2Q TUB MORNING OREGON! AN, THURSDAY, XOTE3IBER 10, 1910. i I TTFILP WAITED MALE ( HELP WANTED FEMAUi. I BITTJATIOV WAXTED-rEMAlg. I FOB HENT. : . I FARM WANTED. I FOB iALE. I H-l-F WMTm-MiJ - - .... . . I .,., ..,,. Fur-ishrd Room. In Private Family. M,-ialFm.i: WANT to buy -ocd .lock rauch. AH WJX I . ' . - . 1 1 mniiTi i i . . itrwr - I " I on a NEW LISTINGS O Orin El trie R. II. ;n? a., nrar XViIonlll.. -r. hous. ercbard. -.: pr. 1H a. asar -r. hout. orchard, fin pr. .. at Mullor. 12 a. baerdain. -r. .oltax. IllX&vu. ti a.. nmr YVl!nvll!, IJ a. orchard, mall house at Kl lr. S a. tn !.. tract. nr Mullor. woodtd rff at $!2S pr. HARTMIX THOMPSON". Ranker, rhtmbr of remm'rrft t Seo H A R T O U ) SO A-RES SO '! cultivated. rrdm. n a.i. bottom tandHic I. Al upl.nd: small hou.. aort v tarn oun orchard ol appTS rh.rrlea minit- 4 row. nie.-r. rmkr. p,or. nr ,o and u'tlator: 1 rr.lc , f: land I nl-s fmm factory ".! rallrd o-n of P P!. " ra-.l-d road. K. r D. and rural phone: prlrc. .15. c..h. kla-,r. to a!t .1 I per cent. Knotn 4 lomrosrcl -.ub 0..1-. " and Pan st Xlsnl a IP TOf ARE LOOKIXO FOR ... . - w r. . . r r.nrn or small -;i-nnr.rovrd (arm. at l"r prlco and on mmt liberal term a. se me. I hanal my o. D prupertlea. j o. r.i.tt-r. g' rnrbtt BMC. TO EXCHANGE. TO r.X' MA.r. ft arrea. all un.ter ruimatlon. en rl rmi rn-d. T mllea from Foceat r.r. bottom lard; or small houao and brt: jroun orrnard: pi-lca II ,wl -ri.ara- for houM and lot la Portland up '"to'acrea on Pacld'a Hill. I mil frnra Fore-t Orovi: all fenced. acrea In cantl atln: fln shot a ll and aood wall and annnj water: ood -m n nous, new brn aMid other outbil llln-: "mall r--.rd. I ' acrea In berrtea. prlcjISOOO. will trade for h is. and lot In Fort a of adual ralu-: a toft Bice pTara. KA' FFMAN.V MOORE. 12 Lumber Eir-hacire TO EX'-HASt-.E. 40 acre In Waahincton County, partly Improved, with stock and Implements, rnra li.wo; equity tZJOO: will tako houa In Portland for amount of equity. HI acrea. well Improved, near fanoy. price IUV'I-'O: will tako Portland property up to .Ko: balance easv terms. 41 acres on rolumbla Itlvor. flno bottom Tend, very well Impjroved: .od boll'l l"ia: 1 At milch cows and other stock: price ITixi"; will take bouee and lot as part pment. KAt FFMAN.V MOORE. I.umbor r.Tcrianae I IfAVK aevaral aplend-d wbeat farms in tlie famous Alberta wheat country to ea haue for Portland property or Willam ette Valley farms, price ranxlnc from l to I an acre. If you want eome of the finest wheat land on Ire American conti nent In ea.hanae for rropertv here, this i an opportunity to ret It. AJSerta lamli are nrlsncini rapidly In alua. w. O. Me. 4-'.t l.qmermens bMtf. l ArRES of .vd fruit land southeast of Moelee on the main county road, in acres In cultivation, so more almost ready for the plow; food well; several Dew cora merclal orchards la the vicinity: only $ i0 r,r acre; will trade for Portland property. vaant or improved. W. ti. Ida, owner. t -j LJimbermens bldg. 23 AiRE3 tr Portland realden.-e. all la hlabeat state of cultlatlon; ft acre nJ Ine beaver dam: balance aerden land; hulldlnss: near Tualatin station on Orj son KlcctHc. Particular from C. I. Hjmberer. room 2 Lumbermsna bid. Main 4iH;A . HAVE half Interest worth I I1J00 'n a re. orchard land. I nderwood district, partly set to applea eachsnae fur Port land property or automobile. AC aoa. rreon'.an. t-TAR around leaae with option to buy on close-in West bl.le. Wsshlnator. street business property. F.iultr of JlO.iXHl Will evchane f..r city or suburban property. M tn. Oregnnlan. t loft A"RES F.tem Orej. n wheat land. mllea from railroad and 1 mil lrm river, to exchange for house or lot In Portland. Iavld Lew la. room . Lumbermen bid.. Rrh and Stark WANTED A cheaa house In Portland; will give two very good business lots In a rapUUr jrowin town a II rat payment and Pay Ki a month. Addroa N 4'i. Oro man. W A N T V P Seattle city property. S00 to rt4i.0i0. In eaclianss for celebrated KoTU Klver Valley fruit landa HUOH THM CO, Med ford. Or. HOOD RIVER. e20n0 eoulty In 40 cres and 3 Portland lots price $13oi for residence; will a- nm'e. W. a. Fams. ph.me Main &M. ExcHANOK 1.-.0OA mortaaxe and timber lend on R. H for fsrminic land In Wil lamette Vallet. Wolvsrtuo, Butt Fall, urifuii. FIVE ten. lhty acre. Improved: sell or Portland e. uaaie. O. MiJUIakauS. la-qulr-.a. treon. ;A'H AMIS clear lot fot nrst payment on 1 or more acre on atreetcar line. J. , 14. Tfpton to.. lltf Spaldin- bldg. SO Ai'KK.l. Tillamook '.. well located for surdivl tins, for exchsnf Portland prop-e-:y V l. Orcnian. j OK tfAI.K or trade: fine electric piano: a.o fo:!!n ortan and baby uprlsht piano. S.ilS Vaaa. I lione M-un M.v. n HAT have you to etchanae for lu-acr wheat farm In franklin t'ounty. Wtab.f I : j per acra le cleillnaer bldg. V K WILL sell or exchange your rooming house or any kind of business. Ave Lum benncaa b.o. WE trade for property, any place, all ths time. h'hoemaMer Inv. Cow. w-T iienry f.au- Main 4td-. A 7434. V II T hait yea to traje for splendid dell cateeeen. trriM-cry. takery and confection ery cr ilitnol T 15 Hoard of Trade. e E eackanae yeur property, reamrdiees of lecailoa for that which suits vow bettor. Nwri'ivw Evc.iange. Henry olilc. V.ANTEI A lot a Ural payment M bouse. Phone East .'etr;. fti'ECIAL attention K.vtn to uadea Call to ri y. Hoard ol T-a.le. W FT bur. pell or trade for anything; of viJue. 417 Hoard of traae. WAXTEP Rf AT. ETT. WE HAVE rails for business. Income, fac tory and warehouse prcperty: a o house and lots: ail transaction c-nfldaatial. MEltiHANTS WVlX.Vt A TUIFT t OMPA.V V. v W Cwr. a and Wasblwrton S'a WANTFr HOICKS. Wanted & to 7-room house, modern, romer preferred; must be a barraio; wui oaak email payment down, balance like rant: ao acenna. fall LS Henry blat- Fhaa TT 1 A ask for Mr. Clara. W B weed a few more rood, etoee-tn traota If yoa have aa Improved tract of 1 to 10 aorea, located near the ity. and your price la rtcbt, list It with us and w will d tha rest- k. E. Nl aala A Ota, Ileal Stark st WHAT bav yoa In a strictly modern or -room house thst Is a real baxsa'n? Must be In A No. l utstrlrt. corner preferred; w have a rustomer atltlnx. T. E. Taylor A t p.. i-j l is M.i. W ANTFli For a lora term, houa la o.m1 condition, convenient to carllne: must be not leas than 1 - or 14 rooms, furnished or uorumlahel. Audrea AK fto Orsaonian, or Telrpbone B 174T. V K want a piece of Income property on the West m1o thst can be bought for fl0O cask. What have you to offer? Must have Income or speculative valu. F K. Talor A Co.. 