Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 10, 1910, Page 15, Image 15

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V,K ra,. Rnval DouLoa anH Haviland China, Rogers- Silverware, Richardson I,inens, Arnold Infants' Wea,
Nemo Corsets, Royal Worcester ana Don ion jc.Jt
- n T r- 4 Ikt miico FVI ariOttfl I .flfSPIS. lieiCIlCi wwen.i;s. - . -
Wortoam (L
Tomorrow ITridlsiy SuiFlprfse SileS in All Depts.
T . . - : : r v i i
, misxft
Va1. 7 . . . , 1 ! u;cw-Hinresence is in evidence in every secnon oi r oruanu a
0 Santa la vis is beginning. io - ' : 7. A, VJ I T u j,rataw'
WeM and bet shoppinorium-Unusual inducement, offered to early Christmas shopper, at th.sjat holiday atore-Tahe advantage
ThaiiR'sgCiviiig Sale
$1.25 Cape Gloves at 87c
Tomorrow the glove store offers 2000 pairs of Women s Tan
Cane Stock Gloves, all the desirable shades for laU. Early
Holiday shoppers -will see the wisdom of buying now. Q"7
Atn.l 1. 25 values. sreciallv nriced at, the pair, only w
20 OO Pairs of the Famous
TH a n Ksgiving Sale
TtirKey Roaster
65c Values at 45c
Large self-basting covered Roasters, size
13x18x8 inches, made of refined ACZg
smooth steel. Regular 65c Special J
CooKing School
Today, 3 P. M. 4th Floor
Lecture by Miss Tracy
Come and learn how to make Washington
pie, Boston brown bread and tea. Miss
Tracy will teach you in a jiffy. FREE
All women are invited to attend the lecture.
Great ThanRsgiv'g
Sale of Neckwear
75c Values at 35c Each
Real hand-made, Irish Crochet Lace and
Lawn Jabots, in many dainty styles. OC.
Regular 75c values, special at, only
Irish Lace Circular Collarsall new, 49
ThanRsglving Sale
S2.QO Umbrellas $1.39
Alexandre Kid Gloves
$2 Values $1.19
Tomorrow marks a surpris
ing sale of the famous Alex
andre real Kid gloves A
very special purchase of a
large quantity for the holi
days gives us additional dis
counts which enables us to
offer all shades in this pop-
1 ' " MM
ular maKe, every pair uuea
by experts - fieg- t 1Q
ular $2 gloves for tpioX J
S1.75 Bags 98c
$4 Veils $2.19
Sale Women's Underwear
Reg. $L5Q Values for 95c
95c Underwear for 63c
MerodeUnionSuits $1.23
75c Vests and Pants at 39c
Ladies' Swiss Ribbed Mercerized Vests and Tights, regular Win
ter weights; colors are blue, pink and white. Our regular QC
$1.50 values, on special sale at the very low price of, only
. ,, . i . g 1 1 r t -r l ti J. nn
unaerwear, tne ceieoraiea jueroao juaae uu bu cuiwu M1"!
Vests and Tights; our regular $1.25 values, special, only
1 I. T- i J T" : V i mm1 Winfan ttthi c t u fntr
sleeves and
JU AlgilbOf AltUW. -.mmwm, J J J
Vests and Tights in good Winter weights, long CO
nd ankle lengths. Regular 95e values, special at V
. .1 . r l 1 1 1 . jf m A
Union dUICS, me iamous Aieroae nuus, long tuecveo,
ntl0 lontHhR. full Winter weiirht: sDeciallv priced at r
TTtii rn
the regular price of $1.25; special price for this sale, only
Union Suits in pure white fleece lined, good Winter weight
earments. Regular 85e values; priced for this 6ale at
Vesta and Pants in white or ecru color, a sample line 39c
very exceptional values 75c a garment; very special at
Surprise Sale of Men's and Women's Union Taffeta Umbrellas,
26 and 28 inch sizes. Good rainproof tops, best steel frames,
fitted with silver trimmed and plain mission t1 QQ
handles. Values to $2.00, special for: this sals only P,. .'
