V REL UHIt I REAL KSTATE. I REAL ESTATE. ;Ljjw " " , ' . . ' . :--ll-;-... " " r E.lll.,.. Ac-age. or f.al.-r uruis. I M ft. I I?. owiw. - - 1 .. - Tr. -ft .vr, liri.'.HTi Stag: Jot on Irr.pruv.d street, among Wsut..ui nducH, sp snii.d :w two w a s . Horae site of T q ft on tTtpi-v a rrM' with view of Vancouver, th Wil lamette, (ol.xj city, a.l maunlfcu And Orac a City; not side hilL Charm. til o-d born p.e.e of acres; Ttew of ctr an 1 mw. taiaa Hoi Iota and t.r.ii. oa a.t parte or tha he.sau. s,i : Mi pricee; 'li'ti; main- a:si. a u:t ORTL AKITIl vt: continue to IrrrttM. Aro tray boa::cg Ou7 The b'. buy today I?nrt lota ta Oratory Haignt. Cotna today: f R- Cur Park firl'Pe bjiCuuKi i.vv-rr- .T CO. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN IX ROSE C1TT PAKIC LOT. t-WO Lota orpo.t h:d at 10ox, J-"1 e-ljoitilng la considered rhap at ."-. Foe Z days vt can tiaiivar th.a lot at ma -xeaadtiig.y low price of S'---o. IV Cll and aid par moata ihcraIter. including par r.ot Int.r.ftC HARTMAN THOMPSON. Real Citato Dept.. til CUmMf of Couii st-e. DID IOP EVER FIND 1.100.00 ' tI.U NOW IS Tl-IB TO ACT. I aill aoil my lot. eaat front. Ooxioo. tlAM ffi a tfnwl r a r iBft Of . T mln- ntae" ride from center of city. with toe opening of aew Mart itt-a:ml orluge u mi l bo la mlnutrt' r-de. Thta lot u going f.r a . only l-O casa required. Ail 607. oi)a- H-.n .NEAKLT 4 lci. J:t acra from rroportT at ML Tabor pirrhaaed br Pre . joaa:rn. of '. K . I- , Thla property la on a a3il-clr.-la ana commands aa unobstructed view of whole rliy ana la mio rso-c ha no coun terpart oo ta Eaat S.de. Hero la a borne alta of half a bloca at pry. of ona pv ,r on U .at ttt.l-. Tha Hart lnd Til rfni .1. l'h.-no f.r anotntmnt to lrpt- Marshall !y ti fooialna. A -r-a of fartnrl'a ar; buil!'n. W aro o-'.lln lota Juat KLOCki EAST at ha:f pn.a; ara cl-alnc out Swlnt.o. Plo:un Itli wak pi.a opportuniiy; 10 pr cant caab. P a' por month. f'l.l IPIK TRt n CMPA.NT. Hoard of Trada HlJl.. M a'b M. IV K.NiXKKU OFT. A rort and tana aiil aa.l a lo tinfl-r f .rr.rt aa... tnat ta worth U0U. but for r.aaona of Qticjt ua It o.i'.l k fr to cun. balanra IJ') pr month; thla I lia riant acroaa tha a:rot frvia Laurol nm wb-ra lott ara a..an for lioo: lUia Ift la avtally $jo undtr markat tiiut and muat ba aoid qulca- 316 AUaay Mfa-. Jl and lorrlaon ata ii a f no no N. U U. MONTHLY, b-jva cm r i.ar lot. O.NK to L. ABkany. M"nti:: rar. IJ-m!n-iita rM. It a your ojpwrtunlty to urt hlih anl ijir'-tiv i.-t cr .ur o n l.r:nf for hoaio a:ta or for Inv.nrnrrl mahout p.vtna hlcb prica. ai.oih.r only Jt'1'; 111 a-'ll f r dojbl In abort t!n:o. ioa for our f. Jaa. C. Loiran. W 'uh. at.. rm 4 XjO YOt" KNOW THAT I V Vl'L' 1UW; AVI r-RIKND YVH'J THINK lr Ht Y IV'l A LOT. YOU CAN liriT Fli'M l TO 'S y.ACH fAl.K PY MMll.Y t.IVIMJ THKlll S A M K " TO THK OWN EKS Or TH Mosr I'KSIKA HI.K rM'H r iVt.-PV IN r--iliTI.AN L MANY MKS PAY THEIR E.M-E.N.-KS 1 NT T1IIJ WAV. At ri:.s x. M i. I'l.txiuMA.N. ROSE CITI PARK LOT MAKUAINrl. Wa bava two .-ry cholca lota on -I9fh which owner lia ru.ia na to a-'ll for f -v aach, caab; Uuprovaxnanta atl In and paid. Ktrrr-KLtrNsoivJE fui.mek. 4la-4ia Board of Trada b : . Tl.phon-a Main A TJJ. i-E.Nl.NBl.LA. Lota within a blocks of tha m.-ln atraot rf Kaaton JTS. I.T.40 eaah. i.S0 par month; rarllna. graded atra.ta, liii.l l.u watar; wortb twi-a aa iziurh. rOLl'a HI A TBI's r ct 'MP A N'T. Board cf Trada itUc. M tn r". THOSE baautlful hooia ailaa la Ialalh oo Wllliama ara. Jf yott ara lnteratai and havo net tha tlnia to coma In. phona us and will call at your homo and taka yoa out oa thla property tn an auto. Wa aut bomo-ull('.ra. wo will balp you. URONii-n FKLE CO.. I.owla Hi.l. Z-.TS Oak St. DO TOU EVER bTUP TO THINK What yoa pay out In rant oach yaar. for roar aftar yaar, mooay that nerr cornea 4ck to yoo? Tou caa aovo thla iuoiy and mora. too. Coma, la and ta.a It arar with oa. BRON.aTEE1 B co Lawia R.d( "a Oa PL TT ILL au at a aacnfl-a ona of tha moat da :raMa lota la Lauralhurau Thla la of tba bavt Invoataianta In tha olty. t'a.l and lt n.a anow yoa aomo of tea tt prt-partloa ta Portland from aa lavcal mant ataopotnt. F. J. ROPRVBERtl. 3 ltrp.barm.ra bl.'.g. LOOK HKBE 90x00 on Stanton, la Irtiugton. c:oaw to carllaa, bard-aurfaco atrrata. aliirwalka a-wr. watar and aa all In and paid for; aa4UU. Owaar Laat 614 or Tabor iiaTS. EXCELLF-NT INVESTMENT. Tha vary bat buy la Iba Nob Hit! dla rKt. Iota, will all all or ona. oa Pitty rova batwaaa 24th and 3tb ata. facing atuth: aica oo lota; all lmprorania In; If looklna for a aood lnvealroant or rirat claaa raald.nca aita look th-ao bp. Zlm marmao. aio Board of Trada bld IRVINOTON""LOT SNAP. ' A Una lot 4iiH" aaat front, on Eaat 3rd at.. tttwt.n Knott and titanton. 1 Mock to car; pric luU0; WW caaa and 1.0 par month; a ana p. SIT Raird of Trada bl.lK . 4th and Oak. IRVINOTOM LOT. Vary daatrablo lot an Twonty firat atrial; ft;" on caay lornia. EDWIN HCX-'KER COMPANY. Cbaabar of Coo.marva llldc tOU ran buy a lot near Koao City Para for 14V graded atreafa. cement atda walka and curia, Hull Run water, aiec tnvity. telephona. bulltllng1 reatrlrtlona. provtdant Inv. A Truatco Co.. 64-6.(1 Board of Trada bldg. WONDERFUL RUT ONLY $10. I 0lU lota on F. Jd and Davla. TTinf tola ara worth S30oa. Oanor leaving- city. All cah. Tatd Lawia. Koom J. Lum barman bidg.. Bth and fitark. WEST PAKK bT. Kororal alakla iota and quartera at at tractlva prlea. haa ua for cloaa-ln buya. Vanduyn A Walton. 313 Chambar of Cum--TP err a. C ii Ol C E lota. 60aJ0o. bO faat from boula Tard. ona block from car. water asd ga In front: prica .'. nothing down, (13 a month. Roat A Jlofatxaad. Arbor Lodga. ol. Johna car. A.N INVESTMENT SAVE MONEY. Lota 910 down, 910 montb. North alouot Tabor, ona block to car; aacrifica pneo; ownar loaalng Portland. Jaa. C Logan. 52 v Waab. at., room 404. (4o EQUITY, ona of tha Cneat corner lota In Roaa Cl'.y Park, naax tha bandy road, grant placa to ouliu; oaianra aaay paymanta uvutr. room via. Jtercaaaia Trust Mdg. for $73. Will aU my eciuity of 1 125 la rach of aaaaral l-O lota for 973. Pay sia I -J and balanca 13 month. AN tod, orego nlan. WuOl and coal yard ait Frontage on Handy boulevard and O. R. N". ; Ideal location; tributary to major portion real d-nllal d la: net Kaat Phona 13UJ, A 1313. Aa for Mr. Hurllagaine. WOI-LI accept any reaaonabla ol?er to effect qulca tat for my 60-I.HH lcw l-t In high caaa Eaat blda reatrlctad adultl'D; all Improyementa In; nothing batter la Port Und. X 3-4. Oragunlao. TlIE BEdT HUT. ( eaah. ba'.anco tar ma. baya a ana realdaoca lot lHH walking dlatanca. m.u, cement walk tn and paid: prtca I1M0. Ca.1 Hid Morrlaoa au. room . .7 Mk F VLL " loC iUBt beyond Laaralhnr-rt. cloaa to Eaat Ullaaa at. cara and nicely locatad: aaay terma Tba Hart Land Co. 14 f-conil it. XHRa-E lota oa Pa-ilnaula In manufactur ing dlatrlct balow praaent market value; good, aafe Invaatmant; part caaa. .Talor. owner. I4 Stark at. INT KENTON. Two beat bualneaa lota oa'.T 13000. NOitTHKKN TRLfT CO.. S7 Stark 8L OWNER will aall a cholca corner lot tinier contract prlca f"r a few da on.y; jio eaah Deeded. Koom 403 Caplaa 11 otal. ll.r- aail AM atck muat go to Mexico; aell at aacrl--r Tlali at Elmh uret ; alao 3 beautiful arr tract. 