TirK MOTrvrVG OREGONTAX. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 19lO. IS . , " t " 1 1 ..--- I FOR RENT. - f dJ. iOM-lB hue- I M A.'Hl.Xil". J . s - -. . - - - - It.- proprt-r. .JO-yar ground Im, wit a opnon buy; win Mcbtact lr other -ity suburban reeity. O II AfRKS 4 mllM from VwicooTtr and S M.Hik ffm tor and Ictrlo un: 4 arr- of bfATtHtm; will trad for bom or liM. Xavk L--.a. Knora 2, J-rfimber-tth pi-fg . -h in1! Stark sta HAVE es:f lntt worth In CO orchard land, t'ndwwood rt:r s-t to arpi. emcaanee for land property or eatomobi.e- AC - r'-n.aa- . Whirl- and H LXTRAORDl.NART PAIR Dark, dappled gray end year. mar and hom, full bro-tn-r and " jrfrrt and chunky buUL with good ft r I .. beautiful Jong tall and man; ih? pair will Mil auy buin, ettbr fr farm, fiprwt or -neral purpose; fs-t a,lifr and rood prompt driver; trial by calling al "3 Aldr st. .NEW YORK CLL'B STABLES. lirv TOl'NO. THI PAIR of bay mara. T and ud m rorf tlonry bualn: ! aa ownr a botefht auto truck. fro-S Aioar t BAT CANADIAN HAMK. TEAKS OLD. 1J lb-. sound, kind and raabla In at pij-c. coat --0 jVi Spnor: prte f and ana la worm ttow. if )ou a- aa for her; ranted and tx.al Ul AO A Mar at. PCGGT. WAGONS. HARNES. KADDLFS. 1 ftiav -ri top and a fw rubber tira bucclaa. al In arai-ciaaa eoadition. at frm I'M up to lo. Also -vrl art 'n , and dmibla barn, from 913 up; 10 ddl of a.l kini Xrm 4 up to ; an faavy pat truk, in aod eoalitbn; prt- $;s. on Sua hand-mad spr-a aoa. ail cmpli witb top. prlr rwi $2 mi on yaar aa'K If tn nd or anythina la lb la lina, oail and Inapact at i-xi Aiar at. Tour "botra of ft bnrw from T to 1 vaxa ) d, weighing; from la t 1 1' it-.. d hy tb A-dow Brook Ira Cr-m i -v. u4d aecotnt of no f-tribrr u Vt tfra. iticaa from to ITi. i0i Aldr trtL U buys fut road and tmttlnc mar. Jn:.!a I . bojidaDiu bay mift. rd Q to la BUM an boot, can tp a atow a quarter in S3 acon.ta; If you r tn want of a faat brub and road anaro fr a Ititi mnn-y. don't mi her; thta n.ara to a barain at l-l. to oak Ini-mi-aiat ani bav put t prlc dt to la dar trtai. 5'A A.Ur aC St3 TF.AM AND HARNESS. Pair irIdinita, wr.ht cl to i-00 tound and tru pu.lra ainl or double, extra, fan waira. bavy hrwchinc Jr na. eo;in at: com plot. Call w T rk i luo tabi. lata and Alir ta; aiao flat jrrur a. SH-ton, p rlc t rOR SALC KlKTLAND STaBLL. Si. Urtl toT Pbec 4lrbaii lA, A rarload of bor and man from T""0 to 14A tb.; price from to !-' r-r br: naii-kad t -ac-.a -nb hrnfK ail comlM. from t2i to p-r tam. and my writtra gaarule to refund your money n any bora that la t aatta fat.ry. Ea-b team I pulied and ahoaa 1 pruap-Uva purchaaer. For refren- a to my rpnaibtuty and ra.iabiiity. Mr p pnnn tb Portland Truat ' br I bank. HaHQ'M rarnca Uo fumlebd. H. K Evaaa DOR5ES FOR 8ALX. An of W to ton iiroa. a SfrTViarri Hora will b on ami at tno Hawtbora atbi for li dara, Thy rang in w tc; hi. 400 to lw, aod from to IS yam of aa. A all of our work oa th N. V. R. R. k Jaa. all of otir atock will b for aoJ. Tby will b aoid under tb aaraato of th Hawthorn biaDt. CaJ aad Uutpct the ftr Smitl 1. iUWTH'jH.N fab bTAULd 4 JU Uawthorn avo. HOR4ES yOR SALS. Two ear of bora ha Juat aretd and will So aoid under our fruaraataa, Thy rate la weight from looo to 140 - Iba.: a from ft to 11 yarl a'l ood worker and price rvaaoaaol. Y9 alo bv tbrea apaa of iual maUa wvicbt ao to 10uw Iba. for aaia. CaU and Inapact tbeo. If wanttnc boraea HawUkoraa tblra 4J0 Ujwtnoro av. FOR iAtaV Team of two borae. barnaa and apricc waoa; all ta first-claa coo ni ioa. wtU maa prtco not for quics aalo. Oaaor rwot sw Oraia blu FOR 8 ALE -Team of two bora, aoond aad tn good condition, aood aprln wifol and barn la firat-claa ahap; a bar aia for quick aaia. Ai i-annbar. l iackamaa. Or. 21 (. ST aoll fine, chunky 2400-lb. team horaoa, tru worker ainrl or doub; trial clven; Hi; omaar fftwa up buainoaa. Cail 49 at3d at. Nortft. nrar Brwadway. ONE tam horve. well matched. wijrhlna; 4. touaU. t rue : on train y oao K bonca miabinar SZ&K oound and tru. .itui mmiL . . W AMKD m pa'r A-l horaea -yr o d. waia-ht 130O to UOO; mint b uaraoted ROT AL. I'AKtRY. llth and Evertt 8ta Hl'BEKT A HALL'a fiTABI.Ert. root t-. Iiry busina. riara bor, haraoa. waron. for aat or mil Alain 32i. FOK II IKE. PvThTLA-NU STA BL,Ei. 2 H. 13TH bT. AIAHUALL, IAho. HurWEd AM WAOoNi hy Day, wee: ok Month. CARLOAD of illaaourl mulva for aaia. or ill bir out to reponiMa party. Addreoa H. M. Look. ImparuU Hot!. rWa. organ and Muacal lnotniwiaaf FOR "ALE My fm playor-plano that I bought diract frwrn tb factory In tho r.aat. PUa all kinde of mtaic. Will ell cheap, becauao I mut baa money quick. fall at Q1 A Iberta at. r'K BALE A beautiful upright piano of wU-koowo But, at only a inali part of what it coat ma. Mak me off ex. Add ran mi ATberta at. 'M 'NO;RAPH with S rooorda for aaia. :? 2 Madtaoa at HaNO fr a: oa Inatallmenta, cbaaa. pbona Mala bill or Tabor Al'TvUOUlLB BARGAIN. Wo aro offartng for aai at very raaaoo abK prco ora 1WW aad ivid Ptorce Arrow and Cadtliaca. two SO-o Vtoaraa. T y rm-f touring, one tidamoblto ft pminfTT. on Crcitoa Kaloo ltfltf model fully equipped. Owner o.' tb car bav in placed order tor ltftl Plorc aad Cadillac earn. COVb-Y btOTOn COM PANT. WANTED buy r for two SO-OO Stoarna t.paangr louring car. complty equipped, recent y painted and r hau.ed; no reuonab orfer win bo rfuad. ooa ar of tbeeo car ba placed ardor for XXl Plerc Arrow a. COVKT lAuXoR COM PA-NT. AT T-agr. r prleo auto for at: ful'y equipped ad A-l condition; prlca f .5m cash or good aorurod notes or bond: d-m't oail without you mean buiaca HugaMcOulre. pmb Sfft, Lewi bldg. AITOMOHILB rOR SAI L. i ear i y a w o- H. P. Whit Reamer, fuy equipped; dnea only liOO mile; wtU tra.1 for PorUand property. 1'hwa Tabor 242. H IT 4. A lTO MOB I LA Exchange three handaomo Sevejo rug for runaboot or four-- led tmr; wlU pay difiranev K ft-LL Oraco- XETROIT electric Victoria a d for dmoa traUQg oa.y. Car practically good a aa w. Fag aa. at Tory raaaonabl price. COVET MOTuH COMPANT. Fl RE3TON B. new. for aal. or would trad for real eatat and pay difference. Oracoa g.ectric Vh:c Co.. I Aldr at. FOR bALAV On fur automobile capo, raaa onaMe. V 511. ir jocaa. WaNTKU 'hmxI auto la exrhang fur Lau- hlhurjt lot. V Orfgooun. VcKn runahout for a., good condition; ..:o. 5J Aldxr t. M. 433".. A 71T1. Hirde. iw aad Pet Mock. WANTI.D Eatra, heavy milking. teated cow. W ill pay th pru o. R ft-.s uregoniao, "" MI4-ellaaeoa FOR ALK Complete moving-pictur outfit: r-ady operating; and film Apply Wi4 Houa. 1 1 and M. l C room ft. FOR SALS Or trade, fine a'octrio piano; reby u r : c h t piano aMl folding organ. e4 S aaatnetoa. WANT to aril a eS crtUS-ata and S wortk of boka in hnke-Waik-r Buainea Col lar for $Jo. ft"T East Cay. ONE of lb flneot freab cow In tho city. Inquire or u. t. 4 utHuwu, bm aaxi ata. Woodatock. 