Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 08, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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    TUESDAY. yOTE3IBEK 8, 191Q. "
sronxTxcr oregoxiax.
Puino States. Horn
rvnithi-rora Main toto A "g
Cuy circulation Ham A
kuiiui Editor J":' 223
anday Editor ' J: 1 SSI
Compoln-room Main t -.
SupiTbaUdino Mam To. a A.
lor) Vlrslnla Harnod rfeXS.
K. Married.- Toniltnt at :1S o'clock.
Morrleonr -Our .New Ilnlater. Tonlgut
at :li clocJu
sixth aad Baientul Vaurt.vlli.. . I" -Xt-raooa
at 2 14 and tonlsnt at a:io.
ton Vaudeville. Thla attarnoon at S.IX
tonlht at 1:30 and a.
X.TFIC THEATER Fev-t a and Aldar
Armstrons Musical Comxly Company
Th. Girl Cadete?" Thla attarnoon at
:.0. tonlsht at T:30 and a.
STAR THEATER (Par and "raehrn.rtonj
Motion pl'-turea. continuous, from l.w
to 10-iO P. M. ,
wuxke'to orr mcnox sw s.
- J
T-. Oresoahu. bai
flaak alert lea r-turae today la front
mt Tn. Oinialu balldlnar. brais
alas a r. M. This la Snae far SB
cMnalan af t until vablla.
Tn. Orcsowiaa mart uaMata, hew
er er. thai a. UformsUoe a to sire
Uam return will be live, arar to
talepbaaa and ale. tna Tna Oraca-
alaa adllarlal raama will b. cloa
to Hi frlrnda and the awneral ob-
Ba an .leMtoa aisht. amcept to m
aeeurev. cnrrrtea lta line ratama
ta tba wb call an ai unwary boai-
JToxskr Mebc h axt Dean. After living
In Orvcon (or a year Simon Mitchell,
pioneer country merchant, died at hit
home at 4- Seventh atreet yesterday
at noon. He araa born In Bavaria. Ger
many. In laJS and landed In New York In
IMA. Ha ciinte to Sublimity. Marlon
County. 0-iro. In the Summer of l&S
Bind Immediately opened a atore In a lo
tome, doing considerable business with
the forgers, hunters and Indiana of that
period. The trip from New York to
Sublimity tai mads by way of the Isth
mus of Panama. He conducted mercan
tile establishments In Salem and Inde
pemienre later and ton years iso moved
to Portland. His widow and three sons.
Emanuel. Henry and Abraham, of Port-,
Land, survive him. The funeral will be
tield tomorrow at 3 P. M. from the
resldenc and will be conducted by Rabbi
Abrahams') n. Tha Interment will take
place in Beth-Israel cemetery.
SrsasTCA Rowdy Is Fnna. Lata
rilrht rowdyism on streetcars asaln re
ceived attention from the police depart
ment Saturday night when Robert Green
Jid a companion were arrested by Pa
trolman Hutching at Union avenue and
Broadway, after they and their com
rades had terrorised the passengers ail
the way out from the business district.
JThe conductor called upon Hutching,
who was on has way home, to assist In
aaibdulnff tha disturbers, and others of
the party attempted to Interfere with
tha officer and take his prisoners away
from mm. Hutchlnrs turned the men
over to Patrolman Fuller, from whom
one of them escaped. Green was lodged
tn Jail and was sentenced to psy a fuia
of CO In Municipal Court yesterday.
New CntntcH to Bsj Bui.t. The new
East Bide Baptist Church, which It us
rg the Central Baptist building on East
Twentieth and East Ankeny streets, will
sJlapose of Its property on this corner and
also at the corner of East Seventh and
E-u Ankeny strwts. whore the old Sec
end Baptist Church stands, select a new
ante and put up a modem building next
year. Snre consolidation the united
church tinier Rev. Albert Ehrgott has
keen very prosperous. The trustees have
the select Win of a alt under confedera
tion, but It will be necessary to dispose
of tha properties of tha church before tha
erection of the new building can be un
dertaken. A arte will be selected not far
(ram the Central Baptist Church and off
streetcar tracks.
