- TITE MORNING OREflONIAN, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 8, 1910. 20 Xc' TEN JAPS DESERT SHIP; S40 IS Pi Immigration Inspector Com pels Owner of Tramp to Pay Fines. "BULL PEN" PROVES JOKE failor on Vessel From Nippon Have No Difficulty In Making Kscape and Slipping Over Sides In the Darkness. Portland! population l'1 been (rtwd by 10 little brown men. Thounh they arrived too late to swell the census, the Oovernment ha been enriched In the munificent sum of 140 and the district" Import and exports hare been (welled, all thrmiich the visit of the Tamon Marti No. . a tramp of great ace and small rapacity, whlcil returns today to the land of her reg ister. The loss of 10 seamen meant little to the vessel, aa he las a horde for a crew and the payment of ft each does not represent the amount due them In waees. flnce the steamer arrived from Hakodate. October 15. members of her crew have irone over the side with such regularity that Immigration Inspector Barbour bea-an to believe that the rum-berjome-appearlnr "bull pen." built under the forecastle head, was a bus. Joke. But the last er.lso.le of the Japa was reported yesterday and was In effect that Sunday nisrht. while all was se rene and the Unfits Rllnimed dimly thrnnith the rainy base, three sailors stealthily obtained possession of a key that fitted a padlock on the "pen." mastered the mechanism of the lock and prohably wended their way over J. J. Hill rail line from I.lnnton. At any rate, when the process of counttnir noses took place yesterdny the three falter to aoewer the check. All of which the skipper lamented aa h rarrate.1 to the odl.-lal what em barrassment he anticipated when pressed for Information of the absent ones by relatives and friends at Otaru. Nacasakl and elsewhere, and be opined that his owners would also show dis pleasure that the hlp's rrellt had shown such elasticity ns to be used to cover the. loss of sailors and "rat jruards." Mr. Barbour emphatically re joined that there must be forthcoming, heedless of the walllnirs of geisha girls and others on the opposite side of the. raclflc. the sum of H for each deserter and that the lucre must be stamped with an American eagle, not decorated wtth the yen design of the Mikado's domain. It was much the same situation when the Otaru Maru was here. Sailors left frequently, despite the employment of watchmen, though the skipper of the, otaru deigned not to jar the feelings of his salts by sucb drastic measures as a "bull pen." Another desertion case occupying the executive of the Immigration Service la that of Chun Wee. messboy of the. tramp Camphlll. for whom Captain Moodle haa offered a reward of tiO. It Is not improbable that If Chun Wee persists In not rejoining that vessel there will be taxed against her a fine of ISO'). Uncle Sam quotes Chinese higher than Japs. - PAPKIl MY MOVE HEAVILY Transportation FYom Oregon City Helped by Recent Downpour. Four Inches more water at Oregon City, which showed on the gauge yes terday as a result of the late rains, may prove the salvation of the steamer Rose City, which reached port during the slump In cargo offerings, for un less the mills on the upper river de liver here from 150 to !00 tons of paper for California, the popular craft will barely have sufficient cargo for ballast. The steamer Bear was the first to feel the decline In offerings, aa she had less than 100 tons, and It Is doubted if the Rose City will do as well. Captain Mason yesterday completed a general housecleanlnic on the Rose City, when be made the lower bold a trifle too sulphuric for the comfort of ro dents, who became so playful on the last voyage that they made serious inroads on a box of apples. As fleas are com panions to canines, so are rats to a ves sel, but the Rose City and the Bear and Reaver have been remarkably free from the pests. Captain Mason burned 20 pounds of sulphur in the hold, battened down the hatches and let the crew spend a quiet Sunday, with the result that there was recorded In the annals f ratdom the passing of a large per rentase of Its floating population. JAPANESE STEAMER CLEARS Needles finishing but Claverdon Won't Sail 'l"ntll December. tn