4AKKS Fir and burglar-proof ; tea c-ond-hanC standard tnaaee; low prlca. oaay fuH to ALE tfnow :aaea. wallcaaoa. eountara la stork and mads t prlc S-T3 GraA aa. a. erder at Iowt prlc LmAHoE flat-top ofTlr drak and chair, rood aa new. IM. Rational Pack. lug Co . d and Stark. ' HAND-MADE Imported Paiaiay abawl. Fhone A. aaji. COOD aardem manure, $1.50 a load. F 601 FOR SALE 14 need folding chalra Homo Theater. Grand ivt. and Morxtaoo at. y)H SALE AO go) hotbed aaah. Columbia T7. mornlrga Pboao CONCRETE mixer for aa. David Dew at COIN collection, or will trade for aaia- oumbared property. va. OJIA urg oniaa. M lacW laaeoo. vers srrrs and oteroats. Io you wlah to sav money wbn y purrfas your suit or overcoat? Then tak alerator to third floor Oregon tan bl-ii hin-rd suit and ovrcota. SO to valuea for SlS-Ti; to $21 50 vlu for 14 T3. Jlmml Dunn, room HZ, Oregnlan bldg. FOR 6AI.E On No. 32 Smith concret mixer on trork with 10-H. P. steam n gln and botlr. on No. 13 aids loader, mounted on KtBiiiM Mtf.ntMind hourta 00 m- ft Ut with bucket, dlacbars cbut hd. no air K. O. Tltua. UVi M iu rowo- Marahall 1779. FT. RS SPEniL ,, OwlBt to backward mim, mu . jnr Uf atock ot fin. fura at prlca that will male, a rlran awnp: tak. advantaca. bur -nulD. fara from th. manufacturer and 't tb bt at half pnea. Sal. all th. wrk. Opm ar.nw.ra A. R.ln.r. Pratlral Furrlrr. 13 11th at. TOR AU) Oaaolln. launch. 40 it 10 (wl bMm. 2u-horpowr. union m- ina: lurt t!. thln for oarrhl or toor la. wlU 11 chaap or will trad" for l'..rtland Jota J. K. Buxka, CaLblam.t. fflllL FOR 6ALE Movlnf-plctura outfit completa, .v.rrthlnc ndwt In th. opratln room; on.-pln tdlaon machine Macklntoaa dn anmna t.roptlcon. motor, awitrbra, ua. block, wiring. f It n"r Ortaonlan. THE NorthwMt Typawrltar CompanT. 3 " WnVton bid,, phoo. U. 70, 1. tb. oalr company mui atrictiy factory x.bul.t trprwrltan: price. 110 to laj. -H 8AI.K or .ichanit. for raal tata. 1 ftrat-claaa launch. 0h. p. nln S0 foot by bum. 1 Mllwaukl. at, rorl lind. - WASTRD (Xond-band Whit. aa auto mohll; mut b In flntlaM condition. K 51. Orriconl CWTHIVO A.XP EVERTTHINO. wuutl Ural caatofl dothlnc and hoa. and blcyclra: titijhat prlc. paid; w. alao buy ladi clothina. CaU up th. i ob. Hcoudud wtora. I'hoa. Mala : Ota : l.t it. IF TOU a houMhold fumllur. t. aalk call ap Gor. Uakar A Co. 161 Park ak rioth phoa.a IkLL yoar awnd-band rurnltar. to th. Ford Auction Co. or you'll aat lM. Pnon A it4i. Mam HuSL WANTED To buy aond-hand aula Inr and toaar tubM. Cbaa. a. Llton. 4J Stark ik W A XT E D A roll-top dcaa. Thon 5. 2T aftrr A. M. tK.'L hard ot milch wi E 6IU Or.go- r. I .n. WANTtD looo yarda dirt. Phooa If. 2tk. . W NTEr MoTln.plctur. tnacntaa. (a. out fit, tun. ate r 431. Or.onlan. , VI buy .Tythlnf am I bon. Marshall SS3. ad pay th. prlca. to niLr w An:r m ut w, ANTED Man without .ap.rt.nc to work at ...ctrlclty. plumblnc. aulomobll. bricklaying: l.arn trad. In a fow moalha without aip.; 20O atud.ota laat y.ar; l3o 0)0 contract JoUa: writ. Immllalaly. I nltrd Tr4i achool ContracUas Ca. to Am-lea WANTED Rallabls man for Clark County, Waahmfton. to r.prfa.nt ua in in. rmv u. on. of th. bt ..iilns artlcl.. la th. V. e. A man can mk. at lat ..tw a month, adttraa with raf.rancM. w iM. Ora.onlan. WANTtD A-l atock aalaan. LclUroat. and falbla propoaltion; no tak.; ood coraralaaloa and contract: om t incM and racomm.ndatlona. O o3 ur- Ionian. KUIBSR younv man wanted to l.arn .lmltu ana ranroaa iiimniFB?. paying S'o to :H per month auarautcd. Call or addnaa T.loaraph Dopu. 14s 0th KTHt BAII.WAT mail cl.rka. poat afflc. elm-ka. tt.r carrt.ra. custom houa. aad Internal rav.no. employe to propar. for uva Inatlona; frc. book. Pacino SUM School. klcKay bide, ctty WANTED Exp.rl.ncad aaleawoman capabl. H. M. Uray. ITt-17. aforrlaoa at. HiUHaEN WANTED to a.11 fruit t. walnut it and ornamental Ot here ar. wiaklns ood. Splendid territory. E- peoa. money advanced WMkly. Writ. Albany Kuracrtee, Albany. Or.. IepL A. EXPERIENCED "iardenar wanted for laraa country place, cloa. to Portland: must have thorough knowleda. of both flowara and Teaetablea and sood rafarancaa. At On-rnnljtl- WANT0 Two live men for eteady poa4 tloa: must b. gxod talkers; salary to start - par weak. Call tu urrtonian oau, before i:10 A- M. and 1 P. M. BKIOHT. ambllloua boy about sljtsen for offic work: kiv. IUH pmrtiUM.r.. rai..-n-. and waea dealred. AS UX, Oreio- WANTFD A Ilea, up-to-date, eiperlenced r.rrui-loa roan "- ... " g-t tubcrlptlou and Uk charg of car ri.rtr rout AU ii. Orasonian. BRIOHT office boy about 16 year old; must come WW. mwiiuu-ii". -- ! you ar a liv wire, isorthwestara Fruit Lxchanca, 90S Bp aiding bldg. ACTIVE reliable boy for Hjrht wagon de livery; jna mces and salary axpocted. AE 00 O'egonian. MAN or woman to run restaurant, nearly .... i .ma - KeTaarri ona for rent! snap. Arply North 2th; W ear to 2iHh. block north. WANTED A party " trmft.X? .. . Hwn. of wood. Inaulr. at 427 Harrison street, batwera 13 A. M. and 4 P. M. WANTED A rood ail-around vaneral blacksmith. APP'T o m. JZ foreman. Northwest ataal Company. 4J0 7v on a rx.'M . WANTED Competent, experienced drafts man for reiniorcea cooci.. . A stata experlenc and salary axpewtaa. a .-1. Orecontan. WIIJ. accept carpenter labor as first pay ment on email horn, and lot, balance easy moot on t.rma c-e Insrtoa at. riynaoa. room aio, -o . nsu WANTED All auto ownera and drivers, have your vu'.canlatns: and retreading dona by Cbaa. a. aUloo, U stark at Paona CEauN automoou. driving aad repalnaa. stay or e sains- Of tie. Ut. Waaatagtaa ft. .la; coming baalneea. pleatr wars, WANTED Neat young man with little rr.'mei: ekaac (a Bulk. blT money. 