Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 08, 1910, Page 21, Image 21

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With Wheat Market Better,
Farmers Hold Back.
Demand I Stronger Tlimn for
Long Time P-t. bat Sellers
Will Not Consider the
Prior Offered.
The srsln dealere row ere almost trailed
ta the belief that th lowest wheat price
have beeo. een. at least lor tha present.
Th aajna plnlon prevail In tha conn try
districts. With Uia market ready, acoord
In to all appearancee, to tarn npward.
tnla la considered a aood tima to bur. and
tha demand' ta. consequently, stronrer than
ft haa been tor a lone lima past.. Thar
has. hovtTtr. been no Ineressa In bosinese,
as far as ran ba --n. Notbtnc la bete;
ffarad In tha coantrr. aa tha farmer".
' alnce tha market Improved. baa decided
to bald for an ad ranee. Soma of them
sir tha rxeos that they are wsltlm to
ara bow the election result befor they
aelL On tha local market dab waa quoted
yesterday at Ta cents, bloretem at 77 O"
aanta and 4-fold at 7( centa.
There waa not mach bualnaaa passing In
tba oata and barley market. A eale of
barley at I waa reported. Oata were
quoted onchaneed.
Local receipt. In care, were reported
by tha llerohania Exchsnc aa tnlkwa:
Wheat Barley Flour Oata Hay
Monday 7
Teer aso t S 11 7 ?
Xeaaoa to date t: 11 tos T 4(2 lt'I
Tear aao 744 421
0( is;i
Tba weakly wheat etatlallcn of
ehanta" xchsnr follow:
American visible Supply
Bushels. Nov. T. Itlf 40.14.OO
Nov. I. lt" :.7i.0il)
.Nov. . lJ'il 4J.374.aiK)
.Nor. II. IM7 4J.7.-.0.O.I4
Not. 13. lo 1H. ;.)'
Not. II. li Jl.7H.iwa
Not. 14. I4 ai.lJ.O
Not. . jn li.4.4H
Not. 14. 1"3 I,)?.!!
Not. 11. Il 41. ..
.Nor. 1, ! 4(1. ;ol.0
tba Ifer-
144 eo I
1. J.
Quantities on paaa-
Nov. e.
For !luhfH,
7. Ktnadm.3t.44U.04
Continent ..14.eov.4e0
'ct. Not 4. '.
Bush. la Bushel.
It.Mtl.w04 lS.-tf.eOO
l..;.s I4.ai4.40
Total 1T.4I4.404 41.3tW.0V
World' ahlpinenta principal
sountrtea, flour Inrluiled
Week Week,
endlnc . endln
Nov. i. IKI.
From Bushel. Bushels.
3. s.t'an. J.77.i 1.4:;. tfo
rxntina .. .. a-i4.w0
australia ... :.0O i).')i
Danube . 5.l"0.rt'e ;.ot.eo
Nov. 4. (.
4. oi. oca
. J. 24. 0O 4.v4.A
s4s.v tjs.vOO
India .
Total 1117104 14.117. 4 1S.4S.00
Korelcn crop cordltlona ar summarlaed
bv tha Liverpool Cora Trad -News aa lul
Insl I nlted Klncdom. France and Italj" Tha
nutkHik for t'ie wheat Just seeded la favor
ante. Sunplt-e of native wheat are rather
llxnt, but tha stock of foreign wheat ara
icry- liberal.
snaln and SouUi Africa Drouth aclll pre-
(lermany Wheat alreade aeeded la mk
tec co.wi pr"rea under favorable weather
ron.lltlona fuppilea of native wheat ara
Hungiry Further rain hava fallen, which
are of much bn-flt to the wheat already
aeedea!. An ofnnal report confirms dolay to
aeedtnc aa a rreuit of much vermin
Koumanla Tie outlook f'r the corn crop
hi excellent, with quality food, but condi
tion variable.
Ataatralla Partial rains bare fallen, which
have been beneficial.
Rasala According to a ronaeTHro of opln
Ion It la expressed that the stocks of cram
at tha porta on tha Sea of Asoff will ha
carried through, tba Winter nnttl roopcalcc
of naTlgatlon.
Desevu ray That Mr far Small Lot
Tha hop dealers wer mora interested In
Bol It lea yesterday than In tha market, and
but llttla business waa reported from tha
country. There was a food demand locally
and soma of tha Inquiry waa for foreljrn ac
count. The London cables, howerar. re
ported that market quiet and weak.
Too principal transaction of the day was
tha purchase by KIocr. Wolf A Netter o
tha Hoae crop of ZAa bales from laaac Fin
cue a) tiona at 13 centa. Blohop si rAnioul
boncht 140 bale from J. A. Jones, of few
bars, at 11W centa.
A California wtra broocht tha Informa
tion that C. C. Donovan, of Santa Rosa, paid
1 4 cents for a small lot of oonomas. Hall
boucnt a bales of reddlab Bonomas at 13 S
ceata. Four hundred bales of racramrntos
wer sold at 11 oenta. Tha 15-cent mark Is
tha soal tha Sonoma daaiars bara bean
striving for amca that price was paid la tbla
etata. Tna racramento tranaactlon abowa
an advance of half a rent over Saturdays
t'narUd stocks In California haT bean re
duced to about 14.000) bales. Of th New
lork crop only ona-fourth la now la grow,
era' bands There ara otioo to XM bales
left la Washington. No one knows what Is
left in first handa la Oregon, somo daaiars
estimate the quantity as low aa 10.000 bales
and others as high aa 1S.OUO balea.
(eftOD MJIAMI ivr mr ITS.
.verytauag l.iorpt Applra Mb WeU Tba
Day' llercepte.
There waa a good demand yeaterday for
ail kinds of fruit except apples. 6tocka
wero laxga. Th day's receipts Included one
car of grapes, ona car of orangea. two car
of rranberrlre. two of awaet potatoes and
two of eralnuta Tha grapee were rather
greea. TUey were quoted at t3.3i beg pox.
