i V AAA A . H 1 l1 1.1 Ji V., a- AU .1 A . . , a . a e' . ijjm-r - - . . .... - - , - - i , i a .a a 1 1 nrilVFII n-f-TniiT " 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ' TOR RENT. Sure. KKW threw-etory brlrk. 6xlOO; plat glaa front. 1-l-n aad Marshall, auitabie for liahl Jobbing, manufacturing or "'al ; will leas ono-bJ. div.de apae ""J tenant or teaanta A. G. Lout, (not aad Ank r . K RENT for a terra of five rear.. " Arlington Club building .tweet a Aler .1 Apply to H. T. cox. room N- 8. x30a, 11 at. . Of - FOR RENT Three- office room a ' ewe -ood rwor Um!.T Emcna bui.dlo. Sol acd Stark .c Inouir. . ic Holoreoa Ca ail Lirabr Ei ' rM bldg. ONE or tvro of:!- si" with km of larg waiting-room and bo:b pnone. App.yat l-t FalliuT b.us- ilo-T ccrrtra::y located offh-ee. all-night -..."--. 31 Shetland bid., th and Wi!;inin- -"Tk i'E'-' r l-iaro.,ru. Wila desk. 1 Kilt. wafer both j,.jC anl clerk seivlee. I!-'-' yr nt-ti'.h. "1 S;-aMlng Hilt. pi HtlO etenographer tan hav dnt room or p-tval rco:n In w e:!-equ:rped oft!- ... ii.hi vnliti Call Main -,-.. A St.-. Jr R Kkkl-A lew oSice n to a 1. Call 1 - .a Hdg. OFFICES and aamp.e-roome. Maneheter tSa between Stark and Osa. W Brett-' VCAK1JI' i:.-.B tVK RENT. Cor. East VV aslungtoa and fcaet Second a 15'X75 feet, on floor; on o. R. 4k N. trark: lately occupied br Cudahy Peck ing ' o. Pg Investment Co.. 1-0 Front at. t oon At am -w-o ll fi,R RENT Floor apaca MotloO: light and airy. .Irvator rTir. alritrlc IikUU trii". fart:iua. tioa la; 1 1 !' for term or Ara. AO ilf. OrwirontJn TO UAM. X)n XJCSTTaclia; Bno warabo loca.;ton: a coraar a room. IJ1 and Broad?. ra No. 1. AlDIca fal Ca tt!lM OPrOKTIMTIE!. A SI'! E.VPID oi.ponuniir tr pTrty t ) In o-a-r tr t of lan.l onlv 7 n.ll' Jrorn th!a rnv; f'.n il mil. will anrtMntr. baatiful vl.w ovrrl--.kinr t"ftl-in.l: lia-o chAoc to T't t:n f'r only an a:ro. Y.t can an 4 l.mc t-rm fT balanf. Iut tko n -t than a.-rra nii J n"l n r than a. r. a Sp ! Per mit to t'll nf thl "pI.rJl.1 buy f"r i.rr - home or a:: Inv-tri.tnl. Call trniay. -Id It. ci- x:: t.l-'c. ; ' N ; K I'I.ve T I.I V E. W hv a ti-.a mf.Urn -r.'to fat to r-nt an.i tho f irnliuto to a-'il. rrnt l only 1; a muntn nJ tti. furi.ltura nr.o. cn r.i:t r'xma lo rua-. all rin--; Ka k on Writ S.(!. .o- lll l.jnuia tn . 'all nMiTTi rriroii:n bl-lr lif;t'"EriV .-:! d-;i. jtl.-rrt. n.-ur Wl.if ton. rrw c.ran 'm k. flri lra.l.. r-nt -; own.r al k anl mtial a.11; elytra Jjih j.r ni.-rih. Tin" la a fine lit I l.iwi n and lau t bount clirati- ' Haury Ii-.r.lt' Ht:rK.. bak-rv. cnfrrl ioncry and fjnrr jriM-.-ri-i c.'Mit'inl . Ko-.l llvlnu rooma ;onr.-tfft ; bt latl.tn: a rrp or man an.l a.lf.: b e Iniomw; prl. $ui; trmn. Inqulra 4 lutli. nrar Mark. Tl'K SAt.K Movlrk-pitcur ootnt rorap!t. v.r t.ui: r ri.-r.ir'l In Ih f;.iral'nil room; on.-ia E1n incftin. k;nt.h d' aolviuc a:.r-pt u. n t'r. a it- li.x. foaj bl.-k. wirln. ati-. X i I. Orrtinin. EKAL KHTATK 'ElE on. thm h.ia n.-vrr rM-.n rtffrrr.l f..r -!; ftno itroun.l f!oor l ratliti. l.ro wln.luw. olfi. 4 f itiirra. Iar. list, rli-jp at I '.' lil.-ch Ivralty Co.. .Jl l.un.bvnurtia bU&T. " JiOVfNG-PICT IRE TH "SAT fcltS. t . hav. a.vr-n to chiv. froro. aur.lT . ran .:- you. Hall Jli.klc. Ht'Ei 'I VI. Rel..'ll iiij" abl- to lnrt ..-vur. trill b paid -' mnth In luliJ atoro tuimraa. tnonrr fully K'uml. Fr..ulara Jt-s f'aik at. pv-t.r.- t. -i.:K.- A.M -FE--T Ii N y.i'. Y. fln location on l"aabmcln at.; trial i-n bforo buylnit. lllotU T:alfy f'V. J.'l l.timb-flTif r.a bl!g; REAI. EST A T r! man nta partn.r; dutlra to shot land; Mirrtlr man ran traka I monthlr. cokd hr-lp n.-ul m-ro tbaa mor.f). Call Lumlx-r Efl:ar.i,-. RKSTAUUANT Pnlnl bulnra of $0 daily; wanta partner to act aa c?iIt; rnr rann.it tian.llr aloro. For particu lar., call ai l.umtwr Eari ma- HVUT lulorral In !! proposition tor a:a at a raanit;a fif ar; r:itUt man ran rltu np lli' In iixt faar arccka. lf ttard of Trada RFXTAITt .VT. doarn-town loatloo. clfarai l to 10 flir: otlirr butae: will aac-r-fl.r; $: caati.lll harnlle. Call Pi lwt.X nw Sta-k HOTEL well fumiah.d. 40 rooma. mod.rn. down town. Una traraieat houao. l.as crta rent, aura mor..y maker; apleauid buy; ao aa-enta. V -'. Oronltn. J.'H prmtlnc buainraa wanta poxlner to taka onl.ra and oerw aorkera; owner will Ituarantee you JX monthly. Call 4-3 l.nmber Fybanre. H a VIFAC rl'RIN.J Partner wanted: thla will pay tloo month salary for your arv Irea and larr e proflta OB money Inveated. TtV sta-k at STKO Reliable man aa aec-ratary ard treaaurer of a mtrufacturlnjt company: BBlary and Itri: prnta: email Inveatmeut required. go lloard of Trade. " IInTnO AND IXDISTRIAL BTOCK9. Telephone and other bouda bouaht ana en'd riet--her Ine. Co. SIS AblnloB- WILL, buy a nlra little caaa rrocery with lirlnf-roorr. a Call U-i V Lumbar Kxrhance. A RArlllAfN Nira rlrar atand. cd loca tion, f r tu 'uf-a and lo.k If taken at on.e. . N. 3d at. M rl ran Ine.el yoor money, from loO to !5o. Kod Intereet. abeolutely rux and yt:arant-e.. T 5?". Pr.ronlan. W ANTEU eievretary " and nanaer for ea tarihshed manufacturing tlant; moat hava h. AC 5!. treeonian. CllAR store, located on a-U transfer rnr- rer; lea--; daily averu : rcr-lyta slnca June 1. e.'a.v. iall at 0.11S fiurr.ald at. VvTnT EL I'artnrr with $ F. ana his m rv- !- for vry profltabi buameaa. Call liS 't'h t.. Portland. r. TA IU1, awll to hlcbeat bidder 2M0 abares Or. (oR ;old ilill nuniaa alock. T b- Ore- Konian. A MONEY MAKER. Voyln plrturo abow in a rood Itva town near Portland. I'vr2 Hwatland bide. R EsT A r R A N'T. clarlr.a between f40rt and ' a o.onth for Sli llloi-h Realty 'o. C-l l.utiiberrnens bole I'wK SALE Two-chair harU-r allop wilh rhtnoi for llvtn room. Call at laiiwn, cvr. S-cotid aad atadlaon ata 0NFErTIONERT and claar atoro. dolns a ruelnae of I t da.ly. For particulaxa call Lumber rlrhance. Rf.Al. E.-TATE ofrire. centrally located. goid liet ar.J buelnaaa. lnqulra 407 i-um- " nnenii Har.k Mdg. SNAP! llVtl" P N A P ! Cirar atand on Morrison at.; only $121. r I alt. a Hli'Kl.E. .'I'.'l lumbermen bld. ;tM iIKim'DKTi East Side; rent -'o. threa livlna-rooma. man and wife make I J to ia dr call 11-nry bid c rhli'Tl.T cash buatneea; partner wanted; eipertenca not ne-e ry: pay day; Kuo reoulred. Call 14hi, Ptark at. ' W ANT l'TuOU aharea of A ! mwl a Consoli dated o. atock: will take larna or amall amvunta AO 623. Orecualao. 5tOAR AN n CONFECTION KHT. sTood lo re t ton. eleaa BUw-k.. cheap retit. ITikj. rlloeh Realfy Co . Zl l.umbermena bitlsj. CiERT If you want a baryain seo thia one. lease: low rent: 173 day etlea; BO Call :S Stark at. CAl'sS of eii-kneee: ree'aurart and lunrh- rounter for sale for cash only ; prico eain. 372 North 17th street. t-PITEN rrtatlnc plant. established years, or will aell W lateraat ta rustler. F 4t. tre;-nlan FARTNEH wanted to b.lp In atore; pav rood salary, alen profits; require yery l'rle nunrr. 