Bottle Pier costs 1200. Out Good La,
proprietor of a restaurant at Grand ave
nue and Morrison street, wis fined XXO
tn Municipal Court yesterday for giv
ing away a bottle of beer. Patrolman
rJwennes. acting under orders from Vr
gfant Roberts, went Into tha place and to buy liquor. Good Is refused to
sm!1. but gave the officer the bottle of
fce-r. whereupon he was arrested by
Robert. He was fined S100 for srlUrg
without a license and a similar amount
for selling on Sundsy. the law In both
cases construing giving as being the
em me as selling.
H ai.i.owi:.x Fbamk Costs 16. Dwight
pjungrr. a teamwer. accused of firing
a revolver at his next-door neighbor,
blrs. Minnie Goodwin, of KM Porthwlck
street. Halloween, waa fined IS yester
day. Mrs. Good In said nhe had not
fcern friendly with the Mungers since
plunger gave her little boy beer and
' cigarettes. She said Munger put a pistol
Imost in her fare and fired. The
bullet or wadding, she eaid. grased ber
cheek. Mungcr's defense waa that he
caught Mrs. Goodwin's family throwing
potatoes at his bouse.
C"entkai. East Pomxasd Streets to
sj Paved. Water mains and sewers are
being laid In kut Washington street or
twewi Grand avenue and i&ie First
street, and alao on Union avenue, pre
paratory to paving thero. On East
Washington street hard-aurtace will be
laid next year. The paving of East
Water street between East Oak street
Bnd Haatborne avenue and of East Mor
rison street Wn East Water and
tnlon avenue will go over till next year.
FaxjAsni B. Rooxaui Disa. Benjamin
B. Rogers died at hu home. 118a Michi
gan avenue. Sunday at the age of
years. . He waa an oM resident, having
lived here for 33 years. The funeral will
tie held today at 1 o'clock from the chapel
ef Zeller-Byrnes. S3 Williams avenue,
the burial will be made in Rlverrlew
That Ciacxasias Strip-' sought
to be annexed Is larger than all Multso
nan Countv. Don't be deceived. It
means doubling our own taxes and bur
dens for the benefit of some property
owners in an outsiOe county. Vote
. nexation down. (Patd adv.)
British Ba.irroiJCjtT Soc-iarrr will bold
a social meeting on Wednesday even
ing at St. Stephen's parish house at
Thirtwnth and Clay at I P. M- The
meeting is open and all Britishers are
Invited. An attractive programme will
be rendered.
Mors BrnpeJis. Certain Clackamas
property owners want to tax Portland
lor the building of TOO mllfr) of Clacka
mas roads. Our own road tax la heavy
enough and yet Insufficient for our own
Mrbways. Vote annexation down, (Paid
The annual session of North Pacific
Collet has begun. Patronai and friends
desiring dental work can be accommo
dated, ccmer Fifteenta ana woucn na.
(Telephone Main 1Z3l
Dr. F. A. BLACKMOita Is now assisting
In the management of the New iork
Itentlsts. Fourth and Morrison streets.
Phones Main- 0S. A-I371.
Cmxxxs. Tanckwlch Is the fit man for
Justice of Peace. Olson falls to keep
hai pledge with you by running for a
third time. tPaia aav.
AxxzzATtos Mors Taxation.
(Paid adv.)
DtAiiosrpa. C. Christensrn, second floor
CVrbett building. Take elevator.
Justox's nrsTACRAjrr will open Novem
ber . 4 Wash. at.
Gnncws Associattox meeting totiigtH
sVUsky Ball, :!:
t - y TtMcuBMi The Autumn
ntui . v. i (
Bazaar, given by the Young Woman
Chrtstioa Association In their auditorium
Wednesday afternoon, will be opened at
o'clock by a lecture on Oriental rugs
by H. O. Cartoxian. of Cartoslan Bros.
