Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 10, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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    k i - m-r,---r-v- f-r-rm r r tii 1 1 ign "V "vrT"PAT"nT!TJ TO. 1910.
I lllj kill." I 1 vr uui.uu.iAii, iinikiiiiii " - J
H -
Victory May Cinch League
Championship for Local
Varsity Eleven.
Defeated Squad Play Football
Worthy of Older Heads and
IjOhh by Peculiar Ma
neuver None Hurt.
ET w. j. PCTH AIX.
By to I Ui Columbia I nlvenltr foot
ball eleven dft1 Washington HlcH
fir boo I on the Vamrhn-iitret grounds jrea
t.rda afternoon. Columbia thereby
practically cinched the Intprscr.olaitlo
Laa-ue champlocshlp.
It waa a lucky vlrtory. for up to the
ttme that the Columbia boys scored a
touchdown Just after the eecond half
commenced. Washington had outplayed
the rallfrian. In alrnont everr fieoart-
ment. Columbia termed abeolutely help
less at tarkllna; and In defence work,
while the Waablncton lada, with Cornell
and Parsons playing like demons, sim
ply swept the Columbians off their feet.
In the first half Washington played
foot hail that would be a credit to a
university team. The pluytnir of Par
sons and Cornell with the Interference
put up by the HIO School hoys, made
It look gloomy for the Columbia lads,
who entered yesterday's championship
Came without havlnr been scored ajrainnt
this season. When WasMnctnn made the
touchdown In the second quarter, no one
believed that Columbia would have a
chance, but the varsity lads rallied and
played much better ball In the last half
than In the earlier periods
Score Made Oddly.
The score which put Columbia In the
lead and completely changed the aspect
of the a-ame came about In a peculiar
way. The ball had ben kicked off and
an exchange of punts brouicht It to
Washington s kvyard line and to posses
sion of the High School boys.
Cornell signaled for a punt after the
Columbia line had held on the first
down, but Webber and Sersfleld broke
,throoh and blocked the kick. Then
Hosford. who followed closely behind,
grasped the opportunity and picking up
tne ball dlve4 headlong over the Wash
ington goal Una for a touchdown. Kelle
ber followed by kicking the goal. This
gave the Columbians a lead of six points,
against the five scored by Washington
In the second quarter.
Then the Columbia squad played like a
different team. It showed more dash
and spirit, and succeeded In keeping
the ball in Washington's, territory prac
tically all of the last quarter, and most
of the time within striking distance of
the High School goal. Thus the Wash
ington players were forced into safety,
giving the Columbia lads two more
points. Brilliant Parsons and agile Cor
nell were unable to save their team
mates after the Columblas scored the
touchdown. .
Parooa and Cornell Win.
The work of Parsons and Cornell waa
responsible for Washington's touchdown.
The former was an Irresistible avalanche
whenever he carried the ball and Cor
nell's work on fake line-bucktng was
stellar. One of these fake bucka was
pulled on Columbia's J-yard line, and
Cornell went clear around right end for
a touchdown, the Columb'n Interference
being unable to overtake him. The goal
was missed, as the angle on the klckout
hardly permitted success.
Kicking Save Columbia.
Kelleher's fin kicking undoubtedly
'saved Columbia from being scored
against oftener. Kelleher outpunted Cor
nell eaally. though Parsons and Cornell
made more yardage In running back
Kelleher- kicks, than did the Colum
bia men In return'r.g the Washington
kirks. This was due to the better Inter
ference established by the Washington
team, aa well as the almost total failure
of Columbia players to tackle with any
'degree of accuracy- It seemed that
whenever Parson would take the ball
-t. .. . . t k (hrM Cnlnmhla bark-
field players to down hlin after he had
"eluded several of the linemen.
After having assumed the lead. Co
lumbia played better football. It put
up a consistent defense and Ita offense
srms also more accurate and aggressive.
If the Columbia team defeats tho Lincoln
H gh School team In the approaching
game, the championship will belong to
the university.
The game yesterdav was remarkably
rvee of Injuries or mishaps. The penal
ties were also scarce. being Imposed
aoe'tlv for offside plays or holding in the
Itne. for which earn club suffered at th
bands of Referee Hockenbcrry. The game
was also notable for the few forward
passes brought Into play, this style of
erfense work being used but three times,
and each t:me by the Washington team.
YM waa probably due to the rain.
