bushels live. bufli.eiS Barley, bushels . . . . ii.OOO . ... 4 Is. 0 0O . . . . 47H.L'00 , . . . 3- 7.i'0 , . . . 7.000 187.500 J1.91M) . a:. 1 do 000 224.00 " 3 0. 4 06 lri: : Grain st Sao tTnnrlsoo. RAM FKANCIdCO. Nov. 22. Wheat-, Bleaay. Barley r.asy. Spot Quotations: Wheat Shipping, $1.03 01.47H. Barley Foed. $lfel.o2M: brew ing. $1.05 1.07 is. Oats Red, $1.17 1.27 '4; white, l.bi)l.d '; dihck. H.JJill.W, Csll board sales: wneal o trading. Barley December (1-OS; May, $l.uui. European Grain .Markets, LIVERPOOU Nov. 2. Wheat Decem ber. 7s ltd: March, 7s td; May, 7 3'ad. Weather, foggy. English country markets, firm, French country markets, firm. Condition of tho Treasury. WASHINGTON. Nov. 22. At tha begin ning of business today the condition of the T'ntted States Treasury was: Working balance in treasury of fices ,aw,ouioj In banks and Philippine trees- tury 2i',408 Total balance In tha general fund waa v SS.OOS.WtJ Ordinary receipts yesterday wero l,019.:i2K Disbursements of l.SoO.Ooo The deficit to date this fiscal year Is 113.- 111.544 as against $20,823,177 at this time ast year. These ngures exclude ranama Canal and public datt transactions. Metal Markets. NEW YORK, Nov. 22. Standard copper, quiot; spot, 12.5o'(. 12.65c; November, 12.50 Stl J.iOc; Llecemoer. i.stoty 1. inr; jjimnry, 12.C012.8oc; February, iiiuia.iwc. . l-on-don, spot. 37 15s 3d; futures, i58 15a Local dealers reported an unchanged mar ket. Lake, 13S'13.2.c: electrolytic, 12.87 4 13c; castlug. 12.SO0 12.0. Tin. auiet: spot, November and Decern her. S(."0'ti 36.90c; January and February. 86 C06 36.90c. London, tin quiet; spot, 167 !ie: future... fl4 10; THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. O REG OX UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Profits. $800,000.00 OFFICERS: J r. AIVSWOrtTH, President. R. W. 4CHJIKER, Caahler. R. LEA BARNES, Vice-President. A. kf. WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier. W. A. HOLT, Assistant Caaklerv LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES lumbermens National Bank CORNER FIFTH and STARK STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Capital $500,000 Portland Trust Company BANK 4 i . . 1 J 4 Interest on SO-Dar Call Certificate,. CAPITAL $300,000, SURPLUS CV4.000 H. I Plttock, President. N. TJ. Carpenter, Vice-President. y B. Les Paget. Secretary. CORNER THIRD. A?fl OAK STS. Oldest Trust Company in Oregon First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 , Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of tha Rocky Mountains Bank Notice Security" Savings and Trust Company Corbctt Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets : Capital and Surplus $900,003 Invites Accounts of Merchants, Individuals and Savings Lead, steady, 4.43c New York; 4.S0g-4.4S East St. Louis. Lbndon, lead. 13 3s 01. Spelter, nominal, 6.854? 5.5c New York, G SO' 5.90 East St. Louis; London, spot, 124 it 6d. Iron. Cleveland warrants, 40s ad in London. Locally iron was steady; No. Northern, No. 1 Southern and "do soft, $15.75 fl6.'J."; No. 2 Northern, $ o.oO'P 1B.00. TRAVFI.KKS' fiUIDK. TRAVELERS' r.LTDK. You will probably re ceive much benefit simply by -advocating Bitulithic S-t-r-e-e-t-s SAJJ FRAN'CISCO 4 PORTLAND 8S. CO. New service to Los Ancreles via San Fran clsco every flvo days. From Alnsworth dock. Portland, 4 P, M. : 8.9. Rose City Nov. 23, Beaver 88, Rear Uec. 3. Vrrtm fian Francisco. Northhounrt. 12 M. S.S. Beaver, Nov. Z, Bear 27.- Rose City Uec 2. e Prom San Pedro. Northbound. 8.8. Bear Nov. 2S, Rose City 80. Beaver Dec. 5. ii. O. Smith, C. T. A., 142 Third St. J. XV. Ransom, Agent, Ainstvorth lock. Phonesi Main 402, 80; A 1402. O. R. & N. Astoria Kout. 6TEAMEK IIASSALO Iavfa Portland dally except Saturday at 8:00 P. M. Makes ail way Undinra. Arrives at Astoria at o:uu jl. ai. jeavea Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7 :00 A, M. Arrive, Portland at 6:00 P. M. Makes direct con nection with steamer Kahcotta for Metier, llwaco, Lronff Baxh and . all points on tne llwflco Railroad. San Francisco, Los Angehs anl San Diego Direct North Pacific 8. S. Co.'s 8. s. Roanoks and B. 8. Kldsr sail svery Wednesday aliernately at 8 P. M. .Ticket ortlo, lit Xnlrd .u. near Alder. MARTIN J. HltiLEI, Paasenser Aceai. V. It. SLltlt. Freltlit Aitol. Jfhones M. 1S14. A 1314. COOS BAY LINE 6TEAMER BREAKWATER sails from Alaska dock.' Portland, a f. M., .October 11. 18. 25. Nov. 1. 8, IS, 22. 28 and ,v,ry luesday nliht. Freight received at Alaska Dock until ft P. H. daily. Passanser tars. Brst-claas, (10; sscond-claas, 7. Including meals and berth. Tickets on sals at Alns worth Cock. Ptaons, Main 2d8i A 1X4. BH1 LONDON PARIS HAMBURG TfBatavia . ' Doc. 3. 10 A. M. fKalserin Aug. Vic Dec. 10. 12 noon TlPres. Grant Dec. 17. 10 A. M. Pennsylvania Dec. 21!, 11 A. M. tUnexcelled Rltz-Carlton a la Carte Restau rant, Gymnasium. Elec. Baths, levator. Palm Garden. Second Cabin onl. tHam burff direct. GIBR., ALGIERS. NAPLES, GENOA By new 17,00O-tbn steamers, equipped with all modern safety appliances. Klectric batus. gymnasium, elevator, etc. H.H. CLKVKLAXI) Dec 6. 10 A. M. S.S. CINCINNATI Jan. 5, Feb. II 8. CLKVKLAND Jan. 28 w E S T I N D I E S Hamburg American Pleasure Cruises To Islands of Perpetual June Three delightful erulFes leaving- New York January 21. February 25 and March 2, lll, by tho 12.500-ton t. 3. Moltke, largest steamship sail ing to the Spanish Main, West Indies, Panama Canal and Ber muda. Two crulnes of 2 days' duration $150 and up. One cruise, 16 days, V5 and up. A I ho cruines to the Orient, South America, Around t"e World, tp the Nile, etc. Send for illustrated books. HAMBURG-AMKRICAN LINB 10 Poweil 6t., San Francisco, CaL, and local R. R. agents In Portland.