13 TFIE MORXINO OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 23, 191b. COUNTY PROMISES GLEANER WARDS Superintendent of Poorfarm and Dr. Geary Admit Filthy Conditions Prevail. NEW STRUCTURE TO RISE Commissioner Onsnr Physicians for lulling to Ilrport Ilorrlfjin Mate of IMacr Xure to Re Hired. e I i I; i i: i r.BANO jiky ix.rr:rT rooR- FARM QtlFTt-Y ON -ITS OWN HOOK." ftealtnr a jr.arch on lnveva;a?ora ? intl'loni t '.! Canty Poor r&rm, the rrand Jury went to the. place yesterday mnrntnc ar. ma-l an eahaastive Inspection cf the premiere. lr flnltnEe will not t mid known tmtil the Jury report to PreM:ns; Judge Ci!nn. Superintendent J.iraon was not at the farm while the Investigation was la prorresa, bavins bn called before the County Court oa an In dependent Invest teat Ion made yes terday morning by that body. i Multnomah County Is to have an In- I expensive, clean and sanitary tubercu losis ward, where III indigent consump Mlves may be cared fur. Thle waa an nounced by County Jul Cleetoa and conimlealonerB Ughtner end Goddard yesterday niornln. They Invited rr. rJlalph and Ray Matson and Dr. E. P. Wleary to Visit the new Multnomah If arm. near lroutd.ilc. with them, to I select a site for the new tuberculosis f hospital. l'r. Matson was a-sure. that the ( ward would be built on modern line. jaUthouRh It N not expected that the tulldinjr will be costly. I "All that wo a' It that It be san jltary." said It. Mntson. -and po.nesi .such facilities aa will help In restoring 'the patients to heulth. Salem Hospital Too Small. Commimloner IJchtner mII It was thought for a time that the new tuber Iculcrgls hospital at Salem would house 'Multnomah ."ountya tubercular poor, (but as It la not large enough, the jcourty will hare to care for Its own i patients. . r'or the present the Omnty Court ;-wlll make aa effort to Improve cond itions at the old poor farm on the : Can yon Itoad. although la. k of any ..kind of sewerage makes this difficult. A bathtub Is to be bougnt and equipped 'with a hot water tank. The privilege let bathina" Is now denied the tubercu 'lar patients. The roof of the porch, -which leaks so that patients' beds are -soaked. Is to be repaireii. and a com patent nurse will be employed. Facili ties for properly caring for the pa tients will also be provided as re quested, according to the promise of the County Court yesterday. Quarters (or a curse are also to be built. Bad Stato Admit tod. Conditions of the Poor Farm, as re porter by Ir. Ralph Matson. have been admitted by rr. E. P. Geary. County physician, and Superintendent Jackson, cf the Poor Farm. Mr. J ark son aatd Tr. Matson had rather underdrawn the (picture. They admitted to the County . Court that the roof of the tuberculosis ward leaks, that food served the pa tient Is coarse, that the nurse who tares for the patients drinks to ex ten. that the sputum Is not properly disposed of, and in Summer feeds multitudes of files: that there are no facilities for bathina;. and that there are no toilet accommodations and aew erase. Superintendent Jackson com planed -that he has only one cook and a dishwasher for 200 pursons. and t,.at It was found difficult to obtain a mime who would endure the inadequate fa' duties. PlMlpllne Is Toor. Dr. Matson complained that discipline eer the patients Is lacking, that some vf them did as they pleased about 1 Itlng saloons and getting drunk. County Jtnlge Cleeton criticised Dr. Geary for failing to report to the County Court the state of u.f fairs, which has been bad for right months. Dr. Matson waa also blamed for not In forming: the County Court. Dr. Matson said it waa a point of professional eth ics for him to report to Dr. Oeary. hli chief. tie said he wrote four letter! to Dr. Geary, the first one last March. railing his attention to the filthy con ditions and an kin ir for better facilities. He said he examined milk given pa tients and found It to be lamely adul terated with starch and water. Thi food was warmed over and coarse, hi said. The milk has since been Im