Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 18, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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trR i r. .
Whirl and Him.
JIARf" AM HAr.i?, I?20
Fa.r rr.atrv lull st.rera. p---od puVrr,.
alrg.e or dot. n'l wi:i r..!e- on In f-al
t l-niTte-t e:all..-r.: i;,rre I heavy
brec.ti r.4. all c ;(... te. ca;l 00 AMcr t-
.i:V TK.IM N!iMRNW..
Tlr s-lincv wen'-. S.l. It-. fat. and
imlioni. burr'jn fT e,;-re,a har-
.. r:i .e V" k i uti t'ti'"-
i'ft.iv:rv 01 tkit ciMii.r.rf:.
i n - . f r.. ray horse. ).'" I' .. 'n
ci.e.- w;;.n ati.l t-l t n- .
4 r-x..n it r ;i f- r-: .a-..I aot...
....! t.. .ji. S. A.d,r J""" Ann
Wwirt J V Ok rK-
Hand- rue. . -:rul t " "r,
jn-t and rer.tle. new a.lMe t.d 'M.!
o..f t w..f.n iloj::- t.r .-e -..-.t call Ova
A virr '. Ala. f T" I - nr.
1! FT VP !"' It" H"
Fat rcn If. ;:. r.Jht out
of bard wo.. -ur.i.
;. 'T o M
Va a-l I .-..l-.oie. .:.ri.-. gray. years
1. puil tr jr. ar.d un-i.
r!- mat?v"!. - hr.-mit g-Mlr.g. welrht
It-... :.-. , it; r. -e ub U i.r. g mi fitu
Urvw. jfi,-, $;."..
Four lim of writ r-airhed brav rlraft
r"r a.vl rarr. w-lih.:-e IS'i t"
l:.o. :h , In r:-. !a-e . -.n.llr i.m .
1 .r ha-.l w "' ti-"-. ' t .Nc
,ir, . 1 .,- Ai-ivr :.
,ku ai.e ; -p.tland s 7Ain.t..
s-. north liTii .-r.
11. or. it .'-. I K-t .
A car'..... I ..f u-., -.. :-. I n ti-es from
l.. U- . rri. " -0
to-r li. w nit Kr.i Irann hjrri.i.
a..,-.i- from !- " Vc ta:il.
r.l m t.T'r.i ua-it. l rrf ir.a o,r
...) -n u "'
(.( rr ,..-' trim l l-a I '' l-n
to .r..;.tia r ir.M.- h or rrfrrrn a
I- i.i r ri .!!. .t , i r.-,.Aa.!.tT.
!.:..!. tu- !.: -I Tru.l ....
hr-r i:unr, I..'tri:iC .!
f 4i ti :.r.i I; '-r J
tAtt t r li'irfl. II I ' - '
; ;o i t JT f 'T lior. at;r tna
V au."' "'' I" h"-.
a. 1.. an. I II. n-rit
T,j . f th-.r t.ama arc ..rkne rvrrr
Ti'K t uu lin: aasuu. carnlr.s li V
"'',.,.t b..rr. wrisht 11 OA ""
h.r". . "hi-
...,. S... aa.M.a ! ! . " ''-'
uu.-. in f w.ii'o r"l. "-
. t ,..rk h-.i,,, .1 irr.a. jll .r
!. h"r. air u.l ..ff-ir.l
at a r a: .jirn... a f.T niu.l l.c ..a
at on.-- M'.ntK"rr.r'v nt.
An ef W.tatoo llroa. aj M'Dooai
hot a will ba on t.t tua llawtnorna
lta.ri f.r 10 !-. Thir ranfa In
ataiai.t. to ls-y. ol from k to 1-
,aia of cl. AJ of our or oc tha
N. 1 H i t Jar. a:l vl our t i 1
t for aJla. 'i'ny b unlJf t.a
(aarantra of tna liaatliorno stal.. C.
aa4 rC: t.a i-ftar NovemMr a.
UAWtll'JlOi; bTAULta,
4juiiaathorn a
.r? .."Lli t jru t'n. i:: ri.'tl-p-iunfl
tram, i ia.-a an.J l.orar. iraro In f- l.
t.a llj-iiiiii J-.l.crr v fami.y :,',r";;
1 rMrap In. 1 LP ("') all.
mu.t l at n-. W..I ...tke .oaj in
x. ..n Kri.i.aonn TwnUi t '- .
t. iiia t. oxolJto .r lo O.aJatona
ii A .N I M y nr .. :.) n-r rul.brr-liroj
MuU-l krr r.rr.j;. UJoJ l.ut l' lllura. rout : prattl'ally nva.
m. iw-nru.r i.vef-iiitJiir. d..jtl har
l.rM lu mat h. rai'.ri JH'
mire ou'-t l-.r -''. Call Oul
.o I'tunt li-l IJV.
for. SALK Tm of t ho-ra. haraaaa
aoJ aprlne aoo; all la Srai-cliaa cm
a.tlaa. ul ttaaa prica) rUjJl ir ulc
Oaaar, tooia - unioiM a.u-
CARI.OAI of Mlaaourl mulea for aalr. or
wul hira out to party. AdUraaa
I.o.c. ims-rruil llotrt.
ALTv.MOllii-K il A KG A I N 8.
Wo ar cf.arlna tor aaio al ry rtMoa-
bio pricao aa.arai IMt an J lulu Plarco
Arroaa and Caaillata. two i-J-i tjiavama.
1-paaanar tourln. ono OldaioolM.o
p.mmr. ona Crostun kwaatoa llo toodoi.
lui.y ouuippod. Ufu.t o." mo car ta
Ins piacad ordoro lot i'wrco aa4 rara.
TVAMfcU A bujor for two SO-Go etoarna
1 purr taurine cora. comp.ala.y
ouu.Pid. racoaily pitilad and;
mo raaavaab.o oltar IU bo rafoaaU. Owa
ara ! thaaa rara Uaa placai otuara (of
loll i'lrf ca Arrow.
N'.oriy naw -. Wuita "ran-ar.
f J ::i viUlppd; driven otly 1V.0O nu:aa;
wil. lr rriiaad utl. i'bouo
-abor :m It 1T.
Xfc;T I'.O I T aiactrl.: Victor. uaid for u.txioa
airallo lar practirnuy (rood aa aaw.
a or aa.a at rerr ri.aonai.a P'lca.
1, 1 . T laaarncr aut.'mot.l a f..r iia at or wool. I rm.hano on a mo-irrn
o ..r ; r-'om li-u.-. -;i 4!I on:t i i:.
'A-ll "ur dah ol'!mobllr. aat
Irnt condition; enctavt wwrta Cout.o T
A. .rrcT.r.:an.
iIK KS r' r. new. for aatr. r would trad
f.r rral r: ta and pay t!'.ffrrni-. Orua
Mc; ".. 3-J AMrr t.
VrTI runabout for aal. pood roadlllon;
joiO. A.A rt. M. 33.. A T1T1.
JIAXn'EI.I. Jit- I"- r-aaooabla: trrr
rvv trrm..' ;.Irn.l.d ronditlon. Main tZ.
WH.I. mM i ifip. a runabot:'. t'all 0Oa feaal
Maiiltt.'O. ' r;.t il.
IMaoao Orsauia and Mttcal Inatrvaaowta.
jToH SALE tr trade. fn actrto ptaco;
bry upriKt plauo and Xo.dictf utfu.
ft: WaiiilriLun.
I I A NO. liberal raUucl-.n. u.-d o&;y alx
nu'rirhr. A'l'?r.a A 0-1. Orrs.tnlan.
Blrda. I.oa and I'rt
V'A.NTr:' i-itr bravy ail.kio;. lepted
row. w Ml rar the rr:.e. $f. urraonlan.
