TITE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN FRIDAY. XOVE3IBER 11, 1910 18 REAL EJ6T.4TK. Foc Sale t arm. irOMFTPEEKFRfl AND INVESTORS. The (ro in of rltruji fruits i the lead Ins Industry of Souther California. . A LEMON GROVE In Fan Dfeco rnuntr. rlhtl- located. wll aatered and properly cared fur la th BEST-PAYING INVESTMENT WE KNOW or. Fan Dtego County devetnplng rapidly and the itv of San Diego Is growing fa-ter than inr In Southern rtliforni. Nvertheles Y-tuas sr stlil lw dally In citrus and agricultural land and NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT. Furthermore, th rtlmai of San Diego 1 rom-eded to uwut and th mot equable In th United State th a wra a temperature during th past 3 ears being 54 degree W mak a tocclalty of CTTRfS AND FARM LANDS nd be a seie-t itt f properties to choose from, many of which will ihow 10 TO CO TER CENT NET en h pur-hare prjr. Let us submit a few of our best offer and any other data of interest to you, HOMELAND IMPROVEMENT CO-. sixth St. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA. t IKr r IKri- r IttC llouae burned and will sU tba 50 acre rhnir land, partly Improved, email or- IS mil- 10 R. R. : prk or will t rhn for ho-.ie In Portland. -24 Lum- For ealal farm. prcs reaaona-las aa exchange. p. Q. Box 74. Carlton. Or. MlacellaaeoBa. if vnr are looking FOR Cl-ln screjce. a wheat rtnrh or small vl-lmpvKl (nn. at low pri and on mt liberal terms, sea me. 1 handle, my own properties. J. O. FLROD. Sl'fl rbett Bl-lf. TO EXfHAXG TO EXCHANGE" For Portland property: 4" ti, well Improved dairy ranch. s ith sto- k and Implements: fin bottom ? nd on CoiumoLa River, cioaa to railroad; $ TWO. m- ru on Iwta Rlvr. 25 mllea from Portland; w?l Improved ranch, practl- riiy all under cultivation; .uw. .V) acr-s of excellent bottom land near S-- l-m ; good d airy ranch ; 20 J.-rsys. Imir-t. thickens and . all lmplomnts; M acres on Lewi River, near Wood land ; w improved ranch : 1.1 Jrscya and other stoclt and impivmenta; sikh.'u. 1 arrt, well Improred. near CanHy: tnrnmo V pr cent on Investment : utock and implements go wun place; iv.w". We hava others, amaller and larger. Ca 1 1 for p.rt leu lara. KAfFTMANN MOOUE. THE PACIFIC REALTY CO. W. P. RIKIRN REAL ESTATE AND TRADES. Enulrj- r houae and lot, on Portland nirnta tor goon im. ln-omo property for farm. Acreage ior rm eaia:e. i;od hommteada fr anything on ac c"nrf of aicknesa. !..' Kallinc Hl'lx.. an7 vtanincT"n ?l 1 H W F. several splendid wheat farm a in th famous Alherta wheat country to ex r him f itr T Art land oronert v or Willam ette Valler farms, price ranging from 15 to $2n an acre. If yoi want some of the rarest wheat land on tne American conn nm In rhim for nroDtrt v here, t hie ta an opportunity fo et It. Alberta landa r a fl anrlnx rapiaiv in vaiue, v . o. li. 4'J't Srnena Mflg- ln Ac RES of good fruit land southeast of Moefr " the main emmty road; 4 acr In cultivation. mor almoat ready for th plow ; good a ell : several near com mrra! orchards In th rlrinlty: only $ i0 n-r acre; will trade for Portland property. targnt r imnroveo. v . o. toe. ?S l.umh rm fni bid g. 52 ACRES f'r Portland residence; all In hisheat atAte of cultivation; A acres genu ine braver dam : balance vaflen Innd : b-iMdines; nrsr Tna latin station on Ore gn El e,-trie, particulars trom C. L. Ramb-rcer. room 3 Lumbermens bldg. Main A " HAVE half Interest w.rth $!W0 in 20 S'-rea orchard land. I nueraooa aisn-i. tsirilr iwt to apple. e.-hftr.gs for I'ort Hnfl i-.i-perty or automobile. AC 461. t trcgonian. HAVE half Interest worth 100 In 50 a re orchard land, 1'nuerwood district, psrtly set to apples, ex hangs f"r Port land property or automobile. AC 41. t rf eorilJn. &o- Y EA U ground lease with option to buy on close-In West Side. Wasbinctor. atreet. business property. Equity of JlO.'NiO will exchange for c.ty or suburban property. M 4rt. Or-gon lan. HANG F f ".000 rnortcsgs and timber land on R. R. for farming land In WM limetta VaUcy. Wolvarton, Uutta Falls, Oregon. EXCHANGE TKPARTMENT. Fine lst of real ea'ate for exchange. NORTHERN TKI'iT CO., 27" Stark St. t (R TRADE Beautiful, almost near piano. Wbat havs you Would prefer a good dray h-rae. Addreas K 49. Oregon tan. FIVE. ten. etahty acres. Improved 1 sell or Portland exchanga. O. Mlddlakauft. ! quina. Oregon. FuK SALE or trade; tine electric piano; a iso foMina orsan and bahy upright piano. i2ti'7 Wash, phou Mam M.'.H. flTlEyt-XTT in 3i' !; trad for room and board, or a ill selL P 200. Orega nian. 1 HAVE a Urge car to trade for amaller one. H. r . Lea, 101A Board of Trad bldg. WE trade for property, any place. U ih tlma. Shoemaker In v. Cov. Henry bdg Main 4 A 7434. w U exc'iaia your property, regardless ot location fur that hich aults ou bet tar v--tSt t Exchange Henry bids i;. Krrit. i. m e heme t trade for va cs n- lot. lutots tc Crockett, Washington t uildlng. WANTED A lot aa Brat payment oa bouaa. Phone East M27. CP FI AL atl.ntton glwn to Uadca. Call to day. f$ Board of Trade. jt OiXD lot on th ocean for a good offlcs p A 4t'. tregnnisn. W r'. b iv. sell nr trads for anything of vt Jus. 417 Board of trade. FOR AI.F T1MBFR LAND. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M CRACK EN. g0 McKay bldg. TIMBER landa and Investments: timber -tlma ted. Laa son-Clark TUnbsr Cow GIendale.Or. TIMBER CLAIM S. bomestesds. relinquish men (a Zl Worceater bldg. WANTED TO RENT FARM. TTA.STKD To lease for from 3 to T jeara. a good dairr ranch with from 15 to tttf bead of god nillrii cow a tT cash or on rare, by young Swlaa dairyman; beet of r. ferencea, Addreaa J. M. Zellr. Brooks, Oregon. FARM WANTED. F.VKMS anted. 417 Board of Trade. WANTED TIM B ERLA DSL TIMBER lands wanted. M McKay bldj. C J. McCrsckaev. W ANTED REAL ESTATE. WE want Plec of Inroine property' on the Wast Sid that can be- bought fr looo cash. What havs yoa t? offer? Must have rneom or speculative valua. s. E Taylor aV Crv. Lewi bid g. W ANTED From owner. ImprOTed West ld property, bringing la good Income: we also have s buvsr for apartment ait worth S:4.0ixv s Oetser at strachan. 3:1 Morrison st. Tel. Main VACANT" LOT. Want trt buy vacant lot ( corn r or In sde. between Hawthorns snd E. Morrl son sta. west of lth. W 4L'7. Orrxoman. 