Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 23, 1910, Page 16, Image 16

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IV Sal Fan
T!i ti n Heal oun:rr home. Iji
res. In n.ln'it.s f-o:n c ' on I5
right In a l.irtiir. iitt.e ti: a-rot.
tn'lH. tin old trees, beautiful all
k:r.-is fruit, ultry-r.ui par, or. i y
1 n.:s fro i c.ty I'ra.t-..
Ciil.Oi.iN" I.N VkSi MNT CO..
i';5 C iurS u: !- .
40 A'RES close t. orre; -n "ltjr. 30 acres
tin 1- r l iliUAM n. rood noue.' ar.d barn:
will eons.l-r trad.. $173 acre, good
tirmi K 5C'. or. gonlail.
CI sa-tn acrtaf. a atueat ranch or mall
seell-lmprotel firm, at l-w price BI n
meet l.beral lrn.j. seat n. 1 fcan.i.e my
a,wa propertle
j o. n.pfn.
s.'.a ---.-: mt
BF..-T buy in tne :y. lu ar I lot ....u
property. pivtrg per duatiu 11 - 411 Coro:t biua-
. t n M I rTr
WE HAVt calls for tufln. Income, fac
tory id ar!n pr. prty: a bj house
d lwl . a.: trar.'a ti -- cotCua;ll
XI ill'.1 HAM
8A i.n-.s a i'i.i ST
r. tt -er. d-. r.d waMttgton sts.
and bur
d(l, rjrmt, city l--ts. hiuaea
a a al .r..e: my listed pi-p-
erty Is r..tlr ly gone Jill
more to Xu.til, u wan: e
I -a. era.
T. J. KyS'XIiKI'.'
C-" Lu ):;:
I muat
f U. Hit
on t .
Last t. arra $ an i "", $ "
'.!. la 3'a 1,1 .i'tur.'. I -nu'l hn.l
a location L y Saturday. AE 53:. "gtf-
1fI.Ni man. Bt'n"r.tplirr. wanle ron itsir.g ruaja 1- e'..r Ura tront
OW.NKI:.-. !f r.'u a- ta.-k on "ur paj
rrnt an.l ar;t t- -:i r trat uf
pr.ixr:y. u. 417 U"'l of r x.
TATEU-ATi. nija! i.. .;
Dflca. trni. 1 ?'. from oancr tu. ;
AM iron.a3.
aiwiU U:;rUa. Bl
rr Ma.:i -'.'IS.
rnK ai.r Tiwnr.R i.anp.
BOL.iHr AM) aLD.
M . I'. AK FN. McKay !?.
TIVSiKil CLAIMS. himrat'iJa. rallnqulaa
maUta. 11 ta orcta-r b:4s-
, utvTrn-TIMIltK I-ADa.
' TIMBER landa'waataxl. C. J. iloCraci.x
l.-a McKay ouc
I OK Br.VT r iRM.
WANT fult liin Ul aaa-Tlriit-a to tart
for n mmmrrrlal on nanl. Jl -unt H.t
rl..:r!.t. lanluva at Walton. Oli CBam
tv r of Oomnrv.
?a r 4-,.acra tnuTo-I farm.- r Tac-tn.-t
railway a:at.w.n. r.t uvrr ;o miica
from I'ort:n.!. auliat f--r -la.ry.
oiti ssi a z Uv.'W.
II Puar.l of TraJ !...!. 4ts an-t
to r.xrM in;e.
a.-ra. !-cat-l ini: frm I'rtla'-n
an1 only S -a n a f--m t n of l'-o
j.ipl. thli atr Irnct Ilea "-n tw.i
county rta!: R a-r.n cl'-Tr-!. bal inr m
llmVr and Ian I a-aally ci-rt: ! mrrrt
In aprlc. fair 5-r-m rou. !aric 1-Trn.
alrrani cht-kn runa. awllna rn tn.
firo a:i f w arr. rrca, cow. chl. k'n.
waron. rra!riir outfit. t''rhrr""- rlc
A't. wat-r tranjr-r'tatrin II t-nln a
.ray at.ip at thla ln. tnrr will trsrfa
f ir I'crtLand property I'aTt'l riwn
J T.nmt-mr. bide. 'n and .trk ata.
THfflianta In a n-.ana l:f; t-r aala or
tra.l for -itr pmp.rtT. mr fi;..K iulif
In tiO arm of tomra Alrrta whrat Un.l.
arax. rlrh brown anl all lle-im phw
lanJ: only mllra to C l K mam llna
and town; etna jrara time (O lay bai
taca IUTt'"IS aV CROTfTTT.
W aaMnatoa mac
ENTIRE block. .auat Ninth. nar Haw
thorn vr. Irnt llicom frm Mia lot
T pr month lM:sooa unlmpr-vr,i "lll
(round. I!aa bla fulur aa manifacturtn
or apartment propTtT. V.tiu T.'-v
lvi:i alta :"" ni'iniaia. M Trara at
far cnt an.l laf trad f r
in othrr unrn -uuibarcd city J-roi11-
IJT. orraT n!an.
I"' ' H KX-iri.VfiE or oarn.r will -
ehana-a -u-acra farm nar K'.rT lirorr.
with artn1:'l nlnr-room modern houar.
tnr r.r.a bariu. nr. lmr.1. ate. for I'ort-lan-4
ral rarata. !r.iprov-. or unlmrova.1,
ail or al(ira anrr. ridallty Truat la.
"! Hoar I af Tra-lr b!l.
O H Wa- f tra-t. aaltMa for fruit or
ranlcn truck farm!i. iO mlruto.- tM
from city; will riitianita fT h("ia and
lol ! r!lT or alty lota aa part paymcaL
l Wrl'a a i - 4 ! -. I.a w la M a .
A.-H I.Nij r i.N ST. Wat .Si la. rloaa-ln bul
Cfia proparty: ja-Trar trouml Iraaa. with
option to bjy; will aahana-a laaaa for
aiAar rlty or auburbaa r . t -. O
TOR SaTTk or firnuia f r farm lan-l t r
good rtty propa-rtr- HarJwatr. furrltura
and linp.rmcr.t bi.ln--a; tnrifty Talay
town. dn;nt f t buainraa. Trf- Inrlu'linj
rral n'ata. If)'" Ho SIT. I'crtlam;.
WILL. ttliiif for Portland bona ar
fruit land and 5 ho-jaa In T lVah..
2 b:ocka from flrpol. a Una l!itlo hma;
-wl ararHrrt olL UrcaToo Investment Co..
'. Cou.-! f ir.
jaM aaTl:i'-iraT U'-rtom htuaa In A-1 n
dltlon an-1 maair; Mr nonrcy. at R'o
on tB dollar; good la". low rar.1; wi
tafca part traila and part cash, prtco
I.VVi AF ft'-:. Oracontan
V a NT T. I l vio.1 rral.l-iica or caart. In r a -rhanaa
for 4 arraa firat-claaa rad ah"t p
pla land In famoua .wd Klvar Valley; 4
arraa In traea. beautiful acenery. &I11.
"aVIUL,-traJa In for houaa and lot la city
my flaa-paaaanafor ear. ora of tha claaa
lat in town, roat 2vi. naaarly naw.
Vklll trade in for N S44. nraimiian.
" KSI'HAV-li; PKl'AKTN KN r.
F!na llat o r-al eataia f'r eicbanaa.
;T' Stark St.
IF yon ara Irt-rrate-I In Cooa T'ounty and
r property In or cloaa to Tottland. I
arm elva you a ATood trade. H. 1C I'oaud-a-
4: Mohawk M.laT.
VAM to tra-le choice, wall. located 43
a.-ree. hlhly irrtoroar.1. e!oaa to I'ortland.
f-r dairy ranrh. Vandun aa Waltou. Hi
C n aratier t-'orn nierce.