the manifest of the Japanese tramp Tamon Maru No. . which yes terday cleared for Shanghai direct. It Is shown thst sbe has a cargo of 1.549. !1l feet of lumber valued at I1.2:.1. dispatched by the China Import Export Company. The steamer will leave for sea today, and she will be the last ves sel Tying the Mikado's flag to visit these waters this year. The Norwegian steamer Kir. which goes to Sydney, it to take on the rest of her car-o at the Kastern 4c Western mill, after shifting from the Portland mill, and will be ready In a few days. The British ship Claverden. which Is loading on the Columbia. Is getting slow dispatch, and Is not expected to get away until lecember for South Africa. The tramp Needles, schooner 1 I. Koster and the aiuare-rlggers Omega and Ooldhek represent the lumber fleet now In the river for offshore ports, fjitest of the lumber fixtures Is the British steamer Strathalbyn. which has been taken by the American Trading Company to load at San Francisco. Ku reka and a Northern port, probably I'ortland. EXCTKSION TIME CHANGED Commercial Club Train to LenUton to .eave at 4 P. -M. Wednesday. To allow the excursionists more time In the tomns of Western Idaho, the spe- lal train that will carry members of the .Portland Chamber of Commerce and Commercial Club on their trip to Lewis ton and Spokane will leave this city at 4 P. M- on Wednesday. November 1. Instead of at P. M.. as originally planned. Arrangements to this effect were completed with officials of the O. K N. Company yesterday. This will necessitate taking an extra meal on board the train, and to provide for this service the railroad will fur nish an extra dining car out of Port Und. Officials of tns a R. 4 N. an- MISSI0NXBS Or HOLY CROSS OEDEE WILL CONDUCT TWELVE DAYS' MISSION HEBE. I frTff ZSZ r ii iiVsaaUij I nounce that this train will be one of the finest ever operated out of this city. Much of the equipment will be sent from Chicago to make It so. CISTOMS BISIXESS GROWS October I.ead September Heavily In Financial Column. Domestic export values Increased by 11.136.301 and receipts showing a gain of I13.25I.75 over September was the record shown yesterday In the Oc tober statement of Custom House transactions. The new life In domest.c export figures indicates how a free movement- in fhe grain fleet Influences the record. In the Import column the duties exceeded those of September by f 13. .1.10. The October statement Is: Number of vessels entered from foreign ports, 4: number of vessels cleared from for eign ports. 11; number of vessels en tered from domestic ports. 2; number of vessels cleared from domestic ports, 65: value of exports, foreign. 19479; do mestic exports. I1.377.9SS: value of Im parls, foreign. 80: entries of mer chandise. Z2i; documents Issued to ves sels. 2: duties. 61.s0.90: all other cus toms receipts. $161.70: all other naviga tlon receipts. 9; aggregate receipts. 161.9! 1.60; expenses of collection, S4SI9.22. Offer Made' for the Lewis. Prospects are said to be brighter for the chartering of the British ship Wm. T. I-ewls. which Is moored at the Vic toria dolphins, for her owners have re fused an offer of 2Ss d for wheat to the United Kingdom, and It Is under stood they are holding for 30 shillings. The only craft taken at that rata among the windjammers is the German bark Selene, which was recbartered by A. Berg. Steamers are receiving 30 shillings, but exporters are loth to pay that for sailers first hand. It was re ported that Hind. Rolph & Co, owning the Lewis, had fixed other tonnage. It la known that they have taken a vessel, to replace the British bark Inverness, which lost her charter to load at San Francisco through her tardy arrival Steam Shovel Working on Big Fill. To dump 18.000 yards of material be 1. 1 m . .. art, nhiitm.nl on the Exit Side, which Is to form a rest for the upper deck approach of the new Har rlman bridge, by January 1, Is a task the C. J. Cook Company Is working rtrenuously to complete. The Union Bridge Construction Company's con tract calls for the finishing of the foun dation of the bridge so that nothing re mains but to place the steel, and the fill is Included In the agreement. A steam shovel Is working on the high land, swinging boxes of the material from wagons, which secure It near Union-avenue bridge. Special Rate Is Granted. a . - nr An fare and a third for the . . ...ntln. nf th ftnt. rouna irip iui ... .. v. gon Development league at Salem on Mond.iy. Tuesday ano v. euncsuny. ju- TSVAJ1EK EXTELLIGKXCBl Dae to Arrive. Name. From. Data Tl-r.