Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 10, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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Judge Galloway Is Believed to
Have Been Elected in
Third District
"Hairier, for ConfrreM, Hat Hand
some Lead Over Smith Carson
and Pat ton Elected to State,
Senate Minto Sheriff.
SALEM. Or, Nov. 9. f Special.) In
tl cnclnctt out of 41 In Marlon County,
VmI oss ltlS votes to 997 for Bower
man. Weill lead In thla countr I
far beyond what wu expected
bte supporters. A few of the preclneta
yet to hear (mo may reduce) theaa fig
ures, but oa final count it u relieve
West wlU carry Marlon by nearly 100
At o'clock the, Toto oo Hawley waa
. Smith S17.
Duclway and Miller have Tat leads,
while Judge Galloway la elected In the
Third Judicial District, according- to re-
Dorta received here.
For the aecond Judge the race seems
to ba close between Kelly and Van
Winkle, with Indications slightly In
favor of Kelly.
John A. Carson and Hal D. Patton
bare probably been elerted to the State
Senate, and there seems no doubt that
the following Republicans have been
elected to the lower House: Carl
Abrama. Geo r re TV. Johnson, A. C
Ubbr. L T. Kaynolda and A. O. Steel
A. E. Aufranc la elected recorder: H.
r. Mlnton Sheriff, and W. H. Goulet,
C'nm ml sal oners.
The voting on wet and dry seems to
be practically an even break.
Republican county ticket -waa elected
with the exception of County Judge
and Treasurer. Victor P. Moses, Demo
cratic nominee, waa elected Probate
Judge. The successful candldatea
were: Representative, P. O. Bone
brake: joint Senator, C L. Hawley
Sheriff, William A. Gellatly; Clerk
J. Newton: County Recorder. 8. N. War
Held. W. A Buchanan. Democrat-Re
publican; M. S. Bovee. Coroner.
Xexnocrate) May Bate Two Members
of Loner Bouse.
A LB ANT. Or, Nov. . (Special.)
With oomplete returns from all but one
ef the tl preclneta of Linn County, the
ote en contested state and district of
fice ra la: Hawley ITS. Smith 1636,
Bowerman 1650. West 13SS, Benson 2088,
Oliver 1ST. Bean 1868. McBrlde JJ2S.
Plater 139J, Burnett 2027, Kins; 142.
Moore 1210. Alderman 1787. Horner 147,
Xunlway 12. Godfrey 1409. Hoft 1947,
Houston 11. McLaln 1572. Miller 2383,
Circuit Judge, Third Judicial District
a John Barns, Democrat, 1643; William
Oailoway, Democrat. 2091; Percy R.
Keuy. Republican. 2127; L 1L Van Win
kle. Republican 178L.
Louis F. Bean. Republican, baa car
ried Linn County for Joint Senator for
Una and Lane Counties, over Isaac H.
Binsham, antl-Aasetnbly Statement One
candidate, by a vote of 1942 to 1687. M.
A. Miller. Democrat, of Lebanon, h
been re-elected State Senator from Linn
J. W. Miller. Republican of Shelburn,
and C L. Siiaw. Democrat of Albany,
bave been elected Itepresentatlvea from
Linn County, and M. J. Simpson, Re
publican, of Lebanon, la leading; A. A.
Tussinr. Democrat, of Brownsville by
a narrow znarrln for Linn's third seat
In the lower House, with the result to
be finally determined by reports from
toe one missing precinct.
Successful candldatea for county of
fices are: D. 8. 6ml to. for Sheriff; Wil
ls rd L Marks, for County Clerk; Grant
Formsn. for County Recorder; W. W.
Francis, for Treasurer; Alfred L. Gcddes
for Surveyor; William Fortmtller. for
Coroner and O. IL RuascU for County
Smith la a Democrat and the remain
ing winners are all Republicans, but
Marks. Oeddee and Kort miller were in
dorsed by both parties at the primaries.
Una County remains dry by a vote
la favor of Prohibition of 228 to 1734.
Indications are Linn County haa vot
ed In favor of statewide prohibition and
very heavily against the Home Rule
bill. It waa also Indicated there haa
been a heavy negative vote on all other
measures with a possible majority in
thla county against all exrept state
wide Prohibition. Mnnmouth Normal
School bill and possibly the Nesmita
County bill.
lry Verdict of Two Tcara Ago la
Reversed try 180 Majority.