1'all -4'' Ptark at latlAT market, dome sood buaineaa: tJot wrili hand. It for quick aaie. Owner. East Zlat and Clinton. CIO A R and con fet.onerr. dolnif-b!busl-nes.a. on Washington St.. for aaUo at in voice. 417 rloard of Trade. SHEW axtd eecood'ha"d booeatore at Invoice, cheap rent; care elOo monthly. com-Trer-lal blk.. U asriinatoB at. f.K SALE Two good pool tabloa. Kawthorna ava. 34 oO Bl'slMISs car-la. It.OO; yoa mnal brink tMs a I Kims City Prtntery. lkS Tfilra CAkiiUiie and baU-kamltb ahlp. employ men. 91ooo cash. 40J Commercial b.a. CAKRIAGV: aud blaa asml tb op! ern pTwyi "4 men: e!rw- fHI. eQJ Cornfr.en la b.k. DtKtltlH HUuP for aale. S cnatra. 127 N. a at. g;jclOAR atand; transfer comer: aalea arerace f it dae. Call t.'a Henry bIJ. OB'X'ERT STORF.S. from I'mio to llnno. Ploch Real'y Co.. ??I I.timhermena bMc FOR 8ALE Picture theater, no airvnie. wi.l aell cheap: Invee'.iK ste. C Mo. Oregonlan. TV a NT E n Good hoi.st man aa partner real estate buelueea. 3-'d YYorceefr biue BEST AV'R.V.NT l"ea line bualneaal will sell cheap Cs'l Zi , Sta-k at StLOO.V 7S dar aalea. leas, will aell chcepCaU i4-S Stark at. l"tv010rF.nr. Vt'eat i"la corner; aales asaraco IliA Call 129 Uenrr blAt. BCMNtSJJ ori-oBTrMTir.s. I OOOD FI'TS. Vtllllnery buaineaa, makln( (ood mo nay. at invoice. tDVERTISIVO PROPOSITION. Farmer a anted; good thins. Orocerv S loo b day: lnyolC. tirocrry ou Waahlncton IL; $140. POOLROOMS. 2 tables on YVaarunston at. Plenty more of all kind. HALL ac U KK1.E. Hl Lumbermena bldK. Hti WAX EJ-fCTED TO THE SENATB an tlicreforo will aell hia fcualnese. Thia la an -ap-to-niate ri-,iartir.riil atore In a thriwr.it ton of 5ta with a rapidly-ln-rre.iauc TrfpuIatlon. and la dolnit a aplen ilrl lu-in. es. The atock has been k il up In rood snap and Is not the lot of un-d-airaole nirrtharollsa usually found m Mm offered f r a'e. If you ar to..kin for a firat-cLaaa buelaesa proposition that will pay right from the atari, aca us about tula. K. K. NICIIOI COM PAN r. ;;o--. stark Ftreet. Ic'K MAt-E Eiciuaive asenclea for tha fa moua Marshall v stearr.a Co. 1 oacll.atlng portal wall beds. Tho latest arid moat up-to-data wall bcl: baa superseded all other In Northern California. Over l0 s0;d lo ton Francisco alone. In last 0 daya uny protected by patrnte. Oood opportunity lor reanonslhla nartv With PUSh and Capital. References reqolrel. No othars need ap- r ly. Vlarshall sc steams w., im s . Idr. San Francisco. CaL fRT liOOHS AND SHOK STORE. Sevrn years' astabltshid dry goods and shoo store In itm.1 business locality on West Side. doinit lwo business per month, a fin business and w guaranlea large profits: If you want a nlc clean proposition, call and let us show you; will sell at Invoice which will run about -iiuO. nm-tsi ZADOW. 817 Hoard of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak PEOPLF. Ml'ST EAT AND SLEEP. ien the neceeslty for the hotel; ws lav. ths hotel; tuo only ono In a ."i-i and It s a hummer: equipment tno .ry b--t. Including an lea and cold-stor-ace plant, and a prlvato electric n-ni plant; It Is all right, and can ba bou.ui rlchL Let us tell you about IL R. E. MOioLei COM PANT. 7'v Ktark tetreet. 4 0 WILL buy ono of tho best hot -mineral srrircs In the world: good brtck ho ts I. cement plunre: bathhouse dar.cehnll. pastime, barn: 11 acres land, orchard. 4 borate, i cowa. wacon. buy. harness rn.l farm Implcuiente. In b.at alley IB F .ntern on gun. The pine for sanitarium or pleasure resort; K. R. coming close. vtrita oaoer, Or. 11. A. Alurpny. at ' " FOR FALE A ZO-M capacity uasei portabla - mill complete, with cutoff saw sawdust coureyor. etc.: also a No. 1 Northwest planer, with attachments, good as "'w. has been used only a short time. ror particulars call at my offlca. 2----" "onl IL, Port and. Or. 11 E R M A NM ETZO EH. Owner C.UOCEHV ANt DELlCATESSKN. ;o.h1 paying grocery and delicatessen. In nno location on West side, dolna: l-' business p. r month; n nt only - per liionil. this la an Al proposition, and will stand the moat rigid Investigation, Invoice about eliO" OIIL'SSI A ZADOW. HIT Hoard of Tra-lo bldg.. 4'h and Oak. WANT to hear from p.irt!.-a wlllinif tq In-y-st capital In legliiniate manufacturing company, have lo Uaya option ou build ing and plant ready for operation; not a g-t-rlch-quu k scheme, but a sound, ron-s.rvailv.- busln.ss which will produce gooal proflta from beginning. V 622. Ors Kon tail. - WISHING additional capital to help develop a manufacturing enterprise of great poeel blllllis. factory now In opomlion. unlim ited demand for product, practically no competition and extra large prot'.Ls. bava decided to sell a working interest to ona or niuri persons; limited capital. D til, Orcgunhin. mmi FOR BALE An up-to-dato millinery stock and fixtures In best suburb of city: estab lished trade, good leaso. new fireproof luli.tlng: Interesta In lirltlsh Columbia reason for selling; good opening for la dles' furnishings. Phone Main 41U. or L 7, Oregon Ian. m Ik" lull HAVE S10U TO Or more to invest m aolld manufactur ing business where the net Income la from io to loo per cent and your money abso lutely atife. addrc-se or cnll ATLAS EN' . IN EE KINO CO.. SIT Henry bldg.. Phone Main 1SS4. ALl ABLB bLKlNICil 1 N fOKMA T lO.-s. This agency U la a poeltloa to turnlal reliable informatloo regarding buaineaa openings; only legitimate propoalUona eoa- sdared. AMCt MERCANTILE AOEXCT. )! A.lngton bldg.. Eatabishedj roll 8 A IK An up-lo-dnte general merchan dise business In a rapidly growing sue. o Oregon, doing a cash buaineaa; no gro certea or f ed ; estal.llahed elnce lcol and clearing from Hooo lo gJvOO per year; will taka elZ.vuv to buy It. Address I. 4'JU, Oi egonian. A LOCAL corporation, well established, need . . thousand dollars to develop th business demanded; can show party wltreJ Ijuui to looo a aouna ana oxceeuingiy piohlabl Investment; can give and rs q ulr ben referencea. 13 az 1. Oregonlan. Full SALE A small restaurant, well -quipped, doing a good business: not a dead ona but a live, paying business. with a certainty of large increases 11 properly managed. J room S04 Allsky bldg. Ask xor s-Tearica, OFFICE MAN. If yoa can Invest soma money, I hava a l.laoe for ou that will pay. with highest references: coat nothing to Invesllnate. particular, room 31a Lumber Exchang bldg. WANTfcD. party with fn-'-oo to taka aa In a good paying business. 7 Aalatd MRCANTILK AOE.NCI. 41g Ablngton bldg. Maia . WE haro a nn business opportunity for .arty with from j.oo to I5ou0 In good, Uv town In Southern Callfomla. Allt's AIEUCANTILE AeiENCT. 