V 19 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIAN. FRIDAY, X0YE3IBER 13, 1910. FOB Rr.VT. FOR RENT Thm flo off!c room mm. m4 fkcr Lumber Eichtnct bui Stg. M aa4 k L Inquir. H. H-.oro-oa C- 214 Loirutr Ci.-i.4Df lU'.f. ONX r to off,?, with u of Ur wa?t- lnc-roEn nl both plicae. Appiy at J - r:ilE bed. DFFlCCa and aaip.-rxrn. Janrhttf tHr. tjt 5ta. btwtn atarte an Q--- Hmlla II ALL rOK KKNT. Larr. hr:Hl and wei; tuMM. Good ."va. r ar ic. la bart of t 'iwn -oa West fiid. Apply Z-Ji Abinrtoo b;4r . , A Rl'Ki 1 1 r' el KOK KENT. Car Kut Wuninc.na and Kat BvroTid 'a.. vr-.. on floor, on o. li. .V. track; li'ir ooup.rd br Cwdahjr fack la , P-- Irvitmcot Cow, 1-0 raat u Pboa H jn ik hu. FOR RENT Floor pa.ca 10.00. l'ht and airy, levator ..:. ctrlo lljrhu track fci.ttUa, cioaw la: -a for lrn f ar. A'i 510. OrrriUn. TO LtA.1t. m tforxALi: ihion i.m taoca. t ):a a hay m;!l tor.!m ."B riiii:t. 3 tri,a. iWxl-O ft. itl f!hl ivtnr ac4 tra. to r-ar. tial oa I'arifle .-.. ia t--t fio;a' d-fnrt of T a coin a. W caa I. irt'a tiiitiijr for a trrm of on to flva yar at ry hw rn-aL TV i .. nt opr'ortun'.Py for wh. h' K -1 f . ! lor (io a with Crt--la railroad id "it ,-, faHiio. or ari.ta ua f-.rf-r r !-u!a:. FIDKLITT HUNT ilJlAErTTOtf C9- U'Mt-IMl - A" P' . Ta' -"' Wh. F OK LA;aSE TtMfcw; ra- wtw loeatloa: aiar ouraW m-T I-. -on S-M aa Rivvtf. raadr -. X. Albiaa rul Ca CAI.I. AND fcEK l. itto in-p; tur anoaa. 7 1j c ti o. f ruin. On Faat or wt PM. A1rtia ai-h-!", M t.:inry :nr. J4hurf,r. ffn tr .. Ytttvlu- tiihln a'l fo.mn n.wV. fi?if-r'or.ry tr.r.. 4r ! talk orr. Fool ronva an i atoona. nnni tor!mal. HA 1.1, a- HI'.Kl-K. SJl LuniUrnKfia lt-d I.AROK rrRNITrKE SHRR rf bs'nrf dmMcl oa K.-.t Mda. la. trwk bai.J.n. brait. ria'r w rk mora thao pa aipwuva. n 'n ' fr monui; Iin frii to baina p-r mn'h. this ta a r-'1" tutca and lt ai tnl rl-lnvHa-tl'n. or Inv. ic al' 'it -''vO. IIT nard f TrJl t u) a 4'h ar1 Oa a rAMr i rt tH n.xr 4 rntnit, m m 'xi - r t a a ran r Tn1 rnt onty $'-; ltl rt nr Jfa--ti. fti-nlturo iw aad the b-ai. IrU I'i, ?o rah. rooma arc rnt' ! now to r r an aipvoaco. tail room 4J, urunia aide LOOK. Tfra la a bna.n tr takan at : Aa tp Uvdata cnf-c:jiary. with an I la In nova ion t ourta.n lnta l'd ; iU in roict l-r ''0 Id ratu For full Information mrtl iiby lrwa. i nttac Oroa. fr a'ANTKD Prtn-r wun m to ii. to put with my Uk amount aad buy pnytn manufartunn buatn: - 1 will th product . want partner l attrnd tha of ftr. aprtaca unnactuxrj . act quirk. Addraaa for paraonal lntr law X 6. rconian. GAKA'it Wavnt to !! my !, Inclodlni f.a and avarythlnc tarr fr auO rxatr hop; will aa.l at aiock InvoUai about alii. onrs! A ZADOW. IT Board of Trada M.laj . dtk ani Oak. WORTH for tol . ajruorry. dailoaiaaao, bakary. eorvf c t '.on r y and raaCauraat: rant (i: . newly and Vantly au!pp-d; will clar :5 month; trai; grtatt anap oar. uwnar. 14 Board of Trade. W"RK!'1 man's hotL 4 ro"ma. always flilad. barroom tntlapndrnt. licnJ food ato-k. ilnin;-roru romplct. Oood lraaa. Thla la tna biaat imp In t city of Portland. Pric $ltk)o. Today. 411 Poaxd of Trada. CONFECTIONER T claajatn from $ft to 10 daf, located at buay tranafer point: aalra caa la lncraad: a f.n tia-a for a man and wtfa aqulppad fr houskeaptna:; a bargain for Quick aa!a or might conaldar aorot trada. phono East 8ti7 i. "ONE HVVDRED"DOLLARS " S AI-ART-Per month; 4 yara contract to ribt man to manaara fruit orchard who la capabla of haxtdllnaj man: rafereno raouird ; naotrr moat own tn eatmcnt In prop erty. X izl. Oregon lan. ORtiTERT and daaicatraaao, near Waahlnf tnn: naw, clean atoAk: Crat-claaa trad; rant ft. ownT mWH and muat a--II: ciara $jvw par month; thla la a fine lutla bual-o-a and can bo bought cheap. 3 IS Henry bide. , WE IIAVS Tha beat and moat rorr.pl el a lUt of busl neoa cnancea In Portland and It will h to your advantaaa to a-a ua bafora In vatic Hloch itealty Col. l.umber men'a bid. fl'H 8 AUK Cleneat and beat Uu.a ra taurant and rrwl n 6th at., eteairtng over $jN per month, cheap, r-aaona Ur aellinc am CAllad Kaat and muat o aa aoon aa ptiMibia: lnv-tirate ria money-maker. Seo owner. N. 6tb.it. (no aaenta. jiK WII.I. handle a half Interest In a Ua proposition that will clean up $?V In tha next bis weeka. if yvu are auoktnar for aomethlng good. e thla. 41? iivajd of Traa. HOl.F.iALK and Jobblnax bu-na of merit, prof Ua larra aad aure. M et ! thia k. I !" for half tnterest in thia well known concern. A raaaonabla cah offer w 111 not b refuaad. Call at one. .If Orgontan b!c PiCTURi2 aHOW BARGAIN. Jaw rent, new machjna and averytnlnf; food; flW H ALX. aV HICK I, tZl LumUrrotua Mot a;. KVEh.JKTIC young married nan wanted for off tea work who woutd ba willing to Inveat n sroad amount In a live prcpoel tton that will stand a thorougn Inveatiga tton. i T Hoard of Trade. HTEU well turn tatted. 49 roorna. modem, down town Rna transient hcuae, lr-ee, cneap rant, sur mon-y maker: eplendid buy; no agenta V On-g'ntnn. yt ALX caah buaineea. owner can't depend on Mred he'ti. muat ba aatlafled with $14 to ii weekly ao1 aharo of proftta. Call . Lombf tifhpc FrOR"6Al.E oetrada. flrt-clea movlng-plr-turo theater In Portland euburb; gixd money-maker. What have 'you? AG Z2 rtonian. i'H SAUbl by owner, a g-Hl oar aad iwu f7tlooary atnra: excellent l'e cream atand. t hre living rooma; rant $2i; 100. AF .'. Oregonfan. , AlOcN5i. For aala, 0 of tha flu eat aaloona fn tha rlA. wita ludapaodent Ucaaava. 14 Uenty t:dg OKT In on tha ground floor; a fee thouannd dollara nmplv eecurad bT real ea'aiew will net a handaome profit Inatda of sight tront h 4"3 O'ir h bu1 H ran Inve '-). good guaranteed t yur money, from K to lnto-et. abaolutety aura nnd T Oregonlan W a NT Kl Secretary and manager for aa taMiJhed manufa'tunng niant; muat hav $m AC gld. iegonlan. STORE for rent. Una location, for Uruata or confectionery; bis territory- no oppoaf tion. M. E- Lea. 4.1 Corbett bld. fl OAR tor aw located on good transfer cor ner' laaae; dally average rareita sine Juno 1. t-3- Call nt M5tj Burnslda at. WANTKD Partner with $ 1 and h! serv- Ira for very prorttahia puainaaa. Cail 114 X2xh st.. port. and. Or. WILL, hlgheat bidder 2300 hares Ore gon Cold H.U mining at ova. T o-J. Ora gonlan. BK AL. r a ATS of flea, cenirlly located. good Hat and htisinaea. Inquire 407 Lum- bermenf T-ark dy. CATSE of alckneaa; reatnurant and lunr-h- counter for aalo fr caah only; prico JTS. 372 North 17rh street. l-PLATLN printing pUnt. stnbUahod aara. or will aell lntaraat to ruatiar. F 4 Qregonlan. S700 buys a go4 poolroom, etc., and hual nao: cheap rent: beat reaaoa for aelllng. a 1 7 Mlaa'eelppl ave. VH fAi-fci Tao Ilawtharna ate. g cod pool ta b lea. S4 CiGAR and confectionary atorea all over tha city Prlooa right. 417 Foardtf Trada. too BCSINKS3 cards. $1.00: you most bring this ad Rea City Prlntery. 