'e-3 Lewi bldc- VACANT LOT. Want to buy vacant ht fcarner or In side . betweeo Hewthorae and t- Morri son sta. west of l'h. W 4:T. Prccmlsn. 1 AM looklr-c for a five-room bunt-alow, costlrc about l-'hV close In. l ust be old oa term. Mo acacia AM ftvu. Ore gon a- JIOrERN h Otis a room. Nob H1J dlatlict; g tv looauon and cask price, o tel. Or- TTtan. BuILDEK will pay spot cash for Irvln.toa lot: state locatioa aad loe cat price, al C'regonian- W A NTErv-O East Side, acres sultahl for piatttna that can be haatLvd for linrrny o 4U-. oreacnlan. 1 WANT rood ft or -mom bungalow oa g-1 atreet. Q 4fl4. Oregonlan. I WANT lota tn Woodstock or Bsraeiey. F 4:i,. frregoalan. Bl'i'lo lot about SaxM. East Sid, west of loth Msln giyt. FOB I JT. TIM B PTB LANTV TIMPER LANDS BOUGHT AND 80LO. r. J. M t RAkEN. 804 MrKay bldg. 4I1MPER kvad and Investments: timber -timated. Lawsoa-Clark Tlmsar C f.isndaie. Or. nMBFR CI.Aluit. homesteads, rallaqutok weaL. eUa Warcasier btogv WANTEteTI.M B ERLAX DS. TIMBER lands wanted. C. t. McCracksa, go McKay bids. FOB SATE. Vehlelee and II EXTRAORDINARY PAllt. .!s. Dark, dappled gray. 0 and years, mare and horse. lull brother and en ter, perfectly sound and chunky; built with good, sound feet and let, beautiful long tali and manes; thl pair will suit any business, either for farms, express or general purposes; fast walkers and r -od. prompt driver: trial by calling at H)i Alder st. New Tork flub Stshles. Illr. EXPRESS OUTFIT. -Hie horse, weitrhs 13.VJ lta: true to pnll.Tieavy three-aprlng top express wagon In fine order; heavy hand-made harness. This rig is worth double jr.ce aafced. but preaent owner ha no us fr It. Call NEW YORK. CLUB STABLES. VtttccEth and Alder. liSS. TEAM. WAOON. HARNEhS. Pair matched bay horses, weight ..oo lb., good pullers: new, heavy breeching hsrness ai.d 3-inch wide tire y-lnra truck farm erseon. complete with box and spring seat; all goe, for iSi. Mra Ben sons rig. at ju.1 Aider M. - Vour choice of ft horse from T to 1 W year old. weighing from 100O to 1300 I ha. some a little thin, one a littl. or: been used by the Meadow Brook Ice CTeam Co : sold on account of no further us for them. Price from 40 to Ti. 60J Alder trat. 1W TEAM AND HARNESS. - Pair geldlnga. weigh close to 24 rea. sound and true pullers, single or double, exira fast walkers.- heavy breeching har ness, collars, all complete. Call Now lorlt Club S:ablea. lull and Alder sta. also flat truck. 2 W ton. price XJ0. -" 1..J-TEAM AND HAKNE5W. Black and brown, pair goldlng. good age. and fax. rid) or drive, and gen tle. Harness Is nice set bail top ham breeching. Abovw t snap, but preaent owner muvt selL Call New Xork Club etable. loth and Alder sta BAT CANADIAN MARE. S years old. 13'3 10a, sound, kind and reiiabl in all plac. com IJS0 lt bpring prlc I12J. and sh U worth t-.-O now. if you hav any us for hr; war ranted and trial given. 0o Alder St. Team, horse and mare. and T yr. 010, wt. 2oO Iba. are fat and ready for hard work: also art of heavy wd trace ha mesa, all complete. Call ftOft Aider t Pair well-matched black gelding. and a Tar old. weigh 200 Iba; true to pull, faat. prompt walker, both look Just ai.ke, dma well together; also heavy ewed trace harness, ail complete: above- team haa been used on brewery wagon and have t.-en replaced with anto truck; trial al lowed. Price complet .35. Call OOS Airier u ' FOR SALE PORTLAND STABLE. ao . aw Ption Marshall 1 ''. A carload of boiae and mar from 10W0 to 100 lba; price from $50 to -oO p horse: matched trams with hoxnea. il complete, from 12i to 6O0 per team. at.d my written guarantee to refund your money on any noree that to not " fsctory. Each team 1 pulled and shown to proop-ctiv. purchaser. For ,r"r as to my responalbllity and rellahlllty, please phone ih Portland Trust Co.. wh. re 1 bank. Business reference e.lso furnished. K L. Evsns. " UORSES FOR SALE. All of Winston Bros. A MrDougar hors-e will be on al at th Hawthorn Utaolc for 10 daya They range In weia-ht. 1440 to and from ft to W year of ag. A all of our work on the N P R. K. to done, all of our stock will be for sals. Thsy will be .old under the guarantee of the Hawthorne Stables. Call and inspect thi-se after November L . H.AWTHORNE fcTABl-Ed. HORSES FOR SALE. TWO Car Ol norece u J - nd will SO 1 U uuuvr wur n They raarin weight from IOOO to 14O0 iba. :' Z Irom ft to 11 year.l .1 .ood workers and price reasonable. W also have thre spaa of small mule, weight SuO to IOOO lb., for ale. Call and Inspect SiaiT If wanting horaea Hawtnorn ...r.it son HjviaorH ave. FOR BALE At Eaat"tild Exchang 6tabl. ..... -.u .. V ..-I- nt brown Keld- luga with a complet nearly new breech ing harness. f20: I pn selcling welgh mgs. and . weight 240. with a com pete nearly new breeching harness. 200. 1 span geldings we:ghing .200. thoroughly cur broke and S yar old. with guar autea ft;4u. FOR 8AA.E. T heat of hor-.l team bay weight 1U0 each: 1 team grays, weight 1J0J each: 1 team baya, weight 1T)0 ach; 1 odd hors. weight 1550: age from 4 year to 7 good, sound nd guaranteed good workers. Call at Enterprise Brewing Co., 13th and Johnson.PhonMaln Xlsl. lis A GOOD delivery horse. wlght 1100 Ih. extra nice driver and genii, tru ml sound: work slngl or double: com nd try him: alo :-aeted spring hack and farm wagon cheap. Eaat 12lh and Madi son, cot tag In park. FOR SALE Team f two bor. harness and .prtr. wagon; all la tl rat-class con dltlOB; will mske price right for quick ui Owaar. loom 1 Oregonlan blag. FOR f AI.E Team of two hone, sound nd In good coudltion. good prlng wagon and harness In first -c lea auape. a bar gain for oulck aai. Al Langanberg. Cuackamaa. Or. . fXUB. work team. I-: K0-rh- team uxrea sound but a little thin. 30. Ken- liaorth Transfer Co.. boo E. ihtht mu. W-w car to uladston ava luiKScl for sale, gentle and reliable, weight 1 1 , 10a; please ceu, ...... - " . taken regarding aal. Ban A Bellamy, 401 Hawthorn a HUBERT HALL'S STABLES, 8S0 Front t llvry bulnsa. rlga horaea harness, wagons, for sale or rent. Main 8-oa. foi SALE Cheap. 1 team young- well hatched hor.a weighing -JiOO lba. ,und aud without blemla.-.ea 22 Russell St. XtSTO-East 7th su. 1 pslr maree. 6-7 year otd. good ranch mare, one Clyle and on Morgan: a bft1chintho0 Ih. T..I K choice of S good horses. iO to 7S: suitable for t.zm or deavery. J Lyons. 1 13 union ave. rOH HIRE. PORTLAND STABLES. 