The Jirwy rranberrlea sold at -0 par
barrel and Lst Howes at . FIto cars of
stiuuua ara due tomorrow.
A car of grape-fruit from Data Ctmntv,
Florida, la on tba way to Port land. This
will be th first car of Fast Coast fruit
ta coma to this market thta season. Tha
former ehipmenta nava bean from Interior
points. tbkB do not produce as good grape
fruit aa the East Coast.
Advice from California, ar that both
walnut asaociAtlcna b sold and hlppd
all af their etock.
t-fcalrs Lota (Ml li It Z7 Crate WUd
Hams is lleattfuL
Another large ahrjmer:t of dreaaed tur
ses arrlrad yesterday from Valley points.
Tat detnand waa arm at ?5 tl ; 7 a cents,
tjva poultry of all kind was In moderata
urply nd waa firm at Saturday price.
Thera waa a good quantity of wild game
en tba atrret and buyers took to It readily.
Widgeon and mallarda sold at S(9 and
teal at 4 Ji'itJ per doxen. Wild geese war
quoted at. ti to li per doaen according to
The egg market waa firm at last week's
Tber were no Changs in th batter or
cheese markets. Both war fairly activ
and quoted steady to firm.
Rank Clearing.
Hank clearings of tf.e Northwestern cltlee
terdy wer aa follow:
Clearing Balance.
FVrt'and ll.J7S.!i: 1.14
cattle l.Si;l 11 JS
Tacoma 7.5.-4 J.07
apokaaa Leoi.i.4 144.114
roiriAyp MAJasimria.
Crala. Flswr. FeeeL Ctev
t Itl-'AT Tra.-k r-1ccs: Bluestem. 77
7. ; . luh. 7ic; red Russian. 70c. a.ley. 7c.
fold. 7c.
BART KT Feed. ITOsmss p,, ton.
MiLLailfte bVsa. 4:4 par toai mid
dlings, (it: short. :;' rolled barley. $14
FLOUR Patents. I5.1S per barrel;
straights. 14 lt4 .V: exports, Vt.SO: Valley.
Mil; graham. 4.0; whole wheat, quar
ters. $.
HAT Track prices: Timothy. Willamette
Valley. (19tj20 per ton; Eastern Oragsa.
m (U; alfalfa, sew. 13ti; graia bay.
CORw Whol, tl: cracked. IM par torn.
OATS White. L'72S per ton.
Dairy and Country Prodaco.
POULT RT Hens. Ill7c Springs. 13c:
ducks. white. lrtc: ye-e. 11c; tur
keya. lire. 20c; dreaaed. 25:7c; squabs,
e- per doxen.
EGOS Oregon ranch, candled. 40c: cur
rent receipt. She; Eastern. aotyS-'o W
d "L'l TT E R City uiesm.i j.- solid vaeK.
1" per pound : prints. 37 1 37 Ho per ponnd;
outside creamary. 35030c per pound, batter
fat. 3e per pound; ooaotry store butter.
'-"- per ponnd.
CHF.EJE Full cream, twins. 17tllw
per pound: voung America, 14 0 18 He.
PflRK Fancy. lllOi:1." oer "ffw
VEAL Fancy. 44 to He pounds. 11
llo per pountl.
Tigstahlaa aad Fralts.
APPLES King. 40 7Jo per box i Wolf
River T.-k-BU. Waxen. Soctl 1 II: Baldwin.
.cl1..": Northern rlpy. 70c till li; snow.
II": Kpltsenberg. Winter
Uanana. ll.75na.OU.
iitCIC VEGE7aHI.ES Carrots 1Ls
hundred; paranipa tlsyl.Ss.- turnips. 31.
OKEEN FRUITS Peara. 11.34)1 per box:
grapes. 11 litil : per box. 17vc par baakeu
cranberrlea. (.30 per barrel; quinces,
tlgl.;'3 per box; huckleberries. etysc;
per pound; persimmone. 41. 3 per box.
VKGETABI.EH Beans. 100 11c Pr pound;
rabbaxe, a 4y lc per pound: cauliflower 44o
Oil per doxen; celery. 50en par dnaen:
corn. -3c per doxen: cucumbers. 63ty30
per box. eggplant. 414l.t per crate: gariie-lofjl-c
per lb.; green onions. 13o per dos.;
peepers 0c per lb.: pumpkins. 101 So par
l.v . radlahea 10aJue per do sen. eprouta.
llc: aquash. Itjlttc per lb.: tomatoes,
34o4ee per box.
TROPICAL FRflTS Oranges, naTels.
13.3 per box; Valencia , 4SOi4..e;
lemons. 7S: Florida granefrult. I303.50;
bananaa. 6SC per pound: pineapple, 00 par
pound: pomegranates. 12. 50 per box.
POTATO Oregon. $l.2S4Jl l per hun
dred : sweet potatoes. 2SC per pound.
ON' I UNO oregoa. buying prloa. l-lg pee
hand red.
Rons. WsoL Hides. Eta.
HOPS 1D10 crop. lXtfltc; 1909. nomi
nal . olda. nominal.
WOOL Eaeiern Oregon, 11 0 17o pound;
Valley. 17eii0c per pound.
MOHA1H choira. i?3.1o par pound.
CASI ARA BARK 4 i0ta per pound.
HIDES Salted bldea. 7 4J7SC per pound:
salted calf. 14c; salted kip. 8c; sailed stags.
Sc; green hides, lo lass; dry bldea. lg4
lie: dry exit. 17013c; dry etaga. HO lac
PELTS Ury. lOttc; aalted. butchais
take-oS. sOtr73o: Spring limbs. Z3043O.
irnloading by Longs Keeps the
.Market Depressed Most
of the Day.
