TITE MORXIXO OBEGOMA!?. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1910. 20 hogs off a Quarter Other Lines of Livestock Hold Steady. ACTIVE DAY AT YARDS fhlpmnl nl Caff ! I niwlwd From Wjomtns llraxj Weigh! fte-ar. rll at Good Prlre.. T. we-a. a, or""! w'.tn market ftt!ly a quarter Tower ta lat week, owlnc t. th steady eupply t!:at ha. been com In la B"1 tba holHr hark by Mayere. The re prtr. paid at t!-.e ari reeterday wl $0 ft-r ld tVat n'rit"! HI pounda. An lo:rttn fe.vi:ire of tie rattle market a, the aa'. of a f-w ycr. heary ataera Ona weta-hfe, r'-U'i piae-le trotr.r.a, II M and two aiviixc "Zr potirrta aoM at IV Tut be. t steers ea e.i. found tuv-r. at V3 0" reared from tXTl ti tll'l and heifer, want at ITi. Tha fret hrt ehlpmnt of TVyomtr-e ran". th:a Ka'l vtl re.e.red at til jarla yrsterclay. Two gOrtd-.Nl bunrhes of Uml't hrousht (I T". an J a load of mixed sheep I"! 0 lle.-etrts fir Sun lav an't alon-iay wtr a rante. K4 hose ani 3 horva Shlppara of trie ato,-k Tf J. Purae. of ajpal. Wj.v. II ran of rattle; F. V. Kitloii. nf )titr, nr.. two rra of cattle: 1'rle.t h"n. of I'onifrny, Wj.' 1., two cam of hoita anil on. h.r-. Ktld Hr.- . of North wlrr. two rirt of .-atllr. II. Hewlett, of p.iker. nr.. f..rr rtrt of r:t and two h or.., . c. S. Walker, of Jrpti. n car of cattle, anl J. II. l-Mrman. of Tha !!. two rara of t-attie. Tot lay'e aal a were aa folton.- Wt. Price. Z h i ! I l .' I I X I I 4.1 4 77' at. era I'i7". 5 " .1. c... . 1 .. 4. 77. li. atr.rs I"M r.-. v .T :t ptrrra '- M h..-a -1- !-'' . ro.a Ilrt t1 43 r..e 4 I .r.-r 171.1 7..IMI II ei-era I I'M a row a !' J 4 ca I . 4 "' i row. I - " 4 'Ml 1 hi I !." 4 M 1 UK I''' 4 4 .forra -Jr. ; ..ra .".! 1 mr 1l", 4.0 I :t 4 lo.'.i 4 Ti 4 7.-. :.; 4 I". !'4ii 4.7.". !.'." 1 1 1- 1 1 :: !. . 2 K i :.;o r.i" .I"-" S:t h- '-r 2 ' fm 14 h-ifrra I h-irT 3". row . 7.4 i-ri i'N ..orra I r.ae 1 a' as 3 r;i(. Sn iiiim imii fr i "I H ' r r p M K.a 1 ik 4 C" 71 4 77. 7 3 ;io " I ! !. 111 5t' J'-i 4-7, lotil '.7..l " ri.w.l o-1 ' "1 n.w I!.!!!'.!"."'...!". iio .' Irl.-ra rarrrnt on tit Tarlooa e99r of tn. k at the I'ortlAnd 1'nlon atockvarda atn at followa. Jlrf il'rra. rood tO rbolrw f 7..2S f d M lir. f trr.. fa'r to medium 4.7.U 3 t'h-ora apard halfVra 4 T'-tr &.i" ;o.d to rhakfl braf rowt 4.M 4.75 4 llun to ood hrrf coma 3. 4 wO t irr.mon borf cowa 2."" ' l Jiu la .1..M.t 4."" Ha;a a.wvd to rholra 4 in- it 4 .VI t aivra. l'M ?" lira, ri avy 4.l 4 '.V. JI-HCa. t-.p ". nui ll'... fotr to nirdlum a.77..f p ii"l -hrrp. l..t Va.lrr wotliora 3 ?7n 3 .11 l-hrrp. fair to --l arrthrra 3 Oil' 21 Mi'rp. h'mt yrurllna wvthera.... 4. 7j rf 4 77. ihrp. brat talloT rwr. JiWrf S 30 l.amta. choiro moumaia 1 2"i 5 77. 1.4-nta. t bolca Vailry 4"j J 3 CKI rawt-ra Uinlora Markrtw. t'llll'A'jO. ' Not. 14. t'attlr Ilr.'flrta. afloild. r.oiii; markrt. at.-a.. I'.rrrf. I M l 7 4.1; Trim at. ora. 1 1 4'1 U " 4": Wr.t-a-r ptrrr.. $4 o g- A. 77; atorkrra ami f rd ra. St .13 . tit.. m': onwa and brifora. l3onti3il; ca'vra. $7 30 !. lt-wra-lt.-.-rlp'. rattmatrd. Coon; markrt ttuil. moAtlr Iik: o.T. I.icit. 7 40 i 7 mm. 1. 7.V.lf-i: hrtvy. $7 4' 7 i-'.. much. IT 7 id. to rhov t hravv. 71" if Tli'., p'ca, $7.tA'7.tf3; bulk of aa.va. tLiUut T v iliwi-ltrrflpta. raflmalrd. RVOntl; roar r. l-v ti 17- lowi- 'hn Prl-Iy. N.llv. I: 4"ii I U'. Vrai-rn. $71 7. a 4. 4ii . y. arllnca. lj7.rf.V4'i l.imi'a. saliva. $4. 73 ai .oU. M.alcrn. 14.77. jH.l. c.MP.ir.x os roa adxxxc. Dall lalvrrata htawt (ampaaxa la Ptork MjlVd. NKtV T"RK, Nor. 14. Tha afork marbat rairowcl Into a prof,.aior.al cmoit aaain t:a. An omnltr.l party In Iho apr. ;a llon toi.k up Ilia Muvrinrrit fir an a lran In prl.-w wharw It Irft off on trta aw of taa clrrltona. Appazvtitty t hr convlr-tloa that pnlt-taklrr aalra promptrd by tha aiao li.a arro cl.arad up by laat aaok"a op.ra tiona oft.rad tha prtnclpaj baala for tha ra to4 mowrtiar.t. Tr.raa ator.a. T'nltod otataa Storl. 1'nloa J a--l'lc and Krailma. a:Ul abaorbrd an orar w 'i.imlna rr"f -rrion of tha lo:a! drailaaa. 1 -l. n l'arl.'ir roor,l Into aoC'.nd piara at II. rsprr..