HAVE an evi!ty of l.'' In a fine corner lot
on Eaat 3rh at. cl-w to Richmond ear;
will aell at dterount or ttada fur (ood
piano. V. .. l'o fc
.,-H tXi'HAN'lM Improved FortLmd
.r, and ir.tarcat In factory Buelne
an a faifa caeca. Owner. 41U K
ej for
K. 4Stn
at. South.
XIHT frorrr. ronfarttonery and deltcatra
aan fvr trade; ep.en'lul opportunity. Sea
owner, a'lernoor.. S'" L nlon
Tremcrtoua ori'crtunlt
W'll. eachana San rrantiaco unir.iorov.-n
real aetata, good uoo o '.
Por-land lloma Teleplvone Londa. P ilia".
Jrv.'R Al.E or trade, fine alrclric reliable
flano. 1 baby uprleht. 1 fo:,l.n oraao.
5SS IVaeh. I'honeMaln
t iK K N l.a-r-' n ho i' ' d 'a l l' a. Kaat
Side, to axchanaa for Vct bide Jot. S
S41. Oreconoan.
WANTEP Weet Stdo houao. Talue up to
a), to exchanae for A-J T prr rent Xtrat
mortaTaee Hiurd of TrjJe.
VTe exchanae yoar property, recardleee ef
location lor tnat which suit yoia beatar.
Kertwweat Ea.-nanae HI tlenry bldaT.
f riELFkardware to.-k. valua tfeai. to ex
rhanc Xr c'T properly. 6uJ Corbett
blu a.
NI N S-It il b.nlinc fcoua In Spokana for
" ajme or eual la J'ortUnd. d 54 J.
aivr ten. elanty acree. Improyed: aall or
Portland eaihaaca. O. Jdlddlekauff. Ia-
qTina. Oregon.
fcrl ftAl.fc- or trade, ftna alectrte relubla
piano. 1 babe upright. 1 folding- organ,
jjv M'aariir.Kton a:. fhona Main 14SV
WIIL. aall or exchanra for Eaat Side prop
erty, acreage near alllwaukie; valua eSodL
liog ITS. H. a-'- aiiaau.;..
fTuliE IiVlI.t'INvi on carline. IS hat have
r,u pnor.e at once. Main iyU.
aa" & CA N trade your proparty or bualnaaa.
."all t'oard of Trade.
la AIRES good fruit land to exchange for
.ma,;) grocery atore. AL 834. tTegonlan.
V z hat. aell or trade for anything; of Ttdua.
417 P.oard of Trade.
Ilavreea. " ebJcle. and Ilarnavaa.
ONB aorrei mare. yeara old. weighing 11H0
1NL well bnika. double an.l alngla. god
lookrr and with atyle. 1 bay team weigh
ing :') lu, aold cheap. Call i- 1st and
iTuBEKT aa UAIX'S atTABl.ES. "
at livery bualneea. rift, horaaa. haraaaa.
wa atone, for aale or rent. Main reo.
iuP.R and hauaaaa ,or aaUa. tii. 1X14
I I IIH m I . , a ... . n"v m.. .. . . - - - . I
llaraea. Vehlclea and llarfleaa.
PAIR of matched Cray ar.l.Mi.cs. .. ar.d 7
yeara old. weigh Solo; r"!r of gray gel.1 O ycara old. weU-h US'.": brown
liorae. 7 vrara old. weinr-x 1S'1 ralr
t.U. k geldings. .gh 117 ro; j.nlr array H and 7. welch C..o.. a:r
hea'nut chuoka. 4 Teara old. mara and
liorae. we:gli J7.J; pair of black I'er-
iti.rjn ntaree. low get. n.'ay ooi.e. ... by ton pcrcheron horae; ono pa
r of
- . . r - v - I . ' -U aaf.. tn foi
bv Imported Irrchrror.a Thla bunch will
all be a l 1 aa reprreanted. If not your
ro.r.ey refunded. C.ail and a.o thtm
1. if hail to load. S3 "roiii it.. curi.r
lic-K.-iK.t roK ealjc
An of Wina.on Itroa. Mroagar
bora-e will be en aale at the Hawthorne
i-tableg for 111 tiara. They range In
weight. 1400 to J wo. and from a to 13
Raara of age. Aa all of our work on the
. p. K. It. la dona, all of our eioca will
be for aale. They will ba ao.4 under the
guarant-e of the llaathorne .itao.ea. Cavi
and Lna pact lh.aa after November 1.
420 Hawthorne .
pouti.and sTAiir.KS.
-ti Norrh ljth rt
1 carlon.l of horaea fr-m 1iX Is. tn
140.1 ; pricee from ." to -'"' rer
b.ree. In tlie lot are eeveral very flr.a
ma-ee: mntrh-d teama with harneea nil
r-n-plete from up to IS' I Tlvo
written gnaranteo to refund tour m'-nw
If horaea are n-.j aa re;.reer.te.l and by
Inquiring at the I'ortland Tniat Co..
t. ncra I bank. J ti w ill find that I am
reeponaiMo and will do aa 1 agrte. It-
HAT an.l gray gcldlnga. 2u0 ll.e.. r's,8 n1
!. aun! aan. I true, now earning .-' per
fj); ;... lay and l-ruan gcldlnaja.
" .f. l a., area ard II. 7... b.f l-alr lay ( ar.d i o; nlWi; Coraca.
J.". to I4.V Thceo h-ri'j ar- al. guar-ar.-e.d
...and and go.-.l wa.rk.-rf. If ou
want a g-d hora- t.i'tp. a.l at once.
aa .;.evm-atle r.,il. i'.'J M-uigoircry eu
rJw.i-.U.N-S"i of good big farm
I:. .race. 117.".. 14oO-l bay horae. f ".r"
old. guarar.f'd a.un! un.l r.aht. 1 1 . :
bay marc. 13tx Ibf.. Il-"-: pair nice I. a
r-,rti J.':-., goed U lb brown liorac,
17.".- 1200.10. bay hore. true liny plncc.
;. Corne ar.d ..a tbem lilt.-ucd until
vou are afttleflc I. 1134Fn-at it.
Folt SAii: or trada 'tie team marea. one
doutoe a--t w..ra harn-a. one iiiitiitfrratit
wagon, one mountain h.-a. k with top. one
Ha-t.twclBut alelivery wagon, al a baXKaia
pr.t-a. or will tra.lo for real malt, ml
at -l-a Kaat Jo'.h at.
3.. HeXia f mar. a and g-I. III. are from 4 t
y-ra old. weighing" from ll-'Xi to 1 .
toe. Tlila a!.-k la rlcnt from the country
and all In good i on.ntlori. Will b.. guar
antee! aa rrpra-aentcU. Todd liorae. llar
K''. ntt Front at
ICR BALE Trim of two boraea. harneea
and eprlnc wagon: all In rtret-olaae toa-
ilMa; .U maaa prloa flint fjf quloal
Owner, fevua -wu urctfaaiaa aii
fOR KAI.E Team of two boraea. eounl
and In good condition, good aprlnc wagoa
and barneaa In nrat-ciaaa anape. a bar
gain for ajultat aala. Al lnseobar(.
C.ackamaa. ur. ,
Fi'R PALE Two teams delivery, one aork
team one driving It am; w ill -H all or
al-.fttr. Call -"4u U. 5th at.; Jiieke your
own prlce
rrriT'i'ii u. ruitTuxb srAiiiis. u n.
13TH M MAlaHALI. ll HuK--tS AND
eYAtaoNrt II iUA V. NVhlK k nil iluNIH.
tiT.I driving or ii-ut delivery liorae for
aale at baraj tin A. J. Morriaon. tiul'U
s-jb''. cor. l.'tn ano re. mi.
1INE pair of younaT worx noraea. ...ij i.e.
L'avld Lew la, room V. Lumt-t rmm a bldg.
.a. urgaoe and Muearal Inatruiuoala.
