Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 09, 1910, Third Edition, Page 21, Image 21

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trfE jronxixo oregonian. ' Wednesday, novesiber 9, 1910.
Channel at Junction of Willam
ette and Columbia to Be
stevedores to ba renewed, unless It was
deairabla In connection witii the will
scale or th stevedores ioalat on such
an agreement. Tha matter of lympl
tbctlc strikes which" Involve other
countries, be says, can no lonarer ba
regulated locally, as the American long
shoremen are affiliate, with the Euro
pean doc k workers and those of Australia.
Captain Grave. Suitrrintendr nt of
Port of Portland Channel lift'
. proTf mpnlrt, ArraniM to Dump
Material In Slough.
To provide an entrance to the Wll
lamette River 1S00 feet wide. -S feet
deep and extending upstream from its
mouth at least three-quarters or a mile,
Captain Groves, superintendent of tha
Tort of Portland channel Improvements.
will order the dredge Columbia to the
1-cctlon of the Willamette and Colum
bla next week. It is estimated that fire
weeks will be required to make the cut.
"whic h will mark the first time that the
entire mouth has been cleared out and
It la follr expected that the work will
he permanent, necessitating only
small amount of "cleaning up" each
The month of the Willamette baa
trlven pilots and river masters frequent
trouble and it was only a few months
ico that the oil-tank ateamer Kose
rrans ploughed into the dredge Port
land there because of limited space in
which to maneuver In entering the Wll
hiinette. The channel at present Is
about 44 feet wide, while the river-bed
on each side slopes upward so that
some of the material to be removed Is
l-'SS than three feet from the surface.
In addition the formation Is largely
rtay. which means hard dredging and
plenty of work for the cutters.
Arrangements have been made by
Captain (irov.s through which all ma
terlal taken out will be pumped into
a elouich on --uvles Island, so that no
part of the dbrls will wash again Into
th stream. Men are now engaged In
placing tlte pipe line and as soon
the Columbia finishes work a short dis
tance below Pwan Inland, and above
the North Bank bridge, she will be
'mm Portland to the sea. with the
ei.-ertllon "f in the local harbor, th
t-nannel hns been increased In depth
one foot tills season, giving ?7 feet of
-itfr, and tne work has been com
pitil prai-t!ally two montha in ad
vam-e of the time required for the 2
root -h.?nnl last year. when the
drw!-s ended their campaign January
1. T.if Portland yesterday finished dig
ging at M.irtln's and will he moved to
cither Columbia fity or Goble. the lo-
aiinii 10 be determined after sound-
In ics today.
.--'mpnied by several river pilots
Cnpiatn tlroves will leave at 7 o'clock
tfus nornlng on the dredce tender Mc-
Crakt'n and soundings are to be made
during the day on eah shoal to ascer
tain how the depth hns neon increased
tus season, and to determine whether
fix- channel in the Lower Columbia re-
lulres additional attention before the
?iieited Winter freshet. The party
will return this evening.
Ve-I Rent-tip Port After Thought
Doomed by frames.
Second of the American-Hawaiian
fleet to have a fire at sea. the stenmerj
r a icon arrived up last evening alter a
perilous trip along the Oregon coast,
when conditions became so alarming
that the proposal was made to taite to
the boats, but Mrs. Schage. wife of the
skipper, probably averted that step by
her refusal to take chances of drown
ing, aaylng she preferred death by fire.
Recently the freighter Alaskan was
Wireless messages received late Mon
day night reported that the Falcon was
off the coast with fire raging In her
forward hold, where it was discovered
at o'clock, but the origin was un
known. The flames appeared to gain
headway despite efforts made to ex
tinguish thein, so the hatchea were
ordered battened down and the steamer
was raced for the Columbia River,
which she entered at S:30 o'clock yes
terday morning.
She steanied to an anchorage off As
toria and after two hours' work the
hold ws flooded and the fire subdued.
The vessel left up for Portland at noon
and she wlil remain here for a few
days. Apparency she sustained little
damage, but the cargo In the forward
hold, being of a perishable character.
Is probably a total Irss. The Falcon Is
operated between Portland and San
Francisco In connection with big car
riers running between New York and
San Francisco.
V IIonviIle Srrtk-e Marts Tmtuy and
Corralli Hun Tomorow.
Navigation south of Mission Landing
to points on the I'pper Willamette as
far as Wllsonvllle, will be resumed to
day by the Yellow Stack Line and be
ginning tomorrow the steamer Pomona
will start en her old schedule to Cor
vallls. The sternwheelers have not plied
on the upper reachis of the stream this
season and last year they were oper
ated to Cprvallis a week earlier.
Practically from the mouth of the
Yamhill River to the head of navigation
fretKht has accumulated to such an ex
tent that a number of trips will be re
quired to relieve the situation. Quanti
ties of hay. amounting to SO toes and
more at some landing, have been stored
since harvest, though most of the
ranchers, whose places were so situated
that they couid haul produce to rail
lines not too far distant, saved their
crops with little additional expense.