-- "f llri'tlrc and In tha flr.t hoi. -a butrra nutnumMrril Valtod Statra f-rl lr. tho bumriwr pf ar-araa ahlch C.iancrd bAXii!.. Tha hl-h pr.ra of I'nloa l'air;c In tha alaaltnaa waa a4-cornpr.a:ird by tha clrcula flon of mmora that It wr to ba admlttrd to lha I'aria lloura. Infarrata wlfk Kr-nch Van km a; citinti lMnl wara crodltad a 1th a iarca ahara la tha daya dra.lnaa. A auatalAtnc InTuanra for at''ka w aa tha a"?d ahowirc mala by tha knka la tha wkly ratura on siatorday. Tba -a!l loan tnarkrl waa eaalrr. Thara w aa a droilna In ta illaout rata In Lor.doa aa wroiu Tha llorilay offarinaa of aioutti AfMraa gold wral t tha iai.a of Cnalaad. starkm tba a'r-aaaf ul prraruaa of tha racuparauoa of 17- at Inatltutta. . Hoada warw trracular. Total aa.'oa. par alu. ll.a.iXV. I nlfaj Mataa fa. rag latarad. na l par root oa ca:L CLOSINil bTiiCIt ajUOTATlONa. C!o!n l-4laa Mlsa. Lyar. itid. 'lla Oil Pf :i: avmal forpr .. ! I' iWa aS Am A art. u.t .. 47. Ilk 47. ra llrt fu.ir. 3ta 3i 37H Arnartcaa i'r... 'i !'. ;o lV A n l r I'.y 7m , 11, .VI, ATI I'otti.n I:' -', . ,;- oTt Am HI a It pf L'J Am l.i Sr.un. l'- I l"S l. Am l.lnwrr,! ml lil 1 . , 1."., IT, Am L.vmtft:il T-il 7. . Tli 314 A-n S.-nrl A: Iif 14.77"0 1 '", 7:1. d prrfar-rd. . o"l l'Wi 'a lial li"l Am ftral K.! 4v, A-n huicar li f 1 1 7 '-a Am T. A Trl .4'1 142 V, 141 1414, Ara T'.r.fO pf Ul . 13 W , Am !Voo.an ... 2."-i 44 V 72 V, II ;. An.-onda H Co 42 41 V 41 Jkt. hlaon . .'- l -"a 1' a 1071-, do prrfarrrd . -l "l I'll li'l ll"k Atl Coaa: l.ia. 119't 119 11" J; ill a Ohio .. 1"7 , li7S) 107 Jt-tl-.l.hrai litaal 4'-l 31 .1". 32V lrok R Traa. " 77 7--V 7n V Canadian l ac. U.2 U l'.'"-S 1H7 1!7 , Crntral LaatMry 1.4il 31 Jl-w 34 1, ClO prrfrrrrd. 1"3, Cum: of S J 2.-3 Crra a Ohio .. ft.400 4t BH r3V fMriti A.toa 43 Chi lit w'ra: ... a-"! :3S i3 2J do prrfcrr.d ...... 47 Ch;.-.o N W 4'K 144 147V 14.'S C. V a ft P .. 4V3-I 12.1 l.'.'V l.M4 C. C C St L. l 3 "3 ns Col Tual a Iron 4'"l 34 S 33 V 34 CI a fouthara I "t4 .i (-onaol f.aa 3.HX) l3d- 1A3V IS"-, Cora Pro-lorta.. ..... 1HV, Iv.1 a Kj.la.-n.. 7'Xl 1701 lfCV, lf.. l a R I'.rinli. .V1 -ii lt, 32 d.. pr.farrrd.. ."" 73 72". 73 H T'laMUara' aVrcur 4-1 --. I: l:s ic-i- limi :S S' "'- da lat pf .'" 4i 4 4. do 2.1 rf 3H V WVj 0nral fc ao .. 1U, 133 l.V' ; N.wb pf ... 1.7. -. 127., 1-4 a 124, ;t N.-ta In ' '' " J"noia finlral. 1 - 17J 131 134 Inl.ioor Mat .. I 21V 2i' iMV, do prof .rra.1. . a.'l 37 , 33 V M S lnt-r HirvMtir 3-y 113-, 114 H3S . Aaar aiartaa pX.. - 11, Int rir sno tnt Tuatp Iowa rnrnl K C S"Uthrr.. l.lutl do prrf-rrcd lrlr.U iiB . .. V") l.uia .Vaah. -1"0 V:na A St I M . M l a X M vo Mo. Kan Ts 42 V -"a 32 V A7. in.". 147.V 31 "I s:v. vr." ' 14.'. "' 'vt no 37" 1 it. 4T. ! - r..-v 113 i'j io:.' 14 Ua llo 'TS 114'. 4r.v, p-i 1 ldi, ijoi l'-lS 1.-.7.V 33 V do prrr-TTau.. Vo r.'i'io .... Nat Ilia, ult ... Nat Wx N Kjr I pf N V l vir.ra! . . N V. nt as W. Norf..ia a- w--a North Amrrlvaa Nor'h.m rac .. r.nn. Mail ... '.-nnajrlvanla .. rwipk't ot . . v. ( c a st I.. 1'ittaoora foal. Pr-a.d 3 "r. Tuil Pal r.. Atl Itiio lliV pi s 37 V l'-V 4.T. 3 Too 7 1 - I.1M-4I !' ' V. o 1.1UO 113', 3'V 12'l. 111, V in 32 IrtS 13; s PH. 32 CIS 4'"w 4 .VI 1144 27 S .' 3dS 2rtv 24'. R7S 17'4 aa 71 37. 74V 1171, 30 mi V 17 . ), 44 V TO', TIV :::: 'si" 1.-..-S I'y lrrl Eprlna loo rc-aitin KrpubMr ' Srl, do prfrrrrd. ftork l:and a- fut 1 '" iuo 4. 100 SIS Sl'-a do prrfrrod. . .. SI I. S K 2 pf . . oi prrrrrrrj.. ' ftfoaa-ShrtTlrld I prtuthrn I'm .. l. 14. 4' i 31 S nv Sv .-.dS ItlV 23 S 34 17C. 41V 117W 27 4 3.. a 21 ST I 174V liouthara Hr . . do prrfrrr4.. Trim L'l'I'PT .. Ti a I'ariflo .. Tol. t I. a Wj do Dr. f-rrl. . 1 2on 2. St TlnO rmoa PaclMr . .104.3tl do prrfrrrd.. ...... 1- s I:, altr V g Hul.or 3o C S liir- 141." 77 V 117 49V "V 17V 34 S 4d 70S TV do prrrorrro. I i"' 117 V .VI , 1 s 17' 3d. 47 71 71 I'tah foTr-r . . V -' "ar hn. aKaarl - 1 ..-" I'll 4ll MM 4i nl ! '' " praf "rrad.. I Wrtlrrn V.I . . W-at.rn I'ntoa. h-i a L f 14 Total aaiaa for tba day. 4C0.100 aharra FONT'S. VTW TORK. Nov. II Cloalnar uotatlon: U S F.'f S rc. loo N T C arrn "-J1 do la coupoa.l''V North Pacific 3a. . 1 ! S 3 t-r 101 V North Pacific li.H'l o 3a coupon. . 10! V outh Parlflc 4B. I.TN V H naa 4a rr(.ll.