rryAL vemcr.3. T..r. widow of OS "It Br, whirl, -111 he b.-l ' . Vcm." view C-.l" t-rv.e al :! " P"" woix-ohb ai xt. ,B;,.Nc;?,r)r,k' Wllllu womb. as- J"r- iltt. - r-ud-ec. at l- A . Thnrj ciSSw". WUU Count. rvm-rlM At ! fracrlse Naval Training i! vi!et-r 1.1. Karl K-car Cu.iu. ""i'.rrr.i i..:.. .u.t n--la In- .tri ll 1 f. tomorrow (Wla--Cuuunr. inOXP-At ft. JokM. N" 1 uu wi.llam Howomb, as $T srs T uiant at Wsat tamatrT. A&sia PI ' piaaaa copy.) ftHACOnDSST. At th. family . Ill Lut Kin St.. Nor.ml-r 11. P. 8ana.T. - , " ?,nl and 3u .aa It. -ral s-rv'-c-s will fc..d at mtTm parlors r. " " .lr. .Nob-r 1- ' i lnv.Ud. om-vicm at la. r prtvala. UITU At th. .- of har daughter. Clar. 1 Knott Sli-el. "?: r,. iZ Mra AJpr.il. Smlih. a.d .o-tT . -era .. '.?ta bo .. . .i im ridaaea at 3 .M"" , to- n-orrow c.vJnlajn. NoTreST ' IUM. t M LORAL CO. HiHgllV H UK. Mais aiw a Doaia rU, '"' Wioca TtbVMtl- l-boo kala M. lr oo u(Io(.oBU .oiaaT. "IBWAXD BOLMAI rt-. nSTTi SST CriiO J lljr-'"''H,'-L''?M- -j r fix LEX B4N. M Madlaoav lif mttludmu yiHoJUatnjjJL EAST MI.E rw-ral I'U""?- . 1 " " i.HJ(M) (O. rd'-lir U4r aoato ,a74a Aldff.. M. tlM. A ttSA. ULI IU1-BVHNU 0 tao inntw llliam -: oota pnoofQi iw LUU H. raortAr. eor. Eoa"AloW aaa Kb. EoM Ml. B lA LXl OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH rrica. crrr hall MAIM aam. A TO , KMAM orlCa.bVAT Tmf irtnr TODAT. Gilman Auction and Commission Company dpoolaj notico ef sale of housohold furnlturo br public auction at ; rwl deoco. WedDrty noit- W will (ell b public auction without rewnre, at tho roaiaooco. No. 0 Croaby atreot. bet. llalay and McMillan, on dn-ady (tomorrow). Not. 1. at 1 o'clock A. M . on account of departure, all thj rat and aa Kxd aa new furnlturo and fitting. Includln: SxlS Aimlnnwr ru. rontar-table and rorkara. laJy d-k. laco curtalna ilorrla chair, aanltarr couch and pad. couch cover, hall and atalr carpota, round extension table. tdeboard. dlnlnc chalra, Axmlnaler atr.a'.l rtira nice 4-hole iraa rang and water heater pretty oak drear plate mirror Brunaela xl3 rufra nloo Iron bedstead with oprlna; and floaa niatt reaa porUerea etc N. B. This sale af fords an excellent opportunity to pur chase furniture: no reserve: sale at residence tomorrow (Wednesday, lake car across Steel bridge a few blocks to u Crosby street. W. l. 6ILMAX Aftloaeer. Factory Sites On West Side, ws-iclnc dlstanea from Waehlngtoo at, close to rlrer: jn.i.ir UA"1 V0xlW 00B 3ooxl9ft lM&isa . ..... - s.aoo Several factories now located across the street. The best and cheapest fac tory sites In Portland: rallroa.1. street cars and close to water front; will sell or lease. Uood terma. A. WACKrs. l B rsl ef Traee Bids;. STORE LEASE Will leas Hxl0 for 4 years, en Bth st near Stark. $19,500 oimer lot. ISth and Marshall sts.: trackage and Income. LOW PRICES. EASY TERMS Lots In Eaady Road Flaca. See oa tofay. : lota Columbia Helchts Addition. Vancouver. Waso.: will trade. OVERTON ST, NEAR 234 Full lot: will sell to hlrbest bidder. UNION AVENUE The cheapest lot south Going street. CELLARS-MURTON CO. Fbewe Mala 11X aX epaldlaa; Blla Ladd Addition SWELL HOME New strictly-modern -room honso with all latest Improvements, furnace, fireplace, den. alevplng-porco. break fast roo-n. built-in bookcases and buf fet. In fact nothing; missing which mske a complete home, on an 80-foot street with all street improvements in and paid; price only 16T50; about 11300 cash, balance term a. r.H.rsi iadow. tT B ra t Tra4 Hlds;- 4lk sad Oak. Two Beautiful New Homes IRVINGTON For sale: finished In mahogany and (fuater-eawed oak: beautiful eiectrto and bathroom fixtures; polished oak and maple floors hot water heating: plant and all the latest modern con veniences. Una etftht and one ten rooms; garage with each house. In - qulra of Meehaa at Rlee Owaera. E C 1341. i Wasco St. Profitable Farm 14 acres all In high state of culti vation except fi acres good timber, soil deep, rich and free from rock, stumps or gravel, elesrant bouse and barn. 3 teams worth ;0'lO; personal property and crops worth lioOO go with this fine farm located 1 mile from Canby. on a good auto road 30 miles from Portland; price, including livestock, crops, every thing. :o per acre: terms. JRrM 7. A now. 17 Board of Trade HI da.. 4ik aad Oak. A Completely Furnishsd 5-Room F'al Close In. rents for 137.00 per month; owner la leaving city, will sell furni ture at a price that you will agree la a snap. CEO. D. ICHALK, Main 3;: A 3393. 8J tarfc ft. FOR RENT 7-roora modern house, K. 13d and . Ankeny. 50. s-room house, furnished. 35th and Thurman sts $39. 1-roon flat, furnished, fumttura for sale, good location, rent $17.4. SCO. IX ICHALK. Main til: A SJ Stark at. $700.00 Facrlf'ce on g-room house In Over loos. Tie asking price of tills prlperty was 11400. See us or owner at 873 Capitol ava. JCEJtCHAST V1C. A TRltT COM PA XV. Sea Wednesday Ad. KEir TODAY. I rn--r J I , I ,. . I Acreage. I -CT Mi-Ira. . Willalatin Park 'Portland's Most Scenic Acre age." $400 ! 