20 N. 15T11 ST. MARSHALL Ino. HoKSia AND WAtsONil BV DAY. WEEK OR MONTH. HOIK-ia for sals; good roadster. Martin A Forbes' gtwenhouse.ilst.near8iark; foil hALLV 1S. bay mare, 7 year old. weight 14"Q. e03Front t- Birds. Dog and Pet Stork. FOR SALE English bull-terrier, puppies. pure white, no markings. Pedigreed atovk. Address al eh Oregonlan. TWO lull Z years old each: on Holstiu, en Devena. Phone Woodiawn 2"3. FOR SALS 1 Homer plgaoata. Pnoo Mala Ilea oa. Organ and Musical tnesjwmeat. FOR SALE My nearly new ptaao. aa I am sick la bed and must have cash quick. Call Oil Alberta st.. tomorrow. FOR BJLl.K F1 us re grarul piano, cheap. In nulre 170 U:h at, fti. 1TKJOHT - pne Uft eaal SZ i mar. nein ' - - $143 ruNO check for aale or trad. Phone lira Biddings, slain l4?3. AatonsoMIe. AUTOMOBILE BAROAXN8. W a re offering for sai at very reason able price several llu and 110 Plerce Arrow and Cadulaca, two So-ao Bteara. T-passenger touring, one Oldamoblle ft passenger. one Croxton Eeaton lvlO model, fully euuipped. Owner of tb car hav I, g placed order for 1U Flare aad Cadillac car. COVtlf MOTor 1vara.11. WANTFD A buyer for two 30-CO Stearns -passenger touring car. cotrpltly equipped, recency painted and overhauled; no re sonabi offer will be refused, own er of the car hav pacd orders fur 1WL1 Fierce Arrow. COVET MOTOR COM PANT. MT 7 -passenger. 1000 Peer: ss auto for aale; fully equipped and A-t condition; prlr ft.oOO cash or good secured note or bonds; don't call without you mean busmeca. Hugh McQulra room 301. Lewis Mdg. AUTOMOBILE FOJt SALE. Nearly new u-H. P. White steamer, fully equipped; driven only 1O0O miles; will trade lor Portland property. Phon Tabor 543. B ITA DETROIT elecuic Victoria used for demon strating only. Car practically good as new. lor gal at very reasonab! price, , COVET MOTOR COM PANT. WAVTED -Ven atttomoblie for storage; ra'tea reaaonahl. Apply at garage, $30 .-htneton St. FIRESTONE, new. for sale, or would trade lor reai en - . Electric Vehicle Co.. 0-0 AtCer t ELFiTRIC runabout for sal or exchange. v'hat hare you to offer. Oourtoi. li First sueet. rTOMOBII.E FLOOR SPACE. 170 12ta sc. cor. Jefferson; reasonable. ' MJscellanewwa. FOR SALE Folding baby bugsy. ZZ2 Fre mont st- . CONCRETE mtxer for sale- David Dow . A Son. 2u2 Lumbermen b.dg. ORPHINEON. suitable aaioon or restaurant, 2 record, c h sap, sell or trade. 8 t'e M st. COIN" collection, or will trade for nnla. eumbered properly. A. . (iiaa. MEN'S HIOH-GRADE BVTTS. Overcoats and trousers. fteO to 135 gult and overcoata $l-7ii 2S to $30 suit nd overcoat. $14-75; $3.30 to J4 trousers for $2 SO. They ar manufacturers" samples and cancellation orders, sold by -jmm' Dunn In an offlc building (rent tSO a month), on a 13 per cent profit basia Jlmmle does not claim to give you om thlng for nothing, but h can aav you $10 on your purchase o7 a suit, raincoat or overcoat. Room 313. Oragonlan bldg. Tak e.evator. third floor. BEWINO machine, special aale o splendid lot of fin second-hand machine 01 all leading makes. Singer. Wheeler 4 Wilson. Nsw Horn. White. Domestic. Household nd others, to mak room for nw Slngsr 1 and rotary. 6lngr Sewing Mschlns Stora S. S. Slgel. agent. $3ft Morrison L Phon Main 218S.A43. FOR SALE Cheap, a ear old Blblala I.atln. with comment and Hebrew quota tion, printed In liio, at Antvrpn Eng land. In two volume. wll proaerred. and other rar old books. Addr al 487, Oregon ln. ' HATS. . . I carry th largest stock of fur trrm mlcgs for todies' ht In Porttond at Ijw- eei prices; acr sfcyie lit 11th St. THE Northwest lypexrua lui-''j. Ablngton bldg.. phon M. 8S70. la Ut only company lllng trlcUy factory rebuilt typewriter: price $10 to $&- FOR SALE Surgical Instrument, gynae cological. Call SrtS Depauw t.. Port mouth. NEW view camera. BxT. and "uit-J" $100: will trade for diamond. Phone Marshall 1132. FIRST growth wood for !. $ per cord in Turelhurat district. Address M. Herrlt. na? . Burnsld sU FOR SALE Showcase, wallcase. countara , ,1 . .. In u.lr aTA md t order t lowest price. 222 Grund SAFES Fir and burglar-proof; ten second-hand standard makes; low prices. asy . . iiirtl,Ml f Co.. 17 6th St. GOOD office oesk and furnitur for gal cheap. Call Sue Lewi bldg. WANTED M1Sfri.LANF.OCH. CLOTHINO AND EVE RTTHINfi. Wanted Men' castott clothing and shoe and b.. yd: h!ght prices paid: w also buy ladle clothing. Call tip th Glob econil-hand store. Phon Main 10(0. l0 let St. IF YOU hav household furniture to sell. call up Gsorg Baker Co. 142 Park si. Both phcna WANTED To buy second-hand win ing and inner tub. Cha. S. lun. 4S Stark at WANTED To purchase a good deposit of shsle, for brick making, located near Port- land. AQares w ii. oresoui WANTED IOOO sacks of Garnet Chill po tatoes for seed. C DeVlnccnxi. car RainlorHotaL ELL your sKoml-bxnd furnllnr to th Ford Auction Co. or you'll get leaa Phon. A 2443. Main B5L WANTED Movlng-plctur machine, gas out- flU aim, etc. r 34. Orgonl WE buy everything and pay Ih price, too. WANTED Second-band roll-toP desk; must 1 DKnnn Ualll OAS- WANTED A barn tent about lBxtO ft, or larger. AM SU2. Orgonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for th U. S. Marin Corp, betweeo th age of I ana 5: must b nulv, brm or hav Brat paper.; monthly pay 13 f , M dltlonsl comrerutatlon posxlbl. rood, clothing, quarter and medical attendance free. After B0 year servlc can retire with TS per cent of pay and allowance. Servlc on board hlp and ash or In all part of th world. Apply U. B. Marin Corp Recruiting Office. Breeder, blag.. 3d and Washington ta. Port .and. Or. IF you speak Swedish and ar wwU ac quainted In th city and want to earn a good salary by hustling apply to G. W. Manning. 