1 AM looking for a five-room bungalow, cstlra ahout $-4M. closs In. Muat b old en terms. No agents. AM 3uO, Ore goal a. WANTED Lot. north or east, not cr $7i0. must b a bargain for cash; stats J-rlc and location. A F 3U Oregonlan vTaNTET Orchard Ho-dT Rlveror Rogu Rier; I" acre or more, at it 40 acr-a full beartPa AK t"l. rregonjati. Jjt'It.DER ill pay ijxt iJish for Irvington at; state locatMM sad lmat price. H MA Oregoniaa. w a -rre frrat. rTTt I WANT to buy a hoo?: must hare four riximi on first floor; f.ur chambers arid bathroom on seoud floor and space lo atttc to finish oft three chamber, OR Five chambers and bathroom on second floor and space In attic for two chambers. Conditions and lca:lon must ha grt'd and prlca reasonable; Kill pay spot cash. I'h on a A Sloo. PARTV owning lOOxlov corner In best part of Irving ton would exchange In-fuil pay ment for modern home not over 15 minutea out prefer central Fast Hide, or will sell for $.1500. naif cash, balance one or two years; give es,a t location and full de scription of prop rty. L5Ql. .Oregonian. WE HAVE calle for businee Income, fac tory and warehouse property: a:so houses and lota; all transaction! connuential. MERCHANTS SAVING. A TRUFT COMPANY. 8. W. Cor. 6th and Washlugton St WE SELL" REAL ESTATE Quickly and Wuiet.y. Cash buyers waiting for property of everv description; confidential matter band 1"1 with tact and discretion. NORTHERN TKfST 'Q.. 2 70 Stark St. SIX or aeven-room modern house, not over . $jtvi, can pay rash up to $100: this must h a bargain and not mora than 15 minutes out. Answer giving exact loca tion and full description. L 502. Oregv-ni-n. . WE SELL REAL ESTATE Quickly and Wuletly. Cab buvt-rs waiting for property of eerv description; conndentiai manera bar-idled with tact and diarection. NORTHER N TRUST CO.. :71 t? tark SL E need a few mora good, close-In tracts. Jf you have an improved tract of 1 to 10 acres. Iocs ted near the city, and your price Is rtKht, list It with us and we will do the rest. R. E. Nichols A Co.. 370 Stark St. FOR SALE. Uoreea. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE PORTLAND STABLE. M N. 1TH ST. Phone Marshall 16S& A carload of horses and mares from inoo to 14X Iba.: pnet-e from $00 to $-M per horse; matched teams with harnfaa, all eompiete, from S125 to 5K) per team, and my written guarantee to refund your money on any horse that ta not satis factory. Each team Is pulled and shown to prospective purchasers. For refrenc as to my responsibility and reliability, please phone the Portland Trust Co.. where 1 bank. Business reference slso furnished. R. L. Evans. DRAFT HORSES AND MARES. I have Just received two car toads of heavy draft ho-? and mares, weighing trom X2i to ItiuO Iba, asrtjs from 4 to 7 ars; ta-o pair, fuil brotnera, black as cual; three pair dapple grays; few single mare suitable for ranch. These homes anu mares will be shown to purchai-er in harness and guaranteed as rep reseated or I will refund money. Call or address NEW YORK CLUB STABLES, 15th and Alder St a. HORSES FOR SALE. All of Winston Bros. A McDoti gal's noi-S'-e will be on sale at the Hawthorns Stable for 10 da a. They range In weight, 14O0 to ltMH), and from 8 to 12 yeara of age. As all of our work on the K. p. R. II. Is done, all ot our stock will bs for sale, Thty will be sold under the guarantee of the Hawthorne Stables. Cail and Inspect these after November L HAWTHORNS STABLES. 410 Hawthorn a vs. HORS-S FOR SALE. Two cars of horses have Just arrived and will Se sold under our guarantee. They range In weight from 1000 to 14O0 Iba.; age from 6 to 11 years 1 all good workers and prices reasonable. We also bsve three span of small mules, weight K to 1000 lbs., for sale. Call and Inspect these. If wanting horses. Hawthorns stables. 42Q Hawtaorne a vs. FOR SALE. 7 head of b.ora-B, team bays, weight 1W0 each; I team grays. weight 1060 ea.h; 1 team bays, weight 170 each; I odd horse, weight 1550; ages from 4 years to 7; good, sound and guaranteed good workers. Call at Enterprise Brewing Co.. 13thand Johnso.Phone Maln 2381. $85 A GOOD delivery horse, weight 1100 iba, extra nice driver and gentle, true and sound; work single or double; com and try him; also 2-sa;ed spring hack and farm wagon cheap. East 12th and Madi son, cottage in park. FOR ALE Tea 1 of two horses, harness and spring wagon; all li first-class con dition; will snake price right for quick a sis. Owbsr, rom 200 OrsgwnUut blag. FOR SALE Team of two horse, sound and In good condition, good spring wagou and harness In first -class shape; a bar gain for tulc s-le. Al J-angen bar g. Clackamas. Or. :.iK"-LB. work tesm. KOO; 2400-lb. tesm rr.arrs. sound but a Utt thin. Ken II worth Transfer Co., bOO E. iStht St., W-W car to oiaastone ave. H CHERT HALL'S STABLES. SS0 Front at., livery business, rigs, horses, harness. wagons, ior ejo v FOR HIRE. PORTLAND STABLES, d N. 1.VTH ST. MAICSHALL ld. HOUSES AND WAGONS HY DAY. WEEK OR MONTH. FOR SALE $1.. tay mave, 7 yuars old, weight IRK. a2 Front St. Rli; b rgaln. $4.. for bay mare. lrtM lbs. Bird. Dogs and Pet Slock. TO THE PUBLIC The canary birds now on ssie at Mclcr rrana are nut vounwicu in any wy with the Portland Hlrd Co. Meier st Frank handle no Portland Ilird i'u birds nor will any bird bought t ho ro be exchanged by us; we will have about 5K imported canaries In by latter part the month: wait for them if you want strictly nrat-claaa bird F. A. Stuar, m nna g er. Cows 1 cow. second calf In January; Kcd rouca ana heifer. U Red polled and V Jersey, to calf December; kind and gentle; $5 takes both. W. J. Weber. Osk Grove. Or. FOR SALE MtUh cow. part Jersey, only worm soj. -si ai tfw w add rrss J. A- C Arieta P. O. A' laa ua. Organs and Muelcal Inst rum eats. FOR SALE A beautiful yprlgbt piano of well-Known mate, ai on a inn m w hat It cost mc Make m otter. Address r,s Alberta st. FoR SALE Cheap. Ellers certificate for $110. I'none asi mat. FOR SALE Squats gr nd piano, cheap. In- tjuire i.' i-:n ai. Aatumobtica. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. We are oL'ering for sa.e at very reason able prices several ltfut and l'JIO Plerce Arrowa and Cadillacs, two 3O-0O Stearns. 7-passen ur touring, one Oldamobile O pasaenger! ons Croxton Keaton 1910. model. tuly equipped. Owners cf th cars hav ing placed orders for lull Pierce and Cadillac cars. COVEY MOTOR COMPANT. WANTED A buyer for two 80-80 Stearns 7-psssenger lounng tira. cgiLpiie7 equipped, recently painted and overhauled; no reasonable oifer will be refused. Own ers o( these cars have placed orders for 1V11 Pierce Arrows. COVET MOTOR COMPANT. . FOR SALE $10rtO. 3909 Maxwell. 30-H. P. ..- A.! Tlx k rr iIImm- full equipped, top. wind shield, atorage bat tery. Prestohte; a snap. Inquire Portland Motor Car Co ldth and Alder. NEW 5 passenger. 