Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 05, 1910, Image 13

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    nrn sroiunyo oregoxtax. satctrday. November sioio.
UUI1 U lilUllLI
i Trial of Mrs. Kerch,
District Attorney
peer Hotel Book.
TTmlnlstrator o( Murdered Man's
Esta Wants $ 1 80 Iermdant
Had fVoM-coUon Call Her
FIrnd" lU-foro Jury.
The 4Ufi3tkn a to who I. entitled to
wil tin La. Johnson's $1100 in green-
"ck. which arc claimed by alra. Car-
"iersfi. now oa trial for complicity
ufdarinj him. u formally taken
court yeelerday by Geore-s Sten-
I id nil tor of Johnson's estate.
w (demands tbat the money be
I "vr to him for tua bene lit of
Ir. The exact amount claimed
11.3. fitentnr elves a a reason
9 claim that the money was taken
Johnsons person by Jesse P.
and Mrs. Kersh. that be bad the
en the train, and that Mrs.
's statement that be save ber the
' In Is false.
'ru-y to expectation Mra Kersb
r. questioned on tne witness
Ntrdy. except In on minor
.k to whether a photograph in-
Idd iw tha atafa was a btttura of
n. lie state resist its case
court convened, and Attorney
Foot mad a motion for a dl
verdict In Mra Keren's fa Tor.
was denlod by the court. Webb
en placed upon the stand, his ex-
lon roniumlDg the time until
4 P. JL
I'ictnro Tbat of Andrews.
Kersh then took the stand and
e photograph showed two views
t Andrews, of evada. formerly
FYacelsoo. It was not a picture
ison, she said. Kb said her bus
Bert W. Kersh, waa well ac-
1d with Andrews,
a sentenced to be baniced. rn
I would not sit here on the
nd say these thlnps If they were
is. My end Is near. It waa In
.-ords that Webb declared him-
toe jury yesierumy wuuo uuuv.
ng by Deputy Uistrlet Attorney
aid. II went on to say that
ran did not aid or abet him In
:iv? of Johnson, and that she did
It waa to ba committed, lie
leaving Spokane on
ra Kersh and John-
Intentional, and said It waa.
is asked If ba referred to John-
a saloon In Spokane aa being
ben Johnson threw some money
loar, and said ba made that kind
nark about a man in a saloon,
1. nled be knew Johnson at that
:ie was making- considerable
ebb said.
stcr "Fixed," Says Webb.
s It waa to
ail if his 1
e'traln as Mr
ha waa on the stand. Webb
fk Deputy FltsKerald, and
the District Attorney's offloe
Mnar a sheet from the register
an Cleave Hotel. Spokane, so it
uw I Webb's name. "This la
Liure." ba said when shown
"It is not Mra Kersh s
hose la It?" asked Deputy
clnated In the District At
Ice, like some other thing's
a Thera Is so much evi
it kind run In In this case
setting- a little sore about
Fltxtrcrald passed a remark
the sheet which was scarcely
audible. Attorney Fouls objected to It,
and th judge instructed the jury to
di.reirard It.
Webb reiterated bla former state
ments about th "third drirree" and
xut-l: "There's a man down In the
t'ounty Jail right now who had to have
the doctor for three daya after ha came
up from the City JalL The third de
cree Is worked in all the cities of this
rountry. and It la worked right here In
Sirs. Kersh Told June SO.
The convicted msn said he told Mrs.
Korea on June JO he had killed John
son. He told her before anyone else,
he said. He told her be had "pone too
far with Johnson." be said.
In his openlne- argument for the
state, leputy District Attorney Collier
.-aihln?ly arraigned Mra Kersh'a mor
als, savins; that "she ceased lor aco
to be a woman, and Is now a fiend."
lie vividly portrayed her life of shame,
ud her cunning In planning with
Webb to "slaughter" Johnson. Aa the
!poy urged the Jury to return a ver
dict which would send her to the fral-f-nm
te do their duty "In eptte of
.cn-lmentallty - ah sat unmoved.
