f K V V FOK RtXT. fumit'd flnu -a. li-K'XJM b.u-iftl fjrr.nti-d hoi"- " mr bunk: strt-tlT KJf': -" minute to West M.!e. rnt cry rt' nact&L Inquire C. L- Itr...1.: f.r a .111 4tn et .ETI-FlSiit h--uA. C r- and beta. -. C-. i ".ol LorJ of Tr bl,. peeMe:n-IT J t-HOOM fura'.ihej ctts.. In -:u I'r.g pUno. within -oa.alt.4" SUUi.. -i Pr month. Pfioif Mam '2 . J ROOM f at, n.-'.-ra con i en'..nc d lift V BlS ite.t y furnish E- "i:h o. wa.i l-i. a --P.Ni-lll 4-ro-:a .a for ruL 7tr it-. touto. T R R E NT - roV. a t -o-l.-n ho'a- f,jr- r.:sied.wttp.ar. o..d:-- , Houara r Rent. I urnltnr for Sale. TOtT k 1 LF ECiit new oak furniture of 4 "room f:t. t r...n-M ls. .u;.t; flat f .r r'tl c.-.aii find "' f'""' " I lrt cash a.ii monthly paf;'jat.. ar-p'lur.al .j,,!!!. n i.t Kv c.ty; n a.il. An. ore con. an. lT If h""-s-. N" tlll f!:-trb-t. rr.t I"1: rooms r."fl f r rlw. lare. mo-icm h ). s:--m h-.it. inut sel, tr.cer.n a nt o: .'.-. n 'io u.,'i.ah' c'.'.-r -,...-!. t.-. !. N. 11 nt. yen ". U'lN", List, must a.ii n-.if tn- vi..lin and furc.ltur- b. f-: e Nov. ' : r.o re -ison.i .e r...n oiT-r e.i.1 b? r.-f.l: will .'.r.-.t-l.-r tra.'e f..r rHi nmnn-ii:. or ..trt-.iT ae- cii.f!. Gi.e ri.n. -V .r.." ".. r'ri'en.ji. AT F'lMVATc SAlK if-tltlf-il li ..u.ch'.t 1 ri'B.-i,.ai . T-irk '"-. br:l"" ..';' ' n.i..:-- china, brir- h-B. tc -t'l : Nnrrii: i..-r ..ii:non. r?.u:if Mun 1 No d ' ' ' " " ri i:.M r; n: '.u.e la . .! 4 r...-it!i.. If. wl I'H-r.oi ; f Iirt 'a t" vril :f ii.i .'.n.t-ry. . -5KiN'l 1.1 l.Ki.l.-:V!N'J -If you var.t a u.c li-.ii. r..r too cm furitur BaU lr.t.oiu. ..! ilternuaul. ri'HNiri'B". of l-luom Luum for a:. JI W-.t - . Bui f S tor rn:. furuitur fjr . lil ftot. nar l".c. TURNITl'RE of room la g;xJ conJUlon: ciu In. A T.'-'l. . TVP.NlTt r.H 4 ! f : fr fat 1 T JiEW tar- torr b.-i-k. Wiio); r!i ( front, ins aril .Mjr.-....l mtat. for l!ht J..t.tla. nuiiudi-i.rm or retail: ill !. ..i.e-haiS: uu:Ja .a- to au.t t.nant or taa' A. O Ur.. fr-al aou Ankcnr FOR HNT t T a I'm ! B r'ar.. ma ol1 ArllOfton C-Ul. b ll..i:r.-. V ."t lark, a a I Ald.r a Aoply u U. T. Cua. r.a a. 2 -.o v. 3.1 at- 4Tlrra. rOH HK.NT Thrr. o:r;a rooma on aa- n4 for UniLrr tic aii b-i..JD. -1 Del Stark at- Inootr K. ii. UuiIjrjo Co, S14 Luirt.-r Ri .ki:t fOST cantraMjTix-'it-J offa, :l-n!i;M -ator a-rvt-a. M Sl.auJ bl.l.. .ta artj aahlncton- VK hi..'-A f- k5.cm .a .oucn o.l Call " 1-eata L!tig. IESK room 'n l!cM. p!aint oflloa. frwnl if .evatur 5t' hiiiry ij-ut; OFFlT'.l aaj aam;.a-roina. SI n.' tl-t't b:d.. Sj; ttt tt-n jtark aad ox. Italia. HAUL Fi.rt t'.r.ST. . l.Tf. hai-l anJ wli liht4. Goocl lrrator a-rl a- la hart of 1'iir.wi amo tion on Weat blda. Al ply 3ua Ablngton b ; . irrhoa wai:lm.i1.-: koh kknt. Cor. Kiat Waahlncton anl K.iat Pcon ta.. 1lT." f t-t. on. floor; on i. R. N. track: lat-ly occupied by CuJahT laca Ins Co. I'm ln-atment Co.. l- Front at. hona Ia:a hj't. TO LEASE KOK I.KA5". WHOLESALE L.'i'AlU'N IS TAOOMA. W hiv. a havy m l" ronatrurtton bu!id:n. 3 atori-a. 0".:20 tort. alta fratght a'.avator ar.d trmkayo In rrmr. a!t ate4 on I'acic ae., la brat aojuila cltatrlct of Itcuni. Wa cn ln" trt bullliir f.-r I'tni of ona to lia yotra t a. ery loar raiital. TM ! a la an ac:l lant OTTortunty for wbaM timi-a to i gO'-A l'"'at!.n alth Brl-cla- ra.lrMj and ahlfpin facilitUa. ca.l or .-ua ua f ir f'.trtr-r oarti- ulara. JTLDEI-ITr KtNT A -OI.T.ECTirr CO llo-lltl -A" Pt.. Tac-'n.a s n.h. IVH UAltl Tra .. Bna aa--o.a rr.fr locatloat: a o roraar atora rnx l aa4 broaawar. raay Sot. 1. Alblna Toal Ca. bc?i?-h orroRTtMTirs. VVANTEtv-1 dy or ant:rrn "1th from iON ta it.v to aiiiaifc-t already oil paylnff a.-.a aatabilatfvl t.ua:i:raa. ahowa lara profit; cioaaat ln -attc-fctton lnttl; crukoca to rat in on tiio ground f;Kr: prlnctpala citiy nd apply. 'aiuc .-o.t :m A. 44 " 'r--' t ' n RiTAl KANT AND HiomNU-HoI SK. 4 pnvata room, avata 1m p-opl. lun--n eountar. t.rv Lujaora. d-'Uia; aoo tlal.y. 11 roont aoii big baanient. long Ir-isc, oa Waatilngton at.: . r.aap rut, miiat ao.l a. count por hra:t.V ":l tao V ahlng toa. I'ii'.na M-rha.l 2J la. LOOK. Hro 1 a bartta.n if takn at onc: An np-to-uata cor.;-'v-t.oawry. wth an Icalaa Innjvati.'ti iou-la:n l:.ata.).-t; will tr. Tutca H0v; arl.l aoll lor .'0 In raatu For fu.l tnforrnatluo. ar.la BJtey Il.ua, Cottaca Grova. Or. . 910.00O CASH will put you Into ona of tha brat mrtntU buatnraaaa lu 1'ortlantl; awnvr will guaranty u 0 prr crnt on your lnataicnt. brai-i- g.'O'l a.lry for a.rxtca. Jn fat'l 11 will b.at tt.at to a fraaz.. j r; Jvj. o. Qlnso.N. 0SG.r:inrrnidg. Jk LOCAL corporation, well aalab lahrrt. nl a faw taouaand dollara to ut'tai P buaineaa dtntandad; can ahow party wttn fJu'. to g'o"v a aou d and n-a-llat; y procutbla invcjttiiiar.l. can glva an-1 ra qulrabaatrf arcactC L Or.jonlaa WE bavt a fin buatnaaa opportunity fir tarty I:b from -iow to la ood, va town In -outhrrn California. A at a at Eit'A.s riL Auo.NCT. 41a AMngtoo iildg. - Mala W ANTE U. Fmrty wits luo to ta aa tat II laa la a, vocd caytr.r buatnaaa. AMia i.K.A.N 1 .LB AQENCT. 41 Ab.;tn bide Han CASH-Fl'SINK.r -Owoar la comp'U.J to a,i a atritjy c h bu-na and wi. ta'a part cam and let tha btalna acfura t-" bouio: moit-r f'liiy ac-ur.d. cA.1 rovni S15 Lumber car.i;a bdg. yxR SALE cheap, a nlrt reataurant In ron Bcttoa wita a '.'- ro-m roofTiinc-hou. dorng a tilea buaineaa; roorr.a ail full, rant chaao, wita a -ar Irua; will aaU ou tarma. AH 64L Oragorlao JBEFORE buying anjtl-lror In tha bu.!r.aa Una. coma ar.d SKI; I S. Wa hava a aoln dld Hat to arlt frora and handla tiol't lng but lag'tluiata prop.ialtlona. liloca Realty Co.. 2-1 l.umt'-rtifra bl.lc- JDtNO LAN. MKANuLKI afaka careful laaaat'gation at expanaa of aa lar bafora you lav eat monay In any propoa-uoa- Adrlaory UpartmL T. at C- A- . CAFETRKIA For aala; elaarlng Ijoti p-r month; good location, cheap Tint. 3-year leaaa, a.oUO caah. balanca from r'-Ctitpta. Ja. c. AilBSoN. Sua crllnrer Itlda;. CONrU-TIONCKI. l.gtit gro and de.l catcaan. t jar o a prt.-. owner aftarwooO. b'a L'a ion avc North, graatcat anat-. a FARTNEU wanted for atri-tlr caa.t bua: Baa th.a recjuiraa terr l.tti mon'-y an l wl I 'pay I-t a.l.ry. .' anara of pr"f:ta. I'a.-t !.--: Jrl S S t r k t. Ri.ilTAVKAXT and lunch counter fa- aa.e; If you want a r.l--e. rm p;aca. lock at th'a ona; prlca aJTS. caaa ouly. ST2 Nona IT'S i'.. Downtown: Ir.d-pit-l-r.t llcenaa an4 ta- low rer.t: oanr ai -a and must aeii. ra-rtl'-u.ar 31J Henry blila". yKT.EH tntad In a 'la', btulr.eaa that wt.l r.a ou -" b'' k. trial given ha'or. buvttia: a--" rrj tucu. v - i .u gl& Lumber t-chr.co t-Kl HARDWAHS FTOKK. Clean. ne a:.k at Invune. abowt . oO. MALL A 1UCKLE. Sl Lutuoeraieaa. CI'IAR atora. 