Ttie only fear of steamboats now Is
that the Fall rains will continue wltli
such vigor to offset 'the dry Summer
period, that a frtshet ja-ill follow of
such strength as to force another sus
pension of service. .
Seamen Will Hear Concert.
The regular weekly cencert will be
given this evening at the Seamen's
Friend Society beginning at t o'clock.
The programme follows: Soprano and
bass duet," Mtss Eva Wells and Mr.
Ledbury: contralto solo. Miss Harriet
Johnson: soprano solo. Miss Eva Wells
bass solo. Mr. Ledbury soprano and
contralto duet. Mrs. Bikkman and Miss
Eva Wells; tenor solo, Sidney Boni
Yucatan's Troubles in Court.
It Is apparent that for a time Port
land will not be awarded a contract for
Waxen. S5ce12S; Baldwin.
; Northern Spy. TScoJl-io; Snow,
Potatoes Prove to Be of First
Due es .
Nome City San Francisco In port
H.rrulae. ..... ttoagfcone. . . In poht
JClamatb Sao Francisco in port
Ceo. W. Elder. .Ban Peoro .In port
Falcon fan Franclsoe In port
Bum H. minora. Tillamook. ... Nov. 9
Golden Oaie. .. .Titiamooa.... Nov. a
Eureka. .......Eureka. ...... Nov. V
Beaver .... baa Pedro. ... Nav. 9
Breakwater.. ..Coos Bay. ....Nov. 13
Roanoke. .... ..Baa Pdro.... Not. 13
Hear Sea Pedes.... Nov. 14
Rrtje Honskong. ...Nov. It
Rose City. .....Baa edro.... Nov. 19
Scheduled te Depart.
Oeo. W. Pedro.. ..Nov. a
Hercules...... .Hongkong.... Nov. 9
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. ...Nov. 10
GoldanGata. .. Tillamook.... Nov. 10
Eureka ..Eureka Nov. 10
Klamath fan Francisco Nov. 10
Falcon. . ... . San FTanrlwa Nov. II
Nome day. . . . an Francisco. Nov. 12
Beaver ... ban Pedro. ... Nov. IS
Breakwater. ...Cooa Bar ..Nov. 15
F.oaaoa. ...... Fan Francisco Nov. 16
Bear Saa Padre.. ..Nov. 1
Rose City. .....han Pedro.... Nov 23
Kyfle Hootkong....Nov. 2ft
repairing the steamer Yucatan, sister
ship of the Rose City, which w
wrecked In Alaskan waters, as the dif
ferences between the owners and the
underwriters will be settled In the Ad
miralty Court- The vessel Is held at
bsqutmalt. her hull being patched and
other arrangements made so that she
can be towed here for the work.
SeleneSaUa Xet Week.
To discharge 760 tons of ballast in
four days, have her hold lined and get
away the last of next week with a cargo
of wheat, la what Is promised for the
Herman bark Selene, which is at Linn
ton. where she is to begin unloading
ballast this coming. The vessel's cargo
Is in shape for Immediate loading, and
aa It la desired that she be on the way
to the Lnlted Kingdom mithout delay,
she mill probably make the best showing
of any carrier loaded this season-
Steamer Crews Cast Votes.
Iu the "toss up" between crews of
the Shaver steamers as to which would
go down the Columbia to secure a raft
while the others remained to exercise
their prerogative at the polls, the Wauna
lost. a lesplte the objections of her com
pany she mas ordered into service Mon
day night and yesterday the Sarah
Dixon. Shaver. Cascades and M. F. Hen
derson were In the harbor, so that the
total ballot was swelled.
Steamer Chester Starts Tomorrow.
As the Cowlitz River received a share
of superfluous mater In company with
other streams in this locality, the
steamer Cheater, rated the most diminu
tive of her class on the globe, will to
morrow renew plying to Kelso and
other points. The craft has been out of
service since July t and during the in
terim has been overhauled.
Ion;horemen Will ?Co Sign New
Agreement t olunlarilv.
Teaierday being a holiday that was
of sufficient importance u? force the
payment of overtime on the waterfront,
stevedores evinced no disposition to
rush the loading or discharging of ves
sels. Coder the contract entered Into
with, the longshoremen two years ago,
which expired In September, the over
time was provided fur and aa It mi ana
time and a half, work Is not carried on
such days except when emergencies
J. A. Mat'sen. secretary and treasurer
of the ! frc I'lstrl.t. wMch Includes
longshoremen from one end of the i'a
clftc Coast to the other, says that he
!oea cot expect a contract with the
Marine Notes.
B. E. MUier, agent for the O. R. X,
on Ash-street dock, returned yesterday
after a month's visit at his former home.
Hope, Ind.
Again the lower harbor is clear of
squareriggers, for yesterday the German
bark Goldbek was towed to Prcscott to
begin loading lumber for Europe.
It Is probable the British steamer
Needles, lumber-laden for Shanghai, will
depart today from Kalarna. ' She has
aboard about .000.ojo feet. The Japanese
steamer Tamon Maru was delayed In
sailing yesterday and will get away this
When wireless is installed on the
steamer Breakwater early in the Spring.