14 MaMTNl a)arai'.eala
yOH ALK-ly fm .Ujer-pin.( that I
r..i't bt rltrert from trio factory In the
r..t Plaa all k'.n.t of mul. Will aril
rhrap. be. auo 1 mut liavo money iulcku
'all at ft.:l Aerta
y.-Ft r.Al.K H.o niftrlr nrw pi.
a no muat .:Lrtfl. to ral' aonie raah: 1
li.-rd tbo tnon-y. ao am wt lnc to tak.
low Tr,, .'all
rl k a:rr.-t.
lalf. L. 1'K kiA'lUR 111 !! tin ha t.
f.f lata air I'rrcrr; DO roktuOAbt oiler
r-furrd. 0 fl'VI.
JOI. . VLK Cii KAV Hum
ternia. l'hona 'l abor -t.
... aLajkdard luak
and l'rt !tok.
MASTED To bur w'-lto nd brown
boroi and place: Mliiocaa 1'hona 1a-
MOCK ME AN OFr'KR K. O. Tt. ny
yoint N. i'. r.T. between Contrail and
14 i'Icch KiS. 12 ft- Inch a.
piece av 16 ft.
pte:ra. tWV IT. ft.
IS? .ler. rij. S fr-t.
3. 'X ft.. Silo. i-ih ft., rcuirh.
Tw2 pU.-ef. HxS 11 ft-, aurfaced four
al. .
1U5 v-i:. 21. 1 feet, lurfaced four
.-.4) pier. :ti 4 f'et. nirfacel four
i3.xl .lrk. s:.. 40 and "0.
rxtd and, 1 Irirfi and 4xJ.
Lumber In t. K- fcpr. br.ii In n
for thro znorlba; fre from nails; wruo
or air?
KrUv. Waaa.
TriB Nonhweet TTPewnter -oipny. '221
Ablncton bMc. pbona M. 1 Ui o.ily
company atrictly f.rtory rabul.t
typearttora: pr..:ea IIP to '0.
J.rj P A UlTy-Dout.le atandilltf cak brtok
lieeper' orl. : rrr!nl .ot about 900;
COxl orrr.Marl-.alll.UT:
fFFS ft re and burKtar-proof ; tan aee-vnt-hlDi'
standard mwri; l.w price, oaay
terrr. Portland Safe Co.. If atb, at.
rox BALE esowea. wallcnao. counter
General future In and mad ta
order at loweot price 221 Orand in. tl
F1..R f ALK Ten new band roata. need two
woks: ruMko me offer. Quick aula. Answer
AV 0... OrronlatV
LAH.n fla'-top oTlr dek and chair.
new. I -TO. National 1'ackinc Co.. Sd
and Stark.
COVRFTE in'.xer for aale. David 11 at
on o-i T.urr brrracr Milt
fOiN collection, or will trade for unu
eumbererl prop-"-tT. AK 4.T- Oreconlan.
nrt HAl.E Eilacn mi-ln(t-plrtur inarhln.
complete. A .iu. trs"!-in-
al.MOST new Superior Oak r.Mil lirattnc
iore; ale-, .-ak b k Tt.r rr;
JIXK diamond i:it and Hne Itnl a at.
ran u horae. buits. wairou or harno
tv E. Jtth '.
tnntiwcilr-Prr fir wood JA-0 per ccrd
Pbono Mala 0U09.
M lecei InJteoo.
T'o ou wun to v monev when Ton
jri-.-h your ult or overcoat T Then
tare elevtor to third floor Oreron:n
Mil ; hlrh-crade uli rd overcoat . '
to $.11 valur. lor $l-70: $-! to ' , v
tiln.i for $14 70. Jlmmi Dunn, room Sia.
Orernr-ian ll!t. .
Oainc t l.rkward araaon. mart
tiiy UrF.ori of f n fur t price tint
will maae a vl'ia -!.: ta advantare.
bur eniulne f jr. from th manurat ture'
ai l rt the lt at half prlc. i.
the w.ek. o-rn errl..
A. I:eirrr. Pianlral Kurrlr-. 12 inn t.
A imP-H f". M -wintf machine . l.P- '"
iIKrl'n. .. .
irANTKi Mi.rriJNt:orri.
ci-OTinvci ant eitihtii no.
Waxted-Mena catoff c.ol.Mn in
ho, and bi )'iea: J.lche.t p;lcr. raid.
.1 buy laJ.ra CU.UI-:. -a I up th
ri ot. MconJ-Uand .or. I nono Main 20.
: ) : it et, .
v amk:- i or : b-
C.r. IihIu--...
and elae of puUry,
.rpower. "-phe. d
or. C J.rl. LP
Admire llaallnii.
A lb tn y. r -
iT fUi: k houaehold f urnltur to all,
call up r.eo.-. laor Co, loa I rk
roth phone.
ikt.l. your aecond-b.nd nirnltur. tej , tnj
Ford Auction or you'll t loaa. pbona
a .4a. ai.w
1 ATi:lr K.'Iim.'I - or
r- llndrr
AD 0-0.
rr.-(.r... ta'. nunior. .
ir...i lart.
1VANTi:i To buy ..cond-haod '7 "
r . and inner tube. Com. - taon, 4J
l:iirt at.
VVANTED Movln-nlclur machina. fa OO--Bt.
Cm. etc. K 4Jt. .
11 ! !.: ll "" ,!"'' :""" befor
phone Ka.t 4'.t
V. r: bur r.-rvthlnr and pay lb pric. too.
I-Knr V.f.hH ?.".:t
V iri'l " lup:rx Tram pump. .""' Hal.
a',,, it p.r mluuir. Al .v.-t.
Hti.r ivANTrn maijs. .
WAVTKti Touii men 'to" learn to optjij picture ma.hln-: !' 'ro'," 'S
t $V. a week: our op-rtln hool r.-o-axn.i'd
al! over t '10 r.t aa th tan.lard.
we tca.-li each tud. nt on l'o.-cr. Ldiaon
and ijoublr Mrrropilcn Inaaolver ma
chine. There u no cur of iiimictlon
. thorou.l. on the Pnrlllc C.iat. W "
tne nun rente. in the worm, w
ar., bavl.iit li:r call '"r "'"'"'"tiou'.
one of our lor.l opra'ot handbooks
Applv larmnlr. .V. Oourli bl.lK.. ourltt
md W.-.-iiiliiKton t-re'tPortland. Or.
M r. NW AXItll-Ate 1 to oi. tt f'renien.
$: montny, and brakemn. $-.0. oa
nrarbe rairr!. Kxp.-ieac unnecenary,
ra .t'rik. Promotion to enicineer. ron.
doctor. Kailroad Kn.plorln Headquar
ter ovir f." men ent to poaltioni
monthly. Ft; : end tamp. a.l
war Auvoctatl.a. t..rri:on!an. .
A IVlf-S-AWAKK .man who haa had city
rip. rirnc in ou..... - -
tha local trane; musi auow ..
I.. .nr., i d hav a clean rerorU; a rood
,, rtunltv for th man who ran now
..... r, n ..arilcular. In your au-
ril.atlon. whl.ll w.ll 1 treated conlldeu
r,!i,.. AMre, M 021. Oeronian.
10 brldie carpenter. $3.50 per day. for
out of town.
1 tinner.
3 t. .ne or brick nia'ona.
2 la-hrr.
No frr. r!iari;rcl ?7i Mal"t1.
We want men wlio can e!l real ''
The beat propertte In tii city; coir.mlMloa
H.iald of Trd Hlds.. b4 4tl at.
WANTLD Men without eiperlenc to worlt
at e.ertrlrlty. plumbic-. auioinobi:.
brlrklaylti: leant traJ In a few month
without eapenae; 2uo aludent lnt year;
100 ) contract Job.; writ Immediately.
I nlted Trad School ConlracUn Co, lo
When yon com In contact with th man
whose "" rr "no" inema uccea, or
fllur for you? Tii Internatlonl Corre-
tH.nucnre School cn train you to "lr
P" Addra iii Alder au Our new cala
l irue I now ready.