-ui HntirtM. .. Astons Klamath Pan Francisco In poht i lly bo Pwro.... In port Ceo. W. Elder. .Ssn Pedro.... In port Freskwstor.... Coos Bay In Lrort rue H. Elmore. Tillamook. ....not. s Golden Caie....Ti:iamooa....Nov. 8 Eureka Eureka Nov. Kslcoa. ....... tsn Franoisce Nov. V Bfavcr. ....... Sen Pedro.... Nov. Roanoke. ......a Pedro.... Nov. 13 Beer. ......... Pen Pedro.... Nov. 14 KrcJS. ....... -Hongkong. ...Kov. IS Scheduled as Ueseut. Kama For Oat Breakwater. ...Coos Far Nov. B I:oee CUT sSun Pedro.... Nov. S Sue H. Elmore. Tlllamooa. ... Nov. w Golden Oftte. .. Tir.amook....Nov. B Oeo. W. Elder. .Fen Pedro.. ..No'. S Hercules Rooskong. ... Nov. 9 Eureka F.ureks Nov. 10 Klamath Sen Francisco Nov. ll FaKoo. ....... ln tVrenclsce Nov. 11 Beaver. ....... San Pedro .Nov. 13 Poanoka. Son Francisco Nov. 16 Bear Pan Pedro. ... Nov. in HjJa Hon(koag....Nov. 2S vember SS, S3 and 3". has been granted by the O. R. N. Company on condition that ) delegates attend. As officers of the league plan for a gathering of 100 or more people, this condition will easily be met. W'Lcels Keady on Hawthorne Bridge Wheels on which will run the heavy cables for handling the lift draw of the Hawthorne-avenue bridge have been in stalled on the east tower and the cables rove. The casing about the hugh con crete weight on that tower has been removed, and the weight on the west tower has been cast and the casing is ready to be torn away. Wheels for the west tower are waiting to be hoisted and when they are In place little re mains to be done before the draw can be shifted into position. ; McCormlek Line I oners Rate. In competing with the Pacific Coast Steamship Company and the 8 an Fran cisco Portland steamship Company, the Charles R. McCormlek Company has reduced Its second-class fare between San Francisco and Los Angeles to 34, the others retaining the rate of To. Frank Bollam. local ticket agent for the company, which operates the steamer Klamath, now In port, in addition to the Yosemite. Shoshone. Yellowstone and Cascades, yesterday said that the reduction would not be followed on the Fortland-Saa Francisco route. Grays Harbor Buoys Changed. Fome good has resulted from the fart that the barkentlne Jane L. Stanford struck on Grays Harbor bar recently. Commander Killcott. lighthouse in spector, has agreed to re-establish the Grays Harbor outer Jetty buoy, that It will mark deeper water found south of the main ship channel. On his re- r- II Moaauatery. Went Park. '. V.. sad Ilev. Father Haallsxtoa, W bo 111 Assist la Kveat. turn Commander Killcott said that the pilots did not wish the channel buoys changed, aa they expect a shoal out side the bar to be caused by Winter storms and Increased water from streams entering the bay. The Stan ford, which Is at the St. Johns Dry dock, struck In the channel, and it Is assumed that the shoal was re sponsible. Astoria Reports Big Business. ASTORIA. Or Nov. 7. (Special.) During the month of October, 26 ves sels loaded at the mills In the lower Columbia River district. Their com bined cargoes amounted to 20.364.49S feet of lumber. All -but three of the vessels were bound for California points. Marine Notes. To load for San Francisco the steam er Coaster yesterday left the harbor for Prescott. It Is planned to resume channel Im provements on the Snake River in a few days, by placing the Government dredge Wallowa In service between the mouth of the Grand Ronde River and Asotin. Captain Kaletsch. of the German bark Goldbek. which came from Santa Rosalia to load lumber for Europe, says that the voyage was devoid of In terest. The vessel is to take on cargo at Prescott. and It Is not thought she wiU shift to finish. To load 8500 barrels of cement, part of which will be discharged from the French bark Babln Chevaye, the Brit ish steamer Rupert