Cuptaln Macgenn says that changes will
be made in the superstructure of the
vessel through which her social hall will
be enlarged, two staterooms extended
and more space generally given on deck.
Captain Buchanan, superintendent of
the Open River fleet, has ordered a
change of schedule, effective tomorrow,
through which the steamer Twin Cities
will leave Celaao Thursday Instead of
Saturday, and depart from Kennewlck
for White Bluffs Saturday Instead of
To visit In port a few days the revenue
cutter Manning has arrived from As
toria and Is anchored on the East Side,
off East Washington street. She mill
return in a few weeks for an overhaul
ing. Captain Godfrey Carden. her com
mander, departed last evening for New
York on a month's leave-
To replace a steel malntopgallant yard
on the British ship William T. Lewis.
bent while at sea. a piece of Oregon pine
has been secured by Anderson at Crowe
from which mill be fashioned a substi
tute. It is said the yard bent on the
mainmast la, such a manner as to be
useless. The same rings and other gear
will be fitted on the wooden yard.
Captain Mackenzie, of the British
steamer Rupert City, which arrived yes
terday morning from Rupert. B. C, to
load cement for Victoria, reports that
off the Straits of Kuca the vessel was
caught In a storm and lost a lifeboat,
and off the Columbia she ran Into a
blow, the wind racing along at M miles
an hour. Seas mashing over the vessel
wrenched loose the stays of her stack,
and the skipper said it was one of the
worst experiences he ftas encountered.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Nov. a. Arrived Steamer
Falcon, from San Francisco; steamer Rupert
Oity. from Rupert. 1- C. Sailed Steamer
R.tae City, for an Pedro, via Saa Francieco;
stmicer Breakaater. for Coos Bay; steamer
Coaster, for San Francisco.
Astoria Nor. . Condition at the month
of the river at a P. SI., moderate; wind
outhwtet 4 miles: weaiker cloudy. A r
rlted down at snidnichi Steamer Aatec
Arrived at s iO A. M. and left up at Boon
rHaaoacr Falcon, from Ban Francisco. ba:rd
at a P. M- gcboooer Virginia, for baa
San Francisco. Nov. 9. Sailed Steamer
Bear, for -en Pedro: at I P. M Steamer
Rainier: at a P. af otaainar shaata, tor
He.lor.da. Nor. a. Sailed Noxweglaa
sti-aiuer Hcrm.
San Francisco. Nov. Arrived Steam
ers Sierra, from Honolulu ; Tiverton, from
Port Gambia. Sailed Steamers Korea, for
Honskonr:.Loia. for Raymond.
Trade Tp to the Present Time Is
Purely Local California De
mand Will Be Late
Till Season.
The late crop of Oregon potatoes turned
out to be larger than expected and far bet
ter in quality than the dealers thought pos
sible. Tbe grade, aa a whole, is even su
perior to that of last year.
The market continues quiet and la largely
a local affair. There are no outside orders.
except from San Francisco, and these are
limited to a few car a The California de
mand is not expected to develop fully until
after the turn of the year.
Offerings are not numerous and are being
well absorbed by the local trade. Buyers
are paying 90 cents to 1 ia the oeiuitry.
according to quality.
Tbe 1910 potato crop of tbe United States,
according to the final estimate of the New
England Homestead, is placed at 28o.058.0O0
bushels, or considerable short of a bumper
yield. Tbe area planted was 3.129.000 sores.
or slightly less than a year ago. The rats
of yield of the country averages about 91
Tbe Homestead estimates the acreage and
yields of tbe various states as follows:
SDltxenberg. S1.S&A2; Winter
3. SO.
VPilC T m. RT.1TR Ckmti. 1 1 ff 1.23
hundred: naraniDS. 11 1.26.- turnlpa. si.
C.BRKV FRUITS Peara. S1.22&3 Dar box:
crapes. J 1.15 u 1-5 par box. ludc per basket.
cranberries, I3.3U0 per Darrein quioc-s.
fini.23 per box; huesieberTies, 6w8e;
per pound; persimmons. per vox.
VEllETAfll.ES Heans. 1061 He ner pound;
cabbage. 4fccvie per pound: cauliflower 4O0
ff 11 nr AnmttnT eelerv. oO&SOO Der dolin:
corn. 25c per dozen: cucumbers. 65075c
per box; eggplant. UOl.U par crate: garlic.
10ft 12 ntr lb e-reen onions. 15c per dos. ; par la. : pumpkins, lglHo par
to.; rauisnea, lafyzuc pec mnra: apivHu,
"c; squash. 14(10 per lb.; tomatoes,
i tt tOc per box.
TROPICA!. FKUIT3 Oranges, navels,
SS.2& per box: Valencies. 4.50g 4.75 ;
lemons, S7ws; Florida grapefruit. $5e5.50;
bananas, Sc per pound; pineapples, tie per
pound : pomegranates, f 2.50 per box.
POTATOES Oregon. $1.25 it l 0 per hun
dred: nrMt notatnea 2ic oer pound.
ONIONS Oregon, bujlng prloe. SU10 per
Eastern Apple Buyers Hard to
Iowa ...........
