K V K V , TITE 3IOKSTIVG - OREGOXIAy, FT? IP AY. yOTEIBER 11, 1910. 17 ; " . ' 7 ' . . ZZT7ZIZTZ i t max estate. BOATSWAIN SLAIN', BELIEF Toroorr' Jnrr Decide Astoria Man Was Mnrdercd. ASTORIA. Or.. Nor. laSpeclal.V rhal John Thomaon. boatswain of the rug Samson. whose dead body wu found yesterday morning on the wharf a short liatanca from where tha vessel lay. was mirderod Is the opinion of the Coroners ;ury. which investigated tho clrcum ttances this afternoon. The verdict re turned was as follows: ..n- . v. - nn(t.r.!mil itrrwa. after be ing duly sworn, find John Thomson came :r tils ceair on me nu remer. 1310. by being struck in the back of the head by some unxnown person with some kind of a doll Instrument - MHhv as there was nothing found on his person, excepting two letter. AMCSBMCNTS. HEILIG THEATER 7 th and Taylor Fbonts Main 1 and A-1122 William Faversham In llli Latest PUT Soccer. TWX WOUD A.r ins w 1 r" Evenings. 12. $1.A 1. 7c 80c. 35c. SSo. Matinee. $1.1". $1.00. 75c Sue. 33c. --"- 6E.it six orr.as todav. IIEI UO THEATKR. 4 NTOHTS BEOINNlNl 8UNPAT Special Price Matinee eaturd.r. DE WOLF HOPHER Wllla lealss Pnwr, In the Song Cons- S.n-"l1on. -A MATINEE IOOU rvnlfici. S3 to 6e. Matinee. $1.50 to 33c Francis Richter FAREWELL BENEFIT RECITAL Heilig Theater Nov. 20, 2:30 P. M. BUNGALOW STi tar. 1 3th Morrison. Gee.. I- Raker. Manager. Paeoee Maia 111 ana A tat Tonight. All Week. Matinee Saturday. Pue rl.l H.rg.in f.tlne Thursd.v. All 23 Cente. The Cmeriy Hurc.es of the Season. "OIR SKW JUMSTIH." Br Penman Ttiomrm and George Tv . Brer. F. jb-r.t. henlr Production. Original lul Matin. Sic. - Ev-nln... 25c. 50e. 7S SI Next Week -Mrs. V las. ef the Cabbae P.l-h. MAIM A A 1M . ' MAIINIIK Ml.ni vmi. IS1TI tiivatcr tt-K-SO-TSl MFEK NOVr.MBUR 1 Tbe His Musical Cat I ... (allaaan and M. tieorae In "J1 Neighborhood eeee end r.ldred. the Tem ple Quartette, Mwer and Mack. V. " Irre'. ..ladles h fnrreiala. the An4raUa KlMrim, nrtarrs. urchetraw I YRIf Fa5T.Sn1 J-i X XV i-la.. uoroB ALX. THIS WEEK. . "LA SOLITA" Urit rncr of th A with THE GIRL CADETS r.o Performances Nightly: Matinees Dally. Week Nor. 7. 1910 The MaeieaJ ItMrkKBltae r.t.i.v a niRBrrK. MmwIac the I ures rebva'lhle Tntae forma i loo. JOIIV HK.I.IM. The (elamhlaaa line.) In Thetr Mulra faataMna. "A 11 ef lr. cnina. Tem Mrooire, Beyasear A Rnblnei IjMH a M1I.I-.R CR-UiDAHUIt liitsc. K.erv Uey. S:SO: ear ee.i ISo. tiftlft P.rformauce. at T:SO and S: ISl Paror 1R: Law.e PWtor 2ic: Boa liMti &Oe AttTl ON ALt5 TOD AT. At 01imn' aurtlon room. 1t6 ?con4 ir-l. i lu o clock A- M. 8. la N, Oilman. - At W"!!i.n'i auction houM. corner Fcond anU Y-mtitlU at 10 A. M. J. T. AVllerun, ittioiKcr. BORN'. I'OLET In San Francisco. November l. to t b ;f of John C. Foley ia EU MoOui uuh. a -align ur. KlviniNG NOTICES. JlOf.XT TABOR LOrXJK NO. 42, A. F. AND A M. A tate4 corn- rrtuntcatlon in is Frldat tTntns; Hork in kl, A. dvr. Vlaltors wclconie. D. H. YOt'.N'), c. MVRTI.K i'HAPTEII. NO. 15. O. F K.aalar mttnic this (Fri d.yt vtuDi in J4onte Tmpia al e clock. Ht orlr W. M. J EN SI f: H. UALLOVS AV. PC ha.".!ai.o irrxK. no. is. i. o. o. F- rn.Lai m OsiUi).oa Temples Flrat an4 At dar f. r'tis thla evening at T .o o'clock. Work la lb third dsr'. Vt!trra clcnma F. CuZt,.a. Sec. DIED. HEXTtR At Pn11ton. Mrs. Carolina Hex tar, mothar of lira Chart Kahn and H. L- Hf x;r. Funaral nouca laier. lTTN-JiAL XOTICKS. KAlfMAN Tha fun arm 1 ef Edna Kaufman. tho var-o.d dautthter oC Clara Kauf man . will atart from tha parlors of tha toward Hoi man Co. Third aad Palma s:rM. at 44 A. M, today (Friday). lntnnnt Ut ba In tha ceraefery of pt a lara! io&cres;attun and servtca til b rtM at th rva rieau omtt cow era. Funaral private. CL RK In this cut. November at tha fAtnitjr raidnce. Eaat Ankeny tr?t, l evari Clark. aa-d yoars, ! month. J daa, baioved wita of J. L. Clark. Frlenda tnvttad to attand funeral r taa which will t h.d at H i.maa a chaoaL at "J P. M. Surday. Novanbr lk laumcnt Rivar vaw Cematary. pFfTTtTT In this city. Kr. 8th. WK hara Cl'a Frauitt. a 3-4 ear. a m -. r. day. Funara! aernrtca w ill ba hal- t Ua 'man's ch-pal. mr. -i and Sal mon st.. Taturdaj .Nor. 13, at a p. L Frtands Invited. PEARSON Tha funeral serrlrea of tha lata T i mot a j Pearson, of fan Francisco wi.i ba bd from IunnLag' A McXntae a cbars jiaraata and ptna atrset. at lu A. M. Saturday. Normbr 12. Fricuds lavlted-t-er-tcea at crave r1vata. STEEL runaral of tha lata Vlarr Lad 4 .ti w.U t held frnn tha reatdance of Jama F Ela. bp ring at.. Port lead Height, at 2 P. tod- tFri f!iT. NoveiTiQer ll- lUTiMTrJ FLO RAX CO. MAFWtA ULAKk F LOK1L. DEMoM Maia aiw a lira. immiil a ssraacee. 11 tih aaa line, fhwae Mala iaay aa utile. e teaaty C.r.nar. UWAJU VDIJIIS CIV. rwial Dtree sr.. te Sd . ldy aeataat. 1'beae aLse 3. J. r. IVUI a SO. Sd aaa Madleeav La ay .ttid.L l aw. M.ta t, A Urn. Ar ellK raaeral Iltrertaea, aarrmers tj r. S- Ihaiat, tae. E. as. B tail. Kail Ot O. t'adtaker. laey aealel. ant. c A Id... M. .13U. A H3A. 111 I LH BM4 CO.. Fearfml rMrertere. SM Hlnieai. ee.; both poeaeei lady a..t. 11. leaertaAer. sea. 1 mmt Alder aad Toalght. i:H Bpetlal Price Ihiikiwi Night Marloea Tomorrow j-n. r CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Balls- m aaaday. rerUae. ue ,...M beme ad twe eeo.eeattee . . ui thu. IIH..III II 1 1 1 Seme ad lx ee mvm eeewecnuve times, .see Ma word, comet, aa one Uae ea iut ad- verueeaerate aad ae ad anaatsd ler eas tli.3 twe Uoaa. W ben aa ad.silhnnieat Is M raa rani as tl.e time. th. ene-Ume rate aawllea. Oa charge ef beek advertleement. tbe eham wUI be baeed ea the aeiaal aomeer a( liaea appeaitasj la the paper, recai ef the aumoer wt mora, ua caca wm. Ia i.w leday ail aU.ertueBMata rhaxaed by saeaeoxe ealy. 1 neb.