- . rm.TT a ay BIH'IIUTUT rtTVTTttrTr. T V T JTI IT. ' K V K V CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OKEGOXIXX TtlLXrHOyTS. reKio '''J- TTA Oaatlns-reora Vala ."; A Jl fjndar Editor Mala Tn.J A SupTsu.Ulis Mils tOIO A AMISEMEVTS. IICTT.M ry TJTEATITS .TnTh and T,T!?r' lllam Fav.raiiara la th. drama -W mil afuraooa J13. Tonlat li SfNOALOW THEATER TwirtB and Xgrrlioa)--Our Kw atlaiaver.- Tools" at 14 o'clock. OP.PHEl.Tf THEATER ( Vorrlxm. ( eista and p.T.ntb Vi-jdiMin. TTiia aft- araooa at 3 14 aad toaisat at t:la, ORA.NO THEATER Part and Waahtav ton' Vaud.vl!'.a. Thla aftaraooa at U tools! u IJD aad Sl fcTP.IC THEATER Svomb) and Aldao Armstroec xitfical Umadr Company la Te oit-i Cad.'s This aftarsoea at S.JO. toaiaht at T:0 and t. STAR THEATER Parfc aad Wahtntoa M'la r.r-urao. Ceatlaueuai from to 10 M F. at. ad.ertlsssasaie lataadctf fee taa city wa la Brtef eeJmaaas la Saaday'a ls a am mat k tuM la Taa orvsealaa aaMaoaa tile '. r aalaraa Word "Wits Wcm.i Ctoara Job. H. 3tf. Burt, captain of bnee company No. 2. - djmlurd from the service of the ct:y yesterday by the Executive Board, on the rround that ha bad bn found jt'ility of n-ioet of duty. Burt wm ac--ud of bavin left Ms wtch at the ftrahouaa to talk to a woman. leaV.n; rt on on waieh. Patrolman Barter, npn rwiinmenliBon of tie Chief of Pocce anl the police com mitt, w.-ia s -anted three moot ha" pay srhlle ha xaa oT duty due to ilfkwit Barter bul rarlctwa vrln In 1' In which ha had auffered bIol poiwn wMle pur 'ilr a criminal. Thla iaulteJ In the iuYMiiy of amputation. The city char ter permits tha piymut' of an offlorr for aaJary dtirinc aickaeaa not to exceed three moo tha. STAVr TO AID TL-MRCtxoart FlOHT. nn for the annual Chrlstraaa ataxnp mpi.n were outlined yeerday at a Mvc.il meetlnn of tha board of direc tors of the VWrtr. Nur Asaorlatlon. Tre National Ked croa Aaaociatlon. of anirh lh VlslUns "Nurao Association ' a branch, haa aent a million Mampe here to be placed on the market. The National society will rece've a percent ile of the proceeda and the remainder will go to aid tuberculoma atifferera. o-tn: to the confusion caused by marry h.st year In m Masking the atamps for t' e resuiar poatase stamps. th-y will be as rih this year, placed on tha b.i k of envelnpea. PCOTT AKRjUQTTt) OH Fofll CHA0E. f our chaxic-a are now pending against Walter J. Scott, who waa brought back from Spokane by Detective Moloney to anemer to a complaint tiled against him by a sister of his wife. Scott waa ar raigned in Municipal Court yesierday upon three statutory Informations and a complaint of aault and battery, pre ferred by hi wife. Louise Scott. At tempt waa md to arrest SVolt at h! hum In thla city two weeks ago. but ir escaped through a window and fled to Spokane, where he waa arrested upon an alarm tent out by Captain of Detec tives Moore. Hl hearing waa continued until today. OCTOOEXAIUAJ DtXLOCATCa Hip. Chrl. tn Ponly. M year old. and llvlnc at lv Fteter street, dislocated hla hip in an accident, at Portsmouth avenue and Daaaon street, yterterday afternoon. The r:ogenar-..n waa atanotng on .a plank in the siwetalk. when a wagon, owned by tha Schwarzchlld A Sulxbercer Meat t'ompany. driven by F. a B"hrbawn. itru.-k the end of the plank which prc i'cted over the curb. CAtisvns the aged maj to falL He waa attended by Dr. V. M. Klllingsworth and waa conducted rt Ins home by Mounted Policeman Biirsrtow. Water AsrsacBatxMT Dadjtnre 'W'owK arlk. Secretary Walker, of the vlo fnuncll. aald yesterday that the new water amendment would be found work site If properly handlod. "We alisll see that It la properly handled." aairt tcretary Walker. "anU 1 think It will be demonstrated that It cannot be used as Ita opponents charged It would be to exploit vacant Uacta. The people want water and It ought to be given. The Board has about noo.iVO which can K used, In laying mains where they axe mnte. reeded.'" First Presfttkhiaw Cnrrn, AlVr ar-d Twelfth Morning worship M:3 ermon by Rev. Frank DeWItt Flndley: What Shall We Do With Our Golden t"alfT"; evening sermon. "Border ianda of the" Klnrrtnm of God.