FOR fcAI.E Am leavtr, for EW. will aMa
p.iae of cLcant tflt"lr par or rrand.
finest RiatluL-aTi),
i.rlari.-i tl co-t el--"; lirtl
a.-ct-te.i; a!o tv'.ll e H
u 1.1s- rv.luciton; I'-'tl
Mill a'o ii-'ll a Japan
a bx U.
rcattnbie .-.f.r
rnv VI' trol.i al
recurda Included,
r-e Taae. Adlrc!
A hNAl" Have lald $-.ln on piano; will
B'U equity cheap, ratment can t-e applied
on player-plan. . Kfinbad. ihlrkeriug or
IVeber. Will trade for tlctrola In rirat
claaa condition. I'hona Maralia:! al or
ca.' at Hallaay Exchange.
I't'lt SAI.K I am In financial trouble and
r-.mpciic.i to aacrtli'a uiv nrarlv laetr fll"t
V et., r pian-U plnuo. Will sell for Jo"U
jr t aken thla week- Address 1. i. io.x
4.Q. i
It.K SALK cheap. Columbia graphophone.
Iwa) records and cabinet, all good as new;
a a. golden oak suleboard. I'hona ivasl
f"OK SXl.K Have no use f-r my nearly
n.-w piano, account of sickness, wish to
aell cheap for caab. Call ftjl A.'erta s
I5.-J1-RiJl'ITT in a IVel piano, make me
an orfer for It. Mr. King, i'hona tieilwood
Mil. -Olt SALE.
Nearly new 40-H. i". White stearrer.
fuily etiulpped; driven only I0O0 rnlleai
Wli; trade for Portland p.-operly. 1 hoi.e
Tabor-4li. 11.-
FI V K-F ASS E.M 1 LU aula for sale at e.acrl
fi -a price. Tl. auto la not In running
order- needs repair: therefore I will sail
rneapl Address si' Lumber Exchange
FitR HAlIai Classiest car In city, coaling
1J". nearly new. flOoO caah. W-i.
Hltr-Ttj.. new. for sal-, or would trade
S r real estate and pay difftrenca. Oregoa
K. ectfio Vehicle Co.. oa Alder St.
FINK- large. 7-paasengr autonioMle, must
N.. sol-1 at onre; will sacrifice for casta.
41! orte'.t Lldg. ,
LIIALMi.KS l-i. '.10 mode!, will ba snlfl
at a big ll5-ouut; oaner leaving city.
I'hona Main 7. Inquire for Klabey.
illrde. IHge an
FOR KAI.E 13 high-grade Jersev cows,
fresh In the laat month. - registered Jer
eer bulls. 3 yearling heifers, at Kellv
Homestead Farm. Kelly Hutte. labor
1441. I.eadv for Inapectton and sale Nov.
11; prices from I4 to l.V. tubercular
Inapscted. J. I). Kelly. R. F. l. 1. Uox
rr.!. ci'e
JlrltalSTEKKO lerkanlra aoal. also beef cal
tla. A. C. Hanaoiu K. F. U No. 1,
box 44. Manor. Wash.
M teeel laneona.
Hl.-h-gra.le haud-tallored suits and
treerc.tats on sale, lty my system of buy
ing m uuf aclurera of lines
and cancellation ordrra the Kaat I
ran sell you f.10 to 1.13 suits ami over
coats for ll.7S. till to M values for
914.73. Over li'l ganuenis In stock. Ke
rr, emoer niy rent as only Hid a month.
Jimnue ttunn. room 31.-.. Pregonlwn.
fVITs Ji ft--TaL SAI-EFL liS.
Owing to a Larkward season, must sell
my large stock of fine furs at prices that
will make a clean sweep: take advantage,
buy genuine furs from the msnuisc'.urer
and get tne b.-et al s;ec!al price, bale all
the week. .pen evenings.
ja. Rmt-r. ' l'ra.-t!.-al Khirler. 1JO llth St.
L.AR. Iron standard brick machine com
itate, with bells, moulda. trucks and pal
lets, or will sell separate. al 11 anon
Hrus.. ltrlck Co.. yards 4ith and Division
st.. esst end of Kicbraond carliua. phona
Tabor 17.'.
Two 41-Inch Lerttl water wheels with
4ji and SH-inch steel siiufts: will be sold
rliegp bv the owner. Hog iJH, Vermli-
I: m. fl 1.
Men buy your trousers of me. I give
you 14. to pauts for l-i 3; raiuea
up to 14. 0 for I'.'. A1. Jiinmia truun, room
313. Oregonlan bldg.
Fl It L1C sale Woc-dburn farmera, Nov. live
stock sale wtll be held at tba Farmers'
feed barn. Woodburn, Nov. .d. With a
btaf lot of atock. ;
?0!l"KAiji 1 large city map. 1: 1 rotary
neostyle machine. v and 1 wail rack for
n-.rtpa, t3. Fred C King. 314 b.alOlng
THE Northwest Typewriter Company. SJJ
Ablngtoa bldg.. phone M. t17o. Is U.s oly
company strictly factory rebul.t
typewriters; prices II O to i 03.
Foil SALE or trade, fins electrlo rel.aola
piano; 1 babe upright: 1 folding orsao.
S,;.i Waahlrigton at. Phone Main S4&.
At r Flra and burglar-proof; tan second-hand
standard makes; low prices, easy
term a Portland Safe Co. 7 Hh st,
c'l kaP New foldtnr go-cart, only used
once, coat tlo.3u. lo4 1-1 tU at. Call be
fote 1.
FOR BALE ahowcaeea. wa. lea sea counter
Genera! fixtures In stock and mad te
order at lowest prices 11 -111 Grand avs.
EXTENSIVE experienced nurse wlahestnore
"caeee: will nurse one case in e chance for
permanent room; references. A .oil.;.
Vaj,l SALE 'Ot aecond-hand opera chairs
at jour own price; must ba sold tins week.
IncjUlra llungalow Theater.
LiUaloND ring snd brooch: will sell very
cbean: need tha money. Address W t-44.
1 ires on lan.
CONCRETE mixer fcr sale. Darld ar
Sen. -OS L-umnermeoe v.os
tsarotabla and hamcutter. Call
I'.J 4'.h-
COIN afoliectlon. or will trade for unia
eiimbered property. AK 4al. Oregonlan.
WILL aell 3 qt- fruit. r"c ot. Call tT71 4
Itelmont beroro Wednesday jioon.
fl'i vrSEHQI.P furniture for sale. 29 1 7th at.
lalA-NIJili: for Mia i'hoas E. 177a.
Los Angelea. Caliromlia. November 1 .
11"). The underslciird defirs to pur
che.e bonds of the HOME TELEHHONL
LA.NI. oilll'iON. to an amount not ex
ceeding :,0uo. All unmatured Interest
coupons to accompany the bonds. Any
hoi.ler cf such tonds deslrirg to dispose
of same will please submit offer In wrlt"
Ir.c ri d lat-r than Iieccmher .1. 11''". '
ft o'rlo'k P. stating the number oc
bondr offered and the price naked. K'snt
Is re.-rrv.-d to reject any and a. I bios.
Address J. F. Jack truat officer. Tltle.
1t .a jraure & Trust rompar.y. -l iew
l?ich street, txis Angeles. C-lifornlg
Wanted Mens casloff clothing ana
shoes auJ bicycles; highest p;'" P'd:
wa also buy ladiea' clotbirg. call up lm
c.iobe second-hand store, I'uons -lain 20SO.
:0 1st st-
PARTY wants to rent P. O. bne. If you
hivt ona not In cse. will p.y back to ou
r-nt for this quarter nnd bonus befldea
Ad lreaa AJ 337. Oregonlan.
WANT to buv no bushels of whest deliv
ered be a farmer. phone A 403.
dreae J. K Cole. Ostvego. Or.. K. Q. a.
IF TOU kav. bousenold furniture to aall
rail cp -:eorg Laser to, 1.. Park at.
lioth pbonea .
WA-NTEiyA-goo.; ..tiling, -P'; c, ,71.
a a niKie ir
. lUlvl. A a, WW.
