Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 16, 1910, Page 19, Image 19

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    1G, 1910. 19
- c-
Thanksgiving Market Probably
26 Cents Wholesale.
As I'sanl Thrj Withhold Informa
tloa a to the Extent of Thrlr
hhlprnrnts Srattlo Bayers
Vlmj Walling Game.
On'y on fair-nlspd lot of drad turke
rchd Front itmt ytertjy and thy
vr cl&2id vp tn short order at 2-" cnta.
fttraj Wrmnt will t cominf alone for
ih nut fw day and by Saturdar and
Sunday tha market will opo In Mincit.
Tb opinion provlaJ on tco street that
thm TnanasirlTlna; wholes! market will be
about 24 cent. A few look for a ?3-cnt
market. h!It morum believ th pries will
f as hlrh as SO ceats, as it did last Christ
ssaa. Tno general Idea, howtrer, Is that tha
talk of Ci boslnass will be doot around 2tf
coata. This will mean a JOcent market at
rotail. vblob acrecst wlta the Idea of most
of the retail arm.
ffhlppar are still withholding- Information
as to tha aatrnt of their sMpmsnts aad will
sell only on the bawls of next week's market.
On or two of the largir Feattlo buyers
wero oa the market yesterday, but most
of tns Northern dealer ar holding ba:k,
claims they bar, pltnt y of turkeys In
sichC They made the same artlon Iat
year, bet a tew days prior to T hank iT too
ther becaa send tns: tn their orders and
cleaned mp thm local market bars. Should
tXyy buy as heavily this yr. ths Front-
street price may go over 24 cents.
Ther were Kbral rece;jts of IIto poultry
jasterday and with a keen demand prtres
wero firm thrmhoi.t the list.
fireifn Show More IHpoHoa to Meet
Bsxi ers lew.
Ther was some Inqtilrr yesterday for
wheat price from farmers who a few davs
before would not consider oiT ;-. In rn
vrai. howerer. there was but little disposition
to se-IL Tb market throughout waji firm.
There was a fair draud from California
and sncnt export Inquiry for club and a fw
millers were Inquiring for bluestem.
.Local receipts, in cars, wero reported by
tb Merchants Exchanges as follows:
W heat Har ley Flour Onts Uay
Monday 104 10 0 19
Toemiay 74 4 t 5
Year airo '- 1 3
fieaaott to dat.4i 23.! tW JSS 131
Y ear ao " 7 7 .1 .4 RC tl 1 a 7 5
Foreign crop condition are mnimarlzvd
rjr ths Liverpool Corn Trade Jsews as xoi
United Klnflom. The mndition of the
new seeding Is tair. TFiere -ire ivnewea
complaints rerd In thr-;.lna result.
France. Rain are delay in r the seelns;
of the new crop. Nfttlte- h ." ere dUtn
rllaM to eompe: with fir..m :..t-ra. Th
stocks of lorejrn wheat are tars-.
Orrnanv. T n-re re roir.painr b!nir re
ceived of dry weather tnl rrrtnln. Supplies
of native wheat are intreamns.
IttUy and Asia Minor. Crop conditions ar
Houmanla. Th arrenre sown to wheat
this Fall will b eonslrturaMv smaller than
last year. Arrivals from the interior are
Kussla. The outlook for the new-sown
wheat Is favorable. Arrivals at the pons
ar larger. Th weather of the south went
Is mild.
North Africa. There aro complaints of
the wraather being too dry.
India. Th crop outlook Is Try favor
able. Australia. There have been further .rood
rains and th outl-wk Is znu'h Unproved.
Arrnrfna- A. prlvat advic states that
the weather I now rn. nfter cvfJ raina.
ad the cr"p look well, "lb wheat outlook
1 Improving.
Hungary. The outlook for th nw-owit
wheal la Improving.
WUA Kalaiwe! Territory. Radical Rwrs;
Uattoa May Follow.
Ktala. t he .word whl h marks the stand
ard snd dictates th price of butter through
out the country from tk Atlantic to th I'a
cifle. Is threatened with elimination from th
vocabulary of the butter market. This dis
carding Of a nam, w blrh through years
of constant use bad bet-ome a standard term,
ta on of the incidents of the evolution of
th dairy Industry.
In otoer words, there is little or no genu
ine Elgin butter the days because tb
greater portion of tb milk In th Elfin
batter district la required to supply th
Chicago msrket. Recognising- the new
conditions th members of the Klxta Better
pnard ar rewriting Us rules and bylaws
aad enlarging th district so as to include
all of Wisconsin, part of Minnesota and
part of Iowa. The present Klglo dutrkl
Include gl of Illinois, a few counl In
flout he ra Wisconsin and taw countf In
ttccaus Chicago draws practlexlly all th
milk from tb present Elgin dtturlct, th
board Is forced to tak In additional terri
tory. This will mean an entire reorganisa
tion of ths Butter Board with all th croam
rta of Wisconsin and Minnesota which car
to Join th board bavtng a voire tn fixing
th standards aad quoting prices.
It also moans that with th Wisconsin
creameries la ths majority th butter board
may b moved from Elgin to som Wis
consin city.
N Trading; Reported i This ritateLoa).
ss Market Dull.
Bo trading was reported in th Oregon
bop market yesterday, but a llttl business
was don by local dealers in Washington.
McN'eff Bros, bought 271 bales of Taklmas
at 12 cent and Klaber. Wolf V Net tar paid
th sas prio for th Tom Long lm of 90
balsa at Ch eh alia, and Judg Powrg crop
of ISO baica. at La Conner.