WANTED Two men to clear, from 2 to 15
cr nd mako 4. cord wood; mut
l.ave their o n tool; only by contract;
experirmed need oulj apply, after 7 F. M.
474 toeventn at.
ENKROrtTlt? peraon mho can devoto full
lime and Inveat ..0 can a-curo Al IPtife.
prop.ltlon that will net blf rrlurn. 111 cio.ert Inveatnatk.n. All O-'J. Or,
7lN rl'ooenlnj for eneretlc ounir man; on
who want work; no curtoit -eeker; -perlcnc
unnecraeary : .mall capital re
nuireX Call $-V Wninton at., room
1 AXTEB- A-l tock aaleman. l.-KUIina:
and fr.i.ibl propo.ltlon; no fake; food
i.immlxi.'n and contract; batt of refcr
rn. r and recommendations, ti tt2. Otx-
A NUMBER youni; men wanted to Irarn
Wlr. and railroad telecraphy: poaltlons
paylna $7.1 to $ie per month auaranteed.
Call or address Telcirapa lepu. 14 Otb
RAILWAY rrall clerk. pol offle clerk,
letter carrier, custom houa and Internal
revenue employee, to prepar for exam
ination.; fre book. i'actEc Stale BcbooU
;-Kar oid.. c:ty.
bALL.-Ma,N WAMED to .aell fruit tree,
walnut tree ald ornamenlaia. Othr r
rr..ln- 100.L Hplendld territory. Ex-
pen money advanced weekly. Writ
IiLuiT Nurseries. Albny. or.. Dept. A.
OF'ICB "boy. 1 years old. for nowipaper
, n 1- oot afraid to Work
ru-'it and llra with parenta or usrd-I-.11-:
-d chance to learn trade. C 0-1.
WA.NTI.l) At once, man who haa had
general experlrnce In email eteam laun
dry; icood pay to rtkhl man. 1'hoo
IV, at Drue Co., or wrlto WooUbura Laun
dry. 1 000 burn, or.
IV A XTKU Enersetlo nin for watchman 00
Duck Lake; flvo refrreuc. J. F. Randall.
11 Scc.n.l at. Call between 13 and 1
o.-lock Krhly.
V ANTKD At once. Hire men to Irarn to
repair nd driv automobile. Call from
to II A. M. or frutu a to 0 1'. M.. 30O
v:n.t 1Va.hlr.jion at.
b.M.l-.SMAN to sell advrrtlrlna:. calendars,
stuns, novelties, etc.. by larr -at houa on
the Coaat: valary or. commiaalon. V. ti.
Wal.h. Cornrliu Hotel.
IVANrtt; All auto owners and driver,
ttav our vuVanlxlnr and retreadlnjr don
by Cbaa. 8. fcltou, dS btark st. Pnon A
FlltT-l'LAr-s atock rellabl lum
ber Investment: liberal rommlaelon; lv
rrferrn'-e.. O f.?t. fregonlan.
WANTED at one, two good, smart offlc
boTB. good opportunity. Apply Marshall,
W ell, Hardware. 9 to IP A- M.
AD aol.citora. Chrtetmas number: fin dum
my and credential. Benedlctln Pr.aa,
:oorlnoueh hklK.
DK1VKU for bakery waajon with estab
lished rout preferred. 107 B.
Hth after a 1. M.
WANTED Two neat vouAftT men orer
od ddress. Call after 2 r. M, Iloorn 8.
Sixth st.
WA.VTKU Ml.ldle-asrrt man. aood talker,
experienced In rloeiur re, I e.tat deals;
re'eren.-c. Ad'lreya AR Orcconlnn.
lltt Y to learn bookhlnilinsr trade, good opon
Ine for a brlzht boy. Lovcjoy LiEiylu,
S'l.l Wa.hiniTton t. '
1YANTKD A-l ltK:k salraeman; beat prop
osition In the country; good contracL 3oJ
r-paldlne, Hilr.
1VANTK.D An Al grocery driver; ron but
exr-crtenred need aply. L. Mayer ex Co.,
11 Third at.
WANTED Experionted. capable business
manaa-rr fr btsli-class lecturer. K 614,
CAllUir-lL Hoy wanted, li years of ae,
for routo on aouih id of ml Tabor.
A pnl y room -"-'t. Qrrcontan 1.1. lar.
to.H.ixKEEPINli Rapid. thorouKh. prlral
tuition by an expert accountant. 301 Mer
chants Trust bide-
1 1 VK e'en. to sell photo coupons; swell
offer. Dvl. 34JH Wash. at.
BELLBOY wanted St Foster Hotel. 249
Daws t. Call aft T II A. M.
1 TiVK nd bond sair.ii.rn. SO vx Knt
commls'lon. 21-' Hwelland blfic
GOOD boy with wheel.; niu.t b OTr 1
vrare of age. Apple S vl Ai-ler t
U1SHLER wanted, l'antasea Tallocin c
s1 Btsrk st.
rnKt's7i:EDER at Watson ITIntloT Co.,
,;.oinoiixh bidx
IV A N TED Hr I ;h t younc man for Bl(ht
rlerk. Apply Prince.. Hotel.
llARBE't 1VANTI-:d7
1 . , Morrison tt.
JAPANESK bor wanted for chamber work.
,l,t Morrison
11ANTKD Fl.l-cl. waiter.
N. th. 11 A. M f 2 P. M
Apply 141
WANTKD Al on.e, men to learn to driv
and repair auto. 1 all 80-03 7th at. No.
PIIOTOORArlf coupon and portrait cents;
new oaer. Cutberth atudlo. Dekum btdtf.
BARBER wasted. SO Madison st.
Offlc Secretary Employment Depart
ment. Y. H. C. A.
Younr man. straniter. out of work ($-
h's total cash assets) If I pay you $0
for special employment membership I wl.l
only bat (10 left between m and rtarxa
tio.n. -
Secretary If you Ty S for pe;lal
employment membership you will have th
V. M C. A, with all Its resources, between
you and atarvatlrn.
What happened?
Younc man took membership. Inside ol
two hours h found ealla.'actory employ
I'urlnc October 'S10. M7 other found
employment 11 m Ilk manner.
k."ipploynn: or rofund. of membership
fee a-arrantMed.
te recrctary Smploymeot Department
I. a. C A.
MAN. E .T. HH'iAPI-?. 2H OAK M.
AHLE-HCD1ED men wanted for the U. 9.
Marine Corp, between th es of 19 n'l
80: must I. nntlv bcrn or h nrrt
papers; monthly pay $16 to $8. Ad
ditional comcensatlon polble- Food,
c'.otalnx. rjuartors and medical altentlanr
free. After a are- ervlc can rellr
with 75 par rant tf pay and allowance,
rlcrvlc on board ship end ashore In al.
part of th world. Apply U. a. Marin
Ccrp Kecrultlna Office, Breeden bin.,
8d and IVaihlnictnn t.. Portlnd. Or.
THE MEIER ft FRANK CO. require a
.ti,helmii for thrlr mm' clothlna; cc-tl-Mi.
Appl at iiTlnteiirtcnf ofJIce.
6;h floor, from 8 to lu A. M.
8ALKSMEN Th Columbia Lit ex Truat
Company have on opening- for one or two
first. class ."Ilcltora. If you fmv not had
experience In elln; lite Insurance you will
be schooled and rendered nselstance in
filnrHnc prospect and rloslns buslnee.
Come In and talk It over. Ak for b. P.
l.ockwood. vlca-pros. and pretieral manaser.
or Hr.rry Kichey, city nuiucr. Uth floor
Fpsidlnc bIJtf.
