13 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1910. MULTNOMAH FOR WEST BY OVER 835 HOW n.TOMAH EBNOR AND YOTF.D f! COT- tO.NOBKSA l a S pbbcdcct. 5 r i 5 : : ? 2 10fl 62 T0 69 J 60 72 64 44 '5owrman's Lead in County Is Downed by Democratic Candidate. PROHIBITION FAR BEHIND .Home Rule Bill Gains Ground as Votes Are Counted McGinn and Cairns Have Good Lead's Over Opponents for Judgeship. (onllnu"! From "First Pass.) twhen the 143 precinct had bwo footed lip. Bran had 12.CS0, XcBrlde li and datcr tioli. In the contest for the Ions term George Br. Burnett and Frank A. Moor bad an easy vl. lory. Judge King, who waa com petinr for the place occupied by him aa Chamberlain appointee and aaplred to ty BurneM. ran far behind both Re publican. The ift precinct rave Burnett aji Moure and King S004. McGlnn'a Lead Sale. In the Fourth Judicial District Hen ry 11 MrUInn (Rep.) maintained a fe lead over John B. Cleland (Ind.). present Incumbent. Department No. 3. Judge Cleland mad a stronger rao than lad been anticipated, however, rivjth ISS precincts In at 11 o'clock. Mc tllnn Lad a total of tll7 and Cleland S2to. In the 14 complete precinct the score stood 11.205 to S18, In Mc Citnn's favor, with McGinn still gaining, prohibition, throughout th county. kept losing ground with Home Rule continually making alow gains. The 11 o'clock count showed that 727 votes liad been cast for Horn Rule and 6974 againc It. The later count showed J".T.' for the mcuurt and 7311 nega tive votes. Prohibition, at 11 o'clock, had 22 negative votes and 3183 affirmative. The totals In the 14 preebjets left tha tally iill for, and lt.sOs .salnst prohi bition. T;ie election of W. H. Oaten) (Dem.) over John Ditrhburn (Rep.), which waa Indicated clearly by tha first returns, avas niade more declatv wKa tha count cf each precinct. At 11 o'clock. Judge Tatcns) had the better of the argument fcy better than t wo-to-one. The latest count gave tiatens a total of 13.312 and IHtchburn CS7. Wide-spread cutting of Dltchburn In hie) party had been gen erally forecasted becaus of bt per atonal record and reputation. l-;latlve Ticket Succeseful. The Multnomah County ticket fairly tallnped away from all competitors. The sVjctslatlve ticket waa arcemful tbrougb rut and the tall of tha ticket waa many Scarecs removed from tha top of the Kemocratc legislative ticket, although 'verAl of the Democrats ran well up towards their normal party vote. The county gave a normal vote to the state ticket, excepting Governor, the candidate who were recommended xy the late "assembly running aa well a the others. Factionalism did not manifest Itself In th result on the bulk pt the state ticket at alL Ben L Norden waa the only Republi can on the couaStr ticket who seemed to have anything resembling a contest and In the fight for Coroner ha dis tanced c. H. Kkewea, "antl-aesembly-temocratlc-lndependent, about two-to-one, so th count aa thua far com pleted shows. s 7 a 10 n it 13 IS IT IS IS 20 13 , 2 24 23 , 2 21 , 29 . 