PALLAS, Or.. Nov. . (Special.) Com
plete unofficial returns In Polk County
give Bowerman S7. West 1175. Complete
returns from six out of 24 precincts give
Hawley 4V Smith 2P0. The remainder of
the state Repuhllraa ticket la elected by
fully tut plurality.
Returns of the vote on state-wide pro
ntblUoa and the borne rule amendment
are Incomplete, but figures at hand In
dicate that Polk haa defeated state-wide
prohibition and It la probable that the
home rule measure baa carried. The
county voted dry by 31 majority 'two
years ago. but the result was reversed
yesterday, and the wets were victorious
by 10 majority; nearly every precinct
shows a substantial gals for the wet
County officers elected are: C. L. Haw
ley (Rep.), for Joint Senator; F. W.
Chambers (Rep.). Joint Representative:
Ira C. Powell iRep.). Representative; EL
M. Smith (Rep.). County Clerk; J. M.
Grant (Dem i. Sheriff: s. H. Petre (Dera ).
Commissioner; Tracy Staais (
Treasurer: B. F. Beesley (Hep.). Sur
veyor; R. L, Chapman (Rep.), Coroner.
Lane County Shows Lead for Bower-
man and Hawley.
EVOBLNEX Or- Nov. (Special.) At
( P. M. the count In Lane County
Hawley 1534. Smith 1-3. Bowerman 1963.
West UM. Benson 1TJ7. Oliver C. Bean
UTa, MrBride lSli Slater TJ2. Alderman
Homer S2tv Dunlmajr 1.2, Godfrey
lw McCla'n 73. Miller leSi.
fake and Hamilton lead for Circuit
Judge, but Hamllton'a margin la narrow.
Bean (Rep.), leada for State Senator
for Linn and Lane, and Calkins (Rep ),
for Lane, ronton. Cuehman and Sutton
are chosen for the Hause.
The entire Republican county ticket
la elected except for Sheriff. Sown
(Dera.). being re-elected.
The vote on Constitutional amend
ments: Home rule, yes lot. no K7; pro
hibition, yes 737. co UUX
Went Wins Benton by 37 8.
, CORVALLIS. Or- Nov. 9. (Special.)
Complete returns from 14 precincts
In Benton County gives Hawley a ma
jority of over 200 for Congressman;
West baa a majority of 278. The home
rule bill waa defeated In Benton Coun
ty and state-wide prohibition was car
ried by over toe majority. - The entire
County and State Prohibition De
feated by Substantial Lead.
OREGON CITT; Or, Nor. . (Special
Complete returns from 29 out of 42 pre
clneta In Clackamas County give Hawley
ICS, Smith &.11. Bowerman HS. West
ITS. Benson lt"B. Oliver Mn. Kay 1710.
Bean 1478, McBnde 141. Slater Sot, Bur-
ret t 12H. King S. Moore 13T-S. Crawford
ISCi Alderman HfS. Homer 733. Dunlwa
1777, Godfrey 633, Hoft 1543. Houston 743,
McLaln K2. Miller 14SS. Lew In 192, Chin
nock 2014. Campbell 31, Eakin 1374, Ma-
larkey 1SCT. Chatten 143.
The Democrats have elected R. B. B-a
tie Cnunty Judge and Ernest Mass
The result between Tom L Meyera
(Dam.), and Dr. T. J. Fox (Rep), for
Coroner la In doubt.
The Republicans elect the balance of
the legislative and county tickets, aa fol
lows: State Senator, W. A. Dlmlck; Rep
resentatives. Linn E. Jones. M. A. Ma-
gone, E. P. Carter; Commlaaloner. Nixon
Blair; Clerk. W. L. Mulvey; Recorder,
Uovd E. Williams; Treasurer, Jamea A.
Tuna; Surveyor. D. T. Mcldrum.
The recurne on the three county meas
crea era- aa follows: High school fund
For. S&7: against. 1047. Swine running a
large For, 471; against. 1426. For oounty
prohibition. HW. s gainst, 1264
For home rule. llsi; against, X239 for
prohibition, 10; against. 1434.
Washington County Gives Bower
man 182 7, West 160 7.
HILLS aORO. Or- Nov. . (Special.)
Twenty out of 21 preclneta In Washing
ton County give Hawley 2SS8. Smith 1079.
Bowerman DC7. West 1007.
John A. Chapman and W. IL IIollI
(Assembly Republicans) are elected to
the Legislature by possibly 100 majority,
The contest between Ferd Groner (Inde
pendent) and anti-assembly, and C. F.