Tdl'Xil ninn of ability to meet moneyed
rll.-nt and present to then a hlKll-cIns
Invrs-meut of merit. By Inverting a few
tliounand dollar you ran cet in t.n the
around floor and mnko several times
I'lotley lnvetecl 111 a few months, besides
l.-inr hand..moly paid for jour .ervi.-os
We want a man of ability. AN 5'JS. Or
Itonlan. DAT or"eenln. learn tlrlvlns; and repair
ing; automobiles. Call 0'J6Vs Waablnicton
St.. room 41S. Anvboriy. .
WAXTED TouDit ladles for felephona op
erating, with or without experience. Ap
ply Paclfio Telephone at Xclc.raph Caw
Cth and East Ankcur at.
HOTEL cook. 43 (city).
fountry hotel cook, 410.
Cump cook. $4i.
i 'hambcrmald. $J5.
Nurse girl, $S0.
Krcond aTirl. $-.1.
Waitress tout of city). $.1.",, fare paid.
, Olrla for general housework, lu and out
of city. 120 to $10.
340 4 Waah. St.. Room 7.
Q ran d . and. aat Taylor Ms,
WANTED Young lady with some knowl
edge of bookkeeping and able to operate
typewriter: only those with best of ref
erences need apply. Addrcsa AE 623,
AN experienced ladv stenographer and book
keeper for a position In Missoula. Mont-;
must sturt Sunday nlgbt next; salary $.10.
Apply In person. John ti. Beall. SOU East
Yamhill ft.
WANTED Number young ladles to learn
telegraphy; easy to learn: good positions
guaranteed. Call or address Telegraph
lrpt.. US Bth t.
WANTED Refined elderly lady In beauty
parlor, business taught reasonable and ex
cellent salary paid. Call at 604 East
Main st.
WANTED Good chocolate dipper, wage
$10 per week and advancement; perman
ent position, out of town; glvo phone.
AD 5Jit. oregonlnn.
WANTEIr- Young man with office and
tenographlc experience, good salary,
with opportunity to learn b'islnt.'a end of
advancement. Address AC 5ss. oregonlm.
WANTEII Woman to do chamber work In
4 rooms near Union Station: expect her
to room and board herself, all but dinner.
Apply Y OS.".. Oregonlnn.
WANTED Woman, very light housework:
mu.t o competent plain cook, more ns
companion; sleep at home. Call S3 N. 10th
at., corner Couch, upstairs. '
WANTED Ksflned. capable, woman for re
por.sibl position. Vlavl Co.. sua Roth
chlld l.ldg.. 4ta and Washington.
EXPERIENCED and rient irl for cooking
and general housework. "9 Lovejoy st.
p hone Main -l'-tl and A 4'.40.
NICK reflned young girl needing home to
render small service and be companion to
ehlld Marshall 2734.
K)OD eklrtxnaker and apprentices; pay while
learnings Room 600. Hamilton bids, 6th
tvaNTED Good girl cook for family of 4.
light work, good waifca and home, must
bo competent cook. Phone East 40511.
IV ANTED Ex' per lr need markers and dis
tributors. Call Portland Launjry Co.. (th
and Couch st.
LAilT;S'"mpl(ym:nt sten.y. ."..'.2 4 Wash.,
upstairs, room 4. Fhon Marshall Suutl, A
GIRL for cooking ni general housework,
id trl kept: references. Apply morn-
EXPERIENCED second trlrL C3I Wsco
St.. H.'lladay AddlUou, i'hon East 6ti9t;
take "l" car.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral housework. Apply 772 Everett, near
and t.
W A STED Competent cook In small fam
llv. wages $4o; city references required.
4S4 MorrUon St.
"WANTED Teach -r In Washington. short
distance from Portland. Address Teacher,
Hayes, Wash. .
-BIB housekeeper, deatrlnr home, comfort
able, rather than laree aiilarv. answer with
full particulars. AK 6s'3. Oregor.lan.
GIRI for general housework; must be com
petent and good rook; good wages: small
family. Apply Mrs. James, sal Hoyt at.
$204 Waanlngton st., room bli.
Main SH.'irt or A r.'Jtlti.
I4S4 Waahingtoo su, Cor. 7th. Upstair.
Phone Main 2092.
SKIRT wai.tmnker at Mrs. A. Ditch-
. burn. 4". Flledner nlilg.
E-Pf:itlEN"KD girl for rare housowork and
cooking. bet wage. 4tt Hassnlo t.
IVANTEl Girl for cooking and housework.
V 1 1 1 ' -. I . v nVe Phone !--, 1AJ
1VANTED ;irl for general housework;
mll fsmlly; goodwages. tit K. Ankeny.
GIRL, to caro for a small children. Apply
774 Everett.
WANTEI 10 hair weavera. Sanitary Heau
tr Parlors. 4QQ Dekum bldg.. good wages.
GIRL or woman for tllnlr.Fr-rcoin and cham
ber work. Call t 232 Front.
WANTED At Sisters Hospital In Chlco,
Cal.. pupils to enter school of nursing.
EXPERIENCED nurseplrl. 43S E. ISth St.
N. Telephone E. 312. -
WP.IT1XQ: $0 mo. 3U 14th; Main sax
GIRL wan'ed for cooklne and general houas
woik. 721 Halaey. Phon East 111)0.
EXPERIENCED .llnlng-room girl for board
Ing house. 7:i3 Hovt ft.
W'ANTED Good rook and general house
work girl: no wa.hlng. 604 Irving st.
LUNCH waltre., Apllii Restaurant. 2C.3
Stai kat.
AV experienced waitress. Call ready for
work. 04 Sixth t.
GILL wanted for general housework; must
be good cook. 1 Lovejoy.
WANTED C.lrl to a.rd.t In scueral house
work. Telephone Maia
GIRL for general housework and cooking.
Phone Main U40T.
EXPERIENCED cook, also waitress. 4 12th
AMATECRS Clifford Robertson. late of
Metropolitan School of Dramatic Instruc
tion. New York; lessons In dramntp: In
struction, voice culture, stage dancing,
laud.ivillo acts writt-n and reheursnl.
I'lays read and produced; In touch witK
many prominent stock companies: fot
t-rnn npply th- Robertson Scliool f
iTamatlc Art. otflccs Marquam bids,
r.peu evenlnKS nd Sunday nft. moons.
le.uvv POSITIONS ror graduates last year,
men end women to learn barber trade la
a week, help to secure promotion: grdu
alas earn trom $13 to $24 weukly; expert
Instructors: tools free: wrtl tar cata
Inguea Mohlar System of Col.cgs. a
North 4th l Portland. Or.
EARN-T3eral comml!.lon during your spare
time calling on buines llrms for Christ
mas rona-aiine adveriising: experience not
necessarv. Hene.llctlne Press. Goodnougn
TrMg. Phore Main lO.'.'i.
MAKE mcney writing stories or for n"
Laperr: big pay: send for free booklet,
tehs how. United Press Syndicate, ban
Francisco. .
land bldg.
Ilookkrepers and Clerks.
BY NICE. neat, sober oun man; prefer
office work: 11m rot nfrald of soillriK
Lamia, have almost nnlshe.l complrt.i com
mercial cotirsn in Intrrn.-itlonHl I orre
epon.terce School: Al reference piven;
nioderate wages only. Herman Van Meter,
t Trttnn City, or. ,
EXPERIENCED general biek keeper, type
writer, ofrico man. ;1S: hiRhcst recom
mendations: moderate ea!ar ; will make
eoo.1. T 012. Oregonlan.
EXPERT biwkkeeper wants sets books to
keep by hour; charge moderate. 1 none
C 1-J34.
STENCHIRAI'HER mid bookkeeper. 5 Jears"
experience, furnish good reference. AJ
.".SO. Oregorlan.
EXPERT bookkcepor wants worll tl.iil can
be done at homo veciu. A ore-
A-l OFFICE man and bookkeeper . KRcd 20.
wishes einpl-.yment where ability win
mini. A oji. .rcKonmn.
OFFICE man, experienced, or salesman de
Ire. permanent position: Is steady and
reliable. AK 62. Orcconlnn.
