2 TITE . MORXIXC OKEGONTAN, THL'KSDAT, XOYE3IBETC la," -10. QUAKER CITY IS TENER'S SAVIOR PENNSYLVANIA REPUBLI&AN ELECTED GOVERNOR AFTER . HARD FIGHT. Democratic Candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania Wins Rest of State. REPUBLICAN'S LEAD 20,000 r.rma Old Party losr Slightly In IrisUture Socialist Is Sent to Assembly SwrfHry Alo Ha. Big Plurality. PHILADELPHIA. frr. . TT.S plu rality of John K. Tener (Republican) for Governor mar be as low as 19,eo or even leas. Philadelphia save Teoer 4i.26 pluralltT- Philadelphia rote was needed by Tener to win. as Berry (Democrat) polled sufficient Inde pendent votes to carry the state out side of Philadelphia. Representative John M. Reynolds, (Republican) for Lieutenant-Governor, and Henry- Hauck (Republican) for elected by pluralities approximately j the same as Tenet's. The Republicans sustained a slight loss In the Legislature, but It strongly Republican. Socialists elected James H. Maurer to the Assembly from Berks County. BLTEK1DGES CHANCE GO.VE Democrats Control Indiana Lrgila lurr, Kern Indorsed. INDIANAPOLIS. Nov. 9. Senator Bueridge's hopes for another term at Washington went glimmering tonight when returns showed conclusively that the Democrats have elected the major It v of the Indiana Assembly. Accord ing to the latest figures, the Demo crats will have a majority on Joint ballot of SI. John W. Kern has been indorsed by the Democrats and In all probability will become the colleague of Senator Shively. also a Democrat. It Is con reded that the Democratic state ticket was elected by about 15.000. Of the 13 Indiana members in the National House of Representatives 1 will be Democrats, fedward D. Crum packer. of the Tenth District, being the only Republican elected. Senator Beverldge. who had hitherto refused to acknowledge his defeat, to day admitted the tide was against him. "Fortunes of war; It is all right; 13 years of hard work; clean record; I am content." bo said tonight. For the first time In 11 years the Democrats have control of every branch of the state government, the two Cnlted states Senators and all but one member of the Congressional delegation. Governor Marshall's term has two years to run. The programme of Demo cratlc legislation, as announced In the party's platform. Includes repeals of the county option law and the aubstitn tlon of a law providing for city, ward and rural township option units. REPCBLICAXS HAVE ALL IOWA Governor, Nine Representatives and Others Are in Lead. IES MOINES. Iowa, Nov. t. Returna from tl counties out of In this stats tonight show that the Republicans have elected nine Congressmen and the entire state ticket beaded by Governor Carroll. The latt.fs plurality proba bly will reach 15.000. The Democrats elected I. S. Pepper to Congress from the Second district, t'p to 1 o'clock tonight It was thought hat they bad also elected 1. D. Mur phy In the Fourth. At that hour, how ever, a dispatch was received from Mason City, saying that while returns were not yet all In, Congressmen Haughen. progressiva Republican, bad won by 10 votes. The vote on Carroll shows a Repub lican loss of about 45.000 votes com pared with the vote of two years ago. The Legislature la P.epubllcan with a majority of 0 on jBint ballot. The progressive Republicans say they will control the party caucus by 14 votes. If this proves true. It indicates that a man of the Cummins stamp will be rhosen to succeed tbe late (Senator Dolliver. DEPEW'S SUCCESSOR TALKED New York Senate) Democratic Prophets Forecast Change. NEW YORK. Nov. I. With a aafe Dem ocratic majority assured in the next State Legislature ahlca will select a United States Senator, political prophet are plckina a probable successor to (Jhauncey M. Depew. A I ready the names of four men in