xg TonT. I new TonAT. I eJJ KtA tai ioT fe.ler,m,-: K National Addition Never apain in the history of Port land will such opportunities be of fered in real estate, as we are offer in? at Kenton. See for yourself what has been accomplished in the past year at Kenton. It is aa ab- solute assurance that this property rill treble in value in the next two years. ' Make arrangements to see Kenton Saturday or Sunday, aa our automo bile will leave our office every hour for the tract. Till in the eoupon below and mail It to ns today, and we will mail you literature descriptive of Kenton. -corrox CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO B20 Railway Hxehasjge, Partlaa, Or. Gentlemen: Please mail raw literature rjescrlp-fj-s of Kenton-Natlonai Addition. Name Address F rrn S Co-Operative Realty Co. 520 Railway Exchange. ' Marshall 2243. A 1274. INVESTORS .Want ten people with $ 1000 or more to form syndicate on a platting propo rtion that will make 500 per cent profit. AX 507, Oregonian. Investors Attention! . .exceptional opportunity to acquire rell-e.itabllshed lXritimata manufacturing- business making; staple Una of roods. Very little competition and ex cellent territory. Can be bandied with moderate capital. Fullest Investigation invited- This Is not a gold-brick or jret-rlch-qulck game. This business has a, great future and Is a sure winner. Best of reasons lor selling. T 62s. Oregonian. Factory Site Within terminal rates on West Fide. 200xl90-S12,000 Tea best snap ever offered. No agents. A. BACK I. Sl gwr f Trade BMa Willamette Heights Plx-room house, modern: full lot. de sirable location. A vrv line homo on Tourm an street for IsiOt). MERC H 1ST Al A THCST COM PAX l. J. W. Cr. Msta hi WmiIWs Mm. Pl2Lttln Acreage Bargain Th bei? acreage bargain offered to day;: the best you will ever get; acre age selling close by for $00 to $1000. Ws offer 13 H acres at tit pr acre to close a partnership, can be handled wllh 11500 caaii. located m Fowell al ter road (not near lt. A. PaaJsea, 41 Hallway Kaebaaars Mortgage Loans Have H000 to loan on rood Improved city property at per cent. Also m o ata of fl04 and tp at currant rates. Apply A. 1C BIRRELl. CO, 1004 XeKay BU( aa . Sta. tiie aronyixG okego:via:v. Friday, November is, ioio. 1 : : i ZTTTTIZTZ t rul estate. ZZ I TO exchange. Marine View u The Ideal Scenic Addition" If you aro looking for a site on which to build a home where yon will be away from the dirt and noise of the city and have a beautiful view, this is something that will surely appeal to you. MARINE VIEW is on the West Side of the river, just a comfortable Bistance from the heart of the city. It is right on the most scenic auto mobile drive out of the city. In the adjoining addition CWillala tin Park) St. Helen's Hall is to erect their new home. Such improvements as they will make mean something to property in this locality. The prices in Marine View are very reasonable. $400 PER AC3E AND UP 10 Per Cent Down. 2 Per Cent Per Month. A $2500 Building Restriction. It will not be a great while till lots in this vicinity will sell at the price of an acre now. LOTS as far out on the East Side cost MORE today. See Marine View, lose no time in doing so. Call at our office any time. Shepard, Mills & Rogers 214-215 Board of Trade Eldg. Main 6659 A 4710 AUCTION SALE QUARTER BLOCK NOTirE IS HKRKBT GIVEN that the un dersigned, as Preldent of ARLINGTON BUILDING ASSOCIATION', in punuanr of resolution of the directors of said corpora lion, will on Wednesday, the Tib day of De cember. 101O. at 1 o'clock P M.. at the front door of the bulldlnc UDon the premises here in described, soil at auction to the highest and best bidder for cash tne quarter block situated on the northwest corner of Alder an J West Park (Streets, more particularly described as Lots three and four, in Block two hundred and sixteen, in the City of IVrtlaiiil. Oregon, together with the build ings thereon. TERM? OF SAKE. A certified check In the turn of ten thousand dollars $100OO drawn upon a Portland bank, payable to the order of the Arlington Building Assentation, must be deposited with the undersigned at the time of sale, the balance of the purcbase price to be paid In cash upon the tender of a deed of bargain and sale. Abstract f title will be furnished to the purchaser, who will be allowed ave 5 days within which to examine and approve the tll!e. should the purchaser fall to pay the bal ance of the purchase price after the expira tion of the period allowed to examine the abstract of title, the eertlred check deposit ed with the president will be retained by the Association as Ilauldated dim a ires, but the purchaser will not be compelled to com plete nut purrnasc. Tated at Portland. Oregon. November IT. llo. R. T. COX President Arlington Tmlldlng Association. 280 Acres Timber Land Twenty-four million feet, mostly fir, 25 miles out, on creek; easy slopes, pood land. Three miles to railroad. Good location to plat. A bargain. Address W. Hammond 1043 Vanghn street, Portland. PIEDMONT New bungalow, new 6-room house. Investigate these; 1500 will handle. Owner, Main 2362. Woodlawn 1406. A 2SS4. KRAI. ESTATE nFALKKA. Beck. William O. Si Falling bldg. Blrr-ll. A. H. A Co.. 1102-$ McKay bldg. neat eeiate. insurance, mortgages, loans, et Breaker A Ben edict. 6U3 McKay bldg. . 64. Chaotn Harlow, s.'J chamber Coinmarea Cook. B. B. A Co. SO Corbett bldg. Jennings A Co.. Main US. 20S Oregq aa. PALMER-JOKES CCA, H. P SU OnaMf cxai club bidg. chalk. Oeo. IV. S3 Stark at. Vtaia SSX A ajsa. The Oregon Heal Estate Ok. Grand ev mad Multnomah su IHolladay Addition.) at. K. Thompson Co.. cor. 4th and Oak eta SEAL ESTATE. For Bale Lota WOULD accept any reasonable offer to effect quick sale for my 6o-foot view lot In hlgh class East Side restricted addition- ail Improvements In; nothing belter In Port lmid. X J 24. Oretonian. LOTS 60x100. MONTAMLLa, $l0O. This Is per lot and absolutely the greatest bargain In city. FYed W. Ger man, i29 Burnalde St. Main 2770. FULX lot. Just beyond Laurelhurst, clvm to East Clisan at. cara and nicely located: easy terms. ini start tana O'v. 146 Second St. (lo CASH. $i per month, beautiful lot. 3 blocks Mount Scott. Sc carfare, city water, street graded and paid. HIliLEY A MlSliOP. 