- by Rev. T. B. Jr.swold; Bible school. P. M.: t r1st!an Endeavor. : o'clock. Come. "Hix t Phatxr," will be Luther R. Dvotts theme in the First Congrega tional Church tomorrow at U A- M. Dr. Droit's theme at 7: P. M, "The Mn Our Ttmea Demand. ' Attack Leaps to Arrit. Mark Avery, an artist Is under arrest for threatening to kill Edward Armstrong, manager of the Armstrong- Musical Com pany. No motive but an erratic disposi tion is assigned for the assault. On the aav to the pollre station Avery. It Is alleged, waa abusive to Sp.dal Police man Mahcr. aci rewsted. Additional cNtrcra to tht eftect tk plsi-ed ra!- him. He will have his hearing November 1. CiioAAt. SiviETT to -Ksrr.mMS. Te tionilcican Choral Society of the Holy r. ttl hold a social and enter tainment next Friday niKhttnthe Irving- ton Clubhouse.. hiiet Twenty-first ana T'.iompson s-.rcets. Th committee of ar-rAng-merta is compos-d cf L J. Schrubb. ! n Fitzgerald. Harvey .Sulhvnn. H li.ioney and A. J. King. Proceeda will 1... ued to buy music. l-tRTT Hocna' Adoration Feoiss. The hours adoration was begun ycserday iiiornir.g at l o'clock. In SU Mary e (tiurch. on Williams avenue, with solemn l-.!gh mass. Services will be continued today, tomorrow and tomorrow night. t .rvlcaa are held all day. The nrlesrai will give Inatructkins Sunday I iright on the devotion of the Eucharist. PR I vats) Moxoput TO B Tone Pro- i ev.r A. H. Low. of Los Angeles, wm lecture Sunday night before the Peo nies Forum. In Selling-Hirsch Hall. Tenth and Washington streets, on the Mibject. "Private Monopoly of Public NVcewlloa." There is no charge for jdmiswon. Meat Dvt.rR Frvtr. nn Harry Wood. meat dealer, was tired tiO in Munldp.il v"ourt yesterday morning upon a charge, f selling spoiled turn. . nranoe. the comp.afmr.g witness, testified 'that he !'d boug'.it at Wool's market a roast which was unfit for food. Dbxtai. W orb: at ml Dextai. OaLuxia. The annual session of North Pacifia College fca begun. Patrona and friends desincs dental work can be accommo dated, comer Fifteenth and Couch eta. Tc:phore Main 1--3. IUart or the Seasom CtOTBtxo Saiji .ommences t.Kiay: t to valu.-a in mil at tM'.; 125 and suits at J'?. The Tossery. 3M Washington st bet. West Tark and Tenth. Twixtt Years tit BustKgsa is a rea str.ahk guarantee when my entire stock prices shew a reduction of 40 per cent lew than previous price H. Anderson. ISO Third at. Da. F. A. Buackmors) la now assisting trt tne management of the New York 1 lent tats. Fourth and Morrison streets. . Phones Main i5. A-:3:i. j Ross CItt Park Chvr.-h. lias 4Ath and Hancock . Boudipot SVeley will ; preach tomorrow at 11 A. M. and 7:4 I V. M. I Drt Fir Wood. Willamette Fuel A Cupply Company. Main 1X3, A 13. Plams Mass for Smoker. Members of the American Railroad Employee and Investors' Association are making elaborate preparations1 for their amoker In the Woodmen of the World Hall next Monday evening. The programme Includes a male quartet, a vocal solo, a piano solo, an elocutionist "trick," a boxing match, a Highland piping and dancwx stunt, a fencing match a "Kan garoo Koun." a pie-eating contest, a colored boys' "battle royal"' and a hobble-skirt dance. The committee In charge of the affair cor. slats of W. A. Rob blra. A. G. Brown. W. M. Abel, O. A. Abramaon and J. F. Riley.