New York
New Hampshire
Rhode Island ...
Connecticut ....
New Jeraey ....
1 1 1 inois
Nebraska .......
South lakota ...
North Dakota ..
California ......
Oregon .........
Washington .....
218. W
:!. iO
12. (ItS.OOO
2. 470,000
5.05.1. O0
5, 04H. 000
T. .-.. two
4. 125.0O0
TotnU X 129.000 235.O5S.0O0
The American potato crops for a series of
years are given by the Homestead aa toi-
Bope, Wool, Hides, Ete.
HOPS 1010 crop, 12014c; 1S09. nomi
nal: olds, nominal
WOOL Eastern Oregon, 18017o pound;
valley, 17jlc per pound.
MOHAIR choice. 32f33e per connfl.
CASCARA BARK 4M04c per sound.
HIDES Salted hides. 77Vc per pound;
sailed calf. 14c; aalted kip. 80; salted stags.
sc; green bides, lo leas; dry Hides. 104,
l.c: dry calf. 17018c: dry stags. 11 Olio.
FELTS Dry. 10Vc; aaltad, butchers'
take-oft, 40O 75c: Eprlng lambs, 25 CM 5c.
Groceries, Dried Fruits, Ete.
DRIBD FKUIT Apples, 10c per pound;
currants, 18 fee 15c: apiioots, 11014e; dates.
to oar pound; flS, bum. wnite or oiaca, or
sack. 7Sc; 56a. S1.5O01.75; lz-llis. 800; ee
, 25; 10-ls. aoc; Smyrna, inc.
8Al2uON Columbia River, 1-pound talla.
$2.10 per dozen; 2-poond tails, S2.9S; 1
pound flats. S2.23; Alaska pink. 1-pound
tails, (1: red, 1 -pound tana. Si.00; aecxaye.
l-pound tails. S2.
COFFEK Mocha. 24 If 23c: Java, ordinary.
V7fr20c: Costa Rica, rancy, 18t20o; good.
ltifaisc: ordinary. 12 it J loo per pound.
Mlllr saiuUUV liBiN pec jraiuw: asrav-
xll nuts, 14015c; filberta, 14 to lie; almonds.
16018c; pecans. 10c: cocoanuts. &OO0X1 par
dozen; cnesinuts, zto per pouno.
EALT Oranulated. lt per ton; nan-
ground, 100a, S50 per ton; 60s. 9 per ton.
BSANS Smell wnite. oc; large wniie.
lc; Lima, she; pink. Two; red Mexican
The: bayou. 7 c
K1CE NO. 1 Japan, c: cneaper grauea.
S3.50'j4.55: Soutbern head. 5ia07C.
UO.NEl Choice. S3.75 per oaae; atralned.
flic per pouno.
fiUQAit Iry granulated, fruit and berry.
S5.60: beet. 15.40: extra C. 15.10; aolden C.
5. yellow D.. S4.90; cubes tbarrelsi. S.20;
nowdered. S4.85. Terms on remittances with
in 10 days, deduct lie per pound, if laiar
than 15 and within 80 days, deduct wo per
pound. Maple susar. ioise per pouno.
LINSEED OIL Pure raw In barrels. SI. 04:
kettle boiled. In barrels. Sl.Os: raw. In cases.
1.1)9; kettle boiled. In cases, Ji ll. Lots of
a aailons. l cent leaa oer aailon.
TURPENTINE In cases, si: In wood
barrels. 9 7 fee.
BENZINE union benzine In Iron drums
or barrels, lsttc; union benalne in cases,
2-5s. 23Vc; union atove distillate in lroa
drums 7&
COAL Off Pearl oil In eases. 18c: head-
Ugbt. in cases, l&ttu: eocene. In cases, 2lo;
Elaine, in cases. 2.ic: extra star, in ei
21c; water wlilta. iron barrela, lOHo; bead-
ugnt. iron narreia, Uttc; special w. wnite.
Iron barrela. 14c
v Total
Crop of ' Acres crop
3 Dirt S.I20.lHS 2S5.05S.OOO
10O9 3.27. OoO :115.:)12.0'K
1I'"K 3.nXl,viH 201.027,000
1o7 2.0.'.4.000 275.lS7.Otsl
1W6 2.0K0.0OO 2S2.77rt.O"0
lyo5 3.rs2.tto 22.4.loo
I0O4 ............... :i.O.",.tMio ytS.04.0(HJ
1K02 3.tHk'i. uort 244. 445. OoO
10t2 3.0lH,Mtl 271.777.0O0
ltMil 2!'n.sKI lM. 121. OoO
llsw 2.02.1. OOO 2.'.5.HNl.ooO
111 2.'.t7o.loi 242. 050.000
l-'H 2.77H.ISIO 203.H2.S.OO0
1W7 . 2.745, ih I74.114.000
I Hmt 2 K5.000 24A.4M.IXK
1M5 S.204.INI.1 2ll.350.IH)U
IS. .4 2.914.OO0 185.0O0.0O
1.SW3 2.605.00 18;:. OOO.OOO
1M2 . . . 2.5o.oi 155.ooO.ooii
lS'tl 2.iOO.HtO 2"0.otsXis0
I'm . ............. 2.tto.tssj 150.000.000
jhs.i 2.Hol.SS 2ls.ooi.otsi
Oss l 2.5:i3,OoO 2o2.0t.OO0
1SST 2.:t..7.tM l.".4.0o0.0tU
l.stl 2 2S7 tHNI lttS.ISHt.INHI
JS5 2.228.000 175.000,004
Supply la Sufficient ! Het AH Prwnt D-
The only business passlnir In the local
hon market Is between dealers. Growers are
flrm'aad turn down offers, so what demand
there ts la beinc supplied by local specula
tors. Some of these dealers are showing
pressure to unload, and It Is this that Is re
sponsible for the easy appearance of the
market. The sales reported yesterday were
t prices ran Kin r from 10 to about 1 3
R -Harding the recent IS cent transaction
In Sonoma, tt Is learned that only 13
be.lee were Involved, and they were the sur
plus over a 10 cent contract.