4 It r-room? . rent f.S; fn. ch.n for lun. r.r.vm. Call tdy. .li vvilliama. near itr"ady. -vl I..lJ'iTV:D market I r a.le. d'o town: low r-nt. l-rnia Tery fcfonailla. Addraaa AL io. Crca-'ulaa. ' illVIScJ A1 l.VDlsrKUL n;0JK.a. Talapboiia anl other bo .'la bouxnt aJM o'd K'e-chT Ire. Co. Aldington, i SHAHt.i of pori'and Ccrcreta .a F.du.ptaecit Co a atock. f r aala at I., per ahara. Addrcaa A i BSS. cnegoulaa. PARTS E K wantad f .r a caah boa!neaa: txrr to U-cn ; wtll pay batter t.fc.an aJJ a we. k and aila trial Call 417 Hoard of . ra.la. OROfEHV I'artr.er ainwj. bi IrmJa and wMI l'"'c. Call JUS Starict. goO rJCl.NE.i card a, II. "O: yoa rnnat brtnf I- thla ad. Koaa Cfy Inntary. H'- S Thlra I ci'l V Pa aal ror?ctl"nrr atora. beiat In tha iU 4 1T Hoard of Traila. n ' a" for a.a. XT-ai -alx on at. BrtIXEil OPPORTTNITTEaj. r.ESTAlRANT WITH GRILL LICEN-E $1000. An exceptional opportunity OS COVC1! BI.DO. UK. HOTKL MAN. , HERE 16 T"IH C'lTOUTtM" TO ItENT tAO an elerant nete i-at ..ry hotel, containing l'to lrK-, roonn. ta-.r.s ail ith " 'f i'''"' hot and co j at. r . hrctghnut ".V. lil b. finta.iad a'.out January 1. fc'''nS,, . .4..... i tn tha t.-ie, bin.a dlatrtct of North lt"" Jt.,!N JACOI1 MllJ.tT. 4'1 N. :'. I at.. No. .! owner L'l.Y il"f'l- AXU rtllo. T01.H- 7 ) i-.in aata-liai.ed dry f" and aaoa tor-, in go.Ml l.t-atn.-... l.Ka.lty. on W '-at M.i- doing II. a buit.. a ; r tnonth : f .n l.u.in.; fc-.iaran; lar-a proflta; If i war.t a it ,-. . Icin pr..- tton. call nr.! let ua " Jou; a.:i at Invoice. ulc ruita a:,out .117 Hoard if Tta-e. blitt.. 4th ard Oak. FOR - ALB A ?-M eapacUT l;u..ll rortabla mi.i co.pi ta. w.th cutos conveyor, etc: a.o a No. .N""nnVw f'aner. wltn ill- hnleala. "," Dwi i... be-n u.el only a tWtl tuna. For partlruiara ca.l at ray oSlco. au. J ort ttn'l. Or. H1!:UVN METZf.KR. Owner i:t: V a.m. ii;i.I' .-t::kn. a Ktocerv a:.d delualeaaan. West olde. rt olr. il.-f bual- f.l.o r. --a ..r i.'ontu, rem A.l T r-oat t.on anl W.ll r. .zi. on -.an l most nsid lr.s:tgatlon. lnvoi. e ubo'tt elo-t. o in. ssi y.Ai.ow. -17 Poard of Trudo bl-tf.. 4th and Oak- a.dareu- . c -'C--.. n." ii'-.. - , 4:g Atinil'i bl-g.. Katab'tstteo To rent In Vancouver. J C Wt suuara f' -t. ground 1! .or. splendid corner It .n. ...itab f'jr hljfi.-cl is cafeterlA I..,-!.t a-. I I. eat free This el'y l.co a 4-. d rif-terla l.omtnloii Trust CO., I:''.. .:ic-.mer. It. , IlfSTAT'It ANT Nice, elenn place, acatlnll l.ai pe..j l inato boxes: a.uarunteed d i :v a.i.- ' to 70: very cbeap rent. K .ar 1 e: if you .Mint a aaap. soo tbie; pre el.! M'M. ha. I . h- 11. Jlilij, fcs lulh. ncar.tark. LAWVEn d.alres orx-nlntr with astabllshad law Itrrn t-r lay.r. i'orlland or da Wljero in -Sort u-.-at . may luka Inter, st r-.n-.tia par iior. aity I r..pollton constd ereJ. ts -.4. IT. itornin. KiNE I.ah cii.t.li e lusli.rs. rrltlah C"lum t i.: j .ant In iperulloTi; es.-lusiva riKhte: ;o nt.i'l aln.ro -:ti sal.-non strcair.a: best reso-. f.r a-l.ltifl U-nl only UU cn.T. A.Mr.' ..a All oregnnliin. ItrlAl. t.'ait bus.ncss: ojriinit for steady, a o.er in.iTi; tsperlenea not necessary ba i ,m.i i.n inv t ahow Inn. I. eto . active ie.-in can .'en'-Tid en mnkina: at least 11-0 ni-i th. l artic ilnrs 2t- - Stark St. Kt'K s.ll.K IlejTanrant and oyster housa In ll.iu tliorite alelllio. ol:o of th heat l-K-at. na. cottipU ta ftiriilshc-.l. ladles b..ic. pien-v ,:ock. Apply -Ti llawthorno avc.. ;.l Hi-le HALF Interest In ml old eatabllahod boat re.a. d..lr.jr a goo! l.uaineas. with a sal aried position of JlOo per month. For Xu. particulars, call Kianey aV btarr.pher. Lum ber F.gcr.acge bid . rootits&.t l.Ii. m MAN"-with soma capital to act aa uprln tender.t In aaeh nud door and box lactory. A Mreas r". C li.. ll-l U. ti. Lank bldg- liAI.F Intereat In f.n- furniture bualneas, ft-c.- tent locMon. long lease, city, tins op portunity for ntau with ruonoy. Aal 6'i.i, t r. K'ml.tn. W .;.,ot location for a niovinj; -plc- tura anow In a-nrvii toan. Oregon or Wash lrtatoti. on ra.iroad. Ad.lreaa H. E. Soscn. H', Wa.Mtirlon St.. I'ort.and. MAt'lKNl" li.p wants partner to keep plain u mi and do ciie.-tirg; guaratit.o I.",' it or-.Toly. share of profit Call room o-3. 1 ' .r !:t lure'. .s;t:: Ts.e,t,t:r 1 trter shop. tn nrs'it of t.j.n. doinp good business; niuat bo .l eap. -Ill pa half doan. balance In pay Ti ci.'s. H. A- Hohlrke, 71 Jth st. North. H iTs T Tl "ltA NT AN 5" tjvli TKH-HOl'liB. Cl.d l.H.-u,tlon, long lens, low rent; a dandy: worth titles the price asked; J9S0, p irt c.u- SIS Henry bldg Vor sale. 4 of the ft-ieat aal oona In tha clrv. all Independent llcaaaa. U14 Henry 1.1 J t. WANTED Hardware atora. Block 3V0 to Vasltlngton; state prices and conditions, first correspondence. K 41ti. Oregonlan . Cash trade: corner on Washing-ton st : f 1 4 u. i. HALL A- HICKLE. 821 Lnmberinena. 6ol.IL) atora business wants reliable part- , . . ... ... r . ... -1 . r t ' . -:. n denend cn clearing J-oO month; duties anally leameM I .t-i . u . -. t . -. -j . ... -. Foil -ALE White automolille agency for ban P.nffl anu nii'-.t . .....- -. .wa.-. with beat garage In city. Addraas C C Funnel I Co.. -an fin's - i. GIVKN' away free, map of all tha California oil tieioa. aoo vr.ai . . . . - - tton -California Oil Kie'ds. fmr-L. mil t .t 7"1 liregonlnn ti !g . Portland. Or. g.pi.jTEN i-rlnting plant. esblished years, or - y i.iregoiiiai.. Rir.-TAl'IlANT i',',h1 location: long lease: owner J a.,1 w,..hir .w -... y "Si tor o i.ca c- i-nona jv i .o. K-i- r AC It A NT. d ing business f '.O dally. lri.il g.vn before Investing. I'artlcuiars r. cm i.uii:'-r ......n bolALL fatal: cash grocery, doing business flu dai-. 1' rticu.ara room Lumber 1 ' v - h i n e. It' ' ' h; l.akory and dellcateaaen for eale. .' cash will bacdla It; must sell tnls week: lear'r.g town. Ati 642. Oreironlan. . ! ioN-FiC rcl.E theater, anap If taken at once; near Fort. and. A 6-8, ore .n!ii n. BKAlTlH'l. family grocery. 75 day sale now h!-h can be Increased; low rent, will Irvol.-.v .I12IS w - tark t. f.v.y WILL buy ground-floor Interest, clean cut. l.-K.'-la lata business. Investigate with out il.-iv. A'i o4. Oreg-'nlan. Foit -ALE or trade, hotel. 4 rooms. tw (.oaa. cbicketia. FaxUcutra room -U Lumber Flxcharge. J, K WILL buy a nU-e little cash grocery w-.th 11 v lng-roome. t-'ail loth, IF "you want to bay a a-i'oon. ur list first; D'.l in tns city, si. oarq or inms, G' K L fish market and poultry market for sie. Call o- First St. KOMIN'fi-IIOr.1C4. CLEARS in.iO A MONTIL 44 ltoo.Ma. good West Hide location, mvuern wltu running hot and co;d watur In every room. Hrussele and H. iL car pc iron beds, f'tit uiattreaaes. bidding and as. rytamg e.ae to correspond: re-c-lpts g.00, toal expefiaea g-'li, 1 ludtng ranu w blob la oNLV 14 a room with leaea 0 yeara. liare la a bargain at ooo. time on part, Aao hcr of 44 TiOosIS In tame clan as tha above, with long lease and vauy cheapvat rent, tor $Too0. El. LI;. -MITU CO.. --.