- Tha .am. wmtmm ennlv ta aaucr -New Today" aad ail elhac clsmllaa' two. raceuUng the lolleetoai altaatlooe Wanted. Male. tUnatlou Warned, reeaale. toe Best. W.ome ITIrate msmltlea. koeme aad llourd. frivete samUlea. tdouaekeopina aWeaaa. sTWate i .mules. lb. rate ea the aiiore rla..lllcaliwiia la 1 crate a line each laecrtloa. la mm boa efllee addxeM la naaired, aae teaulae loess al.ea. aad eooat tale ea port ef tae ad. Aaeaers te adrerttoemeaie orul be lorwarded te petroo proelaed eetf-ad' areaei eBT.lopee are UKlooea. if roo bar. either telephone ht year Beaee era a 111 accept our ad ever the phone aad send ids the bill the aest day. fboae H..t Id. Uepfc. Mata T0- ar A . bit. ealioa Waatod aad fenooal adrertuemeau Bot aeceptMi otot the phuae. Arroea are aiere eaoily saade la lalephooiaa ad.ertl- BMata. therefore lae uresoaua wut iilf moaeilbl. foe .uch errore. TO Ol'T-Or-IOHN PATRO"8 The Ore. ponuta will reretee cony ey mall, pterlded sufficient remittance for a definite number ef kMie. la eent. Ackaowledcoment of remUtaace will be forwarded promptly. OREGON KUMANE SOCIEH orncx. crrr iuu, MAIN Us. A HIMIM ornCEit. BAT eTTA XEVT TOO AT. West Side Harrison street, full lot near the Fark, 1:000 below market. Price 18600. Fourth street, welkins; distance, 11 room house, 17600. 100xl0H N. W. Cor. Meade and Front,some income; iiu.duu. i00T50 on Clbbs and First, rental value $:.10 per ntonth. Will consider any reasonable orrer. price 2V,uog. MERCHANTS 5AVIG!I aY TRIST COMPANY .V. Cor. Milk aad Waahlasrrea Streets For Sale -OR- Exchange Tor land near city 2 houses, 6 lota, all in Broadway Addition, 29th and Halsey it, H. GORDOJf. Owner. 210 Henry Bldg! 3-Year Lease Bulldlnjr south side of aat Morrison, west aide of Union are. TwoStores,25xl00 22 Roe ma KM Keated for 9SO. Will alve 1100 for 3 years' lease. Best location on East Side (or furniture or department store. - - : - OWXER, Mala .VvTl. IU1 Moataomery St. II ACRES THE MOST M'OS DGRFt'L VIEW AT MOl.NT TABOR. Overlooking the surrounding country and city and Mr. Josselyu's new home, which lie has just bouarht and paid 110.000. and will epenri $10,000 for Im provements beautifying- the grounds and house. On one of the best carllnes In the city. This property can be cut In half and make two of the moet beautiful homes In the City of Port land. Chapin & Herlow SM-XTS Cham brr af Co mrarrrf. Irvington Home Furnished or unfurnished, parlor, lir lng room, music room, dining-room, kit chen, se win g-room and i bedrooms; large reranda and eleeplng-porch; fur nace, fireplace, cement basement, walks aad improved street. Lot 100x100, bearing fruit trees, shrubbery, etc Inquire owner. 775 Wasco St, Phone ast 3065. Irvington Swell Home Brand new, modern, swell s-room bouse, ready to move Into: furnace, flreulace. sleeplnsr-porch. built-in china cloxet. window seats, nice combination fixtures, shade, breakrast-roora. in fact all latest improvements, and is a beautiful home, on a 50x104 lot with cement aldewalks and street Improve ments paid, tins tiotne is worm sidou. and you ran buy It for a few days for ITtlOQ. about 91400 cash, balance easy terms: In the best part of Irvington. Nothing but awell homes aurroundlng. GBl'SSI ZADOW SIT Ft nerd ef Trade Rldg, th mad Oak. CORNER 100 x 100 16th and Thurman Streets $28,000 Income $1782 In addition to per cent net Income this nronertv has excellent epeeulative value.. No better Investment In Portland. A. BACK fit. Bl Board ef Trade Bldg. UNION AVENUE $13,500 TAKES The finest S. W. business corner be tween Bums!1 and Alberta St.... lOOx 100 feet; 120.001 won't touch thla cor ner two years from now. Now la your great chance to lay In a fortune. J. n. Keeaedy. 83 I alea Aveaae. Irvington For rent or for sale on easy terms, with small payment down, nice -room bouse In Irvington. one block from Broadway carllne. Inquire A. R. RICK, Waaew t. Phonee: K 3l3i; C 1351. 40 ACRES Just outsMe city limits on Powell Valley Road. Tbe beat acreage out there and only greo PER ACRE. Northern Trnst Co. S7 mark St. SNAP $7000 zzzfx-xtz 100. near :id and Gliaan at. Half cash will handle this. a. n. BiRHFxr. rn McKay Bldg, Sd aad Stark St a. I KCT TOP AT. RE.KTATE. I " " For Sale-Farms. I i- ii ' sssssssssss-se-i I 1 , . I Vrtr SflliwflnllftM. I Arrfsrt. I ,. ' $250 Per A ere 40 acres; 6V2 rnilcs from the Courthouse; on a fine macadam road; about 4000 cords of good wood on it. A fine buy. H KEASEY Si nUHASDKJEFFERY 3 232 Chamber of Commerce. C. Alfalfa Land 565 acres on Columbia River, near Hermiston, Umatilla County, Oregon, every acre lays good. i splendid ol canln ash soil of great depth, with underflow of water for irrigation at a depth of 15 to 20 feet, a plant to irri gate entire tract with pumping system will cost fS per acre. 10 per acre will put it Into alfalfa: 90 acres cultivated and fenced with woven-wire fence, will sell 100 acres or all at (85 per acre, 30 per acre cash, balance easy terms. Think what it means to have alfalfa land at boat landing on Columbia River f roduclng 1 tons per acre, and get it at ess than 1100 per acre, weeded to alfalfa. This land ia worth three times the price asked, but we have secured option. Tou can have the benefit of our bargain, buy it. seed to alfalfa, and we will resell It for ,you at 5300 per acre. GRUSSI KADOW, 1T Board ef Trade Blrtg., h aad Oak. 450 ACRES 410 in high state of cultivation, prune anri atiDle orchard bearing; new house. furnace heat, hot and cold water throughout, bath, mortem aa city home; fine barn and outbuildings. This Is the finest farm In the etate; 30 miles from Portland, near Ky. and town. This is a purchase. 1400 acres, all cleared, 2 miles from good torn on mam line or tty.; all fine fruit land, ripe for subdividing, Prlr-a. lis go acres on new Mt. Hood electric line on Sandy Road. This ia a fine tract. Very cheap. CEO. NOHTHBIP et CO, 411 Spalding Bldg., City. Trackage 5( feet on O. R. 4 N. 200 feet deep $12,500 'dV.Vo".?:.:.???.$9000 100 feet on O. R. & '.. 205 2500 TERMS. OREGON I VESTMENT CO, BOS Conch Bolldlng. Union Avenue Snap $5000 Full business lot worth $5000, house apartment besides: In the heart of business; ail lor sauuu; unpruvcuieuie BUI1UBU. J. . Keaaedy, 836 l aloa Aveaae. RRAX BSTATE DKALERfl. Blrr.ll. A. M. Co 20Z-3 McKay bids. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loans, ate. Brubaker Benedict. 503 McKay bldg. M. Ma. Chaotn Herlow. S3S Chamber Commerce, Cook. B. S. A Co too CorO.tt bids. Jennings Co.. Mala 1SS. 304 Oregoalaa. PALMER-JONES CO H. F, 313 Commer cial club bids. Scr.stk. Gee. XX, Z2S Btark st. Msla $X A 23112. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Orand ara aad Mnltnomab at. (Uolladay Addition.) M. E. Thompson Co.. cor. 4th and Oak sta KK AT. TATE. For Sale Walking Distance Only 11000 Terms. Opportunity for home or investment. Beautiful 60x100 lot. all street Improve ments In and paid, near Ladd'a Addition; t.rrtnc sacrlSoe. Particulars from C. L. Pambenr.r. room 2 Lunibennene bldg. Main J4M. A 21S. S8 PER CENT DISCOUNT. IRVINGTOT corner, JUOxloO, on Stan ton st 2 blocks from Irvington carllne; l.'.XX). 31SS0 cash; this 4s $1000 below market and la one of the nicest corners on this str.eu . A. BACKVS. S19 Board of Trade Bldg. Totj can buy a lot' near ho, cur fara for $423: graded streets, cement aide walks aad curba. Bull Run water, elec tricity, telephone, building restriction Provident Inv. A Trustee Co, IM-1U Board of Trade bldg. LACMLHURST. Must saenfica my equity to meet ether obligations; location one block from car line, near old Ladd residence; one of the finest lots In "this beautiful addition, w .1". ryroni.n IRV ISUTUS A r. 7.1x100 on llth and Tillamook SIS.. Irv ington. For quick .ale will make big sac rltlce. Clodfelter Broa, 414 Couch bldg. 10 LOTS. lil-U iOAJuv. In Montavllla. 3 blocks from Mt. Hood Eleclrlc Do yoa realise that this means :S for 50x100? Terms. Fred'W. Oer- msn. 329 Burnslde. M. ST7a VTL-ir i citx- on. block to car: 115 down, balance monthly. 6 per cent: suitable for 4. 5 or e-room nome; .i.o ..u ....i. adjoining If deslr.d; nice district- Bee Jaa. C. Loan. 326t, Wash, sc. room 404. "yToTS. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 3350O. Walking distance Ford-st. Drive: easily worth double price asked: don't wonder: Investigate. Fred W. German. 82 Burn slde. M. 2778. PORTLAND- HEIGHTS FORCED SAJB. 72x100 corner, best residence part of H.lsbts: two blocks car; Improvements in- beautiful view of city and mountains; owner must reellxe.Meln HJBl: A 3839. Stg 25x100 lota on corner of E. 8oth and Humboldt sta. near Alberta car. David lwts, room 2. Lambermens bids-. Mb and Htarx Five 30x100 lota Including corner on 2d and fcast Davis; all cash; owner leav ing citv; worth 430O0. David Lewis, room . . . kiHv HfN enrf Stark. LHIlHTiw.M HO CASH. baL easy; acr. In city limits. neaPMt. Scott. Sc car. 1350; city water. 'WrrUi? APH0PT 133 THIRD ST. TOU can buy a lot near Roil City rara tar 15O0 125 down and 110 monthly: graded streela, c.m.ut ald.wa.aa. Bull Rub water, . . . tin.n1 n. Trad. bldg. tin CAH and i per month, beautiful lot. 3 , V . i.-, , n, city water, street 'Hllrf-EY" A SflSHQP 133 THIRD ST. MT loas ls your gain: 1 must hava money, therofor. will aacrlnce my 1460 equity in a Laurelhurst lot for caah. B 43. HOSE C1T1 r-Atuv 1AM?. Must have caah and will sacrifice three dandy lots direct from tbe owner. W 499. B-AROAIN on ta W-t Sid. lot. for w aiTi: . wm-. w xnana piui i XBVINOTON PARK. 75. 100: & buUTul ... w 1 - a ea- ft Tiki SkJkJlY trillJgU 403 lOV, at Diuv m.m we, a w - - - BROADWAT ST. lot two -block, from car; inJl)iuT.unuL" , . . ilTH AND Clackamas. 100x100 cornor. mc nflre. C. L. Pnmberyer. room 2 Lumber men, bldg. Main 24-t. A 24s. -.-room mod bungalow, eloee In : lino down, bal. reasonable. 417 Board of Trade. rTi EQi'ITT in 3 :" lots; trade for anything. X 544. Oregonlan. iTToT'-t. joxioo, en 3-cent carllne; right at atatlon; bargain. P. O. box 441. till rwlA'V. HAL MOXTHLH. $123 buys wonderfuj view lot, only 1 block to car, overlooks whole city, beauti ful shsde trees; owner leaving Pc-tlatid: you can't realize lta worth, doub.e tnts price, without seeing it: aaotlter corner for 1500; Ideal for bungalow. Ph,ne Man 7881. PORTLAND HEIOHTS NEAR FORD ST. BRIDGE. 50x119; short walk to buelnens center, beautiful unobstructed view of city, moun tains and canyon; will double In value In year. Only 33500; easy terms; reiluc- tlon for c.ili. Greatest bargain In city. Main 3551: A 8S39. . CORNER 50xiO TERMS. $304 cssh. then l-o. month, buys a lovely corner on East 22d St., near Rose City canine; sewer, cement walks, water and gaa Included. . i GEISER A SfTRACHAN, 2-1H Morrison St. A OOOD INVESTMENT. $530 buys one of the very best lots. elo.e to the Rose City Fark car: cement walks, eurbs, water, grsde In and pulrt; only 23 minutes- ride over the new cut-oft; Una lot for nice home. Owner, 3-tl'A Wash. room 404. 50x100. WALKING DISTANCE, $laO0. $300 cash, balance terms, for fine resi dence lot In restricted district, on East Flanders St.; sewer and cement walks paid: this Is $500 below the market price. See GEI8ER A STRACHAN, 221 Morrison St. WE will sell you a Bus view lot for liso; $2. cash. $4 per month. 411 Couch bids. For Sale Houses. rrnvisiiEn HOL'SE BARGAIN. w h, fll.nt. traveling salesman for a wholesale furniture house, who has been transferred to California territory; He must leave town within the next ten days, therefore will sscrlflce his new mod ern 5-roora bungalow and furnishings. The house Is furnished throughout with the ..t .rid, tri.ml.h oak leaincr-trlmmed furniture and the best weave Axmlneter carpets snd rugs he could get. Every - thing new snd In good taste: furnishings alona cannot be aupucaiea wr ... lu.u soo If von were to buy them, as they cost him $700 and he can buy at 10 per cent leas tnan wnoieaaie price., w ,.uiv. cement .Id. walks, lawn, garden with 200 strawberry plants; worth' 13500 the way property Is selling around It; 2800 takes everything; ready to move It; $1000 cash, balance 115 per month. We recommend mis, as It will please nomMcsncia, SMITH A CRAFT, 411 Couch Bldg. Main 4522. rnavncie rrrv PIPIT WOMB. EASY TERMS $700 down will handle this home. This is a well-built house, faces east on 49th street and near the car. 5 rooms all on one floor, large sttlc sll floored and with lots of windows, fine ror sleeping room, b-ioot easement wuri lsundry tubs: every room Is tinted and have polished floors. We want you to ses tuis nome. nesav to mo., m. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Real Estate Dept.. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Exchange 20, A 2050. INCOME 320 A MO. PAYMENT $25. Nice 8-room modern home: Hawthorne Addition, near cars; lot Tixiou; a u-room hniiM on At th. lot; tha ownor will rent tbe 2-room house and 4 rooms of the lsrger house from the buyer at $29 a month If the buyer desires It; the price Is $4200, the terms are $1500 down and balance to suit. Bee H. A. Chandler Real fc.t.te Co., 510 Lumbermens bldg., 6th and btarK sta Main 0790. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. High-grade East Irvington home on very easy terms ana o per cons jmrcsi & bedrooms: everythlnz modern and UP' lo.ri.r- lfl.n. trees, hard-surface streets; double corner lot; make an offer; ll'too or less down, owner, tj or Atajn wsi. EDWIN HOOKER COMfASl, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. OTTT-Oir-TOWN PROSPECTS T,et us help locate you here. We will send you photos and minute description of sny or our sou ouys, it you win ouc let ub known what von ar looking for. A Postal will do. H. A. Chandler. S10 Lumberman's bldg. 8IX-ROOM resl bungalow: see cot In last Sunday's Oregonian classified advertise ment, page lX 430 East 37th St. $300 DOWN. $5 A MONTH Buys one of the finest new modern 7 raom hnuuL In Vernon, on 19th st.. H block from carllne: east front; 2 ore- Jtlaces and piped for furnace; beam ceil nps. paneled side wall, bookcases and china closets built In the walla: all tinted and finished first class. Csn't be beat for the money. E. D. Moms, auo jartiay oin. BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK. Fine. 5-room, nearly new bungalow, completely furnished, on a full lot; east front on 4tlth St.. near Sandy road; half block to car: price $S6oO, 1050 cash and $20 per month. GRUSSI A ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg- 4th and Oak. IRVINGTON. Handsome residence with beautiful grounds, consisting of six full lots; near car line; In the heart of Irvington. Price $25,000. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg., phones: Main SQ9Q: A 28.3. New, modern bungalow, on East Wash ington st-; large, light and airy rooms; a very attractive home; will sell cheap or exchange for vacant lots; leaving city. Call on DUBOIS A CROCKETT. wasnington xiiua ALBINA COTTAGE. Nice 5-room cottage, cement basement, gas porcelain bath; cottage In nearly new lot 50x100, east front, on Minnesota are., near Skldmore; price only $2500, $500 cash and '-0 per month. GRUSSI A ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. . . . . I . - -T-T n UplrtUTC Sacrifice this week of 7-room house and 50x100 lot: unobstructed view: value, $7000. this week for $8000; only $2000 cssh: adjoining view lot for $3000; cash. $1500 Phone owner. Main 4428. Also will trade for bungalow In Irvington of 1 rww. New, modern bungalow, on East Wash ington St., large, light and airy rooms; a. very attractive home: will sett cheap or exchange for vacant lots; leaving city, call on a wan ",m.BOIS b CROCKETT. Washington mug. BEAUTIFUL five-room bungalow, 14 block to canine, iuu w.... wslks street Improvements all in and paid for- Dutch kitchen, built-in bookcases and buffet, hard-wood floors, open plumbing; built by owner for own use; $.1.wo, easy terms. Apply 50a Oregonian bldg. tl 1 1 xi- ... .... New attractive. 8-room. modern home. 3 fireplaces. 2 toilets, hardwood floors, handsome fixtures. Duplex shades, elegant location, near "V car; $7150. terms. AF 503. oregonian. . . . rV OUTTLTD No 500 E. 62d St.. 1 block 8. Rose City car 8-room bungalow. 2 fireplaces, hard wood floors. On basement, gas plant; actually goes to first fair offer. Owner, Alain nun. We have an equity In a modem bunga low would sell or exchange for vacant 1t' DUBOIS A CROCKET. Washington Bldg. sun ., Brand new bungalow, latest Ideas em bodied, sleeping porches, fireplaces. Dutch kitchen, beamed ceilings, best residence SlsirlcE.: easy terms F. J. Rosenberg the i..,io. Man. 629 Lumbermens bldg. ELEGANT, modern il-room house. No. 803 1,?f'. i .1. hv owner: 20 minuter itlk to PostoBice: price $8500. part cash. Is t-rmson balance. Phone Tabor 2:118. Address Dr. L C Button. Arista station. Portuna. ur. r.T side home, modern In every respect, EABT blub n" . , E , SJf neir Knott; $5760. m.li pay ment required. w., T.,. gjjlxM at r. c . - - " mvivi'.TON Call and see for yourself. 4S3 vi.t t&4 Will consider lots or close-in sreage In trade. Price reaeonable. "$350 IRVINGTON DISTfliCT. Ft-room bungalow, on TSVssco. near E. -!h Modern. Phone Tabor 2552 or Purse. 11. h.mbe of Commerce. at a sacrifice for quick sale, new 8-room " . , . 1 r. . mnAmm r, A n 1 1 bungalow; . m - date. $1400 cash required. Call owner. C lot?. 10-K-WJ II V.' 1 ... r rv. Cash 100 month. EasttiSide. restricted district. mnr, q." v. ' FOR SALE lOOxlOe. modern $-room housa S.a.1 """ - " ; ply Lau.-l'avi. JU T think. 8-room hous.. lot 2.1x100, close "in. on West Side, for $100 cash, balance s to iiit. . w. -jit $3TI i.RfKiu house, lot 50x100. near high id grammar school, 1 blocks to car. See ana . i "' ' -' ' " ' ewner. 12 Maryland ave. '04 EMERSON FT. One 4 -room bunjtaiow: lot v"n'x50; modern; new. Take Alberta car. ret off at ?nn, ssiit - oiocxs norm lots at great e.Ttnce. $1500 down. $1000 time. Tsbor 2352. OWNER S' LOSS. YOL.Il GAIN. This double-constructed bungalow. 