1B3S Tntro FoR 8AL.B pl.ture theater; no agenta; wtt! aell cheap; Inveatlgate. C 610. Oregonlan. KW joahiTi HendyT trlplo-diacharge. 2- tump mill, cheap. AH : Oregoman. TWO timber claima to trada city property, $") 4v'2 Coinmerdal b'.ock. W ANTED Good honest man aa partner r-al eatate bualneaa. Worcaater bidg. &,, OR OCT RT: West Side errari saleg BCB1NE8S OPPOBTCNlTIE. n.ORIST. W. har. a Arst-rlmM propnaltlfttt t. nuk. any man Qu want, to put 'Ttw mnir In a food tjrnff bual na. Thi. ta not an .vpcrtm'-aU 'ut la pa)inir gootl monry now. Thla p'a'. la fnr sate, oalnc to d-at h nf onr. li witl paT you lo lnv.ti St. Mr. .iuthrl.. otumbla Trust C"-. M 4lh. iloid of TraJ. iK H Ar Kl.tCVF.U TO THS SENATE aod tb.r.fir. will him l,uiiia 10" i. aa up-l-dat. rt. -artn-.ent alor. In lirllii t..n of :" win a raildlv-ln- f-.r a flmt-rlaM bw-nraa propo.il"n mat -ill pay riht rm th. atart. u. atuul p t Ntf-IOl COMPANY, WII.I. n,lu.ii for cuy or country tr"l'rt th fa:-.t monry-makin proposition 1J lortland. fonaiatin of w.il--a.n.h.d m..hlnr. .,pl.t. tn.t '"lZZnc ai.out 1 on my o n Pat !,. nduiiv. rlelit in live '"'f on C..t: vrry b-.t r'O for '"'; I rl.. for rwlhlnii ra.h or tr.dr-. $. "I. It-... n.T. on hiicHm; .,,.?01ri'; ratjtn. mr.iP r.nt. Utt, vr ."'in. fI.K-KKtoir ayncm for '' ' mou. M.r.l.all A Hnt Co. oa-ili.tln p-.rt.l wail o."l. Tl-a lat and met uu-to-ri.i. wall b'.l: ha aupar.dl al. oth.r l North. rn California. lr ' ao..l In hiiH Kranr!-o wn. In Iat day., nil. 7 ptoirt.. by pai'n;a od opportunity ror rronll piny with puah and capital. If,r-f.c. r,ulr.d. u ""J pr. t st.arna Co 11S4 Pbaiaa t I'l. ..o Krancico. Cai. J :.F"LE MI'hT EAT AND BI-FTEP. It. in-, tn. n-.ity for th. not.l; tii. b..tI. th. only on. In a Ji. and If. a bumro.r: wjulpm.nt in. rry b.i. lncIud!&K an lea and cold-.tur-a. ii.int. and a pnvat. .U-ctrlc ,"rr'; pl.nt. it la all rljhi. and can b. bouh riant. I t ua tr:; yon abont it. K. a. NICHvIS fOMPANT. ?L'Lr Mark Hrwy ,iif O WII.I. buy on. of th. bt hot mla rl aiinraa In tb wi.rM: ood brUk ho tl. wnul plun.; bathhou. dnc.naiu p.atlir. barn: loi :ra Und. orcnari. Imrm i cowa wacon. busty, h""' and frm Implammta. In bc.i all.r in Katrrn Ortta. Th. pUc. for aanltarlum or rluain r.ort-. H. K. comma r:t ur, IL A. aloryhy. M- V.moo. Or. A to-H rapacity Ku'! portabla aw nlll roropl.ia. with cutoS aw. aawduat onor. ate: a.o a No. 1 jiormwy. I. nr r. witn aiiacnm.oi . ro. baa . ud only "" '","- aVuii partiruiara can a. my wi -at i'ortiand. Or. HtHII A NM ETT.OFR. Orwr. STKCIAl-TT ARrii'l.E." Party aoinc Kaal will di.p"aa or a m wnfa. propoalllon. On ania at pr. nt t.rn. In o.r a hundred rtorc In Port.ana vi l .land tli. doroat Invrati'atlon. An otiportunity to at.p Into a kmI Py' biilnr.a. Ijiri protlia. 3oO rcqulrao. AO Orvvnian. WANT to n.-.r ti.nii p.rtl.a wlllln to In- t.at capital in luitiniat. mauu.ai.iui company, bat. 1 day.' option on buliu Inf and plant roady lor operation: not a Ti't-ru Uuu.tk acli.tne. but a .ound. io-l-rvim. tLi.n-M whlcl. will product od proAta from bmnim. 0- ora. koii ia u. - F YOU HAVE l0O TO liOO. Or mor. to m.ul in aolld manufactur ln bujitwas wh. r. Hi. t Incom. la ro 6u to lo-j pr cent and your money aoao luteiy ajfe. addrera or call A I U.H r....l- r.r.ivji -vy.. IT Henry bl.lg.. -hon. Main 15.1 a-L.I AbU tUl.Nil INrUllilAllUji. Thla aency la In a poaiuoa to furnla reliabl. inlormatlon reardln bua.naaa apeait.it; only l.lUmal. proposition, con- a.Uare0- AkES MERCANTILH AOESCT, 19 Auinilm hul.. ttabll.hcd H IK TOU AIU-: LOOKING rOR A BAKOAIN. HKKfct IT 13. lu-room bouae. on. location, abort walk to P. o.. yrry ch.np rent and good clean furniture. I'ric. e"ioO. ouly half caah. 7 rooma rented. Call room 614. Ore.ouian blile A Lm'Al, corporation, well aatablianau. need . .1 ., .1 .(..'. r. I It ilrV.luD th. bualnea. emanoed; can abow parly witn $j.mjm 19 .miO a aouud and exceedluffi prontabl. lnetmenl; can ! and quira belt rerartneea. H tZl. Or.onlan. party with $ii' to taka aa lntaraat la aood paying business. "JatJ MtHCANTILX AQaTNCT. w 4i. Abtnaton bids. aiioopHi WB ha. a (In. business opportunity for party with from J.rtu to jo In coed. Uv. town In klruthern Callfoinla. AM La MKHCAKTILbl Afi.NCT. 41 Ablnaton Hide alam 1J1 TOK bAl-K on.-chair lArbar shop and bath In last irosiuf duinct of this city; Brst-claaa Bttlncs. almost new; low rent with lease; forced to aell on account of bad health. For caah. tliO. O Oil. Or. gonlan. - ro" SALE or .xchanis for farm land or aood cur proparty. Hardware, furnitur. aod Implement bualnesa; thrifty valley town, dome bi buainea. ITIcs Innludln real estate. tv.Ovd.Hoiai J. PorUand. OKOCEKY If you want a barralo se. thla one. clears liO to 1-uo tuoutU after pa lnjt all ssiensea; need Dot pay ooa cent befors uu prov. It. Call St Sturk St. yAKTNER wanted with U50 In a auccea fully establl.h.d general market; th. plac. has proven a mousy-maker aud will stand all Inrestmutlon. Iniiulr. nt -60 1st SU, corner al d tson. lOtNO MAN. STRANGER! M.ks careful inesstljtstiun at expsnaa at se.ler bsfors you Invest money lu any preposition. Advisory vcntrusui. X. M. C A- HALF Intsrsst In mi old sslabllshed busl B4M, dolnff a sood business, with a sal arled position of lOO per month. Tor full Saruculara, call Kluney Utsrnphsr, Liun er r.xcnana. Md..roxma m-okX TOl'NrjATTORXEY may atep Into aood practice In feaalern Ore. on town; old at : .. i i .. . n..i. In cite! uk for In. l.-rvlew. AC old. Oreeonlan. Olri'vl.Nil for .nrra-rlic man In atrlctly caa business: requires o fully sucured and can dear .:o week: expenenc. not necesvry. I'srt iculara 2t ftark . VANTKU A partner wl'.h soma c.pltal to nianaK. a plumMnc business; shop sstab tished. Writs Uox ltd. Arista. Orcion. ...r ya. blHlHsAN cash roeery; dolnc business 11 to ttd dsilr; owner knst lo aetu. up ss:ale. will I moles, laud. Call 64 Lum ber Kicnsnge. RESTAl'HA.NT. with 5 rooms. furul.tied. Bear tn at., rent only 0. less.. w.U put ou In possession. 31s Hsury biia. rARTNEH wsnted to help In stors; will pay good salary snd soar, of profit.; requires small inTestmsnl fully secured. Particulars .tSUjltarkajI. WooCpSVOKhllNOl and manufacturing bual. n eta; good location, cheap rent, buslnosa well aatabiuhwl: must bs sold. fie. man agar at aura a2o N. .Uth at. WELL-KNOWN merchant wants reliable partner abla to Inveat !?0uo with sarv. iTes; duties .sally learne.1 and will pay f2 - month. Call 84a S aiark at. GlVilN away free, cusp of all th. California ol; a.Ms. sLso trial subvcriptlou o( publlca. lion California Oil Fields."- Sagar-Looruta LWm 701 oregonlan b;dg-. Portiaud. or. COMTEI-LED to aacrlfl' my cfctar storg and poolroom, nion.y-makor. no compe tition, fin. location; trial given. 