HEILIG etTsusd Tayic 8 NTTHTS beginning TONflHT. SpeM-lal Frlr. Mstlnee Saturday. William Faversham In HI I..te.t P!T ureM. "THI WORLD AND HIS aVrwiirs.. $zeo. $l. 1.. 7S-. MJ?fe Matlnae. 41. BO. $1.00, 7 Sc. SOc 3JC -SEAT MLB TO BORROW - 4 1CTOHT-S. KJ'INNISa SI-NDAT. Iclii Prtce X.llo. DE WOLF HOPPER with toris drrssb. fa tr. !fcrt r.imlT -n.,tion -. uimrt IIHI- Fr.nlog. 110". 1.'V 8l-'T. prices. TJTBSWOl 1.50 3.00 4.00 Mall Orpra Filled To day lo OptM Btoaday. Famous Russian Dancers MLLE. PAYLOWA MORDKIN i-ni Raaalaa Ball.- aad Orchestra. Baker Tte2ter e-rt. Sat- Ma. aa Eva, Sot. IS. IS. u4 La( at 5 ATlrr.Ei Sl.OO 1.5 2.00 83.00 4 Lace Scat a l TtrR- Colombia Bids. Francis Richter FAREWELL BENEFIT RECITAL HeUig Theater Nov. 20, 2:30 P. M. BUNGALOW and Morrteoa- . . . . t . u.tinu Thumlll. AH IS cuu Th. Coml fm-r of ,h n' -Ol R SEW MINISTER." Py rweman THompaon and ?r' r. .w.i. Scenic "JSrVv $1 xaine. a.tc. ' . k rabhaaa Nut Week "Mra Un af the cabbage Patch." main- a. a torn iil . IB1J THEATER IS-W-SO-'Rt WEEK XOVEMBr.E 7 Th. Pll Mo.l'l Cn" NchMb.Hl. and UJrrd. .toe s iim lai kkaa ana iwir - : Sr...M.dle. I- Torl-l-. the Aa-rall-a A heelers, mint, ore-he-tra. LYRIC PORTLAND'S FAMILY TLAVIIOCbK ALL THI8 WEEK. "LA SOLITA" Gnunt Dancer of the An. with ARMSTRONG CO.. IN THE CIRL CADETS Two performance. Nightly: M etmee Tally. , A Wce-k Not. 7. 1910 Tho Mnral tilocktftutbo HLtV hlRBITk, NmwIkc III' Inrom orrbm.iMf Traaa f unn i. f ton . JOHN HH. .!. - AH A M1LLA.R Tbo S Colon'b'aaa tine. in iwir Mvlnl r'aataMna. MA Bit of IkroMiea C'blaa." Tom Mrt.alro. Soyaiour A Rohlnaoaj. CRANDAMOI'E. Iiiiim E'.ry Day. V: any iftl l (.nln( P.rfnrninc.o at T:o aod :ll D.ULt METEOKOLOtUCAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Or.. No. S Maximum t.mprr.tura. ST d'ltroaa: minimum. 43 do ttrm. KiTar rooding. A. a! . S.T feat; rhana". In laat 34 hourv 0.4 fort. Total rainfall S P. M. to 5 P. M.l. LOS : total rnt.U mine. Saptambrr 1. 1010. 7.17 Inrhea. normal rainfall ainco 6.pt.nbr 1. 7X1 IncbM: drflclrnn' of rainfall .Ineo rpl. t. lIO. .1 Inchra. Total aun.hlno O houra 0 mlnut..; aoaalblo aumblne, hoara 4'J mlnutr. llarom.tr reduced to Kl l.v.ll at ft P. it-. - Inchaa. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A norm of marked energy made Ita appranca off tbo Waohlna-ton Coaat thU morn in and atorm warnln(a waro orrtm-od di.play.4 at 70 A. M. at Plalna. Ballln(bam and Anacorteo and at lrt:;o A. 94. tbo warnlna wera extended lo all at.tlona In Oreaon and Waahinaton. Th. followtnt maximum wind volocitlea have o.-1-urre.i durinc the day: North ll.ad. !I mliea. axutheaau and Tatooah Uland. 6 mile, northeant. Heavy ralna have fallen In th. Wlllametta Valley and alon tho W'.alitnaton Coaat and moderate ralna b.vo fallen .laewhero throuchout tho Nortb Pa ctfie St.na. omcopt In tioutbea.tem Idaho, whero tho weather la threatening-, but no prorlpttatlon had fallen up to 6:0O P. M. In tho Mluourl and Upper MlaeUalppl Val term It 1. much cooler, but In both the Pa rlfir and tho Atlantic State, mild tempera turea pre.aiL The eondltlona aro favorable for rain la thla dlatrlct Thuroday with high aouthcrly wlnda. which later will ah I ft to oouthweet rly. FORECASTS. . Portland and lclnltr Thuraday, rain with blgb aoutharly wlnda dlmtnUhlng dur ln. th. mrtirneoa or Bight. Oreson Tburaday. rain: high aoatbarly wlnJa. dlrolnJehtng woat portion durlcg Uia arr.rnoon or nlcbt. Waahlngtoa Tburaday. rata, high oonta- . . aitrtiT-. t uuth.Mt wlnda Idaho Tburaday. rain. Increasing aovtb- orlr wlnda. Note Tho heavy ralna win eauae a marked rlao In tho Willamette River dur ing tho next four dnya Should thero bo a danger of a flooL wamtnga of tho ex pected height will bo laaued at tho earlleet poovtblo moment. ynWAPTV A. TKT. r!tTit-t Treraater ACCTION SALF4 TOD AT. At Baker. Auct'on House. HZ Park at. Furnltt.ro. ote. tal. at 10 o'clock. Geo. p.v.r A r-o.. Atictloreerm. PFARSON In an Franclaeo Noverpber K Timothy Pearaon. agd 71 yeara I month and 1 dava Funeral notlca later. mtEBAL NOTICES. KAI'FMAN In thla ry. Nov. , lPtO. rdna Kaufman. Beloved daughter of Mr, t'lar. Kaufman and al.ier of Leonard Kaufman. Funeral private. Plwaa omit tU.were. IONKETH FLOK.AL CO. MAKvfCAM BUKi, LAK-L 1IEMUMI. Mala ia iiw. MaalBar m JaEatee, taaerai utxortora. Tth aad Ptoa. l'kusio Main eso. utnre ot tsasi KPWARD BOLMAN CO, Faaoral Wrt ra. rz d at. Lady a4ataBC fhooe 34. AQ7. 1. w. FIN LEX a SON. Sd aad Madlaaov La ay atteodant. pbooo Mala S, A LHW. E-ASI SLUE Faoiral Dtrvrtors, tirtlliin Ij V. S. Donning. Inc. E. At. B titi. EairiON' CO-rBdrrtaaore lady aeawa ant. 4QS Alder.. M. 41X4. A rTXA. M.I UkVBlkNEs CO., Paaeral IMrrara, ftS4 mmama sri both pawi lady at. LJuKCll. r4taiw. aor. Eaaf Alder aa4 .-V r MATH Us. Mm .a, at issa. MiULIO XOTICIA. OREGON COKMA5DE1IT. Sa L K. T 6tated conclave ihla evening at 7:SO. Visiting Bit Knights eour.uly Inrliaa, W. a. MALtttM, KKrvw COLOMBIA LODGE. NO. 114. A. r. AND A. M. pclal Com munKatloa thla i Thursday alan ine at 7 30 o'clock. Muonla Tim. p.c Work In th. M. M. dasroa. "Ultlna brathrvn vtloomf. Br order W. at. . SocrotaiT- Mrs-ERVA LODGE. NO. IS. X. O. O. F. Renulax mnltii thta (Thurlay nla a 7 ao o'clock, iiocoad dr. l!trra w.l mn. E- FRe.T. goo. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES bum ad two mnt um ad tliroo .o.i aojno ad lx or ima rorUacaMit. aad a. ad owialod 'c oao "bil". au.otloanrat la aoi ra imbiM ailo tiam ta. wcUa rato aapuoa. oZ coaTio of book rbaxn wUl bo a a.. J Of lla. wooartaa k lj tao aauDtf .( oiorda im rbarsad T tecu. laa aboTO ratoa aooly i , Tdiy aod Uoo. ncpUna ti tiio-las Bltaauoao M aalod. Maia BUualtoaa aatod. . oaaala. So WM. Boon). 1-rlr.l. Faadtloa. Kmb. aod Houi rrl.to ramlUoa. Tboraio wTttoo aom claillWaltona la aauu a Uae oacb IsoerUoa. j. aw box .Hloo Bdaroaa la FoauhooV aaa niuUl lorm i.aa. aad coaat Una ao aart .(lit ad. to adTOrttaaoaaaia wUl So lorwordd to patroo PTO.Idcd alla gj oBTOlopro aro tacloMd. 11 in bt otiaor toloDboa. ba roar boooa aro wUl aoorpt your ad otot tbo aaoaa aad MM TOM tDO UW UJL ' ut Ad. up. auua n ii Uuii aad 1 ad' ao aocrpiod aar too aaoaa. fcrrora aa aaora ra.Hr aaado la talrpboolaft ad.ortlao. Batata, tliorafora Tbo Urrsoalua will Bat bold ltrt rpoolblo fur o-h arrara. TO orTr-TOHT PATRON Tbo Oro aonlaa will rmln oo or By oi.ll. prooldod aufflclMt romlllaaco fur a oVtlnito aambo sf Uaova la arau AekaowMoaasicat of oaoa romlttaaoa will bo forwarded proonpUy. OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH OrllCK. CTTT HAIX MAIN ft8. A TOSS. BXaLANR Ot'KICER. BASf 4TTS VEW TOD AT. $2500 . IRVINGTON 50x100 Dandy, fine lot in the best part of Irvinpon. A snap, t-S KEASLY nUHASONJEFFERY " 232 Chamber of Commercs. C Don't let this go by with out investigation. FRUIT LAND S25 PER ACRE 160 acres in .Klickitat County, close to railway sta tion and located in the heart of the fruit belt. It will pay you to hurry and mvesti pate. For further informa tion call or address C. P. WELLS 414-15 Lewis Bldg. Fourth and Oak Sts. 257 ACRES on fine county road. 18 mlle from Portland. In the Tualatin Valley. Excellent poll, no rock or gravel, 160 acres In hlRh etate of cultivation. 19 acres genuine beaverdam land, rais ing thla year 80.61o lbs. per acre: S acres In orchard, mostly apples, about 12 years old and In (rood con dition. Good 8 - room houeie 'with bath and pantry, fine barns and other outbuildings. All implements and stock, consisting of 4 horses and 25 A-Xo. 1 milch cows and a registered bull, ko a-1th the place. A beautiful place In good location, and a money maker. Price 131.000, terms. Kaufiinan & Moore 32S Lumber Exchangro. 450 ACRES 410 in high state of cultivation, prune and apple orchard bearing; new house, furnace heat, hot and cold water throughout, bath, modern as city home; fine barn and outbuildings. This is the finest farm In the etate; 30 miles from Portland, near Ky. and town. Thia is a purchase. . 1400 acres, all cleared. Jtt miles from good town on main line of Ry.; all fine fruit land, ripe for subdividing. Price. $55. 80 acres on new ML Hood electric line on Sandy Road. Thla is a fine tract Very cheap. CEO, XOHTHR1P at CO, all Spalding; Bldg, City. Irvington Home Fnrnlshed or unfurnished, parlor, liv ing room, music room, dining-room, kit chen, sewing-room and bedrooms: large veranda and aleeping-porch: fur nace, fireplace, cement basement walks and Improved streets. Lot 100x100, bearing fruit tree, shrubbery, etc. Inquire owner. 778 Wasco St, Phone East 8056. PIEDMONT New eight-room house, never occu pied, all modern, designed conveniently, well built. A good buy at the price. $000. MEACHAXTS S tVIKGS TRUST tOMPA.W. 8. MT. ter th aad Wasslsglas Itreela. MORTGAGE LOANS 5tf On Central Business Property. EDWARD E. UOrDET, Le-vrta Bide- We buy and sell FARM LAND A5D TIMBER Nothlnr too large. (i. NORTHRI P- 4k t O. 411 Spalding Bids, City. ratLaM. ......la Usmo COIITO tim . . . .. linn il l i daa..M mci Una. aal. 14 " ta taa to adVoTtiaaajaala all otaoa alanlflna THE aroiCTTTO OREGOXIAy, THURSDAY, XOVEMBEB 10, 1910 F. T HJUA l I I r . I Buslaeta FrODertY. I - , WILLALITAN PARK "Portland's Most Scenic Acreage." ONE BEST BUY. Xever again will there be acreage on the "West Side, as close in as AVillalitan Park, put on the market at such a low price. $400 UP PER ACRE 10 Per Cent Down; 2 Per Cent Per Month. This is an ideal building site. Building restrictions $2500. Call and make an ap pointment to go out in our automobile. Shepard, Mills & Rogers West Side Home Nob Hill District In averv resnect. billiard and servant's room upper floor, 4 bedrooms. Sleeping-porch, separate bath and toilet, second floor; large reception hall. living-room with nrepiace. dining room, kitchen, doable pantry, first fin.- ...ii Am.t Ka.am.nt. furnace. etc.; Jot 50x100. This Is one of the most attractive homes in this district- Price and terms upon application. East Side Homes Irvington District Modern residence, Kast Eighth street near Knott. 8 rooms and sleeplng- fiorch, furnace, fixtures, shades, etc all n; street and sewer assessments all paid. PTlce 16000; only 1000 cash, bal ance monthly. Another like above excepting sleep ing-porch, I57u; only tisu caaa, dbi- snca mommy. SmithS Everett FAILING BriLDING. 40 Acres OW POWELL. VALLEY ROAD, H4 Tnllea nntalrla ritv limits. If YOU know A bargain when you see it you will In vestigate. Only 97 OO Per Acre Northern Trust Co. 2TO Stark St. ' LADD ADDITION SWELL HOME Vow strictly modern .