Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 08, 1910, Page 19, Image 19

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. .. ...... . r , .. . ...... A hmiM. oa
w-nuMji Danuib.ij ...... at.Al
river bank: strictly mt-lrn. , '""l..1 to
llrilKut ear imw. ",u,e tic
V,.i r.,d.: will r.t very Ju
S moalnA 1 01 air. O. E- Bradneck. HI
4'h st.
Hetht. f.nri famished, for 'or "
znentns: rtrl $75.
2,0 Al.Wr t-
rOB RUNT Hurnihd -nora
al. for .kpl Apply "
f a on.H m I n HH.
rX-RJtlSHKD et..m-bed tjat t '"
for board of t hildrvn and T. Mela svsu.
4 vl Washington St. .
islmOOU f!U modern conveniences.
"TTlFf-inWd E. 24ll and Hei.-y sta.
TV o W ad irl. 20 I.omlKf tic"-
Hoot for Rr. fwmliur for Sale.
ON account of il.kntM will scrlflcy my
moat ti-nnl hotr... ncwIT furnish-d two
month. ato wuh the v-rr Ml aamlnatrr
and Rruaat-ls tarpts: fuTUtur- or
aoidea ok. bir.i.fye mapl. arid mahog
any silk nm irt.ttrvee.. and Iroa coll
aprinir.. .vrih.n tn. "rJ-.b',,I, "?
r-nt enough room, to clfar a rnonin
from Waalilpnton.
FOR SALE Furniture) of t-room flat.
In dounlo ht..e or 11 room.; will ee.l the
furniture and rut the ou at m but
barren. ntral locUon. .131 Oik St..
btwr-n Sth and Tin. Al'P'V - su.
nvar 1'ak st-
A FOAKUI.V. IIUl "E. 10 room., all occu-
plrrt. furniture f..r sale, trade or rent. fiirni'ied: our owo termk
price. AH 4 .fi.yrr iron I an.
EI.R1AXT new furniture of S-room flat.
, m-1 Inroma: rut rraeoneble offer re-
ji.r, t.rme. 3- V Mill sl.
WHfbur old "furnltur. when yon ran set
I room aU n furniture for 404
Park at.
FtRXITIKE of nrw J-room flat.
c.o.e In. rant 2; 30. MU'i 2d at. I hone
A J.3- -
HOI'? for rent, furnilura for aalo. .7 fcasl
xuin. near i'in. '
TTRNITV RE of S room, for aaia. TT Waat
Frk at. -
yv.R HALE FUrnlahad 5-room flat; 0:
farnltura nrw. HT 11th at. Va:n .01.
Ft'RS'lTt'RK of 6 rn bath and pantry.
t:'2 Morr 1 . a .t. M itn g--2;
Fl'RVITIRK -room moOcrn flat, tleoplnc
porch, yard. Not HIIL A
HEW tlirra-atory brick. 50x100; r'ato glaaa
front, mth and llarahall. auitabl for
li.rit lobolnr. manufacturlsf or rrtall.
will I.a.a ono-half; dllda apaco to ault
tenant or tauania. A. u. Lous, front and
An ken yJ ,
FOR RKXT for a tarro of na yaara. tha old
Arl:nloa Club building. l Park and
Aider aia. Apply to B. T. Cox. room No.
. JOOS d at.
6TORE :ix5 on Larrabee.- near Xlolladay
ava.. aultabto for any bualnr..: leiaa If
desired. 3-'S U'aatiinirnroomjlill.
BTOHi.d In brick bulldink. with baaementa
I'nion aanu and LUat Aao. Kodgor-Hart-Clbaon.
4'1 Second t.
atora: very rromUlng location for
. buaineaa. Hart man A Thompaou. Cham
1 er of I'nmmr ri e.
STORE. l I'ark t.. north. Pultablo for
any bn.meaa or light mannfactnrtnk.
FOR RENT Tlireo flna offlco room, on aoo
ood Lumber Lxchacga building. i
and F-.ark iL Inqulra F B. Holbrooa Co,
SJ4 Lomber bldg.
atOST centrally located offlcaa. $13 and up.
aJl-nlght elevator aervlce. SOS Swatlaad
bid.. 5th ard Vahln$toiu
NICE lht offl.'e. furnlahed: phona or dnak
room nMop.bH. I. Mohawk bldg.
yuH htlil A few offlcea la Couca bldat.
rail U'i bldg.
Cor. Kaat Waahlngton and Eaat Second
fa, 154.;5 feet, one noor; on O. R. at N.
track: lately occupied by Pack
ing L'o. 1'ara Invt-atmeat Co.. 10 roaC
JTI-iRAtiE warehoaeo on 13th at-, with
tracka.e: will rent all or rart: loweat
rent In the city. Van Horn Transfer Co.
M lcellanroua.
COni) dui-k iakK for rant. laqutro AB
4:1s. Orejcomao.
A FINE quarter block, on. block from
PoatofTlr. will lease for long term, at
reaaonablo rental. If you ara In tha mar
ket for a nrst-claaa icaaiag propoatuon.
aea tia at onre.
Itcal Ktata Ppartment.
Cbambar of Commerce
FOR LEASE Traokage: Una warabottaa a
nsfg loemtloo: alao corner atora room. U4 .ml
Broadway, ready Not. . Albtna faal Oo.
I will aril my grocery bualneaa at aa
attractive tlcure tu a Quick buyer: must
wive my attention to other bualneaa at
once. Thle will stand cloeeet Inspection
and la on of the beat locations In South
Portland. Addraae for Interview. AO
Tbla acency la la a poaltloa to furnlea
'reliable information regarding bualneaa
openings; only legitimate propositions cob.
1 Aiiingtun bldg.. Earn bushed !
FOR SALE Succeasful. wall eatabllahed
millinery business of eight years. In the
growing loan of Eureka. t population
12.000 last census) county seat Humbo.clt
Co. Reason for aei:in retiring from
burlnesa. Mrs. W. L W alanpaugh, Kursk,
Party with $.U'J to take aa In l sr eat la
a good ptilnc ludtirsa
1 Ab::ilon bldg.
Main oWii.
WE have a nne bu.lneaa opportunity for
party with from $JioO to owo la gow.
live town In Southern California.
41g AMngton llldg.
A SMALL manufacturing buaineaa. with aa
ho:i-et man ea p.irtn.T. i'Ay you IW" a
month to atert with: fully a-cur.d and
small Invceimt-ut required. Call ol Lutn
ber F.t hAin.
OPPORTl NIT V for a hustler to buy aa
established retail bualneaa on tha West
Side, hand'.lnc bakery goods. re
uuirod: no aa"ta H l. Oregon.aa.
CORNER cvsh grocery, doing a business of
about $4U a day. In voice, free rent. In
veetlgate thta if you want a tood bual
aeea. Call 5-3 Lumber Kvchange.
GRAND opening fw reliable young man with
good haMia to eevure half inten st In well
rAiabiieri.'d caaii bu.ln-a; sma.1 payment
dow n 417 l oard of Trale.
W ANTED To purchaae reneral merchanulea
stock, country town, that fiioo to l.UHA)
can handle. The Times. Heppner. Oregon.
REsTAl' lt. NT. centrally located. $100 r--qutrrd;
.:ng a good buaineaa. Call
Lumb-r ITTchanitc.
CIOAH and confectionery, clearing $200
monthlv. line location, good lehsc. for saie
at about Invoice. 417 Rord of Trade.
rARTNF.R aatrd fr tranaf.T bulne.-.;
rlafifi cAily :-.rTi-l mJ will pay you
month. :4S tm-fc at.
UKT 01 p-rtunltv to set Into pr..ilib:
ae-.A-T utnfifal ,Trr'ti : $10v0 lO
1-ovO r-yPsUti-rd. R 4'. (t-r onlan.
Tlra,n n,l otfar bo i iiia bouxat and
no'd ytch-r Inf. Co. Abtngion,
KOMKONK with mail capita! wtlllnr to In.
ri in huw bu.r.e. .- V. B , heUa,
41 Taylor t-. lu to 1- A. M.
STOR B in d?s(rmbi
OLtiun, wuh fixtures.
rrr chi-a)
will ail or part Call 74
North t 1 1 ft.