10 per cent down, 2 per cent per month. Before buying or boilding a borne investigate- this choice property. Beautiful Willalalin Park Is but a short distance from the center of the city on the West Side of the river. The view of the mountains and rivers is some thing unsurpassed. It will not be Ion? until the ground will be broke for the future home of St. Helen 's Hall. They will oecnpy a 23-acre tract in Willalatin Park. The location of this well known Seminary, with the $2500 building restriction that prevails throughout the tract guarantees a desirable neighborhood. This is an opportunity in which to get an acre on the West Side for less than the price of a lot far ont on the East Side. Grasp this opportunity. Willalatin Inyestment Co. 214-215 Board of Trade Bldg. JI 6659. A 4710. Sunnyside Home Thrown on the Market $300 Down A modern fS-roorn Tioiim, built to order. li'm Vwrythln a raadl home should b. Cmnt b&Mraentv comat floor In frigr m rtnf. funisc. IarK llvinst-room and dlalnc-room, coty opri hrpiAc. oriuutialavl tnan tt. selected woodwork. rlllnc beamed and pajiAlfMl. lollhed floors, Iutch kltrhen. wood! 1 ft. 1sxk front and rar porches. 3 larare, airy btvd roomi. sun room enclosed In ylass. 4 bearlnc trult trees on the lot. ce ment sidewalks and curbs, cement walks. atout the house, hard-surface -street In front of house; between the tiannyvide and Hawthorne car It n. 3 blocks from one and two from the othr; stores of erery de scription within 3 blocks, churches, school, ef., nearby. only $3"f Is required to handle this; balance very sasy monthly payments. RALTH ACKLET LAND COw 606 Corbett Bid. Warehouse Property To Be Sold at Public Auction. Some excellent locations on the Ma cadam road, with trackage in, suitable for warehouse or factory sites, will be sold to the highest bidder Wednesday, November 16, at 2 P. M. Take Ful ton ear, get off at Iowa street and walk two blocks east. For further particulars call or phone. M. E. LEE, 411 Ccrdett Blcfg. A Fine Corner in IRVINGTON Far Below the Market. Must be sold. $1350 Ko restrictions on this corner. Bee it today. F. E. Taylor & Co. Lewis Building. Fine Investment 100x100 close in on TAYLOR ST. at a decided bargain. eaaaae Vanduyn & Walton 515 Chamber Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS Lwat rates aa J liiasa salt I ewe. rial rates aaa tavorakie teraaa larsa laaaa ea baaiaeae aropertlee. Kan da Loaaed lor Private laeestara. A. H. BIRRELL CO. XQ3 MeKar Blao. Sa a Stars- THIRTY LOTS. 30 lota, all large size, on East Side, S blocks to car. worth I2:.000. can be bad for 1J.0"0. A rare opportunity. Terms If desired. Se H. W. OARLAMX, 11 4ta Wt. PIEDMONT New hunvaiow. new (-room house. Investigate these; $500 will handle. cwnes. Alain :32. Woodlawn 140$. A ;i. MORTGAGE LOANS 5ft On Central Business Property. EDWARD fcL GOCDE1, Lewis Bias- TIIE MORXIXG OREGO-VIAN. TUESDAY. XOYE3IBER 13, 1910c Taylor's Special Bargains No. 3&-$5000 6 rooms, strictly modern, Irvington. lot 50x100. No. 37 $4500 7 rooms, modern, new. Irvington. Lot 50x100. No. 32-$450O 6 rooms, modern, Sunnyside. Lot 45x100. No. 27 $4150 6 rooms, modern, Sunnyside. Lot 51x93. No. 3S-$3900 6 rooms, modern. Irvington. Lot . 50x100. No. 39 $3750 6 rooms, modern, Sunnyside. Lot 40x60. No. 4(-$3S00 ' 6 rooms, modern, new. Hawthorne. Lot 40x90. No. 41 $3800 6 rooms, modem. Hawthorne. Lot 50x126. No. 42 $3600 7 rooms, very nice, modern. Haw thorne. Lot 42x100. No. 35 $3650 6 rooms, modern, new. Sunnyside. Lot 44x60. No. 43 $3500 6 rooms; a corner on Graham. Lot 50x120. No. 44 $3375 6 rooms; choice home. Richmond. Lot 50x100. No. 45 $3175 6 rooms; fine location; corner. Lot 50x10a No. 46 $2900 6 rooms, new. Rose City Park. Lot 50x100. No. 47 $2450 5 rooms; comer. AJberta. Lot 42x100. All the above are good values and can be bought on easy terms. We have TEX fine homes in Nob Hill, one an 8-room home, lot 100x100 with one of the finest views in Port land. $9000, on easy terms. F.E.TayIor&Co. Marshall 892; A 4414 402-403 Lewis Bldg. Cor. 4th & Oak. DAIRY FARM No. 124. 201 acres in the best farm district in Oregon; 50 acres cleared, 75 acres more very easily -cleared, balance best of pasture land; all fenced and cross fenced; house, large bam and out-buildings; 12 head of cattle, 25 goats, several hogs, self-binder, mow er, hay rake, seed drill, harrow, cream separator, telephone and share in telephone line. All this- goes with the place and is not considered in the price. Good county road, cream route, and in a well-settled neighbor hood; 8 miles from S. P. station and twenty miles from Salem. Price only $7500.00. $2500.00 will handle this. F. Z. TAYLOR & CO, 402-403 Lewis Bldg. 4th and Oak sts. Apartment Houses We have three first-class brick apartment-houses, one of them just being completed and already leased, on a 10 per cent basis for $60,000, the other two just completed, one for $80,000 and the other for $120,000. These are all gilt-edge investments and are a class of apartments that will increase in value. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Oommerdal Club Bldg. 720 Acres at $45 Per Acre The Heart of the Hyland Fruit Dis . trict of Yamhill 300 acres ready for planting. 200 acres small timber, easily cleared. Balance good merchantable timber, 4,000,000 feet; elevation right; depth of soil and quality exceptional. Address, T. F. DOUGHERTY Sheridan, Oregon REAL ESTATB. FOR saJe. lots or acrease. Llnnton romfl. close in. Apply to ewaar. A- Parter. 