23 , 91 . S3 . 33 , 34 . as . M , 3T . 3 . 89 . 40 . 41 . 42 , 44 . 45 , 41 . 4T . 4S . 40 bo . 81 . M M . r3 . . . .1 32! R-l 2: Sill lUS 14 140 iwai li 641 4S 44 2 3J BT S3 6 60 61 62 63 64 63 66 6T en TO 71 TJ TS 74 75 T 77 , 78 79 , ftO , M , 83 . Kl , 04 . 8.1 . t . 87 . f . S3 . 93 . 94 . T ' 91 . 99 . loo . 102 . 1"J . 1H5 . 106 . loT . 10S . 111 . 112 . Ill . 114 . 113 . US . 119 . 12U . 121 . 1?2 . 1-3 . 124 . 125 . 126 . 12T 1L-9 . ISO . Ml .. 134 . 133 .. 13 ., 137 ., 135 ., 139 .. 14U .. 141 .. 142 .. 143 .. 144 .. 145 ., 146 .. 14T .. 149 .. 181 .. 133 .. 133 .. 134 .. 103 ,. Total. West Bide 6: 3i 131 13 til 94 1 921 123 9U 13 72 901 89 13 76 6.1 93 113 109 67 41 4' 9: Tl 92 133 121 29 41 84 69 f.2 63 89 fit I 11 2.9 Oil 73 83 71 6S 4T 421 76 64 9: 83 3 ' tS 84 11 91 93 9 93 M 73 87 108 74 TO 111 80 13 10 11 74 49l 69 92 70 UT 127 (in 141 631 ft al 6i 117 lOS 92 7tH 76 111 l4l 117 S0 79 104 114 12 9rtl 83 108i 1(4 1(4 94 72 43 90 1 791 93 18 101 34 4 89 93 6 6H Ml 42 871 27 81 8 iiH 83 83 i! 49 67 60 63 73 T3 64 4'1 6i 61 64 84 61 119 12 64 44 1 13 23 69 17 8(M 14 114 102 lOl 84 104 6 111 8 77 143 134 lrt-ll 4: 62 43l :t 32 64 66 66 82 80 81 T 60 48 40 79 96 43 41 42 72 46 104 46 28 81 63 73 9 63 65 69 89 89 48 45 8.1 84 68 61 100 S3 14 63 46 84 40 Raton, K. G. (Pro.) 'rly. A. Li. (Pro.) ...... Hubbard. W. F. (Pro.) .... Wilier. F. TV. (Pro.) , Sherman. O. J. (Pro.) .... Thompson, at. E. (Pro.) ... TVlsbors. A. M. C. (Pro.) .. Wolverlon. Bruce (Pro.) . Barry. Richard (Soc. .... Bias. Harry ,6oc ...... Elils. C. B. (Soe.) Johnson. Kudolph (Soc) ., Lloyd. H. (tioc.) Madison. Louis (Soc.) Martell. C. (Soc) Obermayer. Joseph (Soc.) Ruber. Aradt (Soc.) ..... tialmsla. I. U. (Soe.) StrellT. Peter. Jr. (Soc.) ... Sullivan, John (Soc.) .... 1.870 .... 1.642 .... 1.8S0 .... 1.S95 .... 1.630 .... 1.974 .... 1.623 .... 2.3!4 .... 2.3S1 2.270 .... 2.284 .... 1.7.12 2.053 .... 2.144 .... 1.948 .... 2.0.18 .... 2.o::4 1.932 ... 2.024 .. 2,173 COCJtXT. County Judge. Cleeton, T. J. (Rep.l UaDrlts. Georse (Soc.) De Gran. C. W. (Pro.) Cleaton's plurality 13,202 County Commissioner. Harrison, J. Allen (Pro.) S.701 ...15.432 . .. 2.23ft ... 1.S99 Hart. D. Ulnck, Henry V. (Rep.) . (Hoc.) 14.077 2.673 61 9! 80 9.1 64 69 81 E9 84 91 82 64 32 el 4 7. 10 83 109 103 lOO 81 64 69 19 64 10O 104 631 as, 841 63 8 20 88 ?? 4 61 64 61 82 62 63 81 87 6 4 74 7 61 88 231 93 2845 41 'Woman's SuiTrage Bcsten 2 to 1. TVoman'a suffrage received a light Savorahle vote In the county, apparent ly beintr beaten by better than two-to-one. "No" I th general verdict in the county on tha measure providing countjr divisions. The county Is giving a heavy affirm ative vote on tha Monmouth Normal School. Th vote on tha Ashland Nor mal school la negative by a narrow margin at thla time. An even stronger negative vote Is going to th Weston Isormal School, which will likely b irote.1 down In th county. The employers' Liability measure how a marked lead In the county, n-hlrh wtll likely give It a margain of pettrr than 3000 votes. STATE. , I' MXON! rTOTGREMaOXAI. DIRTMCT. RrpreesaitattTe ta (iSiis Tawford. TVm. A. r?oc. . .. Jffferlr. A. TV. ( Rp-) rianrilne. John (Pern.). I rail, Oeor B. (Pro.) LafTertya plurality TPowertnan. Jay tRep.) ........ J'atftn. A. K. (Pro.) ........... '.Irharas. TV. 8. (8oe.) ......... .TV.st. Oswald (Dam.) TVesfa plurality "eeretary t Btata. Vnmnn. T. TV. ( Rsp.). ...... .. J 1 N A. ' FTO. ) Mciioum Alia a'ilver. Tuner irm 1BT 154 139 140 141 143 144 ICS 146 147 144. 149 17U 171 172 ITS 175 17 174 179 180 1S1 162 Total. East Bide. 4' 23 10 94 111 131 91 44 41 24 1 44 119 1441 45 73 47 41 63 65 24 69 44 33 24 48 31 89 63 63 78 14 65 100 65 9 TO 6" 41 8' 93 12 FO 591 61 4 13 4 T2 8 41 4H 64 T 130 T4 104 81 112 12! 28 103 124 71 81 9Si 9'J 9i 10 22 6' 84 104 53 61 941 120 si 43 7 141 (Mil 69 112 I 73 ri2 123 621 64 32 84 64 29 89 14 183 128 11 76 49 14 13 731 3 12( 13.1 6il 6U 4- 129 81 lOl 44 1115 67 62 IOU 111 1TI 83 721 74 6 14 61 68l 94 118 44 I li 48 44 9 40 70 60 88 6 77 40 64) 10 20 8T 23 80 18 73 Tl TO 23 23 20 10 47 94 T5 84 89 4T 21 09 64 Tl 48 84 TS 61 64 71 79 1' Bart's plurality 11.376 Coontr Sheriff. Darsett. C. L. (Dem.) 8.S07 borrow, Sam ( Pro. 1.421 Newman. Percy C. (Soc) 2.601 Stevens. Robert L. (Rep.) 13.988 Stevens plurality ...10,681 County Clerk. Dorfraan, V. JC. (Boc) . Flslda, F. 8. (Rep.) .. ivorrnrup. is. 1 . ( t ro. ) Seoct. Victor L. ( an tl -assembly) 2.1.12 13.888 2.485 2.67 10,601 .. I.6S7 ..It. 635 Fields plurality County Treasurer. Barsee, C W. (Soe.) Lewis, John 11. (Rep.K Lewis plurality ll.J County Auditor. Lewis. Torn J. (Soe.) t.411 Martin. Samuel B. (Sap.) 15.684 Martin's plurality ..........11.173 County Surveyor. Arntjen. Georre (Soe.) S.I70 Hoioroor. ratio (Hep.) .16.111 Holbrook's plurality ....... County Coroner . Hall. Joseph E. (Pro.) Newman, Otto (Soc-4. . . .. .... Norden. Ben L. (Rcd.1. Skewer. Cbaxlea H. (Ind.).... Norton's plurality ......... .11,851 .. 4.tS .. 1.24 . .10. .. (.1 t.4l PORTLAND JTSTlCTe OF DISTRICT. THB PEACK Jostlee of th Peace, Two to Be Elected. rien, j. w. (Kep.) 11.K40 nense. Ainert (Socl .. 2 I McHeiiry. Francis J. (Soe.) 2.4H8 Olson, jrreo I (Ren.) 10.O-J Tanckwlch, Harry H. (Anti-Assembly) 4,916 Bell's plurality Olson's plural.' ty Constable. McDonald, J. P. (Soc) Weinberger, Andy (Hep.) 6.924 6.106 . 8.635 .18.682 Weinberger's majority .0.147 INITIATIVE AND RF.FKBKNDUM MEAS runs. y r Sno. 30L Tes No . Buffrag Amendment. 6.724 11.942 atajotity agslnst 6.218 Kastera Oreaoa Insane Asylum. 302. Tea 10.205 sua. xvo 6.391 Majority for 8.814 Constitutional Convention Act. J 44. Tes 5.242 803. No ....10,230 Majority against 4.98S Amendment for Beparate District for State and BepreaentatiTea. 804. 