The lecture will be Illustrated by some
choice specimens of rugs and a descrip
tion will be given of the old looms, dyes,
wools and manner of weaving' by the
natives. The musical programme in
the evening will be conducted by Prof
feawor Ludan Becker.
A EcropeaX Dbucact. A special today
at Smith's big market which runs from
ES Aider street to 1 First street is
the meat of kid lamb. Only rarely can
you buy this meat, which Is a tooth
some dish with the people of Germany.
Austria and Southern Europe. The price
ha a been put so low that everybody can
buy. Shoulders of kid lamb for Sc. stew
of kid lamb for 7c legs of kid lamb for
1J l-2c loin and rlba of kid lamb lor
XI 1-lc and here are a few grocery spe
cials at the same market: bars or
Fela Napthm soap for Sc. one quart ol
cranberries for 10c. 19 pounds ot:
sugar for Jl.00. 8 pounds of laundsy
starch for Sic. pounds of corn "arc"
for 25c and 3 loavea of bread for 10c
Tbar's Hunt vox Brows Sccckds,
8. C Brown, formerly a grading con
tractor of Arleta. for whom the city de
tectives have been hunting y""
year. has been arrested at Kallspeii.
Mont, and an officer will be sent to
bring him back to answer to a charge
of larceny by bailee in the Circuit court.
Brown was using several grading tearna
belonging to F. 8. Pierce. ak of Ar
leta. and It is alleged that be sold the
outfits and converted the money to his
own use.
Eutkrfsaxs Wilx. Mret. The meeting
of the Euterpean Society announced for
tonight will take place at P. M. Inthe
Fire Congregational Church aa oriK1"
alty planned. The programme wM be
The Romajitlc" a exemplified In tne
works of Rosettl. Browning and Scnu
man. The exponents will be Miss Mary
Barlow. Rev. Jonah B. Wise, and John
Claire Montelth. All notices ss to post
ponement have been cancelled.
Mctxr Tmtr Arrested. Dan Brund
rldge was arrested yesterday afternoon
by Detectives Endicott and Sloan, upon
the charge of H. B. McKay. 1 l- Grand
. ... .u. had bVoken
BBIi Hi". nw y
Into and robbed bis gas meter. Brund
rldBe confessed. Other meters in the
neighborhood have been robbed recently
it i believed that Brundridge knows
something about the cases.
a r . t. a wrt-ijk(X John
.'j.-i- ..n waa taicen seri-
ously 111 In hla lodgings at Third and
Burnslde streets yeeterday afternoon and
waa started for a hospital In an ambu
lance. On the way he died, of supposedly
natural causes. The body was turned ov
er to the coroner, who wui maae an
CIA.-B Wm. Get Rrnno". Arrange-
i . Kn niitii at the IJnlveTsl-
ty Club to receive the Western Union
election returns beglnnlna; at s tr. a
and atoo to serve a special dinner to
members who desire to hear the re
Thosw OpposgD. And annexationists or
Portland are its leading cttixeras In every
business and profession and trade, and
Its leading newspapers. Vote down the
tax-doubling annexation schemes.
(Paid adv.)
... T-. T. mii. at riTAOK. He
V OTS TV x wit. I .r. i
Is competent, honest, experienced and a
good lawyer; is not seeking the office.
T., . wn an Teajuv
Vote for Dltchburn. He is a n
man. (Paid adv.)
Swiss Watch Rspatriso. C. Christen
sen. 2d Door Corbett bWg. Take elevator.
Fatal Ikcfcct Found on Ballots In
Precinct 161, Voodstook.
- -1 in th hallota. nrovidlng
for the annexation of part of Precinct
11. In Woodstock, to the city, nearly
slipped through, not being discovered
until 4 oelock yesterday afternoon. The
ballots, both tne samples ana -official
ones, had already been printed
ivumt merle Fields was
attending a meeting of the County
Board of Equalization, wnen v"
who circulated the annexation petition
caleld at the Courthouse and told Dep
uty Clerk Schneider of the error.