40x 40. aud on lot 50x100, en Capital avenue, with beautiful view, was built by the owner three months ago for a home; busi ness compels him to return to the Est and h. now oilers to sacrifice $200 leas than actual cost as shown by labor and material bills. Living-room is 1.1x24 with beamed ceil ings, oak floor, fireplace. Dining-room 13x17. oak floors, built-in buffet, paneled snd beamed Two bedrooms, bath and kitchen on first floor snd 2 large bedrooms cn second floor: light fixtures, hardware and trim mings are the very best. This Is a beautiful home and must be seen to be appreciated. i'rlce $410u, on easy terms. Cbo) HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Real Estate Department. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $27.10 Pine 7-room house, good basement, 20 minutes from city: other suburban homes. Allison. 12 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE New. modern houses ia Irvlng ton. K. B. Rice. Both phones. Business property. rt'KST SIDE. QUARTER BLOCK. YAMHILL ST.. CLOSE TO HOTEL PORTLAND.- AT A VERY LOW PRICE FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. PRICE AND TERMS APPLY EDWIN HOOK RR COMPANY. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. FOR SALE 2-story slor. building and full lot on East 25th st.; terms. Apply Laue- Davis Drug Co. Acreuge. TAYLOR'S SPECIALS IN ACREAGE. V.-arre tracts, excellent soil. 30 bearing fruit trees on a tract. 5c car fare: terms small amount cash, balance moutniy. m-acre tracts, under high state of cul tivation, drainage good, soil the best. 11c car fare: price reasonable; terms 10 Jer cent cash, balance 2 per cent monthly. B and 10-acre tracts, within 25 miles of Portland; near good eloctrlo line; soil red shot, volcania ash, and bottom land; you can t nna better appie iano, is:u or anything you want In the state than this: wa ,Tn sell this land at 310 down and $10 per month on a 5-acre tract; no taxes or interest, now uoes mai .uuutu. 5 and 10-acre tracts, all set to a com-mi--.iHi v.riptv of anoles. within 25 miles from Portland, with 24 electric trains dally. If you desire we will arrange to nave tnis taxen care or ror 0 jw. tiin tha nHu will .till be far below any- thin, on th. market along this line. The nrle. la certainly right. Come In. it will interest you and you can arrange your own terms. Our acreage propositions will Interest you, as tney are rignt. o large propositions lor platting, if you are looking for something along this Una. 17 V T1VM1R Sr. CO.. 403-403 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sta 100 ACRES, DEPOT AND SIDETRACK. ON THIS GROUND. 100 acrea with electric line running through center of It, with passenger de pot and sidetrack on grounds, within ten mile circle. Good house and barn, fam ily orchard. This place is half clear, and balance of about 50 acres is in timber that will estimate about 10.000 cords of wood, which can be delivered In Port- - land, under contract, at a very low cost, making a profit on the cordwood alone to tho purchaser, after paying all ex penses, of 13,UOO to $20,000. After the tlmbor Is off, this tract can be subdi vided and sold for from $300 to $500 per acre. This is the best subdivision prop erty on the market today. The land Is psrtlally level and partially sloping. B.-8t soil. Price $225 per acre; one fourth cash, balance eas'y terms. M. E. THOMPSON CO., Pn, 4,h .no Oak Sta Phone Main 6084: A 3327. 25 LOTS, improved with good 7-room mod ern house. 120 bearing fruit trees; i acre of locenberrloa. 4 acre of fine raspber ries, good strawberry bed, chicken yard and plenty of room left for a garden; 20 minutes' ride from Morrison bridge; faces 275 feet on Improved street .with cement walks and curbs: streetcar runs past the property: only $000 per lot. Including im provements, or will trade In as a first pay ment on Income property. W. G. Ide, 425 Lumnermens piog. r,,,,. TO i I 1TTT C ni YT1V M0 acres, of splendid fruit land, only elffht miles from Goldendale, right In the famous Slmcoe fruit belt: 15 acrea cleared and the balance can easily be cleared; 2 houses. 2 nice springs, a creek and water right. The price Is right and the land can't be beat. , Call and let us tell you about It. ' R. E. NICHOLS A CO., AND HERE'S ANOTHER ONE. 200 acres fine land, that will grow anything- 30 acres cleared and balance can be cleared for $25 per acre. This Is only three miles from Goldendale, where values are rapidly rising. We can sell this at a very low figure and can make terms that are very attractive. You will have to hurry If you get it. R. E. NICHOLS A CO., 270 H stars: st. BEAVERDAM GARDEN TRACTS. 10-acre tracts, 5 acres In beaverdam. 3 acres In upland: for $300 per acre; beayer dam la producing 300 sacks of prize onions to the acre: onions are worth today $l.atl per sack- each 10-acre tract will produce :4U0u: land Is ?4 mile from electric car line and town: very close to Portland: terms $750 cash, balance 6 years at 6 per cent. David Lewis, room 2. Lumber mens bldg.. otn sum amt ACRE tracts with piped water, close to car and school; almost In city limits; only $700; 10 per cent cash. .... 5 acres. Garden Home, close to station; $1800: $450 cash. ,0 acres. United Railway, 6 miles out Portland, near school; part cleared; $2000, BROWN A STAVER, 614 Couch Bldg. COLONIZATION TRACT. We bave a large tract, admirably adapt ed for colonization or for orchard develop ment: this land Is A-l In every particu lar, accessible, nearly all In cultivation; assistance could be given In putting this On the market In small tracts; price Is low and terms can be had; must be seen to be appreciated. Oregon Title A Trust Cp... Albany.Or. FINE SUBURBAN HOME SNAP. 8 acres overlooking Willamette Falls, 150 tine fruit trees. balance garden; spring piped all around supplying 17 cus tomers; horse, bugsy. all tools and fur niture in house; grandest view and a snap. CLODFELTER BROS.. 414 Couch bldg. SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALISTS. " 2W ACRES. CHICKENS AND FRUIT. All In highest state of cultivation; 200 4-year-old fruit trees: 2000' strawberry plants; splendid buildings, provisions, close to carllne and Portland; an absolute sacrifice for Immediate sale: $2600. terms. q l Bamberger, room 2 Lumbermens bldg. ..Main mm. T.I.TC ABOUT SNAPS. We have a bunch of them in some very fine close-in tracts, containing from 3 to acres each. If you are Interested and mean business, come In and let us show you. We are pleasing others and we can please you. - K, c. .