TOt'Nfiriian. experienced as bookkeeper of
flee assistant and collector, wishes position.
AL nsl. oreconlan.
MEN'S furnishings dept.. experienced; refer
encr. K 021. Oreponlan. .
I-TRNisHED house at once; 6 or 6 rooms.
Phone Woodlawn 2.J'J!.
I AM an architectural deslcner and per
spective artist, rendering In water colors;
I w ill be h re In the- city for about three
month.; 1 can do three designs. public
buildings and rural country homes my spe
rlally. P TIM, Or, aonlall.
WANTED Situation: handled rlothlng. do and furnishings; can trim windows,
write carus: If necessary will go out of
town. Write Charles Wurgaft. cor. bth
nd Main at... Vancouver, Wash.
POSITION a instrument, rod or draftsman
t.y college graduate. 2 years' level and
transit on Irrigation work. R 613. Oie
fronltin. ,
EXPERIENCED traveling salesman desires
position with reliable bouse: thorough
knowledge fruit trade and confectionery,
can make good. AH -2'l. OreKonian.
b'lKICTLY sober married wants steady
work, watchman, or will take care of
heating plant or Job on railroad or ateam
V u tti ping plant. 27 East 10th t. North.
COMIC artist nnd card writer desires any
position you have oven; b-rt of inferences.
What rati you offer?. Address F. W. D.,
422 4 Washington at.
EXPERIENCED grocery or general mer
chandise clerk wishes a position; can 1 give
references. F. W. Rose, General Deliver).
Portlaud. Phono MalnC34-4.
CREDIT and collection man of ability and
U vcars' experience In Portland trae
open for engagement Jan. 1, 1911. X a-t.
Wii take contract clearing land; also cord
wood cutting. Address A. Cairaiuilio. 2J4
Couch St.. Portland, or phoneMal n oBOo.
POSITION by drus clerk. S years' experi
ence: first-class references. AE 529, Ore
atonlnn. YOCNO man of good appearance not afraid
a. .- ...1-V.r,- r...oi t . X. t fl.Il VtlllllC. rVjU
Or WUI V Wl-iica iV"" ww -
lr-sacrin Inn.
JAPAN ESK couple wants pchlUon Bt holei
bolirdmKlioue.w fwuiiil-. city or country
OO nimu
MAN and wife wish Janitor work In apt.
house, best of reference; phone Main
422 4. room 6.
YOCNiJ man wants position In restaurant or
dairy lunch; experienced. AN -J, ctre
gonlun. SITUATION on ranch, or will care lor same,
by man and wife; have boy 15 years of
age. girl 2 years. AF 606. Oregon lan.
AN all-around" blacksmith wants work.
Phone East 6313. S27 East Cth. near Mar
ket. YOUNG man SI. would like position of any
kind. Address A. Peterson. Paclilo Hotel.
city. .
WANTED Position, by competent hotel
clerk. 2S veurs of age: In or out of city;
best of references. X 627.
A JAPANESE boy. gentle and hotiost. wlshta
to do housework. Address this office. V
622. oregonlan.
-y , r X Cr man wants place to work for board
and room befor and after school. Ad
dress 148 6th st.
MOVING-PICTURE operator, married, wants
position, city or country; refercne. AH
621. oregunlan.
CHEF-Klral-class. want position, hotel,
lestaurant. town or country. AL 6S0,
YOUNG-man experienced In grnhous.
vegetable k rowing, wants work. Y 6.0.
GOOD, expert farmer wants work for Ion
time. Address 294 Burnside st.
JA pan Ed E boy wants position at house
work. K 822. Oregonian.
WANTED Situation by first-class gardener
In every line. T olo. Oregonian.
VKAT CUTTER wanta position In email
market, or other work. R 6113. Oregonian.
BARER, experienced, reliable, wants work.
O 610. Oregonian.
WANT place A porter, colored man, 973 E
2Mb, K.
Bookkeepers and Stenographer.
position or substitute work; It years' ax
berlence. AF 615. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, eight ears' experience,
wishes position by December 1; refer
encrs. Ad d ress AN .'.2t'. Oregonls n.
KTFNOGRAPHER desires permanent po
sliion. six months' experience. Phone Mar
shall 2701.
BTENOGRAPHEIS. bookkeeper; seven years
experience; executive ability; salary mod
crate. X 5Stl. Oregonian.
EMPERHiNCED lady cashier wants good
"position. H 623. Oregonian.
VAUHIONABLB dressmaking, prices reason
bio! work guaranteed. Phone Marshall
DRESSMAKING and plain aewtng, prices
reasonable. 4.s9Wcst Park.
WANTED InfanU'. children's or plain sew
ing at my home. Phone East 6359.
WANTED Dressmaking, children's clothes
a 'specialty. Eat1132.
' Housekeepers.
MIDDLE-AGED rclincrt laity. good cook,
wants situation as housekeeper for wid
ower (preferred!. Phono Woodlawn o4o.
residence 1"24 E. 18th N.
REFINED reliable woman wishes position
as housekeeper, club, gentlemen. ladles', or
business couple; neat, economical. D 520.
ONE cook and one second girl, good refer
ence; two women wish day work. Ad
dre.s' 2''1 North 17th st.
POSITION a housekeeper doing housework
l.'v a woman with boy C years old; city
preferred. R 62". Oreponlan.
MA-KL'SE. Swedish f-raduate, treats pa
tients at their own home l.y appointment;
ladles and children only. 374 Sa st. Phono
Main II".
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wants sewing by
the dav In private families. Phono Main
ji m:t. Address 4"7 14th st.
HY lady of refinement, position as compan
ion to lady: would take responsibility.
fnll East :7.
N 1" RSE will nurse Invalids, aged. Infants,
city or country. Phone Sellwood 3C08.
THOROUGHLY experienced second girl or
waitress wants position, private family.
Call or write A. E. Norlund. 1S20 East
GIRL "would like to assist general house
work. 224 Halsey. Phono East 6371.
Miscellaneous. .
SWEDISH glil wants to do general house
work. Apply 7U4 Loveji.y st.
YOUNG woman wants day work; references.
B 20113.
FIRST-CLASS laundress wishes work Frio ay
and Saturday; references. Wood lawn 1G1L
R SEND full report 10 the StAte, Fire
Marshal. Madison, Wis., box 4S5. and
stenographer will check up and return
necessary Information: three months
ought to close case. AJ 497. Oregonian.
REFIXE15! Well educated widow. with
young son. desires position as companion,
office manager or managing housekeeper;
reierences. P 511. Oregonian.
LADY-of refinement and experience wishes
position with physician or In detnal par
lor: stenosrapher. collector; best refer
ence. AG 020. Oregoulan.
Jin CATION wanted by experienced wok
In private boarding house, hotel or restau
rant, also mother as experienced laun
clresr. A J ESQ. Oregonian.
LADY, educated, qualified for a good busi
ness proposition. solicits a good-paying
businrsf: references given; must spend
the year In Mexico. A 010. Oiegonlan.
TWO Norwegian girls want to do general
housowork In small families. Call -41
Ivy st.
TWO girls wish to work by day or hour.
Call M. t427, room o-t.
EXPERIENCED exchange operator wants
p-.sttto n Immediately. R Oil. Oreconlan.
REFINED ladv wishes position as cook
for a few men. D 623. Oregonian.
GERMAN lady does hourework and wasti
ng by the gay, o.i- .vi'"
GIRL wants work by day or hour. Phone
Tahor -M.V7.
RELIvni.E girl wishes general housework
and cooking. 410N20th st.
AGENTS wanted to aid us supply th de
mand for choice nursery stock; outfit
free: cash weekly. Address Capital CllJ
Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
ACTIVE canvassers can make $00 weekly
selling trers for the Oregon Nursery urn
psny. Liberal proposition; good territory.
Address Orenco. Or.