743 Waan lugtonat. fo BUY Blacksmith, all-around workman, wants shop or half interest, with good roan- no objection to country town. T. e.r. ' Crana at lower. ll ath. N. W ANTtb Kef ined. aljtrly lady aa partner tn fac. and scalp parlors: will teach tha business fres and psy monthly; .lot) required; .ecured. Call bt B. Main St. Saloon "wanted a good saloon, eniior ln l'ortland or clcse outlying town; glv. full particulars. Address Ali 64. Ora. g.inlan. 1000 SHARES Oregon Gold Hill stock at a real bargain: muat hav. caah. Ail 6.7. llreaonjan. lllOO CIOAR stor. Washington street: s-tles aeeraga l-'O day; a good leas.. Call s2 Henry bldg. rtoiO CONFECTIONERY store. Waslilng ton street; sales averara 110 day; corner with lease. Csll - Henry bldg. ANY on. wishing a bargain on a cigar arand. Vroiy Arlington Hotel, lh snl Glaason. t,iveen I'-1 and 1 P. M. I. C. Welgla. HAM r'ACTURINU firm want Interested help: pay S1"0 month salary and bug proflta particulars J1 gtara at. DEPOT confectionery and cigar stors, net ijoo mor.thly: rent frea. Particulars call f.JS Lumber Exchange. BOOK5TOHE at Invoice $l-uo, clears flOd. to. Commerclsl block. 21 and Wash. cr.apirc fHtpula' and l ao.na m .)"" Crl tu.lr..3t TH. atotk h ten kept "-P In gvi liap an. I : not t'.i l"t ' un" d-ir.ll. ni-rchandia. uuallr found . .r.. if .u are ittoklra Best location In city. Phrn.I.T:6i BLACKSMITH and carrlsg. shop, employ 4 men. tl(K). snap to.' Commercial blk. I7.V1 t lOAK stand, transfer corner; sale a re rags 133 day. Call Sag Hsury bldg. l SPLENDID opportunity for party to attar. In 60-acr. tract of land only 7 miles from this city; finest soli, will grow anything; beautiful Tlew overlooking Portland; hav. chance to get thla for only I'-'oO an acre, half cash and long term for balance. Must Inks not less than 20 acres and not mora thun 40 acrea. Spac. will not per m!t to tell of this splendid buy for sillier horns or an Investment. Call today. SIS Onronltn bldg. MINING A.ND INDUSTRIAL BTOCKB. Telephone and other booda bought and sold. Fletcher Inv. Co.. laS Ablngton. ROOMING-HOUSES, FOR 5AI.K BY R. U. GOODKIND CO.. old Board of Trada b rig.. Marshall tils, a 10M. A KED-HOT BSAI'. 4 rooms of furniture in a una locatlnn; rent J'jcv must bs sold this week. Pries Viib. (t; cull. 10 RHUMH NEW Fl"RNITl'RE. Verr select location, furnished nw In February; rent .45. furnace heat, all s.eeplng rooms; onlv jsoO; half cash. TH13 CA.VT PE EE AT. 12 rooms In excellent location, furnace heat, good clean furniture; rent 2 year leaao. clearing $tiu month. Prica f IbUO and It's worth It. ' A FINE TRANSIENT HOCPB. Located n.ar the poslofflre: Id rooma: rent only $7J and a '.'-yi'tr lease: a big money-maker; iirtt-a $'JUU(); half caah. SEE THIS AT ONCE. T rooms. a:l housekseping. located at os Jeffereon St.; rent .li. average furni ture, cl-an. t'e month: prlc. llto. lioo rash. This Is listed exclusively with us and will only bs shown on our order. If TOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY INVESTIGATE THIS. Beautiful modern corner, brick apart ment, central location. One of the heat business Investrusnls In ths city, clearing eaOO per month abov. all expenaea. Fine location, new. and In first-class couill tlon. with s-year lease; S. apartmsnta; rants 15 per room. OHEGO.V INVESTMENT CO.. 03 Couch iiidg. 1 HuiMi. clean place, prlc. I?00. 12 rooma, una location, price SS50. II rooms always niled. price $. 22 rooma, oiear.n g ovr $10'). SltOO. XO rooms, new furniture, 3-000. s? room!., clears .JeO month, ie.01. And many others. C.lv. us a call. w. hav th. snaps 41? Hoard of Trada. TRANSIENT ON MORRISON. 14 rooms down town, good lense; rent 37.1. this Is a neat, clean place and can not be beaten aa a transient house; to0 lisndles. POHTLA"n RnOMIXO-nOL'SE CO.. SIS HonryHldg. Hi m iMI.NHHOl'SE. 19 rooms, rent cheap, leaee. all well furnished, good, clears 0 a month, all housekeeping rooms, niceiy arranged ' Price $luu. 4oi csoli. bsianc terms. This la a good aoild money-maker. Good West Hid. location. We hav. oth.ra. H. W. UA RLA N D A CO.. 101 4th st. TRirE REDLCEIX UL'sT HE SOLD. 40-rooin corner brick rooming-house, steem hest. running water In room, only IJooO caah required. Ke. owner todsy. l:l raJUng bldg.. Sd and Wsshlngton sis. HtK'MI.NOHOl'fE. 3oo0 ossh. balnnr. iio.Kii aaay: 12 fin. rooms; close in. al ways full at good prices; tbl Id a bar- 'poKTLAXrv ROOMING-HOUSE CO.. 813 Henry Hldg LEASER. We hav. Isaacs on new apartment houses: best location, low rants; don't wait, ttee us today. HAIKI at BROWN, S13 Henry Hldg. 3i't WILL handle 15-room house. cenul location: rent JS; Income $1"0: prlc. 37r.O; 2"rooai. closs IrC West Sid.; rent 310O; Incom. Slot': prlc 3luoO. HIoLEY A BIliHUP.JJI Thlril St. 17 ROOMS Close In; furnace. flrst-clan furnitur. and carpets: lease and rent only li.") pi r month: price 31ut. terms. I'OHTLANIl HMJMlNG-HOU8E CO., 813 Henry Bldg. 10 ROOMS, e!egantfurnlture, corner house, close In: rent 340. It you want a nice horn, with an Income, see thla 813 Henry bldg. 43 HOOM8. fair furniture, always ailed, with barroom and Independent license; prlca today $1U0. 417 Hoard of Trada. HOCMEKEEPINO rooms, with gas and also trie light; nicely furnished. IslVs 3d st South. NICELY furnished rooms to rent by day or week. US'. Jd St. HoutlK LOST AND rOCXD. FOVXD Where you can buy genuine hair mattreeaea retail at wholesale prices; we renovste msttresses and return same day; w. aiao renovat. feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Mtzger, .9 Krotil. Phone Main 44. A 1874; LOST Umall black hand satchel contain ing between I4& and between 6th on Wsshlngton or 17th st ; nam. on re ceipt tnalits. Mr. J. Horton; reward to finder. tl 17th St. SATURDAY Blsck silk umbrella; Initial K Olds, Wormian A Klng'a washroom; return to Mr. Eaatman, Whit. Motor Co., flth and Madison. FOUND Dark brown bulldog, short esrs, stub tall. Call Reliable Express Co.. 6th and ytark. Loaf Fox terrier bitch, black and tan head, black spot butt of tall. 813 Fllcdner bldg., or Main 6o7e; reward. X Lost Gold nlgma XI watch key; engrav ing on back, clareno. J. Green, etc Phone Main o--'. Reward. U.KI.LW YN setter, white dog. black eara and black eyes, half of tall black, o East 4ath- Tabor so. Liberal reward. THE lady who was 32 short In her change at Wright's Sample Hboe Shop yesterday kindly call and receive aame. FOUND sliver Isunooox Ownsr picas, pbon. Eaat a.iW3. (trtciA yon dca. Propoeala luvlted. ADVERTISEMENT WATER WORKS. Jacksonville. Oregon. November 1, 1010. lealid propoaala will be received by ths City Recoruer of Jacksonville. Or., until 6 o'clock 1'. M., November lo. lvlO. tor constructing water works for th. City of Jacksonville. Or, The work will consist of sxcavattng and back ruling trenchea. hauling and laying ateel and wood pipe, hauling and placing valves, valve boxea, hydrants, special caatlngs snd constructing storag. dam and reservoir for a gravity water svstem. All labor snd material to b. furnished by the contractor. Plana may be en and specification obtained at the ohlce