-room house with all latest Improvements, furnace. fireplace, den, sleeping-porch, break .....room huiir-tn bookcases and bur- f.f In fj.t nnthlnar missing which makes a complete home, on an 80-foot street with all street Improvements in and paid, price only itxow; nooui casn, oaianco term.. GRUSSI iTzADOW 817 Board of Trade nldg- 4th aad Past. 5 -Year Lease New 5-story brick hotel building with ,17 .oom. .na 7 stores. Will lease en tire building at reasonable renL Good business location. A. H. BIHREIiL CO, McKay Building. Third and Stark Sta. Farm for Exchange A good one. 18 miles from Portland, on splendid road, five-sixths in culti vation, splendid soli, 'fine Improve ments, plenty irun. a"o"" V""""" grove, etc mile from town, will ex change for city property or fuel tim ber land at actual value. GRUSSI & ZADOW 31T Board of Trade Bldg, 4th aad Oafc. TRACKAGE) 888 feet on O. R. a N. 200 feet deep. S 12.1SOO. 861 feet on O. R. & N, 205 feet deep. 89000. 100 feet on O. R. & N. 205 feet deep. S2500. TKRM& OREXiON IXVESTMEVT CO, BUS Couch Building. NOB HILL The cheapest 8-room houses offered In this district Prices from 86.00 to 87500. Good rental property, fair In come. MERCHANTS A VIVOS TRUST COMPANY. S. W. ear. th aod Waahlaartoa gfree-fo. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowrot roteo aad terms aultt .. rial ratea and favorable terms aa larce .aaa baalaeaa properties. Kaads Loaned for Prlvato Investor. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 303 McKay Bldg, 841 a Stark. UNION AVENUE $13,500 TAKES n,. finest CL W. business corner be tween Burnslde and Alberta sts, lOOx 100 feet; $20,000 won't touch this cor ner two years from now. Now is your great chance to lay in a fortune. J. D. Keaaedy, 836 Vnloa Avenue. Union Avenue Snap S5000 Full business lot worth 85000. house thereon worth $2000; room for store and apartment besides; In the heart of business; all for $5000: improvements bonded. J. Ij. Keaaedy, 838 Ualoa A venae. IT l VP" -voir CASHt A brand new 5-room cottaa-e in good i..iin. ..Mil v worth $2.00. ine plumbing. iutch kitchen, built-in china closet, gas and electricity. a suro money-maker. Only 82000. McKay BaUdlag, Tblrd aad Stark Sta. . . WW, f REAL FTATK. 1 ESTATE. 1 "I"- 1 For Sale -OR- Exchange For land near city 2 houses, 6 lots, all in Broadway Addition, 29th and Halsey st. H. GORDON, Owner. 210 Henry Bldg. SEAL BSTATB DEALERS. Bock. William Q 313 Falling blag. Blrr.IL A. M. m, io-. -iw ; ..tat, inauranee, mortgages, loan, eta Bru baker as Banadict. SOS McKay bide. X. o4R Cbapta a Harlow, S3S Chamber commoroo. Cook. B. B. a Co. SOs Corbett bids. Jannlnga a Co, Main 18s. 304 oroconiaa.. PALUER-JONES CO, H. P, SIS Conjuaof- dai Ciuo a:og. . ScriaJk, Qao. D, 128 Stark at. Maw m A itax. Tbo Oregoa Real Estate CO.. Grand ava, and Multnomah su (Holiaaay Aoaiuo- U. E. Thompson Co.. cor. 4th and oak sta REAL ESTATE. For bale Lota. 11SOO.00. WILL. SELL 100x100 with cement walks and curbs, water In front of each lot and pair; one block to Mount Hood boulevard, near Division, and Thiamin the cheapest lot In this district. Will ahow any day. Sao HOLXJSTER REALTT CO.. 803 Concord Bldg. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS NEAR FORD ST. BRIDUE. 60x119; short walk to business center, beautiful unobstructed view of city, moun tains and canyon: will doable in value In year. Only 43600: easy terms; reduc tion for caab. Greatest bargain In city. Main 3551LA 8S39. . Walking Distance Only $1000 Terms. Opportunity for home or Investment. Beautiful 60x100 lot. all street Improve ments In and paid, near Ladd a Addition, terrlao sacrlfloo. Particulars from C. I Bamberger, room 2 Lumbermen" blag. Main 24f, A 24S. . IRVINGTON. ' S1ROA vv.Am.r lot fiOxlOO. Others in i ii... ..bin. S200O for earners and 81750 for Inside. Wo think thU price, on.ht to find buyer, don't your ma phone calls on this. HAAS A RINGLER. 211 Lewis Bldg. evip 100x100 corner on East 87th, S blocks from earllne. south of Gladatono ave.; ce ment aldewalka In: price only S90O, 5O0 caan; a Dig Dargain. KATTFFMANN a MOORE, 825 Lumber Exchange. aa PVR rirvT DISCOUNT. IRVINQTON corner, 100x100. on Stan ton St., 3 blocks from Irvlngton earllne: 82600, 8150 cash; this Is $1000 below market and is one of the nicest corners on this street. . A. BACKUS. 819 Board of Trade Bldg. XOU San buy a lot near Roao City Para for 4423: graded atreeta. otmeni miaw w.llc. .no i-urha. Sull Run water. Ol- i.i.nhmi. hutldlna- reetiictlona Provident Inv. A Truatao Co, 534-o2 Board of Trade hldg. Hlgb-grade Irvlngton bungalow built to your order. Larger bouse on similar '""IdWIK HOOKER COMPANY, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE One of the finest lot. In Laurel hurat: a bargain. F. J. Rosenberg. 6- Lurobermans bldg. ABOUT 18,000 square feet. near Council Crest: aurjerb view: will cot into 4 fine i,a. -Re. .m.ll Investment Portland: 130O cash handles It: balance easv. Paul T. Gadsden. 208 13th tt, T2Si. . nowA-r (nrRirirE. Slqulty In 10 of the beat located lots Ih Laurelhurst for sale or trade at a sacrifice. For profitable borne building these lota are the beat In tno tract. AL B01. Oregonlan. I.AITREI.H1TRST. Must sacrifice my equity to meet other obligations; location one block . from car , , t u H ,1 r..M. nr.: one of the finest lots In this beautiful addition. W 4B8. Oregonlan. r.m-n AVE.. 86700. tee,.. eloM-ln comer lot suitable for apartmenta: preaent rent S40: a snap for nulck sale. Vanduya a Walton, 515 Chamber -Commerce. t (vtb pirn "r. v i on xisno. In Montavllla. 