' 11 TTTE MORXIXG. OREGOSIAX. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1910 V CITY NEWS IN BRIEF oregoctax Tr.LtrTioxrs. Pacific Ftete Main T'T' Mun :' Uam 7"70 .....Vwia 7T Mem "''TO alaia 7uT Home. A "1 A "''J A A A A So-A rwatlf i-rflmn ... rly eircu:sMoo .. Mimrlnf FMitor . FundJl Kdllor ... Con-.potr.g -room . fe up u siumc ... AMI CEMENTS. HT.n.t'1 TIIEATKR-7th nd T4)rl-J'l ervl i'rtn. e t'umfrwn in the roi" re: rom.u. rn Vriuc. ut l'lleen." To n:s?it at 5.15 o cio k. BvalJlW THEATER T-lfrh and Vmon "Mr V of the Cl3bl let. ft ' Tr..ul at o.l"" o clock. ORI'HKL'M THKATER Morrleon, t t-ea Ruth and Jventhl Vsu-levtlle. Thia aft ernoon at 3 li and ton:. It at 13. GNr THKATKIt "Park ana tVhln ton VauUevl'le. Thia afternoon at 2:13k tor.ijht at T.lo aad a, LYRIf THEATKR (nh and Alder) Arrratronc Nu'fnl I'omwJr Company ta ' lvry Iar Tnlt afternoon at 2. J", to ne r.t at 1 11 and t. TAR THEaTKR Iark and Whlnr" M i?l-in pictures. Continuous, from 1:20 to Id.lo P. V. AdTrrttarsMata lafeaetod for the CWF Jtvwa la Brief nliami ta odaya law aa asaat fee handed la Tka Orrcaalaa kamlaraa mtOom Z.T "aJl Mloraly val A-.ovxTaxT Arb 9r,iatrr. Prohlnif of char.-a a.r.t t.i Tort of IVrtlaud t-na.l.; n Is t a sx.trd":!!!. rwn.Imr anion of the County ComralMlowti upon b'les of exrrt accountari's for x.un!n:r. the book of tlie Tort Onml?.o:i. Fol lowing the appearand- of M. 1. Mur.lv and clicr. befor th uranj jury It-: Tii--4a. the matter "t iim!r-lnr th boc was tka up and b.l for I.. w..rk were secured from a n'imbr of arrountsr.t. Th-- ir now Uf.-re t'ie County fourt. an! if that body authorlsf t!- cxivr.se. a report 11 be mde to ti.e n-:xt fraud jury. t'l-tAsn CtK 8.iioi- lr. ti ti.e pre-nre of infantile paraiysa anion l-r pup.ls In a r 'lli" a uool near IXa'-aila. Mire) Dora 1U1I. tr te.irr.rr. made a re port yeevrdr t Dr ca!x-!n B'M'f, v rrtary ef t.v. S:at Hoard of Health, of the rordi:;on of affittr. S! e r-p-rtfd that ah lud cN.d t(.e nth-Ril un'il te Board wtll frmlt tt t. N rfoper.ed. T.r aro four w. three In a family named Brlrletone1 and or.e In a f.imly named T,omia Thia make 19 cw te portei In t state i'ihi early taet Sura rner. a curnbrr of whiih ndej fatally. I-itrMvra KviKorurr to rtAK. Ti.w dore t;orn. widely known the Chi cago drummer erunellnt. will or-'n a aeries of evanreiiir niretlnKS in H.iw thrr fark T.ibernarlo Sunday nlsht. November 3X He will be aavlsred by B':iy Matheson. ex-puc!:it and suloon keeper. an 0tKni conrt. Mr. Oorn 1 m'.to a r.er. Mr. ar. 1 Mrs. Naf.xer. ror.sliiered two of th tlarst emirera on U Anwrlran evanre::lo platform, will a!M In the meeting. Mr. Osborn k lr.trrdenomlnatlonal. and la knoan from one end of the country to tlie other. RBBf WisBTo Ijai-rvBE. "Krty lrel ttisn HlKory: Mi and His Work." a til be the topic of Rabbi Wlio s address at Betn linrl tonlitit. Tomorrow morn Ira; the auhjec-t will b "nie Ron-.an Ghetto. " rv Lee s commenca In the eve nins; at I o'cloc k and In the mornlnsr at to. o'rlock. Tbar.ksj'.vlrs; srvita will ba held Jointly with the Unitarian and Crlverwtlist corseiraiUirs In the L'r.lver uiM Church on East Broadway. Thia sen-lea will be held on Thursday mora le at II o'clock. Staeet Vacatiox OriPEar. VacAtlon of M:lwauke street for 3V feet at Foil wood la being considered by a special comraltrne of the jjellwood Commercial Club. Property owo-w have petitioned for thia vacation, but it Is not to take effect until another etreet la Improved be tween M Iwaukle and Hut Nineteenth street, and there la no Intention of closing MUwaukle atreet. Milwaukie street haa run through a block at Sellwood for jr year, and tha movement ls to clutnge tha location. FSsr-Tic Liosrr Arrscnn.