of tha City Record er of Jacksonville, or., or at the offlc. of o4ood at Cummluga, civil cugtneera, Medford, Or. ... All l-ids must b. submitted on th. printed forms furnished by ths City Ks corder of Jscksonvllle, Or. Esrh bid shall be accompanied by a eertlned check In favor of tha City Treasurer of Jacksonville for five (B) per cent of the amount bid. A bond acceptable to the City of Jack sonville will ba required for thirty too) per cent of the contract price. The right la reserved to reject any and all bid. H. O. DOX. Recorder. T. T. SHAW. Mayor. SALE OF BONDS. Kotlca Is hereoy given that Echool Dis trict No. 2 of Dallas, Polk County. Ore gon, will receive sealed bid for th. sal. of flu. 003.00 . per cent semi-annual Int. bearing bonds ol said district, said bonda to run for years, but to bs redeenisbis at lb. option of said district, on and alter 10 years from ins data thereof, at any semi-annual Int. payment date. Bill will b opened Dec 1st. Ivlo. H. C CAMPBELL, Clerk School Dlsu No. It Miscellaneous. NOTICE. To creditor of Horn. Telephone Com--psny of Pug.t sound: Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned, receiver of ths Horns Telephon. Company of Puget Sound, duly appointed as such by tn. Circuit Court of th. United states for th. ' ext ern District of Wsshlngton, Western Di vision, and also by the Circuit Court of ths United Slates for the District of Ore gon, tust all persons, firms and corpora t.ons having clslms asaluat the Horn. Telephone comjany of puget Sound, other then mortgage boDd hoidera, are re. quired to tile such claims, duly verilied, -with th. underslgn.d receiver, at his of flc. at Tscoraa, Plerc. County. Washing ton, within a period of sixty (40) day from tha 1 6th day of November, 1910. and all such persons. Arms and corpora tions lis notified that In default of so flung their claims, such claims will b barred. In witness whereof, th. undersigned, as receiver, hss signed this notice, by au thority of said courts, this lth risy of November. 110. W. D. TYLER, As receiver of th. Horn. Telephone Com pany of Puget Sound. Address, Horns Telephon. bldg., T acorn a. Pierce County, Washington. NOTICE Is hereby given that I will sell to th. highest bidder tb. following bond tseu. mad. by school district No. 2 Lin coln county. Oregour 10 31000 bonds, dated December 10, 1910, Interest 3 per cent, payable eeml-annually. January 1 and July 1, n-aturlng in 20 years, redeemable after 10 years at the option of the dis trict. Bids received up to anil Including December 8. 1910. Further Information on requeet. G. B. McCluskey, County Treas ure rYoledoOregon. NOV. 14, '10 On this dst. And hereafter I will not be reapenslbl. for any bill contraoted by my wits, Mrs. Fauola Ens. J. O- Erta. Mlscellsuieona. NOTICE! To creditor of Northwestern Long-Distance Telephone Company: Notice is hereby given by th. undersigned, receiver of th. Northwestern Long-Distance Tele phone Company, duly appointed ns such bv the Circuit Court of the United States for th Western District of Washington. Western Division, and a:so by the Circuit Court of tho United States for th. Dis trict of Orc-gon. that all pfrsons. firms snd corporations having claims against the Northwestern Lon.-Dlstauce Tele phono Company, other than mortgage bond holders, are required to flle such claims, dulv verified, with the undersigned receiver; at his oftlc. at Tacoma. Pierce County. Washington, within a period of sixty 0) days from tb. 10th day of November. 1S10, and all such persons, firms and corporations are notified that In default of so tllin their claims, such claims will be barrel. In wltniSs whereof, tha undersigned, as receiver, has signed this notice, by authority- of sjld courts, this ltlth day of November. 1910. W. D. TYLER, . As rei elver of th. Northwestern Ixng Iilstance Telephone Co. Address: Home Telephone bldg.. Tacoma. Plerc County. Washington. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE Dlf-TRK'T OF ORKWN In the mstter of SaMUEI. OLDSTEIN, bankrupt: The undersigned trustee will receive sealed bids at his of fice, room 8. No. 7 First street. Portlund, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday. November 1010. for the following prop erty belonging to said estate, to-wlt: Stock of merchandls. consisting princi pally of clothing, ahoes and gents furnish ing goods of the Inventory value of 3li."3 13, lot of atore fixture of the In ventory rm'ue of 3r7.5d. all located In the Fanning hl.ig.. at Sheridan, Oregon. Cash or crtlrted cheek for 10 per cent of the amount ofr-red must accompany each hid and the right Is reserved to re ject any and all bid and aald sals I subject to conhnnatiou by the court. An Inventory of the property rs on file at th. olTle. of th. undersigned and the prop erty may be Inspected npon application to K. N. Henderson, at Sheridan. Or. R. U SABLN, Trusts. Dsted November 18. 1010. FINANCIAL. acal titles and mak!"g loans for particular peo ple ha) numerous cnoic. application. hand: beat of rofereiifv. Call al 40! Mc- Kay lildg. Mai n 4710. MORTGAGES, contracts, bonds, stocks, war rants snd notes bought and sold. Loans negotiated. Henry Teal. 410 Ablngton blug., 1'iO-i 3d st. WILL pay casii for Gold Coin Mine Com pany StoCK. 1 1 pn:o ri.ilfc a u delivery. It Oregonian. alone i4n ileal Icattaua. (3000 To' loan on Improved city property, 7 par cent Interest. HA HI MAN at THOMPSON. REAL ESTATE DEPT.. -4 S o Chamber ot Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved or unim proved real estate; small building and Installment loans a specialty; real estat. contracts and bonds purchased. W. H. Nunn.JerockJikMaln JIS. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 8 to 6 years tims; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. Th Equltbl. Say. tnga A Loan Association. 2t Stark St. CAE psld for mortgage or sellers' Interest In contract on real estate anywhere la Oregon or Waehiugton; mortgag. loans negoUiLted on Improved property. H. E. Nobis. Lumbermens bidg.. 3th nd Stark. FIRST and second mortgage . . v. ....I on farm and and contract city property. anywhere In Oregon or wanhlngton. Devereaux. Fenlon bldg.. S4 Ctn at. m. a PLENTY of money to loan at and I pat cant od ral estate security. EDW. P. MALL. 104 Second St. 3500.000 on Improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest prices; large loans a specialty. J. H.' alclvenal Co.. 614-13-10 Gerllnger bldg. WE HAVE plenty of money to loan on city property In sums from 31000 up 10 OO. 000 at lowest current ratea Morgan. Fllednar a Buyce. 3U3-6Q0 Ablngton bidg. 7o0uu0 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 81a Falling bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property: mort gages purchased. E. J. Cowliahaw. 