410 Abington illdg. Main 6tfjS XR SALE One-chair barher shop and bath in fast growing district of this city; nrst-clasa attinga. almost sew; low rant with lease; forced to sell on account of bad health, a'or cash, u. O 6iL Ore goal a n. BLACKSMITH wanted: Ut yoa are a flret clasa blacksmith and Can Invest sums money lu a flrat-clas business with your service, call room 313 Lumber Exchange ' bldg. . CAN show proposition will net 200 per cent In 1-' mo., but need 32 U. a, cillxena f.r ground flour. llest rfrenccs among buslneas men. lavosilgata. g-1 Hoard of Trade bldg. PARTNER wanted with 15S0 In a succes fully establiahed general market; th plac haa proven a money-niaker and will aland a. 1 Inveatigatlou. inquire at -00 1st IL, corner Madison. t OL NO MAN. 6TKA.VGIR Maks careful Investigation at expena of eel.er befor you latest money In any prspoeauoav Advisory IMparuneut. X. Ja. C A- HALF lateraat In al old established busi ness, doing a good buslneas. with a sal aried position of tlOO per month. For full particulars, call Kinney A Vlaraphsr. ljum ber Exchange bldg.. rooms a31-ose. r"esTALRANT. with S rooms, furnish eel. near am at., rent only f4u. leas. $.mj0 will put yoa In possession. 31s Aienry Jlidg. . BleiOEST bargain Portland; cigars, tobaeooa. brand new. 4 rooms. II..; owmpeilsd eacrl flts Immediately. Ill William a near Broadway. WOOD-WORKINil and manufacturing busi ness; good location, cheap rent, buslneas well established: must be soid. Sea man agerst pace. 3-3 N. 2otn su MOVING PICTfRB SHOW. 4n busy street. West, bid; will sell for tl-oo. HALL HtCKLE. Sit Lumbermena bldg. rAltTNEit wanted In cash business: try It befora you buy; will msk you 1-13 per week; very little money will buy It. Call r.-irn 313. Lumber Eirhang bldg. ui r;s away free, map of all tha California oil 0lela. a -so trial eubscrlption of publica tion "California Oil Fields." hsrar-Loomls Co.. Ttl cn-eelunlan bMg-, Portland. Or. FRCIT STORK and cigar atore. and rery good for fish narket and saoamakar; bt.es eliu. Jtet i-irnsi1 at- Ct-'Ml-lILLED to aacrlOr my cigar stor and poolroom: money-maker, no ccmpe utlon. fins location; trial given. 733 Wash tngtoa st- rOH "ALE A busy up to-ilvta paying grocery and bakery; splendid location, state Investment AM.. AOH Buchanan bid-. I'hone Mtvin if.M. TO PUT lilacksmlth. all-around workman, wants shop or half Interest, with good man: no objection to country town. T. B., care Crane A De wey. IIP a h. N. PK'-LL'CE BCS1NESS An exceptional bar gala and tin chanus for party with lim ited capital; will sacrifice : cheap rent; glv phon number. AE 624. oregoniaa. ;x il'iAR tore: West Fide; sale aver se l.'j dir. Call S-1 Henry blrtg. IfoOWfVr.-HoraCa. ROOM INO-HOL !""-". I3"a) cash. balanca Cel.U) easy; 12 fin rooms: close in. al ways full at good price; thla IS a bar gain sure. PORTLA.T ROOMINO-FIOUSiS CC 513 iieoxy bklg. THE 310KSISG oflEGOMAN, THURSDAY, II ETZ-MUELLER CO.. 31-1T Ablngton Bldg. ROOMIXU-HOrSE HEADQUARTERS. If you ar In th market for a good hotel, rooming-nous or apartment-houao. call on u for reliabl Information. W rotect both the buver and th seller, .low Is a partial list of what w can offer you. 1400 PER MONTH PROFIT, an rooma new brick apartment, very elegantly furnished; 4-,-year lease: very low rent. Including heat and hot water; private bathe with every eulte- Can b handled on terms; for particulars pleas calL DTETZ-M TELLER CO., 816 Ablngton Bldg. ptOMKTIIlN-O EXTRA FINK. B rooms, new corner brick on Wash ington St.. very nloely furnished, hot and cold water In all rooms, prlvat baths: 4-year leas at low rent and clearing abov all expenses I50U per month. Can b handled on terms or will trad for good city property: for price plea call, D! FTZ-M TELLE R CO., 31S Ablngton Bldg. frvTKLLEPT IN THE CTTT. 40 rooms, new corner brick: ther I nothing to th city that can compart wlih thlg llttl beauty: prlvat baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; clears $3.m per month; rant 3el0 per month with lease. , PRICE IROOt): TERMS. I1 ETZ-Si TELLER CO., 1 Ablngton Bldg. DON'T MISS THIS rn rooms, all outside, very fins fur nishings, rent 1215 with three-year loaa; clears above all cxpensea $123 per month; very central location and a nlc horn; prtos 111, 00 DIETZ-MVF.LLER CO., Sltt Abuigtun Bldg. I0 PER MONTH PROFIT. 11 rooma; rent l.ii pr month; 2-year lease, and only been furnished thre weeks: cm be bandied on easy terms; prlc jr.'on DIKT7.-MTELLER CO., 31d Abluglon Bldg. THE PACIFIC REALTT CO. MARY E LENT A: CO. HOTELS. ROOMI.VO-HOUSES. REAL ESTATE. Phon Ma n g.bil, A 3475. 122-I14 Failing bldg.. 3d and Waahlngton. We will aril your house quickly and quietly. Customers waiting. Klrbt-Qiasa pla -es will aave time and money to ae us. A FEW SAMPLES. 10 rooms, ou lltli St.. rent $30. prlc $473: only li'0 cash required. S rooms, a lovely home, luth St.. good Income, prlc $70. cash 1-50. 1 z rooms, nicely furnished, neat ana clean. $1000 cssh- HERE IS A MONET-MAKER. U rooms, noar City Hall, cheap rent, clears lluii. never offered befor; $1000 cash required. NEVVLT rCR-VtSHET) APARTMENT-HOI Sli tt rooma, very modern equipment, well located. II apartments: owner has other business: will consider good Portland real estate for part; about 30og cash; prlc liOOO. PAT8 WHILE TOT- FURNISH. Ui ROOMS ;j apartments, good brick, everything first-class, all apart men ts anf urnNhed. with an Incom of 00; can furnish at very little cost with an Increase of $430 on th Income, rent Is4u; s-year lease; owner wants to aell hsll and stair car pets, gas rangt-s, fixtures, about $!000 worth; will take SltvO from responslbl parties who ran furnish $ltlO cash bond drawing T per cent Internet. , v SrS THIS TOD AT. EAGLE REALTY CO.. IS Board of Trade. Main HS77. W ar headquarters tor rooming-house and hotels. We buy, sell snd trsde. Pee tie before locating and ssv Urn and tnoney. HOTEL CLKARINO 700 MONTHLY. T3 rooms, exceptionally well lintated and handsomely furutaheil. prlvai hatha and very modern convenience; owner leaving, a snap. A GOOD BUY. 8ft rooms, corner brick, right down town; long lease: owner sirk: a sacrUlc. A 111X111 MONEY-MAKER. 24 rooma. all on one floor, cheap rent; always rented: see this. BEST BL'Y IN CITY. SO rooms. Washington at., clears I--V) monthly; only $1.m0 required to handl. SWELL HOME WITH INCOME. 14 rooma best furnished place In city; very couvnlance; can't b beat. A BAROAJN. 13 rooms, rent Mo. good leas, only I860; very aaay terms. . MC8T BE SOLD TODAY. rooms, rent $33; $360 today; la worth 00: .don't miss It List with us Sor quirk ssles. Sill HOARD OF TRADE. IP TOU WANT TO MAKrt MONST INVESTIGATE THIS. Beautiful modorn corner, brick apart ment, central location. Ona of th beet buainesa Investments In the city, clearing per mouth abovo all expensea. Fin location, new, and In flrat-cluss condi tion, with 6-year leas. 33 apartments; rents $3 per room. OREGON INVESTMENT CO 6US Couch Bldg. ROOMINO-HOUSES. $1500 1U rooms, well furnished, only t blocks from Washington St.; fln loca tion: rent $'4: clear ovor $200 per month; term. This Is a good one. Pee It today. DUBOia CROCKETT. Room 3. Waahlncton LIdg. TRANSIENT ON "klORRISON. 