-Hectrlo l'cht service for a large portion of the West Side flickered for a moment or two and then went out lt night between T and o'clock. Jr.nuiry at the troubla department of the Portland Railway, Light Power plant brought forth th sjeaer that thara wa trouhle" at one if tha station) with the wire connec tions, within half an hour the dif leurty had dmppeared. Travh. Taijc to Pit Gtvix. Mis Carrie a. Holbrook will give a travel-talk this rveninc In the auditorium of the Young K'omen's Christian Aaaoclatlon. Seventh tnd Taylor strre. The subject of the i.ldresa will be "Twet.ty-awven Thousand Milea by Land and Sea." Miss Holbrook haa recently returned from a Journey around the world and her address will b personal remlniarences told In story and Illustrated with a s ttteoptlcon. Rev J. T. Loo ax C-ohimo Rev. J. T. I ran. editor of the Free Methodist, the Fra Method'atofflclal paper published In rhlcago. will 'arrive In Portland next Tuesday, and b. tin a series of religious tneatlrg Tuesday night In tha First Church. Ka-l Ninth and Kaat Mill reeta. He will speak twice on Thanksgiving day. in or cine and evening. Rev. Mr. Logan la considered the leading preacher of th Free Methodist Church. Patra or Pork Take a TrvRLB and Saturday I will give th. puidic the becefit of the drop In prlcf. All cum of pork except tenderloin. IS cents per pound: 5-pound palls pure kettle rendered lard. 7V: V pound pall, tl ; Eastern skinned hams. ITc p-r pouml: picnic Uma lc. U. L Parker. le hirst su BrargT to Re Repaired. City Engineer Tatorru haa inspected the street In Sun- iiraide, where rewers had been laid and where' the ground had settled. Com plaint bad been made that contractor had left these street in bad condition, liepalrs wUl ba mad wherever they ar needed. Rlt-jrrxa Sau Orrxs Todat The box cfflce at the He!l g Theater 1I1 open at 10 A. M. today for the seat sale for the Franct Rlchter benefit concert. Those who have bought benefit tickets may also exchange them at that time for re ac rved seat Rkt. Ovall to Preach ix VaxcouvrR. Rer. John Ovall will preach at the Alethodlat Church. In Vancouver. Wash., next Sunday at 3 P. M. The noted Swedish singer. Miss Christian Olson, will atng. AH tfcandlnavlana ar Invited to' attend. Armt to ESmcRTAin. Th Scandina vian Salvation Army, CO Burnslde street, near Eleventh, will hold a song, music and coffee festival, under the auspice of th Young People League, Tbar.lt-ftln- day. at ( P. M. PrH Cut s TO Mxrr. The North East fde Improvement Aasoclatlon will meet tonight In Woodmen Hall, on Ruell arret aad Rodney avenue, to consider th Broadway brtdf situation and other general butanesa. AUTOMOBuXtB OWVER. If yon want your automobile repaired or overhauled without cost phone Y. M. C. A., educational director. A 6Va or Private Ex. 66- Boxrxo. Bud Anderson vs. Bobby' Evans, tan tousda; two four and on lx round preliminary: St. John. Friday eve ning. Nov. IS. Admission C and CJa InmoriKifT CXL-n to Meet. The Wood lawn Improvement Association will hold It regular meeting at Greene' h&2L Dekum avenue, tonight at ( o'clock. Fon Rext. Two Inside well-llehted otTic rooms on second floor of Mohawk ldg. Land department. I'ortland Hall- nay. Ugnt at rawr company. Thb lady