613 Commercial block. IMMEDIATE Joans from 35 and up oa all securities. W. A. Hathaway, room 1 Waaaiogton bldg. Phone Main 802. MORTGAG e" loans on Improved city or larin property. JoliN BAIN, 6Q3 Spalding Building. LOANS on Improved city property for pri vate Investors. M. E. Thompson Ca, 4ia and Oak. Henry bldg. MORTGAGE loana on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Burrs 11 Co, 20a Mciaay dug.. Md and stark. MONEY to loan on Improved lnsids properly. Ground Floor. Lswls Bldg. PRIVATE rUNDS Any amount, reasonaol terms, mortgages purcnaaeu. Henry C I rudliomme Co.. IK'd bpalding bidg. WE hav. lltiOO, also 3'000 to loan on gllt edge security at 7 per oent. Goddard Wiedrlck, 243 Stark at. Til L loan 36000 or less un real estate. Wbck'loHoinchlldblUg. UviTy 10 loan In sums of 31000 and up. a,iaa Laud Co.. 4:10 Lumber Exchange. iTliAa ON LNalDa; PROPERTY AT i TO I PER CENT. 814 LEWIS BUILDING. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort g.XM. . Mllcy. room Z04 Geriinger tidg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral aecurlty. C W. Pailett. au- Femon. tats funda loaned. G per cent. W. E. Tuora. aa. state ut,lHilJjJiiiaii Co., 400 CO. MOKTGAGE LOANS AT KEASONABLU KATES. F. li- LEWIS 3 LEVVla BLDG. Will loan 310.000 or lass, real estate security. FarriLigtuu. 413 Commercial Club bldg. MORTGAGE "LOANS. AND 7 PER CE.S X. LOUIS SALOMON. 2oa bl'AKE ST. 7j su loan on real tsuvla Maruing Key nolo Co.. 813 Chamoer of Commero. MoN a' to loan on Improved clly real es tate. Parrlsn, Watklna at Co., 250 Alder. MONEY, any amount, to I per cent. mt nouab A Seltx. aid Bpauldmg bldg. llooO TO loan; no commission charged. AB 6.4. Oregoniatv " ooVy "to Loan C bat tela and balarlta. 8 33 3 3 3 3 8 3 ARE TOU LOOKING- FOR MONETt IX you knew how easy our terma ars you would not be short of money. Don I b. botbeT.d with a lot of small debts; 1st us lurnlsh money to setil. them. WE LOAN ON Vtimltiire and Dlano. storag. reoalnt. Ilvi. stock, rooming bouses llf. Insurancaj policies, ail Kinua Ol aecunci... iwuia .V ult: also aasy weekly or monthly In stallmeuta V. buy and loan on first and Hcoud mortgage and equity la ooa tracta ' It. S. REAL E8TATB BROKERAGE CO. 312 Hamilton Bidg.. 131 3d. Main 2084. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 HLIl'ON CREDIT COMPANY. g07 spauiing xiug. 3d and vv'asniugtou Sta Money. Money. Money. Money. Monty. -W. loan money that'a our busln.ee, " W. hav money for Ihos. who uid It. W. all need money. X Hereto re, com. to ua . . W. loan on pianos, furnitur., ate. Why let your small bills worry youT W. can advance you auy amount from $10 upward. Why go to other companies? Se ua. Wis. peopl. DEAL with us. When outer f L consult th old r "'hUTTON CREDIT COMPA.NT. fiAJaRY LOAN BANK. Anyon. Stsadlly employed can borrow (10. tiO. 120. 350. 3.5. (It On your personal no la. No mortgage No lndorser. Easiest payments Lowest rataa Business strictly confldentlaL STATE SECURITY CO. 803 Falling Bldg., 3d and Washington. WIS loan money on watches, diamonds, seal skins, mink overcoats, trunks, dress suit caesa aud musical LuBlrunieat. UNCLE MYERS, 71 Sixth 8U Between Oak and Pin St a. Mala DIP. MONEY loaned In amounta from 310 up on all kinds of securities, furniture, piano or any personal property. Easy weekly or monthly payments. Low rates. Confiden tial Gray at Cunningham. 01 Rothchlld Bldg., northwest corner 4th. Washington. MONEY advanced salaried peopie, house keepers and other upon their own name without ecurl.y; cheapeat rates, easiest payments: offices In Od principal cities; save yoursslf by gettlnr my term urs TOLMAN. 817 Lum.berExcb.anga. LOWEST RATES Loan on all kind of as cunty. chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co.. 83 Lafayette bldg.. Bth and Wash, sta LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry and other se curities. Wm. HolL, room 9 Washington bldg, cor. 4th and Washington sta. A LOAN" for th. asking, salary or chattsU The Loan Co.. 414 Pekum bldg. LIBERAL loans on furnitur. or real estata J. E. Nichols. HO Board of Trad, bldg. MONEY do loan on diamond and Jewelery; low rate of Interest. 329 Washington. LOW rates; w s loan money on diamond and Jswslsry. Maxx at Bloch. 74 3d t- HNA.VrlAL. Loans Wanteg. WE bav a client who wants to t orrow (6000 at 7 per cent and odors West Side prop erty as security. HARTMA.M & THOMPSON, REAL ESTATE DEPT.. Chamber of Commerc. (2500 WANTED for on. or two years on a thoroughlv high-clasa retail business well located; 20 per cent interest flerej and treasuryshlp of company; investigation gladly granted Into full details. AC e-.i, Oregonhtn. . WB can Invest your money at rood rates of Interest. Gllt-edg. securities. First mort- gsges. Long-terms investment. --- PROVIDENT 1NV. & TRUSTEB COt. - 624-616 Board of Trada Bldg. WANTED $2000 at 8 per cent on house In Rose City Park worth I450O; no commis sion. tAM 514. Oregonlan. WANTED 335,000 on gilt-edge. Income bearing real estata security. bevea per rent. Satisfaction guaranteed. AB f-s. Oregonlan. tanoVT" OR 4)0 from private partiea on choice Improved realty cloae In outside, worth 310,000: will pay b per . cent; no commissions. A n bi. urcgouian WANTED 315.000 at 7 per cent. 8 or 8 years; West Side Income property; ito commission. Q 511.' Oregonlan. MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for deslrabla loana mortgages for sala Henry C. prudhomm. Co.. Spalding bldr. WILL pay 10 per cent for (450 one or lo years: security, 80 acres, near Medforo, Or. V .-!, Oregonlan. WANTED Loan of 35.000; gilt-edge se curity; outside business property, conti iiemal Trust Co.. 802 Spaldln g bldg. WANTED 3300 for on. year. Good se curlty. Private party. X 62. Oregonlan. LET us place your money, good mortssgea references. F. H. Lewis. t i-ewi. r..-. WILL p.iy 10 per cent for 36O0 on four lull lots. AG 58, Oregonlan. !;RSONAI. DR. W. E. MALIX5RT, 31S Rothchlld bldg., lis th most up-to-date office In Oregon. All rooms tn furnished with the most ex pensive appliances. Including radium (th. orly physician on the Pacific Coast who has radium). Every therapeutic electrlo current In use; X rays, static machines. X-ray cnlls, ozone, oxygen generators, high frequency, wait, sinusoidal, Faradlc, galvanic. cautery. vibrators. radiators, baths, herbal, steam, ehower. electric 1 "nt hath cabinet, and bake ovene. Smallest to the most powerful lights. Including flnseii. hulios. solar, violet and ultra-violet. Tou are asked to visit my office 'and Inveatlsato for yourself If you hav cancer, old aores. tumors, swollen fflknfs. rheumatism, catarrh, eczema, blood dis eases, bronchitis, throat trouble, mother marks, moles and auperfluoua hair re moved without scars. All chronio diseases treated with these methods. SPIRITUAL adviser. Dr. Jefferson cures all troubles quickly. Jefferson guaranteea to place secret knowlodge and power In your own hands, to remove th. cause of any trouble, doubt or misfortune cauaed by anyone or anything and open up a quick and aura way for tho contentment, hp plnes, and good Influence f?r succe that you desire. Call and consult him dally or Sunday. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M-. at 42 Wash ington at. (Above 14th St.). STOP making a drugatore of your stomach and don't aubmlt lo an operation. but consult Dr. Home at once. all today and consult him free. Take elevator to 4th floor Rothchlld bid., 27, Washing, ton at., rooms 407, 40S and 409. Phone Marshall zoou Dtl Allien . . Diseases of women and children, aur rery chronio and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; private hospital accommodation; confinement cared for: consultation free. Room li Grand Theater bldg. Main 89M. A 5b0i. . . . . . . . nurw . . - tii.-cnrT Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods In the city; up-to-date parlors for hairdt-essing, mani curing, face and scalp treatment. 147 7 0 st " beL Morrison and Alder. Phon. Main 64. GERMAN. 82 years old. with nice estab lished business and good habits, wishes to make th. acquaintance of some lady matrlmonally Inclined; no objection la widow; German preferred. AH 410, ore gonian. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE H el sin gfor graduate; rheumatiam, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician m directions, baths, masseuse. No. 7 East 11th St., sec ond door south, from East Ankeny car- line. Phone r:ast so", -n i.y. HAIR. HAIR All shades in best oJl-r.; cotu Closing out stock: aclentlfic face and .calp treatment.; expert ha'easins and manicuring taught. Aza H. Rlbbecke, urana iauc o... Miaa ut.sAL.iii. xjv . Manicuring, vibration and magnetlo treatment.: respectabl. Pron solicited. The Philadelphia House 2L2's 3d St.. cor. Salmon; hours 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. . t t nrm Disease, of women and children, electric treatment of nervous aliments, private hos pital. Rooms 505-506 Commonwealth bldg, th and Ankeny. phones Main 4047, A24IL .. a ... ec var a T.T.A.T-!- 3irvo. iOAaaxt. , . Electrlo and vibratory treatments, bath- masseuse. 32ii- Stark st., Port ?.5' o. Phones Marshall z42. A 289ft. HONORABLE gentleman, age J 24 would like to meet respectabl. young lady. IS " - object matrimony. Mr. Eugene Davis. Gen. Del. Portland, Or. ; DRESS suits for rent $1.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned pressed buttons sewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and SeTlveHes! uglqu. Tailoring Co., 3Q9 Stark. DR. WALKER, specialist for men qulckly cures blood and skin ailments kidney and bladder troubles and rile. Consultation free, isi isi wi Vi AMtu n 1 l ' i . Sanitary Beauty College. 400-418 Dekum b'dg , evening class; make arrangements; we tench practical facts. vl-vv YORK massage and beauty parlors, lust opened, latest electrical appliances used tS? rheumatism. Marshall 2S43. 426 Alder. . PAINLESS, prompt, permanent and Inex pensive cures by latest natural health rneihod. Dr. PnlUp T. Ball. Merchant. Trust bldg. ; SPIRITUAL adviser. Dr. Jefferson helps you out of all troublea 492 Washington t.. above 14 th st. WALLACE gives maKnetic electrlo M treatmenti: mental, srplrltual. .dentist. 190 11th t. OENERAL taxidermy bird prepared for millinery. 3150. Kearney, 23d mu car. Phone A 4379. ; MME. Courtwright, akin and calp treat rnents facial deformitle oorreoted. plss "V surge?? 453 Morrison st. Main 6042. SWEDISH drugless specialist, nerve, rheu matlo ar.l stomach strom, Su-l-S Oregonlnn bldg. Mars. CHRONIC N"T"?N PeVhV C"5Jr jz-jmi ?r,";:rket .1. cor. 12th. m. tq WRINKLES removed, sagging corrected la IS rnl nute fr demonstrations. ell-n,-HlrbldgjNoPbHUqu. BT"EARL Please write to your mother. Hick, worry in a. SANITARY Beauty Parlors; learn manlour- Ing. 400-412 Dek-nm bldg- LFARN the busines at Sanitary Beauty Col- lege, 400 Dekum bldg. SWITCH made. 95c. Sanitary Beauty Col lege, 4UIHU jrn u ... w.a- tTr E"TCHUM treat women' maladlea 179Vs 3d st-. cor. Yamhill. 820 FOR complete course. Ssnitary Beauty College. 4O0-412 Bekjimbldg. O. Cmn. JL'TUVTr STindA yr.cTaltyrT,bo7a0OS.B2318 SANITARY Beauty College 400-412 De kum bldg.: learn hair dressing. thai m OF FIGS Remedies for disease o "women 532 P.vl Main 9215. T?OB1TION8 guaranteed: Sanitary Beauty Colleger WO to 413 Dekum bldg. '"enll at Oregonlan office for answers i ad 1 -.-.q '. requested. C. P.. Madison. Wis. Av VON L, knowing i . .. . , .v i .... - i an p. " rt nr,rnn in. Shears please '"' ' " ,,rif t-o wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. p. rim. - MRS. PAPE. call before I leave; old. cjrnesc PUFFS and curls 76c, out of combings. San ltary Parlors. 400Dekum bldg MRsTIaDdTiNNICAN Is at 24 East 14th. North. BUSYNESS DIRIaTORY. Cblropractlo Physician. "CHI-RO-PRAC-T1C TI C-NER say It fast and remember Columbia bldg. hre. 12-5:80. Accountants. J. M. WILLEY & CO. Public accountants, all branches. Suite 4" and 428 Henry building. Phone Mar shall 1231, or 45 William St. New York city. E. H. COLLI3 CO., A CCOUNT AN TS. Commercial, County and Municipal Auditing, Investigating and Bystematixing. 834 Worcester block. Phone Main 6&7. BUSINESS I1KE TORY. Accountanta. MACKENZIE. BAIRD BERRIDGE. Public accountants and auditors. 234 Worcester Block. Main 7o69. A 1449. Office sysloms. Factory systems. Periodic adults. I n vesications. Asaayer and Analyst- Wells & Eroebstel. mining engineers, chem luts anJ assayers. 204 ig "aahlngton. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 1SH Morrison st. Attorneys. A- E. COOPER, attorney at law; practice in ail courts; abstracts examined. Jlo Cham ber or commerce, at. u. a ao... B. M. BENSON, general practice of law. collections made. 1)02 Stialdlug bids. drcnlat i ng I Jbrary. . LATE fiction. 3c a day. Woman's E-ichanpe bide.. 1S6 6th St., bet. Taylor andJYamhill. Chirotjc-ujr. WM. KSTELLK and Flossie Denevey, the only sclentifio chiropodists In the clto Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d nd Alder. Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. room 433 Fllcdner bldg. Phone Main 847A. CoaX and Wood. OREGON LUMBER A' FUEL CO., HaJsey and East 39th Streets. leiepnone laoor -on- Commission Mercliants. TATLiOR. YOUNG A CO., ship broker, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg. Collections and Law. NETH CO., COLLECTIONS COIJaECT EVERYWHERE: NO COLLECTION. NO CHARGE. 533 Worcester bldg., Portland. Baths and Swimming. Portland Swimming Baths, 1B7 4th Elegant pninge. steam and shower baths. 2-ic. Braes and Machine W ork. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 100 N. 5th. Main 3i0- C'onsultlng Knglneers. GOLDBERG TRUMBO. consulting en gineers. 