Tb slacknsas of things In this stato has
glva th market a weak appearance. 8r
aral of the larger growers ta th Inde
peadesc section bav offered their hop oa
tho markec
A cable received from London yesterday
was as follows: "Election ,approarhlng and
market duIL with downward tendency.'
t egvHable From Low Angeice,
A car of cauliflower and bead lettuce ar
rived from Los Angeles yesterday. Th for.
mr was la poor condition and waa quoted
at 12.21 per crat. Th 2ettttc was good
aad sold at 65 cent a doaon. A fair asorfr
meat of vegetables arrived by steamer. Fruit
decetpts were light.
After a aerie of declines, tb linseed oil
B ark it ha again taka an upward turn.
Aa ad vane of g cents was announced yes
terday. Th new quotations ar as follows:
Raw la barrels $1.07. la cases $1.12; boiled
In barrels $1.09. ta cans $1.14.
Bak Clmlan.
Bank ct.arlavs of th. Norl h ruttra cltia.
nttrdtt wr. u follow.:
Pnftlud l J'7.IH
F.att.. xnji.imj li2.oi'
Taroma (-- .V.T A0.441
Ipokaa. J.V
Crate, noar. Ftrf. El a
WHEAT TracJr prlr.: Bluton. To;
rlut. :,c. rJ Jtmalan. ?4c; Valivr. Tc;
tu f.itrt. "tc.
ka a.r. rra jo so o ;i vvt ton.
HILUrirtH Bran, tii pr Ion; mid
Htca aborta, J7; rslte4 kariay. 114
r-Of Fatrata. Ills er barral;
rlraiabia, MIKItW; i porta, ta M: Vaiiaj.
II ; rah am. t-IO; wbola wheat, quar
kn S.
HAY Track ptiraa: Ttmothr. wniam.tta
Vall'T. 102O par ton: B.tre Ore go a.
aUaita. saw. lJ01. crala hay,
CORN Whola. 1 : rrark.d. Ml par taa.
OATS Wblta. -(f2H per ton.
Talr7 and Country Produce.
POULTRY Hena, 17c; prlnia. lr.l'lc;
durka, white. lac: art-ene. 11c; tur-k-ya.
Uv 10 !;:; dreased. 2Sg:c; squaba,
12 pr dozen.
E (iiJS orpfoo ranch, candled. O042Hc:
Kaatern. Aprua. louila par doxan; aat
arn freah. 14 a 27 a per doaen.
btllE.t vlll crea.-nary. .olid pack.
IV par pound; prtnta. 3? OCT Ho par pound;
outalda creamery. SSttf&ic per pound, butter
tat. 3. per pound; country atura butter.
J-ftrS'-o rr pound.
CHEESE Full cream, twine. 1T917H0
per pound; young America. lllSc
POKK Fancy, l:wl2c.
VEAL Fancy, i to Hi pounda, II O
lie per pound.
Tesetablee and nmlta.
APPLFS Kirn. 40 a Tic p-r box: Wolf
River. TOctfJl; waxen. !Sc0ll2S; haldwln.
7ictll1.2.. Northern 8py, 7.911.20; rinow.
II :3u l.j'i; i-piii' nberg. 1.U02; Winter
llanar.a. 1 1.7.1 v
BACK VEUKTaHLES Carrota 191.23
hndr.d; paranlt) elt126.- turnlpa, tU
OitEtN KKI'IVS feara. Ii.:-tl2 per bo;
xraca. Sl.r.wl.Jv per box; crn
lerricn. per barrel; qulncre.
llul-.' bcr bis: buckleberrlea. OfcfSc;
per pound, prrmmmoni. II per box.
VE'JETAHl.KS It.aue. lu'u 11c per pound;
Cabbage, J 1c per pound; raullllower.
Cailfurnia. :.: per crate; celery. iutllOo
per dux.; corn, 2eC per dot,; cucuinbera, X
per bcx. efct'ani. pet x.rl:c.
10 Uc per lb.; zreeu onlor.s. l,o per dox.;
peppera. c per lu.; pumpklna ltolkO Pr
1., radletiee. Jtfo per dusen; eprouta,
7 01c; )ua-h, lltaa per lb.; tomatoea,
$L-i per box.
TKOl'ICAL, FRl'ITS Orangea. naeelx,
$X2i per box; Valencia. U S') J ':
lemona, 4ti i.uo; Florida grapefruit. Iw &.&);
beneuaa. ic per pound, ptneapplea. oo per
pound ; pomccranat.a l per box.
I'OTATl'Ld Urecun. per hun
dred ; aweet potatoea, 2 So per pound.
OMu.Ne Oregon. buuig prloe. ii-l t.
Greeerlra, I tried Frolla, Eta.
DRIED rKLlT Applaa, 1UO per pon4s
ear rente. 14 to 11c: arlcota, 11014C: datea,
7c per pound, rtx. butk, wmta or black, by
ack. 7c; tla. I l.u L7S; 12-12a Sftas -lm,
IJ.go. lu-la. bvo; Smyrna. 18c.
feALHuN Columbia Keer, 1-pound tall.
$X1U per dojea; 2-pound talla eM; 1
pound liata. -2J; Aluu pink. 1-pound
iiia, II; red. l-puund taita. aocaajra,
1-pound talla. $2.
tuH'tt Uuchi. :4 3 2S Java, ordinary,
17 Hoc; Coeta Ktca, fancy.'uc; good.
101- ; ordinary. llkellM per l-eund.