Imports of hops Into Great Prliain, lc
exports d urine the month of September.
1010. were 11.817 cwts.. as aralnst 6,542
rwu., 3413 cwts, and Wjno cwts. during tne
same month la 19"9. 1908 and 190T respect
yoniJNo porxo is grain market.
LeceJ Demand ft Quiet u. Prices Are tn-
There was practically nothing doing: 'n
the grain market yesterday. Eastern ex
changes were dosed and private foreign ad
vices disclosed no change in condition. Xo-
cal prices were quoted unchanged.
Isrocal receipts, in cars, were reported by
tbe Merchants Exchange as follows:
Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay
Monday OS
Tuesday 30
Tear apo rt
Season to date. 4-73
Year ago 49tl
Dreaeed and Live Stork Cleans p Well at
Good Prires.
There were falrlv U.rr receipts of dressed
turkeys yesterday, which cleaned up well,
principally for Seattle account. Prices
ranred from 23 to 25 cents, with an occa-
atoaal small sale at 28 cents. There was
very good demand for live poultry of all
kinds and the market was nrxn, but no
There vu the usual good Inquiry for eggs
and the market was Arm at last prices.
No chang-ee were reported In the butter or
cheese mark eta.
Dressed meats were firmer all around.
Loud of Good lloga Taken at $9.50.
Steers Range in Price Vp
to 4. S5.
There was only a moderate supply of live'
stock available for yesterday's business and
It moved off without any change In general
market conditions.
steers wold from H.50 to $5, cows from
I2.0 to $4.86 and heifers at $4.t0. A load
of hogs brought $9.50 and a few heavies
went at $$. There were so sheep sales.
Receipts for the day were 174 cattle. 13
calves and 265 hogs.
Shippers of the stock were C. 8. Walker,
of Joseph, 1 car of hogs: McKinnon &
Chandler, of finterph lue. 1 car of hogs
V. Clair, American Fulls. 2 can
cattle aaid calves; O. D. Jones, of Granada.
CaL, 2 cars of cattle; Charles Campbell, of
v eiser. i car ox iioei: i. i. koq n. or Mur-
aet Lsaae, i car or cattle; M . 1. Hotrhklss,
of Bancroft, Idaho, 3 cars of cattle and K.
k. W illard. of Bancroft, 2 cam of cattle.
The day s sales were as follows:
Welftht. Price.
.... 944 S4.35
.... VOl
.... 854
Only Supplies Available for Cold
Storage Are in Request -Sales
of Ben Davis by North
western Exchange.
The daily market bulletin of the North
western Fruit .Exchange. Spalding building,
The market continues comparatively in
active and the demand lacks the snap
which we would Ake to see. The -trade
are hard to Interest excepting- in special
varieties which are hard to load. The de
mand seems to center in low-priced hard
vv inter varieties for cold storage, ana tm
quite critical. Ben Davis are in demand
but buyers specify - mostly four-tier, well
rnlnrfxi wasll-tiArkcul. anrt Htrlntlv UT to
grade m good nara storing condition, wo
have sold two cars of funcy Ben Davis
for Goldendaie Applegrowerar Union a
11.10 fab., under the following soeclfi
cations: Strictly fancy, well-colored, from
50 oer cent to 00 Der cent, tour-tier. Dai
acce four and one-half tier, suitable for
cold storage. We have other Inquiries and
could place a number of cars under these
specifications. At the present time we are
oversold on xruit or tnis aesenpuou.
We report the following sales:
Great Northern oar 91720. 545 Stayman
Wi n eaa ps, 87 York Imperials from C ash -
mere. Wash.. October 24. to a buyer in
Texas, as follows: Fancy and extra fancy
Staymans, four-tier and larger, $1.60; four
and one-half and five-tier. $1.35; choice
S1.10; fancy Torks, $1.10; choice 86c, all
f.o.b. Cashmere.