312 Couch bldg. Patent Idea worked out. power plants, goneral en gineering. Telephone Dog and Horse Hospital. DR. BROWN, D. V. S. Office 324 Flander St.. Main 4086. Hospital 89 P-Ith st. Drugless Physician. C. HALM STROM, Swedish graduate; digest ive nerve and chronio disorders. .102-3 Oregonlan bldg. Phone Marshall 2IOii. Electric Motors. PAOTIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d St. JEng-lnra tins and bteana. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agta. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en- glne. 2S1-2S3 E. Morrison st. phone E 615. Feed Store. ZIGLER A Mlsner, hay. grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 294 Grand ave. K. 4S- Furs. N. M. UNGAR St CO., INC formerly of 403 Merchants Trust bldg., have removed to 109 Seventh st. Furs remodeled, repaired and stored. Marshall 703 Hat Factory. HATS made to order cost no more. See us. Royal Hat Works.. 233 1st St. M. 844 iKattier and Findings. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front- Leather of every description, taps, rafrs.' findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO.-bs- tablished 1853- 189 Front st. Machinery. B. T REN K MAN a" CO, Hydraulic and Spe clul pipes, screens, baegtng. mining ma chinery. All kind's of repairs. 104 N. 4th. MniicaL MP.8. ANDA RAMSAY FRAZEB, teacher of piano: puoll of Simon Buchhalter. Vienna. Austria, conservatory course. 894 hi East 11th st. Southj EMIL TH1ELHORN, violin teacher, Pupil Sevlck. 900 ilarouam. A 41B0. Mar. lo- Neurologist, Eye Speclnlista. QUICK relief for eye and nervous troubles. Drs. Freeze & Rice, 326 Vi Washington st. Osteon thlo physicians. DR. LeRoy Smith, graduate Klrksville Mo class of 1S9S. post-graduate 1907. under A. T. Sill, the founder. 317-318-319 Swetland bldg. Main 19S7. A 1985. DR. R. B. NORTHUP. 415-410-417 Dekum bldg. Phone, Office M 349; Res. East or B 1028. paint, Oils and Class. RASMUSSEN Sz CO.. Jobbers. P"'ntS; oil, glass, sash and doors. Con 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. INVESTORS of Oregon may obtain free ad vice and best profe uonal service from 'NORTPAcfFlC PATENT BURBA-. Lumbermens Bids-. Portland. , . . -a. a TO-T7" I I C I Y International Patent Lawyer and -Ex pert. ttO year' direct praciij. oth hiid. and FOREIGN PATENTS es pecially Killclted. Coun"e'ndMIi'x.Pi work for Attorneys. JRADE MAljKS. LABELS. DESIGNS AND .COPY RIGHTS ..,,.,1 Plinnfa: Main A -:.o4. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney at law, late of U. S. Patent Office. Book let free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. TJ. 8. AND foreign patents that protect, are secured through Paclflc Coast Patent a-.ticv. Inc.. Dept. A. Stockton. Cal. t c WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents, infringement cases. 604 Dekum Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 0U5- eil8 Electric Dius. wo. a. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving. . . .11.. 61 Pari. I. ll IT. sidewalks ana cruM"". Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 year In Portland. 71 6th st. Main P10. Pip. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and ofuc near 24th and York sta M. 349. Printers. GLASS & PRUDHOMME CO.. printers, blank book makers, legal blanks, loose leaf de vices, townfhlp Plata. 66-6' 7th at-. beL Oak ana Anicnj Rubber Slumps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc. Cunningham's, 2:;i Stark. Main 140i. Kurt Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rum from old carpets, colonial rag rugs. carpt cleaning and laying. 163 Union ave.. nr. E. Morrison Safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d St. Safes fasinrv r.rlS. Second-hand safes. Showcase., Bank and Store Klxtnre.' THE LUTKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap Ids Showcase Co.. 6th and Hoyt. K. Lutka. manager. R. H BIRDSALL, 208 HAMILTON BLDG., showcases In stock: prompt delivery. Sales agent, -ai. MArVh AL.L MFG. CO., 4th an.i Couch, iww Vnd 2d-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. Shingles. BEST In th city; car lota or less. S. li Gilbert, soi w miu. iq" Storage and Transfer. PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO.. corner 13th and Everett sta. Just opened newest and most modern storage warehouse in city every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest Insurance rate In Northwest; free trackage; vans for mov ing. Main or A 1620. MOVING STORAGE MOVING. Experts, reliable men, no booze-nghters; , -s ill move you quicker, cheaper and Det ter than anyone else- Phone us for an estimate; storage rate the very lowest. van Born lranmiir q. .pom iiioiio,. C O PICK Transfer 3b Storage Co.. office and commodious -tory brick warehouse, separate Iron room and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sta. T'luiios and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 598. A 1996. " OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferlng and storago; safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed lor shipment. 2H Oak at., bet- Front and lsu Telephone Main 847 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents Storage. Office 810 Hoyt St., between 5th and 8th. Phones Main 69. A 119. Stoves. STOVES conneoted and repaired. Main 1113. 614 Front st. Veterinarians. 8. L." Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarians. 831 Ankeny st. A S999, Maln402. Typewrltlne. PORTLAND MAILING CO. Multlgraphlng, typewriting, mailing, public stenographer, personal typewritten circular letters. 803 Railway Exohange bldg. Main 6166. Tyr-etvrl ters TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $60, fully guaranteed; easy payments: rentals, $3 per month. Pacific Stationery & printing Co.. 203 Zd st. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concerns on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change, 287 V, Washington st. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand, rental at cut rates. P. D. C Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Will Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO. 172 1st St.. whole sale and retail Samples mailed free. GRAND CENTRAL STATION. Southern PaciAo. Lesvlnc Portland Ashland Passenger ............ Roseburg Passenger ........... Shasta Limited ............... California Express San Francisco Express West Sid! Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger. ...... . Forest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland Oregon Express Ashland Passenger R-"ehurg Pas..enirer ........... Portland Express Shasta Limited West Side corvallis Passenxer Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger rSO a. nv 4:15 p. m 6:00 p. in. 7:45 p. m. 1:30 a. m. T ' 20 a, m. 4:00 p. m. S :b0 a. m. 5:40 p. m. 7:30 a. m. p. m. 10:110 3:S0 p. m. 11:10 a. m. p. m. p. m. a. m. a. rru p. m. 2:30 :2 110:20 8:00 4:40 Northern Pacific. Leaving Portland I North Coast Limited via Puget Sound .. . North Coast Limited via North Bank Atlantic Express via Puget Sound Atlantic Express via North Bank Twin City Express via Puget Sound Twin city Express'" Via North 10:10 a. m. :00 p. m. :15 a. m. :00 a. m. 30 p. tn, 00 p. m. :10 a. m. 00 p. m. MBwnrl River 'Express via Puget Mh"ni,rl River' Express "vYa" North nnk Portland. Tacoma and Seat'le Ex press. Grays Harbor. Olympla and South Bend branches Portlanit-Tiiicr,., a .1.1 43 a. . :10 a. m. 80 p. m 30 p. za. Puget Sound Limited. Grays Har- uor ana Konth Bend branches.. Ta-nit Payseni-er . . Arrlwln. ti . i . Xorth Coait Limited vta Northl :13 n. m, :20 am :00 a. m. :30 p. m. :15 p. m, :20 a. m. :00 a. m. .00 p. m. :00 p. m. : VO p. m. :30 p. m. North Coast ' Limited "via ' Puget Sound Northern Paclflc' " "Express" " via North Bank Northern raeiflc Express, via Pucet Sound Pacific Coast Express via North Bank Peel nc Coast Express ' via" Puget round .......... VIourI River "Express" "via." North Bank Mlpsotirl RU-er' F.'xpres's' Via Puget Sound .... Port lan d-Ta,!cy.'.iI' e--l.-..l eno rrom Olympia. South r.end. Graj-s Harbor and Yacoltl branrhes 4 Pueet Sound Limited' and fro'ml Olympia and Gravs Harborl branch 7 Pueet Snttnd-Pnrtisn'd'snert'a'i' "anrll from South Bend branch 10 Oregon Railroad Navigation Co. Leaving Portland- , Pendleton Passenger ( S:0fta.m. Oregon-Washington Limited 110:00 a. m, Th. Dalles Local I 4:0(1 p. rn. Poo-Spokane-Portland 'll:t0 p. m. Oregon Exnresi I 8:00 p. m. Spokane Flyer .....i 6:C0 p. m. Arrivinr Portland ' The Dalies Local I10:1S a m. Orepon Express . . . .llOiltO a. m, Soo-Rnokane-Portland 11:S0a.m. Pendleton Local Passenger 17:00 p.m. Orenn-W-(hlngton Limited 1 R o0 p. m. Spokane Fiver I R:0ft a. m. m Astoria At Columbia Bl ver. Leaving Portland Astoria and Seaside Express. ...) 3:00 a. ra. Astoria and Seaside Express ..,.( 6:30p.m. Rainier Passenger 11:13 p.m. Rainier Passenger ..........I 6:45 p rn. Arriving Portland I Seaside and Astoria Express ....112:20 p.m. Seaside and Astoria Express 110:00 p.m. Rainier Passeuger I 9:40 a.m. Rainier Passenger I 5:00 p.m. " Canndlan Paclflc Railway Co. Leaving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland .. Via Seattle Arriving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland .. Via Seattle 11 :00 p, nv 12:lj a. nv, ...! 1.30 a. m, 110:30 p. rru Oregon Aj WaMhinj-ton Railroad Co. Leaving Portland Seattle pas&enger ..... Shasta Limited Owl Arriving Portland Owl Shasta Limited ....... Portland Passenger ... 830 a. ra. 8:00 p. rn. 11:45 p. m. 7:15 a. m, 8:20 p. m. 2:48 p. ra. JEFFERSON-STREET STATION. Koutitern Pacltlc. Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Pa&senger Forest Grove Passenger. ... Arriving Portland Dallas passenger Dallas Passenger ........... Forest Grove Passenger ..... 7:40 a. ra. 4:03 p. rr. 1:00 p. ta. 10:13 a. m. 6 :55 p. m. 12:00 noon N'OKTII BANK STATION. Eleventh, and Hoy a Ms, Spokaue, Portland Seattle Kaiiway Co. Laaving Portland Lyle Pasnenger 7:30 a.m. For Vancouver. Wash., Stevenson, Whit. Salmon, Lyle, Goldendaie and lutermedlata points. Inland Empire Express 9:00 a.m. For Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha, Kansu City, SU Louis, Spokane, Washtucna, Kahlo. tus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles, Lyle, M White Salm3n, and Vancouver, Wa.s-h. , Columbia Klvor Local 6:15 p.m. For Vancouver, SLovetison, White Salmon. Cliffs and intermediate points. North Bank Limltod j. . . .7:00 p. m. For Cihlcairo, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings. Spokane, wash tucna. Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, V.an couver, Wash. Arriving Portland North Bank Limited 8:00 a.m. ' From Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Yellowstone park. Spokane, Washtucna, Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, and Vancouver, Wash. Columbia River Local 10:30 a.m. From Cliffs, Goldendaie, Lyie. White Sal mon, Stevenson, Vancouver, Wash., and in termediate points. Inland Empire Express 8:15 p. m. For Chicago. St. Paul. Omaiia, Kans.ua City, St- Louis, Billings. Spokane, Wash tucna, Kahlotus, Pasco. Roo.sevelt, Grand dalles, Goldendaie, Lyle, White Salmon. Vancouver, Wash. Lyle Passenger 8:40 p.m. From Lle. White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver. Wash., and Intermediate points. - Great Nurtheru Huiiuuy Company. Leaving Portland 11th and Hoyt Sts. International Limited, via Seattle 10:00 a. m. For Chehalis. centralia, Tacoma, Seattle, Everett. Belllnsh-am and Vancouver, B. C. The Owl. via Seattle 5:00 p. m. For Kalama. Kelso, Cbehalis. Centralia, Tacoma. Seattle, Everett, Belliiigbam. Van couver, 15. c. "u. ..........u...v j,.,,.,,.. Shore Line Expreses. via Seattle. .11 :ao p. m. .,-i. V.lu Cheliolia funlrili. Tacoma. Seattle. Everett, Beillngham, Van couver B. C. and Intermediate points. Arriving Portland 11th aud Hoyt Sts. The owl :4 ?: m- From Vancouver, x. . imiisiiaiii, r.ver- ett Seattle, racoma, ceinrauu. cneuaiis. Kelso Kalama and intermediate points. Shore' Line Express ............ 3:30 p. m. From Vancouver, B. C. Pollingham. Ever ett Seattle, Tacoma, Centralia. Cliehalla. Kelso Kalama and Intermediate polnta International Limited ...... . 9:50 p. rn. From Vancouver, B. C Bellingham. Ever ett. Seattle, Tacoma, Centralia and Ch- hal'ls. Time Card Oregon Electrlo Railway Co. i4"enger Stalluu, FTum nnd Jelferson Sts. Woodburn-Salem and Int. Points Locals leave Portland 6:30. 7:50, 11:00 A. M., 2:00. 1 -,o 0-30 S:40 P. M. Locul lor Tualatin andSa'iem. 9:13 A. il. Local for Wllson eilla and int. stations, 3:10 P. M. lllllBOoro-Forest Urove and Intermediate .."t.. Leave Portland 7:0o. 8:30, 10. Vu, A. f irlO, 2:10, a:ao. 5:30. S:a5 P. U. Sa; urday only. 11:80 P- M. Arrive Portland from Salem and Int. 6ta. " , 40. 11:00 A. il., 1:15, 4:0O. 4:50. i ,ai K-20. 10:50 P. M. Local from Wllson villa' and Int- points. :40 A. M. dally ex cel.? Sunday and 7:33 A. M. dally. Arrive Portland Irom Forest Grove and ., .tullons :00, 9:50. 11:41) A. M., l:io. i:ib, 5.2U, a:10. 10:50 P. M. Sunday only, 'terj't.Front and Jefferson. Portland. Or. .orilicnd lmUway, Lis1 i I'ower Company. Ticket Office and Waitlng-Room. First and Alder and Eaat watur and East Morrison Streets. PARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND ' lam UKKlSON STREETS. Oregon City :00 and 6::.8 A. M. and every 30 minutes auu. luviuu.ug ai c.r. Grefnara and Intermediate points 6:33. 8 43, 9:43, 10:45. 11:43 A. M. ; lU:4i. 1-45 2-43, 3:45, 4:45. 6 43. H:0 P. M. Falrview and Troutdale tj:oj, i:4o, 8:4o, 9:45. 10:43 A. M.; 12:. 8:paaa(itro "and" intermediate points 6:55, 8:4W3 A. M.; 12:43. 2:45. 4:15. 6:4J P. - , wivrnrvifB. Ticket Office and w aittng-Koom Second snj ...x H:50. 7:5. b.00. 8:33. 9:10. aa- "', , .,0 1 1 .rj. ' M li"30,' 1:10." 1:50. 2:30, 3:10, 3 60. 4:30. 6:10. 5:50, ;30. .2J. a.;!.j Tnnt1a V In vrT fn nn t Vi ti a UQ la9 l.-1 U j - ,. -..-..-, - last car leaves at 7:03 P. M. 'Daily exceol 6unday. "Juauy .iv