I WANT to buy a good, clean rooming
house of 18 to 26 rooms; can pay $lsu0
cash and $100 a month aa 1 have other
Income: must be 111 good location and
respectable: please glvo full particulars.
Mrs, (immray. box AM r.!. Oregonian.
WANTED Nicely furnished house, south of
Morrison at., between 7th and 18th sts..
by man and wife; no children; will take
good care. Address AC uS4. oregonian.
WANTED To rent, modern 4 or 0-room
flat. West Side, wltnln walking distance.
. . . I-.. ,,., ... x va-.K
JU! S. . 1UI191IU. i o t .1. rv p.. .... .
TOLL TUumpsun Rental Fire insurance
Agency; house solicited; repairs; taxes;
furmsU tenants. Call $10 Failing bldg.
" Apartment.
t;tjjpE want two-room apartment with
bath, In South Portland: must be warm
and modern; no children. AM S20. Oreg-o-nlan.
WANTED Three loans of $0000. $10,000.
ISO. out! at 7 per Tcent for 3 to 6 years ou
good inside Improved property.
1 . e. cir v- X V
605 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED For 2 adults. 2 desirable well
iuinished hou,ekecping rooms, reasonable,
good location, Eaal SUe. Phone East
WANTED A room with sleeping porch ac
commodation on West Side. Address,
stating price. main aw
Rooms Wit Board.
BOARD and room for man and care of 24-year-old
boy for several weeks or montn,
ar.ay from car track. Phone Marshall
Furnished Booms.
Corner 4th. SOU Taylor,
and Alder St. near 7th.
These two beautiful new hoteis just
completed and handsomely furnished, poi
sess every modern convenience incluuing
elevator service and private telephone ex
change. Both are right down town, yet
lust u all carllnes: about half Ihu rooms
in each have private baths, all otners hot
and cold water. The rates are surpris
ingly low. Call and see them and you
win be pleased In every way. Booms by
t h e day, we e or month.
THE WEAVER. 710 Washington Bt., near
King; a perfect modern home; private
batn. steain heat, hot and cold water and
telephone In every room: finest part of
the city; the maximum of convenience at
the minimum of expense; we make you
feel at home; dining-room In connection;
best in the city for the money.
12 Eleventh tit.
yew, modern brick building, steam
heated, private baths, hot aud cold watsr
In rooms, beautifully furnished, oosy and
coinlortable. Rates very reasonable. Call
and eee us Regular and transient trad
BOTEL BUCKINGHAM, op. Portland Hotel,
$au Yamhill: nrsl-class furnished rooms,
single or eu suite; modern; $6tl up; iransl
nts solicited. M. 31. A 3177; $5 week, up.
HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th.
ftrst-class furnished room, single or en
suite; all modern conveniences, 43 weekly
up. A 2647, Main 6847.
Furnished rooms and housekeeping
room for rent. 220 11th t.
UKRA11EE HOTEL, 227 4 Larrabee ;
team heat, electric lights, hot and cold
water, bath and phone; $2.50 and up.
SHE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall at., well
furnished sleeping rooms, $2.&o per week.;
lecirlo lights, hut baths fre.
MODERN outside rooms. SJS.60 'o $3.00 per
week. Including baths; also' housekeeping
rooms. 648 4 Washington st. ,
HOLLY HOTEL opens this week; steam
heat; everything up to date; rates rea
son able. 105 4 12th st.. near Washington.
HOTEL ACME Newly furnished and ro
modeled rooms. Phone East 639.
The Hazel Nicely furnished stecm-heated
rooms, running water. 3d and Montgomery.
NICELY-furnished rooms, heated, hot and
cold water. -.- up. oow Aiuer si
bM ALL bason-.ent room, furnished, only
$1.75 per week. 3M Alder st.
Furnished Rooms tn Private Family,
NEVVLY-fnrnialied. cozy rooms, heat, light,
bath, toilet, walking distance, home com
fort meals if desired. Mrs. Ohmart, 2U2 4
6UITABLE room for 1 or 2; home comforts;
modern house; excellent rar service; walk
ing distance. Phone Cr SS03. 264 Grand
avfc N.
IN new steamheated apartment, well fur
nished room. Nob Hill, walking distance;
boardlnghouse. references. AC 627, Ore
ONE nice room, private home, hot water
nd heat, nicely furnished and modern
. .,.. rav aril Tarlor at.
TWO connecting rooms in front of flat, suit
able for two or three gentlemen. 147
Uth st. j
NICELY furnished rooms, tipper flat, pri
vate family. 745 4 Hoyt sts
FOR respectable gentlemen, coxy rooms In
new comfortable home. Easy w-alklng
rt 1st -titer. 604 E. Yamhill, cor. 33th.
NICELY furnished room, modern conveu.
iences. private family, centrally located.
4H4 Clay st.
VERY desirable furnished room In private
famllc. suitable for one or two gentlemen,
references. Phone Main 0012.
FURNISHED room with porch In new apart
ment; two ladles; breakfast optional. Call
Marshall 2040. apartment 20. after 6.
$' 00 WEEK, nicely furnished room, phone,
"bath, walking distance. 204 Uth st.
-p;l--r,Y furnished rooms: one. two or three
ladles; heat, etc. olio Flanders st.
NICELYfuralshed rooms at moderate prices. Hoyt st.
NICELY furnished front room, heat, bath;
close in. 33 E. 3d. North.
LARGE parlor, fireplace, well furnished for
two; strictly modern. SCH Everett.
FURNACE heat; gentlemen preferred. 474
Clay ; walking distance; cor. 14th.
SM ILL front room. Ixeat, phone, bath,
walking distance. 262 12tll at,
TWO nicely furnished rooms, suitable for 2.
192 13thst.. near Morrison.
for RENT Nicely furnished room, gentle
man preferred. 141 Thirteenth st.
iri-RNISHED room, bath, phone. $8; close
In. s'4!4 Halsey et. East 43U.
RENT to vnuns lady, lovely room In apart
rrient. 605 Lovejoy St. Thone M. 7750.
jl.-, PLEASANT room, modern, close In.
324 Uth st.
FURNISHED room .suitable for two. t2 E.
S'lith. near Slaik. Phone East S08.
to,, pleasant front rom for two, $40; mod
ern conveniences. 47i Main st.
$a MONTH, nice oulsldo room; bath, heat;
walking distance. 402 6th st-
NEWLY furnished rooms, steam heated.
running hot and cold water. 664 Flanders.
BOOM, clean; furnace heat. 203 12th st.
Fuml.hrrl Rooms tr f-n'ef.r Inill-
ROOM in lovely home, hot water. elf 'r'HS
nome privileges, 410 a i"1
2710. .
Unfurnished Rooms.
Room With Board.
PORTLAND Women Union, 23d year, rooms
with board, use of sewing-room. li
brary. 610 Flanders. Miss Frances N.
Heq.h. supt.
Rooms With Board In ITivute Family.
A LADY will itive excellent board and room
for $20 monthly to a few relmed B,entle
men, strictly private modern home and
away from carllnes ami in f.rst-clasa neigh
borhood. 864 East Main st.
SJ3 MONTi.OMF.itY. 1 large alcove room,
suitable for two or three men; also' sev
eral other nice rooms, with pood board;
modern, reasonable; 10 minutes' walks
Main S9.-.7.
EXCELLENT room and board for young
man; all home comforts; we want only the
best. Phone B 21'1.
YOUNG man wanted to room and board,
private family; $0 per week. Phone East
1t!5. .
CLEAN, sunny front room, with board for
one or two persons: walking distance, reas
onable. Irt.-, 17th st. East 0M43.
TWO large communicating rooms, modern
conveniences, near two car lines, suitable
for 2 or 4 persons. S04 ssd N.
PLEASANT room for two ladles, furnace
heat, home cooking. 1&0 Belmonts East
BOARD and room In private family. Heat,
' light and bath. nt6 East Washington.