-a Washington St., Itooma S01-20X 1'KAL"T1FUL APAllTSl-NT-HOl iiE. f7 rooms. In 3 -room aultes. eiemsntly furnished, new and in first-class condi tion: each apar.ltnent has private bath, telephone and all up-to-date conveniences; exce.lent location and house full flva-yeur lee.; rent s.ia- per month; ao-ud cash will hanule tti.a. FOLTLANP llOOMINn-IMl'3-CO, 313 Henry HIdg. ONLT -'1. 10 rooms, close In. well rurntahed. rent only 4'to per month; thla Is a nice home and gives a good Income, if taken at once can be hand.ed for fi- cash. -OlOLANIJ ltrvtMINil-HoL'SB CO, -13 Henry lildg. FOR .ALE Koomlng-houaa. ti rooms, well lli.lsbed. In tbrtTUtg toan of -ODD popula tion, bringing In good net Income: tnree yer leaso. must be sold at ones; good reason; goes) at a bargain. Ad ess Kelao J urr.al. Kelso. WaJhlr.ijton. ROOMING-HOC- E. 9 raotn fine location. Income a i per monin. a.vo. asov Call a OS Hoard of Trade. JCEWLT furnished apartment-bouse. 51 rooms. West Hide, clearuta $.10; must ell; good lease. Inciutra AM a'J9, Ore- g.inlan. CLF.AF-- 1300 a montii; 24 room a Baa fur niture, Washington street, leasa; price $. Call 417 Board of Trade. 1-3 ROO A. ail on one 'floor, rood furniture, lease for yenrs: clears over 1100 monthls; price f'.soo: terms. 41? Boardof Trsde. 10 KOOM1. cose In. West S'de. rent cr.ly ft.".; a Sr. Lome, clears f.lo month. Sa gjua mX ouca. CaU 6 lutn. asax btark, TnE 3I0RXIXC1 OREGOXIA2T. WEDNESDAY. XOYE3IBEB 23. 1910. T FINAXCI.tL f B-S1NES . ,,CTQKY. j . RfWlMl-Sn-WOrSFS. I " - ,-.--. . ; .. .. .... A -NAP FOK THE Si'ECULATOR. ttO-room brlric. In . 3 and 4-room apart Tnenta. part of whl.lt ara cltiianUj- ."ur ttlshed with hlith-Kraila furnlturo ar.d rn.i. T..pini i.ifntion. new bl K bulla- j Inn. 'low rci.t .5 years lciao; liom. full; prica ;;:00: will net luu per c-ui ou vaatmenL OOOI BUT-. OS rooma. rent --'; ."00 rnah. 70 room, brick, modern; $4.0 cash. M rootna. npurtment-hruso: price tGlOO. 4i-room brick; price $tl."."i. -Vnioin brick; :;..o0 ciali. 1H room, rant so. clean $120; $1,100 can't. li rooms, tran-lcnt, rent $50. cica- l-5; prlco I110O. 11 roma. Nub Hl'.l district, rent -. prlca gT.'.'i. , l'KVLIX KIREBAl-OH. M.I-.M l-.M'J Swclluttd HMs. TVAJCT sOMrTIlN7 OOOD? THEN" -Kl". 'i Ills. 11 ROOMS. I.ne rr-aliar... near W.isri lnton rt : Wilton velvet an l Axmtr.ster carpets. QL'Alt. OAK att.l MAHOU. tur rtlture. ma.ivo UKASS and Iron be'la. t ta beat of bed-llnir and ntittin vt'i; cl.-urt 5'.'o above all iipna-a; everytlilnr furniliv! new three months SQ lor aolcct houso kepli:; r.o work to do und a irood and tire pr-iflt; If you want a rma.l liottpe. itnn't buy until you sea tbla. Lease -years. EI.LTS. FMITH ft CO.. ES-- Wasnltigton -t-. Iloomi 201-20 111) ToU WANT A MONEY MAKUi; If y-u do I will sell my x Interest In one of the best paying hotels In the city ; l, rooms, modern, furniture A No. 1: 8 blocks from the I". o. attd guaranteed to te clearing from JSOu to Jlooo per month: long lea.s. clienp rent; will sell for u"-90. part cash, and let vou pay ti-.e rest out of the buslnea; or It you wan: the w hot business, , vou can buy It, I. you mean business call and see me at tho Dresel Hotel. Sin. Vahiuill St., ask for .1. W. ("orser. No agents. IF TOU WANT TO MAKE MONET, INVESTIGATE THI.-t. Tteauttful modern corner, brick apart ment, central location; one of the best business Investments in the city, clearing f.i,0 iMir month abvo all expennos; flue locution, new. and In first-class condi tion, vi ith R-year lease; S3 npartmenls. OREGON INVESTMENT CO.. LuS Couch HlUtf. A nooD TUTT 2.1 rooms, always rented; clenrs u a month; near business sec tion; nt. o neighborhood, all modern con veniences; 2 lariinea; no Incumbrance; rent f-0 a month: lease 3 years or lomrcr; !. I,.,, h.,e In Ih, e,fV .- I" 1 Clll MlN- MAKl.il; price fldou. er..-V terms, .eo ll A. cnnn.ller. -AU uiuoeriueua ... end Stark s is. , th iidiiMS; furnace heat, all outside rootna. cher-p rent; $,.!, terms. 10 rooms, flue location. sultsbla for bourd and room; flurt will han.'.Ie. 44 roon.s. all houaekeeplng : fv'O cah. balance trade; cheap r-nt; price fSOOu. li. G. KEM1 CO.. f.20 Chamber of Commerce. A FI klT-CI-A- P 10 to 12-room furnished bouse, with lease; have f'.l'i) cish. can make monthly payments; the prlco must be right and be able to share monthly profit; furniture must be good: wmk.ng distance, r.o agenta, AG f.ne. Orego nlan. j I KO-al7"best locations. 2 years leaso, rent only l; Income $210; all furnished with the best of furniture and carl-ls. This Is a bargain: price $1SOO. somo time full 1 10th. neer r-tarn. tTeRooM houre. West SMe. close In, rent fl'Mv: income $2u; snap at $lu00; wortn lWHIOLET c. rtlSHOP. 1S2 Third. jrcni LeXsB N'ew g'.-roonl house. at. am heat. gas. electricity, electric c.U-b.lis. house tinted throughout: no outsido rooms; close In. Phone p ast j.'.2 or 11 104-t. ROt'.-ING-HVL SE. $-"0 cash, balance easy; electric lights, 11 beautiful l'ght rooms. corner house; see this clean, prolty home. 1S2 14th st. North S c-r. SWELL transient house, 1.1 rooms, rlclit down town, clears fiO monthly; price HhO. Call 417 Hoard of Trade. J.OT AMI Foirxn. FO-TsTl Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we renovate mattresses and return same day: we a. bo renovate feathers. Port! a d Curled Hair F at tory. 11. Met-ger, F'rout. 1'honea Main 474. A 1374. ,OST on Saturday eveniiiir at Bunrrnlow Theater, or between liungalow Theater and . .votland's on Morrison, a g"!d brace let; finder please phone Main ..To". 1'u ward. LOST Gold watcn. Inst Monday. In going from -4th St. to Btewart Station. Finder leave It at Arleta po-tofflce and receive reward. IjUhT Two receipt books botween .Id and Morrison and li. 40th and Hawthorne: Hoval Melghbora, lieturn to -0d Allsky bldg; LeOST Near !Uh and Morrison. French braided gold bracelet; name engraved, Goldte Peterson; return 803 Corbett bidg., reward. LOST purse, on O. W. P. car, yesterday between 10 and 11 o'olock; money ai.l valuable papers: please return to 313 Clay. Main iill- Liberal reward. LOST Female brlndle bull pup. months old; reward for Information at Oreyotuan office. IX, ST I.dy's old-fashioned gold watch, at tached to small ribbon fob with' lion's beal; reward. phoneJVVoodlawn 1203. FOUND A lady brooch on Tillamook Ft, between l.Mh and 10th, Inrpulre i'ark Ho tel. 80O Oils an. ' FURNISHED room aultable for 2 gents; $2.:.U; heat, bath, phone. 823 12th, LoST Abstract title, .ellwood car or street; rowaru. rt, .vi. v.atewooq. ij em. FOUND A cow. Call 1114 K. 