14 rooms down Iuwd; good lease; rent $7; thla Is a neat, clean plac and can not be beaten as a transient house; fsvQ hsndleat. POK'ILAND ROOiflNO-HOUSE CO.. 313 Henry bldg. ROOMS, rent only $!0, located near Whit Temple, large yard. Winter' wood la basement, all nice and well furnished; owner must sell at sacrifice; can eaally clear H per month on thla place and have fin horn. Call quick for this. H E. JAMES CO.. t 10th. near $d. PRICE REDfCED. ai'ST Blv SOLD. 40-room corner brick rooming-house, tram heat, running water In rooms, only inoc-O caah required. See owner today. 3.'2 Falling bldg.. 3d and Washington ata. $30 WILL handl IB-room house, central location; rent $25: Incom $loO; pries $7.v; 27-room. cloa la. West Slda; rent tliMI; Incom $100: prlc $1000. HIOLET A BISHOP, 132 Third St. 6PEC1AL TODAY. Be thla new ao-room apartment, new furniture, never occupleie; best locstion In city; long lease. $4300 will handle. 314 Henry bldg. 15 ROOMS, close In. furnace heat, houa clearing $90 month abov all expenses; will saortnc on account of other busi ness; price rut; II loo; terms. Call ii loth, near Stark. 17 ROOMS Close In; furnace, first-class furniture and carpets: lease and rent only isfl per month; price $lrtoo, terms. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., .113 Henry bldg. 10 ROOMS elegnnt furniture, corner house, close In, rent $40. If you want a nlc horn with aa Income, see thla 813 Honry blag. : W AN TED Commercial hotel In good Uv country town; can pay th cash If suited; glv full particulars in first letter; owners only. P 612. Orcgonlan. 82-ROOMS, fln location, steady roomers, clearing $100 month; leas t years; rent 1100; pries today $14u0; terms. 417 Board of Trade. 11 ROOMS, best of locations and excellent furniture; today, gaew. sai aoara 01 TraUe. ' HOI'SEKEEPINei rooma with gas and elso tnc light; nicely furnished. ls $d st. South. I -HOOM roomlng-houss for sale by owner $ 00. and will glv tarms. 192 Vs Grand ave. ROoillNU-HOl'SKS for sale., business chances all kinds. Th Richardson Realty Co.. 3'3 S Washington. Main 203H. A 477. 4J Rooms, full all the time, clearing l-'.-.O month: $17u0. phon Marshall 1117, room 1. li Hi h 1 M s. best buy :n Portland for th money; price. If sold befor 4 P. M., $400. 417 Board erf Trade. ROOMS, nice furniture, brings $iH.00; rent $10 1)0; excellent location. '-'t'3 5tn. KICELY furnished roorr to rent by day or we-k. 1IS d at. soutlv LOST AND FOOT. "LOST A black neck fur Tuesday morning, between B and 11 o'c.ock. on Washinrton St.; finder please return to Hotel Madras and receive reward. I hone Marahail 11-7. LeST Lady'e bsckV'omb. peacock design, blu and whit stoues. on Larrabea, Cher ry. Dixon or Tillamook; rteurn to 1st Holladsy ave.; reward. 8ATURDAT Black silk umbrella; Initial E. Olds. Wortman A Klnt washroom; return to Mr. Eastman. Whits Motor Co., ttth and Madison. LosT Between Baltimore Dslry Lunch and 7th street, set brown furs, larga niuiT. pair gold rtm glasses. Rut urn to Barton House, room 43: reward. ' LOsT Cameo pin wiU gold rim. Return to owner. 1IO East 11th St.. between Wash ington and Alder and receive reward. WILL person who by mistake, took D. A. Murphy's suit case communicate with him at Hotel Ramapo and receive their ownt STOLEN Three well-bound anatomies; lib eral reward for their relura to 207 Mo hawk bld IX) ST ASTt FOUND. FOUND Where you can buy genuin hair mattresse retail at wholesale prices; we renovate mattresses and return same day: we also renovate feathers. Portlsnd Curled Hslr Factory. fcL Metxger, 223 Front. Phones Alain 474. A 1374. "LOST Our canvas grip and overcoat from Union Depot south on 61 ii St.. Nov. 8 or 4. Any Information of same send to Fred - Bteinly. Box iit. R. F. D. No. L Cleono, Or. Reward. 6FECIAL NOTICES. Proposal Invited. ADVERTISEMENT WATER WORKS. Jacksonville, Oregon, November 1, 1910. Sealed proposals will be received by the City Recorder of Jacksonville. Or., until 6 o'clock P. M.. November 23. 1110. for constructing wator works for the City of Jscksonvillo, Or. Tho work will consist of excavating and back lining trenches, hauling and . laying steel and wood pipe, hauling and phicing valve-s, valve boxes, hydrants, special castings and constructing storage dam and reservoir for a gravity water system. All - labor aud material to be furnished by the contractor. Plans may be seen and specifications obtained at the oflluo of the City Record er of Jacksonville. Or., or at the offlc of Osgood at Cununiuga, civil engineers, Medford. Or. All bids must be submitted on ths prluted forms furnished by the City Re corder of Jacksonville, Or. Each bid shall be accompanied by a cerunod check In favor of tho City Treasurer of Jacksonville for Uv (ft) per csnt of th amount bid. A bond scc-ajitable to the City of Jack sonville will be required for thirty -4.30) per cent of the contract price. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. H. G. DOX. Recorder. T. T. SHAW, Mayor. SEALED bids will bo received at the office of School Clerk. 402 Tllford building, un til 6 P. M. Thursday, November 17. 1S10. for grading and otherwise improving the Kcrus and Peninsula School grounds, all . to be done In accordance with plans aud specifications of Architect Georuo Otlon, copies of which may be procured at ths Clark's office. Bids are to be on each school separately. A certified check lor 10 per cent of amount of each bid must accompany each proposal. Tiie Board re serves the right to reject any and aU bids. R. 11. THOMAS. School Clerk Dated November 14. 110. .Miscellaneous. $2i0 RWWARD. $20O REWARD. F01 the arrest and conviction of the mur derer of Mr. W. W. Chappell, who was shot and killed at his place of business, 675 Sherlock ave., Monday eve.. Nov. 7, l'JIO. By order of tho Re-tall Liquor Deal ers' Mutual, Social and Protective Ass'n., Local No. 1, Portland, Or. frank Hoffman. Pre. NOV. 14, 'lo On thla date and hereafter I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by my wife, Mrs. Fannie Krtx. J. O. Ertx. FINANCIAL. LAWYER of IS years' experience examining titles and making loans for particular peo ple Las numerous choice applications on hand: best of refe-njicea Call al Mc- Kay bldg. Main 4.10. JIUKIUAOBS. contracts, oonas. stocaa, war rants anei notes bought and sold. Loans negotiated. Henry leal, 410 Ablngton bldg.. lotl'-j 3d St. Mouey to Loan -Heal Ifcetata. $3000 TO loan on Improved city property. 7 per cent interest. HAUTMAN &. THOMPSON. REAL EST AT hi DEPT., 4-6-6 chamber of Commerce. MUNHY TO LOAN On Improved or unim proved real estate; small building and Installment loans a specialty; real estat contracts and bonas purchased. W. H. Minn, 443 Sherlock blkMaln J11S. ON IMPROVED city property or for build Ins purposes; 8 t 5 years' time; liberal repayment privileges; money tsevanced as building progresses. Ths Equitable lit Ings A Loan Association. 