Trt argument will consume three
hours today, beginning at t:.i'l. after
w.-h JudK Morrow will deliver his
instructions, and the cas will so to
the Jury.
Estate) Worth $16,807.4 3.
The estate of Jacob Oansneder has
... .nnraiaed at HS.S07.4s. Henry
W . Alleboff. W. H. Halley and A. R.
'.elier. the appraiser.. .w
jort In the County Court yesterday.
Aiil of Commercial Club, Son.bA In
Jdacator'a Campaign.
Schoolteachers of Portland have ap
calad to the Commercial Club to assist
aera In obtaining an mci
raca. They assert that th.ey are th
owtst-paid teacners 10 ptwuiiuou
Itles in th t n ! lea pi buu ' "-"'
te wm iPu j -
r i classification, standard and leagUi
r time empioyeu.
Following la a laoiw
ve eubmttted to the Commercial Club
r ICS eonsiaerauon;
per yeir" far year
t :$ Jrsy CV tlif
.. 1174 Newark .........
.... 1 :K leo ......... 11
.... lCMAU.llr not
. .. ll3-A'a.hlnton. D.C. l4t
. .. lolo.Hounl Vernon ..
A.,a rraaela
u ...
ui: v
X .aver ....
V.lnnee polls
Man 'Who Stolo From Portland Mln
bttnra Conffw la Spokane.
tenUty of the -parsona burglar"
I. . - - etmlnal known bv
-.-- uKrlnnet la this CltV tOUt
moatba ago. waa established when
I .plain of ttectlv Moor received
lom the Spokane police a box of loot,
stored by th roaa ander arrest ther
ill admitted by him to nave oeen
I raids was mad In thla city upon tba
homes of ministers, usually at an nour
when services were being held In their
churchea Th raids came at regular
Intervale, but tn none of them was
property of much value taken except
In the case of Rev. Henry Russell Talbot,
pastor of St. David's Episcopal Church,
who waa out of the city at th time.
Valuable wedding presents and other
articles, of th aggregate value of
about 100. wer taken.
Soon after the cessation of thefts
from ministers In this city, about a
month ago, a similar epidemic broke
out In Spokane, and a number of min
isters were robbed. Detectives Ed
wards and Buckhola finally captured
Chris Siwansoa with a large amount
of loot In his possession, and he made
a confeaelon to activities both there
and here, admitting eight or nine bur
glaries in this city. He said that while
her he lived at "71 Beventh avenue,"
but ther Is no Seventh avenue here.
He Identified five watchea four brace
lets, a silver stamp box and two sliver
W. C T. U. medals as stolen In this
city. None of the articles taken from
Rev. Mr. Talbot war In tb lot. The
Identification of th burglar agreed
with circulars sent out by Captain
Moore, and the property will be re
turned to Its' ownera
Majority Co to Wives Who Tell of
Itefractory II asbands Deser
tion Plea Popular.
fleulf JttAire malend srranted 13
divorces yesterday morning. Nearly all
the decrees went to wives who com
plained of refractory husbanda Tb
complaint of Rose Metzger was that
Emmeit Metager refused for a month
at a time to talk to ber. They were liv
ing at Oresbam. aba said. She married
him at Tribldad. Colo.. November 15.
195. and they have four children. She
asked for tt a month alimony, and
It waa granted.
Leon Bleavenn obtained a divorce
from Alice Blenvenu because she did
not prepare his suppers, snd stayed
out late at night. He said he mar
ried her February 10. 104. They have
two children, kx was given th cus
tody of one.
Bessie Koblnson accused J. K. Robin
son of beating and kicking her last
Spring. Then he told her to leave and
never return, ah said. 8b was given
a divorce. She married Robinson at
Chehalts, Wash... August 1. 108.
James F. Llvermore waa separated
from Jean F. Llvermore,' but It waa an
annulment of marriage he secured In
stead of a divorce. He said that on
September SO, ISO J. when he married,
he believed bla bride had secured a
legal divorce from Edward A. Bevla
He found later ah had not. ba said.
