VGRAHT WILL WAIT No Special Council Meeting to Hear 0. R. & N. Matter. ;lubs indorse new deal fcouth Tori land lVxrMer.a nd Fulton rrk Improcnient Organli tlon S-y C"ily Jhould Lot Hoad llae directs. r'.r. fr hMtna; a special meeting ? the Council tomorrow to grant the f regna Ra!!way A- Navigation Con- jary ti vacation of U streets, on the t:.t file, have been abandoned owing. I: la understood, to a lack of asaur inr ef (nnuh votes to pass the neaanre. Tha regular meeting of the Council will be held Wednesday morn ing. wnn It ! expected that the mca ire will romt to a rota. Mij-or Simon said lat night that no rail for a rpeclal meeting ha. I been Issued, and that there would bo BO irf meeting. Councilman Beldlng. who has been r troilatlr.g petition idkt.i otiar Courietlmen to obtain a call for th meeting, waa out of tha tit yeererdar aid wl'.l return today. The railroad company had made a tr. tatlTe acrrement with a number of the members of tha Coum-ll that tha streets would be Tacated la exchana-e fr land and other concessions tha com pany waa prepared to present to fne r!ty. but wcetter the agreement will Ji. accepted by the Council la uncer tain. It will reiulre 10 rotes to pui the measure, and It la understood that rlne voles favoring It have been ej-ed. The members of tha South Portland Booter and Fulton Park Improve ment Cluba are unanimously In favor of the City Council entering Into an agreement with, toe company whereby the city would vacate the atreeta to he used aa an approach to the new Heel bridge now in course of construc tion and would receive In return acre ace for park purposes and other con cessions. At a Joint session of the two organi zations held at St. Lawrence Hall. Third and Sherman streets, last night a resolution to that effect waa passed. as follows: B t B'-wil". That the South Portland Jooter and the, Fuli.n park Improvement !.it r.;iv that of sertlenmnt. as r prfweU. I tir and JuM an4 that the. f ire of t'ort.nsd will nnt receive property an.1 rish's of ilttM value In return fr treats of great Tal'je. that the pre-pertr w t ere, .aid .treeta are located can be but li'i'e. If any. ol by the city t"T srreet fur"ee or o'her purpoiee mn-i the .me eve no tanglM value u the city, whereas tae prcpert which rallroe-l irfor' to tarn over to the city In return for awM streets ! an Immediate .nd lanctMe alue to l.-.e, c.i. and is f sreeuer besefll te the rity thaa said atresia 11ST SIDE COVTTXrES nGHT Bulnce Mrn i Club) Opposes Iran i chl.e WinM Public Docks. At the meeting of tha Eaat Side Bu"tne.i Men's Club last night It was C decided to undertake to secure a first f class theater, some portion of the pub ellc docks authorised by the recent elec- -lon and to continue the fight against he vacation of the streets asked for hr the O. R. a X. Confpany on the F.aat enne. vteorire i. Airnwi pirNwriii v. tne club, announced that If a theater ran be erected on tha East tilde a suc cessful theatrical magnate stands ready to in hand and operate a Itork company. George Lnlwortn. C Ball and M- O. Colllna were ap pointed to look Into tha subject. The secretary waa Instructed to write the Mayor request Ins; that public docks be established on the Kaat Hide be tween tha new railroad brldae and Kast Stark, street and that ha present tha request to the dock commission when the commissioners are appointed Georfte B. Van Waters. Georae L. Black and Ian Kellaher. stand In a; committee, were Instructed to re pre sent the club at the meetlna of the Commercial Club today at 4 oolock and protest against the vacation of Kaat Side atreeta for tha O. K N, Company. This committee, supple mented by C A. Blrelow. O. O. Huith on and if. O. Collins, will appear be fore tha City Council wben the street vacations are considered and enter pro test on the same. volunteers to dedicate prvlc Snnday on Groands) for Young- Women'! Home. Ped'catlnn srvVes cf the Volunteers ef America Tonne Women's Christian llome propertr will be held Sunday at S r M- at 11 ICaot Serenth street. Pouth. Th services and the openlcs; of the VtilMlrf- will