3 blocka from Mt. Hood Electric Do you reallie that this means llll for $0x100 7 Term. Fred W. Ger man. 3'J Burnald. M. 2778. iits PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $3500. Walking distance Ford-at. Drive; easily worth double price asked: don't wonder; Investigate. Fred W. German, 829 Burn- side. M. Z7IO. . v-r. urmHTS FORCED SALE. 7Stl00 corner, beat realdence a part of u.i.hta: two blocks car; trcitrovements n. K..ifiil .lew of cltv and mountalna owner must realise. Main S551; A SS39. FOR SALE As I am leaving the city, will sell Deiow cu.i.j o. t - , . . ' - in Overlook; $250 cash needed. Phone Woodlawn 2U2. TOO can buy a lot near Roaa City Park for iOOO $25 down and 810 montniy; graoeo street, cemeut sidewalks. Bull Rua water. 624-52G Soard ot iraae niag. V ACRE, $10 down and balance easy. 8350 to $500: near Mount Scott to car; city -water and street graded. HIOLEY A BISHOP. 18$ Id St. TWELFTH-STREET SNAP. 100x100. with good ll-room bouse, as a whole or might divide; good term. Van- duyn & Walton. Pin cnamoer commerce. -Mv- in., tm vour aaln: 1 must have money. therefore will aacrlflce my $460 equity In a laurelhurst lot for $2.0 cash. B 498, Oregonlan. . ' Tvnwv. IK ner month, beautiful lot. blocks Mount Scott (c car; city water street gradea. . HIGLEY A BISHOP. 182 8d St. nnsE PITY PARK LOTS. Muat have caab and will sacrifice three dandy lota direct liwa m owner, er .. Oregonlan. v mr:iTV on two West 81do lots for few days: $75 each. C C Shaw. 42u Lumber men bldg. IRVINGTON PARK, 75x100: a beautiful lot. 8 blocks of car: $700. easy term. 403 Coucn oiag. BEAUTIFUL view Iota on Rose City car, $17$ cash only. Smith a Craft, owner. 4U Couch bldg. Main 4518. 16TH AND Clackamas. 100x100 corn en sao rlfica. C L. Bamberger, room 2 Lumber mens bldg. Main 2488. A 248S. $17$ EQUITY In $300 view lot. Rose City car; sacrifice for Immediate cash. J 466, Oregonlan. WILL sacrifice my equity In Laurelhurst lot. Owner, 204 Chamber of Commerce bldg; . 9 LOTS 50x100, on 5-cent earllne; right at station: bargain. P. O- box 44L CHOICE lota Rosa City car, 8160, terms. 614 Conch bldg. . 14 BEAUTIFUL view lots at a snap for cash, j 467. Oregonlan. $150 EQUITY In two $200 lot; will trade. ' Main 65-S. Smith a Craft. 411 Couch. For Sale Houses. NICE 6-room modern house Including fur nace and full cement basement, all kinds of fruit snd shrubbery. 1 block from Al berta earllne: lot 80x100, on corner; rent 's per month. David Lewi, room 3, T.Mmbermens bldg.. tth and Stark. TTT rr.AST modern 11-room house. No. 603 ladd ave.. for ale by owner; 20 minuter walk to Postoffice; price $8500. part cash, easy terms on balance. Phone Tabor S31S. ' "re.. Dr. L C. Sutton, Arleta station, Portland. Or. iiiiA PASH and $15 per month: a complete mod. B-room bungalow, full basement. baS! toilet. $ ctoaete. 30 minute, out on Mount Scott. 5c cr; only $10; 4 per CnHIGLEb"BISH,OPiASJ3d 8t, rIFvrjALOW. new,"MollDt Scotfllne. $1000: anvlhlng down and $10 month; worth much more. Owner, 615 Board of Trade. i-sTt-lNISHED 5-room bouse, li block from earllne: $225 down: bal. $15 per month. Tel-Phone Woodl.wn 2674. iiTAiTTIFUL 6-room bungalow close to car; BEALIlf jui. ... chamber of Com- lV. or phone T.bor 2582. ?no ml K by owner, the handsomest 8-room FbouleVn irvlngton. 486 E. 20th st, N. Call nd see it- rn. rale New. modern houaea In Irvlng- r9!iSA B. Rice. Both phones. 82200 OO: Tnodern fno0' $lof down. buy. a n.w 5-room. MM at 1"M Arnold St.. near 87th. VbdoM house, lot 50xl0. also furniture for l-ROU. :n T.nlno .v... Sellwood. 1 j. cheap. 11 Ttaino ava. Sellwood. HOMES. NOB HILL. $9500 8 rooms, modern, beautiful sur roundings, faces east on 24th St.. in the center of the most exclusive West Side residence district; 4 bed room on Jna floor and servant's room finished in attic. This Is a bargain at tho price. $9500. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. $RS00 An attractive 8-room modern house with view of mountain, river and city; large verandas and sleeping porch; garage; on paved street; 1 block from car Una, IRVINGTON. $7500 New. modern and complete home In best portion of Irvlngton; not built to aell: owner leaving city and will sacrifice; 8 rooms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg, Phones: Main 8699: A 2653. CHOICE SELECTION OF HOMES. $9250 7 -room modern bouse, on E. Mor rison street: $3000 will bandle It. $3250 8-room modern house on Corbett $4000 Nice 6-room modern house, lot 50 X200. barn, all kinds of fruit, on Bt. Johns earllne; $1000 will handle S3SO0 5-room modern house on Corbett S3S00 7-room modern house, full lot. Wa- verelelgh-Rlchmond car. $3500 6-room modern bungalow, full lot, on corner opposite Piedmont; $1000 will handle It. 8250O 5-room modern houae on Firet st, OTTO a HARKSON REALTY CO, 133 n First street. $3730 ROSE CITY PARK HOME. EASY TERMS $700 down will handle this home. This Is a well-built bouse, faces east on 49th street and near the car. 5 rooms all -on one floor. large attic all floored and with lots of windows, fine for sleeping room. 8-foot basement with laundry tubs; every room Is tinted and have polished floor. We want yon to see this borne. Ready to move In. HART MAN A THOMPSON, Real Estate Dept, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Exchange 20, A 2050. NEW, SEVEN