proved, but other conditions remain the same. kind already mentioned. Terrapin are to be had at fl each. Thanksgiving celery Is. almost as Im portant as the turkey, nnd seems to be both cheap and eicoilont this year, and the same may be said of other traditional Thanksgiving; vegetables, such aa squash, pumpkin, onions and sweet polatoea. Cauliflower, kale, savoy, red and white cabbage. Brussels sprouts, spinach, green beans, lima beans, green peas. corn, artichOKes. peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant, celerlao. oyster plant, leeks, parsnips, carrots, turnips and beets make a list varied enough to suit all tastes and purse. Good mushrooms are to 'be had at 50 to 76 cents a pound. For salads there Is excellent lettuce, both head and hothouse, as well as water cress and chicory. Cranberries are of greatest Interest In the fruit market, ana are cheaper than usual, costing about 10 centa a quart. Chestnuts, tor stuffing, cost 50 cents a pound. Grape fruit and oranges both the large and email -arlettes are In demand for refreshing salads, bmall California grape fruit come as low aa 60 cents a dozen, while the finest Florida kind sella at IS cents each. Oranges cost 20 to SO cents a dozen. Choice apples are both decora tive and delicious parts of "the year's bset dinner." and are to be had In many kinds and oolorlngs from 10 to 60 centa a dozen. There are still good grapes. Including some of the "Thomp son Seedless" for salads at 25 to BS rents a basket. Persimmons at 6 rents, pomegranates at 6 to IS cents, prickly pears at 6 cents and pineapples at 20 to 40 cents each afford variety to the fruit basket. Alligator pears are among the luxuries at 60 cents each. IS. if green butter pears cost 40 centa a dozen. Good huckleberries are to be had at about 12'j cents a pound, and excellent fresh strawberries at 20 to 20 cents a basket. SAILOR IS DROWNED Ship's Crew Like Stone Men as Fellow Struggles. BRAVE BATTLE IS LOST lYencli Bark's Company Bo Be muddled by .f cident They Watch Comrade Sink to Ills Death ' In the Willamette. In sight' end hearing of about a dozen of his comrades, who stood as though lncapablo of action, while oftloers and men of nearby craft made heroic efforts at rescue when It was apparent aid was not forthcoming from his friends Joseph Le Fauehour. seaman on the French bark Bahin Chevaye. was drowned in the harbor shortly after T o'clock yester day morning, after swimming strongly for nearly two minutes. Hugh Brady will today drag for tl;o body at the ex pense of the' mastor of the bark. The drowning occurred ns the steamer nose City was shifting from Columbia dork No. 1 to Montgomery dock No. 2, while the Babln Clievaya was changing berths, shifting In tow of the sU-amer Orklahama from Montgomery to Colum bia. La Faucheur V is In a small boat under the port bow. The Ocklahama was backing on the bark, and us h pa.sed the Rose City the cry ofi "man over board" waa heard by First Officer Ran kin, of the latter vessel, who endeavored to lend assistance, but owing to the fact that an oil barge was between the Rose City and the tark, a small boat could not be lowered. Captnln Pearson, of tho Ocklahama. or- I'rank I.. Smith, lllpsrst Bnyrr of I flexed a boat lriyered nnd Its crew started lor ine crowning man, w:io was Deins TURKEYS NOW AT 2 BITS THAXKSCH1XG I'OWIi PI.E.VTI- fi l, rnirK pnors. GOOD THINGS IN THE PORTLAND MARKETS Plenty of turkeys to satisfy the de mands of Thanksgiving: good quality ' and prices lower thnn !at year thla seems to he the holiday market situ ation. Choice birds can be had at 25 cents a pound. All other poultry seems to cost less than It did this time last year. Chickens sell at IS to 10 cents a pound: geese cost 20 cents. Includ ing some of the best I have ever seen In Portland. Tame ducks cost 20 cents; fine capons brlnK 20 cents, and guinea fowls 20 to 2S rents a pound. Of game there Is a larger supply than usual, wtld geese sell at about 75 cents, but do not seem as plentiful as the ducks. Teal coat about 75 