Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 18, 1910, Page 13, Image 13

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    .. ... . 13
. TT lU nM
Manicuring and Hair-dressing, Second t loor-xea ivoomtrouru - .... u r- . .
Royal Worcester, Bon Ton Corsets, Warner, Kediern, warquise, aneua, aca, "
(Greater Olds, Wortman
in All U
ii? or 1 oday
Qir Entire StocK ThaiAs&ivmg Table Linens Reduced
1 " ii w trw 11 II IV AT C5 1 X 1
Sale of Men's Shoes
S5.QO Values at $2.48 P'-
For t oda y1! ft t el I in g wewil 1 gr o p
another lot of mrn' Shoei BroKen
lines nd odds nd end-AU Kinds jt
desirable ilocK for FIlnrd Winter
wemr Values up lo 95.00- CI Q 1 ft
hV..rl! .le. the oair H--e-y w
- -
Children's Dresses
$1.25 Values 73c Each
Children's white lawn Mother Hubbard style
Dresses and waist skirts laee and embroidery
trimmed; ares 6 months to 3 years; regular
values to $L2."; very special today at only
SWEATEES for infants: white or trimmed Q7C
;K TinL- inJ hlue: $1.50 values, special at -
Boys' Overcoats
S3.5Q Values $1.98
In the new Juvenile Department, second
floor, we offer for today Boys' Reefer
Pnotc roA shenherd nlaids and tan co
verts; nicely trimmed, snappy styles for
little fellows who are very par- 11 tjw
ticular; values to $3.50, special V -
Sale of Handbags
S15.QO Values at $8.69 Each
Early holiday shoppers will grasptKis
opportunity to secure genuine Seal
Handbags with'ilt or German silver
frames Fitted with purses or plain
bass Splendid assortment Q. f Q
to choose from $15 values tPJV
Mine. Sherry Veils
75c Veiling at 37c Yard
Just received, a new line of Mme. Sherry Veils,
the latest New York fad. All wanted shades. We'd
be pleased to show them whether you buy or not.
VEILING, a surprise sale of Mesh Veiling in plain
and fancy effects selected from our regu
lar stock; real 75c values, the yard,' only
Sale Fancy Ostrich Plumes
$37.50 to SIOO.OO Values
j Now 12 Price
.V ,
A new lineof fancy ostrich plumes.
clusters and sets in two tone, varie
blacKand white The new
CooKing School , A - "O
At IP A. M. Today jIltlFe OtOCll OI WOmeU S-jr3L$J$J&l CJL
lecture by MissTracyi 7. ,n . 9
nR. browns, mulberry and rose
shiidesjnjhetwo'tone effects are ex
treme! y beautiful Finest imported
French Roods in both willow and
rrench plumes worth $37.5Q to J
$100.00 each are offered at just v
Women's $5 Shoes $2.49
Women's $7 Shoes $3.39
anon rjairs of women's hizh-rrade sample
Shoes and broken lines; gunmetal and
kid and patent kid stock in button,
bluchcr or lace bals. A splendid assort
ment of $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 tfO 49
Shoes nriced for this sale at V-'
All our broken lines of high-grade Shoes,
factory samples and broken lines, com
prising many beautiful styles for Fall
and Winter wear. Regular $5.00 to $7.00
values. Special price during fcO
this great gale, the pair, only ?--'
Men's $4 and $5 Pumps
and Slippers Now at $1.87
We have grouped for today's selling broken lines of Men's Slippers in all colors
and styles, and a lot ot ivien a rany aim yuumS "r , A l.O
-1 loot hora rvpmi nr vm i ut! lu itxuu auu v-uv ow.vii
ITUULUCLai BUU imiCUv --o ' '
Sale of Fancy Silk Waists
$7 Values at.$3.98
For today we are offering the most
charming collection of waists yet
chnwn in Portland at such a low&
price Changeable and plain taf
fetas, checKs, stripes, darR plaid
taffeta silKs, rich messalines, pon
gee colored taffetas, lace trimmed
nets, etc. BlacK and all wanted
colors including delicate evening
shades Regular val- rf O Q
ties to $7. special each tpC-Js J KJ
Lecture by Miss Tracy
Our fre Cooking School is for all wom
en who wish to learn how to cook eco
nomically and properly. Today's Menu:
Deviled Crab; Soft Molasses Ginger
Bread; Corn Meal Gems.
