I . THE MORMNG OREGOyiAy. TUESDAY,' NOVEMBER 15, .1910 o . . - . . 1 - - T . : - - i JEFFERSON HIGH' DEFEATSftCADEMY Recreation Park Scene of Fast 9-to-5 Game Between " Two Schools. PLACE KICK IS WINNER w Football R-anllfally K.rcoled ', by Victor and Pontine Proies " Blr Aid Hi Preparatory Institution Game. Scoring tha Brut touchdown In tha trt threa mlnut of play, the Jff"' trn H.'rh School footttal tam JHi'f r proved Ita auperiorlty over tha Portland Academy at Recreation rarfc by a t-to-S acora. . Tha Initial acora waa dua to tha auc caaaful forward pass cutd by Cam pion, tha crack fullback, to McAllen. Ua speedy little quarterback, who mad rat aalns. Morgan also succeeded In ruin a, forward reea thrown by Campion. Campion kicked tha aoaL At several tlm totrJ tha end of tha flret quarter tha Academy team waa ax Kin In dancer of txln acored on. hut manaaed to ward oB tha Una bucka f tha Jefferson team. Place-Kick la Winner. In tha aecond quarter tha Hlh chool eleven worked tha bail on tha Academy -S-yard Una and Campion urceeded In scoring a place-kick which netted three mora points. In tha third quarter tha Academy hoys came on tha Held freih and stron and etarted to play aa thourh they were golnc to run away from tha team that tad already acored nlna polnta. After a few mlnutea of play ilcAUen waa penailaed IS yarda for ahovln hta man throuah tha Una on Jeffereon 4i-yard line. Tbla proved coely. aa JVIT-rson waa compelled to punt afur thla to tha Academy boya. wbo returned the pant, and Staley. the Academy a rlvt half recovered It on Jeffereon a ttree-yard' line, and after a few hard Una bucka manaced to put tha ball over tre line, acorlna; a touchdown, small failed to kick tha Itoal. The acora at tha and of thla quarter atood to 5 ualnst tha Academy boya. . in tha laat quarter both elevena re ported to a pontine; duel. In which tha lasers had tha better. After a few runta wen exchansed on both aldea. email enceeeded In klcklnr the ball to J.fferaona one-yard Una, and came near acorlna; a eafety. which .would have riven tha Academy two mora polnta. but tha vlctorloua eleven man aged ta punt themeelvee out of anrr and tha fame ended In victory to tha Jeffereon Hlsh School. Star Players Seen. Tha star players for the Jefferson eleven are Campion. A. Anderaon. Mor .n and William, while Staler. Ed ward Cobb and Small wera tha atara for tha Academy team. Tha line-up: i.-a .... J.rfereon, ".". i- on ........ ..... . . ' :i":.ru" " V" V.i7h. Mor.a Tiii.. R H rmpioo .....W RedmeJl C lJSaari ........ ""'-: Towieiid ..." McMurrar. Coo. 1 J ....... hmnnfll aodaa ...RT Earl. It. Aaderenn. Ku.ll J.1 Brook l.T. wrilllome HAT "C oPer Official. . Hwwuc": ampu-e. Td;y Clara: field Juda. 8hrr. VHITMAX TO KEEP POOTBlUX r (jurttion of Fraternities to Be Set tled at MeeUnc Today. TVAIXA TVALJ-A. Wash,. Not. 14. t&peclal Football will not ba touched by tba Whitman College board of over era, wbo bold tha annual meeting here tomorrow. The committee which haa had charge of the matter of abolishing the game ar Whitman will not ba asked to re port, aad In that Institution, at least, th new rulea have aaved Uia gama for another year. . iut year when reporta of death and Injuria poured In during tha aeaaon. and tba Whitman team wound up Ita s lea of (inn with tba frarful atrug KIe against W. si. . on Thanksgiving nmr. In which four, local men wera car-rle-1 from the field. It waa practically .i.i.lrd to do away with football her. j committee waa appointel to talis tha mutter no and had not tha gama been changed tt la probable It would have bn abolished. Tha queatton of fraternities In tha w-hool will finally ba aettien. nowever. At present there are no "f rata " In tha school and whthr or dot th. students sr. to be allowed these aocletira is tna question to ba decided. WASniXUTOX "1 TEAM BCST