403 Board of Trad bldg.. after 7:30 P. M. A NUMBER young men wanted to learn . wireless and railroad telegraphy; positions nai.lti. IT to SUA nee month eiiaranteed. Call or addr Telegraph Dept.. 148 Bth t- RAILWAY mall clerks, poet offlc olerka, letter carrier, custom hous and Internal revenu employe, to prepare for exam ination!: free book. Pacino State School, McKay bldg.. city. WANTED A bright, energetic msn who reaPy want an opportunity to make good; requirements, honesty and Intelligence: position remuneratlv and promotion rapid to th keen man. 260 Oak st- Call for Mr. Lane. SALESMEN WANTED to aell fruit trees, walnut trees and ornamental. Other ar msklng good. Splendid territory. Ex pense money advanced weekly. Writ Albany Nurseries. Albany. Or.. Dept. A. STENOGRAPHER and assistant bookkeeper who understand car billing, for lumber offlc In Wlllamett Valley; atat xi rience. ag and salary expected. V 4$, Oregonlaa. MAN and wife for farm; man moat tmdr tand general farmlruf. care of atock, eto.; wife aselat with housework: plac cloae to Portland. W BQ2, Oragonlan. OFFICE boy. IS yar old. for printing busi ness Good wages and chanc to learn trade. Only boys willing to work need apply. P 491. Oregonlan. WANTED All auto owner and drivers, have your vulcanlxlng and retreading don by Chaa 8. Ellon, 4o3 Stark L Phon A 8M. ' tFANTED Boy ovr 111 with wheel; can make $2 a day and over, and will be given chance to learn business; we will pay for your blcycl repair. W 300. Oregonlan. WANTED Young man stenographer, stat age, experience, reference and telephone number; steady mplnvment: moderate Biliary from strrt. P 4'.'S. Oregonlan. WANTED Two live men; must be good talkers for steady position; salary $2e.u0 per week. Call 4O0. Oregonlan bldg., be fore g:3Q A- M. and 1 P. M. aharp. WANTED A good, reliable, elderly single man to dlsti ibut advertisement tn dif ferent towns. Apply Swank Co., Van couver, Wash- LEARN automobll driving and repairing, day or ven Ing. Office $20 ft Washington t.. R. 413: coming bnincsa plenty work WANTED Neat young man with little money; chanc to mak big money. 242 Fifth M- W ANTED Toung Japancas boy for house work and help with cooking. $21 tsst cor. Clay. WANTED Experienced photo finisher. $19 weekly and board and room; ateady Job. Paclnc Art Co.. Aberdeen, wash. BOY for oyster hous; must work Sunday; steady employment. Pol and Oystr Co.. 4j North Jld st- JAPANESE for cooking and genera house work, small family. Phon Tabor SS. Call room 810. Corbstt bldg., 6th and Morrison. WASTED reliable solicitor who has been successful la soliciting, for plait ing aad dy worfca t20 3rd St. SOCTOR Good opportunity for young physician starring la city. A 495, Ors gonlan. WANTED A young man at a noun try horn to assist In outside repair work. F 490. Oregonls . PHYSICIAN Good practice; $2800 per; mall town; no opposition, for al, $401X AK mm. Oregonlan. HOTEL dark; tat experience, age and particular; telephone number. M 4U7, , Ore e or an. AN experienced clerk for men furniahincs or boys' department; rfrnca G 4S. Oregonton. BARBER wanted; steady work. 304 Barn side st. 11VE agenta to sell photo coupon; sil offer. Davl. 342 v. Wash. t- BOOKKEEPINO. prlrat tuition by an ex pert accountant. 301 Merchants Trust bldg. FIRST-CLASS bushier, pressor wanted. Faa tagc Tailoring Co.. 29t Stark SL H'.ii-- i-Aaa commercial saiesman or rape re.entaliv- 21i Commercial bldg. xv-ANTEl" One first coatmaker. on cpee at'or on coats Apply S3 bth St.. room C0& PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrrdt agents; r w o-er. Cntberth tudlo. Dekum bldg. WANTED All ground, registered dentist. AM 3t3. Oregonlan. WANTED at onoa. 2 men to learn to drive and "Pair eum " WANTED Boy with wheeL Stile-Taylor Drug to.. -5S iorrisou COAT helper wanted. Call 8tcn Bro Tailors. 3t'4 Wash. t. WANTED 1 first-class waiter. Apply 141 Ht'h st.. between 11 A. M. and 1 p. M. WANTED Man and wtfe for care of plac nd general housework. 475 10th. WANTED Coatmaker and bushelman. 333 Stark t- A GOOD. a around taylor wanted right way. Sid Oidman, Kalama. Wash. BOT fsrf H. M. Hoc an. 623 Ablngton. W" A N TED Hoy with wheel. !33-$60 per mopth. atto yrohlll SUa goo I i. Office Secretary Employment Depart ment. T. M. C A. w ,. Young man. arranger, out of work hi. total cash aae- If I W S for special employment membership 1 wiu onlr hav $LS left btwca m aad tarra- Kecretary If 70a pay IS for J,J employment memoerahlD you will bav tn T. M. c A., with ail It resource between you and starvatlna. What happendT .. - Young man took membership. Inaia 01 two hour ho found MUsfactorr employ- "JSiriBg September. 1910. 13 others found employment la a like manner. . . , Emplovment or refund of membership fee gusranteed. See Secretary Employment Dopartmu it. Y. M. C A. EASY INSIDE WORK. BIG SALARY. Th New York Film Co. A Moving Pic ture School will make a reduction of on regular price on lesson In moving picture operation during thi weekuflnest and largest equipped school on tha Coast: competent Instructor who teach the busi ness In overy detail; competent operator are In demand and earn S2o to $33 week ly: w help to secure positions; Invest gate our plan of starting pupil in th motion-picture business tree of charge; motion-picture theaters make from $10 to 100 dally: theater fully equipped on easy terms. Information and term glad 1y given. B26Vj Washington - SALESMEN. IF TOO" HAVE GOOD BACKBONE. . ARE SUSCEPTIBLE TO INSTRUCT ION, WILLING TO ABSORB AND HAVE A DISPOSITION TO FOLLOW INSTRUC TIONS. CLEAN AND SOBER. WE WILL ASSUME THE RESPONSIBILITY OF IOCR BECOMING SUCCESSFUL REAL ESTATE SALESMEN AND PAY ALL YOU ARE WORTH. 2S0 OAE ST. FURRIERS wanted for alteration on fur garments. . THE MEIER FRANK COMPANY. $28 TO $35 WEEKLY. Mad by motion-picture operators. Wo teach the business in ten days; special discount for those who take up course this week; Inveetlgate our plan of start ing students In business free. New lork Operators School and Motion Plctur Co., 02t34.B asning-ton. MEN WANTED Age IS to 83, for firemen. $100 monthly, and brakemen. $80: on nearby railroads Experience u n necessary ; no strlk. Promotion to engineer, con ductor. Railroad Employing Hoadquar ters ovsr 300 men nt to positions monthly. Btat age; send stamp. Rall- way Association. Oregonlan. HOW WILL YOU -SIZE UP" When you com In contact with th man whose yes" or no meme success or failure for you 7 The International Curre-. pondence School can train you, to "six up." Address 2-13 Alder st. Our new oata logu I now ready. WANTED Men without experience to work at electricity. plumbing. automobiles, bricklaying; learn trade In a few months without expense; 2n0 student last year; $30,000 contract Jobs; write immediately, fnlted Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles WANTED Candy makers One cream goods man, one hard good man; must be capable taking charge of departments In wholesal candy business Good wage and permanent work to satisfactory party. Writ Idaho Candy Co.. Boise. Idaho. MAN to work on stock and grain farm In Willamette Valley. German preferred. Must be used to car of horses snd will ing. Wage $10 per month. Apply be tween 10 and 12 Saturday morning at 418 Falling bldg. WANTED At once, two men to learn auto mobile repairing and driving. Call from 9 to 11 A. M. or from S to ft P. M. 830 East Washington at. WANTED A young msn familiar with gen eral office work; chance for advancement - to the right party; tat experience and references O 602. Oregonlan. HELP WANTED -FEMALE. COMPETENT laleerpeopje for th following departments: Gloves ribbons knit under wear, umbrella, handkerchiefs, art needle work, toy, games al so girl for offlc work: also young girl to wrap parcels THE MEIER A FRANK COMPANY. WANTED Toon ladies for tele-phono op erating, with or without experienc. Ap ply Pacific Telephone A Telegraph Co., eth and East Ankeny ta, HOTEL cook. $40. Pastry cook, out of ofty. $35. 