S4.00-S5.00 Rosett
Hair Puff Set for 9 8c
Free Samples Oregon
Rose Cleansing Cream
Today on the firt and second floors wc
will wll Roett Hair Puff sets. Einelet
'Curl Puff sets, values to $4.00 QO
and ?i.00, at the special rrife of ?Ov
Samples of Mme. Hudson's Oregon Ros
CJaansing Cream, which softens the skin
and leave s good complexion, will be
given to patrons of the hair goods
department on first and see- J
end floors, special for today A 1
Sale Women's 95c
Union Suits at 69c
Women's fleece lined Union Suits, full
bleached, good Winter weight, nicely
finished, perfect fitting; our re?- CQr
nlar 95c values; special, the suit vv
Children's Winter weight Vesta and
Pants, long sleove vesta, full length
pants; splendid 63e values; ottQ
very special sale at the low price
&Sc Hosiery Now at 25c
Women's Imported Black Cotton Stock
ings or split-foot hose, Herms-OCc
dorf Dye; 35c values, the pair
20 OO Fair Curtains
S1.5Q Vals. 89c
Nottingham Curtains in both
white and Arab colors, clever
de s ig ns ma d e by American
mills Good substantial val
ties Patterns which surely
will ap peal to peop le of good
taste See the big showing in
our Drapery Department on
thirdfloor Regular OQr
31.5Q -values, the pair O J V
And IOOO pairs of very select
'tun u
Tailored Suits
$28.5Q Values
At $12.45 EacK
For today we offer an unrivaled
exhibit of women's fine Tailored
Suits We thinK the showing is
strongest and best ever brought
out in Portland As there are 40O
suits in the lot, we bought them
"way underprice The materials
J na ! vmniitvlllorhnvint. .r?rtchk
- - v - - ;
mixtures, serges, wide wales,
novelty weaves, etc. Many are
lined with SKinner's satin -There
are plain, neatly tailored styles,
and fancy trimmed suits in the
assortment We taKe all the vals.,
up to $28.30 which came in this
lot and group them O A
for today's selling at
Women's $48.50 Dresses $24.95
$32.5Q Tailored uits for $17.25
$42.50 Tailored Suits lor $26.45
1. Iff
Sale Women's
$22.50 Coats
At $10.90 E a.
Again we direct your attention to
our extensive lines of Women's
and Misses' Coats At no other
store will you find the assort
ments as complete and not in all
West could you nndsucn
Men's $6,5Q Bathrobe $4
Today in the Men's Store, on the first floor, we offer 300 Blanket
Bath Robes. Cut, very full, the big, roomy kind; a broad range
of patterns to choose from; tie at waist line with OC
Rillf cords: small, medium and larere sizes: $6:50 values V'0
15c Pictures Only 9c Each
In the big Basement "Underprice Store" today you may choose
from a new stock of Water Color Pictures in heads, figures and
landscapes, reproductions of works by well-known artists ; q
$LQO Embroideries at 25c
Gr o c eries
EXTRA, Mince, Apple and Pumpkin
Pies for the Holidays. New delicacies.
Mince Meat Atmore's Extra in '7tZg
glass jars; special price, each
Atmore's Condensed Mince Meat, 10
Bacon, Eastern Breakfast; choice, 32
Tigs, Calimyrna; very fine quality 23
Tigs, Cresca Imported, in baskets, 30J
Sugar Crystal Domino; 60o grade 50
New Imported Delicacies, whole Goose
Livers, Sage Cheese, Finnan' Haddie,
Sardellen Ringer, Rochambeau Peas
with fine Onions and Herbs, domestic
and imported Libknchen, and others.
Mince Meat Atmore's. in bulk, lb. 14
Thanksgiving Candy
A special French Mixed Candy, full of
chocolates, the chewey kinds, stuffed
dates, etc., for Thanksgiving. 0aOCc
special sale at, the pound, only-
Kitchen Needs
Boasters, Self-Basting, made of smooth
steel, siza llxl6y3; our regular OC.