CAPM buameM. partner wanted: r-quir-
rr int m-ny mnd -i I pjr ou
ly - I articu.ara 8:a-kt-ilOVTN'O-PI'TVRK
mac-hlna. n-w: cst
Sis: ctirtaira and many auppiiea; ij.i.
lk m e n . I'ark.
CKCvV'nY Owner wi'l aucrlrt: on account
of lukarH: d trai.; l ?. low rent.
b!lbirsiia. call PtrK at.
WWTED To lnvt fi0 caah In WfU-pi-
inc bainja; r--taurant. conr-jtionw-ry or
grocery r re trred. A l-4 9 . Or on lan.
m h f.unVr. cloa In: clraxa 17 day; for
qui, k a!.
U WTK.n hont man aa prtn?r;
rv-al fTatt- buV.neaa. fhosa Main ?J".
iu EAT market f r aala chaap: lxivujata.
E. ;,tt ana Cintn.
OROCERVr r Site: lnolc $r-o0; aala
4-i: r.o ax-n'a- AP M. QreKonlaa.
fov NO. ladT war. fa mail-orjr or adTrtt.:ic
t-fion; ran take tu:i cfatvJK- Tabor
l0 JiVSlNESJ: rartla. tl.O: ytt Tnuat brln
thia al Koaa City j-Tin:ery. 1 mra
RKPTArRAXT. but trade. ehp rent; well
Hw-ated: -eap I nna : Mlmon rt.
Ii:t;ti" lTI.K. od pace phyalclAn. e
E." i. iv.vMi''n. prop.. Qwr'. Or.
afKAT m.rket. aerae a'.ee 4"; 4jO takes
tills todsy. 411 board, of Traus.
Bitryrsg orTOBUfinw.
IF YOU knew you could tnveet 110 per
month for tea months and make ten
thousand dollara. yould you do It . That
la what others have done and are "Jo'a
It Is eetlmated that one hundred million
dollara was made In tha paat year oy
small Inveetors In Western Canada' grow
ing commercial centers. Too can get your
snare by Investing as llttie a. ) PT
month. Too take no risk, and the money
you make la to the best and c leanest war
poaalble by aaslstlng In the-development
of a new and vast western empire-
Let us send you a free copy of
"Fntlsh Co.umbla Bulletin of "V'"":
flea." rl-rtng otTicial government and otner
Information of wonderful money-making
opportunities In British Columbia ana
Western Canada. Wrlto today.
Natural Resources Security Co.. i.tu-.
411 Bower bldg.. Vancouver. B. c.
atOTlON-PICTL'RB macniree; Powers. KA
sn. Patbe and others alwaya h stock rroea
-S up: the lateat and beat Blme ror reat-?-Tbe
beak la .on. too good" as our slaad
ard. W. teach operating and Qualify to run
a abow; befur. cjoatng deal ewher. be
atrra and see ws; w. the go and
erica, are right. WH!TBt:9 LV REGARD
CHINES."" Price II .LaemmUlrilai fore
see Alliance. room. ftOb-lO Couca oeag-.
P-aetlaad. Or.
A So-M capacity Ruaaall portable aaw
mill wnTp". cu.oS
conveyor, etc: alao a No. 1 NorthwMt
planer, with attachments, good a. new
has been used only a "hort time. For
particulars ca.l at my office. z3-2g Front
su. I'ort:and. Or. ,
HER M A.v m Erzr. E R. Owner
UHUhni evv -J""---
Doing a rash bualnese of lloO VT
lease for yeara. rent tii p-r montn.
Including nve llvlng-roome: will lnvoeoe
T. . ..-w ...... C ft T T.
tip APiagt'JM p."a-
A KUTAIKAM tor aaje. km VT, J,"
IIM 1 1 1 J . uaui mw'i ....
pie. buelneaa average $100 a day; price
very reasonable. Call or write to N. J.
t- .in tiiu xbird. North Portland.
HAVE from $100$ to $1000 to Inveat ro
w .. ' n win alao Iran e
good rjilmng atoiks for lots, raw land
or a buaineaa; owners only. T 7. Ore
gonlan. ,
: a t. r k-; a..
For aaJe, clearing fw'Ki per month, good
location, cheap rent. -v0 cash, balance
from receipt.. Joe. C Olbaon, $04 Oer bldg. -.
DELICATESSEN and bakery on earllne.
near large ecnooi. can a""'" " ..
school auppllea. candy, notlona. love rant,
owner taken suddenly III. must sell quick.
Marshall louS.
OPPORTUNITY tor lady who k acquainted
la Portland or towna nojaovoft i
or Washington to ncur. good-paying po
altloa. Call Tuesday, room J.J.I Uanry
Make careful Inveatlgatlon at nvmaam
of seller before you Invest money In any
pro poaltloa. Adrlaary Department. Y. M.
THIS Is your chance. I will exchange very
good general biwcu.u.
auburtan town for Portland property at
Invoice price. Must sell account stck-
ness. Write owner e-io.
HALF Interest In aa old established bual
neaa. uoing a K " '
aried position of 1100 per month. For full
particulars, call Kinney A Starophar. Liim-
per iqcnmi oo... . ...
PARTNER de.lred by regiatered phana-
1 ...... t j i v iiMated drua-
atore; $1000 to $:o0; 1U guarantee IS
per cent; city reference. Address N 47s.
1 'rfirnmun.
Partner wanted In livery and feed pu si
ne..: Is a paying proposition and will bear
Investigation; will trade. Call room $1
Lumber Exchange bldg.
HAVE a gin-edge proportion for an up-to-.
. .. i.k Sl&oo. elanrlng
from $iiO to-$4 monthly; this Is a lu
crative, pleasant bualneaa out of the ordl-
. . 1 v 1 1. 1 i I n
nary. .qutw -g v
PARTS ERw anted to be chler etc In
Store DUSineae; J " " . . '
shar proflta; steady man wanted Jnore
than bu money. Particulars 4afe Stark
BAKOAIN Home bakery and lunch room,
line business; suitable for man and wile
or mother and daughter; cheap, cash or
terma. A 470. Oregonlan,
WANTED Anyone starting In the mall or-
d-r business win 1 . .
Mr. Slorle. 201 10lh st- Call between S
and t . at
For sale An old established dre.mak
lig business: party leaves city. T 460.
FOR SALE Restaurant; best bargain In
Btat 1 v aeuios.w. -- v "
once; owner has E'od reasons for selling.
.11 pi. yiieiic .
$13,500 CASH will buy a half Interest la aa
established casn buhiiw ..... -
than i0 cash per day. Inrtlgate before
buying. Jos. C Olbaon, got Gerllnger bldg.
CIGAR and confectionery store for sale;
best location on bit Side; must sell ac
count of sickness. Investigate. ot E.
owner is sic. saiu omiu
sacrlnce: open for thorough Investigation.
i. V umber KlChUlKt bidg.
i en room . " "
COMMISSION business, good location, very
rhon. number In reply. V 4S. Orego-
nnot'KRY Good location on earllne. flrst
claVa stockrTld-e.tabll.hed trade; price
i-MOO or will Invoice. Call 301 Lumber
mens Mdg.
GIVEN away tree, map of all the California
tloa '-California Oil Fields- Bagar-Loomla
Co.. 1U1 urrtoniMi . .
ANYONE wishing to Invest In a good saw-
... . . - 1 ts ea t Inn fatta ST a f 1 LI 1 1
toforma bV Vaaalu. Bok 43i Ever-
l ts Mnmi w
oo0 ch buy b located nJ p-vylnir con
fectionery In Eunen flt-4dT P"!'
tkytt. Will tai.d lBwti-tlo--. Adar-
Ik- YOU DT mviv w v T--a. ...
turiM-r balne. lnvevtivate. lovesUgat. io
vMtiisacc; don't pa thla tip until you
hv invtitnatpa. C ma. ure.w-n.
Talon In th country; ood contract. u2
Ssoclata with architect of labUeh.d
prac'.u-. P iT. Urygoniaw.
tv x TKl Secretary and manager fr -Aimanofacttjrlnf
plant. V
ro'KfAUE"C!IKAP-ln ood town, new
Ve.aona for acillng. AJ 4. Oregonlaa.
MEAT-market. 1350. V,"iT.ei.i.,uBlin,"
horse, a cari,
wood no
Imnfl-MD oharmaclst. will Invest 10O
.nd aerMces. What have you to offer? S
4Ut. Oregon tan. , .