2.J Fifth st VA ANTED A man that aac7erstaada farnl. dress M MU Oregonlan. THAVxi.lNO man. familiar with the stove and tusm dealara. to travel In Oregueu s'te experience. W 517. Oregonlan. WANTEVD In planlagmllU first-class saak and door clamper. Apply at Frank lien mm A Co.. East a:h and Tata hilt WANTED Moving-plot ure eperaror salary 1:5 vaekl staSxly work, p &21. Orw gon'.an- Al soUcltors. Christmas Bambor; fin. clum my aad credenuala. Henertlctlne n ssa Goodnough bids- WANTED A yonag man to learn th. bar. b,r trada; smali sum raqulrad. HI. afor rtsoa a.. W ANTED Atfonce, two ooatmakers and a bushelmaa: good wagsa. 10 E. 28tA St, cor. Aak-ny St. WANTED Experienced f urntshlnfca goods sslosman. SamL Rosenblatt A COk. 2rd and vjorrlaoaeUL WANTED First-class meat-cnttar. oapaM. of maaaglnaj shop, out of town. Apply 20 Front at. WANTED Experienced. capable buainea manager for high -class lecturer. K bK Orvgonlait WANTED Experienced photo Onuher. $13 weekly tn. " rwm; eieaoy Job. Vav-lflc Aft Co.. Aberdeen. Was fa. BOOKKEEPINO Rapid, thorough, private tuition by an expert accountant 801 Mer chants Truat bldg. afiNTED O trice bor. Apply Schwarxchlld A SulsbOTrer Ccv, starartam Road aod Sey mour ST.. W ANTED flrst-claea plasterers, 4. Fran la Church. & Pin, and 12h sta. SOLICITOR wanted. Apply 2SH Union a N. LIVE agenta to Mil photo coupons; aw ell offer. Pavla. 42. Waah. st CUTTERS and glaziers for art (lass. Edward Bruna Co.. SS First st FIRST-CLASS pantsmaaer: steady i fo'.lvka A Co.. 2u Corbatt bldg. vrork. J. SALESMAN of high-grade: none others ap- pljr. 21t starquam oiug.. a a. js. T AI LO R 3 wanted for repairing and pi lr:g. .47 ramon ev. AN experienced solicitor for family liquor Sto IT.ih Inpliin at WANTED Girl to work; lllUa stand. Call fCO nrstst FUOTOGRAP11 coupon and portrait agentai nsw .car. kntoartn siavus. saausa Bius, I niri n- vrrn M A f W I nfLr w I r.ir r cit.ti.i I m.,t - -. - i , , - . INCIDENT. Office rteeretary Emplorment TJepart- ment. T. M. C. A. ' . Yoong man. atranrer. out or wont tjv Ma total cash assets If I pay you for special employment membership 1 wni only have 15 left between me and stnrva- riecretiiry If you Ty ti tor employment membership you will " I. II. C A., with all Its resources, between you and atarvatlnn. What happened 7 . - Toung man took membership. In"" 01 two hours ne found aatlslactory amploy xnent . During Ootober 1P10. 11T .thar. found employment In a like manner. Employment or refund of merrvoersnip fee guaranteed. ' ,.. See secretary Btnplorment Bopartment, T. M. C A, EAST IN6IDE WORK. BIO 8ALART. Tli. New York Film Co. eV Morlw Pic ture School will make a reduction on regular prlc on lessons In raovlng-plcture operation during thl. week; nest ana Urgest equipped school on the Coast; com petent Instructors who teach the business In every detail; competent operators are in demand and earn to Us kl'; we help to secure positions; Investigate our plan of starting pupils In the motion picture business free of charge; motion picture theaters make from $10 to $10 dally; theaters fully .quipped on. easy terms. Information and terms gladly glv en. nil, Washington St. Open evenings. SALESMEN. IF TOTT HAVB OOOD B A OH BONE ARK frP9CEPTIHLE TO " INSTRUCTION. WILLING TO ABSORB a'D.HAB A DISPOSITION TO FOLLOW l-jjTkc," TIONH. CLEAN AND SOBER. W E WILL ASSUME THE KESPON81RILITT OIC TOUR DECOMINO SUCCESSFLL RE ESTATE SALESMEN AND PAT TOU 1111 WORTH. Had OAK 8T. WANTED Toung men to learn to operate ntoving picture machines: wsges from l to $35 a week: our operating school rec ognised all over the Eaat aa the standard. m- t-.-H Mfh student on Powers. Edison and Double Stereoptlcon Dlasolrer ma chines. There Is no course of Instruction so thorough on tho Pacific Coast We are the iargeet illra renters In the world, we are having lally calla for operators; get one of our standard operators handbooks. Apply Laemmle. 608 Cout h bldg, ourth ana wasningioo iip-t. .."". ABLBUODIED men wanted for the Sj Sa: must bs naUve bcrn or hav. flrat papera: monthly pay tli 'A," dltlonal comrenaatlon posslbla f.VTl clothing. Quarters and medical attendance freev After aO yrs" service can retire with T5 per cent of pay and 1l"wncV: Service on board ahlp aad ashore 'n " parte of the world. Apply U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office. Breeden bldg. so snq HMniaiwn . .... - SALESMEN The Columbia Life Trust i ompsny nave an wurun's --- - , Orel-class soUcltors. If yon have not naa experience In selling life Insurance you will be schooled and rendered assistance Hi funding prospects and closing business. Corns In and talk U over. Ask for B. . P. Ixvckwood. vlce-prsa. and general mansger, or Harry Rlrhsy. city . manager. Ktk noor Spalding bldg. MTV WANTED Age 18 to S3, for foremen. $100 monthly, and brakemen. eo. -n ear by rallroada Experience unnecessary, no strike. Promotion to engineers, con ductors. Railroad Employing Headquar t.r. over boo men sent lo position, monthly. Stat, age: aend stamp, xiau way Association, oregonlan. HOW WILL TOO "SIZE UP" When you com. in contact with the man whose "yes" or "no" mems success or failure for you 7 The International Corre spondence Schools can train you to 'e up." Address 22 Alder at Our new cata- logu. la now reaqy. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper- '", "f"" ence and relerences. us un AD o'JO. Oregonlan. WANTED At once. 2 men to learn to drive ona repair IBWF. v ... WANTED A boy with wheel. Sol Aldgr su HELP WANTED rEMAIA WANTED Number young ladles to leru teegrapny; easy to leara: soou guaranteed. Call or address Tslegraph Dept, 148 6th st WANTED Lady demonstrators, bouse to house, also to travel, auiur ' J or commur:on: pleasant work, Call at Aew Scott Hotol. D. W. Flaher. W ANTED Latty teacher for reading and writing oy tntw " " . . . Pcrtsraouth and McKsnna nvea. Addreas vm s sib. WANTED An experienced girl for h,r? . ii. ne thru, adults. vox a aie. good wages; must be neat and a good Jtook- ApW mornings at 885 Overton at WANTED Refined, capabl. woman for re sponsible position. Vlsrl Co.. oO Bota- eblld bldg- 4ta and Waahlngton. EXPERIENCED aklrtmaksr; also good h.lpeti for tailored work. Teeadale. JO starquaa. oiu- WAITED Lady taachcr. Apply today from l:au vo a.w sr. - --.. btocK. WANTED Lady denaonatratom. Apply aU IBS Ku n atl ajjawii. d mmmh - -w 10 1 sru. &XPERTENCED lr! wantd for .be east. nhPl BsMd a DO IT. 773 TnhTinfin. Main 2075. W ANTE D E xprln cod marker an d d i . i.ii usrtlanil T-aaunrl-1 V StA XT. DULOrm. V eVU M w - e w and Couch at- tXpE RI E NCED f Irl for enrai housework and cook lag. T4 Irvlnjr St.. cor. 24th. Main 6-35. A 1183. T" .. .t .i-t .an.rml haiiaaworlr muit o aw - - U it apt. 8l K mrd St.. Apt. . WANTED, by local buainea firm, reliable woman wllllnf to work; experience not 'III I al. At, QW, i.ri . TANTE1 flrl for cooking and general .IflrTIw innl at 181 17th St OOT- br Of lamniii. iwiyn-Hi "MRS.aOWB'8 taADIEty AOENCI. Main P-o or a .oo. ttivtc n Neat young experienced girl with. . . a a. wnrlc tn rnnfurt InniirT gOOQ rw . r-A Ws.hln.tan at. ana cuavr v COMPETENT atlrl to do cooking and gen eral housework in family of four; no wu- pg. i o ruMi a-- 4t. Waablngton St.. Cor. Tib, Upstalra WANTED A girl or woman to aenlat In WA'trrfk?