cents to fl a pair; widgeon and mall lard about $1.25. Can vas back ducka are scarce, but still obtainable at $1.25 to $1.60 each. Snipe cost 75 cents a pair. Jack rabbits aell at about 60 cents and Belgian hares at about $1 each. Meat prices remain about aa usual, but a special display of fancy cuta -crown roasts, saddles " of mutton, and so forth attempts rivalry with the poultry market. Uttle pigs esteemed by some epicures even more highly than the turkey may be ob tained. In all their Innocent Infantile charm, for $4 to $ each. In the fish markets are some holiday specialties, such as Kaatern lobsters at 60 to 0 centa each: Eastern white fish and pike at 40 centa. and Kastern oys sters. There la a good supply of striped bass and some black bass at about 10 cents a pound. The list of Inexpensive fish Includes salmon, halibut, flounder, torn-cod. smelt, skate and perrh all about 10 cents a pound. Croppies and black cod cost 12i cents: catfish and sole 15 cents, and young sturgeon 20 cents a pound. Crabs are plentiful, but Gobblers, Sets 1'ace Cost on Sound Mu h Higher. The people of Portland will have rea son to be thankful for one thing today the low price of turkeys. Twenty-five rents will be the quota tion, meaning cheaper turkeys than the consumers have known In several years. It will also mean that Portland will be one of the rhcapest markets In the West. Many reasons are asslcinxl by dealers for ti e slump, but the chlr-f cause seems to be too many turkeys. Ijxrt year there were not enough and prh-es went up. This year conditions are reversed and the consumer gets the benefit. It Is estimated that the total receipts to d:te have been ten carloads. The consumption Is about seven rarloads, and consequently there Is a surplus. In past years Seattle and other Northern cities have drnwn heavily on Portland and taken rare of the surplus, but this year the Washington cities have bought tut little here, having serured their aupply In Idaho and the East. , Frank I Smith, who has received more turkeys than any otnvr Portland retailer, has set the pace for today's trade by announcing that he will cut the prire In all of hla markets to 25 cents. "We looked for a 30-cent market thla Thanksgiving." said Mr. Smith Inst night, "but the supply of turkeys hsa proved much greater than we expected, so we" have decided to cut the, price to 25 centa Wednesday morning. I have never seen a finer crop of turkeys than was raised In Oregon this year and the consumers are certainly fortunate in being able to get them at such a price. "With turkeys lower, of course, all oth er poultry has to come down in price. Dressed geee and ducks will sell at 20 centa a pound and chickens at 15 to 20 centa a pound." The Tuesday before Thanksgiving Is nsuaily the big day In the wholesale tur key market, bnt yesterday was a disap pointment to the Front-street trade. I.ornl buyers were almost out of the market, most of them having secured their stock In the country, and what sales were made were at steadily declin ing prices. At the close of the day the general Jobbing price was I2' cents. The Seattle market was also a weak affair yesterday, but prevailing prices there were much higher than In Port land. Jobbing quotations ranged up to 28 cents on choice stork. The retail price of turkeys In Seattle today will be SO to 33 cents a pound. carried down stream by the current. while three men put off from the revenue cutter Manning which was berthed at the coal bunkers. Mennwhllu, srvs Mr. Rankin, sailors of the Batjln Chevaye stood hud.Ued on the forecastle, watching the efforts of the doomed man to save himself, but being weighted by boots and heavy clothing, he was unable to win the battle, nnd sank from view. Beneath the port bow of the bark waa second small boat, but apparently It did not occur to the crew to use It, or to drop Into the punt, which remained under the bow for a time before It was caught by the current. Those who wit nessed -the drowning declare that not even a buoy was thrown to him. In