1IASUFACTIIRISU nrro w.u. ""2. ,.
pay iw mwoiu '
jjcular:4S tmStr St.
.PLATES printing PUnt. established
. , r inmrett to ruatler.
years, or "
uivTtn rirUT for real estate business
t Portland: references required. 8 44.
n?aa; rxt prica 700 IX takan at one.
v-m P a-- - - i
li-VL prsii m mm ui y . -v, ev n - e. -
proms; owner retiring: rare chance. Call
r-uiK-FHY buys dandy little place oa
OKl i7.r- me. Uvln.-rooms. hurry.
iniiii1""! in
VI KMlin. .1 w .wine riU .
tauraal. renting at 35 per month; near
I .hnn BK4 Delae at.
o. n. ... v-. .
CAN PUt three rtnnm wi-e uw oa.e ev
In poaltloa to .ara I.-J monthly. Ceil
h I. week, 4 East Main at.
KiXlMINO-HOLSE 30 cash. balance
Vi"o" easy: 10 One room., splendid fur
nishings, no.. - -r; -
e A
ROOMS, near lltb ana i nyior. n-w.
owner aick; muit aelt quick. 5ea thia, and
in-jta oner; rwu
il jAMEa CO.. I iwib, nar Stark.
" '' . 1" wHlsa r.9 IK f A IS
WrwrU - "
band la. v -
- . eii,iag nt? Tflra tarniom
houseV good furniture and carpets and
Icare. owner. -"
ANTLD Roomlng-Uous. of 14 to li
rooms "
6MALL very raodara hotel, finely furnlahed.
.ZlZl. m location, tarois to suit. 8 41.
10 ROOMS, beautiful home, for saU at cost
of furniture: lsth and Washington; ow-ner
citv at one. 417 Board of Trade.
M KOOll hotel, clearing good money: rooms
Kix'MS. clearing JLiS. 100 do.n. 41T
Poard ot ina.
18 ROOM, steady roomers: price $600. 417
t .oarq oi i
FXft HALF Il-room rooming. house as the
SSBUh eeM. .
Phon. aooi 7'. .
. . 1.1.1. -trf nd Wash. sta.
- i. I .viualve list of select ho
tels and rooming-houses.
14000 cash handles this nlctly furnished
homelike place: a nice place tar rout fam
ily with law a month proitt, KOOals
AND APAKTMENTS: very eavy to bm
te; fro. heat and hot water; brlete build
ing and good lease.
IT.'pOO gives you possession of the beat
newly furnished house In the city; 1
rooms. steam heat, running water in
rooms, private baihs. GROUND-FLOOR
Or-FICE AND LOBBY; this Is located
r"2O00 cash for a first-class transient
bouse, aU oa one floor: one of Hie ve
. rest locatea nouse. l" me
sold thi. week: you get the bargain.
' . 1 . v. V. . . . - nne of the
.l.OO, oue-iiaii l n . . -
nicest little money-makers, all housekeep
ing: hot water heat; THIS 13 NICE.
li0. one-half cash. 8 rooms, nicely fur
nished: on 11th St.; nicely located.
$3500 cash or will give some terms, buys
the entire furnishings of the swellest llttie
new modern brick, containing 15 Da""
menu, nlled wltn a desirable class of ten
ants; 5-year lease; clearing 200 montniy.
there is nothing like this for the money
In the city: the first one comes gets this,
so don't delay; this can be sold soon
again at a big profit. v...
tloOO buys some furniture and otiMnes.
of a modern apartment-house. Sf apartments-
6-year lease: can be furnished ana
you will have a $10,000 proposition.
I 1, . . . . . '
Main M7. 81 Board of Trade.
Beet buy In city; 72 rooms, modern,
corner building, fine furniture T yearr
leaae. rent only 2SO. clears 1450 to SOu,
eatsy terms.
$7 rooms, modern brick. 11 tn-rvwte
baths, rent cheap, dears .;"'
SS rooms, fully modem, cheap rent,
long lease; this Is a dandy.
A SNAP. ....
27 rooms, lease, cheap rent, clears 160
1000 cash puts you Ul possession.
35 rooms, steam beat, running water on
room, rent lowest In city
SO rooms, fine furniture, lease, rent
(6u; this Is a good buy.
14 rooms, lease, rent: M2SO: beautiful
fnrnfture, running water la rooms; bar-
13 rooms on 13th. close In, rent
8 rooms, rent oi, close In; $850 If sold
at once. .
We havs others, all sixes and prices,
see us. we will save yon time and moneys
If you want to sell, list with us.
uiijyAiiii v. - '
SIS Henry Bldg.
26 rooms, near Union Depot, rent only
$76 2S-year lease; house always lillcd. a
money-maker: pries only 15o0, part cash,
balance to suit.
Ji rooms, down town;' transient; low
rent. 2-year lease; price $16oo.
IS rooms, swell location, fine furniture
and carpets: up-to-date and clean: good
lease and rent only 05. See this If yoo
wsnt a nice place.
14 rooms, closc-ln corner: clears w Pftr
month: only o00 cash required. -
10 rooms, close In. rent 4: hoimkeep--Ing;
owner sick and will sacriate; 8450
cash required.
a rooms, nice home and good Income,
only 4oo cash required.
rooms, tine location; good furniture
and carpeti; only 3TS cash required.
These are a few. We have over 800
others from 4 rooms up. See our Hsu
In the city with RUNNING HOT and cold
water In room, and STEAM HEAT; the
furnishings axe FAR ABOVE the AVER
AGE: AXM. and Brussels carpets, tine
Iron beds. HAIR and FLOPS mattresses,
excellent bedding and everything to cor
respond; you can dear JjO over ALL ex
penses, besides t nlc rooms for your
self, or would make a swell llttie place
for boarders. Thia Is a nice corner dwell
ing 10 minutes' walk from 7th and Mor
rison sta.; must, be sold this week. Coma
r ... -c rr
Washington St.. Rooms 101-iOt.
IS ROOMS, fine location, cheap rent, bent
. - .. .n ,.., Kan month
01 luruuui., j ..t " . - -
and use two rooms for yourself: If you
want a good one. ace this; will mews easy
terms. Inquire s 10th. near Stark.
lTopoaale Invited.
SALE OF TIMBER. Portland, Oregon, Oc
tober 1 -. 1 M i ' . eeaiea oius, niarneu ,J -1
side. "TJlds. Timber Bale Application. Sep
tember 6. 1810. Crater." and addressed to
the District Forester. Forest Service. Port
land. Oregon, will be received up to nnd
t..i..riin. tha 1mi da. of November. 1V10.
for all the merchantable dead timber
standing or down ana .11 too 110 umu"
marked for cutting by the forest officer
located on an area to be definitely desig
nated by the forest officer before cutting
begins. Including about 1J.010 acres on the
watersheds of Varney and Four Mils
In th N li of N. W. XL. and 8. W.
i of N. W. 14 of sec. 3. N. H. N tt oil
W. 14. W. Of O. X 4 ."U paifc w. ...
E. V of 8. E. of eec. 4. sec S. sec o,
Z? ? I W t and W. U Of S. E. hi.
of sec. 7. W. ! of N. E. U. Part of S.
1 . 1 ... x.' t- it tu w. 1. . nart of N . r..
V of S. W. Vi. and part ot N. W. 14 of
b. E. 14 of aac 8, parts of E. 14 of N. E.
14 and N. W. 14 of N. E. V... N. K. 14 of
N W. 14 and S. W. 14 of N. W. 14 and
part of 3. H of sec. 8. part of N. W.Vk.
S. W. 14. and part pf W. 14 of B. E. 1
of sec 10. part of N. E. 14. N of N. W.
V.. part of S. W. 14 of N. W. 14. part
of WT 14 of 6. W. 1 of sec la. N. E V,.