240 Stark at. CASH paid for mortgages or sellers' Interest In contracts on real estate anywhere la Oregon or Washington; mortsags loans negotiated on improved property. H. hi Noble, Lumberniens bldg.. 5th and falara. FIRST and second mortgages and contract purchased on farm and city property, anywhere In Ore son or Washington, a. L Lever eaux. Fenton bldg.. S4 tUh st. FLKNTY of money to loan at 8 and I pes. cent oa ral estate security. EDW. P. MALL. 104 Second He $500,000 on Improved city or farm property; building or small loaus at lowest prices; larga loans a specialty. J. H. aicKenxie Co.. 614-13-19 Gerliuaer bldg. WE HAVE plenty of mouey to loan on city property In sums from $1000 up to $30,000 at lowest current rates. Morgan, Flledaer jt Boyce, 603-300 Ablngton bldg. WB make loans from $230 up to $10,000 on property In Portland and vicinity; also buy mortgages. Tha Western Securities Co. 414 Soaiduig bldg $200,000 TO LOAN, large loaus a specialty, building louns, lowest rates. W. O. Beck, 812 Falling bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; murt eaces uurchaaed. B. J. Cowllshaw. 615 Commercial block IMMEDIATE loans from $6 snd up on all securities. W. A. Halhawaj. room 10 Washington bldg. Phone Main 302. MO-tTGAGE loans on Improved city "br farm property. JOHN BAl.N. 605 Spalding Building. LOANS on Improved city property for pri vate Investors. M. E. Thompson Co, 4U and Oak. Henry bldg. uokTGAUfl loans on city property; lowest rateoT A. H. Blrreli Co.. 202 Atclvay blag-. 8d and Stark. MuNhlY to loan on Improved inald property. BRONG-STEiiL; CO., Ground Floor. Lewis Bldg. HUVATa FUNDS Any amount, reasonaol terms mortgages purcl.a-ted. Henry C. I rudnomme Co.. "08 Spa.dlng gVidg- WILL loan $J3o0 and $3000 ou improved lrvinaton property or district equtiily as iood 604 Dekum bldg. is-1 1.1. loan 83000 or less on real ettal. lhcocktiKothchUd bldg. wii L lonn lOOOO or less on Improved city real eatate. V 510, Oregonlan. uoNEY to loan In sums of $1000 and up. Atlas Land Co.. 420 Lumber Exchange. LOANS ON INSIDE PROPERTT AT & TO 1 PAIR CtjMl. 14 LEWIS BL'ILDINQ. PRIV'ATU money loaned on real estate mort gages. H. Miley. room 204 Ger.lnger bids. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or const. a,ai .urlC.JW. Palleiu 30S-W Fentoo. Stat funds loaned. 6 per cenu W. IS. Iliom. as. state nt,Mulnoinah Co.. 400 C C aloKTGAGli LOANS AT REASONABL3 HATES. F. H- LEWIS 8 LEWIS BLDG. Win loan $10,000 or less, real estate security. g.erlu.tonjtiaCommerclal Club bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, AND 7 PER CENT. LOL. IS SALOMON. 233 STARK ST. MONEY to loan on real estate. Harding A Reynolds Co... 813 Chamber of Commero. MONEY to loan on Improved city real es- .te. Farrisn. v aia.n. . . MONEY, any amount. 8 to 8 per cent Good- nougn sc pens. 010 py. $1000 TO loan, 8 per cent, on Improved prop ... . . 11 11.1 1. u-i.bI Mnrruun. erij. vi'i j-j 1 loo TO loan; no commission charged. AB Moory to Loan Chattels and -salaries."" " HUTTON CREDIT COMPANY.- 807 Spauling Blug. Id and Washington Sta, Money. Mouey. Money. Mouey. Money. Ws loan money that s our business. Ws hav money for those who need It. W all need money. Therefore, come 10 We" loan on pianos, furniture, eta ' " W hy let your small bills worry youT We can advance you any amount from ''why'soio other companies? Sea us. Wise people DEAL with ue. When others fail, consult tha old r- "HCTTOX CR EDIT COM PANT. 024, orciuuisu. SALARY LOAN BANK. Steadily employed can borrow 81$ $20. 130, $"- 10' On your personal But. Ko mortgage No indorser. Easiest payments Lowest ratsa Business strictly confidential. STATE SECURITY CO. 108 Falling Bldg.. Id and Washington. WE loan money on watches, diamonds, seal skins, mink overcoats, trunks, dress suit caesea and musical instruments. UNCLE MYERS. 71 Sixth bt Batweon Oak and Fln Eta, Main 910- MONEY loaned la amounts from $10 up on all kinds of securities, furniture, pianos or any personal property. Easy weekly or monthly payments. Low rates. Confldcn tla Gray A Cunningham, 201 Rothchild 1,1,1, . northwest corner 4th A Washington. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan cm.. ----- LIBERAL loans on furniture or real estata i K. Nlchola 420 Board of Trade bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds and Jewelery; low rates of Interest. 388 Washington. "LOW rates- w loan money on diamonds ad iew.-Wy. Kh. 74 3d st, SOV1531BER 17, l'JIO. f"- . A ootanti " ... e Muney to Loan Chattela and Salaries. $$$$$$$$$ ARE TOU LOOKING FOR MONEY T If you knew how easy our terms ar you would not be short of money. Don't be bothered fwlth a lot of small debts; let us furnish money to settle them. WE LOAN ON Furniture and pia.no. storag receipts, IIva stock, rooming houses, life Insurance policies, all kinds of securities: terms to suit: also easy weekly or monthly ln- stallments. Wa buy and loan on flrat and aecond morlgaea and equity In Con- U. S. REAL ESTATE A BROKERAGE CO 812 Hamilton Bldg.. 131 3d. Main 20S4. 8$888$ MONEY advanced aalaried peopie, house keepers and others upon their own names without secun-.y; cheapest rates, easiest payments: offices in tid principal cities; save yourself by gettlur my terms tirst. TOLMAN. 317 Lumber Excuange. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co., 85 Lafayette bldg.. Utn and Wash, sta LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry and other se curities. Wm. HolL room 9 Washington bldg., cor.. 4th and Washington sta. Loans Wanteoj. WE have a client who wants to lorrnw $6000 at 7 per cent and offer West Side prop erty as security. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, REAL ESTATE DEPT.. Chamber of Commerce. $2500 WANTED for one or two years on a thoroughly high-class retail business well located; 20 per cent Interest ollered and treasuryshlp of company; investigation gladly granted Into full details. AG 623, tireconlun. n Em can invest your money at iwo r Interest. Gllt-edg securities. First Of ;agea. Long-terms lavwinieui. PROVIDENT 1NV. TRUSTEES CaVs soa-a-ja Kosrd of Trade Bldg. 312.O00 WANTED for 2 years at 7 per cent ..ti.,t. imuin... nrnnprlv worth 33.000 - -1,., Uupriuh. ll'il itin, AV CO.. 2lO MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desiraole loans, mortgages for sale Henry C. prudhomme Co.. Spalding bldg. WANTED A loan of $3000 at 7Vi per cent lor a years on property worth h000. F. FUCliS, 223 '.s Morrison st- WANT $300 for six months, 8 per cent In terest: I10OO lot for security. T 321, Ore- gouiau. WANTED At once to borrow $1000 on good residence property. J. H. Tipton at -o.. lio.-i Piiniumi -J'"B- WILL pay lo per cent for $iuO on or two yeurs; security, so acres, near jneaioru. Or. V 621. oregonian. FOR SALE A flrat mortgaga on a houa and lot in good location, call 221 Failing bldg. phone A 731-. t WANTED Loan of $35.0OO; gilt-edge se- curily; oulsiue busnteas propei'ly. conti nental Trust Co., 302 Spalding bldg. WILL pay 10 per cent for $300 on four full lota. A . ejrewuiao. LET us place your money, good mortsagea, references F. il. Lewis. 8 Le-vlsBldg. . ia-a mt(.