deference to tho dead, the bark s flag was displayed at halfmast. Harbor master Speler visited the scene and ar ranged for dr.iKfTlng operations to begin today, as yesterday's storm Interfered with the recovery of the body. EVERY MAN Needs It Every man who suffers from varicose vein. nervous debil ity, aolatlca, lumbago, rheuma tism or weakneee of any kind ought to read our big. free book, which tells how men become strong and vigorous after the application of Electra-TIta. Thla book la written In plain language and beautifully Illus trated with pictures of well built, robust men and women. It explains many secrete yon should know. Remember, It la abaolutely free. If you'll mall ne this ooupon. Don't wait a minute. Cat out the coupon right now. THE ELECTRA-VITA CO. 10 MaJeilo Bldg.. SEATTLE, WASH. Please send me. postpaid, your free, 10-pase. Illustrated book. Name Addr since Sunday. The Falcon was 60 hours on the way to the river from San Fran cisco and brought 600 tons of cargo. Wallowing In heavy seas off the Co lumbia for 4S hours and covering but 16 miles In 56 hours, is a story told of the fctprm by officers of the steamer Hoqulam, which arrived yesterday from Han Francisco. Superintendent Groves, of the Port of Portland dredges, expects the Portland to finish digging at Hunter's Bar to day, and she will shift to the St. Johns drydock to deepen the basin. The Co lumbia Is working at the mouth of the Willamette. High water In the Upper Willamette has caused Government channel oper ations to be again suspended at Wheat land and Ash Island. SCHOOXKK IS TO IiE STUVKYTTD Shoshone lajr Xot Take Cargo Be cause of Additional Work. ASTORIA. Or.. Nov. 23. (Special.) In structions were received today to hold eurvry on the crippled steam schooner Temple M Door. That will be done to morrow by iCaptaln Albert Crowe, of Portland. William Donovan, of Grays Harbor, representing the owners of the cargo, will arrive from there tomorrow to look after the cargo. While nothing has been definitely de cided upon, there la talk of the lumber being transferred to the steam schooner Shoshone. The Dorr Is now making about four Inches of water an hour as she lies at the wharf, and the pumps are keeping her clear easily. Aa a eeocmd contract was yesterday awarded to the Oregon Drydock Com pany on the Shoshone, dealing with the placing of heavy timbers fore and aft on her deck, and an allowance of four daya was made for the new work. It is improbable that she will be ready for sea for at least a week, so the Dorr's cargo could not be transferred without delay. Captain Blaln. of the Oregon drydock, said last evening that the lumber would not be delivered , until rlday for the deck. It is thought that when the survey Is completed todny It will be decided at once where the Dorr will go. CABLE PARTS; MAN KILLED Coroner's Inquest Is Held Over Rody of John Murjihy. jMlllls TCetumH to Marshfleld. C. J. MIllls. head of the Harrlman rail and water transportation facilities at Cooa Bay, waa a passenger last night on the ateamer Breakwater, being on the way to his headquarters after a visit of three weeks at San Franclsoo, where he discussed with other repre sentatives the future of the Oregon Coast territory. Mr. MIllls said that he had no announcement to make of changes there In the service, but that the country was advancing at such a NAMPA, Idaho. Nov. 22. (i-'peclal.) A Coroner's inquest was held today over the body of John Murphy, who was accidentally killed at the Swan Falls electric light and power plant. I .... .. .h- amrT,e atanmar .rh.H.ii. I men and woman .i,v "uia U1 nere. nun- i ouid he replaced aa soon aa practical. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Nov. 2i Arrived Steamer Nome City, from Ean Francisco, tiallod titeamer Breakwater, for Cooa Bay. Astoria. Or., Nov. 22. Arrived at noon and left up at 2:45 P. M. Steamer Noma City, from Pan Francisco. Outalda at 3 P. M. Pteamers Maverick. Thos. I Wand. Rose crans, Qutnault and Coaster, from irui Fran cisco. fcan rranclaro. Nov. 22. Arrived at 8 A. M. Ste&mer Mear. from lJortland. Sailed at 1 P. M. Hleamer Beaver, for Portland. Beaver collided with Norwegian steamer He'Ja, from Hongkong, off Point Reyes dur ing dense fog. Srlja sank at 8 P. M. Beaver standing by taking off craw.ja-111 return to Ban Kranciaco. San Pedro, Nov. 22. Arrived Steamer Yellowstone, from Portland. Bremerton. Nov. 22. Sailed Norwegian eteamur BJornatJcrnfl Bomaen. for Port land. "eattle, Nov. 22. Sailed Brlntlsh steamer Hasel Dollar, for Portland. Hongkong. Nov. 22. Sailed Empress of India, for Vancouver. Ban Franclaco. Nov. 22. Arrived Steamer Bear, from Portland: Japanese cruiser Asama. from Kaaagl. via Honolulu: Sailed Htumera City of Puebla, for Victoria: Nip pon Maru. for Hongkong: Mariposa, for Tahiti. Antwerp, Nov. 22. Arrived Admiral Zsa- pres. from San Franclaco. t'unta. Arenas, isov. it. Arrived ator, from H&xnbura and London. for Taccma. balled Oilcarla, from Tacoma. for Hamburg. Los Angeles. Nov. 22. Arrived President. from Seattle; Roanoke, from ban Dk-go; Mel ville Dollar, from Belllngham; Yellowtone, from Portland; Yoseinlte. from Belllngham. Balled Portland, for Portland.; James h. Hlrains. for Fort Brasir: Boma. for Port land: Bandon, for Coaullle River; Yosemtte, for San Diego. Tacoma. Nov. 22. Arrived Steamer Gov ernor .from Seattle: steamer Charles Nelson, from an Franclsoo; steamer MLssourian, from Bound Porte. Departed steamer Aa rnlrnl Ramneon. for Sound Porta: ateamer Mlssourlan. for p.attle. tie. ISV. VI. ArTven I ' . ?. f. is- Men and Women Cured $5 and $10 Is Our Fee PAY V.HKN CUKZ.D. $10 X-RAY EXAMINATION FREE. Call at once and find out what four trouble la tjafore this grand tfer Is with drawn. Tbe Brit ish Medicine Co. ire curing the tick with thalr wonderful Euro- Dean methods of electric and nat ural treatment, romtlned with their blchemic remedies. They are curing to stay oured all chronid nervoua and spe cial dlseaaea of day forenoon. Murphy was running a machine drill on some excavation work bark of the plant. A cable car used to haul away the excavated dirt was being hauled up an Inclined track at the foot of which the man waa working, when the cable hauling the car broke and the car shot back down the Inclined track, striking Murphy and killing him Instantly. The O. H, & Jf. to Repair Tug. Damage sustained by the tug Arago, Male and female aliments, recta. diseases and! ?!la cured without the knife or detention rom business; conatlpatlon. stomach, liver, gall stones, kldneya, bladder, prostata, blood poison, akin dlaeaaaa. pimples, soree. ulcers enema, rheumatism. nnerated bv the Corps of Engineer. U. anywhere on body B. A. which collided ten days ago with varicose veins, sciatica, lame back. flte. r, t . v,,. I nervousness, locomotor ataxia and all chron- the ateamer Breakwater, while tho lat- lo aire.,.. It ,way Uotn the cltT wr. VTKaMBB ryTEIXJutNCg Owe aw Arrive. Nam. From. Tata Falcon San Franc Isre In port RrcJk HuDfkoDf ....la port ItOMCHr d Plro.... In port Oeo. W. Cider. .Fan Pedro.... In port Fee H. Elmore. Tillamook.... Nov. 23 Beaver fan Pedro. ... .Nov. Golden Oate. . Tillamook. .. . Nov. Eureka. ....... Eureka. ...... Nov. Koanoke. ... .. JHan Pedro.... Nov. BrMk water. ...Coos Bar. .... Nov. Bear. ......... Swa Padrw.. . . Nov. ter was en route up the river, will be repaired by the O. R. Sc. N. Co. Infor mation to that effect has been conveyed to the Government officials and the Ara go will be hauled out at tbe plant of the St. Johns Shipbuilding company. for particulars Call at once and be cured. consultation ire. BRITISH MEDtCINB CD, 2S7Vl Washington Bt, 4th floor Rnthchlld Bldx-. room 4l. Take Elevator. J5 2t 21 2T 29 csisdnled to Depart. Kant, Falcon. .. ra!a . -can FtanclaceiVOv. 23 Geo. W. Elder, .fan Pedro Nov. '-'1 KoeeCltr ran Pedro... Nov. 23 Soe H. Flmore. Tlilamooa. . . . Nov. 24 Oolden Gate. . TllUmook Nor. 3! Kureaa Kureka Nov. 2S Beaver Saa Pedro. ... Nv. 2-4 Breakwater. .. .Pan Fedro .Nov. ''9 Roanoke. ..... .Pan FTaociac Nov. SO Rygja. ........ Hongkong. ...Nov. go Bear Cooa Bar Dee. a Coroner's Inquest ahed no more light on the accident and failed to place the blame on any one. Murphy leavea a wife and three young children. Hla home Is In Boise. i, saw no lobsters, fxcapt tn Eastern Javowerfui jbU,' THANKSGIVING PIES. Sugar and spice, German mincemeat, carefully blended and baker in crisp, flaky crust. Two for a quarter. Order today, Washington or Morrison branch es Koyal Bakery. Albany Assessed 3,18ft,S7S. ALBANT. Or, Nov. 32. (Special.) Albany s tax assessment for 110. as given by the County Clerk, is 13.188,975, being an Increase of $206,05 over the previous "year s aasessment- Sea men's Concert Tonight. The regular Wednesday concert will be given thla evening at the Seamen's Friend Institute, Set Flanders street, at S o'clock. Mrs. Fred I Olson naa ar ranged the programme which Is aa fol lows: Piano solo, Mlas Essie Block; vo cal solo. Miss Evelyn Hurley; readings. Fred Jones: vocal solo. William El wood Graham; violin solo, Wald Alden; vocal solo, Fred Miller; vocal solo, Mrs. Fred L. Olson. Miss Sadie Ford, accompanist. The concert is free. Grain Curriers Sail. Headed for the European market, the British ship Kirkcudbrightshire started for the sea yesterday morning In tow of tbe steamer Ocklahama. while the Ger man bark Selene will depart today, car rying 70,771 bushels of wheat valued at $S.61. Thus Is the smallest full cargo of grain that has "been dispatched offshore this season. The French bark Babln Chevaye finished last evening and will leave down this week. MEN CURED $10 Marine Notes. There entered yesterday at the Cus- om-House the steamers Argyll. Ho- quiam ann a.cun. rora r-an r ranc.ouu. o1. , wr, quesUon The Argyll cleared for the same port. Office Hours A. M. to V. Jit l no -lo'juituu i .-uuiii xjuuu, mo vjttvj. cknaays. ju a. to 1 Mr. M. only. icriTt err a-V Jt. MVU IX &Ls Pay When Cured vte liaft everr known rwmxiv pllance lor IKUTLtl. YOU. Our ex perience la a areat and varied that ne bae oX tbe ailaweuta of Mem la aeve to aa COMB l. A.XD TALK IT OVER, General OeaiUcr. Weak Jkerrea. Iw. awawaUa Kesaiu of exposure, overwork and other Vlolatlou vf Aatarrs uma llaeaa,ea of ai ladder aael Kieuaeya, V art ewee V el, ajiaicaJy auad oeraaauaeatly eared at saoaij eascsss and feo .oiea uen xrum Dualneaa. SPBCIAX A1U1EXT! N.elv traded and cnronlc cases cured. All burning. Itching and Inflammation Slopped In 34 hours. Cures effected i aevon daya Conaultatlon free. If ua- W. Elder for San Dlega and way porta. the Falcon for San Francisco and the German bark Selene with wheat for Queenstown, Falmouth or Plymouth for orders. Bound here to load wheat for Eu rope, the Norwegian steamer BJornit jerne Bjomaen sailed yesterday from Bremerton. Offlcera of the steamer Falcon, which arrived late Monday evening, reported I that before entering the river Monday I morning they received messages by "Creeping. Crawlina- Cniahir.a wtfh wireless rrom ne tanK steamer Kose- J-i rana, which, baa teen olf. tbe xlre- PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL CO. WASHINGTON STtUCarT. Cerates' tint L. T. YEE THE CBXXEftE BOCTOR Tee Son's Medicine Co. spent lifetime study of herbs and re search In China; waa granted diploma by the Emperor: won derful cure of all allmenta of men and women when others failed. If you suffer, rail or write to YEE SON'S MEDI CINE CO.. 142Vi First- Cor. X. X. XF.H Aides, Poxxlasd, &B, MenGuredQ mc kly Fees in Simple Cases Ailing Men Restored To Perfect Health, Strength and Robust Constitution NEW LIFE FOR WORN OUT AND NERVOUS MEN When Others Fail Call and let us give you a careful, pains taking examination absolutely free. Our opinion and advice will cost you nothing. . Perhaps a little advice is all you need. X-Ray Examinations When Necessary Free Remember There Is No Man Too Poor to Get Cured by Us cltrtS The Reliable Specialists MEN. GET THE TRUTH FROM YOUR PHYSICIAN AFFLICTED. DISCO Pit AGKD, DISAPPOINTED MEN WHO HAVE RELIED OX PROMISES OF OTHER SO CALLED DOCTORS AND SPECIALISTS and