10 minutea rida, Weat Side. Phono A o4lt- CASH. I ' par month, beautiful lot. M blocka Mount Scott. 6- carfare, cny watar. atrt gr-ided and paid. HluUt B1611oi'.133 Third L a-Jsgjao LOTS, corner of E Sth and . Humbolt. er Alberta carllne. Hi...; terma David Law .. room 1. Lumberman bidg Sth and btark ata. COirELI.ED to eacr.Rre; for ale. to h-ta ch-ip fur nn if taken at onre: havo to tav fr K-r'p; In moil deairaoio loca tion In city, one of lite b-t btricair.a to be h'i. "au oan.r. Pl.vne Main 7.64. room Houra 12-2 ar.d 6-T I". M. "' EAI.E "'na lot fcxinn. ch-la real ti.nr.' ui.irl. t at a bitrgatn. l-.'o tin r.-lrd. A.oom 4v3 Caplca lU;e- Marahall I.Nr-iI'E 7ixl- l-autlful building alto la Irvinaton. All Improvement In and efltab ' liar.cd neighborhood. For partlculara caiJ S" M-K ay IjIc: g . liKKAT b.vfluPICE Ita 1. 2. and b.ovk 1. Meadow Park Ad.L I'rli-t I '" ti-i. Adureaa loa.oa.ta 11I 9. Seattle, Yeh. YS'ILL aril my I-aure.hurat lot for llio.': aorth iV4 1'hali.b.r of Commerce i'lt.. 1iTS on Ml. scott line fur Stuart atntion; r-.u.t a-: I. Phone Hi. 4 M. Call 101 4th U i.Chntugr-n. FOR PALE Lot ,Kt'. with 0-rom hou. In Irvlnctor. c rner; ale lot In North Ml. TaVor. ."l (l.'ilo. Inquire 415 Al-ler at or tao boice lota. ldd'a Addition. n.ar Hawthorne ava.. vary cheap. U .-iol. W KST M It K I . AN t lot. fine location at a ral iv.--.ir. iTmii muat go llue week. ios Luti.o-r I.cnar.t:a TWO-Joia. H block from A lam-da Tark; Jtiw pti-. very eaay tartua. 414 Dckum t:1r. l-hone Miln 634. tor rjlr Itoua . PENIN.-ULA SPEI ALTIFS. f.Oiiuo jot a Kentn or sc John carllna. lo-i" ai.d 'ot. 3 to o per cent down and 1 -r ctrit monthly caih; OUcouni for .aan. tld S-ro)m ft'ti: at rorfamouth; f ill lot. -, block from ec Johr.a car; caab JoU; I4ou. N'w. modern, t-rootn olerantly far-rl"h-d home with ei a. ou rrouud. cen tra:. y located la Vnivaraity I'ark: lota or clje-ln b't'iri taien In exchange part Iayrocut; g4.Au. Ixl00 builneaa property, central Bt. J.tr. n car.lr.e. to exchange for new 3 or ft-f'yn lira niodrru bor.a'alow; we.l I-a'e.l; will pay eaah dtrttrence; price J j . i . j . oi;lv tvrralna rr-nsi'l.red. vhat 1 ae t cfr-r? uanera p.-.frrred. ltagley'a Airii'). 4oI (iirlitigcr L.og.. mlS'rt Alder ! ' r' " ' O.NEOK THE Ur'itlical reel'Ienca aota In Portland. bio. k in Cedar ITIll. with new and modern hi.ua built by dtv Inbr Adjr.lr-.a fl'T Park on ll-.o v. e.t. with unobstructed vi. w of the c.!v and mouotalnt. aNoul 1 bl'cita from Tt afi iugton afreet. I'rt.-e $'." imi. fart f.ili. Ill Wailnt;ton. rear Re.-ond atreeL lU'N'iAl. W bargain, brand new. nice park. rc.tr. ted homo diatrlct. block to Koee t'ltv car. II roorr.a. bath, attle. concrete bv.-err.i.l. full poiceluln plumbing, larse l'vmg-rc.m with r.re.Iacc. mantel, aeac 1ltiina-r-oni with buffet, plato rail, etc.; lut:i kitchen. Int-rir finiel mlw.oa and rr.nicl. liirpe p..r. dr.. ef.; eaat front lot, f.r. view, c, ment walka In and paid. ecmc fixture, and ehed'e go with It : p-lce only l-'-0. earr terma. Jaa C L.t.9, aole agent, 3-$ WaaU. t-, roora 4"! Li..--) THAN COST. ? houie. one roonia. tha other I room, corner liOxlCO, cement walka re atrtctod ii-lchbor.iood. cloe to car. wllhln X.mli) elrc.e. no incumbrance; owner lacka ftin-la to complete, ttiorefore the low "price Ji"i. will give roapona Ible pur ehaaer moat liberal term, email eaah pament and lone time at per eenL J..KI I.4KKK A REN EDICT. S. M-K.y ll..!g-. 3d and Stark. AKK you thit.kitig what would pleaae your wife and family moat In the way of a hr:tiuu cltl? I believe we can gueaa. It I a borne. Come la and sea ua and make arraogeaienta for It. It la ear. trong-strvie Co., Lewla bid., ilti 7 M Oak t- WEST bIDK BARGAIN. Oood b-room houae with fine -Mew of river, on a arge lot ST'txllu, room to bulM 3 mora houaee. oo Cortett at.; price e4-.. Slov' c.ari. balance to ault. JKl .-! A ZADOW. SI 7 Board of Trade bide.. 4th and Oak. SWELL UUNC.ALOW. Inat complete.!, mod'-rn. cement atena and eidewalke. one ahort block to car; reatrlct ad Bciahburuood. &0xluu lou Prlca 9vu; tarma BRl'HAKER BENEDICT. orj McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. ; T C A SI 1 BUY S Ioma room, laiae lot 7.xl10 ft., ona b'oca from carltne. m.ra ground next to thla place If you prefer at J per lot; price 3.') down, lib per month. National K-alty A Trual Co.. Waahlnjton at.. room &!-. Fv-R SALE -room modern. 2-tory houae. located n-ar Haathorne and 83th at., cor ner lot. xlw. price l-o. worth $33': compell-d to aell. eaah -oJ. balance I3 y.r month. J. U. Tlytoa A Co.. 110 Scalding bltlg. TOU CAN I0 IT. If yoa have never owned a home. It la row time yoa ehould. and tha opportunity will never be better than now. Coma lo and let ua talk to you about IL lirong t.jeelo Co.. I.ewle bidg.. I'I7 4 Oak L Yuii SALE Hv oaner, lo-room elegant mdcrn Irvinaton houae. coruer L. loth an 1 liraxee: will aeil $15i below market value on account of removal; 9l3ta caab or glO.tMhi on time; no agent. Addreaa V." E- '-oth N. Phone E. tu&5. HALF BLOCK. lOOx.Oe. with 19 fruit treea. over .v roaa bush, g bearing grape vlnee, logenberrle. blackberrlea and many va rieUca of email fruit: modern i -room cot tace with large attlo oa good carllne; f. .. oO: a ill -ll furniture with place for be owner at 414 Spalding bldg. i:o DOWN. Brand new l-roora bungalow. Roaa City carliae. ou can pay the balance like rent: I am the owner and will aava you g. vO on tha purchase price; no agente need answer. Owner, room 313, -urctiania Trust bldg.. today. "YiEFOKE YOU BUY OR HFLL, bEE DETSOH WITWEIt. (specialists in real estate for the man of Moderate means. Board of Trade Bldg. Heal F-atato. Rcntala. Inaurance. I&....0 HuLsK and 3 Iota aplondld loca tion. MC Tabor; fine bomea going op all around: house, wblle old. haa 7 rooma and all modern convenlencee; ground aiona worth tha money. Tha llan Land C.-v. I4tl Second t. liOU.'-f. COST 13470. . LOT tit. la new and modern. Aluat eoll and fll aacrlfice for ONI.T I3J00. NORTHERN TKLST CO 270 Stark Bu WHY PAY RENT T $300 cash, balanca $10 month, for fx g-room cottage, porcelain bath, baaement, beautiful lot eOxtO. Richmond carllne la front of the door; price $lxv8. Call 121 Morrison at., room . ROSEClTY PARK. BUNGALOW. Nik 30 Eaat 3-d at.. 1 block aonth Hoae City car; rooma 3 fireplace, hard wood floor, moot artistic finish. Oo see It end make off-r; muat be aold. ' FINE rreldenee on the beat located lot la Irvlngloa; eee thla at once la time to aelect your owa finish and fixtures; tertua made to desirable paxlloa. N Li. ure gonian. HAHIUS4N fTHEET. Cloe-ln. loxl0O. with good houae; rente for $73; can be had for $.'no under value for Immediate axle. Vanduyn A Walton. &11 Chamber of Commerce. oT(IP PAYING RENT. See Brong-Steele Co.; they wilt lobmlt a plan whereby yoa can eoon own your o n home. Brong-dteele Co Law la bldg., Cak t- 1F you want to own your own home, aea Brong-bteelo Co.; wo will help Ilia right partiee. Brong-cHeele Co Lea la bidav. i.7w, Oak ac A NEW. strictly modern flaL 6 rooma aach; on William ave.; pay per cent oa In vestment: price $7o. part eaah. Call oaner evening. S l'aJ. Ml'ST ell my I-'1 hew bungsinvr. will la low a I-4'JO from desirable peo p.e; term $.'x-0 call, balance to ault yvu, J i-0. orexoman. Be'sT buy In Irvlngion Now. attractive, a r.v.m modern home. fireplace, bard woo! fe'or. hands me fixture. Duplex ha.taa. elecanl location; near car; $71.0. lenna. AH 3-d. Oregonlan. jTTcasTi and $13 per month, new 8-roora bungalow. J blocka Mount Scott. 