SELL your scrcond-band" furnltura to . the
Ford Auction Co. or you'll st less. Phonss
a "ait Vain klM.
WANTEU To buy second-hand auto cue
Inge and Inner tubes. Cbaa 6. -lion. 431
tark St.
"Viut-r. 11 OZC urt-cunlan.
Are wanted ev. ryta here; Impossible to
fuiply the demand: we want sober, re
liable m.n that we can rccommetirl in
take our cour-e In rep:Urlng and driving;
auion.ol.llcs. this course overs all as.t
ln.e eni.-ln.s made: practical repair ork
..n all makes of cars: driving l""'"'"""
riven tn touring cars; day. nnd eienlng
Ollu -J HI Merchants Tr.iat Uldg.
I'hone .Marshall "Mi.l.
APLE-BODIED men wmnted for tha V. .ft
Marine Corns, between tha gt of 1 an a
.': must b. ntUv. bcrn or bv O"
Pipers: montnly pa- lf ?h,8J' -TJ.
dittr.nal compensation P0,lD'.jr:
elothlng. ouarters and medl-al attendance
free. After years service "II
with 73 per cent of pay and llo"nctM
Service on board ship and yshora
parte of the world. Apply I r!
Corpa Ilecrulllng Office, lireeden ';
ltd and Waahingtnn ata.. Portland, ur.
iam;:kii SALKS FORCE. Tin: kl-
Sl'ANToN CO.. -'in OAK ST.
SALESMEN Tha Columbia Life Trust
Company have an opening- for ona or two
rrst-clar-s solicitors. If yon have not had
experience in s lilog life Insurance you aril,
be nrhooled and rendered nrslstanro In
Minding prospects nnd closing business.
Com.. In and t-lk It over. Aak for' 8. P.
Lock wood, vlce-prcs. and general manager,
air Harry Richey, city manager. Hth lloor
Kpal.llng Mdg.
. To eurcee 1 In any line of work you
must have special training; if you hsve
a liking for any high-paid position, the
International Correspondence s hools will
train you. bend for our new catalogue. "33
Alder St.
MEN "WANTED Age IS to S3, for firemen.
X too montnly and brakemes. $30; oa
nearby railroads. Experience unnecessary;
no strike. Promotion to engineers, con
ductors. P.allroad Employing Headquar
ters over 6(H men sent to positions
monthly. Ststa ace: send stamp. Lall
way Aasoclat.on. oregonlsn.
WANTED Men without experience to work
at electricity. plumbing. automobiles,
bricklaying; learn trado In a few months
without expense: 5oo students last year;
flto. 1100 contract Jobs: write Immediately.
I nurd Trade tschoul Contrac'.lns Co Los
WANTED A salesmanager or broker for
State of Oregon, preferably calllnat on the
clsuk. grocery or garage trade; exception
al opportunity offered right man toetTep
resent large manufactory of extensively
advertised specialties. 1'acltio boap Spe
cialty Co.. Ix.s Ar.ateles. Cal.
MAN' U-It:i rlK to take charge of sal., of our
med1.-lii.-s. extracts, spices, soaps, per
fiiiu. e. toilet articles, st.ek and poultry
preparations, etc.. In your county. Steady
vork guaranteed. Work healthful, pl.-as-itnt,
vtry profitable, iiefer.-nees required.
Write us We mean business. shores-Mu-ller
Company. Dept. 1'.'. Tripoli, la-ItEAL-ESTATE
M K.N".
Wanted 3 firs: -class men for special
proposition: extra. trdlnary Inducements of
fered. Come up Monday aftrr lt A. M.
end learn of an unusual offer. As for
Mr. Van Meter. John P. Sharkey Co.,
lJi'!a i h t.
WANTED Men and boys to learn auto
moblllng. electrical engineering, surveying,
plumbing and bricklaying In few months;
satisfaction guaranteed; positions secured;
booklet free. ;.at. school of Engineering,
11 10 W. 7th St.. Los Angeles. Cal.
HANTl'li First-class, reliable canvassers on
a strictly high-grade business proposition.
For the men of ability we hate an ex
ceptional opportunity. Addreas. stating
-revloi:s experience and rcferencea Y 541,
WANTED Reliable man to sell renl estate
on commission, will give exclusive depart
ment to rlarht man. e, hlch means a rake
off on all sales In that depertnient : rtata
ero-1cn-'e. If any. AD 5X'. Oregonlan.
WANTED Partner In automobile business,
experience unnecessary ; wilt make you
J'.'ini monthly: small capital required:
moncv well secured. S-t 'a Washington
si . room 413.
KIN'.l STOKE require the services of
ciisM.ova over 1. years of age; excellent
chance for bright boye. Apply supt. s of
fice between and l' A. M-
AN;KI.ES Auto School, beat In I'ortland;
Va teach you to drive and repnlr cars of
all makes, thorough and complete, dav or
evening. See foreman, G4 Union ave., cor
hcr I .avis
WAN I ED Anyone can make good selling
our gllt-edK'-d contract. Everybody wants
It: good talKlng pointa; liberal terms. Ap
plyUVO Electric bldg.
AfTOVOHILE business, paying $400 month
ly, any Interested party with some rash.
Inquire; experience unnecessary. 3U6a
W a h 1 r gton. room 41 3.
STl DY LAW In night or day claases; next
term oj-cnt Monday. November Irt enroll
now. Portland Iw S'hool. ."!1 Worces
ter l.lotk. l-hone Marshall HTM-
fcAl E.-MEN V.A.NTED to sell Xruu ireea
walnut trees and ornamentala Others ara
making good. Splendid territory. Ex
penae money advanced weekly. Writs
All t'T Nurseries. Albany. Or.. Dept. A.
KAIL WAY mall clerks, post office clerk
letter carriers, custom house aud Internal
revenue employes, 10 prepare for exam
inational fiea book. Paciuu Slklee School,
V cKsy bid g.. city.
WANTED All auto oaners snd drivers.
1-ave your vulcanising and retreading dona
t y Chas. S. Lliua. 433 Stark at- I'uons A
W'ANTED RrlKht. active boy, over 10. to
work as check boy and to learn telegraphy.
Apply Chl. f operator W. L". Tel. Co., 3th
f 1 00 r. Worcester block.
WN'1KD Experienced. capable business
manager for hign-class lecturor. K 314,
I iregonlpn.
UAY or evening, learn driving and repair
ing automobiles. Call a-Gft Washington
at . room 413 Anybody.
A CoMI'E I ENT steam dry cleaner at East
I'ortland Cleaning and Dye Works, lad
Grand ave,
. .. .1.- u- I'l l'
tuition ty an expert accountant, 3ol Mer
chants Trust uiug. -
BOL1CITOR at new pressing parlors; salary
nnd commission: good opening; for Winter
for right party. 2oli lilbba St.. "8" car.
JAI'ANESE to cook and do general house
wora. small family. Inquire bill Corbett
V !g.. or phone Tabor ES.
BARKER wanted for Wednesday ard Sat
urday; a'.so evening, must ba good work
man, i: Alberta.
SANITAP.ICM attendant wanted. Apply
i3 Marquam bl'Sg.
I10Y over Id years of age with wheel; food
salary. is Alder st.
OPERATORS on custom pants; steady work.
S 6th at., room
MA.INES1TE flooring mixers and layers, co
merit plasterer. E. Pine and 12ih.
vTaNTED A live man to sell rooming
houses. -0 Chamber of Commerce.
WvNTED Washcr. permanent Job to good
Mian. A. H. C- Laundry. La Grande. Or.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents;
new offer. Cutberth studio. Dekum bldg.
LIVE agents to sell photo coupons, swell
offer, pavla. HI-Hi Wash. St.
WANTE1) al once, 2 men to learn to drlva
and repair autoa. Call 30-33 Tt it. XorUu
Office Secretary Employ ent Depart
rnent. Y. M. C A. .