JwUTd W eiimia. li.lsc per pound. Bra
xtl nuts, 14uljc. filberta, 14 o lie; almonda
ldu lac, pecaite. life: cocoanuta. tfOcylA par
doxca, cneatuuta, 2a pur pound.
fcALT Uranuiated. HO per ton; half
ground, looa a jo per ton; bus. Irf per too.
UWAN Bmall wnlta. ic; large wblta,
4fec; l.luia. ttoc; piua. Tma; red Meiwena
1 ie c ; bajrou. tc
KlCt No. 1 Japan. 4e; cheaper grade.,
3.M4.M; Southern beau. 5a7a.
UUNfeY Cnolc. J ' Pr caaa; strained,
ftoo Per pound.
alTOAR lry granulated, fruit and berry.
rt,.- 1 4U. extra C. I. 10: xolden C,
IS; yellow L.. 4.1o: cub., (barrel.. $6 20;
powdered. I4.4A. Term, on remittance, with
in 10 amy a. deduct Ho per pound. If later
than 14 and within xo dara oeuuet wc per
pound. Maple augar. IBwlSo per pound.
MAJ.S lO lO rJ T--i'
POUl.Ua. 13 SC; 14 to . (Wunui.
18 to 20. i;i!7Sc: aktnned. lc; plcnica.
IdSc, cottage rnlU 15c.
HAt a. r ancy. o.c; ataouMu,
choice, 1'dtoc; i-ngllih. 22a.
fUuKt,U 1IKA13 Ueef tongnea, 71c:
jmA . . -. mit.ld.K. nan,: In-
idfc :jc, kuuckla tio.
dry aalt. liSc: amoked, 17c: barka. light,
aalt, I'-Sc: ..nok-.l. lie; baika, beavy, aalt.
ItiVic: imultfd, lc.
ibn i.i. l ... 1 1 . Mn.nul 1IUi' atnnfl.
rd pure, lotac: choice. 14WC, eliorteuing.
A- c.
LIXSKF1D OIL, Pure raw In barrel. 11.07:
keltie t.oiud, tn barrel., 91. uu; raw. In rasoe.
LI J. kettle boiled. In Casea, SI. 14. Lota of
m 0 eail. tia. 1 crul per gallon.
TL KFLNTING In caeca. SI; In wood
barrels. I.'4c
BENZINE; Cnlon benxln. In Iron drumi
or barreia Hue: anion, bensln. In c.xea
I-5a .jMc; ut.loa .tot. dlitillat. In Iran
druroa. 7c
COAL, OIL Pearl oil In caaea. 18c: head
light. In caaea. lwc; eocene. In caeca. 2le;
Elaine. In caeea. sc; extra alar, la caaea
21c; water wLlte. Iron barrels, lufcc; head
light. Iron barreia. 12toc; .pecial W. wmta,
Iron barrels. 14c.
Hope. Wool. Illdra.
HOPS IWiu crop. 129 13 4c; iwu crop. 6c;
WOOL, Kietern Oregon. 13 017. pound;
Vally. 171tic per pounil.
altiliAlrl :nolee. jumsc per pouno.
CAM'.tKA HAKii 4toc pr pound.
HILiK Salted Mlea. be PT pound;
aalttnl calf. 14c; aalted kip. He; salted stage.
tc; green hidfa. lc less, dry htd'-a. lttov
17c: dry calf. 17trlc: dry stags. 118 1-.
PKI.TS lry. lowc: salted, butchers.
take-off. 4O70c; Spring laiuba S3J4oc.
3larkft Now Is Firm at SO Ceitla.
Alaska Buolncea It Out
of the Way.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Nor. It (ipeeisj.
Xot. lthstandina Lhat mora than three ton.
of turkea wer. ahlpped to Seattle from
Oregon to All known order, for only a lu
ll' more tetan a ton, dealers had no dlffl
runy In cleaning up all the extra turkeys
t?iat arrived at full prlcea. Several large
Alaeka orders came in at tn. iai moment.
Itn the Northern buelneas out of the war
dalera are endeavoring to size up th.
Tliankartvlng trade. So far practically no
contracting has been d'ne 1t local hutchftra.
ilut dreeaed stock Sol-l at 10 cents.
Seattle deaiera dec.are I'ortland -nonae.
are going direct to termer. In the Wll-
amette alley in oraer to get turxeys ana
bat this course baa caused growers to bold
for an advance.
Wheat and barley wer. stronger toaay.
Plueatem waa quoted a half cm higher at
7l. cents, but small lota could be ob
tained at that price. Barley was quoted
ft cjts higher at 120. 0, tiie hlgheat quo-
atlon noted in mora man two weens, xi ay
Mi wenk.
Th. first Ohio chestnuts of th. season mr-
Narei oran res ax. not moving very orixg-
It. Thar, was a good outside demand for
California grape, at last week's prices. A
freen supply of ew inn concord grapes
has reached the street. Malaga grapes move
alowly. Hood tomatoes were scare but In
good demand at out aide prices.
Tha demand tor grapclrult nas improved
materially during tb. paat tan daia.
Prlcea raid fee Prod oca la the Bay City
8A! FRANCISCO. Not. IS. Th. follow
ing prlcea wer. current In the produce mar
ket today:
Butter Fancy creamery, SHc
Cheese Young America, liv-grlfte.