500 SilR .Petticoats,
$1Q Vals. $4Q5
Buy now for the Holidays-
Nothing better than a SI1K
Petticoat for a gilt, always
acceptable Here's a line
of blacK. white, dresden
and all wanted solid col
ors in rich qual
ity lustroua lin
iahed Taffeta
flounces trim'd
in bands, tucKs
and plaits Reg.
BHcT-ifcLT-. . II
Women's Dresses
Tomorrow early holiday shoppers may
choose from 500 new Hand Bags, just
received, positively the best values we
have yet shown. Every one is war
ranted. Regular $1.75 values, QQ
very special surprise price, each
AUTO VEILS, most acceptable gifts and
very seasonable offerings. Taken from
our regular stock, (rood quality chiffon,
21 2 yards long. 27 inches wide, all
wanted shades. Regular $4 tfO 1 Q
values. Surprise sale price V
1 Values at 25c
Tomorrow's surprise offering of 20,000
yards of Embroidery will interest women
who are making Christmas presents.
Kine cambric and nainsook, edges, inser
tions, galloons, bands, etc., 2 to 7 inches
ide. Regular values to $1.00; 2C
very special surprise price, yard
65c Ribb'n 29c
S1.5Q Veil' g 37c
Ribbons for dainty gifts. Such pretty
things can be made from these novelty
Dresden, Ombre French novelty effects,
moire, etc. Values to 65e a 2Qc
yard; special tomorrow, the yd. '
VEILING, many new effect in French
fare Veilings all wanted colors, double
widths; worth $1.50; very spe- 0 7.
cial surprise price, per yard
$2.5Q Belts $1.37
31.5Q Belts at 98c
85c Belts for 47c
Very best grade of "Uyle Patent"
leather Bolts in all the best selling
shapes, all sizes, also odds and ends
in Elastic Belts, to close out quickly.
Greeting Cards
No orders for personal greeting cards
ran be filled after Nov. 17th. Order
now to avoid disappointment later on.
Sale of 2QO Boys' Reefer Coats
Regular,$4 Values Special $2.19
Tomorrow, the Juvenile Store, first floor, offers 200 Boys' Reefer
Coats in solid red color, shepherd plaids and tan covert cloths;
sizes 2V to 10 years. All new, seasonable values. Ac- tfo iq
taal $3.50 and $4.00 coats, bear 0. W. K. guarantee, sp'l P ?
Young' Men's
Suits $lQo$35
The best Suits made are to be fonnd in
our Clothing Department. No better all-
wool fabrics can be used. The most exclusive
Tomorrow's sale Only 7
weeKs until Christina s
Nothing would maKe a
more appropriate gift than
one of these dresses which are
now in great vogue They come
in serge, panama, broadcloth,
eolienne and taffeta silK Regu
lar and extra sizes All wanted
colors; plain and fancy trimm'd
styles A broad range for se
lectionValues from $2Q up to'
$32.5Q are grouped in this lot
To forcibly remind you of our
great sale of women's apparel
we will price them J o CZ
for Friday's sale at aP-
$22.5Q Coats $10.90
New coatg in the long, polo, auto belted raid
gemi-fltting1 styles; plain colors. Double-faced,
plaid back, fancy mixed mate- (ti A QA
rials; vals. to $22.50. Tomorrow J) 1 U. jU
Women's 4Qc Aprons 27c
Women's $1.5Q Gowns 94c
II . r. i
$1Q Muff, Scarf $4
$32.5Q Values at $13.Q5M$25 Muff or Scarf $13.95
Tomorrow, in the apron store, second
floor,-a sale of women's gingham aprons
with pockets and strings ; 40o vals. O 7
Very special surprise price only
Combinations corset cover and drawers,
corset cover and skirt combined; new
tailored, perfeet fitting styles; made of
sheer nainsook, beautifully flJ9 QQ
trimmed; $3.75 values. SpT
Women's gowns, made of eood quality
cambric, trimmed in Torchon lace and em
broidery; high, low and V-neck CkAp
styles; values to $1.50. special at v'
Drawers in all the new tailored euts, cir
cular, umbrella and medium, with fitted
waist bands, trimmed in lace (TO 1 O
and embroidery; $3.75 values..