New Tork City have been advanced as having performed party services meriting this reward. They are W. F. heehan. ex Judge A. B. Parker. Edward M. FTiepard and John B. Stanch fie Id. Parker and Sheehan are law partners. Sheehan ex-Speaker of the House and former Lleutenant-tlovernor. Kdward M. Shepard of Brooklyn waa the Democratic candidate for Major of New York City In 1WT and a as one of the men mentioned for the Gubernatorial nomination at the Rochester convention. John R. PtanchfleM waa the Democratla nominee for Governor in 1900 and re reived the complimentarysnomlnatlon of Ms party for L'nlted Statea Senator in isu. . '- .' -. .' - ... . ; .- ' ' " ;. - - ,. '". I ?- - ' : - - , 1 ' ( . ' " r . . . . -.' ' ' ; : V . ' ...... '... -. j -.. ... . . . V ' " ' . . -J? '. - 'V y . . ' VV . . j - -v . ' ; . : . - - t . ' v - "i. '.-v ; . . . I N. . ' ' " "t t- ,v , - V ... ,s . -4. - ruf. ... v , ' - , , - . . v : . . . ; - ' - :- - :- v '. - J . , ' T . i - : . :. ; ..- 1 ' - ... ..... w . -f ' " JOH1T K. TENER. about 1300 over-Charles A. Goodwin, but the other state offices will bo filled by Republicans. The Democrats gained one Represen tative. Thomas L. Rellly, In the Second. The Legislature remains Republican, but by a decreased majority and the pre diction is made that ex-Governor Mc Lean will win the United States Senator shlp from Senator Bulkley, Republican. SOUTH DAKOTA REPUBLICAN Equal Suffrage and County Option Lone at Polls. PIERRE, P. D Nov. . The Republi can State and congressional tickbis were elected by a majority or from 10.000 tj 15.000. The Legislature Is almost unanimous ly Republican. Equal suffrage and county option were voted down. Lata returns today increased tne ma jority by which Governor Vessey and other candidates on the State and Con gressional tickets swept the stats. MINNESOTA ' IS REPUBLICAN- Eberhardt Carries Goplier .State by ' 60,000 Over Democrat. T PA1TL. Nov. t- Adolph O. Eber hardt. Republican, defeated James Grey. Democrat, for Governor, or an oio-umi majority of more than 60.000. For three successive eiecuona prior i thi. the late John A. Johnson, Demo crat, carried the stats by o verwhelmi ftg majorities. v ... The Legislature la itepnoiican ana j election as Probate Judge. Cutting, is one of the most popular members of the Cook County bar and earliest re turns showed he was making the strongest fight. Nebraska Elects Hitchcock. OMAHA. Neb- Nov. . Late tonight the World-Herald had gathered returna which give Hitchcock, for Congress, a clear majority in both houses of the Legislature. Of the total membership of the next Legislature, 92. including 32 Republl cans, have signed what is known as "Statement No. 1," which pledges the slarner to vote for the candidate reoelv tng a majority of the popular vote for United Statea Senator- Should all the Republicans who signed the statement add their strength to the Democratic. majority. Hitchcock will receive 10 out of 162 votes. Carey Seem Safa In Wyoming. CHETENNE. Wye. Nov. 9. Returns from yesterday's election in this state r still far from complete, but there seems to be no doubt of the election of ex-Cnited States Senator josepn si. rfWev. running as a Democrat, for Gov ernor. The count in in precmcis nni of 480 srlvea Carey fit. Mullln (Re publican) 1ZM. Mondell is re-elected to Congress by a largely decreased plurality. The Legislature Is probably Republican. Bourbons TCIn ; First Time In Tears KINGWOOD. W. Va.. Nov. . Preston County returned a Democratic plurality GOVERNORS OF 27 STATES CHOSEN TUESDAY A rommary of th. corn-st for Governorships la 2T states shows that It Re publicans and 13 Democrats woo. and on. atate, Idaho, la In doubt. Th. namea of th. successful candidates aad th.lr approximate pluralltlea in as follows: K1i. Democrats. Bepubllc"". Plurality. Plurality. . , . T .....SJ,00 New York. Dlx ......66.000 km antpsmrl 000 New Jeey. Wilson 80.000 R. Z4P. Connecticut. Baldwin 8.500 Kaaaaa. Stubbs A. 10.000 Ohio, Harmon 60.000 Michigan, Osborn M00 Oklahoma. Cruc. ilaaesola. Eberhart M.000 Colorada Shafroth Nebraska. Aldrlch B-000 Oregon. Wst South Dakota. Veasey 15.000 Wyoming. Carey COtORVDOS HE.VD DEIOCR-T Bourbon Chairman, Says All State Ticket Will Win. DtiNVER. Nov. 9. John F. Shafroth (Dero.) has been re-elected Governor of CVlorado by approximately 15.0UO plu rality. He has carried Denver Cteunty by at least lom atrd his party leadens say be baa also carried tha outside coun ties by at least tWO. Republlcan State Chairman McDonald conceded Shafroth"a election tonight, but claim the election of several of the Republican candidates on the state Bcket. Democratic Chairman Bradley asserts that tbe whole state ticket baa been successful. The proposal to submit a constitutional amendment for tnidatJv and referen tura beat carried two to on. BALDWIN ELECTED BY Connect lent Democrats Gain Gover nor and One Representative. NEW HAVES'. Conn, Nov. H, K. Baldwin. Democrat, was elected Gov anur oX Connecticut by a viaralils of of the Republican candidate lor -ou- gress have been eieciea. Hammond. Democrat. U the only one of that party to wu- KA-VSAS ALL KEPUBLICAX GoTcrnor Una BIr Lead and Other Candidates) Far Ahead. TOPEKA. Kan.. Nov. t. Governor Stubbs, Republican, tonight Is leading Oeorge H- Hodges, the DemocraUo candidate, for Governor, by 43S ma jority on returns practically complete from 3 of the 105 counties in the 'State. Stubbs" majority over Hodges probably will exceed 10.000. Detinue figures have not been re reived on the rest of the ticket, but the Republican candidates bava won by about 25.000. Burke, Democrat, Wina In Dakota. FARGO. N. P.. Nov. . According to returns received today, the Republicans have carried every office except that of Governor, although by greatly re duced majorities compared with two Y,mrs ago. The Republicans concede the election of Burke. Democrat. Hanna and Helgeson. Republican Congressmen, win by Jalg majorities. The Legislature Is overwhelmingly Republican. ' Arizona Fixes Salaries. PHOENIX. Aria, Nov. . The execu tive committee of the constitutional convention reported a substitute propo sition today providing for a system of state officers and salaries, the officers to be elected for terms of two years and the treasurer to be Ineligible for a second term. The elective ofllcers and their salaries are: Governor. 13000; Secretary of State. $000; Auditor. IJ500- Treasurer. 50; Attorney -Gen-,rai $js0; Superintendent of Public Instruction. $2500. The committee re ported In favor of abolishment of th fee system and the placing of all state and county officers on the salary basis. Republicans Save Cutting. CHICAGO. Nov. . Returns of ye'e . ...... . - .hwk Indicate that cnkiiru, of Cook County saved one candidate from the wreckage. He la Charles S. Cuiuaa caauaaa f - j yesterday, the first time sines the Civil War. William C. Brown, for Congress, in the Second District, carried it by 100. More than 0006f the (000 regis tered votes were cast. Texas Goes Strongly Democratic. DALLAS, Texas. Nov. 9. Colqulst Democrat, for Governor. received a majority of approximately 130.000. The Socialists polled about 5000 votes. The Legislature will decide whether or not a state-wide prohibition amendment hall ba submitted to the voters. Florida Gets Local Option. JACKSONVILLE. Fls Nov. . With over half the votes In, the local op tion lsts have a majority of 2841. Later returns probably will cut down the majority, but the state Is sure for local option. CM ITALIAN VERMOUTH The Standard of Quality the World Over In 1909 Over 64 