Great .N ortnern car 91D3U. wrrom asn-
mere. October 29. 58 extra fancy Winter
Bananas, $11.50; 7 fancy $3..'o; cnoice
$1.50: i''2 extra fancy Soltzenbergs $2: 20
fancy Spltxenbergs $1.85; 95 choice $1.50;
172 extra fancy Wlnesaps at $2; 5 fancy
$1.75; 30 choice $1.25; 11 choice Delicious
$L60, all f-o.b. shipping point.
Great Northern car 91iK)2. from Meyers
Palls. Wash.. November 2. . Ben Davie.
Ganos and Rome Beauties, The bulk of
the car if Ben Davis and runs to exceed
ingly small sixes, there being 352 five-tier,
189 four and one-half tier, 85 four-tier and
nothing, larger. Sold at a straight price of
65c f.o.b. shipping point.
Great Northern car 90048, nine varieties
of choice arde from Cashmere. Wash., No
vember 1. as follows: Choice Staymans
$1.25; other varieties. 11, all f.o.b. ship
ping point.
Great Northern car 90646. 15 varieties, all
choice trrade from Cashmere. October 29.
at $1.10 straight, all f.o.b. shipping point.
Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 8. The condition of
the Treasury at the beginning of business
today was aa follows:
Trust funds-
Gold coin .' g902.217.669
Silver dollars e,ii.ix'u
Silver dollars of 1S00 3..VI6.0O0
Silver certificates outstanding. . 486,991.000
General fund
Standard silver dollars In gen
eral fund
Current liabilities
Working balance in Treasury of
fices In banks to credit of Treasurer
of the Lnlted totates
.Subsidiary silver coin
Minor coin
Total balance In general fund..
2.61 4.495 17,
16,573, 781
European Grain Markets.
LIVERPOOL. Nov. 8. Wheat December.
6s lOSd; March, Os lld; May, 6e lld.
Wca t h er, rai u.
English country markets, steaay.
French country markets, dull.
Money,, Exchange Ete.
LONDON. Nov. 1. Bar silver, steady at
25 74 d per ounce.
Money, 4H44 per cent.
The rate of discount in the open market
for short bills is 4 per cent; do for three
months' bills. 4't4H per cent.
l car oi nogs: aicivmnon & i
mmm wool values are firm
IK cows
11 steers
IS cows ..
b cows . .
9 steers
14 cows ..
1 cow .
61 .
71 cows . .
1 bull . .
2 hollers
2 steers .
60 boss
6 Roks ..
1 bull ...
1 bull ...
2 bulls
1.2 5
4 20 7 34
2 10 a
i 15 7 10
Ift.-. e7S 472 12-9
748 646 SIS 1231
Prices current on the various classes of
stock at the Portland Union stockyards were
as follows:
Reef steers, aood to choice . .
Bcrf steers, fair to medium . . .
rhoice spayed heifers
Good to choice beef cows . . . .
Medium to good beef cows ....
Common beef cows
tags. good to choice ........
Calves, llsht
Calves, heavy
Hogs, ton
Hos:s,sfatr to medium
Sheep, best Valley wethers . .
Sheep, fair to good wethers .
fcheep, best yearling wethers.,
fiheep, best Valley ewes
jamos. cnotc mountain
Lambs, choice Valley
. 4.5i S.00
. 4.50(0 5.00
. 4.2.. 4.70
. 3.5IJ'.f 4.00
. e.oo 3.50
. 3.30 4.00
. 4.U(l 4.50
. 7.00 1 7.50
. 3.73 S. 3.00
. 9.2."-a 9.60
. 9.009 0.25
. 3.2. 3.50
. 8.00 u) 3.23
. 4.23 it 4.75
. 8.00 W S.30
. 5.23 it S.30
. 4.733 5.00
Tilts, at Astasia WtSaf itay.
1 feet 11:
M 4.S feet
Ruhr - 1 " Kr-nnt St.. Portland.
Or, want farm products, tiirkays. hides,
f una. mohair, caicara. Write for prices.
ATeoheltc liquors for tha ns. of natl-n-e
era n paramt.4 te be ln$sart4 late -maMlead.
Fruit Trad. Ia Quiet.
Tbere wer. no fruit receipts yesterday
except express shipments. California ad
vices were that no more earlots of grapeo
ar. available The local trade was quiet
all around on account of th. election.
Chicago Uveetock Markets.
CHTOAOO. Nov. 8. Cattle ReeeiDts. es
timated, 7(HM; market, weak. Beeves. $4. SO
7.60: Texas steers, S4.10S5.50; Western
steers. S4.10tftt.7u: stockera and feeders.
S3 83&5.7G; co-ws and heifers. 1 2. 2 5 19 6.10:
calvos. 7.B0 10.35.
Hoga Receipts, estimated. 20.000: market.
Blow to oc orr. lif-;nt. - t.vyta D-au; mixed.
S7.70qs.43: heavy. S7.436S.45: rough, S7.J6
10 7.00; Pigs, j.aufl o.i:u; ouia ot sales,
V s .30.
Sheeo Receipts, estimated. 33.000: mar
ket, weak. Native. S2.601i4.20: Western,
92. 63 "9 4. 20; yearlings, ti.wv -.u; lamns.
S4-756 6.60; Western. ie.73is6.3S.