Tlgard is very cloae. Tlgard leading by
63 votes, with one precinct largely fa
vorable to Groner yet to hear from.
All other county officials on the Re
publican ticket are elected by substan
tlal majorities, with the sole exception of
the office of County Judge. J. W. Sewell
(Independent) defeating J. W. Goodtn,
(Republican), by about 200.
State-wide prohibition is defeated by
possibly 800 votes. The woman suffrage
amendment and all oounty division
schemes have been overwhelmingly d
feated. The home rule measure Is In
J. W. Bailey (Rep.). Leo Perkins (Rep.).
George G. Hancock (Rep.), bave been
elected County Clerk. Recorder and
Sheriff, respectively. W. M. Jackson
(Rep), elected Treasurer, A. A. Morrill
(Rep.), elected Surveyor; John Nyberg
(Rep.), elected Commissioner and El C.
Brown. Coroner.
Dry" County Glvea Big; Vote
Against Prohibition.
LA GRANDE. Or- Nov. . Special.
Fourteen complete preclnota and five
Incomplete show that local option, ex
1st In g for two years, waa defeated
Tuesday. The vote oa Congressional
and state officials Is: Crawford 32
Lafferty 138. Manning 34, Pratt IK
Bowerman 11. Eaton 1(8. Richards 137,
West (42. Benson 874. Davis 161. Mc
Donald 178. Oliver til. Butler 269, Kay
1147. Otten 231. Bean 42, Bright 217,
McBrlde 75. Meyers 143. Ryan 113
Slater 66S, Burnett 135. Jones 163, King
C48. Moore 737. Ramp 100. Brlx 212,
Crawford 1107. Alderman 754. Hinsdale
137. Hornet 602. Steel 129. Sylander 141
Dunlway 24. Cherry 28. Clay 171,
Hoff 91. Houston 467, McLean 644. J.
Miller 929. Koob 227, H. Lewie 110,
Cochran 1124. Saxton 608.
Local option For 997. against 1254;
state-wide prohibition Tea 639, (.No.
98: home rule For 467. No. S12.
The entire Republican ticket won for
county officers, except Sheriff. Hall
for Joint Senator from Morrow. Uma
tilla and Union, la leading Barrett, of
Athena, but the latter. It la believed,
will carry the other countlea. This
county gave Rusk. Joint Senator for
In Ion and Umatilla countlea, his otrice.
Church. Republican, is elected Repre
sentative from Union County.
Douglas Conceded to West.
ROSEBtTRO. Or- Nov. 9. (Special.)
Complete returns from 19 of the 26 pre
clneta In Douglss County give Bower
man (60. West 6'- At the Republican
headquarters tonight It was conceded
that West will carry the county. Ac
cording to the returns received thus far
the drys" bave a majority of nearly
200 votes In the county, but this may
be overcome In the city precincts with
the completion of the count. - The wom
an's suffrage amendment and tne Dili
requiring protection for people engaged
n hazardous employment win ootn lose
by a large majority. According to the
ate returns, F. Jones, Republican can
didate for Circuit Judge, la leading J.
W. Hamilton, and will probably carry
Douglas County by 60 votes. The entire
Republican Legislative ticket has been
Tillamook Couuty Goea Wcti
TILLAMOOK. Or.. Nov. ( (Special.)
Ten out of IS preclneta In Tillamook
County give Flmore Hawley 642.
Sherman 112. Smith 231, Bowerman 193.
Eaton 67. Richards 99, West 652, Ben
son 678, Davis 64. McDonald 133, Oliver
22. Butler 62. Kay 671. Otten 146, Beam
8. Bright 111, McBrlde 421. Myers 106.
Ryan 99. Slater 121, Brownell 610. Jones
19. King 27L Moore I6, Ramp 102,
Brlx 155. Crawford 632, Alderman' 562,
Hinsdale 101. Homer 194. Steel 60. By
landre 92. Dunlway 684. Godfrey 115 Cur
ry 119. Hoff 669. Houston 196. McLaln
2 7L Miller 672. Koop 172, Lewis 97,
Chlnnock 669. Bayne 190, Galloway (23,
Kelly 461. Van Winkle 238, Beala 430.
Kunse 461; for local option 149. against
local option 651; entire oounty Repub
lican ticket elected.
Bowerman Carries Morrow.