be under the direction of Jreile F. S-'arks, etaff captain, superin tendent of all branches of work operated la Portland. Mavor Simon will deliver an address in behalf of the city, while the business men will be represented by B. Le Pas-eC Rev. E. H. Mow re will apeak In behalf of the churches and Mrs. Walter Dun can, colonel, will also deliver an address. Music will be furnished by the young ladles of the home. Mrs. Duncan will conduct eervlcea In the Volunteers of America Hall. 33 Burn side street. Saturday evening and at the l ew borne Sunday rJuht. She will also de liver an address at tha T. M. C. A. Mon day. November a. at t P. M-. her aub ct ti be "What the Volunteers of America Are Ioln.- MORE PIMM CURES L THERKELSEN IS BURIED Pioneer Laid to Rest With Impress ive Funeral Ceremony. Many friends gathered yesterday at the residence of I W. Tberkelaen. Jr., iZi East Sixteenth street, to pay the last tribute of respect to the late L. Therkeisen. Floral offerings were numerous and beautiful. Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, of Orace Memorial Church, said the Impressive service of the Epis copal Church. "Abide with Me" and -Nearer My God to Thee" were sung by a selected choir. Tha body waa '.aid to rest in Rivervlew. The honorary pallbearers wera Don- k aid Mackay. Johan Poulsen. R. D. In- man. L C. Henncnsen. i nomas J. Stronj and E. C. Johnson. Tha active pallbearers wera W. E. Thomas. Adolph Dekum. Colonel J. S. Rogers. L". 8. A . 8. B. Huston. J. D. Honevman. N. J. leevtnsun. Sidney Low en berg and Don ld Woodward. John Gleaaon Violently Inan. OLTMPIA. Wash.. Nov. IT. (Special.) -John Gleaaon. of Portland, who waa I found bejrging at Rainier Monday, was adjudged, Insane la tha superior Court Added to the Long List due to This Famous Remedy. Oronoso. Mo. " I was simply a ner Tous wreck. I could not walk across ine noor wiuiuui my heart fluttering and I could not even receive a letter. Every month I had such a bearing down sensation, as if the lower parts would fall out Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound has done my nerves a frreat deal of food vnd has also relieved the bearing down. I recommended it enme f npnrl and two of them have been irreatly benefited by it." .Mrs. Mae Mi Knight. Omnogn. Mo. Another OrateftU Woman. St. Louis, ilo. "I was bothered terribly with a female weakness and had backache, bearing down pains and ains in lower parts. I began taking ,ydia E. Iinkham's Vegetable Com pound regularly and used the Sanative wash and now I have no more troubles that way." Mrs- Al. IIfrzoo, 6723 ITescott Ave, St. leoula. Mo. Because your case Is a difficult on, doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydi3 E. rinkham's VegeUble Compound a triaL It surely has cured many cases of female ills, such as in flammation, ulceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodio pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, inditrt-stion, dizziness, and ner vous prostration- It costs but a trifle to try it, and the result is worth mil lions to many Buffering women. todar and committed to the State Asylum. Gleaaon became violent last night and broke everything- that could be smashed In his home. After he was arrested he was found hanRtne; from the le,lge of a smaU window near tha top of his cell. ROSEBURG WANTS RATES 3EERCIIAVTS ORGANIZE TO COX DUCT LITIGATION. Contention Mads That Routine by Way of Sacramento Should Carry Lower Charges. ROSEBLRfJ. Or, Nov. IT. (Special.) At a well-attended and enthusiastic meetlna; of the Roseburs; Commercial Club the merchants of Roseburg- and Douir'.aa County went on record favoring- tha Incorporation of an association with a view of employing; attorneys In an effort to aecure reduced freight rates on transcontinental shipments. Accordlnr to Edward M. Cousin, a frelirht-rate expert, and merchants who have given the rrels, ht-rate question considerable study, the merchants of Roseburs; are at present paying Port land terminal rates, plus local freight rharsres, on all freight shipments from the East. They