16 THE MORNIXG OREGOXIAN. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1910. E STREET F, SALMON ED Grant Demands Stoppage of Cars for Passengers to Board and Alight. COMPROMISE IS MADE Advertisement of Council's Action Ordered Before Final Approval. Oregon Eletrk! to Begin Work Immediately. Controversy over the propoMd fran chise for a street railway line on Sal mon and Tenth streets occupied the at. tentlon of the Council the larger part of Ita session yesterday. A compromise between the Oregon Electric Railway Company, which desires the franchise. and the Interested property owners waa effected and the Council ordered the franchise to be advertised as re quired by law, previous to ita final ap proval by the Council. The company wanted a franchise to operate Its suburban cars over the line without having; to be compelled to stop to take on passengers at every street corner. Local service and limiting; of two cars In a train were the demands of the property owners. Finally It was a creed that the company should atop at any street corner to let off passen- I jr.rs. but should only stop at two places on Salmon street and two on Tenth street to talcs on passenger when out bound. The etSpptns; places are to be selected by the company. Two-Car Trains Provided. It waa agreed by the company that It would not operate) more than two cars at a time over the road, and this was made a provision of the franchise. whlcb bears an emergency clauae to make It effective aa soon as approved by the Mayor. C H. Carey, In a speech on behalf of the company, told the Council that a franchise providing for cars to stop at every street corner to pick up passen gers would not be accepted, lie ap pealed to the Council to support the company In Its efforts to build up Port land and the country surrounding It. That the Hill Interests are spending $1,500,000 a day in the Improvement of Its lines In Oregon was the assertion made by the attorney, who painted a glowing picture of the network of lines the company Is preparing to construct la the Willamette Valley. In replying to Mr. Carey, Interested property owners from the streets on which the line is planned to operate denied that they were trjMng to hinder the company In Its work of progress, but explained that the franchise sought would depreciate their property with out granting them any benefits in re turn. Many Owner Object. It was their opinion that the com pany should run Us cars on Front street to connect with the United Railways system. Instead of running its tins through the residence section. They declared that granting of the franchise would reduce their streets simply to a light of way for a through railroad system, and they Insisted to a man that the concessions asked should be granted. John F. Logan and A. K. Clark ap peared aa attorneys for the property owners, while, representing the ward In which most of the property owners lived. Councilman Raker made a strong plea In their behalf. The controversy started soon after the Council began Its session In the morning. After numerous speeches were made by property owners and ethers, noon found the Council still re tarded in ita work by the dispute. Nu merous amendments to the ordinance were offered. Then Councilman Drls coll moved that the amendments and the franchise be turned ' over to the representatives of the railroad com pany and the property owners and their legal representatives In an effort, to have them arrive at a settlement and report back to the Council at 1 o'clock In the afternoon. ent reached, but Councilman Cellars Insisted that the ordinance be changed so aa to require the company to con struct either a single or a aoum track, and give it permission to change from one to the other. Acting upon this suggestion, the franchise waa. or dered changed to provide a aoubi traok. with the eaceptlon of curve. where' the width of the atreet wool not permit the use of two tracks. It was explained that the company I preparing to begin work as soon as th 1 franchise Is granted, and an emergency clause was added to the grant. Wheelwright Is Scored. An Incident of the controversy In th morning was the scoring given w. P. Wheelwright by Attorney Carey. Mr. Wheelwright bad said that he came as an Individual to protest against the franchise, and objected to any kind of a franchise being granted to the com pany over the streets mentioned. nlving. Attorney Carey cited the ob structions that Mr. Wheelwright, as member of the Port of Portland, had Dlaced In the way of the Hill interests' plan to build a bridge over the Wlllam- PORTLAXirS BLI.VQ MUSICAL PRODIGT TO BE BEARD AT REILIG. , .UM.IW " ; . -V ... "?ry f - ... - - ' 1 .nil Fraaels Rlehter. Francis Rlehter, . Portland's blind pianist and composer, will be tendered a benefit recital at the Helllg Theater Sunday after noon. November 20, at 1:30 o'clock. It was another instance of