Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 16, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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Some Cities Remain "Dry,'
Others Are Lett Without
Any Liquor Laws.
org E. Faronrll Drclarrs There
l No Confusion HIM I "Mon-
Mrn-itT," Sy Official of
Antl-Ssloon IOa "nr.
Incorporated cities that voted "wet" In
counties that voted "dry" at the recent
election where local option electlona were
held. wl!I be allowed to sell liquor as
soon aa the governor of Orrjron pro
claims that the home rule amrnilinent to
the constitution has carried.
ThU la the oplr.r. of Ucorse H Fare
well, reprt sviitHtive f the wholesale
ihjuor dealers, who outlines otht-r effects
of the anietnlnit nt as fallows:
Incorporated cities In "dry" counties
Ciat did not have a local option elec
tion must remain "dry" f-r two years.
Incorporate! rlti-s that voted "wet" in
reunites that votl may s-11 liquor
as lorn a- the 'uunty Court declares the
rote carrte.l ar.d sls aside the order of
prohibition, without waiting for tl.e
adoption of the Home Rule amendment.
Councils In Incorporated cities that
are "wet" may elfct not to grant liquor
Ile Counties Affected.
J. R. Kii'xlell. superintendent of the
(ron Anti-Saloon LeuRiie. expresses
views that coincide only In part with
those of Mr. Farewell. According In Mr.
Farewell the only counties in the state
that will be affected by the Home Rule
amendment as soon as It becomes oper
ative are Linn. Douslas. Hood River.
Josephine ar.d Wallowa. These coun
ties have ail apparently jtone "dry."
but several of the Incorporated cities
Toted "wet." All these cities that
voted "wet." Mr. Farewell says, may
sell liquor under the regulation of city
ordinances and the criminal lawa of
the state as soon aa the Governor pro
claims the amendment a part of the
In Yamhill. Benton and Lane coun
ties, where no local option election waa
held, the Incorporated cities must re
main "dry" with the county unless they
are voted "wet" two years hence, aa
provided by the local option law.
I"ry counties that votod "wet" may
dispense liquor without waiting for
the amendment to be proolalmed. These
counties are Crook. Gilliam. Klamath.
Malheur. Morrow. Pollc. Sherman. Til
lamook. tTmatllla and Union.
Opinions on I .aw Differ.
There Is a wide diversity or opinion
concerning the meaning of the Home
Rule amendment. Attorney-General
Crawford is preparing an opinion on
the measure, which will be finished In
a day or two. Other attorneys, when
asked for an opinion, would not dis
cass the bill offhand and asked time
to read it over and compare the amend
ment with the provisions of the pres
ent local option law.
Following la an opinion Mr. Farewell
Tint Where counties tor subdivision
thereof Including- elll. heretofore "dry.
TOl. ." no city therein vottn ei
ran llcen saloons until the County Court
enters aa order settlnr sslde the former
erder of prohibition, which must be done
forthwith efter the csnnMin of the vote
Second In case, however. u. h city was
formerl "tlrr" by help of outbids precinct,
but "w'ef vote within city alone, and
no vote on local option was taken this year.
It U not clear whether the amendment can
s-We the cllv th power of luln "nse
until the same territory vote. wet It
wir, tske a test case o decide. I believe.
however, the county coun cn n. "'"7" ,
to vacate such order of prohibition. w"hln
the city, as soon as the Governor has lusued
K t. . . ..pHmI or the rttv can lr
nor. the order and Issue ?- The
amendment is subject to the local P''on
law. but only within the city limits. Such
order beln supported by a vote outside of
the cltv only. It follows that such order or
the county Court Is a nullity after tha pas
Mice of the amendment.
Third In esse a city was formerly "dry
tmt at the recent election the city within
lis limit, went "wet." and at the same time
the entire county or imio "V
rludlmr such city went "dry. " the County
Court would have no power to order the
cltv "dry." a the Home Rule amendment
P Fourth The statu, of all precincts within
a city whether "wef or "dry." remains un
changed under tb. amendment.