contend that through the routing of freight via Ogden and Sacramento, the merchants of Douglas County are entitled to a flat rata such as was recently secured by Spokane. Walla Walla. Baker City and Pendle ton after yeara of delay. The business men of Roseburg say that by routing freight via Sacramento a reduction in rates even less than Portland terminal ratea should be secured for the reason that tha haul would be materially de creased. To formulate grounds upon which to base a complaint, the merchants prac tlcally have decided to organise and employ an attorney who will be an thoiised to Investigate and aacertaln the best manner In which to bring tha Issue befora the Interstate Commerce Commission. It la the opinion here that tha merchanta will subscribe free ly toward carrying on the fight with the railroads. Inasmuch aa they have coma 10 the conclusion that the present rates are not only unjust, but that they are a hindrance In tha development of the country. They say that It can be easily proved that tha alleged excessive ratea are due to manipulation and are not tha result of economic conditions as con tended by the railroads. CANVASS HELPS BRADY GAIN" OF 6 VOTES NOTED CAN VOX COUNTY VOTE. IX Proportionate Change In Counties) Would Change ported Result la Idaho. Oilier Re- NAMPA. Idaho. Nov. 17. (Special.) Should other counties of Idaho show aa large a discrepancy as did Canyon County between the first unofficial re turn of the general election and the final official canvass.' the question who will be the next Governor of Idaho might be In doubt again. The unofficial returns of the 33 coun ties gave James. H. Hawley. the Demo cratic candidate, a plurality of about goo votes over Governor Brady, and Haw ley' election was conceded. Canyon County Commissioners have just finished the canvass, of tne county s vote and the official returns show thst Governor Brady made a gain of 6 vote over the unofficial returns for thia county. Brady as said to have carried the county by S17 votes, while the official count gives him a plurality of &3. A record of the vote In Fremont County, where the bal lots are alleged to be Illegal, and a simi lar variation- In other countira could change toe result of the election. LIQUOR DEALERS CAUGHT Two Woodburn Men Charged With Selling Drink to Miners. tVOODBCRN. Or.. Nov. IT. (Special.) The new Mayor. W. I. Jerraan. has started In correcting alleged evils. Charged with selling liquor to minors, two saloonkeepers of this city. Gilbert Aplin and L. Grosemlller. were arrested gaJgned before Recorder Stangle. who ai yasterday by Marshal Alia Engle and ar- Outer Weanntr Armarel Greatest Value-Giving Event EverOffered the VJl U11U eeee' W w m.- - - j Shrewd and Economical Women of Portland and Vicinity New, Desirable Wearing Apparel Very Newest Styles and Creations A Slaughtering of Prices Such as Portland Has Never Known HIGH-CLASS RAINCOATS AT TREMEXDOVS BARGAINS $15 Priestley Crav- fl $20.00 Kaclan Slip- S"..?9.75 $25.00 Ratrlan blip- 11.45 at only...S $20 silk moire Rain- ".'..$9.75 Ons OD CORNER FIFTH AND ALDER STREETS CORNER FIFTH AND ALDER STREETS $7.50 Walking Skirts $3.95 A substantial saving in new Walking Skirts perfect-fitting models of panama, serges and novelty weaves, plain, gored and pleat ed, in strictly tailored or neat strap and button trimmed effects; all col- Qq QC ors. $7.50 values, at only .ipOeSO We A re G O omg to Uive Away For the Next Ten Days, Starting This Morning at Eight o'Clock Sharp Worth of Brand-New, Clean, Up-to-Date and the Very Latest Fall Styles of Women's Outer Wearing Apparel for $50,000 Cash WE NEED THE MONEY THE GOODS ARE YOURS Owing to the backward Fall Season we find ourselves terrifically overstocked with Suits, Goats, Raincoats, Furs, Walking Skirts, Waists, Fine Silk Petticoats and everything pertaining to Women s Outer Wearing Apparel, and to realize quicK we are going iu sen una &luv,iv uu pi wc.w The Bi ggestS eosatiosi Ever Known Cost Not Considered Our Reputation Our Guarantee Our Loss Your Gain Do Not Miss These Bargains Note Reduction of Prices We Never Misrepresent ..S13.75 ..