307. Tes 4.9.19 No 9.920 57 13 68 54 69 8 16 49 66 63 128 83 "is Majority against 4.961 Taxation Amendment, 80S. Tea 8 804 3U9. No 6.949 Majority for 1.337 mt rermittlng (Mate Construction of Railroads. :::::::.rffT 6.753 9.173 810 Tes 811 No . Majority against 1.419 Amendment Changing Methods of Taxation, 6.T38 7.613 813 Tes 313 No Total, country Tntal. West P14s TetaU East Sid ,8900 4940 3923 2910 liol 44 81 821 44 4.3 41 M 22 21 8.1 63 8.1 4:1 31 l: 11 23 84 8 33 981 12 12 2". 681 . 94 4 17 29 9.1 T 481 BO 11 12 19 21 13 SO 13 as 81 am 69 691 46 62 18 21 120 TO 63 61) 2 14 23 37 2' ,88 24 IB T 19 82 66 35 12 28 25 60 81 83 27 23 7 11 14 18 13 27 T 18 .'104W1144 U70 676 .14450-8838 4171 2845 . 63sO,732t042,44Ji7 Majority against 876 Act Raising (Salary Judge Mb Judicial Dis trict (Baker County). 814 Tes 8.902 813 No J 10,981 Majority against 7,079 Bill to Cresst NesmltA Couaty. 816 Tea 5.322 817 No s 8.949 Majority against 8.627 Bill to Tl-'n'-'-l Mcwunouth Normal BcnooL 818 Tea 9.816 Sl No 6.149 Majority for Bill Creating Otis Cnraty. tr. Tea ' ill. No 4.035 t.68 . TOOT .11.89 . 7.958 ...e. 8.433 ..lo.rra .. 440 . . 64.1 ..11.71 .. 833 1 (Soe.).... (Dcav) Benson's plurality Sutler. Les'te (Pro.)...... )i. Tbmas B. (ReTX)... (Lan. Chariea ii. (See.).. Ksy-a fwstir 1 plurality l.rcl .... iii 3.3'T .... 4 24 .... 8.732 .. t 7T1 ..14.334 .. 3.348 ..10.902 Grand total Bowerman. 10.379: West. 11.714: Lalterte. 11.890: IMannlnr. 7958. Lewis, Jaba H. (Ben.) 15.204 Lewi majority 11.827 DISTRICT. D4 -istea aAseateteadeat f Water, DirUloa Number Oaa. CblTsaocX Jams T. (Rap.) 16,313 Jadga mt Circuit Court. I'omrth Judicial DUUVS. Detsaitnaeat No. One, Multnsawih cwoaty. Kavaaaagh. Joba P. (Kso.) 10.467 Jed at Circuit Cewrt, Twartb Judicial Dlwtrtrt. Departmesnl Ne. Three, Malta amah Osaraty. CUlano. Joba B. tin.). A81S MoUlna. Meary X. (Kep.) 11.2U5 MoOtnaa plurality 2.387 Jadga a? tllesH Cewrt, FwarOi Dlstrtrs, Iliisr ail No. Fir, Xnltaoanah Ceumy. Dltchbom. Joba (Ren.) .n7 GatsBe. William K. (Dem.) 18.818 Majority against 8,513 BUI Anaesing Portion of Clackamas County to Multnomah. IIL Tes - 1.637 Jll. No 10.671 Majority aaalnst 6,442 Bill ta Crests Williams County. 834. Tes , 8.417 28. Getting Ready for Christmas? You don't need to wait until the week before Christmas to select that Victor or .Victor-Victrola. Come in now and pick it out well ar range to deliver it at any time you say. There's a Victor at every price $10 to $250. Easy terms to suit. Ik B MTfa7 Sherman Ray & Go, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Sixth and Morrison Opposite Postoffice. PIONEER SQUARE SEATTLE HOTEL SEATTLE HOOgOOO Recently Spent Its Interior. All FnrDlihinm and Appointments New. Modern nnd Splendid. Headquarter for Portland People. TJtOT,T7T TP i XT PORTLAND 11 v x jlj ji -j x, ji vj j li oa; EGON Both Hotela Conducted by MESSRS. WRIGHT & DICKINSON NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sts. ... Opened Tone, 1908. A hotel