A part of the long description, giving
the bounds of the territory to be an
nexed, had been omitted from the bal
lot At first Deputy Schneider re
fused to believe the mistake was made
In the County Clerk's office, but upon
looking the matter up found that the
typist. In making up the copy for the
printer, had omitted part of the de
scription. He notified the printer at
j . (., pnptf so that
once, . " . ...... r
tha correctly printed bollots will be
In the hands or tne cnairman juuk
of election in Precinct 1S1 when the
polls open at 7 o cioca mis momma-
"Songlesa Opera" of the Russians
Will Grace the Boards of the
Baker Theater.
The poetry of motion as expressed in
the dance did not become extinct with
.... . -1. i- R....I, alnna amonar ail
the nations It has been fostered by the
government, until toaay i i
-. i n t . V. human race are Dor-
PIUUIIUU. vm .. -
trayed with all the beauty and elusive
charm that characterised them In the
aa-a of Pericles. But so Jealously ha
this most subtle ana '
. , . . n km ,na xr ann nu
arts iktu u ' -
court that few outside of court circles
naw nur --.
rare art. depicting emotional drama or
the highest oraer oy meana ui nm
, . h-ka Amina nf Pavlowa and Mord-
kln. the greatest living exponents of
the art. eupponea or a "u-''
- . I n a ! ,h,rat,r riADC
OI uuidii. m wuu
A hall.l la th. one
topic of conversation Just now la
Portland, xney win iiy vnmw
-, tha Raker Theater. No-
lUlUlvUwt'a en - w
vember 1 and 1. under the dlreotion
of Lois Steers- ynn voman.
VMthi oalla for Over-
V. Vli. J .
coats. Cravenettes, Slip-ons. W e have
m in abundance, real flO to $30 val
ue, priced during this sale at 15.
Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, Third
and Morrison streets.
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant. ine pnvai "
menu for ladles. 106 Wash., near ta at.
t i rm tn Hnrtu m v sincere appre
ciation to the many kind friends who
assisted me with words of sympathy
and acts of kindness during the late
Illness and at the death of my hus
band, Jameo M. Smith: and also to
-knnwieriaa with heartfelt thanks the
beautiful floral tributes which were
sent. mks. m. n- uuin.
St. Denis on New Ran.
VA'COtJVER, B. C. Nov. 7. (SpectaL)
The steamer SC Denis, formerly be
longing to the Boscowlta Steamship
Company. Is awaiting orders to proceed
to Central American waters, where it
will be employed as a freight carrier
between Salvador and Sallna Crux under
charter to the Salvador Kaiiroao
David N. Kidd, ex-Convict, Accused
of Bobbins; Eurley, Idaho, Sta
tion, Caught on Street.
TTt- nVata flll1 wlfh thA nrACefidS
of a mail-pouch robbery at Burley. Idaho,
David N. Kidd was captured on the
streets of Portland yesterday by Post-
T "'lam n, BTIll TH l.cllV,
UIIIV. ....i... huh
Maloney. night Kidd was returned
to Idaho ror trial.
The pouch waa stolen from a truck
in front of the station at Burley. Octo
ber 21. The man who snatched It and
In, a . V. ..rahrilah .at dllVB OfllV
a few hundred yards from the station
and calmly rinea tne contents. out.
when the robber left, he failed to pick
up a pair of new gauntlets from the
bunch-grass where he had dropped them
i . t nan tha Inft.r. and rtar-
ceis of mail. The gloves had been stolen
at Hurley tne a ay oexore, -in a.i ..
when Kidd had been there asking for a
..w t . - .iM ..mHaIiimI that Kidd
had money enough the day following the
robbery to purcnase ucseis 10 rn-"
for himself and young wife.