- Two Loaves or Bread for &C- The high cost of living haa toppled over. Frank L Smith la selling two loaves of bread for 6c. Take your choice of rye bread, brown bread, milk bread. French bread. Vienna bread and bread. They are all good-sized loaves and guaranteed fresh, pure and wholesome. On sale at Smith's- b.a; market that runs from Alder St. to 1 First SC. t he market where. the music plays. At Smith's big market you can buy sweet bananaa Jor 10c per doxen and larger bananaa for 16c. t pounds of granulated sugar for 1 and . V pint of Borden'e Condense Milk for 6c. Every one of Smith'a SO market will have plenty of the follow ing meats today: Freeh dressed Oregon chickens for a per pound: Smith's ab solutely fresh Oregon butter, at TSc; fin large, lean hams and balf-hama, for lTVxC; Smith's bacon, at SSSc and J6c; ahoulder roast pork, 15c and lac; veal roasta. 13c and 16c: roast beef la 10c. llo and lljc and lie; shoulder roasta of lamb are Sc and 10c; pork chops are ISc and SV; vtaj cutleta sell for lie and lc sirloin beefsteak and round beef steak both ar U'c snd loc; soup bones are 4c: beef for stewing Is o and 10c; legs of lamb- are lic and 16c. HBKPRt. to I.Trm ox "Parsifai-" Re City Park and Irvlngton reaidenta will have an opportunity' tomorrow night, at the Church of the Good Tidings, Broadway and Fast Twenty-fourth street, to hear Max HelndeU lecturer and author of Berlin, who will give his Illustrated lecture on Wagner's "Parst f.il" and the "Holy Grail." The musical p.-irta of the service will be Interpreted by Mina Ed Josephine Trotter, or ganist of the church, who recently came from Berlin, where she was a atudent for sversl years. Poktlaxd M Won.D. Wut.-For tlie purpose of giving Portland sufficient sdvertlalng to attract the attention of the country. R. B. Twombl-. 1M Glbha street, yesterday submitted a letter to the Portland Chamber Of Commerce involving the proposition of a walk by himself, wife and dog to New York City. Ail he aeks the Chamber to do la to offer a wager on hia accomplishing the task. F.XPERIEXCED Saixswokah for bakery d.-partment wanted at Pealy-Lowell Company. Prof. Rt-jt.ER' dancing party. Wood craft Hall. 10th and Taylor, tonight. To Pcu. dental office. AD K8. Ore-gonlan. $12,000 A WEEK. Tavlowa. of the Imperial TlosslRn Ballot. Rewlves That Price for Her 'Wonderful Work. The Jliooo a week s-tar danseuse, Pavlowa. who cornea to Portland with Morkln and tha Imperial nusslan ballet on November end 19, for three per formances at the Baker, has broken all records In London. They achieved R success there that Is beyond all belief, so great that rav Iowa's engagement at the Grand Opera In Parla was cancelled at the sacrifice of an Immense, sum In order to keep her as the star attraction of the 1indon season. This spoiled the Parte neason. for many subscribers to the Grand Opera of Par! cancelled their subscriptions, so that the Pari season was only a deml-success. Lois Bteers Wynn Comsn are extraordinarily for tunate In obtaining: these stars tor Port land. " BIG FEET FURNISH CLEW Land Cloarcrs Accuse) Garbage Hauler of StcRllng- TooU. Tnusually large footprints In the mud led to the apprehension by Fred Harrington and Alex. Harris. laborers engaged In clearing land oa Portland Heights, of the man they acense of stealing R pick, adze, grubbing; hoe Rnd sledge. Added to the clew of the footprints were the track of a dog and the trail of a wagon. Harrington and Harris pursued and overtook Fred Pachlbush. a scavenger. In a wagon. They meas ured his foot and found that it tallied with the prints. He denied the theft. They followed him to a point near Mount Zlon, where he unloaded his wagon and disclosed the missing- tools. WOMEN'S $25 SUITS, $15 A lot of 70 