City yesterday en tered the Columbia and will be in the harbor this morning. The cement Is to be discharged at Victoria Captain Mason Is planning to play host to Harry Montgomery, Deputy Collector of Customs, who will em bark today on the steamer Rose City to travel to former haunts from San Francisco south. Mr. Montgomery ex pects to visit the leading Winter re sorts. First of the piling for an addition to the Central Dock on the North Side, which will extend the structure to Stork street and provide a driveway on that slip, were driven yesterday. The dock is to be housed and will have a 10-foot landing space for cargo In front. Bates & Chesebrough have not only nsed tonnage belonging to the Pacific Mall Line In their competition with the Harrlman interests via the Isthmus, but have employed Captain & 8. Sandberg, of the steamer Korea, as agent at Los Angeles. Captain Sand berg resigned from the liner last week. At the Custom House yesterday the steamers Nome City, Geo. W. Klder. Klamath and J. A. Chansler. the schooner Mable Gale and the barge Gerard C Tobey, were entered from San Francisco, while the steamer Washtenaw entered from Port San Luis and the Breakwater from Coos Bay. The French bark Cannebierre entered from Glasgow with 3124 tons of general cargo. The Tobey cleared with 1.000,000 feet of lumber for San Francisco, the Chanslor for San Fran cisco, the Washtenaw for Port San Luis, the Elder for San Diego and the Breakwater for Coos Bay. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND, Nov. 7. Arrived British hip lilenholm. from San Pedro: German bark. Selene from liusymss. balled bteam er Altec, for San Francisco. Astoria. Nov. 7. Condition at the mouth ef the river at 6 P. M . rough; wind, south 11 miles: weather, cloudy. Arrived at u iion and left up at 4:10 P. M. Steamer Rupert City, from Vancouver. Arrived at S and left up at 4:10 P. M. eteamsr Wash iDKtnn. from Pan Francisco. . Kaji Franclsoo. Nov. 7. Arrived at 7 A. M. and sailed at 1 P. M. Steamer J. B. stetson, from Portland, for San Pedro. Sailed at 11 noon Steamer Beaver, tor Eu'STsa. Nov. 7 Sailed yesterday Steam er Eureka, for Portland. Hongkong. Nov. 7. Arrived November 4 Norwegian steamer Hennk Ibsen, from '""san'Vranelsco. Nov. 7. Arrived Steamers Kariuk. from Cnalaska; J. 5. Steteon. from Atorla: Bee and O. C. Llndsuer. from Grays Harbor. Sailed Steamers Penrith Castle, for Seattle; Beaver, for Astoria; Norwood, for Grays Harbor. Seattle. Nov. 7. Arrived Steamer Jeffer son fr.m Skagway; atesmer Hornelen. from San Francisco: steamer Melville Dollar, from Saa Pedro; steamer llovenior. from San Francisco: steamer tjueen. from Anacortes; ateamer Seward, from Tacoma: steamer 3J i- Mu n. from Honolulu. Sailed Steamer Columbia, for Tai-oma: ateamer Admiral Sampson, for San Francisco; stesmsr Queen r.-r Tacoma;. steamer Edith, for Hunters Blricoma. Nov. 7. Arrived British bark rumfrteesh1re. from Seattle: French bark Notre Wme d'Arvour. from Vancouver; ateamer Columbia, from Seattle. , Sailed Steamer Seward, for Seattle. Tides at Astoria Tuesday. Hlfb. Low. 1 A. M 5-9 feet'10 A. M 4.7 feet 4:04 P. M 7.4 feetjU.M P. at... .4.1 foot TO MEET Prominent Episcopalians of East Are Coming. , HOLY CROSS ORDER HERE Twelve-Day Convention Will Open Next Sunday at St. Stephen's Pro-Cathedral Programme Given Out Is Extensive. Prominent Episcopalians from New York will be vleutors In Portland -to at tend on Sunday morning tho opening seielon of the 13-day mission, held by the Order of the Holy Cross of the Episcopal Church, at St. Stephen's Pro Cathedral. Thirteenth and Clay streets. This will be followed by another misedon which will commence Sunday December 4, at St- Mark's Church, and will cover the same length of time. This is the first time this order has ever held a mission in Portland, .and It will be attended by J. O. S. Hunting ton and Roger Anderson, missioners of the Order of the Holy Cross of West Park, N. Tl. Programme Given Out. During tho missions, the programme for Sundays) will be: 7 and 8 A. M. holy eucharlst; 11 A. . M. prayer and holy eucharlst; 3 P. M. children's mission; 7:30 P. M. mission service. Week days: 6 and 7 A. M. holy