who wa C short In her change at Wright's Samr'.e Shoe Shop yesterday, kindly call and receive same. Rlngler dancing party Woodcraft hall, jeth and Taylor, every Toeevlay and Sat. Warcjt 'oosT-ea, S Wash. On Birouht; Another Tried. Mra F. Itl"hard. of K3 Everett street, re ported to tlif detective bureau yester day morning that while she was out Wednesday evening a thief entered her ; hou?e by pryir.ic up a window on the front I Porch ar.l stole several article) of adorn ment, value ! at several hundred dollars. Hurling a chair through a window at a prowler wno wan attemptinK entrance. J. liif.r.er. of 2sa Thirteer.th wreet, scared tie fellow nay. P.ttrnlmrn Itoyle and rrey were calleJ. but found no trace of tbe Intrmlor. U(Tln tt. ADr.Rr.ns Woues Port land Women's clubs and the Oregon Col legiate Alumnae will hold a Joint meeting In the aulitorlum of the Young Men Chrietian Association, at 3 o'clock this aft. moon, when lliev will be nd.!res.cd by Mrs. Krances King Headlee. t Honolulu. Mr Hvadlee la on a lecture tour, speak ing tinder the aup.. en of the Honolulu I'unimerceAl flub, he ha be.n In Port land two weeks and hs addressed sev eral aulen.e- Her lecture thia after noon wi.l be illustrated with atcrcoijticon , re . Ohisfjib GAMRI.CR QftT Tows.GIvlr.fC lip his long tignt to eetabllaii himself un mo!et.il it the bueinesa of selling !ot torv tl. ket. Vol Vol. prince of Chines riitb confessed dof-.-at In Municipal Court veatcrdav morning and announced h! Inter.ti-in of depanir.g for Seat-le. In wlr.dlrg tip Ms iirouri with the police. Tel Vol presented evidence tl'.at he had d:ma'l tvo appeals to the Circuit Court, and enterel a plea of guilty In a third case, pending In t:.a Police Court. He was t'.r.ed Coxfaxt O T CtunATt-Captain I C. Karrar will arrive thia m-rnlng from jvteramento to ntrend the ITth anniver aary of tAjmpany U. Rrat Infantry. Ore gon National ; lard. The m.-iuhets are to !e:iir.!e, tonight at s o'clock at the Armory "and after a short drill march to Nortoi.ia Hotel, where the reunion i:i be held. It la exrectod that many of the member will N here fnxii Seattje and me from Alaaka to Join In the cele bration. At.aiXA TYaxir TwtRC.t "Twenty-one pout.da wa the label upon the reconl weici:lrg table turnip, placid on the rouriters of Portland Chamber of Coti.mer.e yterday by O. L William, of jx Patton avenue. Tt exceeded tha weight of a .tablo turnip brought lal week which wua thought to be the record breaker. The William turnip wJ "born, reared and harvested" In Alblna. Bad CHK.KH CAfSB Arrkst. Frank Tiiompson la un-i.-r arr.'t at Harrisburg. Or., on charges placed affaire him here, and tvtcctlve Bnow left last night to re turn Mm for trial. Thomje'on Is ac cused by 1 K. Woodford, manager of the Oregon Taxlcnh Company, alth pawing upon tlie company'ei chauffeurs three checks. agrogat!rg fX, wfcith were not backed by de post la, Morris Acxxstn or BEATireo) Ou Ma.-. Jack Morr was arretted In the North End yesierday by Dctecuvea Coleman and inow and h.-id on a vagrancy charge, rnillng Inq ilry Into Information that he set upon and beat an old man a few nays ago. In an attempt to rob hlra of tik The victim la being aougnt for to give Li testimony against Morris. Tm Ladies of Centenary M." B. Church, cor. 11 Pine and th iw, will give their annual dinner, apron and rug sale Fri day evening. Nov. IS. In the bosvment of the church. Supper from ( to S P. M- DISCRETION TO BE USED CLOSING OF DRAAVS I.KKT TO OPEH.TOItS JCDG.MKXT. County Court Rulrs Tliat if Traffic lc man da IJrldscs Slay Tic Closed In Kvenlnj:. A new order, making It dkacretlonary with the draw drldge operators whether or not to open the crawa during the congested period In the evening, was) la sued by the County Court yesterday. The bridge draw will remain closed during I the period prescribed by the Government. :3 to 7 A. M . 