in the very heart of Portland's business activity. Modern in every respect. Rates $1.00 and up. Moderate price restaurant in connection. L. Q. Swetland, Secretary and Manager. The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel 150 Rooms, 404 Suites, With Private Baths. SEW FIBBPR00F BUILD IKS Moderate Bates. Jtfl Mrtochan ft Sons, Prosa. THE PORTLAND rOBTUI.0, DR. KtraonsAif tmj MODEKK RBSTAUBJLNT com ojcm km UOX TfWTfllTtH. rrKAnotTARTTUta FOR TOCRXSlW aa4 CO.MMKIU I.4X. t -ru A wi KHM Sneelal to tamlU. le BtSOl neat sin- Tb win .leased at all time enow looms sal give prices. A mod era Tarsdsb Bath sit-MlihaiTTt la taa ksrteL saaaaawr. 345. No 12.060 Majority agslnst y Bill to Create Board of Commissioners to Prepare Employes Indemnity Act. 848. Tes 8.881 347. No v i.000 . 2.160 Biver Roane Majority aasinst Bill to Prohibit Fishing; la xoept Anllns. 848. Tes .3W UK. No -S- 4.7 Majority for 4.590 Bill to Create County of Deschutes. 8M. Tes SOL No U 4.7S9 B.lhl Majority asalnst 4.88i-J BlU rroTluuns for creatine or er Towns. Counties, and Municipal Districts. 82. 303. Tes No . Majority tor Amendment Allowing; Counties Bonds for Roads. n T.7.-iri I 7.3U1 ti 777 1 Issue I S4. 350. Tes No . B.540 4.105 1.435 .. 8.143 .. .47 Majority for Bill ta Extend Direct Primary 8SA. Yes 307. No Majority for 1.108 BlU to Create Board of People's Inspectors y of government, etc R.-.a. Ys (1157 35tfc- No, 8780 Majority asalnst :603 Amendment Increasing; Initiative. Refer. endum and Kecall Powers. 3m.- Tes 7flSI 301. No 7142 Majority for Chsuurlna 82. Tes SS. No Jury end 810 Judicial .Ml 4 .8464 Majority for amendments cast on the In Multnomah No 8.811 Majority asalnst X (.194 Amendment Allowing; Kara County ta Recu- late TaxaUoa and Tax Exemptions. 114. Tes (.(US 8:7. No . Majority for Home Bui Amendment. 321. Tss 1,111 BOta EAST AJtTD TATCST SIDES AVT rOlNTRI PRECINCTS TOTED OS (iOVEKOB. Bowermaa. West. West Side 4.450 3.838 East Side B.880 6.783 Country 1.048 1.144 (Two ta Be wwr-Te taeeaeel). JTeae. Henry J. (Rep.... r:cnf. k.. j. rro.. I,-Hrid. Thomas A. (Pro,). five's. J. t. tJSo.i. ........ Jcrin. K. R. (Soc.) h ater. Woodaoa T. (Dem.). .13.00 .13 Oi' . S.7US . 2.l . atii netea-s plsraUty 'S, S caster. -wafAeaatk I Paid Xla-arksT, CwlasBbU aa4 Ceuatlea. la. -LeOraade M. (Pro.).. (Hep.) . . . .36 IM strict. aTultao- Orand total West's majority 148 precincts complete; etnets Incomplete. .10.87 11,714 83S 27 pre- DmJk J. . 4.070 15J2S li.m'1 plurality ................... a B7 al.-i'nds's pluraUty L4e d est Ice mt 'I'sn Cssrt, aix-Teaar Tersa. (Twet to Be rieetsd). Porntt. Oeorare H. (Rsp). .......... too Jnnea. T J. l8o. I 111 smsc. r in n. tuwm. p. .............. stre, fTsnk A. (f4ep.)...........fc.ll.S; stamp. U- jr. toa.i s.oi3 Maaarkwys majority Pornett's proraTtry ... Moors's plurality ..... rrti r. C. (Soe.) Lrawford. A. M. Rea. Crawfsed"s majority ... 8314 ... t.;i . 