CLEAN, well-fumlahed room with home
cooking, suitable for two. 432 3d. flat C.
ROOMS and board, furnace heat, phone and
bath, reasonable. 170 N. ltith
NEWLY furnished rooms with board, price
reasonable. OHO E. Oak St. B 261".
COMFORTABLE room lor a man $22 per
ni o nth; two meals. Main 2071.
FURNISHED room with board, sleeping
porch. 300 11th St. A 1636.
653 WASHINGTON ST.. room and board
$6 Iter week.
Cor. 6th and Montgomery.
These elegant 2 and 3-room apartments,
situated at the comer of 61b. and Mont
gomery streets, are now reati.- and res
ervations may be made at any time,
night or day. They are most elegantly
furnished with the latest designs in
fumed and waxed oak furniture, beauti
ful Axminster and velvet carpets and
rugs; buffet kitchens, porcelain baths,
toilets, etc., large closets, built-in beds,
and in fact all modern conveniences. They
are most desirably situated, having an
east and northerly exposure, and are
wlthia walking distance of business ccn
ter. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks south from Morrison sL; new
brick building, completely lirst-class; fur
nished in 2, 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, reception hall, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, Jan
ltor service; rent very reasonable.
KEELER APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay Bts.
Front, southeast corner, 4-room suite with
vestibule, private bathroom, electric ele
vator, etc.; will be vacant Nov. 20; one of
the finest suites In the city. Apply al
Cor. Grand Ave. and Stark St.
New fireproof brick building, beautifully
furnished, two and three-room apart
ments, private baths, wall beds, larg
clothes closets, phono E. 300.
i.n ; :t i a court.
4-room apartment, unfurnished, every
modern convenience. Apply superintendent
in building, Lucretia st., bet. SSd and
23d. West Sldo. .
JL'Si OPENING New Yurk Apartments; 3
and 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished;
steam heat, telephone, call bells in rooms.
East 7th and Belmont; walking distance.
KE-UKAN. Marshall, between lUth and Sotn.
Nicely furnished apart., 3 roorsa-, private
bath, private phone, steam huat, honic
1 i ke. yard. Main ti032. A 3101.
14th; one two-room modern apartment,
fully furnished. $25; Including electrio
light, steam heat, iiot and cold water.
6-room, steam-heated, modern apart
ment. Janitor service. Apply Janitor, 026
BRYN MAWR, ISO East 16th. cor. Yam
hill; 6-room apartments, heat, range, rt'
f rigerator. porch and llreplace.
1S7 17th. near Yamhill.
Furnished aprtments, steam-heated.
FURNISHED flat for rent in a new house.
Call 270 Ross at. Owner lives at CBS Kear
ney st.
8-ROOMED unfurnished; also one fur
nished, or sell furniture. Inquire 233 4
THE LEOXCE. Newly furnished apart
ment of 3 rooms, private phone and mod
ern conveniences. 180 22d st. North.
NEW, 6-room. steam-heated apartment;
fine neighborhood. 20th, between North
rup and Overton. Apply to janitor.
6-room. steam-heated, modern apartments.
Janitor service. Apply Janitor, 672 Kear
ney. .
BOZANTA Newly furnished S and 4-room
apt,; private phones and strictly modern;
23d near Johnson St.
THE WESTFAL APTS., 410 5th St., one 3
room furnished apt., strictly modern.
FURNISHED and unfurnished apartment of
the Blan-Myr. 228 North 2"th.
$32.00 New 6-room flats, servant's room
extra; hot-water colla in furnace, gas
range and hot-water heater In kitchen;
every modern convenience, electric and
gas fixtures. Appty at the flats, 2914
East 21st st,. or 822 Hoard of Trade bldg.
A. B. Wlflney. Main iiu.4. A mi).
COLONIAL HEIGHTS Flit for rent. Ilvo
rooms, sleeping porch, furnace, llreplace,
beam ceilinff and paneled dining-room:
gas rango, inlaid linoleum, lower Hat, 295
E. -1st. Hawthorne car. I-llone lauw ..... i.
U-OUai,- BUIUI.v, upp. .
paneled dining-room, plate rack, china
closet.' brass fixtures, electric and gas,
large front and back porch, cement base
ment, furnace. 746 Kearney, near 23d,
BEAUTIFUL brand now modern flat, 4
rooms, den. sleeping porch, fine location;
$23. including phone; no children; refer
ence required. 361 Monroe st,. near Union
ave. .
NEW, modern 4-room flats on Chapman and
Yamhill ts. ,
200 Alder St.
6-ROOM modern flat on East First and
Uolladay: rent $25.
260 Alder Sis
.. ea, Kenn.a.l .-efilo
4-ROOM furnished fiat, new building, no
children, closo In. $00. 270 Ross st- Owner,
663 Kearney, nat a. yy e. j-oooe iim.
MODERN up-to-date upper flat of 6 large
rooms. 8 minutes' walk to Postofflce;
adults. Phone East 2302. 3284 Mill t
DESIRABLE, strictly modern 4-room flats,
close In. 692 Salmon. Main 0603
NEW 6-room flat, all modern conveniences.
. . ... , , k , xh..r.o -pt vio:
4-ROOM hat, furnished. 102 East 20th st,.
Hat A.
6M VLL flat sunny, convenient private bath;
also furnished flat. Inquire 2.134 Hall.
DESIRABLE flat for rent and furniture
for sale. 331 Uth St.
4-ROOM flat, thoroughly modern, $25 per
month: no children. Tabor 610. B 2967.
Honaekeeplpg Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur
nished for housekeeping, gas range, eleo
trlc lights, hot water, bath, laundry, ail
free' $13 per month up; a clean place;
best in the city for money; short distance
from Union Depots Take "S" car or 16th
et, cars north, get off at Marshall at. Ne
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; 2,
$10 month; 3,"$1- Front of cottage. 2 or
2 large rooms, with porcn.. Apply 364 X.
"6th West Side river. W car from depot.
Bth or Morrison to ittn, oiocw. norm.
$1 50 TO $2.00 WEEK; clean. furnished
housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath,
phone, clean linen, heat, 406 Vancouver
ave.. and gu34 Stanton: take U car.
NEWLY furnished rooms complete for
housekeeping. reasonable. 176 21st St.,
near Washington.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms in new com-rel
bldg. Phone Woodlawn 2997 or 2379.
461 E. MORRISON Completely furnished
housekeeping suite; bIbo single room.
FOR RENT One clean singTis housekeep
ing room; walking distance. 308 Mill St.
""Hoosekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
$10 TWO pleasant housekeeping rooms,
close In. 324 14th St.
NEWLY furnished room, also light house
keeping rooms at 490 Taylor at.
Housekeeping Rooms In Prlvato JT n T
TWO or three modern newly turnlsnea
. 1 e reantlVe n C1TY1 2
housekeeping: rooms iu ;
river view, near carline. Phon. be wood
i.i.--. cm 1 1 morninKS. oi- "l "
Two' furnished housekeeping room-, ground
$0per weclt. 169 E. 1 14 bloclt. ot
V Vnrelcitl s-rHne "
ONE or two furmshed housekeeping .
S, -111 W alt- t "v
TWO furnished housekeeping-rooms .
East Ankeuy or 2S Easx xa
Vhor.- fact o,-,1-
THREE large. ."Khtunfurnlshed
convenient, walking ui.i . -!!33'i
3 OR 4 furnished housokeeplnR- rtn1,:3"Jr
hath. phone, wajKinK iii....;
Friday noon. 490 Montgomery.
TWO or three housekeeping J0mu' TjtYna-
furnished, pnone, iirui iub , " ,s r
distance. 567 E- Couch st. Phon B 367J,
FURNISHED room suitable for light house
keeping. Phone, bath and gas fre. t JJU
21st st. .
NEWLY furnished housekeeping room; . 13
per month. 329 Montgomery St.. between
1'. and 7. .