K. 14 of N. W. 4. part of W. 14 of N.
W. .14. S. W. 14. and N. W. 14 of b.
E. U ot sec. 16, part of S 14 and part of
U ,-. 1 of N. W. 14 of sec. 17. p.rt of
ec IS. sec.. Alt, .v. ana v . ' '
of sec. 2X part of W. 14 of sec. 27.
eecs. as. 2U. part of sec. SO, part of N. Is
I. ... 01 at V. w. U of N. W. la.
part of N. E. 14 and part of N. E H of
S. E. 14 of sec. 2. N. 14 and parts of
s w. V4 and S. E. 14 of sec 3. part
of W. of S. E. 14. N- W. Vi. part of
S. W. la and Part OI V . 01 . c
t if sec. 4. T. 36 S.. R. 6 E.. W. M..
ilthm the Crater National Forest. Ore
gon: estimated to be 83.60.200 feet B.
Si of western vellow pine. 3a.44il.lO0 feet
v. u .1 lun.iu nr. 17.6S7.700 feet B. M.
of white flr. 4.402.S00 feet B. M. of sugar
pine B01.700 feet B. M. of Incense ceaar,
660 OOO feet B. B ot noble flr. 17S.000 feet
B. M. of western whllev pine. ItO.OoO feet
B. M. -of Englemann lruce. and 75.000
feet B. M. of lodsepole pine, live saw
timber, and 6.12LOOO feet B. M. of mer
chantable dead .saw timber, log scale
more or less. No bid of lass than J15
... 1. ...1 .Mt 11 .1 or wesiero ei-
fow pine, eugar pine, and westirn white
pine. live saw urunoi,
thousand feet B.. M- for live w '.lmber
of all other aiieclea and for all dead saw
timber will be considered, and a deposit
of $5000. payable to the order of the
First Nailonsi Bank of Portland. Oregon
must be sent to that bank for each bid
submitted to the District Forester. Timber
upon valid claims la exempted from aaie.
The right to reject any and all bids Is
reaerved For further Information and
regulations governing sales, address For
est Supervisor. Crater National Forest,
Medloro. ore.oo. j- e. AMES.
Acting Plstrlct Forester.
V 1 i . v " . X- . 1U1H
HABlEK, tori c-ia.cua, v. . , " "
Sealed proposes. In triplicate, will be
received at this office unitl 2 o'clock P.
M.. December 6. 110. and then publicly
opened. for constructing a addition to
.V,-..t. atabla at Fort Stevens,
Oregon. Plan, can be .een. specifications
obtained and full information furnished at
this ofllce. The United s-.ates reserves
the right to reject sny or all bids, or any
. rw....r r.nvaloMi containing pro-
bosals should be marked "Proposals for
addition to Quartermaster's stable. ad
dressed to tne t.on.11 uwhui. x.mi.w..u..
Fort Stevens, urf.uii.
...... utl du aatr R'S office. 822 Arcade An.
nex. Seattle. Wuh. October 19. 1910
Sealed proposal., iu oinn.
. . n u. received here until 11
November 10. lttlO. for
furnlahlng and delivering at Seattle or
Tacoma. wnan. tor wi,i. -. - .
Dorts) Portl.nd or other Pacific Coast
ports accessible to Teasels of deep draft,
brf o b. railroad wharf. Honolulu. H.
X oo it, eMt of lumber and mutcella-
neouV bulTdlng material required by the
Uuarterm asters oepirimtu J"1
H7T. For further Information addreaa .
C. Long, wwiti
Kt- il.r.r) bids will be receiveo until
M? Thursday. November 10. 1910. at
office of the Port of Portland. City
Kali for food supplies wanted by the
Port of Portland during the months of
December. January and February next.
Soeclflcatlona can oe nau ou epuueauoa
ithe office. The Port of Portland re
serves the right to reject and and all
serve. JOHN P. DOYLE.
D1 . ' Clerk of the Board,
hereby notinea mat T- : ,
lonrer supertntenoeni ui , . " " " , ,
Planing Mill Company, and that we will
not be responsible for money paid to him.
"rd-rs placed with him or bills contracted
41 Gllaan 3t.
Ttnefland. Or.. Nov. 6. 110.
for delivery ot iwutiuiit
....- M 4e. Oregonlan.
"WILL not be responsible for any ebts
contracted by my wife. Mrs . Lulu B.
Alsors, Jo ha f . Moore. Hot. s, lino.
art-Ci ti. MiTici
Standard caictena i.omii. a cviiw.
tlon did. on the 7th day of October. 15)10.
duly assign all of Its assets to the under
signed for the benefit of all of Its cred
itors In proportion to the amount of their
respective claims, and such creditors are
hereby notified to present their claims
under oath, to the undersigned as such
sssignee. within three months from the
dste of this notice.
Dated October 10. 1910.
Office and Postoffice address. 812-13
Lumpermene Blag., i-ortianu. ur.
MY wife having left my bed and board. I
will not oe responsimw ;
tracted by her after Oct. L Geo. K.
CHARLES JUMP Anyone kaowrhg the
whereauouta 01 -Lnarie. juioif wn
address his son. Elmer Jump. South Bend.
FOUND Where you can buy genuine halt
. .Itnl.ial. nrlrea w.
XXl.tiieaaoa 1 ' " " - '
renov.t. mattress, and return earn, day,
Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metager.
d. -, Dhn,i... Main 474- A 1374.
LOST String red coral beads on TJ car or
corner of Williams and Hancock; nnder
return to .Miss oiowi.
an u receive taww".
s'OLND Where watcnee. diamonds ul
leweiry are wnu l". . ,
and one month's Interest. Uncle Mysr
Collateral Bank. 71 8th St.. near Oak at.
FOUND On Saturday, a lady's purse: owner
- - Ktf .in. v 1 71 1- nrooertr and
,.-i - r,.r- r v. 1 ad. call Main 7o3U.
LOST Between Union ava. and East 23d
. 1 .... An MW3 automobile
ana n.wuiwu. w , . ward
tire; return opp j,. m... . --.
LOST On Saturday, a gold pencil. Finder
will receive a reward. Adores. 10 r irai ai.
Phone Main K7S3.
LOST Brooch conlalnltig a ruby and
pearls. 1'hone .Vlain - QJ. room .a-
LOST Brindle bull pup, female. Return to
i04 Washington St. tor ria.
SEVERAL first mortgages, all blgn-oiaas
dwelllng-nouae aacuriiy, cioa. 111, twukuv
districts, 1-i of valuation, 7 per cent In
terest, payable quarterl ; Insurancs. ab
stract. Call t07 jlchUy bldg. Main 4710.
MORTGAGES. contracts, - bonds, stocks.
ea-rants ana saves dwuhi uia ..u.
Uuu nesouatea. Henry TesJ. 410 aA.1i-
Ing ion blag.. 1US14 id st.
FOR SALE Two mortgages for 12000 each.
On flrsl-Ciass real prooci; wuu-ui.ii. v.
the value; bearing 7 per cant interest, in
quire of A. T. Lewis, 8L2 couch bldg.
to Ixsan Ileal Eetais.
WE HAVE a number of applications from
clients who want to borrow various
amount, of mono iron iiww uaa
real estate security ; -will pay big rates
''ftr'AKKER BRYON CO. (Inc),
2U1-4 commercial Club Bidg.
Main booti A aU07.
WE HAVE any amount of money to lend on
real estate mortgagee l rwr
per cent to b per cent, depending on the
security; anything from gluou to ai0.00O.
O. PAKlvliK LKiON CO. (lnc.
201-4 Commercial Club Bldg.
Main 5003. A 2107;
ON IMPROVED city property or for build
ing purpose. ; . iw u iwi.
tepaymaat privileges; money advanced as
builaiug progreaaea, The Equitable av.
lngs A Loan Association. 2i0 Stark St.
CA.SU paid lor morwages or aeilers iterest
In couuracis on ci - --
Oregon or WaahliiKton; mortgage loans
negotiated on improved property. H. t
Noble, Lumbermcns bldg.. &th and btark.
ABOUT tlBOO to loan. 1 year, 7 per cent;
prompt attention giteii oieii ai'-t".
Real Estate Uepart.,
4. 6, 6 Chamoer of Commerce.
looo oou on Improved city or farm property:
building or email loans at lowest prices;
large loans a specialty. J. a. Mc.eiizia
Co., 614-1&-18 Uorlmger bldg.
FIRST and second mortgages and contracts on w.w r '
anywiAcra In Oregon or Washington. y. L.
Levereaux. remuu wio...
pikiNl x of money to loan at 6 ano. i per
cent on real estate . a a a .
i'OW. P. MALL.