handsomely-tailored, stylish suits for women, regular values to 5, on Mir i-idiy. st the Brownsville Woolen Mill Ptore. Third and Morrison, f.r There's style, fit and quality In our neckwear, ISc to 17.60 ea. ;-Vsav . a There's quality, fit and service In our gloves. II to 14 pair. F. P. YOUNG M Mervlsoa t Bel. 4th aa 6th, Cerbett Btdg. WOOD MAY BE USED Mayor Favorable to Block Pavement if Well Laid. . EXAMPLES PROVE VALUE Excellent Foothold for Horses Is Argument In Favor Companies Handling- Prodnct Will Be Invited to Malta Bids. There Is prospect of further competi tion In the paving business in Portland, an agitation having: been started by lo cal residents and property owners for wood blocks, with which Fourth street and Washington street, from Third to First, are Improved. A great deal of thla Is being laid in Eastern and for eign cHies, according to statements made by persons who have been abroad recently, and It is said that an effort is to be made to get bids on it here. Mayor Simon said yesterday that he had some Inquiries why no wood blocks were being laid in Portland. He also declared himself favorable to the pave ment, properly laid, and said he would be glad to bavs bids on this kind of Improvement. "I have had some inquiries as to wood block pavement," said the Mayor, "but I do not know why we have never received any bide on this kind of im provement. Properly laid, it is one of the very best pavements and I would be glad to see It added to the list of competitors for work In Portland. The Carbollneum Wood Paving Company laid the blocks on Fourth street and on Washington, also, between First and Third streets, and the pavement has stood the test of time welL In recent years, however, that company has nev er put In any bids; neither has any oth er company. I have always liked wood blocks because th'.y are not only dur able, but tbey are noiseless and furnish a fine footing for horses." The wood blocks on Fourth street have been down more than nine years, and aside from some that were laid be tween and alongside of the rails by pri vate arrangement, are In excellent con dition. The carbollneum-treated blocks laid by the Carbollneum Wood Paving Company are worn smooth and show no holes or decay in any place. They will, it is said, last foe years yet. No complaints as to horses slipping on them have been made throughout the years they have been In use, and they have given general satisfaction. While hundreds of thousands of dol lars' worth of various pavements have been laid In Portland this season alone, and millions within the past few years, no company has bid on wood blocks. WHEREJO DINE. All the deltcacJei of th season at tha Portland Restaurant. Fina prtvata apart Doanta for Udiea, SOS Wash., naar 6tA aL When thm Arlra to Vm. pas Hallway Is completed, whkb should h within IS months, tho time from ih Psrtflo Coast to La Pas will bo roducad for p4nra from 3 to 14 hours, and for freight from four day" to 35 hours. THE ENGAGEMENT OF Virginia Dorothy Hill THE PHENOMENAL AMERICAN VOCALIST In Free Matinee Concerts At S wetland' Sweet Shop Will EndTon' Tuesday, November 15 Thee fong interprefations are growing in popularity daily and lovers of high-class music should not miss the remaining matinees. Portland has never before been given the opportunity of hearing such a delightful vocalist free of cost. Tomorrow from 4 to 6:30 the following numbers will be given in a . . .. SPECIAL SUNDAY CONCERT My Bedeemer and My Lord.. Fear Not, Ye 0 Israel Save lie, 0! God Aria, from Borneo et Juliette. The Rose and the Breeze. The Message of the Violet... Prince of Pilsen In the Damp, in the Dew Coombs Mighty Lasa a Rose :.Nevin Popular Southern, Irish and Scotch Melodies. Jeannette EL