613 Fayier st. fnoo iit TS 60x100 corner; close In; Wnt Side; Ma future. M. B. Lee, 411 Cor - t.tt bids. ONE or two choice lota Ledd's Addition. r.r Hawthorne ava.. ry cheap. H 230L IRVTVOTON" Lot, Uth at., near Stanton: i:2i tl'i cash: the best buy In lnrtna ton. A. Backus, tit Bosxd of Trade bld. BE-UTirtTj lot on rarllne for sale cheap by owner. F SIT. Oresonlaa. 1 WK.T ESTATE DEAIJM. 1 KEAX. ESTATE. 1 KRAI ESTATE I BA.KST.-T-; Beck. William O.. 212 Falllnc bide Blrrell A. H. A Co.. 201-S McKay bids. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loans, eta. Bru baiter A Benedict. 303 AtoKay bide. M. 64 a. Cbaoln Herlow. isl chamber Commerce, Cook. B. 8. A Cow 60S Corbett bids. Jennings Co.. Main 188. KM Oresonlaa. PALMER-JOKES CXX. H. tlS Coaster, del Club bids. Scbelk Geo. Lv. 12S Stark st. Mala saa, A UU. The Oregon Bsl Estate VTo.. orsnd sea, and Multnomah at. tHolladay Addition.) M. E. Thomp5n Co.. cor. 4th and Oak eta REAL ESTATE, lor Halt Lota PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Plnsle lot on Improved street, amonc beautUul residences; splendid view two " Horn, site of 7S5 sq. ft. on Improved street, with view of Vancouver, tho Wil lamette. Columbia, city, all mountains and Oregon City; not side MIL Charming old horns plscs of 114 acres; view of city and mountains. Homes, lots and screage on all parts or the heights; all views and prices; some "bROOKB. MAIM 8551. A 8H. PORTLAND'S values continue to Increase. Are they benetlUng your- The best buy to""M t2oo. lots In Gregory Heights. Come today; end of Bon City Park carllne. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. SOUTH PORTLAND. ST50 1 lots, 50x100. 1950 6 lota (0x100. 11000 2 lots. 60x100. I12S0 Corner. 60x100. These lots are close to the Oregon Fur niture Factory. No batter lot bargalna in Portland. They are valuable for reel dencea or apartment houses snd good terms. A. Backus. 61 Board of Trads blos. KENTON. Is booming. Acres of factories are building. We are selling lots Just BLOCKS EAST at half pries; are dosing out Swlnton. Bwlnton this week spells opportunity; 10 per cent cash. 2 per cent per month. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board ot Trade Bldg.. 84 4th St. $650, TERMS, takes a suburban home acre at Gilbert 8tatlon, streets graded, light ready to connect, water, our own well: power pump supplying 225 gallons a min ute; one year's water for Irrigation and home use free; ' one share In the water company owning the well on tract given with each acre. SMITH Si CRAFT, 411 Couch Bldg. HAWTHORNE-AVE LOTS. One block aouth of Hawthorne are., we otTer now 60x100 lot tor (1000 on email payment down and $10 monthly; these are worth more money now, will be worth still more when Madison bridge opens. It you want to make money on lots, buy here end buy right now. A. E. Poulsen, 418 Railway Exchange. Marshall 276a. IRVINGTON. $1600 buys corner lot 60x100. Others In this locality are asking $2000 for corners and $1700 for Inside. Ws think this price ought to find a buyer, don't you? No phone calls on this. UAAS & RTNGLER, 211 Lewis Bids. ROSE CITT PARK LOT BARGAINS. We have two very choice lots 4n 40th st. which owner Instructs us to sell for $400 each, cash; Improvements all In and paid. RUFF-KLEINSORGE FTJLMER. 418-111) Board of Trade bldg.. Telephones Main 900. A 7332. PENINSULA. Lots within 8 blocks of the main street of Kenton $278, J27.60 cash. $5.60 per month; carllne, graded streets. Bull Run wster; worth twice as much. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Traga Bldg.. 84 4th St. THOSE beautiful home sites In Loveleigh on Williams ava If you are Interested and have not the time to come In. phone us and will call at your home and take you out on this property In an suto. W. want hoxne-bullders, we will help yon. BRONO-STEELB CO., Lewis Bldg.. 207 Vi Oak St. DO VOU EVER STOP TO THINK What you pay out In rent each year, for year after year, money that never comes back to you 7 You can aave this money and mors, too. Corns In aad talk It over with ua BRONO-STEELB CO.. Lewis Bldg, 287 ft Oak,8t. PORTLAND HEIGHTS NEAR FORD 6T. BBLDGE. 60x119: short walk to business center, beautiful unobstructed view of city, moun tains snd canyon; will double In value In year. Only $3500: easy terms; reduc tion for cash. Greatest bargain In city. Main 8551; A 8839. KILLINGBWOBTH. 60x100, east of car bams: no rest no tion.; worth $2o00; price for few days, f 22o& E. R. MARKHAM. ' 206 Gerllnger Bldg. 2d and Aider. LOOK HERE 60x100 on Stanton. In Irvington. close to carllne, hard -surface streets, sldewslks. sewer, water and gas all In and paid for; $4400. Owner East 614 or Tabor 2879; EAST FLANDERS ST. $300 cash, balance terma, buys a fin. residence . lot 60x100, walking distance, sewer, cement walks In and paid. Prios $1,100. See Oelser ec Strachan. 21ft Mor rlsonst; YOU can buy a lot near Rose City Park for $426; graded streets, cement side walks and curbs. Bull Run water, elec tricity, telephone, building restrictions. Provident lnv. AY Trustee Co., 624-52(1 Board ot Trade bids. A SNAP Two choice lots. 85x100. facing east, between Tillamook and Hancock, on East 27th. In a choice restricted district: pries $2250. one-third cash, balance 6 per cent. McCargar, Bates as Lively, SIS Falling bldg. COMPELLED to saerlflce: for sale, two lots cheap for cash If taken at once; have to leave for Europe: In most desirable loca tion In city: one of the best bargains to be had. Call owner. Phone Main 7104, room 60S. Hours 12-2 and 5-7 P. M. WONDERFUL BUY ONLY $1900. 