. Kifth No "dry" precinct or precinct, as
subdivision, of the city can be authorised
"The countv Court aa "wef territory until
the same subdivisions go "wef under a
'"U-n" city "council can license the sale
3f" llqunr'ln any precinct of a city while a
x slid order of the rounty ;..urt .tends de
i "urine It "dt-T" under the local option law.
Seventh The council of a city my re
fuse license, although the cllr voted "wet.
And this extends to any precinct therein.
Kl-htn The "dry" status of a country
precinct is not changed by the amendment,
even If made "dry" by the help of a city
twine Included In the dlstrlot.
Ixvral Option law- Modified.
"I can see nothing complicated about
the amendment." aald Mr. Farewell.
"It simply modifies the local option law
cow in force only to the extent that
a rural vote ahall not make a city dry
asainst the will of the residents of the
city. The home rule bill haa even writ
ten the present local option law Into
the constitution of the state with this
slight modification.
"For Illustration, ten 'dry counties,
according to returns, have gone 'et
They are "wef under the present local
option Uw and the amendment has
nothing to do with their present
status. The counties that have been
dry- and voted 'wef are Crook. Gll
llnnu Klamath. Malheur. Morrow. Polk.
Sherman. Tillamook. Umatilla and
Vnlon. Cities In those counties that
voted wef are allowed saloons Just
the same aa If there had been no home
rule bill.
"Counties such as Yamhill. Benton
and Lane, where no local option elec
tions were held at the recent elec
tions and are 'dry' will remain 'dry
under the preaent local option law for
two years. The present local option
law la peculiar. If acounty Is voted
"dry" an election cannot be held for
two years, but If It la voted -wet" an
election may be held each year. Be
cause no local option election waa held
In these counties at the recent elc
tlon the local option law will keep
cities In those counties "dry" for two
Outside Vote Not Hindlns.
"In Linn. Douglas. Hood River. Jose
phine and Wallowa Counties the situ
ation Is different and they present the
only cases where the provisions of the
home rule bill will really become op
erative. Cities that voted wet' In
these counties, when the home rule
amendment becomes effective, will
have the right to sell liquor. They will
-' not be bound by the rural or the out
alde vote. This Is the object of the
home rule amendment and nothing
more. There Is nothing confusing
about the measure. It means Just what
It says that Is. to give eaoh city a
rlcht to govern Itself so long aa that
government la consistent with the lo
cal option law and the erlnlmal laws
of the state."
J. R. Kcodell. superintendent of the
Oregon Anti-Saloon Lea (rue. aald:
"The home-rule amendment Is the
greatest monstrosity ever seen In Ore
gon legislation. It first throws the state
wide open to the sale of liquor and then
It closes It up tighter than ever before.
It has written the present local option
laws Into the constitution, but In doing
so. K has brought on two extremes that
will not be satisfactory to the extrem-L-t
on either side of the liquor ques
tion. It does not help the man who
really wants to clean up. It opens and
then ejhuts the door to the liquor traf
fic. It cannot be satisfactory to either
Cities Left Without Laws.
The counties that .voted 'wet' under
the present local option laws are 'wet'
without the home-rule bill and will re
main so until they are voted 'dry' "under
the local option law. But when the
home-rule amendment la declared
adopted there will be no law to govern
the sule of liquor In cities In these 'wef
counties unle.-w the city councils adopt
ordinances prior to the adoption of the
constitutional amendment. In the "dry'
counties that contain cities that voted
wet.' the cities must remain 'dry' until
the amendment is a part of tlie constitu
tion and then they must hold an elec
tion and vote on the que-tIon before they
mar sell liquor. Local option law In
(""dry" countl. that did not vote on the
qurKlun of local option at tTTe recent
election, will remain in force until an
other election is held.
"I hope something can be done with
the home-rule Mil to clan up tlio liquor
traffic, but I douht It. The men behind
it will soon OikI tiiey have a big flcht on
their liands. They will be caught be
tween the tmo extremists, the law can
not be satisfactory to either the radical
prohibition int or the advocate of the
saloon without restraint. I hope they
may be able to make something out of it
but I can't ere how."
Cellars Kctlves Ordinance.