ROOMS. For $3200; more than $900 under actual coot; when we say $900 under actual cost we can PROVE the assertion to your aat lsf action; thia bouse bas full concrete basement, furnace, laundry, best plumb ing. In fact EVERYTHING that goes to make up a modern and up-to-date home; never been lived In; east frontage, two blocks from car. in restricted addition. THERE IS NOT A HOME BUY IN PORTLAND WITHIN $500 AS CHEAP AS THIS ONE. LOT 50x100. WITH STREET IMPROVEMENTS IN. HERBERT W. BIRD. 809 LEWIS BLDG. . ALBINA AVE. HOME. Very swell six-room, two-story house, with all the latest Improvements, built in ln.... hnnbr-nu. flmnlace. C tC. . on corner lot 60x100. some fruit and shade trees, on Albina ave.. price $5200; $1500 cash and $25 per month, or 100x100 with same house ana extra good 4-room cottage for $7700; you must see thla property to see now gooa it is; iet us eaow j GRUSSI & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. $1000 CASH. LAURELHURST PALACE HOME ON EASY PAYMENTS. Eight beautiful rooms, large lot. solid hardwood floor, built-in buffet and book tales, concrete basement, laundry tuba, fireplace, furnace, acreen and Bleeping porches, etc. National Realty a Trust Co, 826 H Wash, st.. room ei- FOR SALE HOUSES. $2100 GENUINE SNAP. K-w.nM !,..., mnm lot 33 1 -S XlOO some fruit: $250 down. balance $20 month. Be sure and see this place. $2650. 6-room modern house on corner; a very pretty home. Don't buy until you seo thla $500 down, balance to suit. CLARK REALTY CO, 828 Henry bldg. INf-OMB 820 A MO. PAYMENT $25. Nice 8-room modern home: Hawthorne Addition, near care; lot 76x100; a 2-room hA...a on y r of th. lot: the owner will rent the 2-room house and 4 rooms of the larger house from the buyer at $29 a month If the buyer desires It; the price is $4200, the terms are $1500 down and t 1 ..... c. TT a. Chandler Real Estate Co.. 610 Lumbermens bldg, 5th and S tark sts. Main BY aa. $300 CASH BUYS HOME. 42D ST., iarsf irRTr.. T rooms, lot 50x100. Improvements In and paid: private gas plant, built-in buffet and book case, pass pantry, fireplace and furnace, laundry trays, bath. etc. National Realty a Trust Co, 326 Wash, st. room 516. SIX-KOOH resl bungalow: see cut in last . Sunday's Oregonlan claasifled advertise ment, page l too a.asi oiio OWTTT.T. TlTTNnATXW. Very swell 7-room bungalow, with all latest Improvements, fireplace, finished floors, etc; on a lot 50x100, Improved st, cement sidewalk; East 2&th St., near Mor rison: fine location: price $5750; some terms. GRUSSI A ZADOW. S17 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. ptrnildNT HOVE. Do you want a fine modern home 7 Fur nace, hardwood floors; In fact strictly up to date 7-room home; beautiful lawn; lot 75x100; 1 block earllne; $5500, $800 cash: if you are looking for a home, call and " DUBOIS a CROCKETT, Washington Bldg; TRVTNOTON. Handsome residence with beautiful .rounds, consisting of six full lots; near car line; in the heart or irvlngton. 825.000. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones: Main 6699; A 2653. Price THIS HOUjSE COST To build 83470. Lot valued at $850. It la new and modern and in West Portland. Only $3300. A snap tSOO cash A snap. NORTHERN TRUST CO.. 270 Stark St. $300 BUYS ROSE CITY PARK $ rooms, basement, lot 80x100, Improve ments In and paid; fireplace, Dutch kitchen, bath, etc; price $3660; terms $300 cash. $16 per month. National Realty a Truat Co, 326 Wash, st, room sis. CTTJTCVKTTra HOME 10-room modern house on corner lot 50 XlOO ft, on E. 29th and Belmont sts., will bring a good Income and la future busi- ness property, t-nce .ovw. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO, 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg., Phones: Main 8699; A 2653. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Sacrifice this week of 7-room bouse and BOxlOO lot; unobstructed view: value, $7000. this week for $6000; only $2000 cash; adjoining view lot for $3000; cash, $1500. Phone owner, Main 4428. Also will trade for bungalow In Irvlngton of T rooms. BEAUTIFUL five-room bungalow, x block to canine, iu j-'"- --- . --' walk street improvements all In and paid for- Dutch kitchen, built-in bookcases and buffet, hard-wood floors, open plumbing; built by owner for own use; $5500, easy terma Apply 5Q3 Oregonlan bldg. BUNGALOW $2900. 5-room modern home on E. Everett st, 1 block from E. Ankeny St. earllne. Price S2900. Terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg, Phones: Main 8699: A 2653. WEST SIDE HOUSE. Good 8-room house on Porter st, on cor lot 50x100. walking distance; price only $2500. half cash: a snap, oniy j.ggj & ZAD0W. 317 Board of Trade Bldg, 4th and Oak. EAST SIDE home, modern in every respect. Improvements all In and paid for; East 8th st, near Knott; $5750, mall pay ment required. SMITH & EVERETT. Failing Bldg. ELEGANT BUY. $4250. 50x100 on corner of Hawthorne and 42d at Improved with a 6-room modern bun raiow room for 2 stores. David Lewi, room 2, Lumbermen, bldg, 5th and Btark. IRVINGTON Call and aee for yourself. 483 East 17th at. North. If Interested, phone East 894- Will consider lots or close-in acreage In trade. Price reasonable. AT a sacrifice for quick sale, new 6-room bungalow; everything modern and up to date. $1400 cash required. Call owner. p ion. : FOR SALF. 100x10a. modern l-room house. East Couch at, Montavllla; terma Ap ply Laue-Davla Durg Co. (-ROOM plastered house. $100 down: price $1350. easy terms: close in. H. A. Chand ler 610 Lumbermens bldg. JUST think. 