CHICAlt. Not. T. Demand for wheat
here was limited today. On the other hand,
the aupply from big abort sellers snd from
some of the long seemed to b constantly
Increasing, world shipments were liberal,
supplies on ocean passage heavy and tha
Canadian vtalble supply greatly enlarged.
The atatement of the amount of wheat In
sight In the United Htatee, too, bad a total
still mounting, though slowly. Except at
tha start the market throughout waa a die
appointment to high prices. Lightness of
oftcrtng led to s recovery, aided by flour
trade Improvement and by wheat export
salea at New York, but long unloading de
pressed the market anew. Th close, how
ever, waa firm, with December at bS&cOc,
a net loss of lac. May ranged from 1440
ertth last tranaactlon xvxC op, at 1454
CHc. '
Fine weather aad fear of a bearlaK report
from the lov-rnment Wednesday weakened
corn. 3fay fluctuated from 48S4y4o4o to
4U1.C, cloelng', c down, at 4oTtt41)c. The
cash market was steady. No. 2 yellow fln
lahed at ooi03O4kc.
Ia the oata pit epecolatlTe offerings were
Menu stay varied from 34 . 0 34 s a to
4wr. closing the same as Saturday, oafec
A light run of bog was reported. At tha
wind-up pork was lftaC to mVjC higher;
lard, loc to 10 0 12H0 dearer and ribs at
an advance of 2 to 5c.
Tho leading futures ranged as follows:
Pec. t - .. .t4 t
May . .tiU Wa
July 4a '
Deo. .47 .47 .4S .41
May 4i .4 .4 .44
July -
July .14 H .34 .14 4 .14H
ree. 31 .314, .11 .11 s
May 344a .14h .14H .14'.
Jan 17.12 e 17.61S 17.814 17.32V.
May It 13 Ii4 14. li lf.47Va
NOT Ui:a 1143 1L1 11.41 V,
Jan. 10 JO 10.4-s I4.i;Sa 1042V
May 3 3.43 i.2ia
Jan 23 13 It 12Va
May :Vi t.13 4.00 3.13
Cash quotationa vera a follow:
Flour Easy.
Rye No. 2. 71c
Barlcy Feed or mixing. 440 74c; fair to
choice malting. 77 0 41c.
Flaxared No. 1 Southwestern. $1.31 v.; No.
1 Northwestern. t:44l.
Pork lieu, per barrel. 317.73 013.
Timothy seed $3.40.
teraln stattatlca:
Total clearanoee of wheat and flour wer
equal to trs.ono bushels Primary receipt
wer 1.723.000 btaab!. compared with Ltlt.-
bushed the corresponding day a ar
110. The Tlelbl supply of wheat In tha
I'nlted ritates Increased 244.000 bushels for
the week. The amount of breadstuff on
ocean passage Increased 374.00 bushels Ea
time ted recelpte for tomorrow: Wheat, it
cats: corn. ; 7 7 cara; oata. 131 ears; bog.
14.004 head.
Receipt. Phtpmenta.
Flour, barrels 35.i0 22. In
Wheat, bushels 34,400 14,304
Corn, bushel ..........21.70 31O.404
Oata. bo.hels 101.40 113.40
Rve. bushels 30.00
iiarley. buebel 3.30 13.10
fjratn at Maa Fraud eee,
SAN FRANCI94XJ, NOT. 7. Tha following
prices were quoted In tba grain market at
ban Francisco today:
Wheat steady.
parley Firm.
ci;tt quotationa
Wheat dhipplnc. $I.4O01.42i percental.
Barley Feed. vS$7c per cental; brew
ing. 31 trlOS.
Oats Bed. $1.1001 22". per cental; whit.
$L43dl33. Mack. 1.23O1.40.
Call Board Sales Wheat, no trading.
Parlay Dec. Lvlw bushel. May. $L0TS
rarspfss Clraia Marxists.
LONDON. NOT. T. Cargoes. quiet but
etrady; buyers reserved- Wails Walla lor
hipment at 34a ad.
English country markets, dull; Frerick
country market, quiet.
LIVERPOOL Not. T. Close: Wheat. Te
cember. tie lid. March. 7; May. 7a. Weath
er, unsettled.
Minneapolis Wheat Marhe.
MINN'EAPLIS. Not. 7. Whec Decem
ber uSc. Mav. 31.04 44: Cash No. 1 hard.
Hill; No, 1 Northern. $ 1.01 J J 1 .02 ; No. 3
Northern. 7cW$1.00; No. a wheat. rl4
Doluth rkax Market,
DCLfTH. Not. T. Flajt on track and In
tore. $3.H4: November. $2.6.; December,
$.1V. May, 3-3 saksd.
trmi Markets of th North wees.
TACOMA. Warn.. Not. T. Wbot Mill
ing: U.ueetetn. 7c: club. 7o; red Russian.
74c. Export: Fluestem, 7Sc; fortyfold. 7c:
club. 74c; red Russian, Tar.
Receipt Wheat, ii nan; baily. 1 cars:
oata. 1 car: bay. 3 cairn,
SEATTLE. Wash.. Not. T. Wheat. Mill
ing quotationa: Bluestem. s3e; fortyfold
Mc: club. Mc: fife, hoc; red Russian, 7c:
Export wheat: Bluestem. SOc; fortyfold. 7at;
ilub. 77c. Ufa, 77c; rod Russian. 7SC
Vlatbes Sappty af tOrain.
NEW YORK. Not. T. Tho TUlbl supply
nf gram eaturday. November 6, aa compiled
by the New York I "reduce Exchange was ss
Corn - 97VOno bushels: decrease 634.000.
Rye 10.337 OOO bushela: decrease 4X.0u0.
Oie linieH) beu h- . decrease x&eajo.
la riev 3.0V7.0ie bushela: decrease M.OOO.
The rlalble srirply of wheat la Canada
Saturday waa 11 SetS.000 bnabele. sa Increase
of M3.000 bwsbels.
