0 SIX RATE but as thr wor no Indication f Mow the supposition l that he rtnm bled In th drkn!- and fell on hU fsce sustaining Injuries that caused his FAH death. Thompson ai a native of Scotland. s. years of ir. and came to thla coun TO BE try many years ago. residing In Cali fornia before coming to Oregon. Me left one slater residing at Alameda; Cat TffE '3IORMXG OREGONTAX, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1910. PLAINTS MADE ONE Tacoma. Seattle, Spokane, Walla Walla, Aberdeen and Ballard Pleas Merged. CASES TO COME UP SOON Flute Railway Ilody Derldr on Con solidation Plan Road Want Table of Engineer as Evi dence In Its Defense?. TACOMA. Wash.. Nor. . fSpedal.) TMstrlbutive rate complaints of tie Ta coma Traffic Association and the Trans portation Bureau of Seattle and Interven ing; petitions of Spokane. Walla Walla. Aberdeen and Ballard vera taken up by the State Railway Commission at a hear ing; here this moraine;. After discussion by attorneys of the commercial bodies and of the railroads. It was decided to consolidate all the cases In one hearing;, which will be held at the call of the commission probably In the course of a month. Meantime O. O. Calderhead. Statisti cian In behalf of the commission, and Secretary McCvne of the Tacoma Traf fic Association will go to St.' Paul to jret data for a comparison between the distributive rates on merchandise at the Twin Cities and Seattle and Tacoma. Another point taken up today con cerned the Great Northern and Northern Faclflc valuations since 1908. The rall roads ajrreed that if the commission would submit the tabulated statement of Its engineer. H. L. Gray, the roads would take this table and. at a later hearing, offer testimony, cross-examine Gray and submit the whole in evidence. Walla Walla was represented by Mr. Gose, Spokane by Mr. Stevens, Seattle and Ballard by Mr. Mears: the O. R. N. by Mr. Moore, the Great Northern by Judge Brown and the traffic manager of the Northern Pacific by George T. Held and Henry Blakeley: the Traffic Assoc iation by Mr. Teal and Mr. McCune. Commissioner H. A. Kalrchlld and Jesse S. Jones were present. Secretary F. M. Larned. Statistician Calderhead and Engineer Gray, also attended. m SHIPPERS COMPLAINT HEARD Special Examiner for Interstate Commerce Commission Here. Judge Pnch. special examiner for the Interstate Commerce Commission, yes terday heard the case of the Western Orearon Lumber Manufacturers' Asso ciation against the Southern Pacific, and the Oregon a California Railway Companies- for reparation for rates charged for shipping lumber from points In Western Oregon to California In excess of an order of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Prior to 1907, the rate was 11.10. The railroad companies suddenly Jumped the rate to t S. The lumber companies appealed to the Interstate Commerce Commission and the rate was cut to II 40 on main line business and f J.60 for Western Oregon. The railway companies took the case to court and for the last two years have been charg ing the high rate. The case Involves several thousand dollars. VANCOUVER FAIR OPENS Mayor Wife Presides at Table at Bazaar for Hospital. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Nov. . Spe cial.) The four days' fair for the bene fit of St- Joseph's Hospital, being built nere by the Maters of Charity of Prov idence. Degan today and will continue for the remainder of the week. In Klg rtns' hall, in ths Grand Theater build ing. Supper will be served every even ing. Mrs. J. P. Kigglna. wife of the Mayor of Vancouver, will have charge of a table of exhibits, and will be assisted by Miss Mae Geoghegan, and Mesdamea Postlewalte and Anderson, of Vancon ver. and Robert Tegan, of Portland. Mrs. H. C Punk will also hare a table. The Foresters' table will be In charge of Mrs. Roy Wilkinson. Mrs. A. A. Carl son. Mrs Zumsteg, and Mrs. D. F. Do herty. Mrs. Hill will look after the dining-rooms and her assistants will be Mesdames Tim Donegan, Charles P. Mc carty, J. D. Geoghcaran. Joseph Burgy, Prank Elchenlaub, T.nd E. Mclsel. COUPLE WEDDED 60 YEARS 31 r. and Mrs. Stephen Blank, of Forest Grove, Celebrate. FOREST GROVE, Or.. Nov. . Spe cial.) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Blank, of this city, celebrated, today the COth an niversary of their wedding, aurrounded by relatives. A purse containing $60 waa presented to the couple, who hare lived In Forest Grore continuously since 1S5S. Harrison Blank, of Wlnthrop. Is-, a brother of Mr. Blank, was present, aa were Sirs. McMillan Ordway. of Port land. Mrs. Ella Caulfleld. of Oregon City, and Mrs. Louise Phillip, of Mon mouth. An elaborate wedding dinner was served. Mr and Mrs. Blank are natives of New York State, and both were born In 18:9. ANGRY BOY SHOOTS MAN Mill Ilmpioye Shakes Hint and He Seeks Revenge With Shotgun. GARDINER, Or. Nov. . (Special.) Antone rie Costa, 1( years of age, shot James Wisdom here yesterday, filling his thigh and knee full of bird shot. Mr. Wisdom had slapped and shaken young Lm Costa for caling hira names. The boy procured a shotgun and lay In wait for Wisdom. The Ie Costa boy pleaded guilty be fore the Justice of the Peace and waa committed to the County Jail at Rose burg to await the action. of the grand Jury In January. Mr. Wisdom has been employed aa fireman In the Gardiner Mill Company's mill for several years. BOATSWAIN FOUND DEAD John Thompson Stumble to Death In nirkncH at Astoria. ASTORIA. Or.. Nov. . (Special.) John Thompson, boatswain on the tug Samson, was found dead at an early hour today near the railway crossing at the edae of the wharf where the Samson we lying. There were several ruiaea on his face and his lis waa cut GIRL STUDIES ECONOMICS I'nlverslty Will Graduate Miss Clarke From That Department. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Bugene. Nov. . (Special.) Thls year for the nret time in its history the university will graduate a woman from the depart ment of economics. In the person of Miss Ulan Clarke, of Portland. In pre paring herself for teaching Miss Clarke has also done a great deal of work In public epiklng and debate. Another major in t'r.e economics department ia Mue Alrtnns Oberholtxer, . from the State of Washington. As an evidence of the advanced In dustrialism of the age. two women of the Junior Ctaea, Miss Erma Miller, of Portland, -and Mbe) Ruth Merrick, of Med ford, are found to be taking work in the engineering department. Evident ly the "motor Is king" with them, for both of them are registered In the ,'gaa engines class where practical phases of automobile study are taken up. BANKER'S HOME ROBBED Med ford Residence Ransacked In Absence of Family. MEDFORD, Or.. Nov. . (Special.) The home of Louis E. Wakeman, cashier of the Fruitgrowers' Bank of Medford, was robbed Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Wakeman are away and the house was unoccupied at the time. The thief gained entrance by breaking the glass In a door at the back of the house. He ransacked the lower floor, but found little' plunder, as all the plate and sil verware had been removed by Mr. Wake man to the bank for safe-keeping. The burglar then went upstairs and ran sacked dressers and closets., A hand some dresser was broken Into with an axe and ruined. A neighbor noticed a light In the house at the time, gave an alarm, but the thief escaped. Just what was stolen will not be known until the return of the Wake-mans. SIX RATE CASES MADE ONE Commissioner Consolidates Petitions of Northwestern Cities. ' TACOMA. Nov. 1. The State Rail road Commission met here today to consider the complaints of Tacoma and Seattle Jobbers on distributive rates. Some time was taken up in hearing the petitions from Spokane, Walla Walla. Aberdeen and Ballard to Inter vene and It was decided to consolidate the cases for one bearing to be held at a date subject to the call of the Com mission, probably within a month. Meantime the statistician of the Com mission will go to St. Paul to get data for a comparison between rates in aim nesota and Washington. -The Commission adjourned to Se attle for a hearing relative to a grade crossing In Everett. SUICIDE FOLLOWS SPREE Son of Rainier Rancher Spends 5180, Blows Ont Brains. OLTMPIA. Wash.. Nov. . (Special.) After spending 1180 In having a "good time" in Chehalia and Tenlno, Charlea Maddlaon. 