8 S3 .taair .13.1s IX.2SS ItevreeeatatiT . Otstrtrf, Cusokamas aad Mall Celloa. Chattea. W. H. (Rap.) 15.44 TH1RTEXXTH SEXATORIAX. DISTRICT. .18. ana . 8.7S.1 . 2.733 tl. No ... 7.313 Majority for 3.468 BlU Prwteetlna Persons In Rasardous Em- pleymsata aad Extending Employe era' Liability. 13. Tea 10.71 111. No 4.121 'uermaa. 1 R. (Rsp.) .............jo sat liinsitsis. C.-orrs A. (aa.). .......... ;'jt Hrw. J. R. Dem.) . . . . . ......... 8i7i steel. Robert R. (Pra.) ........... a.xs Joaeph, Oeorse W. (Rep.)..... Taget. TU L. (Pro.) Koomsoa. XX W. tSoc.). ....... Joseph's plarallt-y State 8-nalir. r. (Soo.1. ........... 3.331 (Ksp.) 141 Locke's saajortty 1S.4 EIGHTEENTH REPRESENTATIVE DIS TRICT. Majority Bill Tes ii. No for ta Create Orehi 4.4(1 Coaaty. VOTE OX THE AMEXDjrEXTS Figures Show How Multnomah Cast Its Ballots. FoUowing- la th vote various County: woman's suffrag-s amendment, de feated by 6000. Eastern Oregon Insane Asylum act. carried by 4000. Constitutional convention aot. de feated by 6000. Separata districts for State Senators and Representatives, defeated by 4000. Taxation Amendment, carried by 1000. State Construction of Railroads, de feated by 8000. Amendment Changing- Methods of Taxation, defeated by 1000. Act Raising' Salary of Baker County Circuit Judge, defeated by 7000. Bill to create Nesmlth County, de feated by 3000. Bill to maintain Monmouth Normal School, carried by 8000. BlU creating Otis County, defeated by 6000. Bill annexing; portion of Clackamas County to Multnomah, defeated by 6000. Bill to create Williams County, de feated by 6000. Tax ex-employes amendment, car ried by 1000. Home Rule amendment, carried by S000. Ernployera' liability, carried by J00O. Bill ti create Orchard County, defeated by 6n00. Bill to create Clark Couaty, defeated by 6000. I BlU to maintain Weston Normal School, defeated by 1000. Bill to annex portion of . Waahington. County to Multnomah, defeated by 6000. Bill to maintain Ashland normal school,, defeated by 400. Prohibition amendment defeated by TWO. Bill to enforce prohibition, defeated by 6000. Board of commissioner to prepare employes Indemnity act. defeated by Z5C0. Bill to prohibit Rogue River fishing. carried by 6000. Bill to create county of Deschutes, de feated by 6000. Bill providing for creating new towns and counties, carried by 400. Good roads amendment, carried by 1500. Bill to extend direct primary law, car ed by 2000. Bill to create board of people' Imvpec- ors, defeated by 3000. Amendment increasing inrUatrre, refer endum and recall powers, carried by 600. Amendment changing Jury and Judicial system, carried by 2000. iliiij THE CORNELIUS ilia ftaewa a Wskmn. earoer Park and Aider. 3anda Mwut and most modern hotel. Baronwui plan. ginning May 1st our rates will be as follows: All back rooms without bath, slntie. 1 00 per dari doufcls. 