THE MORNTXG OiKEGONTAy. WEDNESDAY, NOVE3FBER 23, 1910. 13 C . ttTill T " 1 ' Lt All T TT v ' ' ' T . . . . . ' " T T . w-v-. Jtore win oe losea iay loonorrow, i naniisgiving Uay Manicuring, Hairciressing and Chiropody, Second X ooy- Demonstration Royal Worcester aSid Bon Ton Corsets Agents Nemo Corsets, Warner, Redferrx and Other Popular MaRies. i . . .. -.. . . "" TBue Greater QldlsWortmaini-Miini Store; Last Day in Which to Do Your THanRsgiving Shopping XbSI) V. k 4 m J MS V w w Free for You Long Distance Phone Service -r yyj Last uay in vrnicnTOUo xour lnaniisgiving anopping t '. a. ri! a ii mc i j t i . j'nrj--- v"s rompfc delivery m mcrtimauiat; rurcnascu j. uua For Today Wedimesdlay's Thaini of Dressed TurK eys 10,000 MesTi9s FoMr--iii-Haiidl Cliristmas Ties 9c Reuilar 50c ainidl 75c VaRies Omly Eracfn Today the greatest sale of Men's Four-in-Hand Ties ever Held in Portland It affords an unusual opportunity tfor men to supply tKeir present needs, and for women to select their CKristmas gifts A very special purchase of 1 Q , QQCTTr o m one of New Yorhs leading manufacturers All the latest patterns and designs French fold and wide-end styles; all colors and full length Also plain colored narrow ties, the proper Kind for J?fi the close-fitting collars Your 'unrestricted choice of regular JOc'a'hd 736 values today at only $5 Off the Reg'iilar Price of Ail Men's and Young' M 9 ens Up-to-D ate Splits and Overcoats Selling' for or More Flanel'te Kimonos $3.5Q Values $1.29 In th "Underprict Store" today, a sale of Flannelette kimonos, made of very good materials and attractive pat Urns, cut generously foil and long." There's a 'world of com fort in one of these loose-fitting, warm garments. "Actual $3.60 values, bargained fog today's all- (I 1 Q Q day sale at the special low price, garment ej? X mJ Women's Suits $28.50 Vals. $12.45 Today, on the gecond floor, an all-day Bale of women's Tailored Suits, made of good, dependable, stylish materials. The short, 'semi-fitted jackets and new plaited" skirts; "A good range of colore to choose from. Neat fitting; regular values np 2i6Qeaet7anD'irT CmTQ AVL ganized for today's sale at only, each X. XJ Women's Dresses $32.50 Vals. $13.95 Today, on the second floor, an all-day sale of very styl ish Dresses, made of good materials, plain and fancy trimmed styles, in a 'full line of sizes and a good range of colors. These dresses axe selected from our regular stock and repre- sentTsome of our best' values np to $32-50" (J"''1 Q Q C On special sale at the low price of only P X eJ Zf ej Sale SilK PetticQ,tj'3 $1 0 Values $4-9 5 . : : ; r- ! : . Ii Another shipment of women's Petticoats, made of rich; lus- trons quality taffeta, cut full in the body, with deep xlf mnca y I and" dust' ruffle;" neatly "trimmed in bands -and tucks. 'Comeil in black; white and ail wanted colors. ' The6e garments? mafce'i handsome and acceptable Christmas gifts. Actual $10,00 values,' special at low price of $4.!95; Women's Kid Gloves S2.00 Values for 60c J All day on the main floor. The frhrewd shopper knowing her present wscts and anticipating her holiday needs is offered : an excellent oportunily to fcteure for both hor friefids and j srlf higb-gTade Gloves, suitable for all occasions. Our (ZQf I rcgulv line, values up to 12.00, jecialized for, pair Sale Holiday Ribbons Regular 45c Values 19c Main floor. An aj.l:day fsIb of 10,000 yarU satin Ribbons, inches wide, rich, lustrous taffeta of the finest quality; every thread silk, in all wauled colors. Very suiUblQ foj jpur hgli day needs. Extraordinary values and the best bar- "1 Q gain yet offered in ribbons. Our regular 4oe quality at ?V NecKwear for Women 85c Values on Sale 12c Main floor, an all-day sale of Neckwear 1500 pieces in the lot. A general clean-up of odds' and ends, slightly soiled from bpn'on display. Among his assortment pan be found Maude Adams, ettects ana emDromerea etc. Don 't iniss this I embroideid abuts, asuwU, stocks, 1 O jis chance. VfiJiifis tq ? at, .each Women's Drawers 98c j $5 Combinati- lis $2.98 : 1 J Second floor, today. Ladies' Drawers, iu nainsooik and dtng-. cloth, fine jmbroidery "trimmings, made circular and Qf Q uinbrelia style, open or closed, fitted band; $'2.'2f OC Fine nainsook Combinations, Val. lace and insertion. itfm-'d; neat embroideped designs, with beading; $5 values at jjSSS.OS Special Sale 3QO Beautifully Trimmed Hats $24-$45 Values Priced for Today at $13.95 Pa the Second Floor today. A very special purchase, of 300 very latest style Hats; velvet and fur turban Hat3 trimmed in flowers. Tfia most pleasing assortment we have been able to riiow thia season. The famous Hyland makes. The snappiest andjnost up-to-date hats on the market. Every woman in Portland should see this lot. Actual $24.00 to $45.00 values bargainized for thi3 sale at the very low price, 'only S13.95 ThanKsgiving Sale of Women's SilK Waists Our $7 Values Priced for Today at Today in the big Second Floor Garment Salon we offe r a charming collection of women's Waista, Changeable Taffetas, richly finished, plain Taffetas in many colors; dark Plaid