Councilman G.. B. Cellars has resur
rected a liquor license ordinance he In
troduced nearly a year sko thnt has
been pigeonholed.
"The ordinance, was prepared by ex-
City Attorney Kavanaugh and myself
about a year ago." said Sir. cellars last
night, "and hns nothing to do with the
Home Rule Association or the outcome
of the hint election. The ordinance wns
prepared to regulate the saloona bet
ter. It was turned down by the Council
once and presented attain In a modified
form. City Attorney Grant has approved
it and I have submitted It to Mayor Si
mon. There are now 14 ordinances gov
erning the sale of liquor and my ordi
nance repeals all of these and places
the, resulation of the liquor traffic under
one ordinance. The Mayor has approved
this policy of having one ordinance In
stead of 14 to cover the saloons. The or
dinance raises the license from ISOO to
Jiotiii. doe away with free lunch and
limita the number of saloons In the city
to the present number." '
Councilman Frank E. Watklns has also
prepared a liquor license ordinance.
Neither the Greater Oregon Home Rule
Association nor the Liquor Dealers' As
sociation has submitted or authorized
an ordinance governing the sale of liquor
In Portland or any other city In Ore
gon. The liquor dealers have virtually
loft the regulation of the liquor traffic
in the. hands of the Home Rule Associa
tion and the Home Rule Association will
take no action until a conference of the
advisory board this week and probably a
convention of the Mayors of the cities
of Oregon Is held to discuss the ques-tlon.
ooi itsoysi
You can have two years' music lessons free
Wouldn't you like to learn to play the piano? Yes? Well, you can take music lessons without costing your father or
mother anything if they buy a piano from Kohler & Chase. Tell your parents about this and show them this ad.
To the Mothers of Portland
Animals to Be Watched for Signs of
Dread Diseases Pasteur Tr'eat-
, ment Is Wanted.
State Veterinarian Lytle last night
brought two dogs and a pig that were
bitten by the same coyote that bit little
John Bosley. In Wallowa County last
week, to Portland to determine If the
animals have hydrophobia. The Bosley
boy. who was hurried to Portland im
mediately after the attack, was dis
charged from St. Vincents Hospital
yesterday. His wounds have healed,
but he will remain in Portland for two
months to await developments.
Since last Summer Dr. Calvin 8.
White, Secretary of the State Board of
Health, has been receiving communica
tions from Wallowa County and East
ern Oregon to the effect that the coy
otes had gone mad and that dogs and
pigs they had bitten exhibited symp
toms of hydrophobia. One letter told
of a gang of farm bands having been
attacked by a pig. As soon as the
animals showed symptoms of rabies
they were killed.
At noon on November 3. while school
children were playing In the yard, a
coyote came down the road close to the
schoolhouse. Knowing the shy dis
position of the coyote the teacher did
not object to the children chasing it.
The animal ran Into a farmyard, started
after several grown persons, snapped
two dogs and a pig. By this time one
of the men had gone for a gun and the
children were frightetned. Little John
Bosley was standing In the middle ot
the lane- The coyote made for him and
bit him through the cheek, tearing
three teeth out. and hit him over the
eye. badly lacerating the eyelids and
forehead. It then ran Into a field pur
sued by the men. The animal turned
on them, and within 100 feet of one
man. was shot and killed.
There Is no Pasteur treatment closer
than Washington, D. C. and It Is kept
by the Public Health and Marine Hos
pital Service. The boy has been
treated at the hospital but no Pasteur
serum will be sent until there Is a
pronounced case of rabies.
The animals Dr. Lytle has brought to
Portland will be watched, and If they
show symptoms of hydrophobia they
will be killed and serum taken from
their spinal cord will be Injected Into a
rabbit In this way the case w... be
developed. The brains of the animals
will also be examined.
Dr. White has arranged with the ,
Public Health and Marine Hospital j
at once. If the -animals have hydro
phobia. "The disease is an animal disease."
said Dr. White, "and the period of In
cubation is much shorter than In a
human being. It will take from two
weeks to 40 days to determine If the
dogs and pig have hydrophobia. That
will give us time to treat the Bosley
boy. The Pasteur treatment is pre
pared In Washing-ton and will be
shipped from day to day. if we need It."