6 60x100 lots on E. 6Sd and Davis. These lots are worth S3000. Owner leav ing city. All cash. David Lewis. Room 2. Lumberman bldg.. 6th snd Stark. TlOTS, PORTLAND HEIGHTS, $3500. Walking distance Ford-st. Drive; easily worth doubls price asked; don't wonder; Investigate. Fred W. German, 829 Bum slde. M. 2778. PORTLAND HEIGHTS FORCED SALE. 72x100 corner, beet residence part of Heights: two blocks car; Improvements In- beautiful view ot city and mountains: owner must realise. Main 8551: A 883D. ' WEST PARK ST. Several single lots and quartan at at tractive prices. See us for close-in buya Vanduyn A Walton, 616 Chamber ot Com mcrce. 100x100. WELL located on Portland Heights, owner wants money to build; will sell at a bargain. Call on Frank T. Berry. Ko. 4 North 6th street. LOTS close In on Esst 28th street, for pay menu of $10 per month. This Is choice property In a growing district. See owner. 414 hpaiaing uiub. $ 25x100 LOTS, comer ot E. SSth and Humbolt, near Alberta carllne, $1600; terma David Lewis, room 2, Lumberman bldg.. 6th ana stars: sta AM sick must go to Mexico: sell at sscrl nce 71x100 at Elmhurst; also 3 beautirul acre tracts. 10 minutes ride. West Side. Phone A 38 48. BIO SNAI? Extra large lot on Portland Helghta. 160 feet from car; $750 If taken at once. Address 625 E. 41st N. Tabor 2505. $750 BUYS a 5-acre tract; only 14 miles from the station and boat landing, on the Willamette River. $50 cash, $10 a month. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. OWNER choice lots. 8S1IOO, suitable loca tlon for residence, flat or apartments; cloae to Hawthorne eve ; Illness cause of sale. AD 618. Oregonlaln. $10 CASH. 5 per month, beautiful lot. 3 blocks ML Scott 6c car. city water, street sraded and paid. HIGLEY A BISHOP. 132 3d St. TWO lots. H block from Alameda Park: kw price, very easy terma 414 Dekum bldg. Phone Main 6646. IRVINGTON snsp; save agent's commis sion. 60x100. east front, 1 block from carllne Owner. C 1817. WILL sell my Laurelhurst lot for $1100: worth $1500. 24 Chamber of Commerce bldg. For Sale Houses. GRAND-AVE SNAP. South of Brosdway; choice corner, with 7 -room house; only $6750. Vanduyn A Walton. 313 ' nsrr. DCT 01 commerce. S-ROOM house for ssle; Alberta St., nesr Denver sve.: essy terma Woodlawn 22'.'Q. GOOD suburban home, J25O0 snd up; terinZ Allison. 433 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE New, modern houses la Irving, ton. R. B. Rica Both phones. I - " I I IRVINGTON HOME. $7000 Handsome new 7-roora house, lot 50x100; cars stop 97 feet from house. Owner will vacate while purchaser ex amines abstract- This place will suit the whole family. The daughters will like Its "class." the mother Its conveniences, the father Its prosperous look, the sons Its neighborhood and the cook will stay. IRVTNOTON HOME. $4800 Reduced today from $5200: Its actual cost, not counting owner's efforts In whipping the grounds Into presentable condition: 6 rooms, bath, basement, at tic all splendidly arranged; $1300 cash: Investigate. HARTMAN ft THOMPSON, Real Estate Department. Chamber ot Commerce. ONE OF THE ' alghtllest residence 6pots In Portland. hi block In Cedar Hill, with new and modern house buUt by ' day labor. Adjoins City Park on the west, with unobstructed lew of the city and snow mountains, about 2 blocks from Washington street. , Price $25,000. Part cash. ' 231 Washington, ' Near Second street. Main 5517. $1000 CASH. LACRELHURST ' PALACE HOME) ON EASY PAYMENTS, $50 PER MONTH. Eight beautiful rooms, large lot: solid hardwood floors, built-in buffet and book cases, concrete basement, laundry tuba fireplace, furnace, screen and sleepina; perches, etc National Realty A Trust vo. 3264 Washington st., room 518. $650, TERMS, takes a suburban home acre at Gilbert's station; streets graded, light ready to connect, water, our own well, power pump supplying 223 gallons a min ute. One year's water for Irrigation and home use free. One share In tho water company owning the well on tract given with each acre. BiliTH A CRAFT. 411 coucn piqg. ROSE CITY PARK. 7 -room house, all modern. Including furnace; a particularly attractive home for $3500; small amount of cash wlU han dle thla See It today at 631 E. 64th 1. or call on MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST . -,"1 VV See Wednesday Ad. BUNGALOW KELLY ST. Nice 4-room bungalow, gas and eleetno, cement basement, fireplace, etc. on a corner lot 88x100 on Kelly st. West Bide, close In and within a block of 2 oa. price, a bargain. $2650; J 800 cash and monthly payments. Just like rent. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 31T Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. . tno P1RTT BUYS HOME. 42D 8T.. ROSSMERE. ' . T rooms; lot 50x100: Improvements In and paid; private gas plant; built-in buffet and bookcases, -pass pantry, nreplace and furnace, laundry trays, bath, etc National Realty A Trust Co.. 336 V4 Washington it. Fine 6-room nearly new bungalow, completely furnished, on a full lot, east front on 46th st., near Sandy road, halt block to car: price $3650; $650 cash and $20 per month. GRUSSI & ZADOW, . , 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak- . . $300 BUYS ROSE CITY PARK HOME. '" 6 rooms, basement, lot 50x100. Improve ments In and paid; fireplace, Dutcn kitchen, bath, etc; price $2650: terms $300 ,.h ill ner month. National Realty Trust Co., 326 Washington st.. room 516. BEST BUY IN HOLLADAY PARK. J4750 7-room bouse, two years old. modern In every way, fireplace, furnace, full lot, flowers, automobile garage, hard eurface street, etc $2000 cash will han rle. Speak quick, this will not last. PORTLAND LAND CO., 607 Commercial blk. IRVINGTON. 8-room new, modern and complete home in best portion of Irvington; not built to sell: owner leaving city and WlU sacrifice; price $7500. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8699, A 2653. ARE you thinking what would please your wife and family most In the way of a Christmas gift? I believe we can guess. It la a home. Come In and see us and make arrangements for It- It Is easy. Brong-Steele Co.. Lewis bldg., 26714 Oak st. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. High-grade East Irvington home on very easy terms and 6 per cent Interest; 6 bedrooms; everything modern and up-to-date: lawn, trees, hard-surface streets; double corner lot. Make an offer: $1000 or less down. Owner. C 2435 or Main 1881. BUNGALOW. BUNGALOW. BUNGALOW. BUNGALOW. Payment on easy terms F. J. ROSENBERG. 628 Lumbermen's bids-, Just completed, modern, cement steps and sidewalks, one short block to car; restrict ed neighborhood, 60x100 lot. Pries $2500; terma 602 McKay bids- 3d and Stark. " BEFORE YOU BUY ORSELL, SEE DETSCH A WITWER, (SPECIALISTS IN REAL ESTATE FOR THE MAN OF MODERATE MEANS). Board of Trade Bldg. Real Estate Rentals. Insurance. YOU CAN DO IT. '- If yon have never owned a home. It Is now time you should, and the opportunity will never be better than now. Come la and let us talk to you about it. Brong Steele Co.. Lewis bldg.. 267 Oak st. FOR SALE By owner, 10-roora elegant modern Irvington house, corner E. 10th and Braxee; will sell $1500 below market value on account of removal: $9500 cash or $10,000 on time; no agents. Address IWIt E. 20tn N. r-noiie oow. THE most-talked-of district In Portland Is Rose City Park: gas has arrived and It's the one place to live; 6-room cottage for sale at a bargain. Call and see It- aS7 E. 4oth st- Phone C 2258. SACRIFICE SALE. On account of sickness we offer you this home. New 6-room cottage, lot 60x100, all household furniture; $1550, $250 cash. $1S each month. m n D I ALL1 l-O 'J jjajaj-j. pan XVA O r oaaaawa. Ckw-ln, 100x100, with good botiMI mtt for $70; can be had for $5000 under value tor immediate sale. Vanduyn & Walton. 6 15 Chamber of Commerce. STOP PATINO BENT. See Brong-Steele Co.; they will nAmtt a Txlan w Hereby you can soon own your own home. Bron-Steel Co Iwla bldg.. . v- r -btT c rr "D TJ UT i R0ou houete, on East 88th at., new and comfortable ; feae water piped Into kltobent SXrhtSlot: price SU00; 100 caab, bal- - anoe $15 per montn. uwnar, u. spald- lng piqg. tip vou want to own your own home, see BrVng-eteele Co.; we will belp the right partie. Brong-aSteel. Co Lewis bldg.. 207 Oftlc at- AKEW strictly modern fiat, 6 rooma each"; on WiUlam ave.; pay 9 per cent on In vestment: price $7300, part caeh. Call owner evenlnge. C 2809. iso DOWN and $10 per month, new 4-room celled cottage, lot 50x125. near Mt. Scott 5c cat; snap, only $850. HIGLEY A BISHOP. 132 8d St. BARGAIN In a 8-room modem home; beat section on the West Side; $4850; very at tractive terms. M. . Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. .oi'fl FOR a modern 7-room borne on East lotn Bt ; fine lot with fruit and flow ers. Call 414 Spalding bldg. , FOR 6 ALE 100x109. modern l-room bouse East Couch su. Monta villa; term. Ap- ply Laue-Pavis Dury Co. Bnstseee rroperty. $5000 DOWN' balance time, win buy two story brick building; Russell, near Wil liams ave.; 60x145; might consider trade, give or rake difference. Phone' B 1238, or rjr 515, Qregonlan. 6AXDT ROAD BUSINESS LOT. S1S00 cash buys a business corner, west of East 28th St., right on the carllne; this lot is worth $2500. See Geiser Sc. Strach an. 211 Morrison st. FOR SALE 2-story store oulldlng and full lot ou East 38th st.; terms. Apply Laus Davls Drug Co. $105 DOWN and balance easy terms will handle 10 acres on electric line close to Portland; one crop will pay for entire tract. 4Q5 Couch bldg. TEN acres, unimproved, choice, tillable land, easily cleared, running water, near county road. 85 miles from Portland : $35 per acre, part cash. 612 Couch bldg. $1700 TWO acres, close to car, 6 miles out, good soil; fine location; easy terms. 612 Couch bldg. 7(Kh-Two scree, close to car, 6 miles out; good soil: tine location; easy terms. 