FOR RENT Two light and clean house
keeping rooms, modern home, walking dis
tance. 71 East Uth st. North. East 6324.
63 NORTH 20TH ST., large, newly furnished
room with kitchenette, complete for
viwi.nsn hnusekeeDing suite, furnace
heat, central location. 108 12th st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, dean,
. -,T 11.11
mouern. nuuus. .
$10 A MONTH, 1 large housekeeping room.
ground fluoir.walking distance. 411 tn.
3 NICELY furnished "housekeeping rooms,
furnace heaL 690 East Burnside.
SMALL suite, newly furnished, gas plate,
sink, etc. 312 tVjlumbla. near Cth.
TWO largo housekeeping-rooms; modern;
nist lioor; nice locni.o... i.,n...
31:: UTH Cor. Clay
lflr-e licht. Single
housekeeping rooms
rent moderate.
ONE room for llsht housekeeping; modern.
Phone East 2s'S9. -
8 rooms, 1S4 E. 7tli N -J ''
8 rooms. E. Washington, near 34th.. 4,i. m
7 rooms. 311 E. 4sth
0 rooms. 1026 Williams ;!
4-room flat. Salmon st 30.00
6 rooms, Anabel Sto.. 339 Belles .ve.S-S-OO
6 rooms. Uth st ju.w
D rooms, East Yamhill ?
n rooms. Thurman st ro,.!!
(I rooms, Crosby st S-'V, ,
7 rooms. East Ankeny ?'!"n.I
7 rooms, Portland HelKhts so.uu
Our service Includes the care of prop
erty and collection ot rentals.
WHEN jou move you-Il need new furniture.
Buy it Judiciously and the savings will ex
cced your moving expenses.
Our NO-RENT PRICES made us on of
the largest furniture houae In th city la
two years.
Lookers shown same courtesy a buyers,
Grand ave., corner East Stark L
East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver carlin.
FOR RENT 7-room modern house. B. 23d
and Ankeny, $27.00. .... ,
5-room flat, furnished, furultur for
ale. good location, rent $27.60.
Main 392, A 2392. 229 Stark St.
At a great saving. Get our prlcM
Looker shown every courtesy.
U. OSTROW CO., 64-66 North 3rd St,
Reasonable prices. Easy terms.
i-UROM bungalow In Rossmere. beautifully
furnished, hot air furnace, electrio Hunt
and every modern convenience; just
finished, on full-sized lot. rent 4S per
month. Inquire Calumet Hotel.
TWO houses for rent at 19th and Wasco sts.;
7 rooms, hardwood floors, $48 and $S per
month. Call W. R. Hoover, 625 Thompson
st. Phone East 4004.
FINE niodorn 6-room house, furnace, gaa
stove and water heater. 8 East S8th st.,
near cor. Ankeny: $27. Phone Tabor 187.
8-ROOM strictly modern house, 762 East
Burnside St.: $35 per mouth. Call 805
Gerllnger bldg. Main 4643.
A13 l-HOOM house gas, full basement,
close to two carllnes; adults. Inquire ac
220 Monroe -st. .
MODERN 6-room house on corner, cement
basement, laundry trays, etc; $26 per
month. Call 401 E. 87th at.
MODERN cottage, 5 rooms and bath: 1
minutes' walk from postofflce, ws
Side; rent $25. 488 Market St.
FOR RENT 8-room houes on East an
West tilde; low rent to steady tanant,
M. E. Lea, 41L Corbett bldg.
CHEAP to deslrabie tenant; beautifully fur
lushed 7-room house. West Side. Phona
A 1042, between 10 and la A, M.
6-ROOM modern house. 392 Grand awe. K.,
$22-50, Phone E. 42S5.
eROOli house, 299 Cook ave. 603 ShrIoc
bldg. A 829. Main 1384. .
FINE 8-room house on S0xl35 lot. 153$
Taylur. for rent. Phone A 6232S
MODERN 6-room house. 630 East Taggart,
one oioca irom , -j. . -
6-ROOM cottage, Ella St.,
$24. Fhon
$13 so 3-ROOM house, new and clean. 6104
3th ave. Myrtle Park. Ms Scott car.
77ROOM house. 441 East 13th t- North.
near miamooK. x-noue n.
NICE 6-room house $24. 14$ 13th St., near
East Morrison, close In.
7-ROOM modern house. 461 Rodney &.,
near Eugene. $30. Keys at 516 Eugene rt.
Furnished Mouse. ,
$40 Nlcoly furnished 7-room house, piano,
gas and wood range, water-heater, lovely
yard, plenty of fruit; will lease to respon
sible party year or longer. 265 Morris,
East 2i2.t.
FOR RENT Furnished cottage, rooms,
basement and attic; worth $50 per month;
by allowing owner to retain one office,
and sleeplng-room. together with board.
$so. 1321 East Madison. Tabor 2496.
12-ROOM beautiful furnished houae on
river bank: strictly modern: SO minute
to West bide; rent very reasonable for
3 mouths. Inquire Y. E. Bradnack. Ill
4th st.
A- COMPLETELY furnished 6-room flat,
closo ill. rents for $27 per month; owner
b uvlng city, will sell furniture at a price
tliut you will agree Is a snap. Geo. D.
cliatK. r-iara bl. w.m .......
FURNISHED house of 7 rooms; gas. elec
tric lights, 3 bedrooms: good location. 872
E. Davis st. J. L. Wells Co.. 630 Cham
ber of Commerce bid g.
$35 0-ROOM flat, modern conveniences,
neatly furnished. E. 24th and Halsey sts.
W. O. Waddel. 309, Lumber Exchange.
8-ROOM house in lrvlngton; will sell or
lease. Particulars, W. 0. Reed, 346 Mor
rison St.
FURNISHED house for rent, all modern
conveniences. Phone East 4450. No. T
East 12th St. .
6-ROOM furnished house with 4 lots, $2500,
quick. Tabor 2352.
" Houses for Rent. 1-urnllure for Sale.
If you want a nice home where you can
make your rent and a good Income be
sldes. call at 4044 Park st.
ALMOST new furniture of 6-room modern
flat for sale, flat for rent; will sell all
or part- must sell this week: reason for
selling, leaving city 3684 13th St.
FURNITURE of 6-room house for sale;
house for rent: rent $27.00; electric lights:
bath: some tern For particulars call
No. 89 10th st.
FURNITURE of 4-room apartment com
plc'tely furnished, reasonable, also rent
reasonable, close In. West Side, walking
distance. AE 027, Oregonian.
NEW furniture of 7-room house and alcove
at low price; very cheap rent. Inquire
S94 1-lth. cor. Columbia.
THE furniture of a 5-room apartment; a
bargain. Phone Main 8251, or 656 Flan
ders st. '
HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale. 27 liart
30th. near Pine.
FURNITURE of 8-rooin houe for sal. 77
West Park.
NEW three-storv brick. 60x100; plate glass
front. 16th and Marshall, suitable for
light Jobbing, manufacturing or retail;
will lease one-half: divide space to suit
tenant or tenants. A, G. Long, front nnd
FOR RENT for a term of five year, th olfl
Arlington Clui building, W'est Park and
Alder .ti. Apply to R. T. Cox. room No,
8. 200 4 3d t- :
STORE for rent, fine location for drugs or
confectionery, big territory, no opposition.
M. K. 411 Corbett bldg.
STORE splendid corner, good for any bus
iness for rent 3214 Water sL
MOST centrally located offices, all-night ele
vator service. 303 Swetland bldg., 6th and
FOR RENT Deskroorn, with desk, lights,
water, both rthones and clerk service!
S12-M per month. 302 Spalding bldg.
PUBLIC stenographer can have desk room
or private room in well-equipped offices
for light services. Call Main S560. A 8475.
FOR RENT A few offices in Couch blda
Call 90S Lewi bids.