A $100,000 stocK
of reliable Furs
is here for your
choosing and every
piece is reduced to en
courage early Christmas
shopping, so select now
Marmout Fur Muffs and
Scarfs Rich brown color
-Reg. S 7.5 O Q
to $1Q values PT J J
River MinK Fur Cape
Collars and pillow style
MuffsKegular $12.5Q to
$15 values QT Q fif
Special each i J
Russian Otter Fur Storm
Collars, stole effects with
one head and two plain
tabs, satin lined Pillow
style muff to match -Reg.
$2Q and $25 jft O Q
values nowtPXOw J Zs '
Lunch in Tea
Room 4th FlrT
weaves and best workmanship are embodied in
our Younsr Men's Suits. There is snap and
character in them. Every suit is sold with
positive guarantee of satisfaction. gQg fC
We price these suits at ?10.0O to pOOUtF
$1.5Q Wool Underwear $1.15
a rr.rr i i
Basement "Underprice" Store
This department has added a big, practical helpfulness to this
store's service. Only a month old, but already an important fac
tor in the practical plans of practical people. It's another phase
: z 1 T Z . m . . i-i i j. . 44i
of 0. W. K. service working out a bright destiny. Pay it a visit.
Handsome Taffeta Sijk Waists, plain col
ors and plaids; rich appear- CO QQ
ing tailored styles; $6 value pSJO
85c, $1-00 Silks, 43c 5000 yards of
fancy silk in stripes, checks and plaids.
This season's best patterns and shadings.
Kegular 85e to $1.00 quality. Ex- A f
tra special for this sale, yard0'
Boys $5.00 Suits, $2.49 Complete line
of boys' suits in tweeds and serge, per
fect fitting coats lined with farmers'
satin; dark and medium colors; sizes 5
to 17 years. $4.00 to $5.00 tf O AQ
values. Special, the suit, at V'-'
$2.B0 Underwear, 95o Misses' silk and
lisle, silk and cotton, also medium weight
cotton vests, pants and union suits; odd
lots taken from our regular stock. Q C.
$2.50, $2.00, $1.75 values. Special
$1.75 Comforters, $1.37 Full double bed
sire, made of fine silkoline ; filled with
fine cotton down; variety of eolors; ex
cellent sellers at $1.75. Very CJI 9 7
special tomorrow at, each P ' -88c
Turkey Dishes, special at 44 C
$1.38 Turkey Dishes, special at 69
$1J5 Turkey Dishes, special at 58
$1.7o Turney uisnes, special at oo
$2.00 Turkey Dishes, special at $1.00
Afitt "RnTiiralaw Vet. 25o Kew and releas
ing designs in white, cream and ecru bun
galow net, 40 inches wide; 45c OC-,
value. Special at, the yard, only
$1.25 Bedspreads, $1.05 Full size double
bedspread, Marseilles . pat- t 1 C C
tern, regular $1.25. Special ? 'J
$9.60 Wool CoatsNew Fall styles, full
length, semi-fitting backs, neat tailored
collars, all sizes in the lot. (fC QC
Reg. $9.50 values. Special at pv.J
60c Dress Goods, 89c Choice of dark,
light and medium mixed suitings; will
give excellent wear; suitable for one
piece dress or skirt. Regular 50o OQ
to 60c values, special at, yard'''
$1.75 Umbrellas, $1.19 Fine lisle top,
rust proof frame ladies' umbrellas, mis
sion or fancy handles; many pretty,
styles; warranted fast color. a1 1Q
Regular $1.75 value. Special ?'
25c Hose, 18o Ladies' fleeced, fast
blaek heavyweight hose, reinforced heel
and toe, four-inch garter top. 1 0
Regular 25c values. Special at J'
$1.00 Blankets, 89c White, pink and
blue bordered cotton blankets, size 10-4;
good heavy weight. Regular $1.00 OQ.
quality. Special this sale for-'''
In the big third floor cutlery depart
ment we offer unusual bargains in fine
Carving Sets. 3-piece sets, guaranteed
steel and handles, special as follows:
$2.75 Carving Sets, special for $2.20
$3.85 Carving Sets, special for $3.10
$5.50 Carving Sets, special for $4.25
$5.75 Carving Sets, special for $4.50
$13.50 Carving Sets for only $10.75
$7.90 5-piece Carving Set for $6.32
$9.00 5-piece Carving Set for $7.39
Plat e d Ware
$14.50 Plated Knivesy dozen $11.59
$19.00 Plated Knives, dozen $15.19
$24.00 Plated Knives, dozen $19.15
$18.00 Plated Forks, a dozen $14.39
$20.00 Plated Forks, a dozen $15.99
Sale of Libby
Cut Glass
Holiday sale of popular libby Cut
Glass. Early Christmas shoppers will
do well to take advantage of these
prices and buy ' their presents now.