104 Second St.
WE make loans on city property, buy mort- .nd Hanoi, koou coaaaaaaciaaaa iwe.
ine Western Securities Co.. 414 iipaluing
WE HAVE plenty of money to loan on city
- property lu auui. a. ,i"v .v a
at lowvefc viaaauu. "
A Boyce, PU-aou AQlngton mug.
IMMEDIATE loans irom so ana up ia
...turltlea. VY. AV- noiuA-, .
V asnlngton blag- rnoue juaaia qv.
MONEY to loan, llrst-claas securiUes. bonds.
mortgages pougu. ui
U. u. tiliLr'LAi.lC. u2 bpalding Bldg.
. . . . x nn Imnroved dtV HI ODrt T for Oil
vate luvesioia, a. aw. -" -
. . a.. TK.nn i..n I'd. atri
ana UaK. aearj oma.
MONEY to loan on city property. Umber
land or coutr.u, aaa - .
lAtrms. Room 5. JJ.l'n Morrmun St.
MONEY to loan on improved city property
on first, mortgage. A.- DuGiiAuiu, a
Halmon. Main Oioo. A 7418.
euu.uoO TO LOAN, large loans a specialty.
612 Failing bldg.
DlAAAUlAA. A " " '-- '
MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest
ratea. av- a i . . -
ad ana to tar a.
MONlaX to loan on Improved lnaiae property.
uu1isj,!m-i wiici.w t:o.. "
Grouna Floor. i.evjis Bldg.
PKlVATs. FUNDS Any amount, reasonable
terma. iuwi r '
Pruohomme Co.. Ou Spalding biag.
.T.vKV to loan in aums of $1000 and up
g.n a-o Lumber kxcbuiL'e.
Alia. aaiaa . .
afiblW a" A. p-a-at ..
k1VAT1i money loaned on rea.1 eatata moft-
KasZtSa. XI- .Imfc.iWl -. w ,
UiNEY to loan on city reauty. Karnovp
ja-upC. 2 cwmber ot tommiirce,
cihK) AND Ja-vVOO to loan on realty. Gruber,
wANis on real, peraonai, cbatiel or collat-
rai i;u.-- v " '
btata funda loaned. 6 P cjm. W. ii. Tnoiu-
a.d Bf B LA aVatC sh.m.w. van. "
T. . e. sj l.klWlS 3 jUjrUWJUi JtlJ-aUtjr.
mijeV to loan at T per cent on Improved
" r-in Htnrv bldic.
cuy pi -
ANY amount irom l to 4U.ouO oa im
i.rovea rettl --' v
WUl loan 10.0OU or ioaa, rem eBuw iwunu.
trrmciou. a wvavw-
MulsiClC. any amount. 0 to per cent. Gooo
. . . .. 'Jin lAnanlHIll. hlll.
nouga at pwaaa - -
MONEY to loan oa real eatat Marding at
rCeynoloa t-o aw - .
Money to
lAgaa Chattels and Baiartea,
vrTit i .nriK INti FOR MONEY T
7. ih nut be short of money. Don t
i r vou anew aaw"
be bothered with a lot of smail debts
IM us furnish money to settle them.
v a aaaa... "
i . .. i nn. .mra.. reclnta.
i. a, atook. rooming bouses. Ills lnaurauoe
,,-. 11 kinds ol securities; terms to
. . ...v weekly or monthly In
aLallmenla. We buy and loan oa first
and aecoud mortgaga. aod .uily la coa-
Steadily emplojt-o. can borrow
10. . -0' ' 14
uo your personal note.
.t ..v No inuorser.
naiments Lowest rata.
Business strictly confidential.
SOS Failing Bldg.. ad suid Washington.
WE loan money oo - '
sklna, mink ov.rcoais. trunks, dress suit
. - .. 1. - AlAmnMa A..I
, ana aii uoiv.. mm., ....
T 1 Klvth Kt.
Between Oak and Pine Sta.
MONEY advanced aaAAw .-At. ifavi.
kr.-Irs and others upon their own names
without securl-jfT cheapest rates, easiest
nayments: ulJ1Lt" ' . '
E?, yourself by getting my terms nrst
r.. o AN. alT Lumber lixchange.
WILL loan In amounts to suit on all kinds
of securities, ,,: " r,wiiT kiTT,
nJrthweat cornu: Fouxia and Waanlngtoo
curlt-ea V.m. Holl. room 9 Washington
bid., coraa "
TTT7-T- -T u 1 T r-".? LoaDl OD all K.IIH1M OI 0'
"curtty, chattel, or ra estate Union Lo.n
CO.. OO iSAiaj-A.- ...
WANTED, hrst mortgage, on property
t'orth more than double; will pay . per
cent and expenses. AM t.i. oregonlan.
t .ulril loans on furniture or real estate.
J Nichols. 2 Board of Trade baig.
t-.r r.t.s- we loan money on diamond
WW 1"' T" -u.r-r A Bloch. 74 d St.
and jeweicAj..
aTlOAN for the salary chattel.
.a. AaOSa. - - -
Money to Loan t hattel. and Salaries.
SOT Spalding Bldg.
Is your landlord waiting for his rent?
jji your grocer waiting for his bill?
Is your life company waiting
for Its premium?
Is your furniture stars waiting lor Its pay.
menta? . . . w
Bave yon beea out of work or had sick
ness, with eJl Its extra bills? 1Km
if so. you have worried enough without
trurrytng about" money.
But you say the landlord mu be paid
and others will not wait- '
Don't worry; let us do the waiting.
We have money and nolhing to do But
wait thafa our bUAUneas.
Get out of debt.
Get your mind off your mosey troubles
You will be able to work better and get
cut of debt sooner. , ...
Come and get the money from us from gio
We will loan yon on your furniture, plaao.
fixtures, storag. receipt or any pexsoaal
property; also on your salary.
We will give you t to U months In wnlca
to pay It off.
Easy weeltly or monthly payments.
See us first when In seed of money.
We offer a better proposition on loans
of tie kind Until can be found else
, 207 Spalding Bldg.
Third and Washington Sta.
Loans Wsntea
WANTED 16000 for one year, lntereat 8
fier cent, payable quuucuj,
oan with absolute -security.
D. PARKER BRYON at CO. (Inc.),
.iiol-4 Commercial ClubBldg.
Main ouua. A .mi.
WB cao Invest your money at ooorww oa
Interest. Glll-ecge securities. - -gages.
Long-terms Uveeament
i;i O Boarq OI .raae aaiia..
WANTED $1800 on 6-room dwelling end
100 on v-room dwelling tor o
7 per cent- These houses are new. iljt
clajss and well located, i'hone Tabor iu-. 0 and X .
WANTED Young man stenographer, state
. i . ........ .... anti tnlenhone
age, experieiica, , ... . .... ,
number; Bteady employment; moderate
salary from start. P 4S, Oregonlan.
WANT $3600 lor 1 years at 7 per cent on
. (1A llAll A K a D
income property -
lttOlSi WANTED AppUcationa on hand
. v.i mnnrirN for aalo.
XOr Ct3ll.rax.UAO lVua, u-.-a-a
Henrr C prudhomm Co.. Spalding Wtif.
WANTED Two loana of J1600 each on good
a 1 1 a . . . . . . i YJ n'tnfAill CO.. llUa
QWeiliriEl MX L UU.VI e A-a. - '
UntLlaaxtc bldar. ,
- . " . " . . s,,;,n j -! II rn V ft Tr-lT
, . , Acdaid guruntv u ortn
Ct-'Il t OilU l0
eL.,UOU. AUUlcaa yjt -o, t.wa
JUT ua place your money, tcod mortxagea.
. T-a T I T .,.1. B I-awUriB HlaitT..
rercrence. r . jo.. a- -..
WANT S7;K lor 1H years; .firit mortgage;
will Day AU per cent. va
WAIST to borrow 13000 oa atock security
lara t yicsmiiau
WANT to borrow J25.000 on good city real
catateaecurUy. Care R 416. Oregonlan
" . t.t ....... a t? jS Oreiroulan.
DP. W. B. MALLORY. 312 Rothchlld bldg-
has tne most up-to-oa.tA uaaw . .
a il rooms are furnished with the most ex
pensive appliances. Including radium (the
inly physician on the Pacilio Coast who
has radium;. Every therapeutic electrlo
current In use; X rays, static macnlnes.