3c car lr.. J cl.eta. pantry, bath, full baaa Xuent. Price $li!"i. HIGLEY A lilaHOP. 133 Third gL tVUOciM modern bungalow, lot SOxlrKV b:-k of car: !.tljo. SoOO eaah; tbl la a bargain. Inquire 1113 BelmonL Phone Tabor ooo. FcR SALE a-room house, everything mod ern and complete: near car and achoot; $-'70O; no agnta.PhoneTaoorPJ7. TWO good 7-room housee, cheap. $2300 and 47oj: term; Mount Scott car. see Alli son. 4. . umber Exrhnr.r blig. FOR BALE luoxio. modern l-roou nuoaa, Ha! Couch at.. MontaviUa; Larma An ' p.y Laue-Davl Durg Co. J, OH SALE New. modern bouaea la Irvlng lon. K. B. hlce. Both pbonea. THE MOUSING OREGOXIAy. THURSDAY yOVE3IBER 17. 1910. 1 ' 1 wanii . . Klr. I TO EXCHANGE. TWO EXCEPTIONAL BCT8 IN SUJvNYSIDE. $.tno 8 Eat Salmoa at., corner lot; two-story, new, modern, attractive hou of 7 room and reception hall. Full bae ment. cement floor, (Quaker furnace and laundry chute. In fact everything that goes to make a Uret-rlaea. up-to-date house. W have personally Inspected thia house and can recommend it aa the one beat buy la bunnystdc $?..V0 83 East Waahlncton t near E. lth at., O-ro-.m. two-atory. practically new house. Everything tn the way of comfort and iiTpointm-nl la included Ira thla houe. Tins 1 tlio only opportunity to aecure a $:i.'.iO house in thla district, a nil the other are valued at $.'.oct to $'HJ. one of the main featurea of thla property I that It Is very cioaa in and haa ex'-ellent car aervlce. liAHTMAN A THOMPSON", Jicnl Etate Dept.. 4-3-6 C'h.tmber of Commerce. RIVER FRONT HOME SITE. Nearlv 2 arree of ground, located on the weat bank of the Wlilam'tte River, right at the latlon and only 'M minutea from Portland. Tr,i property haa a river frontage of 170 feet and rtina back 4H4 fe.,i io a private autoinoolle driveway. Here ta oue of the flneat bathing bcarhea along the river. Thla property la about J ; feet above hlch water and la doubly protected by a heavy bulkhead. If you are looking for an Ideal country home, one where you can enjoy electric 1 Ik It t at and city phone, come lu and let ua tell you more nhout thla place. HARTMA.V A THOMPSON. Real Estate Dept.. 4 3-6 dumtvi of Commerce. A HOME PLUS AN nCV ESTMENT. ATTRACTIVE MODERN J-ItOOM HOC6B. Lot 60x100 facing on Wllliama ave.: one of the future bumncsa atreete of the Ent Side. Tut property wlil provo a pleaalng home until buslnes demand ataorb it l.r commercial put poa a Call at our office and aak to ee photo. Price $."7w. $-100 rah, balance to ault purchn. r. HAUTMA.V A THOMPSON, It.al Ktate I pt., 4 3-8 Chamber of Commerce. WHAT8 THE MATTER, MR. BUTERT Ton are CERTAINLY overlooking tha best home buy that will ever come to your nolle". Thla l not a proposition where the builder I looking for a prortt. but a en of foreclosure and ha to aell at a aai rince. Thla house la new. haa T large room and t modern to the smallest detail. Wo ran deliver It for tai'tiO o.3 cash. It will pay you to look Into Ui Immediately. PORTLAND LANT CO.. 07 COMMERCIAL BLOCK. Cor. 2d and Waahlngton ta. E K. WHITS'" SNAPS-$-fx) eaah buv a ell littie cottage, nil tinted and pla'ercd. electric llclita. omy 3 bio k rami ear and liualnes: thla place I furnished with swell furniture: only SIGou takoa house, furniture and all; also have a furniehed cottage of 3 room for rent. , block from car. $10 per montn. and 3 rooma on carllne. $ per month. I have the bargain at Kern Park eta tloru Ml. Scott car. Tator -04. BUNCALOW. $;.-V0 CASH. New. modern, 3-room bnKln'. full Oasement. email attic, ga and electricity, cement walka. graded atreet. within on Mock of hard-urfared street: same dl tanca from a buslnes center; 3 block to W'-H carllne; a-wora and ga connected; prla $MJ", $Ti' eaah. balance term. Arp'y J- R- Karnopp. owner. No. 2 Cham ber of Commerce. Marshall 2074. BUNGALOW BARGAINS. I have for salo some of the keeneat and mot up-to-date bungalow In the city; cement basements. malve fireplace, beamed ceiling, sleeping porchea tinted wall and ceiling, handsom fixture. Dutch kitchen, lu fact everything bun galowy; located In the beat of raaldence dlatrlct; ealct ort of term. F. J. ROSENBERG, . LuTiihermen liltlg. $3oo CASH BUTS HOMB. 4:'D 8T KOSSMERE T room; lot 60x10; Improvement! In and paid; private aaa plant; built-in buffet and bookcaae. paea pantry, fireplace and furnace, laundry tray, bath. etc. .National Realty A Truat Co.. $1t Waahlngton au. room $1$. i SWELL BUNGALOW. Very awell 7 -room bungalow, all latest Improvement, fireplace, finished floor, etc., lot 60x110, Improved etreel. cement etdewaik. F.at 2th. near Morrison, fine location, price $5730. aome terma. ORI SSI A ZADOW, glT Board of Trade bldg.. 4;h and Oak. r it ciAi.r Ixvnk at It and get the price before buying modern bungalow. large attic, wired and tinted: only 3 block distant ar. .-. I'll. . -Jill from llawinorii- -" torma. by owner. gheppard. 4-4 tlrnry birig. bilAl.I. HOUSE Not quit complet-! on ...-. m. k.-e tvnptlnn tit Mr Thnr I J t JJ- I t - - r ' va v ee " --- roiumandlng fine view, within 12S ft. E. Morrison car; owner wanta to aell In present condition; Investigate and make offer; a bargnln for someone. The Hart Land' Co.. 140 Second mt. . Sl'NNYSIDE BARGAIN, (-room house, furnished. Including piano, range, etc., on Belmont, near Sth au. JIMOO; $1.50 cash. Mala til. FOR SALE or trade, 6-room house, full concrete baaement, lot 30xlu0. aome fruit; price. $3000. Inquire 1714 Van llouten boulevard. By owner. FxK SALE by owner, 6-room modem house; .,rlce $l'30O. $:0O down, balance terma. M0 Keiiliworth ava. W-W car ' corner n lstone. BIG bargain In modern 8-room house, best section of West Side; $4700, terms to ault jou. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg ttuaiueaa tTopcnx. FACTORY RITE. EAST PORTLAND. ONE ACRE O.N TRACK. $7MM. HARTMAN A THOMPSON-. Chnmber of Commerce Bldg. bA.NDl iioULEVARD BUSINEciS PROP ERTY. Have 2 lot close to Sthvt.; no re-atrl-tlon: will aell on easy terma. Phone Main 13u3, A 1313. Aak for Mr. Burling ama WAREIIOrSE SITE. North Portland. Ooxl-0, $400i. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Bte'.NKS- corner, aoulhwest 30x100 corner, Hawthorne and- 4.id aL, fine location for tore; price $27 OO. abonut half eaah; nothing a cheap In thla locality. A. E. I'ouUon. 