6 waltreaae. flrst-claaa hotel, oat City. $23. Second gin, $23. Chambermaid. $8 week. Chambermaid. $25, room and' board. Family cook, $40. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 3 Washington St., Room 7. OTRL8 WANTBD. APPLY STANDARD FACTORT NO. X Grand are. and Eaat Taylor sta. EXPERIENCED saleslady for shoe depart ment. Roberts Bros, Sd and. Morrtooa HOUSEKEEPER for man. woman and boy In town of 2000; hav no preference be tween girt or middle-aged woman; no washings; nice horn and light woik; $-0 par month and board assured. Box 433, Rainier, Olj THE MEIER A FRANK store require 2 ex perienced waitreaso to work short hours; apply at superintendent' office. LADY to run restaturant. nearly furnished. In hotel; rent to board one; leeping room Included: snsp. Apply 304 North adth. W car to aoth, block north. WANTED Five teacher for rural school position In Srearman County, Oregon. Apply to County School Superintendent. Moro. Oregon. . WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 809 Roth chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. GIRL for general housework, small family, N E. corner Chapman and Laurel traet. Portland Heights Phone Main 6003. WANTED Two laboratory glrto; best pay. Apply 8tear-Hllngsad Co., 92-64 union ave. GIRL wanted, moderate experience, for gen eral housework In small family; good wage. 602 Schuyler st- MRS.HOWE-S LADIES' AGENCY. ft2tiVj Washington at-, room 314. Main h.:o or -n. 0-00. WANTED Girl for general housework; will give good home. Call 427 6th it Phon Mala 707. WANTED Girl for light housework and plain cooking; good homo, good wages Call T80 Koarncy. A GIRL wanted to assist with general house work: 4 adult In faxuUy. 7,1 Johnson st. Main 2073. WANTED Comptnt girl for general housework, small family. Call 607 E. Taylor t. EXPERIENCED girl to ew on ladles work. Elite Ladles Tailor. 840 Washington. GLRL for general housework: plain cooking, good home, good wagea TSO Kearney u WANTED Girl for-bouework and help with cooking. 131 th sc. cor. Clay. WANTED Lady cook at Gensvu restaurant. 82S Gllasn st. GIRL, to care, for a small children! Apply 774 Everett. GIRL for general housework: must be good cook: good wages 3S0 11th. " HANSEN'- LADIES' AGENCY. $43- Washington St.. Cor. 7th. Upstair. - Phon Main 2892. GIRL or woman to assist with general housework. Apply 674 East Morrison u. cor. 14th. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Thomp son's Restaurant. 144 4th f. WANTED At Sisters' Hospital In Chlco, Cel.. pupils to enter school of nurglng. LADY cashier wanted. 9 N. 3d St. Apply 12 and 1 p. " piiiVATE scnool. SHORTHAND and TYPE WRITING: 13 mo. 319 14th: Main 3S93. GIRL to assist with general housework. 74T Gllsan at. GIRL for general rtpusework. 0S8 Lovejoy. Gl lor general house work. 16 N, 17 th WANTED Girl about 18 year old to as sist with light housework and help take care of baby evenings; must bo good char acter. Apply between ft and 7:30 P. M. '-28 N. ISth St. A TOUNG girl to assist with housework. Apply 862 Johnson st. GIRL to do general housework, small fam ily. Call mornings, 1103 Thurman L , HELP WANTED MALE OB FE LVLE 10.000 POMITIONS ror graduate last year: men and women to learn barber trade In S weeks help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn irom $10 to $2ft weekly: expert Instructors: tool free; write for cata logues Mobler System of Colleges, 33 N orth th s . Port land. Or. MAKE money writing stories or for news papers; big pay; send for free booklet: tells how. United Press Syndicate. San Francisco. V. A N T t.l ' ' Reliable parties to open and run kitchen and dining-room In new hotel; excellent location. Address Hotel Wtn derin. Nampa. Idaho. WANTED Music Instructor of piano; lady preferred. Call 268 E. 23d SL. Fi.-iK. TLACH-tli' ASSOCIATION. 611 Bw.t iand bidz. WANTED Teacher rural school, board. 811 Swetland bldg. - $40 and SITUATION WANTED MALE. Book setter and Clerk, COMPETENT accountant for aeveral years past with a Jobbing house in this city, would like to ccrrespond with a llrst class manufacturing or wholesale house with a lew to making a change about Jan. 1. Fully capable of taking full charge of an office, rbrrespondence, credits, etc. First class references Address S. Box 467. Portland. ; YOUNG man with 8 year experience as bookkeeper and payroll clerk; operate tvpewriter; accept position in or out of city. K 408. Oregonlan BOOKKEEPER, 'experienced in banking, lumber and other lines best of reference; write shorthand; no objection to leaving city. Address AL G0-. oregonlan. HONEST Japanese boy who has good edu cation, also has good alesmansiiip abil ity, wants position in store. W 603, Ore- coiifan. ' EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher desires evening work. Address E f01, Oregonlan. POSITION ss bookkeeper or stenographer, young man, 6 years' experience, H 49S, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER and sll-around office man. 3 years' experience, highest references. AJ 601, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER or asslatant, good at Cs ures; can glv references AK 601, Ore gonlan. Miscellaneous. SITUATION wanted by man 25 years old: have operated business of my own until recently: have had great experience hand ling men successfully; habit absolutely good. If you need a man to look after your Interests, ask ir. for an Interview. AJ 608. Oregonlan. BY YOUNG married man, with eight years' experience with electrical and mechani cal machinery, a position with wholesale machinery company; will give references. L 4116. Oregonlan. MOVING-PICTURE operator wanta po sition, city or country, city reference; can furnish Edison machine. L 497, Orego nlan. CIVIT. FAT.INTIER. OOOD BTTTTDING SU PERINTENDENT. EXPERIENCED IN REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN, DB BIRE8 POSITION. AL B03. OREGONIAN WANTED By a sober and Industrious man, a nlghtwatch Job; can furnish references. Address Beaver Hotel, room 3. Portland. Or. Phone M 877L . MIDDLE-AGED man would do Janitor work, car for furnace and generally useful