On Great Northern Shore line express,
Portland to Puget Sound and Vancouver,
B. C. 11:30 P. M. daily, from Hoyt-treet
station. Eleventh and Hoyt streets.
Other trains leave 10 A. M. and 6 P. M.
Tickets, sleeping and parlor car reserva
tions, city ticket oflioe, 122 Third street
and at depot.
We are offering a course of one year's music lessons with the next 190 pianos
sold. There are 25 of the leading music teachers in Portland you can choose
from in taking these lessons. There are no strings to this offer. If you buy a
piano here, you get the lessons. We are agents for the Weber, the Fischer, the
Steck, the Kohler & Chase, the Wheelock, the Hoffman, the Kohler & Campbell
and the Weser pianos. With any one of these pianos .you get a year's lessohs.
You owe it to your children to give them
a musical education
One of the greatest pleasures in life is being able to play the piano. Yon have no right to deprive
your children of that pleasure in later life, especially when it costs you nothing to get the lessons. If you
are thinking of buying a piano now or in the future, you should come in and see our line. You can taka
these lessons with almost any music teacher in Portland. .........
Why we are doing this
We are the oldest piano house in the West and have been in business in California for sixty years. We
wish to make ourselves known in Oregon. When you buy a piano from Kohler & Chase you buy it from a
house that has for sixty years stood for honesty and square dealing. Ask any California and he will tell
you so. To make our square-deal-piano-methods known in Oregon, we offer these scholarships.
Founded 1850 Washington and West Park
Bowerman and West to Open
Development League Meet.
Work Is projrresslnr on a 60-mile under
rronnd tslesrmpb cable between Leeds and
Ptockton, England. When completed It will
make a chain of such cables extending from
LiODdoB to Newcastle-en-Tyn
Tentative Frojrxanm for Tliree
Day Session at Salem Announced
by Commercial Club.
Topics Are Told..
Jay Bowerman and Governor-elect
West will open tha annual meeting of
the Oregon Development League at
Salem. November 28. They appear on
the profrnunms for addresses following;
each other, and are the principal speak
ers for the opening day.
The committee in charge ot the pro
gramme arranged this feature to show
the world at largo that when It came
to boosting Oregon, political rivals were
In unison.
A tentative programme waa announced
yesterday by the Portland Commercial
Club. The programme which may be
changed slightly before the Development
League assembly convene is:
Monday, November 28.
Morning session. Called to order by
Thomas D. Kay. president Salem Board
of Trade. Address of welcome, George
F. Rodgers. Mayor of Salem. Vddress
by Theodore B. Wilcox, president of Ore
Bon Development League. Luncheon by
Salem Board of Trade. Informal talks
by visiting delegates.
Afternoon session. General subject,
"Organixatlon of Commercial Clubs." Ad
dresses by C. C. Chapmaa. secretary of
Oregon Development League; Rellly At
kinson, secretary of League of Southern
Idaho Commercial Clubs: J. E. Barnes,
secretary of Southwest Washington De
velopment Association: C. A. Malboeuf.
manager of Medford Commercial Club; J.
8. Van Winkle, secretary of Albany Com
mercial Club; A. 8. Ashley, secretary of
Baker Commercial Club; general discus
sion by delegates. Address by Jay
Bowerman, Acting Governor of Oregon;
address by Oswald West, Governor-elect
of Oregon. Appointment of oommittees.
Evening session. General subject.
"Commercial Club Methods." Addresses
by Francis Hope, chief of bureau of In
formation and exhibits of California De
velopment Board. San Francisco: R. J.
Maclean, secretary of Spokane Chamber
of Commerce; A. L. Sommers, secretary
of Tacoma Chamber of Commerce; C. B.
Tandell. secretary of Seattle Chamber of
Commerce; Tom Richardson, founder of
Oregon Development League.
Tuesday, November 2 9.