Portland's generosity when a fund was raised to send "the boy prodigy" far away for study and development. That he has made good use of his time and oppor tunities Is well known to those who have heard him since his return from Europe. But the general public hasn't heard him. Heacs this opportunity will be given for all to hear him play before he leaves on a concert tour. All funds derived from the recital will be In the bands of a committee of Mr. Richter's friends and will be devoted to furthering the young man's mu sical education. Compromise) Plan Wins. This plsn worked out to the entire satisfaction of all. and the compro mise waa presented to the Council for approval. Members of the Council ex pressed satisfaction with the agree- ette. He said it was such men as Wheelwright and those of his "Ilk" who were trying to prevent the advance ment of the city. NATIVE LANDS CALL Rail Officials Say Travel to . Old World Begun Early. VACATIONS SPENT ABROAD Many to Cross Ocean for Recreation and Return to Northwest With -Relatives Travel South Is Also on Increase. Many natives of Europe who have ac quired land and cash In Oregon are leaving to spend the holidays with their relatives abroad. Railroad officials say the rush to Europe has started earlier than usual this year and that the sale of tickets out of Portland will be greater than that of any period in the history of local offices. Every day tihows contented natives of Italy, Austria. Germany. Switzerland and other countries gathered around the ticket counters seeking Information of trains and steamships that will take them to their Old World homes quickest snd cheapest. Many say they will attend the re malnder of then- days with their fami lies In Europe, but most of them de clare they will return, some of them suylng they will bring their relatives with them. Travel out of Portland to Califomi points Is also starting earlier than usual. Railroad men say this reflects tbs prosperous condition of Portland and Oregon people, showing that they have more time and money to spend away from home. Regular travel to San Francisco and California points is Increasing constant ly. The Introduction of faster service over the Southern Pacific made possible by the operation of the Shasta Limited, has increased the tourist travel between the two cities, the travel of 9an Fran ciscans In this direction being equally as heavy as that of local persons south ward. Similar prosperous conditions have also brought many settlers from other states to Oregon snd have been the means of beckoning many others Into the state for the Winter. The fact that large excursion parties of Canadians will visit Oregon when the weather in their own country Is coldest preference to going to Florida is pointed to as proof of the contention i at the climate here is as plessant as thatef the South Atlantic state. Railroad Notes. George W. McCloskey, general agent of the Northern Pacific at Los Angeles, was a business visitor In Portland yes terday, continuing his northern jour ney last night to Tacoma and Seattle. H. C Kutt, fourth vice-president of the Northern Pacific, with headquarters at Tacoma. was In Portland for a few hours yesterday. ' ' Frank R. Johnson, local agent for the Canadian Paciflo was In Sliver ton and other Southern Oregon points yes terday. THREE FILIPINOS ARRESTED Charge of Delaying: Malls on Stage Coach Made by Government. Postoffice Inspector Clement yester day caused warrants of arrest to be Is sued for Frank Sanchex, 8. Agula and Joss Rayes, Filipinos, charged with ob structing and retarding the United States malls on a stage coach at Al pine Creek, near Lake View, Novem ber S. The three Filipinos were passengers on the stage. At Alpine Creek they held up the driver at the point of a re volver. It Is not charged that they at tempted to rob the malls, but they caused a serious delay. It Is said by some that a hat of one of the Filipinos blew off and because the driver would not stop willingly they compelled him to do so by placing a revolver under bis nose. The three Filipinos are held at Klamath Falls. Washington Farm Brings $8000. HUSUM. Wash.. Nov. (Special.) The 160-acre tract belonging to J. B. Kelley near Robertsville. ten miles north east of here, was recently sold to Eastern parties) for fSOOO. EXHIBIT APPLES EN ROUTE Goldendale to Have Display at Spo kane and Chicago Shows. GOLDENDALE. Wash.. Nov. . (Spe cial.) Applea for the National Apple Shows at Spokane and Chicago were sent from here today. A car was shipped to Spokane on through freight. There will be about fifteen varieties of apples exhibited. This exhibit will be taken care of by Dr. Hartley and Mr. Uawley, of the Apple Growers' Union. A great deal of literature is being taken along, the most Important be ing 10,000 booklets advertising Gold endale. Some of these will be dis tributed in Spokane. he business men of this