6-inch Nappies, $3.00 value, at $2.25
$12.00 ' Libby Celery Tray at $9.45
$26.00 Libby Cut Ice Tub for $19.50
$16.50 Libby Cut 10-in. Bowl $12.35
$26.00 Libby Cut 10-in. Bowl $19.50
$4.75 Libby Cut Glass Vase for $3.49
$13.00 Libby Cut Glass Vase for $9.65
$8.50 Libby Cut Footed Bowl at $6.35
$14.00 covered footed Bowl $10.45
KitcHen Needs
1-quart Milk or Rica Boiler, ee
Royal steel, 70c value, special
5-quart size Royal steel Sauce 1Q.
Pan, regular 27c value for only '"'
60c covered Berlin Kettle, only 45
$L25 family size Food Chopper 9S
Battenberg Doilies Vi Oft
' Tomorrow the art needle store, 2d floor,
offers all Battenberg Doiliesy Center
Pieces, and Scarfs from 25c to U
$15.00 at a special reduction of
Bohemian Butter 77c Roll
3Qc Staple Coffee at 23c Pound
Our O. W. K. staple coffee is roasted
fresh daily. It makes new friends for
our grocery store every day. Our 2f
regular 30c quality, special at, lb
Currants, recleaned, in packages; for
your mince pies, etc Special 1p
price for this sale, per package 14t
Olives Spanish Manzanilla. Spe-OQ
dally priced this sale, the quart 7V
$7 Wool BlanKets at $4-95
S12.5Q Wool BlanKets, Spc. $8.25
Tomorrow the bedding store, third floor, offers a sale
of 300 pairs of wool blankets, stlightly soiled white
blankets and light gray wool blankets which were
bought way below price. The wearing quality of
every pair is perfect. . They are our reg- C1 QJ
ular $7.00 white blankets. Special sale at V''
Regular $8.50 White Blankets. Tomorrow at $5.95f
Regular $10.00 White Blankets. Tomorrow at Sfett.o
Regular $12.50 White Blankets. Tomorrow at $8.25
T ; i nr n tt ' ml . Anlr CQ A K
Regular $5.50 Gray Blankets. Tomorrow at $4.65
Regular $750 Gray Blankets. Tomorrow at $b.Jo
t ;v,f n-oTr rinfnn ' RlnnVftts. tmlendid for Winter
sheets. Pink or blue borders, large size CC
$2.00 values. Special for tomorrow, pair K ,
S5 Shoes $2.95 Pair
Velvet Boots $6 Pair
Tomorrow, in the shoe store, first floor, we offer 1000
pairs of broken lines of women's shoes, 3 distinct styles in
Winter weights. Our regular $3.60, $400 and CO 95
$5.00 values. Very special surprise price, pair V-
Velvet Boots, in dress or street effects, with welt soles, a
new high-eut pattern, one of the swellest styles shown
for this season. Also black suede, buck vamps,, with
satin tops, in button or boot effects. Cfl QH
Very 1 stylish strictly up-to-date novelties Vvvv'
Carving; Sets
Bohemian Butter is in a class by itself.
It is solid, keeps fresh lemger than any
other butter on the market 77c
Special for "tomorrow at only
Peanut Butter Beardsley's, the best
small size 11c; medium
large size, special for. tomorrow at V
Sliced Beef in jars 14 and 24
Apricots, fancy evaporated, 2 lba, 35c
Tomorrow we will sell the famous Cooper Underwear in gray I
r,ir. TVrhv nhhoJ. all sizes. $10 values. CI 1 Ci tZfr "tra II
' . - . ... . . n , r - i
srx-ially priced for this sale at the low ngnre ot - t .