40-H. P. Parry auto with 1W11 improvements; usea oniy 4 imuin, will sell on account of health or trade fcr Portland property. Addresa V 004, orego- ni.m. IY 7-passenger. 199 Peerless auto for sale; fuMy equipped end A-l condlUon; pris $-'0 cah or good secured notes or bonds; don't call a Ithout you mean business. Hugh MiGuirc. room 301. Lewis bldg. ALTOMOKILE FOK SALE. Nearly new 40-H. P. White steamer, fuily equipped; driven only 100 miles; will trade f r Portland property. Phone Tabor -44'. B 17M. DETROIT electric Victoria used for demn- at rating my. car practically gooa as nsw. For sale at very reasonable price. COVET MOTOR COMPANY. ' WANTED Ven automobiles for storsge; rates reasonap;s. Apuiy 11 garasje. tv -Washington st. FIRESTONE, new. for sale, or would trade for real estate ana pay niixcrence. oregun Ectrlc vehic-e 10.. -3 A'dr sr. AUTOMOBILE FI-OOR SPACE. 70 12th st-. cor. J e f erson ; reasonable. M IscWla neons. NEW view camera. 6x. snd outfit, cost ' $ino: will trade Aiarsiaii jj- EAFE.s Fire and burglar-proof; ten sec ond-hand stan a am maaes; iow prices, easy term a Portland Sate Co. . 87 6th st. FOK, SALE Showcases, wailcmses, counter. General fixtures m stoca ana mads to order st lowest prices. 31 Grand avs. 8 FOR SALE Folding baby buggy. 832 Fre mont st. CONCRETE mixer for sale. David bov nn. y 0 Lumhf rmens nag. OK PHI NEON, suitable saloon or retaurnt, 23 record cheap, sell or trade. 3'J9 ad st. COIN confer ton. " or wl.I trade for ttnln umbered property. AK 4t!. Oregonlan. NICr; fresh family cow for sale. 24S Front at. u. S. Stable A G Oo drop-h.ad sewing naachine. ILL o67 East Washington. FOR PALE. HATS. 1 carry the largaat stork of far trim mings for ladles' hats in Portland at low est prices; any styles. A- filacer, furrier. 19 111a l. TH E Northwest Typewriter Company, Ablngton bldg- phone M. 8R70. Is th only company aellinx strictly factory rebuilt t ype writers ; price 1 10 to d&. . INTEREST In good hooting reserv; vary reasonable. V 303. Oregon lan. WA.VTEb MISCELLANEOUS. CLOTHING AND EVERTTHINa Wanted Men's cast off clothing and shoes and bicycles; highest prices paid; we also buy ladles' clothing. Call up the r.iobe second-hand store. Phone Main 20oO. ?l't 1st SL IF YOU havs household furnltur to sell, call up George lsaker 4k Co 11 Park at Both rhenes. WANTED To buy second-hand auto case Ings and Inner tubes. Cfaas. S. Elton. 43& . Stark St. WANTED To purchase a good deposit of shale, for b. Ick making, located near Port land. Address W 491. Oregon Ian. Yor.NG lady wants piano for storage; will pay small rental if necessary. S 600, Oregon Ian. WANTED About 400 sq. ft. second-hand corrugated Iron roofing. 712 Couch bldg., city. WANTED 1000 sacks of Garnet Chill po tatoes for aeed. C. DeVlnconxl. car Klnter Hotel. . , SELL your second-hand furnltur to th Ford Auction Co. or you'll get lee. Phone A 2443. Main fiwol. , WANTED Movlng-plctur machine, gas out- f,t. Aim, etc. F 43 4. Ore g on lan. m WE buy everrthina: and pay the price, too. Phone Marshall 2SS3. WANTED Second-hand trunk: glva six and price. T 612. Oregonlan. IF YOU have a place to bunt duck for rent, phone gSOl. m HELP WANTED MALE. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for th U. 6. Marine Corns, between the ages of 19 ana 85; must he native bf m or have first papers; monthly pay $ 15 to aa Ad diUoncJ comensatlon possible. Food, clothing, quarters and medical attendance free. After 8 yeurs service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances Service on board ahlp and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office, Breed en bldg., 3d and Washington ts.. Portland. Or. TWO boys, about 18 years of age, to gsidst commercial traveler with sample line while In Portland; three hours' work In forenoon and same in afternoon for 10 days. Call today at 9 A, M.. room 1, Baggage and Omnibus Transfer Co., 6th snd Oak sts. WANTED by wholesale house Young man as stock book clerk; must be good pen man and accurate at figures; one who has hnd bookkeeping experience preferred. Ap ply in own handwriting, stating age and experience; salary to begin $5 per month. AE 503, Oregonian. r BRIGHT, active boy. 16 years old, willing to work; must have good references and live with parents; no others need apply; wages to begin with $7.00 per week; chance for advancement. Clarke, Woodward Drug Co., ftth and Hoyt sts.. 3d floor. WANTED Salesmen to sell best West Bide real estate proposition; wilt be placed on the market at once. See Ktssell's sales mgr.. United Trust Co., 917 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Candy makers. One cream goods man. one hard goods man; must be capable taking charge of departments In wholesale candy business. Good wages snd permanent work to satisfactory parti'. Write Idaho Candy Co., Boise, Idaho. A NUMB EH young men wanted to learn wireless and railroad telegraphy; positions paying $75 to $90 per month guaranteed. Call or address Telegraph Dept., 148 5th st. RAILWAT mall clerks, post office clerk, letter carriers, custom house and internal revenue employes, to prepare for exam inations; free book. Pacific States School. McKay bldg., city. THE GREATER OLDS. WORTMAN A KINO STORE Require the services of shade hanger; must be experienced and furnish ref erences. Appty 8 to 10 A. M. SALESMEN WANTED to sell fruit trees, walnut trees and ornamentaJs. Others ars making good. Splendid territory. Ex pense money advanced weekly. Writs . Albany Nursertea.Albany. Or.. Dept. A. THE GREATER OLDS, WORTMAN ft" KING STORE Require the services of shade cutters: must be experienced and furnish ref erencea Apply 8 to 10 A. s. NOTICE to upholsterers and matrrees makers Below la union scale of wages paid In San Francisco: Upholsterers, $4; mattress-makers. $3.50; eight-hour day; fine climate, steady work. MAN and wife for farm; man must under stand general farming, care of stock, etc; wife aastt with housework; place close to Portland. W 54 '2. Oregonlan. WANTED All auto owners and drivers, have your vulcanizing and retreading done by Chas. 8. Elton, 435 Stark st. Phone A 3646 MAN or woman to run restaurant (nearly furnished) in hotel; board one for rent; u-eping room included; snap. Apply 364 North I'fith. W car to 2oth, block north. WANTED Boys over 18 wHh wheels; cah make $2 a day and over, and will be given chance to learn business: we will pay for your bicycle repairs. W 500. Oregonlan. WA NTED Young man stenographer, state age, experience, reference and telephone number; stesdy employment; moderate salary from Ptart. P 48. Oregonlan. WANTED A good, reliable, elderly single man to distribute advertisements In dif ferent town. Apply Swank Co., Van couver. Wash. WANTED At once, two men to learn auto mobile repairing and driving. Call from 9 to 11 A. M. or from 3 t & P. M. 3.10 East Wa s h 1 r. gton at. WANTED A young man familiar with gen eral office work: chance for advancement to the right party; state experience and references. G 5o2. Ortgonlan, WANTED Agents, good-paying proposition, something new. Call between U and 12 todav. Suite 37, Elwell Hotel. 