The last he beard of her aha waa In
Loa Angelea.
Alloa Maude Hamilton was divorced
from James W. Hamilton because she
was obliged to work for ber board and
lodging, and her husband, she said,
brutally beat her. She married him at
Sard Is. B. C January S. lxOS.
John Metcaif one atruck at LJ.11I
Metcalf with a shovel, aha told the
Judge. She was given a divorce. She
married Metcalf May , 1901, at Cot
tage Grove.
Abuse was the ground upon whloh
Ida GoodfeUow secured a deoree sep
arating her from Richard GoodfeUow,
whom ahe married at Bbelburnle, On
tario, Ooteber 10, 1S7.
Desertion was the ground for the
following decrees: Emily Hewett from
Alfred W. Hewett. married In Clark
County. Wash.. June 17. 188, flv chil
dren; Daisy RoUson from George Rolf
son, married at Vancouver, Wash.. No
vember IS, 15. former name. Slgnett;
Minnie Butler from Richard Butler,
married Baattle, March la, 101; Rufy
Hallal from Mr. Delia Hallai, married
April 11, 109.
Mra Winnlfred D. Irish secured a flt
Vorc from Charlaa W. lrlah because ha
and sha could not ajrre over money
. . wa rlv.n h,r former
nam. Holbroolt. Bh married Irish at
Fremont. Neb. February a, iv.
Th dlvorc cases of Laura Mcintosh
: . . vf Melotoih and
Hose L. Huston agalnat J. Insley Hus
ton have been aismisseu. m iruu
having become reconciled.
Pearl Choat lllcd a dlvorc suit In the
Circuit Court yesterday against Jamas
Choat. charging that when aha waa liv
ing In HatXcll. Mo., h deserted her and
,A ot Trteenh. Mo. Eha aava that
ah wrote to him. asking him to return.
but that aha naa not nearu irom mm.
He la of a roving disposition, ahe eaya
They were married at Stroud, Okla., July
(. 103.
Edward CNell brought a dlvorc suit
In th Circuit Court yeeterday against
Annie O'NeiL on the ground of desertion.
They wer married tn Rio County. Min
nesota. June 12. 1S37.
Profanity Rebuked In Police Court
Wagon Owner Gets Warrants.
Aftermath ot Halloween occupied a
large share of attention In the Municipal
Cvurt yesterday morning, when EMward
Blotnqulst. of 1SS7 Mallory avenue, waa
trid for using profane and abusive lan
guage to Mia Thomas Van Auken. wife
of a poetal employe, living Just across
the st roe t.
On the night of licensed mischief boys
carrm barrels of garbage from the
Itiomquist place and dumped them on
Van Auken a lawn. When Van Auken
returned bom he gaxheied up the rub
blah and threw It back where It cams
from. Than Dlomqulst Bullied out. full
of valor, and would have don deeds of
violence upon Van Auken. he admitted,
had not Van Auken'a wife interposed.
Blomqulat allowed himself some lati
tude of speech not countenanced by th
court, and b was fined tUu. Sentence
was suspended.
F. B. Leach secured warrant) yester
day for the arrest ot J. Hllltard. G. Mil
liard. Jo Kunta. F Amaker, Jo Melvle
and two others, unknown, for the larceny
of a wagoa valued at CSS. Oa Halloween
night, b aaya tb boys stole tb wagon
and throw It aver a high bluff.
Crew Leave Ship In rait land Isl
ands When Master Gets Drank.
TACOMA. Nov. 4. According to let
ters received here today, the British
bark Invernessshlre, wall known on
Puget Sound, was abandoned by the
crew In the Falkland Islands because
the master became Intoxicated.
Anchor was dropped and all handa
left for Port Btanley. where an in
quiry was held and the master found
Incompetent. Captain Tlndall. former
ly in command of th bark, resigned
after tb arrival of the ship In Eng
land, rib bad caught fire at sea and
bad put into Valparaiso for repairs.