-a.i. wA.hlt JUA Bfh general bsi--v.-i street. wmT to end, transrer to Aiamea. i-.ra. EXPERIENCED eeleewoman for bakery de. part meat wa v - peny OOOD strong ball girt wanted at hearts r Ho tel. Appiy w i WANTED Olrl to assist tn general houae- "1 HTii Zll. Vhona Main B&8S. w . vrrn Olrl for general b Phone Tabor Soft, GIRL to car, for email Oniloren. Apply 7T4 Everett GIRL for light office work who can operate typewriter. iisnwMuwie WANTED chAmbarmald at the Aider Ho tel. 4tn ana TEACHERS for mission schooL Apply 204i. Bcond st. 7 o'clock P. M- GIRL far general housework: most bs goon oook. au iiiu.i. WANTED Experienced waitress.. Hill Ho- WANTED Firs t-elaae waist nand at once. Apply Ja usvnieuwn. si a.vh .v. WANTED Experienced .v. or one with some experience. Cail at 44 B. Bttt. OIRL for houaework and help with oooklni a.i mon'"s . WAITRESS wanted. 411 Eaat Morrison ; no Sunday wora. EXPERIENCED hslp and apprentice want tA. IS I 12th. dressmaking parlors. WANTED Olrl for general house ork. Call st aw yara st. WANTED At Sisters Hospital tn Chios. Cal, papilS to .nver wi v., """.- EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; no cniiorca vyi nnsuwiy. W OMAN or girl for housework in email fam- llr; good wagea rnmn ,.uof im WANTED School girl to work, for board and roorp. rnone a- pwi, wwi . m i H.m hemtvork. very nl home. 78S East Bumalde. East t7d. cpivitC schooL SHORTHAND and TIFnV WRITING: $j mo. a 14th; Main gA TO UNO girl wanted for light houaework In small family. Phone C 1S30. 894 Ross st OFFICE girl: must understand type Titer salary l to Stan, tw 4w bjus. ERRAND girl wanted for ladles' tailoring establishment. r. ojui. m .urnmu. WANTED A girl to aeaurt la general honse- work. rnone fcast sia. GIRL for genaraT housework, email family. ISO EL 47 th at. X. Bon City Park car. THE ALLEN CO.. 41K Washington, wants 10 i , , 1 n. V snlta and ready-to-wear, one fitter and 6 alter ation hands In workroom. Apply at 0 A. M. Eee Mr. Connors. WANTED Toung ladles for telephone op erating, with or without experience. Ap ply Paelflo Telephone Telegraph Co, etb and East Ankeny sta, OTRLS WANT1D. APPLY STANDARD FACTORY NO. ft. Grand are. and Eaat Taylor sta. A BARREL of'Hoodf River apple, free to houaewlf. who aenda ua orders amouniina to 10 barrels delivered any residence in Portland, for $3.B5 per barrel emptied, rnone Tabor I71i McKay A Mason. Box 212. Hood River. Or. WANTED Girls to make .hlrts and over alls. Mt Hood Factory. lUo coucn. WANTED Toung lady with some knowl edge ox bookkeeping ana anie to operav. typewriter; only those with beet of refer ences need apply. Addreas AJ3 623. Oregonlan YOUNG gtrl from 10 to 18 ycara of aee to learn oaice work in launury; mwi u. on. who haa had some experience. U. S. laundry Co.. Grand ave. and Eaat Tam hill at . WANTED Toung lady; must bo accurate. to handle mailing list nung cara a i must be able to operate Underwood ma chine; salary to start, $7 per week. AG ail, oregoman. GIRL asalat with housework. 80 E. 16th it., gunnyslde car, a luej. GIRL for general housework. 1S8 17th. N. GIRL for cashier. Model Theater. CO 3d st HELP WANTED MALE OB UK VIAL'S. I.,eo0 POSITIONS ror graduatea last year; men ana women to saarn usine u.u. ' t weeks, help to aecure promotion; gradu ates earn from $1 to $23 weekly; expert Instructors; tools free; write for cata logues. Motile System of Colleges. A North 4th su. Portlsnd. Or. . EARN liberal commission during your spare time calling on business arms for Christ mas magaxlne advertising; experience not neceeaary. Benedictine Press, Goodnough bldg. Phone Main 5o5S. t MAKE money writing atorles or for news pspers: big pay; send for free booklet; tells how. United Press Syndicate, San Francisco. WANTED Good live experienced agents for good selling article, inquire wieqier. 1 IKK TEACUa RS- AcSOClATlON. 011 swm Usd bldg. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkaeners and Clerks. EXPERIENCED and reliable bookkeeper and office man deslree position: best of reference given. Address "C." SOS Spald lng bldg. , HONfaoT Japanese boy who has good edu cation, also ha8 good salesmanship abil ity wants position in store, w Ore- gopian. WANTED, by young man, office work; will. In. to work hard for advancement Ad dress P. O. Box 104, Castle Rock. Wash. P08ITION as stock or order clerk by relia ble and experienced man. S &21. Ore gonlan. EXPERT bookkeeper wants work that can be done at home evenings. A 612. Ore gonlan. " WANTED Position as bookkeeper, cashier or general office man. with lota of expe rience. V OX. W . BOOKS kept, correspondence, etc attend ee to eveiuua. ' 1 ..v. vu.bv moderate charge. P 6l'4. Oregonlan. EXPERT bookkeeper wants sets books to keep by ,hour; charge moderate. Fhone J .DM. MEN'S funilshlnga dept, experienced; refer ences. K 6-'l, Oregonlan. Mlscol lan eons. 1 am 44. ot .rood appearance, a hustler and - . . ', , i i hn . .nvthlnr to hustle for -or talk about; 33 years business lor aeii, geuajM. u. .-..-. , T . . and mining. Have made and lost three "stakes." "Mowed" the last one in min ing; never o.i . " ' - " : never was drunk In my life, never did i.i. - -m .1... v ,nnU not do business whs i .. - . business with again. Now I want to work for some one eiso tor . .uv, .. elLiicr in or out oi ui tvj. i. ,!, -.nrk I erred ; can naouie b ........ and their good will, or would go on th. road wltn a gooa icbiuiu... " - . no fakes; with expenses and commission. AD 522, Oregonlan. WANTED, work Am first-class concrete roan. 10 years' experience as foreman; or anything that an able-bodied man can do to keep his family. P 618. Oregonaln. YOUNO man out of work, no money, must find work, a friend or go to JaU. Am ax- si 1 1 flrfulBa. OUa .LfUCeU Oregoniaji . , us- -n want. BlaadT work, watchman, or will take care of heating plant or too on ra"ro" V"C pumping plant 27 East loth st North. MIDDLE-AGED man desires Janitor or por ter work, care furnace and generally use ful for board enu " - Oregonlan. PHOTOGRAPHER A Japanese who has some photographic "'".wmn" , ?T . -. . - frt.nt nbotoKrapber. N amber, ou aa LICENSED chauffeur; knows city from A to Z; wanu Job drtvlng auto mob 11 or truck i Is capaui ot aepiua - Cook. 141 IV. ogm. ATJFFEl'R dirs poelUon, pHvato fam- enc In repairing. AK Orcgonlan. . i, -r m 1nh a trf-TiAral h'oui.tork!1' Car'. Hotel aIln'io-7 cor. 6th nri mandar. - Z n land 10 WiS want worn ot v -aa w --- m rr and up. by contraot work. Addros 14 ftlb. Oxonian. - . TT?ATION wjxnt packjror work la IDippLDeT-nrVitii - - Oregoman. YOUNO man want place to work for board and room before and after ecoool. Ad- area AO . l.i nrMltlrin mnV . With AJJIJ japanvseo ioiit t gneral houaework; nave references. W - .-.rvi - .uaj mm fnl lsa-ta f Or aa 1 aponalbl house; can give referonco and bona- v u y1 "" BUTCHER. experienced. alround. shop. SlaugQterman auu, ai--k-i. oounu-r preferred. AF 521, Oregoninn. 1.1 CFXriED cbaudeur. mechanical, want po sition; any make gas car. Y 616. Orego nla YOUNG man well acquainted, would k louxary roui or wi w.a.w - v. AD 521. uregonia-a. EXPETRIENCEJD saloon man wants position aa bartenour wua v.iau. jv - Interest. IT oiv. uregumnu. YOUNO man of experience wants posltloa a traveling -juu-j - L 522, Oregon. an. -vn-Dipwrr.n nlin oreaa feesder. stevdv. desires work at 3 weekly. George fimitn- 706 Moody. Main lua. Y3 a vtru ?Ci vaar' axDOrience : broad and cajtea. rj iattx;. o - , ti- ki. a KfH lTvrrtn .An. Japanese wants position as hotel porter or cnnniow i-i-.. - jPAJ$iESE boy wishes altuaUon aa scbool boy. V oitf. riuulft- JAPANE-iB boy wlahea situation at houao- WOrK. f- DiO. yyi oBu.-.- . . . ti- T 1. nnlta M fmnt tiWiTTl tOing. . i rr f-in, .-. SOY wants position, experienced, polisa JAPANikSE boy want an evening; Job of !-!, a XT M 7 fl'arnnla n MJ HIUHs era, AW " ' YOUNO married man want work on a farm; can milk. Address AM 6..A. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED general house cleaner by day. hours or contract. Martin, Main S3rS. JAPANESE wants to contract chop wood or aiasixing. n. ova, wreiuiiiM. BOOKKEEPER, first class, open for posi tion ox responsibility; can uuii uu -a-Juat; highest references. Addrea O 61. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer, accural and rapid, wiahea position, permaneui or stltute. East 424d. STENOGRAPHER 6tx Tnouths experience. desires permanent poaiuon. jrnon ahail PERMANENT position by stenographer with yrn. experience, eiiner w . mercioJ work. L. tJ3, oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, 8 yearsf experience, de sires permanent position, w 0-4. urego- nlan. . STENOGRAPHER-BOOK-KEEPER desire position or substitute work; a yeaxa 9 perience. AJT B15. Oregonlan. , nreoMmaker. AN experienced dressmaker wishes sewing in private iumuiei; suits ana muv-i" auita eapeclaily. V SIS. Oregonlaji. CHILDREN'S dressmaker: good general a earn-tress, by the day, ynone a &q. DRESSMAKER, competent, want sewing by day; reference. Aj o. urcgon DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, price reasonable. 48 Wast yarsz. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wlshe worn: by day or at home, wooaiawn aw. DRESSMAKER wishes engagement. $2-50 day. Main 3734. WANTED Plain sewing, underwear a spa- clalty. Fhone A oooa. .-- "WANTED Dressmaking; children' cloak a specialty. Phone East xua. HI use keepers. WANTED Position a competent house keeper in hotel; nave naa w year ex perience; either city or country. Mrs. H. T. Saunders, 60S East 17th Port land. SITUATION wanted, housekeeper in wld- m t I . k. T.s ne Tvx-rv rhlldrWIl &(3 W-ahina-ton. Main 203D. A 4775. . RELIABLE woman want position a house- i -apV In srrnn.ll famlLy. VCtr Lycir w eiajt,-tvx. we Va sa. " Catholic W. League. M. 24 jL EASTERN trained nurse will care for con valescents or patients In her own comfort able home; reZurenccs. tvi. LADY with comfortable home and no chllr dren would Uk the car of a baby. Tabor 2725. NURSE wishes more cases, maternity spe- . . . -4A a. rl -wfrar rax- CltaJ iyi UlCUMVO -sVlTNiaaeVS.! ,. U.lei '.Qoa NURSE will nurse Invalids, aged, infant. city or country. Phone Sellwood lttoa. Domestic. WANTED By reliable glrL situation to do chamber work or cooking In a mail family; no washing. P65.pe&i5 FINNISH girl who cannot speak English, would like to assist In general housework. 846 E-Hoytst. TWO girls want general housework. 60S Pettygrove st. OIRL, la-ly from Finland, desires to assist in s-(nral bouaewr.rk. 009 Raleigh t- YOUNG lady wishes work lr a family. Call A 477. . iacel lan eo ua- RESPECT ABLE family having no children wishes to take care of 8 or more children; have a good home. G 5Q4. OregonlaJi. POSITION wanted by lady as helper In kitchen or aeUcaT.es sen or note. ruvuw Main 7148. Mra. Jorgensen, PANTRY girl, house maids, cooks. SC Louis Emplovment Office, 303 Wash, Phone Main 2039. A 4775. COMPETENT young lady of 23 desires po sition as private secrexary una w M isalsstDDl ave.. or E 51i2, Oregonlan. . POSITION as" assistant in physician's office; a -S -U Kl Q k aronlan. LADY of experience and refinement would taKe cnarge ox amkwu vt4uu5i OroBVin ian. NORWEGIAN girl want position, general l -I .. amllv Ohnnat 07aaA la w n GENTLEMAN wants heated single room, .. , a .s.r. e.v-lf.A T XIK Oregonlan. WANTED -Place to work for room and part board for myself and sister. Particular rn xt 7679. West Side. BY lady well acquainted with all detail of travel ins. v.y...