7th and Alder sts. Ls, UN sutomoblle driving snd repairing, day or Vnlng. Offlcs 28 Washington St.. R. 413: coming bnslnesa plenty work. WANTED Neat young man with little money; chance to make big money. 242 Fifth t. ; COMPETENT stenographer experienced in flour milling and grain business. Phone Columbia 45. . BRIGHT boy of 17 for office work! Ap ply In own handwriting-. M 602, Ore gonlanu WANTED Experienced photo finisher. $13 weekly and hoard and room; ateady Job. Pacific Art Co.. Aberdeen. Wash. YOUNG man, living at homer who would like to learn drug business. Brink's Phar macy, 13th, and Washington- sts. MEAT CUTTER for Saturday. Portland Heights Grocery st Market Co., 20th and Spring sts. WANTED a party to clear and plow V acres near city limit, call at 904 Van couver avenue. WANTEDA presaer to rent a small shop, or would sell cheap. Inquire 628" Wash ington A WOMAN with experience to help In deli catessen kitchen. Call from 1 10 5 P. M. 4J5 Montgomery st. WANTED WelldrlUer at The Dalles. Or. Inquire Watson's Restaurant. Imperial Hotel, city BOY for oyster house; must work Sunday; steady employment. Portland Oyster Co., 4 Norm .su il LOCTOH Good opportunity for young physician starting in city. A 495, Ors gonian. PHYSICIAN Good practice; $2300 per"; a:nall town; no opposition; for sals. $400. AK 603. Oregonlan. BARBER wanted; steady work. C04 Burn- ylilO St. LI E agents to sell photo coupons; swstl offer. Davis. 842 H Wash. t. BOOKKEEPING, private tuition by an ex pert accountant. 301 Merchants Trust bldg. WANTED Boy with bicycle. Haack Bros?, 851 Alder st. HIiH-CLASS commercial salesman or rep resentatlve. 11$ Commercial bldg. BARBER wanted for Saturday. 165 N. 6th street. WANTED One first coatmaker. one cxer ator on coats. Apply S-t 5th t.. room 504 PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents; pew offer. Cut berth studio. Dekum bldg. WANTED Good, honest man aa partner, real estate business. Phone Main 7009. WANTED AH around, registered dentist. AM 5Q3, Oregonlan. WANTED at once, 2 men to learn to drive and repair automobile 60-52 7th St.. N. BARBER wanted. 521 Madison St., .between f'lrrt and Second. PHOTOGRAPH coupon agent; holiday of fer. R- M. Hoffan. 625 Ablngton. r7 -"ral TEACHER for Montana. 11 Swet land bldg. FIRST-CLASS cabinet-maker. 444 E. lrk. HELP WANTED MALE INCIDENT. Office Secretary Employment Depsrt- x. as. A- . e Young man. stranger, oat of wor t-' him. total cash assets) If I P T f for special employment membership 1 win onlr have $l& left between me and starva tion. Secretary If yoa pay 9 for Pcttf1 niployment roembrhio you will hav the T. U. C. a., with all It rwsouxces bstweea Fou and str-atlon. What happened? , f Toung man took membership. Insme o two hour he found asvUsXactory aznpior- Dunar September. 1910. 125 others found mnloyment in Ilk manner. Employment or refund of mmbr-ip fee guaranteed. . Bee Secretary Employmnt Departmaot. I k. C 4. EASY INSIDE WORK, BIG SALARY. The New York Film Co. Moving Pic ture School will make reduction on regular price on lessons in moving picture operation during this week; finest and largest equipped school on the Coast; competent instructors who teach the busi ness in every detail; competent operators are in demand and earn $2."i to $3i week ly; we help to secure positions; invesi gate our plan of starting pupil In the motion-picture business free of charge; motion-picture theaters make from $10 to 100 dally; theaters fully equipped on easy term information and terms glad ly given. 526 V Wash, st. Open evenings. SALESMEN. IF YOU HAVE GOOD BACKBONE, ARB SUSCEPTIBLE TO INSTRUCTION. WILLING TO ABSORB AND HAVE A DISPOSITION TO FOLLOW INSTRUC TIONS. CLEAN AND SOBER. WE WILL ASSUME THE RESPONSIBILITY OF YOUR BECOMING SUCCESSFUL REAL ESTATE SALESMEN AND PAY ALL YOU ARE WORTH. 2bd OAK ST. FURRIERS wanted for alterations on fur garment THE MEIER ft FRANK COMPANY. MEN WANTED Age 18 to 35, for firemen. $100 monthly, and brakemen, $S0; on nearby railroad Experience unnecessary; no strike. Promotion to engineers, con ductor Railroad Employing Headquar ters over 600 men sent to positions monthly. Suite age; send stamp. Kall way Association, oregonlan. HOW WILL YOU "SIZE UP" When you come in contact with the man whose yes" or "no" means success or failure for you? The International Corre spondence Schools can train you to "slxe up." Address 233 Alder st. Our new cata logue is now ready. WANTED Men without experience to work at electricity. plumbing, automobiles, bricklaying; learn trade in a few months without expense; 2u0 students Tast year; $00,000 contract Jobs; write Immediately. United Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles. t MAN to work on stock and grain farm In Willamette Valley. German preferred. Must be used to care of horses and will ing. Wages $40 per month. Apply be- - tween 10 and 12 Saturday morning at 410 Falling blflg SOBER man with bucksaw and ax for day or two. 489 Clay St. HELP WANTED FEMALE. 3 RESTAURANT cooks $12 each per week. Waitress $t?.00 ier week. Cabin gil for boat $W. 3 housekeepers $J0 each. Chamber maid $!5. Kitchen helpers $3.00 per week. Cooks for private families, $25 to $35 per month. General housework, $20 to $30. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Ladles Dept. 205 hi Morrison. COMPETENT salespeople for the following departments: Gloves, ribbons, knit under wear, umbrellas, handkerchief art .needle work. tovs. games, also girls for office work; also young girls to wrap parcel THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY. WANTED Young ladles for telephone op erating, with or without experience. Ap ply Pacific Telephone ft Telegraph Co 6th and East Aneny st OTRLS WANTED. APPLY STANDARD FACTORY NO. X Grand ave. and East Taylor at HOUSEKEEPER for man. woman and boy In town of 2000; have no preference be tween girl or middle-aged woman ; no washings; nice home and light work; $-0 per month and board assured. Box 433, Rainier, Or. WANTED Union special operator on over all Mount Hood factory, 233 Couch. TWO waitresses' tMedford) $35. fare paid; cook, small boarding-house (out of city) $2; chambermaid $25; kitchen helper $1 aay; caieiena iw e. .. nan- sen's Ladles' Agency, 3 45 Washington L,room 7. WANTED BY DEC. FIRST. Sanitary Beauty College, iiK-412 Dekum bldg.. evening class; make arrangements; we teach practical fact ( WANTED A young "woman housekeeper, white or Japanese, for small family; no children; good place for the right party. AE 300, Oregonlan. WANTED Woman living nearby to come - in each afternoon, clean bachelor's flat and prepare dinner. Call evening b North ru p. fiat B. WANTED Five teachers for rural school positions In Sherman County. Oregon. Apply to County School Superintendent, Moro. Oregon. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavt Co., 609 Roth chlld Md g.. 4th and Washington. GIRL to assist with car of baby and house work; very pleasant home. 748 East Burnslde, Telephone East 2728. WANTED Good stenographer and book keeper; state wages and reference 7 502. Oregonlsn, GiKU for general housework, small family, N E. corner Chapman and- Laurel street Portland Height Phone Main 6Q03. WANTED Two laboratory girls; best pay. Apply Stearns-Ho Ulngshead Co., 92-U4 Union ave. MKS.HOWE S LADIES' AGENCY. 32dH Washington St.. room 314. Main S83g or A 3266. . COMPETENT stenographer, experienced In flour milling and grain buslnes Phou Columbia. 45. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 848 Washington St., Cor. 7th. Upstair-. Phone Main 26-2. GIRL or woman to assist with general housework. Apply 574 East Morrison st.. cor. 14th. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, small family. Call tiu7 E. Taylorst. . POSITIONS guaranteed ; Sanitary Beauty College. 4J" to e 1 - ufMim m-n GIRL for general housework: plain cooking. KUod home, good wage 780 Kearney st. GIRL to care for small children. Apply 774 Everett. GIRL for general housework; muM be good cook: good wage 30 11th. PRIMARY teacher, 2 rural teacher 611 S we t lan d bldg- EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Thomp son a Restaurant, 144 4th st. WANTED At Sisters' Hospital in Cbico, Cal., pupils to enter school of nursing. GIRL wanted to work in cigar store. Call 8 to 9 A . M. at3 HiB u r na 1 d e st. PUFFS and curls. 75c, out nf rtfmbing San- Itary Parlors. 400 Peck urn bldg. FIRST-CLASS -klrt-makers; fine wage Mrs. A. Ditc hburn, 4 5 Filfdner bldg. WANTED Girl for housework and help with cuoklntri' 321 th Ft., cor Clay. WANTED Nurse girl for baby. Mr J. c. Lee. T72H 5th. SANITARY Beauty Parlors; learn manic ur- ln g. 400-41 3 Dekum bid g. A CHAMBERMAID Inquire 176 11th st., or call Main 34"&. PRIVATE school, SHORTHAND andXTPS WRITINC: ?S mo. .: 14th; Main 3S93. GIRL for general housework: family of two; .;.r-rnm modern house. Call C 104. LEARN th business at Sanitary Beauty CoF- lege. 400 Dekum- bldg. GIRL for general housework. ISO N. 17th. H E I JMVAX TEB-FEM ALE, GIRLS for light, clean work; must have (i nni iciric iijua kuu r - wages per week for Dcginner ith ks e per wreR n t.'"u,;' chance for advancement. Clarke, W ood :nance ior aavanccmeni. ,i.i - rar.1 Hmv Cn fit H unii HoVt StS 3d sist with light housework and help take cure ox dbd evenniK; musi w- y, d vj actcr. Apply 'between 6. and 1-a P. M 2J6 N. lath st, WANTED A thoroughly competent girl to do the cooking and general nouse-i . man and wife only. 311 E. 00th St., Haw- tnorne a v. car. WANTED Young lady, clerical work, must Irnnw tinwr In nn.rat much I lie ! salary per week start. . M 504. Oregoniaa. WANTED A tirst-class chambermaid. Ap ply at Princess Hotel. E. 3d ana urn side sts. LADY wants companion; will give piano lessons and good home in exchang 448 ota su iaii morning or evening. FIRsST-class waist-maker wanted. Refer ences required. F. P. Young, 200 Morri son st. , SWITCH made. 95c. Sinitary Beauty Col lege, 4H0-412 Dekum blug. A YOUNG girl to assist with housework. Appiy tt jonnaon ei. SCHOOL GIRL to assist for roora and board. C 262. WANTED Girl for general housowork. H60 K. 4 ith St.. N. GIRL wanted for general housework. 538 East 17th. North. Phone East15j7. $20 FOR complete course. Sanitary iJeauty v. onege, iuvu iwnuoi uiub- G!to"do general housework, small fara i!. CjII mornings. 1U'3 Thurman St. GIRL for general housewurtt, $.SO a month; four in family; good room. 427 ProscotL GIRL or woman to do light housework. 333 East 8th. corner Mill. SANITARY Beauty College 4O0-4 12 De kum bldg.; learn hair dressing. GOOD girl for general housework; no wash Ino" i:r-nn nreferred. Anolv 501 Mill St. COMPETENT girl for general housework, family of 2", HU7 Flanders st, WANTED waitress at St. Nicholas Cafeteria, 125 oth st. EXPERIENCED waitress. The Hill. 23d and Washington st HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. Iv.uOO POSITIONS tor graduates laat year; men and woman to learn barber trade in 6 week help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructors; tools free; write for cata logue Uohler System of College 3J North 4th St., Portland. Or. maitr monev writ in stories or for news papers: big pa-y; end for free booklet: tells how. United Press Syndicate, San Francisco. WANTED Reliable parties to open and run kitchen and dininic-room in new hotel; excellent location. Address Hotel Wan der in. Nampa, Idaho. ' FISK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. 611 Swat land bidg. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerk BOOKKEEPER, experienced and reliable, will keen books, either laree or small, giving part of each day or certain days of each week; can take care of several seta: evervthlnar confidential : best local reference Who desires my aervices? R 600, Oregonlan. - STENOGRAPHER and general office man wishes Dosition; 5 years' experience; fur nish good reference ; must nave worn ; salary no object in beginning. AG 503, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED and reliable bookkeeper and office man desires position: bfst of references given. Aaares 'C uj c-paia Ing bldg. YOUNG man with S years' experience as bookkeeper and payroll clerk; operate typewriter; accept position in or out ot city. J 4U. uregoniauj TRST-CT,ASS stenoxraDher and bookkeeper, 30 yeara of age. 5 years' experience, mod erate salary. Call Stenographer, Main -3dU. HONEST Japanese boy who has good edu cation, also has good salesmanship abil ity, wants position in store. W 503. Ore goniaa. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher desires evening work. Address E 501. Oregonlan. POSITION as bookkeeper or stenographer, young man. & years' experience. H 495, Oregonlan. AN experienced clerk for men's furnishings or boys' department; reference G 4ya, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER and all-around office man, 8 years' experience, highest reference AJ SPECIALTY salesman and demonstrator. What h-ve you got? AE 504. Oregonian. Mlscellaneou YOUNG man of 28 desires position In some town where he can be permanently locat ed; have, had six years' experience in specialty line, both as inside salesman and office manager and a!so aclllng on the road; can use typewriter and handle busi ness correspondence; best of Portland ref er ences. AE 602. O re gonian. MAN. familiar with advertising methods, publicity and boosting campaign follow up letter system, preparing letters and ad vertising matter, and office system for same, wants position or work to do in bis own office; everything up to date and literature always high-clas A IP 500, Oregoulan. SITUATION wanted by automobile expert, 10 years experience in ail branches of the business; have had factory experience in both mechanical and sales departments. K 50L Oregonlan. : CAKE baker, working at present as fore man, near Portland, wishes to change; would consider second place; preferably In the City of Portland. Address B. Emken, care general delivery. Vancouver. Wash. MOVING-PICTURE operator wants po sition, city or country, city reference; can furnish Edison machin L 417, Orego nlan. YOUNG, neat, married man wishes work with dentl-t, aocior or muwe re any indoor employment. It 503, Orego nlan. - . CIVIL ENGINEER. GOOD BUILDING SU PERINTENDENT. EXPERIENCED IN u f nHi km rMirurt.i jjhj. ur- SIRES POSITION. AL 5Q3. OREGONIAN MAN and wife would like to work on farm, wife is an experienced ook and man a . good WoTKer; can do everything. Address T 5o0. Oregonlan. - ENGINE driver or donkey pipefitter or llring all boilers; 15 years' experience; ref erences furnished, wants position. Phone Aiarsnaii WANTED, by elderly man. Job caretaker gentleman's place, during Winter months; small wages; batch. Address Y 50O, Ore gonlan. WANTED Position by flrst-clas all-round furniture man. best of references, married, good habit Address 208 Union ave. ncrth. YOUNG man desires place to work for board and room before and after school hour H. D. B.t 148 5th st. YOUNG man would like to get on farm with congenial people; willing worker. T 495. Cn-egonian. JAPANESE, experienced cook, and wife, want work at boarding-house or country hoteL Address fed North 9th at. YOUNO gentleman attending high school de sires employment on Saturday phone M. 75BJ. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants position; can give best of reference J 501, Ore- gonlan. , EXPERIENCED Japanese well diggers wish to contract to dig the well T. Hori, 271 Everett st. AN elderly man wishes employment as nightwatchman or elevator man; city ref erences. Phone Main 307H. WANTED Position at any honest work, by young man of good address; American; reference AH 500, Oregonlan. POSITION by all-round kitchen helper; so ber and industrious; reference. O 500, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by man and wife, taking charge of rooming house or inside work for Winter, r nmm wjhi inc. YOUNG man desires position as night watchman or Janitor; good references. Main 7040. CIVIL or mechanical drafting to do In spare time ; reference H 40ft Orego nlan. 313 14TH ST.. cor. Clay, large, light, con venient. 1 and 2 room sulte A-l NONUNION plumber desires porition. T 46. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED Japaneso wsnts position as dishwasher. Room 2. S5 North 5th at. WANTED Position as watchman in city or country. E 5Q4. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS carpenter finisher and framer wants situation, phone East 2o.3. GOOD Japanese cook desires position in family. M 500, Oregonian. SITUATION by man cook; meat and pastry, hotel or institute. R flo4. Oiegonlan. WA NTED b" experienced cook, place ; uo- tI or camp. M- 14 N. 2d. . EXPERIENCED sutomonile wather and polisher wants work. Phone Sellwood S&7. Go D German aausagemaker wants work. 24 Fremont sL SIT CATION WANTED FEMALK. Bookkeepers and Stenographer, YOUNG lady desires position as bill clerk; rapid and fairly accurate on Underwood or Elliott-Fisher machines; have eight years' experience in office work. Address R 502, Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER with knowledge of book keeping, desires position; neat, accurate and experienced. A 404. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER with experience desires position at reasonable salary. Phone Mar shall 2751. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper with 7 years' experience desires position. Phone A 5446. STENOGRAPHER Ten years experience, accurate, competent. T 503. Oregonian. Trearn a K er THE VIENNA will make suits and dresses at reduced prices during month of Nov. Work guaranteed. A 4059, Main 55S2. DRESSMAKER from the East will take day work; prices reasonable. Phono Mar shall 1795. COMPETENT dressmaker would like bpw- liig in private homf-s. Phone Main -Oti'I. BE?T of care and a good home for two or three children. 1 to 0 years of age. 1179 Gladstone avenue. WANTED The care of a child in a good private famll r. 327 E. 6th.iear Mill st. NURSE will nurse invalids, aged. Infants, city or country. Phone Sellwood 16.'8. Honsekeepera. SITUATIONS wanted, housekeepers, cham bermaids, cooks, waitresses, laundress. St. Louis Agency, 303 H Wash. Main 2039, A 4775. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants place as housekeeper, chambermaid or taking care of a rooming-house, with boy of 15. P 502, Oregonlan. WANTED By married woman, housework to pay room and board for self and hus band. E. 6214. WANTED By a middle-aged lady, a po sition as housekeeper, city or 'country. T 503, Oregonian. LADY wants a position as housekoepcr in oomlng house. Phone Woodlawn 3015. AS house keener, small family; good plain cook: wages $30. Phone Main 4S21. Miscellaneous. WANTED 3 boys by lady giving reading and writing lessons who lives near to St. Johns. Ad dregs uaie at ., t t. jo n n RESPECTABLE family having no children wishes to ta,Ke care ox a or more cnuaren have a good home. Phone A 2674. W A NT nnaiHnn ft- rook In nrlvate family. Call or phona Main 61S4; house No. 620, itri sc. GIRL wishes to work by hour. Call M 6427, room 30. EXPERIENCED saleslady wants position in bakery. Phone Marshall -10. GERMAN woman wants work, washing or ironing, v i0. Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by a neat woman; by the day. Main 4378. 4d8 &tnst. w6TANwiBhes work-by day. Main 642T, room 23. TRUSTWORTHY middle-aged woman wants housework by week. -v oregonian. LADY with experience In delicatessen busl nesswants position. AF 502. Oregonian. WOMAN wants work by the day. 3 Min nesota ave. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted to aid n supply th de mand for choice nursery stock; outfit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Co.. S.alem. Or. SOLICITORS for Oregon selling .a new art icle of merit; good commission; I pay freight. Geo. Barrett, 402 Mason bldg.. jos Angeie ACT1V canvassers can make $50 weekly selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Com pany. Liberal proposition; good territory. Address Qrenco. Or. AGENTS to sell real estate; terms that sell. Avaion Real state -o. i xie kum bldg. AGENTS paid to distribute samples, etc. make $3 to $5 per day. Herb! Mfg. Co. Milwaukie. Or. POCKET novelty, delights adults or chil dren. Mr. Bennett, 14 North 6th. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED Desk room In modem office building. Leave location wun & law. House 6 OR 6-room house; must be modern; not too lar out: in iamuy; rent must oe rea sanable. AH 501, OregoniajJ. TOLL "Thompson Rental A Fire Insurance Agency ; houses solicited ; repairs ; taxes ; furnish tenants. Call 310 Failing bldg. YOUNG couple want a furnished five-room flat or house; West oiae prererea. x ow, Oregonian. . Rooms. WANTED A nicely furnished room for 2 vmme lallea in nrivate family: must have running water, hot and cold, well lighted and well heated; prefer north of Couch and west of l-th; would consider south of Salmon ana west 01 itn. in answering, give full particulars. Address F &U4. oregonian. WANTED Nicely furnished rooms, about 4, on West Side, fiat preferred; have silver, linen, bedding and other small furnish ings. Address G 495. Oregonian. REFINED adults want 4 or 5 furnished rooms or bouse; state price and location. K. 5U3. Oregonian. GIRL of 20 wishes roommate of the same age, V. illCKman, general ueiivcry, cny. BY workingttian, cheap room wanted In pri vate iamuy. . oua, uregoni-n. Rooms With Board. BOOM and board wanted by young married couple in rennea private iamuy, in vicin ity 0 18th and Marshall; will gladly fur nish own rooms ; reference exchanged. Call Sellwood 1049. LADY employed during day wishes nice room with boar a, except luacn, wesx oiae; slate location, accommodation and price. Address AL 500. oregonian. GENTLEMAN desires furnished room with boara ; State price, iuc-iiu- anu couve niences; no other roomers preferred. N 602, Oregonlan. WANTED Room and board for boy of 7 years, near tne .ua cuowi. vu up jo-i Gibson, pnone jaam j.q. WANTED By two young men. room and board in private iamuy on west oiae, walking distance. P 501. Oregonian. Business Place WANTED Desk room with desk, use of phones L privacy-preterreo., eiaie location, terms and convenience N 601, Ore gonian. FOR KENT. Koom DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. -MILNER BLDG," 350 MORRISON 8T. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. Furnished Koom THE WEAVER. 710 ' Washington aL, near King; peirect moo. era noma; pnvait bath, steam heat, hot and cold running water, and telephone In every room; fin est part of the city; the maximum of convenience at the minimum of expense; we make you feel at home; dining-room in connection; best La th oity for th money. ' HOTEL. SAVON. 128 Eleventh St. N w. modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comtortable. Rates very reasonable. Cail and see us Regular and transient trad solicited. THE ASSEMBLY, 265 6th st., 2 large fur nished room wrin running water; one single room $3 per week; ono housekeeping suito; bath and phone; largo yard; near postoffice. ' . ixO'lEL. BUCKLNGHAAt. op. Portland Hotel. 230 Yam""'; nrsi-cias- iumi-ueu ruum ingle or en suite; moaern; $60 up; transi ents solicited. M. 31. A 7177; $5 week, up. 1"U RN ISH ED r ooms for gentlemen In strict ly private quiei i-m" , ii--1 " reabonable, bb4 East' Main st. Take bun- nyaide carllne to 2Hth st. FURNISHED rooms to rent, electric lights. hot ana coia water m n reasonable. The Morrison, lth and Mor rison. Single or en suite. . JUST OPENED THE WHITEHALL. 253 bill St., lyu-" - w. , hotel, private baths ana telephone; tran sients solicited HOTEL BUSH MARK. Washington and 17th. culte; all modern conveniauces; $3 weekly up. A 2047. Main 5G47. , NICELY furnished rooms suitable for two people ; an cuu v cuicjh.oo , tiuou iu, 9 4 10 S4 per week. 251 7th St. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall st. well lurnisnea Biecinug ..ow uer w--, electric light hot baths free. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. "MILNER BLDG.." 350 14 MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL, REASONABLE. 461 EAST Morrison, cor. Eat sth st. ; nicely iurni&neu ruum , rrtuuuJLif, n am.- 1 ncdistance. The Hazel Nicely furnished steam-heated room running wawc. u ana Aiontgotuery. FOR RENT. Furnished Koom HOTEL ALDER. TriJ CAPLE3. Corner 4th. 350 Taylor, and Alder at. near Tth. These two eautlful new hotels just completed and nandsomely furnisned. pos sess every modern convenience including elevator service and private telephone ex change. Both are right d-jwn town, yet just off all carllnes; about half the rooms in each have private baths, all others hot and cold water. The rates are curpris inely low. Call and see them and you will be pleased In every way. Rooms by the day, week or month. GRAND UNION HOTEL. 3S7- e. Burnside St. You spend one-third of your life in bed; why not have a good one? We have as good beds as there are in the city. Steam-heated room with hot and cold running water; rooms with private bath: rates from $2.50 to $S per week; 10 minutes walk from business center of city. Phone East 5940 and B 1275. FOR RENT New and elegant furnished rooms; gas. electricity, phone, turitace neat, open fireplace, large closet, walk ing distance; $20 per month. 320 Mont gomery st. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. BEAUTIFULLY furnished hite emanel room in absolutely new home in fine lo cality; offers exceptional comforts; accessi ble to two carlines: every convenience; breakfast optional. Phone Tabor -660. NICE furnished room, private bath, suit able for oue or two people. Apply man ager. Rose Friend Apt., S. W. cor. 7th and Jefferson. NEWLY furnished room; steam heated; running hot and cold water. 