Kxgs Rtore. A3c: fancy ranch. 6 5c
egetablea -Cucumbera 0O373c: garltc
3Hita: green peaa. I7c: string beaxa. 19
ta; tocnatoea tin etc; eggplant. I0tft&c
Hay Wheat. 1JJ1I; wheat and oats. I
11.10; alfalfa. 701S.
Fotatoea uregoa nuroanita, ll.euvt.w;
Pallnas liurbanks. ll &iwl.OO; awe.ta. 12 0
Onions ssctfxi.
Fruits Aoniea. cholc. itc: common. 40e:
Mexican limn, letfi; lemons, choice. $4;
lemona common, $!; pineapples. 11.7.0
r5; naeel orangeex : ft 3.
MllUtuCut Bran. Cluit: middling, fit
Reealnta Flour. B?T? onarter sacks:
wheat. 16 centals: barley. K4.00I centals;
oata, ltS centals: potatoes. 6105 sacks;
bran, t sacks: miaaiinga, 14 aacaa; nay,
tit tons.
Co4Ta and Sugar.
NEW YORK. Nor. 1$. "offe. future.
closed easy at a net advanr. of ecyll points.
Sales. 13. 50 baira Novsmber. 9 De
cember. 9 lc: January. 9 ole; February.
tic: March. 9.71c: April. 72c: May. Jun.
and July. 9.12a; Auguet, 9.10c; September,
re: octotver. 9.710.
Fpot ooffe. firm. No. 7, ISo: Santo. No.
Had. Mild osSm firm. Cordova. 11 a
(lugar Firm. Muacovado. II teart I.40e:
rentnf ural. 94 teet, 1.90c; molaisss. 69
teat. Refined smgar quiet.
IHilath Flu Market.
prLUTJt, Not. 15. Flax on track.
12 72V.: to arrive. 97 ga: November X2 7.U.
asked; December, tied a May. tiik
Steady Tone in Other Lines of
Scarcity of Prime Steers Turns the
Buyers to Butcher Stnff.
fntton Material Holds
Its Own.
There was a moderate offering of live
stock on tha market yesterday and an
actlv. demand cleaned up tb. supply. Prices
showed no material change throughout th.
Th. hoc market continues weak and fluc
tuating. A single sal. waa reported yes
terday at .
ftheep war. eteady to Arm and lambs sold
well wnen th. right quality was at band.
A number of goau were disposed of at
Cattle sale. wer. within th. rang, of
price, that bav. prevailed for some time
past. Of th. cattle situation tb. Live
stock Reporter says: "In all tb. but cattle
run In tha paat week there was not a sln
gl. load of prima finished steers. Th. sit
uation In th. cattle market as far as sup
ply of good steers Is concerned Is anything
but encouraging to tha buyers. They ar.
on th. lookout .very morning for som. first
class order-fillers, but find only fair to me
dium beeves In th. pens. Butcher cattle
have boen furnishing tha killers with beef,
but even though th. quality baa been very
good on the average, butchera do not tak.
the plac. of fat steers for the high-class
Receipts yesterday wer. 202 cattle, 03
calves. 0M sheep, 2C4 bogs and 8.10 goats.
. Shippers of th. stock wer. Fred Mateer,
ff Condon, two cars of cattle and calves;
J. E. Reynolds, of Condon, two cars of cat
tle and calves: A. R. Ford, of McMlnnvllle,
oat car of begs; Hugh Csmmlngs, of Hal
s:y. one csr of sheep and two of goats; L.
lay-Edwards, of Drain, on. car of hogs; E.
O. 1 cung A Co., of Oakland, on. car of
hogs: Kd Knorr, of Grangevtlla, on. cur
of cattlo: F. O. Stark, of Huntington, one
car of cattle; E. T. lxgan, of Huntington,
one car of cattle; O. W. Logan, of Hunting
ton, one cu of rattle, and William Shep
herd, who drove In 70S sheep.
Th. dai's sale. wer. as follows: -
Welrht. Price.
1 steer lti-'il 4.L'5
4 steers 1010 4.75
3 cons D43 4.00
20 cows , 1'-1 4. SO
i7 hoKS I'll 9.00
1 st.-,r 1:110 d.on
2 eti-wrs l-tO 4.C0
17 Steers llo4 0.OO
4 cows 1"7 4.f.0
1 stag 1310 3 50
2.-..-. go;il 100 if.oO
75 goats K.I -I'O
15 liimlis 5.35
CJ e-cs lo 3.50
1 l Anbs 5 4.00
7 si. us 12U.I 5 15
1 steer 1MII 500
.-, heifers .J 0 4. 50
1 COW IOOO 4. (0
15 cows ;" 4.40
11 steers 10-JH 4.75
2 steers ...................... 1H'5 4.25
111 st.ers 1114 6.10
2 steers 10'tO 4.50
4 cows 85 C0
1 bull 1550 3.10
2 steers HS5 4.50
25 steers 114i 5.10
V c. lives 4.10 4.50
3 cslves 40O 4.00
4 elves loO 5.50
i:t calves 1K4 7.IMI
calves ..... i;s r,.o
24 calves 21 -)
27 calves 21 H 4.75
1 calf 720
1 bull ......1370 S.2.1
1 bull I-'IHJ 3.O0
10 cows A 'Jt 3-J5 .
J S cows "72 3.75
24 stoers 1105 O.KO
25 steers -.1154 8.35
1 cow ......-.. IOiO 4.7.