Morning session. General subject. ""Pa
cific Coast Publications." How to use
them for community and colonization ad
vertising and how communities can co
operate with them and obtain the ad
vantage of liberal publicity; discussion
of regular and special editions of month
ly, weekly and dally publications; how
local publishers and commercial clubs can
co-operate. Addresses by O. C. Lelter,
city editor of The Oregonlan; E. H.
Shepard, editor of Better Fruit; Fred
Ixckley. manager of the Pacific Monthly:
R. J. Hendricks, publisher of Salem
Statesman and Pacific Homestead; H.
O. Frohhach. secretary of Ashland Com
mercial Club; John E. Gratke. publisher
of Astoria Budget; William Blttle WeUs,
Northwest manager of Sunset Maga
xlne; E. Hofer, publisher of Salem Dally
Journal. General discussion.
Afternoon session. General subject,
"Eastern and National Publications."
How to use them profitably for commuity
advertising: which publications are the
best; large display advertisements: small
advertisements; classified advertise
ments; cost of inquiries and meth
ods of follow up. Addresses by F.
E. Morrison, secretary and advertis
ing director of Success Magazine.
New York City; Parke West, edi
tor country lands department, Chicago
Record-Herald; W. L. Crlasey. chief of
Inquiry bureau of Portland Commercial
Club; G. P. Schlosser, secretary of Rose
burg Commercial Club; A. F. Hofer,
secretary of Salem Board of Trade; D.
C. Freeman, manager of Eugene Com
mercial Club. General discussion.
Evening session. General subject
"Community Advertising by Railroads."
How communities can obtain benefit
from railroad colonization methods, ex
hibit work and exploitation. Addresses
by Howard Elliott, president of Northern
Pacific Railroad: P.. B. Miller, general
traffic manager of O. R- & N. Co.; S.
J. Ellison, general passenger agent of
Great Northern Railroad; William M.
Colvlg. president of Medford Commercial
Wednesday, November SO.
Morning session. Excursion in auto
mobiles, courtesy Salem Board of Trade;
visiting state institutions and farm and
orchard country near Salem. '
Afternoon session.-Gneral subject,
"Special Development Methods." Ad
dresses by C. S. Jackson, publisher Ore
gon Daily Journal. Portland; Charles H.
Carey, general counsel. Great Northern
Railroad: Miss Susie Bannard. president
of Women's Auxiliary, Medford: Fred
Muller, ex-secretary of New Orleans
Board of Trade; R. W. Raymond, man
ager of Industrial bureau, Portland Com
mercial Club; E. C. Giltner, secretary of
Portland Chamber of Commerce. Moving
pictures as advertising, discussed by, an
expert. Land shows, conference on Ore
gon's plans for representation at the
big land shows next year. Oregon day
at Chicago land show greetings by tele
graph. Reports of commltttees. Elec
tion of officers. Adjournment.
Evening. Banquet to visiting delegates
by Salem Board of Trade.
Trouble Breaks Out Behind Scenes
at Lyric Theater.
An eruption that has1 been smouldering
behind the scenes at the Lyric Theater
for some time broke out yesterday after
noon and by nightfall the following situa
tion was outlined:
En Dillon and Will King, comedians
with the Armstrong Musical Comedy
Company, gave the professional two
weeks' notice of their withdrawal from
the company.
Edward Armstrong, manager of the
Armstrong Musical Comedy Company,
was served with the professional notice
by Keating & Flood, proprietors of the
Lyric, to hunt another location.
Dillon and Kinjr were imemdiately re
tained by Keating & Flood as leading
comedians In a company they will at
once begin organizing to take the place
of the Armstrong Musical Comedy Com
pany. It has been known for several weeks
that things were not running smoothly
in the Armstrong Musical Comedy Com-
pany. The break yesterday, although
anticipated, was not expected so soon.
"Things have not been as pleasant aa
they might have been," said Dan Flood
last night. "Today Armstrong took
away part of the company, leaving us
only eight chorus girls. He also refused
to bill Dillon and King for this weok.
giving all the advertising to members of
the company ho took away. The only
solution of the problem that has been
confronting us was for us to run our
own show, end we are going to do it.
Armstrong's contract with us expired the
first of September."