Iinhle Preparea for Oregon Agrlenl- taral Ciame Thanksgiving. ' fSTveRSlTT OF WA5HIXOTOW. Se attle. Wash.. Nor. It. !peclal. The victorious Washington squad. number Ins: Jo nlavers, and Coejch Ollmour Io- M arrived In t'attle Sunday Eight from Snokane. The slogan now wi:i be "Prepare for jorvallla." which tem cornea to Seat tle Thanksgiving day. Tha team will not ba put through hard scrimmage for several days. In order to recover from tha bruises receired. It can hardly be disputed that Wash Inaton has the laurels for tha year ao I r. Tba decisive defeat or tne wasn. Ingtoa Htate College by Seattle far everahadowa th re.ent one by the Ore gon Agricultural College. At th pres set Washington's score stands It" to , in latter figure occurring In tha Washington-Whitman game. Te Thanksglvtrg gam at Seattle against tha . A. c. will ba one of the kardeat-feugot names oi in jr.r. 0RFX1OX r.XT8 A'Xr.L GAME tVaahlnxtoa eahmen Asked for Two-Tear Football Contract. I-NIVERSITT OF OREGOX. Eugene, vr. Nov. 1. Sneclai. The Oregon ootbell management tonight tele graphed to Waahlngton a two-year contract calling for two annual games vtwe.a th Oregon and Washington rrshmen teama. The game thla year a-tll ba In Eugene, sovemner is. n . offer la acoepted. aad all 'reh .n will he eligible. ' Washington had asked that the game Ka played la Feattle. put Oregon re fioed to accept the dictation, aa It waa hr turn to have the gaeae. Co-ed AtlUetea to iet "W." Too. IXTVrRSITT OF WASHINV.TOX. the miveralty of Waahlngtoa are to receive their -W" Just aa men athletes thla year, according 10 ' . . . w v. th. hA.rd of control of tha rnlverslty of Washington. Women -making goon in ; hotkey and tennla will receive a V aweater. TEX MILLIOV REFThKS JtOOO St, lool American Offer Turned Down by Washington Lad. ...w Ac n'lBHlvnTAV. ipntns'u i vr ' - Seattle. Xov. 14. tSpeclal.1 An offer . A Tn Minion, the ni9 own in v. i .v rrack outfielder and third aacker on tha l"nlverslty r w astiingtoo " ... i-i iv. ct T null Americans team, w " . " s for the coming aeason with a salary of 12000. Ten bunion, wuw " -- w- . . -. li. 11. i.nnnii haa yet compjeicu - not and will not accept tha offer of tba major league, accoruma w - -ment which he made last night. Mil lion will return 10 r ." offlclata on th third Back for Wash ington again next year. .. . i .. 1. . heert working hard to secure Million, because they rciieve mm to d. wi - sack holders In th country. 41111on waa one of tha atar hitters on tha Washington team last year. "DRYS" TO WAGE FIGHT BlXIt" IS TOTE OF WOMEN WILL SWTXG TOWNS. Wasiilngton Option law Provide for Special Election In Each roll in State. rt Vtm . '! Each unit provided by the local option bill, pjeowd by the 1V Leglalature. may k i,tirf to hold one special election on tha liquor question, owing to tha faulty construction oi am urn. . for such an election are In circulation In Snohomish, and others are being drawn ' v . ..i- th. reformers believe MP IU V ...' . . - they can vote the towna dry If they can get out tha frannle vote. Although the Attomey-Oenornl'e office will make no formal ruling, tt as concexaea drys" may be right In tneir conienuon. .i A ti.. l.w l rather vague. . W. " " but can be conatrued to mean special .i. n. - k ti.M onlv nrtor to the general election of Wlo, when tha quea- tlon la to be eexuea tor . Hon I aeta forth In unmistakable langu age that special elections can be held, and there la no qualifying language, ao that the Mrya-' believe each unit I en titled to hold one epeclai election, no matter when. The matter will no doubt ba carried into the courts or mjut the Legislature meeta In Olympla i . . k. . km l. no ncaaibllltv of putting the capital dry nnttl after the session la adjourned. Few aturoeye con tend Uiae. ptacee wnere evw have been nem can uom -'"' lo tion, but there la a poealblltty that Bell- . l HhaWnn .ml Other IXlgnJUU. . . . . placea that voted dry at the general election may hold a special election be fore two yeare go by. H. B. LITT TO GO EAST Merchant, SS Year in Portland, to Qutt Business Her. Alter remaining In buatnesa continuoue- ... . . 