X-ray coils, oione, oxygen generators,
hUh frequency, wave, sinusoidal. Fars-.c
galvanic? cautery, vibraiora, radiators,
baths, herbal, steam, shower, electrlo light
bath cabinets and bake ovens. bmaliest
to the most powerlul lights. Including
flnsen. belioa. solar, violet and ultra-vio
let, you are .- . ..... .
and anesnsata for yourself If you have
cancer, oia 1 , - - - -
rheumatism, catarrn. ecaema, blood dis
eases, bronchitis, throat trouble, mother
marks, moms and superefluous hair re
moved wltnout scars. All chronlo disease
trpateAi wltn tneaq mtiuuu.
MISS DB VOB, "Philadelphia House." corner
AAAAW " luriv fttiilt:l.t
d and salmon ato. aa. jwuei -.
of nursing taKes this means ot wonting
her way through college and dere. a tew
aciect anu icsiich"'" a
curing, scalp treatments, magnetic and viv
bratory irca..... . .;:"; ,.-
Tited to call. Misa Desaline Ue Voe. 212
fid st., aun.'ja a, o. a.4AVA
STOP making a drugstore o your atomach
D . a . ".,v,mtt rr. an ooerLLtiun. but
ana uoii a -- - .j today
and. consult him free- Take elevator to
"h flr ttothculld bldg.. iS7? Wasning-.1-
,ooma 407. 4ob and 0. Phone
Marshall 2Sn0
Uit. a.
. . , tf a AtJ I tTK
eery- chronlo and nervous diseases treated
Eocordlng to the latest methods; private
hospital accommodations; confinement
rnr: consultation free. Buom LI
XT.Vi n-w.t., hlrte. Main 3928. A OBOi.
urta. ruAa- a?
a large stock of exclusive designs In
muffs, .carts, shawl, and coats; old fur.
modeled to latest styles; redyeing of
seal and new order work a specialty
lowest prices; practical w ot a.
A. RK1.NER. iaa nth
leading wis auu .i 71-,:;-
j mnlren- flnait atr-afsT
Vl - i iai.iy mnnli unrii tar
l! -ait. iKiimenL 11 7th mU. beU Moxri-
gn and Alder, mono Maln Wa.
O" , i r t -..nt nprvmn and atom-
batna. maaseuae. No. 1 East 11th at, aec-
ond aoor iuum i-" , .
line, fnone Kaat 2t0. B
..t t v t t pwr
niseaaea of women and children, electrlo
pitai. TivTi.ti. . jtiALin .oTia AiiiiT
em anoAviAacj. -
LADIES The Magical Vril system removes
".r'.TTT- ,h oil fi..lal blemishes, demon
strations true, city rclereuccs. a7 Kaleigh
Dlds.. 0th and Washington, to lor month a
7T". ... v.. iaa an in best Quality at
7".Jr closing out slock; scienunc face
and scalp treatments; expert hairuresaiag
ISd malicuriug taugnt. Ajsa H. Bibbecie.
11 ran q wtu'i- -
;.- ii- V t)1 1 IV KAaAAba m."ia ..-. . ...
. . .l lutHAt electrical aDOiianeea
used for rheumatism. Mar-snail -jsit. 4a:B
FP.EE to any worthy poor person, free med-
hursday, t to P- M. ; Sundays 10 to
lii A. Al. Dr. Vose, room o, ..nt Amer gu
il)NV KUBWABTH. 4i2 bldg.,
aa-a- h L-AAn at. - nittri.i
loin a in. . ...q,
ahampooing. lace and scalp treatment.
ct'Vf-IAL announcement: expert feather
donaby Madame Gilbert. 388 7th st. Phono
Main to. -
TTTS BoPHlA B. bSIP. mental and spir-V--v".,
21 Sellinir-Hirsch hide.
Main B&ltL Open meetings Wednesday at
. . , WALKER, specialist tor men, quickly
cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and
bladder troubles and piles. Consultation
p. at.
- free, lei
Electric and vibratory treatments
a,,.. maSSeUBd. A,w-7. WA mmt for,.
AirPhones ViarshaU 2492, A as.
KWirDISH graduate masseuse. digestion
ovaa-aaaa. disorders, ladies ami ehti-
dren only. Telephone Marsnall juao.
WE.Dlbil til uh i ill...
mailo and stomach disorders. C. Holm-
, " rom, Oregonlan bldg. Mara iszi.
TPEATMENTS half rates during Novem-ber-
modtsrn drugless methods that aeliy
iure Dr. Philip T. Ball. Merchants
Trust bldg
rai-'xERAL taxidermy, . birde prepared for
Gi"... .1 !in. 751 Kearney, iirt .,
tnuuiicu, -
car. Phone A 4oi
cai. 4 ..
rMROSIC CONSTIPATION positively cured
Kwediah drugless method. l)r
by ' . .,4 xtrirnt .t.. .or. T.'th .f Vn-l'J
cuihitLAL. sdviser. Dr. Jefferson helps you
out of ail troubles. 492 Washington St..
X'l.netn. ao-J '
above i.t" .
Mme CourtwriKiii. .i" a-u acaip treat-atm-
y .H(t deformities corrected, ni...
iVrgery. 453 Morrison st- Main B04
r,,-oR bablt permanenUy cured In 3 days:
L auffering and harmless. Cardioia Instl
no aiAA. - nattl. ave.. Pnrtl.nrf r..
tute. i" - wl-
PUFFS and curls, 75c, out of combings. San-
Itaxv ranuio. -.w
CONSULT -VTION free, epeciaiists la homes.
HI A- CHANDLEH610 lAumbermena bldg.
LKARN the buainesa at Sanitary Beauty Col
lte, "iUV LCALt. CJ
tTr KETCHUM treata women! maladlea,
179 5 3d st.. or. YamhilL
TrTTIONS guaranteed; Sanitary Beauty
iiV.OO to 1- Dekum bldg.
n . i m tV FIGS Imediea for di
women 532 pavia at.
Mala S Hi
ci cttarY Beauty Parlors; learn ma
l n g.
cr.T p treatment, iu.nipv)u; win can ax
" r home. Fbone evenmps. Eaat 4642.
SWITCH made, 95c. S inltary Beautjr CoT-
irT KS wrinkles, superfluous hair removed.
aVirs. J- "
fjslTAKX Beauty Colle 400-412 De
uiim Diag--. " 01 "
MRS. LskDD FUs'aS'ICAaV U at 2a Kaat latl.
. . . , i .Ti . t-. lAtfnrAnn cures
BrmiiLAU Aunaci. a.. - - .ranteeS
trouDies guicKij. j-nciwu e-
place secret Knowledge ana pi""'1 . J
i . of I
trouble doubt or misfortune caused by
anyone or anything and open op a qulclt
and sure way for the contentment, hap
piness and good influence for success tnitt
you desire. Call and consult him daily
or Sunday. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M., at 4-a
Wstthineton st- (Above 14tb St-) .
DP ESS suits for rent. T.S0 month keeps
-1 -. n1 - t nrAtA1 bnttonS
sewed on. rips repaired. Fhompt calls and
deliveries Unique Tailoring Co.. 300 Stark.
WA-Nlfc.Lt ni i ' t.t . r i iv . . -Sanitary
Beauty College, lno-412 Dekum
bldg.. evening class; make arrangements;
t.AAh nructlral facts.
$20 FOR complete course. Sanitary Beiuty
COliege, 1UIM1. Aixwm
Public accountants and auditors.
124 Worcester Block. Main A 149.
Office aystema.
Factory systems.
Periodic audita.
t -a. Ti ll i r-v av rr
Public accountants, all branches. Suite
426 and 428 Henry building. Phone Mar
shall 11. 21. or 45 William at Kew York
city. ,
Commercial. County and Municipal
Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing.
824 Worcester block. Phone Main C5b.
EXPERT bookkeeper, wants books to keep
by hour; cnarges mouerw. a
234. .
Assaver and Analyst.
Wella & Proebstel. mining engineers, cbem-
. . a OAJLL AX" a th i n aTtni..
ma nu anaujcia. v-tm '
ana ore-tnsting worK. ioo jmw.mA n.
Baths and Swimming.
Portland Swimming Baths. 16T 4th Elegant
-a v, V.a t Via 2-C
PIUDK- BtUUIIl S.UU mawa .