1 StHg 1240 4 2.,
1 bull 10' -7i
Prices current on th. varloua clssjes of
stock at tha Portland Vnlon stockyards w.r.
aa follows:
Feef steers, good to choice. .. .$.V251 8.65
Beef steers, fair to medium. ... 4.5ot 8.00
Cholc. spnyed heifers 4 759 6.00
Good to choice beef cows 4.!W'( 4.7S
Medium to good beef cows 8.60'l 4 00
Common b.ef cows 2.00f 8 50
Bulls 3.50W 4.00
Stags, good to cholc. 4.01 4 SO
Caives. light 7.0O 7.&0
Calves, heavy 4. one 5.25
Hog., top I' 25 if 9.50
Hogs, fair to medium O.Ooy K.25
Shep, best Valley wethers 3 25W J-60
Sheep, fair to good wethers..... 8.00W 4.25
Sheep, best yearling wethers.... 4.259 4-75
Sheep, best valley ewva 8.SOW 4.00
Lambs, cholc. mountain. ..... .. 0.10-v
Lambs, cholc. Valley 4.75 it 0 0J
Kaatern Livestock Slarkets.
CHICACIO. Nov. IS. Cattle Receipts.' es
timated. 12.00O: msrket, weak to shade low
er. Beeves. 14.40 u 7.35; Texua steera, 84.10'ti
5 40; Western steers, 84.10so.70: stockers
aud feeders, 13.30 OJ.0O; cows and heifers,
12 20d.25; calves, 17. 50 10.10.
Hogs Ueceipts, estimated. 2n.00O; market.
10c t(l iso off. Llcht. 7.257.75: mixed.
87.407.b5: heavy., rough. t7 SO
tf7.4: good to choice heavy, 87.45A 7.m;
piira $7el7.700: bulk of sales. 17.55 il 7.75.
Sheep Kecelpts, estimated 35.0OO; market
weak to loc off. Natlvo Xi. 25 if 4 20; West
ern. 9,2.5034.20; yearllugs. 84.20fiJ.35;
lambs, native. 84.50.0; Western, (4.75
Fail to Influence the Remainder of
the Market Money Position
Is Easier.
NEW TORK. Nov. IB. It rnrll7
bAllered thmt th resources mbarlcd In th
lJLrm;at of today's transactions on ths stock
exchange were found In I'trii. Yesterday's
rumors that tha llstinir of Union atacl!lo In
Paris was near to accomplishment were deemed.-
but tha speculation still centered
nvffT In that stock and In United States
Ths manner of execution of orders tn
Union racil.0 was th subject of criticism
araonf brokers, owlns; to Us appearancs of
manipulation, Tha blub, opsnlnff price was
not exceeded and th subsequent sas; In
th stock and nnresponalYenes of th ran
eral list to tha advanclnr tendency aroused
distrust which prompted sell Ids'- Th thre
leader wer bid up attain In th final deal
Infra In face of th con tinned lndifferenc
of th list. k
The poor earnings reported yesterday by
th Great Northern for October caused that
stork to be undr pressure and It d pa red
other tranncontinenta.. railways down. Cana
dian PaclAc suffered from the disappoint
ment of apecuiatlv hope of aa extra dis
bursement. Th money position showed erldeiK tm
pro Yemen t and supplied th most substan
tial basis for higher price of stocks. Tb
tvauanee of th Controller's call on th
National banks seemed to release funds
which liHtl been held back, apparently In
preparation for the report of conditions.
The Bank of England was enriched by the
receipts of $6,00.000 rold from Braxll, but
without effect on th .London discount rate,
which held eteady.
ponds were easy. Total saJes. par value,
t: oftvttOO. United 8tate A registered de
clined 14 par 00 1 on caiL
Salsa. High. Lew. Bid.
A tils Chal pf .",3
Amal Copper 12, OA T0i 6H 70 4
Am Agrlcult ... 200 44
Am H-t turar., Roo SHVi SN
American Can... Sr0 ' 10 t
Am Cm a t-'-ly 2.(mh b MS
Am Cotton Oil. l.iHM) 64'- H3
Am lid Lt pf 2u0 22 a 2 -2
Am lr fecuii isi-f.
Aa Unseed ... 1.400 IS 1214 12
Am Iocomotive 89
Am fcmel A Ret 1.4O0 "I 81 M Vi
Jo pretcrred.. IH0 J04 lOfi'i 106
Am Eteel Fdy.. 2.SO0 48hi 0 47
Am Sugar Ref 317S
Am Tel Tel.. 3.500 HWi 141 Ti 141
Am Tobacco A4Vi
Am Woolen ... 000 8514 S41 8'
Anaconda M Co 41 4
Atchison 2.500 103 H 1034, 103 a
do preferred.: 3'0 101 ', 101 11
Atl Coast Line. 1.4O0 I'.'O 110 11
Bait ft Ohio ... 2"0 108 107 107
Bethlehem Steel SOO SSH HS'i 32 4
Ilrook R Tran. 1.4'M 77S 77 77.
Canadian Pad.. 1.100 108H 1P8V
Central Leather too 85 4, 34-, 844
do preferred.. 8O0 lOo 10ft 1051.