41S Railway Exchange. $10O DOWN balance time, will buy two atory brick bunding; Rusaell, near Wll liama ave.; sot 143; might consider trade, tlve or take difference. Phone B 1239, or ' 313. Oregonlan. EANDT ROAD BUSINESS LOT. tltut cash buya a bualneaa corner, weat of Eaat toUi IL, right on the carllne; Lhla lot la worth $26v0. call $21 Morruvon at., room . FOR SALE 2-atory atore ouuaing and full lot on Eait Jth L; tarma. Apply Laue Davl Drug Co. Acreage. 6 MILES out of the city limit and only 10i an acre. Laya right cloae to good town, quarter mile to achool. The whole 40 acres, part In cultlvutgn and fenced for ::o.0. Term. BROWN A BTAVER. 614 Couch Bldg. $ ACRES, with cottage, close In. 4 acres, nue Improvemcuis. nice home. &e, a-jrea, houae. orchard, best land. All above n-ar city limit and carllne. McFAKLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 310 Corbett Bldg., Portland. FOR SALE -5 acrea choice land adjoining Llnnton. between county road. Thla muat be aold within a week and will offer It at a sacrifice of $lKoo. F. J. ROSENBERG. 520 Lumbermen bldg. If wanting a euburran home e. cnolce acreage investment, do not fail to eonault the fTBlKBAN HOME SPECIALISTS. CLOLFEI.TEK BROS.. 414 couch bldg. ON BASE LINE ROAD. 14 acrea. good houae, running creek, ex cellent buv for $;coO; eaay terma. BROWN A STAVER. Couch Bldg. OWNER must aell ten acre A-l garden oil. close to city limits, 10c fare; $20V0 rash for all of it, or will sell halL M .'. Oregonlan. TfeN acres, unimproved, choice, tillable land, . eaidly cleared, running water, near county road, 33 mile from Portland: $53 per acre, part cash. $13 Couch bldg. $ ACRES! deep, rich oil. 5 4 mile from center of citv. heavily timbered, cloae to two fine road and railroad. $1000 cash. M .".gl. Oregonlan. to ACP.ES. houeo, barn, horve, cow, main county road. $170o; terma Brown A Staver.614 Couch bldg. jv, acres, email house, running and piped water. 0o fare; $110: terma. Brown A Slaver. 614 Couch bldg. THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY IS -OUiiS IK YOU ACT QUICKLY. , 160 acrea of a line land aa there Is In the atate; 80 acre In good state of cul tivation, but 13 mile of Portland on fine graveled road all the way to It: large tract! of land being set to apple In thla locality; $100 an acre 1 being paid for farm land In thl vicinity ana we will leave It to your Judgment If thl 160 Is not Jturt a good a any In the neighborhood; high and alghtly building pot v. her Hood, Su Helens and Adam are all In view: price for quick sale $S3 an acre. JosoO cam. balance can run for seven year by roylna tne Interest at 6 per cent. Owner. 4i:l Ablngton bldg. BEAVELDAM GA 11 DEN 10-ACRE TRACTS 3 acre in Beaverdatn. producing 3.0 tacks of nnuns to the acre. Onion are worth today $1.00 per sack. The beaver oum alone will bring you In yeariy $230; sav nothing about the upland that will mike you a living. We are selling theie tracts at $300 per acre. Only quarter mile from electric carllne. with 40-imnut er vloe and only half mile from five stores. Think of the terms. $7011 eaah. balance three years at ( per cent. DAVID LEWIS. Room -'. Lumbermen bldg.. Oth andStaxk. CLARNIE HEIGHTS ACRE TRACTS. Located on Buckley avenue and Psnfly road; the placa for your suburban home: fine view of Mt. St. Helens and Hood and overlooking the Columbia River; flno ma cadam roads the yesr round: p. K. N. runs throuah thl tract and will atat Iiah a uburt.nn motor ervlce: .x mi.e from the center of the city: the fin"- 1- atlon anywhere around Portland, phone or call C Franklin Flher. 62 Hamilton building. FORTUNE IN FAIRYLAND FOR A SONG. Florida everglade landa, absolutely rlch et soil on earth and la most delightful climate: la lo-acre tracte for Sow. $10 per month; Government canals building wlil reclaim In few month. Immediately Increasing value to $50 to $luvO per acre, location only 15 miles from maglo city of Miami. Fla. For full particular address J. M. Grayblll, 622 Corbett bldg., Portland, Or. COLONIZATION TRACT, We have a large tract, admirably adapt ed for colonisation or for orchard develop ment: this land la A-l In every particu lar, accessible, nearly all In cultivation, assistance could be given in putting thl on th market in mall tract; price it low and term, can be had; must b mo to be appreciated. Oregon Title A Truat Co . Albany. Or. SOMETHING WORTH INVESTIGATING. Como In and ea the tate and Federal reports oil tho production of cranbetTlee. It la one of the new limited Industrie! that li opening up In Waahlnston and Oregon and pays from $200 to lo00 per acre. WILLIAMS A HEITSCHMIDT. 70 4th St.. near OaK. Lewis bl d g. SACRIFICE for cash. SO acres Inside six mile circle from center of Portland, part cleared and In cultivation, balance running 100 cords wood per acre. Finest soli ob tainable; gouth. slope, warm and sunny; a fruit and garden paradise; $40u0 takei It; will sell all or part. R ABB A PATTON. .122 Lumbermen's bldg.. 3th and btarK. lO-XCRiT TRACTS Cleared and uncleared. $20.i0 and $1000. 20 per cent down. 1 per rent month: inler et per cent: 15 mile out, 2 mile to station: fine county road. R- F. D and telephone; enough land to make a itvin on for the price of city lot. Owner. Dr. H. M. Greene. 6"2 Medical t!"g- 10 ACRES $163 DOWN. $lfW down and balance easy terms win handle 10 acres on electric line, close to Portland; one crop will pay for entire tract. 405 Couch bldg. Faciao 2V W. De velopment Co. SMALL FARM SNAP. 27 acres, near Sycamore, at $3000; $1000 cash, terms easy; 4-roora house, large barn. 0 acres clear, balance easy cleared vine maple, etc. good spring, land near tlila juat being platted In acreage. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. 13 ACRES, close to Portland and atatlon. flrst-clu soil, fenced on 8 sides, suit able for garden, fruit and chicken ranch. If you waut It at the price of $150 aa acre, act at once aa It will not last long. KINNEY A fTAMPHER, 681-2 Lumber Exchange Bldg. 1000 BUYS 10 acre, part In cultivation, all tillable, good aotl. running water, some timber, near chool. county and auto roads; specially adapted to fruit; wllhln easy reach of Portland. Look this up. 61 Couch bldg. Office open Sunday. 10 ACRES on O. W. P. carllne; small houae and well, part In cultivation; creek runs through: terms: price IJ100. Kitten A Soeley, 224 Lumfter Exchange bldg. IX ACRES, banka of Willamette; modern houae. Near Portland. Oregon City car line. Easy terma. Brown A Stavar, 614 'ouch bldg. Horn rotated. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-rag book explaining what each of the 34 countlea I beat adapted tor; glvea amount of Government land open to home stead In each county; map attached. 21x 2. showing new It. R and town. Includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon; counties In different colors; drawn to March L 1010; latest map in II. 8.: prlca 25o. Ximno Runey. 813 Hamllton bldg. CIRCUMSTANCES compel me to leave the state immediately; must sacrifice my quar ter lection homestead. 