-Mnvw . - la ACRES, close to Portland and station, first-class soil, fenced on 3 sides, sult sble for garden, fruit and chicken ranch. If you want It at the price of 1150 an acre, act at once as It will not last long. KINNEY A STAMPHER. 631-2 Lumber Exchange Bldg. AVlVAUCi. In tracts of 1 acre up, the very best, lust outside city limits. Macadam road on three sides, and water on every tract. Better call today, for they are going fast. NORTHERN TRUST CO., . i;,aL- ct lOO ACRES. LAKE COUNTY. H50 Near Summer Lake; nearly - level, good producing soil: crops never fall; you should buy this land now while It is cheap; good terms. - FRED C. KING. 31 4 Spalding Bldg- 3d and Washington St. A 10-ACRE TRACT. Of cleared land, rich black soil, no stumps, gravel or waste land, exception ally adapted for raising vegetables, ber ries and fruit. $200 cash, balance easy terms. 405 Couch bldg. 1 ACREAGE NEAR METZGER. $260. Palmer Acres. $75 down. $20 monthly, makes you owner of 2 acres of land that raises onions, asparagus, etc.; near Ore .gon Electric. Fred W. German, 329 Burn side. M 2776. TEN acres, unimproved, choice, tillable land. easily eiearea. rummis .et. road. 35 miles from Portland: $35 per acre, part cash. 512 Couch bldg. $165 DOWN and balance easy terms will Portland: one crop will pay for entire tract. 40SCouchbldg. I IHAVD 40 acres near Dayton. Or.. 10 cleared, 3U in corowoou, more tnan cnougn to pay for land; $50 per acre. 519 Henry may. FOR SALE Equity of ."oo In 5-acro tract at Tigaravijie. nca cain ana win aacri- ONE or two acres on O. W. P., near Junc tion: will sen at a sacnuce. Juquir. Lumber Exchange bldg. 6 ACRES. 250 CASH. 5 acres. 15 miles from business center of Portland; adjoins country town, gooa school, church and store, on good Krav: eled road: electric lin. has been surveyea right In front of tract; is located now two miles from end of same line: fine deep soil, no gravel: four-ntlhs cleared, only a Uttle corner containing trees and brusn. Price $1200, $250 cash, balance easy terms. 10 ACRES. 375 CASH. 10 seres. i miles from business center of Portlsnd. two miles from end of elec tric line; same line has been surveyea within 8 or 10 blocks of this tract; 34 of a mile from good school, church and store, deep, rich soil, no gravel: price $1300, $375 cash, balance easy terms. 2tj ACRES. lo CASH. 2t4 acres, about 8 blocks from electric 'carllne, 14 miles from Portland's business center: brush snd Hsht timber, easily cleared: price $630. $10 cash, balance easy terms, or will sell half this property ot lit acres for $315, $100 cash, balance easy terma 5 ACRES. $100 CASH. - 5 acres, mostly in timber; about 800 to 1000 cords of wood; fronts on electric line, the wood alone should pay a profit ot $2000. leaving the land entirely freo ot cost to the purchaser. After this land has been cleared, one can subdivide it Into acre tracts and get from 1300 to 3.-00 an acre for It, It being located directly on carllne. close In: price $1630, $400 cash, balance easy terma. M. E. THOMPSON CO., Cor. 4th and Oak Sts., Henry B dg., Grou nd Floor. Phone ilaln 6084. A 33-7. CLARNIE HEIGHTS ACRE TRACTS. Located on Buckley avenue snd standy road; the place for yor suburban home, fine view ot ML St. Helens and Hood ana overlooking the Columbia RJver; fine ma cadam roads the year round: O. R. runs through this tract and will estab lish a suburban motor service; six miles from the center of the city: the finest lo cation anywhere around Portland Phone or call C. Franklin Fisher. 52S Hamilton ouuuing or, choice acreage investment, do not fall to consult the SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALISTS CLODFELTER BROS.. 414 Couch bldg. Homeetetads. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOMESTEAD? r - u . a. ii.ari th.i, home- Stead right will find It. to their great ad vantage to call and see us. Ws have a few of the finest homesteads In Oregon, ngni along 1 " " mbu j --- vey of a new railroad with the grade stakes already In. Call or phone Main 4S35. Pioneer Locating Co., 611 Swetland blag., o. J. corner 0111 " ..,.. Portland. Or. Also timber claims and r Ilnquishments. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON, a 82-page book explaining,- what each Of the 34 counties is best adapted for; gives amouat of Government land open to home stead In each county; map attached. -lx 28. showing new R. R and towns, includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon; counties In different colors; drawn to March 1. 3U10; latest map in u. o.; l'"1 N'.mntQ Se ituney, ou ngmmwi mus. RELINQUISHMENT, 80 acres; 70 acres could be farmed: 1.000,000 feet of saw limcer; line cree, m v......-.... of miles rroni x-w, m.. station and boat landing, on the Columma river, ajou t " ', , and take It. Nlmmo. Runey A Co 313 Hamilton bldg. For Sale Fruit land. ESTACADA, the section that Is today receiving the highest Indorsement from tne Oregon Agricultural i.uiicb. T acres, price $1250; attractive terms beautiful cleared land. 10 acres, price $1730; attractive terms 8 acres under young orchard. 10 acres, price $1000: heart of best sec tion; light clearing only. 10 acres, price $1350; 8 acres cleared adjoining land all under young orchard. 11 acres, price $1100; 7 acres cleared $400 will handle this. 20 acres, price $2500; highly Improved tana iujoiuuii eo ,.-- 27 acres, price $10,500; highly improved modern irun rancu. 80 acres, price $4300; all cleared; 2 acres under young orchard. 