33.00 par day. Ail front rooms wMbtat hath. ILSO per djur. singlet 82-0 per ear 4Vsos OTJTsUOJ) 0. W: CORiTXLITJSt Froprletob & & FLETCHER, MAnagw. HOTEL RAUPO Corner Fourfeenli and Washington NarwHotwl. Klrgwnr'y FWniahatl Rates SJl.OO and Up Cfpnnlal Km taa toe FawrrtoncuktS) ANNEXATION' IS VOTED O.N Multnomah Precincts Also Ballot Under Local Option Law, In several of the precincts In Mult nomah County the voters passed on an nexation to the City of Portland and also on Prohibition. St. Johns, Wood stock. Mount Scott and Mount Zlon OPENEX-6EPTi0 PUVXMst7aS HOTEL LENOX E. 0. aad V. K JORGENSEN Props, and idgn. COR. 3D AND MAIN ST9L Bo aad Cold Water. Long Distano Phone in Every Room. RATES $1.00andni. r VOTERS ADOPT AMNDHEXT AFFECTING PFBLIO DOCKS AND WATER MAINS. With 61 precincts mlulnc n4 complete returns from 100 precincts, two city charter tunendments hare carried by heavy majorities. The amendment proTidln for the Issue of 12,500,000 worth of bonds for public docks and the amendment providing that water mains shall be paid from the water fund have carried. The amendments providing that the City Council might regulate the salaries of City Engineer and City Attorney It seems nave been defeated. The totals so far as the vote have been counted follow: Public Docks Bonds. No. 100 Tes 10,838. - No. 101 No 4903 Water Mains Amendment. No. 102 Tes 8798. No. 10S No 54 City Engineer's Salary. No. 104 Tes 720S. No. 105 No 77ST City Attorney's Salary. No. 106 Tes 6S0O. No. 107 No 7909 THE WOODS TTr"V I 'I'T BtatMKwaa I iiu X J-dU i (xm Par Dtm All CasaXavtr Its) MmIm Omm. TfTlllia lot, center ooity. bait Its tw rtmooL nlnsis a SOT . ship wharrea and C. P. R.. Depot. , VANCOUVER. B. CJ Plan M Par Cat- On TaViw Smart ox business alstrlct, center m O. N, Ry. and N. P. Ry. Dapo. 144. Pot annexation .15 145. Against annexation 12 Majority for annexation 20 Local Option. Precinct 63. South Pnrtl.ntf 150. . For prohibition 83 131. Asainst prohibition ...127 Majority against prohibition ......... 83 Precinct 76. Brooklyn J5p. For prohibition Tl .uil. Against prontoiuon 109 Majority against prohibition 88 Precincts 1H9 and 171 combined, Troutdale and Hurlburt . 150. 181, 160 For prohlbttlon 49 Against pr6hlbltlon.6S Precinct. Precinct 37 JL xoxai 30 86 T9 118 Majority against prohibition Wlfebeatiiig Charged. Joseph McCarthy, a clerk, 26 year old, was arrested at his home at 399 Everett street last night on a charge of wlfebeatlng.. He is held at tha City Prison on several counts voted In favor of annexation. Kelly Butte and Sylvan voted against annex ation, freclnct 63, South Portland. Precinct 78 Brooklyn, and Precincts 163 I and 171 combined. Troutdale and Hurl- but, voted against Prohibition. The votes on these propositions follow: Annexation to the City of Portland. Precinct 161. Woodstock 144. For annexation 26 ka. sssuui annexation ............... Majority fnr annexation .............. Freclnct 163. Kelly Butte 144. For annexation ................... 