50o values; special, each, only
Boilers for milk or rice; 3-quart 6ize,
blue enameled ware, seamless, QQp
with enameled covers; $1.25 vaL 'W
Waffle Irons, regular 75o set, at 45
Tea Kettles, nickel plated, large QO.
size, flat bottom; $1.35 value for
Pudding Moulds Covered ieavy and
polished, tubed moulds, 3-quart CCp
size; regular 75c value, special
Food Choppers, "The Universal," chops
all kinds of meats, fruita and QO.
vegetables; special Thanksgiving
15,000 Men's SKirts
$2.5Q Vals. Q5c
For today we will continue
our great sale of 15.QOO men's
shirts with plain or plaited
bosoms in the very popular
coat styles with cuffs attached
Materials are madras, per
cales, Oxfords, stripes and fig- i
All are warranted fast colors
and perfect fitting in every
respect Reg. $15Q,
coats as we offer in this group of
lues to $2.5Q Our buyers saw
.00 nnnnrtunity in this lot and
fore bought extensively
the heavy cloths are more pop
-. 1 v o n v o Solid colors.
plaid bacKs. novelty cloths, etc.
s VioltoH atvlp and Hih
llipuiu - ' -
collar atito coats and stylish street
coats in values to CT- ( QO
2.50 today only iplv
untnenS25 Coats Only $1495
2QOFur Muffs. Stoles. Etc. $15Q
!525Fur Muffs. Stoles. Etc. $14.95
lvxity ix appe.iiixg ixn
P1bI!1 on On Fclonj Chargee,
Grtntrad 1 Held on Second la
formation Case Continued.
-Ttir la rrat laxity on th part of
tha rM.trlrt Attorney'a offica In appcar
lra" ror trlala In thla court, and In tha
futura I shall !nlt that tha atate shall
ba rprsnteJ at the time set for. hear
ings," said Justlca Bell yesterday, eom
meBtlac from the beach upon the fail
ure of the state's attorney to appear
In the prosecution of Arthur Grlnstaal.
The Justice announced that eases In
which the state waa not ready to ap
pear would be set aside and tha civil
docket rWen the preference.
Justlca Bell's announcement came at
tha end of a heated wrans;l between
Attorney H. C. Kin and Bailiff Richard
Peleh. of the District Attorney s offlc.
In which tha former charred that the
deputy prosecutora were stttlns; around
In their office. Delch denounced the
statement warmly, aaylait that Deputies
Fltiferald and Collier were occupied
with tha Lambert case. Pas; and Mlche
et with the Richardson case, while
District Attorney Cameron waa with
the rrand Jury. Kins; asked what had
become of Deputies Hennessy and Oar
land. Ha pressed for an Immediate
hearing for his client, aa guaranteed by
tha constitution, but Justice Bell
granted a continuance until today.
Grtnatead. who Is accused by Alice
Grlnstead of deluding; her Into a be
lief that ha had secured a divorce, and
of then marrylnn axaln. and who re
torts that It was she who pretended
to have been divorced and who married
a second time, had been dismissed by
the. Justice upon one felony charg-e. In
which he was accused Jointly with hie
present wife, Kate Rauch. Immediately,
a second Information was presented
as-alnst him. baesd upon the same alle
iratlons. and the defense pressed for
trial. Hearing waa set for S o'clock,
but the District 'Attorney's office waa
not represented, and after waiting an
hour. Mr. King demanded action.
In the first trial Grlnstead did not
adhere to his former charge that she
had married before sha wedded him.
and. concealing the fact from him. had
entered into a second contract. The
facts as established In the testimony
were that Alice and Arthur Grlnstead
were married and later separated: that
each of them then married again with
out a divorce having been secured.
Kach charges that tha other repres
ented that divorce proceeding had
been hail, and the court has been -unable
to determine which la telling tha
Th macaroni Imports from Italy during
the nrt eisht month, of lin cregatd
TYOfiO.otxt pound., worth S 200.O). in tn
rrMM of on-iaird to. same period
Street Committed of Council Agrees
to Refer Seventh-Street Proj
ect Baelc to Viewer.
Assessments for the cost of widen
ing Seventh street between the river
and Burnslde street met with so much
opposition at a special meeting; of the
street committee of the City Council
yesterday afternoon that the. committee
agreed to refer the matter back to the
viewers, with the request that the dis
trict be extended along Seventh street
from Morrison to Jefferson street.
It waa tha common complaint among
the property-owners who opposed the
assessments that the cost had aot been
distributed equitably, and that the en
tire burden waa placed on the shoul
ders of too few people. The assess
ment district, aa fixed by tha viewers,
extends along Seventh street for 100
feet on each side, from the river to
Morrison street.