7:11 -to 7:-B and :06 to s:30 A. M. Tha County Court- order to the draw brl.is operator read); "If the traffic on the bridge I of ap parently greater Importance than the de mand of the boat whwtiing for the draw, let th draw remain closed until th traffic congestion has been relieved, whether the hour be of tlie forenoon or the afternoon." The Federal law providing that th right of those crossing the bridge are to be corjeHCered. a well as tha vessels pxrlng through, prevented the Federal grand jury from finding Indictment against County Judge cleeton and County Commissioner C.odd.ird alien they had th matter of draw bridge regulation under consideration. The order of Judge Cleeton nd Com m:s."loner GodJard. provided that the draw be closed during stated periods both tn the morning and at night. Jurtze Cleeton haa found It would be Impracticable for the steamers to put on hinged stacks; because In many cases tlie hog-poats ar as high as the etacka, and the posts cannot be altered. RESCUER HURT BY AUTO Traffic Offlcrr Mrnik Down Trying to have? Aged Woman. Tn his endeavor to save an aged woman from being; crushed under the wheels of a cumbersome touring car driven by Ernest Crlrhton. a youthful chauffeur. Traffic Officer Crow was truck down and painfully Injured by the auto at Front and Morrison street last night. Th chauffeur was taken Into cus tody by Patrolman Mallon and sent to police headquarters on a charge of vio lating the traffic ordinance. Crow wa taken to his home eufforlng from Injuries which will Incapacitate blm for several day. Vancouver Church to Tic Dedicated. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Nov. 17. (Spe cie.) The First Congregational Church of thia city, almost completed, at the corner of Main and Fourteenth streets, will be dedicated Sunday afternoon at S a'clock. at which time Rev. Luther R. Dyott. pastor of the First Congre gational Church of Portland, will deliv er the principal address. Rev. W. W. Scudder will also speak. Tha coit of the church la 115.000. MEN'S $25 BLACK SUITS $15 On sale beginning- today at the Brownsville Woolen Mill Store. Third and Morrison streets. Hundreds of stylish black all-wool unfinished worsted suits for men. regular values to US. at $15. TURKEY MONEY FREE. For further particulars read tha ad vertisement, of tha Lion Clothiers in today' paper. Submarine Going to Orient, LONDON. Nov. 17. Announcement la made In naval circles today that early In 1311. a British flotilla of submarines will be sent to Hongkong and permanent ly stationed there. Other flotilla of the same craft will be sent later to Gibral tar and other sections. Plaat Sibson roses. Phone Scllwood 950. MEDALS ARE GIN Patrolmen Croxford and Stahlj Honored at Review. POLICE SHOW UP BRAVELY General Commendation of Appear ance and Marching Order of Force Is Given by Major and Commissioner Slchel. Semi-annual Inspection of the police force yesterday morning at the Armory was accompanied by an impressive ceremony. In the presentation of med als for bravery to Patrolmen Croxford and Mahl of the force. Over 10 men were In line when the battalion. commanded by Caotain Moor, fell tn at the police station and. headed bv the ponce oanu. ....