HEPPNER, Or, Nov. . (Special.)
From a total of 1 precincts Lafferty
has 679. Manning 241. Bowerman 674.
West 111. For prohibition 401. against
prohibition HI. Benson, Butler, Bean,
McBrlde, Burnett, Moore, Crawford, Al
derman. Dunlway. Hoft. Miller and
Lewis, on the state ticket, have large
majorities. Mahoney. for Joint Repre
sentative from the 19th district, has a
large majority. Hays. Democratic can
didate for Sheriff, wine by a large ma
jority. Hill, Rep., for Clerk, had no
opposition. Gillian, Rep., is elected
treasurer. Tr e bitter fight between O.
P. Henderstan, Incumbent, and J. J.
Wells, Dem, for County Assessor, re
sulted la 11 majority for Wells.
Bowerman Leads In Harney.
Bt'RNS. Or, Nov. . (Special.)
Burns cast 139 votes with 215 votes)
counted and seven precincts to be beard
from, the result Is, Lafferty 126. Man
ning 75. Bowerman 110. West 106, Bean
U. alcBride 79. Slater 62, Burnett 124.
King 12S. The county will go wet
Lafferty will have 250 majority and
the county will elect the Republican
ticket with the possible exception of
Final Figures May Put Demo
crat Ahead by 3000 or
4000 Votes.
Woman's Suffrage Amendment Is
Again Defeated Republican
Nominees, Except Governor,
Win by Handsome Votes,
(Continued From first Ps g )
result, for reports have been received
from several of them telling the general
result on the Govrnorshlp con test. west.
It la Indicated, haa carried Josephine
and Jackson Counties by good pluralities.
while Sherman, Wallowa and Colum
bia have gone to Bowerman.
The figures so far as reported now
give Bowerman 27054 and West 28,97a,
On the returns so far in. A. W. Laf
ferty has a majority over John Man
ning for Congress from the Second dis
trict of (682, and his lead will proba
bly attain the 10.000 mark. The vote
standa Lafferty 15.097, Manning 6,682.
Reports are not so complete from the
first district, but W. C Hawley, the
Republican candidate. Is running well
ahead, except In- Jackson County. The
vote so far gives Hawley 11,685, Smith
7489. or a lead for Hawley of 4136.
Hawley also, it is Indicated, will be
elected by a plurality or upwara or
For Justice of the Supreme Court for
the four-year term. Judges Bean and
McBrlde, the Republican candidates,
are elected, each receiving about the
same vote, and nearly double that given
Judge Slater. For the six-year term.
Burnett and Moore are chosen, returns
so far giving Burnett the greatest
umber of votes, with Moore second
and Judge King, the non-partisan can
didate, a bad third.
Aside from the Governorship, it was
a olean sweep on the state ticket tor
the Republicans, and for some of the
offices candidates will roll up very
large pluralities The figures on the
tartlal oanvass of the vote. Including
Multnomah County, on secretary oi
State give Benson. Republican, 19,994;
Oliver, Democrat. 8448, or a lead for
Benson of 11,646. ,
Prohibition Is Defeated.
Of the Initiative and referendum
measures, half the vote of Multnomah
County and scattering returns from a
few other portions of tne state inai
cate the defeat of woman's suffrage
by a large majority. The vote In six
counties, so far as counted. Including
Multnomah, gives (507 In favor or the
amendment and 12,730 against.
Prohibition lost in Multnomah Coun
ty br from 8000 to 10,000 majority, and
also failed -to carry In most of the
larger towns and cities outside of Port
BE 4000.
- SAL, KM. Or- Nov. 9. (Special.)
Oswald West stated tonight he Is
now fully satlsSed on the face of the
returns that he haa been elected
Governor of Oregon with a lead of
eooo votes.
West states that he does not con
sider his election In the light of a
personal victory, but declares it la
a protest against corporation rule.
"2 was a victorious candidate In a
righteous causa," la the statement
givan out by West, "and I bad the
aupport of loyal frtenda
"air election meana there win be
bo further tampering with the direct
primary law or any other popular
measure passed by the people. It
also meana death of the assembly In
land. Partial returns from 15 counties.
Including Multnomah County, last night
gave the prohibition amendment 12.849
and 21.1(2 against it. or a negative
majority of 8313.
The prohibition law or search bill.
apparently la running better than uie
amendment. The same countlea record
912( for the bill ana 14.074 against It, or
a majority of 4948 In opposition to the
Home Rule May Have Won.