Active Demand for AH Classes
of Livestock.
Good Ron Over Sunday for the
Opening of Trade St-rs Sell
l"p . to $5.25 and vBst
Cows Bring; $4.65.
There was a good run of stock for tha
opening of market at tha ysrda yesterday;
1631 head being In tha pena. Th demand
waa actiT throughout tha day and th balk
of th offerings were disposed of.
Tho market held fairly ateady through
out. Steers sold at a ranga, of $4.33 ts
19.11, and cows brought $3.30 to $13.
Calrea aold at $4.30 to $7.
Hoga did not reach tha high mark of
east week by a nickel, tha best prlc paid
during tho day being $9.60.
A bunch of choice yearling wethers void
at $4.73. which la full quotation on that
class of atork. Ther ws a sal of good
lambs at $3.00.
Receipt on Sunday and Monday wer 541
cattle. 103 calve. 814$ aheep and Z31 hoga.
Shippers of tho atock were: L. B. Bt. Clair,
of American Falls, ona car of cattle and
calves; J. R. Baker, of Caldwell, on car
or cattle: Henry phlrman, of Tho Dalles,
ono car of boga; Kldwell tr Caswell, sight
csra of csttls from Walla Walla and Bakr
City; W. iH. Harris, of Athena, three cara
of cattle; E. Cochran, of Heppnor, on car
of cattle: H. J. Haunts, of welaer, on car
of boga: C. M. Rush, of Watser. ona car of
aheep: L. Richards, of Nyasa, two cars of
cattle; Thorpe Snuctb at Madison, of Welaer,
ono car of cattle; McKinnon at Chandler, of
Union, ono car of cattle; E. E. Wlllard, of
Echo, on car of cattl and calves; J. 8.
Alnaworth. of Shoahono, ono car of hogs; L.
E. West, of North Powder, ona car of cat
tle;. E. J. Brown, of Blake, two cara of
cattle and caJvea; C. McCullough, of Baker
City, ono car of calves; William Howard, of
Weiser, , two cara of sheep; and Mr. Kehlll.
who tftOT In B Cattl.
Th day's sales wer as follow:
Weight Prlc
17 steer $.V2Ii
lot steers ll
UT cows ..................... .lobl
44 Calves 2";
01 calves 377
24 cows 8.VS
23 calve
1 calf e-to
calves 4'JO
4 jj
c. 10
82 calves I'll
10 calvea
. . . . 3 -tl
. ... 2112
. . . . e
. ...12J0
.... H10
. ... 40
. . . . 17
. ... !')
. ... 213
. . . . sew
. . . . 2'.t
74 hofrs ..
171 wether
loa lam be
3 cows .
1 cow . . .
8 cows . . ,
16 steers .
27 steers .
24 steers
23 steers .
1 cow . . .
27 steers
9 steers .
6 cows . .
8 cows . .
2 cows
12 cows
1 bull ...
7 hoc ...
It hogs ..
Ill hogs . .
3 hogs .
27 bogs . .
Prices current on the various clasaea of
atock at tha Portland Union atockyarda were
as follow:
Beef steers, good lo choice ....$5.23010.63
Hecf steer, fair to medium 4.50 3.00
Choice spayed cieirera 4.304 &.OO
Good to choice beef cow 4.2." 4 4.70
Medium to good beef cow 3.30i 4.00
Common beef cow 2.O04 8.50
Bull 3.30W 4.O0
Stags, good to choice 4.00't 4.30
Calvea, light 7 00 3 7.30
Calves, heavy 3-73 t 5.00
Hoga. top 9.S.1W
Hogs, fair to medium 9.0O4 8.23
fihecp, best Valley wethers .... 3.230 8.30
Obeep. fair to good aethers ... 3.0ti 3.23
Bheep beet yearling wethera.... 4.23 gy 4.73
Sheep, best Valley ewea ... 3.000 3.30
Lambs, choice mountain ....... 6.2o ifi &.50
Lam be, choics Valley 4.73 it BOO
Chicago Livestock Market.
CHICAGO. NOT. 7. Cattle Receipts, -tlmated.
24.0O0; market, weak to a shade
lower. Beeves, $4.30 (7.60: Texaa steer.
$3.3303.70: Western steers $3.1006.15;
stockora and feeders. $4.1005.30; cow and
beifer. $2.23fi6.40: calves. $7.30010.25.
Hoga Hecelpta, estimated. 30.000: mar
ket, 5c to 10c lower. Light. $7.00 8.35:
mixed. $7.6308.40; heavy. $7.4008.40; rough
$7.4O07.4; good to choice heavy, J7.BU (
840: pig. $i.O0S.23; bulk of sales. $7.30
0 8.30.
Sheep Receipts, eettmated, 47.000; mar
ket, weak to a shsde lower. Native $2,600
4.30; Weetern. 12.0504.30: yearling. $4,300
50. lambs, native. $4.730 6.60.
Metal Markets.
NEW TORE, Not. 6. Standard copper
quiet. Spot and November, 12.5O012.6oc:
December. 12.35012.63c: Janaary, 12.600
12.76c; February. 12.700 12.80c London,
easy. Spot. 158 8a 9d; future. 0 S 6d.
Cuatom-Houae returns show exports so fsr
this month of 6OS0 tona. cal dealers re
ported s firm market. Lake. 13013.26c:
electrolytic. 12.81.5, 0 13.12 lc; caatlng. 12.30
0 12.73c
Tin Qalet. Spot, November. December,
January and February. 3V 250 36.45c. Lon
don, ateady: spot. (00 10; future. 1106 lo.
Lad Quiet, 4.4O04.&OO New York and
4.27x0 4 32 SC Eaat St. Louis, London,
pot, 1132 6d.
Spelter Uulet: 3 8005.00c New York;
5 72H05.82 East St. Louis London, f24.