for horn and amall wage. N 4r0, Orego nlan. WANTED Position by first-class all-round furniture man. best of references married, good ha bits Address 2o8 Union ave. north. - WANT anything of honest work; I cam hore from Germany last week, can speak some English. Address Otto F. Decker, 330 hi Park t- YOUNfi man desire plsce to work for board and room before and after school hours H. D. B., 148 Bth t- YOUNG man would Ilk to get on farm with congenial people; willing worker. T 496. Oregonla n. EXPERIENCED Japanese well diggers wish to contract to dig the wells T. Horl, 271 Everett - ; WANTED Position at any honest work, by young man of good address; American; references. AH 600, Oregonlan. FIREMAN and carpenter, IB years exper ience; no tools: references furnished, wants position. Phone Marshall 1H63. GOOD Japanese couple want plac, man aa cook, wife housework. Address 47 Park L. N.. city. EXPERIENCED grocery man wishes posi tion, any kind, good reierence. J uu, Oregonlan. lo-nE-Divwr-n on man wanta TtOBltlon "aa dishwasher for 430 dollars and board a month. Adores A t ov. uregwmui. POSITION wanted by man and wife, taking charge of rooming house or Inside work Tor Winter. r-none r ymg aou. , YOUNG man desires position aa night watchman or Janitor; good relerenoes Main 7040. Hl'SKY boy of 18 wants work for board snd room and attend business college. AJ 602, Oregonlan, MAN and wife would like work on farm -here wife can help with housework. Y 416. oregonlan. nun. or mecnanical drafting to do in soar time; references H 496. Orego- nn j rcxTTT.aT Jaoanese want position to do housework, can do plain cooking; or any other king 01 joo. pq- A-l NONUNION plumber desires porition. T 4'.tl. oreKQ"""- pivpft 20 years ex perience, bread and cake, wants work. Y 41) . Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS shoe repairing, half soles 60c. 607 Ollgan a-, cornor .tm. ELEVATOR opwator wants position. G 600, Orsgonisn. EXPERIENCED Japaneso want position . ae niahwasner. rtou 00 1 o, w WANTED A Job as kitchen helper or dish, washer. W 501. Oregonlan. YOUNG man 23 wishes position at anything. 77 West l'ark St. rioiiur. . WANTED Position as watchman or country. S 604. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED general house cleaner, by nav. hour or contract. aru - b,u. vvpKRTPlNnED automobile washer and polisher want work. Phon Sellwood 887. GOOD Genran' aausagemaker want work. 2114 Fremont t- jiAN and wife want work In hotel or board-Ing-hoi e. B 405. Oregonl sn. SrTTJATTON WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers TOTJNO lady stenograph er. at present em ployed, destrou of making change, will accept position as private secretary; ref erence given. O 303, Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER with 4 years' experience, also fair knowledge of bookkeeping and general office work; rapid and accurate. AN 000, oregoo 1 . STENOGRAPHER with knowledge of book keeping, desires position; neat, accurate and experienced. A 494, Orefc-onlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer, accurate and rapid, wishes position; moderate salary. East 4248. EXPERIENCED tenographer desire posi tion: references. Phone C 2765. Prewm atera FIRST-CLASS Eastern dressmaker and ladles- tal lores want work by day in family. Address L 498. Oregonlan. THE VIENNA will make suits and dresses at. reduced prices during month of Nov. Work guaranteed. A 4609. Main 6682. COMPETENT dressmaker would lik ew lnr in private homes. Pkone Main 2066. STYLISH dresses $5 up; waist $1.50 up; fin, work. 529 E. Mill. East 5238. DRESSMAKIXG Children' clothes a pe cialty. East 1132. BEST care and a good home for two or three children. 1 to 6 years of age. 1179 Gladstone avenue. WAVTED By lady nurse a mild mental pa tient to care for In my home (lady); can furnish references AN 501. Oregonlan. TRAINED nurse wants more cases; ma ternity specialty; reasonable; little house work. M. 6898. tt vTC'ti TViss rar of child In good Drivate family. 3-7 E. 6th. near Mill st. NURSE will nurse vall:.5d--ft1a city or country- Phone Sell -ooa 68. Bonttricffpm. WANTED By married woman, housework to pay room and board for self and hus band. E. 6214. WANTED General housework In country by lady with child. Phone Main 0S9. "Washing ton st. LADY wants a position as hmuekoeper in Iao5. ru woi'-ai'- experienced nousewor . gooa coos ana Phone Main 2039. A 1775. neat, 440. COMPETENT, experienced lady, cheerful disposition, desires position; rooming house preferred. East 3-02. Domestics. A RELIABLE, competent and experienced lady wants chamberwork; room and board. Fully capable, no mixed work. Phone East 24 lO. Miscellaiieoaa. MAX and wtfe in camp, cook, housekeepers and chambermaids, jani trees and nurse g-irl. day work. St. Louis Employment Offlc. PhoneMain2(3iK A4 775. LADY (refined) would like position as com panion to lady willing to do general houie-wo-ak. Main 1150, between 10 :30-ai :30 Phone today. - CLEAN German woman wants work by the hour. Phone Tabor 2631 or write 2026 E. Tamhlll. Montavilla. WOMAN wanta housework by day or hour. Call after 9 A M., Thursday. Phone B 2 404. A LADY wanta work by the day. Main 4378. 4S8 5th st. WOMAN wants work by hour. Phone East 12. GIRL wishes to 6427. room 86. work by hour. Call M LADY wants work by the day. 90 H Knott St. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de mand for choice nursery stock; outfit free: cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem, Or- SOLICITORS for Oregon selling a new art icle of merit; good commission; I pay freight. Geo. Bartlett. 402 Mason bldg.. Los Angeles. WANTED Agents of refinement and good appearance to handle Xraas article; will sett readily; big profit. Call mornings, S43 East B -inside. ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 weekly felling trees for the Oregon Nursery Com pany. Liberal proposition; good territory. Address Orenco. Or. AGENTS to sell real estate; term, that sell. Avalon Real Estate Co., 414 Do le tunbldg. AGENTS paid to distribute samples, etc; make S3 to $o per day. Herbi 21tg. Co Mllwaukle, Or. POCKET novelty, delights adults or chil dren. Mr. Bennett, 14 North 6th. WANTED TO BENT. We furnish the renter, collect the rent, pay taxes. Insurance and keep up repairs, the tame for you aa though the property was our own; references, any bank In Portland. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 245H Stark St. Phones A 3500, Main 35. WANTED A greenhouse for rent with op- tloa of purchase. J 495, Oregonlan. WANTE D Desk room In modern of floe building. Leave location with B 1890. Houses. TOLL Thompson Rental St Firs Insurance Agency; houses solicited; repairs; taxes; fua tenants. Call 310 Falling bldg. MODcftN bungalow, with furnace and elec tric light; handy to Lower Albina. J 4H6, Oregonlan; BY refined coue, furnished bungalow for Winter montlW; .state location and price. AK 500. Oregonlan. WANT to rent furnished house. Oregonlan. AH 603. Apartment. WANTED 4-room furnished apartment. No vember 20 to March; adults; references. A 496. Oregonlan. Rooms. WANTED Nicely furnished rooms, about 4, on West Side, flat preferred; have sliver, linen, bedding and other small furnlsh Ings. Address G 495. Oregonlan. A COMPETENT music teacher desires un furnished room on East Side; (rent to be paid In lessons. Phone East 1622 and B 2126. WANTED 3 or 4 furnished rooms, walking distance, modern; for 3 adults. Among genteel people. AN 504;. Oregonlan. REFINED adults want 4 or 6 furnished rooms or house; state price and location. E. 503, Oregonlan.. WANTED 2 unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Telephone Tabor 1085. Booms With Board. WANTED By young man, room and board in private family preferred, on West Side, within walking distance from Front and Oak ats. Address, with price and tele phone number, AJ 500, Oregonlan. 1ADY employed during day wishes nice room with board, except lunch. West Side; state location, accommodation and price. Address AX. 5QO, QTegonlan. ( 6 OR 6-room house; must be roodarn; not too far out; 2 in family; rent must be rea sonable, AH 501, Oregonlan. FOB KENT. Rooms. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. -MILNER BLDG." 3oOMe MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONAB US. Furnished Room. HOTEL ALDER. TH3 CAP LBS. Corner 4th. Taylor. nii Aider t - near 71. These two beautiful new hotels just completed and handsomely furnished, pos sess every modern convenience including elevator servica and private telephone ex change. Both are right down town, yet lust oil all car lines; about half the rooms In each have private baths, all otners hot and cold water. The rates are curpris inely low. Call and see them and you will be pleased In every way. itooms oy the day, weea or mont , King ; a perfect modern home; private bath, steam neat, not ana coxa run-mi ., nri tlAiihnra In evarv room; tin- mmt .art of the city; the maximum of 4-ovnlenc at the minimum of expense w make you feel at home; dining-room in connection; bost in the city xor us money. , HOTEL SAVON. 129 Eleventh St. ffew, modern brick building, team he ted, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comt or table. Rates very reasonable. CaU and see us Regular and transient -trad solicited. j FOR RENT New and elegant furnished rooms: eat., electricity, phone, furnace nr nn.n flror.l.ee. lance closet, walk- ins- distance: 1-0 per month. 1120 Mont gomery st. TH EA SEM BLY, 265 6th s. 2 large fur nished rooms, wtih running water ; one single room $3 per week; one housekeeping suito; nam anu, iiu., - t-. postofflce. HO'Ii-L BUCKINGHAM, op. Portland Hotel. 3S0 Yamhill; first-class furnished room single or en suite; modern; $&0 up; transl cnts solicited. M. 1. A 7177; 5 week, up. FURNISHED rooms to rent, electric lights, hot and cold water in all rooms, rent reasonable. The Morrison, 17th and Mor rison. Single or en suite. XCST OPENED THE WHITEHALL. 253 6th st., 4 squares above P. O. ; family hotel, private baths and telephone; traa sients solicited. , . HOTEL BUSH MARK. Washington and 17th. first-clau furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern conveniences; $d weekly up. A 2647. Main 5647. NICELY furnished rooms suitable for two people; all conveniences; close In, 8 to 14 per week. 251 7th st. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sta, wU furnished sleeping rooms, $2.56 per week; electric light, hot baths free. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. "MILNER BLDG.." .50 MORRISON ST. MODERN", CENTRAL, it -.-ao.N r. MODERN outside rdoms, 2.50 to $3 per week. Including baths; also housekeeping rooms. 648 Washington st. 461 EAST Morrison, cor. East 6th st. ; nicely furnished rooms, reasonable, walk ing oistance. The Hazel Nicely furnished steam-heated rooms, running water. 3d and Montgomery. Fm-nlwhed Rooms In Privaf Family. FINE furnished room, near wasningion il, S3 per week; also small front room, 92. 46 Burnside. bet. 10th and 11th. riRGE front room, suitable for two or mor 4 per week; baih, phone, heat.. 226 12th st,, near Salmon. TnCELY furnished attic rooms for rent for four gentlemen, rca-onable- 535 Bel mont. B 1295. , NWLY furnished rooms; also light houte keeping rooms at 490 Taylor at. - FOR RENT Room in modern home on Willamette Heights. Main 8539. pt KASAN'T well-furnished front room, mod enT fiat. Nob Hill; gentlemen. A 49S9. FURNISHED room ; gas, bath and phone. rheao. 395 3d st. CLEAN sunny room, heat, gas, bath, phone; 15 minutes to P. O. 451 10th. $10- pleasant, neaiiy furnished room, suit afjle for two. 475 Clay st. NICELY furnished, well heated and lighted rooms, reasonable- 345 11th. . FURNISHED room. West Side, for one gen tleman. 634 Flanders. Marshall 130. a3Tr-. reasonable. 36 it U WANTED By girl, general BEAUTIFULLY furnished white emanal room in absolutely new home in nne lo cality; offers exceptional comforts; accessi ble to two carlines; every convenience; breakfast optional. Phone Tabor ,t60. NICE furnished room, private bath, suit able for one or two people. Appiy man ager. Rose Friend Apt., S. W. cor. 7th and Jefferson. NEWLY furnished room ; steam heated : running hot and cola water. 064 lan ders. SWELL rooms for gentlemen, with every convenience and comrort; new, clean, mod ern; short walk from P. O. A 2547. SPLENDID rooms, $10 and $18 per month. or by the weei; nrst-ciass. oe -oucn N. E. cor. 18th. West Side. Cnfornisbed Boon DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED ROOMS "MILNER BLDG., 350V4 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. I OR 4 pleasant rooms, centrally located, at 75 Union ave. North, cor. East Everett st Rooms With Board. PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year, rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 510 Flanders. Miss Frances N. Heath, supt. THE Calvard. 