41 140. Against annexation 74 Majority against annsxatlon Precinct 164. Mount, ficott 144. tor annexation 41 143. Against annexation 32 Majority for annexation , Precinct 178, Sylvan 144. For annexation 30 "a. Againat annexation 31 Majority agalnat annexation Precinct 179. Mount Zlon 1 in .115 I 3. Ml 4.73J Imrts, (Soe.) ,. .'tills S. ( n.p ) . (iMsn.) Alderman's plurality ..... Stass ivtasterr. Ttylsader, 1'iiniviT. Godmj. Jams . Xunlways plurality .. Ca rnrry. 8. L- (See.) lloff. o. P. (BP) liuustoa. IX I- tPexa.) Hers plurality rssniaUslMur ml tmm M.llr.s M'Uala. Hugh tl.aLl ilil'-.r. rrut J. Bap.) Millers majority Stat Ess lai si. Taa M I3.SOS Au I . (MX 3 U.tM .....tut T.OD1 ( Tw.it. to be lectsa.) Abbott. JtunM U. (Rep Ambrose. Jensss 34. 4 hep.) w. . . , Amm Edwin . Rep. .......... U s low. cnarlM W. (iUf.) ...... Brraat- J. c tRep.) Clamana. W. J. (Hop.) ............ Clrds, Ralph C I K.p.) Coie. JtrnN (Hep.) .............. CoJIios. Stephen (Rep.) Cott.l. WIIUS 1. Ksp.) ........... rests. .aca R.p.) ............ Rushlight. A. Ok. Rep.) ......... fwrj, r rana x. tuera.) 8.31 .13 .11.7A4 .10.773 .11.: .1C2S .11.7V1 .11.144 .11.444 .11.441 .H.1H9 .11.4ttS .13.04 . ' ' J , mm 1 . 1 s SJ l.rassl. J. W. (DeiLl .......... lim P'eret. John (tem.) 3.i"7 st...asoa. John H. (Dem.) 2.:o Ptoae. 11. W. rem. 4.SKO Thoiapeoa. R. Henry (tVnv) 4 3.M Vsn fuaer. K. B. (Oem.) 47"0 T.rsteec. E. (lVm. 4.3.1 ""sison. D. M. iIHa.) ..3.093 Ames. Willi. m F. Pre- 2.0i8 Itsm'S. lleorgs H. iPro. !4 Cluttarham. r. W. lrrt.) jwj.,.. I.OU Majority against BUI te Croat Clark Cwaaty. tit. Tes J. 333. No wt Majority agalnat .: BUI ta Maintain Ws 33i. Tes 137. No Majority aralnst 1.4S7 BlU t Aaatwx Ferrioa of Waahlaatoa Cwoaty to MnUnnmsh. 3-ts. Tea J 4.13S 333. No f 14.413 Majority asalnst 3.334 BUI ta Maintain Ashland Nsmal SebwoL St. Tes 1.111 til. No Majority asalnst . Probibltloa 84-!. Tes 848. No Majority against BUI ta Eafwre Fmhlhltlwa. 1.473 . 6.513 .13.303 To Make the Wheels of Business "Go" Without friction and nerve wrecking jars, be sure you are ( well nourished on digestible food. Grape-Nuts strengthens Body and Brain. "There's a Reason" Postum Cereal Company, Ltd, Battle Creek, Mich. ' 125 MILES FROM SAN FRANCISCO The Paradise of the Pacific SUMMER TIM SEE WHERE IT IS-ALWAYS OFFERS MORE TO DO AND MORE TO EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR THAN ANY OTHER RESORT IN THE WORLD Mild and healthful climate. Winter temperature 45 to 65 degree! only. Unexcelled for golf on the finest 1 8-hoIe all grass golf course in America, within three minutes walk of the hotel. Motoring over 40 miles of magnificent scenic boulevards over mountains, through pine forests and beside the sea. Bathing, sailing, deep sea fishing, tennis, horseback riding, and all other outdoor sports. Perfect service unequalled table. Addict H. R. WARNER. Manager. DEL MONTE -a. s .-ail ji&iszzr m- n JLAT GALirORN vo vuis 4. V K..3JTI 344. Te j. ..... - S.37T