Iron Cleveland warrants, Ua 7td In
London, Locally Iron was quiet. No. 1
foundry. Northern. No. 1 foundry. Southern
and No. 1 foundry. Southern aoft, $16,750
16.23; No. 3 'foundry. Southern. $15.50016,
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW TORE. Nor. 7.-7offe future
cloaed net unchanged to four points lower,
ftaias. 20 bags November, 8.96c; Dedember,
o: January. 9.05c: February, 9.08c: March.
9 04c: April. 9.13c; May, June. Jnly and
Auxuat, 9.16c: September, 9.12c; October.
9 10c. Spot coffee, steady. No. 7 Rio. HHc;
No. 4 Santos. 12c: mild coffee, quiet: Cor
dova, llWt13c.
Raw sugar, ateady: Muscovsdo, .89 test.
S oe; o-ntrlfugal, .96 tet. S-BSc: molasses
augar. .89 teat. 3 lie Refined sugar, quiet,
feteel Maintains Its Leadership in
the Dealing! Copper . Statistics
tv Disappointment.
NEW YORK. Nov. 7. Th stock market
came to tha eve of tho elections In s tst
of semi-stagnstlon, but bow far that con
dition waa due to solicitude over the po
litical outcome did not clearly appear.
Union Pacific cams forward into great
prominence, supplanting Reading In th po
sition eeecmd to United States Steal. Th
proportion of United States Steel to th
total dealings waa maintained at near one
third and the combined dealing In Union
Pecirlo and Reading exceeded slightly tha
transactions in United States steeL
Tha reason for the Increased attention
given to Union Pacific waa not forth
coming. Th market closed Irregular, but
with renewed up-bidding of Union Pacific
for uetalrrrng purpose a
The statlstlea of the Copper Producers'
Association for October were a distinct dis
appointment. The publication also waa made
In advance of the usual period for Its ap
pearance, suggesting a purpose to hasten
the disclosure of It contents Tho early
publication coincided with active collec
tion of new rumors concerning tha copper
trade and a anpposed Intention to advancs
the prices of the copper Industrials. The
effect of th showing on th copper indus
trial partly neutrallxed by the revived
rumors of harmonlxation of tha principal
American copper interests.
Railroads in tha Southern group, showed
some strength.
Time loans were strong and call money
again touched t per cent, last week-
maximum. Th private discount rate ad
vanced In London. The foreign exchange
market here continued to recede, the Paris
exchange rato especially yielding sharply.
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales par
value $2,327,000. United State bonds wer
unchanged on calL
Sales High. Low. Bid.
A!l!s-Chal pfd -
Amal Copper. .. 12,000 71 H 701, iOH
Am Agricultural l.ltoo 46", 4.. 4.iT
Am Beet Sugar. 40 St H 3S 8
American Can.. 300 lo 10 5. 10
Am Car A F... 10 85T. 63. 65
Am Cotton Oil. I.000 7 j: H
Am H & L pfd. 7i0 23 20 211
Am Ice Secur.. 2O0 20t 20 SO
Ara Linseed J1
Am Locomotive VJ 4n 40 40
Am 54 R 10.W0 SL M. S'S
do preferred. 100 106 I06 106
Am Steel Fdrs. 0 47 47 X 47
Am Sugar Rfg. 1"0 1111 119 H8 ,
Am T I T. ... 8,leK) 142T4 142W; JH
Am Tob pfd... 1'K) 954. 05J. 9o"4
Amer Woolen.. 700 34 44 S3 - 34 J,
Atchio'n c..:::: "5.400 io4i jvi!4
Atl Const Line. lo 119i ll;s llg'
B 4- 0 3"0 ll l"sl 1"
Bethlehem Steel 1..-..M1 3OV4 S2S
Brooklyn R T.. 3.o 7S" ,7Js ''
Csn Pacific 3im ldS'i 1!'; 10S
Cent Leather... UtMl 33i 351 33 J4
do preferred IJ5
Cent of N J -??
Chea A Ohio... 5.400 841 S3 84
Chicago' "6"W.. , 100 24 24 23
do preferred... - -
C a- 1? W O0 149 14S l-lJ4
C M 4b St P 4.3O0 16 1;5 1-5
C. C. C A St L. IOO i '?
Colo F A 1 6"0 3.. 34't
Colo A So lx n?Js
Cons Gaa 2O0 187V 186 13. Jt
Corn Products ,'iA;
Del A Hudson.. 400 170 169 1J
D at R ti 2
do preferred - ;
DUt Securities.. 4.600 34 SR d4
Erl 30 4 -4
do lst pfd... a.300 40 4U 4S
do 2d pfd... 100 .18 38 J
Gen Electric... SOO 15j JfjlJ Joia,
tit Nor pfd I.00O 128 l-'i 1-!
tit No Ore ctfs. 600 61 60 0J4
Illinois Central . i.: .'..Z?
Intorboro Met.. 1.000 22 22 J-
do preferred.. 2.500 6 .68 -J
Inter Harveater 90O 114 113 11
Inter Marine pf - ii
Internl Paper.. 600 13 13 "
Internl Pump... OOO 44 43 43
Iowa Central... 3"0 . 21 v, 21 .0
K C Southern.. 8,100 33 83 33
do preferred.. 4iK 00 6 Ct.4
Laclede Gaa o0 105 105 10..