WHO HAVE GIVEN IP HOPE OF BEING CURED CALL and let u, with their permission, refer you to CURED patients and show you letters thanking us for curing them when others had failed. Call, let us convince you. Call and get the facts and truth about our treatment. YOU WHO ARE SUFFERING FROM ANY AILMENT OUR METHOD OF TREATMENT can cure you and make a man of you. Under its influence the brain becomes active, the nerves become strong as steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and despondency disappear, the eyes become brisrht. the face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and vital systems are invigorated. We invite all the afflicted to consult us personally or by letter. IF IN TROUBLE CONSULT US TODAY, FREE We treat men only and cure promptly, safely II f REE MUSEUM FOR EDUCATION OF MEN and thoroughly and at the lowest cost Varicose and Knotted Veins. Blood and Skin Ailments, Kidney and Bladder Disorders, Ulcers, Sores and Painful Swellinps, Inflammation, Obstruc- tions, Nervousness and all Ailments of Men. Our fees as specialists for cures are less than thos furnished from our own laboratory for the convenience course, if you cannot call, write ror our kjhek stiLi to 6 P. M. Evenings, 7 to 8. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 12 The OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE We have ndded to our office equipment, for the benefit of MEN ONLY, a FREE MUSEUM of Anatomy and gallery of scientific wonders. Man, know thy self. Life-size models Illustrating; tbe mysteries of man, showlnar the body In health and sickness and many natural subject. CONSULTATION' FREE MY HONEST AND CAN DID ADVICE COSTS YOU NOTHING. I cheerfully give you the very best opinion, guided by years of successful practice. My cures are permanent and lasting. No tonics that stimulate temporarily, but thorough, scientific treatment that cures. e charged by family physicians or surgeons. Medicines and privacy or our patients, rrom i.bu to sti.bU a EXAMINATION BLANK AND BOOK. Hours, 9 A. M. M. only. , 29114 Morrison Street, Bet. 4th and 5th, Portland, Ore. noma, from Point Williams; steamer Mls sourlan. from Tacoma; steamer Falrhavon, from San FTancrsco. Sailed Japanese steamer Inaha Maru. for Yokohama: steamer Queen, for San Francisco: steamer Governor, for Tacoma: steamer Charles Nelson, for Tacoma; steamer Haiel Dollar, for Por land. Tide at Astoria Wednesday. High. Low. 8:98 A. M T.O feet0:O3 A. M 0.0 foot 6:08 P. M 7.1 feet;0:4S P. M 3.7 feet Springfield to Hold Election. SPRINGFIELD, Or, Nov. 22. (Spe cial.) A city election will be held here on December 6 at which two council men will he chosen besides a city re corder and a treasurer. The retiring; councllmen are J. iMeacham and John Kestly. The present recorder Is John Mullen, and treasurer is Stacy Russel. None have announced their Intentions to run for re-election and the latter two will not be on the ticket, accord Ins to their own statements. There have been no other candidates yet presented. -THE. S00 - SPOKANE - PORTLAND If you want real up-to-date service try the Soo-Spokane-Portland service da luxe for St. Paul and all points East. Office. 142 Third Street. THE BEST DOCTOR AT A FAIR PRICE ThoughMyExperiencelsVastly Better, My Fees Are Really Less Than the Average Doctor Charges The value of experience depends not so much upon its volume as upon its quality. A thousand years of inaccurate practice would make no phy sician more proficient. Though my experience is considerable In quantity Its value lies in the faot that it is experience of the hlsjheet order ex perience aoqulred through careful and conscientious-practice, proven scientific by an unap nroached record of permanent cures. I have for twenty-five years been curing- all ailments peculiar to men, and each one of these years has been crowded full of careful study and sound, good experience. am' The Leading Specialist. MUSEUM OF ANATOMY FREE TO MEN - You Pay When Cured BIOOD POISOTf. No dang-eroua nostrums to drive the virus to the