-. A- .itAnrlnnt B 507. Oregonlan. COMPETENT colored lady want poeUlon as - kAerHinv-hmikA nr nrivara famllT. Phone Main 14 Ho. A GOOD laundress goes out to work steady. Marine, jaam taw. WOMAN wanu work by day mt once. C GOOD German sausage-mailer want work. YOUNO lady violinist wiahea position In or- chestra. Call A 3209. WOMEN want work by day. Phone Main vubv. room ai. LADY with experience In delicatessen busi ness wants position. AF 602. Oregonlan. WANTED Work by hour, phone East 6312. WASTED AGEXTS. AGENTS wanted to aid us supply th de mand for choic nursery stock; outfit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. ACTIVE canvasser can mak S50 weekly gelling trees for the Oregon Nursery Com pany. Liberal proposition; good territory. ACQ re ur-ocw. vr AGENTS to sell real estate; term that selL Avalon Heal Estate Co, 414 De kum bldg. WANTED TO RENT. We furnish the renter, collect the rent y taxes, lnaurance and keep up repairs, the same for you as tbourh the property was our own; references, any bank in Portland. THIS SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 245 Stark St. phones A 8500. Main 85. House. WAwSTED To rent a furnished 4 or 5-room cot tag or downstairs flat; prefer Eaat Side near Russel street. Address C C M., care O. R- N. Co., foot Russell at-, or phon A. g!21. House 65. or East 826. fTve or 6-room modern, furnished house wanted for client. Must be well situated oa West Side. References given. 250 Aider st, LADY and daughter, desirous of home, wlah to car for house of parties sbaenf for Winter. N 505, Oregonlan. TOLL Thompson Rental Fire lnaurance Agency; bouses solicited; repair; taxes; nish tanants. Call 110 railing bldg. MIDDLE-AGED lady with best of refer ence would care for residence during the absence of ownera AO 522. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT. Hons of 8 to 12 room, clone In loca tion suitable for profession a-l man's olfio In parlor. See ILARTMAJi Jb THOMPSON; Cnamber of uxunxo. WANTED To rent, large house sal table tor a aaxiit axluni. HABTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. Rooms With Board. RESPECTABLE gentleman want a fur nished room, with or without board. In a modem home on Eaat Side, within walk ing distance of S. P. care ho pa or a con venient car line. AN 516. Oregonlan. YOUNO lady of refinement desires room and board in strictly private family; West Side preferred ; ref erencea S 522. Oregonlan. WANTED Room and board in nice private family ; can give reference. H. R. Low- bridge. 627 Board ox Trade bldg. YOUNG lady wishes room and board, mod erate term. A 813, Oregonian. Rniineai Plcr. WANTED HaU, centrally located, & 618, Oregonlan. FOR KENT. Booms. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. -MILNER BLDG." 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL, KEASQNABLa. 2 UNFURNISHED front room with use of kitchen, water, phone, furnace heat free; $15 a month. Tabor 2549. Ftirnisbed Rooms. MODERN outside rooms, 92.50 to $8.00 per week, in eluding baths; also housekeeping room. 548 Washington t HOLLY HOTEL opens this week steam heat; everything' up to date; rate rea sonable. 105 12th st-. near Washington. TWO room n suite with bath, or single rooms; finely furnished, ail modern con Ten Iencea2010tht HOTEL ACME Newly furnished ' and re modeled room. Phone East 538. HOTEL ALDER. THIS CAPLE3, Corner 4th. 850 Taylor, and Aider at. near 7th. These two beautiful new hotels just , completed and handsomely furnished, pj eas every modern convenience including levator service and private telephone ex change. Both are right down town, yet )ust olt all carlinea: about half th rooms In each have private baths, al! otnera hot and cold water. Tb rates are cuxp ris ing Iy low. Call and see them and you will be pleased In every way. Room by tne oay. wees: or mooin. GRAND UNION HOTEL. Ton spend one-third of your life In bed; why not have a good one ? We have gOOO oeua a- uivi a tr m .n city. Steam-heated room, with hot and cold running water ; rooms with private bath; rates from 12.50 to $8 per week; 10 minutes' -walk from business center of city. Phone East 5940 and B 1275. THE WEAVER, 710 Washington St., near King; a perfect modern home; private bath, steam heat, hot and cold water and telephone In every room ; finest part of the city; the maximum of convenience at the minimum of expense; we make you feel at home; dining-room in connection; best In the city for the money. HOTEL SAVON. 129 Eleventh St. IZbw, modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and oorolortable. Ratea very reasonable. Cail and see ua Regular and txaxiaiaat trad so 11 cited. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, op. Portland Hotel, 1X0 Yam bill; nrat-claa furnished, room single or en suite; modern; $i0 up; transl ents solicited. M. SI. A 7177; 5 wsek. up. JUST OPENED THE WHITEHALL, 253 6th St., 4 squares above P. O. ; family hotel, private baths and telephone; traa alents aoll cited. HOTEL BUSH M ARK, Washington -end 17th. first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern conveniences; sa weekly Up. A 2647. Main 5647. LARRABEE HOTEL, 227 Larrabee - St. ; steam heat, electric light, hot and cold water, bath and phone; 5-.j0 and up. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall at., wed furnished sleeping rooms, --50 per week; eicctrlc lights, hot baths free. " DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. "MILN'ER BLDG.." 350 MORRISON ST. - MODERN, CENTRAL, RA-5QNAB1-E. The Hazel Nieely furnished stesm-heated room, running water. 3d and Montgomery. Furnished Booms In tTi"mt lmlL" FOR RENT Furnished rooms In modern flat near bath; 6 minutes walk; privilege of housekeeping; also single room. Call Sunday and weekday after 6:20. 22a& 10th st- NICELY furnished front room for one or two geniiemen; -urnauv 1 - Salmon. Aici- iurnisnea room, pr-...ta molu, suit. able for oue or two people. Appiy man ager. Rose Friend Apt-. S. W. cor. 7th and Jefferson. T . a Rnr. a nri nirlv furnished f ront " room. with good heat, yaa and electricity, for 1 or Z gentlemen. rnone a o. w Kearney. ELEGANTLY furnished front alcove; every thing new and strictly up to date; walk ing aisiance. vt nm i uun. ovj.-. IF SOME young lady or gentleman would like to room in a private family. Inquire 7o5 lavi at, IDEAL bachelor apartments, newly fur nished, modern, every comfort assured. close in, alj to Sato per momn. 212 ELEVENTH, between Taylor and Sal mon; neatly rurnisnea room; m-wu, walking distance. ELEGANTLY furnished parlor bedroom; modern conveniences; -also small room. 128 14th. M. 3000. A PLEASANT front room for one or two gentlemen tn a private family; refer ences. 