Louia Nash.. 600 147 36
Minn & St L ,zr '
M.St PAS St M 5O0 137 135 13
M K A T 2O0 34 34 34
j , 60
Mo Pacific 600
64 63
National Lead.. l.Z"" jojk "'; ,
N Ry Mex 2d pT 4 3.. 3; ;
N Y Central... 8.I00 116 llo ll.i
N Y O Jfe W ... ' Ml 44 43 4.11m
N J Weiiirn: 10 lo 10O 90
No American.. V0 66 w
Nor Pacific... 1.100 119
Pacific Mall ,'.2
Pennsylvania .. 6.9lo 130 130 l..n
People's Gas... 5-0 107 107 10,
P. CCtSlL.. lo 94 ?? 9"
Pittsburg Coal. 1 21 rj 'J
Pressed Stl Car loo 81 34 34
Pull Pal Car... IOO 107 167 166
Ry Steel Spring 2O0 36 SO J'
Reading 7.1" 1V. lf;?J '5
Republic Steel.. 4.4"0 3; 0
Rock Island Co 2.200 34 3J
do preferred - ':,"'"
St LAS K 2d pf 800 41 41
St L S W -w
CO prejerreu ... . ---
a. 1.. M'o .,---4 "- -r
c pnpin. 10.WM1 120
So Hallway.... 3.5O0 27
.4,. .rTMl .. .' t'A Kl r4
26 -1
62 03
Tenn Copper... 1.200 8S STi
T St LAW:... 200 27 27
doprefcrr.d.. ..... .....
inion tT-Hi-i it-. . tic.ivv ' ,.,
u"I Rr;a,;,7.ed.-:-'-2O0 -69 -60
U S Rubber 400 M 8 86
U S Steel U1.700 Mj 80 Sl
do preferred.. 4.IO 11S 1J8 11
Ut.l Copper... 4.3O0 61 50 .
Va-Car Chem.. 5.3"0 04 - .
Wabash 3" JJ" Ji14 11
do preferred.. 90 JJ 8S
West Maryland. 200 4H 4 47
West Electric. 200 73 "3
Western Union
WTotal aa'lei"for' the day.' 417.866 'shares
NEW YORK. Nov." 7. Closing quotation:
do coupon . ..lis ft Japanese - "
D. R- O. 4.. 94 I
Stock at Boston.
BOSTON, Nov. 7. Closing quotations:
Allouex INevada 21
Amal Cop 71;Nlpising 11
A Z L S 2! North. Butte ... 3o
Arlx Com i8!North Lake .... 8
Atlantic : 8lold Dominion . 4.1
Butte Coal 21;Parrott 14
Cal Arlx 34 shannon 14
Cai A Hecla ..85 Superior 5-
Copper Range .. 11I8 A P Min.... .
East Butte 10!8 A P Cop 15
otroux Con 7U. 8. Mining .. 3
Granby Con 48 do pref 4h
Green. Cananea. Tt'.1! Con 28
Lake Cop 40 , H.tah Cop 50
La Sail llSWInonaS
Mohawk 30l
- Money, Exchange, Etc.
NEW YORK. Nov. 7. Honey on call,
strong. 344 per cent; ruling rate, 4;
closing bid, 3; offered, 3.
Time loans, stronger; 60 days and 90
days 6 per cent: six months. 45.
prime mercantile paper, 54f6 per cent.
Sterling exchange easy, with actual busi
ness In bankers' bill, at $4.8130ti4.8175 for
60-day bills, and at 11.8500 for demand.
Commercial bills 4.81.
Bar silver 56 c.
Mexican dollars 47e.
Government bond, steady: railroad, firm.
LONDON. Not. t. Bar silver, steady at
2Cd per ounce.
Money. 4J5 per cent.
The rate of discount in the open market
for hort bills Is 4 S4 per cent; do three
months bills, 4tl4 per cent.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. '7. Sterling on
London. 60 days. $4.8S: do sight. $4.85.
Drafts, sight, 4c; telegraph. 8c
York 10c premium.
7. Exchange on New
Dully Trensury Statement.
WASHINGTON, Not. T. The condition
of the Treasury at the beginning of busi
ness today was as followa:
Trust funds
Gold coin oS'Soo
Sllrer dollars 48i.044j.OO0
Silver dollars of 1890 3.311.OO0
Silver certificates outstanding .. 487,040.000
General fund
Standard silver dollars In gen-
ersl fund 2. 3i 3.023
Current liabllitlea 117.676.75.
Working balance In Treasury of- .
f ices -
In banks to credit of Treasurer
of Vnited States 84.509.247
Subsidiary silver coin l.j2.647
Minor coin - 948.040
Total balance In general fund. 87.600.002
Good Catches of Hllvereldes.
" ASTORIA. Or., Nov. 7. (Special.) Good
catchue of ailveraldes are still being made in
ths varlou sections of the riTer and excel
lent reports are received from th atreams
along th Oregon Coast. The Indications
ar that th preent Fall icason will be th
beat for a number of years. The Fall sea
son on the coast streams will clos on No
vember 20.
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Not. 7. Cotton future
closed barely ateady. Closing bids: Novem
ber 14.DJC; iecwi".. ......... n j
' .. . 1 1144,' l-inh T A
I S. .., . - ' " ' .
14 S9c: February, 14.62c; March, 14.79c;
April. 14.82c: May. 14.90c; June and July,
14.87c ; August. 14 ioc.
. 1 ..h nulet seven nolnts advance.
Mid-uplands. 14.05c; mid-gulf, 15.2UC.
Sales, 63 SO balea.
Copper Stock Decrease).
NEW YORK, Nov. 7. Stock of market
able copper in tho United States on Novem
ber 1 showed a decrease ofvU.531.S00 pound
from October 1. sccordlng to the monthly
report of the Copper Producer' Association,
made public today.
Hops at New York,
NEW YORK. Not. 7. Hope Steady.
. Postal Receipts Increase.
CxyTTAGB GROVE, Or., Nov. 7. Spe-
claL) The postal receipt here have
more than doubled in comparison with
the Tnontha of September and October
of last year. The larsregt increase is on
the sale of ittmpt. For these months
in 1909 J835.S3 worth of stamps were
sold, and in 1910 $1815.59 were sold. The
registry and money order departments
also show a a-ood increase.
U. S. ref. 2 reg.100 N T c u os.. c:-
do coupon ...100 If P 3s .