'mfltt. S. ITopoaaia Invlled. advektisf;.men T watek works. Jacksonville. Oregon, -.ovemtier L 1-10. beuied proposals will be received by tile City Record r of Jacksonville, or., until o o'cloi-k P. M.. Movetiibcr -o, lyio. for constructing water works for tha City of Jackaonviile. Or. The work will consist of excavating and back mllng trenches, hauling and laying aieel and wood pipe, hauiltig and placing valves, valve boxes, hydranla, spatial casliti.s and constructing storage tlam and reservoir for a gravity water system. All labor and materlul to be furn.sned by the contractor. Plana may be ausu and speclncatlona obtained at the office of the city Hccord er of Jacksouville. or., or at the office of Osgood at Cummlugs, civil euglueura. ldedford. Or. t All bids must be ubmttted on the printed forms furnished by the Cltr ive cordir of Jacksonviila, Or. Each bid ahail be accompanied by a rertilled check In favor of the City Tresuter oi Jacksonville for five 15) per cat t the amount bid. A bond acceptable to the City of Jack aonviile will be required for thirty 130) per cent of the contract price. The right la raaerved to reject any and all bids. H. G. DOX, Recorder. T. T. -HAW. Mayor. THE undersigned will receive sealed bld at his office. T First sliest. Portland, Ore gon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday. Lcccmoer 3. 1-10. for tne foiloiK de scribed personal property, to-wlt: A lot of woodworking and zu .ii niactiioery. lo cated in the iieyuolda Furnliure ssctory at Albina and Golds ill streets, of lue total inventory vulue ol $'j; also a lot of materials and lumber used in the man ufacture of furniture of the Inventory vaiue of 11132. wi. all located In said fac tory. Hide will be received for ail of aald property or eeparale bide for the machin ery and niaterlaia. Caah or a certified check for lo per cent of the amount of fered must accompany each bid and the right la reserved to reject any and aal bids. An iuveutory Is on file at the office of the uaderslgned and said property n.ay te Inspected upon application at said office. The maohlnerye above mentioned con sists of a complete eat of woodworking machinery. Tina aala offers a good op portunity for anyone desiring to operate a furuliure manufacturing or woodwork ing plant, to obtain a complete outfit Dated at Portland. Oregon. November 19. ltflU. R- L. Sabln. Trustee. PKOPO- AL3 FOR BEEF AND MUTTON V ancouver Piarracka. vv ua., evooec --s 111 10. Sealed propoalB for furnishing and delivering freah beef and mutton for six months beginning J.an. 1, lull, will be received at offl-es of Commissaries at F"ort -levaus, or.. Boise Barracks, Idaho, Forts Casey Columbia. F'lagler, Lav. ton, Vancouver Ward. Worden and Ueorgo Wright. Wash., until 11 A. M., November -.. l'JIO. and then opened, nveiopes con taining proposals should be Indorsed "Pro posals for fresh beef and mutton, to be opened November 23, 1-10,' and addressed to commissar- of post to be supplied. H. J. Gallagher. Msjor. com'y Chief Com'y. 6EALED bids will be received at the oilloa of School Clerk. 403 lurora Diuing. un til ft P. M., November 2I, 1B10. for haul ing tan bark to the various schools, all to be done In accordance with plans and specifications of Architect Geortte Otten. copies of which may bo procured at the Clerk's office. Certified check of 10 per cent of the amount of each bid must ac company each proposal. Bond for fiO per cent of the contract price must be fur nished bv the eticceasful bidder. Board reserves the right to reject snv and all bids. R. H. THOMAS. Schuol Clerk, Lated November 21, luAe propoaala Invited, SEALED bida will be received at the office of School Cieiji. 4o3 Ttltord building, un til 5 P. M-. November 2:i. 1'Jlo. lor lay-ins; of concrete on the Lntld School block, ail to bo done In accordance with plans and speciiicatior.s of Architect George otten. copies of v. tilch may be procuied at the Clerk's office. Cci tiii. d check of 10 per ceat of amount of ouch bid must ac company each propcal. Bond of 50 per cent of tha contract price must be fur nished bv the .successful bidder. Board revrves 'the risht to reject any and ail bids. It. H THoMAS. School Cierlc. I lilted November 'l. J'.'l 0. " SALE OF HUM'S. Notice is hereby fiven tuat Fchool Dls tticl No. 2 of Dallas, polk County. Oro goit. will receive s. aicd bios for the tale of MdooO.OO 5 per cent semi-annual lut, bearaiu bonds of sni 1 district, said bonds to run for 2o ve.n . but to be redeemable at in option of said di-tr:ct. on and after 10 ea:s Ir.-tf. Cie date thereof, at" any semi-annual lut, payment date. Lids Will be opened Dec 131. r.UO. V H. C. CAMPBELL, Clerk School Liit., No. 2: Miscellaneous. IN THF rH.TI'I'-T COrf.T" OP THE 1-N1TKP STATES FOK THE lUsTRKr OF IH'.iX.tiX In the matter of SAM-EL tiLDSVEl-N'. bankrupt: The underslKned trus'.eo will receive staled bids at his of fice, room 8. No. 7 First street. Portland. Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, November 2:i. 11)10. for the following prop erty belonging to said estate, to-wit: .lock of merchandise consisting princi pal, v of clo'.n.ng. stioos sr.d gents' furnisn lr. goods of the inventory -ai'ie of fi.t.",:: 13. lot of store fixtures of the in ventory value of $2.,7.r.O. all located In th Fannin? Mile., at Sheridan, Oregon, Ciosh or certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each b.tl ui:d the niilil Is reserved to re ject any and all bids and said sale IS subject to confirmation by tho court. An inventory of tho j.ropeily Is on file at the otllce of the undersigned and tne Prop erty mav be. Inspected upon application to K. U. Henderson, -.t f2' HA trustee. Bated November IS. llH. IN tl. s District Court of the fuited States for the nuixlct o; jr. gou. ... of C. K. lv.LA.i-r.rl. bankrui.t: The undeisltned -111 receive eal..d bias t his K.ico, room S. 7 First street. Port and. O ,Mi.n. up to 12 o'clock noon of V, ednes .la: November JO. ll10. for the followhig described personal property blonS.ni; to said estate, towlt: A stock of electrical fixtures and sup: lice located at -bl Last iorrlon sireet, Portland. Oregon, of the Inventory valuo of U.".o.21. touother with a lot of office f.xtures and too.s of the Inventory vn.ii, of T15C73. located at -une place, v'ash or a certified check for 10 i,.r cent of the amount offered must ac company each bid and the rl.ht is re served to reject any and all 1 tos said sale is r.iaue subject to couflrmutlon by tno court. An inventory of property is on fHe at the office of the undersigned and the property may be inspected upon application at said olfloe. Dated at Porl lund, Oregon. -""sATlINTru.te NOTICE Is hereby given that I will sell to the h.K'lcsl ol.fier ............ Is.ue nnole by school district No 2 Lin coin County. Ore-ton: 10 Jlooo bonds, oated December 1, 1010. Interest 0 per c, t payable semi-annually. January land July 1 rraturlns In 20 years, redeemable after 30 vears ut the option of the dis-tr'- t Itbis received up to and lr.clud.ng December N, Ulu. Further Informal. on on r. nunt. . II. JIM "luskey. County Treas urer. Toledo. Oregon. riN.-.ClA LAWYEil of 18 years' experience examining titles and making loans for partlcu.ar peo ple has numerous cttoice applications on hand- beat of references. Ca.l at -UJ Mo ri ay b ! 1 a. Mam 4 71 o. T7't IG v'.l..