50 acres, price $2300; lo acres cleared terms good and prices cheap. 40 acres, price $2750; about half cleared on outskirts of best section. 40 acres, price 15000; about 6 acres young orcnara. a mne. nuiu 40 acres, price $2350; light clearing and gooa invesLmeiiL. 47 acres, price $15,000; highly improved mcome-Driusi". .- 60 acres, price $4500; less than one mile from shipping pomt. 75 acres, price $12,000; this is a fine old home iarm. S acres, price $6500; new house, barns, etc.; terms easy. SO acres, price $7300; beautiful old ranch: price is cneap. 1. .-iit&ot cmnm inH bath xi acres, pii . - , house; one of Che best income-bringing rancnes iu ..w... 00 acres, price $4500; house, barns; ready for occupancy. 134 acres, price $11,000; old home ranoh near town; fine stream on place. 13 acres, price $16,000; one of the best ranches, wiin o. " 160 acres.' price $16,000; half cleared; land adjoining worth $175 per acre. 160 'acres, price $8000; good Invest: ment piece on outskirts. 324 acres, price $17,000; fine cattle or fruit ranch; line water. Other attractive places on application. CHAPIN ft HERLOW. Chamber of Commerce, Mr. standlsh. "'the owner is obliged TO sell A full-bearing orchard within eight miles of Portland, where land but half a mile away has recently so d for $100 per acre. This orchard should almost pay for Itself in one year. Owner has Pressing nbiiratlons that must be met. and will sell "or quick sale for $3000, which Is $1500 less than It Is worth. J M. FRENCH & co-v, . 412-413 Ablngton bids- 106H Third St. apple land 5". SomT tmpmenu soli -and cUmat. identical I with Hood Klver. wnere land aell. for $250 to $300 per acre. Price for r few days only 118.50 per acre. Forced to sell at this price. J 504. Oregonian. 10 15 20-ACRE tracts near Portland: Bneet fruit land and chicken, ranches, close to railroad station: good roads; other farms nearby; $17.50 to $50 per acre, part cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. M FA.RLAND INVESTMENT CO 810 Corbett Bldg- Portland. FINE ORCHARD TRACT. 4&V acres, 30 miles from Portland, 1 mi. to R. R. Price $50 per acre. HOPKINS. IMUS A COPLEY. 383 State PU, pa-icm. 20 ACRES fine fruit land. Underwood dis trict. 2 miles irom i-nn.o, - - - trees. 6 more ready; good water, some buildlnis: snap at $3000, terma Owner, AC 4S2. Gresonlan. 40 acres fruit land, with spring, lumber for house- 4 acres In 1-year Spitzenbergs. w?ewns and Ortlcys; price $3500. terms. v r,d-2. Oregonian. COWLITZ VALLEY orchards In the heart rp.racre. 20 aT up". Main 6522. SniVh A Craft. 411 Couch, owners, 20 ACRES fine fruit land. U arw,alf I trlft niliea irWI3A vllin-, - treei 6 more ready: good water some bulWlngs: snap st $3000, terms. Owner. . aq- npnrnnffln. COWLITZ VALLEY orchards, deep red "shot Mair522?Smlth&Craf, 41l' Couch. owner. . GOLDENDALE 8IMCOE FRUIT LANDS. 10 ACRES, 1500: O.JLT 1100 cash, balance $10 month. Geo. 8. Casedy Co.. 'lobby Commercial Club bldg. COWLITZ VALLEY lands, $25 acre, 20 acres up. Smith A Craft. 411 Couch, owners. ROGUE RIVER 10 acres apples, pears, grapes. 1 year old, J 500, Oregonian. For Sale 1- arms. f-OWLITZ VALLEY orchards, cheaper than homesteads, 125 per acre 20 ' acres up Smith A Craft, owners, 411 Couch. Main 4522. . LINCOLN COUNTY has good soli. mild climate, plenty of wood and . water, partly Improved dairy and fruit farms. O. G Dalaba. Elk City. Or ; COWLITZ VALLEY lands. $25 acre, 20 seres up. Smith A Craft, 411 Couch, ownera RKillTIBl'l. rnrVTRY HOME. 5.26 acres rich, cultivated land, i In fruit of all descriptions, balance used for garden, potatoes, etc., etc.; fine 2 story plastered house of 7 rooms, bath, hot and cold water, fine brick cellar, good well at back of porch, spring water piped In house, to lawn and barn, over flow from spring runs slong one side of land and oun be utilized for irriga tion purposes; 3 good barns, chicken houses, etc; place under good fence; llOO yards from school and same distance from station on electric line and 9 miles from the heart of Portland. This beautiful home if sold soon only $3300; half cssh. balance to suit. R F. D.. telephone and delivery route. 40Vi ACRES All good, rich land; 18 acres under cultivation, fi acres slashed and in pa.-.- y ture. balance In green saw timber; 4 room house, barn 30x3, chicken house, woodshed, workshop, etc.; place fenced and cross-fenced; family orchard; fine well water, school at corner of place, church 1-2 mile. R. F. D. mall route, telephone service, 4 miles from R. R. and Columbia River town and 13 miles from Vancouver on the road, in good locality; includes personal property as follows: Team worth $300, new har ness, fine mare, colt 16 months old, 5 chickens, new cultivator, spring and spike-tooth harrow, cream separator and all small tools; on above place there is 2O00 cords of wood, besides several hun dred telephone poles. This place is dirt cheap at. (5300. I 60 ACRES. All rich, level land; 30 acres under fine state of cultivation. S acres In green saw timber, balance slashed and seeded to pasture, part of which easily put under cultivation; place fenced Into 4 10 and 20 acre lots; fine 2-$tory 10-room house: hot snd cold water, bath, etc.; abundance of spring water; fine or chard: good barn and all outbuildings: H mile from graded school, R. F. D. and telephone service and 3 miles from Van couver, Wash. Land adjoining without buildings selling for $300 and up. For short time this beautiful place for only $12,750. THOMPSON A SWAN 200 Rothchild bldg- Portland Or., between 4th and 5th. on Washington St., 1 6th and Main sts., Vsncouver, Wash,- SOMB . . NEW ' LISTINGS. On Oregon Electric R. R. 203 a- near Wilsonville, 5-r. house, 5-a orchard, $20 per. 130 a- near Mulloy. -r. house, orchard, $115 per. 72 a. at Wilsonville, new 7-r. bungalow, $265 per. 123 a. at Wilsonville, fine 8-r. hse., 5-a. orchard, $265 per. , ' 23 i a, at Mulloy, 12 a. benverdam. $-r. cottage, $10,500. - 102 a- near Wilsonville, 13 a. orchard, . small house at $215 per. 30 a. In 10-a. tracts, near Mulloy, wooded off, at $125 per. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Bankers. Chamber of Commerce. (See H A R T O G 25 ACRES $2000. 25 acres of the best soil In this coun try: good 6-room bouse with running water piped from spring. Two good large barns; stone milk house, which can be used for residence; good family orchard, luid all cleared and leveL Adjoins country town. Electric line has been sur veyed right through this tract. Is nowr two miles from end of same line. All ready to move Into. Price $7500, only $2000 cash, balance easy terms. 140 ACRES 1500O cssh. 140 acres. Adjoins good country town, close to electric line; 100 acres cleared snd under cultivation; 40 acres In good heavy timber. Has three springs on the place; good 5-room frame house and a fairly good stone house; two barns; the best deep soli; good family orchard. An elegant place. Is located only 15 miles from the business center of Portland. Price $175 per acre. $3000 cash, balance easy terma M. E. THOMPSON CO. Cor. 4th and Oak Sts. Ground Floor Henry .Bldg. Phone Main 6084; A 3337. ALBERTA WHEAT LANDS. We have thousands of acres of Canadian Pacific Railway wheat lands In Alberta for sale at from $12 to $20 an acre. These lands are all close to railways and towns and are first-class In quality. There are no better wheat-producing lands In the world. We also have a large list of Im proved lands In Alberta at prices from 120 to $35 an acre- These lands pay for themselves In from two to five years. We furnish reduced rates over the lines or the Canadian pacific Railway to people who wish to see these lands. Also de scriptive literature free. Send us your name and we will send you literature fully describing this wonderful country. More money has been made bv farmers in Alberta than any farming country on the American continent for the last five years. IDE-M'CARTHY LAND COMPANY. 425 Lumbermens bldg. 414 ACRES $450 CASH. 44 acres, with 7-room house. House Is In only fair condition; good family or chard, consisting of apples, pears, cher ries and plums; living stream running through one corner; 3 blocks of electric railway: within 10-mlle circle of center of Portland. Best of soil; land lies slop ing; all cleared and ready for cultiva tion. This Is a big bargain. This place can be made Into a beautiful suburban home as well as a profitable one. Splen did fruit land, and can be set out to fruits, strawberries and shrubbery, as well as adapting a portion of it for chlck ens, ducks, etc. It has the convenience of the city, together with the economy and freedom of the country. Price $1850, $450 cash, balance easy terms. M. E. THOMPSON CO., Cor. 4th and Oak Sts. Phone Main 6084: A 3327. A UUUU v 10 a m , Would like to get In touch with party who wlBhes to buy good 100-acre farm; no agents; Includes fine 8-room house, ce ment walks, good fence, telephone; also large barn, nearly new; team horses, har ness, wagon and plow ; one of most beautiful homes in Columbia County, on county road half mile from depot, mile from n-.gn school; school wagon passes every morn ing. About 63 acres bottom land. 10 acres fir and oak for house use. balance very dark rich loam; good orchard, trees bearing fruit; farm adjoining has just been sold and cut In 5 and 10-acre tracts. This Is best investment that person can possibly get. For more Information, ao- . -r -b- Co.. ana CannnnW. Or. areas 1. J- .3m. . yr . -- $35 AN ACRE $35 IAS f ACRE. 160 acres of good land, near fallverton, where land is good and productive, watered by springs and river; 50 acres in cultivation, good buildings, orchard, near school: rich soli; buy a farm at the right price which is only $33 per acre, reasonable terms. $33 AN ACRE. $35AN ACRE. . t-.TTTnia CROCKETT. Room 3. Washington- Bldg. 8SO ACRES $22 an acre, in Lane County; soil all good fruit land: 150 acres In cul tivation; 400 acres more slashed and al most ready for the plow; good family or chard good house, barn, granary, machine shed fine spring. 80 acres easily Irrigated If desired. Thousands of acres of outside range. By a little development work this place can easily be made worth $00 an acre Easy terms and will take some trade. W. O. Ide, 425 Lumbermens hldg. 320 ACRES, In Willamette Valley. $40 an acre- 200 acres cleared. 120 acres In timber- 'l 300,000 feet of good saw timber: two large barns and small family orchard. This land is exceptionally good fruit land and is ready for immediate development. Two fine springs on the place and good running stream; 40 acres of fine bottom land; this place Is worth $50 an acre right now; will take some trade. W. G. IDE, 425 Lumbermens bldg. DAIRY AND STOCK RANCH. 800 acres; about 600 In grass: on Nestucca River, Tillamook County. Stock, tools. Implements snd fur niture; $22.50 per acre; very easy terms. Make offer. EDWIN HOOKER COMPANY. Chamber ot Commerce Bldg. RELINQUISHMENT. Homestead relinquishment of 820 acres In Crook County. Oregon; 100 acres bot tom land; will be right on railroad next Summer. Look this up. Will take some trsde. 322 Falling ping. "GLORIOUS KOOTENAY." BRITISH CO LUMBIA No Irrigating; delightful cli mate; fruit farms $10 to ISO per acre; easy terms; free booklet V nvtrs Trust A Mortgage Corporation, Ltd, 134 Hastings St.. W. Vancouver. B. C. 160 ACRES In the heart of Tualatin Valley. house, barn ana ,,w,.ijr w,i.uaiu, half under cultivation, rest pasture: elec tric line runs through it you will have to hurry for this at $37.50 per acre. Room 3. cnamoer ot uiiiinojcp umg. COWLITZ VALLEY orchards; our own de velopment will lore. tin. iaiiu 10 el inside of a year: 125 per acre. 20 acres up. Main S522. Smith A Craft. 411 Couch, owners. ' FOR SALTS Farm. 17 acres; 6 acres cleared: has house. & Darns ana iarm 1001., pricn $2000. $300 down and $20 monthly. Own er, 903 Minnesota ave. i.