Brass and Machine Work.
Cliiropractio Pnyslclan.
DR. TICKNER removes the cause of disease.
q00-l Columbia bldg. A az.-. nra.
Car Contractor.
H. A. JESKE. car contractor, large or small
orners. ny ion or nour.
Circnlating Library.
LATE fiction. 2c a day. woman's EichatiKe
bldg.. 1S6 5th st.. bet. Tayior aim -t-""L"-
WM. ES TELLE and Floasie Denevey. tha
only sclentiric chiropodists in me -
V.,1i.F, 1ii- nafllno-or hU tr . S. W. COr. d
and Alder. Phone Main latm.
ChiroDody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. H1U.
room r neaner Diag. riw"' "
Commission Merchants.
TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., ahlp brokera com
mission merchants, anerioca pmt-.
Collections and Law.
CHARGE. 535 Worcester bldg-, ro"""luj
trfit,. .!. Ai.t-tmt rn ?11 CTouch bldg.
t-otK-ct on commission, aik ibU" lu
Consulting Engineers.
rni norun a?. TonMRn nnsultlne en-
glneers, 312 Couch bldg. aieui.
worked out, power pianta. geuci a
glneering. Telephone.
DANCING school, lessons 25c every after
noon ana eve.; waltz, two-step, inicv-oi.
aiage dancing, etc Prof. Wal. W lllson s
C- .. V. 1 u if t - "IT V. W. Carlr B TV (1 lOtla.
Dog and Horse HospUa,L
DR. BROWN. I- V. S Office 324 Flanders
St.. Main 4086. Hospital mu iiaiaju
Electric Motors.
Motors for rent or sale, zia -o- BU
1.a.:w.u naa assail fitsHim
KOEER Machny. Co., Coast agta. Seabury
(n n. a..) knUapel ar a au-illn n-
Feed Store.
s.lUL.rAn e aii&ntr, imj,,,
. -V- I 1 OA' o v-sa p. 482.
sUAOlll., BUIUI1CB, 'a UBUU a -
French Dry Cleaning.
-a, U L' O A 1 I V 11
Special club rates 50c per suit (sponged
and pressed) per week. The Wardrobe,
7G1 Washington st. A 5417. Main 6o5J.
N. M. TJNGAR & CO.. INC.." formerly ot : 406
109 Seventh st. Furs remodeled, repaired
Hat Factory.
HATS made to order cost no more. See ua.
Roval Hat works, ins aSi iu i- o-
Leather and Findings.
CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO., 74 Front. Leather
OI CVCf J UWUfWW"! vaa.y. ma.- "
tablisnea 1000. xo rrua.
B. TRENKMAN & CO.. Hydraulic and spe-
alt nlDCK ir.reeQH. DaKEUlK. UtllllUK
chinery. All kinds of repairs, 104 N. 4th.
EM1L THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil
OeVlCK- VUU 31ttrt.Ut.Ul. -tS- AVJ. AsA1aA. AU 4.
Neurologists, Eye Specialiata.
QUICK reliel lor eye anu. nervous irouuies.
. Vn,u At, T-Li(e. HltiU. WashintrtoiA Bt. A'lij MtauiB.
, rs, , Of.u cL.rraiilitA I(l7 tlnHfl A
ringfi ui iovoi yuAi. -
T tiUl, the founder. ai7-ai8-aiV. Swetland
. JV. aj. a. WA.s. -
i . -r- x VfiDTUOITO
4 i U-A D-tX I irCBAUiil U1U(.
Office M 348; Res. East or B 1023.
Faints. Oils and fclaas.
RASMUSSEN & CO.. jobbers, paints, oils.
class, sash and doors. -or. qana layior.
Patent Attorneys.
PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock. Attorney
le t free. 7l Board or iraue biox.
ii s. and foreign paienis that protect are
-ured through Pacific Coast Patent
A rn('v- luc- j-Pfc A fatocivton. CaL-
r WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat-
nts. unrmcauiut v-. Aitauui.
Paving. ,
THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company,
UUS Electric bgscaHuber, Pon
vl a rkiZn Construction Co. otreet paving,
L.nwaiK and crosswalks. ai7 Been blag.
uncle MYEKS Collateral Bank, 40 years
irT Portland. 71 ith at. Main i0.
TvfTi.tTneaj- H4Ui and York ata. AL H-i6Q.
Bubber atamps.
Aij?r seals, stencila, choice stationery, eto.
V m H stark- Uain 1407
LU11U''''"" . .
Bug Woavera.
ijr.RTH.WEST RUG WORKb Ruga from old
caixueta. colonial rag ruga, carpwt cleaning
and iayiiig. !- Union av.. nr. jj. Mojon.
OTHE MOSLfiB. SAFE CO.. 108 2d St. Safes
-aat nrlrcL becond-hanrl k tt-m
J a
owcas. Bank and Store Jrlxturca-
r: i nTK a MFG. CO.. branch Grand Ran,
jps bhowctuMi Co.. 6th and aoyu R. Lut-.e,
r. Z i w OS ALL. 208 HAMILTON ELDft
showcases tn stock; prompt delivery, bale
u a it bHALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch, new
TZm vrt nana. Main ZiUZ. work.
HKriT In the city; car lota or less. S. E. oil-
bturage and Transfer.
PORTLAND vain dauixauh. CO., corner
zZ. m m.iRt modern storage warehouiiA in
city; every convenience for safe and proper
handling " v "aw ass,. a
""Ti . - u .uat fr.a t H- vans frtw wnA..r-
Tk. Main or A 152U.
n a PICK Transfer 4 Storage Co office
and commodious four-atory brick ware
house, separcte iron rooms and hreprouf
vault lot vaiuaolea. aV. W. cot. id and Pine
... pianos ana lurniiure moved and
S1. . .htnlrtff Vluin Kan a .Cat...
ia,ckea pj-l -wa. A ..few.
MOVING siunAui. JiuviAU.
Expert, reliable men, no booze fighters
m nvi vou Quicker, cheaper and bet.
ter than anyone else. Phone us for an
istimate; store rate the very lowest. Van
Horn inuu""1 ,
- tm nif erruiH and atorajce: aafea.
tin.i furniture moved ana packed
loTahipmcnt. 2Ut Oak bl. bet. Front and
IbL Main 547 or A 2247.
.utv-i.vj TRANSFER CO., estabUshed 1S70.
TTansfer and forwarding agents Storage.
STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110,
014 lronu
pTLAVP Mailing Co.. multlgraphlng
tvnewriting. mailing, public stenographer.
pm-annal typewrttten -circular
a&iulway Exchange bldg. Main 619.
S. Ia. Brown and S. B. Foater. vetprlnaxlaaa,
S31 ADkeuy st A 3 :!. .Main -tu
rX3 pfvrmcnt.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. 420 to $30. fully
suaranttea; easy payments; renxais. c Pur
mouth. Pacilic SlaUoaery & Printing Co
203 id st -
WE ARE the exchanfie tor the largest type
writer concern on this coast; inveiusuit,
all makes, all prices.- The Typewriter b'
change :.?. Washington sc.
NEW. rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut xr. u. .ji o. iv, m.
" " printers,
GLASS PKUDHOMMB CO.. p-lntera. blank
book makers, legal Llanka loose leai
vices, township plats. 6-67 7th L, -
Oak and Ankeny. .
Wall Paper.
ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st tt.. whole
sale, and retail, samples maiica, ire.
Southern FacUlc
Leavlng Portland-
Ash land Passenger
Roseburg Passenger . ....
Shasta Limited
California Express
San Francisco Express . .
West Side
Corvallis Passenger
Sheridan Passenger . . . . .
Forest Grove Passenger. .
8:30 a. m.
4:13 p. m.
6:00 p. m
7:45 p. m.
1:30 a. m.
7:20 a. m.
4:00 p. m.
8:60 a. nu
5:40 p. m. '
7:30 a.m.
Forest Grove Passenger
Arriving Portland
Oregon Express
Ashland Passenger ......
R-seburg .Passenger . . .. .
Portland Express
Shasta Limited
10:00 p. m. d. m.
11:10 a. m.
2 ,40 p. ni.
0:20 p. m.
10:20 a. m.
8:00 a. m.
4:40 p. m.
west side
Corvallis Passenger
Sheridan Passenger
Forest Grove Passeng-r .