40 mllee from. Porte land. AD biu. oregonlan. SELL or exchange, horaeteal relinquish ment; 97 acre. Lewis County. Wah. : trulaea 8.000.000 feet fir. Y 624. Oregonlan. " ForSaie Fruit Land. " CH12HALEM MOUNTAIN ORCHARDS. ARB i'OU LOOK1NO FOR AN ORCHARD TRACT T Do yon want the best! Close to Portland. R. R. Ration on plaoe. Don't fall to call on THB CROSjLEY COMPANY, 7G&-7UV Corbett bldg. It surely will be to your advantage to see u before buying. Seeing la believing. . HOOD RIVER SNAP. 40 acres choice Hood River apple land: st. acrea In young commercial orchard, balance light clearing; fine live spring near cabin: magnincent view; owner neec money and will aacrltlco place for $oS00. Sloo cash; will conilder good Portland property in trade. Y 621. Oregonlan. 7. ACRES, best red shot soil, all In fruit, partly full-bearing; 4 acres Epltzcnberg and Newiowns. 2 acres Anjuu pears, plenty email fruits, abundance water, perfect draiuuge- good 8-room house and barn; mam county road, 1 mile town; beautiful, prulltable home; $3300. easy terms. JL E. Warwick, Cascade Lock. Oregon. I N V ESTiiE X T F R U I T DISTRICT. 10 acrea for $1230; nearly all In culti vation, short walk to thriving town close to Portland and In the heart of a big fruit diaulct: only $425 eaah required. GEO. G. MAIR. 2 Lumbermena Bldg. U lo. eU-AOTVB vi.-" ".' .".., uuoai fruit land and chicken ranchea. cloae to railroad station: good roads; other tarma nearby; a i .oo o i. , .n. balance to ault at per cent. ilFARLAND INVESTMENT CO 810 Corbett Bliig., Portland. T" HAVE eight 40-acrs tracts which must be sacrificed In the next two weeks; ex cellent fruit and ranch land, running wa ter and luss than 60 mllee from Portland on good road and half mile from Poat offlce: $S00 each. These are cheap with a vengeance. 2U8 Couch bldg. """WEST SIDE INCOME PROPERTY. $i,00. half cash, ill-room apartment, flats, good condition, rent-d cheap at $74; oould be made to pay $S0; lu minutea" - alTto Postotuce. Mala 12. - 1 BEST BUT ON MARKET. 100 or 320 acre, unimproved, on Una new railroad to Mount Hood. Under value tor quick turn. Vanduyn A Walton, 313 thamoerCornmerce. 20 ACRES fine fruit land. Underwood dis trict. 2 mile from Collin; 4 acre set to trees. 6 more ready: good water, some building: snap at $3000. terms. Owner, A.j 4:. Oregonlan. TEN acres planted to Spltxenbergs and Yel low Newtown, on railroad, adjoin good town; phone. R. F. D.; no Irrigation. A bargain. Call 204 Chamber of Commerce bidg. "gOLDENDALE SIMCOE FRUIT LANDS. 10 ACRES. $000; ONLY $100 eaah, balance $10 month. Geo. & Cased y Co.. lobby Commercial Club bldg. J. A- CUNNINGHAM. For sale, farms; pricee reasonable; a eacnenge. p. O. Box 74. Carlton. Or. For Kale Farms. 13.1 ACRES fruit and dairy land: 25 acrea timothy and clover; 60 acrea level enough to plow; 40 acrea timber, million feet; county road, prlng water. 30 fruit trees strawberry patch, barn 28x26 feet, house feeL Price $L0OO.oo. Como quick for a bargain. T. O. May. Elk City. Or. FOR SALE Fine Eastern Oregon wheat farm of 320 acres, .only 4 miles to rail road, tine level land, all in cultivation and all seeded to wheat; a snap at $1'3 per acre, on easy terma Address owner, T. H. Little hales. Forest Grove. Oregon. "GLORIOUS KOOTENAI." BRITISH- CO Ll'UblA No irrigating: delightful cli mate; fruit farms $10 to fSO per acre: easy terms; free bowklet V. Investors Trast A Mortgage Corporation. Ltd., 134 Hastlnits SL. W. Vancouver. B. C. 40-AC RE farm on Salem electric, $5200, half cash, balance 6 per cent, for S years. 1 hone Woodlawn 1673. FARMS AND FRUIT LAND. 0O ACRES. All rich, level; 30 acrea under fine state of cultivation, 8 acrea In green aaw tim ber, balance slashed and seeded to pas ture, part of which easily put under culti vation; place fenced into IO and liO-acre lots; nne 2-etory lu-room house; hot and cold water. ball), etc.: ubun.lance of spring water, line orchard; good barn ami all outbuildings: tj mile from graded school, R. F. D. and telephone service, and 3 miles from Vancouver. Wash. Land adjoining without buildings selling for .io0 and up. For short time this beau tiful place for only $12,730. bo ACHES with 22 acres under cultivation, 10 acrea slashed and seeded; all fenced and cross fenced; lino orchard of asiorled fruits, several million f-et of Rood timber; 0 room house, good barn 44x4S, chicken house nnu woodshed; living stream and spring water piped to buildings: I'e land, no rock or gravel; only 4 Hi miles from a good town, close to a eood school and In a tino neighborhood, including personal propertv, team, harness, wagon, two cows, heifer, plows, harrows, disc and all tools, some chickens. Price. $0000; terms. 60 ACRES. All rich, level land, and 05 acres under cultivation, balance easily cleared; soma small oak trees; all fenced and cross -l-need ; 2-story o-room house, barn 4uxrt0 and all outbuildings, good family orchard of assorted fruit in full bearing; good water; place adjoins country town, i miles from new townsite and electric line and lo miles from heart of Portland; Including the following personal property: Nine milch cows. 1 bull, good young team. 1 good old work horse, wagons, harness, plows: cultivators: about t tons of hay, potato and all crop: small tools, etc. A line linn and a good buy. Price. $00. This low prico is made in order to close an estate. Terms. 120 ACRES of land, all level and main county road on two sides, with 35 acres under nne Hale of cultivation, 40 acres of good green timber, 40 acres slashed and seeded, all fenced. 3 acres of family orchard 1n full bearing; 7-room house, barn o-x.o, good granary, all necessary outbulldinirs, mile from electric line and new town alto; R. F. 1. and telephone service, close to achool and church, tine well and abund ance of water. Personal property. nno team worth $.100, 2 sets of good double harness, one single harness, ono 3,-lncn Mitchell wagon, one litht wagon, mower, rake, plow, harrow. cultivator, ropes, chains, forks. 5 cords of dry wood In shed, 2K tons of tine timothy and clover hay. 2-0 bushels of oass. 100 bushels of Potatoes, 100 hens. 1 brood sow, 4 tou or straw, apples, separator and all small tools. Price $S0OO. terms. THOMPSON A SWAN, 206 Rothchlld bldg., Portland. Or., be tween 4th and 6th. on Washington t. and 0th and Main sls..Vancouver. Wash. " CHICKEN RANCh'fOR $475 CASH. r, acre, closo in and three blocks from tho streetcar line, with a new four-room house, four miles from Vancouver and one mile from a good country town; this yctii make an ideal country home and close enough so that a man can work in town and live on the ranch. Our price " and one-half cash, the balance In three years at 8 per cent IntcresL J6 ACRES. 7 acre of this highly Improved and the balance has been s. ashed and seeded and is easily cleared: good six-room house and barn 24x30. also chicken-house and other necessary outbuildings and all fenoert. rood windmill and water plant: 1 acre or family orchard: this is a shot loam soil and a good producer. lleB on good county road and 3 miles from the steam line and 2 miles from the electric line and good country towns at both these stations. This Is the cheapest buy In till "!e country and the price is only $3000. one half cash and the balance to suit the pur chaser. 25 ACRES. 