512 Couch bldg. CLARNTE HEIGHTS ACRE TRACTS. Located on Buckley avenue and Ssndy road; the place for your suburban home; fine view of Mt, St. Helens and Hood and overlooking the Columbia River; fine ma cadam roads the year round; O. R. N. runs through this tract and will estab lish a suburban motor service; sir miles from the center of the city; the finest lo cation anywhere around Portland. Phone or call C Ft aa kiln Fisher, 52S Hanoliton building. BE A VE RD AM GARDEN 10-ACRE TRACTS 6 acres in Beaver dam, producing 2 50 sacks of onions to the acre. Onions are worth today 150 per sack. The beaver dam alone wli bring you In yearly $2650, say nothing about the upland that will make you a living. We are selling these tracts at $300 per acre. ' Only quarter mile from electric carllne, with 40-minute ser vice and only half mile from Ave stores. Think of the terms. $750 cash, balance three years at 6 per cent. DuLVID LEWIS, Room 2. Lumbermen bldg.. 5th and Stark. COLONIZATION TRACT. We bare a large tract, admirably adapt ed for colonization or for orchard develop ment; this land is A-l In every particu lar, accessible, nearly all In cultivation; assistance could be given In putting this on the market In small tracts; price is low and terms can be had; must be seen to be appreciated. Oregon Title e Trust Co., Albany. Or. : . SOMETHING worth Investigating: come In and see the state and Federal reports on the production of cranberries. It is one of the new limited Industries that is opening up In Washington and Oregon and pays from $200 to $1000 per acre. WILLIAMS & HEITSCHMIDT, 70 4th sC.near Oak. Lewis bldg. ONLY S MILES OUT, at Rlsley station, on Oregon City Electric 1 acre with modern 7-room house: $4200, $1500 down. MART MAN & THOMPSON, Bankers. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ( See H A R T O G ) 120 ACRES, 85 in timber, 65 cultivation, rest pasture, good spring and well, nice young orchard, barn, outbuildings, with 2-room house, all fenced and cross-fenced, on good gravel road, east of Oregon City: price $85 per acre, some trade. Chism old Couch bldg. , 10 ACRES, LAKE COUNTY. $1150 Near Summer Lake; nearly level, good producing soil; crops never fail; you should buy this land now while It Is cheap; $500 cash, balance easy terms. FRED C. KING, 814 Spalding bldg., 3d and Washington sts. 10 ACRES, POW-ELlT VALLEY." 10 acres on Powell Valley road, due north of Gales, all in high state of culti vation, 2 small houses, barn, all fenced; price $6500. - GRUSSI ; ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. UUl A J. - iM, XV-EJ $300 cash, balance $15 month, buys 11 acres of good level uncleared land, 12 miles from Portland, on county road, near carllne, rich soil for fruit, berries, chick en ranch. Price $1650. Gelser & Strach- an. 221 H Morrison st. . 15 ACRES, close to Portland and station, first-class soil, fenced on 3 sides, suit able for garden, fruit and chicken ranch. If you want it at the price of $150 an acre, act at once as It will not last long. KINNEY A STAMPHER, 531-2 Lumber Exchange Bldg1. $500 BUYS 10 acres, part in cultivation, all tillablo, good soil, running water, some timber, near school, county and auto roads; speolally adapted to fruit ; within easy reach of Portland. Look this up- 615. Couch bldg. Office open Sunday. i ACRES, with cottage, close in. 4 acres, fine Improvements, nice home. CVi, acres, house, orchard, best land. All above near city limits and carlinoa, McFARLAND INVESTMENT CO., 310 Corbett Bldg., Portland. ACREAGE NEAR METZGER, $260. Palmer Acres, $75 down, $20 monthly, makes you owner of 2 acres of land that raises onions, asparagus, etc.; near Ore gon Electric Fred W. German, S2 Burn- siae. Mario. it stsntlnir . tnihurri&n homa or, on alee acreage investment, do not fail to consult the -SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALISTS." CLODFELTER BROS.. 414 Couch bldg. Homestetmds. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. jo.r,a book exolalninsr what each ox the 84 counties Is best adapted for; gives sin ont t of Government. iana open io Home stead in each county; map attached. 2lx 28 showing new R. R and towns, includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon; counties in different colors; drawn to March L 1910; latest map In U. S.; price 25c NimniO & Runey. 813 Hamilton bldg. FOR the best homesteads in Central Ore gon, call on us or phone Main 4835. Pio neer Locating Co., 611 Swetiand bide, 5th and Washington sts., Portland, Or. For Sale Fruit Landa. 7V4 ACRES, best red shot soil, all In fruit, partly full-bearing; 4 ecres Gpltzenbergs and Newtowna, 2 acres Anjou pears, plenty small fruits, abundance water, perfect drainage : good 8-room house and barn ; main county road, 1 mile town; beautiful, profitable home; $3500. easy terms. R. K. Warwick, Cascade Locks, Oregon. 10 15, 20-ACRE tracts near Portland; finest fruit land and chicken ranches, close to railroad station; good roads; other farms ' nearby; $17.50 to $50 per acre, part cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. il'FARLAND INVESTMENT COw, 810 Corbett Bldg., Portland. t HAVE eight 40-acre tracts which must be sacrificed in the next two weeks; ex cellent fruit and ranch land, running wa ter and less than 50 miles from Portland on good road and half mile from Post office; $800 each. These are cheap with a vengeance. 208 Couch bldg. FINE ORCHARD TRACT. 4S0 acres, SO miles from Portland, 1 mt to R. R. Price $50 per acre. HOPKINS. 1MUS ft COPLEY, 335 State St.. Salem, Or. BEST BUY ON MARKET. 160 or 820 acres, unimproved, on line new railroad to Mount Hood. Under value for quick turn. Vanduyn fc Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. oa ACRES fine fruit land. Underwood dis trict, 2 miles from Collins; 4 acres set to trees. 