$16.85 ..S18.75 ..24.75 2500 Ladies Suits All this Fall's models, divided into four big lots. The coats are from 28 to 36 inches long. The skirts in all the new modified hobble effects, as well as plain gored and some box-pleated. The materials are in all this season's plain and fancy mixtures, in any color desired, with plenty of blacks and blues in serges ana Droaacioms. LOT 1 Values to $25.00 po at. ....... LOT 2 Values to $30.00 go at LOT 3 Values to $33.00 go at LOT 4 Values to $45.00 go at........ Balance of Our Entire Stock of High-Class Suits From $50 to $125 will be sold at one-fourth (25) off from the original selling prices, and as we sell for cash only at all times, this means to you a sav ing of about one-half on your new Fall Suits, as we do not add the usual 25 for bad accounts (nuf ced), and as our good3 are always marked in plain figures there is no deception practiced here. 3000 Silk Waists Made of splendid quality silk taffeta, all new Fall styles, tailored fronts and turnback J?0 OC cuffs; $4.00 values go at. ...... ...4)ea0 5000 Fall -Tailored Waists Madras and heavy linen, small tucks and large pleats, white and all colors; regular AQ $2.00 values go at JtOC 5000 Umbrellas, 2-4 steel ribs, Directoire q q handles; values to $1.95 go at 5OC A$10,000Stock of Furs All Skinner satin-lined, go for the cost of the mak ing. Our stock is too extensive to mention the whole variety, but you will find Real Mink, Jap Mink, Coney, Marmot, Squirrel, Black Furs of every quality. "We quote just a few red-hot bargains: Conev Cape Stole, extra long, 6 heads, QJf 10 tails; $12.50 values go at DJe7J Jap Mink Cape Stole, extra long, 2 Af heads, 4 tails; $15 values go at D f Jap Mink Cape Stole, extra long, 4 f Q heads, 6 tails; $17.50 values go at POJ "Opossum Cape Stole, extra long, 2 JQ y heads, 6 tails; $18 values go at. ...... .DO 1 Opossum Cape Stole, extra long, 3 JA 7C heads, 8 tails; $20 values go at DZ J Opossum Pillow Muff, $10.00 values 4& Coney Rug Muff, $12.00 values go at C Qtf this sale for 150J Jap Mink Pillow Muff, $15.00 values C? Q C go at this sale for (DOitJ Opossum Rug Muff, $17.50 values go Q7 AC at this sale for u JJ Jap Mink Pillow Muff, $20 values f go at this sale for D 1 U. O . SEE OUR GRAND WINDOW DISPLAY High - Grade Dresses for Street and Evening Wear And at ridiculously low prices for such high-class merchandise $20.00 ONE-PIECE WOOL DRESSES Smart, snappy, up-to-the-minute styles, of handsome all-wool serges, in black, navy, cadet, Alice, rose or reseda; lace yokes, braid ed or panel fronts; large fancy buttons; sizes 34 to 44. Cheap for $25.00 each. Sensational indeed jJ2Q QJJ $25.00 silk messaline Dresses, navy, black (tlO yC and delicate evening shades, at only p A e J $25.00 combination messaline and velvet and combination silk plaid and velvet and all pure wool serge $1 O 7 C and imported broadcloth Dresses only r " " Coats for Everybody All 54 inches long, all sizes for misses and -women. Prices slaughtered. Long Coats, all-wool fancy mixtures, $20.00 $8e75 values, go at ; " Long black Coats and' all-wool fancy mix- CIA QC tures, $25.00 values, at only P A V". Polo all-wool Coats, the very latest, $25.00 M 2 45 values, go at Fine covert Coats, extra long, semi and CIA Qk tight-fitting back, $30.00 values, go at ?l.-V.JJ The finest imported chiffon broadcloth and English cov ert Coats in strictly plain tailored and fancy skirt ef fects, half and full lined with Skinner's satin and peau de evgne. Buying one of these coats is a life investment. Sold at other stores for $35.00 and $40.00 25.00 sale price Imported plush and caracul Coats, Skinner satin lined; others ask $35.00 for a coat not as good. $25.00 Sale price - Extra Special Coat Bargain An all pure wool serge Coat, Skinner lining, in all the plai staple colors. $30 would be a bargain CIO yC for them. This extra special sale price only. . .V Five Thousand $7.5Q and g9.5Q Silk Petticoats at $3,95 Silk Petticoats, best quality of Taffeta, fancy Persians, messalines and newest black and