412 Main. Phone A 5417 LARGE, double parlors, suitable for four eentiemen: also single room. Gas, bath and phone, cheap. 895 3rd st. NICELY furnished front parlor. 2 gentle men. Call 542 Taylor. Phone A 8875. NEWLY furnished rooms; also light house keeping rooms, at 4u xayior su ONE large front room, well heated, suit able for two, close in. 453 East Pine. MODERN furnished rooms, suitable for two gentlemen. X-.5Q ana s,--ju. pm. $2.50 ONE small single room, nicely fur- nisneo. FURNACE heat; gentlemen preferred. 474 Clay; walking distance; cor. 14th. NICELY furnished room, gentlemen pre ferred. 141 13th st. NEATLY furnished bedroom; walking dis tance. r.1.50 per week. 429 6th st. FURNISHED room, suitable for 1 or 2, In modern bouse, luo tyverau. -aia oo. ROOM Clean, reasonable, furnace heat. 2ti8 12th st VERY pleasant large light room (12 month. 3 05 l.'tn, st- NEWLY furnished rooms, steam heated, running hot and cold water. S64 Flanders. NICELY furnished room for gentlemen only. 414 baimon su NICE front room for rent, suitable for two. 410 East Market st-, near urana ave. SMALL sleeping room. 268 14th sL. South. Cntnmtabed Boom. DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED ROOMS "MILNER BLDG.. 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. Rooms With Board. PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year, rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 010 Flanders. Mis France N. Hea?h, s'ipt. " Booms With Board In Private Family. A LADY will give excellent board and room S.2K monll.Iv tn n. faw refined erentle- men, strictly private modern home and away from caranes and in iiret-cxas neign bor hood. 864 East Main st, FOR RENT -Room with board (board op tional): private family; home privileges. furnace heat, bath and lights, one block to car line; 20 minutes to town; rates rea- aon&Die. .rnone xaoor ioj.tf. ROOM with board, suitable for two, 85 per wees:; mooern conveniences, noma com forts; 20 minutes' walk from business cen ter. Phone East 722. 89 E. 8th St. North. BOARD and large room suitable for 2 men; easy warning distance, otto .cast xayior, cor. East 15th. Phone East 2006. ROOM and board; large front room, running water and closet. 615 Morrison st. Phone A 3828. NICELY furnished front room, A-l loca tion. wfwWaa.J.laej , MMUU VA 441lsBs , W asaUaV 1 rl4-e.- VtuKLL. Mill CLEAN, we 11 -furnished room witb bom cooking, suitable lor two. aa, xiar. BOARD and room, in private family. Heat, FURNISHED room with board. In strictly pleasant front room for two, $40; mod ern COUVCUiOlH.TP. wtv amn--l w WANTED Gentleman boarder, private tm- iiy. o-g jaT. jvavf. CXaEA-N, wU-furnlshed room with home cooking, suitable ror .wo. ao- ou, na. 853 WASHINGTON ST. Room and board. $6 per weea. EXCELLENT room and board for young mBTVPnone a xw. NICELY furnished rooms for gentlemen only. ! baimon st, Apartments. win .v.tl APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay sta. Front, southeast corner, 4-room suite with vestibule, private bathroom, electric ele vator, etc; will be vacant Nov. 20; ona of the finest suite In the city. Apply at once, i ORDERLEIGH APARTMENTS. , fnr rz mnd A va and Stark St.. New flreDroof brick building, beautifully furnished, two and three-room apart ments, private baths, wail beds, iarg C.o tries cioaeia. raona js. ivw- 3-ROOM lower flat, . completely furnished, $40; include heat and light; two adults. 884 College, cor. West Park. Phone A 3848. JUST OPENING New York Apartments; a and 9 rooms, lunuiaea or ui uudu , steam heat, telephone, call bells in rooms. East 7th and Belmont; walking distance. ArAl. A JJBsjn X aS AV AA. S-room, steam-beated, modern apart ment. Janitor service. Apply Janitor, 525 . . nmtmxora TCI IwVereiT- 4D1-V I r JIA V A, A-wv " - hill; 5-room apartments, heat, range, re- .w -aa- a ' 1QK T1 of 1Ktri Mr V am- Irlgerator, porcn am m T-.VrT,T,Y furnished 3-room apartment, prt vate bath, phpne. heat, large closets. X2W3 jjeimonu xaoor xioo, aoo. ONEONTA. 1ST 17th, near YamhllL yurnlshed aprtments, steam-heatad- t-.v.ly furnished 8-room partment. pri vate bath, . phone, heat, large closets. 1293 Belmont. apor t oa. jt; vpw. 6-room. steam-heated apartment: fine neighborhood. 25th, between North- rup abd uverton. ppiy io janitor. 5-room. steam-heated, modern apartments, janitor service. Apply Janitor. 672 Kear- ney. BOZANTA Newly furnished 8 and 4-room apt.; private pnone ana U-Ouy iaoarai m&a near jonnsoa s "tuw rnnv." East 7th and Taylor Sta, New, beautiful and very ele-borat rnr nlshed apartments of two and three rooms: something entirely different from usual run of aDartmants; this Is worthy of in vestigation if you are looking for some- tnlng exceptionaAiy gww. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks south from Morrison St.; nw brick buUding, completely flrst-daaa; fur nished in 2. 8 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone ima- nor service ; rem j -" JU ANITA Nicely furnished arUnent. 82tf 11th st. Flats. MODERN up-to-date upper flat of J,f8 rooms, 8 minutes waiK w rj"47 adults. Phone East 3303, or oail tUmt Aim st. 6-ROOM modern flat, 2 blocks of Steel bridge; o montbly; also one mcoiy nlshed for $50. See Peters, 15 N. 5th St. FOR RENT 7-room modern flat, furnace and fireplace; no children. 444 far sta. 37.50. Phone Tabor 763 orEast 143L DESIRABLE, strlcUy modern 4-room flats. close in. 092 baimon. -tain ooua. . NEW 5-room flat, all modern convenlenoe. 18th and E. Ash sta jvnone jp awo. 4-ROOM flat, furnlshed. 125 East 20th St.. flat A. MODERN 8-room furnished flat. 8S3 5th t Hoosekeeptng Booms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marhail---F-tre nlshed xor nouae Keeping, gaa range, eieo trlc lights, hot water, baLo, laundry, all free; (15 per month up; a clean place; best 'in the city for money; short distance frofta Union Depot, Take "S" oar or 16th at. cars horth, get olf at Marshall C No dogs. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; 1. (10 monta; a, it. iruni ox coitwge. it or 8 large rooms, with porch. Apply 364 N. 26th. West Side river. Vk car from depot. Bth or Morrison to 26th. block north. $1.50 TO J2.50 WEEK; clean, furnished UUUSCnD 4 WV1U, -- sa.M..aj., phone, clean linen, heat. 406 Vacouvf ave., and 203 Stanton; take U car. TWO parlors and a kitchenette; gas range and running water, also sleeping room, 550 Couch st,, one block from Wash., be tween 16th and 17th sta. LARGE double parlors, with kitchenette. xor or peopie, euiiieu , hwu a mission iurnnuie. iu in wii su x.-1 v n- nniWTnwN HnMSL M1LNER BLDG.. 350 MORRISON ST MUiJrtlN. A-W-Jw, ijwvjvi""i. UNFURNISHED bousekeeplng-rooms. $L0O per wees. ; gas piate i urm.ue. iuiuu. ADartments. 480 Belmont t, . 813 14TH ST., cor. Clay. Large, light, coa- venient. smgie -ouac-eciii-i, a1 - HuL SEKEEPING rooms In new concret bldg. Phone Woodlawn 2997 or 2379. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Famliy. TWO or three modern newly fugnlshed housekeeping rooms, in attractive home; river view, near carline. Phone Sellwood. 166. Call mornings. 572 E 6th st.. South. T'O'Turnished' housekeeping rooms, ground floor front; furnace heat, light, phone; $5 per week. 109 E. 14th, 1 block off East Morrison carline. TH REE unfurnished housekeeping rooms. convenient, light, airy, separate entrance. 703 Multnomah St., corner 21st, Broau.- way car. Phone E. 4808. NEW LY furnished housekeeping rooms . pleasant, cheerful; close in; reasonable rent. 207 Market st. . THREE desirable housekeeping room in pri vate home; furnace heat, 690 East Burn- " side. -------- A PLEASANT two-room suite, unfurnished; 10 minutes' walk from Postottic. 51 Market st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, unfurnished; 1 block from car; reasonable. 731 Lameott ave. BIG, comfortable single rooms for on or tWo; phone, gas. bath, easy walking dis tance. 412 Tenth st. EAST SIDE Two housekeeping J strictly modern; adults. Phone Eaat 52.0. 315 cnerry su bouses: eeplng A vy j ii uc iy iuiuibuh. . rooms, clean, with ail convenient -tn SL. Slain oo . 2S9 HALSET, near Williams ave.; rooms well furniahefl for housekeeping. TWO or three nicely furnished honeekeep- lng rooms, $12 am? 1S. 1 v 8M CLAY ST. Two unfurnished houaekeep- lrK rooms; no children. Main 714T. IBOOM for light housekeeping or sleeping. 173 N. 17th. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, clean, modern, adults. S 4 7 Hall. TWO and three furnished honwekeeplng rooms; gas. hath.$12.50mont- Vdl FronC 883 FIFTH Single housekeeping room, wltn use of laundry and bath. SMALL suite, gaa plate, alnk. etc S12 Co- PRIVATE family, for rent, single furnished housekeeping room. 62 Saat Davis. ONE furnished housekeeping room, new, slnk, gaBoB.MorrUon. Phone S. B901. FURNISHED room for housekeeping. 1063 E. Taylor St.. near 85th. TWO front rooms, furnished for light house keeplng; ground floor. 484 Harrison at. Honaee. . THE GREATER MEIER A FRANK 8TOR RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Home-hunters, visit our up-to-date rental and information department. 4tn floor, main building, and see the va cancies we have listed of desirable houses and flats. . , . You'll aav. time In gettlns properly and comfortably located. We keep la touon with all vacant houses, flats and apart ments in the city. W. also keep a list ot new buildings In course of construction. WHEN you move you-U need new furniture. Buy it Judiciously and the saying, will ex. ceed your moving expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us on. of the largest furniture house. In the olty la two years. Lookers shown same courtesy a. snyerm. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURB COu. 63-75 Grand ave., corner East Stark st. East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver carline., PASS OUR DOOR. . HOUSES and flats for rent, some furnished. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. S. W. cor.6thandWasnlngton.tA MODERN 7-room house. 100x100 grounds with garage. Rent $25 to small lamily. Eaat Side. Pictures at office. David Lewis, Room 2, Lumberman bldg., 6tn and Stark. W-fCAN FURNISH YOUR HOME. At a great saving. Get our prices. Lookers shown every courtesy. 14 OSTROW CO., 64-63 North Td St, Reasonable prtrea. Easy terms. s-RROM bungalow In Roaamere. beauUrully furnished, hot air furnace, electric llents and every modern convenience; Just finished, on full-sized lot, rent 5 per ' month. Inquire Calumet Hotel. I23o-ROOM bungalow with sleeping porch ; 10 minutes' walk te business center. 8SS East Third North, between Schuyler and. Hancock. Phone C 1259. , 2 HOUSES for rent at lth and Wasoostn: 1 rooms: hardwood floors; $48 and $56 per month. Call W. R. Hoover. 626 Thompson su phone East 4604. . FOR-rentrmodera 6-room house, aU newly tlntedf 716 East Salmon aad 21st. Phon. Main 9042. 8-ROOM strictly modern house. 752 East Burnside St.; $35 per month. Call 805 Gerllnger bldg. Main 4643. MODERN cottage, 5 rooms and bath; 10 minutes' walk from Postollice, West Side; rent $25. 488 Market st. FOR RENT 6-room modern house, 660 East Taylor; phone East 2008. .. Apply 6ol Taylor st. FOR RENT 8-room house. 221 Morris St. Main 1747. 6-ROOM house, 299 Cook ave. 653 Sherlock bldg. A 3gS3, Main 13S4. NEW modern 6-room house; half block; from "S" car. 148 Glbbs. Famished Houses. WELL-FURNISHED 4-room cottage, $2 month. 2 furnished housekeeping rooms, front of cottage, with porch, $15 month. Another i, $10. Apply 3C4 North 2th. West Side river. W car from depot; 6th or Morrison to 26th, block north. FURNISHED bungalow, Portland Heights, for rent for one month; owner leaving town; three-room sleeping porch and gar-aere- situated on carline; will furnish lisht. heat, telephone and water; $30 pec month.Phone MaU242 12-ROOM beautiful furnished house on river bank; strictly modern: 20 minute, to WeBt Side; rent very reasonable for 8 lonths. Inquire Y. E. Bradnack. HI 4th ot. FURNISHED house of 7 rooms; gas. elec trio lights, 3 bedrooms; good location. 872 E. Davis St. J. L. Well. Co.. 636 C. of C.' bldg. MODERN furnished house, seven rooms and oloae In. Apply 661 4th St., or phone Main 2575. ; FOR RENT Modern 6-room furnished bun galow, gas, electricity. Winter wood. 86 E. 16th Alberta car. Woodlawn 3842. R003t "house In Irvington; will sell or lease. Particulars, W. C Reed. $46 Mor riaon at. 5-ROOM cottage, Weat Side, partly fur nished, S.10; completely furnished, $40. phone Eaat 2587. I A t