8-room house, lot 25x100. close iS on West Side, for $1800 cash, balance of 82O0O to ult- Call 673 M Glea.-a.Ti et. 2700 l-ROOM house, lot 50x100. nearTiigh and grammar school. 2 blocka to car. Sea owner, 1207 Maryland ave. WEST SIDE. QXVARTER BLOCK. YAMHILL ST.. CLOSE TO HOTEL PORTLAND. AT A VERY LOW PRICE FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. PRICE AND TERMS APPLY EDWIN HOOKER COMPANY. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. FOR SALE 1-story store Duildlng and full lot on East 28th St.; terms. Apply Lauo Davl Drug Co. TAYLOR'S SPECIALS IN ACREAGE, ---acre tracts, excellent soil, 30 bearing fruit trees on a tract. 5c car fare; terms small amount cash, balance monthly. 2 H -acre tracts, under high state of cul tivation, drainage good, soil the best, llo car fare; price reasonable; terms 10 per cent cash, balance 2 per cent monthly. 5 and 10-acre tracts, within !6 miles of Tortland; near good electric line; soil red shot, volcanic ash. and bottom land; you can't find better apple land, garden land, or anything you want in the state than this; we can sell this land at $10 down and 810 per month on a 6-acre traot; no taxes or interest. How does that sound? 5 and 10-acre tracts, all set to a com mercial variety of apples, within 25 miles from Portland, with 24 electric trains daily. If you dealre we will arrange to have this taken care of for 5 year, and then the price will still be far below any thing on the market along this line. The price Is certainly right. Come In. It will Interest you and ou can arrange your own terms. Our acreage propositions 'will interest you. as they are right. We have several large propositions for platting, If you are looking for something along this line. F. E. TAYLOR & CO, 403-403 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Sts. 50 ACRES, on Electrlo Line. Close In. 50 acres, partially timbered, estimated at 10,000 cord of wood. This wood can be out and delivered under contract. In Portland, at $2.46 per cord. A profit of $20,000 ahould be made upon the cord wood on this place so close to Portland. After the timber is cut this tract can be subdivided into 1. 2 and 3-acre tracts and sold for $300 to $500 per acre. This is a snap at -$200 per acre, one-fourth cash, balance easy terms. 80 ACRES, $2500. 80 acres. 15 miles from business center of Portland: rich, deep soil, level, cloee to country town, near electrlo line, prac tically all cleared. Is an exceedingly fine place. $125 per acre, $2500 cash, balance ' easy terms. M. E. THOMPSON CO, Henry bldg, cor. 4th and Oak sts. Phones Main 6084. A 3327. IF you are Interested in a home it would pay you to see tne ueiumui r... 'vwl fruit and garden tracts: we will have the grand opening next Sunday: will give free transportation, free lunch on the ground, these lands are the best fruit and garden lands, with mountain view, no stumps, no gravel. In ten minutes" walk from sta tion, on the O. W. P. earllne; these tracts are excelled by none and the prices are right; $175 and up. terms easy, with small cash payment down: you can have ten year to pay tho balance If you want it. If thla appeals to you, see us by Sat urday. Nov. 12, and arrange with u to see the land; it costs you nothing; we pay the expense; come early, as wo have 0npORTLANDRBALTT EXCHANGE Main 6922. A 5743. 810 Spalding Bldg. CLARNIB HEIGHTS ACRE TRACTS. Located on Buckley avenue and Sandy road: the place for your auburban home, fine view of Mt 8t. Helen and Hood and overlooking the Columbia River; fine ma cadam roads the year round; O. R- N. runs through this tract and will estab lish a suburban motor service; six miles from the center of the city; the finest lo cation anywhere around Portland Phone or call C. Franklin Fisher. 528 Hamilton building. 25 LOTS. Improved with good 7-room mod ern house, 120 bearing fruit trees; acre of loganberries, acre of fine raspber ries, good strawberry bed, chicken yard and plenty of room left for a garden; 20 minutes- ride from Morrison bridge; faces i-- An imnro-red street with cement iii. ,n- curbs: streetcar runs past tho property; only 60O per lot. Including im . - - til raHn In Am a fir.t DAY ment on Income property. W. G. Ide, 425 Lumbermens bldg, mtiTu T a A T .TTTT.P. TIAADY. 80 acres of splendid fruit land, only eight miles from Goldendale, right In the famous Slmcoe fruit belt: 15 acres cleared and ' the balance can easily bo cleared: 2 houses. 2 nice springs, a creek and water right. The price la right and the land can't be beat. Call and let us tell you about it. R. E. NICHOLS a CO. 270 btara st. AND HERE'S ANOTHER ONE. oo .. rin. land, that will grow any thing- 30 acres cleared and balance can be cleared for $25 per acre. This Is only three miles from Goldendale, where values are rapidly rising. We can sell this at a verv low figure and can make terms that are very attractive You will have to burry ""e'niotols a co, 270S Stark st. 5 ACRES n..TC DDTCI I R- ntC"! T .OT. We are offering some 5-acre tracts of choice close-in acreage on electrlo car line for the price of one city lot. Get further particulars. Small down payment. PACIFIC N. W." DEVELOPMENT CO, 405 Couch Bldg. COLONIZATION TRACT. ,. irii-t. admirably adapt od for colonisation or for orchard develop-n.nt- this land Is A-l In every particu B"'':,i.,. all In cultivation; assistance could be given In putting this oaths market in small tracts; price Is ?ow and term, can be had; must be seen to be apprecLLts. - - Co-tAlDanyjr. 