20-year-old aon of a rancher living near Rainier, returned borne last night, picked up his rifle and going into the loft of the bam, placed the muxaje of the weapon against his head and blew out his brains. The youth had aaved his money and atarted Monday morning to enjoy him self. He spent two days and a night In a spree and, when his money was ex hausted, returned home. The body was found by the youth's father, who had beard the shot and, having observed his son was nervous, suspected that some thing waa wrong. RURAL HIGH SCHOOL WINS Benton Adopts Countjr Fund Law Extending Class Advantages. CORVAUJS. Or, Nov. . (Special.) Voters of Benton County adopted the county high school fund at Tuesday's election by a big majority. This win enable the pupils In the rural settle ments to enjoy high school advantages at home. The County Court muat now levy a tax to create the fund provided by law. It la thought that half a mill will maintain the fund. County School Sueprintendent Mack was an enthusiastic advocate of the measure. WILD TURKEYS ARE RAISED Corrallls China .Pheasant Expert Takes Vp New Industry. CORVALLIS. Or., Nov. 9. (Special.) Gene Simpson, of Corvallts. reputed to be the most successful China pheasant raisor in the Northwest, has begun ex perimenting to ralee wild turkeys. famous in Eastern states. So far he has been successful. He has the assurance if he can pro pagate them successfully that a large number of the turkeys will be pnrchaaed and turned loose in one of the North western states thereby adding another game bird to the sporting world. Portland onT Honeymoon Itinerary. NAMPA. Idaho. Nov. 9. (Seclal.) Dr. Roy Woodney Quick and Moss Cora Stoddard were married tonight at the home of the bride's parents Mr and Mrs. A. K. Stoddard, In this city. Im mediately after the ceremony the bridal couple went by auto to Caldwell, from which point they will leave, In the morning for a wedding trip to Port land and other Coast points. On their return they will be at home In this city. Vancouver Plans Road Y, M. C. A. VANCOUVER, Wash, Nov. -9. (Spe cial.) A railroad men's T. M. C. A. la to be established in Vancouver for the benefit and convenience and relief of about railroad men, who work out of this terminal of the North Bank road and Northern Pacific Superintendent J. P. Rogers, of the division. Is heartily in favor of such an organisation and has assisted much In similar movements In railroad work In the East. Police and Troops Awe Strikers. CARDIFF. Wales. Nov. 9. The dras tic action of the authorities In rushing troops and London pollce to the mining districts where strike riots occurred last night, overawed the strikers and the situation today appeared to be well under control. This no buncombe, and NOT printed to scare anybody nor ' opment stock continue as brisk in We'll Take These Shares Of f the Market by December 15 There is no lie nor any braggadocio in this statement. It is believed that no other mining; enterprise ever launched in Portland or this state lias met with the instant success that has attended the sales of this stock, as many as 100,000 shares having gone to one customer, as well as several blocks of large dimensions being taken by others. The fact that so many have seen this mine, and have testified to the truth that it is better than represented, has inspired confidence in the public, which is manifested by extremely liberal purchases, and it is for this reason that we are announcing today that we are likely to take the shares from the 'market so soon, and further that we reserve the right of withdrawal at any moment. WE ARE CONFIDENT WE SIIALL PAT AT LEAST 200 PER CENT PER ANNUM on every dollar cf money placed with the Swastika Company, and people are now under standing this, as they become acquainted with the richness of our 200 acres and the fact that we developed 1' WO claims until their value became easily understood before we offered a share of our treasury stock for sale. They likewise see the possibilities of our lime quarry, which we believe will pay us at least 25 per cent per year, and also the worth of our water powers which we positively would hesitate to part with for as much as the entire holdings of this company lias cost the corporation. . 