place have written to Chicago merchants with whom they have been doing business, asking them to look over the exhibit and call on Golden- dale's representatives with these ex hibits. Letters of introduction will be sent to these different merchants. The entire apple crop of Goldendale has been disposed of through the Northwest Fruit Exchange in Portland. It will be some time yet before all the pack Is taken care of. Iverness-shlre Loads In December. It was yesterday reported that the British bark Inverness-shlre, last heard from at Stanley, en route to Santa Ro salia, from HamBurg, had been fixed for In BedThree Months 1 Bright's Disease A Frank, Beaest statement of Thank fulness From a Man Was Was Cnreel of Bright's Disease, So That the Kaswledjre of This Core May Bemeftt Other Sufferers. RussellvlUe. Ohio, November 9. 1910 Special. "I feel It my duty to write you, for what I say msy be of benefit to other sufferers. I had what the doc tors called Bright's disease. I -was con fined to my bed three months, my doc tor coming to see me regularly, and finally called in one of the best doc tors In the country: . They both con cluded I hsd to die. I then began tak ing Warner's Safe Cure, and after I had' taken the second bottle I felt soaje bet ter. I have now taken thirteen bottles. and am gaining in weight and feel greatly benefited, thanks to Warner's Safe Cure. I am 63 years of age. If you wish to publish this statement you have my consent to do so. Tours very truly. J. H. Williamson." When your limbs are swollen, skin pale and tinged with yellow, pufflness under the eyes, and a dull aching In the small of the back; when an analysis hows albumen and casts, you are suf fering from Bright's Disease and you should commence the use of Warner's Safe Cure. It will stem the ravages of I chronic Bright's Disease and effect cure where the kidneys are not abso lutely ruined by prolonged degenera tion. It is made from the fresh Juices of plants and medicinal roots, gathered at me proper season in me various quar ters oi . me giooe. aien sKiiieu in botany and chemistry compound it. Put up in ouc. ana s.i.uu sizes and sold by druggists everywhere. In diseases of the kidneys, the bowels are usually constipated on account of me now or duo being lessened. You i should take Warner's Safe Pills, purely vDKctaojH. ausoiuieijr iree irom injuri ous suDsiances, a perrect laxative. They do not gripe or leave any bad after ef fects. 25 cents a box. If you have never tried WARNER'S SAFE CURE send us your name and aaaress. we will send you sample bot tle, together with sample box of WAR NER'S SAFE PILLS, free of charge. All we ask is that you mention the name of thispaper when writing. WARNER'S h; l l kk .. unfflMtfr, New York. FREE MERIT AWARDS FOR EFFICIENCY IN NATURE STUDY GENUINE HAVLLAND CHINA DINNER SET 100 Pieces Exquisite Design. SET Oj? GENUINE WALLACE SELVES 86 Pieces Mahogany Chest HANDSOME LEATHER UPHOLSTERED ROCKER. BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY CENTER TABLE. HANDSOME LADY'S OR GENTLEMAN'S UMBRELLA. 1150.00 CREDIT CHECK. Goad on any New Piano or Player-Piano In Onr Building. And other valuable prises free, for solving this Puzzle Pleture. - . w vwnwuwa fmici u oetermlutloa to tussle. Thsre are Five Anfanala and One Bird in this Picture, three of them? SF mm " -- ifM December wheat loading. The craft is of 2147 tons net register. She sailed from Hamburg March 2 and encountered bad weather that forced her into Stanley. and September 6 she was again report ed seaworthy and probably proceeded. Negotiations are on for the British ship wm. i. lyewis Tor wheat loading, and she la expected to be taken this week. EDUCATORS TO LECTURE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON PLAXS EXTENSION WORK. tict!mj Trace the animal, and bird on this or a separate sheet of paper snd fS7o L. ru"'e lartment. en or before 8 p. M.. SoTembir la. J- (e sure to write your name and addresa very plainly on the eolation which you For th DHlMt PJWT.fr antntiAn will .- - " t . , . , . . end . credit check for HOo! Th. oor. cVrrSrTutlo will IlT. i lit of Genuine Wallace Hlrvor. to Pieces In Mahoaranr Chm,t- . TVjTi, - ... , ..i lu. i l solution, wo win rive t Manoaoma check for 1100. Learner Lpooutorea ttocaer ana a oredK check, for $100. Eor the fourth neatest cor I01 ."Si.ntlo5 w wli' flv" Besxrtlful Ma horaoy Center Table uf a credit check for S100. For the fifth neatest correct eolation we will live a hoodeome Ladr'a or Gentlemaara Umbrella and a credit check for I10O. For the elith net..t oorrJ. lutlon we will live a Credit Check for floe, rood on any new Piano or Player-Piano In our store. For each of the next fifty neateat correct solutions will be alven a credit check of S126. rood on any new Piano or Player-PUno In our etore. To all others will be given credit oheoka raaginf from $120 to $25. acoordlns to merit. sjltisj Can yon find A 91 Ig? Aside From Item of Traveling Ex pense, Talks Will Be Given Free In Any Locality of State. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eua-ene. Or., Nov. 8. (Special.) In connection with university extension work, the members of the university faculty are preparing to give a series of lectures before study clubs and civic improve ment organizations all over the state. Aside from the items of traveling, ex pense, these lectures will be given free of charge and upon request the faculty will deliver them In any locality.' Practically every department in the university will be represented in this work. Geography, geology, biology. practical mathematics and educational and institute lectures are Included in the curriculum. Interesting phases of Shakespeare, early English poetry and studies In German and Latin topics will be feat ured by the heads of these departments. Those whlcb promise to be the most popular and instructive are along bio' logical and economic lines. Professor A. R. Sweetser, state blolo gist will talk on "Swat the Fly, "Toadstool Talk." "The Gospel of Pur Ity," "Oregon Trees" and "Microscopic Friends and Foes of Every-Day Life. Dr. J. H. Gilbert, of the economics department, has prepared 12 lectures on economic subjects. Including studies taxation, immigration, tariff, rail ways, trusts and socialism. The cur rency problems and an exposition of the causes leading to panics and com mercial crises will also be featured by this authority In his lectures. Many requests have already been re ceived for these lectures, and, now that the complete list has been compiled. Is predicted that the demand for them will spread over the entire state. NO CHARGE OF ANT KHTD TO EJTTEB Tn hrr the funo opportunity ma any one c(m to win. Bo mare and enter, lonn may bo the answer that will eoure one we iarre prise, .mere u no eaten; iverrone bas an oanal onnortnn- ttj. You know the Buah A Lane irar of doing thlnn. of dolnr er-KTthln.-; just aa it U adveileed to be done, therefore you ran rest ieenred that by enter lnc this Pin tle Contest if touts is the neatest worrect eolation, yea will be the me to win the first prise. All tnewen mart be mailed on or be fore .November 16, 1910. at P. AL WI2T A PORTION OF YOUR PIAKO PURCHASE MONEY We want everyone Interreted In pianos r playecplanos to enter this contest. Be members only one answer allowed from any one family. Ho winner of first prices in any of our former contests will be al lowed to enter our present one. No em pleres of the Bosh ft Lane Piano Company w mj biwuiw oi ineir i amines will be permitted to enter this contest. In the e'out iiuh iaf juoxes una two or more answers of equal merit, duplicate of the Prlxe offered will be riven to each. Ane a ecu ion ox tne juaces win be abso lute, final. ml good on anx THIS CONTEST POSITIVELY CLOSES AT 6 P. M., NOVEMBER 16, 1910 All contestants sending In correct solutions to this puzzle will receive a substantial Credit Check new Piano or Player-Piano In our building and a piece of Sheet Muslo free. ' WINNERS WILL BE NOTJFIED BY WATT. Solutions accepted from people living in Oregon and Washington. Send your solution and name and address writ ten plainly to BUSH & LANE PIANO COMPANY 386 WASHINGTON STREET PTI77T.F riPPA RTMTMT PORTLAND WAITERS' CLUB GIVES FIRST SMOKER AT CLUBROOMS. -' - ii.- - e. I ' ' .-e- ' ' i . i I k ' - ... . . i. .?" . I , , ....... , ' . -t 'rn - t . . ryvft t Aj in mr y t' . . - , , . . s . " - . . - , . ; '"-'..- . i . " t " v '" ''" i ' ' 2 ' .'- - ' :-v ' ' :;.vi ii-.. . .A..'...-:..T..-. , . - A, - . v.. - . . . 1 P ' -v - . ' " k- --: - . , -r PURSE SNATCHER ACTIVE Hedford Police Are Baffled Clever Crooks la Town. by HEDFORD, Or, Nov. 9. (Special.) Medford police are busy hunting; out a purse-snatcher who has been causing; much concern among- the women. Mon day night, while watching' the prohl bltion parade, a woman s purse was snatched from her grasp, and so neat ly and quickly was the work of the thief accomplished that she did not get even a glimpse of him. Yesterday morning a prominent club woman's handbag was stolen as she'was attending a department store sale. She carried on her arm a leather handbag. After emerplng from a crowd, she no ticed the bag seemed extremely light. and on glancing down discovered that all that remained of it in her posses sion was the handle The bag con talned a purse with considerable money and a gold watch. Sledford CInb Boosts. MEDFORD, Or.. Nov. 9. (Special.) The Medford Commercial Club la plan. nlnsr an extensive advertising cam- MEMBERS Or PORTLAND WAITERS CLCB. The Portland Walters Club last week gave their first smoker, which the members Intend to make a semi-annual event. The affair waa given at the clubrooma. X0 Washington street, and Included s pro gramme hesded by many of the prominent entertainers from the leading theaters of