Toon. man. ftranrer. out of warn t-t'
his total caah aaaets) If I pav you
for speclsl emplovmont membership I wi.i
only have .13 left between me and aiarra
tlon. ,
Hecretary Tf you r 5 for P'W'"
employment membership you will nave tna
T. M c. A., with all Its reaourcaa. between
you and starvation.
What happened! . ,
Vounar ruun took matmbcrshlp. Insiaa ot
wo hours ho found satlsfactary employ
ment. . .
During Cctobsr 101 0. 11T Olhera found
gmployment In a like manner.
Employment or refund of mambargnlp
fee auaranteed. . .
Sea secretary Employment Departxaant.
T. IL C Am
To operate movlng-plcturea. . operators
earn $-0 to :!5 weekly; easy inside work,
short hours; we teach on easy terms; we
have tho largest and finest school on the
cosst (We load, others follow): we tettch
you to operate on all STANDARD MOV
Instructors and electrical engineers em
ployed to lecture and teach nil branches
of the huslm-ss so you mny become
ATORS. Wa established firm movlnn-plc-ture
school and FILM EXCHANGE in
Portland; ask the loading movlnn-plcturo
tlwaters if this Is not a fact. We start
our graduates In business. Theaters make
HO to Sl'iO dnllv. New York Film Kx
chance & School of Operating. 3-l!-.i
WANTED TountT men to learn to of"-1";!-n.ovlng
picture machines: wages from lo
t) r,- a week; our operating school rec
ocnlxrd all over the East as tho standard!
we teach each student on Powers. Lutson
and Double Stereoptlcon Dlssolver ma
chines. There is' no course of Instruction
o tliorounh on the raclflo Coast. Wfe are
the largest film renters In the world; we
sre having daily cells for operators; get
one of our standard operator's handbooks.
Apply Lsemmle. 308 Couch bldg.. Fourth
and Washington street. I'urtland. Or.
I WANT a young man who can take dicta
tion and run a typewriter; he must be
willing to learn real ertatc and Insurance
work partly outside. Call hettteen H and
10 A. 31. only. Room 414 Spalding bldg.
WANTED Young ladles for telephone op
erating, with or without experience. Ap
ply paclfio Telephone Teieiraph Co
ib and Eaat Aokaor 8
HOTEL housekeeper. MO.
Cook, boardiiial-house, 133.
Cnmp waitress. $.10.
Restaurant waltresg, f1). ! and $10
Charnbermnld. S-U and $-3.
Second girl. $23.
Colored chembermald. $ week
Family cooks. 33.
Girls for c-eneral housework. Eugene, a
In fnmllv. f3o.
K4.V; WashtnKton St.. room 7.
Grand ave. and Sast Taylor st
EXPERIENCED sales-omen for cloaki and
suits; only those thorouchly experienced
peed answer, statin, where last employed
and salary expected. Vf 640, Oregonlan.
SALESGIRL wanted; one who has hnd some
expesaa-nce; must have good references;
others need" not come. Call between 111
and I P. M. nt tho Motto Postcard &
Souvenir Shop, 144 Second St., between Al
der and Morrison.
Fourth and Morrison Sts.
Pequlra tho services of flrt-class. ex-
ferienced salesladies. Call after - o'clock
it the afternoon and ask for ill's. Silver
field. .
FIRST-CLASS girl wanted, able to rook,
wash. Iron and do general housework;
family of three; must room outside;
wages full per month. Call 5DO E. Aider
KING STORE require the services of
cashitirla; must be over 1:1 years old. Apply
at the supt.'s office between 8 and
10 A M.
KING STORE require the services of
toung ladles over Itt years old for cash
iers. with references at supt's of
fice between S and IP A. M.
WANTED Young lady ntten ling business
college to work for room and board and
rmall salary: must tinrters'and cookin.. not
tinder 2" vrars. Main 7VJo
W ANTED Experienced girl for general
housework: must be good cook; good
wages. Arply 043 E. I"tri st. North., cor.
Siskiyou phone Esst P34. .
WANTED To lease for year or more house
of 8 or 9 rooms on Portland Heights or
vicinity. Frank C. Kelsey. lOOrt Spalding
WANTED Woman for gneral housework
from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. except Saturday
and Su fida 1'ho n o Em st 2 4 1 S.
WANTED Refined, cspabio woman for re
sponsible position- Vlavl Co.. eOS Roth
child bldg.. 4th and Wash Infon.
A GIRL to do general housework for small
family. Willamette Heights. 1103 Thur
tttnn st. Call mornings.
EXPERIENCED reliable girl for general
housework; must be good plain cook, bun
Lovejoy st. Main t.'--0 and A 41140.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wanted who
is willing to begin at a moderate salary.
AO 6.'Pt. Oregonlan
jjy wholesale house, a reliable woman who
expects to work: experience not neoes
sarv. AN tV'12. OregoiilaO;
WANTED Kirst-closs housekeeper, perma
nent position, good wages. I'hona East
1122. t '-JO.
OJMPETKNT girl for general housework;
3 adults; wages S-3. Woodlawn l3d or
CAPABLE girl for general housework: must
be good plain cook. -oo c. eiin eu itinin.
tin.. Citv I'arlt car.
WANTEI Young women, about 18 to 20,
for general housework. Call .378 East 2-ld
t. .-soriii.
MI'.S.HUVvE S l.ADIEa AlitMll.
326 Washington at-., room 314.
ai a in no-.n 01
K- Washington St.. Cor. 7th. Upstalra,
Phone Main 2 -VI 2.
W INTED A lrl for general housework
' . ,.eA in r,mllV- Ml........
ann imiaiua, . " ... - ......vto.
715 Flanders.
EXPKRIENCED girl for general housework
and cooking. Aipjyiauiiiiiia. i arving
0'D reliable girl for general housework;
small family, goou ya !.-. r.a anvu. out
Thompson St.. Irvington.
Ct'MPETENT pirl for genera! housework;
3 adults; wages $23. Woodlawn 133tJ or
t-l Am.
WANTED 10 lady solicitors at once; biff
money. Call Ml Grand ave.. Eastslde.
rJTiU."to"Tsslst wlt,h general housework! ?T
Hovt st.. near 22d st.
GIRL or woman lor general housework.
I'hone Woodlawn 1831.
WANTED At Sisters' Hospital la Chlca,
Cel. pupils to enter school of nursing.
WRITING: S mo. 3 l 14lh: Main 3S,
W A N TED liirl for light liouaewurk. 673
fjth St. . .
WANTED Girl for general housework, call
30.1 l'ark su. In afternoon.
LaDlES' employment asency. 32. Wash.,
upstairs, room 4. Marshall 30ii. A 30 U3.
GIRL for general housework. 260 Grand
ave. Nortli. corner Multnomah.
NURSE" to carefor two children and do
second work. Phone Woodlawn 1S31.
Ol RL to do cooking- in private family. Ap
ply 405 Clay st.. cor. 10th st.
ROOMMATE for modi'rn housekeeping room,
ti month. Marshall l'-itlu.
COMPETENT Kirl for general housework.
6S4 Everett it.
TlAY waitresses, city; family help. Howe'g
Ladles' Agency, room 814, 320 ij Wash.
OPERATORS and finishers on pants, also
help on vest 83 Sth St.. room 304.
WAITRESS wanted; $T per week to start,
God Washington St.
WANTED Girl to work In bindery. Loose-,
t era rtook .o.
W A .N T rl 1 1 All around first-class boarding
house conk. SI N. 14th.
GIRL for general housework. Apply 794
Uutmby St. Phone Main 4142.
HIGH schoolgirl tonelp with housework.
Apply lOali East Atorruon.
GIRL to wait oa table. 83 BussaU strseL
NIGHT SCHOOL for shorthand, bookkeep
ing. EnBllch. etc.: positions guaranteed.
E. B. 1".. 3JO Worcester blk. Phono Mar
shall 2751.