-10 illlH-i for one year. Good se curity. Private parly. X322.Oregonlail, FEKSONAL. DP W E. MALLORT. 312 Rothchild bldg has the most up-to-date oflice In oregoa. All rooms are furnished with th most ex pensive appliances. Including radium ths only physician on tho x-ociLc Coast whs as radium), h-very therapeutic eleotrls current In use; X rays, stalio machlnsa X-ray colls. oxone, oxygen generators, high frequency, wave, sinusoidal. Far-role galvanic, cautery. vibrators, radiators, baths herbal, steam, snower. electria light bath "cabinets and bake ovens. Smallest to the most powerful lights. Including ilnseu. helioa, solar, violet and nltra-vlo-leL You are asked to visit my offices and Investigate lor yourself If you have cancer old sores, tumors, swollen glanda rheumatism, catarrh, ecxema. blood dis eases, bronchitis, throat trouble, motnar marks, moias and superefluous hair re moved without scare. All chronlo disease treated with these methods. SPIRITUAL adviser. Dr. Jefferson cures all troubles quickly. Jettersoli guarantees to place secrot knowledge and power In your own humus to remove the cause of any trouble, doubt or misfortune caused by anyone or anything aud opeu up a quicit and sure way tor tho contentment, hap piness and good Influence lor success tuat - you dusu-e. Call aud consult him daily or Sunday. 10 A. 81. to S P. 31., al 4Jtf Wash ington SL lAbove 14th St.). 6TOP making a drugstore of your stomach and don't submit to an operation, but consult Dr. iiorno at once. Cull today and consult him free. Take elevator to 4tto Boor Kotilcuild bldg.. 2V li W asning- ' i rooms 4o7. os and 4o. Phone Marshall 2-sOO. " DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery chronic ar.d nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; private hospital accommodations; coiilluemeut cored for; consultation free. Itciom 12 tirand TheaterJKJMaln3j)2. A ooui. "" FEB VET HAN EBUT. Leading wig and loupe makers; finest stocg of human hair goo-is in the city; up-u-dais parlors Ut hairur-a-ting. manlcuriiig. faos aad scalp treitmetic 11 7th st.. bsu Morrj. sou aud Alder. i'noueMln 64. EWEDISH TRAIN ED N URSE Hoiaingfora graduate; rueumatlsoi, nervous and stom acn ailments, under physician s directions, baths, masseuse. No. 7 East 11th st, sec ond door south from Last Ankeny ear line, phone East 200. B 1803. HAIR, 11 AIR All shades in best quality at cosL Closing out stock; scieuuuc fac and scalp tieatmenta: expert hairuresaing and maiucuriug taught. Aaa la. Itlbbecaa tirand Leader, 6tn and Alder. MISS DESALI1- DB VOB, Manicuring. viora'ion and magnetic treatuienis; respectable patrons solicited. The Philadelphia House, 212 3d su, cor. Malmun; hours lo A. M. to 10 P. M. DR. D. L. LEWIS. Diseases of women and children, electria trcauneut of nervous ailments, private bos--ailtai. Rooms &oie-5oo Couimoiiweaitn bidg th and Ankeny. Phones Main 404?, A 2411. MRS. MAYME WALLACE.- Electric an- vibratory treatments; bain- noasseusj. 8-0 - atark sl. Fort laad. Or. Phones Marsnail 2402. a DRESS suits for rent. $1.60 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, bullous sewed ou. rips repaired. Phoiupt calls and oetivertca Unique 'i snoring Co.. 3o0 Stark. J7 WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures bloou and skin ailments, kiduey and bladder trouolcs and piles. Cousuitatiuu tree, lbl l"1 ""- 1 ort.and. " WANTED BY DEC. FIRST. sanitary Beauty Colic-ue, 100-412 Dekum bldii evening cl ss; make . arrangements; ,eieactt practical facta, KKW YORK massage and beauty parlors, just opened, latest electrical appliances used for rueumatisin. Al-isliall 24J. 420 Alder. GENTLEAIAN irom East would like to meet hoiking girl or wluow; give lull particu lars in oral letter; niauuuouy If suited. N 510. Oregonjan PAINLESS, prompt, permanent and Inex i.eroiiv cure by latest natural healiiif nieThous. Dr. Philip T. Ball, ilerchanu Trust bide. cflRlTUAL adviser. Dr. Jefferson helps you out of all troubles. 493 Waahlngton SL. above 14-h St. r'.vtllA. taxidermy, birds prepared for G miiiiniry. $1-"U- barney. d su car. wnone A soi.. X courtwrlght. skin and scalp treat mints, lacial deformities corrected, pla las. 453 Morrison st. lie surge -- mala boil awEDIbki drugiess spociaiut. nerve, rheu malic and stomach disoiaera Ho.m trom. oregunlan bldg. Mars. . TlToNlC CONS l li'A HON positively cured C ie our Swedish drugiess method. Dr. KUbelh.433 Maikelst.. cor12lh.M.703 EARL Pleas writ to your mother. Slc-.worryliig. . v it ARY Beauty parlors; learn manlcur iiig. 400-412 Dekum bldg. , c-.hN the business nt Sanitary Beauty CoI- l-e. DeMimbld. SWITCH made. 93c. S''ary Beauty CoT- lege. 40014LD kumblUg. 7J-TnTCJUM '' maladiei 179 3J St.. cor, lamhlll. aTJoit complete course. Sanitary Beauty -Coflege. 400-412 Dekum bid,-, ' rT""7Tnne Jurvas Natural sanatorium, 178 E. u'.r Apoplexy, appendicitis, tuoercular iands. etc.. a specialty. Tabor ..us, u sTZlTAlY Beauty Colleg 4O0-413 De um bidglarjjiairdr5isjng. r-rnruif FIGS Remedies for diseases ai t--1-;-." r.11 Davis Si. Main Oai.. " I7tION8 8Uran,te''1i Sanitary Beauty Coile.o)-t. 412 Dekum bldg. -77rES "wrinkles, superfluous hair removed? lra- il D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. ia 3473. j,KS- p APE. call before I leave; sold. Ernest. PUFFS and curls 75c out pf combings. San- Itary -"SriOIS. -.ov eee.-... .. MRS. LADD FINNICAN Is at 24 East 14th, North. ttrsivEss iiirectory. Chiropractic Physician. Hl-RO-PRAC-TlG TICK-NER;" say it fast and remem-er toluinbla bld. hrs. 12-6:30. MACKENZIE, BAIRD & BERRIDGE, -ubl!C accouniauea aiiu auu.eo. 224 Worcester Block. Alain 7309, A 1441s. Office systems. Factory systems. Perlodlo audita Investigations. J. M. W1LLEY 4- CO. Public accountants, all branches. Suit 426 and 423 Henry building. Phon liar shall 122L or 45 William st- Nw York city. E. H. COLLIS A CO., ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and Municipal Auditing, Investigating and S steniatixlng. B24 Worcester block. Phone Main 0587. Assayer and Analyst. Wells A Proebstel. mining engineers, cnem tots and assayer. 204 y Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Labratory and ore-testing work, lpd Morrison st- Attoruei's. R. E. COOPER, attorney at law; practice In all courts: abstracts examined. 710 Cham ber of Commerce. M. 71. A 2071. B. AL BENSON, general practice of law. collections made. 9Q2 Spalding bldg. Circulating Library. LATE fiction. 8c a day. Woman's Exchange bldg.. ISO 5th sL. bet. Taylor and YamhllL Chiropody. WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Denevey, the only scientific chiropodists In tho city. Psrlors 302 Gcrllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 130L Chiropody and pedicuring. Mra M. D. HIIL room 429 Flleaner bldg. phone Main 84 1 3. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG A CO.. ship brokera 00m rolsslon merchants. Sherlock bldg. Collections and !. NETH fc CO.. COLLECTIONS COLLECT EVERYWHERE; NO COLLECTION. NO CHARGE. 