-.vt l nln Pacific 4a. l'W-a do 4 coupon. .1134 Wta Can 4 2' D a H 4a.... Wi lapanraa 4a boV Kaatara Mlalnc Stark. Bir5TON. Not. II. Cloalnc quolatlona: Allourt 4'. Ml.mil Cop-r. . 1. Am Z- I. Sl. JO Mohawk Aniona Cm ...1 'Nrvada (on JiV Amal Coyprr .. " "lt'l-ir Vlnaa. 1"S Atlantic 7 V"rth Putt ... ltutte Coalition 2i'V .'rth l-akr .... S II a C C a 3 M l'-V "'I Pominton... 42 .nirnnlal 19 I ia.oola 131 Cn R C C Tl IParroit (3 A C) 14 IMI t Arizona.. 3d .Juinry 3 HI a llrrua . 37, -hannon JV K P""r Cop M lT.ial-urlor 41V Franklin 1 1 ', -npcrlor a Tt M i V tlir.m. Con TV -uparlnr T Cop 14S l-.ranby C..n 44 , Tamarack ..... J llrrrno Cananoa 7 r t R M. . -IV Krrr Ukr 7 I'tah Con -. J.ak Cpprr .. .3'! v, I'tah C.rp Co 49 V Ijisal'o , i.prr. 7'. .Vitii.na . . . . . . . . 1 I toalle (Copl 2lvi l prefrirrd . 411 Montr. Frrhanaro. Kto. NfrW TOUK. Nov. 14. M.inay on call, atrady. Iki, per cent: rulln rata. SVa per rrni: rloa;ne bid. 3 per cent; ottered at 314 in r err. t. Time loana very aoft and dull; afl daya. I43 .-r cent: n daya. 44,4V par cent; Is rnontha. 4 v, pr cent.. prime merrantlla papar. 5 H trr) par cent. Sterllna: rirltaaaa. atra.ly. with actual bual pen. In bankrra- bllla at Jl.SUOfJ 4.11.V) for ou-.lav Mile and at fl.vvl.l for demand. Commercial hllla. 14 SO V 9 ! W- Par ailver. 3.,c Vexlcan dollara. 4c. i;.vrnmrnt bonda, firm: rallroafl bonds. Irrrrular. lixpox. Not. 14. Bar silver, steady at 23 13-164 per ounce. S'oney. 4VjJ4V per cent. The rate of discount In tha pen market for abort bills la 4V.'S Pr cent; do for three months' bills. 1-14 -l par cent. PAN FRANCIKrO. Noy. 14. Kterllna on London. CO d.iys. 4.81S: do alsht, 4.S. Drafts, alshu 2c; telenmphlc. tc SEATTLE BUTTER HIGHER roCATi CREAMERY IS AOV.WCED TO 3 CENTS. Orricon Turkeys of Tn Qoallty R-rcrlTcd for mhipmrnt to Alaska Spanish Onion. PRATTT.F. Tl'h . 14. SprUl.) hir.Ktnn crmrrr bnttr d ran red 1 cm pt ftonnd ttrt!iy. mKklnc th nw prlc 3 cunt rrih Etutarn butir d vanced on cnt to t miii and lorm to 12 crntk. Th supply of Waahlnitton crm ry butter baa fHn off of late. Th d mand ta fair. Tho aupplr of aeeonda haa aio b44n fairly irI. rlraned up. About a ton of Oreaon drsd turkeya arrived for ahlpment to Alaska. Tha tur key wera Id fine condttloa. bains tha fnncleet atork recetred hre thla year. Ship pers evidently followed inntructlons closely and sent their best birds for the .Northern trade. Thcra waa a fair local demand for turkey. Krv-eti Eastern aas ara movlaa artlTaly and just about meetloe all re-qulrwrnerat. The first Spanish onions of tha ssaaon were srn oa Weatern arenua today. A eonfatenment of 40 boxra reached Seattle last niaht. Tbey were quote-d at SI T5 par box. trapea wera none too plentiful, but tha market wl'.l be restocked durtiig tha next XI hours. I o lat o'S wera steady. Immed lata storks wera lithe a&d extra quality could sot be obtained aa eaalty as last week. Grain markets wera steady and un- chantsed. rio IROX OlTPt'T 13 REIrCKD. Irwa Swplua Woeka C'arHed at tha XEV TORK. Not. 14 Buying of pl Iron laat week resulted In con tracts for 100. COO tons la all d'tiicta. la tha East aalaa wera mainly of foundry tron. but Inciuded baato and tha total waa itv.aoa tons. Tha principal feature of Inter at was tha aniTity and firmer fae4ln ta W'eatera New York. Buffalo furnaces eecored contracta for about 1 . tone of ray and maJleahla Iron. A boat :0.00t tmi wera placed la tha IMttsbar district. Tha other orders earns from tha Ohio and M '.saSsalppI Valleys and la tha Chlcaco territory. Tiff Iron output baa bean reduced M.t ions annually and mora fAtraacaa will blow out In tha current month- trurplus stocks In furnace banks today are approximately 1. S00i.ee ton a of which steel cmjejue ara oarrylna about C0. 