Tin,.. VMii had a woman
gold watch and a hatpin which- were
known to have been in tne poucn oi r-s-Istered
packages. He also possessed two
kill. .Ka Pnalal Tnrtm,nt. the Tl 11TT1-
bers of which were known by Inspector
, -1 j i a-A . -n In the
- j harlnr heen Tiar
doned the last time May. 1909- Authori
ties of Idaho win attempt to laaieu nm.
crimes on Kidd. a number of small poa
. i kk.-iju t,a,ina, kMn pnmmltt,i1 be
tween HunUngton and Pocatello while
Kidd was In that vicinity.
Four Named to Meet Pacific Orators
In January.
x-cr-w M,hn Knr. 7. (Special. )
The trial debate held at the University
of Idaho November a to seiecv
teams of two members each to meet
d..i,. rr.iM.niw in tha double debate
next January resulted in the choice of
Ralph Foster, Paul Durrie. ira iwkui
and Charles Horning.
Tn ,h nm I n tr itnhatAB Pacific and
Idaho will meet for the first time as
rivals on the forensic pianorm. r.
pedlency of the British Old-Age Pen
sion" will be the subject of debate.
Durrie and xweeay win on senv
r . . .n Vnt Tl H nnrnfnr
will meet the Pacific team In Moacfcw.
. i,. w Vi , fnrTTIntrlv
f vaicr i d nuuv.i.v.v - -" - jr
lived In Welser. Idaho, but wfose
parents have moved to ivansas. nym
lng. a freshman, comes from grge--in.
n.-n, 1 m tiinlnr. a candidate
for the next Rhodes scholarship.
Tweedy, a senior, naiis irom icwmvun.
The Ridenbaugh prize or z win o
i A D,i.h voatnr. The names of
Foster, Durrie and Tweedy will be
Inscribed In the books purcnasea witn
the Borah debate fund.
N'err Organisation to Work 'With
Oregon City Commercial Club.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Nov. 7. (Spe
cial.) With the object of working tn
nerfect harmony with the plans of the
publicity department of the Oregon City
Commercial Club, preliminary steps
were taken today for the formation of
a realty association, embracing ail of
the real estate operators in Oregon
City. It Is proposed that each real es
tate firm contribute a stated sum every
month and the Commercial Club will Is
sue monthly bulletins, containing lists
of desirable property and tne names oi
the agents.
The realty men will meet next "Wed
nesday to perfect organization and
elect' officers. The following operators
were represented at today s conference
with the publicity department of the
Commercial Club: Gorbett Co., Hy
som Co.. E. P. Elliott & Son, W. A.
Schooley & Co.. 8. P. Davis Realty In
formation Bureau. D. K. Bill & Son,
Eastham. Smith & Co., Mitchell A Co.,
W. S. Crowley and Cross A Hammond.
Secretary Laselle. of the publicity de
partment, has started a movement to
have the office of the department
moved from the fourth floor of the Ma
sonic building to the Southern PaciAc
depot. In Hood River, The Dalles, and
other Oregon towns, the office of the
publicity manager and a One exhibit Is
maintained at the railroad station, so
that tourists and the general public
Opera Glasses
All the Oest Makes
All the Latest Styles
All Glasses Guaranteed
Prices the Lowest
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
Fourth & Washington
Vote Right
Bowermans Record
West s Record
Take a day off and go to
the. polls and vote right, which
means vote according to your
Judgment, your conscience.
And if you do this you will
perform your whole duty In
the case as a citizen. After
the electlora come In and let us
talk to you about an invest
ment In Irvtngton Park. We
may differ In politics, but not
about the merits of Irvington
F. B. H0LBR00K CO.
Room 814 Lumber Exchange.
may have access to the display. The
display of the publicity department is
maintained where few people see it
and this is a condition that Secretary
Lazelle seeks to remedy.
Tha Clackamas County district dis
play of 60 boxes, of apples, commercial
packed. Is on its way to Spokane,
where It will be exhibited at the Na
tional Apple Show, which convenes
next Monday. Mr. Lazelle will leave
for Spokane next Wednesday night.