-). contracts, bonds, stocks, war rants and noi.a boual.t and sold. Loans negotiated. Henry leal. 410 Ablngton biUK.. 100 i- 3d sc jThaVE Ifau.uoO to luvcet tn purchase money moi'tg.iK' a mid real estate contracts; iilve full pu.uculais witu reply. Afal &oo. Ore goniaal. " .Money lo Loan Real Kslate. M-N.1 X'- LOAN on l.-n proved or unlm piuved real estate; stnail butldtns and .ualailmeut loans a Spec. alts ; real estate contracts and bonus purchased. W. li. Nunn. 448 ftiioripck uia. main mi. ON IMPROVED city pi-operty or for build ing purposes; 8 to 5 years time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Say Ints at Lqajissociatlongitarltj CASH raid for mortitaBes or sellers Interest In contracts on real estate anywhere la Oregon or WhIt.Ktou; mortgage Joans negotiated on improved property. .1. J Noble. Lumbermeiis bldir. -tliand -tar, MONE TO LOAN, 7 PER CENT, asuuo and 32O00 available today. UAllTMA-i THOMPSON, itel Estate Dept., 4. B. 6 Cnainber of "nl'nerc.- FIRST and second mortgages and contraota purchased on farm and city property, anywhere In Oregon or Washington. EL L, Devereaux. Fenton bldg.. 84 Ctn st, FLENTy of money to loan at - and 1 pal caul on rsai es:ate security. iUW. P. MALU 104 Becond St. 1JO0 000 on Improved city or farm propertyi building or small loans at lowest prices; Urge loans a specialty. J. H. McU Co, 614-16-10 Uerllnger bidg. W- ilAVa' plenty of mouey to loan en city property in utus from flood up to fOO.oo at lowest current rates. Morgan. Filed, ai Hoyie. 6o3-oud Ablngton bidg. $i.TioO WILL bo loaned by owner on Port land reai estate aeourlty. AL eila, Ore- goulan. -- . to loan at reasonable rates In sums Horn JatlU up. 'Hie Lawiouca Co., UJ Al tier st. t , . piAV L liuuO to loan oil good security at per cent; answer at once. AE 538, Ore- gUUlUU. $ -uu uoo TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, builoing loan-, lowest rates. W. G. Heck. 812 Falling bidg. lMAltulAla loaus from $5 and up on ail securil. W. A. ilatnaway. room J0 V asmnkton bidg. Phone Main 302. LOANS oa Improved city property for pri vate Investors. M. E. Thompson te. 41A and oak..Leuryblug. iloKlGAG loans on city property; lowest I a tea. A. n- - ' - .id an ova. VVE loan money on city and suburban real estate, aiao buy goou mortgagee. Western Seuiitl.a Co., 41 -paluiug bidg. I'RlVAla. FLNDo Auy auiouut, reasonable tetnis. II. Ol L,t).. v . . , . 1 ruaaon.i Co.. iaio c.aioing Dittx. e.jccv io loan on improved Inside property. ilti.0.G-l r. CO., G-ouud Floor, L.wn w 1 1 L. loan fOoou or loss ou i rftc-Ucoek. -IO Jrlolhcui.d biug. rei aalale. -NI 0- INC-DE PHOfLHlX' Ai t Id ( rfc-v --NJ-bj'tLEWl- i.lH.- tTiTI vri-T-T-iouey loaned on reap estate mort aagea. ri. Ali.ey. room 2Q4 oet-nger b.dg. i-.aN;a ou real, peiaouaa. cit ttei or co..at JHA?r c- vvFaii.ii, .... -.-.ion. ata-te lunds loaned. 6 par ctiiU W. TUom--a. atate aaeut. i-.uituo.u Co.. 4UU c G. fooo Ol- LE-S to loan on Improved prop Mi Ly . CaU O-O Co .1 ercial oioc . CColv-GAO--L-A.NS,. Al" htA-O.SA-J-. jj'. , IO 3 Li-rV AS VJ. KAi . sTnl loan alu.oou or iesa, real estate seeurtly, . r.liil-u. 4ld ComeicilCiuob.cg. ALON i., to loa- w" realty. t; 54 J. ore- iuaiuAO- Loa.no, O JJJ 7 PJa-t C.. VON-! io loau oa real eSLkle. rdln A t-ey u-lu- Co., 3-3 cnamber ut Cumsri-a. L-.l. auy a-uouut. U to a per-cant. eo-- ,, Bans. 31Q toaulumg bidg. ""j-uey lo loii- C"atlea and ulrtca. j"li"o. 1KEIIT CoilPA-iT. ul fcpaulibg Hlug. fd aad vvaauiagtou Sta Uonev. Mouey. A-ouoy. Money. Money. V lean money mats our business, v., L.ave money lor Uiose wno need It W ail heed mouvy. Therefore, come -Ae" Joan on pianos, furniture, ate, . Why lot your sr-u-il bll-a worry youl We can advance you any amount from tlo upward- Why go to other companies T See us. Wise people DEAL wills us. -vneu oui-u-s laii. co-suit tha old re- "HI-TTON CREDIT C0MPA-.T. WTE loan money on watches, diamonds, seal, aklns. mink overcoats, trun-s. dreaa suit aoa aud musical lustrumenta, 71 sixth SU yj-t ween ok and Pine -Tta. Main V10; 130NEY loaned lu a-uounts from $10 up on fl kinds of securities, furniture, pianos or inv peieoual property. Easy weekly or nonU-ly payments. Low raaca. conflden- I crl, Cunningham, .el Rothchild Bid's., northwest corner 4t.h Sc Washington. uTiNFY"-advanoed salaried peopie, housa--.eiera and otners upon their own names w-ithout securi.y; cheapest rates, aarlest ;,V-,.Ui officea In btJ principal -lies; lav yourself by getting my torma flrst TOLMAN. ait Lum oer L tta ang a. m..N Y lo loan oh dlamonda and Jeweleryj i.w rates of l-tcre-t, ,3, Washington. TBERAl7T-ans on furniture and dlajxnda i v Vlchola. .20 Board of Trade bidg. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chatte- t h. Loan Co . 414 Dekum bidg. 7jw rates: we loan money on diamonds iewa.-ry.- Max Blc, 24 aw l oney to Loan $$$$$-! ARE TOU LOOKING FOR MONET. If you knew how easy our terms ara you would not be short of money. Don't be bothered with a lot of small debts; let us furnish moiiey to setti them. WE LOAN ON Furniture and piunos. storage recelpta Ilv. stock, rooming houses. life insurance policies, all kinds of securities: terms to suit: also easy weekly or monthly ln stallmenta ' We buy and loan on first and second mortgages and euulty In con- tracta U. S. REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CCA. 812 Hamilton Bidg.. 131 3d. Main 20S $$$$ - SAAltl" LOAN A-A-is-Anyone Steadily employed can borrow $10, S-0, 30, $30. $75, $10 On your personal note. No mortgage No indoiser. Easiest payments Lowest rataa Business strictly conrtdentiaL STATE SECURITY CO. 103 Falling Bidg.. 3d and Washington. LOW ESTIIAT Ea Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattels or rea.1 estate. Union Loan Co.. 35 Lafayette bids, 0th and Wash, sts. LOANS on u.amt-nds. Jewelry and otner se curities. W ni. Hull, room 8 Washington bidg., cor. 4th and Washington sts. Loans Wamen. A RESPONSIBLE concern wishes to borrow $10 00. at o per cent on West Side real estate worth moro than three times the amount of the loan and bringing a large Income- A K C2'.'. Oregonlan. VVE csn invest your money at good raice -J Interest. Gilt-edge securities. Flrt m-rv-gaffes. Long-terms lavesrtment, PROVIDENT INV. ex TKU-TE3 COu, ,24-52H Board of Trade -Ids. WILL sell $3000 mortgase at 7 per cent Quarterly on Laurelhutst home worth $7."00. H lots. Insurance $4000; pay rea sonable expense. AF--S.oregoiilan. WANTED To" borrow $150 for three months to open legitimate business: will pay KOod Interest; can furnish A-l references. Answer AE 535, Oregonlan.. FIRST cbau.!l-iTiorTfci-se. bearing 8 per cent, due at i3 month: $:;!. discount 2"i par cent, 613 Board of 1 rude. $2.".0 WANTED, first mortgage; improveo farm ou Oregon Kiectrlo Hue, AM. 6iJ, Oreponlan. . FIRST mortgage loane of $12.V wanted on 23 acres, suburban acres, close to electric line. AK 610. OreKonian. . MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desirable loans, mortgages for ssls. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. Spalding bidg. WOULD like to borrow". rom private party $1500 to flSOo on good residence property; no agents. X 542. Oregonian. . LET us place your money, gcod mortgage references. F. II. Lewis. 8 Lswjsds- rF-ILSO-IAT DR. SIcCALL TRAVIS, spiritual adviser, health, hupplness and success for all w-rio are in need of helping Influence. Dr. Travis positively guarantees to leach you how to overcome unfavorable conditions tnat are caused by yourself or others, no matter how badly you are discouraged, no tnatter whb has failed in your case. See tho man who really helps, now permanent Iv located room 14 and 15. Raleigh bldtf., corner of Sixth and Washington sts. lass elevat or or st a i rs to secon d floor. SPIRITUAL adviser. Dr. Jefferson cures all troubles quickly; Jcilerson guarantees to place secret knowl-tltfe and power In your own hands, to remove the cause of any trouble. doubt or misfortune caused by anyone or anything aud open up a quick and sure way for tho contentment, hap piness and good influence for success that you de-ire, Cail aad consull him da .y or Sunday. 10 A. 51. ft B P. -M-. at 4U2 W ash In ij.,mst1'iitoveJj4 " UK CURED QUICKLY. Modern Electric -Treatment for nervou debility, enlarged glands, rectal, chronlo and special oiaeases. Consultation free. lir. V. 1. Howard, S04-- Itollichlid oldg., 4th and Washington. a . STOP making a drugstore of your stomach and don't submit to an operation. but consult Dr. Home at once. tail toaay gnd consult him free. Take elevator to 4th floor Rothchild bidg., 27' Washing ton st.. rooms 4u7,- 408 and -09- Phone Marshall 230. . DR. ALICE A. GK1FF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; private hospital accommodation; confinement cared for; consultation free. Room 1 Crnnd Theater bldtj. Main 3128. A BbOi. FEllVEl tiAr.il,- - Leading wig and toupee makers: finest stock of human hair goods in the city; up-to-date parlors for hair dressing, man' - curing, face and scalp treatment, 147 rth St.. b-L Morrison and Alder. Phone Main 616. GILBERT, the tailor, suits pressed 60o while, you wait: cleaning, pressing and repairing, feathers and bo cleaned, curled, dyed and remodeled by Madame Gilbert, Room 25, 303V. Washington st, Glive bids. Phones Slain 4UG4; res. Main 4143. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Heislngfors graduate: rheumatism, nervous and stom ach aliment, under physician's directions; baths, masseuse. No. 7 East 11th it, sec ond door south- from East Ankeny car line, phone East 200, B 1803. HAIR HAIR All shades iu.best quality at co.t. Closing out stock; scientific face and scalp treatments; expert halrdresslng and manicuring taught. A-a H. Rlbbecko, Grand Leader. 5th and Alder. " DR. D. L. LEWIS. Diseases of women and children, electric treatment of nervous ailments, private hos pital. Rooms 303-30- CommonweaUh bidg.. 6'.h and Ankeny. phones M atn 4Q4.. A 2411. MISS DESALIZ DE VOt Manicuring. vibration and magnetlo treatments; respectable patrons solicited. The Philadelphia House, 212 ., 8d at., cor. Salmon: hours 10 A- M. to 10 P. M. GENTLEMAN, SO. stranger, would like to meet a lady, one who would appreciate a companion; object, matrimony. AB 641. Oregon ia n. . MRS, MAYME WALLACE. Electric and vibratory treatments; bath- masseuse. F.2o t Stark st., Port land.' (st" Phones Marshall 2402, A 2W. Ijll.'ss suits for rent, $1.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed. buttons sewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and cjellverles. Unique Tailoring Co.. aou stark. tfiv'TFli by respectable family, on farm near city, some small children to take care of; terms reasonable. W 643. Or gonlan. DH W ALKER, specialist for men quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 11 1st st., Portland. vviN'TKU BY DEC. FIRST. Sanitary Beauty College. 400-412 Dekum -'dg evening class; make arrangements; we teach practical facts. I AM 81. Intelligent and congenial; A -lei ..nder 2S; give parth wish to lculars In first letter; prefer woraing gin; oujeci, matrimony. suited. AL 530. Oregonlan. PAINLESS, prompt, permanent and lnex-n.-nsive cures by latest natural healing methods Dr. Philip T. Ball, Merchant. Trust bidg. it - court a right, skin and scalp . treat ments facial deformities corrected, plas tic surgery. 45.J Morrison St. Main 4012. iTtT-i fvO-'HIE B. SEIP. mental and spirit, uai s.eutist, 21 Selling-Hlrsch bid.. Main 6-24. . ioCNQ man, stranger, wlshea acquaintance of'reflned working girl, or widow; object ma-lmony; T 644. oregonlun. ill'-3 WALLACE gives magnetic electrlo trentinenu; mental, Bplrltual olentlt. 1SK llih st. .... ,- -yOltK massage and beauty parlors, l.iat opened, latest electrical appliances for rheumatism. Marshall 2S43. 428 Alder. -nTrtONIC CONSTIPATION" positively cured b v our Swedish drugless method. Dr. N" I sbcth. 4-J Marnei p., ..... ...... .... iwj. ........ -ooe aoul-mate. A social reform. Details, 100. P. O. Box 312. San Fran cisco. Cnl. WKINKLES remove-. .-icK.i.a c-i.eeiea m 15 minutes: free demonstrations. u tell-!ng-liirscjribldg. yeoPIastique L Agency. G OnneJurvas Natural sanatorium, 173 E. .ith Apople-'. appendicitis, tubercular ylaiiks. etc.; a Specialty, labor -308, B2818 vi AN'l-URlN'CL chiropody, scalp massage, -50 a Morrison -, room 16, formerly 123 6th st. J c'tt a t fuOINO and scalp treatment; dolls dtess Come early. Phone East 4642. SANITARY Beauty Parlors; learn manlour inc. -KiO-ll-i D'kum bidg. LEARS the business at Sanitary Beauty Coi lege," 400 Dekum bidg. . SWITCH -made, B5c Banltary Beauty Col-lcge.400---- Dekum bidg. slo V OR oomplete course. Sanitary Beauty College. 4O0-411? Ijekumbldg. -.e-T-ilO cures rheumatism and blood pol Vrfni nr'ce $L Dr. Pierce, 8I Alisky bidg. feANlTARY Beauty College 4O0-4-1 Ua Kum hldg.; l-arn hair dressing. , M oF FIGS Remedies for diseases of worn e n. B"2 Pavls st. Main B215. POSITIONS guaranteed; Sanitary Beauty College. 400 to 412 Dekum bidg. olT. wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M- D. Hill. 429 Flledner bidg. M 8473. PUFFS and curls 75c, out of combings. San itary Parlors. 4O0 Dekum bidg. ans7ADD FlsNIA; Is at 24 East 14th Jvorlh, . RP.IDG- Publ.c accountants end auditors. 224 Worcester Block. Main 73--. A 1-4-. Office systems. F'actory systems. Periodic adult Investigations. J. M. W1LLEY Ai CO. Public accountants, all branches. J""' 42d and 42. Henry building. Pnone Jiai- nall 11, or 43 William St.. New -Ora city. . E. H. COLLIS & CO, ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and Municipal Auditing. Investi-aliiiK and Systematizing. S24 Worcester block. Phone Main Oaui- Assayer and Analyst. Wells Procbstel. mining eniineers, chem ls:s nnd assaycrs. 