10 000 POSITIONS tor graduates last jearl
men and women to learn barber trade la
a weeks. Tnelp to secure promotion; graau
ates earn from $18 to $23 weoijr : e-j
Instructors: tools free; writs . for cata-les-uea
alohler System, of Colleges. 3
North 4th st- Portland. Or.
WEAVERS WANTED- On Knowlea and
Crompton looms; dress goods, casslmercs,
blankets; good pay and steady work: price
list sent 011 application. Apply to Knight
Woolen Mills, Provo. Utah. men and women to solicit
members for the best fraternal insurance
society on earth; organized 187.. Address
James P. G. Lowes. . 307 E. Couch st,.
Portland. Or.
MAKE money writing stories or for news
papers; big pay: send for free booklet,
tells how. United Press Syndicate, Ban
land bldg.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
SAVE bookkeeping salaries. Expert will keep
your books in proper condition at a sav
ing to you. Hourly, dally, weekly or
monthly charges. Audits, labor-saving sys
tems, trial balances, general accounting.
Let mo talk with you.
POWELL. 301 Spalding bldff..
id and Wash. Main 276a. A 6S3S.
YOUNG LAWYER, married, several years'
experience In real estate and law. seeks
position in legal or credit department of
some reliable firm. Business and executive
ability. O 322. oregonlan.
WANTED Position as bookkeeper and sten
ographer by young man of good h311''
will take what my services are worth to
you: references. A J r,:13. OrcKonlan.
WANTED Hy competent younrr man. age
2. position ss hotel clerk. IS y-ars' ex
perience, good habits, best of references.
single. J. L. Haworth. Hood River.
BOOKKEEPER, clerk, accountant, with all
arolnd business experience: references;
o pen for position. V 341. Oregonlan.
YOUNG MAN. experience bookkeeper, de
sires work evenings and Saturday after
noons. AL 53d, Oregonliim
EXPERIENCED youns man stenographer,
with machine, desires position. P 637,
EXPERIENCED young man stenographer
desires position: beet references; moderate
salary. AN S3.. Oregonlan.
YOUNG salesman about city would like to
make a few collections for professional
men. AM 53fl. Oregonlan. ,
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, accountant,
cashier, general office man; highest cre
denllals. B 542, Oregonlan.
STENOGRAPHER, experienced young man,
desires position: references. Sellwood 1 Sij.
BOOKKEEPER. experienced. 8 years last
position, city or country. T S31. Oregonian.
' Ml we 11 an eon.
HAVE S300 equity In 2 fine view lots; would
like to trade for a diamond of like value,
either one or both lots; these lots are un
equaled as an Investment proposition;
reason for disposing of, am leaving town,
A.T r.'.tO. Oregonlan
SITUATION wanted to make your home
made fruit cake, best In the land. Phono
East 205.
SITUATION on ranch, or will care for same
by man and wife; have boy 15 years of
age, girl 2 years. AF 306. Oregonlan.
YOUNG' man attending Holmei Business
College desires a place to work for his
room and board. Call Main 513. A 2554.
A POSITION as Janitor; understands heat
ing and care of elevators; best of refer
ence. AK 63H, Oregonlan.
GFKMAN. 2.1. strong, willing, wishes any
kind of work. Hchwartx, 35.m Yamhill st,,
corner Park. Room 13, upstairs.
EVPERT lettorer and commercial artist
wants position. Address, Artist, 308 Sal
mon st.
EXPERIENCED house cleaner. window
washer, floors, furniture repollshed, reas
onable price. Martaln Main SSfo.
EXPERIENCED janitor or porler wants
work; understand steam heat; colored.
Main gftOS.
WANTED By respectable young man. an
Inside Job; not afraid of hard work; good
references. AD 53S, Oregonlan.
COOK wants situation in or out city; good
references. Phone East 20."..
POSITION as Janitor by man and wife with
Eastern references. 521 East Pine.
JA PA NESE boy wants position at house-
work. R 533, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man,
23. wants work, In hotel or
AH rl. Oregonlan,
JAPANESE boy wants any kind of work.
V 3JO. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE boy wants situation to do cook
ing and housework. AK 3oS. Oregonlan.
GOoD cabinetmaker and furniture repairer
wants work. AK 54.f, oregonian.
Book keepers and Stenographers.
POSITION by stenographer, 8 years' expe
rience; neat and accurate: reasonable salary-;
has knowledge of bookkeeping. AD
fi:4. Oregonlan. t
bTEN'oGHAPHEH, SIX months' experience,
d. sires permanent position. Phono Mar
shall 2731.
YOUNG lady would like position as cashier.
H Mio. Oregonian
EX PERIENCED stenographer desires po
sition; references. Phone C 27d5.
EXPErTexcED young lady wishes position
as caaiiler. I'hone Woodlawn 407.
FERMAN ENT position wanted by exper
lenced stenographer. A J 3.1a. Oregonlan.
I are-smaaers.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker would like en
gagements bv day or at home; fancy
waists, dresses a specialty. Vf 642, Ore-
gonlan. .
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wants sewing by
to orlvniA fumlHes. Phone Main
W'153 Address 4"7 14th St.
DRESSMAKER Shirtwaists, 75o to $115;
i.iM .1,1,1, c?- cleared. 12. .10: Drincess.
$3 to 15. I'hone Marshall 1349.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking and ladles
tailoring; prices reasonable. 537 Mont
go ineyIiliHVL
DRESSMAKING and ladles' tailoring. Terms
reasonable. Main 7710.
LOST In Owl Drug Store, one gray bead
handbag containing purse and cards. Phone
Woodlawn llji'.l. Reward.
HINTED Bv maternity nurse, position,
$ 1 -, week; will do some work. East 13.'.p.
WANTED Bv practical nurse, a mental
or nervous "case. AH 53o. Oregonian.
A RESPECTABLE . young woman, with a
boy 2 years old wishes position as house
keeper; no objections to other children;
.K) a month; city preferred. AB 643,
LA D 1" of refinement and fair education
wants position, manager, matron or house
keeper, anything lhat will pay at least
'X1 per week, as I have to support my
father and daughter. AE 536. Oregonlan.
WANTED Hy capable middle-aged woman,
position as housekeeper; best references
given and required. Address AF 637,
GERMAN LADY wishes position as house
keeper; Is neat and competent and does
good work for good wages. AK 637, Ore
gonlan. .
SITUATION by middle-aged woman as
housekeeper for widower or cook ot ranch.
7sp Willis Boulevard.
A REFINED German lady wishes a position
as hous-keeper In a good homo. AF 53d,
REFINED woman with 5-year-old girl
wishes position aa housekeeper. E. 4440.
SITUATION wanted by experienced German
woman as restaurant cook. 2ul East 1st
st. North or call East 3157.
GERMAN woman wants general housework.
I'hone Marshall 471).
M iscellaneons.
GERMAN lady wants a place part of day
to do cooking and tako care of children.
phone Columbia 6.
PIANO lessons at your home. $5 mo. New
York. Conservatory graduate. Marshall
MAN and wife, first-class cook; want spe
cial dinner work; also experienced laun
dress. PhoneEat 3375. room 2Q.
WOMAN wants day work. Call 61 M E. utb,
St. N. .
WOMAN wishes cooking and other work by
day. Main 6l-Lroom23.
STRONG experienced woman wants work in
bakery' or deHcatessemR537, Oregonlan.
YOUNG Japanese girl wishes position after
school. Address W SU. Oregonlan.
POSITION as traveling companion. AH
587. Oregonlan.
TO travel with mental or nenrous case. AH
638, Oregonlan-
lOL'.NO lady desires position as Ironer and
sewing, drygoods store preferred; have
been working in the most prominent dye
and cleaning works in this city for the
past 5 years: good reference. Phono
Woodlawn 375. .
WANTED Position by Eastern school
teacher with certificate and 0 years' ex
perience as governess or child nurse for
two or more children; also city references.
Phone Tabor 254H.
LADY of refinement and experience wishes
position with physician orln detnal par
lor; stenographer, collector; best refer
ence. AG 325, Oregonian.