132 Third St. INSIDE "Ox UK) beautiful building site In Irvlnitton. All Improvements In and eatab hahed nclshborhosd. For particulars call '! Mc-Kay uld. i ol ooxl-s) on Kast Sd street. 3 blocks from Hawthorne avenue cariinc: soo: terms. John M. J'syne A Co.. ill Mohawk bldg. VET IRVINOTON f.VaP FOKCKD EALB ISsJoO. on Kat 11th. near Tillamook su. S feet above grade: forced to sell, bee owner. 414 Couch bldg. Ol.tAI bACRIKICE Lots 1, 2. and UJ. bfock 1 Meadow Park Add. Price 5o0 r-t. Address Postofflce iiox ST. beatlle. Wash. lZue WILL buy eoroer lot on Ksst 10th and Osk sts.; easv terms. Goddard Wledrlok. 21 Stark St, a ACHE. Weet Side. 5-cent fare, only 18 minutes- car rHe. big value at Idoo: terms to suit you. M. E. Lee. Ill Corbet t bids. S '-fli(iE Must raise money: beautTfnl full Vernon corner. $730. Owner. O 6U. f regonlan. Lois on Mt. bcott line near Htuart station; must eelL Phone 274 M. CaU log 4th su H. Chrtstogersen. O.NB or two choice lets. Ladd'e Addition, near Hawthorne an, vsry cheap. B TWO lots. S block from Alameda Park: low price, very easv terms. Alt Dekum bl-tg. Phone Main 814A lit VI SOTO. V snap: save agest'e commis sion. SOxino. east front. 1 block from csrllne. Owner. C 117. MAiMKlc:tNT quarter block, near Hose City car, I77S cash. Owner. East 373. IRVINOTON bargain; east front, lot 1m provenvnts all In. Phone Main T2vA Wtl.L. sell my Roee fity Park lot cheap. Phone Mala 314.1. or A lili i x or pin' iiii. -or dmu iiouct i I . . I - I PORTLAND HK1GHT3. fttngle lot on Improved street, among beautiful residences; splendid view two says liome site of 75 sq. ft. on Improved street, with view of Vancouver, the Wil lamette, Columbia, city, all mountains and Oregon City: not side MIL Charming old home place of IK acres; view of city and mountains. Homes, lots and acreage on all parts of the heights; all views and prices; some barralns. HitOQKE. MAIV 3551. A Hit DID TOt; EVER FIND WELL, NOW lrt TlMB TO ACT. I will sell my lot, ent front. MxlOO. rloee to a good car line, only 'JO mln utea" ride from center of city, wllh the opening of new Maillson-strcet bridge it will be 1. minutes' ride. This lot Is giilrm- for a sons, only $S0 cash required. AM f07, Uregonlan. 4 NEARLY lots. Just acrona street from property at Mt. Tabor purchased by Pres. Joaselyn. of P. P... L. P. Co This property Is on a scml-clrcle and commands aa unobstructed view of whole city sad In many respects hss no coun terpart on the East PiIe. Here Is a home site of half a block at price of one poor -t on Weet Hl'ie. The Hart I.and Co,, Second st. Phone for appointment tolni;;t. Marshall i:-.1. MAKE 1200. Boy this fine jot on tlienn near HA WT HORN K before the new BKI;k3E opena ROSS EN'ILISU IXV. CO.. ajj Mohawk bldg. LACREIJIH-RfT SNAP. 7Ixl, with tine ssplislt street, cement sidewalk, sewer, gas, electricity. 3-foot terrace, restricted ilistrirt. vor'.h 1M; our price for a few da. .iUt-O; easy terma. ORl'PSI ZADOW. S17 Board of Trade hide.. 4ih end Oak. THOSE braiiilful homo sues In Loveieigh on Williams ave. If you are Interealed and have net the time to come In. phone us and will call at your home and take you out on this property In an auto. We want honie -julblors. we will help you. BRONrt-srEELB CO.. Lewis Hldg.. -oT'j Oak St. DO YOU EVER STOP TO THINK What you pay out In rent each year, for year aftor year, money that never comes bsck to you? You can ssve this money snd more, too. Come in and talk it over with us. BRONO-8TEELE CO., Lewis Bldg.. I'.ITS Oak St EXCELLENT INVESTMENT. The very best buy In the Nob Hill dis trict: 4 lots, will sell all or one. on Petty grove between U4th and 25th sts.. facing south: sign on lots: all Improvements In; If looking for a good Investment or flrst class residence sii.i look these up. Zim merman, S1U Bourd of Trade bldg. . BEAUTIKVI, LOT ON COr.-NER. 6uxl0' ft. on S. K. irntr of East rust and Brooklyn sis.; high and slshtly; sti ens graded and cement walks In and bunded, price 11100, with eaey terms. UODDARD tc WIKDRlCK, Jla btark 4-U Z HAVE an elegant lot. enst front', located In the choicest piirt of Portland Heights, only one block from streetcar. If taken at once will give good terms, as I reed money. This Is one of the finest home sites on the Heights. Answer quickly If you want a snap. AD 68. oregonian. CHEAP" BI'SINESS LOT. Corner t-asl HHh and Beacon, 4Hx44, price $900, or will s-U I Cxi 3. Including i-ruutn house, for $1900. GOUUAKU A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. COMPELLED to sscrlflce; for sale, two lots cheap for rash If taken at once; have to leave for Europe; In most desirable loca tion In city: one of the best bargains to be hsd. Call owner. Phone Main 7104. room 5u. Hours 12-2 and 6-7 P. M. i TOU can-buy a lot near lloio City Park for S4J.: grsded streets, cement stde walka and curbs. Bull Run water, elec tricity, telephone. building restrictions. Provident lnv. Trustee Co., 024-Ui Board of Trade bldg. A BARHAIN In lot; lot G6 2-5x100. level, on East 4lith street, near Hawthorne ave nue; price fl down: terms on balance. John M. l"a j ne A Co.. all Mo hawk bldg. , EAST FLANDERS ST. gnoo rash, balance terms, buys a fins rrsldence lot aixlH, walking distance, sewer and cement walks paid.. Inquire 221 Morrison su. room 1. WOOD and coal yard site Frontage on tanily boulevard and O. R. A- N. ; Ideal location: tributary to major portion resi dential district East Side. Phone 1303. A 1515. Ask for Mr. Burllngame. For Sale Houseeu W K HAVE POME CHOICE LOTS ON WHICH TOi; CAN HAVE A HOME BI'ILT TO SUIT BT A SMALL CASH PAYMENT. BALANCE KASY MONTHLY TERMS. PIONEER CONSTRUCTION CO.. ' Sua OREGONIAN PI,N1. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. High-grade East Irvtngton borne on very easy terms and per cent Interest; 5 bed, rooms ; everything modern and up-to-date; lawn, trcea. hard-surlaee streets; double corner lot. Make an offer; $10410 or less down. Owner. C 2435 or Main 1H. ARE you luinking what would please your wife and family most In the way of a Christmas gift? I believe we can guess. It Is a borne. Come In and see us and make arrangements tor It. It Is easy. Urong-ateele Co., Lewis bldg., 2ti7M Oak st. IRVINOTON a-room residence, hardwood noors, new. modem and nice, price only 16000, Including asphalt streets, sewer, water and gas; between Irvlngton car line and Union avo. ; the best snap la Irvlngton. A. BACKUS. 61 Board of Trade Bldg. SWELL BUNGALOW, Just completed, modern, cement steps and aldewalks. ono short block to car: restrict ed neighborhood. Ouxluo lot. Price e-ooo; terms. BRUBAKER A BENEDICT. 602 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. FOR SALE By owner, lo-room elegant modern Irvlngton house, corner E. 10th and Braaeer will sell 1JOO below market value on account of removal: $u300 caaa or tio.voo on time; no agents. Address MS E. 2iUh N. Phone E. 038,1. HALF BLOCK. 100x200. with 20 fruit trees, over Z4 rose bushes, I bearing grape vines, loganberries, blackberries and many va rieties of small fruit; modern 6 -room cot tage with large attic on good car line; Uoou; sill sell furniture with place for lioO. See owner at 414 Spalding bldg. "BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL. SEB IlETSCH WITWER. (SPECIALISTS IN REAL ESTATE FOR TUB MAN OF MODERATE MEANS.. Board of Trade Bldg. R,al Estate. Rentals. Insurance. IftoOO HOUSE and 6 lots, splendid loca tion. MU Tabor; fine homes going up all around; bouse, while old. has 7 rooms and all modern conveniences; ground alone worth the money. The Hart Land Co.. 146 Second at. UNDER MARKET VALUE. New, modem, 6-room house, den, etc.; hardwood floors, cement basomcnt, valu able comer tux 100. near In to business center; Ia7S0; terms. QOZ Spauldlng Bldg. TOU CAN DO IT. If yon have never owned a, home. It Is now time you should, and the opportunity will never be better than now. Come la and let ua talk to you about It. Brong Bteele Co.. Lewis bldg.. 07 Vi Oak St. WHY PAY KENT? 1300 cash, balance ft 10 month, for a 6-room cottage, porcela.n bath, basement, beautiful lot SOxoO, Richmond carline In front of the door; price tluoo. Call 22Ii Morrisonsu. room II. - ROSE CITY PARK BUN tl A LOW. No. 60 East bl'd St.. 1 block south Rose City car; O rwoms. 2 flrepluces. hard wood floors, most artlstlo flnisn. Go see It snd make offer: must be sold. DO you want a good home In a nne neigh borhood? 8-room modern house in the best section of the West Side for 47o0; terms to suit. al. H. Le, 411 Corbett Mrtg. Bt'sT buy In Irvlngton Now. attractive. 8 room modem home. 2 flreplacea, hard wood Doors, han Is. ins fixtures. Duplex shades, elegant location; near "I'' car; 71 ioj terms. AH 123. Oregonian. Jaio ftloo CASH. 0i0 $100 CASH. i, sere of ground, .t-room house. 23 fruit trees, elso berries; ftc fare. Tre tnonu Fred W. German. i29 Burnslde. Main 277. " STOP PAYING RENT. " See BronK-Steele Co.; they will submit a plan whereby you can soon own your own borne. Brong-blsels Co., Lewis bidg.. ;.i7Hj Oak St. IV you want to own your own home, see Brong-Slsele Co.: we will help the right parties. Brong-Steele Co.. Lewis blug., 2,17 W Oak su A NEW, strictly modern flau rooms each; on Williams ave.; pay it per cent en In vestment, price fi.x. part cash. Call - .....I..,, r jMui. 6-1. COM modern bungalow, lot iUxlC'O. H block of car; I31vu. 300 raan; this is a bargain. Inquire 1111 Belmonu Phone Tabor'lJ; FOR 6ALE lOOxlOe. modern l-raon hoosa, ast Couch su. Montaviila; terms. pir I oe-Uavis Durg Co. 7 AND rooms, modern, terms, 41 U Mag nolia. Woodlawn. BETWEEN BELMONT HAWTHORNE. New 5 room bungalow, $2100, small pay ment cash. New r-room bungalow, with large at tic, $3130, small payment cash New 2-story 6-room house, $2700. small payment cash. New lt-storr bungalow, 5-room. attic ran be made Into 2 good rooms; $31UO; small cash paymenu New 2-story 6-room house, strictly up-to-date, $4xul. $1000 cash. Call Mr. fjtithrle. Columbia. Trust Co., S4 4th. Board of Trado. WHAT'S THE MATTER. MR. BUYER? Tou are CERTAINLY overlooking the bet home buy that will ever come to jour notice. This Is not a proposition where the builder Is looking for a profit, but a case of foreclosure and has to selj at a sacrifice. This house Is new. hns 7 largo rooms and Is modern to the smallest detail. We ran deliver It for $3200 r.."i3 ah. It w ill pay you to look Into this immediately. PORTLAND LAND CO.. 607 Commercial Block. Cor. 24 and Washington Sts. PAY .W A MONTH. NO OTHER FIRST PAYMENT NEC ESSARY. BKAtTIFTL SIX-ROOM HOUSE. NOW READY FOR OCCUPANCY. In .Montaviila ln restricted district, neighborhood first-class: I have Just fin ish..! a beautiful six-room cottage; It Is large size and has every modrn con venience; lot has a number of full-bearing fruit treea: pay $30 a month (which Includes Interest! and own a beautiful home, price $nV.n. A. N. S-arle. Take J1V car. get off E. 7th st. Office on the ornr. Auto to show property. THE BEST BUY IN THE CITY. Jlu.oO'l buvs one of the best corners. E. 1th and Burnslde sts. Modern 7-room house, tine lawn unit fruit trees. Lot loo xioo. This is one of the best buys la the city. Ea-y terms. HERE IS ANOTHER. 7-room strlctlv modern house on E. inth and Pine sts. Lot f-oxlOO Well Improved lawn, fruit trees and shrubbery. Price Sfcooo. Terms to suit the buyer. PORTLAND REALTY EXCHANGE CO., ilO Spalding bldg. Phones Main tii'22. A S743. BUNGALOWS That are bungalows. BUNGALOWS. That have all the Latest Ideas Embodied In their construction. $300 down. $20 per month. ston paying rent and let Me show you a home that a a homo and an investmenL F. J. ROSENBERG. 