44) tons. Orders for finished steel prodnota ara da creaa:cc. Erea those for wire have de orsas d about lo par oent atnra tha first of tha month. Operations of tha Steal Cor porat:oa blast farnacea thla week ara down to si per cant, and exeej mill a-ctU'ltiea hav been reduced to 44 per cent .of ca pacity. Tha decrease of Si. 000 tons In unfilled or ders oa the books of tha HteeJ Corporation laat month was less than anticipated be cause of less heavy shipments aa tha new ordare steadily decreased. Railroad or-dere for equipment ara tneff nl fir ant- Rail contracta last week wera onijr 30.0 tons from the Norfolk A Weatarn. Structural contracta wera the llchteat of tba raried ITuits at New Yarfc. N'KVT TORK. Nov. 14. Evaporated apples stf-eaaly with small offrtngs on the spot; fancy and choice grades axe acaxca and nor mal: prime. TtfSc; roninoa to fair. e 4JTHC. rrunea Steady, wttb a fair demand and tmi'l offartnjrs; Quotations raniclnr from ftlHc for 4'aHforn.as up to d-40a and I c for Oceg-ons from --H0. I'rarhes wulet and only about steady. Choire. TktTSc; extra, choice, busc; fancy. rhtraca Dairy rroduca CHTCAOO. Not. 14- Butter Steady; cream-Ties, 24 y 30: dalrtea, 23 0 c I- ess Kec-ip:a -lT fw: srady at mara. caeea Included. la--tWc; firata. SSc; prime firsts. ic. Oheeae steady; daisies. 1'H 13e: twina. 14 4t Uc: Tours Amarlcas. la Q li-ic; Iocs noma. 1& a 4 lic Mope at 'ew Te-rm. NlTvT TORK. Noy- 1 Hot-e Steady. Rurvy ro., 19 Front it-. PorHanfl. Or., nt farm pro1ucT, turkeys. hld?a, furs, mob air. cascara. Write for prlcaa. RISE NOT CHECKED Profit Taking Does Not Pre vent Wheat Advance. MARKET CLOSES FIRM Rnlllh .fwf Cantrs General Bay ins: at Chicago -Minneapolis and Kana City Millers Farrtiafflnf;. CHICAGO. Not. 14. There was a rest lef ffellnr In wheat all day with a tend ency to follow domestic boll news, especially durln the last hour. Ijuluth exports and Mlnne.ipolts and Kansas flty mfllina pur chases afforded much help In the hoist In of quotation. Rsins hsmpered the Ar t en tine hardest and this alo was sicalnst the bears. Another sourre of strength wn the fact that constdemMa wheat was belns; taken here for shlpmrnt East before tha close of lake navigation. 8me emphasis, too, wss laid on the continued dry weather In the Southeast. Fmfit-taklnic on th swellr. led to several met tons. Rut each setback nrovrd only temporary. May ranged from 9.1 c to lMe and r-l'ised steady at WSe. a net advance of H9Sr- "orn hardened with wheat. May kept be tween 4"r and 48c, clovlnic e up at 47H 04Hc. Cah corn was steady to Wc lower for old nd He down for new. No. 2 yel low finished at 51 H Tha far-t that shipments from primary points generously overtopped receipts held up the prit-e of oats. May fluctuated from 34tM4xc to a.Hc. and closed the same as Saturday. 34 f 31 He Ho products rose In response to bids ty commission men and a packer.. In the end, pork stood 10c to 1; higher. Iard was StfTHfl up to 120 d''llne and there was a yafa of 7 H lc to 1 1 1 c In rlhs. The leading futurea ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. Htifh. Io w. Close. Pee $ .o $ .o4 $ -t Msy S.-.S July : .9JS -9J .93-1, CORN. Tec 49 4'-.S .43 .4i4 Msy i: 4H .47 ,4S July 4b 4h .44 St .48 S OATS. n si '.si. .114 .iH MoT H .t ..HV I4S July 14 ' .84H .ti ,S4H MCSR rORK. Jsn 1732 17.3S 17.30 7S1T Msy 16.10 1S: 18.10 14.30 LARD. Not 11.15 11.15 11.07 11.10 Jan lo.:o 10.1:1- 10.20 10.20 May .72 ft.72 --J Vi SHORT RIBS. Jan .i: .33v .i:rj .o May .9S 07' S V.05 t'ash quotations were as follows: r lour teniy. Itys No. 2. 7r. liarlev Fd of mixing. 60lT70c; fair to Choir? run U In jt. 7 S Ci h-r t lax oei No. l Southwestern. JZ.&7; o. 1 Northwestern, t- 70. Timothy j4d $9.60. riover $14.30. Pork Mesa, psr barrel. 117.7R1J14.00. lrd Per 1"0 pounds. $ll.2JW. Short rlhs iSide House). $.9 50-it 10 SO. Si,l.a tihort. clear (boxed , $10.620 II.121-,. t;rain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour wera equal to 3 15,0 00 busbels. Primary receipts were 943.000 bushels, compared with 1.4-8.- P00 bufhttls the corre!-Tonding nay a year sco. The visible supply of wheat In ths United states increased 633.000 buehels lor the week. The anion n of breakstuff on ocean paasage lncrsaaed 1.794.000 bushela I-tlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 46 ran; corn. 262 cars; oats, 211 cars; hogs. 19.000 head. ' Receipts. ... ;s.too ... t6.400 .. .230.000 .l.n ... l.oO ... 93.004) Shipments. 