eucharist; 9:30 A. M. in struction followed by holy eucharist; 3 P. M. addresM to women; 4 P. M. child ren's mlevion; 8 P. M. mission service. On Sunday, Npvember 27, and the nights' of November 29 and 30, special services will be held in Trinity Church. The Order of the Holy Cross Is the only religious ordir for men In the Kpiscopal Church in America, although in the church in England several such orders are In exiance. Tills Is the society of Saint John Kvangelist. com monly known as the "Cowley Fathers," with a home In Boston. While the Eng lish order had a very important influ ence in tho founding of Holy Cross and while much spiritual advice and assist ance wae rendered by the "Cowley Fathers'" to their American brethren, nevertheless, the Order of the Holy Crow was not patterned after it Maryland Takes Care of Body. Tn 1SS2. after the order severed its connection with Uie Mlwlon Church, it was offered a house at Wetminer, Md. Here the fathers took up their residence and retreats were held for priests, lay men and various societies. In 1S99 the fathers commenced wearing the habits In place of the cassock and cloak after the style of the "Cowley Fathers." On account of the steady growth of the order, in 1X99 about 70 acres overlooking the Hudson were purchased at West Park. N. Y. for tlie purpose of erect ing a monastery. Fifty thousand dol lars was soon donated for the erection of the structure, and the order moved Into its new quarters In May, 1904. One of the works of the order has been the Lenten preaching in churches in large cities, and especially the con ducting of the "three-hour services" Good Friday. In 1905 the order established the St. Andrew's school for mountain boyev at Sewanee. Tenn.. which has grown each year. Soon after the founding of this school, the Kent school In Connecticut was opened by a member of the order. In addition to this there are several societies of a spiritual character conduct ed by the order, and tt also publishes a monthlv magazine. The latest work of the order has been the introduction of A LIFETIME OF DISFIGUREMENT Mothers Should Realize What Neglect of Skin Troubles May Mean to Children. A lifetime of disfigurement and suf fering often results from the neglect. In infancy or childhood, of minor- af fections of the skin and scalp. A mother overlooks a little rash or at tempts some simple treatment and In a day, perhaps, the little one Is covered with severe eczema or other distressing eruption. Then the struggle for a cure begins. A multitude of remedies are tried, doctor after doctor consulted and hos pitals visited, but too often the suffer ing extends, without substantial relief, from days to weeks, weeks to months and months to years. Added to this is the ever-present fear that the itching, burning and disfiguration will become chronic, marring future welfare and making life miserable. In the prevention of the simple skin affections from which all this suffering so often arises, and in establishing a condition of skin health, mothers are assured that nothing is purer, sweeter or more effective than Cuticura soap, assisted by Cuticura ointment. And greater still. If possible. Is the success of these simple household remedies In the treatment of the severer skin troubles themselves. With the first warm bath with Cuticura soap and gentle application of Cuticura oint ment, the itching and burning usually cease, the child falls into a refreshing eleep, the mother rests and for the first time, possibly, in many weeks peace falls on a distracted household. Fre quently a single cake of Cuticura soap and box of Cuticura ointment are sufficient. . The failure of cure you does MEN your case M SS ON have cured cases ot men's aliments that had time after time baffled medical effort and as often been pronounced past relief. The. reason for this Is that my un derstanding of aliments of men Is complete and accurate, and my treatment directed accord ingly. If others have failed It Is to your best Interests to at least consult me.