1 1 M v-.p. M B. lAVt. retailer of cloaka and aulta. haa deckled to qutt the buetnea ana move w Tork. ilr. utt began hie career In thla city In the Summer of 1ST, coming over tha t'nlon Pacific from New Tork to San i . a .H. rv.et be ho at. The rivnupvw vm. - - city then contained only 10.000 people. Today there remain hut one firm han dling the same Una of goods aa Mr. Utt. which waa In existence here in 1U78. That as Meier Frank Company. In 17 Mr. Lttt opened a atora on the comer of Third and Aider atreeta. In 1 ha moved to Fourth and Waahlng toa eireete and In 105 to the present location of the store, at Ja Washington street. ... Mr. Utt hsla alwaya been leader in -. ' ' h.r. m.klne annual trips to Parw for tha laat yeara He Hi among wm rr un uiw v.-v -mak tha Journey for tha banflt of nlu J.. lire ana araasl In KW TOrlt aa tha rtppreaentaUva of aaveral leadimt Unaa or woman a CHICKENS WILL BE SHOWN Jlrrt Ponltry Exhibition at Vancou ver Will Open December 14. VANCOUVER, Waah.. Nov. 14. Spe- -i.i v VW .lt anml.l .Vhlllltlon Of the Clark County Poultry Asaoclatlon win be neia in cir. ..un....., ... rwimW 1 A 1 R Is and 17. at which time It la expected there will p. at leaat vv cmc.ene whwii ... competition for 20 allver eupa. several hundred dollara In caah prixea and many other trophlea and blue ribbon. The Judge of the poultry will ba Elmer mxon. of Oregon City. Or. En tries will close Saturday night at 10 o'clock. December 10. Prixea will ba offered for exhlbltlona of pet animals. Belgian bares. Angora rnbblta. pigeons and ducks, aa wail aa f hlckena. Olflcera of tha association are: Presi dent. r. S. Cameron: viee-preeldent. Mrs. Fl. F. Rice; secretary. H. C. Shell boua: treasurer. K. tioodalahl. AGRICULTURISTSIN SESSION Secretarr Wilson Speak on Bumper Crop and High Coat of LIU nr.. WASHINGTON. Nov. 14. Agricultur ists In every line ot expert research gathered In Washington today. Most of the states were represented at the meetings. Before th American Association of Agronomy. Secretary Wilson delivers! an address In which he discusses the bumper crop, the higher cost of liv ing and the wide margin between the price obtained by the farmers and the middle dlstrloutera. Ha said the so lution lay In buying large quantltlea and la selling direct from tha producer to the conaumar. t Yakima Valley Exhibit Big-. NORTH TAKIMA. Wash.. Nov. 14. (Special.) The Yakima Valley exhibit for the National Apple Show In Spo kane next week, and the Commercial Club exhibit of thla city, have been forwarded to Spokane, and tha men who will have charge are already busy with the preliminary work of install ing It. The .Yakima Valley eihlblt alone, of 11 ears thla year, will ba larger than tha entire apple ahow of two yeara ago. Several Individual growers will enter In the entailer display- Canada Eipecta Tolatol. LONDON. Nov. 14. A new agency dispatch from St. Petersburg says It la reported, that after a brief atay in a monastery. Tolstoi will proceed to Can ada to Join tha Doukhobors. followers at btA tfhln" LUCAS 15 GRANTED NEW LEAGUE RIGHT Westerner Will Form Ball Or ganization, Taking in Seven Cities. ARBITRATION BOARD BUSY Committee of National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues Meets to Hear Protest, and (o Settle Disputes. -CHICAOO, Nov. 14. Baseball man agers' protests occupied the attention today of the arbitration board of the National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues that Is, In the time when representatives of the Western and Three "I" Leagues