22.700 23.500 414.600 14J.40O 1.400 6.900 Flour, barrels. .. Wheat, bushels. . Corn, bushels.... Oats, bushels. . . . Rve, ousneis Barley, bushels. . fSraln aft Baa FmfKdsca. fAV F-RAHCISOO, Kot. 14. Wheat Kt'1. Harley Pteady. Sp't quotations : Wheat Shipping. $1.420145 per cental, lisrlcy Feed. $1 per cental; brewing. $1.05 1.07 oats Red. $1.12-. tr 1 .2 Pr cental: white. $1 4.lf l.f.0: bld. k. fl.30'al-46. !) board sales: Whest No trsdlng. Hurley December. $1.03 per oental; May. $1.09 bM. $1.09 ssked. Grain Markets of the Northweat. TACOMA. Not. 14. Wheat Milling: Rluest..m. 79c: club. 76o: rd Russian. 74c. lxpori: Wtucnt-m. 7c; fortyfotd. 74Vc; club. c; red ttussian. -c. Receipta. wheat is cars; barley, 1 car; hay 7 ctri. SEATTLK. Not. 14. Milling Quotations: piuestem. 83c; fortyfold. 81c; club. 80c; Fife, hoc ; rwl KUMIar. 1 C r.xpon worm ; Hiueatetn. $i: fortyfold. 78c: club, TJc; Fife, 77o; red Ruaeian, TtVc. F.nropewa lrala Markets. WnMa Walla for shipment at 3.'s. Knaritsn country niaraets, sitae y ; rrenca country mark eta, quiet. MWRPOOt. Not. 14. Close: Wheat. 7e- A. Iul7 J. l.vn lai 1 1 t. rl ' XCai t fia l4i. Weather 'fine. Minneapolis Wheat Market. wrV7TEAItIaIiS Not. 14. Wheat D- eexnber. $1.0V; May. $1.01-08. Cash. No. 1 hard. $1.0at,; o. I jNortnt-rn, i.u4iflf 10.: No. 2 Northern. $1.0061.03; No. S wheat. 9d4U lAn. F.I gin Batter Market. W-T.OIN. III.. Not. 14. II utter Firm. Slo. Output o."3.7C0 pounds. Hops at laoadott. I.IVTRPOOL. Not. 14. Hops In Laondon. paclfio Ctraat, atsady, 3 10i4 10s. ?few York Cotton Markea. KeTW TORK. Not. 14. Cotton Spot Ori'. !3 rlrts lower, yid-tiplwnds. 14.ft5c; A TALK TO MEN IV e do not car. to enlist the Interest of the ' casual reader, but we invite the earnest at tention of men, MEN ONLY", and only man who need treatment. We want especially to talk to the man who haa been taking treatment that does not cure. We want to talk to the man who haa dosed himself with Free Trial Samples. Patent Remedies, Specifics and Cure Alls. We want to talk to tiie man who haa been using secret appliances and similar devices. We want to talk to the man who has sought relief In vain. If thla has been your unhappy experience you are cordially invited to come to our office, where we will fully and freely explain to you why such treatment haa not cured you, and where we will demonstrate to your en tire satisfaction why we can cur. you safe ly, quickly and permanently. we claim tor our ireaunem nuuiitm miraculous or wonderful It Is simply our successful way of doing things. No Money Required Until Satisfied We charge nothing to prove our methods will oure you. Tou need, not pay a dollar until satisfied. Private counsel and a thorough, painstaking personal examination are free. No charge for medicines. AFFLICTKO MEIi before, treating; eUewbrre, honraf ry Investigate our .mvea methods. Yin Trill Ikes anderatand how easily we rare VARI iF, VKINw. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISO!,, NERVO-VITAl. DEBILITY, onsTRlt TIO.NS, PROSTATIC, BLADDER and KIDNEY trochlea, and ail contracted aalaneatja. What you want Is a cure Come to us and get It. One under our treatment you will quickly realize how simple a thing It la to get weal In Ua. handa of a apeclallst who knows his business. Our cures add not only years to life, but life to years. Hours Dally ( to I. Evenings 7 to b- Sunday. 10 to 1 only. DR. GREEN FORT GEORGE COMMERCIAL CLUB An ora-anlzatlon of Fort G.orge eltl renej and business men will m thentlc information free regarding; openings for business and Investments In what will be one of the largest Canadian cities. The registered legal townslte of Fort George adjoins the Indian reservation on the west and faces on tho Necliaco River. There Is no other logical loca tion Xor a city In the vicinity and ev ery railroad chartered to build through Central British Columbia will run through our town because they can't help themselves W. will have all railroads. Other townsltua starting In the vicinity will have none at all because of the topog raphy of the country, i Fort George Is the geographical and strategic commercial center of British Columbia and haa now 1000 miles of navigable waterways and will hav. 1000 miles. Fort George Is growing rapidly and by the time the first railroad reaches the place In 1912. will have 5000 popu lation and In five years 10,000. Let ua send you first hand facts about Fort George. You can get quick reply by address ing ' Fort O-orge Publicity Bureau. Room 13 543 Granville St.. Vancouver. B. C Or if you prefer, address. Secretary Commercial Club; Fort George. B. C. mlrt-Kulf. 14.90c galea, 1100 bales. Futures closed barely steady at a net decline of 4 to 14 pointa. November. 