J Th teams lineup was:
Vklumbla . rosflon, Washlnston .
Ir. Lt.H Later
Jlw'.'rd LtR F'.snrrty
f, LOB Holden. FVer
O.ier ll
K. art,. r - Z..Z1
e lr " 1' .
at.lkaler S Corn.. I
, L II R Parens
"... RHL I-.-r.Ji
f.uaerald Robertson 6roiLs aggies hopes
Joa Engen Team. Reins; Heavier,
T . May Win. I Probable.
Corvellts. Nov. . (Special Four
staye of continual downpour, changing
the athletlo field Into a sea of mud.
Hare completely changed th outlook
for an Oregon Agricultural College Tlc
iorr against the T'nlrerslty of Ore
iroa next Saturdar. for with a lighter
(tne and beckfleld. the Ccrvai:is sup
porter realise that the advantace will
be all In favor of the heavier asgre
gatlon from Eugene. Wearers of the
range are hoping against hop tor the
appearance ef old ol to change the
laud-hole gridiron Into an approxi
mately dry field.
Rally practice fiaa been held under
direct Ion of Coach Fchlldmlller since
the Whitman victory last Saturday, but
14 has been found utterly Impossible
t hold any sort of a scrim msee with
,! field la Ita present condition. So
b squad has contented Itself wlh
"ng signal drill and work covering
livery department of the game made
rw-ecarlous by a wet field, particularly
jrettlnff down the field under punts and
maintaining a close Interference. Keck
punting brilliantly, and his work Is
Counted on for long gain against Ore
sron neat Saturday.
- Contractor today finished th erec
tion of th magnificent new bleachers.
Met extend along the entire east
!de of to gridiron, and the manage-
aent nee announcea ins. over .tvw
! can be aecommmodated when th
gate ar opened Saturday. . But al
ready-mere KVllI
for the game, every seat In the grand
stand and most of th desirable bleach
er seats being sold. Indicating a record-breaking
attendance for th cam.
ECGEXE. Or.. Nor. . (Special.)
Indications are that upwards of 1S00
football enthusiasts will leave thl city
Saturday morning to attend the Ore
go n-O. A. C. football game at Corral lis.
The Southern Pacifio will provide a
special train of 12 or IS coaches. The
train will be decorated with yellow
and green bunting and pennants.
Manager Pick IVrrls Gets Big East
ern Auto Men for Meet.
' I-OS ANGELES, Cal.. Nov. .- The
elght-mlle course over which the Santa
Monica road race will be run Thanks
giving morning I being pot In th best
possible shape and when It I turned
over to th car for their first tryouts
thr will not be a bump or rough
place on the road from the shores of
the Pacific back to th turn t the Sol
diers' Home. A force of men have been
going over the road and places which
ar repaired ar as smooth a a billiard
Manager nick Ferris and the Santa
Monica officials went over every foot
of the course; wherever there was the
slightest roughness It was ordered-repaired
and by getting a large force at
work six week before th bin vnt
assured a perfect surface for th racing
car a
Manager Dick Ferrl has received a
large number of entrle for the differ
ent classes and expects the big ear race
to fill before November IS. the date set
for the closing of entries. Many of
th racing car ar already on th
ground and several will be shipped by
express from Atlanta and Savannah.
An Invitation has been accepted by
Starter Fred Wagner to attend the
race. He will come West from Sa
Weather Man Holds Ont Hope for
Sanaiilne on Sunday. ,
The heavy rain yesterday prevented
the Champions from practicing for Sun
day's benefit game. Compelled to re
main Indoors the players passed the
time In fanning bees and tickling the
Ivories at billiards and pool. Home
of the Portland players are experta at
handing the cue.
The benefit fund Is well over 11200.
The weathcr-man holds out hope for
clear weather Saturday and Sunday.
Destination Is Xcw Orleans of Craft.
Starting; From Chicago.
CHICAGO, Nov. . Two motor-fcoat
were started from her today In a
rare to New Orleans, by way of th
Chicago River, the drainage canal, the
Illinois and Mississippi Rivers.
The race Is between Joseph Hessler
and Paul Welse. both of Green Bay,
Wis., on a wager of $0Q0. The for
mer' boat Is the H. B. D, of IS horse
power, and Wlese' craft Is the Weh
nlta of 13 horsepower.
Star Catcher, Myers. Will Be Seen
In New York Again.