Interior, but harm less, blood-cleansing remedies that remove the last taint. TARICOSB VEJXS. A b s-o I u tely painless treatment that cures completely In one week. Investigate my method. It Is the Only thoroughly scientifio treat ment for tills ailment being em ployed. FREE. My colored charts, ahowlno; the male anatomy and affording a n Interesting study in men's ail ments, will be given free upon ap- fllcatlon. In all my work I am horough, painstaking, and oareful to give Just the right treatment required In each individual case. For 25 years I have been proving my ability, and my business meth ods have always been strictly re liable. My treatment is as correct as modern science can make it. Others may offer inducements, such as aheap treatment or quick treatment, but my foremost claim Is for thoroughness, which in the long run IN EVERY CASE means the cheapest and best. CONTRACTED AILME5TS. Yon can depend upon a quick and thorough cure by my treat ment. A quick cure is desirable, because a slow cure Is apt to be no cure at all. and a chronic de velopment will come later. I cure you beyond the possibility of a relapse, and In half the usual time required. REFLEX AILMRXTS. Often the condition appearing to be the chief ailment is only a re flex ailment resulting from some other ailment- Low vitality some times comes from 'aricose veins; skin and bone ailments result from blood ailments, and physical and mental troubles follow long-standing ailments. My long experience In treting men enables me to de termine the exact conditions that exist and to treat accordingly, thus removing every damaging cause and its effects. Consultation and Diagnosis Free I do not charge for advice, examination or diagnosis. If you call for a private talk with me. you will not be urged to begin treatment. If Impossible to call, write. Office hours 8 A. ii. to -8 P. M.; Sundays, 10 to 1 only. The DR. TAYLOR Co. 234)6 MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND, OR. DR. GREEN GUARANTEE TO IMF IT Our guaran tee No mon e y required until satis fied is your absolute pro tection. Con sulatlon, ex amlnatic - and medicines free. Our spe cialty Is A 1 1 A Hmenta o f Men. What you want Is a cure. Come to us and get it. Hours, dally 9 to S. Evenings, 7 to 8. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. 1 -lilf DR. GREEN CO. 362 WaahlDKton St. vw s 4) VWT i i. IvPP Wn V" j we v w v. v 1 1'' The Chinese Doctor This great Chinese doctor is Troll known through out the Northwest because of his wonder ful and mar velous curea and is today her alded by ail his na.tients as the greatest of his kind. He treats any and all diseases with powerful Chi nese roots, herbs and barke that are entirely unknown to the medical science of this country. With these harmless remedies he guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney- troubles, also pri vate ailments of men and women. CONSULTATION FREE. Patients outside of city write for blanks and circulars. Inaiose 4o ctamp. THE C GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 16tt First St., Near Morrlsoa, Portland. Or. HaaaabO'-Ja u. r t mi hve failed. MEV AND WOMEN CURED The famous Chinese, Dra. 8. K. Chan, with t h e ir Chinese reme dies of herbs and roots cure wonder fully. It has cured m a n v sufferers iui.ai.uui when other remedies Sure cure for chronic nri- iit. .iinunts. nervousness, blood Dol- aon, rheumatism, asthma, pneumonia, bladder, kidney, throat and lung trou bles, consumption, stomach disorders and other diseases of all kinds. Reme dies harmless. No operation. Honest treatment- Examination free. Call or write to The S. K. Chan Chinese Medicine Ce.. 226 MorriBon St., between First and Second. Portland. Oregon. BINO fHOOXG, CHINESE DOCTOR. Strowbridpe bids., 133 Vi First St . room 11. and 225 S Alder St. Chinese Root and Herb Medicines. Cures Cancer, Rheuma tism. Consumption, Dropsy, Catarrh, Stomach. I.unjr. Liver and Kidney Troubles. All Chronic aliments of men and wo men. Kxamlnatlon. free. Drugstore. 285 Flanders Be, j