Forest Grove Passenger -
Northern Pmclfic.
Leaving Portland
North Coast Limited via Puget1
10:10 s.
North Coast Limited via North
Atlantic EiDresi rla Puret Pound
oo p. m.
15 a.m.
00 a.m.
80 p. m-
00 p. m.
10 a. m.
00 p. m.
Atlantic Express via North Bank
Twin City Express via Puget
Twin City Express via North
Missouri River Express via Puget;
Sound ...
Missouri River Express via North
Bank I
Portland, Tacoma and Seattle Ex-
rress. Grays Harbor, Olymplal
and South RonH KranchM . J
1:45 a. m.
:10 a. m.
1 :S0 p. m.
t:30 p. m.
1:13 p. m.
:20 a. m
r:30a- an.
r:10p. m.
(:1B p- m
r:20 a. m.
r:30 a. sa.
1:00 p. in.
Portland-Puget Sound Special . . .
i-uget sound Limited. Grays Har
bor and South Rend .
Tacolt passenger
Arriving Portland-
North Coast Limited via North
North Coast Limited via Puget
Northern Pacific Express via
North Bank i
Northern Pacific Express via
Pueat Bonn A .
Pacific Coast Express via North
Pacific Coast Express via Puget1
Missouri River Express via North
Missouri River Express via Puget
Sound !
Portlard-Tacoma-Seattle Express
ana rrom Olympla, South Bena
ana Gravs Harbor -
00 p. m.
:10 p.m.
:30 p. m.
:00 p. m.
Puget Sound Limited ,
Puget Sound-Portland Special
Yacolt Passenger
Oregon Railroad S Navigation Co.
Leaving Portland
Pendleton Passenger
8:00 a. m.
Oregon-Washington Limited.
The Dalles Local
Soo-Spokane-Portland -
Oregon Express .....
Spokane Flyer
Arriving Portland
The Dalies Local
Oregon Express
Pendleton Local Passenger. .
10:oo a. m.
4:00 p. m.
Il:o0 p. m.
8:00 p.m.
6:00 p. m
'10:15 a. m.
10:30 a. m.
11:30 a. m.
7 :00 p. m.
8:00 p. m.
8:00 a- m.
Oregon -Washing ton Limited .
Spokane Flyer
Astoria tt Columbia, River.
Leaving Portland-
Astoria and Seaside Express. .
Astoria and Seaside Express . .
Rainier Passenger ...........
8 :00 a. m.
6:30 p. m.
1:15 p. m.
5:45 p. m.
Rainier Passenger .
Arriving Portland-
Seaside and Astoria Express
12:20 p. m.
Seaside and Astoria. Express..
Rainier Passenger ............
Rainier Passenger ...........
iu:tu p. m.
9:40 a. m.
5:00 p. nu
Canadian I'acjflo Railway Co.
Leaving Portland-
go o-fiipoitane-Portland ......
11:04 p. m.
12:1 a. m.
Via Seattle
Arriving Portland
Soo-Spokane-Portland ......
Via Seattle
11:30 a. i
10:30 p. i
Oregon fc WahiPgton Railroad Co.
Leaving Portland
Seattle Passenger
Shasta Limited
Arriving Portland
Shasta Limited
Portland Passenger ...
8:80 a. m.
S:0O p. m.
11.45 p. zn.
7:15 a- m.
6:20 p. m,
2:45 p. m.
Southern Pacihc.
Leaving Portland
Dallas Passenger .......
Dallas Passenger
Forest Grove passenger..
Arriving Portland
Dallas Passenger
Dallas Passenger
Forest Grove Passenger
7 :40 a. xn.
4:05 p. iu
1:00 p. na.
10:15 a. m.
5:o5 p. m.
,12:00 nooa
bf ATIOaN.
bpukane, portlimd -t Meattlp RuiUvay to.
Leaving Portland
Inland Lmpire Express 9:00 a.m.
For Ch.caso, ou Paul, Omaha, Kansas
City, St. Louxs, Billings, Spokane, Pasco.
Roosvelt, Grunddailes, jlendale, Lyle, White
Salmon, Stevenaon, Vancouver.
Columbia River Local ........4:80 p.m.
North Banlt Limited ..7:00p.m.
For Cihicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas
City, St. Louis, Billings. Spokane, Wash
tucna, Kahiotus, pasco, Roosevelt, Grand
dalles, Goldendale, Lyle, White Salmoii,
itevensou, Vancouver, v
Arriving Portland ;
North Bauk Limited 8:10 a.m.
From Chicago, Su Paul, Omaha, Kansas?
City St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Washi
tuuna, Kahiotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Grand
dalles. Goldendale, Lyle, White Salmon.
Stevenson, Vancouver.
Columbia River Local 12 p. m.
Inland Empire Express 8:L p. m.
For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas
City. St- Louis, Billings, Spokane, ftasti
tucn'a Kar-lotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Grand
dalles, Goldendale. Lyle, White Salmon.
Stevenson, Vancouver.
Great Northern Railway Company.
Leaving Portland 11th and Hoyt Sta.
Oriental Limited, via Seattle 10:00 a.m.
Oriental Limited, via North Bank 7:00 p.m.
International Limited, Seattle. Ta-
coma and Vancouver, B- C 10:00a.m.
The Owl, Tacoma, Seattle and
Vancouver, B. C 5:00 p.m.
Shore Line Express, Tacoma, Se-
attle and Vancouver, B. C. . . 11:30 p. m.
Arriving Portland 11th and Hoyt Sts.
Oriental Limited, via Seattle 6:40a.m.
Oriental Limited, via North Bank 8:lip.m.
The Owl, Vancouver, B. C, Seat-
tie and Tacoma 6:40 a.m.
Shore Line Express. Vancouver,
B C Seattle and Tacoma.... 3:50 p. m.
International Limited, Vancouver,
B C Seattle and Tacoma 9:50 p.m.
flmo Card Oregon Klectrie Railway Co.
PanBenger fetation. Front and Jeffewnbts.
Woodhnrn-Salem and Int. Points Locals
leave Portland 6:5b4 7:50, 11:00 A. M., 2:00.
i .0 tt-30 8:40 P. M. Local for Tualatin
nd I Salem, 9:15 A. M. Local for Wilson
villa and int. Stations, 5:10 P. M.
IU lLsboro-Forest Grove and Intermediaio
Points Leave Portland 7:05. 8:0. 10:20. A.
M., lJaO, 2:10, 3:30. 5:30. 8:i.5 P. M. Sat
titdav only 11:30 P. M.
Arrive Portland fronj 8alen and Int. Sta-Hons-8-40
U:ul A. 11., 1:13. 4:00. 4:i0.
imi K -H) 10:i0 P. M. Local Irom Wilson
ville and Int. points. 8:40 A. M. dally ex
cept Sunday and 7:5 A. M. daily.
Arrive 1'ortland from toreat Grove aad
IntT Stations b:W, U:0. ll:iu A. M.. 1:3U.
2:50. 0:i!0, 8:10, 10:50 P. M. Sunday only,
:t?epo't.MFront and Jefferson, Portland. Or.
Portland Railway, Light et Power Company.
Ticket Office and Waitinff-Room.
First and Alder ana East Water
and East Morrison Btreeta.
Oreeon City 4.00 and 6:30 A. M. and
every 80 mlnntes and including last car.
m?isBnam and intermediate poinu-jsr
c.ii o-4... 10:4o. ll:4.- A. M.; 12:4.i.
1--5 "-45 3-43, 4:43, 0:40. ii:jt r.
FairView and Troutdale 0:33, -7:45. S:4
9:45. 10:4S A. M. ; li:4j. 2:4j. 3:lo.,4:45,
'.lantroand intermediate points 6:55,
8:45"lol4S A. M.; 12:15.. 2:45. 4:15. 6:43
TlA-ket Oflce and Waiting-Koom Second and
. M 615. 6:50. 7:25. 8:00. 8:33, ..10.
a -.o' ltl'SO 11:10. 11:30.
8 p m 1230. 1:10. 1:30. 2:30. 3:10. 3:50.
...a t.'m B:30. 7:05. 7:40. 8:15. :2i.
10:35, 11:5. '
On the third Monday in every month the
last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. 'Daily except
Sunday. "Daily except Monday.