14.42c; December, I4.4Tc; January, 14.38c: February, 14.46c; Marcb. 14. .13c; April. 14.5flc: May. 14.6Tc; June. 14.67Jc; July. 14.fi3c: August, 14.D3C Metal Markets. NEW TORK, Not. 14. Standard copper firm but quiet; spot. NoTerabex and Decem ber. 12.50eiZ.Uc: January. 15.M12.15c: March, lieof 12-TOc. laondon. firm; spot, i3T 12a d; futures. 3S 11a Sd. Local deal erg reported a firm market. Lake, 13.00 ln.ISc; electrolytic 12.S7 4J13.0OC; caiting. 12.30 12. TSc Arrivals reported at New Yoflc today, 140 tone. Custom houa. re turns ehow exporta ao far tbls month of B703 tona Tin. quiet- Spot, S3.S0 jJM.OOc; Novem ber. 3J.75C 35.83c: December. January and February. 37.."J J.12Sp; London, quiet; spot, ltW 3a; futures., f 154. Lead, quiet. 4.40 V 4.30c new Nor, and 4,234 4-30 East PL Louis. London, apot. 13 Ka 3d. Iron Cleveland warrants, 4Ps 4d In London. locally Iron was steady. No. 1 f.undry Southern and No. 1 foundry South ern aoft. S15.73?16.23; No. 9 foundry North ern, 313.33 316.00. Tlelble Supply of Grain. , NEW TORK, Nov. 14. Th visible supply of s;raln In the TTnlted States Saturday, No vember 12. aa compiled by tho New Tork Produce Exchans., was aa follows: Bushels. Decrease. Corn ." 2.30T.OOO 669,000 n.t. ' . 18.iao.oou 42T.O0O Rye 400,000 l.ouO Barley . 728. 000 1T8.000 Oriluth Flax Market, DTJT.TTTH, Nov. 14. Flax on track. 31.74; to arrive. 32.69: November, 32.74; December, 32.69; May. 32.60 asked. Braalluaa Oold aat Mverpoal. LONDON. Nov. 14. Five million dollars In Brazilian old reached LlTerpool today, con signed to London. ' At Kenebworth. Lelreaterahlre. a bird h built Its nest in Ul. aide pocxei a crow. MEN AND WOMEN CURED The famous v- Chinese. D B. iv. caaa. fully. It has mil m a n v uf. f.rera sa.a vaaa sir cut when other remedies have rai.vd. Sure cure for chronlo pri vets ailments, nervousness, blood poi son, rheumatism, asthma, pneumonia, bladder, kidney, throat and lung trou bles, consumption, stomach disorders and other dlseaaes of all kinds. Reme dies harmless. K. operation. Honest treatment. Examination free. Call or write to Ta. 8. K. Cha Cblaea. Medicine C4, 126 W Morrison St, between First and Second. Portland. Oregon. kOLIMa alUiU CtTtXEftE MEDICINE CO. F?rTSc,7T't-wJ'1 Our ram ad lea are composed sad barks and are aura to ctire to stay cuxd. All chronlo diseases of man sad woman a apactalty. If yott cannot caU. ml for symptoms blank. - 347 Taylor St.. bet. becood and TTuifal. Irortiauad. Oresoaa. , ; saw- ; f. jaiTUauuitloBa, IrrlUtioBS or aloerationa of an na cowa saenibraoea, annata ral diacharrea from sjoae. May raawr throat or urinary oraaats. 'waadawkalfa. Sold by Drurirlsta la tIa1& WTaDDOTa ex- preea prepaid on receipt of $l.or three bottlea, $S.7ft Book let oa ret. neat. CO. JSSiSSK 362 Washington St. OR. a!!.!. m a r-y& i i with tnair t'l 1 vf 1 1 Chinese rem.- Tfjr and roots cure wonder. a4 inw cu afitaa - raws. V n m a TT rar Men Cured v Quickly Consult Us Today Free of Charge No Money Required to Commence Treatment If Honest and Responsible You Can Pay Fee When Cured X-RAY Examinations When Necessary Free THE RELIABLE SPECIALISTS Remember, There Is No Man Too Poor to Get Cured by Us We Treat -Ailments of Men Only and Nervous Debility I Varicose Veins Cured In a few weeks. Improvement from th. start. If you suffer from loss of energy and ambition, feel tired when you arise In the morning, lame back dlx Blness, spots before the eyes, and feel you are not tha man you once were, I will oure you for life. Call and 1 will explain why tt cures when all else falls. A friendly chat will cost you nothing. Call at once, and don't delay. Contracted Ailments We cure these ailments by a method peculiarly our own. Our cure removes .very obstruction from tho urinary passage, allays Inflammation, reduces th. proatat. gland, cleanses and heals th. bladder, kid neys. Invigorates and restores health and soundness to every part of tha body afflicted with