LADY, educated, qualified for a good busi
ness proposition, solicits a good-paying
business; references given; must apend
the year in Mexico. 51U,OreEoniaii.
P.EFINED, well-educated young lady wishes
position aa traveling companion. AH 33'J,
Oregonlan. .
LADY" wishes work by the day. Call phone
East 7S7.
GERMAN lady does housework, and wash
ing by the day. 538 31 ill st.
AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de
mand for choice nursery stock; outfit
free: cash weekly. Address Capital Clt
Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
ACTIVE canvassers can mak $30 weekly
selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Com
pany. Liberal proposition; good territory.
Address Urenco. Or.
AGENTS. 100 tier cent profit, easy money.
Call 2 to 4. 270 6th Bt.. room 1.
I HAVE $1500 caah to invest In lots or
acreage: what have you got? Give full
particulars In first letter. AB 63a, Ore
gonian. TOLL Thompson Rental Fire Insurance
Agency; houses solicited; repairs; taxes;
furnish tenant Call 310 Falling bldg.
COMFORTABLE housekeeping rooms. West
Side; not over $20. Phone Main 9333.
Booms With Board.
W'ANTED Room and board In private fam
ily, by young married couple, walking dis
tance. T 542, Oregonian
Furnished Booms.
Corner 4th, Si" Taylor,
and Alder at. near 7th.
These two beautiful new hotels just
completed and handsomely furnished. pjJ
geas every modern convenience including
elevator service and private telephone ex
change. Both are right down town, yet
?ust off all carllnes; about half the rooms
n each have private baths, all others hot
and cold water. The rates are surpris
ingly low. Call and see them and you
will be pleased In every way. Roouu by
the day, week or month.
120 Eleventh St.
New. modern brick building, eteana
beated. private baths, hot and cold water
In rcoms. beautifully furnished, cosy and
comfortable. Kalea very reasonable. Cail
and see ua Regular and trans lent trade
387 H East Burnside St,
Special Inducement to 4 young men;
suite with private bath; also modern
steam-heated rooms, with, hot and cold
running water; $2.30 to $ti per week.
phone East 6'J40. B 1275.
NEWLY and elegantly furnished front par
lor, corner room with bay window, every
convenience, hot water, furnace heat. 33
ISth st. North.
124 14th. St., cor. Wash.
Furnished and unfurnished rooms; pri
vate baths, free phones In all rooms.
HOTEL BUCKINGHAJI. op. Portland Hotel,
XSO Yamhill; Urst-class furnished foomi
single ur cn suite; modern; 400 up: transl
cnts solicited. 31. 31. A 7177; $!i week, ua.
HOTEL BUSHMARK, Washington and 17th.
Xirst-clasa furnished rooms, single or en
suite, all modern conveniences; 3 weekly
up. A 2847. Main 5C47.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall st. well
furnished sleeping rooms. $2.00 per week;
electric lights, hot baths free.
LARKABEE HOTEL, 22. ' Larrabee st. ;
steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold
water, bath and phone; $2.30 and up.
THE HOLLY HOTEL. 103Vi 12th. near
Wash New and modern. Juat opened;
transients solicited; prices reasonable.
MODERN outside rooms. $3 to $5 per week.
Including baths; also housekeeping rooms.
64H v Washington st.
The Hazel Nicely furnished steam-heated
rooms, running water. 3d and Montgomery.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
NEWLY-furnlshed. cozy rooms, heat, light,
bath, toilet, walking distance, home com
forts meals If desired, Mrs. Ohmart. 2o2ii
McMillan. .
IN new, steam-heated apartments, well fur
nished room. Nob Hill, walking distance,
near boarding-house; references. AO 527.
Oregonian. .
WANTED Refined young man for room
mate by voung man; beat, hot nnd cold
water. "1.75 each: mealscross street. In
quire 104 .yi 11 vt auiy 10 ti.
FOR KENT Newly furnished large front
room, suitable for offlco or bachelor
' party; heat, bath. Phone Main 7tJ2. 2a9
7tU su .
ONE block from Baker Theater, large front
parlor, for two. persons; well furnished
and heated. 181 llth st ;
TWO pleasant rooms, modern, use of dining
room and kitchen; exclusive residence
district. Phone C 22US. 1183 Williams.
PIANO Included; front suite rooms, hand
somely furnished, $13 month. fcl2ij Wil
liams aveN
SMALL front room, $2 per week; also attio
room. $1.50. near Wash. 42d Burnside,
bet. lot 11 and llth-
WANTED M'ddle-aged lady as companion
and assist in housewotk; family of three;
small wages. AB o.V.', Oresonlan. SIXTH St., suite of threerooms, closet,
"in. moiie-rn, convenient. A 3728.
NICELY furnished room; clean, homelike,
phone, close in, reasonable. 3U7 3d st.
I: 11TH near Salmon, neatly furnished
" rooms, furnace heat, walking distance.
ELEGANT room, ground floor, bath, beau
4'.t:t Montgomery. Main 6181.
kvw'LY furnished rooms; one. two or three
ladies; heaLetc. 6i Flanders tL
COSY rooms, good location; 13 mln. post-
offlce. 534 E. Yamhill, cor. 13th. ,
CONVENIENT and attractive room; heat.
light and oatn. ono im m-
NEWLY furnished rooms, steam-heated, hot
and cold water, fireplaces. 6u4 Flanders.
NICELY "furnished roomfor one or two gen
tlemen, call at BS8 Salmon st.
$" -5 A WEEK; nicely furnished; walking
distance. 294 llth St.
O N K bedroom very cheap. 721 First ft,
Cnf urnisacd llnorna.
Booms With Board.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year, rooms
with bosrd, use of sewing-room. li
brary. 610 Flanders. Idisa Frances J.
Keat n. supt.
TABLE board, good home cooking, three
meals, $4.5Q per week. 191 llth.
Booms With Board In Private Family.
NICELYurnished house. 7 rooms, 4 bed
rooms and bath, on Portland Heights car
line, close in: piano, wood and gas ranges;
owner leaving tor California; best block
on Heights-, reasonable rent to right party.
Phone A 2U21.
NEWLY furnished parlor bedroom; large
and light, with good table board for
people, 8 business preferred. Phone Main
FURNISHED room with board, oil convenl
ences. reasonable. 107 16th st,, near
Flanders-Phono Main 5ol.i.
TWO nicely furnished rooms with board. In
private family. 6U3 E. Taylor St., cor.
15th st. Phone East 2UQ6.
two large communicating rooms, modern
conveniences, near two car lines, suitable
for - or a frit""-
T arge front room with board, $3 per week,
for two gentlemen. 549 Yamhill st.
ROOMS and board, furnace heat, phone and
bath, reason-". ...
vi.-vi-r.Y furnished rooms with board, price
reasonable. 61)6 E. Oak st- B 2010.
ONE or two ladies wishing nice room, with
'hoard, phone East 2S91.
ROOM and board, private family, $5 per
week ; walking distance. 386 Larrabee st.
BOZANTA Newly furnished 8 and 4-room
apts.; private phones and strictly mod
ern; 23d. near Johnson st-
ft-room steam-heated, modern apartments,
janitor service. Apply Janitor, 072 Kearney,
HEINZ APARTMENTS. Hth and Columbia.
4 blocks south from Morrison au; new"
brick building, completely Urst-class: fur
nished in 2, 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, reception hail, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone. Jan
itor serWce: rntveryreasonable.
NEWLY furnished 3-room apartment with
fireplace, for housekeeping; use of front
and Lack porches, stationary tubs in base
ment and telephone, water and gas paid
for: rant $35 a month. Phone Main 2uil.
NEW modern, tnree-roomed completely fur
nished apartments, corner bldg., large
light airy rooms with laundry conveniences'-
Ladd's Addition; walking distance
or one block carme;354 E. Madison st
New Lock, newly furnished prlvata
bath, steam heat, nothing nicer la city,
on carline; easv walking distance. AbS
Williams ave. lake U car.