the city. All the prominent manaa-ers. stewards and head waiters of tha hotels, cafes and clubs of the city were present with their staffs, and also among those present were many business men and city officials. Officers of this club say that It la not a waiters union, as many think it is. but is simply an organization formed for the purpose of benefiting the members. It also carries a death and sick benefit. It is the In tention of the association to butid a handsome clubhouse. The organization Is a branch of the Walters' Club of San Francisco and other cities, where they have a lara-e membership and their own club building. The officers of the local club are: J. Hampton, president: J. Milne, vice president; J. P. Murphy.tress nrer; H. Wehaer. recording secretary: aod A. Ds Prate, financial secretary. ' CRITICS The physician who rexommtncU, the patient who use and the chemist who analyze Scott's Emulsion have established it as pre-eminently the best in purity, in perfection and in results. No other preparation has stood such severe tests, such world-wide imitation and met with such popu. lar and professional endorsement. To the babe, the child and the adult K .gives pure blood, strength. solid flesh and vitality. paign. Since winning the first prize for Newtown apples at the Vancouver apple show last week. Manager Nead- boeur has sdopted a new form of let terhead, on which is announced the winning of the sweepstakes at Spokane last year and the newly-acquired lau rels at Vancouver. This form of letter. head is to be used by all firms having an outside correspondence. The Com mercial Club now has an active mem bershlp of 600. The management is carrying on'a vlgoroua campaign to in. crease the membership to 1000. BABE, AT PLAY, DROWNED Olney, Or., Child Falls in Clat skanle River. ASTORIA. Or, Nov. 9. (Special.) Ellas, the four-year-old son of Mrs. An na Remlkkl, of Olney, was drowned near the family home last night, by falling into the Clatskanie River while at play. The body was recovered a few hours later. School children are encouraged to visit the art mnseuma of New York City. Last year 7896 children and teachers visited the Metropolitan. NO DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, GAS OR ANY OTHER STOMACH DISTRESS Belief in Five Minutes Awaits Every Man or Woman Who Suffers From a Bad Stomach. Nothing will remain undigested or soar on your stomach If yon will take a little Dlapepsin occasionally. This powerful digestive and antacid, though as harmless and pleasant as candy, will digest and prepare for assimilation 'nto the blood all the food you can eat. j Bat what your stomach craves, with out the slightest fear of Indigestion or that you will be bothered with sour risings. Belching, Gas on Stomach, Heartburn. Headaches from stomach. Nausea. Bad Breath, Water Brash or feeling like yon had swallowed a lump of lead, or other disagreeable miseries. Should yon be suffering now from any stomach disorder you oan get relief within five minutes. If you will get from your p harm a cist a 60-cent case of Pape's Dlapepsin you could always go to the table with, ahearty appetite, and your meals would taste good, because you would know there would be no Indigestion or Sleep less nights or .Headache or Stomachi misery all the next day; and, besides, you would not need laxatives or liver pills to keep your stomach and bowels) clean and fresh. Pape's Dlapepsin can be obtained from your druggist, and oontalns mora than sufficient to thoroughly cure the worst case of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. There Is nothing better for Gas on tha Stomach or sour odors from the stom ach or to cure a Stomach Headache. You couldn't keep a handier or morSf useful article In the house. ! a how those Western Canadian Cities do grow! Saskatoon, the great -the future great railroad centre of railroad centre of Saskatchewan, in- British Columbia creased s-f 13 369 in 7 years FOVt ij&OXge Population- grew from nothing " - 113 in May this year, to 1910 - 15,220 517 in October. when the railroads now building reach FORT GEORGE the population will be 5000. there are a few choice lots left in the original townsite at $250.00 $10.00 down -$10.00 monthly. If you buy so-called Fort George lots except from, us or our agents you get them in ari outlying suburb. We are joint owners and sole agents of the legal registered townsite of Fort George. Natural Resource? Security Company Ltd. -41S Bower Building Vancouver, B.C. Paid up Capital, - $250,000.00 GEO. J. HAMMOND, President you will want the November number of The British Columbia " Bulletin of Information." tells all about the money-making opportunities in timber tracts, coal areas, farm lands, etc. It's FREE for the asking. District Sales Solicitor: RICHARD OBEE, 407 Wells Fsrxs Bids. Pnose Marshall 2329. Bankers - The Bsnk of Vancouver Vancouver. B.C. ALL DRUGGISTS s