77 9
Grmla. Flour. Feed. Eta.
WHEAT Track prices: Bluestem.
TSc: club. T60; red Russian, 75c; Valley.
40-fold. Tc
BARLEY reed. St.0tf20.6O per ton.
M I LiT Cr'KS Bran. $2h per ton ; mid-
dims. anorts, rolled baxler
KLOVR Patents, IS.13 per barrel;
straMrhtn. M1U0 4 M): exnorta. I.Vr.: ValJ-r.
IS. 20; irabuo. Si.; wnoie waeat. o.J,r-
ters. Ii
BAT Trick prices: Timothy. Willamette
Valiey. 1 10 & 20 pr ton; Eastern Orecoe.
i2lH22-t aJtali. new. iOt. trrala baj.
CORN Wbole. SSI: cracked. SSI per tasv,
OATS White. $r7C-S per ton.
Dalrj and Ceaatry Produce.
POULTRY Hena. 17c; 8prlnca. 1.1c;
dwka, wbit. 10c: scese. 11c: tur
keys. Itve. 2oc ; drvaeed. 3 2Hc ; equb.
4J( per doseti.
EG liS Oreaon ranch, candled. 40c; cur
rent receipts. ftSc; ICastera. JtOfriiia per
fcUTTsTR City creamery. solid pack.
Mr Doaadi nrlata. 37 37 Me per pound:
outside creamery. 85 0 Sec per pound, butter
fat. toe per pound; ova try store butter.
94 Pr pound.
CHKF.SE Kuil cream, twins. 17 01?ie
per pound; yoonc America, ic
FOKis fancy.
VEAL Fancy.
tie per pouao.
31' 12HC.
I to pounds. 110
Vecetablee asd Frnlta.
APTLE3 King. 40 0 7 &c per box; Wolt
Eastern ggs Scarce In the Seattle
Market Small Demand for
Malaga Grapes.
SEATTLE, Wash.. Nor. 8. (Special.)
The dairy, produce, . fruit and vegetable
markets were very active today, but the
grain market was barely nominal.
The supply or lumeys was aaequaie ior
all requirement. Country offers are now
numerous, but nearly all shippers write that
their turkeys will be In poor condition tor
the Thanksfflvlnr trade. Eastern Washing
ton shippers offered turkeys here for the
first time today. Veal stocks tr creased.
Scarcity of fresh Eastern eggs nas beipea
out the demand for locals.
Grapes were in fair demana, nut no Higher.
Concords are about gone. A large ship
ment of fancy California tomatoes reached
Hie street today. The price ranged from SI
to fl.eiO for the extra fancy.
A fresh lot or imporiw roataga grapes
was offered today. The demand for ma-
lagas has been light so rar, out is expectea
to Improve from now on.
Wheat held at yesteraay s prices.
rbtrmwo sDa4ry Produce.
CH ICAGO. Nov. 8. Butter Steady;
creameries. :430Hr: dallies. 3w2iC.
F.rma Receipts. 2&:t3 cwm: steady at
mark, cases included 18:to--bc; firsts, 27c;
prime first. -tc.
Vheese .eaoy; cmusjim. io .
tmlns, '4i t? M Sc; Toung Americas, ijtf
15Wc; long borne, l&tfl&'ac
Bulk of the Bu sines Is In Territory
Grades New Oregon Staple
Quoted Up to 65 Cents.
BOSTON". Nov. 8. Moderate business
throutrh nearlv all kinds continues in the
Boston wool market with values firm. The
bulk of the business is In territory although
half-blood combing wool nas oeen wen
cleaned up In the last few months. Con
siderable business is also reported In me
dium unwashed fleeces. - with an active oe-
mand for Ohio half and three-eighths blood.
Texas and California wools are moving
stead ily on a firm and unchanged basis,
while lambs and pulled wools are also In
fair demand.
The foreign product is quiet.
Texas Fine 12 months. 58 60c: line
to 8 months. 5255c: fine Fall. 60c.
California .Northern, 5woc; raiaaie
county. 52i&ii4c; southern, 4Si&euc; r ail zree.
4i4 4.C.
Drciznn Eastern new StaoJe. 64 3 65o
eastern clothing. 56 43 57c; valley No. 1, 52
Territory Fine staple. eSfi'66c; fine me
dium staole. 69 4SOc: nne clothing, 67&&Hc
fine medium clothing. 55 56c; half-blood
combing. 61 Site; three-eighths blood comb
in ssSSe: ouarter-blood combftur. 510 53c.
Pulled Extra, 65c; fine, 6S60c; A supers.
50 & 55c
Olympla Pioneer Contractor, Father
of 13, Passes Away.
OLYMPIA. Wash., Nov. 8. (Special.)
Surrounded by his wife and his 13
children, . Charles Patenaude, aged 72
years, passed away at his family home
in Olympla Sunday merit.
Mr. Patenaude, who was norn- in Hew
York, came to Olympia with his family
28 years asro and was engaged In the
contracting business. Ee put up most
of the brick and stone buildings in
Olympia and did much of the street
improvement in the last few years. He
built the Thurston County Courthouse.