tha disease. WEI tTURE PHOMPTLT, SAFELY and THOROUGHLY and at the iHrweent Ooart, VARICOSE! VEIJfS, WEAKVESS, BLOOD AH I 8K1T AILMKJ.TS, KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLES, ULCERS. SORES, FAIXFUL SWELLINGS, BURlflXO, ITCHLWO sued I7 Jb'LAMM ATION, sTBHVOUSNBlSS, LOSS of STRENGTH and Ailments of Hen. Our fees as specialist for cures are lass than those char (red by family physicians or surgeons. Medicines fur. Dished from our own laboratory for the convenience and privacy of our patients, from 31.60 to 36-50 a, course. If you cannot call, write for our FREE SELF-EXAMINATION BLANK AND BOOK. Hours, S A. M. to 6 P. M. Even ings T to t. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 12 M. only. THE OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE Bet 4th and 5th.. PORTLAND, OREGON MY CURES ARE PERMANENT 25 Years of Cures FOR MEN An unbroken record of cores during all these years Is positive proof of the value of my direct-method treatment. F"or 25 years I have specialized in treating the disorders of men only. A a-reat many people do not seem to under stand the difference between the regular practitioner and the medical expert who has devoted his life study to. say three or four complicated aliments. They seem to be under the Impression that any physician cures any ailment with equal success. It is an every day experience to have a patient say: "I have tried nearly every remedy sold by druggists for my trouble." and the Invariable verdict Is, "No benefit." Another will say: "I have been treated by several family physicians in my neighborhood who thought they could cure me. but the results proved otherwise." PAY AFTER I HAVE CURED YOU More Men M There are scores and hundreds of afflicted men who believe their cases Incurable because treatment of the past has resulted In) failure, and who, through this belief, are being deprived of the full and complete health that might be theirs. I do not claim that there are no Incurable oases, but I do claim that many cases absolutely Incurable by such treatment as has been given them will yield promptly to th. correct and scientific methods that I exclusively employ. I offer free consulta tion and. will accept for treatment no case unless I am confident of my ability to effect a complete cure. This is meant emphatically. I say that you can e cured. I stand ready to back up this statement with proof. I ask you" to call at my office and talk with me about it. Examination and consultation will cost you nothing, and I will ex plain to you my methods of curing. The methods I will tell you about are unlike those employed by any other doctor. They are. In their chief essentials, methods of my own devising. They are founded upon a knowledge of the truth in regard to th ailments of men. That s why they cure, and why they are tha only methods that can soundly and thoroughly cure. My Saccessfnl Treatment for Aflments Dosing the system with powerful stimulants and tonics in an effort to restore health can have but one final result: The condition Is ren dered worse than before. 'Ailment" is merely an Indication of a low form of inflammation, and this Inflammation Is but aggravated by stimu lating remedies that excite temporary activity. I employ the only scien tific and fully effective treatment for ailments which effects a per manent cure. By my direct-method treatment I obtain complete results In every cas. I treat. - ' Varicose Veins, Its Complete Cure Without Surgery Those suffering from varicose veins or any other ailment tending to destroy and disfiarure and to render happiness Impossible are urged to call upon me without delay. Those wasting valuable time, dissipating their money and aggravating their ailment by submitting to indirect. In effectual, unscientific treatment that never did and neyer can cure, are Invited to visit me and Investigate my successful system. I positively aruarantee results In all curable cases and frankly refuse to accept any cither cases, if for any reason It Is too late to guarantee a cure. Under my treatment the most aggravated cases of varicose veins are ciirad There is no pain, and It Is seldom necessary that the patient be detained from