The returns now In give the Home
Rule bill a vote of yes 16.069, no 11.970,
or a majority for the bill of 1089.
Unless there was a very large rural
rote polled against the measure It has
carried, The returns on the three liq
uor measures Include counts reported
from Multnomah, Baker, Clatsop, Crook,
Josephine. Klamath. Lane. Lincoln, Mal-
eur. Morrow, Umatilla, Union and
Local Situation Offers Striking
Non-Progressives Quickly Being
Ousted An Open Attack of the
Old Regime Overwhelming; J
Victory Assured.
Elections throughout the country re
sulted In a political convulsion of far
reaching extent, similar to the famous
tidal wave of 1892. and even more
widespread In its effect.
Local issues offer a striking parallel:
the present musical Instrument trade
situation is acute. Manufacturers of
player planoa have heretofore dic
tated to dealers which Instruments to
handle and which not to handle, what
prices to charge, and In nearly all
cases they have demanded exorbitant
prices for player planoa.
A Portland concern has boldly broken
away from these restrictions. Backed
by a capital of three million dollars,
they are now marketing through their
forty stores direct to the people, the
latest and most highly improved In
prices dictated
atrumenta at a great deal less than the
lcea dictated by the trusts.
The correctness of this new DOllcv la
being fully demonstrated by the late
returns of tremendous sales In Oregon,
Washington and California; the entire
Western country has loyally supported
this move.
In conformity with this decision,
Kllera Music House Is closing out all
types of player pianos that nave In
some way or other not been able to
keep step with the rapid and wonder
ful progress in modern player piano
They are In earnest In this Emanci
pation Sale, wherein they are closing
out all Pianola Pianos, Apollo Pianos,
Knabe, Angelus. Sohmer, Cecllian, etc.,
etc many of them the very latest
styles made by these respective manu
facturers and others more or less used.
Pianola Pianos for which they were
heretofore compelled to ask one thou
sand dollars or more, they are now
selling for (770 and (627. To facilitate
their immediate sale they are taking
"silent" pianos In part payment, at fair
valuatlona. Furthermore, for those who
are not prepared to pay all cash, tney
accept a small amount in cash and give
the purchaser two years' time In which
to finish paying the balance. Thla Is
the greatest selling event ever held in
the history of the player piano. Tou
will heartily agree with this statement.
If you carefully investigate.
By refusing to continue the represen
tation of the Weber Piano, both grands
and uprights, they are further assert
ing their Independence, as they now
and In future will at all times refuse
to be bound by any arbitrary restric
tions Imposed upon the pub-
dealer alike by selfish manufacturing
Interests. Most of the Weber pianos in
their stock are the latest, but they have
also slashed the prices on the Webers
tnat were made wnen Air. a. laweoq
was still In charge of the Weber fac
tory. It was to Mr. Lawson's super
vision of the Weber factories that In
large measure la attributed the pre
eminence which the Weber formerly
While the Ellers Music House Is very
busy with this sale of' nlayer pianos.
tneir emancipation eaie, tney can il
nevertheless their retail establishment.
153 Washington street, would not be
entitled lor a moment to retain its
rjroud and well-earned DOSltion of lead
ershlp in the piano trade. If it did not
at all times present buyers an oppor
tunity to secure better and in every
way more desirable pianos than are ob
tainable elsewhere, no matter what cir
cumstances or pretexts, compel their
a I n
Thus, they now offer ror sisi a rine
piano, standing 4 feet 9 Inches high,
really elegant Mahogany case, carved
panels, that have never heretofore
Deed sold by the dealer who held
the agency for It for less than (300;
rnev mava aiso auoDerD suv. tauv. sduu
and $650 pianos, which may be secured
now at a corresponding reduction. Par
ticular attention la cailed to a lot of
beautiful 365 pianos now priced at
8253, and tne plainer styles xor oniy
l-34. at retail deDartment of Ell
Mimic House. 268 Washington street, at
Park (Bighth) street, the Always Busy
West's Lead Over Bowerman May
Reach 1500 Totes.
MEDFORD. Or, Nov. . fSpecial.)
Complete returns from 24 precincts,
and Incomplete returns from the re
maining ten In Jackaon County, show
Smith will lead Hawley by between
400 and 600 votes. West leads Bower
man by between 1200 and 1600 votes.