Mr. Patenaude was married 43 years
and was the father of 16 children.
bov and a girl having died, but six
girls and saven sonswere at the bed
side when he succumbed. His brother.
Theodore, and wife were also present.
The funeral will be held Tuesday
b-i-t-u-I-i-t-h-i-c !
Capital - .T-.. $1,000,000.00
Surplus and Profits. $800,000.00
AflCSWORTR, President. R. W. SCHVEER, Oasateb
. R. LEA BARIBS, Vice-President,
a. It. WHIG ITT, Asslstaat Cashleiw W. A. HOLT, Asalataat Cashier.
l r.
National Bank
Capital $500,000
Portland Trust Company
4 Iaterest on 90-Day Call
. CAPITAL, 8300,000, SURPLUS f54,000
H. L. Pittock. President.
N. U. Carpenter, Vice-President
B. Lee Paget, Secretary.
Oldest Trust Company in Oregon
First National Bank
Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 750,000
Oldest National Bank West of tho
Rocky Mountains
Bank Notice
Security Savings and Trust Company
Ccrbctt Building, Fifth and Morrison Street
Capital and Surplus $900,000
Invites Accounts of
Merchants, Individuals and Savings
afternoon from the Catholic Church.
The body will lie In state at the fam
ily home for three hours Tuesday.
Brown Must Return to Oregon.
SALEM, Or, Nov. 8. (Special.)
Requisition was issued this morning: on
the Governor of Montana for the return
of S. A. Brown, charged with larceny
by bailee, in Multnomah County, Febru
ary IS, 1S09. Brown Is under arrest at
Kallspel, Mont.
Sao Francisco, Los Angeles an J
San Diego Direct
North Iaolflo S. 8. Co-s a. B. Roanoke
ana o, B. iaer .u.11 .,07 wrunsaaay
alternatelT at S P. at. Ticket oltlca lil
Third u. near Aider.
,w. li- blij99ui, rrcacnt
fcas M. A 1814.
Maar aerrloa to Is Aaaelaa via Saa Fraa-
slsco, .very tiv. daya
From Alnsworth Dock. Portland. 4 P. M.
&3 Boavrr, Not. IS; Bear, 18 Koae City. St.
Prom San Francisco, northbound, 12 m.
SS. Bear Not. IX, Rose City 11. Bearer 18.
FVom San Pedro, northbound.
SS. Bose City Not. 15, Beaver 20, Bear tS.
SS. U. BBUID, V. S. A., 19 . u l . 0
i. TV. Ranaosn, aten, Alnsworth Daek.
phones: Mam U2. S8: A 140s.
Alaska dock. Portland. 8 p. it. October 11.
18. 26. Nor. 1,'S, IS. 22. 29 and every
Tuesday night. Freisht received at Alaska
Dock until t P. H. daily. Faasencer fara.
first-class. $10; second-class, 17. lncludins
meals and berth. Tickets on sale at Alns
worth Dock. Phones Main 288: A 1234.
Q. R. & N.
Astoria Route.
Lmtm PortJand dsUly except Saturday at
8:00 P. iL. AlaJtes aU way Landing. Arrive
at Astoria at 0:00 A. if. Leaves Astoria
dally, except Sunday, at 7:00 A. M. Arrival
Portland at 6:00 P. M. Makes direct con
nprtinn with steamer Nahcotta for Mealer.
llnoo, Lent Baacli and all points m tile
Blnecher Nov. 19, 11 A. M.
"Amerlaa .....Nov. 24. 12 Noon
Batavia Dee. 3. lO A. M.
r Kaiser. Ads. Vic Dsn. 10 12 Noon
tUnexcelled Hits Carlton a la Carte Restau
rant, Gymnasium, Elee. Baths, Slevator.
Palm Garden. Second cabin only.
8.S. TLETIXAND Dee. , 18 A. M.
8.S. CINCINNATI Jan. 5. Feb. 14
New 17.000 tona Elevator, Electric Baths,
Gymnasium, etc. -
has been brought within the
means of the average person,
due to the initiative and ex
perience of the HnUurx
American Line, who originated
pleasure cruisiiis; SO years ago.
To many It Is rheaper than
i Hvins; In a hotel whose cuisine
and service are equaled. In
addition interesting places are
visited, the health is. Im
proved and unalloyed rest and
enjoyment provided.
The foreskins; , applies par
ticularlv to the HAMBrKG
AMtJUCAN IJVE'S " crnises.
made by specially constructed
and equipped twin-screw
cruisins steaoiships; offerins;
the hirhest decree of safety
and comfort.
Consult our programmes for
cruises this Winter to . the
tiOUTH A3CEKICA. ete. They
olTer every indooement. choice
and advantage in rates, ltlner
aries and anaii;emants,
IN Powell St., Baa TYAiw-laro. Cal.
Also lsseal B. R. Aaenta In PartlansV
'2 cruises around tba world.
From New York Not. 1. 1911;
Pan Francisco, Feb. 17, 1912.
Cost entire trip $850, includ
ing: all necessary expeosea .