Central of N J. 42
Chi Gt West... 200 23 23 2S14
do preferrud 47
Chicago N W 0 147H 14TH 14
CMarStP... 6.1O0 la4ta 11 l-"4
C, C. C t 81 L t5
Col Kuel A Iron lOO 34', 34W. SJU
Col Southern. Soo 'S 0014
Consol Gas 2.HOO 137 138H 137
Corn Products. 300 16 10?, 16
Del 41 Hudson.. 2oO 14 1H lfi
D R Grande. 100 82 82 32-4
do preferred. . ..... 73 '-4
Distillers- Secur 100 8 83 RJt,
Erl. 80 25i iT
do 1st pf I.") 48 "4 48 48',
do 2d pf 4" 37 ; 3ni 3tf
Gen Electric .. 2,,o 153 15S 15:1 'i
Gt Northern pf. 4.0" 1254 l-'3-, 11'4',
Gt North Ore.. 500 001, tW'i no
Illinois Central 13314
Interbor Met .. 1.S00 21 '4 21 jfl
do prufeired.. 3.S.NI 5, ... 5. '4
Inter Harvester' 2.0.' 115 113 US'
Inter Marine pf 1"0 ! 1" 1
lot Paper 600 13 13 13
Int Pump 421,
Jowa Central .. 200 21', 21 i 21
K C Pouthern.. 1.4') 83, 33 33S
do preefrred.. 20O t"i '
Ijtclexi. Gas .. 8"0 105 '4 J0.1 lo.i
I.ouls Nash.. 400 146 148 145
Minn ( Et L .51.,
M. 8 P S S M lOO 18 1S6S 135
Mo. Kan ar Tea 100 B3 83 34
ds preferred. JO
Mo Tactile 700 Bl 60H sntt.
Nat Biscuit ... 800 111 lWtt 1011
Nut Laud 00 B!'4 58
Met N Hr 2 Pf 2.2'K) 37 v, si .'
N Y Ceneral ... lO.'.'OO 114 113 134
xr v " 1 a. KWl a? a S3 43
Norfolk at We. S00 W 99 PS
North American 40 54 C54 65 4
Northern Pao.. 8.60O 116 1151, 11j
v-irto Mn 400 0V 804 SO
Pennsylvania .. 2.0O0 130 120S 129
peoples uas ivo-m "-n
r, c c t si l '
I-lttsburs; Coal. POO 21 2n 21 a
Pressed S Car. 200 S3 Is 38 ."3
Pull Pal Car 10j
Ky 8 Hprlng
Readlns; 89.2O0 153 152 1M
Republic Steel.. boo ;(.
do preferred.. H'O f. "''a ?" r
Roik Islnnd ... 8.W 31: Si
do Preferred. . 100 Co Bo t
Ft H S F 2 pi 411 la
St I. Southwest 20
do preferred. - o.
Slots ShefTleld . BOO 62 51 ftl
Southern Pae .. 15.1O0 118 138 118
Southern Ky .. 1.4.KI 2S 2.H 2. '4
do pr.-ferred. . if'O oe 27
Tenn Copper .. 600 87 4 K B7
Tet A Pacific. . 2oO 27a 20 2il
Tol. St I. A Wes nrtO 25 24 S '
do prefeiTed.. 40 5b 5S .2i
Cnlon Pacific... 91.U00 17S 176 1.7
do nrcferred.. 100 2 82-4 ??
TJ S Realty
V S Rubber ... 200 86 So 85
C 8 Ftccl ...... 113,100 1 '
do preferred. . jh-x ZX
rtah Copper ... 1.40O 501, -4W'
V-Caro Chem.. 2.1h)0 2' U 6
Wabash 4IHI 1 1 '"t I'.Tf
do preferred. . J.l'Hl ai oo-, -,
Western Md .. 3'Ml 46 n 4'i-
Weetlna; Kloc . 4'M 71 il J
Western Union. UOO 7214 71 71
Wheel 4V Li K s'
Total sale, for th. nay, 40S.TW snarea.
vtw -rrvHtr wv. 15. Closlne" nnotatlons:
U. S. ref 2s reg.l(XV. Y- C. gn 8s 8B
do coupon ...100 No. pacific Ss... 71
U. S. 8. re? 101 No. pacific 4.. . loo
do coupon ...lillalimon r.u' "';
. s. new 4s reg.115 IWia Central 4s.2B
do counon .. .115V4 Japanes. 4s ... SS1.B
D. t B. G. 4S. . . 4U
Condition of the Treasury.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 15. At tha begin
ilns; of business today the condition of the
Working balanc. In Treasury rf-
nct;1 $28,611,565
In banks and Philippine Treasury 34.093.808
wa i w- i.. . t r. trior 1 fund ... bJ.4?S.74U
Ordinary receipts yesterday 7.3.8
Or.llnary disbursements . . .. 2.413,8111
The deficit to date for this fiscal year
Is 1.741.S57. as airolnst 26.43..84 thla
time last year. '
ma tanni anu puuuu uww. . .
Money, Exchange. Etc.
NEW YORK, Nov. 15. Money on call,
asy 3 S3'- PT cent; ruling rate. 3 per
ent; closing bid, 3 per cent; offered at 8
"Tim. 'loans easier but dull; OO days. 8
er cent; ttO duye. 44;4 per cent; six
lonths. 4 ,?! per cent.
Prime mercantile paper. 54fl per cent.
Sterllna exenanae qiiui " .
esa in bankers- bills at 84.8150f 4.8170 for
i-dav dims anu nv .)-.".
Coiinerclal bills. 4.80 64.8114.
liar silver, Btic.