This is the first time Clackamas Coun
ty has ever made a concerted effort for
an apple display. The publicity secre
tary will also represent the local Live
Wire AnaoclHtlon at upoKane.
Fiat Salary Candidate for State Printer
with tha State Printer on a flat sal
ary and the fee system abolished, he
would not make something like $25,000
a year, which Is more than his services
are worth.
I have been employed on the state
printing for over 32 years; was foreman
for the past 20 years. My opponent
says that I possess unusual skill and
technical knowledge. If I am elected I
will give to the state all the skill and
tentinlcaJ knowledge I possess at a
flat salary in place of the exorbitant
fees received by my opponent.
I will also make a detailed statement
of the receipts and expenditures ot tne
office under the fee system.
If you had this information now you
would vote lor me. i-leci me ana get il
(Paid Advertisement.)
N of the
The Ideal Form of Traveling Credit
for Foreign Travel Home
Use Motoring.
Seventh and Stark Streets.
Established 1900.
Let us take charge of -your collec
tions. We can save you money. Main
1796; A 118S.
B3S Worcester Tilda. Portland. Or.
What the Home Rule Bill
(328) Really Is
It rives cities and towns the right to have saloons or no
saloons. It gives the people who live in cities the right to vote
on and decide this Question themselves. It puts the control of
the liquor traffic into the hands of the voters of each precinct,
so that every residential district In a city or town k protected.
It means real local option. All state criminal laws are main
tained. Under It the farmer has the same protection he now
enjoys. It Is a law fitted to local conditions as they actually
exist in every section of the state. It gives absolute control of
the liquor traffic, particularly In towns and cities, where It is
most needed. It will prevent the county from wiping out the
city vote on city measures. It is a law which makes prohibi
tion possible where wanted, and impossible where not wanted.
It meaaa regulation which regulates.
It Means tliat the City Council Can NOT License
a Saloon in a District tliat Vote3 DRY
"This amendment would not exempt cities or towns from the
operation of the constitution and criminal laws of Oregon. It
gives the peorjle of the municipality the right to vote local op
tion within the municipality at any time they pleaee. and when
the legal voters of the incorporation ah ail vote local option,
thea the power ef the Cltr Cevaell to grant licenses Is sna
pendeel during the time that prohibition s In force within the
"Attorney-General lor Oregon."
Paid Advertisement.
100 Pieces Exquisite Design. '
26 Pieces Mahogany Chest.
Good on any New Piano or Player-Piano in Our Building.
And other valuable prizes free, for solving this Puzzle Picture. Deal
let anything or condition switch you In your determination to answer this
There are Five Animals and One Bird, in this Picture. Can you find
three of them? -
.JA 1 Cai-ar
WJjmr V a
..miiami: -tTHvee the animals aad Mr
send or mail to aa, care of Puxzle Dpartm
1910. Be fture to write your namfl and add
end in.
For th neatest correct solution we will
set, 100 Pieces, and a credit check for $100.
win rive a. Bet of Genuine Wallace Silver,
sahb- fnr- sioo For the third neatest cor
Iather Upholstered Rocker and a credit c
rect solution we win give m. dwuih-i mm
for $100; For the flfth neatest correct sol
...t. manB rmhralla and a. credit check
lution we will lve a Credit Check for 150,
our -tore. For each of the next, fifty neate
cbeuk of -fl-iS, fcooa on any new rmno r
will be given credit checks ranging from
Ton have the same opportunity as any
one eiM to win. Be sure and enter. Tours
may be the answer that will secure one
V has n Millal ADDArtlUl-
tty. You know the Bush & Iane
ray of doing things, of doing ev
erything Just as It is advertised
to be done, therefore you can rest
issured that by entering this Pin
tle Contettt If yours is tho neatest
sorrect solution, you will be the
ne to win the tlrst prtae. Ail
intwen must be mailed on or be
fore .November 18, 1810, at 6 P. M.