OI your children the benefit of
trained teachers. Vote on No. SIS X
Tea Tbe Ptate Normal School at Mon
mouth. This Is th pioneer school for
training teachers.
i'aid advertisement j
United States Grand Jury In
dicts "White Slavers."
Officials Investigating; Suspected
Immoral Trade Between This
City and Vancouver and Mora
Arrests Jlay Follow.
Four "whlto-slavers," now under ar
rest by city and oounty officers, were
yesterday Indicted by the United States
grand Jury, and it la believed that some
of the suppressed Indictments may car
ry chargea agalnat persons who have
visited Vancouver and other Washing
ton points on "Joy rides." It is held by
Federal officers that paaslng from one
state to another for Immoral purposes
Is a violation of the recently enacted
white-slave act of Congress.
The grand Jury yesterday went after
David Westman on nine counts, and It
is announced by Assistant United States
Attorney Evans to be the Intention ot
the Government to prosecute and ask
a conviction on each of them. Should
a Jury so hold, Westman will be on
McNeill's Island (or the larger part of
his natural life. The chief witnesses
against Weetman are hla young wife,
Carrie Bledsoe, ber cousini and the baby
stocking In which h carried th pro
ceeds of the excursions the women
mad at hla direction for Immoral pur
poses. Westman took his wife and
cousin In and out of the atat in so
liciting, each act being found to be an
Two counts are charged against Al
Nathan, ah Aatorla bartender, who Is
alleged to have brought Haxel Morrison
from her home In 'Victoria, and placed
her In the tenderloin at Aatorla.
George Kavalln and Jim Tokaa,
Greeks, who brought Sadl and Anna
Craig from their home at Eureka, CaL,
and placed them in the Empress rooming-house
at Sixth and Stark streets
for Immoral purposes, are held on two
counts each.
When th Craig girls were brought
from ths Catholic Home to the Federal
building yesterday morning, they sur
prised court officers by solicitous In
quiries as to bow ths Greeks were being
treated. The girls still believe tbat ths
Greeks will marry them.
Body Examines) 18& Witnesses) and
Returns 21 True Bill.
After being In aesaton alnoa October
IT. the United Statea grand Jury con
cluded Ita labora yesterday morning.
During the Investigation 18S wltneaaea
were examined and SS true bills re
turned. Seven cases rvere found to ba
unworthy of prosecution.
Heading the list of persona who will
go to trial during the month, all of
whom will be called to plead to the
Indictments on Monday morning. Is
Fred B. Gray, accused of operating a
fake commissi on-house on Union ave
nue. He Is said to have used the malls
to indue the farmers and merchants
to ship produoe to hla establlahment
on d remise of paying a higher price
than offered on the regular market, dis
posing of the gooda and tnen closing
th place without liquidating the
olaims. Gray waa arrested at Seaside,
but escaped by Jumping from a win
dow when Mra. Gray waa cooking
breakfast. Mra. Gray waa not Indicted
in connection with the business or tba
J. H. Reed, who Impersonated a See
ret Service officer and caused a flo
UUous announcement of his marriage
to be made in an afternoon paper,
which act eauaed bla arrest, will be
among thoae arraigned next Monday.
Ha will ba acoom pained by J. O. Craw
ford, the young Marahfield lawyer, who
la accused of bunting after criminala
In an automobile.
A large number of warrants are out
for the arrest of persons whose names
ar being kept secret until th papers
are served and the men brought In.
Marshal Caldwell yesterday placed bis
entlr office fore on th cases.
El wood L. Clark Arrested on Three
Separate Charges.
Indictments were returned In the
United States Court yesterday against
Elwood li Clark, ex-cashier ot the
United States National Bank of Vale.
Or. charging him with making falae
entries in the books of the bank In or
der to accommodate oustomera, to de
crease the overdrafts account, and to
mislead th Controller of the Currency.