Armstrong left with his company for
Vancouver, Wash., yesterday evening,
where his company gave iu first road
Coroner's Jury Returns) Verdict on
Death of Lineman.
After deliberating but seven minutes,
a Coroner's Jury which sat af the in
quest held over the body of Charles E.
Sutter, the young lineman who was
electrocuted while at work on a pole
near Fourteenth and Morrison street
Sunday, returned the following verdict
at 6:30.
"In the minds of this jury, the death
of Charles Edward Sutter was the di
rect result of carelessness and acci
dental oversight In the lowering of a
live wire by employes of the Portland
Railway, Light & Power Company."
The verdict was the sequence of the
testimony adduced' by almost a dozen
witnesses to the tragedy. The swift
rendition of the verdict by the Jury is
distinctive In the fact that it is the
first to bo reoorded In annals of the
morgue after so brief deliberation.
Throughout the inquisition, the aged
mother of the victim sat moaning and
several times gave way to her emo
Tickets will be sold to the National
Apple Show, Spokane, Wednesday, No
vember 16, at the low round trip of
$14.95. Will be good going and return
ing via O. K. & N. or going via
O. R. & N. and returning North Bank.
Call at our City Ticket Office. Third
and Washington streets.
The bearing o children is fre-'
quently followed by poor health
for the mother. This supreme
flf jT2 2 sl yf ca system unprepared for the
and sometimes chronic ailments. This can be avoided if Mother's
Friend is used before the coming of baby, and the healthy woman
can remain a healthy mother. It is the only remedy that perfectly
and thorouehlv crenares the system for healthy motherhood, and
brings about a natural and easy consummation of the term. Women
who use Mother's Friend recover quickly, and with no ill effects, or
chronic troubles. Every expectant mother should safeguard her
health by using Mother s Friend, tnus preparing ner pnysicai conai
tion for the hour of mother- 7 .7
hood. This medicine is for sale
at drug stores. Write for free
book for expectant mothers. m 9
Atlanta, Ca.
be Spv
ASCHOOLHOUSE without a telephone
would seem strangely isolated in these
days of constant communication. Parents know
that the school is always within call and this knowledga
gives them a sense of security and comfort.
The Bell Telephone carries the same confidence into
all the relations of life. Your friends are brought within
reach of your voice by the universal service of the Bell
System. v
One great advantage of the Bell Telephone isita readi
ness to serve your sudden and unexpected needs.
The Pacific Telephone
& Telegraph Co.
Every Bell Telephone 1 the Center
oC tber System.
Says It Is Needless to Expect
Any Relief From Quinine,
as It Is Never Ef
fective. .
There Is not one grain of quinine In
fape's Cold Compound, which, when
taken every two hours, until three
consecutive doses are taken, will sure
ly end the grippe and break up the
most eevere cold, either In the bead,
chest, back, stomach or limbs.
It promptly relieve the most mis
erable neurals-a pains, headache, dull
ness, head and nose stuffed up, fever
lshness. sneeslne;. ore throat, running
of the boss, catarrhal affections, sore
ness. Btlffneaa and rheumatic twinges.
Fape's Cold Compound is the result
of three years research at a cost of
mere than fifty thousand dollars, and
contains no quinine, which we have
conclusively demonstrated la not ef
fective In the treatment of colds or
Take this harmless Compound as
directed, with the knowledge that
there Is no other medicine made any
where else In the world which will
cure your cold or end Grippe misery
as promptly and without any other
assistance or bad after effects as a 26
eent package of Pape's Cold Com
pound, which any druggist In the world
can. supply.
It would be hard
work to get a home
keeper to use an
other coal after she
has tried M e n d o t a.
In her first trial of
Mendota she experi
ences a satisfac tion
that makes her confi
dent that Mendota is
the best in Its field she
always wants the best.
We Have Just Received
Our Holiday Stock of
Bells and Buzzers
it Will Pay You to Look
Over Our Line
Phoned Main 10IH1, A 16.
. -a T-T - '-'3
4 vv i PX--$
r'carxx, r'ope-.iarcrord, Caalmerjt nuawa,
tiramm Jomxiercia VeoiCio