- the Armory. Chief of Police Cox. mounted on a black charger, led th way Mayor Simon and Police Commis sioner Pichel were in waiting and re viewed the men. The battalion was divided into five rompanies. commanded by Captmna Haly, Halley and plover and Tatrolmen Graves and OUale. Sergeant Iilley acted as Adjutant and Patrolman Klin gel a Sergeant-Major. The colors were carried by Sergeant Cole, with a guard consisting of Sergeants Patton and Klenlotn. After the formalities of review had been observed In handsome style by th officers, who had drilled Industri ously for the event. Patrolmen Crox ford and Stahl were called to the front and center, where they were briefly addressed by Commissioner Slchel, their meritorious conduct In killing two rob ber last January being praised. Chief of Police Cox then pinned on the breant of each of th officers a gold medal, presented by the Commis sion. Mayor Simon addressed a few complimentary remarks to the mem ber of the force, which were acknow ledged by Chief Cox. After the review in the Armory, the policemen marched to Washington street, to Sixth, to Yamhill, to Third, to the station, where they were dismissed. During the Inspection the station wa commanded by Patrolman Harm and the city wa policed by special officers. RUSSIAN DANCERS TONIGHT Famous Star and Their Imperial Kunlun Ballet and Orchestra Ap pear at the Baker in "Th Arabian Nights." Th programme for fhe first perfor mance of those wonderful Russian art ists will open with the ballet from "The Arabian Nights." especially arranged for this season by Mikall Mordkln him self. This dramatic bit of eongless opera takes about half an hour, and tell an Intensely vivid tale of fne wild 111 of in ueseri cuieiia.ui. r.. . i n n- - .1 f) n - th.t mneh misused word, temperament, in every yne of her slender, graceful figure. In every ges ture of Viand and arm. She and Mordkln will present their charming Interpre tation of the Rubensteln Valse Caprice tonight, and It 1. as a Chicago critic said, "like a ong from the heart of Spring." When the melody mount to that famous E-flat Mordkln catches hi Cnarming colleague in hi arms and throwa her high in the air. and It 1 aa if he about aloud In his joy and spon tanlety. They end with one of those spectacular things Wnlch only the Rus sian can do with uch consummate ease, a sudden rush of light feet, a leap half way acros the stage and then Pavlowa Is caught In mid air and poised at arm-length by the marvelous Mordkln. Among other famous dances will be tVie "Bacchanale." the Impas sioned dance which set the East wild with enthusiasm last aeaaon. Tonight Is the first appearance of the dancers, then they give two performances to morrow, matinee and evening at the new Baker. MEN'S CRAVENETTED Overcoata. High-grade eravenetted rainproof overcoats on sale.. By my system, of buying manufacturers' samples from the East and my fSO a month rent. I can sell you I3J) to 135 suits and over coata for 18.75; $25 to $27.60 value for $14.75. Over 1000 garmenta In stock. Jlmmle Dunn, room 315, Ore gonlun building. TURKEY MONEY FREE. Everybody haa an opportunity to get a free turkey for Thanksgiving. Read the announcement of the Lion Clo thiers In today's paper. WHERE JO DINE. All th delicacies of th aeaaon at tha Portland Restaurant. Fin prtvat apart ninti for ladlea. 