17. . .n-ce. . xTTr-Trt-lvs AND FRUIT. All in highest state of cultivation: 200 4-year-old T fruit trees; 2000 strawberry TizTl. .i.nM hiilldlnsra provisions. r?CTTn Bamberger: room 2 Lumbermen. bldg. Main 24S8. TAT.7C ABOUT SNAPS. We have a bunch of them In some very fine, close-in tracia. u...u ..i, -4 acres each. If you are interested and mean business, come in and let us show you We are pleasing others and we can please yTurHOL8 & co., 270 stark St. n icbis BASF LINE ROAD. 1. -ores- good house, fences, well, or chardTVunnlng creek, close in; only 83200, 81000 casn, bwiu";" lu .Hlr.lr.lnr above, only 83600: mostly, cleared: old I buildings: good terma BKUWH QA-O-T.-, '..V",-;.: Yn fenced on 8 sides, suit- I Jr. fruit and chicken ranch If yon want it at the price of $150 an o-"- 5- "criuP-iSn 531-2 Lumber Exchange Bldg. . -rS ; ei.ju-ed. of beaverdam land- 4 miles from Vancouver and 3 blocks from 5 storesVand electric carlinc; lie. on main county road; 31600 $S0t5 t-Mb, balance 8 to 6 years. David Lewis. S a lumbermen, bldg- 8th and Star. ' ..ot-ir.r Ts-KAR METZGER. $ S.i.. a ere.. $75 down. $20 monthly. makes you owner of 2 acres of land that gon'siecirlc. Fred W. German. 329 Burn side. M 2776. .Efto T3 tt vs n acres. Dart m cuim.uu. tillable good soli, running water, some lichee, near school, county and auto roads: specially adapted to fruit. Within easy reacn ol a-v. -- 612 Couch bldg. 100 ACRES on United Ry, close to Portland; . rare oarsaiu- -"-- o- If wanting a suburban home or, choice acreage investment, do not fail to consult the "SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALISTS. CLODFELTER BROS.. 414 Couch bldg. choice, tillable land. easily cleared, running water, near county ,j 35 miles from Portland: $35 per ree.?2i512 Couch bldg. oTT- T-nHv of S500 in 5-acre tract at Tigardville, need cash ' and will sacri flcc Address owner. G 501. Oregonlan. ONE or two acres on O. W. P., near June tion; will sell at a sacrifice. Inquire 224 Lumber Exchange bldg. Homesteads. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 32-page book explaining what each oi the 34 counties is best adapted for; glvos amouat of Government land open to home stead In each county: map attached. 21x 28, showing new R. R and towns, includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon; counties In different colors; drawn to March 1. 1910: latest map In L. S.: Price 25c ' Nimmo & Runey. 313 Hamilton bldg. RELINQUISHMENT, 80 acres; 70 acre could be farmed; 1,000,000 feet of saw timber- fine creek, in settled community: 87 miles from Portland, 3 miles to R. R. ' station and boat landing, on the Columbia river. Don't wait and be sorry; bring $J..O and take it. Nimmo, Runey a Co .. 313 ' Hamilton bldg. 19 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOMESTEAD! - 1 Everyone who has not usea tneir num. stead right will find It to their great ad. vantage to call and see us. We have a few of the finest homesteads In Oregon, right along the right of way of the sur vey of a new railroad with the grada stakes already in. Call or phone Main 4835. Pioneer Locating Co., 611 Swetland bldg, S. E. corner 5th and Washington, Portland. Or. Also timber claims and ro linquiyhments. For Sale Fruit Land. MT. HOOD DISTRICT. On west slope of lit. Hood, 30 milet ope fr( southeasterly from Portland, with new i-.ilroAd now building, offers unusual In ducements for the homeseeker wishing to engage In horticulture, where land values are far below other fruit sections more remote from the city; a fruitgrower' as sociation now inaugurated and the best authorities in the state commend this favored locality for commercial orchard ing, where soli, elevation, water and air. drainage and climatic conditions are Ideal for growing high-class long-keeping ap ples. Get our booklet and prices and let us show you. Any sue tract. 10 acres up. Vanduyn & Walton, 615 Chamber Com merce. CHBHALEM MOUNTAIN ORCHARDS. ARB YOU LOOKING FOR AN -ORCHARD TRACT t Do you want the best? Close to Portland. R. R. station on place. Don't fall to call on THE CROS3LEY COMPANY. 708-708 Corbett bldg. It surely will be to your advantage to see us before buying. Seeing Is believing. ALPINE ORCHARDS. Adjoining good town in Willamette Valley on railroad: red-shot soil, rolling In character, no irrigation required: ftvo acres and upward; price right; terms very liberal. OREGON APPLE ORCHARDS CO, 204 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 10 15 20-ACRE tracts near Portland; finest fruit land and chicken ranches, close to railroad station; good roads; other farms nearby; $17.50 to $50 per acre, part cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. M'FARLAND INVESTMENT CO, 810 Corbett Bldg.. Portland. " FINE OR-CHARD TRACT. 4 SO acres, 30 miles from Portland, t mi. to R. R. Price $50 per acre. HOPKINS, IMCS & COPLEY. 