452 Morrison, corner 13th , st. Rooms en suite or single. Rooms- With Board In Private Family. WANTED Two refined gentlemen to room and board in strictly private family; tine home cooking; a nice home for parties desiring homelike place; 10 minutes' walk. East Side; first-class. For particulars phone East 2J50. A LADY with a beautiful, home will rent room to a refined business woman, if necessary will board her, as I want com pany; husband travels; very reasonable terms ; 5 minutes ride from 5th and Washington. Phone East 4715. TWO large furnished rooms, each suitable for two, with board, in strictly private family; reasonable rates. 331 14th su Phone Main 8054. WANTED Lady roommate, desirable. Caa Rosa, 5th and Jefferson. Phone Main 1494. 833 MONTGOMERY ST. Several nicely fur nished roms. good board, modern, reason ab leMain6U7. SUITE of rooms with private bath, excel lent board, desirable location, reasonable. A 7230. 204 N. 2Hd; also single room. DESIRABLE room for S gentlemen, with choice board; in fine East Side home. Phone Sellwood 1739. NICELY furnished room, with board, for 2 gentlemen with home privileges. Main 86S. 464 Jefferson. LARGE comfortable room for 1 oi tlemen, with or without board. 888 Salmon st. 2 gen Call at ROOM and board in private family; furnace heat, good bath and best home cooking; 130 a month. 427 Montgomery, cor. 11th. ROOM and board in private family for re fined people; best German cocking; prices reasonable. 864 East Main st. WOULD like a little child to take care of; good home and mother's care. 355 E. Gll san. PhoneE.3381: CONGENIAL young lady employed can room and board with use of piano. Main 662ft. LARGE outside rooms with board, free bath and phone, $25 per month for party ot 2. 442 Jefferson at. 'CLEAN, well-furntehed room with home cooking, suitable for two. 432 3d, flat C. FIRST-CLASS room and board In private family. 545 Yamhill st. NEWLY furnished rooms with board, price reasonable. 505 E. Oak st. B 2619. FURNISHED rooms, running water, with board. 015 Morrison St. A 3328. ROOM and two meals, free bath and phone, for four people. Call East 6626. $22 Pleasant from room for two, $40; mod ern convenience 470 Main st. 653 WASHINGTON ST. Room and board for two gentlemen; rate reasonable. ROOMS with board. 695 East Taylor, cor. East 15th. Phone East 2006. Apartment. GRAND UNION HOTEL 387 H E. Burnside St. You spend one-third of your life in ba; why not have a good onef We have as good beds as there are in the citv. Steam-heated rooms, with hot and cold running water; rooms with private bath; rates from $2.50 to $8 per week; 10 minutes' walk from business center of city. Phone East 5940 and B 1275. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks south from Morrison st. ; new brick building, completely first-class; fur nished In 2, 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone. Jan itor service; rent very reagonao.-. ORDKRLEIGH APARTMENTS. Cor. Grand Ave. ana tarj u New fireproof brick building, beautifully furnished, two and three-room apart ments, private baths, wall beds, large clothes closets. Phone E. 300. THE HANTHORNB APARTMENTS, 251 12th, near Main; new 5-story brick, just finished; most complete 3-room apart ments in town; private exchange connect ing each apartment; private balcony for each apartment, APARTMENTS TO LET. 5-TOom, steam -heated, modern apartment-Janitor service. Apply Janitor, 325 Everett. v FTVE-ROOM apartments ; will be finished Dec 7; fireplace, heat and water; all light rooms; will furnish; reference re Qulred, Phone East 2871. 6T CROIX apartments, new, modern, brick building,' 170 St. Clair, near Washington; one front three-room apartment, furnished. Phone Main 547;A7511. BRYN MAW R. 185 East 15th, cor. Yam hill; 6-room apartments, heat, range, re frlgerator, porch and fireplace. KEW. 6-room, steam-heated apartment ; fine neighborhood. 2oth. between North rup snd Overton. Apply to Janitor. ONEONTA. " 187 17th st., near Yamhill; steam-heated, furnished apartments. room steam-heated, modern apartments. Janitor servioe. Apply Janitor, 672 Kear ney. BOZANTA Newly furnished 8 and 4-room apt,; private phones and strictly modern; 2SC1 near jounauu . BEST value In 6-room heated flat. 185 E- 15tn su. cor. i-moiiL WANT gentleman to share room and board in private family at S05 Holladay ave. MAJESTIC 390 Clay ; one choice apart.. 4 rooms and bath. Flats. Desirable, strictly modem 4-room flats, close in. 692 Salmon. Main 6603. 21 UPPER flat, furnished complete, 4 rooms and bath, gas range. 4G4 Larabes st. Phone East 1230- NEW 6-room flat, all modern conveniences, iq. m Amy, mm Phans "R 2006. FURNISHED flat for rent. $20. a8 Park street. Hoos-ke-eptog Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished for, housekeeping, gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free; H per month up; a clean place; best In the city for money! short distance from Union Depot. Take U" car or 16th cars north, get off at Marshall at. No dogs. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; S, 10 month; 8, $16. Front of cottage. 2 or I larire rooms, with porch. Apply 364 N 26th. West Side river. W car from de pot, 5th or Morrison to 26th. block north. $1 50 TO $2.50 WEEK; clean, furnished "housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath, phone, clean linen, heat. 406 Vancouve ave., and 203 1 Stanton; take U car. ' FINE DOWNTOWN HOME. "MILNER BLDG.. 3504 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. UNFURNISHED housekeeping-rooms. $1.01 per week; gas plate furnished. Belmont Apartments, 4-304 Belmont st. THE MARCELLUS, nice clean housekeeping suite, 249 Holladay, 2 blocks east of Steel bridge. -------- THE ELMS 2 and 3 -room apartments, fur nished. 191 14th st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new concreta bldg. Phone Woodiawn 2997 or 2379 Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. . COMFORTABLY furnished housekeeping i . . Tiirin Hl-tnru: rooms; bioui , - "- zzx bath, phono, laundry; $26. $20, $12. 653 rtisan bl. THREE nice furnished housekeeping rooms, down stairs; no children- 263 E. 33d iU near riawtnome. 2 CLEAN light furnished housekeeplni rooms; gas, bath; $12.50 month. 69 l-Tont. EAST SIDE Two housekeeping-roornsi strictly moflern; aauii 315 Cherry st. 118 FOUR nice, bright, conveniently fur nished housekeeping rooms; pantry, batn- i - iA- 1 AO Pnrtnr f . room, iirni. - ' THREE nicely furnished, bath, electricity, J15; aiso ivw j iwmo, 7. w-w -. --... FOUR newly furnished rooms, also light ho u se-K ee p i n g-rou m. av f CLEAN. light, well -furnished housekeeplnt rooms. 3y oin st. TWO modern housekeeping rooms; no ohll- dren. i" xain a-.. u" nn TWO housekeeplnw suites, bath, gas ohona. 225 11th su near Main, N V