were not mak ing appeals that their classifications remain undisturbed. Thla latter matter waa watched even more closely by most of tha other minor leagues than their own protests, which were being relegated to the odd momenta of the board'a time thereby. The most Important action today was granting league right to W. H. Lueaa to organise a new Weatern state ball organization. In regard to league classification, under a recent decision It was agreed that ej-ery 19 yeara a reclassification of the leagues would be made to regu late drafting and sale opportunities. Classification Is Problem. Leagues populated by ' 1.000,000 or more persons could be In class MA"J those of 400.000 or more In class "B." etc.; now that the census has shown aome of the clubs, pa.-tlcularly those heard today, could ntt comline and produce tha required n-imbers. they are relying on various hues for holding their positions. The Western League's reminders to the board that 10 years ago It had been promised a place in class "A" for Its sacrifice to the American Associa tion, won favor, and It was unofficially agreed tha Western ahould retain ita class. The Three "Ta" claim was based on the proposition that a club's fran chise covered a radius of five miles and accordingly It could muster more than Its required 400.000. , This, a new point. Induced the board managers to agree tentatively that all matters of classification ahould be left to the whole association to decide to morrow. Arguments Are Heard. Judging from the expreased opinions today, there ta little disposition on tha part of the minor leaguea to touch the classification matter now. The chief arguments advanced against such a step are: The learnea hare enjoyed and are enjoy rns unequaled prosperity. To reduce classi fication, whll theoretically not hurting th same, would cauee dlraatufactlon among tba supporters and th bush leagues'." objec tion would hurt th busln--nd of th Same. Wnen a learue once ha been alven a cer tain clseaincatlon It work a distinct prop erty dsmsae to reduce It. Bfor tlm for anothr classification th league will hav grown Into their required population and the chanc merely would cut down Ih. standard of th (am for aa "unneceeeary' 10 year. Th classification rule la expected to b applied In the ease of these league dent ins to go hlaher. however, and those falling under tn population limit are meeting con siderable objection to advance. Today's protests adjusted by the hoard of arbitration were few chiefly because Secretary Farrell'a tninkful of evidence In' the aeveral cases was lost and no caaea could ba heard. Its be lated arrival enabled the board to dis pose of a few casea late in the day, however. Lucas Gets New League Rights. W. H. Lucas was granted territorial rights permission to use territory for forming a new league In Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah: Butte. Helena, Great Falls and Missoula. Mont.; Boise City and Twin Falls. Idaho. The new organization will use tha appellation. "The Union League." The board ot arbitration, which also la the executive board of the associa tion, arranged the programme of events for the association tomorrow. Certain of tha protests are sura to ba referred to the whole body for action, and tha executive board la shifting tha responsibility as far as It can for a settlement of the reclassification dis pute, and the aurplcious period for bringing this up waa settled. An attempt was made today to have It agreed the meeting tomorrow should be executive, but this Idea was scouted by the antl-classlflcatlon men. Managers on the acene today made many "conversation trades." but all were waiting the Influx of managers tomorrow, before putting their "wares" upon the market. "Too early yet. any. way." they agreed: "better wait till see some more good onea before we are all out of trading material." 