885 State St., Salem. Or. WE have some attractive bargains in iruii- landa in tne lajnou. " - -River district; both small and large tracts If you are looking for fruit landa It will pay you to see McCargar. Bates a Live ly. 315 Falling bldg. 20 ACRES fine fruit land. Underwood dis trict. miles inim vu.i.u-. . ..a -tre.s more ready ; good water, some buildings: snap at $3000, terms. Owner. AC 482. Oregonlan. WE will ell you 20 acres of our fine red shot mill land, no i-u-jm ui -to N. P. R- R, for $500; half cash. Smith & Craft. 411 Couch. Main 6623. GOLDENDALE SIMCOE FRUIT LANDS. 10 ACRES, $500; ONLY $100 cash, balance $10 month. Geo. S. Cased y Co.. lobby Commercial Club bldg. 40 ACRES beautiful fruit land $2030: will trade lor gooa saieao-o V" & Craft, ownera 411 Couch. Main 6522. For Sale Farms. HOMESEEKERS AND INV ESTORS. The growing of citrus fruits is the lean ing industry of Southern California. A LEMON GROVE In San Diego County, rightly located, well- '. watered and properly cared for 1 tno BEST-PAYING INVESTMENT WE KNOW OF. San Diego County is developing rapidly and the City of San Diego - ""J" faster than any in Southern CAj-'of""; . Nevertheless, values are still low. espe dally in citrus and agricultural lands, ana NOW IS THE) TIMS TO BUY. Furthermore, the climate of San pie - is conceded to be unsurpassed and tne most equable in the United States the average temperature during tbo past -is years being 51 degrees. Wo make a soecialty of CITRUS AND FARM LANDS and have a select list of DRfr,hB" " choose from, many of which will show 10 TO 20 PER CENT NET. on the purchase price. Let us submit a few of our best offers and any other data of Interest to you. HOMELAND IMPROVEMENT CO, 939 Sixth St. BAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA ALBERTA WHEAT LANDS We have thousands of acres of Canadian Pacific Railway wheat lands In Alberta for sale at from $12 to $20 an acre. These lands are all close to railways and towns and are first-class in quality. There are no better wheat-producing lands In tne world. We also have a large list of Im proved lands in Alberta at prices from 420 to $35 an acre. These lands pay for themselves In from two to five years. We furnish reduced rates over the lines or . the Canadian Pacific Railway to people who wish to see these lands. Also de scriptive literature free. Send us your name and we will send you literature fully describing this wonderful country. More money bas been made by farmers in Alberta than any farming country on the American continent for the last five years. IDE-M'CARTHY LAND COMPANY, 425 Lumbermens bldg. 8SO ACRES, $22 an acre, In Lane County: soli a'l good fruit land; 150 acres In cul tivation: 400 acres more slashed and al-. most ready for the plow; gd J- - chard, good house, barn, granary machine shed, fine spring. 60 acres easily irrigated If desired. Thousands of acres of outside range. By a little developmentwork this place can easily be made worth $60 an Sore Easy terms and will take some trade. W G. Ide, 425 Lumbermens bldg. FINE FOR ALFALFA NEArl ru-iii--,w. $35 PER ACRE. 11 acres 75 of which is the finest kind of bottom land; 50 acres cleared; house, barn and other outbuildings; good family orehard; two fine springs which can be used for irrigating. This Is a dandy place on en. county road and the best of ai ?rifS tana If you want this you will have tTiurry: WOOO will handle. 308- Rnard of Trade bldg. Sao ACRES. In Willamette Valley, $40 ' an 8 acre? 200 acre, cleared. ICO acre. 1" timber- 1.500,000 feet of good saw timber, two large barn, and small family orchard. This land is exceptionally good fruit land., and is ready for immediate development. Two fine T springs on the place and good, ruining stream: 40 acres of fine bottom' landr'th's place is worth $30 aa acre right now; will take some trade. W. G. IDE, 425 Lumbermens bldg. DAIRY AND STOCK RANCH. 800 acres; about 600 In grass; on Nestucca River. Tillamook County. Stock, tool. Implements and fur niture; 132.60 per acre; very easy "SmAVoKES COMPANY, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. " ONLY $40 tier acre for 1000 acres for less. n Srownsville' 100 cult.: S-room house. hTrtMAN & THOMPSON, Bankers. HA Chamber of Commerce Bldg. (See H A R T O G ) FIRE' FIRE: IflKB! House burned and will sell the 50 aere. -hole, land partly Improved, small or- rmiSifpVS- JS5& or'lwmi Jxchfng. for home inWland. 224 Lum- ber Kxcnange um.. V -ncc-n xjttv TM OREGON. K400 acres. 200 acres alfalfa land, on Tohn Day River: everything (but sheep) fnclSdfd in price'of $5 per acre; 1-8 cash balance 10 yeara After Dec. 1 price will XSZi S10 Board of Trad. Bldg. , Homestead relinquishment of 320 acres , H?m ?mintv Oregon; 100 acres bot lomCland' w?U be righi on railroad next Si" ' Lo'k this up. Will take some trade. 322 Failing bldg. 't n.mr; Tt-OOTENAY," BRITISH CO LU9MB?)i:iN00?rTlat.ng: dellghtfu, cll--; fruit farm. $10 to $80 neracr. Trust & Mortgage Corporation. Ltd.. 134 ir?.tnf. St.. W. Vanconver. B. C. 7T7. .rBpc rr Washington Co, 25 miles ..6.CS55i.d: 8 000.000 ff. No. 1 timber. iroiu -, , 8-room house. nnmw ; 'i-. 1U 1Ie. o school; barn ana r,.,, .in Rail. 811. 000. Afiaisaeii, -"-' way r-A. , .".u-n, T COUNTY has good soil. mild Dalaba. Elk City. Or. J. A CUNNINGHAM. For sale, farms: prices reasonablat ne HrhAQra . P. O. Box 74. Carlton. Or. ONE acre at Gilbert Station, with water. 8700- 10 per cent cash, balance 3 per cen( monthly. Smith a- 6522. aai no.. Wais