12 acres In cultivation, 13 acres of tim ber that will more than pay for the, clearing- has a fair five-room house and 24xoo barn and other necessary outbuildings; a pood windmill and water plant; 1 acre ot familv orchard, four cows and nine tons of hay; one mile to good grade and high school and throe miles to town on the steam road and two miles to station on the electric line, with 4il-mlnute service: the erst man lo see this place will surely buy; price $38oo. one-half cash and the balance 6 years at 7 per cent. JOHN T. FORD. 603 V. Main St. VANCOUVER. WASHINGTON. Phone 073. INCOME BEARING ORCHARD. WILL PASS YOUR INSPECTION. The first bearing orchard ever offered for sale at the ridiculous low price ol $4000. $800 cash. , Located 45 miles south of Portland, on S P. railroad, on elegant road. 2 miles from town of 2500 people. 'A n'I to school, K. F. D. and phone on tract; 1m prcved as follow: 6 aot" 6yea5"i. full-bearing apple orchard. Spltxenberg and Baldwins; 3 acres young pear and apple orchard; 4 acres grain field; riot a loot of waste land, lies silghtly rolling, deep, rich soil; magnificent view, desir aolo district, surrounded by bearing or- This orchard Is in best possible condition, having received sclentiflo care by experts. We have an exhibit of fancy apples at our office, grown on this tract. Call and ace them and get a sample. We absolutely recommend this place to be first-class in every' respect CHAPIN A IIERLOW. M 83C-333 Chamber of Commerce. BIG SNAP. 63 acres on Boones Ferrv road. 6 mile from Portland; beautiful rolling and level land: all under cultivation except 12 acres of timber: good fences, etc.: two springs on property: only 25 minutes from town in auto; Immensely fertile land; will soon be ripe for subdividing: price only $.4o0 per acre only requires three to five thou sand to handle deal. It is a real bargain; must get quick action. See Tulford. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. A GOOD INVESTMENT. Would like to get in touch with party who wishes to buy good 100-acre farm; no agents; Includes fine 8-room house, ce ment wallts. good f-ance, telephone; also large barn, nearly new: team hordes, har ness, wagon and plow; one of most beautiful homes In Columbia County, on county road half mile from depot, mile from h.gh school: school wagon passe every morn ing. About 65 acre bottom land. 10 acres Or and oak for house use, balance very dark rich loam; good orchard, trees bearing fruit; farm atjolnlng haa just been sold and cut In 5 and lo-acre tract. This is best Investment that person can possibly get. For more information, ad drcss L. F. Stevens. Bcnppoose, Or. FINE FARM IN TOWN. U AttliiP. Here Is what you have been looking for 20 acrea of beautiful land Joining one" of the best towns In the Willamette Valley and only 40 mllee from Portland; nearly all of the land la cleared, has beautiful creek, soil Is all the very best black bottom loam and will grow any thing; there Is a good house, barns, wood shed" etc. Place Is all fenced, sidewalk to property, convenience of city water and electric lights; this would make an excel lent dairy, a clover will grow the year around. Price for few days only. $4000. half cash. Call '08 Board of Trade. " PROFITABLE FARM. 104 acres, all In high atate of cultlra tion except 5 acres good Umber, soil deep, rich and free from rock, stumps or gravel, elegant house, barn. 2 teams worth Iinoo. personal property and cropa worth $5OO0 go with farm, located 1 mile from Canby, on good auto road. 20 miles from I'ortiana; Vin., himu-.... ' 1 crops, everything. $200 per aero, terms. V GHL'SSI A ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. FOR "SALE Fine Eastern Oregon wheat farm of 1330 acres, abot 1150 acres In cul tivation. 500 acres seeded to wheat, 15 acre, ready to sow; good 6-rpom house, small housa and large barn, windmill and plenty of fine water from a driven Weil, soil volcanic ash, easily worked, no rock. 4 miles to railroad. i mile to school all fenced $2.". per acre from the owner direct on "try - easy terms. T. H. LiltlehaJea. Forest Prove. Oregon. DAIRY AND STOCK RANCH. 800 acres on Nestucca river. Tillamook county: about 000 cr In grass; fenced; buildings, orchard. tock. tools and imple ments; $22.50 an acre. Very aav terma Make an ofier. EDWIN HOOKER COMPANY. . Chamber of Commerce Bldg. a GOOD farm: I have a strictly Tlrat-class farm at Forest Grove of 102 acres; I havo so acres near Troutdale; I have 60 acres oear Hubbard, Or.; I have a few small farms near Portland. They are all good, first class In every way: on these farm I win accept part or all in good Portland nranerty. I can surely interest you. J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber of Commerce, Port landpr; "To ACRES. Washington County, on county road 5 miles from railroad. $20 per acre. Owner. Phone Sellwood 264. " Miscellaneous. " IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Close-In acreage, a wheat ranch or small well-improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see me 1 handle my own properties, own v J. o. ELROD. 620 Corbett Bldg IF COMING to Southern California write for free copy of the "Home Buyers Directory," which contains descriptions of property for sale by the owners. California Home Advertising Bureau, 8.10 Citizens Nat'l. Bank bldg.. Los Angeles, Cat 180 ACRES, 100 in cultivation. v miles iron rui .ii. '.'0 per acre. In best fruitgrowing section where orchard tracts sell readily at $400 to $000 per acre. Lies perfect, magnificent view- over the Willamette Valloy. elevation tsOO feet above the valley, 2 miles to R. R. station. $5000 cash, balance convenient terms. THE CROSHLEY COMPANY. 70S and 709 Corbett Bldg. WE have a number of clients waiting for desirable close-in houses ranging in price from $2500 to $3000. Come In and list your house with us If you want qulcK results. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Real Estate Dept.. 4-5-6 Chamber of Commerce. WE have a client who wants 600 to 1000 acre of rough land that can be logged off. on railroad close to Portland. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Real Estate DepL Chamber of Commerce. WE HAVE calls for business. Income, fac tory and warehouse property: also houses and lota; all transactions confidential. MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRUST COMPANY. S. W Cor. 6th and Washington sts. WANTED A rental property, or snap in a lot which $700 cash and good monthly payments will handle. Wanted A nice lot with or without small house !n Sellwood. for a bachelor. F. Fl'CHS. 221 K Morrison St. WANTED A modern house to cost about $M000 on which can trade a corner lot in Sunnvslde. 00x100. Wynn Johnson Co.. 500 GerUnger. Phones Marshall 1048 or A .33-2. No agents need reply. WANTED To purchase Inside retail busi ness block; write full particulars, location. Income and description ot improvements; must deal with principals only. AF 5-j, Oregonlan. . BUSINESS or residence property wanted, close In up to $10,000; will pay for same in part with 20 building lots located about 15 minutes cit on good carllne. A. i I'oulscn. 