3 WOMEN HOLD UP 30 ST EASIER PASSENGERS HALTED IX OREGON CITY LOCKS. Protest to Be Filed Against Incon venient Trnra Bridge. Which Delays Water Traffic. Gallantry on the part of employee of the Willamette Pulp Paper Company In lowering a heavy truss bridge over the Oregon City locks laat night to per mit three women to cross held up navi gation from S:1S to T:ti o'clock, and 30 passengers on the steamer Pomona, soma of whom had -been traveling since o'clock In the morning, were long delayed tn reaching Portland. Board walks are provided so that pedestrians can pass on tha lock gates to reach tha opposite aide of the canal, but It appeara that paper mill hands deemed. It best that the women should not be fatigued by perambulating about a block to the customary crossing, ana the bridge was lowered, with the re sult that it could not be raised. The structure is about 10 feet wide snd Is of heavy timber. It Is raised and low ered by electricity, but laat night the gear failed to operate. No effort was made to repair the machinery until tha steamer was in the locks, which she entered by aqueezing paat a pulpwood scow that had been moored In the up rier lock. The steamer Oregona waa held By tha same delay In raising the bridge on her last trip from t-alem. but as tha locks are not controlled by the Gov ernment, aa are vther parts of tha river, no reeouree la poaslhle. Captain A. W. Graham says he will file a de mand with owaaia fur lima lost. 1 ' " Watch Out! Tor the past three years Portland baa ban growing faster tban In any other period In her 85 yeart of existence and Is growing tooay at . tw than any other city. Yet- her realty - . . .u.k h.1.. thnw if the T " 1. 1. . . "1 ... ... .- - other progressive cities of her elas. nui inr ....in wake ta the favorable investment situa tion In Portland. We know this by the rapidity with which w are selling Jot to outsider and newcemera la The Addition with Cho racier Ittw "watch eat" for an npward harst of Portland value! Ita coming No other Portnmnd property will shar so Irresistibly, so extensively, as LAl RtLHlBST in aU the Jfrwjb that eonie to Portland. OU TH1?" Act n roar knowledge. Laarelhurst Is selling fast. MESSRS. MEAD AND MURPHY Sales Agents 622-6 Corbett Building. Telephone : Main 1503, A 1315. PLAYERS TO STAY Portland's Baseball Colony Grows This Winter. KRAPP GOES EAST TODAY Buddy Ryan Saya Mother Would Never Forgive Him If He Failed to Pass Christmas With Her at Denver Home Other Stay. PACIFIC COAST LEAfirB CHAM PIONSHIPS SINXB 1903. Tear, club 1903. Ixm Angeles 1B04. Taeoma P.C. . .B30 . .539 . .583 mos. "Taeoma ( first scries ).... 1903, los Angeles (second series) . ............. 10OS. Portland 1007. Los Angele 1808. Los Anglea 1909. San Francisco .en .esr .60 .585 .622. (T) 1910. Portland In th play-off at end of 1905 aeason Los Angeles defeated Tacoma- Portlsnd's baseball colony will he much more noticeable this Winter than In previous years, for a larger number of members of the team Intend to spend the greater poruon oi tna ouwwun here than ever before. . Besides Perle Caeey and Jesse Garrett, who passed tha Winter here lart year. Tommy Sheehan, Buddy Ryan, Billy Speas, . Ivan Olson, vmmw, rsrse-ff Rill RaDDB. Bill Steen. Tommy 8eaton and George Ort are going to remain in fortiana at least unui ua Christmas holidays. Arthur Kruegtr left last night for California. ' while Eugene Krapp will mart for hia home at Detroit, Mich., to day. Olson and Ryan plan to leave in time to be at their homes In Kansas City and Denver for Christmas. Ryan to Go Home for ChrinUnas. Buddy Ryan aaye he never missed a Christmas cay at nil nome in utavci, and ha saya bis mother would never forgive him If he were to do mo thla season. Olson'e excuse is similar, while Tommy Murray and eua KMier, the two