NEW YORK. Nov. . Myers, th star
catcher, signed today with the New York
Nationals for 1911. as did Arthur Shafer.
substitute Inftelder.
Catcher Ed Sweeney, Pitcher Jack
Warhop and Outfielder Cree sent In their
signed contracts for 1911 to the New York
American League Club.
Multnomah Plays Saturday.
The Multnomah Amateur Athletic
Club football squad will meet the
Catholic Young Men's Club eleven on
the Vaughn-street grounds next Satur
day. The showing of Multnomah In th
first game played by the clubmen this
season against Washington State Col
lege aat week, convinced Manager
Latourette that he has a high-class
football machine. While the clubmen
lost they showed to excellent advantage
In the game. The Catholic Club la also
rated as a hard squad to down.
Laskar Brats Janowskl at Chess.
BERLIN. Nov. t. Dr. Emmanuel Laa
kar. holder of the world's championship,
beat I. Janowskl. Preach champion, in
the first game for the chess champion
ship of the world, played at the Ker
kau palace in this city yesterday. The
match Is a contest of eight games up,
draws not counting.
Willamette Is RIM115 and Astoria Is
Swept by 60-Mile Breese.
More Rain Due.
Wind that whistled around th street
corners In the region of th big build
ings of Portland yesterday afternoon
and last night had many elements of a
Lwwn-East gale. Accompanying th
disturbance a heavy downpour of rain
raited from early morning. Many um
brellas took sudden flight from the
hands of pedestrians and as many were
turned Inside out. The gale was notice
able tn all parts of the city. Eastern
ers said they regarded It as only a
slight wind, while to th native-born
Oregonlan It was something out of th
Th Willamette River is rising grad
ually and th report of yesterday Indi
cated fully a foot rise during th last
34 hours. Astoria reported In th night
that It was in the throe of another
stiff gale of the to-mtle-an-hour va
riety. It waa regarded as one of th
worst gales of the eeaeton and was ac
companied by a heavy downpour. Th
barometer was still falling when th
last report was received In Tnrtland. In
dicating that the gale was not yet
At Salem the Willamette rose a foot
with Indications that It would go
higher owing to the heavy rain. Ther
was soma apprehension that the river
might go on a rampage. All points
down th river reported th nut
heavy rain fall and a stiff wind but
there were no reports of damage to
vessels down the Coast. More rain Is
predicted for today.
Wret Leads In Crook.
PRTXEYIXAJ3. . Or, Nor. (Special.)
Eighteen out of 53 precincts In Crook
County give Lafferty 61. Manning 1.9.
Bowerman 43& West 4S3L Cochran 314. Sex
ton 3. Bradshaw if!. Stark 437. wet S3,
dry XS. ,
Dlgesrtloa Assimilation.
It Is not the quantity of food takeu
but the amount digested and assimilat
ed that gives strength and vitality to
the system. Chamberlain s Ptomirh and
Liver Tablets Invigorate the stomach
and liver and enable them to perform
their function naturally. For sale by
all dealer.
Gilmore & Pittsburg Is Said to
Be Rockefeller's.
Road Believed to Be Branch and
Feeder lor Milwaukee, Which
Will Invade Central Oregon to
i: Fight Harrlman Interests.
BOISE. Idaho, Nov. . (Special.)
Ownership of the Gilmore ft Pittsburg
Railroad, the mysterious Eastern Idaho
line. Is now credited to th Chicago.
Milwaukee Puget Sound, or the
"Rockefeller system." This ' Informa
tion, coming from a reliable source,
was given out 'In Boise railroad cir
cles today. In addition It was - an
nounced that not only would th Gil
more at Pittsburg be extended from
Salmon City. Lemhi County, Eastern
Idaho, southwest through Boise but
west through Eastern and Central Ore
gon and south to San Francisco. It
was also said that the ' Wells-Fargo
Express Company, a Milwaukee sub
sidiary, will Install express and stor
age depots along th route. That th
entire system will be In operation
within a comparatively few years. Is
also predicted.
The southwest line Is said to be but
a branch and general trunk leader, the
Chicago. Milwaukee Puget Sound pro
poses to weave In th north and south
west country. The main Weatern line
now passes through to Seattle and must
reach Portland Inside of IS months to
meet the terms of its right-of-way
agreement' with that city. Milwaukee
officials have said that they hope to
touch Portland In lei than a year on
a fully-ballasted and finished roadbed.