LiONDOX, Nov. 15. Bar silver Steady.
lS;d per ouure.
Money 4r6 per cent.
. .ii.nA,,,.t in the onen mar
ket for short bills Is 4 04 per cent:
thra. months- bills, 44 -l per cnt.
niT i n r vnv. 1.. Kxchana. on New
Tork. 6 Pr cent premium.
. . v- en ivnsrn. Nov. IS. fjrerllng, 10
days,' -81: sight. 14.86.
Stocks at Boston.
BOSTON. Nov. 15. Closing quotations:
Allouex 44 Mohawk J
Aroalg. Copper.. 70 Nevada Con. ... JOJa
A 7, U A Stn.. 30 Nlplsslng Mines.. 10
Arizona Com. .. 17'Sorth Botta..... 85
tlantlo 7 North Lake 8
BiCcttV. 16;01d Dominion... 141 H
....... rn.lltlnn ?n Otciola 1.10
rnl. Ariaona. 50 IParrott (8. A C-) im
CaL Hecla...BR0 yulncy 1j
Centennial islf;liannon 131.
Cop. Ran. C. C O. 71 l-upertor . .. e:.-,
E. Butte CP- M. 12'4ISup A Bos Mln.. 7
Franklin 11'Sup A Plus Cop. 14
Glroux Con 7!Tamarack
Granby Con. ... 44'i'U. S. S. R. M. 87
Oreen. Cananea. 7 do preferred .. 4Tit
I. Royal. (Cop.) 20 Utah Con. 24 14
Kefr Lake 7lftah Copper Ca 4'i
Lak. Copper 88Wlnona
La Salle Copper 7Wolverin. 1-6
M lasil Copper. . . 10 i
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. Nov. 15. Standard copper
steady. Spot and November. 12.504M&o-:
December. 12.55 12.15c ; January. J20
12.70C-; February. l'-.S H 1 2.S0c; March.
1 70& 12.90e. London steady. Spot, 57
16s Rd- futores. 58 15c. Arrivals reported
at New York today. 195 tone. Custom-House
returns show exports so far this month of
11 403 tons. Lake copper. 13& 1 J.2..C; elec
trolMle. 12.871,013c; casting laSOtpH.c.
Tin firm: spot. 86.S5tfT.75c; November,
86.8.-.e3rt.0i)c: December. January and Fob
vunrt 3H 25 -?r1t HTW'. Swle we-e ri-prted of
Visitors to
Portland nev
er fail to 0
away enthu
siastic believ
ers in
First National Bant
Capital $1,500,000
. Surplus 750,000
Oldest National Bank West of tha
Rocky Mountains
r . 1
i At the close of business November 10th, 1910.
Lfoans and Discounts .,...,....,...$2,211,091.85
Overdrafts t 2,623.64
U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 2a0,000.00
Other bonds and premiums , 210,475.57
Real estate 800.00
Furniture and Fixtures - 26,106.25
Customers' Liability under letters of credit " 152.00
Due from U. S. Treasury $12,500.00
Due from Banks 409,383.14
Cash on hand 688,119.01
Total $3,811,256.46
Capital $500,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Trofits 64,278.74
Reserve for Taxes 3,8S3.31
Circulation 250,000.00
Drafts accepted under letters of credit. . ... . ....... . . . 152.00
Dividends unpaid ..- 105.00
Deposits . ... . . 2,992,837.41
Total ....... ... e-e-n.... ... -.... ............... .$3,811,256.40
10 tons spot at 86.35c. London firm; spot,
105 10s: futures. 1W. .
Lead quiet. 4.40 & 4.50c New York and
4.23W4.80O Eaat Bt. Louis. London spot, tin
T's"lter nominal. 8.M9WBO New York and
5.SP?t5.0 East St. Louis. London spot. i4
"iron. Cleveland warrants 49a 6d tn Le-,
don. Lax-ally Iron was steady. No. 1 foun
dry Northern. No. 1 Bautharn and No. 1
Southern soft. 816.7810.2w; No. 2 North
ern, 815.60 g Id-
Eastern Deal4!r Xot Afraid the Be-
suit of the Election Will Af
fect Present Clip.
BOSTON. Nov. lc Local wool merchant
expressed but little anxiety over the results
of last week's election and no chains Is an
ticipated in scbedul. K of the recent tariff
bill that vrlll directly affect the present clip.
tAmerika Nov. 24. 1Z noon
1-lBatavla Dec. 8. lo a.. .
TKaiserln Am. Vic. Dec .10, la noon
UPrea. Grant
tirnexcelled Klta-Carlton a la -.r V
rant. Gymnasium. Elec Baths. Eleva tor.
Palm Garden. JSecond cabin only. IHam
hurg direct.
NeW 17.000 tona Elevator, electric batlts,
gymnasium, etc.
S. 8. CUnXLA1. - Doc 10A. M.
u iJN-mNATI... 6. Fobw 4
s. o. txrvxa.ANO Jao- 88
American Pleasure
The Wonders of
Latin America
A Grand frulso loavlne; New
Tone. January SI. 1911. by the
S. 8. IHuecber, for th. Bast
Coast of South America
through th. Straits of Magel
lan and up the West Coast to
Valparaiso. Chile, serosa th.
Andes, etc Rates H0O up
ward! duration 74 days.
Also cruise, to the West
Indies, the Orient. Around tn.
World, Up th. Nile, etc
Writ. ' for Illustrated pam
phist, rates, etc
140 powsll St.. San Francisco.