Reed. Democrat, for Joint Representa
tive, Jackson and .Douglas- Counties,
will lead Buchanan, Republican, by
400. H. Vonder Hellen, Republican,
will defeat Nell. Democrat, for State
Senator by 200. Eggleston and Wes-
terlusd. Republican candidates, are
elected to the - Legislature. George
Davis. Republican, will defeat Patter
son. Independent, for County Commls-
ioner, by lo votea Jones. Demo
crat, defeats Bellinger, Republican,
for Sheriff by over 1000 votes. Col-
vlg. Republican defeats Taylor, Demo
crat, for Recorder by between 60 and
00 votea Other county officers are
Republican, without opposition.
The county has voted dry by 2o0
votes, due to a majority In Medford.
and a few country preclneta. Ashland
voted 2 to 1 for prohibition.
Prohibition in County Is Defeated
by Heavy Majority.
THE DALLES. Or.. Nov. . Spe
cial.) Four of the six Dalles precincts
and one county give Bowerman 699.
West 495, Lafferty 6. Manning 400,
Benson 889, Oliver 297, Butler 267. Kay
3. Brlx 197, crawrord 1044, Alderman
li, Horner 299, Dunlway .899, Godfrey
Hoff 98S, Houston 31. alcuiin 395,
Miller 8S7.
For circuit Judge seventh district, w.
L. Bradshaw, Democrat, leads by about
000 votes.
For Representative from the 29th
district. Frank M. Gill, of Dufur,' and
John Leland Henderson, of Hood River,
Republicans, lead.
Prohibition was defeated in is pre
cincts in the county by a vote of 1963
to 659.
County, Now Dry, Votes by 400 Ma
jority to Go Wet.
PENDLETON. Or.. Nov. S. (Special.)
Umatilla la again safely in the wet
column, with an estimated majority of
less than 400. Bowerman will carry the
county by about laO.
Thirty-two precincts complete out of
40 give Lafferty 190L Manning 1022.
Bowerman 1888. West 1687, Bean 1(50.
McBrlde 87 L Slater 622, Burnett 1305.
King 724, Moore, 915; dry 1827, wet 1882;
home eule, yea see. no oov; vrcuu
County, yes 838, no 988; Weston Normal,
yes 80L no 351.
The county ticket Is Republican, with
the exception of Sheriff and County
Judge, both of these being Democrats.
Cochran (Rep.) Is also elected Water
Commissioner for this district. Barrett
(Rep.) is elected Joint Senator for
Umatllla-Morrow-Cnlon Counties, while
Mahoney (Rep.) Is elected Joint Repre
sentative for Umatilla and Morrow
Though no count has been kept on
the amendments it Is believed that a
heavy vote has been registered against
all oounty division schemes, against the
tax amendments, against woman suf
frage and for the eastern itregon
Home Rule Wins and Prohibition
' ' Gets Adverse Tote.
BAKER, Or- Nov. 9. (Special.)
Twenty-two out of 37 precincts In
Baker County give Bowerman 444. West
544, Richards 210, Eaton 124. Lafferty
450 Manning 284. Crawford 264. Pratt
114 Benson 640. Davis 90. McDonald
240 Oliver 384. Kay 626. Butler 156. Of
ten' 306. Crawford 768, Brlx (Oft. Alder
roan 462, Hinsdale 234. Horner 374,
Steel 78. Dunlway 474. Godfrey 682, By
lander 264. Hoff 480. Houston 408, Curry
330. McLaln 628. Miller 664. Burnett and
Glng have good majorities. Bean and
McBrlde are saieiy aueau.
County results: C C, McColloch, Dem
ocrat State Senator; Henry McKlnny.
Republican. Representative; Ed Rand.
Democrat, Sheriff; A. B. Combs, Demo
crat. Clerk; P. Basche, Republican,
Judge: George B. Saunders. Democrat.
Commissioner; M. M. Palmer. Democrat.
Treasurer. .
For Home Rui-' 694, against 234; for
Prohibition 640. against 600. .
County Goes Strongly' for Home
Rule Amendment.
ASTORIA, Or, Nov. . (Special.)
Clatsop County returns thus far avail
able: Congressman Crawford 204,
Lafferty 1161, Manning 640, Pratt 85.
Governor Bowerman 786, Eaton 401.
Richards 130. West 1181. Secretary of
States Benson 1063, Oliver 248. Su
preme Court Justice Four-year term.
Bean 984. Bright 71. McBrlde 1169. j
Meyers 190, Ryan 170, Slater 47L Su-
Leading Furnishers
of the
Home and Office.