629 I.umbermens Bldg. Phone A 4227. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Close In. st the price of property sev eral mllss further out. SERVED BY THREE CARLINES Strictly modern and a high-clans little bui.galow. for sale by owner; street im provements, cement sidewalk, sewer, gas, electric light, with swell gas and electric fixtures; all you have to do Is to move In; new house: owner has livod there only few months: small down payment, balance monthlv. Marshall 83L A 3120. BUNGALOW, $2. CASH. New. modem, R-room bungalow. lull basement, small attic, gas and electricity, cement walks, graded street, within one block of hard-surfaced street; same dis tance from a business center: 3 blocks to W-R csrllne; sewers and gas connected: price $2550, $230 cash, balance terms. Apply J. R. Karnopp. owner. No. 2 Cham ber of Commerce. Marshall 2.374. LESS THAN COST. 2 houses, one 9 rooms, the other 8 rooms, corner 100x100. cement walks, re stricted neighborhood, close to car, within 3-mtle circle; no Incumbrances; owner lacks funds to complete, therefore the low price $3500; will give responsible pur chaser most liberal terms; small cash payment and long time at 6 per cent. BRUBAKER Ac BENEDICT. tdl McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark. DELAWARE AVE. Near Kllllngsworth ave., east front. 100x100, with 6-room new modem bun galow, with full concrete basement, mod ern pdumbing, etc; price Is $3150. on terma. or will sell house and one lot for g.600, on terma UOOOAKO WIEDRICK. 24 3 Stark SU MODERN IRVINGTON HOME. 7 beautiful rooms, hardwood floors, fix tures made to order, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement. You have no Ideal how complete this home is, unless you see 1U g05OO. Terms. IKVTNGTON REALTY CO.. loTH AND BRAZEE STS. Take Irvlngton car $300 CASH BUYS HOME. 42D ST.. ROSSMEKE. T rooms; lot toxloO: Improve tents In and paid: private gas plant: built-in buffet and bookcases, pass pantry, fireplace and furnace, laundry trays, bath. etc. National Realty A Trust Co.. JJSfc Washington su. room 616. ALBINA COTTAGE. Nice 5-room cottage, cement basement, gas. porcelain bath; this cottiige Is near ly new and on a lot SoxlOO, east front, on Minnesota ave., near Skldmore: price only $2100: $000 cash and $-0 per month. GRUSSI & ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade bldg- 4th snd Osk. FOR SALE. Look at it and get the price before buying modern bungalow. large attic, wired and tinted; only 2 blocks distant from Hawthorne ave.. East 87th and Mill; easy terms, by owner. Sheppard, 424 Henry bldg. BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK. Fine 5-room nearly new bunsalow. com pletely furnished, on a full lou east front, on 4th st.. near Sandy road, half block to car; price $3050; $B50 cash and i0 per ti-RrssI 4 ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. SMALL HOUSE -Not quite completed on 75xl00.ft., best portion of Mt Tabor, commanding fine view, within 123 ft E. Morrison cars; owner wanta to sell In present condition: Investigate and make offer' a bargain for someone. The Hart Land Co.. 14U Second St. A SNAP Beautiful Hawthorne ave. home, 8 rooms, paneled and sealed In latest stylo, electric lights, gas, bath, toilet on each floor, furnace, fireplace: modern throughouu Inquire of owner, 1178 Haw thorne ave. , $100 CASH and $15 per month, new 5-room bungalow, a oiocas .nuuui v fare, 2 closets, pantry, bath, full bass menu Price $1800 HIGLEY BISHOP. 132 Third st. d l V . - i . . . i - ...... .J. (room house, furnished. Including piano, range etc. on Belmont, near $7th su, $4000; $1830 cash. Main $12. a bv'aP A 3-room house, cement basement. city water, etc.; lot 00x128. fruit trees, chicken yard; $1600: terms. John M. Payne & Co.. Sll Mohawk bldg. FOR SALE or trade, d-room house, full concrete basement, lot 50x100, some fruit; price $3300. Inquire i14 Van Uoutea boulo'vard. By owner. ; TWO good 7-room houses, cheap, $2500 and $27o3' terms; Mount Scott car. See Alli son 42S Lumber Exchange bldg. . vo f t-, c r, c nirv Muiuc ATouerty. IF YOU are In the market for the best In vestment In Portland, today, read this: n elegant block close in on loth st. with houses bringing an Income of $2o0 t,er month. The leases on these houses have Just expired and can be renewed at $'10 per month at once, to present ten ants Now Is your time for a snap. $:t5. 000 for a few oaya. Good terms. AD 027, Oregonian. " FACTORY SITE. EAST PORTLAND. ONE ACRE ON TRACK. $7500. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BANDY BOULEVARD BUSINESS PROP- Have 2 lots close 10 28th St.; no re strictions: will sell on easy terms. Phone Main 1503. A 1510. Ask for Mr. Burllng- WAREHOUSE SITE. North Portland. oxl20. 43oo. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. " WEST SIDE INCOME PROPERTY. $9000. half cash, ls-room apartment, flats, good condition, rented cheap at $74; could be made to pay $o; l minutes' walk to Postofflce Alain $12. ANDY ROAD BUSINESS LOT. $l4O0 cash buvs a beautiful business corner 5OxlU0, west of East 2Sth SU. right on the carllne, easy; worth $2300. Call J i Morrison . ev-, iwm u. BUSINESS corner, southwest 10x100 comer, Hawthorne and 43d St., fine location for stores; price $2700, abonut half cash; nothing as cheap In this locality. A E. Poulaen. 418 Railway Exchange. $3000 DOWN balance time, will buy two a'ory brick building: Russell, near Wil liams ave.; 30x143; might consider trade, give or take difference. Phone B 12. or 510, Oregonian. FOR fiALh, 2-story store Dulidlng asd full lot on East lath, su; terms. Apoly Laue pavl Drug Co, Y ORTII THE PRICE ASKED WITHOUT THE IMPROVEMENTS $3000 down, balance 5 years 8 per cent 10 acres highly Improved, close to car. 6 miles of cliv. new 7-room bungalow, hot end cold water, complete bath-room, nice barn. rhlcken-hou?e. woodshed. 