Per Cent of All the . Vermouth Exported From Italy Waa CINZANO For 6ale by all high-class dealers. CHEMICALLY PROCESSED WATERPROOF OVERCOAT In other, words stylish, handsome Chesterfield Overcoats that keep out the rain and protect against the cold and possess a dressy ap pearance. A great va riety of patterns and styles to select from. OVERCOATS PRICED $20 to $75 CHESTERFIELD SUITS PRICED $20 to $50N DRESS SUITS AND DINNER SUITS $50 A pleasure to show really Tailored Clothes. . GRAY 273-275 Morrison at Fourth R.M BERGER IS Will First Social-Democrat Goes to Congress. VICTORY MOST NOTABLE Milwaukee Socialist Defeats Henry C. Cochens, of Wisconsin Univer sity Football Fame, La. Fol lette's Choice for. Honse. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Nov. . The Social-Democratic party appears to have achieved a notable victory yes terday by electing; Victor I Berger t represent the Fifth Wisconsin .District In the National Congress. Berrer. it the unofficial returns are correct, will have the distinction of be ing; the first Social-Democrat to sit in Consre ss. In addition to this, the party swept Milwaukee County, electing; Its county ticket from top to bottom by plurali ties raaslns; from 3000 to 7000. the latter being; attained by William A. Arnold, the candidate for Sheriff. Tpe vote for Governor In Milwaukee Coun ty was: Jacobs, Social-Democrat. 23.812; -Mc-Govera, Rep., 20.030; Schmitz, Dem., 16,896; Van Buren. 'Prohibitionist. 805. Added to this the Socialists elected IS members to the Legislature, one Senator and 12 Assemblymen from Mil waukee County. Bergrer was pitted agralnst Henry C. Cochems, an "Insurgent" Republican, and Joseph H. Carney, a Democrat. Berger's plurality, unofficially, Is esti mated at 288. Cochems is the young; man of university football fame, who placed United States Senator LaFol lette in nomination for President at the last Republican National conven tion. Mr. Bergen Kara out the following statement: "The United States of America now gets into line with all the other civ ilized nations of the world, and the working class of Milwaukee has the immortal honor of starting a new chap ter in American history. "The reason for this is obvious. The working classes of Milwaukee have been educated by a literature propa ganda of many years. They have been taught the cardinal trisjhs of Social ism, which is nothing more nor less than the political economy of the work ing class. Economic conditions, the trusts and the trust prices did the rest. The facta furnish examples of the theory we expounded. "I deeply feel the honor of having been selected as the first man to repre sent Social-Democracy in Congress, but I have espoused, which, after all, is the can only say that I shall give the best that is in me to the future, as I have in the past, to the great cause which I have espoused, which after all, la the cause of humanity." Put Your Savings Into DIAMONDS MnriAv niif intn Viiamnrifls is not 'l spent but invested it is by far the UCSL U1U OctlCSL JjaVCDU-UCiiL, VO CYClJf year values are increasingi no mat ter where you go, you can easily take them with you; in time of need there is no article that can be dis posed of to such good advantage as a diamond. It's a Fact We are selling more diamonds than any jeweler in the city. '"There must be a reason." Call and investigate our stock and prices will convince you it pays to buy diamonds from us. Credit to Reliable Parties . ' LARGEST DIAMOND M4STBR.QBS4PTs$MEN DEALERS CORBGQN 1 Jtf FmOUJ METALS -i 283 MORRISON nST. - CALIFORNIA -HOTELSand WINTER RESORTS 5S -aw WHERE SHALL I SPEND THE WINTER? VIEW THE SUBMARINE GAR DENS THROUGH GLASS BOTTOM BOATS THIS WINTER AT FAMOUS -SANTA and stay long enough to see the won derful SIGHTS. HER HOTELS Places. ARE