KEELEU APTS.. 14th and Clay sta., va
vant one of our finest 3-room suites, wlltt
vestibule, private bath, two closets, eleo
tric elevator, etc; unfurnished, $43 per
month. Apply at once.
Corner Grand and East starlc. nicely
furnished outslue apartment, 3 rooms, pri
vate bath, steam heat, oa carline. Pheiaa
East 300. ,
JUST OPENING New Y'ork Apartments; 2
and 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished;
steam heat, telephone, call bells lai rooms.
East 7lh and Belmont: walking distance.
BE-UKAN. Marshall, bet. 13th and 20th
Nicely furnished outside apartment; 3
rooms, private bath, private phone, steam
heat, yard, homelike. Main 6032, A 311.
5-room, steam-heated, modern apart
ment. Janitor service. Apply Janitor. 423
THE ALTAMONT. Oth and College, one 3
rooni apartment, elegantly furnished, pry
vale phone and bath; Janitor service.
BR TN- MAWR. 185 East 15th. cor. Ya
hlll; "6-room apartments, heat, range, raat
frlgerator, porch and fireplace.
1S7 17th, near YamhilL
Furn Ished aprtments, steam-heated.
8-ROOM furnished apartment, strictly mod.
ern. 530. 424 E.' Davis SL.
242 SIXTH ST., suite of three rooms. doM
in. modern, convenient. A 372s.
6-B.OOM. sunny, upper flat, beamed celling,
paneled dining-room. plate rack, chin
closet, brass fixtures, electrlo and gas.
large front and back porch, cement baae
ment. furnace. 74d Kearney, near 23d.
A 5-P.OOM, light, modern flat, rent rea
sonable; 10 minutes from business dis
trlct. 4SS E. 12th St. Phone A 3383.
FURNISHED steam-heated flat In ex
change lor Douru aim ot ,......, a
A 4-ROOM flat for rent, furnished or 11a
furnished. 4. a tun ai, aro..o ,..
PLEASANT 3-roomed flat, light, convenient,
walking distance; adults only. 233H HalL
TWO nicely furnished flats, one 6-room and
one 4-roum. Phone East 23S.
FLATS for rent, steam heat and water f ur-
lushed. 57 East Main.
" Housekeeping Booms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur
nished for housekeeping, gas range, eleo
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all
free- $13 per month up; a clean place;
best 'n tho city for money: short dlstanca
from Union Depot- Take "S" car or 16t
st, cars north, get off at Marshall St. M
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; 2.
$10 month; 3. $16. Front of cottage. 2 or
8 large rooms, with porch. Apply 394
North 2fllh. West Side river; W car from
dopot, Oth or Morrison to 26th, block:
nortfo .
FIRST floor of a 2-story cottage. 3 well
lighted newly tinted rooms, furnished suit
ably for 3 adulls; bath. gas. phone, good
yard, central location, references. Phone
A HMO Address 2 N. llth St., 2hi biocks
from Washington i.
tui.-. irv.l. MONTE. 107 20th St.. 2d door
south of "Wash.; nicely furnished house
keeping rooms, furnace heat. gas. bath,
phones; walking distance, reasonable rent.
A 1124.
$1 -,0 TO $2.50 WEEK.; clean. furnlsned
housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath,
phone, clean linen, heat. 406 Vancouver
ave.. and 2Q3 14 Stantpn; take U car.
TWO-ROOM suite for housekeeping; gas
range, bath and phone; very convenient;
wnl king distance. 39L"-j E. Burnside.
EI EG N'TLY furnished 2-room apartment,
hot and cold water and all --conveniences;
only $2. 175 21st st.. nearWjshlngton.
FOR RENT Two large front rooms, sult
ablo for two. ono suite and one room in
basement. 105 Stout st.
THE HAWTHORNE. 221 1.1th. cor. Salmon.
Nicely furnished rooms, also housekeeping
rooms; heat, phone, bath.
$"50 WEEK Two basement rooms for
housekeeping. 74 7th. corner Oak.
HOUSEKEEPING room, in n concrete.
bldg I'hone Woodlawn 2!)jl7 or 3.9
47it East Morrison, cur. 8th. completely fur
nished housekeeping suite, reasonable.
" Housekeeping- HooiiiJii Private Family
tvvp large well furnished housokeeplng-
room In private family; walking distance;
ireriiath. light and phone; $12. a month.
2l4 WllRanisave .
TW-olurnlshed'housekeepIng rooms, ground
floor; front, furnace heat, "Ink. Ph?"
lieht for $2 per month. lt9 East 14th.
14 blocks off East Morrisoncarllna.
TWO well-furnished housekeeping rooms;
sink. gas. electricity, bath and beat. 6.4
Tjodnev ave. Phone C 1563.
OR 3 unfurnished housekeeping rooms.
1 i t -esIL- nir f. itancft. 2iW
sunny, .-....
SUITE of housekeeplng-roomsr27n i 4th , stj
also one large iroui r"i
TWO convenient housekeeping rooms, ground.
floor, warning o.n.n...
T argf light, newly furnished housekeeping
looms', jsimib
iTTRflB room, nicely furnished, for house
1 ,.I..ia first floor. 334 Park St.
TWO large connecting housekeeping rooms.
in private lanmj. oeo ......... -
o'toOM "housekeeping suite. $10 a month.
742 Savler. '
TWO nice large housekeeping rooms. 226
CltH ar.
ONE furnished housekeeping room; no chil
dren. 1147 margei.
2-ROOM housekeeping suite; phono and
bath, it-3 i'n -
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms.
83 -N.
13th. free pnon.-.
Nil 'ELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 331
th st.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 40T
Hollaaay live.
FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms for rent.
4 layior at.
WHEN you move you ll need new furmtura.
Buy It Judiciously and the savings will ex
ceed your moving expenses.
Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one el
the Urgeit furniture liouaes la the city la
Lookt' shown same courtesy as buyera,
B9-75 Grand ave.. corner East Stark st.
list Ankeny and Russell-Shaver carline-.
HOUSES and flats furnished.
... . r L A W
S. W. Cor. 6th nndWashlngton Bis.
. z: - . ."I a.r.iTtt VI (1MI1
WE CAN r unitisa w -
At a great saving. Get our prices
Lookers shown every courtesy.
U OSTROW & CO.. 4-fitl North 8rd Sr.
Ressonable prlcea. Easy terms.
(-RRO.M bungalow in Romer J!," uijhi;
furnished, hot air furnace, electric
and every modern convenience. just
finished, on full-sized lot, rent $45 per
montn. inquire ampo..
FOR RENT !-room
bouse, cor. 2
:d and
ii'..l. r ionlv 215 N. 21th Bt.
Main 201 i.
FOR RENT 3-room modern bungalow, with
full basement; rent i.. aioa"..o
Ulth st, N. Take Alberta car.
M0DERN7"dSrrable 7-roorn house, 403 Han
cock and Grand ave.; fine wood linish, pol
ished floors: $40. East lt;8.. C 1491.
FOR RENT Nice 8-room house, corner JJU-
pont and uenion, a. .t,, - - -DuDont
FOR RENT 5-room modern house, 751 Mis
souri ave.
8-ROOM cottage, 100x112 ground. $10. 401
Buchanan iimK.
Furnished House.
FURNISHED 6-room cottage, sale or rent:
1 lot. lawn, fruit, chicken-yard, rent $20.
owner, r-none .
3 MEN to learn automobile repairing and
driving, can irom to . ..o.
to 5 P. M-. 350 East Washington St.
8 ROOMS, 5 furnished, bargain; rent $23;
4-room cottage. $10: both Aj block car.
31." rs t naiiiiisi"". .oo... ...
FURNISHED flat, 6-rooms; very desirable;
best residence district. A 4H89.
NICELY furnished 6-room house. 409
Broadway, phone Main 4010.
6-ROOM furnished cottage, $22.50 p
moot 401 Buchanan bldg.
r ua- j
11 K