nr th. team, are Dlanning to leave for their Eastern homes aboot the first of the week. Murray win enpenu n stnahnrff where hi father ta VtillkCU b i . o. In business, while Fisher will visit Texas and other sautnern poinm too reporting to the Cleveland American league club next March. "Big Six" Steen haa engaged to join a surveying par'y and will leave Friday to n.n rwpmher 1&, The other members of the team will secure posi tions In roruairo. AU of the players heartily appreciate the testimonial tendered them by the fans on Sunday.' and yesterday a letter was kssued and signed by every member of th team now In Portland, which runs aa follows: Thanks Are Expressed. We. the following members of th Port land Baseball Club of he Psclflo "ot iMdit. desire to thank yourself and all of th fan who Interested thmelve or were Instruments! In arranging thl flattering tes timonial, as well a for th. capable man ner In wMvh aims ra conducted. Hoping that you and your will be uccesful In th-. future, and KPPteclatlng your efforts on our behalf, we are The membere of the Portland Baseball Club: Iran M. Olson. Perle Barne Cey. Thomas Sheehan. George R. Ort. John Ryan. Arthur ieger. William J. ien. Tom Seatoo, Jes.e M. Garrett. William H. Rasp. Eugene Krapp. Vean Oregg. Ifc llllam HP-VsT Tom Murray. Oua Fisher. J. Moa and Johnny Groc. Mathewson Slgrns With Giants. NEW TORK. Nov. 14. Christy Math ewson. of the New York Nationals, signed a contract with the club today for the seasons of 1911. and Havana Team Beats Detrolt. HAVANA. Nov. 14. The Detroit base ball club was defeated today by the Havana nine. 1 to t WIDEN SKIPANON. IS CRY Warrenton Citizens Start Project to Cost $50,000. WARRENTON. Or.. Nor. 14. (Spe cial.) That Immediate action ahould be taken In the dredging of Skipanon Creek from the center of tha Columbia River channel down 'the creek a distance of at least a mile, was the sentiment exressail here tonight at a mass meetjng of cltl sens. The cost of the work will reach at least $50,000. John Kventon presided as chairman of tha meeting, which, was ' 1T airelkvirtSi ' called by the Warrenton Development League, ... Secretary Barlow was the principal speaker of the evening. Plans were started by which a movement to adver tise the dredging project will be started at once, looking toward aid from the owners of property along the creek, all of whom will be benefited. Many prop erty owners live In Portland and in East ern states. The league here will be rep resented by delegates to the State De velopment League meeting at Salem. GOVERNMENT MAY PAY District Attorney Would Eliminate Railroad From Salt. If the suggestion made by United States District Attorney MeCourt In the . u tri.n. WavlimHnn ComnanV against the Southern Pacific for JSO.OOO damages, resulting from the eloetng of the straits between Kl amain iuver- aim lower Klamath Lake IS supponea oy evidence before Judge Bean, and the kntj. hn tiavlB-stlon COmDSnv'S claim Just. It will be the Federal Gov ernment which is llaDle. not tne run road company. ji.Atr n.an -r.1 thst the Govern ment attorney's contention that the railroad company nad received permis sion from the Government to bridge . t. I . that hlS11flS Al rSC- lamatlon work, the straits would have been drained any way, snouia rouimu a part of the records of the case. This opinion and the decision rt pres ages la of interest to all sections where reclamation work Is going on. It sug gests that with the Governmont taking to the navigation company, the ulti to. the naxigation company, the ulti mate cost of the reclamation to the users, of the land will be increasea. The Klamath Navigation Company formerly operated steamers and launches between Klamath Falls and Laird's Landing, on Lower Klamath Lake, In California. The District At torney contends that aside from the