The present system of allowing view
ers to estimate the damages and bene
fits Involved In tha opening and widening-
f streets baa brought oa exten
sive litigation, for It permits the peo
ple affected to appeal to the courts for
alleged errors. This has caused City
Attorney Grant to begin the prepara
tion of a proposed amendment to the
city charter permitting the Council to
authorize the condemnation of property
for street purposes, the value being
fixed by a Jury In tha Circuit Court.
Mr. Grant Is modeling the proposed
new law along the lines of that now in
effect In Seattle, where l works. It Is
said, quite satisfactorily.
The proposed new law will permit of
no appeal from the decision of tha Jury,
and thua It will do away with suite
against the city later. The Jury will
fix the amount of compensation tor the
property to be converted to public use.
and an eminent domain commission will
outline a district which Is to be as
sessed for, the costs.
Detective Graves Make Catch of
Man Wanted In Astoria.
Walking right into the hands of De
tective Graves, Porter Munaon. a local
athlete, well known In club circles,
was arrested yesterday on a charge
emanating from Astoria, where he Is
wanted to answer charges of obtaining
money under false pretense by passing
bogus checks, also for Jumping his
board bill.
Police Captain Rlnn, of Astoria, is
on his way here to tako Munson back
w 1 ...... - -
a lr - rrr DTirl A that time
inu vocbo o -
formed the local detective Dureau ui
Munson waa wanted..
Yesterday Graves saw Munson board
the streetcar on which Graves was and
v. -it.-,Aif rtiAed him under ar
rest. He admitted to Graves that he
had passed checks In Astoria, where he
has made frequent trips in conncnou
with wrestling matches. His shortage
Munson Is physical director of the
Catholic Young Men s uuo. .no wao
arrested by Detectives Day and Hyde
last May on a charge of stealing a dia
mond ring and a suit of clothes. He
was convicted and was sentenced to a
year's Imprisonment, but was paroled
by Judge Morrow.
The Great "Northern daylight train
for Kalama. Oentralia, Chehalis. Taco
ma. Seattle, Everett. Bellingham and
Vancouver. B. C. leaves Hoyt Street
Station. 11th and Hoyt Sts.. daily at
10 A. M.. Other trsina leave at 6 P. M.
and 11:30 P. M. Tickets, sleeping and
parlor car reservations. City ticket
office, 122 2d atreet, and at depot.
X Canadian government dredge while at
work recently at 6t. Johns. Quebec, clear
ing away the ramalne of the Royal Sam-age,
sunk during the revolution, brought up sev
eral Interesting relics. Among them were
a cannon, two odd looking aaee and sons
coin, and buttons.
Dear to the Hearts of the Women,
n " &a
m assssaa - m
An Indispensable and Necessarv
Article for Particular Women
who Desire to 'Retain a
Youthful jlppearance.
Every woman owes it to herself and
loved ones to retain the charm of youth
aturo has bestowed upon her. For over
alf a century this article has been used
by actresses, singers and women of
fashion. It renders the skin like tha
softness of velvet leaving it clear and
pearly white and Is highly desirable when
fireparlng for dally or evening attire. Aa
t Is a liquid and non-greasy preparation.
It remains unnoticed. When attending
dances, balls or other entertainments. It
prevents a greasy appearance of the com
plexion caused by the skin becoming
heated. .
Gouraud's Oriental Cream cures ekln
diseases and relieves Sunburn. Removes
Tan, Pimples Blackheads. Moth Patches,
Rash, Freckles and Vul?ar Redness.
delicately dear ana rennea complexion
Yellow and Muddy ekln, giving a
which every woman desires.
No. 10 For sale by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers.
FertL T. Hopkins, Prop., 37 Great Jcnes Street, New York.
i in inn iiriur-u l unuri i n ia dluic kuuai v? j n tu u v w -w -, - - .
nlS-S f I VJ 1 & paiiernSHLreuuioi V 1 I II I extra grade embroideries; strong, well-made hand loom edges, smtaoie loryug go nd $2.50 Values S If I
Ec-fi M I I A I t o1..A. nnlr tD lal T3f I nnr.! values nr. to' $1.00 a vard: snecial Sururise Sale price, the yard II f?" U
j T I I sLaal v J r t c t -- , . , - - - - mmmmmmm
Oriental Cream