105 Wash., near tta SL GET BUSY "l r " V'' '11 .e" NOW! Own a Home? Tf so. you surely need some ROSE RUSHES FLOWKHIXG SHRIBS, FBl'IT or SHADE TREES. We have a large and complete etock of first class stock at our City Tree Yard, corner Second and Main treet. for your Inspection. Call V IMPORTERS AND GROWERS F. W. B ALTBS AND COMPANY PRINTING Main 165. A 1163 First and Oak V rc- atgaaaa-kt HW g,T mmTUkMm AM. II I I FRIDAY AND SATUR Every Article In the Shop Great ly Iledueed ( Kxcept Con tract Good). Neckwear Reduced 75c Stiff Kmbroldered Collars. special, each 39 5c Stiff Embroidered Collar. ......., 1 a i r. 1 0 35c Jabot, special, each. 19c? 50c Jabots, special, each. 42c? $1.00 Jabots, special. ea. t-i" 3SC Washable Stocks, spe.23c Tor Washable Stocks, slightly soiled 25 75c and 65c Dutch Collars, spe cial 48 $1.00 Dutch Collars, 8pe...85ci $2.25 Dutch Collar and Cuff Sets, special R1.4S $2 Lace Coat Sete, spe.gl.TO $1 Lace Coat Sets, special 49 $2-$1.60 Persian Scarfs... 98 $4.50 Silk Scarfs. spe..2.98 i Gloves Reduced-i $1, 75c and 65c Washable Chamois. Pllk and Chamolsette Gloves, special, pair 50 $3.60 Long Kid Glove, colors only, special, pair 81.19 $1.75 Kid or Mocha, 2-clasp. special 81. 50 $2.25 Kid Ciloves, best made, special, pair S2-00 $4.00 Long Kid Gloves, hlack. white or colored, ape. 83.40 F. P. YOUNG 290 MORRISON ST. Between 4th and 5th, Corbett Bldg L-MAYER & CO. Portland's Oldest Grocers. 118 Third St. Main 9432. A 4432 WEEKLY GROCERY SPECIALS The la'test we have to offer you is the following "GIFT BASKETS" TTe put these up, ranging from $5.00 to $35.00 each. Certainly a novelty for Thanksgiving. Please call and ask us to show them to you. For Friday and Saturday, No vember 18 and 19, we offer you: "Our Own" Importation Vir gin Olive Oil, qts., $1.00 per bottle, regular $1.23. New Shelled Pecans, 75 per pound, regular 90c. New Shelled Filbert Nuts, 50 per lb., regular 60c pound. New Jordan Almonds, 75 per pound, regularly 90o. New Fard Dates, 20 per pound. New Italian Chestnuts, 20 per pound. 1 and 2-pound Baskets Figs S5f.and 50 each. Sparkling Burgundy, SI. 50 per quart. Sparkling Moselle, $1.50 per quart. EXTRA Try a Virginia Ham We carry the real Smithfield. WE OFFER YOTJ ONLY Superior Quality and Absolute Purity in All Goods We Sell. "Give a man his money's worth and you can have all his busi ness." Morse; Seeds Valuable informittlmt wMeh farmer and gardener should have I contained in our new Garden Guide ef Seeds. Plants and Trees. ' topy mailed free to anv sdnress. Worse Seeds Sold Everywhere. C. C. Morse c Co. ta great California Baed Hoaae 151 mtarket Street Saa Fraadsco DAY vim BROOK The Hat With ont a Peer S3.00 f it v v -a $c y ? rcm-i' For TT The Week End- Be prepared for the Sunday Visitors They will appreciate the pure and wholesome ciefe' CnacoafJ' They always satisfy They are made for particular people. 65c the pound. Imperial Candy Co., MAKERS OF QUALITY CANDY EVERY SMILE ADVERTISES US III R PRICKS! Full sat of teth only aa.oo g. iiriug. wora or plates.. S.S0 to fa Red rubber plates only 7.6e Good rubber plates Vl only a.e 1 Gold or porc.laln erowna..