2l'4'.sVi ashmgton. MON TA N'A ASSAY OFF ICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. IMi Morrison st. Attorneys. A. E. COorEH. attorney at law; practice ii. all courts; abstracts examined. Jib cham ber of Commerce. M. 71. A 2t71. B. M. BENSON, general practice of law. collections mad.. 102 Spaldir.gDldS: , Circulating Library. LATE fiction. 3c a day. Woman's Excnanxe . bidg.. iso 5th st., bet. Taylor andamhllL Chiropody. W.H. ESTELLE and Flossie Denevey. tne only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors ,-.02 Gerllnger bids-. S. W. cor. 3d and Aider. Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. room 420 F'lletlncr bM. vhnne Main 84 1- Clilrop-actio Physician. -HI-I10-1'RAC-TIC"TICK-NER ; say " and remember Columbia bifle- hrs. 1--5-QU. Coal and Wood. OREGON LUMBER i FUEL CO, Halaey and E. SUth sts. Tabor 31L Corrurtission Merchants. TAVI-OR. YOUNG & CO.. ship brokers, cotu mission merchants. Sherlock bidg. v uurvi ions . i . .. . NETH at coTi COLiTectToXS COUX.ECT EVERYWHERE; NO COLLECTION. NO CHARGE. 635 Worcester bidg- Portland. Baths and Sv. iiuniing. Portland Swimming Baths, 107 4th Elegant plunge, steam and shower baths, l-oc Collections and Law. limn and Moeiilno Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass easting and machine work. 100 N". 5th. Main oiO C.nsulting r-ngineera. GOLDBERG A TRUMBO, consulting en gineers. 312 Couch bids. Patent Ideas worked out, power piaats, general en gineering. Telephone. -. Dnnclng. HEATH. DANCING SCHOOL. 1"0 Second st, between Wash, and Stark sts.; stage dancing taught: waltz and two-step guar anteed In four lessons; class and social dunce Monday. 8 to 12. Lessons i.aily. Dog wad II orso Hosp!taL DR. BROWN. 1). V. S. Office 324 r lanuera St.. Main 4080. Hospital 80 12th su Drugless l'hy siclans. C HOLM STROM. Swedish graduate; digest ive, nerve and chrouic disorders. 30--8 ore- gonlan bidg. phone Marshall Klectric Alotors PAC1FI. ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d st, r:nLnes liai and -teaiia- ROBER Machinery Co., Coast agts. Seahury steam engines and boilers, tasoltne en gine. 8 1-283 B- Morrison sc phone L 515. leed btore. ZIGLER & Misner, hay. grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 204 Grand ave, h.. 4z. Furs. . N. M. UNGAR & CO., INC., formerly of 406 Merchants Trual bidg., have removed to loa Seventh St. Furs remodeled, repaired and stored. Marshall 733. liat Factory. HATS made to order cost no more. See us. Royal Hat Wurks, 223 1st St. M. M4A Leather and Findings. - CHAS. L. MASTIC K si CO., 7 -Front. l.eather of every description, taps, mils. fttidtiiKS. J A. STltoWBRlDGB LEATHER tablished lbos. ISO Front st. Mac hi ery. B. TRKNKMAN oi CO., Hydraulic and spe cial pipes. sere-US. bagaing. minins ma- chincry. AU kinds ut repairs, 104 N. 4th. MU-ic L , EillL THIELHORN. viofin teacher, pupil Sevick. ooo Maryuam.A 4100. Mar. lo.a. Neurologists, Kye Speclnlists. UUICK. relief for eye and nervous troubles. Pis- Freeze - P.h-egij. Washington - Oeteopt io l'hysiclana. , DR. LeRoy Smith, graduate KirksviUe, Mo class of 18-8, post-graduate laur, under A, T. sill, the founder. 317-31S-31U Swetlaud bidg. Main l'J.7. A 108o. DR. R. B. NORTH U 1. 415-410-117 Dekum bidg. Phone, Office M 840; Res. East or B 1028. - Faints, Oils nnd Glass. RA-tVUSSEN CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, sTass. sash" and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. l'atent Attorneys. ATF'NTS procured by J- K. Mock, attorney . law, late of U. S. Patent Of lice. Book let free. 719 Board of Trade bidg. PI S AND foreign patents that proleci. ai e secured through Pacinc Coast Patent Agency, inc.. Dept. A. Stockton. Cal. K C wlIGIlT. domestic and foreign pat ents, infringement cases. 004 Dekum. i'viii. THE Barber Asphait Paving Company . to5-"Vi-iectrlo bidg. Oscar Uubur. Portland. w AKHEN Construction Co. Street paving. -tdevv-Iks and crosswalks. 817 Beca bidg. " ' I'ttymbrokera. T-NCLE MYERS Collateral Bank, 40 years ln P-itla'id. 71 Oth st. Main 1)10. l'luliibing. JOB plumbing, pipe fitting colls In stoves & furnace; stove v.ork. phone Last ...a. J. Lawson,791 Belmont. " Flpe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and ofllce near 24-h and York sts. M. 84.9. i'rlu ters. r-r asS Ac PRUDHOMME CO, printers, ho.'ik makers, legal blanks, loose lea blank book makers, legal Dian-s. loose mu a-vf-es. townenlp piats. 13-f 7th su, beL oak and Aukeny Rubber 6ta ps. -,. aeals stencliS, choice stationery, etc - sea... o..i ici.,i-. U. Cunnlngharm i Ktig We-tvers. MOHTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets, colonial rag rugs, carpel cleaning and laym. 133 Union ave., nr. E. Morrison Sales. THE MOSLE K SAFE CO., 108 2d st. Sa-es at factory prices. Second-hand safes. "bhowcases, Hnnk and Storp Fixtures. f h v I UT B-MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap Ids Showcase Co., -th and Hoyt. Lulke. manager. r. ip DIltDSALU -OS HAMILTON BLDG., showcases In stock; prompt delivery. Sales ...nt. M. WiUjter Lumber Co. wi wtll ALL MFG. CO.. 4th aud Couch, now -LA-RStf.A1;1;, .,,i .'703. Cabinet work. and blilngles. ie.T n tlie city: car lots or less. s. . U 1 ".en. 201 Washington st, storage and Transler. PORTLAND "Ta-N STORAGE CO, corner I'tth and Everett sts. Just opened newest most modern storage warehouse tn .very convenience for safe and proper handling of goods: lowest insurance rate in Northwest; free trackage; vans lor mov ing. Main orA1520. " MOVING STORAGE MOVING. T-xDerts. reliable men, no booze-nghters; will move you quicker, cheaper and bet ter than anyone else. Phone us lor an eVtlmuie: storage rate the very lowesu 'riiurn Tran-ter Co. Both phones. , 7 jTIcK Transfer Storage Co.. oflico and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, ieourate Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and pine sts. vwnos and furniture moved and packed for shinning. Main 606, A 1009- nt sov-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferlng and storage; safes. Pianos and furniture moved and pacea tor shit-ment. 2u'.i Oak st . bet. Front and IsL Te-ephone Maln6Tor A 2247. riRFGON TRANSFER CO., established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents Storage, rifhoe 310 Hoyt St., between 6th and oti Otlice ,jon.J -Mai ou, A UUO. STOVES connected and repaired. Main lllo. 614 Front st. Tj pewrltin. . PORTLAND MAILING CO. ilultlgraphinif, typewriting, mailing, public stenographer, i ,.- -1 t r. flriMilflr .t t r 5.ifi T.riuli iu.-ii-.-- v - " --- Railway -xcnanLM"a. Main S16S. pe vvrl t era. TYPEWRITERS. 11 makes. J0 to $.0, fully euaranteed; easy payments; rentals. $3 r month. Pacific Stationery .A irintlnff Co.. ,03 2d st. ; XEW rebuilt, second-tiand, rentals at cut M Ai'tC F.N'ZIV... Ft A I K D & Br WE are the exchange for tha largest type writer concerns ou this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex- ciiiir.be. I'.Ti, Washington st. Veterinarian. S. L. Brown and S. B. Foster . veterinarian. S!l Ankeny St. A 3899. Main !402. Wall Farter. ERNEST MILLER CO., 172 1st St., whole sale and retail. Samples ma. led free. (,KAX1 (KXIliA L STATION. outhern Pacific. I.eavinir I'ottland- A.hland Passenker ..... 