118 R alhvay Excha n ge. , STRICTLY modern 6 or 7-room house In Irvington; must be a bargain and worth the money: will buy from agents or own ers; wo want the property. F. E. iay lor & Co., 4112-403 Lewis bldg. GILT-EDGED Portland securities to ex change for Inside business property; no agents: will negotiate only with owners, state price, location and mortgage Indebt rdness. If any. L 52Q. Oregonlan. WANT a nice home on East Side, will pay $300 down. $20 mo. and Interest, with privilege of paying $75 to $100 mo . state location and price; no agents. X 523, Ore gonlan. HAVE customer for 5-room house, $1500 to $18o0; act quickly if you want your place sold. ' 614 COUCHBLPQ. SALESMAN wants exclusive sale of houses, lots, acreage, business and Income prop erty; loans negotiated. To arrange lor interview, address AK 522. Oregonlan. WANT to buy 5 or 6-room house; down, balance $:o monthiy; give full In formation In first letter. AB 623. Ore gonlan. 7 OR S-room modern home In vicinity of Willamette Heights or Kings Heights. Hedrick. 400 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN house, on full lot. West Side. about 8 rooms. Call 4 North 8d st. WANTED Acreage, fronting on or over- . , , , ...... I) " 'l nn.nnlfln. looking river or oic.. WANTED Apartment site, close In. Palm oorg. ai idiiiiwii WANTED D 5 to 10 acres In city for platting cs. X 620, Oregonlan. purpose TO EXCHANGE. - ONE OF THE FINEST HOMES IN EAST PORTLAND. 10 rooms, strictly modern; 2 baths. 2 toilets, hardwood floors, hand-decorated walls. The finest VIEW on THE EAST SIDE. Never has been occupied; lVs block to Broadway car; $15,000, $7210 mortage; will trade balance for property. CITY or COUNTRY: will take- Eastern Oregon ranch If good value; deal with owner. Ask for L. L. Saunders. . . . . .. . 1 . . . tdct rnMPlXT. t.Ul.liflU" . , . Board of Trade Bldg.. 844thSt. 20-ACRE equipped farm. 12 miles out, for Improved acreage or houae and lot. Nice bungalow, view lot, for acreage on Oregon City carllne. 24 acres, largely In cultivation, rear . -1 l .tt Kna rr PltV property. Tho prica Is below that of own tt and there are no commit Ion. BROWN & STAVER. 614 Couch B.d: -t' TJAIJ C? LCJ 20 head, ranging in weights 2400 lbs. , a pair to tfOOO loa, inn noo, v. "... draught horses that have ever been of fered for sale in Portland; prices to suit the times. New York Club Stables. 305 Alder rt. PUBLIC auction, Friday. Nov. 18, at stable. Mh and Couch sts., 3 P. -M.; one team work horees, one et double work harness, one set light double harness, .one buggy wttn pole; one i.u-at.ini o.j GOOD team, young mare and horse, epa rate or together, aound and good ahv., ' ers or worker, can bo seen at Grasham or on Thursday from 10 to 2 at O. W. P. Land Co.JFtrstand-JAld9T. AUTO RUNABOUT WANTED. We wlil give you a trade for your run about. Call on A . NORTHERN TRUST CO.. 270 Stark t- 40 ACRES, near Canby. to trade for 20-room apartment-uouse . mu.. o s . , , located; no others need apply. Phone Main PORTLAND REALTY EXCHANGE CO. KQOm OlO, Ppmums "e- WA-SHINGTON ST.. West Side, close-In bus iness property; u- ' s'"" "- option to buy; will exchange lease for other city or suburban realty. O 603, O regonlan. . I WANT a farm tn exchange for hotel of 40 rooms, only one lu town of $1500 pop ulation; good business, all well furnished lot 105x100; price $00o0. Darling. 2lt Abington du 12 ACRES m miles from Vancouver and 2 blocks from 6 stores and electrlo line; 4 acres of beaverdam; will trade for home or lots. David Lewis. Room 2. Lumber man bldg.. Ptn aim otain. .-. 11 ACRES of good level uncleared land. 12 miles from Portland, near Oregon Elec tric caiiina. price $1600; will take a lot worth $700 as first payment See owner. 221 i-i Morrison at., room g. h.lf Interest Worth $1800 In 20 acres orchard land. Underwood district, partly set to apples, exchange for Port land property or automobile. AC 4L Oregonlan. WANTED Portland residence from party who will take in trade 40 acres of Hood River orchard land priced at a rock-bottom figure. Y 620. Oregonlan. Fine list of real estate for exchange. NORTHERN TRUST CO.. iu BtarK ot. "EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND HOME. 10 acres on electrlo carllne. near Van couver, Wash. All In fruit. David Lewis. Room 2. Lumbermen bldg., 6th and Stark. 800 ACRES, unimproved, Yamhill County, $12 per acre, ioi o. ' ' , , - J rooming-house; no agents. P 620. Orego- nlnn TOU hat .V. A-l Eastman folding kodak. . o-J automatic or reoent- Ing Vllle. The Alcove, room 5. Park and Morrison at- FOR-SALE Or trade, fine electric piano; baby upright piano and folding organ. 526 Vi Washington; SELL or trade for city property, Sli-acre chicken ranch, young orchard. 6-roora house barn. Owner, Y 484. Oregonlan. 3 BUSINESS lot In Corvallls. Or.. fr 6 or --- v.;.. aH lot l Portland. 21H o-rooii " u ...j " , , Lumber Exchange 01115. main -ii. LRVINGTON. Kossmere and Mt. Tabor lots in exchange tor mm i"i.s"R' .... t 1,1. contracts. O 015. Oregonlan. 160 ACRES, Yamhiil County: fine fruit soil, lor wheat land; state location. X 510, Oregonlan. FIVE. ten. eighty acres. Improved; sell or Portland exchange. O. Middlekautt. Ya- qulna. Oregon. ; WE trade for property, any place, all th time. Shoemaker Inv. Co.. 527 Henry bldg. Main 4465. A 7434. WILL SELL or exchange for East Fide property, acreage near Mllwaukie, value $32.OO0C. E.. Box 275,R- D. No. 1. WHAT have you to trade for S700 equity In a line corner on the West Side? AK 524. Oregonian. IF you have lot and little cash, will build and make building loan. A. C Furlong Contractor, 630 Chamber of Commerce. HOUSE and half block in fine location for farm land. AF 500. Oregonlan. 11000 FINE cordwood proposition for va- cant lot or something el- C 1132. $500 EvJUITY In 6-acre orchard tract to trade; what have you? AJ 510, Oregonlan. WE buv. sell or trade for anything ot vidua. 417 Board of trade. g FARM land to exchange for grocery store. Phone Main 6860; WILL trade 10 acres for vacant lot. Call at 51 North 12th st. James W. Huserik. WE CAN trade -your property or business. Call 808 Board of Trado n-nsir3 rnR RAt.K. Two cars of horses havs Just arrtreol and will He sold under our guarantee. They range in weight from 1000 to 1400 lbs.: age from S to 11 years! all good workers and prlcea reasonable. We also have three span of small mules, weight 80O to 1000 Iba, for sale. Call and Inspect tnese. if wanting horses. Hawthorn stables. 420 Hawtnorne ava, "si" ROOMS WILL TRADE 54 ROOMS. YES. FOR REAL ESTATE IN' PORT. LAND: HOUSE CLEARS $J50 PER MONTH; 2 YEARS' LEASE; FAIR FUR NITURE; IN CENTER OF CITY. CALL 414 STARK ST OR PHONE A 4193. BY OWNER. , WE exenange your property, regardless o. location for that which suits you better. Northwest Exchange. Henry bids. FARMS WANTED. FARM WANTED I want a good farm on or near the coast. In Tillamook or Lin coln County; or other good location. I own a fine modern 8-room house witn acre of choice ground In suburbs of Port land; It Is simply the best to be had; It Is worth $5000 spot cash; I want to ex change same for farm; owners will please call or write J. E. Smith, 613 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. 