The Gilmore Pittsburg Is in opera
tion from Armstead, Mont., to Leadore
and through to Salmon City, the pres
ent terminal In Idaho. An extension
was constructed recently, from Salmon
City south to the Salmon River aa far
as Challls In Custer County and a con
tract was mads- for 1.000,000 tie to be
delivered along th proposed rout from
Challl to a point beyond Crystal.
The survey southwest to Boise was
completed some time ago. A contract
calling for th laying of 100 mile of
additional track la let. This will bring
th road wall within striking distance
of the "hogback" of the Sawtooth
Range In which a low divide has been
discovered over which the line can pass
to the upper waters of the Boise River.
Thence it will follow that stream and
drop at a one per cent grade to this
city. Following the Boise Valley west,
the line Is to continue Into Eastern
Oregon and th Interior to Klamath
Falls, thence south through California
by way of the Pitt River and Sacra
mento Valley Into San Francisco and
Th Chicago Northwestern is linked
with th Denver, Laramie ft North
western which is a part of the former
system In the general movement to lay
a line to the Pacific Coast. Southern
Idaho and Eastern and Central Oregon
territory are believed to be the battle
field for this system to compet with
th Harrlman system.
Morris) Nelson' "Lotus," Finest in
America Public Invited to In
epect This Handsome Resort.
When the doors of the Lotus buffet
and billiard parlor, 127 Sixth street,
open tonight. Thursday evening, at (
o'clock, men of Portland will be offered
one of the most pleasurable resorts on
the western coast, bar none. Expense
has not been spared.. In making this
place attractive, convenient, and gen
tlemanly In vry sens of th word.
It la strictly 'a business Institution,
founded and conducted strictly upon
business principles.
Morris Nelson will be th sol pro
prietor and manager. His care In se
lecting and providing the best in every
Una has resulted In an expensive and
luxurious place, and th same will be
at the pleasure of all men who appre
ciate such a business venture. Busi
ness and system are the two lines upon
which Mr. Nelson has planned his buf
ft. It will ba these ideas that will
make it a success.
While the Lotus will be the best of
Its kind, popular prices and patronage
will prevail. Service and attention will
be given alike to all patrons. In
launching his business In Portland, the
proprietor has laid down strict busi
ness rules, and proposes to follow
them. It might well be said that bis
system will be the new order or twen
tieth century buffet. The difference
between this place, and the average
buffet will be as great aa that between
noonday and midnight. No rowdyism
or that which calls for criticism will be
tolerated In the least.
The building has been transformed
from a common-place structure to one
of beauty. nana and specifications
were drawn and carried out by skilled
men In their particular lines. The fur
niture, fixtures, and equipment are th
best available. The name of the place.
"Lotus." Is that of the famous Egypt
Ian flower, which is the national bloom
of that country. Th design of this
flower Is carried throughout th plan.
Th first sign of th new buffet is
th unique Lotus sign ovr the en
trance. The front of the building has
been finished In a buff stucco scheme.
The ground floor Is occupied by th
buffet, the econd floor for the billiard
parlor, and the basement for a store
room, and general office.
The buffet Is finished completely in
mahogany. At the rear, splendidly
eouiDoed lavatories are offered. These
have been constructed with the latest
features of sanitation and comfort io
the side of these is a private offlc of
Mr. Nelson. In this room Is also a
large vault with 40 compartments,
which will be offered to patrons. An
other feature at the rear of the buffet
will be the reading, and writing room.
This room Is screened from the main
quarter, and accommodations In every
line ar offered In this respect.
Along th south aid of the room are
arranged compartments with easy
seats Each compartment accommo
dates four men. The seats ar finished
In red Russian leather, a table Is at
hand, and telephones at the elbow.
Nothing has been omitted to make
these comfortable, and easy resting
On th north sida of the room runs
th counter, back of which are two
of the largest mirrors on the Paclfta
Coast. These are each IS feet and six
Inches long and six feet and six Inches
talL Two of these extend the entire
length of this counter. Under the mir
rors ar th case for goods of various
kinds. The bar proper Is solid ma-
W . Anjt .hi... 1 1 Ir . m,hll Th
llVaujr UU BUfUCfl kkn ...... ..
rail Is of solid ebony, and likewise la
the test obtainable, fixtures lor uu
feature of the place are the latest and
best. The counter, being inlaid with
whit holly and tulip wood. Pearl fig
ures are set regularly throughout. .