8:80 a. m. 4 :15 p. m. I 6:00 p. m. 7:45 p. m. 1:30 a. ra. i 7 0 a. ro, 4;o0 p. rn. 8:50 a, m 5:40 p. X . I T:30 a. m. ,10:00 p. m. 5:30 p. m. 11:10 a. tru i;30 p. m. 6:10 p. m. l0i20 a. m. : 8:01 a. m. ! 4 :40 p. m. koseDiirc lasseiicer Shasta Limited t ..morula Express ban F'rancisco Express .. West Side Cotvalis I'u.senrer Sheridan passenger .... Forest Grove Passencer Forest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland Ashland Fassenijer ..... Pioseburg; Passenger .... Portland Express Shasta Limited West Side Corvalls Passenger .... Sheridan Passenger . . . . F'orest Grove Passenger . Northern Pacific. Leaving Portl-tnd Nnrih Coast. Limited via Pugetl ijoiind jlO.10 . m- Nonh Co-3t Limited via North ;ank 7:00p.m. Atiautic Express via PutJet Sound l,:15a.n-. Atlautio Kxpress via North BanK U:00a . m. Twin City Express via Puget .ou-d S.30 p. m. Twiu City Express via Northi Bank 7:00 p. m- Missourl River Kxprcss via Pugetf bound 1 10 :10a.m. Mis-ouri Klver Express, via North -Liank 7:00 p. rru Portland, Tacoma and Seattle Ej- pres. Gra s Harbor, Olyrupia and Sjutn liend Lrauch 6:45 s m. Portlap.d-l'ugot Sound Special... 10:10a. m. Puget Sound Limited, Grays Har-l bor and South Bend branches..! 8:30p.m. Yacolt Pas-entser J .:.0p.nu Arrivlnjf Portland f North Coast Limited via Northj Bank 8:15p. m. Nor.h Coast Limited via Puj;et Sound 7 :20 a. m- Northern Pacific Express via North Bank 8:00 l in- Northern Pacific Express, via Puget Sound 7:30 p. m Pa ciiic Coast Express via North Bank 8:15 p.m. Pacific Coast Express via Puget Sound 7:30 a. m. Missourl Klver Express via North Hank 8:00 a.m. Mi- sourl River Express via Puget tSound 4:00 p. m. PortlandTacoma-Seattle Express ard from oiympia. South :end. Grays Harbor and acolt . branches :00j.m. Pui;et Sound Limited, and from Oiympia and Grays Harbor branch 7:10 p. m. Put:et Sound-Portland Fprclal and from South, Bend branch ,10:30 p. m. OrpRon Railroad ft Navigation Co Leaving Portland R 00 a. m. Ore'gon-Washingtou Limited. . . j 10 :00 a- m. i no holies octti Spokane flyer Soo-Spokane-Portland Oregon Express , 4 :K p. m. 6:00 I), m. 11:00 p. m. ;UU y. no. Tha I:llts I-ocal ......... .B:RS a, m. Spokane Klver 8:00 a.m. Oregon Express 10:30 a. m. Soo-Spokane-Portland (11:30 a. m. Pendleton Local Passenger ..-..5:45 p. m. Oregon-Washington Limited 1 8:00 P- Aturia & Columbia Kiver Leaving Portland Astoria and Seaside Express Astoria and Sesu.de Express Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger Arriving Portland Saside and Astoria Express Seaside and Astoria Express Rolnlpr I'li-iSf-nirar ...a......... 8:00 6:30 1:15 &:4a a. m. p. rru p. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. a. rru p. rru 12:1.0 10:00 S:40 6:00 Rainier Passenger Can-dim. FacUia Railway Co. Leaving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland Via SeattJe Arriving Portland Soo-Spokaue-I,orLland 11:00 p. m. 1:15 4n-. 11:30 a. m. 10:30 p. m. Via Seattle Orceoa fc Wa-hluctoa ltailroadCo Leavlnft Portland Seattle Passenger ... Shasta Limited Owl ;-v Arriving Portland Owl Shasta Limited .... S:30 a. m. 3 :uu p. in. 11:45 a. m, 7:15 a. m. 5:20 p. m. 2:45 p. m. Portland Passenger jEFFt KSON-STKEET STA-IUX. bouthern l'qcillc. Leavins Portland Dallas passen;er Dallas Passenger Forest Grove passanger. . ArrlviiiR Portland Dallas Passenger Uallas lasseng .r Koret Grove Passenger... 17:40 a. m. 4 :05 p. m. 1 :00 p. m. 110:15 a. m. f 5:53 p. m. 1::00 noon NORTH BANK STATION. KievcgtjjJiJiL . Spokane, Port la r&HAlyrnyC Leaving Portland 7 30 a. m Lr PVancoSuver: Wash..' sie vei Von, While Salmon, Lyle. Goldendale and Intermedial. Inl-ud Empire Express. ......... -9:00 a. m For Clilcago. St. Paul. Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis. Spokane. Washtucua, Kahlo tus pasco Rooovelt, Granodalles. Lyle, White Salmon and Vancouver. 'Wash Columbia River Local .'tiFno' For Vancouver, Stevenson. White Salmon, Cliffs and intermediate points. North Bank Limited - - - . - - -7:00 p.m. For Chicago. St. Paul, Omiha, tvnsaa City St Louis, Billings. Spokane. V ash tilcua. Kahlotus. Pasco, Rooeevelt, an couver, Wash. Arriving Portland Torth Bank Limited 8. 00 a. m- From Chicago. St. Paul. Ornaha. Kanaas Ct-v ?t Loui-T. Yellowstone Park. Spokane. Washtucna, Kahlotus. Pasco, Roosevelt, and Vancouver. Wash. 1n..n. m Columbia River Local. 1m- From Cliffs. Goldendale. Lyle. hite Sal mon. Stevenson. Vancouver, Wash., and In termediate pOlntS. (...a - C. P7aui;'cm.ah:a8 l.n.p Fiicna B.aB& KlvS, aal"es: G-ldendale. Lyle. White Salmon. Vancouver. Wash. m VF 8,.r L. !- WW" ' Salmon.' ' 'stev-ion: Vancouver, Wash,, and Intermediate points. Great Northern Railway Company. "Leaving Portland 11th and Hoyt Sts. Or7ental Limited, via Seattle .10:00 a. m. Or enta Limited, via North Bank 7:00 p.m. Inte?..atlonul Limited. Seattle la coma and Vancouver. B. c... ..10.00a.m. Tho owl, Tacoma -eattle and .. Vancouver. II. C... o.voy. iJhore Line E.press. Tacoma. be- attle and Vancouver. H. c. . . .. .11 .30 p m. 8r SS Llm,' via North Rank 8:15 p. m. "tte'at'd .B-.,C-: .8"t. gtglTa) 9:60 p. n, . , Oregon Llectrlo Kail war Co. JBeaJ-3lon yu.dbur-'-"leni and Int. 1'olnt.i LocaU H r-0:-?' i:60i-kW, uafa?!. tnSaiemoTlo A. . L.oi tor y n. ...in .-Leave Portland 7:06. 8:30. 10:30 A. M Pli 3:10. 3:30, 6:30. 8:25 P. M. Sat- "irriv'-ortlm.d'ro-. Balrm and Int. St-.-.,s 40 ll:o0 A. M.. 1:13. 4:00. 4:6 -""5, 10:80 P. M. Local from Wllson--iu' and Int. points, 6:40 A. M. dally ex livt "nday and 7:35 A. M. daily. sVetve I'ortland from 1 orest Grove and Inf iati.m.-b:W. :5U. U:io A. M, 1:30. ?-b, -?2t, e:lu- 1U:50 P. M. Sunday only. :o'etfo"t.MFront nnd Jefferson, Portland. Or. rtland KaUway. Ught I'ower Company. Ticket Office and Waiting-Room. First and Alder and East Water and East Morrison btreets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. Oreiron City 4:00 and 6:30 A. M. and every 30 minutes and including last car. Gresham and Intermediate polnt-6;55, tTj - v-A-i &-4 1 u :4 5. 11:-. A- M-; 1:4, ,!i..-"2.4V:S:4b1.J4:45. :4LJ:. 11 :30 F M. a--" . ' , .7:46. H:4a. , ,'i-.ij.'r nnii' Troutdal 8:43, 4:43, fl:4.i. 10:45 A. M-: 13:45 3:43. 6 :czadtroPan- intermediate pomt,-:55 8:45. 10:45 A. M. ; 13:4. 4-1'. P M' FOR VANCOUVER. Ticket Office and Waiting-Room Second and Washington Streets. A M ag-io 6:50, 7:25. 8:00, :S5, :10, !?- m'-iVsV'IOI"-... S:30. ,:10. S:B0, 4-30 "l0. 6:50. S:30. 7:05. 7:40. 8:15, .:25, alo35,,ll:'5 On the third Monday in every month U.a last car leaves at 7:03 P. M. "Daily except Bundtur. a.rjaiiy except Jiondaji, i 1