Eolcombe, accompanist. Direction, Charles Zig Schye. Come and nave Sunday's Dinner listening to this THE. POPUbA SWEET SUNDAY CONCERT 4 TO 6:30 .SHOP. i X.aTra7ffA.aTyr $ D0 I You Know? Do you know that Irvlngton Park is In many respects one of the finest parts of Port land? Suppose you take an "A" car ana go out and look at it. If you are not posted al ready. The fare Is only five cents, the service Is good, the time only twenty minutes from the river. The trip will take you through the fastest growing section of Portland, and Irvlngton Park is also rapidly building up good, comfortable homes, and the prices of our lota are below their real value, based on sales dally made elsewhere. If you want a bomeslte. be sure and see Irvlngton Park. I F. B. H0LBR00K CO. V Room 314 Limber Exchange. For Xmas SELECT NOW Brownie $1 to $12 Kodaks $5 to $65 Complete Personal Instruction BLUMAUER PHOTO SUPPLY CO. Ill S.XTH STREET Established 1900. NETH & CO. COLLECTORS. Let us take charge of your collec tions. We'can save you money. Main 179; A 1285. B35 "Worcester Bid Portland. Or. ....Dudley Buck ....Dudley Buck Bandezzer Gounod De Koven in our Pompeian Boom while grand music. DAILY MATINEE 3T05 269-71 MORRISON Kodaks UMBRELLAS We have the largest line and the greatest assortment in the city. All the newest ideas in Directoire handles. Good fast-color English gloria, para gon frame ....$1.00 Rustproof, English gloria, finished frame $1.50 Pore silk, red Umbrellas, spl., $1.85 Hercules rust and windproof . ..$2.00 Ladies' Directoire Umbrellas, $1.25 up Full-length gold and pearl, tape edge, silk .gloria $3.50 An immense line Ladies' and Gentle men's Umbrellas $5.00 up Fine presentation Umbrellas to $20.00 We have the largest stock on the Coast-in this line. All goods our own manufacture. Rustproof, Windproof, Folding, Detachable, Self-opening Um brellas. EEPAIBING AND RECOVERING MEREDITH'S Exclusive Umbrella Bargains 312 Washington, between 5th and 6th. Ye Try Out Clothes First It Satisfactory Pay la Later." Lin coln. Women's $35 Suits $26.85 Beautiful new suits, and many, many charming: styles to se lect from at the NEW Lin coln store. Come today and get your Winter outfit p a y a little down, then 1 a weeK. Uncoms 245 MORRISON ST. DAY AND NIGHT One of the largest best equipped plants In Portland offers you unexcelled service at prices exceedingly low. When you want CATALOGS, BOOKLETS. CIRCULARS, FOLDERS OR AJfT OTHER FORM OF PHIOTING It wfll be to your advantage to consult us. Our facilities guarantee best results. Our samples will convince you of our quality. PORTLAND PRINTING HOUSE GO. Phones A 2281, Main 6201, 388 Taylor Street EVERY SMILE ADVERTISES US OCB FBICESl Full set of teeth only SS.M Bridge work or teeth w I t h o a t plates.. to te Red rubbar folates only Good rubber plate only Sa.00 Gold or porcelain crowna.S.M to SS Gold or poroelaln etllnrs 1 up Silver fllllnsa only SOo to si Palnleaa ox traction only 0 Free when platae axe ordoreo. Our Work Guaranteed Perfect' Ife better work done anywhere. Mod ern OQUlpmoat. partoct arvlce, every cuitomer pleased. Out-of-town patron may make appointment and bav work finished la ou day. Every operator a poclallst. THE NEW YORK DENTISTS DR. H. A. 8TURDEVAWT, Mgr. Boar. A. -IS. to 8 P. M. Sunday. A. M. to 1 P. M. Tadv Attendant. K.K. Cor. 4th-Morrlon. Compare Our Prices With those too he been In tne naois or Ind yoo will aee that . olerjoo u on all work and yon cannot set bMterpalal. n-T.od .on cnnoi set bettor palalss work aaywnoxv. iw m.." " " ' HK."1W We flnich piste and hridsewors -k tor ont- of. town patron ia one dsr It desired. Painless oktraotioa tree when plates or bridge work is order ed. CoMtiltatioa frss. MolvCroelw $5.00 22s.BridrsTMtli4.00 6old FUnm 1.00 Enamel FUIinrs 100 snwFininn .50 Sood Rubber Platss 5.00 Bstt Rsd Rnbbsr A Plata 7.50 Pahlaaa EAVtlse .50 BUT MsTTHODS BS.K.1.WIU, n ium smasan mtuai All work fully ewaranteed for fifteen years. Wise Dental Co., inc. Painless Dentists Fifflnf Bufldbif, Third snd Wishlnttan. P0RTUN0, OWL Cmosaeara: t a. K. to t. at laadara.Wl Xt Fountains & Elsewhere Ask for Thi Original and Ganuins HALTED SV2ILE. Ths Food-drink for All Ages. At restaurants, hotels, and fountains. Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Keep it on your sideboard at home. Don't travel without it. 4 quick lunch prepared in a minute, rake no imitation. Just say "BORLICTS. In No Comblno or Trusi -4Ui MS BT (T THE LARGEST CHEESE Ever Exhibited in Portland A soft smooth, rich cream cheese, having all the appetizing flavor, delicate richness and creamy consistency that comes with right making and right curing. It requires ten pounds of pure, rich milk to make one pound of good cheese, and Monarch Cheese is the finest produced In America. It is made from the milk of prize dairy cows, on a thousand model farms, where the meadows grow green and sweet and the milk is always rich and fine. A cow will give an average of twenty pounds of milk per day. On that basis this Monarch Blue Ribbon Giant contains the milk given bv about a thousand cows in one day. Remember, "the larger the cheeae the finer Vhe flavor." We are now booking orders for this tremendous cheese, whi-h will be cut and delivered before Thanksgiving. Everybody buying a pound or more of the cheese will be entitled to make a guess as to the exact weight of the cheese. The one guessing the nearest to the exact weight will be entitled to five dollars In groceries. The second nearest guess entitles you to five pounds of cheese. The third nearest, three pounds cheese. The fourth nearest., two pounds cheese. The fifth nearest, one pound cheese. You are Invited to visit our store and inspect our unusual, display of cheese. . Sealy-Lowell Co., Fifth and Stark FROM GOLF LINKS TO OFFICE MANY a man would be unable to enjoy the healthful exercise of golf if the telephone did not keep him in touch with his business. A word over the wire saves him an hour's delay in leaving the office. There is another reason. The busy man's day is made shorter by the Bell Service, which brings him in instant com munication, not only with his fellow townsmen, but with correspondents in distant cities. The Bell System provides universal service to meet the needs of all X sV a Waaw Y O HPI oc leiegrapn io. Every Bell Telephone Is the Center of the System. A Chance to Save! Talking Machines At Less Than Factory Cost Slightly used.instruments will be sold by us at prices never before offered to the public. While they last you may have your choice of any used instrument in 1 stock at ereat saving. JViaKe a seiecuon irum uiciiai. Regular $10.00 Regular $17.00 . . ..... . Regular $25.00 Regular $30.00 Regular $40.00 . -. Regular $55.00 Regular $75.00 Every machine is as good as new and the opportunity to Becure the greatest home entertainer of the age at so great a saving will be welcomed by many, so come early and secure an outfit cash or easy payments. Graves Music Co. I Ill Fourth Street, l-MIMIJIIIillllllllfTWrfflW! There. duality (than youiwill find in 3CTtjlednbO0 iThe Standard Rye Whiskey , of America.; Send for a free copy of "Making the Standard Rye' Whiskey of Ameri ca." A.Gackenhelmer&Bros. 0uiillen, Pittsburg " Since IS51-" users. a wajjAawMw " $5.0O .$12.50 .gl7.0O ?20.C0 $28.75 42.50 $50.00 Portland, Oregon. i flilWmiP!flK!aHIII.!l!llJ!ll!!!nJsJU isn't any suchlthinglas Ifinef, or more' per feet p urity1 Gbod'old Bottled In Bond