railroad'a part In tha case It is per missible for the Government to hamper navigation when a benefit to a greater number of people would result. LIBERAL RIOTERS KILLED Police Turn Grape and Canister on Nlcaraguan Crowd. SAN JUAN DEL SUB, Nicaragua. Nov. 14. Troops were called out to suppress a demonstration at Leon yes terday and meeting with resistance opened Are on the disturbers in the streets with grape and canister. Many persons were killed or wounded. Tne excitement Is Intense. Tne government recently prohibited political demonstrations. In the face of this prohibition, the Leon Liberals gathered in the streets and attempted to hold a meeting. The police Inter fered but were unable to disperse the crowd, whlc"n attacked the officers. Troops were - then summoned and. reaching the scene, drove the rioters to cover. . , Four Measures Favored. WALLOWA. Or.. Nov. 14. (Special.) The vote of Wallowa County on the fol lowing measures was: Tax amendment No. SOS, yes 4T9. no 667; tax amendment No! 812. yea 431. no 62S: Monmouth normal, " .... r tr . 't.r amendment No. 32fL yes 60,' no 5S9; home-rule bill, yes 607, no 871; Weston normal, yes 485. no 714; Ashland. normal. ye joo, no hikitin. otniinH mpnt. No. 842. Tes 703. no 757; county division bill. No. 352. yes Ki2 no 6.14 good roaas uimraracm, yes 557, no 6t3: primary bill No. 356. yes 637, no 827: official gazette, yes SM. no 710; Judiciary amendment, yes 606, no 676. Sixty Paroles Recommended. LEAVENWORTH. Kan.. Nov. 14. The board of parole of the Federal prison here, which has been In session for a week, adjourned today after rec- jlf you are really tired of paying tribute to the great PRINT we can show you how you can get your printing done better and at less cost than you are row paying. JWe are willing to make a con tract with you to do all of your printing and SAVE YOU MONEY. tJOur man ager will gladly call and "show you;" we mean bus iness. AD 523, Oregonian uiC' ai: CALIFORNIA HtIOTELSand WINTERRESORTS WHERE SH ALL I SPEND THE WINTER? VIEW THE SUBMARINE GAR DENS THROUGH GLASS BOTTOM BOATS THIS WINTER AT FAMOUS and stav lone enonsrh to see the won derful ISLAND SIGHTS. HER HOTELS ARE GOOD, and her Winter weather is Ideal. NO MAINLAND FOGS. FROST 13 UNKNOWN. ENJOY THE MOUN TAIN COACHINO. GOAT HUNTING. DEEP-SEA FISHING, PLAY GOLF ON THE SPORTIEST GOLF LINKS IN THE WEST. BATHE IN THE CRYS TAL WATERS OF AVALON BAY. BOATING PERFECT. 111. Booklet. Write BANNING COMPANY 104 Paeifle Electric Uldg la Angete, v Cat. v.. Tian Absolutely nrenrooi. Concrete and steel. Over 500 . . rnnT.lrf.ti hath nnii laTtrei ft .. ir nlnnrM. Fine auto roads. It J? golf, boating, hunting, etc Icieail isL Tjrarm Winter climate. Rates i 50 day upwards. a. H. Holmes. Mgr., formerly of Green. Pasadena. 'Mm: 311 SAN DIEGO CAIe fl CALIFORNIA Is the place to visit. Orange groves in full bloom, tropical flowers, famous hotels, historic Old Missions, attractive watering places, delightful climate, making this favored section the Nation s most popular retreat. You can see this section at its best via the n-n . TT jl and "Road of a Thousand Shasta Koute wonder.- SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Up-to-date trains, first-class in every respect, unexcelled dining car service, quick time and direct connections to all points south. SPECIAL ROUND SSS.OO With corresponding low rates from all other sections of the North west. Liberal stop-overs in each direction and long limit. Inter esting and attractive literature on the various resorts and attrac tions of California can be had on application to any S. P. or 0. R. & N. Agent, or from WM. McMUEEAY, Gen. Pas. Agent, Portland, Oregon ommendlng that 60 of tha 400 applications for parole be granted. The recom mendations were forwarded to the At-torney-General of the United States. INJURED