535 Worcester bldg.. Portland. Baths and Swlinmiug. Portland Swimming Baths, 167 4th Elegant plunge, steam and shower baths. 25c Brass and Machin Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 100 N. 6th. Main 3i02- Consulting l.nglneers. GOLDBERO A TRUMJBO. consulUng en gineers, 312 Couch bldg. Patent Ideas worked out. power plants, general en gineering. Telephone. Dog and florae Hospital. DR. BROWN. D. V. S Office 324 Flanders St., Main 40S0. Hospital 89 12th st- Drugleea Fliysiclans. C. HAliMSTROM, Swedish graduate; dleest lve, nerve and chronic disorders. 3o2-3 Oro gonlan bldg. Phone alarshall 2t20- JElectrlo Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale, 213 2d at. Flnginea Gas and Steam. RUBER Machny. Co.. Coast agts. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en gine. iSl-ai E. Morrison St. Phone E. 616. Feed biure. ZIGLER A Mlsntr. hay., grain, feed, ce ment. shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 482. furs. M. M. UNGAR A CO.. INC., formerly of 400 Merchants Trust bldg.. have removed to 109 Seventh el. Furs remodeled, repaired and stored. Marshall 763. Hat . Factory. HATS made to order cost no mora. See u. Royal Hat Works. 223 -st st, Ai. 8442. Leatner and Findings. CHAS. L. MAST1CK at CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every description, taps, nitra' findings. j". A. STOWBR1DGE LEATHER CO. Es- ' tablisiied loot, lbo Frontsu Maciilaery. B. TRENK.MAN A CO Hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, bagging, mining nia chinery. All kinds of repairs. 104 N. 4th. Music j. MRS. AN DA RAMSAY F RAZEE, teacher of piano; pupil ot biuiun Bucnualter, Vienna, Austria, conservatory course. 394 East lltn su boutn. Kl XHIELiiOKN, violin teacher, pupil ovlck. two Maiquam. A 41oo. Alar, lu-9. " Neurologists, Fyo fopccialiata. QUICK relief lor ey and ucrvoua troubles. ra. Freeae Rice. 320 Waanington st. ' osteon tiito Fliysiclan. SR LeRoy bmlth, graduate Klrksville, Mo., class of 1698, pusi-graduaie 1901, under A. T aill, tne touuuer. 311-318-319 bwetiaald bldg; MaiJl9L19S6. ML R. B. NORTHRUP. ai-410-4l7 Deaum bldg. Phone, omce Al 349; icea East or B 1028. i'ain La. Oils and Oiass. RASMUSSEN CO, joboers. palnta, oils, aesa. saiin anddoora Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. IXVENTOILS 01 Oregon may obtain free ad vice and Deal pruieaaloaal service from tneir home oliice. OKiniAt-i PATENT BUREAU, Lumoemle a Plug., Portland, r-resiueut, IL. KELLO.ND, International iateut Lawyer ansl Ex perl, 30 ears' direct practice. Complicated caaea. tnose rejected In otuei lianas and OiVElVi.s FATN i' es pecially solicited. counsel and Expert wura. lor Attorncya iitADc; IdAaaa, LA-riELS, DcoiUS AND Luf Y 1tle.11 1 secured. Phuuea: Alain 2302. A 2304. A-A'i-NiS procured by J. K. Mock. Attorney " iv,, ialo ot U. to. Patent omce. iioca let 11 ee. 'U9 .Barj-lofTrauebidg. LI o and foreign patents that protect ar "secured lurough Facino Coast Faisal .encv. inc.. Depu A. plockton. CaL R T"c vvRiGiT. domestic and foreign pat ,, iiurmgementcajes;te4Dekui, " " l'aviug. - THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 803 uow. iactrio bmg. Oscar .uuer. l-urtland. .! Construction Co. otreat paving, iuev.asauo. cjroi. walks. 81 1 uc-tnug. 1' a who rule era. iTncle MYEitS collateral Bank. 40 years 1,, roruauu. il Ota su atam 910. Flpe. CelkilLAND WOOD noil Co. Factory and oaice near 2itn anux ork t. At. sHli 1'riuiera. -: .ttDiiossl.E CO.. punters, blank makers, legal Lianas, loose leal aw townsnip P.Uk - Ju.,t, bet. UiL5H ' Ftuuuer bUuupa. . . ... seals, stencils, ouuice stationery, to. cuuuinguarua. a31 Stara. Main 140.. " itug W ea vera. C iKliiV. ESiue, WORS Rugs from did carpets, colonial rag rugs, carpal Cleaning anu rylllk. AO KJUMt a,-wSaOl-riOU, bales. rue: MOSLEK SAFE CO., 108 2d . Safe al latory0LicvJ-econa-hauu sales. eior?j,iuil btur' Flat lire. T "Lu'is-E MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rap " nno-.ae Co.. 8ta ana ixoyu ic muse, hint, . KiKllUAi-U 208 HAMILTON BLDG., showcase m atock; prompt aelivery. OUmt ient al. W.uter LumoerCo. i all Al iG. CO., 4th and Couch, now MudiinMaia 2703. cabinet wora. " buingle. wicsr in the city; car lots or less. . uu. totSliiJa"umt0n U . "" btorago and Transfer. PORTLAND "VAN STORAGE CO., corner 1 ,7 and Everett sta. Just opened newest .ou most modern storage warenouso in fiiv- every convenience lor sal ana proper taiiung of goods; lowest Insurance rate Sitturtuwest; iree trackage; vans lor mov ing. LeiniA.l'--!u- UV1NG STORAGE MO VINO. klxuert. reiiaole men. no booxe-ughters; -.ill niov you quicaer, cheaper aud bel rer man anyone .!. Fnuiio u. tor ostimate; storage rale the very lowest. Van 1 1 ransier Co. ; botn phones. - - 'iransler A Storage Co, oifice ao.i eoinmouaous four-story brick ware house, separate Iron rooms and nreproof vii to. .aiuaoleaN. W. cor. 2U ana i-ln . Pianos aud furniture moved and packed iorJilVyyig.Alain BDti, A 199 OLSON-KOE TRANSFER CO. General train 01-1 aou siurage; sares. Tilano and lurnitur moved ana pacaed for auipinent. 209 oak at., bet. From and lPn-Ul"n-? L-or A 1KEG0N TRANSFER CO., established 1870. Trau.fcr and forwarding agents storage. 00.1c 310 Boyt sl, between ota and Otu. Phones Main 89. A 1109. STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110, 014 Front- V eter Inarlana. eJ Brown and S. B. Foster, veterlnarlana 831 Ankeny sc A 3999. Mala 2402. Typewrltlnj. PORTLAND MAILING CO. Multlgraphing, typewriting, manois, puo. -.t cVi, personal typewritten circular letters. SOO Railway Exchange bldg- Main 5100. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $50. fully guarantees, emj f-. - . . . " r month. Paclrtc Stationery A Printing Co.. 203 2d st. WE ARE the exchange for tSe largest type- ,. . on this Coastr inveatlsate: all makes, all "prlcea The Typewriter Ex change 287 Wa.-hlngton st. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut rates. F. ia, w - - a sr as. hvi. 19 ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st sL. whole sale and retail Samples mailed tree. GRANT) CENTRA!, STATIOX. Southern Fac the. Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger Rosohurg Passenger Shcsta Limited California Express ....... San Francisco Express ... West Side Corvallis Passenger Fherldan Passenxer ...... Forest Grove Passenger... Forest Grove Passenger . Arriving Portland Orecon Express ......... Ashland Passenger ....... R -scours; Passenger ...... Portland Express Shasta Limited West Side Corvallis Passenger Pheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger .. Forest Grove Passenger . . 