1 WANT to buy a farm of from 30 to 60 acres, well improved, good buildings and equipped: must be on good road, close, to school and not far from R. R- station or electric line; prefer Washington County or might take Yamhill or other good loca tion: value $000 to $7000. I mean business. Owners only will please call or write, giving full particulars. J. E. Smith. 513 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or. " WANTED. Wo have buyora for several small well Improved farms. Two will pay cash and want farms not over 20 miles from Port land; ono will buy as far out as 40 miles: ono must have good spring water and be adapted for dairy business. GRUSSI A ZADOW. 17 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. FOB SALE TIMBER LAND. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay bldg. I HAVE 12 million feet good timber for $st00 or 10 million second-growth for $7000. C. J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldg. TIMBER land, 9,000.000 feet timber. $774. F. J. Rosenberg. 52 Lumbermens bldg. TIMBER CLAIMS, homesteads, relinquish ments. 210 Worcester bldg. x WANTED TIMB ER LANDS. . TIMBER lands wanted. U04 McKay bldg. C J. McCracken. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness FOR SAI.E PORTLAND STABLES. 20 NORTH 10TH ST. Phone Marshall 1686. A carload of horses and mares from 1000 to 1400 lbs.; prices from SiO to tiitO per horse; matched teams witii harness, all conijplete. from $126 to $500 per team, and my written guarantee to refund your money on any horse that Is not satis factory. Each team Is pulled and shown to prospective purchasers. For reference as to iny responsibility and reliability, please phone the Portland Trust Co., where 1 bank. Business references also furnished. R. L. Evans. HORSES FOR SALS. All ot Winston Bros. A McDougai'a horses will be on sale at the Hawthorne Stables for 10 days. They range la weight, 1100 to Ibuo. and from 8 to 13 years of age. As all ot our work on the N. P. R. R. Is done, all of our stock will be for sale. They will be sold undar the guarantee of the Hawthorne Stables. Call and inspect these after November X. HAWTHORNE STABLES. 420 Hawthorne ave. COMPLETE outfit $130. consisting coal black gelding, safe and clever for a lady to ride or to drive, long tall and mane, fast walker, fine roadster and sure puller; is large enough to work on a place; fine harness and nearly new open R-T buggy; all with stable blanket robe and whip, three bags of grain and two large bales of hay, together with all stable tools and portable feed manger; owner does not care to Winter. loft to be sold. 505 Alder street. HANDSOME, practically new rnbber-rlred Studebaker carriage; used but few times; original cost $6u0: also practically new-, made-to-ordcr silver-mounted double har ness to match, costing $200; will sacrtnee oniiro outfit for $200. Call 861 Holladay ave. ' Phone East 120. FOR SALE Team of two horses, harness and spring wagon; all In flrt-clasa con dition: will make pries right for qulcK sale Owner, room 200 Oregonlan blotf. 470 WILL purchase all-purposo horse, T yeara old, weight 1125; a full-made one all over kind, reliable under all circum stances and will work In any rig; trial. 505 Alder st, FOR SALE Team of two horses, sound and In good condition, good spring wagon and harness In first-class shape; a bar gain for quick sale. Al ' Langenberg. C 1 ackamaa. Or. MUST sell fine young 2400-Ib. team, sound horses, true workers, single or double, al most new harness; all $185. Mrs. O'Neal. 349 E. 30th sl N. near Broadway. POOR man's friend, dark gray mare, clever and fearless; good worker; weight 1100 pounds; $55 buya her with collar. 60 Alder St. JUST arrived with car of work horses, weight from 110O to 1625; guaranteed as represented. 1640 Macadam St. Take ru 1 ton car; ONE team horses, well matched, weighing 2800. Bound, true; one team young hors.-a weighing 3200, sound and true. 226 R01- lall. FARM or business team with harness, 7 and 8 years old. weight 2400 pounds; kind and true to work; fat and handsome; $160. K15 Alder st. WANTED One pair A-l horses. 6-year old. weignt i-u" vo 1-"-"'. '" ROYAL BAKERY. 11th and Everett Sts. HUBERT A HALL'S STABLES, 880 Front st livery buslnes. rig, horses, harness, wagons, for sale or rent. Main 3208. FOR HIRE. PORTLAND STABLES, 20 N. 16TH ST. MARSH ALL 16t. HORSES AND WAGONS BY DAY. WEEK OK MONTH COAL-BLACK horse, weight UOO, kind and clever for a lady to handle and use, $i. with collar. 606 Alder st. CARLOAD of Missouri mules for sale, or will hire out to responsible party. Address H. M. Long. Imperial Hotel. BARGAIN $35 for bay horse. 1000 lbs. true, pnoue penwooo aq-j. CHEAP Horse and light delivery wagon, it. 1 .-nil MiO Unrrl.on at. KOOU COOUlOull. ,- e.'v - Automobiles. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. We are offering for sale at very reason able prices several 1900 and 1B10 Pleroe Arrow and Cadillacs, two 30-60 Stearna, 7-pasenger touring, one Oldsmobll 6 Dassenger, one Croxton Keaton 1010 model, fully equipped. Ownera of the care hav ing placed orders lor lull Pierce and fc"a"oVEY- MOTOR COMPANY. WANTED A buyer for two 80-60 Stearna 7-paenger touring care, completely eoulpped, recently painted and overhauled; no reasonable offer will be refused. Own ers of these cara have placed orders log 1011 Pierce Arrows. -. CO V Hi X auion v-iit MY 7-oascenger. 1008 Peerless auto for sale; fu'ly equipped and A-l condition; price $2000 cash or good secured notes or bonds; don't call without you mean ouslnes. Hugh McGulre, room 301. Lewis blag. AUTOMOBILE FOrl SALE. Nearly new 40-H. P. White steamer, fully equipped; driven only 1000 miles; will trade for Portland property. Phone labor j - o. . ..ie. tt--vt rr.rrr w.MTirn IO v u. nj-i . We will give you a trade for your run abouu Call on NORTHERN TRUST CO.. 270 Stark St. DETROIT electric Victoria used for demon strating Only, car prMcucaiij. sou - - For sale at very reasonable price. ' COVEY MOTOR COMPANY. $100 CASH Curve dash Oldsmoblle. excel- 1 1 1 . . ., .-I -,l V-i r4ritlH!- 1 lent COHQl-R'U, i4(.l WW.... awHV. r.'AA Or p iron Ian. FIRESTONE, new, for aale, or would trada lor real esiaio m-jju- vj Eiect.r.c Vehicle Co., u-3 Aider Bt. WANTED Second-hand White gaa auto- K 511. OreKonlan. USED runabout lor sale, good condition; $350. 53-4 Alder8t. M. 433i. A 7ii. MAXwi-LI., JR.. for sale reasonable; vry easy terma; -pienuiucu;tiy.i. .,1,. -x.. Wli-L sell cheap, a runabout Call 350 East asninfiion- jrnwuo FINE fresh Jersey cow tor sale, 673 Insley 3 Vft.. BB 1 I W UHFA .. Pianos. Organs and MuHicatl InBtnxineut. FOR SALE Or tra-He fine electrlo piano; baby uprlffnt p.anu 56 ft v asningw". h)(V KTSHER upright piano, cheap, terms. FHONCORAPH with 35 records for sal. PIANO. liberal reduction; used only months. Aaareya a -., yjsum-u. Bird). log - ic Stock. WANTED Extra heavy miikin?. tested cow. win T1B.V trie prii-c. XI UUV, JICBJUIiU