Clark Is under arrest, and will be re
leased on bonda
H. N. Bochmer. the booRKeeper, wno
was first arrested following an Inves
tigation of tbe bank by National exam
iners, charged with misappropriation
of funds, waa released by the grand
Jury. It was found that uoenmer naa
knowledge of at least one of the false
entries, but for unexplained reasons the
true bill first drawn against him waa
changed to "not true," and turned into
Clark la held on six counts, non or
which oharg that h appropriated
bank fund to Bla own use. una 01
the chargea concerns the reporting of
ownership of an old bank building tn
Vale as the property of the bank, after
the building bad been told to othars.
Portland Mam Is Sned for Recovery
of $10,47.jS.
Following the appointment of W. D.
Do Not Be Scared
by the Search Clause
That clause Is In th local option
law, word for word; baa been for alx
years. Not a home haa been disturbed
because of It anywhere. Tbe Home
Rule Association are asking you to up
hold it In the local opuon law. Defeat-In-
srehlbltlea will set defeat th
aearrk ehraae. Under criminal lawa
thlevea murderer and stolen goods can
be searched for In every state. Who la
afraid but the man with the goods? Tba
search clause will enable th officer to
ferret out blind pig and all illicit
grog ahopa It makes ths law effective,
therefore It It opposed by tb friends
of unlawful aaloona
Vote for prohibition. tl X Tea. ana
S44 X. Tea. and rid Oregon of the "ln
defenalble saloon." the law -defying,
law breaking. Council - controlling,
brewery - owned aaloona
CPaid Advertise men t-
Absolutely Pure
Tho only baking powder
tnada from Royal Crapo
Cream of Tartar
Hs Alum, Ho Line Phosphate
Tyler, as receiver for the Home Tele
phone Company of Puget Sound, of
Tacoma, Williams, Wood & Unthlcura
yesterday began ault agalnat A. L.
Mllla of Portland, for the recovery of
The money Is said to be held In trust
by Mr. Mills, as the proceeds of a set
tlement of Indebtedness of the com
pany. It waa paid In by Samuel Hill, of
Mary Hill, at the time the latter pur
chased a eontrollng Interest In tha
Northwestern Long Distance Telephone
Girl Canse of Ryan's Assault.
John Ryan, rural mall carrier out of
Hlllflboro. failed to convince the United
Btatea grand Jury that he had been as
saulted by Elmer Puroell to th detri
ment of the Government. When the
grand Jury ascertained that there was a
girl in the case and tbat no attempt had
been made to rob tha mails, it soon in
duced the complaining witness to divulge
tha fact that th boy bad quarreled over
the Washington County belle at a dance.
Puroell thought the only way to squeloh
his rival was to thrash him, and waited
for felm along the road.
Explanation In Regard to the Town
of 'Willamette. '
OREGON CITT. Or., Nov. ' (TO th
Editor.) The Towa of Willamette, In Us
Infancy, two years or mors sro, tried to
raise money on bonda but failed. The
water plant was for sals and aa I sol not
aware of any law prohibiting anyons from
buying an article that is tor sale, after
knowing that the town or city gave up the
idea last Winter of purchasing ths plant.
1 bought and took poseeaiton of the entire
water system. Septsmtsr 1 last. I was
congratulated on every slds by my fellow
townsmen on making tha purahaae. I re
signed my position ss Mayor for reasons
known to the City Council and not oa ac
count of "publlo comment," for I was as
busy getting ths wster pump In good con
dition that I did not know there were
any comments.
Those who envy me made insulting re
mark about the water being contaminated.
I sent samples of the water to be analysed
at tbe eSlclal laboratory in Portland and
received a report tbat waa very gratifying.
I had the report read before a Counoil
Now. some people Insinuated tbat ths
analysis la a "Put up Job" between me and
ths analyst. Ths Council recently asked
what I would take for the water plant. I
Ell What Every Woman Thinks sal
ggg v ti
V .ill.