8:!I0 a. tn. 4:15 p. m. 6:00 p. m. 7:45 p. m. 1:30 a. m. 7:20 a. tn. 4:00 p. m. 8:50 a. m. 6:40 p. m- T:80 a. m. 10:00 p. m. 6:80 p. m. 11:10 a. m. 2:80 p. m. :50 p. m. 10:20 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 4:40 p. m. Xorthern Pacific 1-eavlng Portland I North Coast Llmlterl via Punt! Sound .10:181 worth Cost Limited via North Bank Atlantic Express via Puget Sound Atlantic Express via North Bank Twin City Express via Puget Pound Twin City Express via North Bank ; IS lasourl River Express via Puget Sound ... Missouri River Express 'vYa' North Bank I Portland. Tacoms nnrl Seattle -Ex- 00 p. tn. 15 a. m. 00 a. m. 80 p. in. 00 p. m. 10 a. m. 00 p. ra. 4S a. m. 10 a. nw SO p. m. 30 p. ti lls p. tn. 20 a. is .00 a. m. :80 p. m. 13 p. m :20 a.m. :00 a. m. :00 p. m. Press. Grays Harbor, Olympla -ou coutn nend branches "ortIand-PuKet Sound Special... Puget Sound Limited. Grays Har- bor and South Bend branches.. Yacolt Passenger Arrlvln n .1 j North Coast Limited via North Bank v North Coast Limited via Puget Sound Northern Pacific Express" via ""nn Bank Northern pacific Express, via Pueet Sound Klni Coa,,t Express via North pac-lac Coast' "Express ' via" Piiget1 Sound V.. Missouri River 'Express Via" North ranlc Missouri River Express "via Ptiget1 Portland-Taeoma'seaYtie " Exp'ressl aou irom oiympla, south Jlend.l Grays Harbor and Yacoltl branches 4:00 p.m. Puret Sound Limited and froml Olympla and Grays Harbor! branch 7:10 p.m. Pucet Sound-Portland Special, and from South Bend branch 10 :30 p. nt. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Pendleton Passenger Oregon-Washington Limited..., The Dalles Local 600-Spokane-PortIand Oregon Express Spokane Flyer Arriving Portland The Dalles Local Oreeon Express Foo-Ppokane-Portland Pendleton Local Passenger Oregon-Washington Limited . .. Spokane Flyer I 8 :00 a. ra. 10:00 a. m. 4:00 p. m. ll:oO p. m. 8:00 p. m. 6:C0 p. m. 10:15 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 11:30 a. m, 7 :00 p. m. 8 :00 p. m. 8:00 a m. Astorla & Columbia Kiver. Leaving Portland Astoria and Seaside Express. . Astoria and Seaside Express Rainier Passenger ........... Rainier Passenger Arriving. Portland Seaside and Astoria Express Seaside and Astoria Express. Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger ......... . . 8 :00 a. su ' 8:30 p. m. 1:15 p. m. 5:45 p. nu 12:20 p. m. 10:00 p. ra. 9:40 a, uu 5:00 p. m. Canadian Faclflo Railway Co. Leaving Portland I fioM-pokane-Fortiand 11:00 p. m. 12:13 a. m. 11:30 a. m, via Seattle Arriving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland Via Seattle 10:30 p. m. Oregoa A W ashington Railroad Co. Leaving Portland Seattle passenger .... Shasta Limned ...... Owl Arriving Portland Owl bnasta Limited ...... Portland Passenger .. i 8 'SO a. m. 3:00 D. m. ,11:43 p. nu 7:15 a. m. 8:20 p. nu 2:43 p. m. J EFFEKaON-STREKT STATION. isoutlieru l'acillo. Leaving Portland Dal.as rnunliur I .. 7:40 a. no- Dallas Faaaeuger ;er ....I 4:03 p. n raaseuger. .1 1:00 p. 11 Hand 4 Arrlvliiir Pnriliind- Daiiu passenger .110:15 a. m, Dallas Fasseuger ....... ........ j 5:55 p.m. Forest Grove l-assenger .12:00 noooi NORTH BANK STATION. J event aiiu lioyt bis. Spokane, Furtiand SeaiLle Atailway Co. aaviiig i'ol'Uaild , Lyle Faaaenger 7:20 a.m. sor Vancouver, Vvatsn., Stevenson, White Salmon, Lyle, lioldeuuale and intermediate pwiula. -aiaua Empire Express 9:00 a.m. Fur Chicago, bu Paul, Omaha, Eansas City, SL Louia, Spokane, Waauiucna, aalno tus, Faaoo, Roosevelt, Grauouulles, LO'le, wuitu bainiou, aud Vancouver, wash. Columbia River Local tills p. m. i- or Vancouver, bieteusuii. While Sainton, Chits ana luternieuiate points. Norm Aan& uimileu 7:00p.m. Fur cinicago, bL Paul, Omaha, Kansas ity, bu Louis, Aill.ligs, Spuaane, VV a,li tuuua, Kanlotus, 1 asoo, Roouevelt, Van couver, vvasu. Aiionii, -orlland North Bank Limited.... 8:00a.m. r'rom coiicago, bt- FauL Omaha, Kansas City, bt- Louis, iellowsluue Fara, Spokane, YVaa'ntucna, ianlotus, 1'asco, Ruosevelt and Vancouver, Yi asn. Columoia River Local 10:30 a.m. 1- rum Cluia, Goiae-nuale, Lyle, Whito Sal mon, bteveuaon, Vancouver, wash., and 111 teriueaiate points. inland liiiuoe r. xpress 8:13 p. m. Ivor CUlcago. be Paul, Omaha, Kansas City. St. Louis, Billings, bpoaane, Waau iucna, Kaulotus. Fasco, Roosoell, Gland uailes, oiolueuualo. Lyle, While Salmon. Vanoouver, Wash, Lyie Faaseuger 8:40p.m. rom Lyie. Whito Salmon, Steveiusou, Vancouver. W'asu.. and mteru.cdlale point. rea l T ouucru ita u way ouipun i. "Leaving PuiUaiio 11th and Hoyt Sts. International Limited, via, Seattle 10:00 a. m. ror Cheualls, ceuLialia, lacoina, fceattle, Everett, Bellilibhiiiu and Vancouver, B, C. The Owl. via beattie 3:oO p. in. For Kalania, Kelso, Chebaiis, Ceutralia, Taooma. beatUe, Everett, Bollinghain. Van couver, B. C, and lulermediate points. Shore Line Expleaes, via seame. .11:30 p. m. For Kalaina, Kelso, Cllenalls, celltialia, Tacoma. sealtie, Everett. Belliughum, aa couver B. C. and intermediate points. Arriving Portland iltu aua Hoyt bts The Owl ' 0:40 a. in. erorn Vancouver, B. C, Belllngham, jvei tt beattie, Tacoma, Ceutralia, . CnenaUs, Kelso. Kalama aiiu intermediate points. Siore Line t.piea o:30 p. m. mm V.utoovi', B. C. Belllngham. Evoi tc Seattle, lacouia, ceutralia, cntuails, Keiso. ivai-ina and intermeuiato poiula Iternatioiiai Liuineu .......... . 9:00 p. m, ' Vancouver, B. C, Belnngham, v- ett, ati". lacoma, Centrali ana Ch- halia. - card Oregon Eleotrlo Railway Co. -ngejBtatiou. Flruut and oeuerson Bis. Mooduurii-i-alcm and Int. 1'oints Locals ie7vT"i'ortlliuu 0:30. 7 '.30, 11:00 A. M.. 2:00, a ,u O oO 8:40 f. M. Local lor Tualatin 1T'aiem. 9:13 A. at. Local lor Wllaon vTaa aiiu int. btalion-, 5:lo y. M. iiiliauoro-xore-l Grove ana Autermediato iwue-Wv jr-urtland 7:03. B:oo, 10:20. A. M lTTo, 2:10, 8:30. 3:39. e:20 F. M. bav Ui"uay "only. 11:30 P. M. ArriVtt JL'Uleiwa- a. --a-w u-- - " 1i--c.:io. 11:00 A. Ai., 1:15, 4:00. 4 :a. lM . .I . i2i . mi i i I -iii-iil r rfm kv'l lhori- m ikj a : aiv. iv .u v - ville" and Int. points. 8:40 A. M. dally -cept buuuay anu 7:3o A. Ai. daily. - -. triii,, i-nn-, e l.ril,. ami Arrive -...-- , ...7 . 1 ; lnt bialions o;w, e.tfo, i.v ... ... .. -.-v, Toi. iiaVt B:1 lu:iu Sunday oniy. ' . . a .ff,-nn Tloerlunrf lie OeiiOt, r ronv . , w. fort laud Railway, Light Power Company. Ticket Office and Waitlng-Room. First and Alder and East Water ana East Morrison streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER ANU iloRRlSON STREETS. Oregon City 4:00 and 6:30 A , M. last and car. . , , v ::il minutea mldnlghL i..eeo.r1lta eiointji H--L.-1 s'btli, 5T43, 10:43. li: AT M.; 12:43. 1-4. 2 13. 3:43, 4:43. o.-l. o.j, ai.ao jr. m. 1.4D, -'-l r,.,i,l,lnl, rt-r,.-,. 7:4.;t K-A... 9:43. 1):43 A. ai.. 4:43. 3:4j, 6:'J r. .-.---.arllata Tlln 53. cazaueio o.,-. Ill 1.1 A. al., a.s-, - -.-w, 0.43 o . ft - p' U" FOR VANCOUVER. Tieuet Office and walting-Koom Second and Ticket ciio-e .,.-,,,-. ts. . .6:15, b:30. 7:25. 8:00. 8:35. 9:1a, 9:50. 10.30. '.V1,'., ,1'r,n -, .-.-til ..- P. M. :i! -.v.v v.-.n- "i'.jy XXV 4-30 5:10, 5:oO. o:v, 1 ,v, i.m, 0.-10. s.ae. Onhe third 'Monday In every month th last car leaves at 1:00 i. m. -tiaiiy except Sunday. "Dally except Monday. ,0