his occupation. Normal circulation la at once restored throughout and the natural processes of waste and repair are again established. If you are afflicted with varicose veins consult me at once. Delay "on but bring on aggravated conditions and nervous complications that will Involve the general health. Men's Ailments Every case I treat Is cured thoroughly. My patients have no relapses. When I pronounce a case cured there Is not a particle of Infection or In flammation remaining, and there Isn't the slightest danger that the ail ment will return in its original form, or work Its way into the general svstem. Borne aliments are less serious than others but none are so trivial as to warrant uncertain methods of treatment. I especially solicit those cases that other doctors have been unable to cure. Examination and Advice Free m eer not only FREE eonawltatloa and advice, lint of every em hit come to me I vrtll make a cni-efol examination and diagnosis with, ont chars; e. No .Ulnae man should nearlecx thla opportunity to set ex Bert opinion about his trouble. OFFICE HOURS 9 A. 31. TO 8 P. M. SUNDAYS, 10 TO 1 ON1Y. The DR. TAYLOR Co. 234 V4 MORRISON ST, PORTLAND, OIL ' I dally demonstrate that varicose veins can be cured. In nearly all cases, by one treatment, in such a satisfactory way that a healthy circulation is rapidly re-established, and Instead of the depressing cond'.i tlona I guarantee you a oure or refund the money, Blood Diseases If you have sore throat.r. or refund the money, copper-colored spots, sores and ulcers, bone pains, fall ing hair or any other svmptoms of this ailment, you should consult us and be forever rid of It. Our treat ment cleanses and eradicates every tair.t and every Impurity of th. blood and system. All danper of trans mission or recurrence Is removed. Why take poisonous drugs for years when a thorough cure ban be obtained without T Consult us at once. The Leading SpeciaJIart. ght Be Well Guarantee Cures MEN CURED IS OUR FEE Pay When Cured W. haw. every known remedy ap pliance tor THEAT1A ii YOU. Our ex perience is mo arrest and varied that no one of the aliment, of Men is new to ale. COMB IN AND TALK IT OVER. GeneraQ Debility, Hralt Nerv?a, In somnia Results ox exposure, overwork and other Violation, of Nature', laws. Dlseaaes of Bladder and Kidneys, V ari cos. Vaina, quickly and permanently eured at small expense and no altst.u-. uon from business. SPECIAL AILMENTS Newly con tracted and chronlo cases cured. Ait Burning, Itching and lnf lammatloa stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected la seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for list of questions. Office Hours A. M. to S X. at. Sundays. 10 A. M. to I P. M. only. 'PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL CO. WASHINGTON STREET, Corner First. Men and Women Cured $5 and $10 Is Our Fee PAY WHEN CURED. $10 X-RAY EXAMINATION FREE. Call at once and find out what your trouble la before this rmnd e-ffer 1b wlta lrawn. The Brit ish Medicine Co. are curing the tick with their wonderful Euro pean methods of i electric ana nat ural treatment. romhlned with their btchemlc remedies. They ire curing to stay , eured all chronlo - nervous ana spe- clal diseases of : men and women, t Male and female j aliments, recta, t I 1 1 a 1 1 1 and- piles cured without the knif or detention from business; constipation, stomach, liver, gall stones, leldneys. bladder, prostate, blood poison, skin diseases, pimples, sores, ulcers anywhere on body, eczema, rheumatism, varicose vlna, Bclatlca, lame back, fit, nervousness, locomotor ataxia and all chron ic diseases. If away from the city write for particulars. Call at once and be cured. Consultation free. BRITISH MEDICINE CO.. 2X7H Washington St., 4th floor Rothchlld Bldg., room 407. Take Elevator. L. T. YfcJE THE CHINESE DOCTOR Yee Sk Son's Medicine Co. spent lifetime study of herbs and rv cearch in China; was granted diploma by the Emperor; won derful cure of all ailments of men and women when others failed. If you suffer, call or write to YEE A SON'S MEDI CINE CO., 142V5. Elrst. Cf Alder. Portland. O. X. Xsv j, 'Mir r -(7-rf."p'.-:-ar.'!;.KM;'-.vilv ,p -i : ..c.H. it wail " jfcrl A