(S.50 to M Gold or porcolaln I at f f L - 3 miinn .a p fit 1,7 Painless .xtraotlon Free when plates ar. ordered. Oar Work Guaranteed Perfect Ke better work don. anywhere. Mod ern .qulpm.at. perfect aervlc .v.ry aurto-mer pleased. Out-of-town patrons may make appointment and hT. work nnlihad in on. da. Krery operator a spaoiallst. THE NEW YORK DENTISTS DR. H. A. 8TCRDKVAXT, Mr. Hours, A. Si. to 8 P. M. Sundays, A M. to 1 P. M. TdT Attrndant. N.TB. Cor. 4th-Morrton. HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Just opposite Hotel St. Francis European Plan $1 .50 a day up American Plan S3.00 a day up ffew steel and brick structure. Furnished at cost of $200,000. Every comfort and con venience. Oncarlines transferring; all over city. Omnibus meets trains and steamers. Send for Booklet with map of San Francisco Established 1900.. NETH & CO. ' COLLECTORS. Let us take charge of your collec tions. We can save you money. Main 1796; A 1285. 535 Worcester Bide Portland. Or. CCHVVAB PRINTING CO HOSOLICITS YOUrt PATR0MACE a4."7& STARK STREET 1 -if i IV. I 9 Foremost Clothiers Since YE ATTB TH E $1.5, $20, $25 These are really very unusual val ues at $15, $20 and $25; we're very sure that you will at these prices. Thev're our own special hand-tailored garments, the product of the best skill of the best of all makers There are hundreds of pattern's in fine fabrics, in plain and fancy weaves. All styles and models. Great display of Fall and Winter suits for men and younger men at $ 15, $20, $25 and up to $40. . : .'.'r' . mm. ""Idl'M WA ES and Jewelry pay a small payment at the time of purchase and balance in easy weekly or monthly payments to suit your income or .convenience. Eastern Outfitting Co. Washington St - A Ycur Cndit fi Is 6rf 1 t,--ssvavir.t. a R.i Ii K ft U : :t .. IMP- ? , iff- SEALY-L0WELL GO. Offer the lrhet Quality of Food Product at No Hleher Prlcea (Oftea tlmea Less) Than Paid illsewhere for Inferior Good. NEW ARRIVALS Imported Pumpernickle, can Peterson's Milk Biscuits t French Prunes, at, Jar Cook's Mackerel, in wine, can 35c 25c 50c 50c Huntley & Palmer's Bis- tf 1 (f cuits, Xmas tins D X ,JJ New England Sage Cheese, pound. 35c French Wine Vinegar, ffn. bottle. a Also Preserved Figs, Figs in Brandy. Peaches in Brandy. Cherries in Brandy. Cherries In Creme de Menthe, and countless other good things l Ne'xf'week' w'e will have a limited number of corn - fed dry - picked turkeys which we will' sell at the market price for ordinary stock. Wo are booking orders now. Fresh arrival today of Jones" Little Pig pausage. We still have plenty of Extra Fancy Hood Ktver Apple Spitzenbergs, Yellow Newtowns, Arkansas Black, Ortlcy andXorthern Spy. Have you seen our great cheese display? Nothing like It heretofore In Portland. TeIephne-M.I. 7200, A 6181. CORNER FIFTH AND STARK STREETS. Fine Fumed Oak See our immense stock of fine fumed oak just right for the living-room, dining-room, hall and den. Fifth and Stark J. G. Mack 8 Co. Holeproof Hose for Men, Women and Children 1863. NTI0N TO GOATS AT not see their equal ( -jfjJc Thanksgiving All of u have many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Our country is prosperous; thoiiFands of industries are workfiig- to their full capacity, and the people are busy earning- money. Your account Is Invited. A!o Interest Paid On Savings Accounts Accounts of $1 and Up Received ' Portland, Oregon Open 8 A. 1L until 5:30 P. M. Eaturdays until 8 P. M. FOR THE HOLIDAYS Finnan Haddles, at, pound ; " 25c Fancy California Dessert Off Raisins, pound Finest Malaga Raisins, car- gQ American and English d OC Plum Pudding 150 to... PXeifc Keller's Dundee Marma- d t f( lade, 3 for iOleUU Canadian Cheddar Cheese, QtS extra, pound JJV Kxtra Fancy Pulled Figs. Otf. pound Fifth and Stark I a2