Cel.. and Local R. R. Asents
In Portland.
Alaska dock, Portland, 8 P. If., October lL
ii vs Nov i 8. IS. 22. 29 and avsry
Tuesday night. Freight received at Alaska
Jock until 3 r M. oaiiy. rww i.i
Brst-elaas. (10-, second-class, ft. Including
meals and berth. Tickets on sal. at Alna
worth Dock. Phone. Main 218: A 1-34.
O. R. & N.
Astoria Roote.
Leaves Portland dally except Saturday at
8:00 P. M. Makes all way landings. Arrives
at Astoria at 6:00 - A. M. Leaves Astoria
dally, except Sunday, at 7:00 A. M. Arrive.
Portland at :00 P. M. Makea direct con
nection with steamer Nahcotta for Megler.
llwaco. Long Beach and all points on ta.
San Francisco, Los Angeles ani
San Diego Direct
North Paclfle 8. S. Co.'a fl. g. Roanoke
and S. B. Eeder sail avsry Wednesday
alternately at 6 P. at. Ticket office 11
T.Mrd at- near Alder.
alAKTIN i. 1UULET,' Paseeagec Agaat,
Vt. B. SLL'bMult. Freight Agent.
1' hones M. 114. A 1314.
New service to Los Angeles via San Fran
cisco .very five days.
From Alnswdrth dock. Portland, 4 P. M. :
SS. Hear, Nor. 18; Rose City, CS; Beaver, ra.
From San Francisco, northbound, 12 M. :
SS. Rosa City, Nov. 17; Beaver, 22; Bear, 7.
From San Pedro, northbound:
S8. Reaver. Nov. 20; Rear, 23; Rose Cilv, SO.
H. U. Smith, t. T. A., 142 Third ht.
1. W. Ran Mini. Agent, Ainsworth Dock.
. I'hones: Main 402. 286; A 1402.
Shipments to the mills continue heavy and
trading la going on actively In Ohio half
blooda fleeces and territory stock, with val
ues holding firm. Montana. Oregon, Utah
and Arizona wools In original bags and
graded lota ore selltng steadily and con
siderable pulled wool changed hands re
cently. Quotations:
Texas Fine, 12 months, IS 20c: line,
to 8 months, C2w56c; tine Fall, offered at
60 centa.
California Northern, 67B60c: Middle
County. 52b4c: Southern. 48& SOC
Oregon Eastern staple, 61ii65c; Eastern
clothing, eOftBle; Va,lley, No. 1. 54W54C
Territory Fin. staple, 65$j66c; flue me
dium staple, 69 00c; line clothing, 5f9
68o; fine medium clothing, 55t&3uc: half
blood combing, 81 4 02c; three-eightha-btood
combing. &955c; quarter-blood comb
ing. 51 a 58a.
Palled Extra, 86c; a supers, SOiSBSc
Wool at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. IS. Wool Lower: terri
Submitted to" the Comptroller of the Currency
NOVEMBER 10, 1910 '
Loans and discounts. $ 6,787,862.90
United States bonds at
par 1,054,100.00
Municipal and railway
bonds 1,021,916.18
Bank buildinsr 125,000.00
Cash and exchange... 6,007.291.22
' $13,990,160.61
Loans and discounts. $1,574,224.69
U. S. bonds to secure
circulation 250,000.00
U. S. bonds to secure
Government de
posits 150,000.00
Stocks and warrants 98,223.53
U.S. and other bonds 696,069.36
Furniture and fix
tures 8,000.00
Cash and due from
banks 925,783.14
Accounts of corporations, firms -and individuals solicited.
Collections a specialty.
Portland Trust Company
4 Interest on 90-Day Call
CAPITAL V.100,000, SURPLUS 54,000
H. L. Pittock, President.
N. U. Carpenter, Vice-President.
B. Lee Paget, Secretary-
Oldest Trust Company in Oregon
Bank Notice
Security Savings and Trust Company
Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Stroota
Capital and Surplus $900,000
Invites Accounts of
Merchants, Individuals and Saving
tory and Western mediums. 2- 3? -So ; fine
medium. 20(tf21o; fine, l&13o.
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Nov. 15. Cotton Spot
closed quiet 1 upolnts lower. Mid-uplands,
14.55c; mid-pulf, 14.80a. NO sales.
Cotton futures closed ea?y. 10 to 1ft
points lower. November, 14-2oo; December.
14.82c; January, 14.22a; February, 14.80c;
March, 14.37o; April. 14.42c; May, 14.51c;
June, 14.45c; July. 14.44c; August, 14.470.
Chicago Dairy Prodnco.
CHICAGO, Nov. 15. Butter, steady.
Creameries, 244f30;C; dairies, 2327o.
Et;gs. steady. Receipts. 2-1B4 cases. At
mark, cases included. ltH-2Ho; firsts,
28c; prime firsts, 80c
Cheese, steady. Daisies, 13H0154e:
Twins, 14Hi4V50: Young Americas. 15i43
15Mc; Long Horns. 15a15Hc
TTop. at New York.
NEW YORK, Nov. is. Hops Firm.
Capital 1,000,000.00
Undivided profits
Circulation ......
Attest Correct:
J. C. AINSWORTH, President.
Capital stock $ 250,000.00
Surplus and undi
vided profits .... 166,895.38
National bank notes
outstanding , 250,000.00
Dividends unpaid...- 365.50
Deposits 3,035,039.84