U. S. 3 re. ...101 do 4s 9
do coupon ...101 III P 4s ..01
..S i. eer 113 W C 4S 93
Apple Buyers Found in Out-of-the-Way
Northwestern Fruit Exchange Makes
Sales Where Individual Ship
pers Fail Trade In Gen
eral Is Quiet.
Th daily maraet bulletin. of the North
western Fruit Exchange follows:
Th market continues to b characterised
by extreme dullness. This expresses ths
whole situation. The trsde Is very un
responsive. We are spending money Ilk
water In working th trade In every quarter
of tho country by wire, endeavoring to atlm
ufata the lagging epeculatlve demand, and
to draw inquiries The whole market pre
sents a very difficult situation. Ws are
managing to find buyera by working tha
small markets hard, and feel that our re
sult, with all of th extensive facilities
we have, are going to compare most favor
ably with results which are obtained other
wise. For Instance, we have before us an auc
tion catalogue of car CB4J 37381, ahipped
from Wenatchee, Washington, under tha
brand of 'The Clark Company," containing
extra fancy and fancy Jonathans Three
lines in this car. one S boxes, one boxes,
and ona 3 boxes sold st 1.S5; on line of
33 boxes at 31.95; one line of 18 boxes at
$1.90; ths balance of the car, 3L60 to 81.70,
This car waa sold in Boston snd the above
figures sro delivered prices out of which
must com freight, refrigeration and com
mission. Tha exchange had nothing to do
with tho ssle of this car, and as tha Clark
brand is famous for Its quality and pack,
the above simply furnishes a basis for com
parison. We have two other auction cata
logues of car aold by various parties at
auction In Chicago, one PFE 635L Rogue
River apples from Medford, Or., on box
at 32.05. three line at 82. one at 81.80,
I and th balance withdrawn. This sai also
has no reference whatever to operations 01
this exchange. We have made tha follow
ing sales since last report:
PFE 6881, 700 boxes of light-colored fanoy
Roma Beauties, from Boise. Idaho, 30th, 308
128s, balance larger at 3L6O straight t o. b.
GN 91598 from Cashmere, Wash., Nov. 1,
347 extra fancy Wlnesaps. SO fancy Wine
saps, at 32, $33 choice Wlnesaps at $1.64.
all f. o. b. Cashmere. ,
GN 31314, from Sherman's Spur, Wash.,
October 26. S44 extra fancy Stayman Wine
saps. 14 fancy Staymans, 25 extra fancy
Rome Beauties, 7 fancy Rome Beauties at
$1.50 atralght f. o. b. This represents tha
present extreme llmlt-of the market for
Stayman Wlnesaps. We have been getting
10 to So cents premium ' over the general
market by finding buyers in out-of-the-way
places. Competitor are offering Stayman
at so much jjiwer prices that w are obliged
to aell somewhere near in line In order to
get order.
Supply of Oregon Turkevs Secured
lor the Alaska Trader East
ern Stock Engaged.
SEATTLE. Wuh, Nov. 7. (Special.)
Oregon turkey shippers have assured Seat
tle Jobbers that they will be able to furnish
all the turkeys needed next week to fill
Alaska orders for Thanksgiving trade.
Meanwhile ouite a few turkeyB are bffered.
Slightly more than a ton of fresh dressed
chilled turkeys arrived today irom minne
anolle. At least s car and a half dressed
Eastern turkey have been engaged for the
Thanksgiving trade. Beat advice received
to far indicate that the market win os
nlentifullT sunnlied with a rather thin lot
of turkeys and that first-class stock will be
scarce. Small hens, were extremely scarce
today, wniie rprings wero in ufl'iJ-
Fresh ranch eggs sold about 62 cents.
Veal waa In fair aupply.
Wheat was dull, with export price quoted
at 76c for bluestem and 74c for club and
fife. Millers were offering a cent higher
all around. Oats ranged from t.27.00 to so.
A carload of Florida grapefruit srrtved.
Thi is the first car ahipped since the re
cent storms. Grapefruit was quoted at $5.
Navel orange wer in good demand at
A shipment of six carloads of apples waa
mado today from Seattle for New Zealand
and a shipment of one carload will be made
to Manila later In the week.
The end of the New Jersey sweet potato
season is in sight. Jersey grower are
afraid to put cara In transit, owing to the
cold weather likely to be encountered at
ome tage of the trip across the continent.
Grapes wer in excessive supply and a
wide range of price wa quoted.
Prices Paid for Produce in the Bar City
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 7. The following
prices wero current in the produce market
today :
Butter Fancy creamery, 33c.
Cheese Young America, 15trl6e.
E.,-gs Store, 30c: fancy ranch. 51c.
Eggs Store, 51c; fancy ranch, 543c
Vesetables Cucumbers, 50 75c; garlic,
S4c- green peas. 4c; string beans. 69
7c- tomatoes, 33 060c; eggplant, 5063c-
Hay-z-Wheat, t14; wheat and oata, $9
11.50; alfaefa, $7t?13.
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, $L4O1.50:
Salinas Burbanks, $1.60 1.75; sweets, $L90
fii 2.
Onions 90ctT$l.
pruits Apples. choice, 60c: common,
30c; Mexican limes, $5.50$: lemons, choice,
$6: lemons, common, $2; pineapples, $2.50
4r30; nsvel oranges, $1.752.75.
Receipts Flour 40S4 quarter sacks; wheat
l"-i centals: barley 15.005 centals; oat. 1770
cental; potatoes, 7310 sacks; bran, 130
sacks; middlings. 70 sacks; bay. 1681 tons
i Wool at St. Louis.
gT LOUIS, Not. 7. Wool Steady; terri
tory "and Western mediums. 1823c; fine
mediums. 17 & 20c; fine. 12 0 16c. -
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK, Nov. 7. Evaporated apples,
teady, with small Jobbing trade: on the
pot fancy 1 quoted at llc; choice. 8
To insure an increase next
year in the value of your
property, work for
"Write to your ward alder
man today, asking him to
favor them, too.