FIREMAN .DIES Crash of Chemical Engine and Pole Fatal to Jledford Man. MED FORD, Or.. Nov. U. (Special.) Warren Bodge, the Medford fireman who was injured Saturday night when the chemical engine collided with a telephone pole died this afternoon. The accident occurred when" the team on the engine became uncontrollable and swerved on a corner, striking the pole and throwing Bodge, who waa sitting on the seatwlth iThe. Girl' Who Lives Alone whether she attends college or goes to business, needs the Perfection Oil Heater. It will heat a cold, cheerless boarding house or dormitory room and make it livable. It j'lffiEeC"'i ' f. ry 25r3j Is Invaluable in its capacity of quickly giving heat. It will burn -.in hour with one filling. It is safe, smokeless and odorless; has a cool handle and a damper top. . . An indicator shows the amount of oil in the font. The is put in ' like a tork in a bottle, and is attached to the font by a chain. It has an automatic-locking flame spreader, which prevents the wick from be ng turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back so the ""IS Mi??3aery eantlMH.. -p,.--" - be unscrewed in an instant for rewfeking. Finished in japan or nickel, strong, durable, well, made, built for service, and yet light snd ornamental. Utaiers everywhere. . r.ui a: y'. , to the Means! cgncf a the - v". Standard Oil Company (Inoaraorated) j , .. i is ii i... ''J. ' 1 ' If IM III mm a H Ml 2CT:l!r?SS i . TAB HOTEL VIRGINIA Long Beach California American plan. .Cuisine the best. Perfect in everv aDoointmenL The cli mate of LONG BEACH in Winter is irienl. Hundreds of bathers eniov this sport dally. The Kolf links at Lone Beach are famous the West over, ana her roads for automoblling; are always in perfect condition. But 80 mln. from Los Angeles and close to all historic places. Reaei-ratlona, III. , v. Booklet, ate, ?7r CARL STANLEY Manager. Hotel Metropole Santa Catallna Island. .1KX. Kur. olan. Cuisine the best. Every ac commodation. Good hunting, deep-sea fishing:. Fine golf course. BUUKLbT, BAXMNG CO., ' Pacific Electric BldR., i.o Ans;eles. LONG BEACH SANITARIUM At thn Cm Winter Resort of tba Sooth Mt. Lonr Beach. Cal. Lateat Battle Creek Sanitarium methods. Latest brick building. Strictly modern. Medical atten Hnn vptt beat Graduate nurses only. Ten' nis, all outdoor amusement. Splendid golf course. Miles oi tine auto roaas ana oeau tifni ati-fiets. Horseback rid inc. driving, etc. The Pacific Ocean but a few blocks fmm rnn ttnrliim . where Winter batblnc dellehtful. Moderate rates. Illustrated free booklet on request. ' W. KAY SIMPSOX, Mr. Lonr Beach. CaL TRIP RATE OF iBESrH .."fi.-'j .rt".'-j I -I'JsS"""" Portland to Los Angeles and Return . the driver, over their heads to-the pave ment. Shortly after the accident he said ha felt all right, but on reaching his home he became violently III. A clot of blood was found at the base of the -brain. Bodge was the son-ln-Iaw of W. W. Eifext, president of the City Council. Recital Is Enjoyed. VANCOUVER, Wash., Nov. 14. (Spe cial.) Miss Leah Lieser, of Vancouver, a graduate of the music department of Pacific University, gave a recital at the Vancouver High School assembly room tonight. She was assisted by Miss Leah Slusser, vocalist, and Dwinell Clapp. of Portland, the Vancouver High School Glee Club 'and the Cardinal Glee Club. The recital was largely attended and highly praised. is always a reaay neip in me many things women do for themselves in their rooms. With the damper top opened it will heat water for tea or cocoa ; it will dry the small articles that a woman prefers to wash herself in her own room. It will quickly heat an, iron or curling tongs; quickly dry wet shoes or skirts an ever ready help for the woman who lives alone, depend ent on her own resources.. The Smokeless Absolutely smokeless and odorless