564 Flan- ders. SWELL rooms for gentlemen, with every convenience and comfort; new, clean, mod ern; short walk from P. O. A 2547. EXCELLENT rooms for respectable gentle men in comfortable new home; easy walk ins distance 554 E. Yam liill, cor. 13th. LARGE front room, suitable for two or more. $4 per week; bath, phone, heat. 2.6 l-th st.. near Salmon. ; . 2 NICELY furnished attic rooms for rent for four gentlemen, reasonable. 635 Bel- mont. B 1-95. SMALL room for gentleman; bath, heat, phone: $2: walking distanje. 325 12th at. FURNISHED room for a gentleman, short walk, 214 13th st. cor. Salmon. NICELY furnished room, gen tl err an pro- f erred- 141 13th St. FOR RENT Room in modern home on Willamette Height Main 8539. NICELY furnished, well heated and lighted rooms, reasonable. 345 11th. CLEAN room, reasonable. 268 12th st. $2.50 ONE small single room, 2i4 11th st. Unfurnished Room DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED ROOMS "MILNER BLDG.. 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. Rooms With Board. WANTED A few refined gentlemen as ex clusive boarders in strictly private mod ern comfortable home, away from car line and in first-class neighborhood; prices very reasonable. 864 East Main st. PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year, rooms with board, use ol sewing-room. li brary. 510 Flanders, Misa Frances N. Heaih, supt. """"Rooms With Board In Private Family. TWO large furnished rooms, each suitable for two, with board. In strictly private family; reasonable rate 331 14th su Phone Main 3054. WANTED Lady roommate, desirable, Caa Rosa, 5th and Jefferson. Phone Main 1414, SUITE of rooms with private bath, excel lent board, desirable location, reasonable. A 7230. 204 N. 22d; alsosingle room. ROOM and board in private family; furnace heat, good bath and best home cooking; $30 a month. 427 Montgomery, cor. 1 1th. ROOM and board in private family for re fined people; best German cooking; price reasonable. 8G4 East Main t WOULD like a little child to take care of; good home and mother's care. 355 E. Gil- san. Phone E. 3381. . LARGE outside rooma with board, free bath and phone, $25 per month for party of 2. 442 Jefferson st. LARGE froni room, suitable for two. with board: $5.50 per week; also small room 89 11th sL CLEAN, well-furnished room fwith home cooking, suitable for two. 432 3d. flat C. WANT gentleman to share room and board ln private family at 3Q5 Holladay ave. FIRST-CLASS room and board in private family. 545 Yamhill sL NEWLY furnished rooms with board, price reasonable. 5U5 E. Oak at. B 2619. " FURNISHED rooms, running water, with board. 515 Morrison st. A 3S28. 653 WASHINGTON ST. Room and board lOr tWO gentlemen 1 . I-IW 1 canuuguiv ROOM and board $5 week. 549 Yam- hlll st. . 39- SALMON Large front room with good nome cookius -m NICE front roora, with board. 314 Colleg gt., cor. 6th st. MONEY loaned on improved real estate. G J?2tPd.?-ra-LJy s' Apartment "THE CODY." East 7th and Taylor Sts. New, beautiful and very elaborately fur nished apartments of two and three rooms: something entirely different from usual run of apartments; this is worthy of In vestigation if you are looking for some- thlng exceptionally gooa. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks south from Morrison st. ; new brick building, completely first-class; fur nished in 2, 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception halL steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, jan itor service; rent verj rwtauuauiB. 1 o nc on-rr. 1P1RTM P1VTS. Cor. Grand Ave. and Stark St. New fireproof brick building, beautifully furnished, two - and three-room apart ments, private bath wall bed large r.othea closet Phone E- 300. - THE HANTHORNE APARTMENTS, 251 lth, near Main; new 5-story brick. Just finished; most complete 3-room apart ments in town; private exchange connect ing each apartment; private balcony for each apartment. APARTMENTS TO LET. 5-room, steam-heated, modern apart ment. Janitor service. Apply Janitor, 52S Everett. . ST CROIX apartments, new. modern, brick building, 170 St. Clair, near Washington; one front three-room apartment, furnished. Phone Main 52 47;A 751L BRYN MAWR, 135 East 15th, cor, Yam hill; 5-room apartments, heat, range, re frigerator, porch and fireplace. NEW, 6-room, steam-heated apartment; fine neighborhood. 25th. between North rup and Overton. Apply to Janitor. 5-room. steam-heated, modern apartment Janitor service. Apply Janitor, 672 Eear ney. , BOZANTA Newly furnished 3 and 4-room apt.; private phones and strictly modern; 23d near Johnson st. MAJESTIC 390 Clay ; one choice apart 4 rooms and bath. n Flax TO LET New flata, one upper, one lower; - iinin-.rAnm r wn hrnnmi. kitchen, pass pantry, bath, gas range, gas water neater, furnace with hot-water coll, front and rear porches, storeroom, servants' room extra in basement, large fireplace, woodwork and floors fine finish; Hawthorne ave., corner E. 21st st No. 201. Call at xne nats or ou w. x. w iuw 8.2-4 Board of Trade. Main 6974. A H7tf. BURNISHED steam heated flat in exchange Kearney, uwnoi-n -. 1-?i--vl tT-it1 tnnriArn A-mrtm fla.ts. close in. saunon. main nw. (21 UPPER' flat, furnished complete. 4' rooms and bath, gas range. 404 Larabee st. Phone East 1230. NEW 5-room flat, all modern conveniences, 18th and E- Ash sts. Phone B 2006. ( FU RnTs H EXf 1 1 for rent. $20. 328 Park street. Housekeeping RoonsL" THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur- mn.uu inr uuu h". a r . trie lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free; $15 per month up; a clean place; best in the city for money; short distanc from Union Depot. Take "S" car or 16th st, cars north, get off at Marshall st- No $1.50 TO $2.50 WEEK; clean, furnished housekeeping rooma, n "Vi""; phone, clean linen, heat. 406 Vancouver ave., and 203 Stanton; take TJ car. -TVT- t iWT VTiW V HOW. "MILNER BLDG.. 350 .MORRISON 8T. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. UNFURNISHED housekeeping-rooms. $1.00 per week ; gas piate iurnienea. Minuni Anartment 430 Belmont st. THE MARCELLUS. nice clean housekeeping SUlte, 71 nw"'i - - -v - bridge. THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartment fur- HOUSEKEEPING room- in new concrete ijlcs. t 11 one w ooaiwn or ii). 'Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family- -R005I suite, gas heat, phone, hot water; for refined people, sap l.th st. . $3. ONE small single room, suitable tor