GOOD, and her Winter weather is Reservations, III. Booklet, ete CARL STANLEY Msnftcar. .HOTEL VIRGINIA Long Beach California American plan. Cuisine the best. Perfect in every appointment. The cli mate of LONG BEACH In Winter is Ideal. Hundreds of bathers enjoy this sport daily. The golf links at Long Beach are famous the West over, and her roads for automobillng are always in perfect condition. But 30 mln. from Los Angeles and close to all historic ideal. NO MAINLAND FOGS. FROST IS UNKNOWN. ENJOY THIS MOUN TAIN COACHING. GOAT HUNTING, DEEP-SEA FISHING. PLAY GOLF ON THEjSPORTIEST GOLF LINKS IN THE av EST. BATHE IN THE CRYS TAL WATERS OF AVALON BAY. BOATING PERFECT. 111. Booklet. Write BANtffNG rnMDAWV r Electric Bid. -Ci!?r ' Los Aaa-elea. iSSi' T rf '4 . TS 3 'J ?: SAN DIEGO, CAI. TTur. Plan. Absolutely flrenroof. Concrete and steel. Over 50fc rooms. Turkish baths and large salt nlunees. Fine auto roads. Golf, boating, hunting, etc Ideal warm Winter climate. Bate Kl.RO dav nowarda. . H. Holmes, Mgr., formerly of Green, Pasadena. Hotel Metropole Santa Catalina Island. Eur. plan. Cuisine the best. Every ac commodation. Good hunting;, deep-sea fishing. Fine g-olf course. BOOKLET, BANNING CO, Pacific Electric Bids;, Los An teles. LONG BEACH SANITARIUM At the Gem Winter Sesort of the South west. Ixng Beach. CaJ. latest Battle Creek Sanitarium methods. Latest brick building. Strictly modern. Medical atten tion very best. Graduate nurses only. Ten nis, all outdoor amusements. Splendid golf course. Miles of fine auto roads and beau tiful streets. Horseback riding, driving, etc The Pacific Ocean but a few blocks from sanitarium, where Winter bathing la delightful. Moderate rates. Illustrated free booklet on request. W. RAT SIMPSON, Mgr. Lone Beach. Cat CALIFORNIA Is the place to visit. Orange groves in full bloom, tropical flowers, famous hotels, historic Old Missions, attractive watering places, delightful climate, making this favored section the Nation's most popular retreat. You can see this section at its best via the Shasta Route -ndMRow1,nouwld SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY ; Up-to-date trains, first-class in every respect, unexcelled dining car service, quick time and direct connections to all points south. SPECIAL ROUND TRIP RATE OF 55.00 Portland to Los Angele. and Return With corresponding low rates from all other sections of the North west. Liberal stop-overs in each direction and long limit. Inter esting and attractive literature on the various Tesorta and attrac tions of California can be had on application to any S. P. or 0. R. & N. Agent, or from t WE McMUEEAT, Gen, Pas. Agent, Portland, Oregon Is Free From Dirt Phone Marshall 2635, A 3887, or Order from yourdeaJcr to-day 133 Sixth Street Other Stores ta Dearer, Omaha, Kansas City, Salt Lake. The Nearest Store Is Your Store A LITTLE TALK ABOUT COST You say your eyesight is priceless. But there is no sense in need less expense. "With six stores operating in the chief trading centers of the West, with factories at each store and 150,000 regular patrons to depend upon, we do a volume of business that minimizes prices. System is a great conservator of time and time saves money. We conduct our stores as a big business enterprise. Our opticians have nothing to do but practice their profession no bills to worry over, no bookkeeping to do. We eliminate expense in clerical departments, but spare nothing in making our professional work as perfect as modern science and study can make it. t . In perfection, there comes the elimination of costly errors, which, eoupled with our big output, small clerical expense and marketing power, enables us to quote lower prices on better work than smaller firms with limited resources. MAKERS OF GENUINE KB.YPT0K LENSES t