- COXSU1.TATIO.V FREE. All'ng and suffering men or those irom any contracieu aiimeut, buuuiu at once. I make absolutely NO CHARGE for a friendlv talk, and my advice will be valuable, whether treatment la begun or not. Wite If you cannot call. MY CURES ARB THOROUGH AXD I Will Wait for My Fee I'ntu low If you cannot call, write for diagnosis cnart. r ( M'nrrir.. r nnn all dav from 9 P. M.. and Sundays from 10 to 1. THE DR. TAYLOR COMPANY 234 MORKISO! STREET. CORKER SECOIfD, PORTLAND, OREGOJf RHEUMATISM WEAK KIDNEYS &TKIN BLOOD Not only is the blood the great nourishing source of our systems, but equally as important is its work of removing- the waste of oxodized tis sues which have been consumed in force and bodily heat. This waste is filtered out through the kidneys. When, however, the kidneys become, weak and unable to perform their regular duties, the waste is allowed to remain in the circulation, soon forming uric acid which destroys the greater portion of nourishing elements of the blood and leave it weak and acrid. This imperfect blood deposits into the different muscles and joints the uratic impurity with which it is contaminated. Then the pains and aches of Rheumatism commence. The gritty formation which uric acid causes collects in the joints and pro duces the aches and stiffness which always accompany the disease. Like wise the muscles are coated and lose their elasticity, while the continual irritation to the nerves produces swell ing and inflammation of the flesh. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism in the only way it is possible to over come the disease; it cleanses the blood of all uric acid poison and strengthens the lrtrlneva SO thev are enabled to properly filter out the waste. S. S. S. is not only the best ol blood purifiers, but a fine tonic. Book on Rheumatism free to all who write. THE SWITT SPECITIO CO.. Atlanta, Oa. the Church Prayer League for general Intercession for missions. MANNING USES OWN COIN Candidate Declares J. Ii. Day's Statement Is Kait-e. Nov. 7, 1910. To the Editor: In The Oregonlan to day there appeared a paid advertise ment over the signature of J. L. Day, an ex-prizefighter, saying that Charles K. Henry was furnishing my cam paign fund. This Is absolutely false, as I have not received Jl of campaign money from any man or from any source. Thus far I have spent only $335, and am going to keep within the law, which allows me to spend $750. I also want to say, as I have always said heretofore, that I am in favor of the Broadway bridge, and will assist at all times, whether elected or not, to sustain the vote of the people on the Broadway bridge. JOHN MANNING. For Rheumatism and nervousness. Body, brain and nerves all de pend on electricity for health and strength. Galvanic electricity is best. Electropodes (galvanic In soles) are positively unexcelled for Nervousness Electropodes eliminate excess uric acid and other Impurities from the body. With these des troying agents removed, nature will maintain a strong, healthy and vigorous nervous system. Electropodes also stimulate the circulation, and aid each organ to perform Its proper functions. A ladv writes from Texas: "Since wearing Electropodes, my circulation is improved and I do not have cramping in my low er limbs as I did before." Why don't yon try a pair of Electro-, podes at our risk? Sold Under This Contract TW perehaser of Electropodes is grant ed the privilege ef retnraing them within SO days, and tha parchaae price ($1.00) is to be refunded upon the following condi tions: Thar are to be worn according ta directions for at least 25 canteen tire days, and thea if not satisfactory, te be retained in original box. i Itracxist's Sigaatars. At druggists: or by mall, post paid. If your druggist cannot fur nish Electropodes. send us $1.00, and we will see that you are sup plied immediately. State whether for man or woman. Western Electropode Co. 240 Vom Angeles St., Los Angeles, Cal. XOUMO MLNQ CHINESE HEDICIXK CO. Our remedies are composed of the choicest roots, hvrba and bmrka and are aura to core to star cured. All chronic dlseaaea of men and women a specialty. If yoyx cannot call, send for symptom a blank. Z7 Taylor et.. bet- Second and Xnlrd. Portland. Oresoa 5 V r n Innammstkms, Irritations or ulcerations of all mn cotxs membranes, unnatu ral discharges from