'make believe" anything, but if the sales of Swastika Mining & Devel the next 30 days as for the past week, - i This Is Why Our Stock Sells So Rapidly This is why it will be taken off the market one of these days. A little later, when it is seen that this is a REAL MINE, paying at least 200 per cent to those who had faith in it, there will be a great number of persons sorry they did not buy when they had a chance to get in at 10 CENTS PER SHARE AND PAY IN INSTALLMENTS The reader of these words may be one of these and blame his luck for it, when "luck" played no part in the game at all. OUR BOOKLET WAS COMPLETED AHEAD OF TIME, AND WE HAVE IT NOW. IT IS FREE TO ANY INTERESTED PERSON. Write your address on a postal, mail it to us, and you shall have the inter esting booklet. THE SWASTIKA MINING AND DEVELOPMEN T C0 Ltd. 220 Drexel Building, Southwest Corner Second and Yamhill Streets, Portland, Or. Office Open Wednesday and. Saturday Evenings. Phone Main 8726. J. B. PURCELL, Pres.; C. J. D0NDERO, Sec.-Treas.; G. H. MARTIN, Counsel; J. L. Wells, H. W. Manning, C. W. Dowsing and R. L. McCumsey, Directors. APPLE SHOW OPEN Albany Opens Display of Wil lamette Valley Fruit. ELECTION CAUSES DELAY Growers Too Busy to Install Exhib its First Day, Therefor Show Mill Continue Until Sat urday Evening. ALBANY. Or.. Nov. 9. (Special) With a magnificent display of splendid apples from various portions of the Willamette Valley, Albany's fourth an nual Apple Fair opened today. A large crowd of people thronged the Alco Club gymnasium, where the fair Is being held, all afternoon and evening. There was no programme today except or chestral music during the evening. Because of delay Incident to the elec tion, not all of the exhibits were In stalled today and for this reason the formal opening programme was post poned until tomorrow. Because of this delay the fair will probably- continue until Saturday even ing Instead of closing Friday evening, as originally planned. Programmes will be held each after noon and evening of the fair with ad dresses by leading fruitgrowers of the state and Oregon Agricultural College Instructors on horticultural topics. ARMY OFFICERS BLOCKED Two Courses In Garrison Schools Xot Allowed In Future. VANCOUVER BARRACKS. Nov. . (Special.) An officer Wash, rho has once completed satisfactorily the regular course In the garrison schools for offi cers will not be allowed to take the course again for the purpose of securing exemption from examination for promo tion. This has been decided by the War Department and the information has been sent to General Marlon P. Maus, commander of the Department of the Columbia, by the Secretary of War, upon request. Uncle Sam Is becoming more and more economical In his expenditures for telegraph tolls and has lasued a recent order for the Signal Corps to follow. Regulations of the Signal Corps and the commercial telegraph companies now require that groups of letters that do not form words from one of the following languages: English, German, French. Italian, Dutch, Portugese, Spanish and Latin, and that are not combinations of words from these languages, be counted and charged for in messages at the rate of five letters or fraction of five letters to a word. This order does not apply to foreign cablegrams. . 1 A Chance to Save ! Talking Machines At Les Than Factory Cost Slightly used instruments will be sold by us at prices never before offered fo the public. While they last you may have your choice of any used instrument in stock at cfeat savins:. Make a selection from the list : Regular $10.00 ?500 Regular $17.00 $13-50 Regular $25.00 ?17.00 Regular $30.00 $20.00 Regular $40.00 $28.75 Regular $55.00 $42.50 Regular $75.00 ?50.Q0 Every machine is as good as new and the opportunity to secure the greatest home entertainer of the age at so great a saving will be welcomed by many, so como early and secure an outfit cash or easy payments. Graves Music Co. Ill Fourth Street, Portland, Oregon. Elected by a Majority As the Best and Lowest Priced Furniture House in Portland. Voters hadconsiderable trouble selecting the Best Candidates and the Best Measures. But there's no trouble selecting the Best Furniture Store and the Lowest Prices. People, generally, understand that question to be definitely settled by reason of the fact that at our store EACH CUSTOMER SHARES THE $25,000.00 Our Annual Savings in Interest and Taxes 69-75 Grand Ave.x LaL- Lil- FURNITURE CO iU Because We Built on the East Side Gor. East Stark St. $14.95 Round Trip Fare $14.95 TO THE NATIONAL APPLE SHOW SPOKANE, WASHINGTON NOVEMBER 14 TO 19, 1910 VIA THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION COMPANY Sales Dates: November 13 and 14 Final Return Limit Noy. 24. 