200 bear ing trees, newly fenced, all irrigated, nne view, acreage alongside $"-.")00 an acre. To see this will cause no fee ing of dis appointment nt $10,000. We have a num ber of underprleed improved pieces or suburban arrenue. Wnn Johnson Co.. Suite oul, Gerlingcr bldg.. 2d and Alder streets. - . CLARNIE HEIGHTS ACRE TRACTS. Located on Buckley avenue and Sandy road; the place for your suburban home, fine view of MU St. Helens and Hood and overlooking the Columbia River; lino ma cadam roada the year round; o. R runs through this tract and will ataD; llsh a suburban motor service: six miles from the center of the city; the I'ncst lo cation anywhere around Portland, pnone or call C. Franklin FUher. 02a Hamilton building. 12 13 ACRES Of fine soil, all under cultivation, fenced and cross-fenced, on good county road. 1 miles from railroad and 2U, miles from Forest Grove. This tract Is located In the Washington County fruit belt, close to the famous Atwell and Forbes orchards. There Is a good well, house and new barn and chicken-house. loung orchard of about Ml trees set out this Spring. Price $2210: $1210 cal. bal ance mortgage. Kaufftuaun Moore, Lumber !-;xchnne. FORTUNE IN FAIRYLAND FOR A SONG. Florida eveiglndo Linda, absolutely rich est soil on earth and la most delightful climato: In 10-acre tracts for $100. $10 per month; Government canals building will reclaim In few months. Immediately Increasing value to $lo0 to $1000 per acre; location only 15 miles from magio cltv of Miami. Fla. For full particulars address J. M. Grayblll, 522 Corbett bldg., Portland. Or. ACRE SNAPS. 1 acre with water at Gilbert. $.00. 1 acre at Garden Home. $HO0. It, acres at Ryan. 5c fare, all cleared and fenced. $UoO. 2 acres at urenco with running water, small house, $400. Plenty of good farms for sale. BROWN & STAYER. CU couch mats- SOMETHING WORTH INVESTIGATING. Come In and see the state and federal reports on tho production of cranberries. It Is one of the new limited Industries that is opening up in Washington and Oregon and pas irom $200 to $1000 per 4 era. WILLIAMS At HEITSCHMIDT, 70 4ih St., near Oak. Lewlabldg. SACRIFICE for cash. 20 acres inside six mile circle from center of Portland, part cleared and In cultivation, balance running J 30 cords wood rer acre. Finest soil ob tainable: south siope. warm and sunny; a fruit and garden paradUe; $4000 takea it. will sell all or paru RABB PATTON. . 822 Lumbermen's bldg., 5th and stark. ONE AC'RE fMPROVED $1600. Right on the Estacada carllne; choice fruit trees and berries, good 3-room house with other outbuildings: only t0 rods from the Mount Scott carllne; price lor a quick sale Is only $1000: terms. GODDAKD & WIKDRlCK. 243 Stark St. JO-ACRE TRACTS. . Cleared and uncleared. $20,10 and $1010. 20 per cent down. 1 per cent month; Inter est 6 per cent; 15 miles ouU 2 miles to station; fine county road. R. F. L. ana telephone; enough land to make a Uvint, on for the price of city lot. Owner, r. H. M. Greene. rio2 Medical bldg. 10 ACRES $185 DOWN. $165 down and balance easy terms will handle 10 acres on electric line, close to Portland: one crop will pay for entire tract. 405 Couch bidg. Pacific N. W. De velopment Co. 11 ACRES, right at station. 60 fare: Hi acres berries. 7 acres fine orchard, swell house S rooms, water system, fine creek running through; moat Ideal suburban home; will divide. CI.ODFKLTER BROS., 411 Couch Bldg. SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALISTS. 16 ACRES, close to Portland ana station, first-class soil, fenced on S sides, sult sble for garden, fruit and chicken ranch. If you want It at the price of $lo0 an acre, act at once as It will not last long. KINNEY A 8TAMPHER. 631-2 Lumber Exchange Bldg. 2i vCREii, cleared, old house and barn, near Reedville, running water and spring, $173 per aero; will sell half. 4 acres of creek bottom. BROWN ST AVER. 614 Couch Bldg. 1300 BUYS 10 acres, part In cultivation, all tillable, good soil, running water, some timber, near school, county and auto roads; specially adapted to fruit; within easy reach of Portland. Look this up. 612 Couch bldg. Office open Sunday. a ACRES, with cottage, close in. 4 acres, fine Improvements, nice home. ku acres, house, orchard, best land. All above near cltv limits and carllnea. MCFARLAND INVESTMENT CO., SIO Corbett Bldg.. Portland. wanting a suburban home r, cnolce acreage Investment, do t.ot fall to consult the -SUBURBAN HOME bPECIALISTS." CTOD FELT fc.lt BROS.. 414 Couch bldg. 10 ACRES on O. W. P. carllne; small house and well, part in cultivation; creek runs through; terms; price $310o. Rltten fiealev. 224 Lumber Exchange bldg. OWNER must sell ten acres A-l garden soil close to city limits, loo fare; $-000 "ash for all of it. or will sell half. M no. Oregonian. acKES. deep, rich soil, 5Va miles from center of city, heavily timbered, close to two fine roaas una . , ,uu, . M 321. Oregonian 20" ACRES of good fruit land, no rocks, H mile from boat landing, 1 mile from rail road $25 per acre. Brown A Staver, 60.4 Couch bias. Homestetads. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. ' 82-1 age book explaining what each of the 34 counties Is best adapted for; gives amount of Government land open to home stead In each cuuuty; map attached, 21X 28 showing new R. R and towns. Includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon; counties In different colors; drawn to March 1, 1010- latest map In U. 3.; price 25c Nimnio & Raney,gli$Hamlltonldg. HOMESTEAD Best of soil, climate and w ater; only a nines iram im", aer Locating Co., till Swetland bldg.. 5th and Washington. Portland. Or. EELL or exchange, homestead relinquish ment; 97 acres. Lewis County, Wash.; cruises 8,000,000 feet fir. Y C24. Oregonian. For bale Fruit Land. ISO ACRES. 