Toll Gibbs, Inc.
Liberal Payment
Terras to
Distinctive Decorative Treatments for the Modern Home Designed and
Executed Through Our Bureau of Interior Decoration. The Upholstering,
Repairing and Itefinishing of Furniture Is Given Special Attention in Our
Completely Equipped Workshops. We Will Be Pleased to Call and Furnish
Estimates. Phone us.
The Wistaria Tea-Eoom Portland's Daintiest and Most Popular Tea
Room Service. Breakfast, Midday Lunch and Afternoon Tea, Our Fine
French Pastry, Ice Cream, Cakes, Salads, etc., Delivered to the Home. Par-
ties and Weddings Catered to.
Repeating a Previous Attractive Offering. .
ffi ffld Tailored Suits 1 7. SI
About 100 Odd Suits in This Season's Favored
Styles and Materials.
Perhaps in this special group a model that you have already
seen in our store and particularly admired. And in every one
of them is that mark of exchisiveness that is the very essence
of Tull & Gibbs' suits, whether in our least expensive or high
est priced garments.
Misses' Norfolk Suits of blue serge; semi-fitted models for
little women and many different styles in women's models.
Fancy mixtures, serges and rough cloths. Guaranteed linings.
Reynier (France), Fownes' and Dent's Gloves.
Kayser's Italian Silk Undergarments for Women.
Last Three Days of the Expert Demonstra
tion of the Celebrated
odart Corset's
"The Improved Front-Laced."
Mrs. lu C. Redding, of
New York, is demon
strating by actual fit
tings, distinctly high-
class Corsets in which
something is not skimped
to get the price down,
but where everything is
as well made as master
designers, skilled oper
ators and rigid inspec
tion can make it.
The Modart policy is
"how good," not how
cheap, and the woman
who wears a "Modart 'J
knows that she is wear
ing a corset that is un
excelled ; her friends also
know it, and know that
she paid the Modart
price for the Modart
quality, and received full
and satisfactory return
i ; v ; v
iur in: I lii.catiucu. .u - J
style, comfort and utii- iVv!ti'!
"d AAc:aA !, Ir. V?ScX i 4
ttedding, who will De
with us this week only..
-TVTTa.a JK&u24tr&ri-S'
Remarkable Roi
Are Those $60 and $65, 9 ft, by 12 ft.
That the Carpet Store is Offering for Just
a few Days at
$37.50, $44.50, $49.50
Sale of Buffets &
Dining Tables
is being responded to by shrewd
homefurnishers. Splendid Bargains
and Easy Payment Terms.
$21.00 Buffet for 14.75 In
dull finished golden oak-, with 3
drawers and large compartment.
Payment terms, $4 down and $2.50
$34.00 Buffet for $26.50 In
golden oak, with the regular buffet
appointment. Payment terms, $5
down and $4 month.
$45.00 Buffet for $31.50 In
fumed oak, also has the regular buf
fet appointment. Payment terms, $5
down and $4.50 month.
$50.00 Buffet for $37.50 A
Colonial design in the fumed oak, .
with shelf over mirror. Payment
terms $7 down and $5.50 month. '
$80.00 Buffet for $57.50 In
all quarter-sawed golden oak, 54
inches wide. Has 5 small drawers, 1
linen drawer and 2 compartments.
Payment terms, $12.50 down and
$7.50 month.
$94.00 Buffet for $77.50 In
fumed oak, 66 inches long and well
appointed. Payment terms, $15
down and $12.50 month.
$38.50 Dining Table for $26.50
An Arts and Crafts design in the
fumed oak, 48-inch square top, 8-foot
extension. Payment terms, $5 down
and $4 month.
$34.60 Dining Table for $24.75
--Round top, pedestal-base table in m
the fumed oak. Extends to 6 feet.
Payment terms, $5 down and $4
$52.00 Dining Table for $37.50
Square top Table in the fumed
oak ; 8-foot extensions Payment
terms $7 down and $5.50 month.
$57.00 Dining Table for $41.50
In quarter-sawed golden oak, with
pedestal base and claw feet: 8-foot
extension. Payment terms $7 down
and $5.50 month.
$60.00 Dining Table, $44.50
In dull finished golden oak, scroll
pedestal base, 54-inch top and 8-foot
extension. Payment terms $7 down
and $5.50 month.