Taffetas, checked and striped silks, rich messa- line silks in delicate shades for evening wear, trimmed in laces, etc. Pongee colored 'and black' silkT A complete line of sizes all good fitting waists. Values to $7.00; special all day today at only $3.98 lOOO Pairs Women's $3.5Q-$5 Shoes $2.39 Main floor todaj we offer 1000 pain of women's hifrh grade Shoes, in all leathers, of tan and black. Every pair f ho in this lot were formerly $3.50 and np to' $5.00 Values, and some of the yer? finest manufacturers' samples of stylinb footwear grouped in this lot. The price at which they are offered is loss than factory eoet. Don't 0 OQ fonret, they are from $3.50 to $3.00 yalues at V' Men's $8 Shoes $5.95 Men's $5 Pumps $1.57 Main floor today, an exceptional sale of the famous $8.00 Banaister Shoes n this assortment.' Great variety of 6tylea and leathers; single or double soles. Don't miss CC QC this ehanee to buv $8.00 shoes 'for oaly. pair t";'? PUMPS AND HOUSE SLIPPERS, all colors, and styles on sale today; values that are seldom offered. 1 C7 Dont overlook it. "Worth "to' $5.QQ,"red"uced toP Scrim Curtains $4OQ Values at $1.49 One more of onr many bargains to be had at today's all day sale. JOO Certains, verv finest f material and pains taking worlmanslip is imjne3iately evident upon inspection. A bred buy eoabte us to offer these regular 1 C j A.Q values, with insertion and edging to mattin, only r ' Sale of Boys' Suits $7.50 Values for $4.65 la the new juyejiile depajtmept, second floor, boys? Knee Pants Suits, sizes 9 to Jtj years. Jhe very latest 'styles in Scotch mixtures, tweeds, cjssimereg, et.: brown and gray colors. Many ha' two pairs of knickerbocker tf (itZ pants; our regular etoak values to $7.50 a suit, at H"0 Women's 23c Hose 12c 5Qc Underwear at 25c Mala floor. Special offering of ladies' black and tan Cot ton Stoekir.s, ith 4-inch ribbon top; seamless sole and reinforced heels and toes; exceptional chapee to purT 1 T chase a regular 23e"artiele at low prime ot oajy, pair Ladies' ecru Balbrisrviaa Vests and Pants, full-lenyth sleeves and ankle lensrth. or shojl sjeeves, 'kuei-Ieni-th; our OC rej-lar J50e "Value; tody all-day sale, garaest ewC S2 KnitSKirts Only 98c $2f25 Gowns for $1.49 Second floor, today, Large, assortment of Jadies' Juiit Skirts, finest vorkmanship pqasifelji 'in these garmtuxts, and we velcome comparison with any $2.00 skirt. All QQ wanted eolors end some stripes. Special saje price PC Very fine selection Jadiee' Gdwn, tasteful and Appealing der sims, ia es'nibria and lo'ngcloth. esUy trimmed with Y at. and torhoa laee-embroidered and beading; a good (1 A Q seller at $2.$5. A bi special at low price of poly "P $3.QO House Dresses Women's Fine Waists For Today Only $1.45 Reg. $2.5Q Values 98cy Second floor today we axe offering 100 one-piece Dresses Basement today, the underpriee store offers a, fine chance t in pleasing stripes and eheoks, light or dark colors and all to the shre'w4 buyer to select one of the 2.50 Tailor Waists made up in neat and attractive 'designs and excellently fin- in plaited, tucked or embroidered styles; all sizes are in this J ishgd p4 will fit you to perfection. Vg dq iot know of a broken ine and placed on sale at a price that' will quickly better value than these garments which are regularly priced sell this fine lot. These are'waists of excellent quality at at f3:P0 each. ' These are well made and of good CI'IC their former price and if you wish to take ' advn- QQ- materi'al. Take advantage of this low price; each ?'' tags of this speeial price you must come early, eac, ?9r Iinen ttercliiefs Holiday Slippers 2Qc Values Now at lOc 85c Values Now at 29c Today, main floor. A Thanksgiving sale of women's "alj Today, in the basement "underprice store,'' we offer 200Q pure Hnen Handkerchiefs with" neatly embroidered initials. pairs of Slippers in a "great variety of styles and kinds for The best values ve. bye ever offered for aa all-day sale. women, men and ehildren. There will be plenty of help tq Thrifty women will supply their present and holiday 1 serve you in tie basement shp4 store 'tV "sale. OQ- needs at this sale. Eegular 20a valups fox only, each. 3- V Actual values Hp to S.oCj pn special sale at, the pair Mayonnaise Mixer 1.Q5 15c Linen Lace Only 4c 27c Sauce Pans for 15c Women's 75c Belts 19c On the third floor, today. All-day sale of the famous TORCHON LACE Today, first floor, 15,000 yards in the "Christy" improved Mayonnaise Mixer, used for raak'ing lot. Another one of the i big bargains offered in the all- An Mayonnaise "drftssjng, whipping: mam, eggs, etc. The finest day salar "Good qna,lftj'linep, loo Y?lye,, tne. yard, only value offered at the low price "quoted. ' Sotd 4l AC Main floor. Another big snap in women's Belts, the very foOHS " all-day sale at speeial lew priee, eaeb Vv bfiit grade Btfini Jfiftther, full four-inch width, racj or blaci Saugg Pans, Granite. Irqn, four-quajt ai?e; we offer 1 fitted black or gilt buokles. 'Tery' popular 75o vat-' 1 Q this article, r.eguja 27o alue, fps low price of only Jl nes, bargainized for Thanksgiving at low price of, ea.