The general color scheme of the buf
fet follows closely the color and idea
of the lotus flower. The lights, wood
work, tiling and draperies blend Into a
pleasing pian. ana maae me rwm um-
....n.ia I Pplvata tctlenhone
IIULUJ kUHfiUl.k r
booths are provided, and other accom
modations usually offered at such
The second floor Is devoted entirely
to a first-class billiard and pool parlor.
-in general iaea ot tne pruyricwi i,
been carried into this room, and it is
tPk1., " AnklAmon'a rsanrt. Flv
pool and three billiard tables are found.
walnut, 'and Inlaid with pearL These
are the latest from manufacturers, and
contain all the Improved features con
nected with such furniture. Opera
chairs are arranged on raisea piat-1
and guests. , Clothing lockers are at
tne aisposition or tne pairuno,
vate lockers for cues have not been
forgotten by the proprietor.
Cnkklul altcntlnn hAfl been given to
Installing a, ventilating system. This j
Is known as the suction plan, and air j
Is changed every 60 seconds by an au-
tomatlc arrangement. Ventilator vents
are placed at. various places through
the first and second floors, pipes to
these vents leading to the rear of the
building, and the Impure air dispelled
Into the open. At the same time, the ,
i. anin eulnir th room with !
pure air. This avoids the odor usually
found In buffets.
The lighting effects have been given
equally as careful attention. All lights
are made from beautifully stained
i . v. n .. . ,1.. wrltlnr room Is
AWWVW 1 ' ...... 1,
placed a large various colored glass re
flector, back or wmcn are ugnis. j.uis
gives a splendid and easy light. In the
...... n K .Mm la another SUCh
kVUlDI u . . . I u ,wwau
scheme, and- at each compartment are
smaller iignis wornca out '
eral color and lighting scheme. The
lotus flower Is prominent In each light.
The same lighting system is carried
out In the billiard parlor, and above
each table Is a suspended plate glass of
harmonious color.
Even the store room shows business
and system. The Ice box is equipped
completely with modern fixtures, and a
large humidor is the only one of ita
kind In the city. The rear of the base
ment is used for a store room oi glass
ware and goods. Glassware through
kVik. viiii u- i aneelAllv designed for
this place, and Is of the beautiful Bel
gian Style. sjliverwaxc una "
selected In harmony with the general
scheme. ... .
The electrical fixtures and raciuiies
have been planned and installed by
William H. Smith. S26V4 Tenth street.
As an interior decorator and engineer,
Mr. Smith Is well known. His Idea In
flttini, mil ihi TIhr sneaks for Itself.
and stands with the Wells-Fargo build
ing, whlcn na lnstaiieu, aa ioi.7
montal. .
if. VklaAn fn.mnrl v conducted the
M. A N. buffet at Dawson, Alaska. 'He
- - n nf that OlACA f OT 10
years, and visitors to that city know of
the place. It was at one time cuubiu
ered the best equipped and most business-like
place in the Northwest. The
. . . . . . r- ki. . .. aiBA hull
LaOlUS DUIiet at Dcrktkiar o ,
and conducted by Mr. Nelson. . In mak
ing his bow to Portiana unursaay even
ing, he extends a warm nana urn s"
fellowship. He says his motto will be
business first, last and all th time.
Salmon Fishmen Get 20 Cents Per'
Fish, Highest Price Ever Paid.
flionTvrii ni- Nav ft ?i n iW I 1 .
The greatest run of sllverslde salmon
of many year In th Umqua River 1
Just cloalng. Thousands of fish hav
been piled on the cannery docks day
by day, and many thousands placed in
cold storage until the receipts of fish
slackened, and tney coma do nauuieu.
The Umpqua Canning Company and the
Co-operative Packing Company have
increased their force to the limit and
In spite of working overtime are unable
to care for the fish brought In.
The fishermen are receivnig JO cents
per fish. . The highest price ever paid
on this river, and several have already
upwards of 2000 to their credit for
the season's catch. It Is estimated that
the season s pack on tne umpqua xuver
will reach 25.000 cases.
Trout Leave When Logs Rush In.