National Bank
FOl'KDED 18434.
Capital Paid in .eee
Surplus and Undividtsd Profits . .
Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Virginia City
We buy and sell Foreign Exchange: i"" iC
rrafts and Cable Transfers. Commercial Credits-
and Travelers' Letters of Credit, available
in ail parts of the world; make collections on
all points and conduct a general foreign ana
domestic banking business.
Northeast Corner Second and Stark Streets
W M. I MAO lU Manager. T. BCRTCHAEM, Asst. Manager.
l ' "
Ladd S Tilton Bank
Established 1859.
Capital $1,000,000
First National Bant
Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 750,000
Oldest National Bank West of tha
Rocky Mountains
LEAVE SEATTLE WASg JJondar ItMoTFS Northbound.
Every Sunday at 2.00 P. M. Saturday at 2:00 P. M. Southbound.
.I,, ,!- commercial Excursion" to Hawaiian Islands and
orth Pacific CoasrComwciai 2 ,m Rate e225.00.
For TKsnd SReSseatn?Apply to Local Railway Ticket Agents or
I H. Burgls, Gem Aent, First Ave. and Ye-ler Way, Seattle,
9t4c: prime. 7e.c: common to talr. 6V4
CUik Dairy Produce.
' CHICAGO. Nov. T. Butter steady; cream-
"Wjkt tac.22 ?& at mark.
PrcSeeaer" fftady: dai.le. 15Wle;
13(4c; long horns, log 154 c
Hop at London.
1 1VERPOOL, Nov. 7.--HOPS at London.
P.?rSI . teady. 19 15.iM4 11-
The Royal Mail
Steam Paeke
Cruises de Luxe t
r-bsWest Indie Panama Bermuda
SEVEMY VKAKS Experience In
The West indies Paaaengnr Trade
" on' Twin- " 4 Vn" 11.07S
R. M. S. P. Screw Ton
21 27 day) S140 up leb. 18 (is
d.) IliO ip March X6 tl days
The anlr Steamer CrnUlna; in the Heat
eT-pecially conatracaed for errtc
in the Tropica.
Weekly sailings from New Pier 4a. N.
. r x ' Panama-West
Bermatla-Ca ba-Jamaica indies-Aaores
tHlr8 "TRENT" 5S
BsnderJon Son. tl-t Stat, St.. N. Y-
San Francisco, Los hngehs and
San Dieso Direct
,. xiaclfle 8. S. Co-'s 8. S. Roanok
North Pacmc a. o. -, wednesdav
and S.
fi. Elder sail T weanesosy
rt.rnTtel7 at P. M-
"Yto m iliu. a m.
Canadian Pacific Empress lln of stramsrs
MdUns weekly between Montreal and Liver
nooL Wlraleas . on all steamers At X sjiy
ticket sssnt or write T. B. Johnsva, O. A,
12 Third t- Portland,
a enn nnn
' SSdSS''
Winter Scaednle Effective October 30, 1010.
Steamships 'Prince Rupert and 'Prince George
Victoria, Vancouver and Prince Rupert. Connect
ing at Prince Rupert with ':S. S. Prince Albert
i5 GTC,.i-t onri Oueen Charlotte Islands.
worth while, excelling: all others tor grand
eur, beauty and pleasure. And this splendid
trip can be made in two weeks and a day
from San Francisco by sailing on the S. 13.
SIERRA (10,000 tons displacement). Tha
Volcano of Kilauea. the largest In tha
world, is tremendously active Just now. and
a few quick dispatch trips have been ar
ranged. Never before has It been possible
to make this desirable trip with such Fpeed
and comfort, ar.d the price is low. S1K'
first-class. San Francisco to Honolulu and
back, and 41 for side trip from Honolulu
to volcano. Including; rail and auto to Kil
auea; hotel at Hilo. also VoIcao House.
No other trip compares with this. Be sure
to visit the Islands and DO IT NOW while
the volcano Is active. .S. S. SIERRA sails
Nov. 12. Dec. 3. Dec. 24. "Write or wire.
73 Msvrket Street, San t'rmoclaco.
S.S. Golden Gate for TU
lamook, Bay City and
Leaves Wash.-at. dock Tuesday at 5 PM.
Freight and lasserte,-ers.
Phone Alain tel.. A 2j
oa.n KANcisco c pokilasu sr3T
New service to Los Angeles via fiaa JFraa
clsco, every five days.
From Alnaworth Dock. Portland, 4 P. M.
8.S.Kose City, Nov. , Beaver 13, Bear 18.
From San Francisco, north bound, 12 M.
8.8. Beaver Nov. 1, Bear 12, Hose City 11.
From San Pedro, north bound.
8.8. Bear Nov. 10. Boss City 13. Beaver 20.
it. O. Smith. C. X. A.. 143 Third St.
j W Ransom, axent, Alnaworth Dock.
Phones: Main 402. 286? A 1-402.
Alaska dock. Portland. 8 P. M-, October 11.
1SV 25. Nov. 1, 8, 15. 22. 29 and- every
Tuesday night. Frelsht received at Alaaka
Dock unUl 5 P. at. dally. Paasenser tare.
Brst-claaa. 10; second-class. 7. Including
meals and berth. Tickets on sals at .Alna
worth Dock. Phone Main 268: A 1234.
O. R. & N.
A 4i-ra-4a KstTTts
Leaves Portland dally except Saturday at
8-00 P. M. slakes all way landings. Arrives
at Astoria at 6 :00 A. M. Leaves Astoria,
dailv except Sunday, at 7:00 A. M. ArHves
nection with steamer Nahcotta for Mejler.
vi t An at.H n1 all naintxi nr i ata.