100 in cultlvaUon. 20 miles from Portland. $10 per acre. In best fruitgrowing section whore orchard tracts sell readily at $400 to $500 per acre. Liea perfecu magnificent view over the Willamette Valioy. elevation 800 feet above the valley. 2 miles to R. R. station. $5000 cash, balance convenient terms. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY. 70S and 7o CorbettB:dg. FOR SALE by owner, 35 acres. No. 1 soil. In high state of cultivation; the entire 35 acres In grain; this land Is ttrst-class fruit land. JUSt SlOpinK eoooa,. 10 fronts on the hnest road in Clackamas County. 2 miles from Oregon City. Prlc il75 per acre. For further Information see owner at 145 E. 27th St. CKliS be!,t red snot soil, all In fruit, partly full-bearing; 4 rcres Epltxenbergs and Newtowns, a . . . j . t,- f2,n fruits, abundance water. perfecl .mall iruuo, w. . . - , drainage' good b-room house and barn; main county road. 1 mile town; beautiful, proutable borne; lo-vv, vv.rwlck. Cascade Lock $3100. easy terms. R. K. Oregon. ; fvvRSTif'ENT FRUIT DISTRICT. r u t'. for 11250: nearly all In cultl vation. short walk to thriving town close To Portland and In the heart of a big ulf dG.'AIR"11 "qlUred o Lumbermen Bldg. . in it "0-ACKE tracts near Portland; finest fruit land and chicken ranches, close te railroad station; good roaus; other farms ntarby; $11.50 to $50 per acre, part cash, SLAiJiAO INVESTMNT CO gift CorbettBldg.. Portland. t"wTvE eight 40-acre tracts which must 1 k. Acrlficed In the next two weeks; ex cellent fruit and ranch land, running wa flr and less than 60 miles from Portland SSod road and half mile from Post office; $800 each. These are cheap with a Sauce. 208 Couch bldg. ei-HV nay a high price for Hood River orchaVd land 60 miles from Portland when $200 an acre will buy 40 acres 7 -.ii.a from Courthouse on west side of river? Very easy terms. 311 Mohawk bldg. , 7n, tiENDALE SIMCOS FRUIT LANDS. OOW ACRES. $300; ONLY cinrt cash, balance $10 month. Geo. a. cased yCo-. lobby. Commercial Club bldg. l or bale Farms. ,,,, ACR"ESr Washington County, on county road 6 miles from railroad. $20 per acre. Owner, fhons Sellwood 204. FARMS AND FRUIT LAND. 50 ACBts. . ,., SO acres rich land. IS acres under culti vation. 3 acres slashed and in Past"r' balance In good green timber, room house, barn 30x06. chicken-house, wood shed, workshop, place fenced and cioss fenced, family orchard, fine well, school at corner of place. R. F. D. and tele phone service, close to church. 4 miles from R. R. and river. In a good neigh borhood, on a good road. Personal prop erty: Team worth $.10. new harness, fine mare colt, 5 good milch cows. 3 hogs. -caives, 75 chickens, new mower and rake. 2 wagons. 2 plows, cultivator, spike and spring-tooth harrow, cream separator, and all small tools. There is about MOO cords of good wood on this place, and several hundred telephone poles. Price $1300; terms. SO ACRES With 22 acres under cultivation. 10 acres slashed and seeded; all fenced and cross fenced; fine orchard of assorted fruits, several million feet of good timber: 6 room house, good barn '44x48. chicken house and woodshed; living stream and spring water piped to buildings: line land, no rock or gravel; only 4 miles from a good town, close to a good school and in a fine neighborhood, including personal property, team, harness, wagon, two cows, heifer, plows, harrows, di?c and all tools, some chickens: price $100; terms. SO ACRES. 35 acres under fine state of cultivation, 20 acres green timber, balance slashed, burned and seeded and very easily cleared, living stream. 6-room house, large barn. etc.. team, wagon, harness, plow, harrow, cow. chickens. 10 miles from Vancouver, 1 mile from good country town, church, graded school, stores, etc. Price $6750: terms. THOMPSON" SWAN, 20S Rothchlld Bldg.. Portland. Or.. Bet. 4th end 5th. on Washington St., and 6th and Main Sts., Vancouver. Wash. OREGON FARM AND FRUIT LANDS. In the Deschutes Valley. Central Oregon, are some of the most fertile lands In the state. Many thousand acres of these lands are now under irrigation and producing large crops. othr thousands of acres are rapid ly being put under irrigation. Your "CAREY ACT" RIGHT en titles you to 100 acres of this land free. If you will, within three years, improve pert of 1U live on it throe months, and pay (in easy install ments I your share of the cost of the Irrigation system. Central Oregon Ir rigation Co., 411 Railway Ex. bids.. Portland, Or. BIG SNAP. 68 acres on Boones Ferry road. . miles from Portland; beautiful rolling and level land' all under cultivation except 12 acres of timber: good fences, etc.; two springs on property; only 25 minutes from town in auto; immensely fertile land; will soon be ripe for subdividing: price only $350 per acre: only requires three to five thou sand to handle deal. It is a real bargain; . must get quick action. See Tulford. HARTMAN 4 THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. RO ACRES FOR $250A. This farm Is Just a mile from railroad and same distance from Santiam River. There are 80 acres. VI acres In cultivation, balance timber and pasture, with 3 good springs. The land Is all good and there Is no soil In Oregon letter adapted to the growth of apples. Good 7-room house, small barn, woodshed. 2 rhirken-houses: small bearing orchard, loo young trees Just set ouu Price only $2500. HARGROVE & SONS. 122 6th St. North. Cor. 6th and Gllsan. Main 438L A 7259. 65-ACRE FARM. IS miles from Portland. 2 miles to carllne. 1 miles to school, about 25 acres cleared. 