HUSUM. Wash., Nov. . (Special.)
rr v, . aaaann fnp f rnii t Ushlnar ended
yesterday. Several strings were captured
euna&y oy nusuiu nugici. ""hh1
of the famous rainbow trout is becoming
noticeably less each year in the White
Salmon River. The dally flooding of
the stream and the running of logs by
the Wind River Lumber Company is said
to be the direct cause of the absence of a
once plentiful supply of fish In this vicin
ity. Flashlight Replace Fire Gong.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Nov. 9. (Spe
claL) Because the machinery in the
paper mill In Camas mad mere noise
than the fire-alarm gong, which was
Installed In the boiler-room of the big
paper plant, the residents of the city
could not hear It when an alarm was
A New Local Train will leave Portland 7:30 A. M. for Lyle, with
eonnection to Goldendale. ' Returning from Lyle arrive Portland
8:40 P. M. ' ,
Columbia River Local will leave Portland 6:15 P. M. ' instead of
' 4:30 P. M., for Cliffs. Returning arrive Portland 10:30 A. M. in
stead of 12:35 noon.
Leave Portland. .
Arrive Spokane..
.9:00 A.M.
.9:15 P.M.
Leave Portland 7:00 P. M. Leave Spokane. .
Arrive Krjokane. . . . . . .7:00 A M. Arrive Portland..
("rood to look at its color a perfect amber.
Good to drink a delightful after-taste.
Good for you strengthens, and
TLe Beer of Quality
comes to you in an attractive bottle, its clear amber contents
sparkling and inviting. Low in percentage of alcohol
with a full mellow flavor and a soft smooth taste it
rung;. The n,lse drowned the souna
VI lll t " " " J
Council of Camas that the system was
a failure, so narry rajaor
structea to aevise a rea nusiuisin.
replace the gong.
Younger Child of General Ecltert
Sues for Part of $3,000,000.
NEW YORK. Nov. 9. Charges that
fraud and undue Influence Induced Gen
eral Thomas T. Eckert, former-head of
the Western Union Telegraph Company,
to bequeath the bulk of his J3.000.000
estate to his elder sotf, Thomas T. Eck
ert, Jr., are made by James C. Eckert,
the younger son. In proceedings begun
today to set aside the will.
It la alleged that General Eckert was
of unsound mind .when he drew up his
Logglnp; Roods to Bo Extended.
ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 9. Special.) The
Brix Logging- Company Is preparing to
build quite an extension to its logging
railroad In the Grays Bay district and
this morning the steamer Miles left for
Fencing Tournament
Women of Woodcraft Hall, Tenth and
Taylor Sts.,
8 o'Cloelt Sharp.
Tickets) on Sale at Honeyman Hard
ware Co. and Columbia Hardware Co.
Improved Service
Sunday, Nov. 13th
Leave Spokane 8:00 AM.
Arrive Portland 8 :15 P. M.
...9:40 P.M.
,.. 8:00 AM.
satisfies every expectation.
Made and Bottled only by
Why not order a case sent
S. A. Arab & Co. Anita Brothers
104 Third St. 69-71 Sixth St.
Tel Main 480 Phone Main 2531
Home A 1481 Home A 2531
Kalama for two barges containing ISO road and the Callander Navigation Corn
tons of iron for the track. The Pacific pany Is delivering- a seow. load ot lron
w i I,, i i, a I knaw trvr- th nrnnosed lmorovement.
xugiM5 uimpany win may eAtcuu i.q
To Corvallis
- ' for the
U. of O. vs. O. A. C. Football Game
Saturday, November 12, 1910
Will Run a Special Excursion Train
To leave Portland Union Depot at 8:00 A. M. Arrive
Corvallis 12:30 P. M." Leave Corvallis 6:00 P. M.
Arrive Portland 10:30 P. M.
$2.60 Round Trip Fare $2.60
This is the great annual game between the rival
institutions, and will be the most exciting event of
the football season. Ample accommodations will be
provided for all. Special will return after the game.
Purchase tickets at our City Ticket Office, Third
and Washington streets, or Union Depot.
WE McMUREAY, General Passenger Agent.
' r
Highest Quality
iff w (r E
LousMil Made from
,5(1 mctLCllrlL-i. VJCi.
xou never
aV-r. 1M WT-
I Wanted
Pabst Blue Ribbon-
beer with the
taste and
zest that
reach the spot.
The beer that
arouses your
appetite when
you sense the
aroma of it.
aids digestion.
Pabst at Milwaukee.
home today? fhone
. &kMMm
or mi
pure, carefully tested
tx uui vkk k
saw sucn u
They'll open