A few patterns in China Cabinets
and Dining Chairs also show inter
esting reductions. Third Ploor.
Convenient Payments.
preme Court Justice, six-year term,
Burnett 887, Jones 15, King 45, Moore
57, Ramp 185.
The Republican legislative ticket was
elected, the successful candidates being-
C. F". Lester for Senator, and I O.
Belland and a A- Lelnenweber for Rep
resentatives The entire Republican county ticket
waa also successful, excepting; J. V.
Burns, Democrat, who was elected as
Sheriff. E. C Judd, .Republican, and C
J. Trenchard, Democrat, are tied for
County Judge. Returns obtainable on
amendmetns are:
Amendments: Woman's . suffrage
Tes 271, no 618. Constitutional conven
tion Tes 878, no 402. Home rule Yes
775, no 872. Prohibition Tes 428, no
833. '
Hawley, So Far, Haa Lead of 400
Over Smith.
M'MINTTVrLLE, Or.. Nov. 9. (Spe
cial.) Ten out of the 26 precincts In
Yamhill County give Hawley 1200.
Smith 800, Bowerman 800. West 1070,
Bean 1000. McBrlde 1100, Slater 876,
Burnett 1200, King 875, Moore 1100.
For Circuit Judges In the Third Dis
trict, William Galloway and Percy R.
Kelley have carried the county by a
safe plurality over Bayne and Van
WForRepresentative of the Fourteenth
District A. G. Beals Is about 100 ahead
of Kunze. Democrat. For State Senator
Lewis Hoskins, Republican, has prob
ably defeated ex-Senator Caldwell,
teenth District, Timothy Brownhlll, in
dependent, and George Bridewell. Dem
ocrat, are In the lead. .
Vine W. Pearce. Democrat, Is elected
County Judge; Isaac Lambrlght, Demo
crat, for Commissioner; H. S. Maloney,
Democrat, without opposition for
County Recorder. W. G. Henderson, Re
publican, Sheriff: G. W. Jones, Repub
lican. County Clerk; H. Z. Foster, Rep
resentative. Treasurer and H. W. Her
ring, Republican, Surveyor. The home
rule bill has an adverse vote.
Democrat. For Representative Thir- can ticket Is elected, with the possible
Malheur County for West.
VALE, Or., Nov. 9. Nine precincts
out of 22 this morning give Lafferty
545 and Manning 315. For Governor,
Bowerman 47S, West 610. The county
is doubtful. The voters in the same
number of precincts give 105 in favor
of a wet county. For Sheriff Kerfoot,
Democrat, 601; O'Dell, Republican, 480;
County Clerk Morfltt, Republican, 480;
Thompson. Democrat, 290. County
Treasurer Halliday, Republican, leads
Jones, Democrat, by a small majority.
Biggs, Democrat, of Ontario, will lead
Davis, of Canyon City, by a large vote
for Circuit Judge. Brooks, of Ontario,
will be re-elected Representative.
Columbia County for Bowerman.
8T. HELENS, Or., Nov. 9. Partial
returns, about half the vote cast In
the county, give Bowerman a lead of
over 250 votes. The estimate is that
he will carry the courty by fully 500.
Lafferty will also cany the county by
over 00. The entire county Republl-
exception of Sheriff and Treasurer. The
Prohibition vote Is close, but the county
Is wet byta small majority. The home
rule amendment was beaten.
West Leads In Curry.
GOLD BEACH, Or., Nov. 9. Returns
In Curry County are meager and In
complete. West had a lead over Bow
erman of 36 up to noon, with half tbe
county unheard from. He will carry
the county by 60. Smith leads Hawley
by five votes. Prohibition Is close, but
the county will probably go wet.
West Carries Josephine.
GRANTS PASS. Or., Nov. 9. (Spe
cial.) Josephine County's vote on
Home Rule Is close. Hawley and Smith
are running a close race. West's ma
jority will figure larger than was an
ticipated. Sherman Bowerman'" by 100..
MORO, Or., Nov. 9. (Special.) Bow
erman and Lafferty carried Sherman
County by about 100 votes. The county
voted wet.
Wagon Overturns on Driver
EUGENE, Or., Nov. 9. (Special.)
Charles Nichols, a teamster employed
by the Utah Construction Company, warf '
badly Injured yesterday afternoon by
the overturning ef his wagon, the ve
hicle plnhlng him to the ground. The
accident occurred at a point two miles
from Natron. It is thought he will re
cover. " -