10 acres orchard; 6-room house, barn and other buildings; price $6500; to down, balance to suit; or will take Portland property In part paymenu EDWIN HOOKER COMPANY, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE Fine Eastern Oregon wheat farm of 1336 acres, abot 1150 acres In cul tivation, 600 acres seeded to wheat, 165 acres ready to sow; good 6-room house, small house and large barn, windmill and plenty of fine water from a driven well, soil, volcanic ash, easily worked, no rock. 4 miles to railroad, hi mile to school all fenced, $23 per acre from the owner direct on very easy terma T. H. LIttleh ies. Forest Grove, Oregon. A SPLENDID opportunity for party to share in 60-acre tract of land only 7 miles from this city; finest soil, will grow anything; beautiful view overlooking Portland; have chance to get this for only $250 an acre, half cash and long term for balance. Must take not less than 20 acres and not more than 40 acres. Space will not per mit to tell of this splendid buy for either home or an Investmenu Call today. 210 Oregonian bldg. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 731 acres. 16 miles south of Corvallls. Or., 550 acres cleared, balance contains enough oak and hard maple to pay for place; good house, barn and two drilled wells, also running water, 5 acres lu or chard; price $30,000, half cash. A. BACKUS. 619 Board of Trade Bldg. SPECIAL bargain In fine A-l fruit farm In Willamette Valley: 10 acres In bear ing fruit, 8 hcres In cultivation, bal ance ptture and brush, 1 mile to R. R., ail finest of land, small house and stable. Price $5000. BRONG-STEELE CO.. . Ground Floor, Lewis Bldg. ' 20 ACRES in high state of cultivation; lies beautifully and commands fine view of the mountains; situated on 2 county roads and 1 mile from Estacada carline. Owner compelled to raise some money at once. McCarthy, 403 Rothc h lid bldg. A SNAP. Improved 80-acre Benton County farm; price $2000, worth double, located 20 miles northwest of Corvallls. GRUSSI Ac ZADOW. S17 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. FOR SALE Fine Eastern Oregon wheat farm of 320 acres, only 4 miles to rail road, fine level land, all In cultivation and 'all seeded to wheat; a snap at $25 per acre, on easy terms. Address owner, T. H. Llttlehales, Forest Grove. Oregon. 'GLORIOUS KOOTENAY." BRITISH CO LUMBIA No Irrigating; delightful cli mate: fruit farms $10 to $S0 per acre; easy terms; free booklet V. Investors' Trust Mortgage Corporation, Ltd., 1H4 vi.,,in su. W. Vancouver. B. C. FOR SALE by owner, 7i acres. 4 mile of city limits of Newberg; good barn, nearly new 8-room house with full-size basement, 400 pruno trees in full bearing; terms. Ad rtroas Box 412. Newberg. Or, " JTa. CUNNINGHAM. For sale, farms; prices reasonable! ns exchange. o crt AO ACRE farm oil Salem electric, $5200, half cash, balance 6 per cent, for 3 years. Thone wooma u Miscellaneous. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Close-In acreage, a wheat ranch or small well-Improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see mo. I handle my own properties. o 5L'0 Corbett Bldg. TO EXCHANGE. WE exchange your property, regardless of location for that which suits you better. Northwest Exchange. 228-11 Henry bldg. FOR SALE Or trade, fine electric piano; baby upright piano and folding organ. 626 Washington. $17" 000 WORTH of real and personal prop- ei-ty for exchange. H. G. Kemp Co., 620 cnamoer 01 oinwn.c. , SELL or trade for city property, J'4-acre chicken ranch,, young orchard, b-room house, barn. Owner. Y 48 4. Oregonla IBVINGTOX, Rossmere and MU Tabor lots in exchange for first mortgage or real es tate contracts. O 615. Oregonian. WILL take a lot and some cash for my bungalow close to Union ave. cars. Phone Main 314J or n. loi-. 160 ACRES. Yamhill County: fine fruit soil. lor wneav -- . Oregonian. five ten. eighty acres, improved: sell or Portland exchange. O. MlddlekauCt. Ya oulna. Oregon. WE trade for property, any place, all the time Shoemaker lnv. Co.. 627 Henry bldg. Main 4465. A 7434. acrfaGE for residence on Mount Tabor A carllne bitter hurry. 2S3 East Morrl- son. IF you have lot and little cash, will I build Contracoi0Chamber3fCommerce. HOUSE and half block m line location for farm land. AF 5U5, Oregonian. too F-OUITY In 5-acre orchard tract to ' trade? what have vu? AJ 510. Oregonian. ECUITY In 20 lots In city limits to exchange for acreage. A E 126, Oregonian. WE buy, sell or trade for anything of vidua. 417 Board of trade. . WE CAN trade your property or business. Call 80S Board of Tre. nR OF THE FINEST HOMiiS IN EAST PORTLAND. 10 rooms, strictly modern: 2 baths. 3 toilets, hardwood floors, hand-decorated wills. The finest VIEW on THE EST SIDE. Never has been occupied; 1'i block to Broadway car: $13,000, $72)0 mortgage: will trade balance for property. CITY ot COUNTRY: will take Eastern Oregon ranch If good "value; deal with owner. Ask for I I Saunders. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bl d g.. S4 4 1 h St. ENTIRE block. East Ninth, near Haw thorne ave. Present Income from one lot $75 per month. Balance unimproved solid ground. Has big future as manufacturing or apartment property. Value $27,300 Will give $lS.00O mortgage. In years at o per cent and lake trade for SHIOO balance In other unencumbered city property. AF 527. Oregonian. - FOR EXCHANGE. A fine 9-room house and two lots ia fine residence part of Kansas C:ty. Mo., to trade for Portland property or land In Willamette Valley. Call If Interested. BRONG-STEELE CO.. Ground Floor. 1-owls Bldg. RESIDENCE rORVAl.US, OR. 7-room cottage on business street. In Corvallls. paved streets, sewer, cement walks, all paid: 3 lots l0xlS. price $3700; will exchange for residence In Portland. , A. BACKUS. 519 Board of Trade Bldg. GILT-EDGED Portland securities to ex change for inside besiness property: no agents: will negotiate only with owners; state price, location and mortgage lndebt edness. If any. I. 520. Oregonian. WASHINGTON ST.. West Side, close-in bus iness property: 30-year ground lease, with option to buy; will exchange lease for other city or suburban realty. O 602, Oregonian. 11 ACRES of good level uncleared land. 13 miles from Portland, near Oregon Elec tric carllne, price $1600; will lake a lot worth S700 as first payment. See owner. 