d on this or a separate sheet of paper and
ent, on or before 6 P. M., November 16.
reas very plainly on the solution which you
give a Genuine Imported Haviland Ilnner
Tha tar-rind neatest correct solution, we
26 Pieces In Mahogany Chest, and a credit
rect solution. we will give a Handsome
heck for $lw. for tne iqunn neatest cor
hogany Center Table and a credit check
ution we will give a handsome Lady's or
for JJIOO. For the sixth neatest correct so
good on any new Piano or Player-Piano in
st correct solutions will ba given a credit
Player-Piano in our store. To all othera
S12o to S-.5, according to merit.
We want everyone interested in pianos
or player-pianos to enter this contest. Re
member, only one answer allowed from
any one family. No winner of first prizes
In any of our former contests will be al
lowed to enter our present one. No em
ployes of the Bush & Lane Piano Company
or any member of their families will be
permitted to enter this contest. In the
event that the judges find two or more
answers of equal merit, duplicate of the
Prize offered will be given to each.
The decision of the Judges will be abso
lute, Unai.
good on am
a.i ,.)est,t, sending- Jn correct solutions to this puzzle will receive a substantial Credit Check.
All contestants senainK"' hniiHlna- and a Diece of Sheet Music free.
new Piano or -iayer-jri"-
Solutions accepted from people living in Oregon and Washington. Send your solution and name and address writ
ten plainly to . ,
- m. m sk vr-"l T ITCH O V A rTkD AMV
PI 171 K I IKPAK 1 1V1E.1N 1 "f.. """r"" ".
Comparo Cur Prices
WHh tkose you hsve been In the hablft of psrlns.
and too will see that offer 70a a substantial tar-
ins on ail work aad roa cnnol cat better pnlnliei
work a&nraara, no matter how mooll yoa pay.
rte Unlcn plats ans
bridge work tor oat.
v'..':-fa-i . i3on. dar U deired.
' r..CU-.'-.: : J Painless oxtraotioa
, Cr' V. 'raa wnan platee or
. - ? bridge work is order.
;- S-C-Jas. CMMilutioa tree.
-IhlifCiwsss $5.00
nOtDnoga inuvii
Geld FIDiiurs 1.00
Entnel Flllini, 100
Silvar Filling, .50
Good Rubber
Plttea 5.00
puim 7.50
Painlera Extr'tliM .50
0B. W. i. MUE, HtmailMt Maun
AH work four rnanuttead tw fifteen resrs
Wise Dental Co., inc.
Painless Dentists
FsiTInf Bolldlnf, Third and Wlthinztos. PORTUND, ORE.
OmeeHaan: I A. M. to r. ML ia-tara. a to 1
Original Visible Writer
Light, easy, elastic touch
"The Machine Yon Will Eventually Bdj"
OH Sixth Street
Full m at teetn
only S5.00
Bride, work or
teeta w t t h o u t
nlataa..S- to $S
ited rubber plates
only 7-S
Good rubber platea
only -
Gold or po roe lain
crowns..VS.&6 to S
Gold or porcelain
fllllnn fa up
Silver DlllnfS oa.17
SOo te SI
Palnleaa extraction
only 60.
Fra. vrhen plates
' ar. ordarad.
Our Work Guaranteed Perfect
v. better work re anywhsra. stod
n HtJiimilt, perfeot service, .very
e-atomer pleaMd. Out-of-town patraoa
may mak. appointmente and have work
flnlsbed la on. day. Sr-ary operator a
nmn, A. M. to P. M.
Sundays. A. M. t. 1 F. M.
Tedr Attyn jant- N.K. Cor. jth-Morr1m.
Grand Testimonial Recital
November 20, at 2:30 P. M.
Splendid Programme Watch for Announcements
Ladies' Velvet
We have the only equipment in this city for perfect
work without the use of chloride of lime for bleaching
purposes. -
Main 398, A 1123. 301 Second St.