6 more ready; good water, soma buildings; snap at $3000. terms. Owner, AC 4S. uregvuiwi. "tttvtt. AND TEN-ACRE TRACTS. One mile from electric line, land level. No 1 for fruit; price $125 per acre; make terms to suit yourself. Call oa Frank T- Berry, tne wwwwr. nu. tx. pin TEN acres planted to Spltzenbergs and Yel low Newtowns, on railroad, adjoins good town- phone, R. F. D. ; no irrigation. A bargain- Call 204 Chamber of Commerce bldg. "goLlDENDALE SIMCOE FRUIT LANDS. 10 ACRES. $500; ONLY SI 00 cash, balance $10 month, Geo. S. lasedy Co, lobby Commercial Club bldg. For Sale Fi 80 ACRES. DATRT AND CHICK-EN FARM, near Vancouver; IS acres in cultivation, bal ance pasture land. On Lewis River, creek with dam on place, fair house and dairy barn. This place goes for $3500, on terms. 14 ACRES. ri CULTIVATION. 1 mile from FOR EST GROVE, and U-mile from XSLEO TR1C STATION. Good house and barn, $5500. 10 TO 80 ACRES. jti miles from city limits and 2O0 feet from NEW MT. HOOD RY, for $675 per acre. This is aU In CULTIVATION and will sell lor $1000 per acre when platted. C- DeYOUNG, Room 204. Chamber of Commerce. 153-ACRE FARM. Near Scott's Mills, electric line pro jected; 60 acres finest oat land; very few stumps on balance; good five-room house, fair barn; two fine springs; power stream with trout; 14 mile to school; good roads, range, heating stove, dishes aad some other furniture Included. $25 an acre; $500 down, balance to suit at 6 per cent. Edwin Hooker Company, Chamber of Commerce bldg. m 189 ACRES fruit and dairy land; 25 acres timothy and clover; 60 acres level enough to plow ; 40 acres timber, million feet ; county road, spring water. 50 fruit trees, strawberry patch, barn 28x28 feet. hoUse 2ftx3 feet. Price $1500.00. Come quick for a bargain. T. O. Mays. Elk City, Or. FOR SMALL farms or large tracts, can at farm lands department of HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Bankers, Ground Floor, Chamber of Commerce bldg: See H A R T O G ) pr owner 370 acres fruit land: deep red foothill land; registered Shropshire sheep. 01 C hogs. A. J. C C Jerseys, Imple ments, potatoes, machinery, good horses, good living while fruit grows; low price, gasy terms? W. B- Mixter. Sheridan. Or. $3000 EQUITY in a 400-acre "wheat farm for 2200- s-ood easy terms on the balance; . all under cultivation, good buildings and water; short distance of the ( railroad. JWrn A McRay. 602 Swetiand bldg. "- ' J A- CUNNINGHAM. For sale, farms; prices rs a sonants a "-O. Box fi. Carlton. Or. IMPROVED FARM. 24 ACKr-S. ouu. Close in. West Side. Brown A Staver, aa ACRE farm on Salem electric, 8200, half cash, balance 6 per cent, for 8 years, phone Woodlawn 1675. 17 FARMS AND FRUIT LAND. 6 ACRES:. B acres ( acres under cultivation. 1 acre of timber; well fenced, nice family orch ard, B-roora house, sm all barn ; 11 oh r electric line and small town, close to eohool and church; good well, crop, pota toes, apples; 1 horse, 1 cow. chickens, light spring wagon, harness and all small tools. Price only $2500; terms, 10 ACRES. SO acres of flue land, with 15 acres un der cultivation, balance easily cleared ex cept one acre of fine timber, fine orchard of assorted fruits.- about 100 apple tres. S dozen cherry trees. 200 prune trees and other assorted fruits, good well with abundant water, fine garden patch, fenced with picket fencing; all level anrt tine oil no rook or gravel; place all fenced with good fencing; good 2-story 6-room house, barn, $0x54, with sheds, woodshed and chicken house and other buildings, ou main county road and in a fine neighbor hood; only I? miles from river and small town; $0 rods from graded school; I1 ' miles from electric line and 12 miles from Portland. Absolutely one of the best lit tle farms in the country. Price if sold soon, $$500, terms. 80 ACRES. 85 acres under fine state of cultivation, 20 acres green timber, balance slashed, burned and seeded and very easily cleared, living stream. 6-room house, large barn, etc. team, wagon, harness, plow, harrow, cow. chickens; 10 miles from Vancouver. 1 mile from good country town, church, graded school, stores, eta. . Price $676D Terms. THOMPSON SWAN. 208 Rothchild bldg., Portland. Or., be tween 4th and 5th. on Washington st.,. and 6th and Main sts., Vancouver, Wastu . OREGON FARM AND FRUIT LANDS. In the Deschates Valley, Central Oregon, are some of the most fertile lands In the state. Many thousand acres of these lands are now under irrigation and producing large crops, other thousands of acres are rapid ly being put under Irrigation. Your 'CAREY ACT" RIGHT en titles you to 160 acres of this land free, if you will, within three years, improve part of it, live on it three months, and pay (in easy install ments) your share of the cost of the Irrigation system. Central Oregon lr . ligation Co., 415 Railway Ex. bldg., Portland, Or. A GOOD INVESTMENT. Would like to get In touch with party who wishes to buy good 100-acre farm; no agents; Includes fine 8-roora hou-e, ce ment walks, good fence, telephone; also large barn, nearly new; team horses, har ness, wagon and plow; one of most beautiful homes in Columbia County, on county road half mile from depot, mile from hg'a school; school wagon passes every morn ing. About 65 acres bottom land, 10 acres fir and