nose, throat or urinary org-ans. 0"faTft. Sold by Drng&ista 'or In plain wrapper, ex preKS prepaid, on receipt of $U or th ree bottles, $776 Booklet oa request. others to not prove Incurable, l suffering PROMPT. are veii. A. M. to 9 ae Leading Specialist. i f AT"b-1 illy fort I At '"r Catarrh, CalSaM I JI Har Psirar f- UBOBBlMS-l 1 I SHOW MEN I CI CURE I demonstrate my ability in tho treatment of the ailments in my specialty, first, by giving immediate benefits; secondly, by the rapid progress my patients make from the beginning, and each and every patient knows that he is going to get well from the fact that there is no standstill about the ailment, no 'weary weeks and months of wait ing, hoping and watching for benefitsthe trouble must yield if I tell yon in the beginning I can perma nently cure you, and it is' because I am a scientific specialist and know how to CUBE. By the latest and best methods, I cure, to remain cured, Blood and Skin Ailments, Varicose Veins, Piles, Kidney and Bladder Ailments. If afflicted men in Portland and vicinity knew of the permanent cures I accomplish, of the patients I dis miss who don't have to continue seek ing and paying for treatment, some of them having been treated a dozen times before, they would surely lose no time in seeing me. I prove my success over other specialists. I don't ask you to believe me. 1 don t asx you to take my word for what I say a visit and treatment will tell and convince you if you have any doubts. I WILL TREAT YOU CDI7C1 Nat Dollav IVeed Be Paid t" KCEi Ualess Cured. for one week if vou desire to prove that I can cure you. I have spent thousands to develop my treatment, and I know what it will do. Don t experiment elsewhere. Try my treatment free, and be convinced that I can cure you. While the ordinary doctor la experimenting and making mistakes, I aeeomplish cures. See me now. $5.00 AND $10.00 IS ALL I CHARGE FOR CURING SOME CASES MT PRICES ARE ALWAYS THE LOWEST, rto matter where you ro There Is a reason my practice is the largest, my offices are the far Rest. I am prepared to treat the largest numbers. Therefore I can cure you the cheapest. Having the most experienced and best scien tific treatment to be had. I can cure you the quickest. If you have any trouble whatever, come to me. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE at office or by mall. One personal visit Is preferred, but if this Is Im practicable, write us a full and unreserved history of your case and get our opinion free. Many case, cured at home. .Medicines fresh from our own laboratory, $1.50 to .60 per course. Honrs A. M. to P. M. Sundays, 1 to 12. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO., Inc. CORNER SECOND AND YAMHILL STS-, PORTLAND, OR. THEa DOCTOR OFFER TO ALL AILING MEN IS No Money Until Satisfied We charge nothing to prove our methods will cure you. You need not pay a dollar un til satisfied. You are welcome to private counsel and to a thorough, painstaking .per sonal examination, which are free to all our patients. No charge for medicines. Oar specialty Include. VARICOSE VEINS, SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON, KERVO-IIT1L DEBILITY, OBSTRUCTIONS, PROSTATIC, BLADDER, and KIDNEY trouble., and all contracted ail incuts. What you want is a cure. Come to us arid get it. Once under our treatment you will ouickly realize how simple a thing it Is to get well in the hands of a specialist who knows his business. DR. GREEN Office hours, daily 9 to 5; evenings Cold in Chest Hacking Cough A Cold if Not Checked in Time May Result in Pneumonia, Bronchitis or Lung Trouble, and Serious Results Are Sure to Follow Mr. Rooney, After Suffering for Years, Took Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, Which Completely Broke Up His Cold and Built Up His Entire System. Read what he says: "I suffered for years from a cold In the chest, which brought on a dry cough. I had a tight feeling in my chest, which made it very difficult for me to breathe without a hacking cough,- which was very unpleasant to myself and to those about me. It also disheartened me un til I did not know what to do. After trying most everything else I took Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. Now my cold has entirely left me, and since using your great tonic. Instead of sunk en In cheeks, which show nothing but bones, I am taking on more flesh. My face Is round and plump, instead of the sickly look I always used to have. If any person needs a good, ftrst-class stimulant, let him take Duffy"s Pure Malt Whiskey." Felix Rooney, 622 66th St., Bay Ridge, N. Y. Daffy's Pare Malt Wfiiskey Is an absolutely pure, gentle and In vigorating stimulant and tonic. It overcomes all weakening, wasting and run-down conditions of the body, brain and muscle, giving the system power to throw, off and resist coughs, colds, grippe, catarrh, bronchitis, asthma and lung troubles, and It Is a wonderful remedy In the prevention and cure of consumption, pneumonia, malaria and low fevers, if taken as directed. It Is prescribed by doctors and recognized as a family medicine everywhere. If la seed of advice, write Medical Department, The Duffy Malt Whiskey Company, Rochester, New York, stating yonr case fully. Our doctor, will .end yon advice free, together with a -valuable Illustrated medical booklet, con taining rare common .eiwe rule, for health, which yon cannot afford to be without and .ome-of tbe many thou sand, of gratifying letters received from men and women in all walk, of life, botb old and young, who have been cored and benefited by the one of thl. great medicine and who continue to enjoy good health. Sold by drngal.ta, srocen, and dealers, or direct, SI.OO a iarsre bottle.. L. T. YfiE TUB CHLVESE DOCTOR Tee Cron'B Medicine Co. a pent lifetime study of herbs and re search In China; was granted diploma by the Emperor; won derful cur of all ailments of men and women when other failed. If you Buffer, call or write to 1-EE SON'S ftLEDt CINE CO.. ZV first, Co. I X. lo Alder, Portlaad. or, . GREEN CO. 362 Washington St. PORTLAND. OR. 7 to 8; Sundays 10 to 1 only. CURED $10 IS OUR FEE Pay When Cured ' We hsrve every known remedy ap pliance xor THUATLVG VOIi. Our ex perience is .o great and varied that no one of the ailment, of Men Is new to a. COMB IN AD TALK IT OVER. General Debility, Weak Nerve., In somnia Results or exposure, overwork and other Violation, of Jiatori'a lawa. Diseases of tlludder and Kidneys, Vart eoae Velu quickly and permanently cured at .mail expen. and no detail-, lion from business. SPECIAL AILMENTS Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning. Itching and Inflammation stopped to 24 hours. Cures effected la seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for list of question. Office Hours A. M. ' to V. M. Eundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL CO. 224V WASHINGTON STREET Corner First. Men and Women Cured FREE X-RAY EXAMINATION. FREE CONSULTATION. Call at one and find out what your trouble before this grand offer 1b with lrawn. The Brit ish Medicine Co. ire curing the lick with their wonderful and a arm 1 es roots . A k.rhl Ther 1 ire curing to stay i cured all enronio nervous and spe cial diseases of children. Male ana zemaie an- : ments, catarrh ; and deafness. ; nllaa t1l1Of1 With- i oat the knife or j detention irom nation, stomach, liver, pall stones, kidneys, bladder, blood poison, discharges, skin dis eases, pimples, sores, ulcers anywhere on body, eczema, rheumatism, varicose veins, sciatica. ' lame back, fits. nervousness, locomotor ataxia and all chronic diseases. If away from the city write for particulars. Call at once and be cured. BRITISH MEDICINE CO..- 287 Washington St.. 4th floor Rothcbild Bldg., room 407. Take Elevator MEN AND WOMEN CURED The famous Chinese. Drs. S. K. Chan, with t h e lr Chinese reme dies of herbs and roota 7 cure wonaer- w Jytw - sufferers WiStOUi. cure wonder. afrr OUM wnen ower r ui u i o a hTv. faued. Sure cure for chronic pri vate ailments, nervousness, blood pol .on rheumatism, asthma, pneumonia. bladder, kidney, t-iroai anaiuns irou- bles. consumpn", : , , , , . - and other diseases of all kinds. Reme dies harmless. No operation. Honest treatment. Examination free. Call or write to The S. K. Cbas Chinese Medicine Co.. 226 Morrison St., between First and Second, Portland. Oregon. EN mi.