Of a Beautiful Home
Madame, concerning your ideal o
In the consciousness of the possession
of every right, we assure you that your
ideal of home can be realized in no other
spot of earth so nearly perfectly as in
The Addition with Cho racier
Owing to ita vast area, its lovely con
tours, ita marvelously distinctive eleva
tion, which alone bespeaks exclusiveness,
its unsurpassed picturesque surroundings,
and the truly artistic, thorough, complete,
modern manner in which the "city im
provements" have - been are beinff
adapted to it, Laurelhurst, as a distinct
ive locality, is endowed with the "air"
of true aesthetio aristocracy in a degree
that no other residential section of the
Pacific Coasf can possess principally
because of ita great size.
And while Laurelhurst expresses "aris
tocracy," it is a quality here properly de
fined as the aristocracy of taste, refine
ment, culture, the only "atmospnere
in which gentlefolk are truly "at home." Madame, see Laurelhurstat your earliest opportunity.
1 e'nelKu'iCbu
522-6 Corbet Building.
Messrs Mead & Murphy,
Bales Agents.
BTrs - BOEM . bsJ
named my price snd If they want It and
.... tnr ii. t will let thera have It. A
large majority of tbe taxpayers la
favor of municipal ownership. X ;
"sick of my bargain.
My successor Is welcome to my esst-on
mantle. I left ths financial affairs in per
fect condition. I prophecy that he will not
ba able to sky sa much If he serves ths
people as long ss I have. I have no apolo
gies to make, neither do 1 Intend to make
any sacrifices on my property. m ,
M. Majr 8ues for Divorce.
OREGON CITT, Or., Nov. 4. Special.)
M. May has brought suit against G.
May. Their marriage took place at
Cleveland. Ohio, January, 1908. Whila
they were residing In Kansas City, Mra
lay demanded that her husband secure
a divorce, and when he refused, ahe took
her child and left with it for parts un
known and alno February, 1&10, Mr.
May aaya he haa been unable to get any
trace of them. The child la about 4
years of sg.
V 7-' ' V
. Ill . ;y . .:3
""Sa trademark
Cod Liver Oil b one of
the most valuable thera
peutic agents, that the
benefit derived from it in
diseases associated with lost
of flesh cannot be over
estimated. It is jiven in
ECZEMA, in many NER
if the world's standard preparation of
Cod Liver Oils it contains no alcohol,
no drug, or harmful ingredient what
ever. It is the original and only
preparation of Cod Liver Oil recom
mended by physicians the
world over.
Be sure to get SCOTT'S,
known the world over by the mark
of quality The Fisherman,
I .I, ... -I "!" I! - U -, .... , . - . -..'".'-"")"7, ' . .'J
nS t'Xc: : :-i
if'"niiiiiiiiiiseii ims iiifmi i w" iitvii'iiw-f i fn it r ' I '
iti siA fcyjasi tfl. . .
Pork.Sau"sale JJ
Let Oregon Voters
Be Broadminded
The Southern Oregon State Normal School is the only state edu
cational institution south of Eugene.
There are no denominational colleges or universities in all its vast
. To remove it means a serious loss.
It will cost 4 cents on every $1000 of taxable property (two post
age stamps).
It asks your support.
340 x Yes
840 S Yei. 818 x Yes, 336 X Yes, Votes for Three Normals.
(Adv. paid for y TV. F. Wooden. Portland Oregon.)
Hemiads yon of the breakfasts you used to have back on the
farm. Made of Pure Pork from Little Pigs nothing more
except a little salt and just enough of delioate epiceS.
On Sale at All Best Grocers and Market
Union Meat' Company
Saturday Special
NOV. BTH, 1910
No. 170
No. 190
No. 210
. $10.75
No. 24a
No. 270
See Oar
Open Front
Coal and Wood
Parlor Heater
c - &
Columbia Hardware Co. Fourth SL
t Ke la this city.
lc.snniesMun. last Ana-ust. a sns mi