oak for house use, balance very dark rich loam; good orchard, trees bearing fruit; farm adjoining has Just been sold and cut in 5 and 10-ocre tracts. This Is best investment that person can possibly get. For more information, ad dress L. . F. Stevens, Scappoose, Or. LOOK HERE. 144 acres, situated in Clark Co.. Wash., 15 miles from Vancouver and 44 from Camas, a city of 3000 people. This farm has 65 acres under the very highest state of cultivation, all level, good $ roomed house, barn and prune-drier; 7 acres of prunes, all bearing; all the neces sary farm implements go with pla-e, together with horses, cattle and chickens. This property is owned by an old gentle man who wishes to retire and has given ,us the absurdly low price of $55 per acre. There Is nothing of Its equal for less than $100 per acre in the vicinity. PORTLAND LAND CO., 607 Commercial Bldg. m "GLORIOUS KOOTENAI," BRITISH CO LUMBIA No irrigating; delightful cli mate; fruit farms $10 to $80 per acre: easy terms; free booklet V. Investors Trust & Mortgage Corporation. Ltd., 134 Hastings St., W. Vancouver. B. C Miscellaneous. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small well-improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see me. I handle my own properties. J. O. ELROD. 520 Corbett Bldg. fPAVTFn FI ESTATK. PROPERTY-OWNERS. Will buy small old cottage on Portland Height, with unobstructed view of the snow-capped mountains or an acre or two with house and barn and water the year round, on Barnes county road, within a mile of Calvary Cemetery, with view of the mountains. Purchaser, 256 11th st. W13HAVB calls for business. Income, fac tory and warehouse property; also houses and lots; all transactions confidential. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY, S. W Cor. 6th and Washington Sts. HAVE 50x100 lot (cash value $1000) as first payment on 6 or 7-room house; have some cash and can make good monthly payments ; price, terms and location la first letter. AJ 520. Oregonian. STRICafLY modern 6 or 7-room house in Irvington; must be a bargain and worth the money; will buy from agents or own ers; we want the property. F. E. Tay lor & Co.. 402-403 Lewis bldg. WANTED Best buy $5000 to $ 6000 cash, will buy; close in, on East Side; either vacant or Improved. K 523. Oregonian. WANTED Acreage, fronting on or over looking river or ocean. P 523, Oregontan. ' FOB RENT FARMS. 67 ACRES All level and In cultivation, one mile from shipping point and school, all fenced, on R. F. D. and telephone line, fine piece ot land. Very cheap rental. H E. Chapman, 517 Chamber of Commerce. FOB SALF, TIMBER LAND. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay bldg. TIMBER CLAIMS, homesteads, relinquish ments. 219 Worcester bldg. WANTED TIMB ETC LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken. U04 McKay oldg. TO EXCHANGE. I HAVE for sale or exchange fine improved wheat and stock farms, all equipped, from 60 acres to 6O00 acres, at $12. to $160 per acre; one 400-acre, $75 per acre; highly improved, 20 miles north of The Dalles: exchange for small farm. Darling, 217 Ablngton bldg. Phone Main 5697. FOR SALE OR TRADE. A seven-room house, modem in every respect, no indebtedness, near oar: will sell or trade for good land; no bonus asked or given; price $3000 and worth, every cent of it. Call room 815 Lumber ncnango diub- 120 ACRES.65 cultivated, bal. pasture and timber; gooa duu m.u uuiuuimmja, "uudd spring and well; all fenced and cross fenced; $00 per acre; good homo In city. Fine list of real estate for exchange. NORTHERN TRUST CC. 270 Stark St. ftOO ACRES, unimproved, Yamhill County, $12 per acre, for house and lot in city or rooming-house; no agents. P 620, Orego nian; . 'EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND HOME. 1 ft slctpm on electric carllne, near Van- cou RO -wiuth. All In fruit. David Lewis. .00m $. Lumbermen bids.. Bth and Stark. t ati'W a. rood lot near cara have paid $300. balance payable monthly; will trade for piano, horse and buggy, or launch. C 608. Qregonlan. FOR SALE Or trade, fine electric piano; baby upright piano and foldins organ. 3li4 Washington. . FOR SALE or exchange for real estate, 1 first-class launch. 40-h. p. engine. 80 foot by beam. 615 Mllwauaie st.. Port land. SELL or trade for city property, J '.i -acre chicken ranch, young orchard. 6-room house, barn. Owner. Y4g4. Oresonian. . . -. .. i?RrTQ 3T1V1S ." ---.-. ---- . Close to electric line; what have your Bee Alexander at No. 4 North 6th st. FIVE. ten. eighty acres. Improved: sell or Portland exchanga O. Mlddlekaua. Ya qqlna, Oregon. we trade for property, any place, all the time. Shoemaker lnv. Co.. 627 . -lenry bldg. Main 4465. A 7434. WILL SELL or exchange for Bast Side orooerty. acreage near Mllwaukle. value ---OW. ' - WE exchsngs your property, regardless ot "?... - th which suits you bettsr. K-Ttnwsst Exchanga Henry bldg. h-tct lot to trade for equity in modern ho -set Describe fully. Address AJ 624, Qregonlan. I vou have lot and little cash, will build and make building loan. A. C Furlona, Contractor;636 Chamber of Commerce. five Laurelhurst lot .to exchange ,for a gooa au-o. iaoo EQUITY In 5-acre orchard tract to . -ha- ),v. vou? AJ 519. Oresronlan. WE buy. sell or trade for anything of viUa. 411 -tut-i v- V