2 .THROUGH TRAINS DAILY Spokane Flyer, leaving 6 P. M. Soo-Spokane-Portland, 11 P. M. Electric Lighted Observation, Pullman and Tourist Sleeping Cars. Day Coaches. i DON'T FOEjGET THE PORTLAND Business Men's Excursion Leaving Portland November 16 at 4 P. M. ON SPECIAL ELECTRIC LIGHTED PULLMAN TRAIN For full particulars call at City Ticket Office, Third and ' "Washington Streets. WM. McMURRAY 'General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WEAK? Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It. Nature warns you when the track of health is not clear. Kidney and bladder trouble com pel you to pass water often through the day .and get up many times during the night. Unhealthy kidneys cause lumbago, rheuma tism, catarrh of the bladder, pain or dull ache In the back, joints or muscles, at times have headache or Indigestion, as time passes you may have a sallow complexion, puffy or dark circles under the eyes, sometimes feel as though you had heart trouble, may have plenty ambition but no strength, get weak and I flesh. If such conditions are permitted to continue, serious results are sure to follow; Brlght's Dis ease, the very worst form of kidney trouble, may steal upon you. Prevalency of Kidney Disease. W-:f Most people do not realize the alarming in- K,-.!vl crease and remarkable prevalency of kidney fc-:,f? disease. While kidney disorders are the most R-; common diseases that prevail, they are almost the last recognTzed by patient and physicians. who usually content themselves wltn doctoring; E-'ja 1.41 Jill J1aTsaSaasa-sstsWWNa Ir lll DR. KILMER'S I f .:, E- i! the effects, while the original disease constant ly undermines the system. A Trial Will Convince Anyone. - If you feel that your kidneys are the cause of your sickness or run-down condition, commence taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kid ney, liver and bladder remedy, because as soon as your kidneys begin to improve, they will help the other organs to health. In taking Swamp-Root, you afford natural help to Na ture, for Swamp-Root Is a gentle healing nerbal compound a physician's prescription for a spe cific disease. ' . t . j i A ..a. nohoa t n H Tin in. idu cannot get nu " . J ' ' ' ' ir - if your kidneys are out of order. You cannot R. feel right when your Kianejo re m,unK. Swamp-Root Is Pleasant to Take. If you are already convinced that Swamp Root is what you need, you can purchase the reKular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles at all drug stores. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address. Binghamton, N. Y.. which you will And on every bottle. ' DR. KILMER'S SWAMP-ROOT Kidney. Liver & Bladder REMEDY. P.' RECKONS. MAT taks on. twt Or t&TM Uupooofuls befof or aiUr mftla ud at MdMnM. ChUdrtu Im according to i Mav eemtnrac wlib be dottandtscrM to foil dime or snore, as Ih cut woald mto nqutra. Thfi rrtat r-tnedr fc neon- meodrd forkultwy, liver, blad der aitri Urtc Acii trouble aod disorder due to weak k 14071, suck as catarrh of the bladder, j grsrrl, rheumatism, lumbago I and Brirht'a Disease, which ti lth worst form of kidney dia- tos. It ai pita ot to tatt. rxxrAUD onr wr DR. KUHZR Ik CO., BINGHAMTON, N. Y. - Sold by all Druggists. rnMrmow'-nh-T-iiiTi m nr Swunp-Root Is always leapt up to it high standard of purity and excellence, A sworn certificate of purity with every bottle. 4WPIF" BOTTI-B FREE To prove the wonderful merits of Swamp-Root, you mav have a. sample bottle and a book of valuable information, both sent abso lutely free by mail. The book contains many of the thousands of letters re- ceived from men and women who found Swamp-Root to be just the remedy they needed. The value and success of Swamp-Root is so well known that our Ss . advised, to send for a sample bottle. Address Dr. Kilmer Co.. ' V . . " T v T2 b..v Vrtn r.,H this cuncrfiiiH offer in The Port- JbIuA iSSnc dreioniaa. The genuineness of thla offer is guaranteed.