221 !3 Morrison St.. room '- 40 ACRES of good land and 1.250,000 of A-l piling timber, near Columbia River; will trade for house or vacant lots In city. 417 Board of Trade. HAVE an equity of $200 in a fine corner lot on East 3Sth st. close to Richmond car: will sell at discount or trade for good piano. P. O. Box 600. FOR TRADE. Have good lots to trade for automobile; must he good machine of standard make, 417 Board of Trade. V.tXTCh RF.AL ESTATE. WE have a number of clients waiting for desirable close-in houses ranging in price from $2500 to $3000. Come In and list your house with us if you want quick results. HARTMAN THOMPSON, Real Estate Dept., 4-5-8 Chamber of Commerce. WE CAN SELL THAT" PROPERTY If you can give us a close enough figure to make it attractive. We have several customers waiting for us to locale them. What have you? PORTLAND LAND CO. 607 Commercial Club Bldg. Main 6120, A 1655. WE HaVe calls for business. Income, fac tory and warehouse property; also houses and lots; all transactions confidential. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. E. W Cor. 6th and Washington Sts. WE SELL REAL ESTATE Quickly and Quietly. Cash buyers waiting for property of every description; confidential matters handled with tact and dlsrectlon. NORTHERN TRUST CO.. 270 Stark SU WANTED To purchase Inside retail busi ness block: write full particulars, location. Income and description of Improvements; must deal with principals only. AF 525, Oregonian. BUSINESS or residence property wanted, close In, up to $10,000; will pay for same in part with 20 building lots located about 13 minutes out on good carline. A E. Poulsen. 419 Railway Exchange. IF you have property, city lots, farms, acreage, homes that you want sold and want quick results, list them with me, for I have the customers. X 627, Ore gonlan. WANT a nice home on East Side, will pay 1300 down. $25 mo. and Interest, with firlvllege of paying $75 to $100 mo.; state ocatlon and price; no agents. X 523, Ore- t gonlan CUSTOMERS WAITING. For small close-in acreage tracts. NORTHERN TRUST CO., 270 Stark St. ' WANTED to buy, houso and lot. West Side, not over $2500; state location: will niako first payment $500; no agents. AF 620. Oregonian. SOME ono to build me a flat building and take as pay $2100 equity In Laurelhurst lots and balance In cash. T 113. Ote gonlan. , ONE or two lots between Burnslde and Beach, Union ave. and 2-th; from owners only. I am not an agenu AJ 127, Ore gonian. WANT to buy 6 or 6-room house; $150 down, balance $20 monthly; give full In formation in first letter. AB 523, Ore gonian. 7 OR S-room modern home in vicinity of Willamotte Heights or Kings Heights. Hedrlck. 405 Chamber of Commerce. LF you can't keep up your payments on your property and want to sell or trade, see us. 417 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Acreage, fronting on or over-iAnL-,n ri,.F r ocejin. P 523. Oregonian, WANTED" Lot In Rossmere; can pa cash, AC 525. Oregonian. WANTED 5 to 10 acres In city for platting purposes. X 620. Oregonian. WANTED Lots on Portland Heights. Y 529, Oregonian. roit sale: timber lasd. TIMBER claim for aitle, 5.000,000 feet of lir and pine, for $3'00. Full particulars address L. J. Cyr, Irving Hotel. Phone Marshall 30S8. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay bldg. I HAVE 12 million feet good timber for $8000 or 16 million second-growth for STO00. C. J. McCracken. 304 McKay bldg. TIMBER CLAIMS, homesteads, relinquish ments. 210 Worcester bldg FAR-MS WANTED. I WA.NT to buy a farm of from 30 to 60 acres, well Improved, good buildings and equipped; must be on good road, close to school and not far from R. R. station or electric line; prefer Washington County or might take Yamhill or other good loca tion; value $4000 to $7000. I mean business. Owners only will please call or write, giving full particulars. J. E. Smith. 513 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or, FOR RENT FARMS. SMALL FARM near Scappooso for rent; consists of about 12 acres, cleared and slashed, two-story house nearly new and good framo barn; a live man without other family than an active wife, can secure a good home and make money: land will yield large quantities of small fruit; part rental can bo paid in work clearing more land. Call on or address AC 621. Ore gonian, W A XT E U-T 1MB t tlI. A N" D 9. TIMBER lands wanted, C. J. McCrackans 804 McKay bldg! FOR SAW-. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. PUBLIC auction, Friday, Nov. 18, at staDle, Uth and Couch sts., 3 P- M. ; one team work horses, one set double work harness, one set light double harness, ,one buagy tth pule; one two-seateq puggy. FOR SALE Team of two horses, sound and in good condition, good spring wagon and harness In first-class shape; a bar gain for quick sale. Al Langenberg. Clackamas. Or. PUBLIC auction, Friday, Nov. 18, at stable, ..... 1 o u T onA team work horses, one set doubie work harness, one set light double harness, ona buggy Willi iioie, ui'o v-w-.,m. ... JUST arrived with, car of work horses. weignt irom, -w to -0-0. 6...u represented. 1640 Macadam su Take rTlllon car. MUST sell fine young 1200-pound horse, j . .,.c. miller, atilt- able for any work, $83. Owner leaving eitv. 340 E. Third st. N. WANTED One pair A-l horses. 6-year old, io,n n tunn. 111-t he guaranteed. . , v- , 1 P A If PRV. 11th and Everett Sts. BARGAIN $00 for team horses 2300 lbs.. true single or uouoi ruuuw 178. ; WANTED Team of work horses in ex change for a business corner In South Portland. Call 411 Corbett bldg. HUBERT At HALL'S STABLES. $80 Front st livery business, rigs, horses, harness, wagons, for aale or rcnu Main 3208. FOR HIRE. PORTLAND STABI E8, 28 N. 15THST MARSHALL 16S0. HCRSES AND WAGONS BY DAY. WEEK OR MONTH. 1163 TEXAS Macadam street, horses. " ness, wagons -or