white plaids. .Come in five beautiful styles. Made with deep flounce of solid pin tucks, pleating and tucked ruffle, five rows of one-inch tailored bands, shirring and bias folds or rows of stitching and tucks. ariety of colors and black. Regular $7.50 to $9.50 Silk 5, Petticoats during this sale for ......tDeJaJ S12.5Q All-Wool Capes for $6.95 Sightly garments, made of storm cheviots, that will be more than popular for this Fall's wear. They come in cadet blue, navy blue and wine color, f'ull length, trimmed with red piping and brass buttons. Regular QC $12.50 values. Sale price ....DJUJ Women's $7.5Q Sweater Coats for $3.95 One of the handsomest of the season's models, long enough to extend over hips. Turnback cuffs, two pockets, large pearl buttons. Made of heavy all wool Saxony in serpentine weave; white, cardinal, oxford and (to QC navy blue. Regular $7.50 values. Sale price at only J)0UJ 1 1 11 lowed Aplln to go on his own recogni sance and demanded a cun ovuu from Orossmlller. Tha trial will he held next Monday. The boys In the case are Lester KendaU and Kenneth Sylvester. Nan, bjr Marriages, Avoids Worry. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Nov. 17. (Spe cial.) Andrew Thompson grave his con sent to the marriage of his son. 20 years old. to a lrl. 18 years old, ana to the marriage of a daughter. 17 years old. to a man of legal age, yesterday. When he signed the record, ne said that he did so gladly, as his responsi bility ended, and that of the young folks wss lust beginning. J ne names of the couples were Melvln S. Thomp son and Julia H. Borge. ana Alexander Kastmer and Ida A. inompson. Cougar-Killing; His Vocation. Hl'SCM. Wash, Nov. 17 (Special.) J. Sheldon, who professes to be em ployed by the Government for the ex termination of cougars and other wild animals In the forest reserves west of the White Salmon River, was inter rupted a few days ago In his search for big game with a pack of dogs, by John Wlnegarden. Deputy Game Warden. -Sheldon stated his credentials were at his cabin in the mountains, and was allowed to proceed on his way. Multnomah to Play All-Stars. SOUTH BEND. Ind., Nov. 17. (Spe cial.) Coach Longman, of Notre Dame University Is organizing an all-star foot ball eleven from the feadlng Western colleges for two holiday games, one of which will be played at St. Louis with St. Louis University on Christmas day and the other with the Multnomah Ath letic Club at Portland on New Year's day. Eugene Wants Cluster Lights. EUGENE. Or,Nor. 17. (SpeclalJ- The City Council and Commercial Club of this city are considering plans for a more elaborate and efficient system of cluster street lighting for the city. It Is proposed to erect an arch on the main street to demonstrate the efficiency of the new plan. Hunters' Fines Net $1580. FOREST GROVE. Or., Nov. 17. (Spe cial.) Sixty-seven arrests for viola tions of the game laws during the months of October have so far been re ported to the office of the State Game Warden at Forest Grove. The receipts from fines paid by violators aggregate $1S0. George E. Leach, deputy game warden in Tillamook County, reports to State Game Warden Stevenson the srrest and conviction of Tom John son, William Stevens, Emmet Jenkins, Dr P. J. Sharp. Carl Shortridge and Us Nolan for hunting deer out ot season. They each pleaded arullty and were I fined $50. "Fighting the Dental Trust" First Bv locating on the EAST SIDE, where our expenses are very low actually doing the highest class of dental work for much less than the 'big West Side "Parlors. ,T We are as Painless as is possible. Second Remember, we have no hired dentists, no so-called "specialists' nor students, we do our own work, and guarantee it 15 years. Third We do not charge TOU $20 and then sell the same thing to some one else for $5. That is what we mean when we say OAK LOW PRICE, THE SAME TO ALL ALUtE. We Cheerfully Examine and Estimate Your Work Free. THE BIG EAST SIDE ONE-PRICE DENTISTS Corner Union Ave. and East Morrison. 1 ' DRS. KELSEY t PITTE.VGKIt. Office Hours 8 A. BI. lo 8 P. M. Sundays, to t J